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Harp pledges to reduce energy consumption levels by 2018





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Thinker on peace dies

House of Cards. Seems University President Peter Salovey may be going the Frank Underwood route. On Wednesday afternoon, Salovey gave his annual guest lecture on love in “Introduction to Psychology” (PSYC 110) — his first since becoming University president. After turning to one slide displaying a bar graph, Salovey announced: “These aren’t the data from the actual study, I made this up … I’m the damn president.” Later in the class, he introduced another point saying, “We’ve already established I am president and I have a loose grip on the truth.”

Roses are red and violets are blue. English professor J.D.

McClatchy recently published a new book of poems about love, death and other lofty poetic topics. The volume is titled “Plundered Hearts.” The New York Journal of Books describes the works as “muscularly graceful poems of passion, sex and death [that] haunt the heart, linger in the mind.” Quest for the magic diet.

Yale researchers David Katz and Stephanie Meller recently published a study comparing the major diets of the day: low carb versus low fat versus Mediterranean versus Paleolithic versus vegan among others. However, they concluded that no diet is clearly superior although certain common elements among the diets are proven to be beneficial for health, such as staying away from processed foods. The paper is titled “Can We Say What Diet is Best for Health?”

Saving the world one case

competition at a time. Two groups of students from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies were awarded “best proposal” during the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Building Case Competition held this month in Washington, D.C. This marks the second consecutive year that both Yale teams participating in the national contest have won their competition.

Spice up your dating life.

A new startup from the University of Pennsylvania is offering to match up undergraduates and graduate students for blind date-like social gatherings. The sign-up process for Mixter allows clients to select preferences such as “Wharton guys” or “Temple girls” according to the Daily Pennsylvanian. THIS DAY IN YALE HISTORY

1990 The campus is hit with a wave of thefts over spring break. Submit tips to Cross Campus


School of Music students form new chamber orchestra PAGE 3 CULTURE

Minimum wage increase passed BY ABIGAIL BESSLER STAFF REPORTER

Schell published his best known book, “The Fate of the Earth,” which was nominated for both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. In 1999, a panel of experts convened by New York University declared the book one of the century’s best 100 works of journalism. Jolyon Howorth, a political sci-

The Connecticut State Legislature approved the highest minimum wage of any state in the country on Wednesday evening, putting Gov. Dannel Malloy in the national spotlight. The Governor proposed the bill, which will gradually raise the minimum wage to $10.10 from its current rate of $8.70 over the next three years, in early February after President Barack Obama voiced support for a raise of the federal minimum wage in his State of the Union address. The bill had gained national attention over the past month, particularly after a visit by the President to New Britain, CT advocating for minimum wage legislation. “I commend Governor Malloy for his leadership,” Obama said in a statement Wednesday. “I hope Members of Congress, governors, state legislators and business leaders across our country will follow Connecticut’s lead to help ensure that no American who works full time has to raise a family in



Texts with Davenport.

Davenport College recently panlisted out an invitation for their students to join the college’s mass texting system. Students who subscribe into the program will receive test reminders about study breaks, Master’s Teas and other events.



Jonathan Schell, author and visiting lecturer at the Jackson Institute, passed away at 70 Tuesday night. BY RISHABH BHANDARI AND ADRIAN RODRIGUES STAFF REPORTERS Jonathan Schell, a visiting lecturer at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and a prominent critic of nuclear weapons, died Tuesday night at his home in Brooklyn after an extended battle with cancer. He was 70.

As a public intellectual, Schell advocated for non-violence. He began his career with The New Yorker, where he wrote from 1967 to 1987. Schell first rose to national attention when he published “The Village of Ben Suc,” a book that described the devastation of a South Vietnamese village by American forces during the Vietnam War. During his years at The New Yorker,

Shooting takes young homicide victim BY MAREK RAMILO STAFF REPORTER Days after police found two gunshot victims outside a nearby elementary school, more details have emerged in the city’s latest homicide case. On Monday night, New

Haven Police Department officers were dispatched to the intersection of Lilac Street and Butler Street outside LincolnBassett Elementary School. There, 17-year old Taijhon Washington and his 16-year old half-brother whose name was withheld due to his age,

In Yale meat, mushrooms BY LARRY MILSTEIN STAFF REPORTER Yale Dining has brought new meaning to the idea of classic cafeteria “mystery meat” — by adding mushrooms. For the last year, Yale Dining has pursued an initiative to use mushrooms as a meat enhancer across University dining halls. The initiative, called “The Blendability Project,” involves the integration of a finely minced mushroom mixture into a range of meat recipes, including hamburgers and turkey burgers, meatloaf and chili. The mushrooms are supplied by Pennsylvania mushroom distributor Giorgio Foods and are integrated into meat recipes by Yale Dining staff. “Where it all comes from is our commitment to health and wellness,” said Ron DeSantis, director of culinary excellence for Yale Dining, stressing that the move was made in the interest of both health consciousness and flavor maximization. Doug Stewart, northeast regional sales vice president of Giorgio Foods, said Yale is at the cutting edge of mushroommeat integration. Stewart said that while his company has also worked with some of the University’s peer institutions, Yale’s dining administration is particu-

were lying shot on the sidewalk. Washington, a New Haven resident, would later become the Elm City’s fifth homicide victim of 2014. “Both of the shooting victims were transported by ambulance to Yale-New Haven hospital,” NHPD spokesman

David Hartman said in a Tuesday press release. “At 9:28 PM, one of the victims was pronounced deceased.” The school is located at 130 Bassett St., less than two miles from Yale’s campus. No suspect has been identified. Washington’s half-brother,

a Hamden resident, was listed as being in critical condition on Tuesday. As of Wednesday, police had not provided an update on his status. Officers were initially concentrated around the school, SEE HOMICIDE PAGE 4

SOM stresses global studies

larly progressive. DeSantis said the project is viable because the savory mushrooms can effectively replicate the flavor of meat. The dining hall’s 100 percent beef patties will still be available at grill stations, and the concentration of mushrooms in any meat will not exceed 35 percent, DeSantis added.

Raising a cow has a lot more impact on the environment than growing mushrooms. GERRY REMER Yale Dining Director, Supply Management and Sustainability DeSantis said that the use of mushrooms will be clearly labeled and put on the menu and nutritional cards, like other potential allergens such as soy and nuts, so that students are informed and able to avoid this type of meat processing as needed. Yale Dining Director of Supply Management and Sustainability Gerry Remer said mushroom SEE MUSHROOMS PAGE 6


The School of Managment will require students to fufill courses in Global Studies. BY LAVINIA BORZI STAFF REPORTER After wrapping up its third Global Network Week of the year last week, the School of Management is looking to bring more global initiatives into the MBA classroom. Starting with the MBA class entering in the fall of 2014, the SOM students will have to fulfill a Global Studies Requirement by the time they graduate. The implementation of this new requirement, which will replace the current International Experience Requirement, was inspired by the progress of the

Global Network — an international network of schools founded in 2012 by SOM Dean Edward Snyder. To fulfill the GSR, students can take one of several specifically designated courses, participate in a Global Network Week or in an international exchange with one of the schools in the network. The SOM Dean Anjani Jain said the new requirement is an expansion of the IE requirement, instituted in 2006, which compelled students to take one of several courses that culminated in a faculty led trip SEE SOM PAGE 4




.COMMENT “There is a long tradition of communities coming together to achieve

political goals."

The Yale diet


Schell’s legacy A

lthough I know that he didn’t think of himself this way, the writer Jonathan Schell, who taught courses at Yale on non-violence and nuclear arms through 2012 and who died Tuesday night, at 70, of cancer, in his home in Brooklyn, was a luminous, noble bearer of an American civic-republican tradition that is inherently cosmopolitan and embracing. He strengthened that twoway bridge, between republican commitments and cosmopolitan openings, not because bridge-building was his project, but because he himself was that bridge.

REMEMBERING JONATHAN SCHELL, A YALE PROFESSOR, WRITER AND FRIEND From his work as a correspondent for The New Yorker in the Vietnam War through his rigorous manifesto for nuclear disarmament in “The Fate of the Earth,” his magisterial re-thinking of state power and people’s power in “The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People,” and his wry, rigorous assessments of politics for The Nation, Jonathan showed how varied peoples’ democratic aspirations might lead them to address shared global challenges. Yet he also carried an American, WASP cultural sensibility — about which he was humorously self-deprecating — into the dawn of a transracial, global civil society he was helping us to envision and understand. So doing, he set a strong counter-example, perhaps especially for Yalies, of how to challenge established power and its premises, not by railing against the privileged and their emulators but by showing them to live up to something better and to help make it happen. Perhaps because he was always respectful, even diffident, toward everyone he met, he immediately saw through the kinds of power that subtly encourage and train you to believe that naked emperors have clothes and even to rush to supply the missing drapery, as some Yalies do when they flock to serve the powerful. Jonathan taught instead that power flows ultimately not from the daunting, the daz-

zling or the wealthy, but from seemingly powerless people who stop obeying and reconfigure their lives together without “permission” or certification or reward from above. He explained why practicing non-violent but coercive non-cooperation is hard but effective. He showed how others have done it and how they’ve borne the inevitable costs of doing so. When he and I worked at Newsday in the early 1990s, and a writer we knew there was fretting about not getting a book award he’d been assured was coming, Jonathan said impishly, “Well, most awards are really just a society’s way of petting you on the head and certifying that you’ve been tamed.” It’s not recognition by the powerful that counts, in other words, but courage and skill to reconfigure power itself against what’s “recognized.” Jonathan knew that a liberal education nourishes this by interrogating things as they are, not by rushing to facilitate them. His “The Unconquerable World” shows, historically and philosophically, how unarmed, marginalized people have brought down vast empires and national-security states — from British India and the regimes of segregation in the American South and South Africa to Soviet Eastern Europe. He also shows how wouldbe tyrants nevertheless keep rushing to dominate others “with refreshed ignorance,” only to founder as they grasp for strength and security in the wrong stockpiles and protocols. Jonathan insisted that a state that floods its streets with soldiers and police and scrambles to shut down or censor its communications is only displaying its impotence. He noted that although “sophisticates” dismiss democratic yearnings for candor and equality as impractical, those yearnings are irrepressible. When impoverished black churchgoers, naïve, unarmed and trembling, walked into silent Southern squares ringed by armed men, they shamed segregationists by crediting them some dignity and good intentions even while exposing their shortcomings. Jonathan understood what brave artistry that requires. He understood — and he could himself have delivered — the invocation that Yale’s chaplain, William Sloane Coffin, Jr. gave at my own commencement here in 1969: “Help us to free the oppressed in such a way that the oppressor, too, is freed.” JIM SLEEPER is a lecturer in political science. Contact him at .



t dinner one night, a friend shared with me an observation on Yalies’ dining habits: “People here are all so thin. They’re so aware of their health, and everyone eats salad all the time.” Her remark reminded me of a line that I heard freshmen tossing around when I first arrived on campus: “There’s really no such thing as a fat Yalie.” An IvyGate article on the mini bagel crisis stated, “If there is one thing Yalies care more passionately about than the environment, it is avoiding carbohydrates.” These generalizations scratch the surface of a complex school culture surrounding food. The rituals of snacking, dining and breaking bread at Yale are dictated by a diverse set of individual attitudes towards what we consume — among them the environmentally conscious, morally inclined, religiously guided and healthfully and aesthetically concerned. Our idiosyncratic relationships with food are natural given our varied backgrounds, outlooks and lifestyles; for the most part, that’s entirely healthy. But there’s also the very real risk that these habits verge on unhealthy, or even disordered. The Yale eating culture didn’t shock me the way it did my friend, who comes from a Midwestern environment that’s more carnivorous and food-positive. My personal relationship with food developed under strong family and community moderation of what and how I ate. My family restricted desserts to weekends;

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friends, relatives and peers remarked frequently on bodies — mine, theirs, celebrities’. My eating, from a young CAROLINE very age, became POSNER implicated with emoOut Of Line tions: boredom, stress and, more than anything, guilt. In fourth grade, I wore only long pants and skirts, even in the heat; I confronted a camp counselor one summer with the confession that I found my legs “too fat” for public display. I came to Yale a vegan, partially motivated by my intense disgust at the meat and dairy industries and partially by my lingering discomfort with my body. But despite an ostensibly healthy eating regimen, I have continued to grapple intensely with food. My stress-eating habits don’t mesh well with my deep fear of gaining weight. For most of fall semester, I fluctuated between normal eating, junk food binges and several failed attempts to induce vomiting in the bathroom downstairs of the Berkeley dining hall. I don’t have an eating disorder, and my weight continues to be average. But that doesn’t necessarily make my habits healthy. Our emphasis on disorders that have well-known labels — like anorexia and bulimia — means that we often overlook more subtle varieties of disordered eating. For

me, that has meant avoiding the dining halls and opting instead for frozen food, turning down invitations to dine out, and associating fullness with personal failure. It’s meant compulsively logging my food intake on an app that informs me a handful of my Yale peers are using it, too.

THE YALE COMMUNITY AFFECTS INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH FOOD I’m inclined to think that Yale students, like plenty of other college populations, face a heightened risk for developing unhealthy relationships with our food. An article in the Yale Herald last year succinctly described the phenomenon that entangles academic and social order with our eating culture: “Yale is an intense place, and in our collective scramble to reach the top, students find solace in control — be it academic or nutritional.” Control is key to understanding most disordered relationships with eating. I remember being informed as a kid that choosing the “right” foods and staying fit is just a matter of selfdiscipline. But in an environment of intense pressure, discipline

blurs quickly into compulsion or obsession. The communal environment of college dining can be an incubator for unhealthy relationships with food, because we necessarily observe the eating patterns of those around us. That could mean something benign, or even positive, like choosing vegetarianism at the encouragement of peers. But it can also mean limiting portions to match what we see “skinnier” peers eating — without regard for our personal comfort, body type or nutritional needs. I’m no model for a healthy relationship with food, and I’ll likely continue to struggle with my attitude towards eating. But I intend to consider more closely how my personal ambitions as a Yale student, my relationship with others and even my place in the dining hall shape the way I approach my meals, sometimes in unhealthy ways. I’m working on distinguishing my relationship with food from an ideal of self-control deeply engrained in the Yale culture. I’ve begun to recognize ways in which my home community has failed me, instilling an unhealthy attitude towards eating and my own body. But I’m now part of a campus community, and my habits and attitudes about food impact those of the people around me. My contribution needs to be a positive one. CAROLINE POSNER is a freshman in Berkeley College. Her columns run on Thursdays. Contact her at .

Chasing domestic dreams

YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400 Editorial: (203) 432-2418 Business: (203) 432-2424

EDITOR IN CHIEF Julia Zorthian



uy, the Israeli-French hairdresser cutting my bangs, knelt down in front of me. He snip-snipped for a while. Slowly, I regained my vision as the curtain of dark hair rose. He looked deep into my eyes. “Caroline,” said this man who I’d met barely three minutes ago, “tell me your dream.” Snipsnip, snip-snip. I blinked. I felt like Beyoncé at the beginning of “Pretty Hurts.” I expected this to be about a superficial beauty routine. Yet there I sat, forced to consider the tonguetying question: What is my aspiration in life? Finally, I answered him: “A full table.” Guy did not understand. I tried to rephrase the sentiment in Hebrew and failed. I tried to explain with more words. “You know,” I said, “a full table — family, friends, food.” He remained baffled. I should have just said: “To be happy.” The thing is, I do want a full table: I have domestic dreams. I really do want the home-cooked three-course meal and the four kids. I want to come home from work to do arts and crafts proj-

ects and pack picnics on the weekends. I want my days to end with bedtime stories. Of course I want an interestchalCAROLINE ing, lenging and SYDNEY fulfilling career, but Self my ambitions also include Absorbed the full table. In my life on campus, I aspire to find this full table feeling through homemade dinners in the Sillikitchen and wine and cheese parties in my common room. But as much as I enjoy these occasions, posturing at hominess can border on embarrassing, and hostess with the most-est can sound like another way to say “bad feminist.” Sometimes, when I go to the farmers’ market and joke about wanting to be one of the 30-something women with toddlers, it rings a little too true.

While catching up with a friend at the beginning of the semester, his first question was: “So, have you cooked anything yet?” I told him I hadn’t. He gave me a concerned look. “But you’ve at least gone grocery shopping, right?” Of course, to his relief, I had. I don’t like dining hall granola. It has too much coconut. Okay? I’m sorry. Given these domestic desires, it should come as no surprise that I signed a lease for an off-campus apartment the week before spring break. And I spent much of my break planning for my new home, reading blog posts about “dining ideas for small spaces.” Over the course of the past (almost) two years in Silliman, I feel I’ve exhausted the common room as social space and dining hall as meal provider. I don’t just want to feel at home, I want to make one. I’m not moving off campus to be more independent, or even to have a single. I’m moving so that I’ll have a kitchen and a kitchen table. I don’t want my college years to be an island, so I’m trying to

figure out the best ways to connect them to the rest of my life. In this process, I’m learning to reconcile the way I want to live now and the way I envision myself living in 10 or 15 years. The full table of my 20s looks different from the full table I envision for my 30s, but that doesn’t mean I can’t start planning ahead. Obviously, my kids and husband don’t have seats right now, but I can still throw together a drug store flower arrangement that won’t look out of place. I won’t have toddlers trailing me when I bring the groceries home from CitySeed, but that doesn’t make the local cheese any less delicious. At this point, the goal of “having it all” is trite, meaningless and impossible, but aspiring to achieve what one desires is none of the above. At 20, I’m starting to build my full table. Next year at 210 Park St., I’ll have my first opportunity to make a home for my friends. CAROLINE SYDNEY is a sophomore in Silliman College. Contact her at .




“The passion of the Italian or the ItalianAmerican is endless for food and lore and everything about it.” MARIO BATALI ITALIAN CHEF


The article “Professor praises ancient Greek architecture” incorrectly stated that Panayotis Tournikiotis was a professor at the University of Athens. In fact, he teaches at the Architecture School of the National Technical University of Athens. The article “Activists call for ‘Not 1 more’” stated that 110 people are deported every day. The correct figure is 1,100. The opinion article “You can’t make Yale care” misstated the class years of the Ward 1 co-chairs Ariana Shapiro ’16 and Jacob Wasserman ’16 as 2013.

Harp pledges to reduce energy consumption BY LILLIAN CHILDRESS STAFF REPORTER At a crowded press conference last week, Mayor Toni Harp signed a pledge to reduce energy consumption in New Haven 20 percent by 2018. The pledge consists of two major goals: reducing energy consumption by 20 percent in municipal buildings and converting 20 percent of New Haven’s current municipal electricity use to renewable energy. The city will work collaboratively with United Illuminating, the utility company that serves the New Haven area, to monitor consumption. “I think that New Haven has been very forward looking [in energy policy] in the past, and there’s still room for improvement,” said Robert Wall, associate director of the Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority (CEFIA).

That’s kind of the idea of the program — so that we can meet some of the goals that we have and just be more green as a city. JASON BARTLETT Director of youth services, Community Services Administration The energy pledge is one component of a larger initiative administered by the CEFIA and the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund. By assigning point values to different energy-saving activities that New Haven undertakes — such as, three points for every solar photovoltaic system installed, five points for every solar hot water heater installed — the city can qualify for different grants and renewable energy systems every time they reach 100 points. One of the CEFIA and the Energy Efficiency Fund’s goals is driving down the soft costs associated with renewable energy, and solar photovoltaic energy in particular, Wall said.

By encouraging installers to implement streamlined practices, the city will have greater access to renewable energy projects, which will in turn generate more points towards future rewards that can be used for clean energy projects. Wall also foresees that the city will be able to finance around half of their renewable energy goal through a program called C-PACE, which allows building owners to pay for clean energy through a voluntary assessment on their property tax bill. Energy efficiency improvements such as energy efficient boilers, upgraded insulation, or solar installations are financed through an added charge on the owner’s property tax bill. Harp also announced that the city will create a new Youth Conservation Initiative, a summer program employing local high school students to promote sustainability and conservation. The program will be funded in part by United Illuminating. According to director of youth services Jason Bartlett, the program will employ 15 high school students, who will canvass moderate-income housing letting residents know what types of energy-saving opportunities are available to them either for free or at a minimal cost. The students will also work on various projects around the city focusing on conservation, cleanup, and rainwater, as well as helping out with programming to engage middle school students on weekends. According to Laurence Grotheer, the spokesman for City Hall, the program will focus on three objectives: providing jobs, helping residents save money, and reducing the demand for power which in turn Grotheer expects will drive down the cost of power. “That’s kind of the idea of the program — so that we can meet some of the goals that we have and just be more green as a city,” Bartlett said. Each student employee of the Conservation Initiative will receive a free bicycle.

Batali proposes new restaurant BY J.R REED AND POOJA SALHOTRA STAFF REPORTERS Celebrity Chef Mario Batali could open his first restaurant in New Haven, if the city’s Board of Zoning Appeals approves a new restaurant’s plans. Tarry Lodge Enoteca and Pizzeria, Batali’s “family-friendly pizzeria,” hopes to move into the empty building at 278 Park St. The property is owned by the St. Thomas More Corporation, but Yale has a long-term lease. Executive Chef Andy Nusser first approached Yale in November about renting the space, which was approved for a 54-seat restaurant back in 2005, but has stood unoccupied since then. Managing Partner Nancy Selzer said Tarry Lodge was attracted to the Elm City for a number of reasons. “First, the space is great — it’s essentially brand new and provides great infrastructure for the restaurant,” Selzer said. “And then the other enticing thing was the potential relationship we could build with the University and New Haven at large.” Tarry Lodge currently has two locations — one in Westport, Conn. and one in Port Chester, N.Y. Selzer said that the Westport location is a smaller space with a more casual atmosphere than the original restaurant in Port Chester, and the Westport location would be the model for the New Haven restaurant. While Selzer and Nusser would operate the restaurant on a daily basis, Batali would visit the restaurant on occasion and play a significant role in business and menu decisions. Selzer added that they decided to try to come to the Park Street location after hearing positive reviews of the city


Pending the Board of Zoning Appeals’ approval, Mario Batali may open a pizzeria at 278 Park St. from the Danny Meyer Group, which owns Shake Shack, and favorable reviews of Yale as a landlord. “We were excited by the idea of going into a densely populated, vibrant city after having done the small-town experience of Westport,” Selzer said. “Having such a built-in clientele [in the form of the Yale community] across the street is very attractive to us.” Selzer said the timeline for the zoning approvals is unknown. While the restaurant could know whether it is approved in the next month, it might not be certain until the summer. Joshua Cohen, a lawyer representing the Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group, has asked the board for five additional parking spots in order to open a restaurant that can accommodate 74 people. The board is expected to vote on the proposal next month. Assistant Director for New

Haven and State Affairs Lauren Zucker said in an email that if the city approves the proposals, the restaurant could open by the start of the fall semester. “We think Tarry Lodge will be a terrific addition to the New Haven dining scene,” Zucker said, noting that there are currently only a few sit-down restaurants in the Broadway shopping district. “We are delighted with the level of interest we are seeing from terrific chefs who want to tap into New Haven’s strong ‘foodie’ environment.” The restaurant features entrees ranging from $15–$30, and Selzer said she hopes the restaurant could appeal to the student population, parents, and faculty — in addition to those beyond Yale and into the New Haven community at large. But Batali’s restaurant could increase competition amongst the several pizzerias already established in the Elm City.

Pepe’s — whose clam pizza was voted the best pizza in America last year in the Daily Meal — is not worried that the newcomer will affect its business. “We are very well-known in the area, and we are pretty confident in our status,” said Assistant Manager of Pepe’s Cheryl Grubier. “We always welcome competition, and we wish them luck.” Selzer also said that Tarry Lodge has no intention of coming into what she calls the “world capital of pizza” to become the prime pizza destination. She added that she hopes that the restaurant would offer delivery for pizza and pasta. Tarry Lodge opened its first location in Port Chester in 2008. Contact J.R REED at and POOJA SALHOTRA at .

YUAG showcases Bay Area artists



“Drink Syrups” by Wayne Thiebaud is just one piece that will be showcased by the Yale University Art Gallery in their exhibition on the Bay Area School. BY SARA JONES STAFF REPORTER


Mayor Toni Harp pledged to reduce energy consumption in New Haven by 20 percent by 2018.

An exhibit opening this Friday at the Yale University Art Gallery will bring together the works of five prominent Bay Area School artists. “Five West Coast Artists” will showcase pieces by Wayne Thiebaud, Richard Diebenkorn, Elmer Bischoff, Manuel Neri and David Park, including paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints, many from the Gallery’s own holdings. All five were part of the movement that emerged from studios and art schools in the greater San Francisco area in the mid-20th century, and were inspired by elements of the Abstract Expressionist movement pioneered by American artists on the opposite coast in the 1940s. “[This exhibition is] great fun for me, personally, because I knew all of these artists and their work,” Reynolds said. “Coming from California and having studied with these artists as teachers, I was surprised and eager to see how much California artwork was actually in the YUAG collection. We’re incredibly lucky to have what

we have here … our holdings are right up there with MoMA and the Whitney [Museum] in terms of these artists.” Though this particular group of California artists borrowed elements from the Abstract Expressionists, part of what made them unique was their ability to remain independent from the movement’s potentially domineering influence, explained YUAG director Jock Reynolds, who curated the exhibition. For instance, Bay Area School artists adopted Abstract Expressionism’s brushwork but not its exclusive focus on abstraction, Reynolds noted, adding that the Bay Area School artists’ focus on the human figure also differentiates them from their East Coast counterparts. Among the pieces on view are a handful of Diebenkorn’s rich oils, both figurative and abstract. The paintings are rendered in vibrant colors Reynolds described as reminiscent of French artist Henri Matisse’s Mediterranean work. They also nod to one of the Bay Area artists’ major sources of inspiration — the bold, broad brushstrokes characteristic of the

Abstract Expressionists, Reynolds said. The exhibit also features a pair of Neri’s sculptures — one plaster, one bronze. Both are highly textured and splashed with swaths of bright pigment. Wall text written by Reynolds comments on his personal interactions with the sculptor at the University of California, Davis; he describes watching the artist in his studio, an old church in the seaside town of Benicia, Calif., working “feverish[ly] … [to] bring the figure to life in the immediate medium of plaster.” Another room is dedicated to the works of a second artist Reynolds interacted with while at U.C. Davis: Wayne Thiebaud. Thiebaud’s depictions of drink syrup dispensers, candy sticks and neatly scooped ice cream cones line the walls. The colorful array is accompanied by Reynolds’s blurb discussing his first graduate experience with the painter, who gave his students tips on where to find Sacramento’s best bakeries, delis and salami-sellers. Though they did not realize it at the time, Reynolds said, Thiebaud was also giving profound

insight into his work by sharing these banal pieces of advice. In addition to his betterknown works, Thiebaud also produced notable pieces that focus on natural and architectural subjects. “Five West Coast Artists” has three such pieces on display, several of which were completed as recently as 2011. Joellen Adae, who works in the Gallery’s Exhibitions, Programming, and Education department and is herself a painter, pointed to the “conversations” between pieces of art that she thinks take place within the exhibit. Reynolds said he hopes that visitors will pay particular attention to the way all five artists employ various painterly techniques. “Part of what I want [them] to do is look at how colors work, how shapes work, the way artists compose things, how they paint … it’s really interesting in this exhibition,” he said. “Five West Coast Artists” will be on view from March 28 to July 13. Contact SARA JONES at .




“No person can maximize the American Dream on the minimum wage.” BENJAMIN TODD JEALOUS 17TH PRESIDENT AND CEO OF THE NAACP

Minimum wage to rise to $10.10 TIMELINE MINIMUM WAGE Mar. 5 Obama comes to New Britain to promote the bill

Feb. 5 Malloy proposes $10.10 wage increase (current minimum wage $8.70) MINIMUM WAGE FROM PAGE 1 poverty, and that every American who works hard has the chance to get ahead.” After passing through the Appropriations Committee, the bill cleared the Senate 21–14, a party-line vote with the exception of one Democrat who voted against it, and the House 89–53. The Governor will sign the bill into law on Thursday evening, according to a press release from the Governor’s office. “We wanted to move the bill quickly to free it from late-inthe-session pressures where it could get filibustered,” said Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney, who added that democrats felt “a great deal of gratification” at the bill’s passage. Before the vote, House republicans expressed concern on the House floor, pointing to the cost of increasing wages and questioning why the minimum wage had to be raised higher than the initial hike last year that pledged to raise it to $9 by 2015. Republican Representative Prasad Srinivasan testified to the House that his experience as a small business owner showed him

Mar. 27 Malloy is scheduled to sign the bill into law

Mar. 26 Bill passes

that the minimum wage increase will be harmful to businesses. “Small businesses are the backbone of our state,” he said. “Every analysis across the country has showed that increasing the minimum wage will result in a net loss of jobs.” Srinivasan added that the state should invest in job training to raise the skills of the workforce instead of raising wages. However, data from the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think-tank, showed a federal minimum wage increase to $10.10 would result in 140,000 new jobs. Several other Republican senators and representatives could not be reached for comment. A March 4 poll by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute showed that 71 percent of Connecticut voters supported raising the minimum wage. A majority of respondents said the minimum wage increase would help rather than hurt the economy. The Council 4 AFSCME union, representing 32,000 workers in the state, has supported the bill since its proposal. “It’s one step, but it’s an important step toward helping rebuild Connecticut’s sagging

middle class,” said Larry Dorman, a spokesman for AFSCME. Mayor Toni Harp voiced support for the bill as well, saying in a statement that raising the minimum wage would benefit those struggling to meet the demands of paying rent, covering utilities and providing meals. “Beyond that, since most minimum wage earners are women, it is also a move to address a gender-based wage gap that persists in New Haven and throughout Connecticut,” she added. Six out of every 10 minimum wage workers in Connecticut is female, according to data collected by the National Women’s Law Center. According to data collected by the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW), the minimum wage increase will affect the wages of 126,000 women in Connecticut — 16 percent of the total female workforce in the state — compared to 101,000 men. Teresa Younger, the executive director of PCSW, said one of the key priorities of the organization is increasing the minimum wage as a means for women to get economic security.

Students remember Schell SCHELL FROM PAGE 1 ence professor at Yale and a friend of Schell, said the book cemented Schell’s reputation as the intellectual father of the 1980s antinuclear proliferation movement in Europe and as a strong voice in the debate involving nuclear proliferation on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. “Jonathan Schell was not only my brother, but one of the most elegant and eloquent voice’s of this generation on the important issues of the day,” said Orville Schell, Jonathan’s brother and former Dean of the Journalism School of University of California, Berkeley. “For me, this makes his death a double loss.” After leaving The New Yorker, Schell wrote for a number of other publications, including Newsday, The Nation, Foreign Affairs and Harper’s. In 1998, Schell became the Harold Willens Peace Fellow at the Nation Institute and the Peace and Disarmament Correspondent for The Nation magazine. He taught at Emory, Princeton, New York University, Wesleyan, Harvard and Yale Law School before coming to Yale College as the Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization in 2005. Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor and publisher of The Nation, wrote in a statement on the publication’s website that Schell was unique among America’s public intellectuals in bravely proposing non-military actions in response to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 in a regular column he titled “Letter From Ground Zero.” “It’s a tremendous loss because he was a unique figure who devoted his life and immense energies and unusually brilliant talent in writing and communicating in person the arguments that he believed in so deeply about the cause of peace,” said Charles Hill, a distinguished fellow at the Jackson Institute and a faculty member for the Grand Strategy program. “He was the absolute greatest example of what

intellectual and moral debate at a university should be.” Though Hill said he and Schell often disagreed about the efficacy of non-violence in the face of oppressive regimes, he added that Schell was a gentle debater who never exhibited any animosity when confronted with dissenting ideas. He added that Schell’s constant movement between journalism and academia was a testament to his life as a public intellectual who sought to convey his beliefs through every avenue possible.

He was razor sharp, incredibly kind and his humility was the only thing more inspiring than his incredible experiences. ANIRUDH SIVARAM ’15 Schell was frequently consulted by members of Congress and the media, appearing on television shows such as “The NewsHour” with Jim Lehrer, “The Charlie Rose Show” and “Hardball” with Chris Matthews. “Jonathan, while obviously on the left in certain matters, was truly a civic-republican,” said political science lecturer James Sleeper. “He was a great soul and a wonderful writer.” As a visiting professor at Yale from 2010 to 2013, Schell taught two courses: “Strategic, Political, and Moral Dilemmas of the Nuclear Age” and “Nonviolence and Political Power in the Twentieth Century.” Students described Schell as a generous, enthusiastic and knowledgeable professor. Mitchell Jones ’16, a student in Schell’s course last spring, said the class challenged him to look at the subject of nuclear policy more closely. Anirudh Sivaram ’15, a student in the “Nonviolence” seminar last

spring, said Schell had a remarkable ability to link events across different regions and time periods and explain broader political trends and paradigms. He added that Schell never imposed his strong opinions to the class and encouraged intellectual diversity within the classroom. “I remember someone once mentioned to me that Professor Schell’s greatest strength was his ability to hone in on what mattered amidst all the clutter in background,” Sivaram said. “I really loved interacting with him. He was razor sharp, incredibly kind and his humility was the only thing more inspiring than his incredible experiences. His absence will definitely be felt both at Yale and by general civil society.” Schell also worked with students in Global Zero, a nuclear disarmament group, said Keni Sabath ’16, the organization’s president at Yale. Despite his tough years in the gritty reality of disarmament politics, Schell staunchly maintained his conviction that idealism was vital for the survival of human civilization, she said, adding that Schell was an inspiration to his students. Born in New York, Schell graduated from Harvard with a bachelor’s degree in Far Eastern History in 1965. After studying for a year in Japan, Schell flew to Saigon in the midst of the Vietnam War. According to a Wednesday obituary penned by David Remnick, the editor in chief of The New Yorker on the magazine’s website, Schell obtained a press pass in Saigon under the guise of being a reporter for the Harvard Crimson. Schell is survived by his companion, Irena Gross, three children, his now-separated wife, two siblings and two grandchildren, among other family members. Contact RISHABH BHANDARI at and ADRIAN RODRIGUES at .

January 2016 $9.60 minimum wage

January 2015 $9.15 minimum wage

“In Connecticut, most people who are working minimum wage jobs are women, and a significant portion are women of color,” Younger said. “Those women deserve the right to be economically secure if they’re working full time. One way to do that is increasing the minimum wage.” In Connecticut, for every dollar a man makes, a woman makes on average 78 cents, according to Younger. Senator Terry Gerratana, Democratic Majority Whip and the vice chair of the Labor and Public Employees Committee, said the legislation will make it easier for single mothers to raise children on their own. Although she said further legislation to close the wage gap will not likely be addressed in this legislative session, Gerretana said the gender gap issue is “always on the table” as a priority. A study released by the White House predicts that raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 would close the wage gap by around 5 percent. Younger said it would take more to close the wage gap further, including increasing child care support, making work

January 2017 Minimum wage will be $10.10

places family-friendly with paid leave time and tying the minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) so it adjusts to inflation. Gerretana said her colleagues have discussed tying the minimum wage to the CPI but said “at this time, the governor’s proposal is what we thought was appropriate.” Claire Criscuolo, the owner of Claire’s Corner Copia, said she supports the minimum wage increase. “I think it’s important we create an environment where people can succeed, and they can’t succeed if they can’t pay their mortgage or their telephone bill,” Criscuolo said, who pays employees higher than the minimum wage. “What breaks my heart is people having to live on wages that are impossible to live on.” Criscuolo once gifted six months worth of diapers to one of her female employees, who estimated that diapers cost her $10 a day for one child. She added that being known for supporting her 35 employees has only helped business, and that although raising the minimum wage might make things a little more difficult,

the fact that the increases are spread over three years will make it easier. Even $10 an hour, she said, is often “too low to get by.” PCSW recently contracted researchers to develop a report that could determine what wage is needed to be self-sufficient in Connecticut. The resulting Family Economic Self Sufficiency Standard (FESS) calculated a wage of $10.56 an hour, just above the Governor’s standard. Gerretana said she saw the study and would have also supported a bill with a wage raise to $10.56 as well. In the Quinnipiac poll, 20 percent of respondents voiced support for a minimum wage higher than $10.10 per hour. After the bill’s passage, U.S. Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, who represents New Haven, joined the rest of the state’s House delegation in calling on Congress to increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10 by supporting the Fair Minimum Wage Act. The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25. Contact ABIGAIL BESSLER at .

SOM adds global studies requirement SOM FROM PAGE 1 abroad. While the IE requirement added a global dimension to the SOM curriculum, Jain said the GSR will expand that focus while providing more flexibility and opportunities for students. “The broadening of the curriculum’s IE requirement to the Global Studies Requirement is a recognition by faculty of this expanded opportunity set,” Jain said. “It is intended both to give students greater choice in pursuing global studies and to spur innovation in content and pedagogy with respect to the global dimension of management.”

Management [operates] differently in different places. To operate globally, you need to understand a lot of that nuance. NATHAN NOVEMSKY Professor, School of Management SOM Associate Dean David Bach said the IE requirement was already an important step in developing the school’s mission, and it was implemented at a time when the best way for students to obtain global experience was for faculty to take them on trips. He said that the GSR reflects the fact that SOM can now rely on the global network to achieve the same ends through a variety of means. He cited traveling to the partner schools for a week or interacting with students across the globe through an online course as examples of ways students can fulfill the GSR. SOM professor Fiona Scott Morton, who co-taught one of this year’s Global Network online courses with Snyder, said students will be able to choose how to fulfill the requirement according to their individual interests and backgrounds. For example, foreign students might prefer to stay in the U.S. and take a Global Network online course instead of going abroad, and vice versa, she said. “If I were a student from China, I might feel that my learning about another culture was satisfied by my being in the US,” she said. “While if I were an American from Idaho who went to school in Colorado, I might feel differ-

ently.” Vishal Singh SOM ’14 said he participated in a Global Network Week, during which students from several of the Global Network schools switch places and take classes in the main area of expertise of the school they visit with students from across the globe. This spring the week took place at University College Dublin in Ireland. Singh said he had a meaningful experience, during which he was able to take advantage of UCD’s expertise in digital marketing and participate in a series of company visits. Gerardo Molina SOM ’14 said Global Network Week opens students’ minds to other cultures and perspectives, and allows for many networking opportunities within a short time frame. While Singh said he would recommend the Global Network Week to his fellow students, he added that going abroad may not be the best option for some students because of the difficulties of travel and obtaining a visa. Regardless of the way students choose to fulfill the GSR, Scott Morton said it is very important for the SOM students to learn how to operate in a global environment. Likewise, SOM professor Nathan Novemsky said that the GSR is consistent with the school’s mission of training managers because management is a global enterprise. “Management [operates] differently in different places,” he said. “To operate globally, you need to understand a lot of that nuance.” Stephen Salinas SOM ’14 said replacing the IE with the GSR was a logical move for the SOM. Having a wider choice will encourage students who would not otherwise go abroad to travel, he said, adding that going on the trip for his IE requirement was his favorite experience at the SOM. Jain said he expects many students will go beyond the requirement and pursue more than one option. In the future, SOM may add new global opportunities and options for GSR, Bach said. “Our goal is to become the most global US business school,” he said. “Our job will be working with the SOM faculty and members of the Global Network to make as many exciting opportunities for global engagement available to our students as possible.” The first Global Network Week was held in spring 2013. Contact LAVINIA BORZI at .




“I pay no attention whatever to anybody’s praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings.” WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART AUSTRIAN COMPOSER

School of Music students found new orchestra BY DANA SCHNEIDER STAFF REPORTER Students from the Yale School of Music have formed a new chamber orchestra. The Amadeus Chamber Orchestra, which consists of approximately 25 members, will make its debut this Friday at St. Mary’s Church. Louis Lohraseb MUS ’16, who pioneered the group, said he first though about founding the orchestra after noticing that orchestral chamber works — particularly pieces from the classical and baroque period — were severely underperformed at Yale. He said he created the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra to perform these works and to offer Yale students more performance opportunities. Though other chamber groups on campus, such as the Cantata Profana, have been playing smaller eclectic works, the new group will provide an opportunity for Yale musicians to perform small orchestral chamber works from this underrepresented period, he explained.

Having such a small orchestra makes everyone an integral part of the ensemble. LOUIS LOHRASEB MUS ’16 Founder, Amadeus Chamber Orchestra The largest piece on Friday’s program, Austrian composer Joseph Haydn’s 85th Symphony, requires twenty-five players, whereas most symphony orchestras contain almost one hundred members, Lohraseb explained. He added that larger orchestras such as the Yale Philhar-


Students from the Yale School of Music have formed a new chamber orchestra, the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra. monia cannot perform many classical period pieces because those works do not require many players. The limited orchestration would likely exclude many orchestra members. Several School of Music students interviewed commented that while all musicians have studied Haydn, Mozart and Bach, few perform their chamber works because most conser-

vatory orchestras play music for larger groups. “Having such a small orchestra makes everyone an integral part of the ensemble,” Lohraseb noted, adding that pieces such as Mozart’s 29th Symphony were selected for their bravura. The works feature virtuosic passages that allow musicians to show off their skills, he said. Other classical works that

the orchestra will perform are Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto no. 5, which Lohraseb explained was chosen for its ability to highlight the harpsichord as a powerful solo instrument, and Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola, which he believes shows Mozart at his best. Concertmaster Mélanie Clapiès MUS ’14 said that because the orchestra is not a mandatory

ensemble, all members are participating of their own volition. She added that she appreciates everyone’s excitement for and commitment to the new project. Caitlin Pequignot ’14, who also plays violin in the Yale Symphony Orchestra, emphasized the amount of energy she thinks has emanated from rehearsals, adding that she has enjoyed working with such a wide range of talented

musicians. Lohraseb noted that he hopes the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra will continue with more chamber orchestra concerts next year and potentially branch out into other cities. The ensemble has been rehearsing at the New Haven Lawn Club. Contact DANA SCHNEIDER at .

CEO stresses technology, female empowerment BY NICOLE NG STAFF REPORTER Nowadays women are a powerful and non-minority group, according to Reshma Saujani LAW ’02, the first Indian-American woman to ever run for Congress, and the focus today should be not on sexism but on the elevation of women’s power. Saujani shared her personal story in the Yale Women’s Center’s fourth annual Amy Rossborough Memorial Lecture on Tuesday. She ran for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010, and is also the chief executive officer of Girls Who Code, a non-profit working to close the gender gap in technology. Saujani spoke to an audience of about 25 in Linsly-Chittenden Hall, recounting her experiences running for Congress, working as a public advocate in New York and starting Girls Who Code. She addressed the importance of supporting girls in technology and encouraged women to embrace failure, authenticity and sponsorship. “Women have to be comfortable with failure and rejection. We are not comfortable with rejection,” Saujani said. “Fail fast, fail hard, fall often. Put yourself out there and feel comfortable with it.” The daughter of Indian refugees from Uganda, Saujani faced discrimination as a child in the suburbs of the Midwest; in eighth grade, she was the victim of a racist attack with a tennis racket. But she added that these experiences shaped her and taught her to not be afraid of her own identity.

Saujani described many instances of failure and perseverance. She said she looked up to Hillary Clinton LAW ’73 and aspired to attend Yale Law School, but applied three times and was rejected. After her third rejection, Saujani went to New Haven and knocked on the door of the YLS dean’s office, lobbied for a spot and was ultimately admitted. In 2008, when Saujani worked as the deputy general counsel of Fortress Investment Group, she was inspired by Clinton’s run in the Democratic primary and quit her job to run for the House of Representatives in New York City. She ultimately lost with 19 percent of votes, but Saujani described the experience as “the best 10 months of [her] life.” Though she cried her eyes out on the day after her loss, Saujani said her failure ultimately led to growth. After running, she was asked to be the deputy public advocate of New York City, which put her on the path to founding her own organization in 2012. As deputy public advocate, Saujani noticed the lack of girls in computer science and technology, learning that though young girls are more digitally engaged than boys, they begin to deny their abilities in math and science when they are older. Saujani attributed this phenomenon to a cultural problem — girls don’t think technology today is “cool,” she said, whereas the media reinforces positive images of females in other fields such as law and medicine. “Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are our images of [technology],” Saujani said. “Women

are on the Internet, but we’re not on the other side creating and developing things.” The goal of Girls Who Code is to emphasize the importance of computer science for girls and teach coding, Saujani said, adding that “coding is like reading” and computer science work comprises 80 percent of science and technology jobs in the country. Saujani said the U.S. is “sitting on a lack of innovation,” in comparison to countries like China where 40 percent of children are familiar with computer science. It is also important to encourage girls to pursue technology, because girls may think about practical applications for technology that boys may not, Saujani added. The organization, which was created in 2012, has grown from teaching 20 girls to 3,000. Saujani encouraged girls to both work in the private sector and run for public office. “How are we ever going to make real change?” Saujani said. “We have to continue to say the right thing and push for the right thing, and innovative smart, progressive, thoughtful leaders will get elected. We’re in a dark period right now.” Saujani also said that women must believe in other women to surmount gender issues. She described an experience in 2010 when The New York Times followed her for a day during her congressional race and ended up publishing a 1,800-word story about her shoes, not her policies. Saujani said women will never be themselves if they feel like they must “go on defense every day.” Saujani’s messages resonated

with many members of the audience. Sergio Lopez ’17 said that as a high school student in Silicon Valley, he noticed a lack of girls in computer science, which became even more pronounced at Yale. Annemarie McDaniel ’16 said she appreciated Saujani’s stories on rejection and the worth of trying

even with the risk of failure. Sabrina Rangi ’15 said she has found it difficult at times to identify as a feminist while also embracing femininity at Yale. Saujani’s advice and openness were inspiring, she said. “Through her anecdotes and personality, she wasn’t afraid to

show who she is — I think she’s funny and quirky,” Rangi said. Saujani’s talk was the fourth installment of the Women’s Center’s annual Amy Rossborough Memorial Lecture. Contact NICOLE NG at .


Reshma Saujani LAW ’02, CEO of non-profit GIrls Who Code, spoke on the gender gap in the technology industry.








“I myself eschew all stimulants. I also practically abstain from meat.” NIKOLA TESLA SERBIAN AMERICAN INVENTOR

Mushrooms used as meat enhancer

One dead in shooting HOMICIDE FROM PAGE 1

not understand the use of mushrooms as a meat enhancer if the dish will not be vegetarian or veganfriendly. He added that feels like the move could reduce the quality of the dishes and seems like a shortcut for Yale Dining. “Meat is meat and there is no substitute for it,” Friedlander said. DeSantis said Yale Dining’s intent is not to take meat away from “those who love it.” Rather, he hopes that the mushroom-meat hybrid dishes on the menu will encourage students and faculty to try something new. The total value of mushrooms grown during the 2013 season in the U.S. was $1.11 billion.

but reports of a third shooting victim drew them to a nearby apartment complex on Newhall Street There, they found an assault victim with minor injuries, but investigators have since determined that any connection to the shooting incident is unlikely. Detectives from the department’s Major Crimes Division and Bureau of Identification are still working on the investigation, Hartman said. On Tuesday night, more shots were fired just down the road from the school around 99 Bassett St, but police indicated that this incident was also unrelated to Washington’s homicide. New Haven Public Schools Superintendent Garth Harries ’95 said in a statement that Washington was not enrolled in any of the district’s schools at the time of his death. Washington was a student at Hillhouse High School for some time last year, but did not complete the academic term. “Many in our school community have been impacted deeply by this tragedy,” Harries said in a statement on Tuesday. “This kind of violence is unacceptable for the community and for our students.” Harries added that social workers and grief counselors have been made available to students in schools across the district to provide emotional support to those affected by Monday’s crime. Harries has also enlisted the NHPD’s help to focus police resources around Lincoln-Bassett and the city’s other high schools “to ensure additional safety precautions,” he said in the statement. Rev. William Mathis, a local antiviolence activist and director of anti-violence program Project Longevity, said the effects of this latest homicide have been felt throughout the city. “I grieve because I know that there are many people across our community from all entities who are seeking resolution,” Mathis said. “We all have to be open and available to new paradigms that include the voice of those who are involved.” He added that when students are no longer enrolled in school, they often become at risk for behavior that is not in their long-term best interest. Mathis added that he has not encountered many incidents involving victims who are related to each other over his time working in New Haven. Four of the city’s five 2014 homicides have been linked with street violence or gang activity.


Contact MAREK RAMILO at .


Yale Dining has been incorporating minced mushroom mix into its meat products in an initiative called “The Blendability Project.” MUSHROOMS FROM PAGE 1 “Raising a cow has a lot more impact on the environment than growing mushrooms,” she said. Still, some peer institutions have been hesitant to try out similar procedures in their dining halls. Executive Chef of Princeton Dining Services Robert Harbison said he has not adopted the practice of adding mushrooms to Princeton’s meat dishes because his team is “somewhat purist when it comes to our burger.” But according to DeSantis, other schools have taken note of Yale’s mushroom substitution and the University has spoken about it with representatives from other Ivy League schools at a national food

conference earlier this year. DeSantis also mentioned that the nation seems to be trending in the direction of blending mushrooms, citing The Cheesecake Factory restaurants’ use of mushrooms in turkey burgers and the use of ground grain and vegetables in some of the food corporation Hormel’s burgers. “In two years from now — I can tell you this — it will be very common,” Stewart said. “Yale is on the forefront.” Students interviewed for the most part reacted positively to the mushroom-meat mixtures, though some expressed qualms. Lucas Sin ’15, editor-in-chief of the Yale Epicurean food magazine, said that the move shows Yale Dining is looking out for the community’s

health. But the menu change could be better publicized so that students can be more informed about what they are eating, he said. Sara Cole GRD ’15, a vegan, said she supports the idea of including more healthy alternatives, but noted how meat-eaters might not agree. “[People] might see it as a cheap way to avoid using more high-quality meat and just stuff it with a vegetable,” Cole said. Remer denied that the use of mushrooms was a money-saving endeavor, noting that pricing is similar across ingredients per pound. It is slightly cheaper to use mushrooms in place of ground beef, she said, but it is actually more expensive to use mushrooms in turkey burgers. Nick Friedlander ’17 said he does




“I am a citizen of the world, and also a citizen of Ukraine.” VICTOR PINCHUK UKRANIAN PHILANTHROPIST

Syrian rebels in coastal province

Russia linked to Obama priorities BY JULIE PACE ASSOCIATED PRESS


Residence buildings look by the Mediterranean coastline of the Latakia governorate, Syria, Wednesday. BY ALBERT AJI ASSOCIATED PRESS BADROUSIEH, Syria — Syrian rebels pressed their offensive deeper into the coastal heartland of President Bashar Assad’s Alawite sect on Wednesday, battling government troops backed by warplanes for control of at least two villages in the heavily wooded and mountainous terrain, activists said. Opposition fighters from several conservative and hard-line Islamic groups, including the al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front, launched their assault Friday on the northern stretches of Latakia province along the Turkish frontier. So far, they have seized a border crossing, and also gained control of an outlet to the sea for the first time since Syria’s uprising began three years ago. While modest in terms of territory, those gains have buoyed an armed opposition movement that has suffered a series of recent setbacks on the bat-

tlefield. Over the past month, Assad’s forces, backed by his allies from the Lebanese Hezbollah militant group, have captured towns and villages along Syria’s border with Lebanon, squeezing the flow of rebel fighters and materiel across the frontier. A Latakia-based activist who identified himself as Mohammed Abu al-Hassan said rebels were hoping that the offensive in Latakia would draw more Syrian soldiers to the area, relieving some of the pressure on harried opposition fighters elsewhere in the country. “The thinking is to open a battle that will make the regime rush to fight,” Abu al-Hassan said via Skype. “The regime can’t imagine losing the sea [of Latakia]. They will bring reinforcements, and that will lessen the pressure [elsewhere].” On Wednesday, rebels were battling government troops in the Latakia villages of Qastal Maaf and Nabaain, activists said. Syrian military jets were

conducting airstrikes around to try to push back the opposition fighters, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. “So far, it is attacks and retreats, nothing is certain,” said Abdurrahman. Both villages are south of the Armenian Christian town of Kassab and the nearby border crossing, which rebels seized on Sunday. The Syrian government took a group of reporters Wednesday to the village of Badrousieh, about 15 kilometers south of Kassab and some 3 kilometers from Nabaain. Badrousieh is a picturesque village on a hilltop surrounded by mountains overlooking the sea — a pine wooded area with orange and lemon and olive groves as well. The idyllic scene was broken every few minutes by the roar of outgoing artillery aimed at rebel held areas, followed shortly after by the distant thud as the shells landed.

BRUSSELS — Even as he criticizes Vladimir Putin and imposes sanctions on Russia, President Barack Obama is struggling with the consequences of his own earlier quest for a fresh start between Washington and Moscow. From early in his presidency, Obama has engaged Russia to help achieve some of his key goals, including preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear power and, more recently, solving the war in Syria before it spreads further in the Middle East. Now, he finds that the engagement is limiting how hard he can hit back at Russia without toppling everything else. White House officials insist that the U.S. can’t go back to a business-as-usual relationship with Russia as long as Putin still has control of Crimea, the strategically important peninsula he annexed from Ukraine. Exactly what might be changed is still being debated

inside the West Wing. Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, said Russia’s incursion in Crimea “is causing the countries and people of Europe and the international community and, of course, the United States to reassess what does this mean and what are the implications.” But even as officials warn of curtailed ties with Russia, they’re seeking to insulate Obama’s most pressing foreign policy priorities from any major harm that might result. Examples are plentiful and worrisome: - Russia is part of the international negotiating team working with the U.S. to strike a nuclear deal with Iran. - The Kremlin’s participation is crucial to keeping Syria on track with a plan to rid Damascus of its chemical weapons stockpiles. - Russia also allows the U.S. to use an alternative to a supply route through Pakistan to bring military personnel and equipment out of Afghanistan as the

war there comes to an end. Then there’s the International Space Station and Russia’s agreement to ferry American astronauts to and from it. And the concern, more pointed in Europe but well noted in the U.S., that a deeper rift with Russia could interrupt crucial energy supplies now flowing to European nations. U.S. officials say they’re skeptical Russia would upend any of these partnerships given that its own strategic interests are also at stake. Russia wants access to Iran’s economy, which is now cut off from much of the world by U.S. sanctions. In Syria, Putin sees the chemical weapons deal as a way to stave off a possible American military strike and the ouster of his allies in the Syrian government. American officials say they instead want to cut off cooperation in areas where Russia will suffer more than the U.S. That means stopping joint military operations and canceling trade talks that were eagerly sought by Moscow.




There are three things you can do in a baseball game. You can win, or you can lose, or it can rain. CASEY STENGEL MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL OUTFIELDER

Basketball to go to CIT semis M. BASKETBALL FROM PAGE 12 ond half, [head] coach [James Jones] stressed moving the ball around and [said] we’ll get open shots. Jack [Montague ’16] was great, [forward Greg Kelley ’15] was great, and most importantly, Javier had a career night. We buckled down defensively and pulled out the W.” In the first half, the Lions never found themselves trailing in large part due to their three-point shooting. Columbia made eight three-pointers in the first 20 minutes, while the Bulldogs had just 10 total field goals. After falling behind early, an 8–0 run helped Yale tie the game at 18 apiece, and the Elis responded to a shot from downtown when guard Armani Cotton ’15 grabbed an offensive rebound, made the putback and drew a foul. From that point on, however, Columbia went on a 13–4 run to seize a 34–25 lead at halftime. The Bulldogs hurt themselves by committing nine turnovers. But whatever Jones said to the Elis at halftime worked, because Yale opened the second half on a 12–0 run to erase the deficit and take its first lead of the game. Montague had three points and a pair of assists on threes to key the spurt. One of those baskets came from Duren, giving him three of his 26 second-half points.

We answered the call and got back to playing together as a team in the second half. JUSTIN SEARS ’16 Forward, Men’s basketball team “Coach challenged us at halftime to play ‘Bulldog basketball,’” Duren said. “We weren’t moving the ball on offense as much as we should, and we also had defensive breakdowns. We answered the call and got back to playing together as a team in the second half.” The Lions fought back, with neither team holding a lead bigger than five points the rest of the way. Alex Rosenberg and Maodo Lo, who combined for 10 of Columbia’s 15 threepointers, scored the Lions’ next 11 points of the game to bring them back

Terriers triumph over W. lax W. LACROSSE FROM PAGE 12

going.” Guard Steve Frankoski cut the lead to just one with a three-pointer with just five seconds remaining. Duren responded yet again, calmly sinking both free throws. Columbia’s final desperation heave bounced harmlessly against the backboard as Yale’s victory became official. Yale’s semifinal opponent has not been announced yet, as the CIT waits until the prior round is over before announcing the next set of games. Though the Elis will likely face VMI or the winner of Towson-Murray State, several members of the team said they know where they want to play. “A lot of the guys are hoping for San Diego,” Sears said. “We want to go to Cali for the warm weather. Whatever happens, we’re going to play hard.” The semifinal matchup will be held on Tuesday, April 1. It will be televised on CBS Sports Network.

scored again with eight minutes left to make it 3–0. Finally, the Bulldogs were able to break down the barrier with 4:40 left in the first half when attackman Tess McEvoy ’17 got a pass from Jen DeVito ’14 and shot it past BU’s Caroline Meegan, putting the Elis on the scoreboard before the half. While Yale and BU both had 13 turnovers apiece in the first half, Yale fell behind the Terriers in ground balls, faceoffs, saves and shots on goal. Though the Bulldogs came out lagging behind the Terriers, they improved in the second half, outshooting and outscoring their opponents. Shots in the second half were 12–10 in Yale’s favor, and the Elis were able to capitalize on four of those opportunities while the Terriers finished just three chances. In the second half, BU and Yale traded blows three times, going tit-for-tat until Yale was down 6–4. The Terriers came out with a purpose in the second half, making it 4–1 just 46 seconds in when Morse scored her third goal of the game. Yale responded just over seven minutes later when Daniggelis scored on another assist from DeVito. Five minutes later, Mallory Collins made it 5–2 in BU’s favor but in another three minutes DeVito struck back to make it 5–3. With just over five minutes remaining, Yale was down by three, 6–3. DeVito scored her second goal of the game with 5:06 remaining and McEvoy had a last-ditch effort that brought the score to 6–5 with 24 seconds remaining, but it was not enough to equalize with the Terriers. Throughout the contest, the Bulldogs took slightly more fouls than their opponents with 12 in the first half and 19 in the second half for a total foul balance of 31–24. “We have to start making the team performance more cohesive to break this losing streak,” defender Kate Walker ’16 said. “We have some of the most talented individuals in the league. We’ve seen the defense have outstanding games and we’ve also seen the attack put on a real show in certain games. But in order to win we have to combine both the individual performances and the unit performances.” The Bulldogs completed the first of three games yesterday and will next host Cal State Fullerton at home on Friday followed by Lehigh on Sunday.


Contact ASHTON WACKYM at .


Yale has won three postseason games so far this season, a school record. up by three. Every time the Lions took the lead, however, the Bulldogs responded. Kelley nailed a three with 10:27 left to cut the deficit to one, and after Rosenberg split a pair of free throws, Montague hit a deep bomb to re-take the lead, 48–47. The teams traded buckets until the 4:00 mark, when Columbia’s Cory Ostenkowski made a layup to tie it up at 55. Cotton missed a corner three, but wrestled the offensive rebound away from a Lion player and put it back off the glass for two. At the end of a long Columbia possession, Duren poked the ball away from Rosenberg, took it up the length of the court and finished to extend Yale’s lead to four, an advantage the Bulldogs never relinquished. “[Javier’s play] was phenomenal,” Sears said. “At the end of the regular season, he was coming off his ankle injury and wasn’t the same. [Now] he’s got his swagger back.” Although Yale never trailed again, the last few minutes were fraught with tension. Rosenberg, who led the

Lions in scoring all year, hit two free throws to make it a two-point game with 2:25 left. But Sears, who had 17 points, came through in the clutch, answering by catching the ball on the wing, cutting inside and hitting a layup through contact to draw the foul. After hitting the ensuing shot from the charity stripe, Yale led by five with 2:09 remaining. In the final two minutes, Duren took over for the Bulldogs. He scored nine of Yale’s final 10 points, with none more important than the three points he had with 37 seconds remaining. Clinging to a one point lead, Duren was fouled and made his first shot. Though he missed his second, the rebound caromed off the back of the rim. Duren came down with the ball and was promptly fouled, and his next two free throw shots were pure. “I don’t think it was necessarily a scoring mentality,” Duren said. “I wanted to be more aggressive and the way they were playing defense, it was easy to make the right decisions. Fortunately, I got on a roll and kept it

Baseball to open conference slate

Elis to face Columbia, Penn



entire year. “[Cerfolio] was definitely the best pitcher for us historically,” captain Cale Hanson ’14 said. “He’s an awesome leader, just a great presence on the mound … We wish we could have him as a leader on the field, but we’ll be alright. We’ll still have him in the dugout. He’ll still be making an impact on the team.” Of the five Yale starters that are healthy, the team has not yet decided who will throw in what game, Toups said. Yale’s games against Penn will take place on Saturday, the only time that the Elis will play the Quakers because the two teams are in different Ivy subdivisions. Though Penn finished seventh in the Ivy League last season, its experienced pitching staff has already earned success this season and could prove difficult to conquer. Penn returned its entire starting rotation from 2013, including ace Dan Gautieri, whose 2.17 ERA in nine starts was sixth best in the Ancient Eight last year. Freshman pitcher Jack Hartman adds another strong arm with a 1.80 ERA through four appearances this season. On the offensive side, the Quakers were third in the Ivy League in both batting average and runs last year, but suffered a major loss this year as right fielder Ryan Deitrich transferred to Duke this season. Deitrich led the league with a .382 average, and currently no starter on Penn’s roster has a batting average above .300. By contrast, the Elis have four starters over the .300 mark so far this season. Regardless of what any statistics indicate, Toups said that no team in the Ivy League can ever be overlooked. “We’re expecting a challenge,” Toups said. “Everyone competes in the Ivy League, so teams are pretty solid year to year.” A day after the matchup in Philadelphia, Yale will travel north to face Columbia, the defending Ivy League champion and another team that will only meet up with Yale once this season. The Bulldogs narrowly lost both games of this doubleheader at home

Hall Pirates, with Yale winning 5–2 and Penn winning 6–0. Against Butler, the Bulldogs pulled out a 4–2 win while the Quakers fell 3–1. “The games we have played thus far have been positive in many respects, and we’ve certainly shown that we have all of the pieces necessary to win games in the Ivy [League],” catcher Sarah Onorato ’15 said. “The key now will be to put all of those aspects — the hitting, fielding, and pitching — together, and we should have a lot of success in the conference.” Penn is buoyed by outfielder Sydney Turchin, who leads the team with a 0.349 batting average for players with more than 20 at-bats, followed closely by pitcher Alexis Sargent, who is batting 0.345. Sargent, who has appeared in seven games on the mound, anchors the Penn pitching staff with a 1.40 earned run average. Pitcher Alexis Borden has shouldered most of the workload for the Quakers’ pitchers, leading the team with seven starts and 43.1 innings pitched. The Bulldogs will then travel to Columbia (9–9, 0–0), a team that finished 8–12 in the conference last season with 2–1 and 7–2 wins over Yale. The Lions finished last season with one of the top pitching staffs in the Ivy League with a team earned run average ranked second to Princeton at 2.76. Columbia’s top pitcher from last year, Emily Kenyon, has returned and currently has a 2.83

earned run average through 29.2 innings pitched. Pitcher Brooke Darling leads the staff with 44.2 innings pitched over nine appearances, though her earned run average is a higher 5.01. Columbia’s lineup is led by infielder Emily Snodgrass, whose 0.385 batting average leads the team for players with more than 40 at-bats. Yale will look to captain and outfielder Tori Balta ’14, who currently leads the team with a 0.360 batting average, to anchor the offense this weekend. “We have been preparing and practicing hard all year in preparation for conference play by working hard defensively and offensively,” Balta said. “Additionally, we have worked on executing when called upon in various situations.” The Elis also hope that defending Ivy League Player of the Year Onorato, currently second on the team with a 0.275 batting average, will regain her form from last year, when she led the league with a 0.430 batting average. In the circle, the Bulldogs will turn to pitcher Lindsay Efflandt ’17, who leads the staff with a 2.19 earned run average and is second on the team with 32.0 innings pitched. Yale will also rely on pitcher Chelsey Dunham ’14, who has worked 32.2 innings this year with a 4.29 earned run average. The Bulldogs have lost their last six games. Contact ASHLEY WU at .


The baseball team is off to a 7–9 start to its season. last season, largely because the Lions held them to a combined three runs over the two games. It remains unknown what pitchers Yale will face against Columbia. But because Brown, the team playing Columbia on Saturday, is a weaker opponent, it is possible the Lions will throw the same two pitchers on Sunday that the Elis faced last year. Those two pitchers, aces David Speer and Joey Denino, went 6–3 and 7–0, respectively, in 2013. Their win totals were both among the top five in the Ivy League last year. “What will be important is just put-

ting good swings on balls,” Toups said. “Not chasing and staying with our offensive approach.” Offensively, the Lions have suffered from the graduation of last year’s leading hitter Alex Black, but have seen strong opening performances from several players. Middle infielder Jordan Serena is currently batting .358 in the 16 games he has played. Weather forecasts predict temperatures in the high 40s for the weekend. Both doubleheaders will begin at noon. Contact GREG CAMERON at .


The softball team opened the season with a 3–13 nonconference record.




TODAY’S FORECAST Mostly cloudy, with a high near 40. Wind becoming southwest between 7 and 10 mph.



High of 53, low of 38.

High of 50, low of 34.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, MARCH 27 3:00 p.m. Poynter: Conversation with Sarah Stillman. Join for a discussion about the process of turning complex legal issues into readable narratives, using examples from three recent investigations for The New Yorker. Talk led by Shelia Nevins, a staff writer at The New Yorker and a visiting scholar at NYU’s Journalism Institute. Yale Law School (127 Wall St.), Rm. 124. 4:00 p.m. Bernstein International Human Rights Symposium: “The Future of Dissent.” This discussion will draw out contrasts between what being a dissident used to mean and what it will mean with new politics, new geography and new technology. Scholars will join activists in exploring the role of human rights language in the future of dissent. Sterling Law Buildings (127 Wall St.), Rm. 129.


5:30 p.m. Film Screening: “Shoot the Moon” (1962), “Fat Feet” (1966) and “Tappy Toes” (1969). These highly autographic films, produced by Ruckus Studios and inspired by the creative forces of Red Grooms and Mimi Gross, have influenced generations of artists and filmmakers. Followed by a conversation between YUAG Director Jock Reynolds and artist Mimi Gross. Yale University Art Gallery (1111 Chapel St.).

FRIDAY, MARCH 28 4:30 p.m. Physics Club: “The Birth, Care, and Feeding of Cat States in Circuit QED: Quantum Jumps of Photon Parity.” Dr. Robert Schoelkopf, the Sterling Professor of Applied Physics and Physics, will discuss the progress made in the last decade and a half on quantum information systems. Tea will be served at 4 p.m. in the Sloane Physics Laboratory Third Floor Lounge. Sloane Physics Laboratory (217 Prospect St.), Rm. 57.


SATURDAY, MARCH 29 2:00 p.m. Film Screening: “August.” At the turn of the century in North Wales, a peaceful country household is turned upside down by the arrival of a London couple. This 1996 film is based on the play “Uncle Vanya” by Anton Chekhov. Yale Center for British Art (1080 Chapel St.).

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To visit us in person 202 York St. New Haven, Conn. (Opposite JE) FOR RELEASE MARCH 27, 2014

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Gp. co-founded by Victor Herbert 6 Bonkers 10 Harbinger 14 Cheri of “Scary Movie” 15 “... __ the dreadful thunder / Doth rend the region”: “Hamlet” 16 Gossipy Barrett 17 Specific gravity 20 Vietnamese observance 21 Hitch 22 Vintage cars 23 Onetime Kenny G label 25 Play with robots 26 Linebacker Manti __, 2012 Heisman Trophy finalist 29 Publicly traded investment company with a limited number of shares 33 Wagner works 34 Do a hitch in the military 35 Put away 38 Dove competitor 40 Slangy turnarounds 41 Settings for Manet 43 Finished a flighttraining requirement 45 Mad man? 48 Agnus __ 49 Auction ending? 50 Take out 53 1977 medical novel 55 Time of jour 57 Baa maid? 58 Classic children’s novel, and what to look for in this puzzle’s three other longest answers 62 __ of Sandwich 63 “This can’t be happening!” 64 Script parts 65 Additionally 66 E or G, e.g. 67 A bit daft

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By Pancho Harrison

DOWN 1 Angiogram image 2 Take the helm 3 Irish musical ensemble __ Woman 4 Altar constellation 5 Road trip refresher 6 __ lamp 7 Universal donor’s type, briefly 8 Food fish 9 Successful squeeze play result 10 “... __ they say” 11 What humidity measures 12 Forest friend of Frodo 13 Dissenting vote 18 “Hold your horses, I’m coming” 19 Unhip types 24 Like right-lane traffic, usually 25 Goodwill store transaction 27 Green condition? 28 Laudatory verses 30 Helpful tip for a puzzle solver?

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved


9 4

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31 “Behind the Candelabra” co-star 32 Like the Middle Ages 35 Large quantity 36 Account 37 Company bigwigs 39 “Get it, daddy-o?” 42 Note next to a red F, maybe 44 Green shade 46 Church VIP


47 “You __ worry” 51 “Rockin’ Robin” chorus word 52 Itty 54 Peace Prize city 55 On its way 56 Platte River tribe 58 Leaves in a bag 59 Kubrick’s out-ofcontrol computer 60 Sigma preceder 61 2016 Olympics host


7 2 6 8 5 9

8 1 3 4 1 7 4

2 7 8 9 5 5 1 6

6 5 3 2 6 9 3 8





La Casa

n this first of four installments looking into each of Yale’s cultural houses, STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ALEXANDRA SCHMELING explores La Casa, the Latino/a cultural house on campus. The house is located at 301 Crown Street, where celebrations and mixers with Latino/a faculty and alumni are hosted. La Casa spreads Latino/a culture to the campus beyond, with events such as a Quinceañera in the Ezra Stiles dining hall. La Casa uses its network of Latino/a alumni and faculty to support current Latino/a students. Captions contributed by Alicia Ponce Diaz ’15 and Sebastián Pérez GRD ’18.



Quinceañera is a staple celebration of a young lady’s fifteenth birthday in the Latino/a and Latin American community to mark her transition into womanhood.

A Posada is typically a nine-day Christmas tradition celebrated in several Latin American countries that reenacts Joseph and Mary’s search for lodging before the birth of Jesus. Emulating the traditions of these countries and recognizing their unique practices of celebrating the Christmas season, our Posada packs the festivities into one joyful night full of singing, eating tamales and other goodies, and bashing piñatas full of candy!

Alumni fought very hard for this space and we do our best to care for it so that it continues to be a vibrant, welcoming space for all. Dean Garcia

La Casa Cultural Director



“The Latina in me is an ember that blazes forever.” SONIA SOTOMAYOR SUPREME COURT JUSTICE

I found my voice and confidence at La Casa. With such a supportive and welcoming Dean and community, La Casa gave me the courage to develop my passions and grow as a leader when I didn’t feel too sure about myself. La Casa truly is a home for so many of us at Yale. Whether you are Latino/a or not, the center welcomes all with open arms, and provides a familial sense of community. There is no one way to be Latino/a, and the La Casa community affirms that with the diverse individuals that we are comprised of. Sit in on any group meeting, attend an event, or just stop by the center to relax or study and you will feel the warmth that La Casa brings to so many students on our campus.

William Genova ’15

La Casa Student Coordinator

El Dia de los Muertos (The Day of Dead) commemorates the passing of deceased family members and friends through prayer and family gatherings, highlighted by the building of altars to remember and honor the dead... This year, our event honored the thousands of migrants who have died crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in hopes of achieving the American dream.

A proud force in the Yale Spoken Word community since 2007, ¡Oyé! was founded as Yale’s only Latino word group. Now a diverse group made up of poets from myriad backgrounds, ¡Oyé! members aim to speak to their unique experiences in various communities for fellow students to relate to, question, or simply experience.


¡Oyé! President


NBA Phoenix 99 Washington 93

NBA Char. 116 (OT) Brooklyn 111


POSTPONEMENT/CANCELLATION BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL The Yale baseball and softball games scheduled for yesterday were cancelled and postposed, respectively. The baseball team was to face Quinnipiac, while the softball team was to take on Fairfield in a doubleheader.

NCAAM (CIT) VMI 92 Ohio 90


EPL West Ham 2 Hull City 1

EPL Liverpool 2 Sunderland 1


BRIAN HOGAN ’16 MEN’S SWIMMING AND DIVING TEAM The sophomore will be Yale’s lone male swimmer at the NCAA Championships, which will begin March 27 in Austin, Tex. Hogan will represent the Bulldogs in the 200, 500 and 1650-yard freestyle events.

“We have to start making the team performance more cohesive to break this losing streak.” KATE WALKER ’16 WOMEN’S LACROSSE YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014 ·

Yale declaws Lions MEN’S BASKETBALL

Softball starts conference play


The softball team will face off against Penn and Columbia on the road this weekend. BY ASHLEY WU STAFF REPORTER


The men’s basketball team defeated Columbia 72–69 in the quarterfinals of the CIT. BY GRANT BRONSDON STAFF REPORTER Neither postseason basketball nor the Tournament are familiar sights for the Yale men’s basketball team. But in the quarterfinals, the Bulldogs met a familiar foe in Ivy rival Columbia — and thanks to a heroic second-half effort from point

guard Javier Duren ’15, Yale emerged with a 72–69 win to advance to the CIT semifinals. Though Yale and Columbia met twice in the regular season, with each team winning at its own home court, the Bulldogs played the second game without Duren, the team’s secondleading scorer. He had a sensational night against the Lions, putting up a

career-high 33 points to go along with nine rebounds, including seven points to ice the game in the last 37 seconds. “Tonight’s game was a tough matchup,” forward Justin Sears ’16 said. “Both teams were familiar with each other. We started off slow and we turned the ball over a lot. In the secSEE MEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 8

Conference play is fast approaching for the softball team, which will open its Ivy League slate at Penn this Friday before traveling to Columbia on Saturday for a pair of doubleheaders.

SOFTBALL Yale (3–13, 0–0 Ivy) will be looking to improve on its 5–15 finish in the Ancient Eight last season. The Bulldogs will begin their quest against Penn

Baseball opens Ivy season at Penn BY GREG CAMERON STAFF REPORTER This time last year, the Bulldogs had slumped to a 1–12 record. But a lot has changed in a year, and the surging Yale baseball team (7–9, 0–0 Ivy) has had its best start to a season in three years. But it remains to be seen whether the Bulldogs can best last year’s 10–10 record in the Ivy League, the real focus of the season each year. Yale will kick off Ivy League

play against Penn (5–10, 0–0) and defending Ivy champion Columbia (5–12, 0–0) this weekend for a pair of doubleheaders. The four-game weekend is the first of five that make up Yale’s compact conference season.

BASEBALL “We have some momentum and a lot of confidence. We know how we’re capable of playing,” infielder David Toups ’15 said. “But none of the games in Florida

matter now at this point in the season. We have to focus on every Ivy League game that we have.” Yale will be playing this weekend in the wake of unfortunate medical news that starting pitcher Rob Cerfolio ’14 received on Monday. Dr. James Andrews confirmed during an appointment in Florida that Cerfolio has a mild tear in his ulnar collateral ligament. Andrews decided that currently the tear currently does not require Tommy John surgery,

but instead an enriched plasma injection, according to Cerfolio. Andrews, an orthopedic surgeon, has performed surgery on athletes such as Tom Brady, Roger Clemens and Michael Jordan. Cerfolio, who led the Elis with eight starts last season and was drafted in the 34th round of the MLB draft by the Los Angeles Dodgers last year, said that the treatment will likely put him out for the regular season, if not the

(4–9, 0–0), the defending Ivy League champion that qualified for the NCAA Softball Championship last season. The Quakers finished last season at 16–4 in the Ivy League, defeating Yale 7–0 and 9–0 (in six innings). Earlier this spring, both Yale and Penn traveled to Florida and participated in tournaments hosted by the University of South Florida. The Elis and Quakers faced a similar slate of opponents that included Seton Hall and Butler. Both teams recorded wins against the Seton SEE SOFTBALL PAGE 8

Bulldogs put down by Terriers



The Yale women’s lacrosse team fell to the B.U. Terriers 6–5 on the road yesterday. BY ASHTON WACKYM STAFF REPORTER A quick start for the BU Terriers put the Bulldogs in a hole early in yesterday’s matchup between the women’s lacrosse teams, and Yale could not recover.



The baseball team will travel to take on Penn and Columbia this weekend.


The Bulldogs (5–3, 1–2 Ivy) dropped their third straight game yesterday against Boston University (4–5, 3–0 Patriot League) by a score of 6–5 at Nickerson Field. The first three goals came from the Terriers and put Yale down by three with eight minutes remaining in the first half. “I think today the defense played an amazing game,” attacker Nicole Daniggelis ’16 said. “We struggled on offense and just really need to get back to how we were playing in the begining of the season.” Just 7:27 into the first half, BU attacker Elizabeth Morse fired a shot past Erin McMullan ’14. Ally Adams followed with another goal six minutes later to make it 2–0, and Morse SEE WOMEN’S LACROSSE PAGE 8

POINTS PER MINUTE SCORED BY ELI GUARD JAVIER DUREN ’15 IN YALE’S 72–69 CIT QUARTERFINAL VICTORY OVER COLUMBIA. The junior scored 33 points in 33 minutes to lead the Bulldogs to a come from behind victory over the Lions.

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