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HackYale expands to new schools, founders hope for greater influence


Luu ’12 leads team to Ivy League victories, continuing 5-0 streak





Admins approve Sex Week


Tear down this gate? A raucous debate erupted near Toad’s Place Wednesday night as a group of concerned citizens protested the apparent construction of a gate blocking off Morse and Stiles Colleges from Toad’s and York Street. Claiming the construction workers were only allowing white people to pass, the enraged protesters (or perhaps Pundits) attempted to obtain 1,000 signatures on a petition to stop the gate’s construction.

BY CAROLINE TAN STAFF REPORTER Administrators have approved a proposal that will allow Sex Week 2012 to take place on campus despite a November recommendation by the Advisory Committee on Campus Climate to ban the biennial event.

It’s an ambitious proposal, with attention to consent … and social contexts overall.

Bundle up. It looks like winter may be here to stay — temperatures are not expected to rise above 33 degrees today, and snow is likely today and tomorrow. Always viral. YouTube sensation Sam Tsui ’11 was featured in a compilation video of over 70 YouTube artists performing lines from Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep.” Tsui enters at 1:54 and sings “we could have had it all” for six seconds.

MARY MILLER Dean, Yale College

In memoriam. WTNH

weatherman Mel Goldstein, known as “Dr. Mel,” died on Wednesday after a battle with multiple myeloma. The 66-year-old served as chief meteorologist for WTNH for 25 years. He is survived by his wife and two daughters. A funeral will be held on Friday at New Haven’s Robert E. Shure Funeral Home.

Operation Ivy League. Just

over a year after five Columbia students were busted for running a drug ring out of the school’s dorms and fraternities, the last of the five has pleaded guilty. The students received sentences of varying severity. One, convicted of dealing cocaine, spent six months in jail; another, accused of selling Adderall, will be allowed to plea to a drug misdemeanor in a year if he completes 300 hours of community service.

Spotless. Yale urologist

Amichai Kilchevsky published a study in the most recent Journal of Sexual Medicine claiming that the “Grä fenberg Spot,” a small erogenous zone of the female sex organ that supposedly triggers intense pleasure, does not actually exist.


2001 Two Yale physics professors are robbed at gunpoint by two male suspects on Prospect Street near the Yale Divinity School late Tuesday night. Meanwhile, 19-year-old Jason Moody dies after sustaining multiple gunshot wounds. Submit tips to Cross Campus




Solidarity. Following the lead

of Wikipedia and Google, the Yale College Democrats placed a thick black bar over their logo on Wednesday in protest of the controversial Stop Online Privacy Act, or SOPA, currently under consideration in the U.S. House of Representatives.

After the committee, which was appointed by University President Richard Levin last April, asserted that Sex Week had strayed from its original mission to promote sexual health, Levin announced that he would give Sex Week organizers the chance to present a proposal that “might warrant continuation” of the event on campus. Yale College Dean Mary Miller said in a Wednesday email that

The men’s squash team made the history books Wednesday as they demolished the longest winning streak in college sports — Trinity’s 252 games. PAGE 12


Law professors stir nationwide debate


or students nationwide, knowing when to give up on dreams of being a lawyer can be tough. But Yale Law School professors Akhil Amar and Ian Ayres think they may have the solution. DANIEL SISGOREO reports. “I am willing to leave law school, without a degree, at the end of this semester. In return, I would like a full refund of the tuition I’ve paid over the last two and a half years,” wrote a third-year law student at Boston College Law School in an anonymous open letter posted online two years ago. Citing a poor employment market, he lamented a lack of employment opportunity but received no public response from the

interim dean of BC Law School, to whom the student directed the letter. But Yale Law School professors Akhil Amar ’80 LAW ’84 and Ian Ayres ’81 LAW ’86 are now pushing for law schools nationwide to offer their students a similar deal. In a controversial proposal published in the online magazine Slate last November, the duo calls for law schools to offer to pay off part of their

Further gifts key for SOM BY DANIEL SISGOREO STAFF REPORTER The School of Management received an unprecedented number of alumni donations equaling or exceeding $1 million during the five-year Yale Tomorrow capital campaign. But the fundraising drive ended on June 30, 2011, and now the school’s administrators are questioning how they can maintain the donations that are crucial to developing SOM initiatives and balancing the budget.

While SOM has historically received its largest donations from graduates of other parts of the University, the school brought in 18 gifts of $1 million or more during Management Tomorrow, SOM’s component of the recent campaign. Before the University-wide fundraising effort, SOM had been given just one donation of this magnitude from one of its alumni in its 38-year history. As the entire University reevaluates its funSEE SOM PAGE 6

first-years’ loans should these students realize that their prospects of successful legal careers are slim. No law schools have policies like this one, and the law professors want Yale to be the first to adopt their proposal. “I think it could be an advantage in marketing to prospective students and in distinguishing ourselves from our competitors who aren’t willing to put their money where their mouths are,” Ayres said. The pair also urged law schools to openly provide detailed, disaggregated statistics on students’ job performance after graduation. Yale already discloses thorough facts on its students’ postgraduation employment, with

the University of Chicago Law School adopting Yale’s format last month. While a dozen professors and administrators interviewed agreed with the need for more honest disclosure of statistics, many criticized the idea of paying students to drop out of law school. “My first thought was, ‘maybe they’re being tonguein-cheek, given that both of them are members of the faculty of the highest-ranked law school, where few students are likely to take up such an offer,’ ” Judith Areen LAW ’69, a professor and former dean of Georgetown Law Center, said. “Perhaps the real goal is to get SEE LAW SCHOOLS PAGE 4


Yale was the first law school to release detailed employment and salary statistics of its alumni.

Yale still addressing budget gap BY GAVAN GIDEON STAFF REPORTER More than three years after the onset of the recession first forced administrators to make University-wide budget cuts, Yale’s finances still have not fully recovered. University President Richard Levin and Provost Peter Salovey wrote in a Wednesday memo to faculty and staff that additional budget reductions are required to close the remnants of a $350 million gap caused by the 25 percent decline in the endowment three years ago. Though Yale returned 21.9 percent on its investments

in the fiscal year that ended June 30, the University’s increase in spending is projected to outpace growth in revenue for the 2012-’13 academic year. Levin and Salovey said they expect to avoid the “across-the-board” cuts in the coming year’s budget, unlike those they called for last January and in previous years. The 2012-’13 budget should also leave room for increases in faculty and staff salary and wages, they said. As University officials move toward a sustainable budget, they will meet with deans, directors, faculty and staff to evaluate proSEE BUDGET PAGE 4




.COMMENT “[Harold Bloom’s] opinion on Harry Potter pretty much puts him in Death


Getting past the glass ceiling




The legacy of the Elevate raid


fter a bungled job, the New Haven Police Department should be ready

to take responsibility for its mistakes. Fifteen months ago, New Haven Police Department officers, some dressed in SWAT gear, raided a nightclub hosting a Yale party. They Tasered one student. They swore at and threatened many others. By the end of the night, they had arrested five students. It was not until two months ago that all the charges against the last of those students, Jordan Jefferson ’14, were dismissed. He was the student stunned with a Taser — as many as five times, witnesses at the scene said, adding that several police officers then repeatedly punched and kicked him. A video — filmed by a student on a cellphone despite the police’s illegal order not to use them — shows one officer turning to the student crowd and yelling “Who’s next?” Police charged Jefferson with three counts of assaulting an officer and four other students with disorderly conduct. All five had to make court appearances and wait months to see their charges dismissed. The officers involved in the incident acted out of order. But the only penalty they faced was a quick Internal Affairs investigation that concluded that the force used in the raid was justified. Former police chief Frank Limon dodged any real admission of guilt for his department’s failings by pinning all blame on former Assistant Chief Ariel Melendez. Melendez had led the raid — but also conveniently retired two months before before the report’s release. Outrage followed the raid and the report, as it should have. Students had

Eater category for me.”

been arrested for reasons so dubious that every charge against them was dismissed. Police officers were treated with kid gloves. That outrage has dimmed, and perhaps for good reason. New Haven has a new police chief. There has been no serious confrontation between Yale students and police since the raid. We have been to Elevate parties since then without incident. No students have been Tasered recently, but we shouldn’t forget the double standard the fallout from the raid exposed. While the officers faced only a weak internal review, five students went through a court ordeal that lasted up to a quarter of their Yale careers. We’re glad the scandal is over. We’re glad Jefferson and the other charged students can move on. But we worry about the extent to which the New Haven Police Department is still allowed to police itself. This is the worst treatment Yalies have faced in recent memory, but we know other New Haveners have seen much worse — and their plight has received far less attention. New Police Chief Dean Esserman was hired for his commitment to community policing. But to earn the trust of the community, his department must not only embrace new strategies but also be ready to hold its officers accountable. It can do so through structural changes in civilian oversight, but it can do even more by rejecting the kind of evasion that Limon demonstrated after the raid. That kind of change is the only thing that can make the legacy of the Elevate fiasco a relic of the past.

n 1872, Victoria Woodhull ran for president of the United States. At least, she tried to run. A newspaper-publishing, stock-exchanging and pot-stirring advocate for sexual liberty and women’s suffrage, Woodhull nabbed the nomination of the historically dubious Equal Rights Party. Her bid was questionable, and, ever the rabble-rouser, Woodhull spent Election Day behind bars. Alas, incumbent Ulysses Simpson Grant — that great lover of whiskey and war — snatched the election from Democrat Horace Greeley, and poor Victoria wasn’t even an afterthought. Her impact on American political culture was ultimately as small as the corseted waists she so strongly opposed. Today, armchair historians interested in Woodhull as a historical footnote tend to study the legitimacy of her presidential bid from constitutional and practical angles. But back in 1872, the objection to her campaign was clear: She was a woman. She was unable to vote, unable to campaign, and therefore unable to exercise her rights as an American citizen. But we’ve made some progress since then. When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton withdrew from the Democratic primary race in 2008, she thanked her supporters, addressing the symbolic and cultural importance of the contest. “Chil-

dren today will grow up taking for granted that an African-American or a woman can become president of MARISSA the United ” ClinMEDANSKY States, ton said. “The glass Sidewinder ceiling,” she told supporters, has “about 18 million cracks.” Sexism was not the reason Hillary Clinton lost the Democratic primary, but her candidacy did much to reveal the sexist undertones that still pervade American society. The odd fixation on Clinton’s cackling laugh and questionably flattering pantsuits? Gendered. It’s not always easy to distinguish genderless attacks — say, a particularly sharp criticism of foreign policy — from real sexist remarks. No woman wants to play the girl who cried wolf. So let me be clear: I don’t think every attack on a female politician constitutes sexism. A good handful of popular tropes, however, sure do. One word: cankles. All presidential candidates endure attacks unrelated to their platforms — see John McCain’s houses and John Edwards’ haircut. But being a woman presents particular problems. Attacks on

apparel, appearance and allure become more legitimate. Interview questions become less Politico and more People. And every woman must tread the tenuous line between being a pushover and being a bitch. These subtle manifestations of sexism affect all women, not just Democrats or liberals. Sarah Palin faced sexism, too — media outlets focused on her perceived hotness, and her head found itself Photoshopped onto a star-spangled bikini, her computerized limbs clutching a gun almost as big as her Photoshopped breasts. This time around, Minnesota Tea Partier Michele Bachmann got the short end of the proverbial stick. She was “Crazy Eyes” Bachmann, her appearance on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” choreographed to a song called “Lyin’ Ass Bitch.” There were accusations of condescension during the debates, and then, of course, that infamous Newsweek cover. I’m not sure if all the aforementioned examples constitute sexism — intent, of course, matters, and the line between well-meaning satire and malevolent snark is thin. But let me tell you what is sexism, explicitly, clearly and undeniably: last year, a Santorum staffer wrote an email questioning Bachmann’s qualification for the presidency. The biggest stumbling block? Her gender. “Is it God’s highest desire, that

is, His biblically expressed will,” wrote Iowa staffer Jamie Johnson in a private email that surfaced a week or so ago, “to have a woman rule the institutions of the Family, the Church, and the State?” Unfortunately, temporal concerns — by which I mean yesterday’s Wikipedia blackout — prevent me from asking the Internet how Deborah and Miriam would have felt about Johnson’s interpretation of the Bible. But lest you think sexism is no longer a problem — that it is an excuse for weakness, an unwarranted whine or a relic of 1872 — look no further. Here it is: a man who believes two X chromosomes preclude a woman — any woman — from leading. At Yale, it’s easy to forget that beliefs like these still exist. It’s gotten better; it isn’t 1872 anymore. Today, the biggest obstacle to Victoria Woodhull’s run would be her radical ideals and complete lack of political organization — not her gender. But don’t take progress for granted. After all, the glass ceiling may be cracked, battered, bruised and beaten. But as long as people like Jamie Johnson believe that effective leadership depends on gender, the glass ceiling will still exist. We just won’t ever look up to see it. MARISSA MEDANSKY is a freshman in Morse College. Her column runs on alternate Thursdays. Contact her at .


A company of scholars, a society of friends W

hen you arrive at Yale as a freshman, all doors are open. You can be anything you want to be. There are no boundaries to your curiosity, no boundaries to your athletic ambitions, no boundaries to your imagination. This campus is an open field with no closed doors and no constraints; an educational paradise that is unmatched in freedom and choice. And it’s ours for the taking. It might seem counterintuitive at first, but it was with this perspective in mind that I notified my residential college dean early last September that I wanted to take my senior fall semester off. For the 90 days that followed, I lived and breathed the liberty at the core of a liberal arts education. Without a room or a class schedule, I crashed at my friends’ places off-campus. It was an amazing social experience that made me realize how aptly George Pierson had captured the Eli spirit when he described Yale as a “a society of friends.” The days were filled with Master’s Teas, panel discussions and

film screenings. I took the opportunity to work on my senior thesis, teach myself some minimal programming, Photoshop, video editing and sailing skills and grow The HappyHap Project team. And that was just the beginning. I undertook several visits to New York and to Boston, where I attended MIT’s Startup Bootcamp and Harvard’s Igniting Innovation conference. In addition, I took trips to Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Stanford University, Palo Alto and San Francisco, primarily to conduct interviews for my senior thesis. I met with a host of amazing professionals ranging from accomplished Silicon Valley entrepreneurs to top consultants in San Francisco to high-level executives at the Zappos headquarters in Las Vegas. In retrospect, the removal of the short-term stress-pressure loop inherent in the combination of classwork with extracurricular activities, social life and regular exercise is the single best decision I have made while at Yale. My adventure in self-education did not just allow for unparalleled

personal growth fueled by many insightful learning experiences, but it also gave me ample time to reflect profoundly on life’s big, long-term questions before embarking for the real world in May 2012. What matters most to you? What values do you cherish in life? How can you align the things you do on a day-to-day basis with your understanding of what matters most in life? What makes you happy? In asking these questions of myself, my peers, Yale alumni and the many professionals I met along the way, it became clear that — although society tends to suggest that there is a prewritten path to success (like finance and consulting for economics majors such as myself) — there actually isn’t such a one-size-fits-all solution. Rather, it is each individual’s responsibility to find a set of answers to life’s big questions, to gain a clear sense of direction and derive from it the confidence to travel boldly down the road that has been his or hers all along. What’s more, many of us may not

realize it just yet, but college is the time when our opportunity to think for ourselves is the highest. As life progresses, we are compelled to take on more responsibilities, and taking time off comes at an increasing opportunity cost. If I learned anything from my semester off, it is that Yale is an educational paradise at its best when you know what you want from it. Without a clear sense of direction, Yale turns into an overwhelming and often turbulent sea of countless opportunities. In that spirit, I challenge you to put aside whatever schedule you had planned for today, take a day off, find a comfortable spot, embrace the unknown and reflect on what it really is that matters most to you in life. With this new compass that you have prototyped by the end of the day, explore Yale, learn, discover, enjoy and repeat daily. SUNNIE TÖLLE is a senior in Timothy Dwight College. Contact her at .


Terror in the dark

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hile U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice engages in a hackneyed pious outcry over Syrian atrocities that the world has become accustomed to hear from the United States whenever an enemy state violates human rights or U.N. resolutions, America’s complicity in oppression is being ignored. America’s protégés in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are murdering, torturing, imprisoning and demolishing houses of worship in the dark with American military and political support. According to Amnesty International, since the outbreak of the Bahraini uprising against the U.S.-backed Sunni dictatorship in Bahrain in February last year, the Bahraini regime has murdered at least 47 people, imprisoned more than 2,500 people, tortured five people to death and sacked at least 4,000 people from their jobs for participating in protests. Physicians for Human Rights documented systematic and targeted attacks and torture against Bahraini medical personnel who attended wounded and dying protesters during the uprising. The Saudi regime continues to

amputate hands and legs, behead women for allegedly practicing witchcraft and demolish historical sites in the holy Muslim cities of Mecca and Medina. The puritan Saudi regime has demolished 95 percent of Islam’s millennium-old historical sites in the past two decades alone. Since the early years of Saudi control over Mecca and Medina in the early 20th century, the regime has demolished mausoleums that housed Islam’s great figures of the seventh and eighth centuries. Recently, the house of Prophet Muhammad’s wife Khadijah in Mecca has been turned into a toilet block. Seventeenth-century Ottoman-carved columns in the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the sixth-century house in which the Prophet Muhammad was born, and the 15th-century green dome that rests above the tomb holding the Prophet are under threat of destruction by the Saudi regime. This Saudi cultural vandalism should not be of concern to Muslims alone. Islam’s heritage is now part of the human heritage; it belongs as much to the West as it does to the East. You just need to look at the verses of

the Koran inscribed above Sterling Memorial Library’s main entrance to appreciate the role Islam — alongside our world’s other great religions and civilizations — has played in humanity’s collective advancement. The whole world should abhor the savagery the Saudi regime is perpetrating against Islam’s earliest historical sites and great figures. Both the Saudi and Bahraini regimes maintain apartheid in state institutions. The Shiite majority in Bahrain is excluded from the security forces, and security posts are largely staffed by Sunnis. Sunni mercenaries recruited from Jordan, Syria and Pakistan comprise a large chunk of the Bahraini regime’s frontline forces that deal with Shiite protesters. In Saudi Arabia, Shiites face persecution that curtails religious freedoms. Public schools tell them they are unbelievers. Shiites cannot serve as judges in ordinary courts and are barred from senior government and military posts. Yalies should know that the pro-American dictatorial regimes in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have been sustained by American military and politi-

cal support. In the last two years alone, in what is thought to be the single largest arms deal in U.S. history, the United States and Saudi Arabia forged a deal worth $60 billion of advanced aircraft and sophisticated weaponry. Every year, the United States sells $200 million of weapons to Bahrain. But the U.S. government seems indifferent to the Bahraini regime’s deployment of toxic terror against protesters; a Pennsylvania-based company has supplied the Bahraini regime with tear gas that has killed five civilians, including women, children and the disabled. It is easy to overlook U.S. support for these regimes and explain the lack of democracy in the Middle East with jejune protestations about the incompatibility of Islam with democracy. The Bahraini and Saudi regimes have crushed their people’s quest for dignity in the dark with U.S.made weapons, and we hear nothing more from the regimes’ American and European patrons than repeated empty expressions of deep concern. FAISAL HUSAIN is a first-year graduate student studying history.



PAGE THREE TODAY’S EVENTS THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 4:00 PM “Dominicanos Unidos: The Island — Diaspora Continuum in Dominican Literature and Culture.” Dixa Ramirez of the University of California, San Diego will speak. Hall of Graduate Studies (320 York St.), Room 401. 6:00 PM “If Only We Had Listened.” This documentary is narrated by Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculee Ilibagiza. Afro-American Cultural Center (211 Park St.). 7:00 PM “Othello.” This 1952 film, directed by Orson Welles, is being screened as part of Shakespeare at Yale. Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall St.). 8:00 PM Mindfulness Meditation Group. Sitting meditation followed by a discussion and informal lecture on the practice of mindfulness meditation (vipassana). Meditation instruction will be provided for beginners. Bring your own meditation cushion or bench. Dwight Chapel (67 High St.).

HackYale to expand BY LIZ RODRIGUEZ-FLORIDO STAFF REPORTER Yale’s student-run programming lecture series HackYale will soon expand to campuses beyond New Haven. HackYale, a set of courses founded last fall by Will Gaybrick LAW ’15 and Bay Gross ’13, returned to Yale this spring with an expanded set of course offerings and will also appear at Princeton when the school begins its spring semester in early February. The move to Princeton marks the organization’s first attempt to bring the program beyond Yale, and Gross said he and Gaybrick aim to bring it to five more college campuses next fall, though he declined to specify which ones because the arrangements are not final. Throughout HackYale’s continued growth, directors say funding has not yet posed a problem. HackYale has received several sponsorship offers from outside organizations, but Gaybrick said the group has not accepted any because operational costs are low enough for the group to pay its own expenses. The group has no plans to ask students to pay for the course or to become a for-profit organization, Gross said. “Human capital is our highest expense,” Gaybrick said. “We are coders helping coders. That was our original motivation.”

One of humanity’s greatest assets is its creativity. Programming is just another way of channeling that creativity, and if for that reason alone, it is here to stay. PAUL FLETCHER-HILL ’15 HackYale class member HackYale has not accepted sponsorships so far, but Gaybrick said the program is planning to help companies looking for programmers connect with students. The group is offering five courses on campus this semester and accepted 20 percent of applicants, Gaybrick said. HackYale has also increased its teaching team to 10 members, which Gaybrick said will help the program expand and lessen the time commitment and workload required from each instructor. Gross said friends of him and Gaybrick will instruct the course at Princeton this semester, adding that the Princeton program is registered under the Princeton Entrepreneurship Club. HackYale chose its name so it could easily be adapted to other colleges and universities, Gaybrick said, and the program at Princeton will be known as HackPrinceton. Currently HackYale’s most basic course, “Introduction

to Frontend,” has two sections capped at 60 students each, while the three advanced courses — “Advanced Node,” “Development with Rails” and “Introduction to iOs” — have each accepted 25 students, Gross said. More than 350 people applied to the introductory course, Gaybrick said, while about 200 applied to the more advanced classes. Gaybrick added that HackYale is adding a section to its website to address the most commonly asked questions that have come up about course assignments. A week before applications to HackYale were due on Jan. 13, the courses were featured prominently on studentdesigned course selection tool Yale Bluebook. The Yale College Council also promoted HackYale on its website this semester and in the fall. Charlie Croom ’12, who created Yale Bluebook with Jared Shenson ’12 and also is an instructors for HackYale, said the program offers students practical courses unlike many others at Yale. “I don’t think that Yale’s curriculum prepares people for many of the Web-related jobs that exist in today’s economy,” said Croom, who will teach a HackYale class with Gross this semester. “I think HackYale is ahead of the curve in academia, acknowledging that Web development is one of the core skills every college graduate should have.” Three students who applied to a HackYale course this spring said they wanted to be part of the programming community the classes have attracted. Jeff Zhang ’14, a computer science major who has not taken a HackYale class, said while most programmers learn independently, he finds that classroom-style instruction is helpful when learning challenging concepts. Paul Fletcher-Hill ’15, who is taking a HackYale course this semester, said he thinks programming skills are important because they allow people to break free of preset social media formats such as Facebook and Tumblr. “One of humanity’s greatest assets is its creativity,” Fletcher-Hill said. “Programming is just another way of channeling that creativity, and if for that reason alone, it is here to stay.” As the group expands, Gaybrick and Gross said they hope to ensure that HackYale will continue to exist after they graduate. Gaybrick and Gross each reduced their time commitments from teaching two courses to one this semester, and said they feel confident the programming community at Yale will keep the organization running in the long term. Those not accepted to HackYale classes can audit the courses online and attend HackYale’s weekly workshops, which are open to the Yale community. Contact LIZ RODRIGUEZFLORIDO at .

“Architecture begins where engineering ends.” WALTER GROPIUS GERMAN ARCHITECT

Top marks for Yale Health BY MARIANA LOPEZ-ROSAS STAFF REPORTER Yale Health earned a perfect score in a recent nonprofit study for its services as a patient-centered medical service. The National Committee for Quality Assurance — a private nonprofit that evaluates health organizations against standards of quality — awarded Yale Health the highest possible marks in the category of “patient-centered medical home,” or PCMH. It was the first time Yale Health received the rating — the category had not existed until this year for NCQA’s rankings, and only 147 organizations nationwide were awarded top marks this year. The majority of students interviewed said they were pleased with their experiences at Yale Health, though some said the services could be improved. “We’re really excited about [the ratings],” Michael Rigsby, Yale Health’s medical director, said. “It’s a validation to our approach to providing medical care.” The NCQA’s evaluation looked at health care institutions across six categories focusing on how well they maintain relationships with their patients. Director of Yale Health Paul Genecin said the ratings are the result of the hard work of the whole staff, which moved into its new building at 55 Lock St. before the beginning of the 2010-’11 academic year. He added that the main focus of the medical home is primary care that creates a strong relationship with the patient and the clinician. “The active, ongoing relationship between a patient and a physician in medical homes fosters an all-too-rare goal in care: staying healthy and preventing illness


A nonprofit gave Yale Health a perfect score for the category of “patient-centered medical home.” in the first place,” NCQA president Margaret O’Kane said. “The PCMH recognition shows that Yale Health has the tools, systems and resources to provide their patients with the right care at the right time.” In achieving its high rating, Yale Health underwent improvements such as establishing more efficient connections between patients and clinicians, Genecin said. He added that in spite of the high ratings, the center could always do more, stressing that it is very difficult to improve on areas that are not measured, such as the percentage of women who have had preventive services. He said that some of their future changes will include easier access to medical records and more efficient phone practices. Rigsby said that center also plans to improve its outreach to

freshmen — as many feel overwhelmed with information and have never managed their own health care — and the department’s consistency of care. “One of the challenges that we face is being consistent,” Rigsby said. “There are many instances when things happen really well. But we get new members, and vacations and sickness makes it hard to do it consistently.” Ten out of 14 students interviewed said they were satisfied with the services they experienced at Yale Health. Joel Li ’15 said he had an appointment Wednesday to see a doctor about his cough, and though an X-ray examination prolonged his visit, he was pleased with his experience. But four of 14 students said they did not believe Yale Health’s services deserved a perfect ranking.

Katie Chockley ’14, a member of the track and cross country teams, said she regularly has blood drawn to check her iron levels. After going into Yale Health for a procedure, Chockley said, she never received a call back confirming her results. “I called Yale Health, and they said they had no record of me getting my blood drawn,” said Chockley. About two weeks later, she said, she had to have blood drawn again, and discovered that her iron was significantly lower than the recommended level for athletes. Yale Health is open only to the Yale community and serves more than 40,000 patients. Contact MARIANA LOPEZ-ROSAS at .

‘Sao Paulo’ illustrates student design BY NATASHA THONDAVADI STAFF REPORTER A new book published in December highlights the dialogue between architects and developers in the context of Brazil’s booming economy. “Urban Intersections: Sao Paulo” is the sixth book in a series that showcases designs that School of Architecture students create for a spring-semester studio co-taught every year by a practicing architect and a visiting player in the real estate industry. The book features designs from

2010’s course, for which students designed residences hypothetically set in Sao Paulo, Brazil’s largest city. The book focusing on Sao Paulo is the most comprehensive in the series to date, adding academic commentary about development in Sao Paulo to the survey of student designs, said Nina Rappaport, publications director at the School of Architecture. A full Portuguese translation is included in the back, she added, expanding the intended audience to Brazilian architects, developers and students, and making the

book the first publication by the school to be translated into a foreign language. Instruction for the course was a collaboration between School of Architecture professor Deborah Berke and Katherine Farley, the senior managing director for Brazil and China at the real estate giant Tishman Speyer. Berke said the class focused less on the challenges of working in a developing country than on the opportunity to simulate building in a country with a real estate economy that remained successful while many of the


‘Sao Paulo’ features designs that School of Architecture students created in a spring semester studio.

world’s markets floundered. “In 2010, first-world markets were destroyed by the financial collapse, whereas Brazil’s real estate market remained quite stable,” Berke said. Students in the class created designs based on an actual development site in Sao Paulo managed by Tishman Speyer, Berke said. It was in part an exercise in planning on a macro-level, Berke added, as the project called for 2,500 housing units for about 10,000 residents. Because of its scope, she said, the design process was about creating a community. For many students, the studio also provided their first opportunity to analyze architecture from the perspective of a developer and to learn how to alter their designs after taking profit into account. “Among the challenges was maintaining the highest standards for design while still achieving profitability,” Berke said. While architecture students often design in a vacuum, adding a developer’s perspective encouraged them to consider the marketability of their structures. Berke added that without the perspective of developers, the students’ designs may have been markedly different. She said that Farley could speak to the restrictions of development — the class brought in other Tishman Speyer employees to discuss the varying factors that contribute to success in the real estate industry. Farley is the first woman to coteach this studio, for which she holds the Edward P. Bass Distinguished Visiting Architecture Fellowship. While the business perspective was new to students, Rappaport said book appeals to consumers for its inside look at architecture as an academic pursuit. The book series provides a window into the ways in which architecture students generate and execute their ideas, she said. The seventh book in the “Urban Intersections” series, which is currently in development, features designs from a class co-taught by Hong Kong developer Vincent Lo and architectural firm Kohn Pedersen Fox. Contact NATASHA THONDAVADI at .





Percentage of employed law school graduates A recent U.S. News survey shows that 93 percent of law school graduates in 2010 had secured jobs within nine months of graduatiojn. This is a nearly 10 percent jump from a similar survey conducted in 1997.

Amar, Ayres question law schools’ role LAW SCHOOLS FROM PAGE 1 schools to focus more clearly on whether they are taking advantage of their students in any way.” But as lawyers, professors and administrators have continued to debate the article — most recently in the National Law Journal last week — the argument hits a classic question: Should the responsibility of a student’s success in school fall on the school or the student?


Law professors and administrators agreed that students should have access to more statistics regarding graduates’ salaries, career paths and bar passage rates. Still, those interviewed warned that students should hesitate to use this information as the sole predictor of their future success. Amar’s and Ayres’ proposal recommends that law schools provide students with access to information that allows them to compare their grade-point averages and LSAT scores to average salaries and bar passage rates of others with similar credentials. “If you were about to go off to a particular school and you learned that people with your entering credentials had a 40 percent chance of becoming a lawyer,” Ayres said, “you might wonder, ‘My God, do I want to take this gamble? Do I want to rack up these bills?’” Nancy Rapoport, a former dean of the University of Nebraska College of Law and the Houston Law Center, said some law schools mislead their students by providing vague information or skewed data — an act she said was tantamount to

lying. Yale was the first law school to release detailed statistics on its alumni employment statistics and salaries after graduation, with the University of Chicago following suit this year. Third-year law student Jeff Love LAW ’12 said the statistical information Yale provided him when he was applying to law school was detailed enough to make what he feels was an adequate judgement of his employment prospects; Yale provides graduates’ ultimate career fields and percentile salaries. Love added that Yale was forthcoming about how the statistics were calculated, clearly stating how students who did not provide data on their employment factored into the figures.

Folks who want to go into law school … all think they’re better than everybody else. ALLAN TANENBAUM Chair, American Bar Association’s Commission on Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Profession and on the Public’s Legal Needs Whereas Love said some other schools avoid counting such students altogether, Yale assumed the worst and marked them as “unemployed.” Yale’s statistics do not go as far as Amar and Ayres recommend in their essay. But Nathan Robinson LAW ’14 said he felt the data Yale provided were detailed enough and did not need further elaboration, add-

ing that he was unsure whether the statistics should be used to gauge students’ likelihood of succeeding. “It can never be accurate to tell students, ‘This is what your chances are because of your LSAT and GPA score,’ ” Robinson said. “While [the credentials] might be good predictors, they cannot really assess the individual student.” Marjorie Shultz, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, completed a 10-year study in 2008 that found LSAT scores correlated mostly with law school grades rather than practice. Because of the test’s limited applicability to success outside of legal academia, she said it would be a “fool’s errand” to attempt to predict a student’s chances of succeeding in law in general with the LSAT and undergrad GPA scores alone. “There are students at every school in the country who had top scores on [the LSAT] and they’re highly polished applicants — but they bomb,” she said. “Every law firm will tell you that: that they’re not good at lawyering, that they can’t get along with people, that they can’t manage stress.”


But LSAT scores are linked to bar passage rates — and without passing the bar, a student cannot become a lawyer, Ayres counters. Amar and Ayres suggested that schools maintain a financial stake in their students’ success, which Ayres said would constitute a sign of their “faith in their good product.” If schools are providing their students with a quality education, Ayres said,

they should have nothing to fear in offering to cover part of their students’ loans should these students decide to quit. Areen, the former Georgetown Law Center dean, said she thought if students had enough information to carefully decide whether to go to law school, students should be provided academic assistance to help them pass the bar rather than encouraged to leave. Several professors and deans expressed concern that, in offering students money to drop out, students who struggle in their first year would lose incentive to work to their full potential. Robert O’Neil, a law professor who studies higher education policy at the University of Virginia Law School, said the proposal would implicitly encourage students to quit prematurely. He questioned whether an educational institution should incentivize students to drop out. “Do we really want students to be put in that position?” he said. “There’s something counterintuitive about it.” Several professors said the proposal places blame on law schools if students fare poorly. Ayres said the responsibility for a student’s failures should rightly rest on the law school if students are not given honest information about their chances of success from the start. Giving schools a financial stake in their students’ futures would encourage law schools to be more selective and admit only the students they know will succeed. “The proposal gives the student and the school joint responsibility — they both have skin in the game” Ayres said. “So [schools] won’t have bad incentives to admit students without


YLS professors Akhil Amar and Ian Ayres argued that law schools do not provide students with enough information about their career prospects. disclosing to them that they’re taking bad risks.” But even with more statistics and financial incentives, Stephen Petrany LAW ’14 said he thinks most students are confident that they will succeed, even if it means going against the odds. “The point is that folks who want to go into law school are Type A personalities,” said Allan Tanenbaum, who chaired the American Bar Association’s Commission on Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Profession and on the Public’s Legal Needs. “They all think they’re better than everybody else: ‘Of course I’m going to get the best grade in the class and of course I’m going to be editor of the law review.’ ” Ultimately, many professors said, the proposal — though thought-provoking — would be difficult to enact. Rapoport, the former dean

of the University of Houston Law Center and University of Nebraska College Law, added that even if schools wanted to offer their students financial incentives to quit, it would take years of planning to accommodate the risk of students leaving into schools’ budgets. She said that many law schools’ budgets are carefully restricted to specific uses, with roughly only 5 percent left for unspecified purposes. Robert Berring, a professor at UC Berkeley’s law school, compared the proposal to an essay published by a pair of law professors after World War II. The essay, which called for several changes to legal education, was highly controversial at the time. “But none of that ever got taken up, and that will probably happen with this too,” he said. Contact DANIEL SISGOREO at .

Further cuts necessary in budgeting BUDGET FROM PAGE 1 grams, look for different sources of funding and consider places to trim. Additional cuts are required in part to allow Yale to resume the capital construction projects it stalled to save $2 billion in spending when the recession hit in 2008, such as work on Science Hill facilities and the new residential colleges. “A balanced budget is a necessary target for the near term, but it is not enough to secure a vibrant future for Yale,” Levin and Salovey said in the memo. “In order to make room for academic initiatives and to advance some of the construction projects frozen in the crash of 2008-’09, we will need to free up or find new resources.” Spending across the University is expected to increase by 6 percent next year, driven partly by rising costs of utilities and health care benefits for employees, Salovey and Levin said. At the same time, revenue is projected to rise by just 2.6 percent because of the “smoothing rule,” which keeps spending from the

endowment relatively consistent on an annual basis despite fluctuations in investment performance. The spending rule helped soften the blow of the recession on the University’s finances when the endowment plunged in fiscal year 2009. Despite Yale’s strong endowment performance in the latest fiscal year, Levin and Salovey said they do not expect to achieve similar returns in the near future considering today’s “turbulent financial markets.” Even when the University officially announced its 21.9 percent investment returns in September, experts cautioned against reading too much into one-year numbers in light of global economic uncertainty. Levin and Salovey said that a deficit for 2012-’13 is also expected because administrators balanced the current budget by spending from the University reserves — income set aside in rainy day funds. Yale turned to those funds repeatedly in the aftermath of the recession and had essentially depleted them as of last April, though Levin said the University was able to funnel some

money into the reserves when fiscal year 2011 closed. Salovey wrote in a Wednesday email to the News that the University will maintain its commitment to protecting the academic

core and the student experience as it looks for places to cut in the coming year. Levin could not be reached for comment Wednesday evening. Administrators will begin to

address specifics of the budget planning process at a Thursday meeting, Salovey said. Contact GAVAN GIDEON at .

BY THE NUMBERS 2012-’13 BUDGET PLANNING 21.9 2.6 6 $350 million

Percent Yale returned on endowment investments in the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2011. Projected percent rise in University revenue for the 2012-’13 academic year. Expected percent increase in University spending next year. Size of the budget gap following the roughly 25 percent decline of the endowment in fiscal year 2009.




“I really don’t believe in magic.” J.K. ROWLING AUTHOR OF THE “HARRY POTTER” SERIES

High school accused of changing grades FES students BY NICK DEFIESTA STAFF REPORTER An investigation into allegations of administrator-perpetrated grade changing at New Haven’s Hillhouse High School is underway. The allegations of misconduct first became public at a Board of Education meeting two days before Christmas, with Hillhouse principal Kermit Carolina accused of at least three cases of changing students’ grades. But Carolina defended himself by arguing that he had merely been fixing errors made by the school’s grading system and that the probe against him was politically motivated. At the Dec. 23 meeting — which school board officials did not schedule far enough in advance for a public notice and about which they did not inform any media — New Haven Public Schools Superintendent Reginald Mayo told the board that an investigation had been launched into grade or credit “adjustments” at the school, potentially impacting several students. But Carolina said at the meeting that it was retaliation from another administrator who he had “challenged” and from Mayor John DeStefano Jr. for Carolina’s decision to not appear at a DeStefano campaign event last fall, according to the New Haven Independent. “It saddens me to stand here due to baseless allegations against my high school,” Carolina said at the meeting. “I’ve always been transparent.” Carolina produced a handwritten note addressed from DeStefano to him that only read, “You were there,” which Carolina said referred to his presence at a campaign event for DeStefano’s challenger, Jeffrey Kerekes.

study U.S. farm bill

But DeStefano later explained that the note was from a Sept. 5 road race he attended where he took photographs of city and school workers, and later sent them the photos with handwritten notes, according to the New Haven Register. DeStefano added that he had no connection to the school’s grade-changing investigation. “This is an internal issue that’s coming out of Hillhouse High,” DeStefano said after the meeting, according to the Independent. “To suggest it’s something else — I have no basis for that.”


It saddens me to stand here due to baseless allegations against my high school. KERMIT CAROLINA Principal, Hillhouse High School The school board hired Milford attorney Floyd Dugas to perform the investigation, although Carolina and his attorney Michael Jefferson, the father of a Hillhouse student, asked to have Dugas to be removed from the case due to donations from members of his law firm and family to DeStefano’s campaign last year. The board refused, and the probe continued, according to the New Haven Independent. But after Dugas interviewed Carolina for the investigation, Jefferson said a new issue surfaced: Tenex, the program Hillhouse uses to record grades. The attorney said the program has a glitch that causes it to record lower grades, a fact backed up by several Hillhouse teachers who


HIllhouse High School is currently facing an investigation into allegations of grade changing by its principal. reported in a staff meeting that they had faced problems with Tenex, according to the New Haven Register. Jefferson also said that the cases of grade changing initially investigated involved students not receiving the appropriate credit for classes they took during the summer, which were changed in order to reflect the correct level of difficulty. He added that Carolina doesn’t even have access to the grading computer system, and expects the electronic investigation into who changed the grades to show that his client did nothing wrong.

When reached by email, Ferdinand Risco, a Board of Education vice president, said that the board’s members will not comment on the case while the investigation is ongoing. Many supporters of Carolina — Hillhouse parents, students, aldermen and other community leaders — spoke at a Board of Education meeting last week, calling Carolina a “father figure” and praising his work at the school. “Many of us sent our kids to Hillhouse because of Kermit Carolina,” said Dana Griffin, a parent of a Hillhouse stu-

dent who serves on the school’s parent-teacher organization, according to the Independent. “Now we wonder — how do you get this reputation back?” While many of Carolina’s supporters asked the district not to fire the principal, he told the New Haven Independent that he was not worried about the outcome of the investigation because he had not done anything wrong. Nearly 1,000 students attend Hillhouse High School. Contact NICK DEFIESTA at .

Entertainer mixes magic and academics BY ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA STAFF REPORTER Magician Paul Draper wowed a crowd of more than 60 students and faculty as he seemingly bent a spoon with his mind, made coins disappear and identified objects with his eyes closed. Draper, the house magician at the Venetian Las Vegas Hotel, invited audience members to participate in all of his tricks at a Pierson College Master’s Tea Wednesday evening. Having earned his bachelor’s degree in anthropology, Draper said he hones his skills by observing people and their tendencies. “What I do is, in fact, different than what a magician does,” he said. “A magician can practice alone, in front of a mirror. I, on the other hand, need people to practice.” Draper, who previously taught in the

communications department at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, said he approaches his performances not only as a magician but also as an intellectual, drawing on elements of cognitive science, psychology and the performing arts. Since his performances involve the audience and incorporate the unpredictability of human nature, he added, his tricks fail about 5 percent of the time. “Nothing I do uses psychic power,” he said. “All I use is influence and persuasion.” Draper acknowledged that he has not always used his abilities in completely ethical ways. In a previous position at the Venetian Las Vegas Hotel, he said, his assignment was to distract the families of gamblers, who continued to lose money as their families were dazzled by Draper’s tricks. But as he traveled around the world

performing magic, he said his experiences, particularly at a Navajo Native American reservation, convinced him that he could “use magic to help people.” For example, he said, he meets nurses who doubt the efficacy of new technology in medicine, and his show helps them to embrace ideas they cannot completely explain or understand. Throughout the roughly 90-minute talk, the crowd often responded to Draper’s tricks with gasps of disbelief and claps of approval. Four attendees interviewed all said they were impressed by his show, but some said they felt his performance was overly dramatic. Jessica Tordoff ’15, a prospective science major, said some of Draper’s comments, such as his assertion that his tricks transcend mathematical principles, were excessive. Tanjim Efaz ’14 said he wished that

Draper would have focused less on performing tricks and more on his academic work.

Nothing I do uses psychic power. All I use is influence and persuasion. PAUL DRAPER Magician Draper has been featured on many television programs, including the HBO comedy fest at Caesar’s Palace. Contact ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA at .

PAUL DRAPER MAGICIAN I often fail, but failure is a part of my job, and that’s precisely what makes what I do so interesting to watch and participate in. There is always the chance that I might fail. Growing up in a Jewish family in Utah was difficult because no one was allowed to be my friend, so I spent a lot of time observing. Observing people was crucial to my success and is often underrated. VIVIENNE JIAO ZHANG/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Paul Draper performed tricks to an audience of about 60 at a Pierson College master’s tea.

A guest lecture series at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is bringing undergraduates and graduate students together to discuss the United States farm bill. The series is a student-organized independent study that aims to give students an understanding of the U.S. farm bill and how it affects other areas of food and agricultural systems, said Julia Meisel FES ’12, one of the course’s organizers. Rather than teaching the course themselves, the organizers contacted experts on the subject and invited them to be guest speakers. The lecture series will be complemented by in-class discussions with the lecturer and students. “One of the most exciting things about the class is that it’s bringing together people from these various perspectives and really incredible backgrounds,” said Cara Mae Cirignano FES ’13, one of the course’s organizers. Cirignano added she and the other organizers — Meisel, Chandra Simon FES ‘12 and Amy Coplen FES ’12 — received “enormous interest” from across the University. In the end, Cirignano said, they had to cap the class in order to foster an atmosphere in which discussion would be feasible. The 17-person class contains students from the Yale School of Management, the Yale Law School, the Yale Graduate School, the Yale School of Public Health, Yale College and FES, said Simon. Simon said the idea for the independent study arose from growing interest within FES about food and agriculture. Last November, she and the other organizers held a meeting where nearly 30 FES students discussed the issues they hoped to explore further. Based on this meeting, Simon said, the organizers decided to form a student-led course focusing on the farm bill, the federal government’s primary bill dealing with agricultural and food policy that is passed approximately every five years with various modifications. The course examines a different title of the bill each week. Meisel said every student in the course has demonstrated past experience in food and agriculture, and that the lecture series is another way for students to explore their interest in the subjects. Both of the two undergraduates currently participating in the course, which counts as one credit toward the Yale College graduation requirements, said they are excited to be a part of the lecture series. “I think various perspectives present in the classroom will enrich the experience significantly, said Diana Saverin ’13, who is enrolled in the course. The organizers spoke with Associate Dean of Alumni and External Affairs Gordon Geballe GRD ’81, who offered to be their faculty adviser. As an adviser, Geballe said, he acts as a “sounding board” for the students, though ultimately they are responsible for the fate of the course. In order to plan the course of study, Cirignano said they researched other schools’ course offerings on food and agricultural policy. Meisel said the organizers have also received input from their speakers, who suggested relevant readings for the topics they will discuss. “The farm bill is a very large piece of legislation that’s almost indecipherable without intensive study, so it’s great that this group of students is tackling it together and bringing in salient speakers,” said Rachael Styer ’12, the other undergraduate enrolled in the course. “Food Fight 2012: Why the Farm Bill Matters,” a lecture sponsored by FES and the course’s organizers, will be held in Kroon Hall on Thursday from noon to 1 p.m. Contact LILIANA VARMAN at .




“Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.” MARILYN MONROE AMERICAN ACTRESS

Revised sex week proposal approved SEX WEEK FROM PAGE 1 although there are “some aspects of [the proposal] that do not seem to underpin our own educational mission,” she has permitted Sex Week organizers to reserve rooms on campus for the activities, which will take place from Feb. 4-14. “It’s an ambitious proposal, with attention to consent in the present and historical and social contexts overall,” Miller said. “On balance, the proposal received our support.” Miller did not respond to requests about which elements of the proposal were not completely satisfactory. Connie Cho ’13, one of the organizers for Sex Week, said in

a Wednesday email that organizers received the “green light” from the Dean’s Office for all of the proposed activities and discussion topics on Dec. 20. Though Cho said last month that Sex Week directors have worked to make the event relevant to all students, she added that the organizers would not shy away from controversial issues such as pornography. Still, organizers have said that this year’s event will place a special emphasis on sexual health and female sexuality. The proposal, which was submitted to administrators on Dec. 2, also requested funding from the Dean’s Office for certain events, but Miller said her office has not yet decided whether to pro-

vide financial support. In previous years, Sex Week directors have relied on corporate sponsors, but this year’s organizers have agreed to find alternative sources of funding in response to concerns raised by the Advisory Committee. Organizers have been coordinating with student groups to cosponsor events in an effort to garner interest in Sex Week activities and contribute to the event’s “ideal operating budget” of $20,000. Though organizers have applied for funding through the Undergraduate Organizations Funding Committee and Yale fellowships, they have also asked student leaders to solicit donations from alumni of their groups, according to the email organizers sent to


The proposal submitted by this year’s Sex Week board has been accepted by the Yale administration.

partner organizations. Niko Efstathiou ’14, a member of the Yale International Relations Association who has been working with Sex Week to co-sponsor some activities, said he is excited that the Yale International Relations Association will have the chance to offer a “global perspective” on sex and sexuality through a panel discussion on sexual culture in foreign countries. Twelve of 16 students interviewed said they supported the administration’s decision to allow Sex Week to remain on campus, and a majority of students interviewed said they would consider attending at least one of the activities. “I really like the fact that [Sex Week] takes away the taboo of talking openly and honestly about sex,” Zach Belway ’13 said, adding that he attended Sex Week events as a freshman. “There’s so much variety to it that people can go to whatever events suit them, not just the porn star ones.” But Isabel Marin ’12, one of the co-founders of Undergraduates for a Better Yale College (UBYC), a registered student group that circulated a petition last semester urging administrators to ban Sex Week, said although Sex Week organizers tried to tone down the “shock aspect” of their event, she still thinks the proposal focuses too much on pornography and casual sex. “I don’t think the underlying message [of Sex Week] has changed all that much even though the superficial advertising of the event has changed,” she said. “I was still surprised that after all the complaints, especially about their emphasis on pornography, that that was still one of the

major pillars of things they wanted to explore and emphasize in Sex Week.” Marin said that UBYC will hold a “Love Week” during Sex Week for students “who want to explore and learn about an alternative way” to engage in romantic life at Yale. Sex Week leaders have recruited Ann Olivarius ’77 LAW ’86 SOM ’86, a London-based attorney, to present the keynote speech, according to a press release from the Sexual Literacy Coalition at Yale. Olivarius was a plaintiff in the 1980 Alexander v. Yale trial in which a group of students sued

the University for its alleged failure to provide a centralized grievance process for sexual harassment cases. Olivarius will discuss the importance of sexual education and discourse in preventing sexual violence, according to the statement. In past years, Sex Week has been known as “Sex Week at Yale,” but this year’s event will not include the “Yale” name as a result of the Advisory Committee’s report. Contact CAROLINE TAN at .

LOVE WEEK: A SEX WEEK ALTERNATIVE Leaders of Undergraduates for a Better Yale College will hold an alternative series of events during Sex Week that will be known as “Love Week,” which is scheduled to run from Feb. 5-14. The alternative event is intended to function as a contrast to Sex Week and will emphasize “the greater whole, not just sex,” said Eduardo Andino ’13, co-founder of UBYC. “It’s the physical, the psychological, the emotional and the interpersonal,” he said. “There were criticisms that [our petition to ban Sex Week] was negative, so this [initiative] is kind of on both sides. We’re offering something negative like ‘we don’t think this should be happening’ but we’re also offering something else too that I hope people will appreciate as a positive offering.” Isabel Marin ’12, another member of UBYC, said the group is “trying to present an alternative to the part of Sex Week that we find the most destructive to a healthy campus culture at Yale,” though she said the event is not intended to be a “full-fledged replacement” to Sex Week. Marin added that that Love Week will emphasize the importance of relationships and “happy sex. Scheduled events include talks titled “Chastity and Human Goods,” “The Person as a Gift” and “Sexual Bliss: The Path to Sexual Satisfaction and Marital Happiness for Today’s Couples.” In addition, Love Week will encourage students to go on “traditional dates,” such as dinner and a movie, on Valentine’s Day

Donations allow complete offerings at SOM draising approach in the wake of Yale Tomorrow, the efforts will be particularly important at SOM, which relies on successful fundraising for regular operations and future initiatives, said Joel Getz, the school’s senior associate dean for development and alumni relations. “Any campaign gives a certain boost or jolt, but we hope to continue with that momentum,” Getz said. “It would be the mark of a successful campaign if we were able … to raise the sights of our alumni and friends.” Though SOM’s program offerings are comparable to those at schools like Harvard Business School and the Wharton School of Business, Getz said SOM is a much smaller school, which makes fundraising critical to its development. SOM faces “many of the same bills” as larger business schools, Getz said, but has fewer than 500 tuition-paying students. He noted that donations are crucial to balancing the school’s budget and funding development initiatives, such the construction of the new SOM campus.

Getz said he “could not understate” SOM’s need for donations. “While we have a great endowment, our operating financial model is not as strong as it needs to be and part of that is due to the scale and scope of the school,” he said. “We’re a very small school and you still have to teach in a broad range of disciplines.” University Vice President for Development Inge Reichenbach, who oversees fundraising efforts across Yale, said she expects donations to be slower than usual this year as her office “turns the battleship around” and looks into initiatives after Yale Tomorrow. But even as the University charts a new fundraising course, Reichbach said she does not expect gifts from SOM alumni to sink back to their pre-campaign levels. The SOM’s largest initiatives have been possible thus far because of gifts from alumni of other parts of the University, she said. The construction of the new campus, for instance, was funded by a $50 million donation from Yale College graduate Edward Evans ’64. Before Yale Tomorrow, SOM had received few donations in

the millions from its own alumni largely because the donor base of the relatively-young school is still developing, Reichenbach said.

While we have a great endowment, our operating financial model is not as strong as it needs to be. JOEL GETZ Senior associate dean for development and alumni relations, Yale School of Management “[SOM] started out as a school that was going to teach business to people who wanted to go into NGOs or philanthropic endeavors,” Reichenbach said. “So initially there were not as many high-earning salaries in this group.” SOM currently has 6,300 alumni, Getz said, and he projects that the alumni base will eventually stabilize at 15,000. As the alumni base grows, Getz said he expects to see more SOM grad-

uates make substantial donations, though he added that 73 percent of SOM donated during Yale Tomorrow — among the highest across Yale’s schools. The school’s annual rate of giving has historically hovered just under 50 percent, Getz said, while many peer business schools often see yearly participation rates below 20 percent. Moving forward, Getz said he is confident that SOM Dean Edward Snyder, who took office this fall, will help bolster fundraising efforts. Before coming to Yale, Snyder served as dean of the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, where he helped secure a $300 million donation — the largest in business school history. University President Richard Levin said Snyder’s demonstrated ability as a fundraiser was “one of many factors” that led to his appointment. Snyder said he expects alumni will donate more as they see the school expanding and successfully pursuing new initiatives. Reichenbach said the Provost’s Office is currently holding discussions with administrators and program directors across the Uni-



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versity to determine the needs of units over the next five years. Management Tomorrow brought in a total of $252 million in donations.

Tapley Stephenson contributed reporting. Contact DANIEL SISGOREO at .






A slight chance of snow after 3pm. Increasing clouds, with a high near 33.


High of 37, low of 22.

High of 36, low of 28.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 11:30 AM “Systematic Reviews and Public Policy.” Researcher Angeli Landeros-Weisenberger will speak as part of the series “Current Work in Child Development and Social Policy,” sponsored by the Edward Zigler Center. William L. Harkness Hall (100 Wall St.), Room 116. 12:00 PM “Inferring Species Extinction Risk from Spatial, Environmental and Phylogenetic Information.” Professor Walter Jetz will speak. Sponsored by the Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies. Class of 1954 Environmental Sciences Center (21 Sachem St.), Room 110. 7:30 PM Yale Anime Society presents: “Zipang.” In this film, a modern-day Japanese destroyer is transported to the Battle of Midway and must decide whether or not to interfere with history. Saybrook College (242 Elm St.), TV room.


SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 12:55 PM The Metropolitan Opera at Yale presents: “The Enchanted Island.” This dazzling production of “The Enchanted Island” is directed and designed by Phelim McDermott and Julian Crouch (“Satyagraha” and the Met’s 125th anniversary gala). Sprague Hall (470 College St.). 8:00 PM Yale Schola Cantorum. David Hill will lead the Yale Schola Cantorum in a program of a cappella music of Victoria and Howells. Free admission. Christ Church Episcopal (84 Broadway at Elm Street).


SUNDAY, JANUARY 22 8:00 PM Weekly Reading with the Yale Shakespeare Project. An opportunity to read Shakespeare aloud. Part of Shakespeare at Yale. Occurs weekly. Open to students only. Contact brian. for information. Ezra Stiles College (19 Tower Parkway), Suite B21.


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Questions or comments about the fairness or accuracy of stories should be directed to Max de la Bruyère, Editor in Chief, at (203) 432-2418. Bulletin Board is a free service provided to groups of the Yale community for events. Listings should be submitted online at submit. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit listings.

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CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Fair color? 6 Skippy rival 9 Gillette razor 13 Moses’ mount 14 Like the Gobi Desert 16 “House” actor Robert __ Leonard 17 Nuts 19 Agcy. whose seal features a shock of corn 20 First area to fill in on a form 21 Harry Potter series ender? 23 Up to, briefly 24 Street Cry, to Street Sense 25 Switching device 29 “Here Come the __”: 1945 college comedy 31 Cover 32 “Leda and the Swan” poet 33 Swing voter: Abbr. 34 Store sign 36 “Yeah, right!” 37 Keeps at it 39 Jackie Chan genre 42 Four-legged king 43 Fruit often dried 46 Novel opening 47 Row of seats 48 __ queen 50 “We want you here” 53 Targets 54 Texas Rangers manager Washington 55 Pat-down org. 56 Golfer’s feat 58 Table scraps 60 Dally, and a literal hint to 17-, 25-, 37- and 50Across 64 Stringed instrument 65 Bygone Dodge 66 One may bring eternal bad luck 67 Selection word 68 William, to Charles 69 Cold metal? DOWN 1 Egyptian cobra 2 Umpteen, with “a”

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By Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burnikel

3 Not made public 4 Came down 5 Mozart’s “__ kleine Nachtmusik” 6 6-Across container 7 Tax-sheltered savings, briefly 8 Effervesced 9 SW school whose mascot carries a pitchfork 10 Research site 11 Give off 12 Word with stock or market 15 Yarn colorer 18 Graduation flier 22 Terra firma 24 Phys., e.g. 26 Jackie’s designer 27 Actress with six Oscar nominations by age 33 28 Hard to grasp 30 Cadenza performer 35 One may not be intended 36 WWII battle site, for short 37 Fillable bread

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Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved


6 2 9 8 1

8 4 1 2 8 5 3

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38 Old Sony brand 39 Give the okay 40 Unit often burned off 41 Capital nearest to Philadelphia 43 What “you always pass ... on your way to success”: Mickey Rooney 44 Vast 45 Electric alternative


47 Book of sacred poems 49 Seasoned stew 51 Hockey Hall of Fame nickname 52 Thumbs-up vote 57 Curved pieces 59 Devilish 61 Roberto’s 2012, e.g. 62 One of two complementary Asian forces 63 __ Monte Foods





2 5 1

8 8 3 9

3 8 4 7 1





Dow Jones 12,578.95, +0.78%

S NASDAQ 2,769.71, +1.53% S Oil $101.48, +0.88%

Obama nixes oil pipeline

S S&P 500 1,308.04, +1.11% T T

10-yr. Bond 1.90%, +0.05% Euro $1.29, +0.11%

Romney runs from tax rate issue BY KASIE HUNT AND TOM RAUM ASSOCIATED PRESS


Republican leaders express their opposition to President Barack Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. BY MATTHEW DALY ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — In a politically explosive decision, President Barack Obama on Wednesday rejected plans for a massive oil pipeline through the heart of the United States, ruling there was not enough time for a fair review before a looming deadline forced on him by Republicans. His move did not kill the project but could again delay a tough choice for him until after the November elections. Right away, the implications rippled across the political spectrum, stirred up the presidential campaign and even hardened feelings with Canada, a trusted U.S. ally and neighbor. For a U.S. electorate eager for work, the pipeline has become the very symbol of job creation for Republicans, but Obama says the environment and public safety must still be weighed too. The plan by Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. would carry tar sands oil from western Canada across a 1,700-mile pipeline across six U.S. states to Texas refineries.

Obama was already on record as saying no, for now, until his government could review an alternative route that avoided environmentally sensitive areas of Nebraska - a route that still has not been proposed, as the White House emphasizes. But Obama had to take a stand again by Feb. 21 at the latest as part of an unrelated tax deal he cut with Republicans. This time, the project would go forward unless Obama himself declared it was not in the national interest. The president did just that, reviving intense reaction. “This announcement is not a judgment on the merits of the pipeline, but the arbitrary nature of a deadline that prevented the State Department from gathering the information necessary to approve the project and protect the American people,” Obama said in a written statement. “I’m disappointed that Republicans in Congress forced this decision.” Republicans responded unsparingly. “President Obama is destroying tens of thousands of American jobs

and shipping American energy security to the Chinese. There’s really just no other way to put it. The president is selling out American jobs for politics,” House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said. Insisting that the pipeline would help the economy, he declared: “This is not the end of the fight,” signaling that Republicans might try again to force a decision. The State Department said the decision was made “without prejudice,” meaning TransCanada can submit a new application once a new route is established. Russ Girling, TransCanada’s president and chief executive officer, said the company plans to do exactly that. If approved, the pipeline could begin operation as soon as 2014, Girling said. It did not take long for the Republicans seeking Obama’s job to slam him. Newt Gingrich, campaigning for the GOP presidential nomination in South Carolina, called Obama’s decision “stunningly stupid,” adding: “What Obama has done is kill jobs, weaken American security and drive Canada into the arms of China out of just sheer stupidity.”

SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Mitt Romney tried doggedly Wednesday to sidestep the political furor he had started a day earlier by revealing he pays federal taxes at a rate of about 15 percent, less than millions of middleincome American families. Facing a new controversy, his campaign confirmed that Romney has money invested in the Cayman Islands but said he was not getting any tax break. Newt Gingrich, his main rival in this weekend’s South Carolina primary, poked at Romney anew and disclosed that he personally pays more than twice what Romney does. Just before Saturday’s South Carolina voting, Romney is trying to wrap up his push for the Republican nomination, but it’s been anything but smooth. He’s spent nearly two weeks answering questions and criticism about his personal wealth and tenure at Bain Capital, the private equity firm he founded, and those subjects are sure to come up again in Thursday night’s debate. Gingrich slapped at the GOP frontrunner, saying in Winnsboro that he himself paid 31 percent of his income in taxes for 2010, more than twice what Romney said he paid. Gingrich’s campaign said the 31 percent was the effective federal rate on income, apparently not including Social Security payroll taxes. Romney’s campaign was confronted with new questions about his finances Wednesday when ABC News reported that Romney has millions of dollars of personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, known as a tax haven for Americans. The report said that Romney had the ability to pay a lower tax rate by investing in funds located offshore. A spokeswoman for Romney’s campaign confirmed that the Romneys have money in the Caymans. But the campaign did not say why. Spokes-

woman Andrea Saul also said: “ABC is flat wrong. The Romneys’ investments in funds established in the Cayman Islands are taxed in the very same way they would be if those funds were established in the United States. These are not tax havens and it is false to say so.” While a supporter rushed to Romney’s defense, the former Massachusetts governor tried to duck the issue entirely on Wednesday, making no mention of his tax returns or tax rate during a rally at Wofford College here and declining to take questions from the news media. Instead, he delivered his standard campaign speech and assailed Gingrich, who has been running second in opinion polls in South Carolina. At an event in Rock Hill, S.C., Romney kept away from the issue of his taxes, but he criticized Republicans who “jumped on that bandwagon” of criticizing free enterprise. “My goodness, I listened to Speaker Gingrich the other night talk about the enterprises I’ve been associated with,” Romney said. “I’m proud of the fact that I worked in the private sector, that I’ve achieved success.” “It’s always better in my view to have complete disclosure, especially when you’re the front-runner,” Christie said. After months of resistance and under pressure from Republican presidential rivals, Romney now says he will release tax information for 2011 - but not until April, close to the tax filing deadline and when, presumably, the GOP race will have been decided. Romney disclosed for the first time on Tuesday that, despite his wealth of hundreds of millions of dollars, he has been paying in the neighborhood of 15 percent, far below the top maximum income tax rate of 35 percent, because his income “comes overwhelmingly from investments made in the past.” During 2010 and the first nine months of 2011, the Romney family had at least $9.6 million in income, according to a financial disclosure form submitted in August.

GOP campaign rhetoric raising racial concerns BY JESSE HOLLAND ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Hoping to win the hearts of Southern conservatives, Newt Gingrich leaned into his argument that President Barack Obama is a “food stamp president” and that poor people should want paychecks, not handouts — a pitch that earned him a standing ovation in South Carolina during a presidential debate on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. “I believe every American of every background has been endowed by their creator with the right to pursue happiness, and if that make liberals unhappy, I’m going to continue to find ways to help poor people learn how to get a job, learn how to get a better job and learn someday to own the job,” Gingrich said. A day later, he turned the moment — complete with the cheering conservative crowd — into a TV ad as he works

to claw his way to the top of the leader board in the closing days of the South Carolina campaign. Rhetoric like that from Gingrich and other candidates is stoking concerns among some blacks that the political discourse is rewinding to the days of “Southern strategy” campaigning that uses blacks as scapegoats to attract white votes. Yet, it’s unclear whether this strategy — if that’s what it is — will work on an electorate now accustomed to seeing African-Americans in high-ranking positions. “I see it as a retreat to the sort of bread-and-butter rallying of those who we might call racist,” said Charles P. Henry, chair of African American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. “I see it as a desperate strategy to draw in those voters and South Carolina would be a better testing ground because of its sizable black population.” While blacks are of 1.1 percent

and 2.9 percent of the population, respectively, in New Hampshire and Iowa, they are almost one in three in South Carolina, where the Civil War began in 1861. That means scapegoating minorities stands to work better there than in either of those previously contested states, Henry said. “If it works, then one could expect to see it repeated in other primaries where blacks might be a force in state politics,” he said. Gingrich’s standing ovation came Monday during an exchange with debate panelist Juan Williams, who sought to revisit Gingrich’s assertions in New Hampshire that he would go before the NAACP and talk about “why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps.” “Can’t you see this is viewed, at a minimum, as insulting to all Americans, but as particularly to

black Americans?” Williams said. “No, I don’t see that,” Gingrich replied. Williams said his email and Twitter accounts were “inundated with people of all races who are asking if your comments are not intended to belittle the poor and racial minorities.” Williams wasn’t the only one wondering. Last week, when Gingrich faced a crowd at a black church in South Carolina, one woman said his words came across “so negatively, like we’re not doing everything for our young people.” The NAACP, the Urban League and others condemned Gingrich for dredging up racial stereotypes, and pointed to 2010 Census data showing that, nationally, 49 percent of food stamp recipients were non-Hispanic whites, 26 percent were black and 20 percent were Hispanic. Gingrich is not alone in using what some blacks interpret to be

racial rhetoric or imagery. Rick Santorum, in a discussion about Medicaid in Iowa, said: “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” Santorum later denied that his remarks were aimed at blacks. Ron Paul chose the South Carolina Statehouse grounds, surrounded by Civil War icons and the Confederate battle flag, to talk Tuesday about states’ rights to possibly ignore federal laws they don’t like, which in the past would have included civil rights and voting laws. Mitt Romney spent King Day campaigning with anti-immigration activist Kris Kobach, architect of two of the strongest immigration crackdown laws in the country. Romney also has said that, if elected, he would veto legislation that would allow illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to earn legal status if they went to college or joined the military.

Politicians know the effect of their words and how those words can help them with conservative voters, especially now that Romney “has sewed up the moderates,” said D’Andra Orey, chairman of the political science department at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “This is a calculated move and is not some sort of slip,” Orey said. He added that if politicians can successfully pit blacks against whites, “it creates the kind of contagion that will help to mobilize support” among extremists in the Republican Party. In an interview for the book “Southern Politics in the 1990s,” the late political operative Lee Atwater, manager of George H.W. Bush’s 1988 presidential campaign and a South Carolina native, was clear about the evolution of racial code words in political campaigns.




“There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody.” ELIZABETH WARREN POLICY ADVOCATE AND U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE IN MASSACHUSETTS


Economic woes hit Hanover shops BY ERIN LANDAU STAFF WRITER Only the latest casualty in a string of recent business closures in Hanover, Hanover Outdoors will be shutting down in the near future, according to owner Tom Ciardelli. “Astronomical” rents in Hanover and the recent economic downturn have made it difficult for many retailers to stay in business, Ciardelli said. Brambles, a local gift and homewares shop, also closed down in early January. “There has always been a significant turnover in retailers in downtown Hanover,” Ciardelli said. “It is a difficult place to do business if you’re not on the north end of Main Street. I don’t know of any retailers that are doing exceptionally well, and it’s especially difficult if you don’t have an online shopping component.” Parking and construction have also negatively affected Hanover Outdoors and many other businesses in the area, Ciardelli said. “We’ve been severely impacted by the construction around us and have had issues with congestion and parking in town,” he said. “Hanover is not a great place to come from the outside and shop.” Students returned to campus after winter break to find Brambles had already shut down, with a sign in the window to inform customers that it had gone out of business. “I don’t have any information on why [Brambles] closed, but I do know the owner has multiple parties interested in leasing the space,” Luke Walthour, the building superintendent, said in an email to The Dartmouth. Ciardelli said he considered closing Hanover Outdoors for several months and is “look-

ing fo rward to the free time.” In terms of impacting the greater Hanover DARTMOUTH area, he said the store’s closure will only affect his flyfishing customers. The fly-fishing portion of the store will be moved to a new location in Lebanon, which will focus solely on fishing and some related apparel and will be run by Steve Cole, a manager at Hanover Outdoors, Ciardelli said. There will be a new business replacing Hanover Outdoors, according to Ciardelli, who also owns the building, but he said he is “not at liberty to say” what the new store will contain.

Everyone just has to work harder for less — that’s the way that all businesses work now. MAUREEN BOGOSIAN President, Everything But Anchovies “We have some very good customers that shop here regularly, but there are other opportunities in Hanover,” Ciardelli said. “I don’t think it will affect them significantly, and it won’t have a major impact on Hanover.” Popular burrito restaurant Gusanoz also closed earlier this fall due to economic issues, according co-owner Nick Yager. The restaurant’s Hanover location “bled the company” for the last three years, Yager said.

The Hanover eatery only generated one-third of the business that the Lebanon site did, but required 50 to 60 percent of the owners’ energy, he said. Other restaurants also spoke of declining business in Hanover. “We don’t do the figures we did 10 years ago because of the economy,” Everything But Anchovies President Maureen Bogosian said. “Everyone just has to work harder for less — that’s the way that all businesses work now.” Hanover Outdoors has been in business since 1998, and since its opening has gained “loyal customers” who shop at the store regularly, especially for fly-fishing materials, Ciardelli said. “This is my favorite fly-fishing shop, and I’m probably their best customer,” Hanover resident Marcia Stone said. “The staff here was very helpful in outfitting me for my trips to Belize and New Zealand.” Cole has worked at Hanover Outdoors since 2008. Growing up in Lebanon, N.H., Cole was an avid fly-fisher and said working at Hanover Outdoors was a “natural choice.” Having worked in larger retail shops, Cole said working for a smaller, locally-owned store has been “incredible.” “Just judging from the customers, we have a very loyal customer base,” Cole said. “They will really miss the products that we have. People are going to have to go to online sources. Also, other retailers such as Mountain Goat are going to have to fill the clothing hole left by our store.” Norwich resident and “avid fly fisher” Karen Kayen, who was wearing a coat bought at the store when she spoke to The Dartmouth, said she laments the loss of such a “beautiful” and “use-


Numerous businesses in Hanover have shut their doors in recent years due to the difficult economy. ful” store. She was wearing a coat bought from the store, and said she had made numerous purchases, including waders, boots and a rod from the store. “It has a real nice niche in town, and there’s really no other outfitter of this sort,” Kayen said. Peter Harnish, who has worked at the store for over a year, had

no prior experience working in retail, he said. Originally from Ohio, Harnish moved to Hanover with his fiance, who is currently a PhD student at Dartmouth. His experience hiking and camping helped prepare him to work in the store, but he needed to learn a lot about the fly-fishing and clothing aspects of the shop, Harnish said.

“You really get to know the regular customers working here,” Harnish said. “It has been especially great interacting with the through-hikers. In fact, one out of three hikers stop into the store just to chat.” Representatives from Brambles could not be reached for comment by press time.


Harvard sweeps away Occupy BY NATHALIE MIRAVAL STAFF WRITER Harvard administrators removed the last vestiges of the Occupy Harvard encampment from Harvard Yard on Friday afternoon. Administrators and Cambridge police cited potential safety hazards as reason to dismantle the weather-proof dome and information tent—the only structures remaining since the protest movement decamped in December. On its website, Occupy Harvard called administrators’ decision to dismantle the dome “a direct reversal of their previously stated commitment to ensure free speech in Harvard Yard.” Jeff Neal, a Faculty of Arts and Sciences spokesperson, said that safety was the impetus behind the seizure of the dome and information tent. On Friday, winds reaching 45 miles per hour caused the dome to move several feet and collapsed the tent, Neal said in an email, adding that the dome nearly struck a passerby as it started to careen across the Yard. Derin Korman, a teaching fellow in Visual and Environmental Studies and Occupy Harvard supporter, said that he and other protesters who were stationed at the information table on Friday removed the tarp covering the dome after the structure fell.

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P ro te s te rs then transported the tarp and the other loose objects kept in the dome to Phillips Brooks

House for storage. On its website, the Occupy Harvard group stated that protesters understood from a conversation with a grounds manager that they could keep the dome in the Yard as long as it was secured. They held an emergency general assembly in which they made plans to affix the dome to the ground.

We are still here. We will continue in various forms. It is definitely not the end, not nearly so. DERIN KORMAN Occupy Harvard supporter But Director of Facilities Management and Operations Zachary M. Gingo and Associate Dean for Physical Resources and Planning Michael N. Lichten then approached the protesters and told them to remove the dome,

Korman said. When the protesters refused, Harvard employees disassembled and seized the dome. On its website, Occupy Harvard claimed that the workers were assisted by Cambridge police. On that same day, the University had received a letter from the Cambridge Historical Commission claiming that the geodesic dome’s presence put Harvard in violation of a code forbidding structures erected on a historical site without a permit. A University official declined to comment on whether the letter influenced Harvard’s decision to remove the dome. Neither Gingo nor Lichten could be reached for comment. Neal wrote that the University will return the pieces of the dome once Occupy Harvard representatives make arrangements to retrieve them. Harvard has forbidden the protesters from erecting the dome on University property again, he said, but administrators plan to work with the protesters to find a new location for their information table. With or without a physical occupation in the Yard, members of the movement said they will continue to make their presence known on campus. “We are still here,” Korman said. “We will continue in various forms. It is definitely not the end, not nearly so.”







PEOPLE IN THE NEWS YU DARVISH Yu Darvish, Japan’s top pitcher, signed a 6 year, $60 million contract with the Texas Rangers yesterday. The Rangers are hoping that Darvish will be the necessary piece to clinch a World Series victory. In Japan, Darvish had a 93-38 record over seven seasons in Japan.

Yale avenges Nationals loss SQUASH FROM PAGE 12


Kenneth Chan ’13, foreground, lost to Trinity’s Vikram Malhotra Wednesday, but Yale’s depth helped it win overall.

comeback by Vishrab Kotian to win, 3–2 and narrow the overall deficit to 2–1. Captain Ryan Dowd ‘12 then rolled to a 3–1 win against the Bantams’ Reinhold Hergeth, Hergeth’s first loss of the season. But losses by Samuel Clayman ’12 at No. 8 and Kenneth Chan ’13 at No. 1 gave Trinity a 4–3 lead with only two games left to play. The players who took the court for Yale in those last two games were a pair of seniors — Robert Berner ’12 at No. 7 and Roberts. Things looked bleak for the Bulldogs when both men dropped their first games. Roberts fought hard in a series of back-and-forth rallies to defend an early game lead, but his opponent, Johan Detter, managed to win 12–10. “I lost a couple of loose points, and it was hard to shake it off early on,”

Roberts said. “But knowing my teammate Robbie was playing in the next court, I needed time to settle into my rhythm.” Roberts went on to win the second game, 11–7, and Berner also won a game, then both won again to give Yale 2–1 leads in both must-win games. Berner dominated his fourth game and clinched a 3–1 win for the Elis, knotting Yale and Trinity at 4–4 with only the Roberts game left. Trinity’s Detter did not concede easily and coasted to an 11–3 win that tied the final match 2–2. “At this stage, in my mind, I was just focusing on every point, every shot, and while I wasn’t giving my opponent any easy shots, I wasn’t doing anything wild either,” Roberts said. Roberts added that knowing Detter had the pressure of keeping Trinity’s 13-year-long streak alive helped

Reno, other coaches find home in Ivy League

him deal with his own pressure going into the final game. Roberts took an early lead, but Detter did not make the final showdown easy. After several long, back and forth rallies, Roberts gutted his way to a 6–3 lead following an unforced error from the Bantam. As partisan Yale crowds roared after each point, Roberts began to pull away. He won the next four consecutive points to make the score 10–3 and set up match point. Detter won the next rally, but as the scoreboard displayed 10–4 — another match point — the crowd was roaring, jumping and banging on the bleachers. Talbott, his wife and other players huddled on the sidelines. “Was I nervous when the final two matches both dropped the first game? Yes, but I know the two are very seasoned players,” Talbott said. “I’ve watched them play a lot of matches where they dropped the first and sec-


The Harvard and Princeton Q:teams have dominated the The men’s golf team, last year’s Ivy League champions, is coached by alumnus Colin Sheehan ’87. IVY COACHES FROM PAGE 12 dents are going through was really easy for me personally.” Thomas Beckett, director of athletics at Yale, subscribed to the notion that previous experience in the Ivy League gives coaches a leg up in their daily work, as there is no substitute for personal experience. “I do think people who themselves were student-athletes in the Ivy League or who have coached in the Ivy League have a sense of, ‘I know exactly what kind of a studentathlete I will be dealing with because I’ve been there. I was one or I’ve coached here before,’” Beckett said. Still, other coaches with previous experience in the Ivy League expressed unease at the emphasis on understanding students’ workload. While attending an Ivy League college usually requires a substantial amount of effort in the classroom, there are other colleges with similarly taxing academics, coaches said. Cristina Teuscher, a 2000 Columbia graduate who became the swimming and diving coach at Yale in the spring of 2010, said exaggerating the academic burden on Ivy League students can breed a sense of exceptionalism, which can end up lowering athletic standards. A two-time Olympic medalist, Teuscher maintained that attending an Ivy League school should not be an excuse for compromising athletic prowess. She stressed that participating in both academics and athletics at a high level should enrich a student-athlete’s experience. “I think a mistake that we can make here is to kind of aggrandize the idea of what we do in the Ivy League,” Teuscher said. “Just because

you’re at a high-level school academically doesn’t mean that you do anything different athletically. You can do both at a high level — don’t short-change yourself. If you’re offered both, it’s that much better.” The Ivy League does not offer athletic scholarships: coaches must entice recruits in other ways. In particular, having been a student-athlete at an Ivy League university enables coaches to recruit from a personal perspective. Colin Sheehan ’97, men’s golf coach since the summer of 2008, said his Yale background gives him sincerity when it comes to recruiting. “When you have attended the school, you can passionately share your opinion on the program and the University,” Sheehan explained. “When I tell a recruit that I have played on the golf team for four wonderful years of my life, I explain that it’s precisely what I want to be the case for their experience. Being at Yale was a big aspect of the wonderful experience I had and I think I can convey that to recruits in a credible way.” One factor in many coaches’ decisions to remain in or return to the Ivy League is the particular variety of athletics in the Ivy League. Beckett said the mix of academics, athletics, and interesting and appreciative student-athletes attracts and retains coaches. “I think that there’s an appeal to coaching bright student-athletes who have an appreciation for a University’s offerings both in the classroom and on the field of competition,” he said. “A coach looks at those qualities and says, ‘Wow, I’ve got the best of all worlds.’” Contact JOSEPH ROSENBERG at .

Contact JAMES HUANG at .

Rookies help lead Elis also freestyled their way to victory at the Terrier Invitational, during which they scored a total of 800 points in the competitive Boston event. The Bulldogs’ will next face perennial Ancient Eight powerhouses Harvard and Princeton in the annual H-Y-P meet. The News sat down with team captain Christopher Luu ’12 to discuss his perspective on the remainder of the season, his thoughts on the upcoming Ivy showdown and the team’s secret weapon — its talented freshman class.


ond games, only to come back and win.” When Roberts sealed the final game 11–4, the crowd went wild. “It has been an incredible journey,” Talbott said. “We did something that every other team hasn’t been able to do. Everyone wanted to break this streak.” The team will carry the momentum from this match into the remaining eight games of their regular season, setting their sights on the Ivy League Championships as well as the National Championships. “We are going to continue our seasons and aim to win the Ivies,” Chan said. Last season, Yale took second at nationals but lost in the finals to Trinity.

scoreboards for years. Now that Yale’s swim team has gone undefeated this season, what do you expect will happen when the Bulldogs face the two leading Ivies in men’s swimming?


: I don’t think we have the firepower to beat Harvard and Princeton — not yet. But the dynamic of our team is such that most of the points are being scored by underclassmen, so the future of the program looks great. [Head coach] Tim Wise has done a great job since he’s taken over, and all I can say is that the future is bright for this young team.

are the team’s hopes Q:andWhat goals for this season?


: Our goal is very clear. We want to finish in the top three in the all-encompassing conference meet at the end of the season, or at least to break into the top three. It’s something that [the team] hasn’t done in a couple of years, and we hope to change that this year. It’s going to be tough. Columbia, Penn and Dartmouth are all strong teams, and Columbia will be the closest team that we have to worry about, but [our goal] is definitely achievable. Is it going to be easy? Definitely not. It’s going to be a battle. It should be very intense and hopefully a lot of fun too.

In your opinion, what are the Q:team’s strongest and weakest

events? A: We have a ton of depth in the 100 butterfly. It’s an event in which we took three of the top four spots in the conference meet last year, which is incredible. With no disrespect for the individuals in this event right now, we probably need the most help in the sprint backstroke events. Seventeen of the 23 swimQ:mers are sophomores and

freshmen, and almost 50 percent of the roster is composed of newcomers. What is it like working with so many freshmen, and how have they contributed to the team?


: Our freshman and sophomore classes are extremely talented, and not only are they talented, but they are disciplined and driven. They’ve made the upperclassmen’s job as leaders really easy … They’ve done a phenomenal job, not just because of talent, but also because of their work ethic. Statistics speak louder than words. [The freshmen] have been nothing short of phenomenal. Just this past weekend, we’ve had two of our freshmen take down three pool records. I can’t begin to describe how much of an impact they’ve had on shaping the culture of this team and on taking multiple steps forward in the right direction for the program, and they’re only going to improve … hopefully, soon after I graduate, they’ll be raising the banner.

How do you think you guys Q:match up — the seniors versus the freshmen?


: They smoke us. They’re incredible — the best freshman class that we’ve had in a very long time. They’re top15 nationalists. We didn’t submit all of our recruits in time for the rankings, but upon submitting them, we would have been ranked 15th in the country. There’s always a competition within the team, and it’s a great thing to have internal competition. I think it brings out the best in everyone. It’s really been good

for us to have that driving force pushing us. : What has factored into the Qteam’s success this season?


: It’s just been a change in culture. Last year, we experienced some growing pains. [Wise] showed that he wasn’t afraid to lose a meet or two, benching some swimmers who didn’t necessarily have the best practice attendance. That really resonated in our group, and it really made us understand that we were going to have to commit to the sport and give it our all if we wanted to be part of the program. The thing that has changed most from my freshman year to now is the level of commitment that the swimmers bring to their sport … [The swimming program] has been around for almost 115 years now, and it’s good to see that we’re making the ghosts of the pasts proud a little bit.

: What is the team looking at Qgoing into the H-Y-P meet?


: It’s hard to say. [Harvard and Princeton] are going to be by far the toughest opponents we’ll face this year. As much success as our underclassmen have had, they really haven’t gone up against a team with as much talent or depth as Harvard and Princeton. [H-Y-P] will tell us about how much we’ve grown, and it’ll be a great measuring stick for improvement. Just looking at numbers in history, 30 years is a long time for no one else to have won the league, and it certainly won’t change over one or two years. But like I said, Tim Wise is doing a great job, and I don’t see why Yale can’t be competitive with the top two teams this year. As [Wise] always tells us before a meet, “On paper, [Harvard and Princeton] are the favorites. But swim meets aren’t won on paper, they’re won on the water.” Contact ROSA NGUYEN at .

Too early to judge merit of Pineda for Montero trade COLUMN FROM PAGE 12 Pineda, who had never thrown more than 150 innings in a season prior to 2011. Despite his plus fastball and slider, the electric fireballer needs to develop a strong changeup to continue to elude lefties at the Major League level. His high fly ball rate will not play as well in Yankee Stadium as it did at spacious Safeco Field, where he will also be facing the more elite lineups of the AL East. Finally, despite posting dominant numbers during the first half (3.03 ERA) and at home (2.92 ERA), Pineda had troubling splits after the All-Star break and on the road (although BABIP suggests his lateseason struggles may be the product of bad luck). Montero, meanwhile, boasts

only 18 games of Major League experience. While few doubt he can hit at the big-league level, it remains to be seen where and if he will play the field. The slugger came through the Yankees’ system as a subpar catcher, but many scouts project him as a full-time DH. When they traded for him, Seattle took a big bet that he could stick behind the plate. Should his bulky frame prove unable to support backstop duties, his value will plummet. While the ceilings and the risks of the two players project relatively evenly, their fit on the Yankees’ roster does not. Pineda is immediately the second-best starter on a Yankees’ staff that was desperate for elite talent behind Sabathia. While the Bombers boast solid pitching at the back of the rotation

(Ivan Nova, Hiroki Kuroda, Phil Hughes, Freddy Garcia) and the upper levels of the minor leagues (Dellin Betances, Manny Banuelos), the team craved a true ace (or potential ace) to line up behind Sabathia in a one-two punch. Meanwhile, the offense will easily survive Montero’s absence. The team, which ranked second in the majors with 867 runs scored last season, already has an elite catcher in Russell Martin and a future logjam at DH in the aging bodies of Alex Rodriguez and Derek Jeter. It was never clear where, exactly, Montero would fit. What makes this a true victory for the Yankees, however, is the disparate replaceability of the two trade chips. Jesus Montero may become an elite hitter, but bigswinging DH types represent some

of the cheapest bargains on the free agent market. Jim Thome, Vladimir Guerrerro and Johnny Damon may no longer possess Monterolevel abilities, but at $1-2 million annually they represent low-cost signings that could easily approach Montero’s production. Young, cost-controlled pitchers, in contrast, are what Cashman calls “the keys to the kingdom.” Pitchers of Pineda’s caliber rarely make it to free agency, and when they do, they command enormously pricey and risky contracts. One way to examine Pineda’s scarcity value is by comparing the trade to those for Mat Latos and Gio Gonzalez, the other two young aces moved this offseason. Latos, a three-year pitcher who was worth 2.6 wins (as compared to Pineda’s 2.8) in spacious Petco Park

last year, was traded to the Reds. In return, the Padres received a top50 prospect (Yonder Alonso), a top-100 prospect (Yasmani Grandal), a solid major-league reliever (Brad Boxberger) and a former ace (Edinson Volquez). To acquire Gonzalez, a power pitcher who lead the AL in walks last year, the Nationals gave up each of their third- (Brad Peacock), fourth(A.J. Cole) and ninth- (Derek Norris) ranked prospects. In comparison, the Yankees gave up only Montero and Hector Noesi (who projects as a back-of-the-rotation starter) and received Pineda and 19-year-old Jose Campos, a young slinger with excellent command who scouts say could be an ace one day. While Montero is the biggest prospect included in any of the

deals, the Yankees’ package was likely the weakest. At the same time, Michael Pineda likely offers the largest upside of the three pitchers traded. There is really no telling whether this is a good deal for the Yankees. It will take years for both young stars to reach their full potential, and there are too many variables involved to make confident predictions. It is impossible to deny, however, that the Yankees received a commodity far more difficult to replace than the one they traded. At the very least, this Yankees fan is much happier to have dealt with five seasons of Pineda than half a season of Cliff Lee. Contact JOHN ETTINGER at .


NBA Denver 108 Philadelphia 104

NHL Chicago 6 Buffalo 2


WOMEN’S BASKETBALL CLASS OF 2016 REVEALED Chris Gobrecht, head coach of women’s basketball, announced on Wednesday the four members of the class of 2016 who will join her roster. One of the players, Whitney Wyckoff ’16 has a sister, Brooke, who played in the WNBA for nine seasons.

NHL Washington 3 Montreal 0


NHL Anaheim 6 Phoenix 2

SOCCER Barcelona 2 Real Madrid 1


MEN’S SQUASH EXPERIENCE KEY FOR ELIS Of the nine squash players who played for Yale Wednesday night, seven were upperclassmen. The Elis, who ended a 13-year Trinity winning streak with their victory, benefited from the inexperience of a Bantams squad that lost seven of its top 11 players to graduation last season.

“A balance of academics with athletics is a huge focus for studentathletes who play in this league. AMY GOSZTYLA HEAD COACH, WOMEN’S CROSS COUNTRY YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2012 ·


Yankees trade in futures I

n the course of an evening, the fate of the New York Yankees for the next decade (and perhaps longer) changed irreversibly. Last Friday, the Yankees pulled off a blockbuster trade with the Seattle Mariners that saw the two teams swap uber-prospects Jesus Montero and Michael Pineda. In Pineda, the Yankees receive a flame-throwing all-star under team control for five more seasons. In Montero, they lose an elite slugging prospect under control for at least six. The only certainty is that these two players have the ceilings to dominate Cy Young and MVP voting for years to come. Much of the chatter surrounding the trade has focused on whether the Yankees made a “good deal.” It is worth noting that the answer is not at all obvious. While Pineda has a full season of Major League experience, neither player has even begun to prove his potential in the Bigs. Further, by swapping a hitter for a pitcher, the Yankees have traded a delicious apple for a delicious orange. It may be years before we have any idea whether Brian Cashman and the Yankees brass made a smart move. That said, I would not be a true Yankees fan if I did not throw my opinion into the overcrowded ring. The place to start in evaluating this trade is the relative ceilings of Pineda and Montero. Quick consideration reveals that neither really has a ceiling. Pineda, a 6-foot-7-inch righty with a 95-100 mph fastball and a devastating slider, has all the trappings of a future ace. As a 22-year-old rookie, Pineda posted 173 strikeouts in 171 innings — good for the third highest strikeout rate (24.9 percent of batters faced) in the majors (ahead of both CC Sabathia and Felix Hernandez). He also posted the majors’ best opponent batting average (.184) against right handers. Perhaps more impressive is his control. Pineda threw 66 percent of his pitches for strikes and walked just 7.9 percent of hitters — figures rarely seen by pitchers with his strikeout totals. Mariners fans will also miss his superior composition on the mound — something that will serve him well under the bright lights in the Bronx. Montero’s potential appears similarly limitless. While he doesn’t have much of a Major League track record, the sweetswinging righty positively mashed his way through the minor leagues, whacking 39 home runs in 900 at bats at the AAA level. Rated the number-three prospect in all of baseball before 2011, Montero was called up for a month in the Bigs at the ripe old age of 22. In 18 games, he clubbed four home runs and hit .328, including a game featuring back-to-back moonshots to the opposite field. Montero is also noted for his precocious patience behind the plate — he truly has middle-of-the-order written all over his bat. Both players also carry a fair amount of risk. As a starting pitcher, nothing is guaranteed for SEE COLUMN PAGE 11


Hywel Robinson ’13, right, defeated Trinity’s Antonia Diaz Glez, left, in three games Wednesday night as No. 2 Yale handed No. 1 Trinity its first loss since 1998, 3–2.

Elis shatter historic streak BY JAMES HUANG STAFF REPORTER

Championships, with the latest contest ending in a 5–4 decision for Trinity.

Trinity was not just undefeated heading into its match with Yale Wednesday night. It had not lost in 252 games — the longest winning streak in intercollegiate varsity history. It had won the past 13 consecutive national champions. Yale, ranked No. 2 in the country to Trinity’s No. 1, had come close to the Bantams in recent years. The teams have met in the past two CSA Team National

SQUASH But history came crashing down around the Bantams at the Brady Squash Center Wednesday when the Elis won the last two matches of the night to clinch a 5–4 victory. It was Trinity’s first loss since 1998. The fight between the Bantams (8–1)

Ivy coaches stick to league BY JOSEPH ROSENBERG STAFF REPORTER The first 25 head coaches of Yale football were alumni of the team. Each had a winning record. But the first coach hired from outside of Yale, Spike Nelson in 1941, posted the first sub.500 coaching record in University history. Even today in the Ivy League, athletic departments and coaches seek familiarity: many coaches shuffle between schools in the Ancient Eight. Yale recently hired Harvard assistant Tony Reno, previously an assistant for the Bulldogs, to carry forth the mantle of Yale football. Still more coaches were once student-athletes in the Ivy League. At his introductory press conference last week, Reno stressed that his time


and the Bulldogs (7–0, 2–0 Ivy) came down to the last possible game, as John Roberts ’12 and Trinity’s Johan Detter played in the No. 4 spot with their teams tied, 4–4. When Roberts scored the match-winning point in the fifth game of his contest with Detter, Yale players and fans rushed onto the court, embraced each other and cheered. “I was so overjoyed for the team, especially for the seniors,” Head Coach David Talbott said. “This really has been some-

thing that they have worked for for the past four years.” As the men’s team claimed a historic vistory, the women’s team also defeated the No. 5 Bantams 7–2. The women’s triumph spoiled what had been a perfect season thus far for Trinity and brings the Yale record to 8–0. For the men, the night started out poorly. Yale lost its first two matches before Neil Martin ‘14 held off a late SEE SQUASH PAGE 11


both at Yale and at Harvard made him the right person for the job because of a peculiar and unique understanding of Yale and its recruiting process. In interviews with the News, several successful Yale coaches expressed a similar sentiment. This past summer, Amy Gosztyla joined Yale as the women’s cross country coach after spending three seasons as an assistant at Harvard. Gosztyla said that her time at Harvard exposed her to the type of student-athletes she has encountered at Yale. “A balance of academics with athletics is a huge focus for student-athletes who play in this league,” Gosztyla said. “Having had that experience at another Ivy League school, the transition into being able to understand what the stu-

The men’s swimming and diving team has been difficult to beat so far this season. The Bulldogs beat Penn and Dartmouth in Hanover, N.H. last weekend to run their undefeated record this season to 5–0. Among their achievements have been wins over Ivy foes Columbia and Cornell and the recordbreaking time of 6:43.58, set by freshmen Andrew Heymann ’15, Josh Ginsborg ’15, Rob Harder ’15 and Alwin Firmansyah ’15 in the 800-yard freestyle relay against the University of Massachusetts at Yale’s Kiphuth Exhibition Pool. The Bulldogs




Christopher Luu ’12, captain of the men’s swim team, led the Elis to victories in all five of their meets so

THE NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE GAMES THE NO. 1 TRINITY MEN’S SQUASH TEAM WON BEFORE NO. 2 YALE ENDED THE STREAK WITH A 5–4 VICTORY WEDNESDAY. The Bantams had not lost a game since 1998 and won 13 straight national championships in that time.

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