By: Thomas Wolf
“Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.� -Leonardo da Vinci
Growing up I loved both science and art. However sometimes when practicing art I would get stuck and try to think my way through the problem. This class has helped with this by trying to meet deadlines sometimes you just have let thought fade into the background and just start creating. This class has been a challenge to say the least for me but I feel I have learned a lot and I’m glad to be practicing art again as well as science.
D O T Oppression
I N E Longing
To the left and above are some iterations I came up with before moving on to the final product. This project required lots of patience having to cut out each piece as perfect as possible and get them just right was a challenge for me. Yet another challenge this project brought was working with abstraction. Sometimes felt like my ideas maybe were abstract but not conveying the message I wanted.
Hand lettering at first seemed to be an easy concept, but there is so much more that goes into it. The attention to detail when actually doing the lettering by hand is amazing and gives it a very personal feel to it.
In the future if I get the chance I would go as far to take the 3D model of dive and try to do it on the cliff by my house. So only looking at from certain angles in the bay could you read it.
Hand Lettering
Toilet iterations from gross to grosser
Tutorial Editorial This was a quick project on coming up with visuals and words to do something you new very well. I liked how quick this process had to be because it stopped me from over thinking things and got right to creating. The reason I chose how to clean an M16 is because I have been in the army for five years now and could do it with my eyes closed. The most difficult part about the project for me was the use of font and layout because I wanted this to appear to be a hand written field guide.
Fact #21 Clean Your SH!T (a clean gun is a more efecient weapon)
Clean Your SHIT! Taking care of your lower reciver Whats one of the first things you do after a long hard day of sweaty work? TAKE A SHOWER! So after a long day of shooting, or just traget practice, if you still want your ‘boom stick’ to work you have to take care of it. So step by step we will take apart the lower reciver.
Make sure the hammer
Start by pushing down on the dimple
is down. This will allow the
right behind the hammer.
buffer and spring to slide out
Pull the buffer and spring
Simply pull them apart.
all the way out. They will both
And you are good to
come out together.
start cleaning.
Object Iteration
<- First
Final ->
I spent quite some time looking up wolves from all over. Everything from location of wolves, to their skeletal structures. Every piece in my poster I feel is unique to a wolf. The hardest one that I had to do was the geometric origami wolf. I had never done origami before and thankfully for YouTube I got to spend many frustrating hours learning how to do it. If I where to continue to work with this I would like to try to represent how tutorial wolves are, and how they work in a pack yet follow take direction from the alpha wolf.
I definitely had the most fun with this project then any of the others. I had an amazing partner to work with as my first client, who let me do what I wanted with the design aspect. He also really enjoyed the way the book turned out. It was also fun to watch my drawings come to life in the digital world giving them color and depth. If I could do anything differently I would try to limit my color pallet, and design more complete sets instead of one solid background.
Intro to Design Fall 2014 Thomas Wolf