Discover New Heights of Thrill and Excitement with Bungee Jumping in Arizona Bungee jumping is one of the most daring recreational sports, popular w ith thrill-seekers. It involves in jumping off from unbelievably high platforms with only a big elastic cord to break the fall. Platforms can be anything from a tall building or tower to a bridge, a cliff, or even a moving object, suspended mid-air like a helicopter or a hot air balloon. When bungee jumping, a long elastic cord is tied to your body with the other end secured onto the platform. The thrill of this dangerous, but sought -after sport is in the free fall, but the experience is made even more interesting as the elastic cord would stretch and rebound repeatedly so that the jumper would bounce up and down, enjoying the push and pull of the cord's recoil and gravity. Avid jumpers are always on the lookout for exciting places and heights to jump from. Arizona's Grand Canyon is one of the most popular in the US, especially the Navajo Bridges. If you want to try out bungee jumping in Arizona, make sure you check with authorities about current regulations. As an extremely dangerous activity, bungee jumping is subject to constantly changing laws, so it is best to get your information f rom trusted sources about places where it is safe and legal to do the activity. The Navajo Bridges is a prime spot for bungee jumping in Arizona. These 467-foot bridges command a breathtaking view of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon. It is a popular base for organized jumping expeditions whenever the law allows. If it is only your first jump, you can try your luck at the festive Arizona Exposition and State Fair, where most bungee jumping virgins start. Here, fair goers would often make spur-ofthe-moment decisions to jump off from a 130-foot platform, which is a good way to dip your toes into the extreme activity instead of paying big money and organizing a trip to an exotic and remote location. The state fair runs annually between late October and Early November. Bungee Jumping has been around since the Aztecs. In fact, it has history dating back to the 1950s. It may not be the safest sport, but with proper equipment and guidance from expert jumpers, it can be a really fun and freeing experience. Some aficionados and avi d jumpers even participate in competitions w here they are scored for their mid-jump acrobatics. Browse the net to get more information on bungee jumping destinations around the world.
About the Author:
This article is written by Artemis Magoula who is associated with Xtreme Spots. Xtreme Spots is the perfect adventure search portal. Their team’s common passion is to let people enjoy sports around the globe. They help you choose the best adventure spot within all five continents, where extreme sports can be practiced safely, both by amateurs and professionals.