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Metamorfosi della finestra: dalla sezione verticale al taglio orizzontale alla dissoluzione ! Sulla soglia _ Finestre In movimento | Una griglia per vedere ! Lʼarchitettura delle apparenze reali! Le forme della luce. Un abaco!

Contents! Cupole romane con luce zenitale! Coni, piramidi, cilindri e sfere! Sotto la luce delle stelle! The Pantheon as model of the sun! Daylight skies! Rays and cones! Light satins, Sun dyes! Lominous Screens! Wrappings of light! Walled light, sculted light! Vertical breachings! Double and triple ligth vaults! Museum: stage sets for objects! Cuttings and trimmings! Glass bodies on the roof! Ducts! Chimneys, collectors, snorkels and diving helmets! Superjoints! Overplanning roofs! Between supports: grids, basketry! Modules with zenithal light! Vessels, suns and moons!

Cupole romane con luce zenitale! 1.  2.  3.  4.

Bagni Palazzo di Diocleziano a Spalato! Bagni Termali a Alange, Mérida! Bagni Termali a Stabia, Pompei! Domus Aurea, Roma!

1.  Alcazar, Jerez de la Frontera! 2.  The Pantheon, Roma 118-125! 3.  The Pantheon, Roma 118-125!

1.  Bazar, Isfahan, Iran! 2.  Bazar, Isfahan, Iran! 3.  Bagni Palazzo di Diocleziano a Spalato!

1.  Scolo acque, Messico! 2.  Scolo acque, Pantheon, Roma!

Coni, piramidi, cilinfri e sfere! 1.  Team Disney Building, Orlando Florida, Arata Isozaki, 1990! 2.  Team Disney Building, Orlando Florida, Arata Isozaki, 1990!

1.  Chiea di S. Pierre, Firminy, Le Corbusier, 1964! 2.  Revigrés Building, Agueda, Portogallo, Alvaro Siza Vieira, 1993-199! 1.  Palazzo dellʼAssemblea, Chandigarh, Le Corbusier, 1953-61! 2.  Palazzo dellʼAssemblea, Chandigarh, Le Corbusier, 1953-61! 3.  Palazzo dellʼAssemblea, Chandigarh, Le Corbusier, 1953-61!

1.  Winton guest house, Wayzata Minnesota, Frank O. Gehry, 1983-1987!

Sotto la luce delle stelle! 1.  The Spiritual Pilgrim Discovering the Other World! 2.  Newtonʼs Cenotaph, Etienne-Louis Boullée, 1784! 3.  Temple de la Terre, Jean-Jacques Lequeu, 1794!

1.  Royal Baths, The Alhambra Granada, era of Yusuf I, 1333-1354! 2.  Royal Baths, The Alhambra Granada, era of Yusuf I, 1333-1354! 3.  Royal Baths, The Alhambra Granada, era of Yusuf I, 1333-1354!

1.  El Banuelo del Albaicin, Granada, XI sec d.C.! 2.  Arab Baths, Jaén, XI sec d.C.! 3.  Arab Baths, Palma de Mallorca, XII sec d.C.!

1.  Palau Guell, Barcelona, Antoni Gaudì, 1886-1888! 2.  Palau Guell, Barcelona, Antoni Gaudì, 1886-1888! 3.  Palau Guell, Barcelona, Antoni Gaudì, 1886-1888!

Sotto la luce delle stelle! 1.  El Pochito Church, Mexico, Francisco Antonio Guerrero y Torres, 1777-1791! 2.  Cathedral, Managua, Ricardo Legorreta 1991-1994! 3.  Cathedral, Managua, Ricardo Legorreta 1991-1994!

1.  Hall of the Abencerrajes, The Alhambra Granada, XIV sec d.C.! 2.  The Royal Panopticon of Science and Art, London, M. Clarke, 1854!

1.  Dyeworks, Yazd, ! 2.  Monohex, Richard Buckiminster Fuller, 1965! 3.  Refurbishment of Historical Buildings in Iran!

1.  Sant Jordi Sports Hall, Barcelona, Arata Isozaki, 1990! 2.  Sant Jordi Sports Hall, Barcelona, Arata Isozaki, 1990!

Sotto la luce delle stelle! 1.  Rehab Centre, Basel, Herzog & de Meuron, 1998-2000! 2.  Kiraly Baths, Budapest,1556-1578! 3.  Kiraly Baths, Budapest,1556-1578!

1.  Public Library (first scheme), Stockolm, Erik Gunnar Asplund, 1921! 2.  Williams Natatorium, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, 2000! 3.  Hotel Habana Libre, Havana, Welton Beckett, 1957!

1.  National Museum of Western Art Extension, Tokyo, Kunio Mayekawa, 1957-1959! 2.  University Library, Aveiro, Alvaro Siza Vieira, 1988-1994! 3.  University Library, Aveiro, Alvaro Siza Vieira, 1988-1994!

1.  Colander for Alessi, Richard Sapper, 1986! 2.  For candles stars! 3.  Max le Chinois Colander for Alessi, Philippe Stark, 1990! 4.  Ventilation Hoods, Borujerdi House, Kashan, Iran!

The Pantheon as model of the sun! 1.  The Pantheon, Roma 118-125! 2.  The Temple, Possagno, Treviso, Antonio Canova, 1819-1833!

1.  Walker Museum of Art, Brunwick, Maine, Charles F. McKim, 1891-1893! 2.  Saint Stephen Walbrook, London, Christopher Wren, 1678! 3.  Altes Museum, Berlin, Karl Friedrich Schinkel, 1824-1828!

1.  Breakfast Room, Sir John Soaneʼs Museum, Lincolnʼs Inn Fields, London, John Soane, 1810-1825! 2.  The Bank of England, London, John Soane, 1788-1833!

Daylight skies! 1.  Live Oak Friends Meeting house, Huston (Texas), James Turrel with Leslie Elkins,2002! 2.  Patio, Puebla (Mexico)! 3.  Hall of Industrial Arts at the Gothenburg Exhibition, Hakon Ahlberg,1923!

1.  Germa n Pavilion, Barcelona, Mies van de Rohe, 1929! 2.  Staircase, Es Tankò, Ibiza, JAMLET, 1993! 3.  Red Fort, Agra (India), 10° c.-1570!

1.  Temple of the Archduke Luis Salvador, Son Marroig (Mallorca), 1910! 2.  Ruins of the Convento do Carmo, Lisbon, 14° c.!

1.  Chapel, Mexico! 2.  Staircase, Casa Bofarull, Els Pallaresos (Tarragona), Josep Maria Jujol, 1914-1931! 3.  Newton Cenotaph, Ètienne-Louis Boullée, 1784!

Rays and cones! 1.  The Lightning Field, Nex Mexico, Walter de Maria, 1974-1977!

1.  On Earth! 2.  Cave, Formenterat!

1.  Project of tomb for Felipe IV, King of Spain, in Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome, Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1665 [Uffizi Gallery, Florence]! 2.  Cornaro Chapel Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome, Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1664-1652!

1.  St Peterʼs Rome!

1.  Grand Central Terminal, New York, Charles Reed and Allen Stem, 1903/ Whitney Warren and Charles D. Wetmore, 1913! 2.  The Dream of Jacobʼs Ladder, Hayley, 18° c.!

1.  Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth (Texas), Louis Khan, 1975! 2.  Koshino House, Ashiya, Tadao Ando, 1981-1984!

1.  Gipsoteca Canoviana (Canova Plaster Cast Gallery), Possagno (Treviso), Carlo Scarpa!

Light satins, Sun dyes! 1.  Temple of Romulus, Santi Cosma e Damiano!

Lominous Screens! 1.  Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale Univercity, New Haven (Cunnecticut), Gordon Bunshaft of SOM, 1963! 2.  Works on the Dome of the Cathedral, Cadìz! 3.  Office space, Rome!

1.  Patio awning, Architectʼs House, Seville, José Ramòn Sierra, 1989! 2.  Patio awning, Architectʼs House, Seville, José Ramòn Sierra, 1989! 3.  Washing line awning, Architectʼs House, Seville, Josè Ramon Sierra, 1989!

1.  Layers of shade, Architectʼs House, Seville, José Ramon Sierra, 1989! 2.  Restaurant patio, Pompei! 3.  Restaurant patio, Pompei!

1.  Project for covering the Colosseum, (Alabama, 1972)! 2.  Project for covering the Colosseum, (Alabama, 1972)! 3.  Awning, Bullring, Zaragoza, 1789, José Maria Valero and Rudolf Bergerman, Schleich und Partners, 1988!

Wrappings of light! 1.  Akari Light Sculptures, Isamu Noguchi, 1951! 2.  Sonora Lamp, Azulete Restaurant, Oscar Tusquets, 1985! 3.  Passiflora Lamp, Superstudio, 1969!

1.  Tulips, Gabriel Argy Rousseau, c. 1920! 2.  Blown glass lamp! 3.  Tulip, René Lalique, 1935!

1.  Rehab Centre, Basel, Herzog & de Meuron, 1998-2001! 2.  Palau de la Mùsica Catalana, Barcelona, Lluìs Domenènech i Montaner, 1905! 3.  Johnson Wax, Racine (Wisconsin), Frank Lloyd Wright, 1950-1959!

1.  National Stadium for the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing, Herzog &de Meuron, 2003! 2.  National Stadium for the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing, Herzog &de Meuron, 2003! 3.  Memorial to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs, New York, Louis I. Kahn, 1967-1969!

Walled light, sculted light! 1.  LʼHospitalet Church, Ibiza, JAMLET, 1984!

1.  La Cartuja (Carthusian Monastery), Seaville, José Ramon Sierra an Ricardo Sierra (refurbishment), 1992! 2.  Tunnel, Baluard de Ses Voltes, palma de Mallorca, JAMLET, 1991!

1.  Sanctuary of Montserrat, Montferri (Tarragona), Josep Maria Jujol, 1926-1930! 2.  Dominus Winery, Napa Valley (California), Herzog & de Meuron, 1995-1997!

1.  Monastery of la Tourrette, Eveux-sur-Arbresle (Lyons), Le corbusier, 1957-1960! 2.  Universidad Laboral (Technical College), Gijon, Luis Moya, 1945-1947!

Vertical breachings! Double and trple ligth vaults! 1.  Vuoksenniska Church, Imatra (Finland) Alvar Aalto, 1959!

1.  Competition Entry, Contemporary Art Museum, Helsinki, Alvaro Siza, 1982! 2.  Competition Entry, Contemporary Art Museum, Helsinki, Alvaro Siza, 1982! 3.  Sainte- Geneviève (Pantheon), Paris, JacquesGermain Soufflot, 1755-1791!

1.  Feast Hall, Palazzo Carignano, Turin, Guarino Guarini, 1679! 2.  Frauenkirche, Dresden, George Bahr, 1726-1743!

1.  Hydraulics Museum, Murcia, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, 1988! 2.  Chapel of St. Ignatius, Seattle, 1995-1997! 3.  Chapel of St. Ignatius, Seattle, 1995-1997!

Museum: stage sets for objects! 1.  Diorama, Pavilion of LʼEsprit Nouveau, Paris, Le Courbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, 1925. [Reconstructed in Bologna in 1977]!

1.  Rhinoceros and Elephant Pavilion, Regentʼs Park Zoo, London, Hugh Casson, 1962! 2.  Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, John Soane, 1812! 3.  Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, John Soane, 1812!

1.  Clore Gallery (now Tate Britain), London, James Stirling, Michael Wilford &Associates, 1980- 1986!

1.  Museum, Rovaniem (Finland), Juhani Pallasmaa, 1986! 2.  Audrey Jones Beck Building, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Texas), Rafael Moneo, 2000Audrey! 3.  Audrey Jones Beck Building, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Texas), Rafael Moneo, 2000Audrey!

Piecing, puncturings and cuttings! 1.  Soffit, Cinema at the Breda Pavilion, XXXI Milan International Fair, Milan, 1953! 2.  Concetto spaziale, La fine di Dio, Lucio Fontana 1964! 3.  Concetto spaziale, Lʼoro è bello come il sole, Lucio Fontana 1964!

1.  Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Herzog & de Meuron, 19999! 2.  Roof, Vapor Aymerich, Amat y Jover (former factory, now National Museum of Science and Technology), Terrassa (Bacelona)! 3.  Negre House, Sant Joan Despì (Barcelona), Josep Maria Jujol, 195-1926! 1.  Meridian Cathedral, Bologna, Giovanni Domenico Cassini, 1656! 2.  Aalto Studio, Munkkiniemi (Helsinki), Alvar Aalto, 1956! 3.  Crypt, Krak of the knights (Crusadersʼ Castle), Qalʼat al-Hisn (Syria)! 1.  Cooler, Manach Factory, Barcelona, Josep Maria Jujiol, 1911! 2.  Bou Inania Madrassa, Meknes (morocco), 1358!

Cuttings and trimmings! 1.  Prayer Hall, National Assembly Building, Dhaka (Bangladesh), Louis I. Khan, 1991! 2.  Roofscape, Assembly, Chandigerh (India), Le Courbusier, 1956!

1.  Jai Prakash Yantra, Observatories of Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, Jaipur (India), 1716! 2.  Artistʼs Studio, Spanish Academy, Rome! 3.  Villa Hvittrask (Helsinki), Gesellius, Lindegren and Saarinen, 1901-1903!

1.  Gipsoteca Canoviana (Canova Plaster Cast Gallery), Possagno (Treviso), Carlo Scarpa, 1955-1957!

1.  Forum Bath, Pompeii!

Galss bodies on the roof! 1.  Octillo Desert Compound and Studio, near Chandler (Arizona), Frank L. Wright, 1929! 2.  Cockpit, Pill Creek (Cornwall), Norman Foster with Team 4, 1964!

1.  Gehry House, Santa Monica (California), Frank O. Gary, 1979!

1.  Academic Bookshop, Helsinki, Alvar Aalto, 1969! 2.  Academic Bookshop, Helsinki, Alvar Aalto, 1969! 3.  Library, School of Architecture, Oporto, Alvaro Siza, 1887-1893!

1.  Roofscape, casa Bofarull, Els Pallararesos (tarragona), Josep Maria Jujol, 1914-1931! 2.  Barajas Airport New Terminal Building, Madrid, Richard Rogers and Estudio Lamela, 2004! 3.  Lamoriciere Ocean Liner [photograph published by Le Corbusier in Vers une Architecture, 1923]! 4.  Museum of contemporary Art, Hiroshima, Kisha Kurokawa, 1988!

Ducts! 1.  Monastery of la tourrette, Eveux sur lʼArbresle (Lyons), Le Courbusier, 1956-1959!

1.  Monastery of la tourrette, Eveux sur lʼArbresle (Lyons), Le Courbusier, 1956-1959! 2.  Monastery of la tourrette, Eveux sur lʼArbresle (Lyons), Le Courbusier, 1956-1959! 3.  Courtyard Chapel, Monastery of La tourette, Eveux sur lʼarbresle (Lyons), Le Courbusier, 1956-1959! 1.  Vicent Marì House, Ibiza, JAMLET,1994! 2.  Vicent Marì House, Ibiza, JAMLET,1994! 3.  Baluard de Ses Voltes, Palma de Mallorca, JAMET, 1986-1991!

1.  Pilar and Joan Mirò Foundation, Palma de Mallorca, Rafael Moneo, 1987-1992! 2.  Pilar and Joan Mirò Foundation, Palma de Mallorca, Rafael Moneo, 1987-1992! 3.  Public Square and Morgue, Leon, Jordi Badia and Josep Val, 2002!

1.  Wagner House, Los Angeles (California), Frank O. Gary, 1978! 2.  Frei Photographic Studio, Weil am Rhein Germany), Herzog & de Meuron, 1982!

1.  Pastor Van Ars Church, The Hague, Aldo van Eyck, 1969!

1.  Faculty of Jurnalism, Santiago de Compostela, Alvaro Siza, 1993-2000! 2.  Nyager Elementary School, Rodrove (Copenhaguen), Arne !

1.  Sendai Mediatheque, Sendai (Japan), Toyo Ito, 1995-2000! 2.  Kalkriese Archeological Museum Park, Kalkriese (Germany), Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer, 1998-2001!

Chimneys, collectors, snorkels and diving helmets! 1.  Roofscape, Uniré dʼHabitation, Marseilles, Le Courbusier, 1946,1952! 2.  Brick chimney pots in Pavia! 3.  Palau Guell, Barcelona, Antoni Gaudì 1886-1890! 1.  Towers, Nayin (Iran)! 2.  Towers, Yazd (Iran)!

1.  Madrassa, Kashan (Iran)! 2.  Rhinoceros and Elephant Pavilion, Regentʼs Park Zoo, London, Hugh Casson, 1962! 3.  The wheels of Heaven (Design for a Church), Driebergen (Holland), Aldo van Eyck, 1963-64!

30|N14.e Luce-Fnestra



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