Nevada Roadside Bulk - Farmer Application

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Nevada Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program Certified Farmer/Vendor, Roadside Stand, Bulk Agreement Purpose of the Senior Farmers’ Market Program: To increase the consumption, production, and distribution of locally and domestically grown fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and honey, while supplementing the nutritional needs of Nevada's lowincome seniors through a coupon redemption system. Locally grown means that the product was grown either in Nevada or in adjacent neighboring states to Nevada (California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah & Arizona). Terms and Conditions:  Provide State with information requested for reporting purposes;  Only eligible foods may be purchased with coupon(s);  Provide eligible foods at or less than price charged to other customers and offer same courtesies;  Accept coupons within the dates of their validity and submit reimbursements within the time period listed on program documents (NO EXCEPTIONS);  No cash change will be issued for purchases that are in an amount less than the value of the coupon(s);  Accept training on SFMNP procedures and provide employees with SFMNP responsibilities on such procedures;  Farmers agree to sell only locally grown products that have been approved by State Agricultural Representatives;  Agree to be monitored by State and Federal reviewers;  No state/local tax will be collected on purchases of food using SFMNP coupons;  All reimbursement claim forms must be submitted using the Farmer Redemption Code provided by the NV State Office (copies of original form allowed);  Be accountable for actions of farmers or employees in the provision of eligible foods and related activities;  Pay State agency for coupons transacted in violation of the policies and procedures of this program;  Comply with nondiscrimination policies and procedures;  Notify State agency when ceasing operations prior to end of authorized period of agreement;  Shall not seek restitution from participants for coupons not reimbursed by State; Description of Sanctions: Corrective action may include, but is not limited to, repayment of coupons reimbursed under fraudulent means and possible termination from participation in this program. THIS APPLICATION WILL BE VALID FOR A TWO (2) YEAR PERIOD UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED.

PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Name of Certified Farm: _____________________________________________________________________________ Name of Certified Farmer : ___________________________________________________________________________ Name to Appear on Reimbursement Check: ______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________________ Address



Zip Code




Business Phone Number

Cell Phone Number

EMAIL Address

By signing this agreement, I understand and agree to the terms and conditions listed above. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Certified Farmer’s Signature Date For Official Use Only Market Manager: ____________________________________ Signature

__________________ Date

Approval By State: ___________________________________ ACCEPTED BY Date

__________________ Program Years

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

ASSIGNED REDEMPTION CODE: __________________

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