3 minute read


Photo by Patrick Baldonado Photography

When did you first get involved in the film industry?


I got started on the set if Night shift in 2015.

Who or What inspired you to pursue a career as an actor?

There was never really a specific reason other than a friend got me on set of Night Shift and I really loved being part of the production. I grew to love the industry. That has turned into a real passion of mine that I get to continue to enjoy and explore.

Photo by Patrick Baldonado Photography

How has your acting evolved since you first became involved in the industry?

I started out doing background work and stand in work. As I did more productions I became really good in many areas of movie production. My growth in these areas has led me into many amazing opportunities as my reputation has developed. A great example is my last film production I landed the lead role because of knowing the AD and doing work with many involved that they already knew what I could do. That got me on set and I stepped perfectly into that role.

I’m sure you have met a lot of celebrities/fellow actors along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

One of my favorite experiences was when I was opposite Tom Hanks as a Stand-in role on News of the World. What a really nice person and so very down to earth.

I also loved working on the set of WACO which was a Paramount production. I got to work close with John Leguizamo he was great to work with. He would take time to really interact with all of us on set and bring humor to the set. Another inspiration to me in wanting to grow in this industry.

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas?

My creativeness to think outside the box and bring an authenticity to my role. I research my roles in depth and make sure I stand out as I bring a character to life.

What projects are you currently working on... that you can talk about?

The last production was the movie Stampede directed by David Rambaldi where I play the lead role in the Character Michelle who finds herself on an adventure of a life time in the hard west. It was a great speaking role for me that allowed me to do my own stunts and even learned how to ride a horse for the role. Was a great experience.

Photo by Patrick Baldonado Photography

How long have you been modeling and how do you think it has prepared you for your acting career?

I have modeled off and on professionally for the past 20yrs.

I feel like in modeling I have been acting in a shoot. In a modeling shoot you have to tell a story with one picture. I have always been told that I am I natural at what I do and can drop into character within a few shots. This creates an image that is believable and creates the art the artist is looking to create.

The director of a film has a vision and as I look at how the script is written it can allow me to understand what’s wanted and bring that character to life. My job is helping turn the director’s vision into a believable reality.

What is it that you enjoy most about modeling?

I love that modeling gives me a chance to express myself and think outside the box. I get to push creative boundaries and come up with something unique that is not being done.

What’s next for you?

I am continuing to grow as an actress. I want to explore more new opportunities in my favorite genre of Horror I am really good in these rolls i am also used for many westerns due to my look. I am open to exploring new opportunities that fit my abilities to further create and grow in my art.

How can fans-to-be follow your career?

Intagram is @ziggy14

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