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Dick and Jane share tales of love, cats and Tolstoy on Valentine’s Day


Elis head to Schenectady to take on Union before facing RPI a day later





Marching for gun control

Well, that was fun. Valentine’s Day is over, which means life can go back to normal. Across town, Yalies and Elm City residents alike celebrated the Hallmark holiday. Sandy Hook Elementary School students delivered cookies and handmade Valentine’s cards to the Yale Police Department, and the Admissions Office hosted a “I <3 Handsome Dan Poetry Contest” on its official Facebook page. In addition, the new Becton Center café flashed a pink “Happy Valentine’s” message across its walls.


speakers including Gov. Dannel Malloy, Republican Senate Minority Leader John McKinney and several Sandy Hook victims’ family members. The crowd, awash in a sea of commemorative green ribbons to honor those who lost their lives in Newtown, scrambled over snowbanks, waved signs and shouted

Yale administrators are reflecting on the University’s academic integrity policies after almost 70 Harvard students were implicated in the largest cheating scandal in Ivy League history in the fall. Michael Smith, dean of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, announced at the beginning of February that the university’s Administrative Board had concluded its investigation of nearly half of the 279 students in Government 1310 “Introduction to Congress” who were accused of illicit collaboration on their take-home final exam last spring. Smith said nearly half of those implicated had been required to withdraw from Harvard temporarily, though some students said the issue was complicated by lack of clarity over what constituted illicit collaboration on an open-note exam. Joseph Gordon, Yale College deputy dean and dean of undergraduate education, said Harvard’s situation highlights the importance of upholding and re-emphasizing University-wide standards of academic integrity. “What you want to do is promote a culture of open communication between instructors and students about expectations for conduct in this particular course or on this particular assignment, and not just a broad conversation about ‘be good’ or ‘don’t plagiarize,’” Gordon said.



Think your grades are bad?

You might be able to make money off them. A 27-yearold woman has sued her alma mater, Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Penn., for $1.3 million for a C+ she received while a student there, arguing that the grade prevented her from being a licensed therapist. But don’t celebrate just yet: A judge threw out the case yesterday. Faculty diversity. An analysis

conducted by The Daily Pennsylvanian, the student newspaper at the University of Pennsylvania, found that at 3.8 percent, Yale has the lowest percentage of minorities serving as senior administrators among the Ivy League. The data — unofficially compiled by the newspaper — found that out of the University’s 26 senior administrators, only one is a minority.

The Science Guy(s). Yale School of Medicine professors Richard Flavell and Ruslan Medzhitov have been named co-winners of the 2013 Vilcek Prize for Biomedical Science for their work on the innate immune system. The annual prize comes with a $100,000 cash award and recognizes immigrants who have contributed significantly to American arts and sciences. Dude, where’s my car?

Hopefully not parked randomly around town. The Elm City is extending its parking ban from 6 p.m. tonight to 6 a.m. tomorrow as officials work to clear the streets. Luckily, the ban only affects part of New Haven, so be sure to check online to see where it’s safe to store your car. Too cool for school. After

New Haven decided to open the city’s public schools next week during a planned February break to make up for lost classes after Sandy and the blizzard, Elm City teachers and students have risen up in protest, arguing that the decision was too last-minute.


1923 The Yale Corporation votes to combine all undergraduate departments into a single undergraduate Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Previously, the three undergraduate schools — Yale College, the Sheffield Scientific School and the Freshman Year — had been administered separately. Submit tips to Cross Campus


Yale weighs academic integrity policies


In the wake of the Newtown shooting, the March for Change rally sought to persuade state legislators to tighten gun laws. BY EMMA GOLDBERG AND MICHELLE HACKMAN STAFF REPORTERS HARTFORD — Marking the twomonth anniversary of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Conn., a crowd that police estimated at 5,500 gathered on the state Capitol Thursday to demonstrate for stricter gun laws.

The event, known as the “March for Change,” was intended to influence lawmakers sitting on the gun violence branch of a bipartisan legislative committee, which is due to propose a series of new restrictions to the General Assembly by the end of the month. Organized by Connecticut resident Nancy Lefkowitz and approximately 90 other town organizers, the march featured

SOM to fund leadership research BY ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA STAFF REPORTER With the help of a $1 million donation, the School of Management will launch a threeyear initiative this July to fund faculty research in leadership and organizational behavior. The Initiative on Leadership and Organizational Performance will provide funding for professors to investigate the ways in which people work most effectively, especially in the context of teams and organizations, and will encourage professors to apply their findings to projects at SOM and elsewhere. The initiative will also sponsor conferences on the research topics and facilitate the creation of research databases that could be shared with outside organizations, SOM Dean Edward Snyder said. James Baron, an SOM professor involved in planning the initiative, said he hopes SOM faculty will “undertake ambitious projects difficult to conduct elsewhere” as part of the initiative. “In the modern economy, human capital typically organized in teams and organizations is the most important type of capital,” Snyder said. “So the question becomes — how do we make people work more effectively together?” Organizational behavior professors at SOM held their first meeting to discuss the initiative Thursday, Baron said, adding that he cannot yet discuss specific projects the faculty might undertake because the initiative is in its earliest stages. Participation in the initiative will be

voluntary, and SOM will offer to collaborate with scholars from other parts of the University. Snyder said the school is hoping to include faculty like Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Marc Brackett and President-elect Peter Salovey, who are involved with emotional intelligence research.

We want to continue to make [SOM] a place where scholars want to come.

Malloy boosts education spending BY MICHELLE HACKMAN AND MONICA DISARE STAFF REPORTERS In his latest biennial budget proposal unveiled last week, Gov. Dannel Malloy is asking the State Legislature to approve a spending increase to fund the hallmark programs in an education package it passed last May. Even as Malloy calls for $1.8 billion in spending cuts from the state’s total budget over the next two years, he has included

over $159 million in increased funding for education programs. These funds would send more money to low-performing schools and continue a pilot program to roll out a teacher evaluation system. Under Malloy’s proposal, the money will be diverted from other state programs including the Payment in Lieu of Taxes or PILOT, designed to pay cities property taxes they do not collect on nonprofit property ownSEE EDUCATION PAGE 6

JAMES BARON Professor, School of Management David Bach ’98, SOM senior associate dean for executive MBA and global programs, said the faculty will most likely integrate conclusions from their research projects within the school’s curriculum, adding that professors will use their findings to expand the content of their courses. “We want to continue to make [SOM] a place where scholars want to come by lowering the cost of scholars being ambitious and collaborative in their research, and we also want to be able to share the results of the work we are doing here with the world at large,” Baron said. Snyder said the initiative will most likely engage firms interested in using the faculty’s research and expand opportuSEE LEADERSHIP PAGE 4


Despite a contracting state budget, Gov. Dannel Malloy proposed to increase education funding by $159 million.




.COMMENT "Finally some balance out of this Chipotle-drooling.”


Friends’ benefits I

thought I was over jealousy. I thought I had transcended romance. I had just finished cavalierly proclaiming my immunity to Hallmark’s factory-farmed emotions when I saw the tweet. “Who sent me these Valentine truffles??? Show yourself you, sweetheart!” I raged. I was, in a word, reduced. In 10 seconds I slipped from soaring rhetorician to craven stereotype, furiously overturning my backpack for some compensatory chocolate. Having none, I resorted to violence: I replied to my friend’s tweet with a link to my last column. Never, dear readers, underestimate the sweet solace of a vicious pen! Yet I am not proud of my behavior last night. My Twitter feed is for good, readers — for pictures of cats and maybe a few poop jokes — not for petty twitwars. And certainly not for hypocrisy. Before, I had claimed invincibility in the face of uncanned romance — I had bragged of my own Valentine’s-defying spiritual perfection, yet there I was, silently fuming because already had changed its background to some stupid-looking heartshaped balloons. Don’t they know that balloons, like those warm, fuzzy, postcoital feelings we all so nearsightedly extol, eventually diminish? Didn’t they read my last column? Alas, it appears not. Or perhaps proscription isn’t the answer. Perhaps the patient is not ready for so strong a medicine. So let me try again: Instead of writing about what should be, let me share with you what can be — what, happily, is. Let’s talk about friendship. When’s the last time you saw a movie about an adult friendship? Perhaps there are a few comedies. By and large, though, friendship is not fulfilling in Hollywood; rather, it’s a means to an end. In romantic comedy, the best friend exists only for exposition and comedic relief. His or her relationship with our hero(ine) doesn’t matter — because as we all know, to be single in cinema is to be dissatisfied, no matter the caliber of one’s friends or the quality of one’s other successes. Hence Britney’s “Lucky.” Hence Meg Ryan. Yet during my time at Yale, friendship has been the one certainty in my life. I have known my best friend since we met at Bulldog Days, and from that rainy Monday night until our last text exchange an hour ago, I don’t think I’ve gone more than a week or two without hearing from him. There hasn’t been a crisis I’ve confronted without him, and I think — I

hope — he can say the same about me. Romantic comedy law says we have to MICHELLE get married. Ro m a n TAYLOR tic comedy law — havTell It Slant ing recently lost its battle with Jack Donaghy and Liz Lemon — insists, with obnoxious vigor, that since he and I can bear — nay, enjoy! — each other’s company, since we know each other’s minds and hearts as well as two friends can and since we are both more or less heterosexual, we must be soulmates. Romantic comedy law does not understand friendship. Nor, I would argue, does Valentine’s Day. Friendship is patient. Friendship is kind. Friendship, more than candy-coated, shrink-wrapped, Whitman’s Sampler love does not envy, does not boast and is not proud. Friendship doesn’t plot, and it doesn’t play games. Friendship doesn’t need cards, or chocolates, or lubricant. That’s not to say that romantic love isn’t enduring. Ultimately, one hopes it will be. But most of us, I’d argue, will love — in the romantic sense — more than once in our lives. There are stepping stones on the way to The Right One. A good friend, on the other hand, is forever. Nearly every day, if only silently, we bemoan — or exalt — our relationship status. Desperate as we almost always are for romance (or at least sex), shouldn’t we have at least one day where we don’t take for granted the miracle of our close friendships — the people who, like family, don’t need something pink and powdered to know that we love them? I think it’s friendship, and not romance, that needs a holiday. “I love you.” We have so much trouble with those three fraught words. When do we say them? How do we know what they mean, or what they should mean, and whether we even mean them? It’s the most terrifying phrase in the world — regardless of who says it, or to whom it is directed. I won’t lie: Sometimes I’ve wished I could take it back. Rare is the feeling of knowing it — but today, I do. More than ever, I do. And since Feb. 14 is the day to say it, I’ll summon the courage. My friends deserve it. MICHELLE TAYLOR is a senior in Davenport College. Her column runs on Fridays. Contact her at michelle. .

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An EMT in the blizzard

Snowy glue


’m not going to make it.” I looked down at my patient, bundled in a down comforter, and assured her, “Ma’am, you’re in good hands; your only job is to focus on taking deep breaths: in through your nose, out through your mouth.” That’s what I tell my patients when I know they’re right: They are not going to make it. In the EMT class I teach at Yale, I talk about the “impending sense of doom” that accompanies shock. When your patient says she is going to die, always take her seriously — she probably is going to die. This time, however, I wasn’t within the comfortable walls of Yale; I was outside, stuck in a blizzard in Bridgeport, attempting to drag a critical patient almost a mile through waist-deep snow to my waiting ambulance. I had been on the same ambulance for 48 hours, and unbeknownst to me, I had another 24 hours of sleepless work ahead of me before I could collapse. So my partner and I kept pulling, pulling this 55-year-old woman to the warmth and safety of our ambulance. Getting to the ambulance, however, was only half the struggle.

IN THE STORM, WE GAVE HELP AND THE COMMUNITY HELPED US Thirty hours earlier, at the height of the blizzard, I was transporting a 2-month-old baby boy with worsening respiratory distress. After successfully freeing my ambulance from three snowdrifts en route to the hospital using nothing but backboards, I finally was unable to liberate us from the impassable drift at the bottom of the hill leading up to the hospital. Covered in snow, I climbed into the back of the rig and looked at my partner: “We have to walk.” The baby was getting worse. And so, abandoning our useless ambulance, we bundled the infant up in our protective clothing, giving him our hats and oversized coats, and began the trek through the blistering wind and snow up to Bridgeport Hospital. That night, our entire fleet of around 20 ambulances was stuck in various locations around Bridgeport and Fairfield. Hundreds of calls for help went unan-

swered; lacerations, asthma attacks, strokes and cardiac arrests were met with silence. “We cannot make it to you,” was the response that many 911-callers heard that night. My partner and I were trapped in a neighborhood we knew well. A shooting or stabbing was runof-the-mill in this part of town. Assaults, robberies, even homicides were commonplace. It could be a scary place even when the sun was shining. By the time we returned to our ambulance after having gotten the boy safely to the hospital, we were exhausted. Sleep overtook us both as we collapsed in the back of the rig. Suddenly, we were startled awake by the sound of frantic pounding on the vehicle. My partner and I exchanged worried glances. I opened the door of the ambulance and peered out. Standing there, in the unplowed street, was a group of residents from the neighborhood. Someone shouted, “Are you guys okay? Can we bring you anything?” I was floored; I had only experienced the worst this community had to offer. For the next few hours, however, until the National Guard arrived and freed our rig, our new neighbors cooked for us, entreated us to use their bathrooms and showers, and showed us altogether more hospitality than I’ve ever known. The plight of a largely broken city was unexpectedly ennobled by the blizzard. The storm was more than just disaster: It brought out the buried humanity of a neighborhood that pulled together to take care of each other, and us. I will always remember both the solidarity and the suffering. About a quarter of a mile into our trek from the patient’s house to the ambulance, about 10 minutes after her despairing premonition, our patient stopped breathing, and her heart stopped working. We knelt by her side, started CPR, intubated her and delivered a round of cardiac medications. Pulses were back. We resumed our journey. After three more pauses to restart her heart, we made it to the ambulance. She did not. So I will always remember that woman, and all those who died during this blizzard. Thank you to all the emergency personnel who gave their patients a fighting chance at life, and thank you to the residents for sustaining us in our time of need. ISAAC WASSERMAN is a junior in Timothy Dwight College. Contact him at .


inutes into our blizzard jog last week, a man told my friend and me to run straight to the hospital. Blocks later, someone else stopped to tell us we must be from another planet. Then several pedestrians we passed yelled after us: “What the hell?!” I had planned to do homework last Friday afternoon. But the snow freckling the air plucked headphones from my ears, pulled pages and screens from my eyes, and made me listen to the people around me and see the place where I live. “Obscure Games,” a group in Pittsburgh, calls this phenomenon “social grease” and “spatial glue.” Because no one is good at the weird games they invent, the games encourage strangers to play and laugh together. These games shift the way players interact with space — transforming a player’s idea of a random lamppost into that lamppost she ran into one rainy night during a game of, say, Korean Laser Tag. The games stick players more and more to the place where they live. They add layers to the landscape. Seasonably wild weather is my social grease and spatial glue. I still remember standing with my roommates on the second-floor porch of my house during Sandy, watching a thick trunk of a tree I had never noticed before bend and sway. I see that tree every day now when I look out my window. I started seeing again when Nemo came. Hanging from a tree in Edgerton Park, I saw the snow become the sky. Tubing down the Divinity School hill, I saw the hooded masses frolic through the snow. Climbing up a snowbank on Wall Street, I saw icicles drip from the cubed walls of the Beinecke. I know it wasn’t just pretty pictures out there. Hail and wind hurt our faces a lot, many people worked absurd numbers of hours to keep the streets safe and clear, and the shoulders of almost everyone who doesn’t live in dorms ached from shoveling. But there were many pretty pictures: groups of people pushing strangers’ cars out of the snow, an old man on the Divinity School hill giving a big push to any-

one who wanted the perfect sled ride, friends building igloos together, two girls giving each other a lift to climb a tree. I nearly left for the weekend, figuring the days would be better spent on skis near mountains where orange streetlamps don’t smother the city with a rusty haze. But the snow linked me to this community and stuck me to this place.

IS THERE A WAY WE CAN REMEMBER TO ALWAYS BE THIS WAY? And now I wonder, as rain browns the snow and sun melts it into the street: What if I could break my spatial habits and start transforming corners of this town without the snow? What if I played with that sense of wonder when it’s boring out? What if I joked with strangers when it’s just another one of those partly cloudies, with no Linda Koch Lorimer weather updates? Spring weather brings us outside of ourselves, too. In the ecstasy of sunshine, social grease and spatial glue abound. We join each other’s Frisbee games. We try to read outside and talk instead. We close our eyes lying in the windy grass. We start seeing again. On the way back to campus the night of the blizzard run, a few people stepped out of their houses on Orange Street and cheered the group of us running onward, commending our efforts and yelling at the one guy in shorts to put some clothes on. Now that I’m back from that run and that snow is melting, here’s the challenge: Can we still be that bunch of strangers cheering each other in the middle of the night once all the snow is gone? Can we find some non-snow glue to stick us to this space? Can we laugh together, tell each other to go straight to the hospital, make sure we’re all okay? DIANA SAVERIN is a senior in Berkeley College. Contact her at .




DOUGLAS MACARTHUR “Whoever said that the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.”



DoD plans shortsighted, unethical A


Upholding our anthem A

ccording to our beloved author Noah Webster 1778, an anthem is meant to typify the identity of a particular group. It would appear, however, that ours does just the opposite. That rousing line “For God, for Country and for Yale” is as hollow as it is inspiring. As a secular institution, it seems our University has already forsaken only a third of its popular slogan. However, with the appalling criticism that has met the announcement of a U.S. Army Special Operations Command center at Yale, it now seems that the only thing we actually support is, well, ourselves. The purpose of this Department of Defense training center is, in conjunction with the Department of Psychiatry at the Yale Medical School, to train special operations soldiers in effective questioning techniques. This program could prevent the use of physicality in interrogations and can increase the effectiveness of our special operations units in gleaning information from interrogations. It would have no effect on the student body, since these would be small classes of soldiers trained at the medical school. But through this military


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intelligence training, these soldiers may be able to save countless lives. There will be no military takeover on campus, but this is an opportunity to train our troops most effectively — shirking this responsibility to our nation would cost the military their best option for special operations improvements, effectively sabotaging our troops.

SUPPORTING THE CENTER REFLECTS OUR VALUES In our diverse student body, there are voices that have expressed their distaste for the American military and foreign policy. Many argue that America is imperialistic or that it uses its military for personal gain behind a façade of righteousness. While I disagree with this anti-American sentiment, this isn’t even the issue at hand. You may agree or disagree with our nation’s involvement in various military endeavors, but as long

as you live in America or study at an American institution on American soil, the United States Armed Forces has sworn to protect you by every possible means. There can be marches across the country, and there may be millions whose distaste for our military involvements runs deep, but our soldiers lay their lives on the line for every last one of those dissenting voices. They don’t come home just because the American people are ungrateful. They fight on, because they know that the faction of people in America that can yell their distaste from the rooftops have exactly the freedom that they are dying to protect. So, when we have the opportunity to enhance the effectiveness of special operations groups designed to chase terrorism to the edges of the earth, I hope we can unite behind a common bond of humanity and support techniques that may very well save lives on both sides of the fight. As a proud cousin of a special forces operative in Afghanistan, as well as a proud Christian, proud American and proud Yalie, I abhor the idea of us spitting hypocrisy when we sing that battle cry: “For

A forward-looking Middle East

Free to make bad choices

Some observations in response to the column on divestment from companies doing business with Israel (“Why divest from the occupation,” Feb. 8): 1) Palestinian leadership has squandered numerous opportunities to realize the fulfillment of the 1947 U.N. Resolution 181 which called for the establishment of “Independent Arab and Jewish States.” These efforts have failed because they and their allies are more intent on weakening and ultimately dissolving Israel than in creating a viable Palestinian nation. 2) The West Bank was conquered in a defensive war by Israel in 1967 from Jordan. During the 19 years of Jordanian rule, no effort was made by Jordan or the other Arab countries to constitute a Palestinian state from what is now, according to many interpretations of international law, disputed territory. 3) Gaza is not occupied by Israel. In 2005, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon unilaterally ordered the forceful evacuation of 7,500 Israeli civilians and withdrew all military forces. 4) The companies mentioned in the article contribute to the legitimate defense of the sovereign and independent State of Israel, a right recognized by the United Nations and international law. 5) If the ultimate goal of the authors is to hasten the creation of an independent Arab state as envisaged by Resolution 181, they should focus on investment not divestment: investment in courageous Palestinian leadership whose goals are not destruction but creation; investment in building institutions that promote an educated civil society prepared to live in peace and harmony with Israel; investment in dismantling the refugee camps that perpetuate the hatred that fuels the Arab/Israeli conflict; investment that uses the billions of dollars of foreign aid to make a Palestinian state a reality that can contribute to the mosaic of a peaceful, prosperous and forward-looking Middle East.

Being mistakenly under the impression that such ideas were confined to New York City, I was shocked to read Michael Magdzik’s column the other day advocating a ban on soda at Yale (“For an end to soda at Yale,” Feb. 12). The piece is flawed in many ways, but most significantly and tellingly so in Magdzik’s assumption that his moral high ground entitles him to make other people’s nutritional choices. That a ban on sodas of any size could be considered at a place like Yale says far less about our attitudes on public health than it does our inability to tell the difference between banning something and simply not using it. Magdzik’s need to ban soda, rather than simply to discourage using facts and logic, is in effect to admit that his arguments are not good enough to convince his audience. If Mr. Magdzik truly believed that his goal of eliminating soda consumption is justified by his arguments, he would simply lay out all his problems with the soda industry, and watch while dining hall soda consumption stopped. Without a doubt, soda machines at Yale would be eventually removed from lack of use.

HENRY ROSENBAUM Feb. 14 The author is the parent of a student in the Yale community.

God, for Country and for Yale.” I cherish this opportunity to give what support and resources we can to those who protect us and our liberties. I salute every one of these brave men and women who are willing to sacrifice their very lives so that we may continue to study here at a university sustained by the blood of American soldiers, now engraved in the Woolsey Rotunda. For students to study under our nation’s freedoms and then protest against the training of the youths who are dying to protect them is, in my humble opinion, a disgrace. Whether you disgust or delight in the actions of our armed forces, this is bigger than supporting a just or unjust war. This is about the establishment of a training center for individual soldiers, nay, individual people, with faces and families. It is my prayer that the phrase that concludes “Bright College Years” will mean more than just words on a felt banner. I hope it can truly be our anthem, embodied in this center on our campus. WILL DAVENPORT is a sophomore in Silliman College. Contact him at william. .

To accuse students at one of the world’s most elite college campuses of being unable to regulate their own nutrition without the author’s benevolent guidance is insulting, but unfortunately indicative of the thought process of many Yale students. We can only hope that by the time our future-politician classmates reach that station in life, they will have realized that in a free society, sometimes their social scientist’s benevolent eye needs to be checked at the door. Hopefully, as public servants, they will grow to see that the healthfulness of people’s beverages is none of their business, and those they represent are not their subjects. In order for individuals in a nation (or a university) to be truly independent and free, they must be free to make bad choices. But for now, Mr. Magdzik, please take your “inculcation of norms” elsewhere and allow us to inculcate ourselves with a delicious glass of Coca-Cola. JOHN MASKO Feb. 12 The author, a staff blogger for the News, is a junior in Saybrook.

s early as this April, Yale plans to welcome a training center for interrogators to its campus. The center’s primary goal would be to coach U.S. Special Forces on interviewing tactics designed to detect lies. Charles Morgan III, a professor of psychiatry who will head the project, calls these tactics “people skills.” These techniques would be honed using New Haven’s immigrant community as subjects. Morgan hopes that by having soldiers practice their newly acquired techniques on “someone they can’t necessarily identify with” (read: someone who is not white), they’ll be better prepared to do ‘the real thing’ abroad. What’s the problem here? We see several. First, intelligence does not exist in a vacuum. It is gathered to support a particular foreign policy agenda, the morality of which is not beyond question. It seems evident that Yale would not train foreign military operatives to interrogate informants. Yale as an institution does not — cannot — align itself blindly with the goals of other militaries. But who is to say we should align ourselves with U.S. foreign policy? Though its goals are at times morally defensible, they can also be appalling. The techniques soldiers learn at Yale might be used, for example, to identify candidates for President Obama’s “kill list,” which is itself unethical and likely illegal. If someone lies to protect their friend from ending up on that kill list, is that a lie it is moral to detect? By training soldiers to perform these interrogations, Yale would be complicit in achieving these goals. As a university, Yale purpose’s is to forge a global community of scholars working together to produce, share, debate, question, challenge and reformulate knowledge. Its purpose is not to promote the agenda of the U.S. political elite. It might be countered that Yale already collaborates with the military through ROTC. But this center is different. ROTC encourages students to use their broad academic experience and critical thinking skills in a military setting, engaging the military in conversation with the liberal arts. But this new center could not, by its very nature, create such a dialogue. It simply allocates Yale’s resources to do something the military can do on its own: teach soldiers to interrogate. Second, there is the issue of transparency. As students, we have seen this administration’s complete lack of accountability to its constituents. Ignoring widespread student and faculty dissent, the Yale Corporation unflinchingly proceeded with plans to establish Yale-NUS. Ignoring faculty concerns about classroom space and increasing class sizes, it has moved forward to build new residential colleges. In two short months, without any student or worker representation and limited input from faculty, it selected a new president. Now we learn of Yale’s plans to train soldiers in “people skills” on our campus only two months before the center is scheduled to open. There was no conversation with the city about how this might impact its immigrant community. There was no conversation with students and faculty about how it might impact campus culture. And there was no conversation at all about the ethics of a project like this. It’s hard to understand where this project came from; the university’s motivations are wholly opaque. Finally, Morgan’s research and, by extension, this proposed center target people of color — brown people exclusively. According to a Yale Herald article, Morgan listed “Moroccans, Columbians, Nepalese, Ecuadorians and others.” Is there an assumption in Morgan’s desire to use more ‘authentic,’ brown interviewees as test subjects, that brown people lie differently from whites — and even more insidiously, that all brown people must belong to the same “category” of liar? How might training on lie detection be perceived if it targeted blacks, or if it aimed to answer the question, “How do Jews lie?” That Morgan’s test subjects are compensated does not resolve the ethical questions his project raises. In fact, their participation highlights the structural inequality that this research capitalizes on and that the center would ultimately exploit. As Nathalie was working on this piece, her phone rang. At the other end of the line was her 7-year-old nephew Rocco, who wanted to wish her a happy Valentine’s Day and send her many loud kisses. He now lives in Montreal, where Nathalie is from, but until about a year ago, he lived in Haiti. The U.S.’ involvement in Haiti, from its occupation between 1915 and 1934 to its support — financial, logistical (and “moral”) — of François and later Jean-Claude Duvalier’s brutal dictatorships in the 60s and 70s, informs much of her outrage surrounding the establishment of this center, and her understanding that people often lie to protect their lives, their families, their country and the very freedom that Americans so dearly cherish. NATHALIE BATRAVILLE is a graduate student in the French department and ALEX LEW is a sophomore in Berkeley College. Michelle Morgan contributed writing.




“The fight for sanity in our gun safety laws is not by any means over. In many ways, it’s just beginning.” MICHAEL D. BARNES FORMER U.S. REPRESENTATIVE FOR MARYLAND

Thousands join Hartford march MARCH FROM PAGE 1 their approval at whomever took the stage, while several gun-rights supporters stood nearby protesting the march. The program promoted a decidedly progressive agenda: Speakers almost unanimously called for a tighter ban on assault-style weapons, a limit on high-capacity ammunition magazines and the creation of a universal background check system. Malloy, who took the stage first to raucous cheering, promoted all of these items as a part of a comprehensive, “common-sense” gun agenda he is pushing the Legislature to pass. “When people will block an up-or-down vote for a commonsense principle that is supported overwhelmingly by the citizens of the United States, something is wrong with our politics — something is wrong with our democracy,” Malloy said. After Malloy and several members of his administration spoke, family members of shooting victims came to the podium, one after another, to describe how gun violence had torn their lives apart. Robert Thompson, a father of four from Bridgeport, described how his 14-year-old son Justin was shot on his way home from a friend’s party. Colin Goddard, a survivor of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting, told the crowd that several bullets still remain in his body. Whenever a speaker found himself speechless, overwhelmed with emotion, the crowd chanted, “We’re with you!” Jillian Soto, a college sophomore from Stratford and the younger sister of deceased Sandy Hook first-grade teacher Victoria Soto, put her pain in perspective for the crowd. “I want you to think about the five most important people to you,” she told the crowd. “What if you wrote those five names down on a piece of paper, handed it to me, and I crossed one of them out. How would that impact you?” Despite the day’s strongly progressive agenda, many Republican lawmakers were in attendance. McKinney — the only Republican to speak after Republican House Leader Lawrence Cafero pulled out of the event — expressed his willingness to cooperate with both Democrats and other Republicans to find appropriate middle ground on new gun regulations. While Lefkowitz and others

A crowd of approximately 5,500 at Thursday’s March of Change rally sought to advance a progressive gun-control agenda. organizing the rally had initially expected a crowd of approximately 2,500, they were not surprised that the turnout exceeded expectations. “People are motivated to create change right now,” Lefkowitz said. “The issue is selling itself to a big audience. The events in Newtown were a tipping point for everyone who cares about this issue.” The event drew Connecticut residents of all demographics, from New Haven residents to the Democrats Club from The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville. There was also a large contingent of New-

town residents of all ages. Twelveyear-old Tiernan Keane, a student at Newtown Middle School, said he was inspired to come to the march to pay tribute to friends of his who had been killed at Sandy Hook, like 6-year-old Noah Pozner. “At first, when the shooting happened in December, we were locked up in our school for hours and we were so scared,” Keane said. “But then out of our grieving we decided to take action.” Several gun-rights supporters came to the march and held signs opposing the speakers’ progres-

sive agenda, with slogans such as “Because criminals commit crimes, I don’t lose my rights.” Ethan Shipley, a Connecticut resident, said he came to the march because he was angry that legislators were speaking of restricting his rights as a gun owner. “I have a clean criminal background, and I’m being turned into a felon just because I own a gun,” Shipley said. “Sex offenders need to be registered, gun owners don’t.” A group of over a dozen Yale students, including members from the Yale College Demo-

Leadership initiative to begin in July LEADERSHIP FROM PAGE 1 nities for SOM students to work on faculty-supervised projects with outside organizations. Snyder said participating faculty will have the option to collaborate with professors from schools participating in the Global Network for Advanced Management, a partnership between SOM and 21 international business schools. He added that research questions within the initiative will often touch upon issues such as team

diversity and engage multinational organizations. The initial plan for the project came quickly after the school added its new Leadership Development Program — a two-year program that aims to teach MBA students leadership skills through a combination of academic course work and practical experience — to its core curriculum at the beginning of the 2012– ’13 academic year. Though the two initiatives are distinct, Snyder said both aim to study ethical

and effective teamwork. Thomas Kolditz, a former brigadier general in the U.S. Army who joined SOM last year to run the Leadership Development Program, said he looks forward to integrating the two initiatives. The leadership program will benefit from the strong research component of the new initiative, he said. “Although SOM has a longstanding track record of research in organizational behavior, this initiative will really turn the

school’s emphasis toward leadership in a way that hasn’t been done in the past — through leadership research,” Kolditz said. SOM’s new campus, slated to open in January 2014, will contain an organizational behavior lab in which faculty will be able to conduct research for the initiative. Contact ALEKSANDRA GJORGIEVSKA at .


crats and Ethan Rodriguez-Torrent ’13, a survivor of the Aurora movie theater shooting, traveled to Hartford for the march. Rodriguez-Torrent, who volunteers with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, helped organize the event. Cindy Hwang ’15 and Brinton Williams ’16, the Dems’ legislative captains for gun control, coordinated Yale attendance at the march after asking students to write letters to Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney calling for the passage of gun-control legislation.

“We live in New Haven, where gun violence happens every day on the streets, so we’re really glad that Yale students could have a presence at the march,” Hwang said. Along with a bill on gun control, the bipartisan legislative committee will deliver bills on mental health and school safety to the General Assembly at the end of the month. Contact EMMA GOLDBERG at Contact MICHELLE HACKMAN at .




The article “YCC advocates sophomore mixed-gender housing” stated that Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Melanie Boyd ’90 thinks now is an “appropriate” time for the YCC to consider expanding mixed-gender housing to sophomores. In fact, Boyd stated that the issue is “an appropriate question for YCC to ponder.”

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AMERICAN STATESMAN, WRITER AND SCIENTIST

CEID officially opens

Tax havens empty state coffers BY MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS STAFF REPORTER Tax revenues lost to overseas tax havens last year could have closed the state’s current $140 million budget shortfall more than six times or funded the salaries of 13,000 teachers, according to a recent report. The report, authored by the non-partisan Connecticut Public Interest Research Group, claims the state lost $904 million due to the use of international tax havens, such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, by corporations and individuals alike. The U.S. Government Accountability Office defines a tax haven as a jurisdiction with no or nominal taxes, a lack of information exchange with foreign tax authorities and generally low transparency. “Tax dodging is not a victimless offense. When corporations skirt taxes, the public is stuck with the tab. And since offshore tax dodgers avoid both state and federal taxes, they hurt everyday taxpayers twice,” Connecticut Public Interest Research Group Education Fund Director Abe Scarr said in a statement earlier this month. “Connecticut should be using the money to benefit the public.” The study claims that corporate use of tax havens cost the state around $586 million in 2012. At least five Connecticut-based Fortune 500 companies — General Electric, Aetna, Hartford Financial Services, Travelers Insurance Operations and United Technologies — make active use of such havens to avoid the state’s corporate income tax of 9 percent, according to the report. Requests for comment to all five companies were not returned Thursday, although Scarr said Travelers had reached out to him claiming they did not utilize tax havens. “They claim that they do have subsidiaries in tax havens but they’re not using them as tax havens,” Scarr told the News. “I have not taken time to verify that claim.” As part of the report, the group provided a series of policy recommendations, some of which, Scarr admitted, are more likely to be implemented than others. The recommendations included “decoupling” state and federal tax systems and requiring combined reporting for multinational corporations, the latter of which Scarr said his organization will focus on in its legislative efforts. Combined reporting would require all related corporations to file one corporate income tax return in the state. The idea has already garnered support at high levels in the state government. In an August letter to the commissioners of Governor’s Business Tax Policy Task Force, Connecticut Comptroller Kevin Lembo said that combined reporting is one of nine proposals that would improve transparency and oversight within the state’s tax code.

“It eliminates the ability of corporations to lower their tax liability by shifting income amongst related entities,” Lembo said in the letter. “By implementing combined reporting, the Connecticut business tax will be simpler, more transparent and fair.” Lembo could not be reached for comment. At the moment, however, any significant change in the state’s tax code appears unlikely to occur in the near future. “We haven’t had that many conversations after the release of the report with specific members of the general assembly or Malloy or Lembo’s office,” Scarr said Thursday. “We’re planning to continue working with members of the legislature and administration on combined reporting, but so far we haven’t engaged that much.” State Representatives Diana Urban, Susan Johnson and Bryan Hurlburt, who released the study results along with CPIRG, could not be reached for comment Thursday.

Tax dodging is not a victimless offense. … Connecticut should be using the money to benefit the public. ABE SCARR Education fund director, Connecticut Public Interest Research Group Although corporate taxes comprised the bulk of lost revenue, the report claims, use of tax havens by wealthy individuals amounted to $318 million in lost revenue last year, further preventing Connecticut from collecting all the taxes it was owed. While Stamford tax attorney James Rubino said that using offshore accounts for tax evasion is illegal and can lead to jail time, the report noted that loopholes allow wealthy individuals to create “shell corporations or trusts” in countries with low taxes, and thereby avoid paying taxes. According to the report, this denied $13.8 billion in rightful tax revenue to all states combined last year. “To make it worth [using a tax haven] you’d have to be very wealthy and have a large amount of money to move offshore,” Rubino said, adding that the figure of $318 million did not surprise him “given the relative amount of wealth that comes from Fairfield County as opposed to the rest of the country.” The five companies headquartered in Connecticut listed by the report as making use of tax havens had combined total revenues of $285 billion in 2011. Contact MATTHEW LLOYD-THOMAS at .

If your bothered by this, we understand.



President-elect Peter Salovey participated in the ribbon cutting for the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design, which first opened in August. FBY DAN WEINER STAFF REPORTER Though open to the Yale community since Aug. 26, the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design in the Becton Center held an official dedication ceremony Thursday afternoon. Hundreds of Yale students, faculty and alumni gathered for the ribbon cutting in the CEID, located on 15 Prospect St. The ceremony opened with a keynote from Boeing CEO Jim McNerney ’71 — who praised the center for embodying the intersection of the sciences and the humanities — and the unveiling of the Becton café name: “Ground.” Presidentelect Peter Salovey told the audience that the center’s opening has generated as much “buzz” as any he can remember over his 32 years at Yale. “This is just one of those great dreams, I think, for many of us

who have been at Yale for a long time, always hoping that we could have something like this at Yale that would be so inspirational for our students,” he said. In his speech, Salovey said the center helps advance his vision for a Yale that is more unified, excellent, accessible and innovative. Both Salovey and Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences T. Kyle Vanderlick highlighted that the center allows SEAS to realize its vision of bridging the sciences and the humanities. The center, which features a wet lab, machine shop and woodshop, counts 695 registered members — including roughly 116 undergraduates not majoring in STEM fields and about 75 students from the School of Management — among its ranks. Salovey added that for many students, the coffee and LED panel at the adjacent café help bridge the gap between Science Hill and

Yale’s central campus. “As they walk up Science Hill, a walk that Yalies for generations disliked intensely, they don’t dislike it so much anymore,” he said. The name of the café, originally submitted as “Ground Wire,” was one of more than 100 entries in a naming contest that ran from Jan. 14–25, Vanderlick said. In engineering, the term “ground” refers to a bottomless pit capable of accepting unlimited amounts of electrical charge, School of Engineering Deputy Dean Vincent Wilczynski said in a Thursday email. CEID Director and professor of mechanical engineering Eric Dufresne ’96 said he sees the center as a community for innovation and design similar to that of a residential college. While the CEID hosts a handful of engineering classes, Dufresne said the center has been used frequently as a hub of extracurricular

activity. HackYale, the immensely popular student-taught course on basic computer skills, meets in the CEID on Tuesday evenings. Students, too, have gathered to teach seminars on everything from operating the 3-D printers to the craft and science of knitting. Adam Goone ’13 said he was happy the speeches acknowledged the social value of the CEID, as previously engineers lacked a place to gather on campus. “Yale is really trying to invest in STEM,” Joshua Ruck ’13 said. “I think this is a great step to bring it on par with other universities.” Following the dedication ceremony, donors were invited to a “secret” concert in Sprague Memorial Hall honoring outgoing University President Richard Levin, according to a CEID press release. Contact DAN WEINER at .

Married professors talk love BY JULIA ZORTHIAN STAFF REPORTER There may have been rose petals and chocolates, but for three Yale faculty couples, Thursday’s panel entitled “Yale Professors Talk About Love and Relationships!” was unlike any other Valentine’s Day dates they have had. At the event, sponsored by Vita Bella Magazine, the three couples — University President Richard Levin and Directed Studies professor Jane Levin, history professor John Gaddis and theater studies professor Toni Dorfman, and Berkeley College Master Marvin Chun and psychology professor Woo-kyoung Ahn — were subjected to a mix of “newlywedstyle” questions, including questions about their proposals as well as working together at Yale. The six professors sat in a line of chairs on the stage of SSS 114, opening up about falling in love to the crowded lecture hall. “I think there’s no such thing as being too busy to have a good relationship with somebody. It’s really one of the most important things you can do in life,” Chun said. “I’m not proposing you all run off to Toad’s right now or something.” The event attracted a large number of female students who were in the Valentine’s Day spirit, evidenced by the chorus of giggles and sighs the audience emitted after the professors’ responses. They were not disappointed — the six professors professed their love repeatedly, finished each other’s sentences and perhaps caused single students to feel twinges of bitterness. To the delight of the audience, the discussion began when Vita Bella Editor-in-Chief Shira Telushkin ’14, who moderated the panel, asked when each professor realized his or her partner was the person they wanted to marry. Jane Levin responded “Fall semester,


University President Richard Levin and his wife, Directed Studies professor Jane Levin, shared their story at a Thursday panel sponsored by Vita Bella Magazine. junior year at Stanford, 1966.” Richard Levin responded by saying “Spring semester,” which drew laughter from the audience — but the laughter quickly changed to gushing when Levin added, “Sophomore year, also 1966,” to his answer. Ahn and Chun’s relationship developed under different circumstances — over email after an initial introduction, Chun said, adding that he was told it was the only way he could approach a woman. The two cultivated a long-distance relationship for months while Chun finished a postdoctorate in Boston and Ahn worked as an assistant professor in Kentucky. Gaddis and Dorfman dated for two weeks before he proposed on the fourth date over some nachos and margaritas, and the couple was married before moving to New Haven 15 years ago. Dorfman said she continues

to be excited about her marriage because of the way she feels when Gaddis wakes up and joins her at breakfast every morning. “I read the paper, it takes me an hour and a half to drink my coffee, and then I hear, coming down the steps, these very whispery footsteps,” Dorfman said, starting to pat her chest, “and my heart starts beating like this every morning.” Richard and Jane Levin remembered reading “War and Peace” aloud to each other every night for months when they studied at Oxford University. While they said they could not think of any major fights they have had as a couple, Jane Levin recalled a disagreement they had about their cats, insisting that Richard Levin could not wait until they died. “They lived for 19 years,” Richard Levin exclaimed, gesturing widely before wiping away a tear of mirth.

The professors all extolled the importance of loving relationships, which they advised students to make time for even while busy with other affairs at Yale. “[Being in love] makes up for what’s missing in yourself,” Gaddis said. “There’s something missing in all ourselves that requires some balance, some compensation.” Margaret Zhang ’14 said she loved the panel and especially enjoyed listening to Jane Levin’s bubbly and personable manner of speech. “We got to see a really real, fantastic and funny side of all these awesome and inspirational people,” Zhang added. Vita Bella is Yale’s “positiveliving” magazine, dedicated to celebrating beauty. Contact JULIA ZORTHIAN at .



FROM THE FRONT Malloy prioritizes education EDUCATION FROM PAGE 1 ers such as universities, and the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Fund, a state fund distributed across 169 municipalities. “The governor has been clear that his priorities are jobs and education,” said GianCarl Casa, undersecretary for legislative affairs in the Office of Management and Budget. “The governor said in his budget address of investments in education, ‘It is a moral obligation that we provide Connecticut’s kids a high-quality education, but it’s also in our economic interest.’” One of the largest programs to see a proposed funding increase is the Commissioner’s Network, which identifies the state’s worst-performing schools and implements some form of change to “turn them around,” said Robert Cotto, senior policy fellow for K-12 education at Connecticut Voices for Children. Cotto said these changes can include replacing a principal, firing staff or bringing in a local university to help run the school. Once a school is accepted into the Commissioner’s Network, Cotto explained, it is re-evaluated annually to assess whether the changes have had an effect on performance. So far, the state’s education package from last May has authorized the Commissioner’s Network to “turn around” four schools. In a sign of his commitment to the program, Malloy has proposed increasing the network’s funding by $14 million to support eight more schools. Many of the other programs Malloy has pushed to fund are smaller than the Commissioner’s Network, but still reflect his administration’s education reform priorities. He has included just under $10 million to fund four new state charter schools in the next two years. Additionally, he has suggested allocating $12 million to the implementation of a common core curriculum system that would set new math and literacy goals for students to put them on par with the rest of the nation. Lastly, Malloy proposed sending increased funding to 117 of the state’s poorest towns to combat an education achievement gap that was ranked the worst in the nation last year according to the U.S. Department of Education. But the centerpiece of the governor’s education package last year — a new statewide teacher evaluation system — will not

see any new funding this year. Cotto said that after piloting the program in several schools across the state this year, evaluators determined that the system needed further testing before the state expanded it to all schools. Some school districts, like Hartford and New Haven, have already implemented an evaluation system and will not be affected by the new pilot program. Eric Excell-Bailey, communications director for the American Federation of Teachers in Connecticut, said that for those school districts without teacher evaluation systems, now is the time to begin testing them. “It’s scary for anybody, and we recognize that,” Excell-Bailey said, but “sometimes you have to push forward because it’s only when you make those changes that you can find ways to make things better.” He added that the teacher’s union worked to make the evaluation process fair. For example, the union has tried to mitigate the influence that standardized tests will have on the evaluation process — standardized tests will compromise only about 22.5 percent of the evaluation. While many of the state’s previous education programs concentrated on fixing schools in need, New Haven mayoral candidate and State Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield said that he would like to increase support for resources and initiatives for preventing school problems altogether. Holder-Winfield said early childhood education can help ensure that schools and students do not “fail.” He also suggested placing social workers in schools to help students tackle behavioral problems that originate outside the classroom but can be the leading cause of academic struggles. “My primary focus is on what happens before the school fails,” Holder-Winfield said. “Because once the building has failed, all the kids inside have already failed.” According to Excell-Bailey, it will take another two to three years for the teacher evaluation system to be implemented across the state.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” NELSON MANDELA ANTI-APARTHEID ACTIVIST AND FORMER PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICA

Take-home finals discouraged INTEGRITY FROM PAGE 1 Though administrators said they feel Yale’s existing academic integrity standards remain strong, Yale College Dean Mary Miller discouraged professors from offering take-home exams in a November email to the faculty. Miller said this recommendation was influenced both by Harvard’s situation and by concerns about the strength of take-home exams as an assessment tool, adding that professors can still opt to offer a takehome final if they provide clear instructions on how it should be completed. Gordon said Yale’s course proposal form includes a section in which professors must provide clear information about their expectations for assignments and views on academic honesty to their students, and before a class is approved, professors must specifically define what constitutes cheating in their class. Jay Harris, Harvard’s dean of undergraduate education, told The Harvard Crimson in August that Harvard would consider preventive measures such as an academic honor code, but Gordon said he does not think an honor code is the best way to promote a culture of academic integrity at Yale. “There are clearly ways in which faculty members can discourage unwanted collaboration if they are concrete and specific and open to inquiries

from students,” Gordon said. Three Harvard students interviewed said their professors have made a more targeted attempt to emphasize what is allowed on assignments after the widespread cheating incident. “If nothing else, professors have definitely made it much more obvious that if you do cheat, [it’s] going to be taken much more seriously,” said Gabriel Molina, a sophomore at Harvard. “It seems like they are trying to make this much more of a theme than it has been in the past.” Max Wang, another Harvard sophomore, said he thought Harvard’s policies on cheating and plagiarism were already clear, but that he has seen more discussion on the topic in and outside of the classroom this year. All five Yale students interviewed said they have not experienced confusion over what is allowed in schoolwork, though they added that most of their take-home assignments are problem sets instead of exams. “I think professors expect us to act with integrity, and they trust us to work wisely with each other,” Matt Goldklang ’16 said. “My professors encourage collaboration, and I’ve never felt unclear on what that meant.” The investigation of students in “Introduction to Congress” began in May after a teaching fellow noticed similarities between multiple students’

TIMELINE HARVARD CHEATING SCANDAL MAY 3, 2012 The 279 students in Government 1310 “Introduction to Congress” turn in their take-home final exam. MID-MAY, 2012 A teaching fellow notices similarities between multiple exams while grading, prompting the professor to bring the case to the Administrative Board. AUG. 30, 2012 Harvard announces it is investigating 125 students from Government 1310 for cheating. DECEMBER 2012 The Administrative Board completes a thorough review of implicated students. FEB. 1, 2013 Michael Smith, the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard, announces that “somewhat more than half” of the students investigated were required to temporarily leave Harvard.

exams. Contact JANE DARBY MENTON at .


BY THE NUMBERS STATE SPENDING $1.8b $159m $12m $14m

Spending cuts from the state’s total budget over the next two years Amount of increased funding for education programs Dedicated to the rollout of a common core curriculum system Earmarked for the Commissioner’s Network to fund eight more schools


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“I live halfway between reality and theater at all times. And I was born this way.” LADY GAGA AMERICAN SINGER-SONGWRITER

Mayor proposes Shubert management transfer BY SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC STAFF REPORTER Approaching its 100th year on College Street, the historic Shubert Theater will soon begin operating independently once more, Mayor John DeStefano Jr. announced in his final State of the City address. The city of New Haven currently owns and operates the theater, but the mayor’s proposition will transfer ownership and operating responsibility to the Connecticut Association for the Performing Arts, a separate notfor-profit theater management organization. The proposal calls to decrease the city’s operating subsidies for the theater, said Kelly Murphy, the New Haven economic development administrator, which cost New Haven $250,000 this past year alone, according to the fiscal year 2012– ’13 budget. “The city is not in the business of owning and running theaters; however, the Shubert is an incredible asset to New Haven by bringing a lot of economic support to the city,” Ward 10 Alderman Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 said. In the coming months, DeStefano’s proposal to transition funding for the theater will be finalized in City Hall and reviewed by the Board of Aldermen. New Haven will continue to work with the theater throughout the legislative process, as well as in the coming years while the Shubert begins fundraising for a muchneeded renovation, Murphy said. She added that the theater’s facilities, many of which haven’t been updated in three decades, are starting to show their age in instances of roof leaks and faulty heating equipment. The Shubert’s upcoming


The Shubert Theater will soon move into private hands following a proposal by the mayor. 100-year anniversary celebration offers an opportunity for the theater to start fundraising from foundations and the private sector to make the muchneeded physical renovations, Murphy said. Otherwise, all the funds would have to come directly from the city budget, which city officials say has been strained recently by cuts in the Connecticut state budget.

Despite being weaned off financial support from the city, the Shubert may benefit from economic assistance legislation in Hartford. State Rep. Patricia Dillon proposed a bill this year that would provide one-time state bonds not exceeding $3.45 million for physical improvements to the theater, she said in an email. These investments in the renovation, Elicker said, will contrib-

Live-streaming gains popularity BY JACOB WOLF-SOROKIN STAFF REPORTER When Cory Booker LAW ’97 speaks at this year’s Class Day ceremony, he will be speaking to an audience much larger than the members of the class of 2013 and their relatives. The University has increased its online multimedia presence by filming and live streaming various major University events, including Commencement exercises, lectures, conversations with faculty and other special events. Event organizers throughout Yale’s departments and centers said live streaming allows the University to expand the audience that can access its special events. Since the service became available at Yale roughly two years ago, more and more groups within the University have requested to live stream their events, and the Broadcast and Media Center has had to hire freelancers to meet demand. “Disseminating videos online is an extremely powerful way to share some of the amazing people, stories and events of Yale with the world,” Lucas Swineford, the director of the Office of Digital Dissemination — which includes the Broadcast and Media Center — said in a Wednesday email. The Broadcast and Media Center’s staff of 10 manages the production of most of the University’s video and audio services, including taping talks, such as Kofi Annan’s town hall last week, Swineford said. He added that social media integration into online programming will continue to evolve. Marilyn Wilkes, the public affairs director for the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, which oversees the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, said talks featuring the most prestigious speakers have been live streamed, rather than simply videotaped, in the past two years. “So many more people can benefit by watching [online],” Wilkes said, adding that members of the Yale community who are unable to find seats at oversubscribed talks can also watch events online. Stuart DeCew FES ’11 SOM ’11, program director for the Center for Business and the Environment, said the center streams most

events live because online viewers are more likely to pay attention for longer if they know the event is live, he said. @YaleLive, a monthly live program hosted by Eric Gershon, a senior communications officer in the Office of Public Affairs and Communications, features an interview with a Yale faculty member in each episode. The show integrates viewers’ online questions for the duration of each episode. “We think of it as a way to let anyone in the world with access to the Internet suggest a question for a Yale professor, or simply to listen to a Yale scholar talk informally about a subject of general interest,” Gershon said in a Thursday email.

Disseminating videos online is an extremely powerful way to share some of the amazing people, stories and events of Yale with the world. LUCAS SWINEFORD Director, Office of Digital Dissemination Analytics information about different videos’ audiences may help the media staff identify material well-suited for online streaming, Swineford said. He added that his office will need more time to identify trends and begin making programming decisions based on analytics. Karen Peart, the associate university press secretary, said in a Thursday email that expanded online distribution capabilities, through live and archival video streaming, social media use, Yale News and other platforms, have helped open Yale’s gates. “It allows those interested in Yale who are not on campus to understand, appreciate and enjoy the University to a degree that was not possible previously,” Peart said. Yale University joined YouTube on Sept. 18, 2006. Contact JACOB WOLF-SOROKIN at .


ute to bettering New Haven’s economic situation. Murphy added that the theater provides jobs and draws visitors to the city, which supports the surrounding businesses. The city budget, she said, thus eventually benefits from increased tax revenue. Additionally, transferring management to CAPA, a subentity of the Columbus Association for the Performing Arts, will allow the the-

ater to make plans several years in advance rather than relying on the year-to-year budget of the city. The city will maintain certain requirements of CAPA in theater management, including how many shows will run each month. The Shubert opened in New Haven in 1914, acting as a try-out theater for many popular shows that would reach Broadway. Economic hardships forced the the-

ater to shutter in 1976, but after a seven-year effort, it was restored and reopened with the help of the city. The theater was designed by New York architect Albert Swasey and has a 1,600-person seating capacity. Contact SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC at .





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S NASDAQ 3,198.66, +0.06% T Oil $97.30, -0.01%

Senate GOP blocks Hagel vote BY RICHARD LARDNER ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the nomination of former GOP senator Chuck Hagel as the nation’s next defense secretary over unrelated questions about President Barack Obama’s actions in the aftermath of the deadly raid on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya. Obama accused Republicans of playing politics with national security during wartime, and Democrats vowed to revive the nomination after Congress’ weeklong break. By 58–40, with one abstention, the Senate fell short of the 60-vote threshold required to advance Hagel’s nomination to a final, up-or-down vote on his confirmation. Four Republicans voted with Democrats to end the debate and proceed to a final vote: Sens. Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine and Mike Johanns of Nebraska. Obama reacted immediately, hammering Republicans for an unprecedented filibuster of a nominee for defense secretary and insisting that Hagel — a former two-term Republican senator from Nebraska and twice-wounded Vietnam combat veteran — will eventually win confirmation. He would succeed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who is stepping down after four years as CIA director and Pentagon chief. “It’s just unfortunate that this kind of politics intrudes at a time when I’m still presiding over a war in Afghanistan and I need a secretary of defense who is coordinating with our allies to make sure that our troops are getting the kind of strategy and mission that they deserve,” the president said in an online chat sponsored by Google. In the final minutes of the tally, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., switched his vote from “yes” to “no,” a procedural move that allows him to revive the nomination after the break. He set another vote for Feb. 26. “Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse, it gets worse,” the Democratic leader lamented of the chamber’s bitter partisanship.

The successful Republican effort to block a vote on Hagel leaves one of the most contentious nominations of the Obama presidency in limbo, although Republicans signaled that they would relent and allow a simple majority vote on Hagel when they return from their recess. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., voted against ending debate. But he said that he expects to change his vote, and he believes many of his GOP colleagues will do the same. “I’m confident that after a reasonable period of time I’m going to vote to end the debate so that we can have an upor-down vote on Chuck Hagel,” Alexander said. “I suspect there will be a large number of Republican senators who also do that.” Echoing a complaint by other Republicans, Alexander called Thursday’s vote “unfortunate” and “unnecessary” because Hagel’s nomination came up on the Senate floor too quickly — just two days after it was approved by a bitterly divided Armed Services Committee. Still, a week without any resolution and the possibility of any surprises are the last things any White House wants for its nominees. Hagel’s nomination has been unusual, facing a well-funded opposition that has unleashed a barrage of criticism in campaign-style television and print ads. Hagel has faced intense opposition from Republicans, who have challenged his past statements and votes on Israel, Iran, Iraq and nuclear weapons. At least one group insisted shortly after the vote that it would redouble its efforts to defeat Obama’s choice. “The Emergency Committee for Israel will continue to work to convince a majority of senators of the undeniable truth that we can do much, much better than Mr. Hagel,” William Kristol, chairman of the group said in a statement. The vote on Hagel combined with the delay on CIA Director-designate John Brennan’s nomination puts Republicans in a tough position as Democrats are certain to cast them as filibustering two critical members of the Obama’s secondterm national security team. “Today’s vote to filibuster Chuck

S S&P 500 1,521.38, +0.07% T 10-yr. Bond 2.00%, -0.02 T Euro $1.34, +0.04%

Illinois senate votes to legalize gay marriage BY SARA BURNETT ASSOCIATED PRESS SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The push to allow same-sex marriages in Illinois got its biggest victory to date Thursday with a historic Valentine’s Day vote in the state Senate, and supporters expressed confidence that within two weeks President Barack Obama’s home state could join nine others that have lifted their gay-marriage bans amid shifting public opinion.

As soon as we can send this bill to the governor and it becomes the law of the land, I will be a very happy person and so will tens of thousands of families. J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., left, and Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., confer as they leave a GOP caucus at the Capitol. Hagel’s nomination by Republicans is a disgrace, and the GOP is now holding America’s security and its troops hostage,” said Jon Soltz, an Iraq war veteran and chairman of Republicans, led by Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham, had been blocking the confirmation of their former colleague until they received information from the White House on when Obama contacted Libyan officials after the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi last September in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed.

GREG HARRIS State representative, Illinois With a 34–21 vote, senators advanced the measure to the House, where it could be a tougher sell even though Democrats also hold a majority there. Gov. Pat Quinn, a Chicago Democrat, has pledged to sign it into law should the House pass it too. Senate approval was a significant — and at times elusive — step forward for the issue, just two years after legislators approved civil unions. Never had a plan to lift the gay-marriage ban won approval on the floor of either chamber. The bill’s sponsor, Sen.

Heather Steans, D-Chicago, called it “a vote for the history books.” She said the measure’s strong showing in the Senate — where it needed 30 votes to pass — and the support of one Republican were good signs of what’s to come. Rep. Greg Harris, D-Chicago, said “the prospects are very good” in the House, though he declined to discuss the roll call so far or say when a hearing will be held. But other supporters said it could be within the next two weeks. “As soon as we can send this bill to the governor and it becomes the law of the land, I will be a very happy person and so will tens of thousands of families across Illinois,” Harris said. Polls show voters’ feelings shifting rapidly in favor of gay rights. President Barack Obama said last year he supports samesex marriage, and in November voters in four states either approved or voted down bans on gay marriage. Illinois wasn’t the only state where supporters of legalizing gay marriage picked Valentine’s Day to publicize their cause. In Oregon, the state’s leading gay-rights group formed a campaign organization to get a constitutional amendment on the November 2014 ballot. And in Minnesota, more than a thousand activists rallied at the state Capitol in support of legalizing gay marriage, just months after voters defeated a measure that would have banned it. Opponents have said they’re concerned the bill would force religious organizations to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their fellowship halls, parish centers or even in their sanctuaries.

Buffett buys Heinz for $23.3 billion BY CANDICE CHOI AND JOSH FUNK ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — Billionaire Warren Buffett, the most closely watched investor in America, is putting his money in ketchup, agreeing Thursday to buy H.J. Heinz Co. for $23.3 billion in the richest deal ever in the food industry. For his money, the Oracle of Omaha gets one of the nation’s oldest and most familiar brands, one that’s in refrigerators and kitchen cupboards all over the U.S. The deal is intended to help Heinz accelerate its expansion from a dominant American name into a presence on grocery shelves worldwide. The Pittsburgh-based company also makes baked beans, pickles, vinegar, Classico pasta sauces and Ore-Ida potatoes, as well as a growing stable of sauces suited to regional tastes around the world. Buffett’s investment firm, Berkshire Hathaway, is teaming with another firm, 3G Capital, to snap up Heinz, which had long been a subject of takeover speculation. New Yorkbased 3G is best known for its acquisition of Burger King and its role in the deal that created Anheuser-Busch InBev, the world’s biggest beer maker. The deal, expected to close in the third quarter, sent shares of Heinz soaring. The company’s stock price was up nearly 20 percent, closing at $72.50 Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange. Berkshire picked up steam, too. Its Class A shares gained $1,490, or about 1 percent, to close at $149,240. Berkshire remains the most expensive U.S. stock but it’s still below its all-time high of $151,650, reached in December 2007. That came before the financial turmoil of 2008 and just after an exceptionally profitable quarter that was helped by a $2 billion investment gain. The plans to take Heinz private apparently began to take shape on a plane in early December. In an interview with CNBC, Buffett said he was approached at that time by Jorge Lemann, a fellow billionaire and a cofounder of 3G. The two had known each other since serving on the board of Gillette about 12 years ago. Soon after that encounter, two of 3G’s managing partners traveled to Pittsburgh to have lunch with Heinz CEO William Johnson and raise the prospect of buying the 144-yearold company. “The offer was such that I simply felt compelled to take it to my board,” Johnson said at a news conference Thursday. Over the next several weeks, Johnson said, the board worked out details of the transaction. Berkshire is putting up $12.12 billion in

return for half of the equity in Heinz, as well as $8 billion of preferred shares that pay 9 percent, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 3G Capital will run Heinz, and Berkshire will be the financing partner. By taking the company private, Johnson said, Heinz will have the flexibility to react more quickly without the pressure of satisfying investors with quarterly earnings reports. The company’s push to go global began more than a decade ago, and about two-thirds of its revenue already comes from outside the U.S. Heinz is increasingly focusing on emerging markets, where it expects to get about a quarter of its sales this year. Like other packaged food companies, it is betting that staking an early claim in countries with multiplying ranks of middle-class customers will secure its own future. Although ketchup and sauces still account for just under half its sales, Heinz has expanded over the years to include a much broader array of products across 200 countries, including ABC soy sauce in Indonesia, Quero tomato sauces and vegetables in Brazil and Complan nutritional drinks in India. In 2010, the company bought Foodstar, which makes Master brand soy sauce and fermented bean curd in China. The business reaches back to 1869, when Henry John Heinz and neighbor L. Clarence Noble began selling grated horseradish, bottled in a clear glass to showcase its purity. It wasn’t until 1876 that the company introduced its flagship product, the country’s first commercial ketchup. Heinz didn’t become a public company until years later, in 1946. Heinz is a prize because it has the type of name recognition that takes years to build, said Brian Sozzi, chief equities analyst for NBG Productions. One testament to the strength of the brand has been the company’s ability to raise prices even in competitive markets, he said. “There isn’t going to be another Heinz brand,” Sozzi said. Johnson stressed that Heinz would remain in its native Pittsburgh as a condition of the agreement with 3G and Berkshire Hathaway. The only change will be when Heinz no longer appears in stock listings. Although 3G Capital has a record of aggressively cutting costs at businesses it acquires, managing partner Alex Behring said Heinz is different because the business is healthy and sales are rising. But that wasn’t a guarantee that jobs won’t be cut. The company earned $923.2 million on revenue of $11.65 billion in its last fiscal year. The more Heinz is able to grow, the “safer people will be,” said Johnson, who has been CEO for 15 years.






Partly sunny, with a high near 45. Southwest wind 5 to 7 mph.


High of 33, low of 21.

High of 26, low of 20.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15 12:30 PM Lunch Series with Naomi Rogers: “When America Was Global: The History of Polio, 1900–1965” Join the Public Health Coalition for lunch with professor Naomi Rogers to discuss “When America Was Global: The History of Polio, 1900–1960.” Rogers has written extensively on the history of 20th century America on disease, public health, gender and medicine, nursing, alternative medicine, health policy and medical education. Silliman College (505 College St.), Dining Annex. 7:30 PM Yale Concert Band: Winter Concert World premiere of “Breaking Out: Concerto for Wind Ensemble,” featuring The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet. The concert will also include the “Firebird Suite,” “Pineapple Poll” and “Lost Vegas.” Woolsey Hall (500 College St.).


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 9:00 AM Second Annual Ivy League Vegan Conference This is the Yale Animal Welfare Alliance’s biggest event of the year. Animal advocates from all eight Ivy League schools will descend on Yale to explore the academic basis for plant-based diets and hear talks and panels by Wayne Pacelle ’87, president of The Humane Society of the United States; Dr. Milton Mills, director of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine; Yale philosophy professor Shelly Kagan and many more. Yale Campus. 7:00 PM Saybrook College Orchestra Winter Concert Featuring Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 6 in F Major,” Mendelssohn’s “Violin Concerto in E Minor” (starring soloist Jennifer Gersten ’16) and Sibelius’ “Valse Triste.” Battell Chapel (400 College St.).


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17 3:00 PM “Performance, Sound and Light: Avant-Garde Film and Music” Features experimental film and avant-garde music in conjunction with the exhibition “Société Anonyme: Modernism for America.” Includes a screening of the 1924 film “Entr’acte” by René Clair, and a piano recital of works by Debussy and Stravinsky by Lee Dionne. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.).

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By Donna S. Levin

63 They may be loaded 64 Rest area rester 65 Dog in a horned helmet 66 Chatty bovines? 67 Nailed obliquely

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“Anybody can be pope; the proof of this is that I have become one.” POPE JOHN XXIII HEAD OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FROM 1958–1963

Amputee athlete arrested BY JON GAMBRELL AND GERALD IMRAY ASSOCIATED PRESS PRETORIA, South Africa — Oscar Pistorius, the double-amputee sprinter dubbed the Blade Runner, was charged Thursday in the Valentine’s Day slaying of his girlfriend at his upscale home in South Africa, a shocking twist to one of the feel-good stories of last summer’s Olympics. Pistorius buried his face in the hood of his workout jacket as officers escorted him from a police station after his arrest in the shooting death of Reeva Steenkamp, a 30-year-old model who had spoken out on Twitter against rape and abuse of women. Police said she was shot four times in the predawn hours at Pistorius’ villa in a gated community in the capital, Pretoria. Officers found a 9 mm pistol inside the home and arrested Pistorius on a murder charge. What sparked the shooting remained unclear, but police said they had received calls in the past about domestic altercations at the home of the 26-year-old athlete, who has spoken publicly about his love of firearms. A police spokeswoman, Brigadier Denise Beukes, said the incidents included “allegations of a domestic nature.” “I’m not going to elaborate on it, but there have been incidents,” Beukes said. She said Pistorius was home at the time of Steenkamp’s death and “there is no other suspect involved.” Pistorius made history in the London Games when he became the first double-amputee track athlete to compete in the Olympics. He didn’t win a medal but did make the semifinals of the 400-meters and became an international star. Thursday, companies quickly removed billboards and advertising featuring Pistorius, a national hero in South Africa who also inspired fans worldwide with the image of his hightech carbon-fiber blades whipping through the air. Kenny Oldwage, Pistorius’ lawyer, told reporters the athlete was “emo-

Vatican secrets emerge post-announcement BY VICTOR L. SIMPSON ASSOCIATED PRESS


Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, who was charged with the Valentine Day’s murder of his girlfriend, leaves the Boschkop police station in South Africa. tional” after his arrest, “but he is keeping up.” He said he planned to seek bail for Pistorius at a preliminary hearing Friday. Pistorius has had troubles in the past in his personal life, which often featured fast cars, cage fighters and women. In February 2009, he crashed a speedboat on South Africa’s Vaal River, breaking his nose, jaw and several ribs and damaging an eye socket. He required 180 stitches to his face. Witnesses said he had been drinking, and officers found alcoholic beverages in the wreckage, though they did not do blood tests. In November, Pistorius was involved in an altercation over a woman with a local coal mining millionaire, South African media reported. The two men involved the South African Police Service’s elite Hawks investigative unit before settling the matter. Pistorius’ father, Henke Pistorius, said Thursday: “We all pray for guid-

ance and strength for Oscar and the lady’s parents.” A spokeswoman for Pistorius at Fast Track, an international sports marketing agency in London, said the athlete was assisting with the investigation and there would be no further comment “until matters become clearer.” The sprinter’s former coach, Andrea Giannini, said he hoped the shooting was “just a tragic accident.” “No matter how bad the situation was, Oscar always stayed calm and positive,” Giannini told The Associated Press in Italy. “Whenever he was tired or nervous, he was still extremely nice to people. I never saw him violent.” Firearms captivated Pistorius, the subject of an online Nike advertisement that featured him with the caption: “I am a bullet in the chamber.” In November 2011, he posted a photograph on Twitter of himself at a shooting range, bragging about his score. “Had a 96% headshot over 300m from 50shots! Bam!” he wrote.

VATICAN CITY — For an institution devoted to eternal light, the Vatican has shown itself to be a master of smokescreens since Pope Benedict XVI’s shock resignation announcement. On Thursday, the Vatican spokesman acknowledged that Benedict hit his head and bled profusely while visiting Mexico in March. Two days earlier the same man acknowledged that Benedict has had a pacemaker for years, and underwent a secret operation to replace its battery three months ago. And as the Catholic world reeled from shock over the abdication, it soon became clear that Benedict’s postpapacy lodgings have been under construction since at least the fall. That in turn put holes in the Holy See’s early claims that Benedict kept his decision to himself until he revealed it.

Every Vatican employee and official takes an oath of secrecy when they assume their job. JOHN THAVIS Author, “The Vatican Diaries” Vatican secrecy is legendary and can have tragic consequences — as the world learned through the church sex abuse scandal in which bishops quietly moved abusive priests without reporting their crimes. And the secrecy is institutionalized from such weighty matters to the most trivial aspects of Vatican life. “You have to understand that actually every Vatican employee and official takes an oath of secrecy when they assume their job,” said John Thavis,

author of “The Vatican Diaries,” an investigation into the workings of the Holy See. “And this isn’t something that is taken lightly. They swear to keep secret any office matters and anything pertaining to the pope.” One of the most famous cases of Vatican secrecy was the Holy See’s efforts to cover up the fact that Pope John Paul I’s dead body was discovered by a nun. The eventual revelation helped fuel conspiracy theories over the death of the pope who ruled for only 33 days in 1978. The Vatican is so obsessed with secrecy that the first and only official confirmation that John Paul II had Parkinson’s disease was in his death certificate. The Vatican justifies itself by arguing that its officials are holders of the divine truth, unaccountable to worldly laws. In particular, the pope’s word is the final say on any issue — infallible on some doctrinal matters. But groups representing sex abuse victims, and other Catholics angered by the scandal, have been demanding modern standards of accountability and calling for reforms. The Vatican brushed aside criticism for keeping quiet about the pope’s December pacemaker procedure, on grounds it was “routine.” One Vatican official said making the operation public would simply have led to a big and unnecessary commotion about the pope’s health. “You can imagine the satellite dishes in St. Peter’s square,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media. The front man for the church’s dance of concealment and disclosure: Vatican spokesman The Rev. Federico Lombardi. In his briefings, Lombardi has been forced into the uncomfortable situation of keeping silent on aspects of the pope’s health and future, only to backpedal when confronted with reports in Italian newspapers.




“I’ll always be a Red Sock. ... One bad halfyear doesn’t take away from all the great years I had [in Boston.]” KEVIN YOUKILIS, DISCUSSING HIS MOVE FROM THE RED SOX TO THE YANKEES (VIA CHICAGO)

Women’s hockey seeks weekend sweep WOMEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 forward Lynn Kennedy ’15 said. “We have two strong units on the power play, and our defense does a good job getting the puck up the ice and giving us opportunities.” On Saturday, Union will Women’s Hockey travel (7–20–3, 0–15–3 ECAC) to Ingalls Rink. The Saturday, 7 p.m. Dutchwomen, who have yet vs. to win a conference game this year, have scored eight goals in their previous nine games, all losses. The Bulldogs tied Union RPI in their last meeting in Sunday, 4 p.m. December 1–1. While the vs Dutchwomen scored their lone goal on a power play, penalty killing has proven to be a team strongpoint for Yale as of late. Yale has sucUnion cessfully stopped its last 23 penalties in a row. “[Penalty killing] is hugely important to the team’s success,” Kennedy said. “When successful, our penalty killing has been great for momentum and energy.” This year’s freshman class has also excelled throughout the season, with the top three scorers on the team all freshmen. Martini tops all Bulldogs with 13 points, while forward Jamie Haddad ’16 and Janelle Ferrara ’16 have 12 apiece. Martini said that while she knew she would come in and be expected to produce, she “definitely [did] not” expect to be leading the way. Another key to this weekend will be the play of goaltender Jaimie Leonoff ’15. Leonoff, whose save percentage places her fifth in the conference, has 801 saves this year. After a 45-save effort against Dartmouth, she may be needed to buttress the defense again. Yale’s games, both at Ingalls Rink, are Friday at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Contact GRANT BRONSDON at .


The Yale women’s hockey team will play RPI and Union with the goal of gaining ground in the conference playoff race.

Elis look to capture pair MEN’S HOCKEY FROM PAGE 12 success can be attributed to freshman goaltender Jason Kasdorf, who posts a .938 save percentage and a 1.59 goals against average, the fifth best in Division I hockey. “Union has great power play, so we need to stay out of the box. Fast starts and solid team defense is key for us to win games this weekend,” Miller said.

Boys are back in town

At No. 10, Yale is the only ranked team in this weekend’s matchups, but Union just missed the top 20 positions and received the most votes for an unranked team with 40. The puck will drop at 7 p.m. both tonight and tomorrow night in New York.


Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .

Bulldogs take on Columbia, Cornell WOMEN’S BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 “Both of the teams this weekend are very physical and work extremely hard,” captain Allie Messimer ’13 said. “This week has


The Bulldogs will travel to Ithaca on Friday in hopes of extending a seven-game winning streak against the Cornell Big Red.

mostly been about preparing for the scrappiness of each team and being ready Friday, 7 p.m. to crash the boards hard.” at Yale enters the weekend of play after a split at home against Penn and Princeton. The loss to the undefeated Tigers came Cornell on Sunday, and the team hopes to get back on track Sunday, 7 p.m. for the last eight games of at the season. “We have focused more on just going out and having the best experience we Columbia can,” guard Sarah Halejian ’15 said. “We have gotten away from really having fun playing the game, which is necessary if we want to accomplish the task at hand as a collective group.” Through the first six matchups of their 14-game conference schedule, the Bulldogs have established themselves as a strong 3-point shooting team. They lead the league in three-pointers made and are second behind Harvard in 3-point percentage. Forward Janna Graf ’14 leads the Elis from behind the arc and is currently second in the Ivy League in 3-pointers made and third in percentage. Halejian is sixth in the league in scoring, leading the Elis with 13.6 points per game. “I think the Ivy League has taught us that we are a team with a lot of skill,” Messimer said. “However it has also taught us that this skill does not mean much if we are not working together as a team defensively and offensively. I think moving forward we just need to keep both of these facts in the front of our minds.” Friday’s game between the Bulldogs and the Big Red is set to tip off at 7:00 p.m. inside Newman Arena in Ithaca. The Elis will take on Columbia in another 7:00 p.m. game on Saturday.

Women’s Basketball

Contact SARAH ONORATO at .


The Elis will get a change of pace on Saturday when they face the Lions. Columbia ranks seventh in the Ivy League with just 63.4 possessions per game. Many of those possessions go through star Columbia senior point guard Brian Barbour. “Everything goes through Barbour,” Martin said. “We definitely need to do a good job slowing him down, kind of in a similar way we did with [Sean] McGonagill in the second game against Brown. They’re both two of the best point guards in the league.” Barbour, a nominee for the Bob Cousy Award, given to the top point guard in men’s collegiate basketball, is second in the Ivies with 4.8 assists per game and paces the league with 3.4 assists per turnover. He scored just eight points last Sunday at Harvard but dished out eight assists to help lead the Lions to an upset of the first-place Crimson. After more than two weeks since their last home game, the Elis will end their season with six of their final eight games in the J. Lee Amphitheater. Despite returning from their road trip just two games out of first place in the Ivy League, forward Armani Cotton ’15 said the Bulldogs should not think beyond this weekend. “I think we’re in a beautiful position,” Cotton said. “[But] right now we’re just going to keep our eyes on [this] weekend.” As easily as the Bulldogs barged back into title contention, Yale could slip out again with losses this weekend due to the parity of the Ivy League. Only three games separate the first and last place teams in the Ancient Eight. Yale went a combined 3–1 against Cornell and Columbia last season, including a sweep of both home games.

The Elis will look to solidify their place in the Ancient Eight title race when they host Columbia and Cornell this weekend.



vs. Cornell

7 p.m.

All-Access, WYBC

Women’s Basketball

@ Cornell

7 p.m.

Men’s Ice Hockey

@ Union

7 p.m.

Men’s Tennis

ECAC Indoor Champ. @ Ithaca, N.Y. vs. Harvard

6 p.m.

Continues Saturday and Sunday, time TBA

Women’s Squash

CSA Team Champ. @ Payne Whitney Gym vs. Trinity

1:30 p.m.

Continues Saturday and Sunday, time TBA

Women’s Ice Hockey

vs. Union

4 p.m.

Yale All-Access

Men’s Swimming and Diving

vs. Brown

1 p.m.


Bulldog Invitational @ PWG vs. West Chester, Springfield and Bridgeport

1 p.m.

vs. Tufts

4 p.m.


SUNDAY FEB. 17 Men’s Lacrosse

Yale All-Access



NCAAB (F/OT) No. 13 OSU 69 Northwestern 59

NCAAB Minnesota 58 No. 20 Wisc. 53

NCAAB Clemson 56 Georgia Tech 53

M. HOCKEY Harvard 7 Boston U. 4



ALUMNUS UPDATE BRESLOW ’02 SIGNS WITH RED SOX In more baseball news, relief pitcher Craig Breslow ’02 inked a two-year, $6.25 million deal with the Boston Red Sox on Monday. The contract also includes a $4 million team option for 2015. In 20 innings last season, Breslow had a 2.70 ERA and 19 strikeouts.

CALE HANSON ’14 NAMED TOP DEFENDER IN IVIES The shortstop was chosen as the Ivy League’s best defensive infielder in a poll of Ancient Eight coaches conducted by College Baseball Insider. Hanson had a .961 fielding percentage last season and helped turn 26 double plays for the Bulldogs.

M. HOCKEY Quinnipiac 3 Colgate 2


“We [seem] to be producing opportunities and scoring chances almost every game.” KENNY AGOSTINO ’14 FORWARD, MEN’S HOCKEY


Elis head to NY looking to snap losing streak MEN’S HOCKEY



The Yale men’s hockey team tries to keep its streaks going, building momentum in two-, four-and five-game winning streaks this season. After Tuesday night’s shutout loss to Brown, however, the No. 10 Bulldogs (13–7–3, 9–6–1 ECAC) are looking to snap their only two-game losing streak of the year. Tonight the Elis will head to Schenectady, Men’s Hockey N.Y., to take on the Union Friday, 7 p.m. D u tc h m e n ( 13 –1 0 – 5 , at 6–6–4 ECAC) before making the 30-minute drive to Troy, N.Y., to face the RPI Engineers (12–11–5, 7–6–3 ECAC) on Saturday night. Union The Bulldogs have comSunday, 7 p.m. peted in conference games at against both the Dutchmen and the Engineers once this season at Ingalls, falling to RPI 6–1 and tying Union 2–2. In the second RPI and third games of a five away-game stretch, the mental toughness and stamina the Bulldogs have built up this season will become necessities. With the match against Brown rescheduled to Feb. 12, the Elis faced a hectic burst of three away games within a five-day period. While head coach Keith Allain ’80 commended the Bulldogs’ high level of fitness after the Elis won two overtime games against Colorado College and Denver at high altitude, the quick turnaround from Providence to New Haven to upstate New York will prove to be another difficult test. The Elis will also need to find the success on the power play they achieved earlier in the season. “We’ve had games where we’ve been a little snake-bitten, but [we] have seemed to be producing opportunities and scoring chances almost every game thus far,” leading scorer Kenny Agostino ’14 said. The No. 13 Yale power play, which put away both goals against Quinnipiac on Feb. 2, will be competing for goals against Union’s No. 1 power play, which has gone 34-for-128 on the year. The Elis are well-positioned and ready to defend the Union attack, however, with an 81.1 percent effective penalty-killing unit. Against the Engineers, the Elis will need to turn up the heat on the attack as well. RPI has gone undefeated in February, and part of its

The No. 10 Yale men’s hockey team is well-positioned to defend the Union attack, with an 81.1 percent effective penalty-killing unit.

Vital weekend approaches for Yale BY GRANT BRONSDON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER With the regular season winding down, this may be the most important weekend yet for the women’s hockey team.

WOMEN’S HOCKEY The Bulldogs (4–18–2, 3–12–2 ECAC) will play RPI and Union with the hopes of gaining ground in the conference playoff race.

“We’re still eyeing playoffs, and in order to [make them], we have to come out this weekend and win both games,” defender Kate Martini ’16 said. Yale is currently in 10th place in the conference, three points behind Colgate and two points behind Princeton in the chase for the final playoff berth. First up for the Bulldogs is RPI (9–17– 4, 7–9–4 ECAC). In the Elis’ last meeting against the Engineers on Dec. 8, a third period goal with just over a minute remaining broke the tie and left the Bull-

dogs broken-hearted, 4–3. “Whenever you lose a tight game, it gives you more motivation the next time you play a team,” Martini said. One of the biggest flaws that the Engineers have are their propensity to draw penalties. RPI averages 11.39 penalty minutes per conference game, which is highest in the ECAC. “The biggest thing for us is taking advantage of the chances we do have,” SEE WOMEN’S HOCKEY PAGE 11

Women’s basketball hits the road BY SARAH ONORATO CONTRIBUTING REPORTER After a tough loss to first-place Princeton on Sunday, the women’s basketball team heads to New York this weekend to take on Columbia and Cornell as the Elis kick off the second half of their conference schedule. The Bulldogs (7-13, 2-4 Ivy) will travel

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL to Ithaca tonight in hope of extending a seven-game win streak against the Big Red. Cornell (10-9, 2-3 Ivy) enters the game on the heels of a 60-69 overtime loss to Harvard last Sunday. Having played one fewer game than the Elis due to the postponement of last weekend’s Dartmouth game, the Big Red sits


in fifth place in the Ivy league, one spot above the Bulldogs. On Saturday, the Elis will head to Manhattan to face Columbia. The Lions (2-17, 0-5 Ivy), who are still searching for their first conference win, beat the Bulldogs last year at Levien Gymnasium, 56-52. SEE WOMEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 11


Bulldogs start off homestand BY CHARLES CONDRO STAFF REPORTER This time last week, the Elis were in desperate need of a win following a disappointing 1–3 start to their Ivy slate. But after a historic sweep of the PennPrinceton road trip, Yale will look to solidify its place in the Ancient Eight title race when it hosts Columbia and Cornell this weekend.

MEN’S BASKETBALL The Elis (9–14, 3–3 Ivy) will start a four-game home stand against the Big Red (11–12, 3–3 Ivy) tonight at 7:00 p.m. and then turn around to face the Lions (10– 10, 2–4 Ivy) on Saturday night. Captain Sam Martin ’13 said that Yale must be prepared for a plethora of looks when it is on offense against the Big Red. “I think [Cornell is] going to

try to speed

Men’s Basketball us up,” Martin Friday, 7 p.m. vs.

said. “They’ll probably trap a lot of ball screens. I think they throw a lot of different Cornell defenses at you and try to get Sunday, 7 p.m. you flustered, vs which we need to be ready for that and stay calm and I Columbia think we’ll be okay.” Cornell ranks second among the Ivies with 69 possessions per game: two more than Yale’s average. The Big Red are also one of the best teams in the conference at forcing turnovers. They are tied with Harvard atop the Ivy League with 7.4 steals per game. SEE MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 11

DOUBLES RANKING OF MARC POWERS ’13 AND DANIEL HOFFMAN ’13 IN THE INTERCOLLEGIATE TENNIS ASSOCIATION’S NORTHEAST REGION. The pairing is also ranked 39th in the nation in advance of this weekend’s ECAC Division I Indoor Team Championship.

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