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with June Rollins

Visit June’s website at: www.junerollins.com Everyday Fun

This time of year, Facebook posts abound with images of cruise ships, turquoise waters and tropical sunsets. Many of us are talking about where we’ve been, where we’re going, or where we want to go.

I remember my father saying my mother’s middle name was, “Let’s Go.” I think he, on the other hand, was a homebody. I take after him, preferring staycations over vacations. Then, there’s Rosie, our sweet Havanese. I wouldn’t want to leave her behind. Rob wouldn’t either.

Instead of taking on the task making travel plans and hoping the service is good and the lines aren’t long, we try to have something to look forward to every day. Having hobbies helps.

Rob’s a golfer and I’m an artist. Both provide hours of recreation and enjoyment. Plus, we can pace ourselves and take breaks. Essential at this stage of our lives.

Delighting in attracting a new songbird to the feeder, finding joy in planting a new perennial, or the sense of satisfaction of that comes from perfecting a painting technique are some of my everyday joys that keep me close to home.

I should also mention, we live in a scenic mountain setting that’s a destination for vacationers seeking gorgeous views, hiking, rafting and waterfalls. If I’m being totally honest, I guess we’re cheating. Here’s to summer fun at home and away!

Last spring I planted a honeysuckle vine beneath a metal arbor outside my studio window hoping for more inviting photos with birds. Great joy when I happened to look out and see this male yellow finch. My camera was already on the positioned tripod. I only had a few seconds before he flew away.

A morning out to a friend’s house to photograph her neighbor’s chickens was a recent trip. I came back with 145 photos and a closeup view into the world of hens and chicks. This mother hen was teaching her chicks how to find food by scratching up straw. It was great fun to watch all her chicks gather round.

My interpretation in oils of the view from our deck. Each morning and evening there’s a different show.

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