University Of Gezira
Gezira Journal of Agricultural Science
Journals Of University Of Gezira
ISSN 9556-1728
Vol7 No1
Combining ability analysis for grain yield and its components in pearl millet Yahia D. Eldie1, Abu Elhassan S. Ibrahim2, Adam M. Ali3 1
Faculty of Education, University of Alfashir, Alfashir, Sudan. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan. 3 Agricultural Research Corporation, El Obied, Sudan. 2
ABSTRACT The current pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) experiments, arranged in a randomized complete block design, were carried out in Sudan during the rainy season of 2006 at two locations (Wad Medani and Elgedarif). The hybridization plan consisted of four male and 15 female parents giving 60 crosses following line x tester arrangement. The crosses and their parents were sown on the 28th of July at Wad Medani and the 17th of July at Elgedarif. The traits measured were days to 50% flowering, plant height, stover, panicle, biomass and grain yields. The analysis of variance showed significant differences among the parents and crosses at both locations. Combining ability analysis showed that non-additive gene effects were important for inheritance of stover, panicle, biomass and grain yields. This result indicates that dominance and epistatic interactions seemed to be predominant for these characters, whereas additive gene effects were observed for days to 50% flowering and plant height, indicating that inheritance of these traits was due to GCA effects and were largely controlled by additive gene action in the base material. Combining ability analysis showed that parents, ICMA97333, ICMA96222, Baladi yellow, SADC togo and Topcross P1 were good combiners for high grain yield as well as for most of the other traits measured in this study. Assessment of SCA effects for grain yield at Wad Medani revealed that genotype Baldai white x ICMA97333 had maximum positive SCA effects and high per se performance followed by SADC togo x ICMA96222, while at Elgedarif Topcross x ICMA99111 had the highest positive SCA effects followed by ICMV155 x Y.D. Eldie, A.E.S. Ibrahim & A.M. Ali
ICMA99111. However, ICMV155 x ICMA99111 exhibited the highest SCA in combined analysis across sites. The present study suggested hybrids Dembi yellow x ICMA97333 and SADC togo x ICMA96222 demonstrated the potential for grain yield, Baladi yellow x ICMA97333 and ICMV155 x ICMA99111 for stover and grain yields under the heavy clay plains of central Sudan. However, their use in western Sudan would need further multilocation trials to verify their yield potential under those sandy soils and erratic rainfall environments.
INTRODUCTION The breeding method to be adopted for improvement of a crop depends primarily on the nature of gene action involved in the expression of quantitative traits of economic importance. Combining ability in crops leads to identification of parents with general combining ability (GCA) effects and in locating cross combinations, showing high specific combining ability
(SCA) effects. This in turn helps in choosing the parents to be included in hybridization or population breeding program (Mathur and Mathur, 1983). Studies by Pokhriyal et al. (1974) in pearl millet revealed that information on the relative amount of GCA and SCA variances is of great value in the development of efficient breeding programs. They observed that the ratio of GCA variances to SCA variances was less than one in respect to grain yield, number of tillers and grains per unit area. This implies that for influencing these characters, the nature of gene action should be non-additive in nature; other characters like ear length, ear girth, days to flowering and plant height were primarily controlled by additive gene action. Combining ability for 10 agronomic characters was estimated from data derived from line x tester analysis involving 18 fodder pearl millet genotypes and 5 Napier grass accessions by Suthamathi and Dorairaj (1997).They found that SCA variances were higher than GCA variances for all characters studied. Mathur and Mathur (1983) studied line x tester analysis involving 30 male parents crossed to 5 male-sterile lines of pearl millet grown at two locations. Their results suggested that both general and specific combining abilities were important in the expression of yield and its Combining ability analysis for grain yield of pearl millet
components. However, the magnitude of non-additive component was higher than that of the additive component for all the characters studied. A breeding methodology that can exploit both additive and non-additive genetic effects would be the most effective in attaining maximum improvement in yield and its components in pearl millet. The objectives of this study were to estimate the general combining ability of the parents and their specific combining ability in hybrids combinations considered for development of high yielding cultivars, and to compare the grain yield of adapted landraces and their hybrids made by topcrossing them on inbred male-sterile lines.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Four A lines of pearl millet (ICMA 91222, ICMA 96222, ICMA 97333, and ICMA 99111) were introduced from the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), India, and used as female parents in the hybridization process to produce topcross hybrids following line x tester analysis. The hybridization consisted of 15 open-pollinated varieties including five local varieties SADC long, SADC togo, MCNELC, MCSRC and Topcross P1, two released varieties Ugandi and ICMV 221 plus one exotic variety ICMV 155, together with seven landraces Bayouda, Baladi white, Baladi yellow, Dembi yellow, Omgarfa, Sudan Đż and Ashana which were used as male parents. Sixty topcross hybrids were generated during July 2005 at Wad Medani. The 60 topcross hybrids together with their19 parents were evaluated during 2006/2007 rainy season at two environmentally different locations in Sudan, viz. Wad Medani (Gezira Research Station Farm, Agricultural Research Corporation) and Elgedarif Research Station. Sowing dates were the 28th of July 2006 at Wad Medani and 17th of July 2006 at Elgedarif. In both locations, the experiments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Planting was done manually in plots at the rate of 3-4 seeds per hole with the spacing of 20 x 80 cm on ridges. Thinning was carried out twice after 2 and 4 weeks from sowing or when needed to obtain a final stand of a single Y.D. Eldie, A.E.S. Ibrahim & A.M. Ali
plant per hole. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the form of urea a month after planting at the rate of 40 N kg/ha. At Wad Medani, the experiment was conducted under rain supplemented with irrigation whereas, at Elgedarif the experiment was conducted under rain only. The total plot size is equal to 16 m2. At full maturity, the central two rows of each plot (excluding the boarders and 0.5 m from each end), with a net area of 6.4 m2, was harvested manually in both experiments. Measurements were taken on the following parameters: Days to 50% flowering (DF) recorded on plot basis and counted from the date of planting until 50% of the plants had fully exerted heads. Plant height (PH) was measured before harvesting, from soil surface to the top of primary panicle (average of 5 plants/plot). Panicle yield (PY) was measured as mass of panicles from 4 m length of the two central rows (g/6.4 m2). Stover yield (SY), which was the vegetative dry matter at maturity, measured from 4 m length of the two central rows (g/6.4 m2). Biomass yield (BY) was measured panicle yield plus stover yield (g/6.4 m2).Grain yield (GY) t\ha was measured as weight of grain from 4 m length of the two central rows (g/6.4 m2). Statistical analyses were carried out using PLABSTAT, a software for statistical analysis of plant breeding experiments version 3Awin (Utz, 2005). The effects of testers and male-sterile lines and their interactions were determined following the line x tester analysis of (Kempthorne, 1957). General and specific combining abilities for the studied traits were estimated according to Singh and Chaudhary (1985).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Analysis of variance indicated significant variation among parents and hybrids for the studied traits indicating the diversity in the material tested (Table 1). Though the interaction effects of location with lines and with testers were not significant for all the characters measured, their second degree interactions (location x lines x testers) were highly significant except for stover and biomass yield (Table 2). Thus, lines as well as testers varied in their performance with locations.
Combining ability analysis for grain yield of pearl millet
Table1. Mean squares for grain yield and its components of 19 pearl millet parents and their crosses in Wad Medani, Elgedarif and across the two locations. Traits Wad Medani Elgedarif Combined Days to 50% flowering
Stover yield (kg/ha)
Panicle yield (kg/ha) Biomass yield (kg/ha) Grain yield (kg/ha)
0.6885** 1.9719** 0.2512**
0.8745** 3.2625** 0.4938**
0.9236** 3.1655** 0.4288**
Plant height(cm)
** Significantly different at 0.01 probability level.
Combining ability analysis The ratio of GCA: SCA mean variances for plant height and days to 50% flowering were more than one, indicating that inheritance of these traits was due to GCA effects and was largely controlled by additive gene action in the base material (Table 2). Similar trends were observed by Gupta (1978) and Govila et al. (1978) who concluded that these traits were controlled by additive gene action. The ratio of GCA: SCA for stover, panicle, biomass and grain yield were less than one, suggesting that the inheritance of these traits was due to non-additive gene action. This result indicates that dominance and epistatic interactions seemed to be predominant for these characters and therefore heterosis breeding may be gratifying. This was supported by the findings of Sahane et al. (1995) and Suthamathi and Dorairaj (1997).
Y.D. Eldie, A.E.S. Ibrahim & A.M. Ali
Table 2. Mean squares of six agronomic characters for pearl millet populations and their 60 line x tester crosses, tested across two locations. Source of variation
Days to 50% Plant flowering height
Location(Loc.) Line(L) Tester(T) Loc. X line T x Loc. T x line T x line x Loc. Pooled error GCA SCA GCA/SCA
1 3 14 3 14 42 42 236
16053.38** 108.86 62.16* 69.49 18.21 25.12 28.21** 11.82 1.86 1.34 1.38
1006.68 3219.68 444.24 834.69 193.75 347.77 393.49** 194.07 30.54 18.66 1.64
5.09 1.44 0.59 0.23 0.44 0.58 0.45 0.22 0.02 0.03 0.77
9.89 2.03* 0.33 0.22 0.65 0.67 0.65** 0.35 0.02 0.03 0.67
yield 1074.12** 2.66 0.58 1.47 0.75 0.81 0.64 0.46 0.03 0.04 0.75
741.95** 2.16 1.04 0.70 1.51 1.52 1.68** 0.60 0.04 0.08 0.50
*,** Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of probability, respectively.
However, Aglan (1994) reported that both additive and non additive gene effects were found to be of equal importance in determining the expression of plant height, days to maturity, 1000seed weight and grain yield/ha in pearl millet. The present study showed the importance of non additive gene action for stover, panicle yield, biomass and grain yield as shown by the low ratio of GCA: SCA (0.50-0.77) at Wad Medani, Elgedarif as well as the combined analysis (Table 2). The variations in the estimates of GCA effects for measured traits in the two locations were small and hence the estimates of GCA effects for the combined analysis of the two locations were presented in Table 3. Parents that gave negative estimates of GCA effects for time to 50% flowering manifested earliness. ICMV221 was the best combiner for earliness followed by Topcross P1, ICMA99111 and Ugandi. These parents transmit this trait to their crosses since the early crosses with
Combining ability analysis for grain yield of pearl millet
Table 3. Estimates of GCA effects for measured traits on 19 parents of pearl millet populations and lines, combined analysis for two locations. Parents
SADC long
SADC togo
Topcross P1
Sudan Π
Baladi white
Baladi yellow
Dembi yellow
1 DF=days to 50% flowering, PH=plant height, SY=stover yield, PY=panicle yield, BY=biomass yield, GY=grain yield. *,** Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of probability, respectively.
negative SCA effects; have these parents in common with other (data not shown). Parental populations that contributed to lateness were Baladi white, ICMA96222, Omgarfa and Sudan Π since they gave the highest positive significant estimates of GCA effects (Table 3).The best combiners for shortness were ICMA91222, Ashana, ICMV221, Bayouda and Baladi yellow (Table 3).
Y.D. Eldie, A.E.S. Ibrahim & A.M. Ali
With regard to SCA, the hybrid Baladi white x ICMA97333 had the highest positive SCA effects for grain yield followed by ICMV221 x ICMA91222 and SADC togo x ICMA97333 at Wad Medani, whereas at Elgedarif hybrids Topcross P1 x ICMA99111, Baladi yellow x ICMA97333, Dembi yellow x ICMA97333, ICMV155 x ICMA99111 and Baladi white x
ICMA97333 showed the highest SCA effects. However, in combined analysis, hybrid ICMV155 x ICMA99111followed by ICMV221 x ICMA91222, Baladi yellow x ICMA97333, Dembi yellow x ICMA97333 and SADC togo x ICMA96222 (Table 4). The best crosses for grain yield at Wad Medani as well as in combined analysis were ICMV221 x ICMA91222 and SADC togo x ICMA96222, whereas the best combinations at Elgedarif and in combined analysis were Dembi yellow x ICMA97333, ICMV155 x ICMA99111 and Baladi yellow x ICMA97333. The SCA effects obtained by the best crosses can be attributed to the interaction of good combiners contributing favorable genes for per se performance, thus signifying the possible use of these crosses in exploiting heterosis. Mathur and Mathur (1983), Hapase et al. (1986) and Khairwal et al. (1987) reported significant SCA effects in F1 hybrids of pearl millet for yield and several other yield components. The results of this study showed that parents Baladi yellow, SADC togo and Topcross P1 might be used in recurrent selection to incorporate its desirable characters. The crosses ICMV221 x ICMA91222, SADC togo x ICMA96222, ICMV155 x ICMA99111and Baladi yellow x ICMA97333 might reasonably be exploited for improvement of pearl millet grain yield and its components. Traits association The coefficient of rank correlations of general combining ability (GCA) between agronomic traits of pearl millet parents across the two locations were presented in Table 5. Grain yield was positively correlated with biomass and significantly positively, correlated with stover and panicle yields. Grain yield was negatively and weakly correlated with time to flowering. Highly significant positive correlation was observed between plant height and late flowering. This result agreed with the results obtained by Ali (2002) who found strong association between late Combining ability analysis for grain yield of pearl millet
Table 4. SCA effects for grain yield at Wad Medani, Elgedarif and combined over locations. Crosses SADC long x ICMA91222 SADC togo x ICMA91222 MCNELC x ICMA91222 MCSRC x ICMA91222 Topcross P1x ICMA91222 Sudan Î x ICMA91222 ICMV155 x ICMA91222 Bayouda x ICMA91222 Baladi white x ICMA91222 Baladi yellow xICMA91222 Dembi yellow x ICMA91222 Omgarfa x ICMA91222 Ugandi x ICMA91222 Ashana x ICMA91222 ICMV221 x ICMA91222 SADC long x ICMA96222 SADC togo x ICMA96222 MCNELC x ICMA96222 MCSRC x ICMA96222 Topcross P1x ICMA96222 Sudan Î x ICMA96222 ICMV155 x ICMA96222 Bayouda x ICMA96222
Wad Medani -0.08 0.08 -0.04 0.00 -0.17 -0.24* 0.22* -0.05 -0.10 0.02 0.16 0.04 -0.15 -0.02 0.32* 0.23* 0.39* 0.02 -0.22* 0.24* 0.08 -0.16 0.02
Elgedarif -0.72* -1.07* 1.03* 0.14 0.90* 0.98* 0.14 -1.58** 1.22** -0.67* -0.68* 0.24 -0.46 -0.33 0.83* 0.52 -0.31 -0.43 0.08 -1.09* -0.23 -0.57 0.86*
Combined -0.28* -0.20 0.25* 0.13 0.03 0.15 0.04 -0.25* -0.02 0.04 -0.10 0.12 -0.23* -0.06 0.38* 0.21 0.29* -0.19 -0.19 -0.02 0.07 -0.18 0.25*
Baladi white x ICMA96222 Baladi yellow x ICMA96222 Dembi yellow x ICMA96222 Omgarfa x ICMA96222 Ugandi x ICMA96222 Ashana x ICMA96222 ICMV221 x ICMA96222
-0.09 -0.17 -0.41* 0.18 0.21 0.01 -0.34*
0.55 0.76* -0.68* 0.12 0.30 0.36 -0.23
0.15 -0.07 -0.37* 0.05 0.15 0.05 -0.19
*,** Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of probability, respectively. flowering and tall plants. Selection for correlated traits like time to flowering, plant height and tiller number will simultaneously improve grain yield potential and accumulated desirable genes. Stover yield was Y.D. Eldie, A.E.S. Ibrahim & A.M. Ali
Table 4. Continued. Crosses SADC long x ICMA97333 SADC togo x ICMA97333 MCNELC x ICMA97333 MCSRC x ICMA97333 Topcross P1x ICMA97333 Sudan Π x ICMA97333 ICMV155 x ICMA97333 Bayouda x ICMA97333 Baladi white x ICMA97333 Baladi yellow x ICMA97333 Dembi yellow x ICMA97333 Omgarfa x ICMA97333 Ugandi x ICMA97333 Ashana x ICMA97333 ICMV221 x ICMA973332 SADC long x ICMA99111 SADC togo x ICMA99111 MCNELC x ICMA99111 MCSRC x ICMA99111 Topcross P1 x ICMA99111 Sudan Π x ICMA99111 ICMV155 x ICMA99111 Bayouda x ICMA99111 Baladi white x ICMA99111 Baladi yellow x ICMA99111 Dembi yellow x ICMA99111 Omgarfa x ICMA99111 Ugandi x ICMA99111 Ashana x ICMA99111 ICMV221 x ICMA99111 SE±
Wad Medani 0.08 -0.21 -0.28* 0.23* 0.07 -0.01 -0.21 -0.05 0.45** 0.10 0.04 -0.09 0.15 -0.29* 0.03 -0.23* -0.27* 0.30* -0.02 -0.13 0.17 0.15 0.08 -0.26* 0.05 0.21 -0.13 -0.21 0.30* -0.01 0.22
Elgedarif 0.53 0.87* -0.47 0.59* -1.77** 0.25 -1.12* -0.31 -1.19** 1.42** 1.21** -0.70* -0.64* 0.92* 0.43 -0.33 0.51 -0.13 -0.81* 1.97** -1.01* 1.55** 1.03* -0.58 -1.51** 0.15 0.35 0.80* -0.94* -1.03* 0.59
*,** Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of probability, respectively.
Combined 0.21 0.07 -0.22 0.13 -0.19 -0.05 -0.35* -0.24* 0.07 0.28* 0.33* -0.09 0.04 0.07 -0.06 -0.14 -0.16 0.17 -0.07 0.18 -0.17 0.49* 0.25* -0.20 -0.26* 0.14 -0.08 0.05 -0.07 -0.13 0.23
Combining ability analysis for grain yield of pearl millet
significantly and positively correlated with plant height, panicle yield, biological yield and grain yield but reasonably and positively related to plant height. The same trend was shown by biological and panicle yields. Thus, for forage yield in pearl millet, tall, late flowering plants are preferable. These results were supported by the results of Aglan (1994) and Totok et al. (1998). Table 5. Coefficient of rank correlations for various traits based on ranking GCA effects for pearl millet parental populations and lines across two locations. Trait DF1 PH SY PY BY PH 0.730** SY 0.372 0.596* PY 0.092 0.278 0.631* BY 0.474 0.531* 0.793** 0.703** GY -0.051 0.25 0.641** 0.832** 0.386 1DF=days to 50% flowering, PH=plant height, SY=stover yield, PY=panicle yield, BY=biomass yield and GY=grain yield. *, ** Significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels of probability, respectively.
In conclusion the current study suggested that hybrids Dembi yellow x ICMA97333 and SADC togo x ICMA96222 demonstrated the potential for high grain yield while Baladi yellow x ICMA97333 and ICMV155 + CMA99111 for both stover and grain yields under the heavy clay plains of central Sudan. However, their use in western Sudan would need further multiplication trails to verify their yield potential under those sandy soils and erratic rainfall environments.
REFERENCES Aglan, M.M. 1994. Line x Tester for Study of Heterosis and Combining Ability in some Genotypes of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.). M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum. Ali, A.M. 2002. Genetic Analysis of Quantitative Traits in Diallel Crosses of Diverse Pearl Millet Populations. Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan. Y.D. Eldie, A.E.S. Ibrahim & A.M. Ali
Govila, S.K., A.N. Srivastava and B.S. Talukdar. 1978. Combining ability for yield and its components in pearl millet. Abstract of the National Seminar on Genetics of Pennisetums, Marsh 27-29, 1978. P.A.U., Ludhiana, India. Gupta, S.C.1978. Varietal diallel analysis for six characters in pearl millet. Abstract of the National Seminar on Genetics of Pennisetums, Marsh 27-29, 1978. P.A.U., Ludhiana, India. Hapase, R.S., S.D. Ugalyed and R.Y. Thete. 1986. Heterosis in pearl millet. Plant Breeding Abstracts 57(2): 124 – 125. Kempthorne, O. 1957. An Introduction to Genetic Statistics. John Wiley, New York. Khairwal, I.S., H.P. Yadav, B.N. Dahiyal and C.R. Bainwal. 1987. Combining ability for productivity traits in pearl millet. Crop Improvement 14(2): 198 – 200.
Mathur, P.N. and J.R. Mathur .1983. Combining ability for yield and its components in pearl millet. Indian Journal of Genetic and Plant Breeding 43(3):299-307. Pokhriyal, S.C., R.R. Patil, R. Das and B. Singh.1974. Combining ability of new male sterile lines in pearl millet. Indian Journal of Genetics 34: 208-215. Sahane, D.V., P.A. Navale and G. Harinarayana. 1995. Combining ability of new male sterile lines of pearl millet. Journal of Maharashtra Agricultural Universities 20 (1): 141-142. Singh, R.K. and B.D. Chaudhary. 1985. Biometrical Methods in Quantitative Genetic Analysis. Kalyani Publication, New Delhi. Suthamathi, P. and M.S. Dorairaj .1997. Line x tester analysis on bajra Napier hybrids. Crop Improvement 24(2): 275 – 277. Totok, A.D.H., T.K. Shon and T. Yoshida. 1998. Effect of selection for yield components on grain yield of Pennisetum typhoideum Rich. Plant Production Science 1(1):47-51. Utz, H.F. 2005. PLABSTAT: A Computer Program for the Statistical Analysis of Plant Breeding Experiments Version 3A. Institute of Plant Breeding, Seed Science, and Population Genetics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. المجلد , 7العدد 9002 , 1
مجلة الجزيرة للعلوم الزراعية
الحبوب و مكوناتها في الدخن تحليل القدرة على التالف إلنتاج َ
يحيى داوود الضئ ، 1أبو الحسن صالح ابراهيم 2و ادم محمد علي
1كلية التربية ,جامعة الفاشر ,الفاشر ,السودان.
9 العلوم الزراعية ,جامعة الجزيرة ,واد مدني ,السودان. كلية ُ 3هيئة البحوث الزراعية ,األبيض ,السودان.
أجريتته هتتلت التجتتار فتتي الستتودان أثنتتا الفصت الممطتتر عتتام 9002م فتتي وادمتتدني والارتتار
باستتتادام تصتتميم الاطاعتتاه العشتوائية الكاملتتة باتبتتا
تحليت ستةلة xماتبتر ) (line x tester analysisوالتل شتم أربعتة ءبتا لكتور) ) male parentsو 15أبتا مننثتا ) (female parentsمعطيتة 20 هجيناً زرعه التجار في يوم 92يوليو 9002في ود مدني و فتي يتوم 17يوليتو 9002فتي الارتار ك كانته الصتفاه المدروستة هتي عتدد األيتام حتت
و الرجتن
هامتة بتين األصتنا % 50إزهتار وطتو النبتاه توانتتا العلت توانتتا الانتدو توانتتا الكتلتة الحيويتة توانتتا الحبتو ك أهرتره الد ارستة ااتةفتاه ّ فتتي الصتتفاه المدروستتة فتتي كتتة المتتويعينك أهرتتر تحلي ت الاتتدرة عل ت التتتال يتتدرة اورتبتتاط بتتين األصتتنا وأهميتتة ك ت متتن الفع ت الجينتتي ا رتتافي
) (additive gene actionوغيتر ا رتافي ) (non-additive gene actionفتي توريتث الصتفاه المدروستةك كانته تتيثيراه الفعت الجينتي ا رتافي مرمة في توريث صفتي عتدد األيتام حتت % 50إزهتار وطتو النبتاه فتي المتادة الوراثيتة األساستية كمتا كانته تتيثيراه الفعت الجينتي غيتر ا رتافي مرمتة في توريث بايي الصفاه المدروسة و هلت النتيجة تشير بين السيادة و تفاعةه التفوق تتحكم فتي تلتا الصتفاه .أهرتره تتيثيراه الاتدرة العامتة لةتحتاد أن اآلبتتا ICMA96222, Topcross P1 , SADC togo, ICMA97333كانتته األفرت يتتدرة علت اوتحتتاد نتتتا الحبتتو با رتتافة ألغلت الصفاه األارى فتي التحليت المشتتراك تتيثيراه الاتدرة الااصتة لةتحتاد أورتحه أن الرجتن الاميتة Baladi white x ICMA97333, SADC togo x ICMA96222, Topcross x ICMA99111 and ICMV155 x ICMA99111ستجله أعلت يتدرة علت اوتحتاد الااصتة مارونتة بتاألدا العالي الجيد بالنسبة لصفة إنتا الحبو ك أهرر الرجين Baladi yellow x ICMA97333أعل يوة هجين لمحصو الحبتو فتي التحليت المشتتراك وأيترحته الد ارستة الحاليتة الرجتائن الاميتة ICMA97333 ICMA97333, ICMV155 x ICMA99111
SADC togo x ICMA96222, Dembi yellow xونتتا محصتو الحبتتو و Baladi yellow xإنتتتا الحبتتو والعلت
فتتي الستترو الطينيتتة الثايلتتة وستتط الستتودانك وان
استادامرم لتلبية حاجاه غر السودان يحتا واتبارها في موايع ماتلفة لسنواه عديدة في تلا البيئاه لاه األراري الرملية واألمطار المتلبلبةك