Selected Works of_ Basic Design Modeling and Fabrication
February - June, 2021
Chia-Yu Yeh
Selected Works of_ Basic Design Modeling and Fabrication February - June, 2021 Chia-Yu Yeh
Ka - Jû
葉 家瑜 Sabrina Chia-Yu Yeh she/ her limited edition, 1/1. made in Los Angeles, raised in Taipei since 1998.
stuff i've done 2014 | 2017
places to find me
臺北市立第一女子高級中學 Taipei First Girls High School 2015
北一街舞 TFBG 美術宣傳
國立陽明交通大學 外國語文學系 National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures 跨領域設計與創新科技學程 Design and Innovative Technology Program
2017 | 2021
2018 | 2019 2019 | 2020
交大熱舞社 NCTU PDC 交大星聲社 NCTU SV Instagram
美術宣傳 美術宣傳長 副社長
@xxchysbrn @uonophoto
交大外文系系學會 Student Association of NCTUFL 副宣傳長
things i can do 文書處理 Word Processing Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Excel
數位建模製造 3D Modeling Rhinoceros Autodesk Fusion 360
平面設計與繪畫 Graphic Design and Digital Painting Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign
數位與底片攝影 Digital and Film Photography Nikon d3100 Leica Minilux Olympus PEN-F
動態影像與動畫 Video Editing and Animation Making Adobe Premiere Adobe After Effects
語言能力 Language Skills 繁體中文 繁體中文 American English Français
and more in the future ...
目錄 Contents
魯班鎖 / 球 Burr Puzzle
桌子上的天際線 The Horizon
長長長長的魚 FIIIISH
魚SB Utimate Sardine Baby
蛙鼠 Fwog
球型門把開門輔助器 "APPLE"
_ 01 魯班鎖 / 球
Burr Puzzle
玩具元件 Block Components
組裝步驟 Assembly Instuctions
渲染圖 Render Results
三通魯班鎖是由三根相同長、寬、厚度的長方體組成的。 不靠任何釘子或膠水,僅依靠卡楯相接就能接合不鬆脫。 每一條長方體大約為 28 x 89 x 9 立方毫米,中央的卡楯大小大約為 10 x 30 平方毫米,貫穿整根木片。三片的卡楯皆有些許差異。 This three-piece Burr puzzle contains three pieces with the same length, width and thickness. It is held together by interlocking the notches. It does not require any kind of additional nails or glue. Each and every piece is 28 x 89 x 9 mm3, the notch in the middle is approximately 10 x 30 m2 and it goes through the whole piece. The three pieces have different shaped holes.
渲染圖 Render Results
魯班球是由六片相同大小的半圓形片組成的。 不靠任何釘子或膠水,僅依靠卡楯相接就能接合不鬆脫。 每一片半圓片半徑為 35 毫米,厚度為 10 毫米。 中央的卡楯大小有一些不同。
This ball Burr Puzzle contains six semicircle shaped pieces. It is held together by interlocking the notches. It does not require any kind of additional nails or glue. Every semicircle has a radius of 35 mm, and thickness of 10mm. The notch in the middle differs among different pieces.
玩具元件 Block Components
組裝步驟 Assembly Instuctions
_ 02 桌子上的天際線
The Horizon
書桌是身為學生的我待最久的地方,也是能夠展現個人品味、能夠盡 情佈置的小小空間。 桌子空間有限,常常需要一些額外的物品來節省空間,因此我做出了 幾款生活上會用到的小物,來拓展書桌的天際線。 由左至右是水煮蛋架、首飾盤、戒指架以及精油瓶。 The desk is where I, as a student, spend the most time at every single day. It is also an area that can show one's own taste. There is limited area on a desk, so we often need additional items to help us save space. Therefore, I made a few items that I found useful. It brings convenience and color to my desk. From left to right are a hard-boiled egg stand, a jewelry plate, ring stand and an essential oil bottle.
渲染圖 Render Results
水煮蛋架的材質選用石頭,較好清洗也不會不為因為剛煮好的蛋溫度 過高而損壞。 首飾盤選用的材質使用大理石紋的塑膠,較好清潔也比較不容易壞。 戒指架則選用半透明的壓克力材質,染上深棕色,增加一點沈穩優雅 的質感。
The hard-boiled egg stand is made with a smooth stone texture, therefore making it easy to clean and preventing it from melting or damaging because of the hot, freshly boiled egg. The jewelry plate is plastic with marble swirls, making it easier to clean and difficult to break. The ring stand is a translucent acrylic texture, mixed with dark brown color, making it elegant and classy.
精油瓶則使用玻璃或是壓克力材質,避免瓶身與內容物起反應等等。 The essential oil bottles are made of glass or acrylic, which prevents the content from having chemical reactions with the bottle.
顏色上有若干種選擇,若想要看到內容物則可使用透明瓶身。若想在 It comes in a variety of colors. If you wish to see the content, you can choose the transparent 瓶身上做裝飾或寫上標籤則可以使用乳白色瓶身。 bottle. If you wish to add some decorations or words on the bottle, you can choose the white ones. 不同顏色的瓶身也可以區分出不同的內容物。 Different colored bottles can be used to differentiate different contents.
_ 03 長長長長的魚
長長長長的魚積木主要由頭、胸、尾巴,以及兩種不同的延長塊:有 鰭和沒鰭的身體,所組合而成的。 每一塊積木大約皆長 20 毫米,寬為 25 毫米,厚度則為 20 毫米。頭與 尾巴的部分稍微大小不同。 The FIIIISH toy contains three main parts: the head, the body, and the tail. It also comes with two kinds of additional body add-ons: with fin and without fin. Every block is approximately 20 x 25 x 20 mm3, the head and tail differs a little in size.
Side View (Right)
Front View
Top View
渲染圖 Render Results
列印成果 3D Print Results
_ 04 魚 SB
Ultimate Sardine Baby aka USB
魚SB的靈感來自我掛在書桌邊的、我最喜歡的樂團拍謝少年的虱目魚拓 印毛巾。但設計上選用了沙丁魚作為外型參考,形狀較為簡潔、狹長,也 較符合 USB 的大小。 魚SB的蓋子便是魚頭的部分,使用時取下蓋子,插在電腦上就像是卡在 電腦裡的一隻魚一樣。USB 的部分還會發亮,好像魚的內臟在發光。 單位(mm)
The Ultimate-Sardine-Baby aka USB, is inspired by the Sorry Youth, my favorite band's towel, which has a milkfish printing on it. But for this design, I chose a sardine as my appearance reference, given that a sardine is much smaller, more narrow body, which is suitable for a USB. The fish's head is the cap of the USB, when using, it looks like a headless fish stuck in the computer. The USB part also lightens up when using, as if the fish has sparkling organs.
Side View (Right)
Front View
Top View
爆炸圖 Exploded View
USB 本體
USB 下殼
Lower part of USB
USB 蓋子 Cap of USB
USB 上殼 Upper part of USB
列印成果 3D Print Results
_ 05 蛙鼠
一個好用的滑鼠大多呈流線形態,方便人們抓握時感覺較為舒適。 而大自然中也有許多動物的身體是成流線型的,因此在滑鼠再設計的題目上, 我便採用仿生的型態進行設計。 由滑鼠的外型較為小巧,因此我選用了體型較為小巧的樹蛙作為參考。 滑鼠本體為樹蛙的身體,前方延伸出兩隻前肢並且增加眼睛來增加寫實感。 顏色部分大多參考樹蛙本身的顏色(我以一種生活在爪哇的飛行樹蛙為主要參 考依據),並且也帶入森林和露珠的意象,在材質和顏色上做了一些修改。
A good computer mouse mostly has a streamlined body, for it is more comfortable for people to hold on it and use. There are a lot of animals with streamlined bodies in the wild as well. Hence, in this mouse redesigning project, I decided to take an animal as my appearance reference. Since a computer mouse is not a big item, I choose a treefrog as reference. The body of the mouse is the body of the treefrog, and two additional front limbs and eyes on the head are added to increase realism. The colors are mostly based on the original colors of the treefrog (my main reference is the Javan Flying Treefrog). I also added the concept of forest and dews in my design and had a little change in the colors and texture.
情緒版與草圖 Moodboard and Sketches
渲染圖 Render Results
材質的選用上,我在上蓋和蛙手的部分選用了霧面的橡膠材質。 橡膠的材質在滑鼠的使用上會較為舒適,同時也與樹蛙原先的皮膚材質較為相近。 蛙手指前端的部分使用透明壓克力材質,彷彿沾上了早晨的露珠。 眼睛以淺灰藍色做底,橫條瞳孔部分為黑色,材質皆為亮面塑膠。下殼肚子部分 參考樹蛙原型採用橘色,但由於實心的橘色過於搶眼,因此採用透明壓克力材質 再調成橘色。如此一來整體不會有過多色彩,也可以透過外殼看見內部結構,為 滑鼠造型更添加層次。 另外,上方滾輪部分使用透明橡膠材質,避免它破壞樹蛙整體的造型設計,呈現 出樹蛙身上一滴水的感覺
On the choosing of textures, I picked soft matte rubber for the top surface and the hands of the frog. The rubber texture would be comfortable for the hand and it resembles the texture of a treefrog as well. For the front tips of the hand, I choose transparent acrylic to resemble the dews in the morning. The eyes are a pale blue-grey with smoke black pupils, both in glossy plastic textures. The bottom part of the body is supposed to be orange given how a Javan Treefrog normally is, but it seems too eye-catching here so I changed into a transparent acrylic texture and dyed it orange. This way you can also see the inner mechanical components, adding a different look. Moreover, the scroll whell is designed to be transparent and made of rubber. This way it would not affect the main design of a treefrog, and simply look like a drop of water on a frog's body.
Side View (Right)
Front View
Top View
爆炸圖 Exploded View
滑鼠上殼 Upper part of mouse
滾輪 Scroll Wheel
電子零件 Electrical components
滑鼠下殼 Lower part of mouse
_ 06 球型門把開門輔助器 Ball Door Knob Hand-free Opening Device "APPLE"
新型冠狀病毒引起的肺炎疫情在臺灣肆虐之下,個人的清潔衛生變成眾人顧 慮的重點。 每次出門之後回宿舍第一件事就是去洗手,洗完手從廁所回來的時候卻又得 接觸髒髒的門把才能打開門,瞬間失去了方才洗手的意義。 因此我決定做一個能夠代替雙手替我們開喇叭鎖的裝置。 As the COVID-19 continues to be a pandemic across the world, and that Taiwan is currently in the grip of its first outbreak, personal hygiene became a huge focus of concern for everyone. Everytime I go back to the dormitory after going out, the first thing I do is go wash my hands with soap. But as I return from the restroom to my room, I needed to touch the filthy door knob to open the door, making my previous action of washing my hands useless. Therefore, I came up with the idea of making a device that helps us open the door knob without actually touching it.
草圖 Sketch
情緒版 Moodboard
Closed Structure
Opened Structure
Side View
Front View
Top View
渲染圖 Render Results
裝置整體希望追求輕便、耐用且有質感。因此在渲染材質的選用上大多採用 金屬材質,只有支架採用透明塑膠避免影響「蘋果」的主要造型。爪子的葉 片內側則添加矽膠材質,增加握住門把時的摩擦力。
This design pursues the goal to be portable, durable and stylish. Therefore, when choosing the textures and materials, I mostly choose metal, except for the structure that pulled the claws open, which is in plastic to not clash with the main design. The inside of the claws would be added with a silicon layer to add friction when it grasps the knob.
外表上,上方拉的鈕維持金屬原色,下方的爪子與中央的圓盤則上了紅色的 On the appearances, the knob remains the original platinum metal color, the claws and the middle plate 亮面漆,葉子也有貼上葉脈紋路。內部的彈簧維拉力彈簧,平時是扁的狀態, is painted glossy red to represent an apple. The leaf, which is used as a handle, is painted green, with 使爪子也能呈閉合狀態。受到拉力才會張開,也帶動爪子張開。 realistic leaf veins drawn on. There is a spring insode that is usually flat, which means the claws will stay 整體的設計是一顆蘋果,希望如同俗諺所說的「一天一蘋果,醫生遠離我」, close, and only opens when the knob is pulled. 只要使用它就不會需要看醫生! The whole device is like an apple, therefore, I propose the slogan "An Apple A Day, Keeps COVID-19 Away," hoping that everyone that uses this device will stay healthy and COVID-free.
An Apple A Day, Keeps COVID-19 Away
使用情境 Usage Scenario
An Apple A Day, Keeps COVID-19 Away
爆炸圖 Exploded View
支撐架 Support Frame
爪子 Claw
滑軸 Sliding Shaft
球型門把 Ball Door Knob
開關 Opening Knob