Tips when you use shared computer for your mail account Having the capacity to access your Yahoo Mail and other account highlights and features from any PC is very advantageous; however it additionally opens you to expanded danger. Not all computers have legitimate antivirus, against spyware and hostile to malware programs installed and could be infected with damaging software. Some deceitful people place hardware or software key loggers on open PCs, which record each and every key you hit on the keyboard, including usernames and account passwords! In the event that you frequently use open or shared PCs (which is any PC that can be accessed by somebody other than you, including at work), you ought to at times check the log in action on your Yahoo account to check whether it has been gotten to in any odd areas and strange locations. To check recent action, go to the "Account information" segment again from the landing page or the home page menu, and select the third tab marked "Recent activity" button. It will list the areas and gadgets which have most as of late been utilized to sign-in into your Yahoo mail account. If you don't know about any of them, use a protected PC to change your account password immediately. At long last, whenever point you sign-in on a mutual PC, ensure you uncheck the box that says "Stay signed in". When this case or box is unchecked, you will be signed out consequently when you close the program so others can't sneak into your yahoo account. 24/7 Yahoo Technical Support Department by yahoo support number Stay connected with Yahoo support phone number if you are facing the similar issues. You can resolve your other technical issue by taking instant assistance from third party Yahoo support help desk. Here, you will provide outstanding customer support services without paying any cost. Just dial toll free yahoo contact number and get instant and quality yahoo tech support. Yahoo support service provided by us Yahoo customer services