Tips for Keep Your Yahoo Account Protected Yahoo provide best account security among all email providers despite of that it is reported that many users suffers because of the hackers some has lost their crucial and private information and some has to compromise their account as they never get the access back. For this you can take instant help from yahoo support number for recover your yahoo account if you lost your account. In such cases users should also be careful and keep their account protected from hackers who have an intention to harm or use your account in any form. There is also a report that recently some Russian hackers hacked many yahoo mail accounts and using them for different purposes like spam messages, stealing user’s information and other information saved in their accounts etc. Yahoo being one of the old and best web mail service providers claimed to secure and fixed such kind of issue but like the saying “one’s security is in one’s own hand” so it’s better to follow the security measures in order to protect your mail accounts. There are certain steps and actions that you can take to keep your secure and safe, let’s take a look at those one by one: Secure password: The most important part of any lock is its key and in case of email account password is the key, so choose a strong password with good combination of upper, lower case, numeric and special character, do not choose an obvious password, avoid sequence and keep the character more than 12. Updating it time to time would also help it keeping it secure.
Security question: It is advisable that do not answer the security question correctly as it will be easy for hackers to find the answers to basic questions about you that is why don’t be truthful answer it randomly but do remember it. Two-Step Verification: If you are using yahoo mail and not including the yahoo’s two step verification method is actually an invitation to the hackers. Turn on it and make your account more secure especially when someone tries to access your account you will immediately got to know about the act. Keep different password: do not use same password for every account you posses it will be vulnerable. Use specific and different passwords for every other account. Use Antivirus: hackers can gain access through Trojans so always use good antivirus software on your desktop or mobile, as malware can fetch your password so let the antivirus deal with them. Do not share Credentials: keep your passwords private, do not share it with anyone also doesn’t disclose the other details like security question. Alternate number or email id: Add alternate phone number or email id in order to recover your account if in case you lose access to it.
Beware while using other computer: Make sure that you have logged out properly while using any public or other computer to access your account. Don’t click doubtful emails: Do not click on links on emails which you do not have idea about or have come from the unknown source. Keep your software updated: Regularly check on installing updates software like web browsers, operating systems, antivirus and others by doing this you can prevent many issues and future threats. Do not download any program from any source, always make sure that you download and install things from the trusted source. Keeping the above points in your mind and apply them accordingly will definitely make it very hard for the hackers to reach you out. So feel safe by avoiding unwanted threat and do not compromise your account. In case nothing helps and want yahoo immediately help then you can take help from third party support yahoo phone number.
This toll free number is 24/7 available and you no need to worry just contact to yahoo customer care number and get all type of yahoo issues. our expert team is best yahoo support team. These expert and experienced team will assist you until your problems will not be resolved so just dial free of cost number and resolve all yahoo problems. We provide best yahoo customer service.