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Bowers, Arieh-Lerer will perform at the YCC’s Fall Show


Controversial theologian speaks at St. Thomas More





Ginsburg visits campus

She belongs with us. One hardcore Taylor Swift fan has launched an online petition urging the country sensation to headline Spring Fling, which the petition claimed would reach its full potential only if Swift performed as the headlining act. As of Thursday night, the effort already garnered 100 supporters, all of whom signed a pledge dubbing Swift the “lyrical songbird of our generation.” No word from Swift yet, but will the sparks fly?

BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Already in the midst of restructuring, Connecticut’s public higher education system was thrown into turmoil last Friday by the resignation of Robert Kennedy, president of the State’s Board of Regents for Higher Education. Under pressure from Conn. Gov. Dannel Malloy, Kennedy resigned last week after spending a week trying to explain his illegal approval of a series of raises to staff members totaling $260,000 as well as accusations of attempting to push out the presidents of the state’s 12 community colleges. Board of Regents Executive Vice President Michael Meotti, who was given a $47,000 raise, resigned last week as well. Former University of Connecticut President Philip Austin, who was recommended to serve as interim president by the Board of Regents following the resignations, will replace Kennedy.

Tear down this wall! Saybrook

College held a dedication ceremony Thursday night in celebration of a new wall installed in its dining hall that separates the serving area from the dining area — effectively cutting off sugar-craving students’ access to soda as they complete their late-night studies in the Saybrook dining hall. It remains unclear how Saybrugians feel about the new barrier, but for now, it seems the Great Wall of Saybrook is here to stay.

Write out loud. A group of Yalies held an “interactive protest” on Cross Campus Thursday afternoon, urging passersby to contribute to the effort by writing messages on a collective dry-erase board. The messages — which included “love is powerful” and the word “protest” — would then be chanted in unison by the demonstrators, who displayed drums, white boards and colorful clothing. But, when one student wrote “silent protest” on the board, the chanting abruptly stopped. Closing the gap. Senate

candidate Chris Murphy (D) has pulled ahead of Linda McMahon (R), according to the latest poll conducted by the University of Connecticut and the Hartford Courant. Of the more than 500 likely voters polled, 44 percent said they would support Murphy while 38 percent said they would vote for McMahon.

Ballot bust. After a referendum was accidentally left off New Haven absentee ballots to be used in the upcoming election, Elm City officials have started working to reprint and re-mail the ballots. The cost of the effort is still unknown, but officials say monetary factors are secondary. “Democracy costs money,” said Alderman Doug Hausladen to the New Haven Register. Snail mail. The U.S. Postal

Service will shave off two hours from its daily weekday operations at the New Haven post office station, moving from eight hours of operation on Mondays to Fridays to just six. The normal weekend hours will remain unchanged.


1942 The University’s “apple pickers” meet to help “save the local apple crop.” All available men are asked by the Connecticut Farm Replacement Bureau to contribute to the effort. Submit tips to Cross Campus


CT education leadership in flux

[The change in leadership] is a big distraction from delivering higher education to Connecticut. ROBERTA WILLIS State representative, Connecticut

Distinguished Lecture in Women’s Rights at the Yale Law School on Friday in Battell Chapel. During the talk — moderated by Davenport Fellow Emily Bazelon, a senior editor at Slate Magazine and a senior research scholar at the Yale Law School — Ginsburg

The change in leadership comes just as the state’s public higher education system adjusts to a newly consolidated structure. The Board of Regents, which is comprised of 15 voting members, was created in 2011 to combine oversight of Connecticut’s four state universities, 12 community colleges and one online community college. “I’m discouraged,” Higher Education CoChair Representative Roberta Willis said. “This is a big distraction from delivering higher education in Connecticut.” Kennedy, who could not be reached




Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg spoke about recent rulings at a Davenport Master’s Tea Thursday. BY ALEX EPPLER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told the audience at a Thursday Davenport Master’s Tea that if she had not entered the field of law, she would be a “great diva.” Before nearly 100 students and

faculty members, Ginsburg discussed topics ranging from her early career at the American Civil Liberties Union to her role as a leading female figure in the field of law. Ginsburg, who became the second woman ever to be appointed to the nation’s highest court in 1993, is currently on campus to deliver the inaugural Gruber

Veterans’ programs expanded


The state of Connecticut is implementing changes to how veterans are treated in the criminal justice system this month. The Act Concerning Pretrial Diversionary Programs, a bill that expands veterans’ access to programs supporting mental health services and alternatives to incarceration, came into effect at the start of this month after it was passed by the state legislature in May. The legislation was developed by the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center, an organization that provides legal assistance to veterans, and the Yale Law School’s Veterans Legal Services Clinic. “The concern was that manifestations of [major depressive orders] would result in criminal behavior or criminal arrest of veterans, and we wanted to be sure that as a society, we are helping people get help rather than punishing them for their service,” said Margaret Middleton, the executive director of the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center and a visiting lecturer at the Yale Law School. According to the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center as of February 2012, 21 percent of Connecticut veterans met the criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder and an additional 22 percent met partial criteria for the disorder, but fewer than half these veterans ultimately seek treatment. The center also said that Connecti-

With his promise last Thursday to keep tax rates at their current level, Gov. Dannel Malloy drew disparate reactions from state legislators — Democrats support Malloy’s tax plan while Republicans allege it is indicative of the governor’s future political ambition. Malloy made his pledge during a speech at the University of Hartford Construction Institute’s 18th annual State of the State event on Oct. 11, where he discussed his plans for Connecticut’s economic development. During his address, Malloy promised not to raise taxes in 2013— a welcome assurance to Connecticut residents who saw the biggest tax hike in the state’s history last year. Members of the Connecticut General Assembly, however, are in conflict over the solidity of Malloy’s promise. Some legislators and political observers claim the Governor’s new fiscal pledge may be politically and economically unfeasible, in practice only serving his long-term aspirations to public office. “I’ve come to the conclusion watching this governor fly all around the world — to Halifax, Beijing — it seems as if he has some sort of broader political motivation for himself,” said Gary Rose, chairman of the Department of Government and Politics at Sacred Heart University. “I talked to a state lawmaker not long ago who said on no uncertain terms this guy is already running for president.” Republican State Senator Len





Gov. Dannel Malloy said last week in his State of the State address that he will not raise taxes in 2013.




.COMMENT “The proletariat now knows that liberation can come now."

Hungry for a cause I

was a little taken aback when I received the first of several emails exhorting me to donate my meal swipes to the Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project. Since I am not currently on a meal plan, I found myself without any meal swipes to give. That didn’t matter — I could just click on the alternate link at the bottom of the page to donate directly — but doing that still felt decidedly different from participating in the YHHAP fast. Of course, there’s a pretty compelling argument to be made that the cost of eating out for a day is usually greater than the amount YHHAP receives from our forfeiture of dining hall meals. So why don’t people just donate directly? There are a myriad of ways to answer that question: The process is set up so that it’s easier to donate your meal swipes than to give directly. And giving up your meal swipes makes you both part of a tradition and a community. Neither you nor your friends will feel extravagant eating out together. These factors add up to make the undeniably gimmicky YHHAP fast an invariable success. Last Spring, it raised $13,000 to fight homelessness in New Haven. Behind these factors, however, lies the subtler question of what it and other similar charitable activities are actually meant to accomplish. There is the stated and very real goal of alleviating and preventing homelessness. Even in referring to the event as a “fast,” there is a gesture towards a shared experience of hunger, as well as a resulting sympathy for those whom YHHAP seeks to help. This is even truer of the YHHAP sleep out, when students campus out on Old Campus for a (usually chilly) night to raise money for the homeless. No one considers the YHHAP fast akin to real hunger or the sleep out an actual simulation of the lack of heat or shelter. On the Dwight Hall website, the last sleep out was marketed as a fun mix of camping and partying. Why do these most visible of fundraisers share that pretty minimal gesture towards the experience of common hardship? It’s worth noting that even if participants actually sought to subject themselves to the bodily mortification of true homelessness — by, for instance, enduring real hunger and real cold simultaneously — they’d still only be able to say they’ve experienced some portion of its physicality. The accompanying worry and insecurity can’t be felt in a safely “non-real” atmosphere. Yet our fascination not just with helping those who need help, but also experiencing what they experience, perme-

ates charity far beyond Yale. There’s the massive proliferation of so-called service trips over the last decade, HARRY d u r i n g LARSON which high school or Nothing in college students spend Particular thousands of dollars to travel to a poor country in order to help build a school or house or well. These are stupendously inefficient ways of helping people, but they allow relatively affluent American teenagers to claim some “experience” of extreme poverty, and thereby be aware of it. I hardly compare a couple weeks spent doing a rather poor job at manual labor to the effective work done by many Yale students to make a tangible difference in our community, country and world. Nor do I impeach the YHHAP fast, which, through some very good marketing, proves an excellent fundraising tool for a laudable cause. But it’s worth noting the amount of time several nonprofits and charities dedicate to “raising awareness” about problems through simulating these problems themselves. Some of this is necessary for fundraising, but much of it seems independent of any fundraising strategy and rather finds its validation in awareness as an end in and of itself. Part of me feels that awareness as its own cause distracts us from addressing the very issues we are supposed to be aware of. It’s better to spend money helping people than promoting a faux sympathy for hardships that most of us can’t imagine. At its worst, such a sympathy can lead to a sense of complacency, if not among actual activists then at least among the people they seek to educate. We tell ourselves that we have come to understand something about hardship, which relieves us of the responsibility to actually do anything. On the other hand, some stories need to be told. If told right, they can turn the objects of charity into more than objects, thereby inspiring us to empathetic action. Nonetheless, we must remember that understanding of someone’s plight is important only insofar as it leads to kindness. Understanding by itself is not and cannot be our goal.

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Opening the binder I

n three weeks, I will not be voting for Mitt Romney. The "binders full of women" comment is not one of my reasons. As someone who avoids Facebook until well after any political event, I was tickled to find that the “binders full of women” comment had landed and exploded into a series of hilarious online posts. So, I surfed the web and felt the slow burn of indignation on behalf of my gender combine with my amusement at these memes — Hillary Clinton thinking “Romney still uses binders? LOL” was a personal favorite. But it was that meme that triggered a question that had been niggling at the back of my mind. That slow burn has become a familiar feeling whenever a politician tries to make a decision about my body, my career or my health. I can turn on the news and hear about "legitimate rape" or watch a room full of strangers debate about my access to contraception. Within seconds, I welcome back that burn, and I let it take me to the boiling point. But when Romney responds to a question about women in

the workplace and claims that, upon realizing all the top candidates for his cabinet were male, he compiled “binders full of women” to diversify the group, where do we direct our burn? At a candidate who seems to take pride in his ability to assemble a list of qualified women where none existed before? Or at a system — a reality — that discourages women from particular high-level positions so that "binders" become necessary to produce gender equality? There is no doubt in my mind that Democrats, Republicans, CEOs, Yankees fans, Christians and Jews alike all face some version of this issue. They go to fill a board or cabinet, realize they have few or no female candidates and scramble to consult physical or figurative binders. The theories explaining the absence of females in top positions include everything from hostile work environments to the incompatible nature of those jobs with family life. One thing is certain: It is not easy to make it up there. The women we look to who have made it onto these boards, into these administrations and onto these benches are superwomen,

and many are without families. But as much as I idolize these women, I do not accept that my journey has to look like theirs or that I have to make their sacrifices. This summer, Anne-Marie Slaughter wrote a fantastic article in The Atlantic entitled “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” in which she exposes some harsh realities about the challenges facing women who seek high profile jobs in government or business while simultaneously trying to build a family. Whenever I feel the slow burn, I think of her and many of my close female friends that aspire to hold full careers and raise a family the way we’ve always dreamed. I object when people seek to define my feminism for me, and I clearly recognize that my life aspirations are my own. But I often think we stumble over a fallacy of political correctness when, in an attempt not to prescribe value judgments to certain lifestyles, we hesitate to acknowledge the difficulties that many women face but men do not. Of course not all women want

to have families or the same role within a family. But there is no reason we cannot mold the workplace to work for me, and for many women of my generation who are going to refuse to choose between being the kind of parents we want to be and kicking butt in the office. When we stop at the slow burn after being offended by something a politician said and don’t go on to question what exactly it was that made us simmer, we accept an antiquated frame of reference. I don’t care much for Mitt Romney, but I’m glad he said what he said. Not just because it is Tumblr gold, but also because it exposed a problematic reality that is much trickier to debate than contraception or the economy because we, the debaters, are the generation who will shape the future. We must start to update our understandings of gender. It’ll be messy, and we might not know when we’re there, but let’s not let that stop us from trying. EMEFA AGAWU is a sophomore in Silliman College. Contact her at


Keep staring D

espite the filled column inches, cut ribbons and congratulatory speeches, Yale students know little about what the return of ROTC actually means on a day-to-day basis for midshipmen and cadets. In Naval ROTC, for example, we have 0630 physical training on Monday mornings, naval science courses on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1300–1415, and two-hour lab on Wednesday afternoons for physical training, briefings and drill practice. NROTC is a unique combination of class work and physical activity that requires a constant commitment. There is no exact equivalent on campus. It isn’t the only extracurricular midshipmen do: we are singers, fraternity brothers, activists and YPU members. But unlike a cappella groups and political organizations, only NROTC requires us to wear a recognizable and symbolic uniform all day on Thursdays. I was nervous the first time Thursday rolled around and I put on my uniform. What would my

friends say? What would they think? Would my professors react badly? I was worried that I would lose my identity, that all anyone would see was the uniform. Walking around that first Thursday and every Thursday since, however, I learned I had been needlessly worried. My friends all reacted positively, despite initially being a little taken with the novelty of the uniform. I had to stop people from trying to wear my cover (the weirdly-shaped khaki cap) and explain that I couldn’t just salute people randomly on the street. But I soon realized that I don’t mind being identified as a midshipman. When I put on the uniform and am recognized as Midshipman Third Class Cohen, I don’t stop being Sam; I just have an added responsibility. I am scrutinized, by second glances thrown my way when I walk, tourists pointing and even students mistaking my khakis for a janitor’s uniform (sorry, but no, I don’t know where to find trash bags). I realized that the

extra scrutiny that I had been so nervous about isn’t mean, judgmental or malicious. In fact, that scrutiny is exactly the goal of having NROTC on Yale’s campus.

FOR ROTC, THE UNIFORM GETS ATTENTION — IN A GOOD WAY Hopefully, seeing the 12 Navy midshipmen and the eight Air Force cadets walking around campus and attending class sparks conversations about the role of the military in modern society, about the ongoing war in Afghanistan and about the importance of service to Yalies, for which ROTC is one of many outlets. We aren’t just Yalies and we aren’t just midshipmen — we are Yale’s midshipmen, and our numbers will grow over the next

four years. I’ve heard people say, when trying to be nice, “I bet by the time you’re a senior no one will look twice at you when you walk by.” I hope that’s not true. In three years’ time, when I’m a midshipman first class, I hope the new class of freshmen gets the same second glances. We shouldn’t take for granted that the military is welcome on Yale’s campus, and we shouldn’t take for granted that students aspire to serve in the armed forces. That scrutiny is a constant reminder to us as midshipmen of our responsibilities and should remind our classmates of how far Yale has come in 40 years. SAM COHEN is a sophomore in Calhoun College. This column expresses his personal views only, and not the views of Yale, Yale NROTC, the Department of Defense or any other entity. Contact him at .


Diana or Diana?

YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400



HARRY LARSON is a junior in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at .

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EDITOR IN CHIEF Tapley Stephenson



All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Marissa Medansky and Dan Stein Opinion Editors Yale Daily News



y name isn’t pronounced the way you think it is. I get a slightly different story every time I ask, but my parents usually say they chose the pronunciation “Deeyah-nah” because it meant that my name would be pronounced the same way in both English and Spanish. They failed to account for the fact that no English speaker would ever guess that my all-American name was pronounced in any way other than “Die-ana.” They usually joke that this was their way of contributing to multiculturalism in our country. Having known many of my high school classmates since the age of four, everyone knew the right way to say my name, as well as the harsh response they would receive if they ever slipped up. The first week of class was always difficult with new teachers, and my principal without fail always said it wrong, but, generally speaking, my name wasn’t something I thought about all that much. Then I realized that in college, other than the one other student from my high school, not a single person would know how to say my name. Over 1300 fresh-

men would be reading my name on Facebook as Die-ana and inevitably call me that for weeks as they struggled to remember the multitude of names they were adding to their phones. Before school, a close friend of mine suggested that I just switch to Die-ana. After all, 20 years from now it’s more likely that I’ll still be talking to friends from college than from high school. It would make introductions, Facebook invites and number exchanges easier and thus, my college experience easier. As Bulldog Days quickly approached I returned to the same internal debate over and over again — should I stick with the name I loved and deal with the pain of constantly explaining it, or should I adopt the name I had grown to hate? We’re told even before we begin applying to college that the four years we spend seeking our undergraduate degrees are a fresh start, a chance to become somebody new. The introvert can become an extrovert, the athlete a musician, the party animal a weekend library frequenter. Forget what you did in high school. Try something new. I thought that maybe Die-

ana could be that new person for me. She would join a new sport and miraculously be good at it. She would become fluent in three new languages. She would become an engineer even though math and science had always been her weakest subjects. Die-ana would be so much better than Dee-yah-nah ever could have wished to be. But, when I thought about it, I didn’t want to be Die-ana. Maybe it’s cliché, but I embrace the fact that I’m Spanish and that there are languages in this world other than English. I guess my mom’s belief in multiculturalism has been engrained in me. So I ended up sticking with Dee-yah-nah. I also, so far, have stuck with the same person I was in high school. Obviously, by virtue of living away from my family in a new city I’ve grown up a bit, but I haven’t made a huge effort to completely revamp my personality, style or extracurricular pursuits in any way. And I think that’s a good thing. All of us ended up at Yale because someone reading our application or interviewing us in a coffee shop thought that we were doing something right.

In most cases that “something right” was also something we absolutely loved. Why leave that special part of us behind for the sake of the overly hyped-up college dream? If you have a burning desire to become a new person in college, stop and think about it. There’s something to be said for holding onto who you were before coming to New Haven. Sure, no one ever tells you that you should stay the same. But you became that person in high school for a reason and it got you to where you are today. It may sound silly, but my name is a big part of who I am. It’s been annoying at times to constantly correct people. But I’ve developed a standard line of, “It’s Dee-yah-nah. Spanish mother, it happens,” and that communicates a little part of my life as efficiently as possible. I was Diana in high school and I’m still Diana in college. Hopefully you read it correctly that time. DIANA ROSEN is a freshman in Pierson College. Contact her at .




MARK TWAIN “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”


Find funding, forget equality E

very time I get into a debate with other Yalies about our residential colleges, everyone seems to conclude, “TD sucks.” Some argue that Timothy Dwight is too far away, claiming that they measure distance in “TD miles”; or they mention how terrible it is that TD freshman do not live on Old Campus. Even though I love my home at 345 Temple St., knowing that it is Yale’s best college, I am starting to concede ever so slightly that Timothy Dwight’s critics might be correct. Even though I love how TD is at least two blocks away from everything and how our freshman live within the walls of our college, I understand that in comparison to the other 11 colleges, we are greatly unequal in some respects. Last week, after visiting basements of Berkeley, Calhoun, Jonathan Edwards and Trumbull, I realized Timothy Dwight’s one large deficit. When comparing the communal spaces of each of these residential colleges to that of my own, I understood exactly how rough we TDers have it: the long, dark corridors beneath our college pale in comparison to the bright modern basements of many other colleges.

Our uninviting buttery is no larger than an airplane’s galley kitchen, with a small serving counter that has barely enough room for the employees to grill and bake, whereas Calhoun’s is welcoming with enough workspace for three or more students. Our multipurpose room certainly cannot serve more than one purpose. It is occupied by cardio equipment that cannot find a home in the proper gym. Berkeley’s airy multipurpose room is used for everything from group yoga classes to dance rehearsals. Our common room is little more than four or five couches outside the dining hall, whereas Trumbull’s is a cozy independent space perfect for hosting a meeting or studying for that upcoming midterm. To me, Timothy Dwight College, in this regard, is certainly not equal to any other residential college. But I thought the whole point of draining JE’s gargantuan endowment was to create the opportunity for a more equal experience between students of different residential colleges. How is my experience the same as that of a Berkeleyite or a Morsel if our facilities are so drastically different? How is my expe-

rience the same if TD’s student kitchen is furnished with hand-me-down culinary tools, but Calhoun’s has the latest stainless steel appliances? It is not that Timothy Dwight Master Jeffery Brenzel and the Timothy Dwight College Council (known as Mott Woolley) are apathetic toward the problems at hand. In fact, specific action was taken last year to draw up plans for minor renovations to the basement. However, TD does not have the funds to make the much-needed upgrades after its C. Mott Woolley Fund (similar to an endowment) was appropriated to the University.

HAVE YOU SEEN TD’S BASEMENT? So we are at a dead end — there is no place left to go in order to renovate our dull, dark basement. Even though we have equity in funding, what else about the college system is equal for us? Nothing really. Being that each residential college is a separate entity onto itself, it is impos-

sible for one student in Branford to have the same experiences as a student in Pierson. When Daw Aung Sang Suu Kyi visited Yale, more TDers had dinner with her than students from any other college; when Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg came to Yale, more Davenporters attended than members of any other college. That is not equal. I am not arguing for equality among the colleges. I am proposing that the administration accept that by having different colleges — each with its own needs and wants — there will be inequality. We need to embrace that. What is wrong with allowing colleges to work hard to gain funds aimed at creating unique experiences for their students? Why can’t TD fund upgrades to its own basement while another college funds a trip for its members? It is not that the inequality creates better or worse experiences, just different ones. A diversity of experiences among Yale students fosters true love for one’s residential college. BENJAMIN ACKERMAN is a freshman in Timothy Dwight College. Contact him at .



WRITE TO US All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission.

Finding resources about YaleNUS

The establishment of Yale-NUS College in Singapore is and will remain a subject of debate here and around the world. We urge members of the Yale community to inform themselves about this project. The best way to do so is to join the web site named “Yale and Singapore,” on the Classesv2 server. It is available to anyone with a valid Yale net ID. (Go to Membership, Joinable Sites, then search for “Yale and Singapore.”) An extensive archive of news and opinions (from all points of view) is found there. Those without Yale net IDs can write to any of us, the four maintainers of the site, to ask to be added manually. The list of site members is visible only to the maintainers. New postings are often but not always announced by email. Please also note: if you are already a member, the site will appear in your “Active Sites,” but will not appear among the 1000 or more sites listed in “Joinable Sites” and so cannot be found through a search there. VICTOR BERS, JILL CAMPBELL, CHRISTOPHER L. MILLER AND MIMI YIENGPRUKSAWAN OCT. 17 The writers are all Yale professors.

Student perspective on Yale-NUS As one of the four professors contacted for “Students Divided over Yale-NUS,” I’d like to make clear what was wrong with the YCC survey’s putting Yale-NUS parenthetically in a question on international presence. There are many kinds of international presence. It may be great for universities to set up exchanges, collaborative research, even medical and business schools, law clinics and arts programs abroad. For Yale, contracting to set up a whole new liberal-arts college for undergraduates in collaboration with a tightly controlled corporate city-state is not great for Yale in New Haven, especially because the administration won’t disclose the terms of the contract. I’ve written a lot about this since last spring, most recently in a Dissent magazine essay on “global network universities” that I’ll forward to anyone writing to Not all forms of international presence are equal — or equally justified, and students should understand the difference. JIM SLEEPER OCT. 18 The writer is a lecturer in Political Science at Yale.


Find your way to the field It’s 11:30 a.m. on a typical weekday, and my phone is blowing up. The influx of texts, the occasional call and the various one-liner e-mails I receive may be woefully misconstrued as a testament to my popularity. Yeah, okay. So what’s really going on here? A love-to-hate phenomenon known as IM recruiting. I am that girl in JE. I can probably be found in the dining hall sporting Nike shorts, running shoes with bright laces, and a JE IM shirt — a different shade of green for every day of the week. Every college has them. We’re Yale’s intramurals secretaries, otherwise known as “the secs.” There are four of us in JE, and I have always wondered what our fellow JE'ers think of us. I know that some cower as they see us approach, knowing what inevitable question is about to begin this all-too frequent conversation, “You know who looks great in green? You. Are you free tomorrow at 3:50? Excellent.” Boom. It’s person-flirting at its most desperate. But hey, a little wooing never hurt anyone. While some surely dread that same weekly question, others relish it. Intramurals foster a great community that bridges gaps in gender, class year and social circles. Where else can you shout “my awesome college ‘sux’" and have it be a good thing? You don’t see me chanting, “I suck.” The long-standing tradition of this cheer, the tight-knit JE community and our unwavering determination to top the standings has somehow made that cheer a standard part of my vocabulary. Walking into JE’s dining hall at dinner, you will likely see a sea of green shirts. Post-game meals define the JE IM community and people love to get involved. Yalies by nature are competitive, and IMs provide a (usually) healthy and friendly outlet for this competition. The difficulty here is convincing your college that this is the case. The truth is, IMs have a cult following. If you are not a member of the cult, chances are your good friend is, and on any given day you might find yourself standing in the middle of a field, or better yet, on Yale’s golf course, a little lost and silently cursing the suitemate who coerced you into this. While you may have decided never to speak to her again, she is looking for ways to show her eternal gratitude. For first timers, one of the biggest IM hurdles to overcome is finding your way to the field and walking up to that crowd of college colored shirts: a circle of friends and you are the outsider. It’s like a form of activation energy. You need that initial push. Whether it’s being driven out to the fields in an upperclassmen’s car or having your hand held on the bus, it really only takes one time to understand just how amazing the culture surrounding IMs are. After one game, that circle of strangers becomes part of your friend group, and like an unofficial initiation, you become a real member of your college. How did I get involved? It started the day of freshman move-in. By chance, the two JE kids assigned to carry my stuff were a sophomore IM secretary and the captain of JE’s coed football team. One week later, I found myself on the coed football field. I got involved early, but I stayed involved because IMs are so refreshing. It’s exercise, it’s time to hang out with friends, it’s a mental break. That problem set can wait. You can attend another section. When you score that winning goal, it all becomes worth it. “GPA is only in this lifetime, IM glory lasts forever,” said the Jonathan Edwards Class of 2009. KAT PIPER is a senior in Jonathan Edwards College.Contact her at .



FROM THE FRONT Kennedy steps down

“My mother told me to be a lady. And for her, that meant be your own person, be independent.” RUTH BADER GINSBURG ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES

Ginsburg talks female Court presence

INVESTIGATON FROM PAGE 1 for comment, had been on the job for barely over a year, having been appointed by Malloy in August 2011 to run the newly formed board. In the press release announcing his resignation, Kennedy said that he is optimistic that the board will “succeed greatly in its efforts to move a change agenda focused on preparing students for the global economy.” The reforms to the state’s education system are intended to improve collaboration between the 17 institutions, such as making transferring from one college to another easier. Austin comes to the job with significant experience as a public university administrator, having served as president of the University of Connecticut from 1996 to 2007 and chancellor of the University of Alabama system for seven years before that. “[Austin] will bring much needed stability to the Board of Regents,” Malloy said in a press release. “He’s also the right person to make sure the reforms that have started to be implemented continue.” Although Kennedy’s departure represents a change of leadership at the highest levels of the state’s public higher education system, administrators at various public institutions said they do not think it will have a significant impact on student life. Eastern Connecticut State University Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences Carmen Cid said she has not heard any students discussing the change. Other state officials interviewed echoed Cid’s evaluation, suggesting that the day-to-day operations of the institutions will not be affected by the leadership change. Colleen Flanagan, a spokesperson for the Board of Regents, emphasized that the quality of education students receive at state institutions depends upon the faculty and that “nothing about that has changed.” Despite widespread support for Austin, Malloy has been criticized about the accusations surrounding Kennedy’s departure. Republicans in the General Assembly have accused the governor of improperly hiring Kennedy last year without the board’s formal approval, even though the board did not exist at the time of Kennedy’s hiring. “Robert Kennedy was Malloy’s $340,000 man,” Republican State Party Chairman Jerry Labriola, referring to Kennedy’s salary, told the Connecticut Post. “The governor has botched the higher education consolidation.” Others have responded that the reaction to Kennedy’s resignation has been over-politicized, and Willis suggested that Austin’s appointment should instead be “a way to start fresh.” The 17 universities and colleges overseen by the board, according to its website, currently enroll 95,962 full-time and part-time students.


Ruth Bader Ginsberg discussed her experiences as the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court during Thursday’s Davenport Master’s Tea. GINSBURG FROM PAGE 1 gave audience members an overview of her experiences as a justice on the Supreme Court, including her opinions on recent rulings and the need for the Supreme Court to remain politically neutral. “We have a solemn obligation to leave [the Court] in as good a shape as we found it,” Ginsburg said. “So unlike the political branches of government, we can’t just vote yay or nay — we have to give reasons.” Toward the beginning of her presentation, Ginsburg said she was “exhilarated” when she gained two new female colleagues on the Supreme Court — Justice Sonia Sotomayor LAW ’79 and Justice Elena Kagan — over the last four years. She added that in her early days on the Court, lawyers commonly confused her and now-retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor because they were previously the only two female justices. Ginsburg also addressed notable Supreme Court rulings over the past few years, including last sum-

mer’s landmark decision to uphold most provisions of the 2010 Affordable Care Act. Ginsburg said the ruling showed a “stunning reversal of what had been the law” because the legislation was not upheld under the Commerce Clause, which grants Congress power to regulate interstate commerce. Since the New Deal was passed in 1937, the Court had not deemed any Congressional legislation concerning economic or social issues to have exceeded Congress’ power, she added.

We have a solemn obligation to leave [the Supreme Court] in as good a shape as we found it. RUTH BADER GINSBURG Associate justice, the U.S. Supreme Court Ginsburg said she tries to write dissents in cases when she believes that Congress can pass new legislation making the majority ruling irrele-

vant or when she considers the majority ruling a “constitutional error” and aims to address future courts. When she serves as the senior dissenting justice, she said, she tries to reach a consensus among the dissenters so that only one dissenting opinion is written. To address the perception that the Supreme Court has become increasingly politicized in recent years, Ginsburg said that the press focuses too intently on closely contested cases. She said that in reality, nearly 40 percent of cases before the Supreme Court are decided unanimously. Still, she added that the narrow rulings are never influenced by politics and all opinions expressed by the Court are interpretations of the Constitution. “It’s our view about constitutional law and how it should evolve,” she said. Davenport Master Richard Schottenfeld said Ginsburg is a “heroine” because of her commitment to taking measured steps toward progress and her ability to understand the way each ruling will affect individuals. He added that when considering dif-

ficult decisions, he hoped that people would ask, “What would Ginsburg have thought?” Students who attended the Tea said they were impressed by Ginsburg’s ability to effect change over a long period of time. Jacob Reske ’14 said he enjoyed hearing about Ginsburg’s “wisdom [in making] so many decisions.” Amanda Shadiack ’14 said she appreciated Ginsburg’s commitment to feminism, calling her “possibly one of the most important feminist legal scholars of our time.” “That she is able to retain her very ethical, very pronounced, very powerful views about women’s rights and about other things that she’s passionate about … is one of the most important things that the feminist movement needs right now,” she said. Ginsburg was former President Bill Clinton’s LAW ’73 first appointment to the Supreme Court. Contact ALEX EPPLER at .


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“Nobody talks of entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking.” ANITA RODDICK FOUNDER OF THE BODY SHOP


The article “Frazier depicts hometown” mistakenly stated that documentary filmmaker and photographer LaToya Ruby Frazier displayed and periodically returned to a scene of her mother in bed, who was speaking with a severe stutter due to years of crack addiction. In fact, Frazier’s mother had developed an unknown neurological disorder, was being tested for epilepsy and was fighting cancer. THURSDAY, OCT. 18

The article “CT fourth district race tightens” misspelled the name of U.S. Representative Chris Shays. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17

Due to an editing error, the article “Suit reacts to employment dispute” mistakenly stated that the OCR’s report released following the end of the agency’s investigation into the University’s sexual climate said Yale had severely underreported cases of sexual assault and harassment in recent years. In fact, the report did not say anything about underreporting. Russlynn Ali, assistant secretary for civil rights at the Department of Education, said in June after the OCR’s investigation was closed that the University had underreported incidents of sexual misconduct “for a very long time.”

Venture for America arrives BY MAREK RAMILO CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Venture For America, a nonprofit that places top-flight college graduates in cities of economic need and entrepreneurial promise, has arrived in the Elm City. The organization, which launched its first class of fellows in 2012, connects its members to various startup companies across the United States, aiming to spur entrepreneurial growth. VFA recently expanded to New Haven, assigning Ethan Carlson ’12 to pioneer the nonprofit’s presence in the city. “You can separate [VFA’s mission] into tangible goals and intangible goals,” Carlson said. “Tangible goals include 100,000 [new] jobs by 2025, revitalizing economies in struggling cities and rerouting top college graduates from the paved road to consulting and finance into entrepreneurship.” VFA’s intangible goal, he said, is to rebuild “the culture of risk and reward and innovation.” Carlson, who received a degree in mechanical engineering, turned down an offer to join a consulting firm upon graduation earlier this year in favor of what he felt would be a more rewarding experience at VFA, citing the program’s ethical structure as a deciding factor for his choice. Once accepted, fellows like Carlson participate in a five-week training course held at Brown University, after which they move to their assigned city to begin working at a startup. “One of the notable things about a startup is you have to pitch in where they need you, whether that’s talking to customers, helping build the product, data analysis … there are all sorts of functions,” said Mike Tarullo, VFA’s vice president of corporate development. Carlson will work with Red Ox, a New Haven-based engineering services company founded by David Kohn ’11 and Claire Henly ’12 in 2011 for two years under his fellowship with VFA. He has not yet decided what he will do after his fellowship ends, as is the case with many VFA fellows. Some might establish themselves securely enough within their designated startup to reach equity positions, Carlson said, while others might move on from VFA to pursue graduate school or other career paths. Since he began working in New Haven, Carlson said he

has grown more aware of its burgeoning technology scene. What he finds most interesting, he added, is that this culture exists largely independent of Yale. “[VFA’s] criteria for cities are they have to have an upand-coming entrepreneurial scene and proximity to a university,” Carlson said. “There actually are a lot of startups that come out of New Haven. It’s no Boston, it’s no Silicon Valley, where you have a more tangible scene, but I’ve been able to find it.” One city that fits VFA’s criteria is Detroit, where Derek Turner, another VFA fellow and a Columbia graduate, works for a software company called Ambassador. Turner said he believed that VFA and its fellows — of which there are currently 12 — can make a noticeable impact on the city’s

It’s half as much money for ten times as much fun — you get to do real things that have a real impact. ETHAN CARLSON ’12 Fellow, Venture for America

economy in the long run. “With VFA, I think you’re going to see a city like Detroit improve on a variety of levels, because the people that are coming in have a variety of interests,” Turner said. Though VFA remains in its early stages, VFA executives have developed plans to expand the operation to other cities such as Cleveland and Baltimore while simultaneously bringing more talent to its current locations, particularly New Haven. The presence of Yale and startup successes like Higher One, Tarullo said, have helped inspire students and recent grads to get involved in community development through startups. Tarullo and the rest of VFA’s members hope that spirit will attract the next wave of talent to their fellowship program. “It’s half as much money for 10 times as much fun — you get to do real things that have a real impact,” Carlson said. Venture For America’s headquarters are located in New York City. Contact MAREK RAMILO at .

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‘Last Comic’ draws laughs BY KATHRYN CRANDALL CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Yale College Dean Mary Miller, white girls rapping and having “the talk” with parents all found their way into jokes told at Thursday night’s Last Comic Standing competition. The stand-up comedy event, sponsored by the Yale College Council, gave 13 Yale students the chance to showcase their comedic talent on stage in front of a crowd of nearly 400 students. Four comedians — Ryan Bowers ’14, Jesse Schreck ’14, Caleb Madison ’15 and Shon Arieh-Lerer ’14 — moved on to a second round, and Bowers and Arieh-Lerer were ultimately chosen to open for the YCC’s Fall Show on Nov. 3. The selection process considered student judges’ opinions as well as those texted in by audience members. In his act, Bowers provided audience members with a lengthy description of the first time he saw another boy’s genitals. A member of sketch comedy group Red Hot Poker, Bowers told the News he thought stand-up comedy involved more pressure than sketch because the comedian is alone on stage. “When you’re up there with a group, you’re all in it together,” he said. “If your joke doesn’t go over well with stand-up comedy, that’s all you.” Arieh-Lerer impersonated an invented character named Claus and wore military attire while delivering his jokes in a German accent. He said he wanted to teach the audience to “tell a joke,” but scolded the audience when they laughed. Though many competitors used sexual innuendos during their presentations, several discussed topical social and political issues. Before telling a joke about obesity, Julie Shain ’13 said she wanted to refer to it as “obese-boned” to keep her language politically correct. Still, other contestants did not chose to moderate their language. Arieh-Lerer said he is “seeing” a new person, referring to his relationship status, but followed his comment up by saying, “Suck on that, blind people.” Alex Goel ’14, who moderated the event, said he thinks Last Comic Standing provides an outlet for stand-up comedy that cannot be found in any other setting at Yale. Rumpus Editor-in-Chief Christina Brasco ’14, a judge at the event, said she enjoyed forming her own opinion of each comic and also considering the audience’s reaction in her decisions. Audience members interviewed said they found the jokes funny and not offensive. Aaron Berman ’16 said he was not personally offended by the jokes, but thought that other “more sensitive” attendees may have been. Nick Goel ’16 said he does not think standup comedy can be “truly offensive.” Last year’s winners opened for YouTube celebrity Bo Burnham at the 2011 Fall Show. Contact KATHRYN CRANDALL at .


Shon Arieh-Lerer ’14 (top) and Ryan Bowers ’14 (bottom) were selected to open for the the Yale College Council’s Fall Show on Nov. 3.

Candidates debate women’s issues BY PATRICK CASSEY CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Senate candidates Chris Murphy and Linda McMahon squared off Thursday in their fourth and final debate before the Nov. 6 election, sparring over a wide range of topics including Social Security, abortion and taxes. The debate, which was held at the Hilton Hartford Hotel and sponsored by the Connecticut Broadcasters Association, began with a contentious exchange over Social Security and Medicare. McMahon asserted several times that she would not support a budget that cut Social Security or Medicare benefits for current seniors, and she also criticized Murphy for voting to remove $716 billion from Medicare to fund the Affordable Care Act. Murphy defended his actions, arguing the cuts will come from insurance company reimbursements and not program beneficiaries, before attacking McMahon’s position on Medicare reform. “She’s said repeatedly that she would be open to Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney’s plan to privatize Medicare,” Murphy said during the debate. The race for the Senate seat that will be vacated with the departure of Sen. Joseph Lieberman ’64 LAW ’67 in January has been extremely tight to this point, though Murphy has built a slight lead during the past few weeks. The race has large national implications, as its outcome could determine which party will control the Senate after the coming election. Discussion on Thursday focused on abortion and contraception issues for more than 10 minutes of the hour-long debate. Both candidates claim to be pro-choice — when asked directly, both candidates said that they believe life begins at birth — but Murphy argued that McMahon would empower the Republican Party to pursue a pro-life agenda. He argued that as senator, McMahon would give the GOP, which he sees as increasingly “radicalized,” an extra vote that might threaten Roe v. Wade. McMahon made the case that her position on abortion demonstrates a willingness to diverge from the Republican bloc on cer-


Linda McMahon

Chris Murphy







tain issues. “I am a pro-choice candidate,” McMahon said. “I’m an independent thinker, and I will not always vote strictly down party lines.” Murphy attacked McMahon for her business practices several times during the debate. Throughout the candidates’ discussion on contraception, he said that “the way that she demeaned women in the ring is abhorrent to thousands of women across this state.” Murphy’s criticism comes as McMahon struggles to attract more women voters. According to polling data released Thursday from the University of Connecticut and the Hartford Courant, Murphy holds an 18-point lead over McMahon among women voters. The poll shows an overall Murphy

six-point lead, 44 percent to 38 percent. McMahon stressed economic issues and her private sector experience. In her closing statement, McMahon tried to frame the election as a choice between a career politician and someone who has created jobs in the private sector. “The issues of this race are about jobs and the economy, and we need to send, I believe, senators to Washington who have experience creating jobs,” she said. In addition to debating policy, candidates were also questioned about the aggressive tone that has characterized their campaigning and attack ads. Contact PATRICK CASSEY at .




FROM THE FRONT State pushes veteran support VETERANS FROM PAGE 1 cut is home to more than 240,000 veterans and anticipates that the number will continue to grow in coming years. “We wanted to make every court in Connecticut a veterans’ court by giving defense attorneys, prosecutors and judges additional tools for helping veterans by helping them reintegrate into society,” Middleton said. Four Law School students in the school’s Veterans Legal Services Clinic — Sofia Nelson LAW ’13, Eric Parrie LAW ’13, Jon Fougner LAW ’14 and Kathryn Cahoy LAW ’12 — represented the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center, acting as liaisons among different stakeholders and helping to draft the bill that went before the legislature. Nelson explained that existing jail diversion programs are not “adequate” to meet the needs of veterans, adding that the bill modifies veterans’ access to two existing programs, Accelerated Rehabilitation and Supervised Diversion. Veterans can now use the Accelerated Rehabilitation program — which enables veterans to participate in treatment programs for low-level, non-violent offenses instead of going to jail if a court decides it is appropriate — twice instead of just once. For soldiers who serve multiple tours, one chance to use Accelerated Rehabilitation is not enough, Nelson said. She cited the hypothetical example of a soldier who was convicted of alcohol possession, participated in Accelerated Rehabilitation, served in Iraq or Afghanistan and then was caught for another minor crime, such as marijuana possession. “Let’s say someone is coping with their experiences abroad by smoking marijuana and they get caught,” Nelson said. “They’ve used their chance [at Accelerated Rehabilitation], but their contact with the criminal justice system is a direct result of their service, and I think that’s a unique circumstance that should be addressed.”

BY THE NUMBERS VETERANS IN CONNECTICUT 240,000 21% 22% $3.8 m Veterans that live in Connecticut

Percentage of Conn. veterans meeting criteria for PTSD Additional percentage of Conn. veterans meeting partial critera for PTSD Amount that act is projected to save Connecticut in two years

Additionally, veterans can now use a program called Supervised Diversion, which gives veterans access to mental health treatment, without having to declare themselves as officially suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Linda Schwartz, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Veterans’

We wanted to make every court in Connecticut a veterans’ court. MARGARET MIDDLETON Executive director, Connecticut Veterans Legal Center

Affairs, said the group proposed a number of plans that were rejected, such as a veterans’ court and a special docket for veterans, before they successfully proposed increased access to existing programs and resources. Middleton said that another benefit of the clinic and center’s work on the bill was to stimulate discussion among key players involved in services for veterans that previously had not been in frequent contact. “We were working as a liaison

between a lot of the stakeholders who often don’t talk to each other or just work in different areas, such as local criminal defense attorneys, state veterans’ affairs departments and service workers who provide medical care,” Parrie said. “The biggest obstacle we overcame was helping folks who care about the same problem communicate with each other and realize where the gaps and spaces were with existing services.” The group of Law School students also traveled to Hartford regularly to talk with legislators, Nelson said. According to her, one of the most important contributions of the students was to educate stakeholders about the issue, and their cooperation and acceptance of the bill followed naturally. She added that this bill also makes sense for the state financially and that it is more cost-efficient for the state to solve the root causes of veterans’ crimes rather than incur the high costs of incarcerating them. The law came into effect on Oct. 1.

“We owe our World War II veterans — and all our veterans — a debt we can never fully repay.” DOC HASTINGS U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FOR WASHINGTON’S 4TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT AND REPUBLICAN PARTY MEMBER

Legislators question Malloy tax pledge MALLOY FROM PAGE 1 Suzio echoed Rose’s explanation of Malloy’s intentions, noting “it’s well-known in Hartford that [Malloy] has ambitions to go down to Washington.” Rose said that raising taxes now would be “political suicide” for the governor. Following Malloy’s massive tax hike last year, initiating any discussion of raising taxes would hurt his chances for re-election in 2014 or for election at the federal level, Rose added. Suzio said he is skeptical of Malloy’s promise to keep tax rates stable. Two weeks before the governor made his pledge at the University of Hartford, he publicly stated that he hoped he would not have to raise taxes. Suzio added he did not know what changed over the past two weeks to make Malloy certain he will not need to increase taxes. “I don’t really know how reliable his commitment is,” he said. Suzio said that he thinks the governor will be open to raising taxes if Connecticut’s budget deficit — currently projected at $27 million for fiscal year 2013 — continues to grow. Republicans in the state senate share Suzio’s skepti-

cism of Malloy’s commitment, he said. State Democrats, however, do not believe that Malloy will go back on his word. Democratic State Senator Edward Meyer said Malloy will be able to raise enough government revenue through new policies for the upcoming year, such as a tax on Internet services. If the deficit runs larger than expected, Meyers said, Malloy will look to spending cuts rather than tax increases, adding that it would be surprising if members of either party try to raise taxes again after last year’s historic tax hike. Malloy’s primary focus is on improving Connecticut’s economy, Meyer said. “I think [considering federal office] is very premature. He’s got a job to do right here in Connecticut to restore the economy. I can’t imagine him contemplating a run for national office at this point,” Meyer said. Malloy gave his State of the State address at the Hangar at the Pratt & Whitney Museum in East Hartford, Conn. Contact JESSICA HALLAM at .

Contact DIANA LI at .







“Let us put theology out of religion. Theology has always sent the worst to heaven and the best to hell.” ROBERT G. INGERSOLL POLITICAN, MEMBER OF THE FREETHOUGHT AGNOSTIC MOVEMENT

Allies support LGBT teammates BY CYNTHIA HUA STAFF REPORTER As they walked to practice early Thursday morning, athletes had the opportunity to show their support for their LGBT teammates. Athletes and Allies at Yale, a group that supports lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender athletes on varsity and club sports teams, held its first annual Step Up as an Ally Day at the entrance to Payne Whitney Gym this week. The group received signatures from 230 athletes on 41 teams who pledged to acknowledge publicly their support of Athletes and Allies, not to assume their teammates are straight and not to use phrases like “That’s so gay.” The goal of the event was to raise awareness for the existence of allies, or straight athletes who support their LGBT teammates, the event’s organizers said. “There have always been athletes that are supportive of their teammates… regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity,” said Stefan Palios ’14, co-coordinator of Athletes and Allies. “But we gave them an opportunity to be vocal about it in a safe space [with Step Up as an Ally Day].” Providing a public forum for allies to display their support helps closeted and out athletes feel more comfortable, Palios said, adding that in the absence of teammates who are openly LGBT, allies can be a great asset to a team. Athletes and Allies, which has been intermittently active on campus since it was founded by members of the varsity men’s fencing team in 2009, aims to confront “homophobia, heterosexism and transphobia in Yale club and varsity athletics,” Palios said. The group originally met once a year to discuss LGBT-relevant issues, but began to meet regularly as a club with 15 to 30 active members last fall, co-coordinator Katie Chockley ’14 said. All members of the group are athletes, including the group’s three leaders: Palios, Chockley and Will Childs-Klein ’15 play track and field, rugby and basketball, respectively. While the group has existed as a support

system for LGBT athletes in the past, new events such as Step Up as an Ally Day expand the “level of support to include the whole team,” said Kristen Proe ’14, an ally on the varsity track and field team. “People are accepting, it’s just that now they’re allowed to be vocal about it,” Palios said. “It’s very hard to be the lone person that stands up and shouts, ‘I’m an ally!’ but with an event like this, you know you’re not alone as an ally.” Palios said he has noticed the positive effects of the group’s efforts in decreased use of homophobic language and a general increased awareness among athletes. Since the start of the school year, a third of Yale Varsity athletes have become Ally members and “a few more athletes have come out this year,” Palios said. Homophobia has historically been a problem on athletic teams, Chockley said, and athletes often presume their teammates are straight. The group aims to change these stereotypes and challenge perceptions that gay men are not athletic or masculine or that a sports team cannot be composed of many LGBT members, she added. “It’s very hard to come out to varsity teams,” Chockley said. “I would have really appreciated this event happening my freshman year… [The event] helps closeted athletes know that it’s okay.” Four athletes who signed the pledge today said creating an environment that supports all teammates’ sexualities fosters team cohesion. Jenna Hessert ’14, an ally and track and field athlete, said signing the pledge will encourage other straight athletes to become allies too. “I think it’s a good type of peer pressure,” Hessert said. “Once one person says I’m an ally, then other teammates will [follow suit] and it just snowballs from there.” Athletes and Allies’ next major event will take place during the IvyQ conference, a gathering for LGBTQ students at Ivy League universities to be hosted at Yale this February. Contact CYNTHIA HUA at .


Students pledged to acknowledge publicly their support of Athletes and Allies, not to assume their teammates are straight and not to use phrases like “That’s so gay.”

Fashion show fights cancer


This year’s Colleges Against Cancer fashion show will begin at 9 p.m. in the Morse dining hall. BY NITIKA KHAITAN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER It is hard to imagine that frat boys, breast cancer and bow ties custom-made by a Yale student could have anything in common. But “Pretty in Pink” — the annual Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) fashion show to raise money and awareness for breast cancer — will bring them together tonight in the Morse dining hall. Now in its fourth year, the fashion show is CAC’s largest event, CAC President Varoon Bashyakaria ’13 said. The fashion show comes near the end of Yale’s Pink Week, during which CAC redecorated Cross Campus and sold T-shirts in Commons to commemorate National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As in other years, CAC collaborated with YCouture, Rent the Runway and student designers. But while previous shows incorporated more student designers, this year’s will feature only one, relying heavily on retailer participation instead. Local businesses such as {Cut. Cloth}, Raggs and Yurway lent CAC most of the show’s clothes, which will be exclusively pink. Both Bashyakaria and Jessica Perfetto ’14, the show’s organizer, said they were inspired to join CAC after friends and family suffered from cancer. Bashyakaria said hearing store owners tell personal stories about relatives with the disease was encouraging, helping him realize that “we’re all in the same boat.”

Perfetto described her experience soliciting donations from Campus Customs and the Yale Bookstore, both of which allowed her to take every single pink clothing item in the store. “It [was] moments like those when everything fell into place,” Perfetto said. The fashion show has been extremely popular in the past, Bashyakaria said. “It’s continued to be such a success because it incorporates different aspects of Yale,” said Anna Wang ’14, YCouture director of design. “It really is a good all-for-one event because so many groups can utilize it for their own means, and it’s all for a good cause.”

It’s continued to be such a success because it incorporates different aspects of Yale. AMY WANG ’14 Director of design, YCouture She added that local businesses and student designers are able to advertise their clothing, while models can volunteer and have fun. Although the show is receiving donations from some national retailers this year such as Gant and Jack Wills, Wang said that most national chains have been less generous

with their donations than New Haven-based stores. She attributed this discrepancy to the trust CAC has built with local stores over the past four years. Bashyakaria added that the corporate structure of national chains does not allow for the small donations the show requires. B a s hya ka r i a sa i d CAC received Undergraduate Organizations Committee and Dwight Hall funding to supply the show with more professional equipment such as lights. While the group initially considered adding an elevated ramp, Wang said they eventually decided against it since a ramp would not be wide enough for models walking in pairs. Although the event is free to attend and includes free raffles and giveaways, it fundraises substantially for the American Cancer Society, Bashyakaria said. He added that the show is just as much about awareness as funding, and Perfetto explained that the emcees will briefly discuss breast cancer before the show begins. Most of the models for “Pretty in Pink” were recruited through fraternities and sororities, in addition to through the organizers’ personal contacts. “Usually, people [in fraternities and sororities] are excited about modeling and … will bring their friends,” Perfetto said. Tonight’s show will begin at 9 p.m. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. Contact NITIKA KHAITAN at .

Controversial theologian discusses forgiveness BY JOHN AROUTIOUNIAN CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Margaret Farley GRD ’73, a Divinity School professor and member of the Sisters of Mercy whose writings on sexual ethics drew the ire of the Vatican this summer, spoke about her beliefs before a crowd of over 100 Thursday evening. Farley’s book, “Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics”, sparked controversy after its publication because it presented a theological defense of homosexuality, masturbation and sex outside of marriage. During her lecture, entitled “Forgiveness in the Service of Justice,” Farley discussed the need to emphasize forgiveness in modern social justice movements. Though her talk did not directly address the criticism she received from the Vatican, audi-

ence members in the St. Thomas More Chapel asked Farley how she dealt with the Church’s condemnation of her values. The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the body responsible for clarifying issues related to Church doctrine, has called Farley’s interpretation a “defective understanding of natural law” that may cause “grave harm to the faithful,” alleging that she is ignoring centuries of teaching on topics related to sexuality. “I respect the beliefs of the church though I don’t agree with them,” Farley told the News after her lecture. “I haven’t been trying to argue for or against Church doctrine. Rather, I have taught in an educational setting for 40 years, and that’s the role of a professional ethicist: to help people think things through.” Farley defended her book dur-

ing the question and answer portion of her talk, maintaining that her aim was never to spark antagonism with the Church. Still, Farley faulted the Vatican for failing to adopt substantive changes to its procedure for revising doctrine in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, which was intended to reform the Church and consider its place in the modern world in the 1960s. During the talk itself, Farley divided her consideration of forgiveness and its practical implications into three parts, focusing on Biblical text, the meaning of forgiveness and the relationship between the concepts of forgiveness, justice and resistance. “Biblical text asks something of the Roman Catholic Church that it doesn’t understand,” Farley said. “The message of forgiveness, in essence, consti-

tutes the Christian message in its entirety.”

Biblical text asks something of the Roman Catholic Church that it doesn’t understand. MARGARET FARLEY Professor, Yale Divinity School Farley rejected the notion of passivity in response to injustice, bringing up the truth commissions that existed in Argentina, Chile and South Africa in the latter half of the 20th century as examples of how injustice could be reconciled through mediums that facilitated forgiveness — an approach she described as inte-

gral to moving away from largescale conflict. Audience members interviewed had mixed reactions to the talk. Father Bob Beloin, Yale’s Catholic chaplain, defended his decision to host Farley’s lecture at St. Thomas More, adding that he invited Farley to the church three years ago, before the controversy surrounding her new book erupted. “When [the controversy] began, we found no reason to rescind the invitation because she was never officially silenced by the Church,” he said. “I have a profound appreciation for the personal integrity and scholarship of Margaret Farley.” Father Joe Donnelly, who travelled from Southbury, Conn. to hear Farley speak, said her poise was “measured, focused and full of faith.”

But Kelly Schumann ’15, who attended the lecture, agreed with some of the criticisms that have been made of Farley’s teaching, adding that she felt Farley’s talk relied too heavily on non-Biblical sources, including the Quran and the poetry of Emily Dickinson. St. Thomas More parishioner Isabel Marin ’12 said she feels Farley’s talk was unnecessarily argumentative. “I definitely felt there was an implied spirit of attack on the church,” Marin said. “I found this odd, given she never claimed to believe anything the church disagreed with. She seems to be going out of her way to attack it.” Farley’s book was published in 2008. Contact JOHN AROUTIOUNIAN at .




S NASDAQ 2,735.50, +0.10 S Oil 92.17, +0.07

Minn. man convicted BY AMY FORLITI ASSOCIATED PRESS MINNEAPOLIS — A Minneapolis man accused of helping send young men through a terrorist pipeline from Minnesota to Somalia was convicted Thursday on all five terrorismrelated charges he faced, including one that could land him in prison for life. The jury returned its verdict against Mahamud Said Omar after deliberating for about eight hours over two days. Chief U.S. District Judge Michael Davis did not set a sentencing date. Omar, 46, nodded quietly as an interpreter gave him the bad news. As he was being led from the courtroom, he held up his hands and smiled at his brothers and other supporters of his in the courtroom gallery. One of his defense attorneys, Jon Hopeman, said outside of court afterward that Omar will appeal the verdict. He said he plans to scrutinize secretly recorded wiretaps of conversations involving Omar that weren’t made available to the defense team. Omar, a mosque janitor, was the first man to stand trial in the government’s investigation into what it says was the recruitment of more than 20 men who have left Minnesota since 2007 to join al-Shabab, a U.S.-designated terrorist group linked to al-Qaida that’s blamed for much of the violence that has plagued the East African country. Prosecutors say Omar helped some recruits from Minnesota’s Somali community, which is the largest in the U.S., buy plane tickets to Somalia, and gave others $1,000 to buy weapons while they were staying in an al-Shabab safe house. Assistant U.S. Attorney John Docherty told jurors in clos-

Dow Jones 13,494.00, +0.05

NEW YORK — The fungus found in tainted steroid shots matches the one behind the national meningitis outbreak that has killed 20 people, federal health officials said Thursday. The match confirms the link between the outbreak and the maker of the steroids, New England Compounding Center of Framingham, Mass. Officials previously said they found fungus in more than 50 unopened vials from the company, but needed more tests to determine the kind of fungus. The specialty pharmacy has been at the center of a federal and state investigation into more than 250 fungal meningitis cases. The death toll rose Thursday to 20. The victims in the outbreak had all received steroid shots made by the pharmacy, mostly to treat back pain. The company last month recalled three lots of the steroid made since May. It later shut down operations and

Istar Abdi, right, a member of the Minneapolis Somali community, shakes hands with U.S. Attorney for the District of Minnesota B. Todd Jones, left. ing arguments Wednesday that Omar moved the young men as “cannon fodder” through a pipeline to al-Shabab. The FBI agent overseeing Omar’s case, Kiann VanDenover, testified that at one point in questioning, Omar claimed to be a “team leader” for al-Shabab. Omar has denied ever helping al-Shabab. His attorney, Andrew Birrell, portrayed him as a “frightened, little man” who has struggled to adapt to life in the U.S. and who lacks the skills and know-how to organize anything. Birrell says the govern-

ment’s case is based on the corrupt testimony of al-Shabab recruits who repeatedly lied and who testified only because their plea deals required it. The trial testimony provided insights into the long-running investigation, including how the young men were recruited and what happened when they got to Somalia to join al-Shabab’s fight against the fledgling U.N.backed government in Somalia, which was backed by troops from neighboring Ethiopia, who were seen by some Somalis as an invading force.


10-yr. Bond 1.83%, +0.02 Euro $1.75, +0.01

Fungus in steriods and patients match BY MIKE STOBBE ASSOCIATED PRESS


S&P 500 1,451.30, -0.01



recalled all the medicines it makes. The fungus was confirmed in one steroid batch made in August, according to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC has linked outbreak illnesses to all three lots; tests are continuing on the other two lots. The initial recall involved about 17,700 single-dose vials of the steroid sent to clinics in 23 states. As many as 14,000 people got shots from the three lots. The company released a statement Thursday afternoon that said, in part; “We are eager to review these findings as part of our continued cooperation with the CDC and FDA to identify the cause of this contamination.” The fungus in the vials — Exserohilum rostratum — is the same as that found in at least 45 people sickened with fungal meningitis. “We were able to link the organism in these vials to the organism in the patients,” said the CDC’s Mary Brandt, whose lab did the testing. The FDA-CDC announcement did not say how many tested vials had that kind of fungus.

Officials review archives plan BY NORMAN GOMLAK ASSOCIATED PRESS MORROW, Ga. — When Georgia officials announced plans to severely restrict public access to its state archives, it set off a firestorm not only among scholars and people tracing their family roots, but national historical groups. Archives supporters expressed outrage at plans to limit access to appointments-only on six days a month to view some of the state’s most valuable papers, from the fading parchment of the 1798 Georgia state constitution to Jimmy Carter’s 1976 statement of candidacy. They collected more than 17,000 signatures on an online petition, rallied at the State Capitol and hired a lobbyist. On Thursday, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal and Secretary of State Brian Kemp backed off of the plan — sort of. Deal announced that he was

restoring $125,000 of a $733,000 budget cut so that the archives could remain open two days a week and visitors could view records without making an appointment. “Georgia’s Archives are a showcase of our state’s rich history and a source of great pride,” Deal said in a statement, which did not address the fate of seven workers who recently received pink slips effective Nov. 1. Three other employees — new archives director Chris Davidson, an archivist and a building manager — will definitely stay. The controversy focused national attention on shrinking funding for state archives at a time when they’re processing, preserving and digitizing far more records than just a few years ago. Georgia’s cost-cutting move was “a continuation of a trend we see at the federal level,” said Lee White of the National Coalition for History in Washington. “It’s not something we want to see spread to the states.”






Showers and possibly a thunderstorm. High near 68. Southeast wind 11 to 14 mph.

High of 71, low of 46.

SUNDAY High of 64, low of 45.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 2:00 PM The Yale Debate Association: Yale Intervarsity Parliamentary Tournament. Come watch the fifth annual tournament debated in the British Parliamentary stye. This debate will feature a judging pool of some of the best adjudicators available. Davies Auditorium (55 Prospect St.). 5:30 PM Semana Chicana 2012: “Precious Knowledge.” Join MEChA de Yale and the Asian American Cultural Center for a screening of ‘Precious Knowledge,’ a documentary abot the ethnic studies ban in Arizona and the consequences of that ban. A discussion will follow about its affects on the community and what we can do to help. Jonathan Edwards College (68 High St.), Theater.



7:00 PM Yale Anime Society Showing: “Kara no Kyoukai - The Garden of Sinners.” Join the Yale Anime Society for the first part of its annual Halloween showing. Linsly-Chittenden Hall (63 High St.), Rm. 204. 7:30 PM Underbrook Coffeehouse. Come enjoy coffee and treats while listening to a multitude of musical performances. Saybrook College (242 Elm St.), Underbrook.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 3:30 PM Saybrook College Orchestra: Season Premiere. This inaugural performance will feature three magnificent masterpieces from the 19th century. Battell Chapel (400 College St.).


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CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Kool Moe Dee’s genre 4 Response to a drought ending 10 Spot that many avoid 14 Words of attribution 15 Inspiration for jambalaya 16 Jaunty greeting 17 *Components of 39-Across 20 Yao-like 21 Gummy 22 *Components of 39-Across 28 Lightsaber wielders 29 Get ready for a drive 30 Elem. school staple 33 Some emoticons 37 Barbera d’__: Italian wine 38 Sushi topper 39 Symbolic sum of 17-, 22- and 50Across 41 Key for getting out of a jam 42 Humble reply to praise 44 Visit 45 __ Cabos, Mexico 46 Chowderhead 48 Gaseous: Pref. 50 *Components of 39-Across 56 Signal to try to score 57 They’re often bruised 59 Classic manual, with “The,” and what the starred answers’ components are vis-à-vis 39Across 64 Greg’s love on “House” 65 Hard pieces 66 Flicks 67 Pup without papers 68 Writer de Beauvoir 69 Miss Pym’s creator

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By Jeff Chen

DOWN 1 Lake floater 2 Burka wearer’s deity 3 Comedian Shore 4 CPA’s busy time 5 Mai __ 6 “Dancing with the Stars” judge 7 Bayer painkiller 8 Knocked off 9 Tibia neighbors 10 “Why, I never!” 11 “Fast Five” star 12 Sushi tuna 13 One of a toon septet 18 Cutlass maker 19 Many a St. Andrews golfer 23 Jazz lick 24 Others, abroad 25 Spirit 26 Bats 27 Books that require a commitment 30 Tops 31 It might make you forget your lines 32 Ex-Laker silhouetted in the NBA logo 34 Detective’s pronoun

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved



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35 Go after, puppystyle 36 Serious 40 “Eli’s Coming” songwriter 43 Support for a downward-facing dog 47 Campbell of “Wild Things” 49 “Is this what __ for ...?” 51 Tampico tots


52 Gangster Frank 53 Briefly 54 Abu Simbel’s land 55 “Honest!” 58 Steamy 59 Sunblock of a sort 60 Sch. with a Riverhead campus 61 Prefix with meter 62 Marshland 63 Lubbock-toLaredo dir.

8 6

3 5 2 7

8 3 7 6 7 2 8 4 9 8 6 5 2 9 5 4 7 4 3 8 9




“War is politics for everyone but the warrior.” TIFFANY MADISON AMERICAN AUTHOR

Syrian airstrikes kill over 40 BY BEN HUBBARD ASSOCIATED PRESS BEIRUT — Syrian warplanes hammered a strategic city captured by rebels, leaving behind scenes of carnage captured Thursday on amateur videos that showed a man holding up two child-sized legs not connected to a body and another carrying a dismembered arm. Activists said airstrikes over the past two days on opposition targets across Syria’s north have killed at least 43 people. The city of Maaret al-Numan, located strategically on a major north-south highway connecting Aleppo and Damascus, was captured by rebels last week and there has been heavy fighting around it ever since. Rebel brigades from the surrounding area have poured in to defend the town. Online videos have shown them firing mortars at regime troops, and they claimed to have shot down a government helicopter on Wednesday.

There were people who took the dead and wounded away before the cameras showed up. ABU RAED Aleppo-based activist Since it was captured a week ago, the city in northern Idlib province and its surroundings have been the focus of one of the heaviest air bombardments since President Bashar Assad’s military first unleashed its air force against rebels over the summer. Local activists in the city say warplanes are continuously overhead, and entire villages are largely deserted and peppered with destroyed homes. The scenes from the city provide a window into the carnage being wrought by the Syrian military’s increasing reliance on airstrikes to fight rebels waging a civil war to topple Assad. Rights groups say the airstrikes often hit civilian areas. And this week, U.S.-based Human Rights Watch accused Syria of using cluster bombs, which pose grave dangers to civilians. The regime contends that it is fighting terrorists backed by foreign powers who seek to destroy Syria and denies using

US hopes for antiTaliban uprising


Afghan National Civil Order Police line up to get counter-IED training at Forward Operating Base Warrior in Afghanistan’s Ghazni province. BY ROBERT BURNS ASSOCIATED PRESS LENS YONG HOMSI/ASSOCIATED PRESS

A house destroyed by Syrian government forces shelling, at Jouret al-Shiyah, in Homs province, Syria, Thursday. cluster bombs. The latest onslaught from the skies left residents frantically poring through mounds of rubble searching for survivors or bodies trapped underneath. Amateur videos purportedly filmed after an airstrike there on Thursday showed the men carrying around body parts and 18 white cloth bundles holding the remains of those killed. Activist claims and videos cannot be independently verified due to restrictions on reporting in Syria. But all videos corresponded to activists’ reports and appeared to have been filmed where they said they were. One strike hit a neighborhood near the rebel field hospital in Maaret al-Numan, activist Fadi Yassin said via Skype. Airstrikes also hit three nearby villages on Wednesday, killing 15 people, Yassin said. Nine of those were in Kafar Nubul, while others died in the villages of Kafrouma and Hass. Airstrikes late Wednesday and early

Thursday hit at least five towns in northern Idlib and Aleppo provinces, both of which border Turkey. The aftermath of one of the strikes was captured on video late Wednesday in the city of Aleppo. It struck a large mosque. While some men in the videos carry away bodies, others work to dig out a survivor whose legs are buried in debris. An Aleppo-based activist who gave his name as Abu Raed said men were arriving for Wednesday evening prayers when a fighter jet dropped a bomb on the Light of the Martyrs Mosque in the Shaar neighborhood. The blast destroyed a room used for ritual washing and part of the prayer hall itself, he said via Skype. He said at least 10 people had been killed, though the number could be higher, either because bodies were still trapped in the rubble or because people were buried before being recorded. “There were people who took the dead and wounded away before the cameras showed up,” he said.

AB BAND, Afghanistan — Fed up with the Taliban closing their schools and committing other acts of oppression, men in a village about 100 miles south of Kabul took up arms late last spring and chased out the insurgents with no help from the Afghan government or U.S. military. Small-scale revolts in recent months like the one in Kunsaf, mostly along a stretch of desert south of the Afghan capital, indicate bits of a grass-roots, do-ityourself anti-insurgency that the U.S. hopes Afghan authorities can transform into a wider movement. Perhaps it can undercut the Taliban in areas they still dominate after 11 years of war with the United States and NATO allies. The effort in Ghazni Province looks like a long shot. The villagers don’t readily embrace any outside authority, be it the Taliban, the U.S. or the Afghan government. American officials nonetheless are quietly nurturing the trend, hoping it might become a game changer, or at least a new roadblock for the Taliban. At the same time, they are adamant that if anyone can convince the villagers to side with the Afghan gov-

ernment, it’s the Afghans - not the Americans. “If we went out there and talked to them we would taint these groups and it would backfire,” said Army Brig. Gen. John Charlton, the senior American adviser to the Afghan military in provinces along the southern approaches to Kabul. Charlton, who witnessed similar stirrings in Iraq while serving as a commander there in 2007, said that in some cases the Taliban are fighting back fiercely, killing leaders of the armed uprisings. In Kunsaf, for example, the Taliban killed several village fighters in skirmishes as recently as last month, but the Taliban suffered heavy losses and have thus far failed to retake the village. The American general visited two military bases in the area last week — one in Ghazni’s Ab Band district that was vacated by a U.S. Army brigade as part of September’s U.S. troop drawdown, and the other in nearby Gelan district, where Afghan paramilitary police forces are moving in to fill the gap left by the Americans. Charlton found far fewer paramilitary police there than he says are needed; he is nudging the Afghans to get hundreds more into the area to put more pressure on the Taliban in support of the village uprisings.




Paul Ryan confuses Cleveland quarterbacks During a visit on Wednesday to the Cleveland Browns’ afternoon practice, vicepresidential candidate Paul Ryan mixed up the Browns’ starting QB, Brandon Weeden, with back-up Colt McCoy. According to Yahoo Sports, Ryan directly engaged McCoy in conversation about his career at Oklahoma State — however, McCoy attended the University of Texas and Weeden played for Oklahoma State.


Volleyball takes on Brown

After five games on the road, the Bulldogs return to Johnson Field this weekend to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Yale field hockey with back-to-back games on Saturday and Sunday.

FIELD HOCKEY The Elis (4–8,1–3 Ivy) will go up against the Penn Quakers (6–6, 1–3 Ivy) amid commemorative festivities on Saturday, looking to extend a three-game winning streak against the Red and Blue that includes a come-from-behind 2–1 win last year. On Sunday, the Bulldogs will seek redemption against Albany (8–7, 1–2 America East) after falling to the Great Danes 4–3 in overtime last season. Hoping to carry over momentum from last Sunday’s overtime win against Vermont, the Elis enter this weekend with home-field advantage as well as the support of visiting alumnae. “We are getting the chance to meet the amazing women who have played on this team before us and paved the way for Yale field hockey, which means so much to all of us,” midfielder Noelle Villa ’16 said in an email to the News. Forward Brooke Gogel ’13, who was injured last year, scored her first two career goals last weekend as part of the team’s largest offensive output of the season. The Bulldogs found the back of the net three times in each game, snapping a three-game goaless streak and increasing their team total for the season from eight goals to 14. Midfielder Erica Borgo ’14 leads the Elis with four goals after scoring two in each of her last two games. Midfielder Mary Beth Barham ’13 is not far behind Borgo with three goals of her own. Goalkeeper Emily Cain ’13 has a .712 save percentage and 3.82 goals-against average. “I think we’ve definitely been working hard as a unit,” Villa said of the team’s overall performance. Last season, the Bulldogs faced the Quakers en route to becoming Ivy League Champions. Though the Elis won 2–1, the Quakers posed the greatest challenge to Yale’s bid for the title. After going down 1–0 in the first half, the Bulldogs came back and scored two goals in the second half to


The Bulldogs get a break from their schedule of two games per weekend — they will only play once this weekend against Brown on Friday. BRIANNE BOWEN/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

The Bulldogs won last Sunday with an overtime goal against Vermont. secure the victory. This year, Penn comes in with considvs. erable offensive firepower at its disposal. The Quakers’ 32 goals have been spread across Penn eight different players, and five players have Field Hockey each scored five goals or Sunday, 3 p.m. more. Penn midfielder vs. Sarah Hasson and forward Elizabeth Hitti lead the team in points with 16 apiece. GoalAlbany keeper Carly Sokach has a save percentage a little lower than Cain’s at .708, but an average of only 2.84 goals-against. This weekend, the Quakers will attempt to rebound from a 3–2 double-overtime loss to Columbia last Friday. The Great Danes were one of only five non-conference opponents that managed to defeat the Bulldogs last year. Despite

New start for hockey

Field Hockey

Saturday, 12 p.m.

trailing 3–1 in the second half of last year’s contest, Albany rallied back and scored the equalizer before time expired, ultimately winning the game in overtime. Albany has scored 36 goals this season while allowing only 22. Midfielder Corrine McConville leads with 10 goals and 22 points. Goalkeeper Kristi Troch holds a .686 save percentage and a 1.78 goalsagainst average. The Yale defense will be challenged by both the Quakers and the Great Danes’ high-powered offenses, but Gogel says the Elis will be up to the challenge. “Defense definitely starts with the forward line, so all of our players — including forwards — will work hard to play solid defense in order to try to deny our opponents offensive opportunities” Gogel said. Saturday’s game against Penn will begin at 12:00 p.m. Contact GIOVANNI BACARELLA at .

VOLLEYBALL FROM PAGE 12 Reetz will be a key component for the Bulldogs this weekend against a Brown (5–12, 1–6) side that is desperate to climb out of the conference cellar. Although they are tied for last place in the league, the Bears rarely go down without a fight, having been swept just twice in Ivy play this season. In fact, the Bears are one of just three Ivy squads to take a set from Yale this season, a feat they accomplished in a 3–1 loss to the Bulldogs on Sep. 22. That match was characterized by a scrappy Brown defense that held Yale to a 0.213 hitting percentage, the team’s second lowest mark of the Ivy season. Jesse Ebner’s ’16 serve will help keep the Brown defense honest. She leads the team and is tied for second in the conference with 0.34 service aces per set. Ebner delivered one service ace in the team’s first matchup with Brown

and was good for three against Princeton last Friday. “She has a tremendous serve,” Appleman said. “She has all along. It’s really nice to be able to have a middle [blocker] that can go back there and give points from the back as well as the front.”

Last year against Dartmouth we played one of our most complete games. DEFENDER NICK ALERS ’14 The Bulldogs and the Bears will take the court Saturday evening for a 5 p.m. start time. Contact KEVIN KUCHARSKI at .

Penn poses challenge

W. HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 day,” said Flygh. “The returning players know the assistants and what’s expected of them, and they’ve done a good job getting back in shape.” This year, the Elis are missing last season’s leading points scorer, Aleca Hughes ’12, along with three other seniors, but this year’s seniors come into the season with tremendous experience. Both captain Alyssa Zupon ’13 and forward Danielle Moncion ’13 have played in 87 games each over the past three seasons, while defenseman Jamie Gray ’13 has played in 85. According to Coach Flygh, Zupon, the leading career scorer among Yale’s returners, “has a very good understanding of the team dynamic, and she leans on the senior class to help lead.” Zupon and the seniors will be leading six new freshmen joining the Bulldogs on the ice this season: defenders Ali Austin ’16 and Kate Martini ’16, goalkeeper Rachelle Graham ’16 and forwards Janelle Ferrara ’16, Jamie Haddad ’16 and Hanna Åström ’16. Other major returnees for the Bulldogs include forward Jackie Raines ’14, last season’s top scorer (9-3-12), forward Stephanie Mock ’15, who scored 11 points for the Elis last season and starting goalkeeper Leonoff, who started eight games last year at goalie. Another player who could make a big difference this year is defender Tara Tomimoto ’14, who spent 18 months over the last two years off the ice due to a concussion. “It was unbelievable to play in the game,” Tomimoto said of her return to action. “I had worked so hard and sacrificed a lot to get healthy, so it was amazing to finally play again.” Yale defeated the Aeros Saturday with a goal from forward Ashley Dunbar ’15 and Haddad’s first goal in a Yale uniform. Getting the first win was nice, but Flygh and all players interviewed agreed on this year’s top priority: making the playoffs. “We’re looking to start [the season] off on a strong note so we can carry the momentum into the rest of our games,” Tomimoto said. “We want to make sure we’re competitive, play better hockey as the year goes on and be playing our best hockey in February,” Flygh added. The squad opens the regular season with a game tonight at Robert Morris University and a Saturday night game at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

rently gaining will eventually pay off. “[Winning] comes with experience,” Stottlemyer said. “We’re getting better. We’ve just got to learn how to win.” Tomorrow the Bulldogs will face an experienced Penn team led by senior quarterback Billy Ragone. He has been a three-year starter for the Quakers, scoring 40 total touchdowns over his career. The Quakers have already undergone several tests on the field this season thanks to a challenging non-conference schedule. Penn lost to Lafayette as well as Colonial Athletic Association powerhouses William & Mary and Villanova, but Reno said that the lessons the Quakers learned in those contests will help them in Ivy play. “They played a great non-league schedule,” Reno said. “It was definitely the toughest [of any Ivy League team].” Last year the Bulldogs led Penn 20–10 heading into the final quarter at Franklin Field in Philadelphia, but the Quakers stormed back to win 37–25. Stottlemyer said that last year’s defeat was “one of the worst losses I’ve had to swallow.” Stottlemyer and the Bulldogs will have their chance at redemption tomorrow when the game kicks off at noon in the Yale Bowl. Veterans will be honored at the Yale Bowl tomorrow as a part of Heroes’ Day. Free tickets will be available for current and former members of the armed forces and first responders.




Last year, a 17-point Penn fourth quarter took down the Elis after Yale led 20–10 in the third quarter. FOOTBALL FROM PAGE 12

Keys to the game BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER CONTAIN RAGONE: When asked what Penn brings to the table in Saturday’s game, head coach Tony Reno immediately identified dualthreat senior quarterback Billy Ragone. Last year Ragone tore up the Eli defense in the Quakers’ 37–25 victory in Philadelphia. He threw for 234 yards and three scores and rushed for 94 yards and a touchdown. The signal caller has been back to his old tricks this year, averaging 149.2 yards through the air and 45.8 on the ground. The defense will need to contain Ragone in the pocket so that he cannot utilize his playmaking ability on the perimeter. If the Bulldogs can do that, then they might have a chance at forcing Ragone to make a mistake — he has thrown five interceptions this season to just six touchdown passes.

SCORE IN THE RED ZONE: The Bulldogs have scored touchdowns on just 39 of their trips to the red zone this year. Although Yale has gotten at least a field goal on 60 percent of its red zone opportunities, the Bulldog’s offense needs to get touchdowns when it gets that close to the endzone and take pressure off the defense. Last week the Elis scored one touchdown in three red zone trips, according to Reno. The Bulldogs lost by 10, so the 14 points Yale left on the board were the difference in the game. One problem near the goal line has been interceptions, so the Elis should focus on the ground attack and only pass enough to keep Penn from crowding the box. THE PISTOL IS THE BEST WEAPON: Last week the Bulldogs began going to the pistol formation

instead of the traditional shotgun. In the pistol, the quarterback stands closer to the line of scrimmage with the running back directly behind him, as opposed to beside him in the shotgun. This opens up more options in the running game, which led to success on the ground against Lafayette. Running back Tyler Varga ’16 ran for 100 yards and fellow back Mordecai Cargill ’13 chipped in 98 yards on the ground. Not all of these yards came from the pistol formation, but both backs seemed to be finding bigger seams to run through in the new formation. Yale should stick with the pistol tomorrow against a Quaker defense that ranks sixth in the Ivy League with 149.2 rushing yards allowed per game. Contact CHARLES CONDRO at .



MLB ALCS Detroit 8 N.Y. Yankees 1

M. SOCCER Adelphi 1 Princeton 0

W. SOCCER Dartmouth 2 Boston U 1

SPORTS MEN’S HOCKEY BLUE-WHITE GAME SATURDAY The 2012-’13 men’s hockey team will take the ice at Ingalls Rink this Saturday at 5 p.m. for the annual Blue-White scrimmage. The regular season kicks off next Friday with the Ivy Shootout at Brown, where the Bulldogs will take on Dartmouth.

HARVARD FOOTBALL PLAYER SUSPENDED The Ivy League announced Thursday that Harvard defensive back Colton Lynch will be suspended for Harvard’s game this Saturday at Princeton. Lynch was given the one-game suspension for a helmet-to-helmet hit he initiated during last week’s game against Bucknell.

W. SOCCER Harvard 4 Holy Cross 0


FIELD HOCKEY Providence 4 Brown 1


“We’re getting better. We just have to learn how to win.” KURT STOTTLEMYER ’13 DEFENSIVE BACK, FOOTBALL


Football works to stay in the zone FOOTBALL



The Bulldogs have averaged more than 387 yards per game on offense, but the team has only managed 15.6 points per contest on average.

yards per game on offense. Yale has been vs. getting closer to its opponents each week during its current Penn slide. The Bulldogs fell by 20 to Dartmouth two weeks ago but only by 10 last week against Lafayette. Tight end Michael Leunen ’14 credited the experience Williams has been gaining for Yale’s offensive improvements.


Saturday, 12 p.m.

The sun was setting on a cold fall afternoon as the lights illuminated the Yale practice field. Tuesday’s practice should have ended 15 minutes earlier, but cries of “Convert in the red zone! Get in the end zone!” split the air and the Bulldogs toiled on. The Elis are hoping that their added focus on end zone in practice will translate into more points on the board this Saturday. Yale (1–4, 0–2 Ivy) looks to turn the tide on its scoring woes tomorrow and earn a victory against Penn (2–3, 2–0 Ivy) at home. Head coach Tony Reno stated that turnovers and missed opportunities have plagued the Bulldogs during their current four-game losing streak. “The pieces we need … to win are turnovers and to win in the red zone,” Reno said. “For the second week in a row we didn’t win in the red zone [and] it’s pretty evident.” Reno added that the Bulldogs are calling the same plays in the red zone that they would anywhere else on the field but that the execution has not been as successful. The Elis have scored touchdowns on just 39 percent of their red zone opportunities this season. One reason for Yale’s scoring struggles has been turnovers. The 16 Bulldog turnovers are the most in the Ivy League. Quarterback Eric Williams ’16, the only starting freshman signal caller in the Ancient Eight, leads the league with 12 interceptions thrown. When the Bulldogs have held onto the ball, they have shown that they are capable of driving down the field. Despite averaging just 15.6 points per game this year, the Elis have gained an average of 387.2

Last year against Dartmouth we played one of our most complete games. DEFENDER NICK ALERS ’14 “It’s just Eric being more comfortable in the offense,” Leunen said. “We kind of threw him in there a little bit with there only being four weeks of practice. But now he’s got five games under his belt.” Williams is not the only member of the Bulldogs working to gain experience. Nine Yale starters are underclassmen this year. The twodeep depth chart has a total of 20 underclassmen listed on offense and defense. Additionally, just two of last year’s defensive starters returned this season. Defensive back Kurt Stottlemyer ’13 stated that the experience the young team is curSEE FOOTBALL PAGE 11

Volleyball looks to stay hot Elis hope to rebound from tough season

BY KEVIN KUCHARSKI STAFF REPORTER The volleyball team will kick off the second half of its Ivy schedule and try to extend its current eight-match winning streak this weekend when Brown makes the trip to New Haven for Saturday’s contest.

BY GRANT BRONSDON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Last year’s season was a long struggle for the women’s hockey team. Yale started the season on a seven-game losing streak and managed just one win over the course of the 29-game season. But in its third season under the leadership of head coach Joakim Flygh, the Bulldogs are looking to make some major improvements.

VOLLEYBALL The Elis (11–5, 7–0 Ivy) will play just one match this weekend, instead of the two they normally play during the Ivy season. Yale will get a much-needed break after five-straight away matches followed by a weekend at home against their toughest Ivy foes, Princeton and Penn. “Being home is going to be very nice,” setter Kelly Johnson ’16 said. “Being home [last] weekend was unbelievable. We really needed it. Having the time to recuperate is really going to help us on the court.” The Bulldogs will look to build on last weekend’s two-win effort, which included a crucial victory over Princeton that launched Yale into sole possession of first place in the conference. Johnson was a crucial part of that victory and was named Ivy League Rookie of the Week for the third time this season. Against Princeton, Johnson had a team-high 19 kills and added 18 assists and 11 digs for her third triple-double of the year. Outside hitter Erica Reetz ’14, who was a Second-Team All-Ivy

W. HOCKEY With a talented squad returning, the Elis have already started the season on a good note, beating the Toronto Jr. Aeros 2–0 in an exhibition game Saturday.

“We looked real good for the first 30-35 minutes,” Flygh said. “It’s the beginning of the season. We played well defensively and we executed.” The Bulldogs hope that this year’s team can capitalize on the exhibition win and translate it into regular season victories. Last year’s record, 1–27–1, was the worst in Yale’s 35-year history of varsity women’s hockey, but goalkeeper Jaimie Leonoff ’15 said that last season is in the past and the Elis are looking ahead to this year. The Bulldogs will benefit this season from Flygh’s growing experience with the team and greater consistency in the coaching staff. “I’ve learned a lot and I keep learning every SEE W. HOCKEY PAGE 11


The volleyball team stands atop the Ivy League with seven consecutive conference wins. selection last season, has continued her vs. recent offensive surge to complement Johnson’s hot Brown play. In the team’s first 11 matches, Reetz logged just seven kills total. But in four of the five matches since, she has hit at least


Saturday, 5 p.m.

eight kills to add another threat to an already potent offense. Head coach Erin Appleman said Reetzs’ emergence is due to the improving condition of a shoulder injury. “She’s getting more healthy,” Appleman said. “Her shoulder is back, and she’s been able to practice a lot more with us.”




The Bulldogs are looking to rebound from last year’s 1–27–1 record.

NUMBER OF TIMES VOLLEYBALL SETTER KELLY JOHNSON ’16 HAS BEEN NAMED IVY LEAGUE ROOKIE OF THE WEEK. After the freshman turned in a triple-double of 19 kills, 18 assists and 11 digs against Princeton last Friday, she was awarded Ivy League honors for the third time in six weeks.

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