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Garden Sounds & Sights of Autumn

As Autumn Approaches


Delores Kincer & Judy Mitchell

The sounds and sights of summer are fading into memories as fall approaches. Autumn reminds me of a warm, inviting, cozy room of a home where love lives. And I don’t know about you, but I am more than ready for some cooler temperatures. To go with those cooler temps comes all my favorite things. Like, fuzzy socks, and oversized hoodies. The sound of falling leaves rustling on the wind, and bonfires with s’mores. Oh, and the smell of fresh apple pie straight from the oven.

What would fall be without the sight of pumpkins, corn stalks and of course fall mums. Garden mums are the variety that is typically seen in the fall at nurseries and garden centers. Under the right circumstances they can be a perennial. That is if you actually plant them in the ground rather than leave them in the pot till the ground cools. You could make a mum bed and add your pumpkins and cornstalks to it in the fall. With any luck you would have a fresh mum bed in the spring. Provided that the winter is not too tough.

Let’s not forget the ‘faces’ of fall. Pansies are another autumnal favorite. These beautiful little babies will last through the fall AND the entire winter. They can withstand freezing temps without damage. In fact, pansies that are planted in the fall look superb in the spring. You can enjoy their bright happy colors and bring some joy into the drabness of winter. Who doesn’t love a little pansy face staring up at the sun, or peeking through the snow?

While we are on the subject of autumn beauty, have you ever noticed the morning dew on pink muhly grass? In the morning light of the season, it is magical. You almost expect to see fairies and pixie dust. The lighting that autumn provides is unmatched by any other season. No matter what choices you make for autumn plantings, the light is sure to make everything even more beautiful.

Now let’s talk about the things you need to plant. Autumn ushers in a whole new planting season. Whether it is cool season veggies, such as kale, broccoli and lettuces. Or trees and shrubs for spring blooms. Planting in the fall will usually give you beautiful new growth and blooms in the spring. Until then though, grab a cup of hot cocoa and get out on the porch in your fuzzy socks and hoodie, oh, and pants please don’t forget the pants! Take a look around. Make note of the way the sunlight lays so gently upon the surface of everything that is nature. Autumn is short, so soak it up while it’s here. Make some s’mores and gather friends and family by the fire pit. But most of all make some memories. HAPPY GARDENING!


Over 100,000 Pansies and Violas Shrubs,Trees & Fall Vegetable Plants


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