COMMUNITY SERVICE INITIATIVE UCM60102U Afumi Miki - 0338754 Soong Shin Siang - 0904jp87828 Maariya Hossenbocus - 0328771 Bisa Saili - 0338146 Chiak Yuet Kei Yuki – 0328271 Bisyari Roslan - 0328340
Community Service Initiative
UCM60102u CSI Report (Destiny)
Introduction to NGO Pertubuhan Pusat Kebajikan Destiny (PPM-010-10-0122016) has been enlisted under ROS (Registrar with Society) to help the less advantaged and less blessed. The Center established by Nathan Diggs, who was a displaced person himself. The Center has been enlisted straightforwardly under the United Nations since May 2014. Standing to change the course of occasions that have happened to poor people, while giving them trust in a better future.To enable individuals through training that sets them up for a profession so they can pick up the ability to make money to have their kids to carry on with a superior life.
Irene J A/P Benjamin Tennyson - President/ Founder When she was young, she learnt to live with a sharing disposition regardless of not having a lot. All through her profession, she is a social butterfly and accepts that there is
period of battle and challenge that individuals experience and all they require is the correct help. Having a mindset that we should simply draw in with them to know the reality. We will in general make decisions dependent on what we see or what we get with others. Her most ideal approach to help somebody is to get with them straightforwardly and to fabricate a relationship of trust and expectation. Knowing that everybody has a goal, if every last one of us made one stride towards seeing the requirements of others, we have little effects that will ultimately prompt huge change. Coming from a foundation of 32 years in the corporate, 12 years in Senior Management, spearheading global organizations and working from nothing, every one of these encounters has helped her run the centre. The enthusiasm that she could accomplish something has made her see that it is conceivable to change the way of somebody's future by venturing into their lives to lead and guide them every day.
What They Do Daycare, nursery, kindergarten: To enable kids underneath the age of 6 years in character building and the correct establishment before school in all habits imaginable. Furthermore, they give this to empower the moms to go to work, particularly single parents. Preschool and school: To inspire and fabricate character of underestimated understudies and start groundbreaking change for a better future. Welfare centre: To enable kids, youth and young people and give professional preparing/abilities advancement for practical jobs and business. To investigate approaches to teach and for them to improve as an individual all-around. Food bank delivery: To deliver food to over 75 families. The program started during the pandemic. They realize the need may emerge again for the individuals who are jobless or unwell.
Helping the underprivileged: To help the poor and homeless, directing them out of poverty through education and training. Providing skills for mothers at home: Empowering women through education helping their self-esteem and giving them a chance to learn new skills.
Current Education Project
Introducing the English language to the parents and children of future generations, they believe that the language will be extremely beneficial for the children's future. They believe that helping them acquire this skill will open many more doors on the road ahead.
The president stated that the items they needed the most would be a whiteboard, desks and chairs in order for the project to be as effective as they hope. The issue coming about as the furnishing they had at the moment were more suited towards kids. Taking this to mind, the group agreed on raising some funds via social media in order to purchase these necessary items. A target to raise awareness for the cause with a short, edited clip came to mind. Meeting up and discussing how the video will be approached, a sketch board was drawn envisioning the clip’s outcome. Roles also set for each member from project manager, to designer and video editor.
Receiving the green light from the organization to go on site to interview some staff and kids whilsts recording some footage, it was unlikely that the CMCO was announced. This caused the organization to close and set our plan on halt.
Things got a lot more difficult from this point for the NGO as social interactions were cut off. Already having started the English education program, they had no means in maintaining the support for the new teachers. Furthermore, voluntary work was now limited to just online support as the school gates were closed. This challenged the intention of fundraising as no group member had any links or associates to be financially capable to ensure the project's success. From this point onwards, another discussion was held to try and brainstorm other ways we could raise awareness.
Looking for the quickest resolution to the CMCO issue, the group agreed to propose a poster design for Destiny. Coming up with different variations of designs for the organization to post on their home page, the samples were sent to the president to see which design fancied her the most.
Upon her feedback, she preferred a more direct approach on the poster design. Reflecting this, another proposal was made regarding her preferred choice of colour. The finalized poster design was the yellow poster. Showing one of their students painting, with texts reaching out to any volunteer who would be willing to help.
The organization then posted the poster onto their Facebook home page on the 31st of October. In a course of over a month, the post only managed to get a very minimal 4 likes. No shares or recognition towards the poster, it’s fair to say that the project was a fail. The organization is still thriving through the difficulties of the pandemic, the staff and volunteers are currently still asking for assistance as other issues such as faulty construction in their space arose. Their website is open for anyone willing to donate or volunteer, there is only so much a failed poster can do.
REFLECTION AFUMI MIKI: In all sincerity, I’m pretty sure no one in the group valued the project much. All putting our assignments first, efforts in this project were close to none. In the hardships of the pandemic, I did understand the cause we were trying to achieve. In hindsight, I did see how we could have done so much better, exploring creativity as a means to reach others, rather than doing it for the sake of a passing grade or degree. In my own opinion, the project was a hard fail, with only our lack of dedication and effort to be held accountable. No one bothering to share or spread the poster’s message, it’s only logical for it to have performed poorly. Some regrets held I do aim to keep this as a memory to try and have some human decency and open mind in upcoming challenges. SOONG SHIN SIANG: Throughout this CSI assignment, i think our group has faced many scheduling issues where we are failing to balance out our workload from other subjects. I personally think that we could've done more, even though the CMCO started we never got the chance to actually visit Destiny and could've done a much better job in putting more effort into this assignment. In my own perspective, I personally think that I could've maybe encouraged our members to push the post out more and get a much more positive feedback than just completing the poster for the sake of submission. The challenging part of this assignment is to generate awareness towards the NGO effectively with the limited timeline and resources we have. In the end, I would like to thank Mr. Charles and my group members’ guidance and cooperation to complete the project.
BISA SAILI: The Community Service Module is a good initiative for students because it teaches us how to interact with the outside world and help the people around our communities. Having experienced this during my Diploma as well gave me an idea of what was required. Even though the Conditions then were a bit different because of the current situation we facing Worldwide, even though it sounds Cliché. It was good to adapt to online interactions and cooperate well with team members who all did their best and played a part to make this a success through challenging times. It wasn’t easy because Design students usually have huge work loads but we managed to use our time well and balance our tasks and assignments. CHIAK YUET KEI YUKI: This module was challenging in many senses. In the beginning, I took this module way too lightly because I had other heavier modules to prioritise which I admit, was a mistake. Then, when the project kick started it was hard for us to schedule a meeting with the welfare centre due to the pandemic. We had to quickly adjust to the changes of the situation at that time as well as the changes of ideas. In the end, we managed to pull through as a team to produce something for the welfare centre albeit, slightly lacklustre. I believe this module is a good way to encourage students to leave a positive contribution to society. It made me motivated to do more good to help the underprivileged in the future and I hope that my groupmates and the other students involved in this module felt the same.
MAARIYA HOSSENBOCUS: It wouldn’t be fair to say that everything flowed on a smooth line during this semester because of the consequences of the current pandemic that we are facing. The pandemic has undoubtedly created more obstacles in our path than we had planned or prepared for. The online classes were ‘technically’ running well, however, the lack of physical classes have brought lack of information, instructions and visions for the project. The fact that the pandemic has prevented us from meeting physically has led to many issues as we were unable to discuss, evaluate, debate and proceed through the best of ways. Unfortunately, we were neither able to visit the NGO nor the children. Hopefully, we tried making our best to produce posters for awareness, which made me reflect more about how underprivileged children and dysfunctional parents are coping during this pandemic and how we could be atleast of the slightest help to the needy ones. BISYARI BIN MOHAMED ROSLAN: To be honest, i genuinely do like this module with the image and vision it brings for us students, not to forget our ever-so-friendly lecturer namely Mr. Charles that welcomes us with positive energy. Performing the tasks given throughout the semester was unexpectedly an overwhelming obstacle due to the current pandemic situation as the assigned tasks require physical actions such as visiting the chosen NGO and also group-meets in order to discuss with a smoother sense. Although me and my groupmate had to overcome these challenges, in the end we managed to give an acceptable outcome with work being done from each of us and possibly the best we could prior to the pandemic. I enjoyed working with them and thankfully we did not cause any minor comotions that could lead to a setback from finishing the tasks. A big thank you to this module too for giving us students the opportunity to work with the NGO and given the chance to lend a helping hand to those in need. Truly a thing i would cherish because although it is just a poster but to me it is the message that comes with it, is the most valuable element. I wish nothing but the best for everyone involved and hope this module could continue spreading its natural positivity .