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Robert Crayton

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Deborah Driggs

Deborah Driggs

Looking Forward

Michael Neely caught up with the actor riveter Robert Crayton During his down time ….


How did you get involved in Acting?

I literally got into it by finding something on the internet.

How long have you been an actor? From where did you get started?

I’ve been an actor for about 13 years now and I’m from NY but got into into it while I was in the South.

As an actor you appeared in more than 88 films you have been credit with how does that feel with such an amazing accomplishment?

I’ve actually been in over 100 films or projects but some are not appearing on IMDB properly for some reason, and as far as accomplishments I feel I’m honestly just scratching the surface.

How many plays have you done so far?

I performed several when I was child but haven’t done any in my adult life as an entertainer.

Are you working on any current projects?

Yes, currently I’m working on an HBO Max series called the Staircase.

What kind of roles have you performed throughout your career? Are you satisfied with them?

I performed a diverse array of roles throughout my career and at first I was not satisfied with them on some level as I felt at the beginning I did not get to showcase my range as an actor!!

How different is it to act in a movie and to act in a theater play?

It is very different as theater performances have to be bigger in nuance and gesture as to reach the back of the theater while big motion and gestures in film come across as unrealistic or over the top, so smaller is better in film!!!

Tell me about an area in which you would like to improve as an actor?

I would say I would to improve in conveying fear or vulnerability which is not really a part of my everyday life!!!

Do you ever think that you could have done a bit better in any particular role?

Not really in my roles so much as they represent evolution and everyday in life is a learning opportunity I feel more that way about some auditions I’ve had which I did not book!!! I’m usually commended about my performances in which I believe my style to be unique.

Which has been your favorite character that you have performed?

I would say Attila on Wutang and Warren Sapp on Young Rock as I felt very free and was allowed to explore and create what the character was like!!!

What are your strong points as an actor?

I am aggressive about the work and have the utmost confidence in my ability!!!

What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career?

That you are as only as strong as every link in the chain to make a cohesive product. I used to compete in scenes with other actors!!!

What have you learned from your senior actors?

Approach, patience and not to speak until I feel the character needs to speak...

What are your educational qualifications?

I have no formal training towards acting it comes naturally to me!!!!

From where have you learned acting?

I was exposed to acting and performing from my mother.

How do you think film stars handle their popularity?

Some handle it well some crumble beneath its weight!!!

Do you think that you have the potential to carry a film on your shoulders?

Yes, I do??

What has been your biggest achievement in the field of acting?

My biggest achievement is progress without stagnation!!

Mention about any special recognition or award that you have received for your acting skills?

I have not received many award there have been a few but I believe that comes with time and paying your dues the biggest reward is the itself

Which do you prefer, theater acting or movie acting?

Movie acting as I find theater to be more time consuming for less reward at times!!

What kind of roles do you prefer?

The Villian is more free in his approach to his objectives or Anti-hero.

What is the hardest part of being a celebrity?

Is watching how the people around change due to your change in status and not bring to be viewed as a regular person anymore.

Give me a few tips to be a successful actor?

Let your imagination soar dream as you did as a child never let life and circumstance rule your thought and perspective of where you can be.

What are some of the difficulties of the acting business?

For most it living reality before you can get to living dream as role for most people do not happen or come about as readily as mine I feel very blessed to be where I am.

Is it true that you have to change yourself in order to be accepted into the entertainment business?

No, that is absolutely false you have to be comfortablewith who you are to be in the entertainment business and flourish as No one can do you better than you can!!!

How long is the average amount of time before an actor actually gets a job?

I can’t really say it varies but mine was immediate but I was also coming from being a rapper so it was easier I guess!!!!

What kind of things should an aspiring actor be involved in to prepare themselves for this field of work?

There is actually nothing in particular as experience is key all things are relative actually acting is about you so the only that can hold you back is you!!

Once they get started acting is it hard to find your genre of acting?

No, I belive people already know what they like as a consumer from shows that they watch and are actually experts to some level maybe not consciously about the things they enjoy so they should pursue that genre which would give them a leg up in a sense!!!!

Is it hard even after you get one job to keep getting roles in other things?

No, I did not find it to be I believe each booking is a doorway to the next in fact I know people who I started with at the same time that turned down a booking that I did not and have not worked since 2008, and I feel it is because the shunned a doorway to opportunity.

As an actor you played many parts like - Warren Sapp on: @nbcyoungrock

Yes, I’ve played a few roles that were similar, which is why I believe many things are relative in life!!

Attila on @wutangonhulu did you have to get deep into playing this part?

Yes and no, I had to choose to become what I believe I would have been without opportunity or feeling like your back is against wall. The role was more or less a depiction of Natural selection the strongest survive concept!!!

Nick Kovac on @ballershbo what was your motivation in getting this part and playing it so well?

It was a man who had many people who depended on him to provide could be expectation, dedication, Family, loved ones, children you can plug in anything most people have has some type of reason to act.

Peachy on @marvelantman how was it to be a part of an iconic series like Marvel Comic Ant Man?

I felt truly blessed, as I was an avid comic collector as a kid so it felt like childhood bucketlist!!!!!!

So, you have a few post productions under your belt. Can you tell a little bit about them?

I have quite a few Young Rock was filmed in Australia which is a Beautiful place to be and my first time there!!!!

Is it more difficult to get involved in Broadway than on screen acting?

I actually think they are about the same level of difficulty.

What is a good age to begin to pursue your acting career?

Asap, nothing ventured nothing gained you never want to live with regret of what could have been.

Is it true the saying “if you set your mind to it you can do it”?

Absolutely my success in acting with no formal training and just telling my mother when I a child I’m going to be on TV is a testament to that!!!!

Is it a career path that you would recommend?

Yes but you have to gracious and anxious to fail before you succeed!!!

For how many years have you been in the field of acting?

13 years

What are your weak points when it comes to acting?

Being Vulnerable

What is your best quality as an actor?

Absolute Fearlessness!!!

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