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MeMbers:  Pilar Colin Sandoval  Karla Liliana Chimal Maldonado  Jaime Mario Cortes Vilchis  Guadalupe Gonzales Gonzales  Yosef Yael Vieyra Monroy

21st century: the century of collective intelligence In the 21st century, with the emergence of the Internet, knowledge begins to be more distributed. Companies are becoming aware that not all talent is within their organizations.

In order to be able to innovate, in the 20th century, large laboratories and research centers were created, where R & D was carried out in a tight manner and with great secrecy. This was the case of the Xerox PARC laboratories or the IBM R & D centers.

According to Henry Chesbrough en (2003), “the panorama in the 21st century has changed and starts talking about "Open Innovation".

Art in the 21st century The development of technology has changed the way people relate to culture, and has broken barriers that seemed unbreakable.

In the field of culture, not only is the way in which art is made changing, but it is also making it available to all people to be creatively appropriated.

"Most museums require you to look but do not touch," said scientist Rodolfo LlinĂĄs during a conference on the brain in the Parque Explora in MedellĂ­n, which, on the contrary, is "look and touch"; look and explore because it belongs to you. " Indeed, with touch screens, iPads, interactive games and 3D videos museums such as the Explora Park and the Water Museum in Medellin, the Caribbean Museum in Barranquilla and the Museum of Independence in Bogota are turning the visitor into an actor and explorer. Far has been the mere observer who contemplates the paintings and objects maintaining an insurmountable distance despite the proximity.

it wAs the 21st century The debate about when the next millennium begins, whether in the year 2000 or in 2001, is still the subject of heated discussions, but whatever our opinion may be, many of us are looking at what the future holds for us from Year 2000. Reflecting on it is a useful exercise, because it often translates into a recount of what we want and this is always the first step in building a better world. The future is unpredictable, which does not prevent us from being able to imagine it. This is precisely what you see? asked 130 high school students, through a survey, in order to know what they expect from various fields of science and technology in the next 20 years. From the answers we chose those in which most of the young people surveyed agreed and we handed them out to specialists in each field to comment on them. The result is what we present today in these pages: a collective exercise of imagining the future. To complete the panorama of what may come in the following years, we offer our readers an article on the opinion of one of the most outstanding

scientists and contemporary disseminators: Freeman Dyson, who has systematically devoted himself to analyzing what can be determinant for the future development of science and technology.

huMAns in DArk tiMes What does it mean to be human in the 21st century?

From “I Walk Alone,” Gottfried Helnwein (2003) Writing in the late 1960s, Hannah Arendt conjured the term “dark times” to address the legacies of war and human suffering.

Arendt was not simply concerned with mapping out the totalitarian conditions into which humanity had descended. She was also acutely aware of the importance of individuals who challenge with integrity the abuses of power in all their oppressive forms. Countering violence, she understood, demands sustained intellectual engagement: We are all watchpersons, guided by the lessons and cautions of centuries of unnecessary devastation. Over the past year, we have engaged in a series of discussions with prominent and committed intellectuals who are all concerned in various ways with developing a critique of violence adequate to our times. Sadly, many of the warnings offered have become more pressing than ever. Across the world, it is possible to witness the liberation of prejudice, galvanized by the emergence of a politics of hate and division that plays directly into the everyday fears of those seduced by new forms of fascism.

unDerstAnDing love in the 21st century The 21st century will surprise us with extraordinary advances in the knowledge of the brain. It will be an authentic scientific revolution comparable to the dazzling first half of the twentieth century that, apart from opening the most intimate secrets of the physics of matter, induced formidable technological developments and subsequently the economic transformations that we all know.

In the XXI we will understand the brain better. We will better understand the nature of brain events, and in particular the mechanisms linked to emotions, affections, motivations, linguistic structures, freedom. Eternal controversies on philosophical and religious questions will be reduced to mere flatus vocis. Old ideas will have to be reformulated in a new light. And they will derive from these new knowledge very practical results. New therapies, new legal theories, new pedagogies and new learning systems will appear. In addition, we will integrate symbiotes as electronic systems that will be extensions of human abilities.

Psychoactive drugs may help fight depression

“One study suggests that psilocybin may help relieve the symptoms of depression and combat the side effects of antidepressants. The Imperial College of London has conducted a study in which suggests that psychedelics, such as magic mushrooms or also known as hallucinogens, could be the key to combat some of these effects, reviving brain activity and reconnecting patients with their emotions . This claim is because some previous research has shown that the active compound found in these mushrooms, psilocybin, can help alleviate symptoms in patients with persistent depression by reestablishing, in some sense, brain activity.” Montoya, M. (2017). Psychoactive drugs may help fight depression. Junio 18, 2018, de muy interesante Sitio web: To begin in this article we are mentioned about the use of hallucinogens to fight depression in people, persistent depressive disorder (PDD) is a continuous type of depression in which a person's moods are regularly low. For people suffering from this chronic depression, the ability to grasp, recognize and respond to emotional cues, such as facial expression, can be altered, causing the brain to become hypersensitive to negative stimuli. I think that this may work, replace the intake of antidepressants because these may serve their purpose to combat the symptoms of depression, but at the same time makes people insensitive. Although I believe that the active compound of the hallucinogens to produce an effect similar to that of antidepressants could generate an addiction in the patient, well that seeing it from the good point of view. The scientists who were in charge of this research found that after treatment with the active compound called psilocybin, patients with depression who did not respond to conventional treatments showed improvements in their mood and symptoms. However, a response with increased brain activity was also observed in an area called the amygdala, the almond-shaped brain region involved in the processing of emotions and which plays an important role in depression. So I think that this as everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

DO FETUSES FEEL PAIN? “This is one of the most controversial issues of current bioethics, since it is used as a weapon thrown between defenders and detractors of abortion, and is a matter of debate in fetal surgery on the use or not of analgesics. Recent research suggests that fetuses lack neuronal circuitry to feel pain until at least 29 weeks of gestation. Although your thalamus-a brain sensory center-receives pain signals, they are not interpreted as such. And a New Zealand study published a few months ago indicates that the pregnant woman remains the whole pregnancy in a state of unconsciousness, something like in a deep sleep in which she cannot feel the pain.” (2017). Do fetuses

feel pain? Junio 18,2018, de muy interesante Sitio


I believe that this is one of the most controversial dilemmas of today because if we see in social networks there is a conflict for this reason, many agree with the abortion since they say that the fetuses the first weeks of gestation do not feel pain some, they cannot even be considered living beings the first weeks, but some others say that the fetus is already life from the moment of conception. My opinion is that as the article says, the fetus does not feel pain during the first 29 weeks of gestation, and I think that it could not put a stance against legal abortion since that does not mean that women are forced to abort, simply that be safe for women who decide to do so, but I do not agree that "feminist" women who believe that because abortion is legal can abort as many times as they want. In general I do not consider abortion as something good; it is something that I honestly would not do, because we are fortunate to be able to create life. I think it would be a corrector to educate more girls about the health of girls between 14 and 17 years old who, as you already know, are the main ones in aborting, but education well without any taboos, or anything. To create awareness in people that killing a living being that may not even feel pain is wrong.

is it true thAt Alcohol Destroys neurons? “Alcohol damages almost all the vital organs of our body. But just to put aside this urban legend, alcohol has not killed or killed neurons. Alcohol affects rather the neuronal connections of the cerebellum, an area on which learning and motor coordination depend. But, as can be seen in the autopsies, the brains of abstainers and those addicted to the bottle have the same number of neurons. It's your quality, not the quantity, what you suffer with the drunkenness.â€? Romero, S. (2017). ÂżEs verdad que el alcohol destruye las neuronas? Junio 18, 2018, de muy interesante Sitio web: I believe that alcohol as everything is harmful to health if it is consumed in excess, since as we mark the author in the article alcohol affects all organs of the body, in general is harmful. But as I read in the article is a myth that alcohol kills our neurons and with this I do not mean that I approve the fact of consuming it in excess or encouraging its consumption. When alcohol reaches the brain, it deactivates function by damaging the connective tissue at the end of neurons. This interrupts the communication between the neurons and makes it more difficult for an individual to concentrate or complete minor tasks. However, our bodies are incredibly resilient and for the most part 'forgive' the works of nature. This cellular disturbance induced by alcohol causes less damage and definitely does not result in the death of the neuron. Now, although alcohol does not kill neurons, because to kill any type of cell, we need very high concentrations of alcohol - close to 100% -, and we begin to get drunk from a blood level of 0.1%, yes Kills

millions of people every year. Hence, we ask that this article not be seen as an excuse to drink excessively. Like everything in this life, the important thing is moderation. Alcohol consumption alters the structure and function of neurons in an area of the brain called the dorsal medial striatum, a region of the brain that drives targeted behaviors, and alcohol results in "persistent alterations of neuronal morphology" in this zone.

DO YOU THINK WE HAVE GONE TOO FAR IN GIVING OUR PRIVACY TO SOCIAL NETWORKS? “Las redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter o Instagram se han convertido en una parte importante de las vidas de muchas personas en todo el mundo. Facebook supera los 2.000 millones de usuarios, otros 500 millones cuelgan fotos a diario en Instagram y 300 millones se comunican vía Twitter. Diversos estudios llevados a cabo en los últimos años han investigado la relación entre el uso y abuso de estas redes con las tendencias narcisistas, y los resultados son contradictorios. Algunos de ellos encuentran efectos positivos y otros resaltan los aspectos negativos.” Otero, L.. (2017). ¿Crees que hemos ido demasiado lejos al ceder nuestra intimidad a las redes sociales?. Junio 18, 2018, de muy interesante Sitio web: Like it or not, the reality is this: technology companies control our lives and trade with our data. And as I said everything in excess is bad, I think that social networks may be now an important means of communication, more for young people who spend most of their time in social networks. But what's wrong with this? Some people take this very seriously and literally share their whole lives, from what they do in the morning when getting up to what they do before going to sleep, they share very private information such as the place where they live or study, to some People like to publish the place where they are at the moment. And this puts many people at risk, makes them more vulnerable to bad people, for example girls of 12 or even 11 who use social networks and are exposed to too many risks, are innocent, believe that everything they see on social networks is Real, but the reality is that there are thousands of pedophiles, dealers or bad people willing to hurt people, any person. That is why I believe that we should use social networks with moderation without sharing so much personal information about us.

READING A LOT ON THE MOBILE INCREASES VISION PROBLEMS “An investigation by the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) shows that spending a considerable period of time reading on a mobile phone or a tablet increases 9 out of 10 more frequent visual and ocular symptoms, such as blurred vision or dry eye.

"Prolonged reading on a smartphone can cause more visual symptoms than reading on paper under the same conditions as letter size, reading distance, or ambient lighting," explains Beatriz Antona, co-author of the paper. The small size of the screen and the letter on a mobile phone allows users to hold the phone at a lower reading distance and this leads to an increase in the demands for accommodation and vergences on the visual system in order to correctly focus on the text ', concludes Antona.” Romero, S.. (2018). Leer mucho en el móvil aumenta los problemas de visión. Junio 18, 2018, de muy interesante Sitio web: I am in favor of using these devices, but you have to try to use them in the best possible conditions. Especially with the correct ambient lighting and a screen brightness not too high, and make the appropriate breaks, adopt a correct position and angle of inclination and attend eye checks punctually. In this way and with good visual health, the visual system can respond much better to technological demands without suffering the most frequent bothersome symptoms. Some serious consequences could be: REMOVE THE DREAM: The light emitted by your cell prevents the production of melanonin, the famous hormone that helps regulate sleep and rest. STRESS INCREASES: The constant use of the cell phone at any time, but especially at night, increases stress levels. UP OF WEIGHT: the light of the cell phone at night causes an imbalance in the appetite. DAMAGE TO THE SIGHT The light emitted by laptops and cell phones damaged the eyes after being exposed to them for 72 hours.

FEMINISM IN THE 21ST CENTURY The feminist movement has been one of the most significant historical manifestations by women to achieve their rights. One of the most important axes has been the right to vote, that is, female suffrage.

Even in the century we are in, in the 21st century, and specifically in our country, there is still a lot of ignorance regarding this term and its meaning, since many confuse what this movement really is and why it is so. Feminism has been represented and continues to be represented as an egalitarian movement. The label "I am a feminist" continues to be prejudiced by hundreds of people.

Feminism is a social movement that demands equal rights for women in relation to men. The word comes from the Latin femÄ­na, which means 'woman', and is composed with the suffix "-ismo", which denotes 'doctrine' or 'movement'. Feminism, currently, is constituted as a current of thought that brings together a set of movements and ideologies, both political and cultural and economic, with the fundamental objective of achieving gender equality and the transformation of power relations between men and women . From my point of view, I support feminism in a certain way because it is good that they want to be equal to men, but nowadays the women who make the movements do unnecessary and exaggerated things like undressing or attacking men, also for that reason society thinks badly of feminism and believes that women want to feel superior to men.

Poverty in the world, a global problem As a result of the celebration of World Food Day (October 16) and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17) I wanted to tell you these points to see if with real data we can open our eyes and increase a little awareness of the progress made and the challenges that still exist to eradicate extreme poverty on a planet where we produce food for many more inhabitants than the existing ones. Therefore it is not a matter of lack of resources but of how they are being distributed. Here are some important figures to take into account: Planet Earth receives around 6,400 million people, of which, a sixth, that is 1,020 million, go hungry today, according to reports of the United Nations Organization for the Agriculture and Food (FAO) for this year.

That more than 1.300 million people live approximately with less than 1 dollar a day tells us everything, that means about 30 dollars a month, while there are those who earn 10,000 euros a month. The difference is abysmal, the world is not well distributed at all, and it is necessary to do something to change it. If you do not act with force, the Millennium goal of ending hunger in the world and extreme poverty, proposed by the United Nations, is far from being fulfilled.

So in other countries such as Mexico poverty is something that can not be ignored, because even in our country the minimum wage is 80 pesos a day, that is to say that does not reach that money at all

WHY DO TEENAGERS COMMIT SUICIDE? Suicide among teens has had a dramatic increase recently across the nation. Each year thousands of teenagers commit suicide in the United States. Suicide is the third most frequent cause of death for young people between 15 and 24 years of age, and the sixth cause of death for those between 5 and 14 years old.

Adolescents experience strong feelings of stress, confusion, self-doubt, pressure to achieve success, financial uncertainty and other fears as they grow up. For some teenagers, divorce, forming a new family with step-parents and stepsiblings, or moving to other new communities can disturb them and intensify selfdoubt. For some adolescents, suicide appears to be a solution to their problems and stress. Depression and suicidal tendencies are the symptoms that can be treated. The presence of these conditions in children and adolescents must be recognized and diagnosed and an appropriate treatment plan must be developed. When there is doubt in the parents that the child or youth may have a serious problem, a psychiatric exam can be of great help. Many of the symptoms of suicidal tendencies are similar to those of depression. Parents should be alert for signs that may indicate that the adolescent is contemplating suicide:      

Changes in sleeping and eating habits Withdrawal of friends, family or usual activities Violent acts, rebellious behavior or running away from home Use of drugs or alcoholic beverages Unusual abandonment in his personal appearance Pronounced changes in his personality

If the child or adolescent says I want to kill myself or I'm going to commit suicide, take it very seriously and take it immediately to a trained mental health professional.

SECURITY IN MEXICO, IS IT GOOD OR BAD? Insecurity is one of the great problems of Mexico. It manifests itself in two forms: the insecurity experienced by the population, affected by the increase in crime, and the rise of drug trafficking, which is explained by the incorporation of Mexico to the route of cocaine from Colombia bound for the United States. This is manifested daily in a growing violence, concentrated in the clashes between criminal organizations and between these and the security forces. The article argues that, although Mexico can not be referred to as a "failed state", security,

intelligence and justice structures are overwhelmed and corrupted, and its reform must be addressed soon if the problem is to be addressed. In June of 2017, 74.9 percent of Mexicans said they lived in an unsafe city. The trend has increased since 2013, when the national average was 68 percent. This means that the conditions of insecurity in the country have worsened. A sample of this increase can be seen in the perception of the inhabitants of three of the most populated municipalities in Mexico: in Ecatepec 94.6 percent feel insecure, in Toluca 83.0 and in Nezahualcรณyotl 73.2. When asked where he feels unsafe: 81.3 percent of respondents mentioned that there is a risk of being a victim of a crime in ATMs located on public roads 73.7 on public transport, 68.1 at banks, 66.1 at the street, 60.1 on the market, 58.0 on the highway, 53.8 on recreational parks, 43.5 on the car, 43.1 on the shopping centers, 38.7 on the job, 29.9 percent on the house and 25.6 on the school. These and other examples are those that say how serious is the insecurity in Mexico, and if we do not do something to remedy it, in the future organized crime will win and the entire Mexican Republic will be under corruption and crime.

Why do young people consume alcohol? It is very important that people know about the reasons why young people consume alcohol, but parents, so that they understand these reasons and talk with their children about the dangers of drinking and using drugs. 1. Other people - Teens see many people using various substances. They see their parents and other adults consuming alcohol, smoking and, sometimes, abusing other substances. In addition, often the social scene of adolescents revolves around drinking and smoking marijuana. Some of the friends push each other to try drinks or smoke something, but it is equally common for teens to start using some substance because it is readily available, and they see all their friends enjoying it. In their minds, they see the use of drugs as a normal part of the experience of being a teenager. 2. Popular media - Forty-seven percent of teens agreed that movies and television shows make it look like it's okay to use drugs, according to a study that was conducted in 2011. 3. Escape and Self-Medication - When adolescents feel unhappy and can not find a healthy outlet for their frustrations or a trusted person to talk to, they can turn to chemicals for comfort. Depending on what they use, they may feel happily unconscious, wonderfully happy or full of energy and confidence.

4. Rebellion - Different rebellious adolescents choose to use different substances based on their personalities. Alcohol is the drug of choice for the adolescent who feels anger, because it frees him to behave aggressively. Methamphetamine also encourages aggressive, violent behavior, and can be much more dangerous and potent than alcohol. Marijuana, on the other hand, often seems to reduce aggression and is more of an escape drug. 5. Lack of confidence - Many shy adolescents who lack confidence indicate that while under the influence of drugs or alcohol they do things that they would not otherwise dare to do. This is part of the appeal of drugs and alcohol even for adolescents who have confidence in themselves; it gives them the courage to stop dancing even if they are not good dancers, or to sing full-throated although their voice is terrible, or to dare to kiss the girl they like. 6. Misinformation - Perhaps the most likely cause of substance abuse is incorrect information about drugs and alcohol. Almost all adolescents have friends who claim to be experts in various recreational substances, and who can assure them that the risks are minimal. Educate your teen about the use of drugs so that they know the real facts about the dangers of drug use.

World Economy in the Twentieth Century The European population in the nineteenth century suffered a considerable increase (more than 50 percent), but this growth was not accompanied in the rest of the planet; where the growth did not exceed 20 percent. The main reason for this increase was the significant decrease in the mortality rate, especially in children. One of the consequences of this decrease in mortality was the progressive increase in the life expectancy rate (average of years that those born in a given year will live). At the beginning of this century, the United States was below 50 years of age, while by mid-century, both the United States and the rest of the Western nations had surpassed 60 years. The urbanization, which had had a spectacular development in the nineteenth century, increased in greater proportion in the twentieth. The big cities, especially in the industrialized nations, will become important centers of wealth and culture. In the Third World, however, the situation is different, since a large part of its population is made up of peasant immigrants who have occupied the outskirts and suburbs of the city. This growth is typical of the main cities of Latin America. The origin of immigrants in the twentieth century has not changed with respect to past centuries. The migratory movements reached their highest level in the years prior to the First World War, being Europe, mainly the one that provided the largest number of people, who mostly went to the United States. The warlike conflict, together with the adoption by the United States of an anti-immigration policy, stopped this current. In recent years, most of them correspond to Asian refugees, especially Vietnamese and Latin American refugees (Mexicans or wet backs).

Europe, although to a lesser extent than North America, also received immigrants throughout the 20th century. After the overthrow of the tsars, a large part of the Russian nobility and sympathizers of the dethroned dynasty sought refuge in republican France. World War II accelerated this process and resulted in millions of people who suffered the consequences of the war changing their place of residence. Many of these refugees went to the Federal Republic of Germany, whose economic effort thanked the massive arrival of workers, since the demand for labor was higher than the supply. Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, Yugoslav emigrants, among others, supplied this shortage.

THE RESOURCES Resources are means or help that are used to achieve an end or satisfy a need. Also, it can be understood as a set of elements available to solve a need or carry out a company such as: natural, human, forestry, among others.

For example, natural resources are those goods that can be obtained from nature without the intervention of the hand of man. These have a positive influence on the economy by helping their development and meeting the needs of the population.

The spectacular growth of the European population during the twentieth century led to a demand for global resources as had not been known until then, responded positively by the world economy. Technological advances and their practical application were largely to blame for this.

The most important change of the twentieth century is related to energy sources. Coal, essential for the nineteenth century, was replaced by other forms of energy, especially natural gas and oil, whose production and diffusion have spread at great speed throughout the planet, becoming the most used energy resources

The technology Technology is the set of knowledge with which man develops a better environment, healthier, more pleasant and convenient for the optimization of life. The technology combines the technique of improving a space with the revolutions that have arisen in recent centuries, specifically speaking of the industrial revolution, in it, was marked before and after technology, work by

hand became a job In series produced by a machine a steam base with which moved in a type of tool and transport belt in it, as well as a raw material in greater quantity, better budget and excellent quality.

The technological advances that contributed to the diffusion of industrialization, at the beginning of the 19th century, continued to play an important role during the 20th century: through its application to transport and communications, the form and speed of travel along the planet, and the possibility of communicating between the farthest points of the Earth; an unthinkable possibility at the end of the 19th century. These technological advances propitiated an authentic industrial revolution with the appearance of assembly lines that, applied to the industries, produced a considerable increase in the production of goods (automobiles, airplanes ...). The development of the sciences was able to realize what seemed to be unrealizable dreams of Jules Verne: in 1969 man made his first trip to the Moon, while, thanks to the technical development of the media, could be seen by millions of people. In conclusion, Technology is the science with which man studies, analyzes, repairs and considers the best alternatives to be able to have a fuller, safer, quieter and more real life, which is moving, in innovation, in complete evolution and revolutionizing the different industries of life, such as those complicated in engineering, information technology, communication and health, already in the field of medicine achievements to save lives.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS It deals with the relations between States, societies and international organizations, from a political, historical and legal perspective. For this, he has the knowledge of: International Politics, International Law, international agreements, the structure and functioning of the main international organizations, the State and its administration, and international social relations. Focus on topics such as: 

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The problems derived from international politics The phenomenon of globalization and its impact on internal economic development. The recent global interdependence and its political, economic and social consequences for the country.

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The international treaties. Financial, academic, cultural, economic and commercial relations of the country abroad.

The institutional structure of the economic world was not alien to the aforementioned changes, so that its transformation turned it into something completely different from what it was at the beginning of the century. Europe and the United States had control of the economic world. At the height of the first quarter of the century, this situation had undergone some change, motivated by the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution. Several of the most important European states disappeared. Russian imperialism was replaced by the Soviet Union, which introduced a new economic model: imperative planning. The Austro-Hungarian Empire was replaced by a series of states, in which ethnic and nationalist conflicts will soon begin. However, the most important economic consequences took place at points far from Europe. Japan, which had initiated an expansionist policy, became an economic power, while the United States increased its influence in world trade, surpassing Europe itself. The Second World War was the consolidation of the United States as a world economic power, while began a political-economic confrontation between the capitalist system and the communist system, represented by the United States and the USSR, as a result of which the division between capitalist countries, protected by the United States, and communist countries, under Soviet auspices

GAY MARRIAGE Many adults fall in love, form a couple and want to spend their lives together. Marriage is a way of doing it. The couple mutually agrees to live together and raise a family. They promise each other to take care of each other and their children. To be able to get married in an official way, a couple must go to a local government office and ask for a marriage certificate. A marriage certificate is a document stating that a couple is legally married. A homosexual person is someone who is attracted to people of the same sex or gender. Sex or gender is what indicates if you are a boy or a girl. A gay, or gay man, is attracted and may have romantic feelings towards another man. A homosexual woman (or lesbian) is attracted and may have romantic feelings towards another woman. Since the word "gay" comes from English and the influences between languages are complicated, sometimes this word is used in Spanish to refer to homosexuals of both sexes (both men and women). That's why, when a couple of men or a couple of women marry, people call it "marriage between people of the same sex" or "gay marriage". For a long time, couples made up of two men or two women were not allowed to obtain marriage certificates. Anyway, yes they could celebrate weddings, live together as a couple and raise children. But they could not get marriage certificates to prove they were married from the official point of view. The fact of not having a marriage certificate put a lot of difficult things for homosexual couples. In some places, homosexual couples could not adopt children or be foster parents. If they had a baby, the government would not accept the two adults as dads or official moms.

In 2004, Massachusetts was the first state in the United States. that allowed two men or two women to get marriage certificates. After this, other states began giving marriage certificates to same-sex couples. But there were still many states that did not allow homosexual couples to marry at the official level. And personally it is unfair that they do not allow a legal gay marriage because homosexual people have the same rights and privileges as any heterosexual person, you do not have to discriminate according to their tastes


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