Xuein had experienced working with communities and interdisciplinary groups. Understands that the work besides edge disciplines is essential to develop meaningful and strong proposals. Believes in the solidarity to others and for be in community first one has to know oneself. Interested in the develop of community or individual space as a spotlight for the transformation of the rural and urban landscape and ecosystem; emphasizing in the importance of resignifying nature for the contemporary and future societies from architecture, landscape and the ways we inhabited them.
Xuein Caceres Vargas Bogotá, Colombia 1994 xueincava@gmail.com Phone: +57 304 465 4693 Website: https://xueincava.wixsite.com/portafolio
Projects Humanized Nature. Bogotá, Colombia. 2017 Being Mountain. Bogotá, Colombia. 2017 Flesh n’ Stone. Bogotá, Colombia. 2018 A Manual for an Orchard. Bogotá, Colombia. 2017 Constelación de Agentes. Bogotá, Colombia. 2018 Street Park. Bogotá, Colombia. 2016 Between the Roof n the Sky. Bogotá, Colombia. 2018 Mulino Square. Agliè, Italy. 2019 For a New Landscape. Paris, France. 2019 Citroniera Orsini. Rivalta di Torino, Italy. 2020
Humanized Nature Sculpture. 2017
mountains are big - I am not I´m not I´m not but the rocks are mountains rocks are small small rocks - smaller than me me, them parts of me can be rocks I can be mountain
Being Mountain Sculpture. 2017
Flesh n’ Stone
Watercolour Drawing 2018
A Manual for an Orchard Bogotá, Colombia. 2017
Workteam: Observatorio Urbano Hábitat
This manual was built within the framework of the creation of a community library-garden in the Altos del Pino neighborhood, Soacha, Colombia. Its objective, as a support tool in the learning and construction process, was to transmit the academic and empirical knowledge that had been collected prior to carrying out the project. Thus, its creation process was a continuous dialogue with various knowledge that allowed an efficient construction and maintenance of the project by the participants in the future. Its use and its disposition transcended from a constructive use at the time of construction to a transmission of knowledge as a learning primer to establish relationships with the process and care of an urban garden.
Constelación de Agentes Bogotá, Colombia. 2018
Workteam: Observatorio Urbano Hábitat
The tool is framed in a contemporary discourse where the visualization of the creator and executor group does not belong to a central entity, but different entities decide to organize and work together around an idea or a project. This constellation has the objective of mapping and visualizing the different relationships, roles, provenances, voices that can be found in the complexity of a participatory project, where its temporal process is as important as the final result. Conceptually it was decided to take as reference the organization of the reading of an astral map to differentiate, catalog and relate the different social agents, since its cartography allows the visualization of the possible relationships within a project.
Street Park
Bogotá, Colombia. 2016 Workteam: Maria Paula Velez, Laura Otalora
The public space for recreation in the context of this these neighborhoods is, in most cases, the last place to build. The street is an area formed by the construction site by site of the houses, that, absent of the formality of the common street city, the sidewalk, the car, the pedestrian, it becomes an area for multiple activities, the game, the neighbor encounter, the party, etc… The project proposal is to model the public space of the street through the common activities of the neighborhood that already happen. A way of shaping new possibilities of designing and using the neighbor street as a space of dispersion, encounter, playground, that responds to the lack of public spaces for recreation.
Study Case - Flat Street
Study Case - Steep Street
Action Intervention: Playground
Action Intervention: Common space
Recycling Point
Water Treatment
Variety of Elements
Common Garden
Library Points
Encounter Places
Proposal Case - Steep Street
Site Plant - Steep Street
Proposal Case - Steep Street
Site Plant - Steep Street
Between the Roof n the Sky Bogotá, Colombia. 2018
This project starts from questioning: How does the insurgent housing terrace carries a legacy of values and spatial-temporal relations capable of transforming the perspective on the urban landscape? At the beginning of this century, 24% of the urban configuration of Bogotá city corresponds to settlements of informal origin (Tovar 2009). One of the characteristics of popular housing in these settlements is self-construction of their own living space. This work analyzes popular housing as an insurgent space, for its parallel production to market construction (Harvey 2012), and focuses on making the terrace visible as a space and a landscape, though what constitutes it (it inhabitants, it objects, its stories), is able to subvert the way we look and interact day by day with our natural and artificial context.
Tovar, Carlos Alberto Torres. Ciudad informal colombiana, Barrios construidos por la gente. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2009. Harvey, David. espacios de esperanza. Madrid: Ediciones Akal, S.A., 2012.
A PLACE TO WATCH A workshop to reveal the use
“es más facil hacer amigos por la terraza que en la calle, porque uno pues esta es de salida. En cambio aca uno puede conversar, esta en su casa, sin afanes. Uno puede conocer a la gente.” Fide
A PLACE TO WATCH A workshop to tell the story.
1973 - 1976
1976 - 1980
1980 - 1990
“a mi me gusta que entre la luz” Doña Maria
This game was thought as a tool to see and confront the spatiality of the terrace. A personable dollhouse to project yourself into the crowded space and understand its qualities.
13cm 4cm
4cm 20cm
5 1
15cm 22cm
21cm 1cm 22,8cm 1,2cm
4,5cm 21cm 4,5cm
It aims to develop abstractly, where users can understand and approach the caulities of one or more terraces
Mulino Square Agliè, Italy. 2019
Workteam: Paul Seufert, Sofia Aguero, Mateo Ascarrunz
This project has as its UNESCO heritage context the residence of the royal house of Savoy, the castle of Aglie. It is mainly concentrated in a secondary use plaza in the castle complex. The approach to this context has been to understand the potential as an intermediate space between the castle and the town formed behind it. In this way, the valorization exercise is understood as a set of elements that must be related to each other for the coherent and beneficial usufruct of the different parties. The process of visualization of the hidden landscapes, the water channel, the old entrance to the town or the service that the mill promoted, are interpreted in a contemporary language, which seeks to give them a place in future memory, re-signifying it as a space of cohesion between the castle and its context.
Single element
Re-function of inner spaces
Reveal the historic palimpsest
Integration of the mulino to the museum ruote
Continuity of the visitation route
Adaptive reuse of the architecture
Functional connection
Vertical connection
Complexity of elements
Interface between the Castle and the village
Valorization of the historic route of 1600
Evocation of the historic canal
For a New Landscape
Pre Saint Gervais, France. 2019 Workteam: Paul Seufert, Andres Galeano
The Pre Saint Gervais area in Paris is characterized by being located in the peripheral area outside the last ring of the central area. A context characterized by its small-scale industrial production and an unused industrial landscape. Within the framework of the “Greater Paris” project, it is expected that the areas will be requalified in population density as constructive. The contradiction of these two dynamics, present and future, is the starting point of this project. How to respond to the demands of densification, increasing the usable public space within the neighborhood and maintaining the neighborhood scale that characterizes the neighborhood? What is the value and opportunity of unused industrial heritage and small-scale industrial activity? The project confronts these questions through spatial strategies that seek to enhance industrial space as a space for everyday life, while in the form of its buildings it seeks different possibilities to create open public space.
permeabilidad preexistente
individualization of passages n fabrics for posible open use
Urban activation points
New pedestrian urban web
Project area
Buildings to remove, Buldings to keep
Mix of uses in the same volume
constructed space vs footprint
geometric complementarity
Ground level and uper level public space
Volumetric deconstruction
Citroniera Orsini
Rivalta di Torino, Italy. 2020 Workteam: Daniel Barinas, Adriano Calvani, Marco Celenza
Located in the old medieval castle of Rivalta, the citroniera emerges as an element apart from the contemporary features of the castle. Likewise, in its formal distribution it behaves like a separate volume within the built complex. For this case, a methodological approach was used to restore and enhance the architectural element of the citroniera. Going through a first step of in-depth knowledge of the building in volumetric terms, about its materiality, about the connections between the elements, its implementation and its construction process. To a subsequent interpretation of its instabilities, formal degradations that compromise the complexity of the element, ending with the projection of interventions that respond to previous knowledge.
structural injuries
permanent deformations
permanent deformations
A partir de la apertura de los vanos correspondientes a esta fachada y la remoción del terreno para la construcción de la citroniera el muro ha ganado esbelteza y perdido apoyo en una parte de las cimentaciones, esto ha hecho que cambien los esfuerzos de los muros de la torre.
Estas características contextuales hacen que la bóveda deba responder a esfuerzos diversos a los que tiene en el resto de la superficie. Una distancia mayor entre los puntos de apoyo aumenta el área que la bóveda debe cubrir, a la cual está respondiendo con la misma disposición de elementos que dan respuesta a una menor luz.
Esta escasa conexión entre los dos muros y el aplastamiento proveniente del apoyo de la bóveda y el relleno superior de tierra, hagan así que el muro adicionado venga a sufrir un desplazamiento horizontal de aquella parte que encuentra una conexión precaria entre los muros.
Intervention strategies
Unproductive City la produttività del vuoto nel paesaggio urbano Torino, Italy. 2021 master research
What leads to think that you are experiencing a moment of transition? That could be the distinction of what is being transformed. The urban environment has been characterized as an established formation that is difficult to finish or extinguish, since it continuously acquires new technologies that can materialize the requirements of a group that is expressed as in continuous progress. The research focuses on deepening around the void as a theoretical and practical concept that continually appears in the lexicon of spatial reflections. For this, it seeks to investigate and contextualize the role that the void has within the composition, formation, and production of the urban landscape of the city of Turin, deepening its spatial context and its consolidation process. The project argues in its research that the void is not only a consequence of the built space, instead, it functions as a main conditioning factor of the planning processes, allowing to carry out processes of valorization or degradation in the perception and conformation of the urban landscape. The inquiry runs through and intertwines experiential and theoretical paths which are conditioning factors for the use and the possibilities of projection of the void, for which the propositional direction is framed in a series of stimuli that arise from questions throughout the text, such as a reflective journey on the material composition of the inherited urban landscape.
The perception of making the landscape as a process of engaging the materiality of the context
as the landscape, continuously progress in the formation of his own materiality.
A relation of perception related to the making of landscape by the means of production, work as a source of productivity
Have the capacity to understanding the complexity of landscape has to be related with the capacity of being able to experience it.
While our idea of progress and production fragments and excludes space we won’t be able to identify what is behind the wall.
And what is out of sight won’t matter anymore to understand.
Explore the void around the structure of the river Dora as a catalyst in the transformation and consolidation of the perception of the urban landscape.
Xuein Caceres Vargas Bogotá, Colombia 1994 xueincava@gmail.com Phone: +57 304 465 4693