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Shrubs round out any landscape with height and rich foliage for hedges, backdrops, and foundational planting. J.Hill has your shrub needs covered with our superior field grown, B&B, and uniform quality containers grown on site.

AESCULUS PARVIFLORA (Bottlebrush Buckeye ) Lightly fragrant white bottlebrush shaped flowers in late June provide a showy display in partially shaded areas. Butterflies are attracted to the flowers. Wide-spreading, multi-stemmed shrub. Rich, butter yellow fall color. 10’ high and 8’ wide. Sun, partial shade. 18'' 24'' 30'' 3' 4'
ARONIA ARBUT. 'Brilliantisma' (Red Chokeberry) White flowers, crimson red fall color, and brilliant red ber-ries that persist into winter. Moist or dry soil. Upright, multi-stemmed shrub. Height 6’ with a 5’ spread. Sun, partial shade, fragrance. #5 24'' 30'' 3' 4' ARONIA MELANOCARPA "Morton" (Iroquois Beauty™ Black Chokeberry) A Chicagoland Grows® introduction from the Morton Ar-boretum which is tolerant of wet or dry planting sites and reaches 3’ height and 5’ spread. White flowers are followed by black berries in late summer. Foliage is dark green and turns a wine-red color in fall. Zone 3. Sun, partial shade, fragrance. BERBERIS THUN. ATROP. "Nana" (Crimson Pygmy Barberry) Bright red foliage, best color in sun. Persistent, bright red fruit an often overlooked attribute. Dwarf habit is excellent for low borders and accent plantings. 3’ high and 5’ wide. Sun, Attracts wildlife.. #3
CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA "Hummingbird" (Hummingbird Summersweet) Rounded, compact selection with glossy, green foliage and fragrant white flowers in midsummer. Tolerant of moist, shady environments. Height 3’ with a 4’ spread. Sun, partial shade, fragrance. #4
CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA "Ruby Spice" (Ruby Spice Summersweet) Yellow fall color, flowers retain their pink color better than "Pink Spires." Shade tolerant. Height 4’ with a 4’ width. Sun, partial shade, fragrance. #4 CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA "Sixteen Candles" (Sixteen Candles Summersweet) An open pollinated selection of "Hummingbird" exhibiting larger, fragrant white flowers in mid-summer. Dense, mounded habit with dark green foliage turning yellow in fall. 30” height with 30” spread. Zone 4. Sun, partial shade, fragrance. CORNUS ALBA "Elegantissima" (Variegated Dogwood) White variegated foliage on an upright spreading plant. Maroon-red stems add winter interest. Height 8’ with a 6’ spread. Sun, Partial shade, Attracts wildlife. #5 CORNUS "Baileyi" (Bailey’s Red Dogwood) Rounded plant reaching 8’-10’. Winered stems in winter are very attractive. Tolerates partial shade and adaptable to most soils. Sun, partial shade. #5 3' 4'
CORNUS MAS (Corneliancherry Dogwood) Upright oval multi-stemmed clump form. Early yellow flow-ers emerge before the leaves offering one of the first floral displays in spring. Bright red cherry-like fruit by midsum-mer. Exfoliating grayish bark adds winter interest. 20’ height with a 15’ spread. Sun, Attracts wildlife. #4 CORNUS MAS "Golden Glory" (Corneliancherry Dogwood) Blooms before Forsythia. Small yellow flowers followed by bright cherry-red fruit. Upright oval, reaches 20’-25’ height with a 12’ spread. Sun, attracts wildlife. 3' 4' 5' 6' CORNUS SANGUINEA "CATO" (Acrtic Sun™ Bloodtwig Dogwood) Compact Habit, 3-4 ft height, rich yellow stems with red shading throughout. Zone 4. Sun, Partial shade #5

CORNUS SERICEA "ALLEMAN" (Alleman’s Red Dogwood) Compact selection of Red Twig Dogwood, 4’-6’ mature height. Large quantities of slender wine red stems stems give an upright rounded profile. Hardier than Cornus Isanti. Sun, Partial shade. #5 24'' 30'' 3'
COTINUS COG. "Velvet Cloak" (Velvet Cloak Smokebush) Upright spreading shrub with dark purple leaves through-out summer. Fall color can be spectacular reddish purple. Midsummer flower display is very showy. Height 10’ with 10’ spread. Sun. #5
COTONEASTER ACUTIFOLIA (Peking Cotoneaster) Glossy dark green foliage, small pink flowers, black fruit and red fall color. Good plant for hedges. Height 8’ with an 8’ spread. Sun, partial shade. #5 COTONEASTER APICULATA (Cranberry Cotoneaster) Mounded shrub with recurving branches. Covered with persistent, red fruit in early fall. Height 3’ and 6’ width. Hardiest of the dwarf Cotoneasters. Sun, partial shade #5 COTONEASTER X "Hessei" (Hessei Cotoneaster) Small, lustrous dark green leaves give a finer textured effect as compared to Cotoneaster apiculata. Good massing or accent plant with red fruit in early fall. Height 3’ and a 6’ spread. Sun, partial shade. #5 EUONYMUS ALATUS "COMPACTA" (Compact Winged Burning Bush) Slower grower and more densely branched than the spe-cies. Tolerates partial shade. Best red fall color. Height 8’, 6’ spread. Sun, partial shade, attracts wildlife. #5 24'' 30'' 3' 42''
EUONYMUS FORT. "Emerald Gaiety" (Variegated Silver Euonymus) Deep green leaves have a white margin which can develop a pink tinge for winter. Low upright spreading habit. It may climb vertically near a wall. Very good for adding brightness to a dark corner. Height 3’ with a 5’ spread. Sun, partial shade, attracts wildlife. #3 EUONYMUS FORT. "Roermertwo" (Gold Splash® Wintercreeper) Showy, big round green leaves with deep golden-yellow edges. Low spreading plant to 18”. Zone 5. Sun, partial shade. #3 FORSYTHIA OVATA "Sunrise" (Sunrise Forsythia) Flowers emerge before the leaves. This offers one of the first displays of spring. Rich dark green summer foliage, dense, rounded habit. 5’ high with a 5’ spread. Flowers are consistently bright yellow. Hardy to (-20 F). Fall color is bronze to purple. Sun, partial shade. 30'' 3' FOTHERGILLA GARDENII (Dwarf Fothergilla) Fragrant white flowers on terminal spikes. 1” in diameter and 2” long. Long lasting brilliant yelloworange to scarlet fall color. Will tolerate partial shade. Height 4’ with a 4’ spread. Sun, partial shade, fragrance. #5 HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS "Abetwo" (Incrediball® Smooth Hydrangea) Very large white flowers in summer, dark green foliage, on a rounded shrub 5 ft tall and 6 ft wide make a striking addition to any landscape. Flowers are held on sturdy stems to maximize presentation without flopping. Zone 3. Proven Winners Introduction. Sun, partial shade, attracts wildlife. #5 HAMAMELIS VERNALIS (Vernal Witch Hazel) Yellow to red flowers in late winter, shade tolerant. Upright rounded habit 10’ high by 10’ wide. Yellow fall color. Sun, partial shade. 3' 42'' 4' 5' 6'
HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA (Common Witch Hazel) Yellow flowers in late fall, grows well in shady locations. Fall color is a nice yellow. Height 15’ with a 15’ spread. Sun, partial shade. 3' 42'' 4' 5' 6'
HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS "Annabelle" (Annabelle Hydrangea) A superior cultivar with extremely large white flowers, toler-ates partial shade. Height 4’ with a 5’ spread. Very hardy. Sun, partial shade. HYDRANGEA MAC. "Bailmer" (Endless Summer® Bigleaf Hydrangea) A Hydrangea macrophylla that may bloom on first and second year wood. Large blue flower mops when grown in acidic soil. Clear pink flowers in alkaline soils. Height 3’ with a 3’ spread. Sun, partial shade. #5 Hydrangea macrophylla Bloomstruck (Endless Summer Bloomstruck) Flowers on old growth and puts out loads of blooms on new growth. More heat resistant leaves help prevent wilting in midday heat. Flowers in rosepink, violet or blue on upright ruby red stems. Height 3-4’ with a 4-5’ spread. Zone 4-9. HYDRANGEA PANICULATA "Grandiflora" (PeeGee Hydrangea) TREE FORM Very showy flowers in July and August. Large conical white flowers changing to pink-bronze in the fall. Grown in shrub or tree form. Height 8’ with 10’ spread. Zone 3. Proven Winners Introduction. Sun, Partial shade. Available in 4’ Tree Form #10
HYDRANGEA PANICULATA "Jane" (Little Lime™ Panicle Hydrangea) Dwarf form of Limelight Hydrangea. Mounded habit, 4’ height with 5 ft spread. Flowers open light green and change to pink and burgundy with the onset of fall. Zone 3. Sun, partial shade. #5
HYDRANGEA PANICULATA "Limelight" (Limelight® Panicle Hydrangea) Upright rounded habit with lime-green flowers in late summer provide an unusual flower effect. In fall these flowers range from pink, burgundy, to green HYDRANGEA PANICULATA "Bulk" (Quick Fire® Panicle Hydrangea) Very early to flower and flowers turn a deep pink. Upright rounded shrub reaching 6’ height with a 6’ spread. Zone 4. A Proven Winner introduction. Sun, partial "ABETWO" HYDRANGEA in color. Tolerates par-tial shade and reaches 8’ height, 7’ spread. Flowers on first year wood. Zone 3. Proven Winners Introduction. Sun, partial shade. #5 HYDRANGEA PANICULATA "Taediva"(Tardiva Panicle Hydrangea) TREE FORM shade. White flowers on 6” panicles appear in HYDRANGEA PANICULATA "DVPpink" (Pinky Winky™ Panicle Hydrangea) Upright rounded shrub with large 14” twotoned blooms. The petal count is nearly late August. Com-pact, spreading growth habit 8’ high with a 10’ width. Tolerates partial shade. Zone 3. Sun, partial shade. #5 Tree form 5' #10 double Pink Diamond; thus giving a fuller HYDRANGEA PANICULATA appearance. Height 6’ and a 6’ spread. Zone "Renhy" Vanilla Strawberry™ 4. Proven Winners Introduction. Sun, partial (Panicle Hydrangea)shade. #5 First Editions® introduction with flowers that open creamy vanilla-white, change to a soft pink, finish with a ripe straw-berry-red. 7’ high and 5’ wide. Sun, partial shade. #5
HYDRANGEA QUERCIFOLIA (Oak leaf Hydrangea) Exfoliating cinnamon brown bark, large white flowers in midsummer, and it’s oak leaf shape plus coarse texture make this an excellent three season accent plant. Burgundy red fall color. Height 4’ and 4’ wide. Sun, partial shade. #5 pot ITEA VIRG. "Sprich" (Little Henry® Virginia Sweetspire) Fragrant white flowers in June, compact growth habit reaches 2’ high with a 3’ spread. Prefers moist sites, shade tolerant. Brilliant red fall color. Sun, partial shade, attracts wildlife. #5 pot PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS "Donna May" (Little Devil™ Ninebark) Red-purple foliage on a low maintenance, compact plant. Perfect small garden shrub with upright rounded habit reaching 3-4 ft. Round button-like white-pink flowers. Sun. #5 PHYSOCARPUS OPULIFOLIUS "Seward" (Summer Wine® Common Ninebark) European introduction with attractive purple foliage. Ex-tremely hardy. Showy pinkishwhite flowers during midsummer. Height 6’ with upright rounded habit. Sun. #5 pot POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA "GOLDFINGER" (Goldfinger Potentilla) Medium sized, abundant golden yellow flowers, full sun. Trim for 2nd fall bloom. Excellent variety, appears to be improved form of Gold Drop. Height 3’ with similar spread. Sun. #5 pot RHUS AROMATICA "GRO-LOW" (Gro-Low Sumac) Low growing habit makes this plant ideal for mass plant-ings and dry banks to hold soil in place. Responds well to shearing. Orange to scarlet fall color. Height 2’ with 8’ spread. Sun. #3 pot RIBES ALPINUM (Alpine Currant) A good plant for small hedges. Tolerates shearing and shade. Height 5’ with a 5’ spread. Sun, partial shade. #5 pot RIBES ALPINUM "Green Mound" (Dwarf Alpine Currant) Grows wider than tall, good leaf retention. Makes a nice slow growing hedge and is shade tolerant. Height 2’ with a 3’ spread. Sun, partial shade. #3 pot SPIRAEA BETULIFOLIA "Tor" (Tor Birchleaf Spirea) White flower clusters in late spring on a compact, rounded plant, 2-3’ height with birch-like, bright green leaves. Exceptional purple fall coloring. Zone 3. Sun. #5 pot SPIRAEA X BUMALDA "Goldflame" (Goldflame Spirea) Multi-colored foliage of red, yellow, and orange add contrast to a dwarf shrub planting. Light red flowers in summer. Height 3’ with 4’ spread. Sun. #5 pot SPIRAEA X BUMALDA "NEON FLASH" (Neon Flash Spirea) Dark green leaves with bright reddish pink flowers. Rounded shrub reaching 3’. Burgundy fall color. Sun. #5 pot SPIRAEA JAPONICA "Goldmound" (Goldmound Spirea) Yellow leaves, pink flowers, on a low mounded shrub. Good for border, accent or low maintenance hedges. Height 2’ with a spread of 3’. Sun. #5 pot SPIRAEA JAPONICA "Little Princess" (Little Princess Spirea) Compact, low mounded plant with rosecolored flowers in summer. Fall color is dark red. Height 2’ with a spread of 3’ Sun. #5 pot SPIRAEA JAPONICA "Magic Carpet" (Magic Carpet Spirea) Compact habit, similar, but improved yellow foliage over "Goldflame" in summer. Deep pink flowers. Fall color is rich russet tones. Height 2’ with a 3’ spread. Best foliage color in full sun. #5 pot SYRINGA MEYERI (Meyer Lilac) Compact Korean Lilac with abundant fragrant flowers. Height 8’-10’. (Also listed as S. Palibiniana) Tree forms are grafted at 4-1/2’ and 5-1/2’ height. Sun, fragrance. #5 | #7 | 1.25'' | #15 Tree form
SYRINGA PATULA "Miss Kim" (Miss Kim Lilac) Hardy lilac from Korea. Compact dark green glossy leaves turn burgundy red in fall. Fragrant, single pale lilac flowers. Exceptional landscape plant. Height 10’. Sun, fragrance. #5 | 24'' | 30'' | 3' VIBURNUM DENTATUM "Christom" (Blue Muffin® Arrowwood Viburnum) Rounded shrub reaching 6’ height with 5’ spread. White flowers in spring followed by clusters of rich blue fruit. Yellow fall color, Zone 3 hardy. Good hedging and foundation plant. Proven Winners Color Choice introduction. Sun, Partial shade, attracts wildlife. #5 | 3' | 4' VIBURNUM DENTATUM "Morton" (Northern Burgundy® Arrowwood Viburnum) Upright-oval shrub with glossy green leaves which turn burgundy in the fall. Creamy white flowers in May. Blue-black fruit Aug. thru Oct. Uniform screening plant. (Formerly Viburnum pubescens). Height 10’ with an 8’ spread. A Chicagoland Grows introduction. Sun, partial shade, attracts wildlife. 30'' | 3' | 4' | 5' VIBURNUM X JUDDII (Judd Viburnum) Similar to Viburnum Carlesii but a more compact, rounded habit. Fragrant white flowers, burgundy-purple fall color. Hardier than V. carlesii. Height 5’ with a 4’ spread. Sun, partial shade, attracts wildlife. #5 pot WEIGELA FLORIDA "ELVERA" (Midnight Wine® Weigela) Rounded growth habit, 18-24” with similar spread, out-standing dark metallic burgundy foliage and deep pink flow-ers. Nice facer plant for your designs. Zone 4. Sun. #5 pot WEIGELA FLORIDA "MINUET" (Minuet Weigela) Compact, rounded growth habit. Ruby-red flowers with yellow throat. Very hardy dwarf cultivar. Height 3’ and 3’ spread. Sun. #5 pot WEIGELA FLORIDA "Bokrasopea" (Sonic Bloom™ Pink Weigela) Hot pink flowers open and change to a rich pink color in May. No pruning is needed to stimulate reblooms that can occur until frost. 4-5 ft height and width. Zone 4 hardy. Sun. #5 pot WEIGELA FLORIDA "Verweig" (Sonic Bloom™ Red Weigela) Abundant, deep red flowers in May with reblooms until frost. Pruning is not needed to stimulate reblooming. 4-5 height and width. Zone 4. Sun. #5 pot