Yagmur Gokce Interaction Design Portfolio

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YAĞMUR GÖKÇE Interaction Design Portfolio 2019

SKILLS DESIGN Illustrator | Photoshop | Premiere | Indesign | XD | Sketch | Invision | Arduino | MAX/MSP | Rhinoceros

RESEARCH Design through Research | Critical thinking | Design for Emotions | Thing Centered Methods | Social Design

hello! this is yağmur I am a f inal year Design for Interaction master student f rom TU Delft. I am triggered by how design thinking and doing can help us to tackle wicked problems. I am passionate for understanding relationships of today’s world and creating solutions through social lenses.

PERSONAL Team work | Active listening | Empathy | Hand sketching | Clay making | Watercolor drawing

CONTACT Yağmur Gökçe me.yagmurgokce@gmail.com +31645644980

EXPERIENCE May 2018 - Jan 2019


TU Delft | Social Design Researcher

Together with Nynke Tromp, we worked on defining social design and its practices. Our aim was to operationalise social design practices. We plan to share our learnings through a paper.

Nov 2016 - Jan 2018

| Happern | Interaction Designer & Researcher

Happern is an interaction design research group located in Koç University. I worked on projects like VR Applications in Clinical Psychology and Mediated Emotionscape as a researcher and concept designer. The latter had a specific meaning for me since it was an extention of my Emotionscape project. We further presented our design on VRST ‘17 and CHI ’18.

Jun 2015 - Aug 2015



| Creative Department Intern

I did a summer internship in the creative department of Y&R Istanbul. I was specifically working in between strategic designers and graphic designers. We developed advertisement campaign plans and content for Arçelik, Barilla and Teremyağ during this 3 months.



2017 - present |

English | Bilingual prof iciency French | Conversational fluency Turkish | Native

Delft University of Technology

Design for Interaction (MSc)

2013 - 2017


Koç University

Media and Visual Arts (BA) Business Administration (BA) double major 3.48/4 Graduated with Vehbi Koç Scholars

2016 Spring


Exchange student

The University of Hong Kong


Design for Wellbeing

Public Space Design

Talking Package


Design for Community Building Chair Choir

Design for Emotions Emotionscapes

Public Space Design NS Alarm & Information Pole

TALKING PACKAGE 2019 This is a project for Naasten in Beeld, an organisation that supports care givers and families in which one member is sick. Together with Sieb Posthuma, Karin Tetteroo we created the talking package for partners in which mainly played the role of concept and visual designer.

card set

exercise set

Naasten in Beeld is an organisation that develops solutions for families from whom one member is or used to be ill, usually diagnosed with a hearth disease. They aim to support the ones who are dealing with a loved one's illness through providing information and variety of tools. In this project, we collaborated with Naasten in Beeld in order to develop a conversation tool that would support partners, whom one is diagnosed with a disease, through enabling them to talk about the effect of the illness on their lives and relationship. Through applying contextmapping as a research tool, we came up with the talking package composed of an exercise and a card set as well as the webpage design.

Muzus took the responsibility to further develop the concept and implement it for Naasten in Beeld. At the end, Muzus launched our talking package, on Valentines Day to families and care takers.


OUTDOME 2018 “How would it be like to design for a lifestyle?� This was the initial question that we were investigating for the class Lifestyle Research and Design. At the end, outdoor people, the ones who spend their free time in nature, the ones who love hiking, wild walks and camps became my lifestyle.


Interviews In order to understand the outdoor way of living, interviews are conducted with outdoor vagabonds. In addition to these interviews, photos from their journeys are also collected to get inspiration from. One of the most dominant findings of the interviews turns out to be the motive of going nature for feeling secure.

Ideation The first occuring ideas are sketched and later the most interesting one was further developed. That came with the question of “what would happen if we manage to create a secure bubble of nature?�

Conceptualisation The idea of being secure through nature is transformed into a public space. “What if there were randomly placed hubs that you can enter and relax while you are in a chaos?

Final Design

Inspired from the experiences and lifestyle of outdoor vagabonds, OutDome aims to transmit the feeling of being in nature in crowded public places. In that sense OutDome becomes a shared space both for outdoor vagabonds and others.

It hangs from the ceiling, suspending over people that are waiting for their plane, train, bus. The OutDome could also be placed hanging over moving floors in airports to create a green tunnel. With its hexagonal patterns, it resembles bee hives which refers back to nature.

Detailing & Prototyping

1/5 scale model is made to illustrate the feeling of Outdome.

CHAIR CHOIR 2018 It all started by asking “How would the future of Rotterdam look like?� Through creating future scenarios, and weekly iterations, we created a community building tool for the future skyscrapers of Rotterdam. Together with Haoyung Chang, Mark Janssen and Suzanne Spiering Chair Choir came into being. I did the software design of this project and concept development.

PROCESS For this project, we followed a very iterative process in which we designed and tested every week through building on top of the learnings from each week. This kind of a making-centered perspective thought me the importance of improvising without too much thinking but believing on your gut feelings.



EMOTION MAPS Emotion Map of Karaköy, Istanbul

EMOTIONSCAPES 2015 - 2017 Emotions are one of the key factors, which shape our relationships with ourselves, other individuals around us and even with lifeless materials. By transferring emotions from intangible to tangible, it becomes easier to name places, which are “happy” or “depressed”,that gives people a chance to understand what they are feeling and where they are feeling. This project has three legs; emotion maps, emotionscape installation and mediated emotionscape for augmented reality applications. The initial can be seen as an explotary study of the latter.



emotion probes wall

visualisation tri


Emotion Map of Koç University, Istanbul

These maps are created with watercolor and the emotion colors are based on the valence-arousal emotion wheel. The data collection process for Karaköy was based on observations; emotion probes and a quantitative survey for Koc University. The sharp spreading out attribute of colors on the maps represent the high valence areas whereas for the subtle colorings, the emotions were relatively passive and stable.

some examples of emotion probes.

Moody. Moody is developed as an integrated service of the emotion maps. Its aim is to track users’ emotions and visualize them. It enables users to both (1) enter their real-time emotion information in a particular place and (2) see the other users’ emotions in the map instantly. This way, it is possible to find a place according to a particular emotion or know how the world feels. Moody.



This interactive tool provides a real-time emotion visualization experience for the user in a location-based manner. From the top, perception of time and place is projected. Then in the first layer, by using colors, the user visualizes his/her inner emotions on the water. The reflection of the colors falls on the second layer in which the user interacts with the dough to shape how the physical environment affects his/her emotions.


idea generation session

With what types of materials people feel comfortable expressing emotions, what kind of shapes and compositions do people use to express emotions, what are the different levels of effectors of an emotion?

prototyping process



After identified the possible representations of emotions both in 2D and 3D, the question of “how would it look like if we want to see emotions in real world?” occured. To explore this, we did a study and further developed the idea in an augmented reality device, Hololens.


Exploratory Study

We aimed to speculate and explore how emotional awareness and communication can be enhanced with the mediation of spatial experience. Based on an exploratory user study, we designed and prototyped a conceptual system that mediates the spatial attributes of the surroundings according to user’s choices. The suggested system has 3 modes: (1) Real reflection where user experiences their real timeemotional state with mediated spatial attributes; (2) transferred refection where a collocated person’s or group of people’s overallemotional states are visible and (3) desired reflection where theuser experiences any emotion they wish. We shared our insights about the methodology for a speculative system and potential use cases and implications of an emotionally responsive space. We conducted this study with Sinem Şemsioğlu and presented our findings with a short paper and a poster in the conference VRST 2017 and CHI 2018.



Attributes like, material type, sound type, familiarity of the place etc are found to be correlated with the emotional experience of individuals.


We first asked people to map how they were feeling based on the valence-arousal emotion model, then we asked them to show it with a posture and/or bodily movement.

Data Collection

Based on the findings of the Instagram explotary study, we asked participants to map how these physical attributes would make them feel in general and map those again on a valence-arousal model.

NS ALARM & INFORMATION POLE 2018 NS, Nederlandse Spoorwegen, is a Dutch state-owned company and the country's passenger railways operator. In the train stations, together with many other services, NS has an Alarm and Information pole for station visitors. The pole has mainly two functions; retrieve information and report emergency situation through two of its buttons. In this project together with Chenye Xu, Jelle Jacop Kuiper, Matthijs de Koning and Wies Krundick; we collaborated with NS. My main contribution to the project was in the current UX analysis, concept development and digital UX/UI redesigns.

Service Touchpoint

PROCESS In the problem definition of NS, the lower number of usage of the pole was defined as: due to the crowded environment of stations the pole becomes invisible, and button functions create confusion which badly affects the pole's usability. In order to know the context in detail, we started with the current analysis of the product and stations.

Current Embodiment

Current Scenario

Desired Scenario

Concept Testing

Final Design

During the concept testing, we gave participants scenarios that are revelant to each function of the NS pole. Later, we asked them to think aloud and role play the scenario, to solve a given problem.


Intended Use Storyboard

Final Digital UI

Narrive of how to check in and out, aligned with NS’ visual style.

Opening screen

Since passing the gates may have multiple reasons, interface directs the user to make a call.

A map that shows the current situations on the tracks In case of emergency user can always contact the service center through the emergency call button. The avatar is designed to be more serious though still keeping a supportive nature.

Connecting screen

YAĞMUR GÖKÇE +31645644980 me.yagmurgokce@gmail.com

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