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Universal application system introduced across city





SOM offers foundational classes

Yale after dark. A recent Huffington Post College piece posed the question that probably keeps college students nationwide awake at night: “Are Ivy League ‘nerds’ having better sex than the rest of the country?” In the remainder of the piece, sex columnist Margot Harris from Brown argues that nerds are more sensitive and so probably more attentive to the needs of their partner.

This is not a case study!

Ironically, multiple participants in the Global Health Case Competition ended up sick this week with fever, nausea and a variety of other symptoms. “If you develop a similar illness in the next couple days please let us know too so we can try to figure out if this is a larger problem and, if so, try to figure out the culprit exposure and coordinate with Student Health if necessary,” an email blast read to the group of public health students. Covergirl. Recent Yale School

of Drama graduate Lupita Nyong’o DRA ’12 has been leaving a trail of newsstands in her wake on her path to the Oscars. This week, she was featured on Entertainment Weekly with fellow frontrunner Cate Blanchett. Last week, she was photographed for the front page of New York Magazine. Nyong’o was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role in “12 Years a Slave.” The best of Times, the worst of Times. For one extra dollar, you

can now get the same dining hall news without the actual paper product! The New York Times is offering a discounted online subscription rate for students, which is 99 cents for the first four weeks.

STEM kids get all the attention. This week marks

Engineer’s Week at the Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science. Events include a project expo for undergraduates, a career panel and a talk on the “Future of Energy.”


1968 Police arrest three teenagers in the basement of Morse by trapping them there. The officer locked the three in a room until other police backup arrived, proving Morse’s utility for both housing and imprisonment. Submit tips to Cross Campus


New student group considers integrative methods PAGE 5 NEWS

Peers discuss faculty senate BY ADRIAN RODRIGUES STAFF REPORTER

The initiative is currently supported by internal funds, but SOM is seeking outside donor funding to expand it, Jain added. “The underlying idea [is to] make SOM the most deeply connected business school with the rest of its university,” he said, adding that SOM Dean Edward Snyder has aspired to this vision throughout his tenure. Graduate students from the wider University can already access

Two months after faculty members tasked University President Peter Salovey with appointing a committee to design a faculty senate, professors from across the country are offering words of advice — and words of caution. Last semester, Yale’s Faculty Input Committee, which was convened by Salovey and University Provost Benjamin Polak to evaluate faculty governance at the University, brought forth the idea of a faculty senate to faculty members. After faculty members voted on Dec. 9 to create Yale’s first faculty senate, Salovey agreed to appoint a committee preparing the structure, staffing and rules of the new governing body. In a Feb. 11 email to members of the Yale College faculty, Salovey named the membership of the 11-person Ad Hoc Committee for Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) Senate Planning, which will research the operations of faculty senates at Yale’s peer institutions. “The committee will consider the organization, processes and procedures in place at other universities that have faculty senates and use this research to inform its recommendations,” Salovey said in the email. The 18-page report published Nov. 18 from the original Faculty Input Commit-



From High Street to Wall Street. The recently released

book “Young Money” by Kevin Roose, which explores the lives of new Wall Street bank employees, has quite a bit to say about Yale. Surprised? The author apparently crashed the annual fall Goldman Sachs recruiting session at the Omni Hotel to find “several dozen nervous-looking Yalies picking at lukewarm sesame chicken strips, cheese puff pastries and beef skewers.” The author later meets a student who says the draw of Wall Street for his peers mostly taps into their fears and insecurities.



Students across Yale’s graduate and professional schools can take of advantage of new courses at SOM. BY LAVINIA BORZI STAFF REPORTER As part of its mission to better integrate with the rest of the University, the Yale School of Management plans to offer a series of foundational courses for non-SOM students from Yale’s graduate and professional schools. The effort to implement these foundational courses was launched last fall, with SOM professor Rick Antle’s “Foundations of Accounting” course. Though that course

was initially intended for students at the School of Public Health, SOM Associate Associate Dean Anjani Jain said the course attracted students across Yale’s professional and graduate schools. After the success of “Foundations of Accounting,” Antle and the SOM deans decided to offer the course again in the spring. Next year, Jain said SOM hopes to offer a few more of these introductory courses for graduate students, in areas such as entrepreneurship, marketing and operations.

Lizarribar to lead FSY

Antiviolence group formed



When former Calhoun College Dean Leslie Woodard died last semester, she was celebrated as a writer, dancer and educator — and also as a pioneer of Yale’s milestone summer bridge program for low-income and first-generation freshmen. Since Woodard’s death, Yale College Dean Mary Miller has appointed Ezra Stiles College Dean Camille Lizarribar as the new dean of the Freshman Scholars at Yale (FSY) Program. FSY, which began as a pilot program last summer, invites approximately 30 incoming students to campus over the summer for five weeks of instruction, including a course of English 114 as well as structured science and math tutoring. Despite the change in leadership, Miller said no changes are in the works for the program this summer, with the exception of the development of online precalculus modules under the direction of mathematics professor Jim Rolf. “We would like to have the program be as consistent as it can be with the program of last summer,” Miller said. Lizarribar was appointed the dean of Ezra Stiles in 2010, before which she served as an adjunct professor in the Directed Studies program and as a research associate at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. Though she could not be reached for comment Wednesday, colleagues and students described her as a great fit for the role of FSY dean. Pointing to Lizarribar’s educational trajectory — which moved from an undergraduate degree from Brandeis University to a doctorate in comparative literature and a law degree, both from Harvard University — Miller said Lizarribar envisions a broad array of opportunities for students. Students in Ezra Stiles unanimously praised Lizarribar’s accessibility as a dean, noting that they feel her door

Following a roundtable discussion led by U.S. senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73 on the issue of street violence in New Haven, a group of the city’s activists have banded together to help turn words into legislative action. On Feb. 7, Murphy and Blumenthal gathered at the Elk’s Lodge on Webster St. to hear from local residents about ongoing efforts to curb gang activity that continues to plague the Elm City. Also in attendance were New Haven Police Department Chief Dean Esserman and New Haven Public Schools Superintendent Garth Harries ’95. Five days later, the newly formed Coalition of Anti-Violence Stakeholders held a press conference to announce how it plans to help push legislation to tighten gun control and improve public safety. “We want to be very clear that this is about community and about organizations coming together to say that we’re tired of the violence,” said William Mathis, one of the coalition’s members. “We were very tired of people coming and talking, but nothing seems to change. If you’re serious about doing x, y and z, we’ve listed some serious items that could happen.” The coalition published a “Call to Action” document before the press conference, describing these items and laying out a vision for the group’s future. Gov. Dannel Malloy, Mayor Toni Harp, state legislators and Esserman are among the high-level public officers that were given specific recommendations. The document calls upon these officials to leverage their political connections to facilitate a number of measures the group believes will successfully reduce gun violence in the city and state. In an appeal to those on the state level, for instance, the group suggests using influence within the U.S. Department of Justice and the Bureau of Alco-


Former Calhoun College Dean Leslie Woodard helped pioneered Yale’s Freshman Scholars at Yale Program. is always open for problems large and small. “Between her aqua blue office, ready-draw tissues and adorable new puppy, she’s someone you can always go to,” Grace Hirshorn ’15 said. Phil Wilkinson ’17 said Lizarribar, a single mother to two young sons, treats every student in Ezra Stiles as her own child. The dean demonstrates her warmth with small gestures such as a willingness to let students into her apartment, he said. According to Sophie Janaskie ’15, Lizarribar’s approachability as the Ezra Stiles dean makes her extremely qualified to lead FSY. Wilkinson said Lizarribar is especially fit for the deanship of FSY because she is sensitive to Yale’s place in the world and to the socioeconomic context in which the University is situated. SEE SCHOLARS PAGE 4

hol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to intensify efforts to eliminate firearm suppliers, rather than cracking down on gun owners. “We would gather information and data and input from community — including organizations, individuals, etc., all across our community — and that information would be compiled to inform and to help draft legislation,” Mathis said.

This is about community and about organizations coming together to say that we’re tired of the violence. WILLIAM MATHIS Member, Coalition of Anti-Violence Stakeholders He added that the scope of the coalition’s mission extends beyond Connecticut, seeking to affect federal policy on relevant issues. In order to gain support for its grander objectives, the group has called upon others like Sandy Hook Promise to gain legitimacy in the gun control realm. This month’s roundtable discussion was a prime opportunity for the coalition to announce its presence, Mathis said, because the senators have long fought for reformed firearm policy, but these policies have still not come to full fruition. “Gun violence continues to take a devastating, deadly toll in New Haven and around Connecticut. It affects all communities across the country, but the Congress still has failed to give us common sense, sensible measures to help stop it,” Blumenthal wrote in an email to the News. A press release from Murphy’s office lists the specific causes supported by SEE GUN VIOLENCE PAGE 6




.COMMENT “Yale has a soul, also known as academic freedom. ”

Self-care isn’t radical


Class and the class gift O

nce a year, Yale officially engages the College community in a conversation about money: when it campaigns for the Senior Class Gift. I had high hopes for this year’s conversation, given how President Salovey has inaugurated class sensitivity as a major theme of his presidency. As a FroCo, I was at the freshman assembly in August where he named socioeconomic status as “one of the last taboos among Yale students.” He exhorted us to be sensitive to our peers when we have “uncomfortable conversations” about money and to remember that these conversations “represent opportunities for true understanding and true friendship with classmates whose families are far different from your own.” He also recently emailed the transcript of this speech to the entire Yale community. As the clock runs out on the Senior Class Gift, “uncomfortable conversations” will be happening aplenty. I’d like to think they’ll be open and sensitive, opportunities for true understanding and friendship, but I’m skeptical. The beer tasting Branford held was great, and the co-chairs I’ve spoken with have been perfectly tactful, but the published advertisements I’ve seen for the Class Gift have led me almost to despair. Our public conversation has at times been crude. Yesterday my Facebook newsfeed filled with posts by friends and campaign volunteers urging seniors to donate. Many quoted from an op-ed in the News about “cultivating gratitude,” usually with this excerpt: “I challenge any senior to argue that Yale has not done him or her at least $5 worth of good.” I concede that challenge. In fact, I would argue that Yale has done me at least $200,000 worth of good; If I had ever thought I was getting $5 worth, I would have withdrawn. But Yale has already billed me for that: Every senior has paid in full, one way or another. Though the cost may have been forgettable for some, others are still reminded of it by their campus jobs or student loans. Before we preach gratitude in such company, let’s remember how much has already been sacrificed. The Senior Class Gift’s official campaign materials have been similarly blind to class.

Its website describes the Nathan Hale Associates program, which claims to recognize precisely those donors whose “leadership serves to inspire the efforts of all at Yale to provide the very best opportunities in higher education.” Who are these paragons of beneficence? Any senior who gives $100 to the gift. I, for one, am not inspired by anyone’s access to wealth. Especially not in college, when that access is unlikely earned. If you aren’t yet convinced that Yale is celebrating socioeconomic privilege, you must not know how these “Leadership Donors” are rewarded: with a private reception at Chanel’s New York headquarters, co-hosted by its CEO and that of Gilt Groupe. Some tactless text on a webpage is forgivable — who knows who had to write it. But an exclusive party for these leaders, hosted by an institution and alumni who have made it their business to sell status symbols, is unforgettable. It is a wonderful and unique thing about Yale that almost every senior donates to the gift, even those here on financial aid. That’s solid evidence that the University, the campaign and its volunteers are getting a whole lot right. I gave despite my reservations. But very intentionally I gave less than $100, and it left me feeling slimy anyway. I want a gift campaign that I can love. At its best, I imagine it could be purely forward-looking: an affirmation of our shared hope for Yale and our intent to maintain a relationship with the University. I’m heartened to see that the campaign has said the same, in other materials. But that’s doublespeak as long as it willfully celebrates class advantage, and as long as its volunteers suggest that we still owe a token of our gratitude. We’ve already given much more than tokens. The gift is instead a chance to demonstrate a new commitment, to generosity. As President Salovey said, we have a class problem. Campus culture can be slow to change, but fundraising policy need not. And in the meantime, for our part, we can remember to focus not on our history or debt, but on the gestures we could make to commit ourselves to the future. AARON LEWIS is a senior in Branford College. Contact him at .

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recently boasted to some friends that I had slept in until noon one Friday morning; this was a new achievement for me, having spent my formative years waking up before seven. Instead of congratulations, though, they offered the assurance that “my life is a joke.” Despite their obvious humor — and a definite tinge of envy — the response belied a serious set of attitudes held on campus about our work ethic and sleep schedules. A twelve-hour night of sleep easily equates to laziness, a too-light workload or some other deficiency of ambition. Yalies pride ourselves on our ability to juggle academic and extracurricular commitments of all sorts, but we habitually put them ahead of our personal wellbeing. Not that this is a characteristic in any way unique to Yale: It’s a habit we picked up in high school, around the time we traded a full night’s sleep for our first cups of coffee. College officially cements the dichotomy between academic success and personal well-being. Most students don’t function or feel their best on minimal sleep, heightened anxiety and

greasy snacks from a college buttery — that’s a basic fact of health, and a conclusion I’ve drawn from CAROLINE the glazedover eyes of POSNER sleepy lecture attendees. Out of Line Still, we voluntarily sacrifice our health in hopes that our efforts will pay off with better grades, wider campus involvement and stronger social lives. Society gives us a formula for achievement in college: Less sleep plus more work equals more success. This equation is false, though, because it fails to factor in the qualitative side of success: satisfaction, mental health and physical well-being. I’ll sacrifice study for sleep, take frequent Netflix breaks and maintain a stress-averse attitude. These habits are indicative not of laziness, but rather a different set of priorities — one which puts personal well-being first. Students tend to devalue the relationship between our

wellbeing and sense of accomplishment. The reality is that our self-image, and thus perception of our own success, is largely shaped by moods and attitudes reliant on our physical and emotional health. It seems intuitive to me, then, that our wellbeing needs to take precedence over external metrics of personal value. Many advocates call this radical self-care, but it’s not radical at all. Activist Audra Lorde put it perfectly when she wrote, “Caring for myself is not selfindulgence, it is self-preservation.” Why, then, are we so hesitant to practice self-care? Besides a cultural paradigm that undervalues health, there’s also the false association of self-care with selfishness. Prioritizing our own wellbeing takes some agency — in particular, learning to say no to unwanted responsibilities and obligations — that society is quick to label selfish and indulgent. It’s easy to forgive someone for missing a class or a meeting due to an obvious physical impediment, like a stubborn cold or bad injury. Less visible challenges, particularly mental ill-

ness and other emotional concerns, merit care and attention as well. But social taboos and personal suffering make it hard to explain these challenges, and time off from commitments to rest our minds can appear unjustified from the view of another individual. Let me be clear, though: Mental illness and emotional suffering, including excessive stress, deserve as much care and attention as physical illness. Sometimes, you deserve time off just because you feel you need it. No justification necessary. For a week, try making yourself — particularly your health and emotional wellbeing — your first priority. Say “no” more often. Give your body a break. Sleep an extra hour or two per night. Exercise. Eat well. Do something you loved back when you felt you had time for mindless hobbies. Treat yourself mindfully, and see how it makes you feel. It doesn’t mean that you’re putting success aside; it means redefining your metrics for achievement. CAROLINE POSNER is a freshman in Berkeley College. Her columns run on Thursdays. Contact her at .

Working for validation W

e all are born with an inherent desire for validation. This trait, though more prevalent in some of us than others, could be recognized in ourselves and in our peers from the very beginning. When we were babies, we would get excited by a new toy or game and immediately look to our parents for them to substantiate this delight. We were incentivized to learn to crawl and then to walk by their incessant coos of praise. As we grew older we learned to seek more tangible vehicles of validation — ribbons and medals from sports games, report cards and academic certificates of achievement — not just from our parents but from other respected authorities in our lives. These sources of validation, though they may change shape, remain persistent throughout our entire lives. When I was in the eleventh grade, my family moved cities and so I made the move to a new high school. The high school I came from was as progressive as they come — we called our teachers by their first names, didn’t have AP classes and our only dress code was that we couldn’t expose our undergarments and had to wear shoes at all times. The school I moved to was a much more conservative all-girls school with honors and AP classes and a uniform involving a polo and pleated skirt. During my second semester at my new school, I learned that

they had a ceremony every spring that celebrated the girls who were cum laude, a practice with which I was entirely unfaALLY miliar. The DANIELS girls whose grades landed Taking the them at the top 10 percent Back Ally of the class walked across the stage one day in assembly, shook our headmistress’s hand, received a certificate and became inducted into the cum laude society. People had very opposing views on this custom. Having not yet completed three full semesters at this new school, I was not eligible to receive the honor and thus was left in an unbiased position — I wasn’t bitterly against it because I didn’t receive it and I wasn’t excitedly supportive of it because I did. But still, I felt unsettled by the cum laude tradition. The school I came from would never have even thought to rank its students, nonetheless wave their achievements in front of the rest of the school. I couldn’t understand the desire to flaunt before all of the students that also worked incredibly hard and I know so many other students shared this discomfort.

And yet, entry into the cum laude society remained an incredibly sought-after source of validation. My math teacher compared the celebration of cum laude students with the accolade that our student-athletes received consistently throughout their seasons. Athletes are always being publicly acknowledged and supported for their achievements with dozens of spectators at all of their competitions and publications of goals scored and records broken. Why, then, is it wrong for us to do the same, she argued, in academia? We were confronted with a similar issue two Mondays ago when a couple of students pulled a prank during Robert Shiller’s Introductory Macroeconomics class, citing him as “talking about his Nobel Prize more than anyone else.” Though many other obvious issues come to mind when confronted with this story, more deeply rooted in this hideous prank is the question of how we should maneuver our discussion of our accomplishments. For Professor Shiller, I assume that when he is referencing his Nobel Prize, he is not referencing his prize as much as he is referencing the research and studies he spent years on that led to his being awarded the prize. But still, why does the mention of his achievement cause such discomfort for those around him?

Just like the cum laude society — but obviously to a much greater degree — Nobel Prizes exist not only to acknowledge incredible accomplishments but also to drive them. It’s reasonable to wonder if we would work as hard as we do if these prizes of validation didn’t exist to motivate us. But more than that, these prizes can act not just as a source of validation for those that receive them, but also as a source of invalidation for those that do not. Those who work just as hard and almost make the cut but do not are left feeling null, and that sense of insignificance is even furthered by our society’s celebration of the winners, the champions, the success stories. As a society, we should continue to recognize the accomplishments of our best scholars while finding a way to celebrate other kinds of success. Yale has already made a step in this direction, by awarding Teaching Prizes to the University’s notable professors who may not have discovered the Case-Shiller Index but, year after year, successfully teaches a profound understanding of the complexities of econometrics. We must continue to find more ways to validate the diverse strengths of our community. ALLY DANIELS is a sophomore in Berkeley College. Contact her at




“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.” CARL REINER AMERICAN COMEDIAN

Kindergarten process simplified


The article “Yale to introduce more sustainable printing” incorrectly stated that the YPPS equipment had been rated by the Forest Stewardship Council. In fact, the equipment was rated by EnergyStar, and the recycled paper was certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. In addition, a previous version of this article stated that the cost of black and white printing at Yale was 5.7 cents per page when that is in fact the national average for universities. The cost of black and white printing at Yale is 6 cents per page.

State considers repealing gambling law BY ERICA PANDEY STAFF REPORTER Projections that Connecticut will end the fiscal year in a surplus are leading state legislators to question the need for Keno gambling, a new addition to the state budget. When drafting the budget last spring, the Connecticut General Assembly included a provision legalizing Keno, a bingostyle gambling game offered at restaurants and bars state-wide, which was projected to bring the state $27 million in revenue per year. But now that the state is facing a projected $500 million budget surplus for the 2014 fiscal year, lawmakers have begun advocating for Keno’s repeal. The game, which mimics the lottery by spitting out winning number combinations, has not yet been introduced in casinos or state lotteries. State Senator Andrea Stillman, a Democrat from Waterford, proposed a bill to repeal Keno earlier this month. “This was not done by me,” Gov. Dannel Malloy said at an event at Middlesex Community College last week. “I will point out that Keno is ubiquitous and is frequently run by lottery organizations in other states. But it’s a political decision.” Malloy signed Keno into law last spring but added that he had and would continue to leave the decision to repeal it to the state’s legislative body. Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney said Keno seemed necessary last year as an alternative to increasing state revenue through higher taxes. According to the plan, the revenue from Keno would be shared with Connecticut’s Pequot and Mohegan tribes. “Since last spring, the state’s budget situation has really improved,” Looney said. “No

decision will be made before negotiating with the tribes. Keno is waiting from approval from the Pequot and Mohegan tribes before it can be launched in their respective casinos, Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun. Stillman’s bill would remove Keno from the state’s budget plan. According to Sue Driscoll, Stillman’s spokesperson, many legislators have joined her in speaking out against Keno on the grounds of its legality. Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey has widely expressed his support for Stillman’s push to reppeal Keno. “This was not being cheered last spring,” said Larry Perosino, Sharkey’s press secretary. “Keno was needed to fill a budget hole.” Sharkey said in a press release last week that going forward with Keno would be unnecessary because the budget hole that the gambling law was meant to fix has been filled. He added that Keno was simply a revenue option. “Legislative leaders and the governor will have to make a tough decision about whether or not to forego Keno proceeds,” Mayor Toni Harp said in a statement. She added that though the current prediction is for a modest surplus, legislators still have to consider whether repealing Keno will impact their ability to maintain a balanced budget for years to come. In last year’s mayoral election, Harp and opponent Henry Fernandez disagreed on Keno, with Harp speaking in support of the existing law while Hernandez opposed it. Connecticut nearly passed Keno in 2009 and 2010 when it faced similar budget shortfalls. Contact ERICA PANDEY at .


Parents of students in the New Haven public schools system will be able to use a simplified application process for kindergartens in the city. BY BEN FAIT CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Beginning with this year’s application cycle, New Haven public schools have simplified their kindergarten enrollment process as part of a wider effort to make the school district more welcoming and accessible to parents. The school district has consolidated the application process to neighborhood schools, magnet schools and charter schools into one application process in an attempt to streamline child enrollment for families new to the system. The previous system required separate applications and due dates for magnet, charter and neighborhood schools. The change, which is coming under the leadership of Superintendent Garth Harries ’95, will take be put into effect in conjunction with a bundle of programs with similar goals, like district-wide open houses “Through outreach to the community, we heard from parents that the enrollment process could be confusing at times,”

said Abbe Smith, Communications Director for NHPS . “This year, we really wanted to make an effort to streamline the enrollment process — to make it one process, whether you are applying to a magnet school, a charter school or a private school.” The process requires that parents fill out one form, marking their top four choices between all public schools in New Haven for entrance into a lottery. The system gives preference to children who live in the school’s neighborhood or already have a sibling in a certain school. Children fulfilling both criteria receive top priority. Smith said the changes take place alongside many other new and continuing programs as part of Harries’ previous work with NHPS to make the district more family-friendly. Other new programs include district-wide school fairs, which will be held each year, as well as open houses in each individual school. These changes appear to fit easily into the national focus on early childhood education, said Elizabeth Carroll, direc-

tor of Yale’s Education Studies program. She noted that though kindergarten is technically not considered early childhood education, it fits into the national conversation about getting children to school as early as possible. “This seems to be one of those changes that everyone can agree is beneficial and important,” Carroll said. “Nevertheless, even when change is noncontroversial, it takes effort to change a system. When you have a new superintendent in town, there can be communication happening that makes that sort of change easier.” Although some community members objected to the district’s decision to leave the preference system intact, Cyd Oppenheimer LAW ’04, a Senior Policy Fellow at Connecticut Voices for Children, said preferences in schooling still hold benefits. She said giving preference selection to children who already have siblings in their chosen school may be logistically necessary for many working parents. She added that giv-

ing a higher bid to children who live near the school can foster a sense of community within the school. Still, she said, the policy’s most important impact will be unifying the kindergarten enrollment process under one application and deadline. “Speaking not just as a policy analyst, but as a New Haven public schools parent, I can tell you that when my husband and I were registering our eldest child … for kindergarten, we found the fact that there were two separate processes very confusing,” Oppenheimer said in an email. “If you were hoping that your child would get into a magnet or charter school via the lottery, you still had to participate in the enrollment process for the neighborhood school, but this was not clear. The paperwork required was redundant, and the multiple deadlines confusing.” A district-wide kindergarten fair will be held at the Floyd Little Athletics Center from 6-8 p.m. on Feb. 28th. Contact BEN FAIT at .

Snow freezes budgets BY DAVID BLUMENTHAL STAFF REPORTER The snow may keep falling, but the Connecticut Department of Transportation and towns across the state have already exhausted the funds designated for snow removal. The major snowfalls of 2014 — which have caused Gov. Dannel P. Malloy to declare a state of emergency — have sent towns across the state scrambling to replenish their snow removal budgets. Officials interviewed at the Connecticut Department of Transportation, as well as the Department of Public Works in the City of New Haven all said they had either spent more than previously allocated in their budget for snow removal.

The gamble is always the budget, because you never know what Mother Nature is going to bring. KEVIN NURSICK Spokesman, Connecticut Department of Transportation DOT spokesman Kevin Nursick said the agency bases its funding allocations on a 10-year average of past snowfall, and that this policy will not be changing in the face of going over budget. Nursick said this year’s snow removal budget deficit was unexpected, and in the 10 years he has

worked with the agency this will be only the second time it has run out of money for snow removal. “The gamble is always the budget, because you never know what Mother Nature is going to bring,” he said. “You can get a ballpark number, but you can never be exact, so you need to be prepared to adjust up or down if needed.” Connecticut’s DOT budget troubles reflect nationwide trends. According to USA Today, North Carolina, Colorado, Wisconsin and New York Departments of Transportation have all already spent more than was allocated for snow removal or are about to. The Boston Globe reported that the Massachusetts’ transportation authority has spent its entire snow removal budget. Nursick said the current budget impasse has not affected DOT’s snow removal efforts. He declined to say where in the DOT budget the extra money would come from, but he did estimate that if the snowfall continued at its current rate, the agency would have to seek additional help. “We have mechanisms to shift money inside the agency to shore up the snow budget,” he said. “In the worst case scenario we have to go back and ask for some additional funding [from the Governor and Legislature].” Across Connecticut the DOTs financial trouble are largely undetected. Sally Katz, director of physical services for the Town of Wethersfield, said that the Connecticut Department of Transportation still plows state roads

regardless of its current state of funding and that “[the DOT] has not diminished [its] efforts at all.” Greg Arndt, the director of public works for the City of New Haven, said individual towns and cities have mechanisms in place for snow removal, and that aid from outside agencies or governments are only requested in dire circumstances, such as Winter Storm Nemo’s pummeling of New Haven last year. “Even though we’ve had a lot of storms this year, none of the storms have been comparative to

an emergency [like] what Nemo dropped on us last year,” he said. “So that really leaves the town and cities to get through the winters on their own budgets.” New Haven City Hall spokesman Laurence Grotheer said City Hall is asking all of its departments to keep track of their own expenses with regard to snow removal in the case that the city might become eligible for reimbursement. He reiterated that City Hall is fully behind the efforts of the Department of Public Works, as

well as other snow removal agencies. “The mayor is concerned but not alarmed, and recognizes the need to provide for public safety throughout this harsh winter,” he said. Grotheer said the New Haven Department of Public Works has already received one transfer of $200,000 from elsewhere in the department’s finances to cover the materials and man power to help the city deal with inclement weather, and that a comparable amount will be transferred soon.

Because of the severity of the winter and the number of hours that workers have had to labor removing snow, the department is also expected to overspend in the area of overtime pay before the current fiscal year reaches its close — June 30. The Connecticut Department of Transportation has a budget of approximately $550 million for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. Contact DAVID BLUMENTHAL at .


This years marks just the second time in the past 10 years that the Connecticut Department of Transportation has run out of money for snow removal.




“Graduate school is a place to hide for a couple of years.” MICHAEL EISNER FORMER CEO OF WALT DISNEY

SOM offers new classes for all Yalies SOM FROM PAGE 1 elective courses at the SOM, but they cannot access the SOM core curriculum, Jain said. Implemented in 2006, the core curriculum was designed to be tightly integrated and divided into segments, which would make it difficult for a student to take only one course, Jain said. The core curriculum unintentionally excluded students from other schools, said SOM Associate Dean David Bach. “While this integrated curriculum is incredibly innovative, it has this unintended consequence of making it harder for non-SOM students to take a basic course in accounting, finance or marketing,” Bach said. “We benefit so much from our students being able to take courses at other professional schools, we want to make sure that other students benefit equally from what SOM has to offer.” By offering these foundational courses — which are separate from the core curriculum — to the wider University, SOM will enable graduate students to gain a basic understanding of important subjects in an accessible manner, Jain said. Bach added that management is a universally valuable discipline that appeals to doctors and architects alike. SOM students have many opportunities to take courses in other graduate and professional schools, Jain said, adding that 75 percent of SOM students will have taken an outside course before they graduate and 15.5 percent of the SOM student body is enrolled in a joint degree program. Yale is one of few universities where students can take courses at different schools with no transfer of funds, Jain said. While the faculty offering these

foundational courses will only be teaching non-SOM students, they will still be paid exclusively by SOM, he said. Still, Bach said Yale’s other graduate and professional schools currently do not offer foundational courses in their disciplines.

The idea is …. [to have] a small set of courses that people would find useful, and that would fit in well. RICK ANTLE Professor, Yale School of Management Antle said the foundational courses will be taught by senior members of SOM faculty. While Antle and Jain acknowledged that using faculty time in this way has opportunity costs, Antle said the cost is lower than it would have been in the past, when SOM had a smaller faculty. Jain added that SOM will be hiring a new faculty member to teach and possibly coordinate entrepreneurship foundational courses this summer. Though he said he regrets the fact that “Foundations of Accounting” takes him out of the MBA classroom, Antle said this initiative is important to SOM’s growth. “The idea is to be of service in the right kind of way — having a small set of courses that people would find useful, and that would fit in well with the whole university experience,” Antle said. Antle said he also enjoys teaching non-SOM students because he can approach the material from another perspective. The “Foundations of

Accounting” course contains the same basic information as the equivalent course for SOM students, but the curriculum is repackaged to reflect a broader, more liberal arts approach, he said. Antle said the only problem he has encountered with teaching non-SOM students has been that some of them may not have expected the level of demand of the course. Antle said some of the students who simply wanted to dabble in accounting may not have anticipated how serious an undertaking it would be. This term, Antle’s “Foundations of Accounting” course also includes 24 Yale College students because the undergraduate equivalent course was canceled this spring. Jason Wu ’16, who is taking the course this semester, said he enjoys the class and appreciates how Antle is able to bring life to an otherwise dry subject. He added that he would love to see the SOM have more foundational courses open to undergraduates, and that he thinks SOM is more closed off to Yale College than to other Yale graduate schools. Elliot Friedman LAW ’15, who is also taking the class, said that although law and business are intricately intertwined, the need to learn management skills applies particularly to certain areas of law. “I personally will probably not pursue a corporate law career,” Friedman said. “But if I were, these courses would be perfect for me because they would provide background on issues that […] I would need to understand intimately.” The SOM’s new campus, Evans Hall, opened in January. Contact LAVINIA BORZI at .

FSY gets new dean SCHOLARS FROM PAGE 1 “I remember, on the first night of freshman orientation, one of the things she encouraged us to do was to go out and interact with people in New Haven, be it a waiter in a restaurant or one of the workers on the street,” he said. “In that sense, she is very aware of life outside Yale and wants us to be as well.” The words students used to describe Lizarribar — fun, accessible, caring — are the ones that students also attributed to Woodard. Kerry Burke-McCloud ’17, who participated in FSY last summer, said Woodard served

as both a “maternal figure as well as a best friend” during the program. Of all the adults in the program, he said, Woodard was the one he felt closest to. “We would have these things called ‘Dean Time,’ where she’d talk with us about anything that’s on her mind or anything that’s on our mind,” BurkeMcCloud remembered. Maxine Dillon ’17, who participated in the inaugural Freshman Scholars Program, said that if she had not done FSY, she would have been reluctant to admit she needed help transitioning to Yale. The most effective part of the program, she said, was the sense of comfort

and belonging it instilled in its participants.

In that sense, she is very aware of life outside Yale and wants us to be as well. PHIL WILKINSON ’17 In addition to her administrative roles, Lizarribar has also worked as a private attorney and translator. Contact YUVAL BEN-DAVID at .

2014 WALLACE PRIZE YALE’S MOST PRESTIGIOUS INDEPENDENT WRITING AWARD Submit your unpublished fiction and nonfiction to the Yale Daily News Building, 202 York St., by 5 PM on Monday, March 3. Pick up applications in the English department office or at the YDN.

Winning entries are selected by a panel of professional judges and published in the Yale Daily News Magazine


The SOM core curriculum was implemented in 2006 and unintentionally excluded students from other schools.




“Walking is man’s best medicine.” HIPPOCRATES ANCIENT GREEK PHYSICIAN

Students talk “integrative” medicine

Petition would ban wood smoke BY LILLIAN CHILDRESS STAFF REPORTER


Members of Integrative Medicine at Yale Undergrad aim to spread information about the use of alternative medicine as a health care option. BY WESLEY YIIN STAFF REPORTER Ever since high school, Vanessa Noelte ’16 has wanted to discuss integrative medicine — an approach that combines alternative medicine and conventional biomedicine — in an academic setting. This semester, her wish is about to be realized. On Feb. 1, approximately 70 students attended a screening of “Escape Fire” — a documentary exposing flaws within the American health care system — organized by Noelte as a way of promoting discussion of integrative approaches to health care on campus. After the film and a panel discussion, which featured three integrative medical professionals, Noelte said she was approached by many students who told her the film had changed their lives. Now, she and several other students are launching a new campus organization: Integrative Medicine at Yale Undergrad (IMYU). Noelte, who hopes to someday practice integrative medicine, said the group’s goal is to spread the word about different health care options which may be used instead of or in conjunction with standard western methods. Premedical students should be familiar with different approaches to medicine, and the various paths they can take to becoming medical practitioners, she added. “[Yale currently doesn’t]

have anything to educate younger people,” Noelte said. “They’re not even going to know that there are these integrative medical programs that they can get into.” But Noelte said the group is not just intended for aspiring doctors. Although the group has not had an official meeting yet, Noelte said she hopes IMYU will hold biweekly meetings to discuss documentary film clips, controversial topics and academic papers pertaining to medicine. The idea is to create a safe space for students to learn and express themselves, she said.

There’s a lot of interface [between mainstream and complementary methods]. Patients don’t necessarily have to choose one or the other. ATHER ALI MPH ’06 Co-director, Integrative Medicine at Yale Program Ather Ali MPH ’06, who co-directs the Integrative Medicine at Yale Program at the School of Medicine and sat on the Feb. 1 panel, praised the organization’s founding principles as an intellectual forum and not just as an advocacy group. The group aims to bring together students with

different interests and opinions — a goal that reflects the reality that complementary or integrative medicine and mainstream medicine are not mutually exclusive, he said. “There’s a lot of interface [between mainstream and complementary methods],” Ali said. “Patients don’t necessarily choose one or the other.” Though interest in integrative medicine has increased over the past couple of decades, Ali said this does not suggest the decline of conventional medicine. Noelte — who works as Ali’s research assistant at the Integrative Medicine at Yale Program — said she first became interested in integrative medicine during her junior year of high school, after learning about the toxins present in common foods and pharmaceuticals. Disturbed by our “pill-popping society,” Noelte said she looked to the preventive techniques of integrative medicine. In addition to her classroom studies, Noelte said she was partly inspired by her Native American cultural background, which emphasizes naturopathic healing. Since she also works at the Native American Cultural Center, Noelte said she hopes to get more Native students interested in the organization. “This is medicine that their tribes believe in … [and] something that they’d be interested in,” Noelte said. Nicole Feng ’16, the group’s treasurer, said she had sim-

ilar reasons for joining the organization and expressing interest in integrative medicine. Growing up as a dancer in an area of Los Angeles with a high Asian-American population, she said she has seen and sustained many injuries that regular doctors could not heal. She recounted once pulling her neck and being taken to see a Chinese medical practitioner, who used cupping therapy to promote blood and “qi” flow. “The next day, lo and behold, I could move my neck,” she said. “There are many different experiences I’ve had with Chinese medicine that have helped me get back on my feet and pursue what I love to do.” Before the film screening and panel, Feng said she had previously met Noelte during a summer program and discussed the potential for a student group exploring integrative medicine with her. In addition to the biweekly meetings, which will begin this Friday, the organization plans to hold a few larger events each year, which may include more screenings, workshops with massage therapists and acupuncturists and research presentations, IMYU vice president Yumiko Nakamura ’15 said in an email to potential group members. The Integrative Medicine at Yale Program began in November 2006. Contact WESLEY YIIN at .

Among car exhaust, factory fumes and coal-fired power plants, there is one source of air pollution that Connecticut residents know little about: emissions from residential wood smoke. Earlier this month, The American Lung Association of the Northeast, the Sierra Club of Connecticut and Environment and Human Health, Inc. submitted a legal petition to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) asking that the department set up regulatory standards for residential wood smoke emissions. These emissions come from residential outdoor wood furnaces — sheds connecting to a house that burn wood for purposes of heating — that have been shown to emit dangerous quantities of toxic particles. “We call it the new secondhand smoke,” said Nancy Alderman, president of Environment and Human Health, Inc. While wood smoke emissions have many of the same components as highly regulated cigarette smoke, wood smoke is almost totally unregulated, both federally and in Connecticut, Alderman said. The petition is not a petition in the traditional sense, but rather a legal petition that only the three groups have signed. It requests that Connecticut adopt the same wood smoke regulations the state of Washington put in place around 10 years ago. Under state law, DEEP has 30 days to respond to the petition. A spokesman for DEEP did not respond to a request for comment. The type of outdoor woodburning furnaces that produce these emissions have already been banned in 18 towns across the state, including Hamden and North Haven. The DEEP website currently features a map that catalogs all the complaints from people who were harmed by neighbors’ wood smoke in Connecticut since the year 2005. “The primary problem is that wood smoke emissions produce damage to the lungs, particularly of children. They contain chemicals that cause cancer,” said David Brown, a public health toxicologist with Environment and Human Health, Inc. Wood smoke emissions do not travel far in the air: they are a form of point source pollution, which means they are detrimental in immediately surrounding areas, according to Martin Mador YC ’71 FES ’02, legislative and political chair for the Connecticut Chapter of the Sierra Club. Mador said

that wood smoke emissions are not only a problem in Connecticut, but across the country. If the state adopts these regulations, it will join the handful of other states across the nation that regulate wood smoke emissions. While New Haven does not typically have problems with pollution caused by wood smoke emissions — wood-burning furnaces are usually installed in rural areas — it still may affect the city indirectly. In 2012 the state of Connecticut’s asthma identified New Haven as having the highest rate of asthma-related hospitalizations in the state.

The primary problem is that wood smoke emissions produce damage to the lungs, particularly of children. DAVID BROWN Public health toxicologist, Environment and Human Health, Inc. “Even if wood smoke is a relatively minor source of air pollution in our city, we should keep in mind that it is being added ‘on top of’ these other existing sources of pollution, and therefore may be a contributor to the much greater rates of asthma we see in parts of our city,” Mark Abraham, executive director of Data Haven, said in an email. According to Brown, the issue has been brought to the state legislature’s attention numerous times over the years, yet no regulatory standards have been created. The pushback has come from both homeowners who are reluctant to adjust their stoves to new regulations and political lobbies which have a stake in the wood stove industry, Brown said. “[The wood stove industry’s] argument has generally been that it’s a cheaper way to burn heat for your house, and the new devices are much cleaner than the older devices,” Brown said. “I think part of the issues is also people saying ‘I can do anything in my yard that I want to do.’” For now, Alderman said, the groups who submitted the petition will wait and see if the DEEP has any objections. In 2005, DEEP released a fact sheet that officially stated that emissions from outdoor wood furnaces are harmful to human health. Contact LILLIAN CHILDRESS at .





“Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun.” DON MARQUIS WRITER

Activists call for gun control GUN VIOLENCE FROM PAGE 1 both senators, such as a ban on high-capacity magazines and military-style assault weapons and universal background checks for those purchasing firearms. Another group Mathis said the coalition seeks to work closely with is the NHPD. Department spokesman David Hartman said that while police certainly appreciate the sentiment of similar anti-violence organizations, law enforcement ultimately falls in the hands of the officers on the ground. “These are good people with good intentions, and our operation as a police department is entirely violence reduction,” Hartman said. “But they can be more like academic think tanks that find alternative ways to address the problem of violence.”

In the section of the group’s document that calls on city leaders, the coalition highlights the importance of merging the community and the municipalities in an effort to accomplish its goals. Specifically, it recommends the creation of a joint task force that works with New Haven’s police, fire and education departments to ensure that their leadership fairly represents the demographics of the city and that officials are properly informed about cultural trends and occurrences that have an impact on public safety. Since the press conference, the coalition has held further meetings to discuss upcoming plans. Mathis estimated that 20 people attended the most recent one. He insisted, however, that the movement was meant to gather the entire community around a noble cause rather than advance

individual agendas. Some of those involved are also part of other organizations like the New Haven Black Social Workers Association and local youth centers. A reverend by trade, Mathis is also the head of Project Longevity, a project seeking to address crime through social network analysis and police involvement in the community. “We try to stay away from names, personalities and organizations because this is absolutely about our community,” Mathis said. “We’re really trying to avoid any distractions to the real issue that has to be dealt with, that we believe is best dealt with by the leadership of African-American people.” New Haven saw 67 shootings in 2013. Contact MAREK RAMILO at .


U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal LAW ’73 has met with the New Haven Police to discuss street violence.

Committee designs faculty senate FACULTY SENATE FROM PAGE 1 tee, examined the governance structures of Stanford University and the University of California-Berkeley. Though Salovey’s newly formed committee has yet to meet and committee members said it is too early to comment on the body’s goals, professors from Stanford and UC Berkeley — schools that established their faculty senates in 1977 and 1920, respectively — have their own thoughts for how to effectively run such a governing body. “My advice to the Yale administration is to entrust the faculty senate with some level

of power, and to ensure that it becomes a forum for open debate that is taken into account in leadership decisions,” said Stanford electrical engineering professor Andrea Goldsmith, who was chair of the university’s senate in 2009. Stanford comparative literature professor Russell Berman said the authority of a faculty senate should be clearly delineated, and voice should be given to all members of the FAS, including non-tenure track professors. David Palumbo-Liu, the current chair of Stanford’s faculty senate and a professor of comparative literature, said Yale

should be as “open-minded” as possible, even reaching out to their colleagues across the country for guidance. “They might want to speak to members of our administration to get their thoughts, as you now have mine as a faculty member,” he said in an email. Still, others warned against potential challenges that a selfgoverning faculty body may face. Stanford history professor Peter Stansky ’53 said that while he believes the faculty senate system works “quite well,” he questions whether the real decisions are made in such a setting. He also pointed to rela-

tively low faculty attendance in senate meetings — though other professors denied that attendance was an issue. “What percentage of faculty [go] to the meetings?” Stansky asked. “How universities run are particularly important to some faculty, but it’s not the center of their activity.” UC Berkeley English professor Charles Altieri said it is often challenging to assert power with the school administration when the leadership of the faculty senate is continuously in flux. While he believes the faculty senate has been effective as a voice for faculty interests, he said it has been less

successful in actually achieving those interests. But despite their issues, all nine professors interviewed said their experiences with faculty senate governance have been overwhelmingly positive. Faculty senates offer the opportunity for meaningful discussion between senior administrators and the professoriate, some said. “I think a faculty senate is an important element in the overall structure of faculty governance,” Berman said. “It’s a way for faculty members from across the university to deliberate on issues of policy that cut across the institution.”

Eric Roberts, Stanford professor of computer science and former chair of the senate, added that faculty senates move university governance away from a corporate model. Giving voice to members of the faculty creates the opportunity for real debate and establishes a more democratic institution, Roberts said. The Ad Hoc Committee for FAS Senate Planning will present its recommendations to a faculty vote no later than December of this year, according to Salovey. Contact ADRIAN RODRIGUES at .

TIMELINE FACULTY SENATE DEVELOPMENTS Apr. 29 2013 Salovey and Polak task Faculty Input Committee with examining faculty governance structures at other universities and at Yale.

Dec. 9 2013 On Dec. 9, members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences voted 49–7, with four abstentions, in favor of creating a faculty senate, which will serve as an elected representative body for tenured and tenure-track professors.

Nov. 18 2013 Faculty Input Committee releases its 18-page report, recommending the creation of a faculty senate.

Dec. 2014 Ad Hoc Committee for FAS Senate Planning submits its report studying the organization, processes and procedures in place at other universities that have faculty senates to an FAS vote.

Feb. 11 2014 Salovey names membership of Ad Hoc Committee for FAS Senate Planning.


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Investigation into NC coal ash spill widens Nebraska oil law struck down BY MICHAEL BIESECKER ASSOCIATED PRESS

RALEIGH, N.C. — Federal prosecutors widened their investigation triggered by a massive coal ash spill in North Carolina, demanding reams of documents and ordering nearly 20 state environmental agency employees to testify before a grand jury. The subpoenas were made public by the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources on Wednesday. They also ordered state officials to hand over any records pertaining to investments, cash or other items of value they might have received from Duke Energy or its employees. Charlotte-based Duke also confirmed it was served with a new subpoena, the second received by the nation’s larg-

est electricity provider. Company spokesman Tom Williams declined to discuss it. On Feb. 2, a pipe running under a coal ash pond collapsed at Duke’s Dan River Steam Station in Eden, coating the bottom of the Dan River, near the Virginia border, with toxic ash up to 70 miles downstream. Meanwhile, state officials said Duke successfully contained “about 90 percent” of the flow from a second pipe at the dump spewing arsenic-laced groundwater into the river. Public health officials have advised residents not to touch the river water or eat the fish. State environmental Sec. John Skvarla refused to answer when asked at a news media briefing if he had been served with a subpoena. Hours later, Skvarla spokesman Drew Elliot said in an

email that his boss had not been served. Skvarla was appointed last year by Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican who worked for Duke Energy for more than 28 years. Josh Ellis, McCrory’s spokesman, confirmed the governor had not been subpoenaed. Among those ordered to appear before the grand jury next month is Tom Reeder, the Division of Water Quality director who oversees the state’s enforcement of environmental violations at Duke’s 31 coal ash dumps located at 14 coal-fired power plants spread across North Carolina. The 20 subpoenas disclosed by the state agency follow two Feb. 10 subpoenas, which were issued the day after a story by The Associated Press raised questions about a proposed deal between


John Skvarla III, Secretary, North Carolina. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, talks during a press briefing at the Green Square office building in downtown Raleigh, N.C. Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014.

state officials and Duke that would have fined Duke $99,111 to settle violations over toxic groundwater contamination at two facilities. The settlement came about after a coalition of citizen groups tried to use the U.S. Clean Water Act to sue Duke in federal court last year. The state agency intervened three times to use its authority to issue violations over the pollution and take the case to state court, where the agency quickly negotiated the proposed settlement that included no requirement Duke actually clean up its past pollution or prevent further contamination. The citizens groups opposed the deal, saying it shielded Duke from far harsher penalties it might have faced in federal court had the state not intervened. The state put the settlement on hold last week, the day after the AP reported on it. Skvarla said he briefed McCrory before intervening, but he never discussed the specific terms of the settlement. Environmental groups have suggested Skvarla shepherded a “sweetheart deal” for McCrory’s former employer. Since his first unsuccessful campaign for governor in 2008, campaign finance reports show Duke Energy, its political action committee, executives and their immediate families have donated at least $1.1 million to McCrory’s campaign and affiliated groups that spent on TV ads, mailings and events to support him. The groups want Duke to remove its coal ash from the leaking, unlined pits adjacent to rivers and lakes and move it to sealed landfills licensed to handle toxic waste. The company has said it plans to “close” an unspecified number of its dumps, perhaps by covering the acres of ash with giant tarps to keep rainwater out.

Facebook buying WhatsApp for $19 billion BY BARBARA ORTUTAY ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — Facebook is buying mobile messaging service WhatsApp for $19 billion in cash and stock, by far the company’s largest acquisition and bigger than any that Google, Microsoft or Apple have ever done. The world’s biggest social networking company said Wednesday that it is paying $12 billion in Facebook stock and $4 billion in cash for WhatsApp. In addition, the app’s founders and employees — 55 in all — will be granted restricted stock worth $3 billion that will vest over four years after the deal closes. The deal translates to roughly 11 percent of Facebook’s market value. In comparison, Google’s biggest deal, Motorola Mobility, stood at $12.5 billion, while Microsoft’s largest was Skype at $8.5 billion. Apple, meanwhile, has never done a deal above $1 billion. The price stunned Gartner analyst Brian Blau. “I am not surprised they went after WhatsApp, but the amount is staggering,” he said. Facebook likely prizes WhatsApp for its audience of teenagers and young adults who are increasingly using the service to engage in online conversations outside of Facebook, which has evolved into a more mainstream hangout inhabited by their parents, grandparents and even their bosses at work. WhatsApp also has a broad global audience. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the service


This Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014 photo, shows the WhatsApp and Facebook app icons on an iPhone in New York. “doesn’t get as much attention in the U.S. as it deserves because its community started off growing in Europe, India and Latin America. But WhatsApp is a very important and valuable worldwide communication network. In fact, WhatsApp is the only widely used app we’ve ever seen that has more engagement and a higher percent of people using it daily than Facebook itself.” Blau said Facebook’s purchase is a bet on the future. “They know they have to expand their busi-

ness lines. WhatsApp is in the business of collecting people’s conversations, so Facebook is going to get some great data,” he noted. In that sense, the acquisition makes sense for 10-year-old Facebook as it looks to attract its next billion users while keeping its existing 1.23 billion members, including teenagers, interested. The company is developing a “multi-app” strategy, creating its own applications that exist outside of Facebook and acquir-

ing others. It released a news reader app called Paper earlier this month, and has its own messaging app called Facebook Messenger. “Facebook seems to be in acknowledgement that people are using a lot of different apps to communicate,” said eMarketer analyst Debra Aho Williamson. “In order to continue to reach audiences, younger in particular, it needs to have a broader strategy … not put all its eggs in one basket.”


In this file photo from April 18, 2013, opponents of the Keystone XL pipeline hold up head bands during the U.S. State Department’s sole public hearing in Grand Island, Neb. BY GRANT SCHULTE ASSOCIATED PRESS LINCOLN, Neb. — A Nebraska judge on Wednesday struck down a law that allowed the Keystone XL pipeline to proceed through the state, a victory for opponents who have tried to block the project that would carry oil from Canada to Texas refineries. Lancaster County Judge Stephanie Stacy issued a ruling that invalidated Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman’s approval of the route. Stacy agreed with opponents’ arguments that the law passed in 2011 improperly allowed Heineman to give Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. the power to force landowners to sell their property for the project. Stacy said the decision to give TransCanada eminent domain powers should have been made by the Nebraska Public Service Commission, which regulates pipelines and other utilities. A s p o k e swo m a n fo r Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said the state will appeal the ruling. Stacy’s decision could cause more delays in finishing the pipeline, which is critical in Canada’s efforts to export its growing oil sands production. It also comes amid increased concerns about the dangers of using trains to transport crude oil after some high-profile accidents — including a fiery explosion in North Dakota last month and an explosion that killed 47 people in Canada last year. A spokesman for pipeline developer TransCanada said company officials were disappointed and disagreed with the decision, which came in a lawsuit filed by three Nebraska landowners who oppose the pipeline. The company planned to review the ruling before deciding how to proceed. “TransCanada continues to believe strongly in Keystone XL and the benefits it would provide to Americans — thousands of jobs and a secure supply of crude oil from a trusted

neighbor in Canada,” said spokesman Shawn Howard. The proposed pipeline route would cross through Montana, South Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas, which have already approved their segments, and company officials have previously argued that cutting through Nebraska was the most direct, practical way to transport the oil. A reroute around Nebraska could bring more states into the mix and would lead to further expensive delays. For the Nebraska Public Service Commission to act, state lawmakers may have to pass a new pipeline-sitting law. If they do, it’s not yet clear how long the five-member PSC might take on the issue or whether it would approve the pipeline. Staff members were still reviewing the ruling Wednesday, said Angela Melton, the commission’s attorney. Dave Domina, the landowners’ attorney, said in a statement that the ruling means TransCanada has “no approved route in Nebraska.” “TransCanada is not authorized to condemn the property against Nebraska landowners. The pipeline project is at standstill in this state,” he said. The Keystone XL would carry 830,000 barrels of oil daily from Canada to Texas Gulf Coast refineries. In its latest environmental analysis, the U.S. State Department raised no major environmental objections to the $7 billion pipeline. Opponents disagree, saying the pipeline threatens ground and surface water and would disrupt soil in the Nebraska Sandhills, a region of grass-covered dunes used as ranchland. The Nebraska Legislature in 2011 gave Heineman the ability to approve the route after landowners complained that the pipeline posed a threat to the Sandhills. Heineman approved a new route that went around an area designated as the Sandhills, although opponents insist it still traverses the delicate soil.






Increasing clouds, with a high near 45. Low of 36.


High of 50, low of 30.

High of 46, low of 30.


ON CAMPUS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 5:00 p.m. “The Future of Holocaust Literature.” The Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism and Whitney Humanities Center present Ruth Kluger from the University of California, Irvine, as part of the Benjamin ’62 and Barbara Zucker Lecture Series. Free to the General Public. Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale (80 Wall St.), Chapel Rm.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 5:00 p.m. Commingling [communities + mingling] Art Reception. This commingling exhibit draws inspiration from similar installations by ArtSpace and Project Storefront to change the window space of Luck and Levity, a local brewshop, in order to erase community boundaries. The weeklong exhibit starring both Yale artists and New Haven artists will be kicked off with a reception with food and drinks. Artists include Anna Renken ’14, Liz Godar ’14, Jennifer Davies and Gordon Skinner. Luck and Levity (118 Court St.). 11:00 a.m. Guided Tour of the Cushing Center. Named for Yale College graduate Dr. Harvey Cushing, the center includes more than 400 specimen jars of patients’ brains and tumors, Cushing’s surgical illustrations, personal diaries, black and white patient photographs, memorabilia, as well as historical anatomical and medical materials. Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Meet at the Circulation Desk (333 Cedar St.).




SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 9:00 a.m. “Convergencias 2014: Mexico Rising.” Convergencias 2014: Mexico Rising is a conference organized by the Yale Mexican Student Organization that will bring together prominent public figures, scholars and students for a series of discussions and debates concerning Mexico’s current affairs. Mexico is profiling itself as a growing economic and political power and the aim of the conference will be to analyze Mexico’s current situation in light of the issues that the country is facing. Is Mexico truly rising, or will the continued safety concerns put an end to the ongoing excitement? Linsly-Chittenden Hall (63 High St.), Rm. 101.

Submit your unpublished fiction and nonfiction to the Yale Daily News Building, 202 York St., by 5 PM on Monday, March 3. Pick up applications in the English department office or at the YDN.

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DOWN 1 X-Ray __: U.K. punk band 2 Take __: doze 3 Golda __ 4 “It’s the __ story”

Winning entries are selected by a panel of professional judges and published in the Yale Daily News Magazine


CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 __ Club 5 Eat __ 9 Film __ 13 Sleep __ 14 Mata __ 15 “I’m __ you!” 16 “__ to please!” 17 __-steven 18 SWAT __ 19 Blank 22 __ of bounds 23 Electric __ 24 Blank 31 “It __ to reason” 33 “You’re taking a big __” 34 __-TURN 35 Good for what __ you 36 Costa del __ 37 __ Elevator Company 38 “I Like __” 39 __ the scales 41 San Diego __ 43 Blank 46 Hopping __ 47 Jacqueline Kennedy __ Bouvier 48 Blank 56 Quod __ demonstrandum 57 __ to one’s senses 58 Shed __ 59 __-Honey 60 “Rock of __” 61 From beyond the __ 62 __ nuts 63 “__-a-Cop”: 1988 film 64 “Jane __”


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By Paul Hunsberger

5 __ of drawers 6 __ Shankar 7 __ Cakesters 8 __ circle 9 __ motel 10 “A Room of __ Own” 11 “Take __ a compliment” 12 CD-__ 13 “I’m in __”: “Wow!” 20 Soap __ 21 __ and potato soup 24 Van __ 25 Carry-__: luggage 26 Victoria __ 27 Olive __ 28 __-level 29 Peau de __: satin-weave cloth 30 __ 22-Across: solve 31 Set __ 32 __ torch

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved


2 1

7 5




5 9 7 3

(c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

36 Day __ 37 “__ to Joy” 39 Suit __ 40 __ Series: auto races 41 __-à-porter: ready-to-wear 42 __ Joe 44 Caveat __ 45 Civil __: protest

48 __ Canal 49 __ for life 50 Rib __ 51 “__ to that!” 52 “Lord knows __!” 53 __ Abby 54 __ birth to 55 “... __ I saw Elba” 56 __ and flow



8 2

1 7 4

2 8

2 6

9 6





Czech yourself before you wreck yourself Five skaters found the back of the net for the U.S. national hockey team as the United States dispatched the representatives of the Czech Republic 5–2 in the quarterfinals of the XXII Olympic Winter Games. America will get a shot at revenge for the 2010 Gold Medal game when it takes on the Canadian national team in the semifinals Friday.

Men’s lacrosse ready for action BY FREDERICK FRANK STAFF REPORTER Coming off of a second consecutive Ivy League tournament title and its best showing in the NCAA tournament since 1992, the No. 13 men’s lacrosse team will look to returning stars on offense and a revamped defense to provide the foundation for another successful season. “No one expects us to repeat the success we have enjoyed the last two years, which is what we want because we’d like nothing more than to prove everyone wrong,” said midfielder Colin Flaherty ’15. “With that said, we’re not going to surprise anyone this year, so the road to success is definitely going to be difficult, which is no different than last year.” The 2013 Bulldogs (12–5, 4–2 Ivy) lost three of their opening six games, including backto-back defeats at the hands of conference rivals Cornell and Princeton, but regrouped and rattled off eight wins, including a 12–8 drubbing of Princeton in the Ivy Tournament Championship game. The Elis took on Penn State in the first round of the NCAA tournament, coming back from 5–1 down at halftime to win 10–7. Yale’s season came to an end in the quarterfinals against No. 1 Syracuse after the Orange

scored the go-ahead goal with 13 seconds left in the fourth quarter to win 8–7. “The one thing we can really take away from last year is the big game experience that we had playing Maryland, Penn State and Syracuse,” said attack Brandon Mangan ’14. “Now we can improve by staying level-headed and knowing how to handle those games.”

I’m extremely confident in our defense’s ability to be as good if not better than last year. JIMMY CRAFT ’14 Captain, Men’s lacrosse Yale comes into this season with a lot of expectations and a still evolving identity. Yale loses only eight letter winners from last year’s squad but will have to replace attack Kirby Zdrill ’13, who scored 30 goals last season, as well as two four year starters on defense. Coming into this season, the Elis placed eight players on all-New England Interscholastic Lacrosse Association teams. With talent returning at attack

and midfield, the Bulldogs are expected to be a force to reckon with on offense. The unit was named fifth in the nation by Inside Lacrosse heading into the start of the 2014 campaign. “Unlike previous years here there is a lot more hype around the offense rather than the defense however coming together and playing as one unit instead of singling out offense or defense needs to be our identity if we want to win games,” Magan said. Yale will look to a rookie for its third attackman to partner with returning starters Mangan and Conrad Oberbeck ’15. Jeff Cimbalista ’17, an all-league selection his junior and senior seasons of high school has featured heavily in preseason games and will challenge J.W. McGovern ’16 for the third starting spot. Deron Dempster, who last played for Yale in 2012, scoring 37 goals, was expected to return to the Bulldogs attack, but will not suit up for the 2014 season despite participating in fall practice. Additionally, AJ Rocco ’17 looked primed to start, playing well in the Bulldogs first scrimmage against Stony Brook, until a concussion suffered in the Tufts game ruled him out indefinitely. An already heavily-stacked midfield adds three talented rookies. New Jersey’s 2013 player of the year, Eric Scott ’17, head-

lines the newcomers and looks set to start at midfield alongside Flaherty and McCarthy after impressing in preseason, scoring five goals in two full scrimmages. Shane Thorton ’15, Michael Bonacci ’15 and Sean Shakespeare ’15 return to form a potent second line. “Our midfielders are all very athletic and can do a variety of great things on the field,” Flaherty said. “I expect great things from not only the midfield but the entire team as well, but I know it will take hard work to get to where want to be.” Face-off specialist Dylan Levings ’14 will be expected to continue delivering dominant performances from the face-off circle in 2014. The senior, who led the team with 128 ground balls, was named to the 2014 preseason all-American third team. Levings has already impressed in preseason dominating DIII powerhouse Tufts last week in Yale’s 20–9 win. John Reese ’16 will deputize for the senior. At defensive midfield the Bulldogs will rely on the fitness of its top defensive middie, preseason all-Ivy selection Harry Kucharzyk ’15. The Manhasset, N.Y., native picked up 33 ground balls and seven controlled takeaways and developed into head coach Andy Shay’s most reliable twoway midfielder, contributing 10

points on offense as well. The junior has been battling injuries all through the off season and is in a race to be fit for Yale’s opening games. Alexander Otero ’14 looks set to feature heavily as another short-stick defensive middie this season. Yale will use Reily Naton ’16 as its top long-stick midfielder after moving midfielders Michael Quinn ’16 and Jack Ambrose ’14 to close defense. Captain Jimmy Craft ’14 returns as the lone starter on the Bulldogs’ defense. Quinn and Craft return with the most controlled takeaways and ground balls from the 2013 team and were preseason first-team all-NEILA selections. Newcomer Chris Keating ’17, a 2013 Under Armour all-American, will provide cover for the unit. “We lost a couple of special players from last year, but they will be the first ones to tell you that defense is all about the unit,” Craft said. “I’m extremely confident in our defense’s ability to be as good if not better than last year. As long as we keep getting better everyday and stay focused on the little details, we will be a tough group to score on.” In net, Eric Natale ’15 returns after starting all 17 games last season. The Junior will be a crucial piece in anchoring the Bulldogs’ new defense and will hope to improve upon his 53.8 percent

save percentage from last season. Natale will be challenged by 2012 starter Jack Meyer ’14, who was named to the 2012 Ivy League alltournament team. The Bulldogs schedule was much maligned by Inside Lacrosse and ESPN analyst Quint Kessenich, but includes tricky non-conference tests coupled with the always challenging Ivy League slate. The Elis face-off against No. 19 St. John’s, Bryant, No. 19 Fairfield and No. 15 Lehigh before opening Ivy League play at No. 16 Cornell March 15. The Elis will have to face the Big Red, No. 10 Princeton and No. 18 Penn in successive weeks in March. Yale has typically started the season slowly, going 3–3 and 2–4 in the last two seasons, but cannot afford a similar start if it hopes to keep up with its ranked conference opponents. “One of our biggest goals for our team and the seniors is to win the Ivy League regular season so we can host the Ivy Tournament at Reese Stadium,” Mangan said. “However, in order to achieve this we must take it one game at a time and remain focused for the entire season.” The Elis begin the 2014 season against St. John’s at Reese Stadium this Saturday at 1:30 p.m. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at .

Ivy League Men’s Lacrosse Season Preview Harvard CHRIS WOJCIK 4TH season

KEY GAMES MAR. 8 MAR. 18 APR. 19 APR. 26



Last year, the Crimson’s season was defined by close losses, with five of the team’s games decided by two or fewer goals. The Crimson will match its No. 7 Inside Lacrosse recruiting class with a returning squad that loses only three of its top 12 point getters from 2013. The Crimson attack is led by two preseason all-NEILA selections in Devin Dwyer, who was third in the Ivy League in assists with 27, and Daniel Eipp (6 G, 10 P), who missed the last eight games of the season after injury. Despite losing two key starters, the defense will most likely be the Crimson’s strongpoint this season with captain Joe Petrucci (11 CT, 23 GB) and sophomore Robert Duvnjak (16 CT, 26 GB) anchoring the unit. Harvard will have to replace goaltender Harry Kreiger, who started every game in between the pipes in 2013; nonetheless, the Crimson defense was ranked No. 10 in the nation by Inside Lacrosse. The Crimson play a tough out-of-conference schedule this year with trips to Georgetown, No. 3 North Carolina and No. 2 Duke before ending the season at Reese Stadium on April 26.

Penn MIKE MURPHY 5TH season

KEY GAMES FEB. 21 MAR. 1 MAR. 15 MAR. 29




6–8 20–10 T-5th [2-4]

LARS TIFFANY 8th season


MAR. 15 MAR. 22 APR. 11 MAR. 7


20–10 8–5 20–10

In last season’s Ivy League tournament, Yale knocked out the Quakers in the first semifinal with a 9–6 victory. Penn finished the year just behind Yale in Ivy standings, going 3–3 against Ancient Eight competitors and 8–5 overall for a 0.615 win percentage. Penn will maintain its advantage in goal this season, with top-performing goaltender Brian Feeney returning in net. Last season, Feeney had the lowest goals against average in conference at 7.29 goals against per game and the highest save percentage, stopping 136 out of 231 shots on goal for a 0.588 save percentage. The Quakers will continue to exploit offensive opportunities into the 2014 season. In 2013, Penn had the second highest man-up scoring percentage in the Ivy League, converting 18 out of 42 attempts throughout the season. Furthermore, Penn’s second, third and fourth scoring leaders from 2013 will all return to the 2014 squad.


KEY GAMES MAR. 1 MAR. 15 MAR. 22 APR. 19




8–6 T-5th [2-4]

Brown and Harvard tied for fifth in the Ivy League last season, finishing with identical 2–4 records and 0.571 overall win percentages. The Bears allowed the second fewest goals against in the Ivy League last season with 134 — just one fewer than Yale — and put a total of 140 shots past opposing goalkeepers in conference. Brown will only improve its offensive numbers this season. In 2013 its top scorer, attackman Henry Blynn, put up 27 goals and 8 assists for 35 points in his freshman campaign. The second-leading scorer for the Providence-based team, senior attackman Sam Hurster, has also returned to the Bear squad for his final campaign. An increase in experience will help Brown in goal as well. Last year’s starting goaltender, Jack Kelly, was also a freshman and finished the season with a 0.533 save percentage — the fourth best in the Ivy League.


T-3RD [3-3]



KEY GAMES FEB. 22 APR. 5 APR. 19 APR. 26



The Tigers fell to the Bulldogs 12–8 in last year’s Ivy League Tournament Championship for the second straight year. This year, however, could be Princeton’s year to usurp Cornell and Yale for top spot as the Tigers return a multitude of talent in every part of the field. No. 10 Princeton is strongest at midfield, where it returns every starter, including Tom Schreiber (28 G, 60 P), a Tewaaraton Award finalist last year. Mike MacDonald, who posted 59 points but went largely unnoticed last season, headlines the attack unit. Despite being ranked 29th in the nation last year, conceding over 10 goals a game, the Tiger defense looks set to be a potent stopping force in 2014. Princeton returns every starter at close-defense and LSM and is led by newly named captain Derick Raabe (10 CT, 73 GB). The Tigers have several giant games on the calendar before starting their Ivy campaign, including contests against No. 8 Johns Hopkins and No. 3 North Carolina in successive weeks in March.

Last season, the Big Green finished in last place in the Ivy League, taking just one Ivy win all season. They put up a total of 109 goals and let 148 past them in their 2013 campaign. This season’s Big Green has 11 incoming freshmen to aid its nine senior players. While just four of the nine seniors are either midfielders or attackmen, Dartmouth is looking to increase its offensive production from its 109 goals last season with four of its 11 freshmen at midfield and three of the 11 at attack. Although some of Dartmouth’s production is bound to come from its freshman class, last season’s second leading scorer, attackman Adam Fishman, will return to the team as a junior. Last season, Fishman contributed 11 goals and 10 assists for 21 points. The position for goalkeeper is up for grabs on the Big Green squad as last season’s starter, Bernie Susskind, has graduated. Freshman Jake Landman and sophomores Blair Friedensohn and Ham Sonnenfeld, as well as 6-foot-7-inch 210 junior Colin Heffernan, are all in the running. Sonnenfeld played the second most under Susskind last season with two games and just over 18 minutes.


9–6 20–10 T-3rd [3-3]





3–11 7th [1-5]

14–4 20–10

1ST [6-0]

Last season, the Big Red’s offense propelled the team to an Ivy League regular season championship and a Final Four appearance in the NCAA Tournament. The No. 16 Cornell Bears lose 16 seniors this season, including the dynamic duo of Rob Pannell, winner of the 2013 Tewaaraton award, and Steve Mock on attack, and three-year starter AJ Fiore in net. The Bears will also lose head coach Ben DeLuca after a tumultuous offseason, culminating with the firing of DeLuca due to a hazing scandal that led to cancelled fall action. The Big Red, however, still has plenty of weapons on offense, as attackman Matt Donovan and midfielder Connor Buczek return to the defending Ivy champs. Both scored 35 goals apiece last season and will be expected to help carry the burden on offense. Doug Tesoriero took nearly every faceoff for Cornell last season and ranked 12th in the nation in faceoff percentage; he returns for his senior year. The Big Red has a relatively easy schedule until meeting with ACC powerhouse No. 5 Virginia a week before its March 15 matchup with Yale in Ithaca.




Timberwolves found Love in a hopeless place Power forward Kevin Love led the Minnesota Timberwolves to a 104–91 victory over the Indiana Pacers, pacing all scorers with 42 points. He also pulled down 16 rebounds. Love is averaging 25.8 points and 13.2 rebounds on the season.

Hanson ’14 meets former captain BASEBALL FROM PAGE 12 “He was in Davenport though,” Hanson said. “I’m in Pierson, so I don’t think I like that.” Putting these differences aside, the two men were able to sit down this past winter break in the former President’s office in Houston to discuss Yale, leadership and baseball. Although the 89-year-old has slowed down in his elder years, he was quick to tell Hanson what was on his mind when he had his aides organize the meeting. “The very first thing he asked me when I came in was ‘How’s the team looking?’” Hanson said. “This is an ex-President of the United States and he’s asking about Yale baseball.” For about 15 minutes on Jan. 8 — Hanson was scheduled to meet Jan. 7, but the visit was moved due to an impromptu visit from the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. — Hanson, along with his father Doug, sat down with the former Eli captain who led Yale to two runner-up finishes in the College World Series in 1947 and 1948, the first two years of the premiere tournament for college baseball. Yale has not returned to the national tournament since then. Looking to change that this upcoming season, Hanson did not waste an opportunity to pick the brain of Yale baseball’s most prestigious alumnus. “I actually asked him for a little bit of a wisdom,” Hanson said. “I was like, we’ve had a couple of rough seasons. I want to be a good captain. I want to be a good leader. What’s some wisdom that I can pass down to these guys?” Bush’s answer was neither groundbreaking nor particularly unique, but perhaps it was the most appropriate thing Hanson could have been told as the Bulldogs attempt to claw themselves out of their recent slump: “Never give up.” Bush may have some extra motivation to pay close attention to the Elis this season. For Hanson, the meeting was the gift of a lifetime, and one he felt the need to reciprocate in some manner.



Shortstop Cale Hanson ’14 was named captain of the baseball team for the 2013-’14 season. Hanson brought Bush an Ivy League game ball, signed by each member of the 2012-’13 Bulldog squad the day he was elected captain this past spring. Along with the ball, Hanson proclaimed to Bush that this year’s Yale team was dedicating the season to the President. “I told him we want to dedicate this season to you. You’re obviously an awesome inspiration to all of us,” Hanson said. “When I said that, his eyes kind of lit up and he said, ‘Well I want to make it out to a game.’” What might go unnoticed about this get-together between two Bulldog ballplayers is the impact the meeting had on another Hanson — Doug. Mr. Hanson, who likes to refer to himself not as a motivational speaker, but as a “transformation coach” in accordance with his self-started company, the Doug Hanson Performance Group, struggled to put into words just what the situation meant to him. “As a father, it was one of the proudest moments of my life to see my son shaking hands with the President,” Mr. Hanson said. “I literally had tears in my eyes when they greeted each other, not

Not just fun and games COLUMN FROM PAGE 12 the Miracle on Ice and is still fondly remembered among hockey fans. Its lasting place in our memory is in part due to the fact that the game represented an American victory against Soviet hegemony during the Cold War. Whenever the United States and Russia face off against each other in an international sports competition, the game takes on more than just athletic significance. The winner receives a hero’s welcome back home, while the loser sometimes struggles to find some deeper reason behind its loss. Take the Russians after Saturday’s game, for example. With a few minutes left in regulation, the Russians seemingly scored a goal against Quick, which would have given Russia the lead. But after referees reviewed the tape, they decided that Quick accidentally dislodged the net and waved off the goal. After the shootout loss, Russian fans and media quickly began to circulate conspiracy theories regarding the discounted goal. Some believed that the referees were crooked. Others speculated that Quick cheated by intentionally dislodging the net. All of them wanted to believe that there were reasons behind the heartbreaking loss besides just sheer luck and ability. But it’s hard to imagine the same kind of postgame ruckus had the U.S. taken down, say, Canada. There is more than athletic glory or bragging rights at stake when historical rivals — once bitter enemies — like the United States and Russia compete internationally. The winner gets to show that its political, economic and cultural systems are able to produce superior athletes. A victory is an affirmation of the winner’s way of life. This is why treating the Olympics, or any major international

Swimming takes its mark

athletic event, as non-political is akin to burying your head in the sand. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the Olympics have had a long history of political connotations. In 1936, Jesse Owens traveled to Berlin and shattered Hitler’s image of Aryan racial supremacy, denting the pride of the Nazi state. Ironically, despite his heroics overseas, Owens was still treated as a second-class citizen after coming back to the United States. In 1968, Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their black-gloved fists atop the medal podium in support of the American Civil Rights Movement. In 1972, Palestinian terrorists kidnapped and eventually killed 11 Israeli athletes in Munich. From 1964 until 1992, South Africa was barred from the Olympics for its apartheid regime. Numerous countries during the Cold War have boycotted the Olympics for political reasons. More often than not, the Olympics have a strong political undertone. Ignoring it and pretending that these events are non-political only bury conversations that we need to have. Despite all the unease with issues like corruption and human rights abuses in Russia, after the opening ceremony, all the concerns have seemingly disappeared from the purview of the media. The international spotlight that exposed wrongdoings in Russia has all but been extinguished for the sake of entertainment. The Olympics have rarely been without some form of political controversy. Of course, politics should not dominate over athletes’ performances in their arenas. But instead of hiding behind a veil of feigned politeness, maybe it’s time to stop avoiding the difficult conversations during the Olympics. JIMIN HE is a senior in Pierson College. Contact him at .

because of notoriety or publicity, or because we are huge Bush fans, but because it was a perfect example of how goals, effort, discipline and character always lead to a better place.” With Cale’s collegiate career coming to a close, Mr. Hanson said this could be his son’s final year playing baseball, depending on the MLB draft. While fighting off the inevitable end that each baseball player, and athlete in general, faces, he said his son has put a lot of pressure on himself to have a great enough season that he can say all of the sacrifices he made for baseball paid off. That may no longer be a problem. “On our way home from the visit with the President, we talked a lot about how life plays out in peculiar ways, but that it always rewards good choices, sometimes in ways that you never even dreamed,” Mr. Hanson said. “Regardless of what happens this season, or in the subsequent MLB draft, he knows all the work was worth it.” For Hanson, the meeting proved to him what he had known all along — that Yale was a special place.

“Obviously not a ton of kids go to Yale from Katy, Texas,” Hanson said. “The way I describe it is we may not be learning anything different from what you could learn at the University of Texas or Texas A&M, but it’s the people you’re around and the connections that you make and the people that you’re learning from, and there’s no better example than this.” Those treasured Yale connections brought Hanson right to the President’s doorstep, providing the moment of a lifetime for a father and son. Hanson said this experience would not have been possible anywhere but Yale. “If I was the captain of any other school’s baseball team, I would not have gotten to meet President George H.W. Bush,” Hanson said. “It’s just that Yale network that you can’t put a price tag on.” Hanson and the rest of the Bulldogs are currently putting the finishing touches on their offseason preparation as the first pitch of the new season will be tossed Feb. 28 at LSU. Contact JAMES BADAS at .

“We’ve been swimming less yardage than usual, so we are fully rested and ready to go,” Olivia Jameson ’17 said. The team is focusing on getting plenty of rest so it will be fully energized when the Ivies begin, according to Courtney Randolph ’14. The men, who compete a week after the women, have been changing up their practices as well. Brian Hogan ’16 said the Elis are focusing more on their specific races to truly prepare them for what they have to do at the championships. The Bulldogs will have tough competition in the championships, though both the men’s and women’s teams are in good standing in the Ivy League. The women are tied for third with Cornell and Princeton, all with 4-3 records. Columbia is undefeated in first place, and Harvard stands in second with a 6-1 record. The Eli women won against Cornell but lost to Princeton in the regular season. The men are in similar standing, tied for third with Penn. Harvard is undefeated in first, and Princeton is at 6-1 in second. The Bulldogs pulled out a close victory against Penn earlier in the season, winning 155145. As the Ivies draw closer, the nerves are starting to kick in for some of the swimmers, but others are using the emotions to stay energetic. “We use the energy to get fired up for our races and to motivate each other. We are confident in our training, and this meet is what we’ve been working for all season,” Randolph said. The freshmen on both teams will be competing in their first Ivy League Championship. After a fantastic season for the youngest Elis, all eyes will be

on them, just as they have been since the freshmen’s breakout meet. Another Bulldog who stands to attract attention will be Hogan, who has made a name for himself in big ways this season. From breaking Kiphuth Pool records to swimming the fourth fastest 1650-yard freestyle time in the entire NCAA two and a half weeks ago, Hogan has showed his strength in these past few meets and looks to contribute greatly to the men’s team at the Ivies.

We are confident in our training, and this meet is what we’ve been working for all season. COURTNEY RANDOLPH ’14 Apart from nerves, emotions will be running high, as Ivies will be the last career meet for the senior swimmers and divers. According to Jameson and Hogan, the younger Bulldogs have seen how the seniors have contributed all year and while they are sad to see them finish their time at Yale, the younger swimmers are excited to watch the seniors finish strong. “The energy and emotion comes from the team coming together to achieve the goals we set at the beginning of the season,” Randolph said. “It’s a culmination of the year’s journey, and we’re looking forward to some amazing races.” Competition will begin on Thursday, with the women traveling to Providence, R.I., and competing through Sunday, Feb. 22. Contact SYDNEY GLOVER at .

Jones reaches milestone COACH JONES FROM PAGE 12 a dozen of his players have gone on to play professionally overseas or compete for opportunities in the country. “It’s just a reminder of all the quality young men I’ve had an opportunity to coach,” Jones said. “That’s what makes what I do special: the kids winning the games.” After wins against Penn and Princeton last week, Jones is now just two wins behind legendary coach Joe Vancisin for all-time wins in Yale men’s basketball history. Vancisin amassed 204 wins in his 19 seasons as head coach between 1956 and 1975. Jones has a chance to break that record in the coming weeks despite coaching for four fewer seasons. For Jones, a personal friend of Vancisin’s, the mere comparison means a lot. “It’s nice to be put in the same sentence as Joe Vancisin,” Jones said. “To be part of history at a historical university like Yale means a lot. It’s nice to know that when I leave here we will have accomplished something.” Center Jeremiah Kreisberg ’14, who has played for Jones for three years, noted Jones’ strong connection to his players. Despite a back injury that has sidelined him from competing all season, Kreisberg has been able to play an integral role in Jones’ locker room. “I would say that every year he grows as a coach,” Kreisberg said. “[Jones] can definitely get in your face as a coach and is not afraid to yell, but generally he is very fair. He is especially good at understanding the other commitments of Yale students and I think this makes the players trust him more.” The bond of trust that Jones has been able to build with his players has elevated the squad to new heights this season. According to Jones, what sets the current team apart is not just its ability on the court, but the mindset that accompanies its talent. “This team really has a great

belief in each other,” Jones said. “I think that when they take the court they expect to win and they feel like they have a good chance at doing that every night. I think that makes a huge difference.” In contrast to past years, the current team is constructed around younger players, giving it the opportunity for growth in the coming seasons. The quick development of players like Armani Cotton ’15, Javier Duren ’15 and Justin Sears ’16 has the Elis tied for first in the Ivy League. The team has won seven of its last

eight games, including the last six in a row. The Elis are the first Yale basketball team since the 2008-’09 squad to get a win in Cambridge against perennial contender Harvard. But plenty of games remain. With the next four games coming on the road and a target now firmly on Yale’s back, it is possible this stretch will be the most challenging of the season for the Bulldogs. Nonetheless, Jones insists on taking the challenges one game at a time. “It hadn’t even crossed my mind,” Jones said when asked

about the prospects of a slump. “I’m not thinking about a 4-game roadtrip; I’m thinking about Cornell. After I’m done with Cornell, we’ll think about Columbia. We want to focus on the here and now and be in the moment and do what’s necessary to be better for our next ballgame. I don’t anticipate pain. I won’t worry about if I get hurt before I get hurt.” The Elis will face their next challenge when they take on Cornell this Friday at 7 p.m. Contact DIONIS JAHJAGA at .


Head coach James Jones is in his 15th season at the helm of the Yale men’s basketball team.


NBA Washington 114 Atlanta 97

NBA Chicago 94 Toronto 92


MEN’S TRACK AND FIELD TEAM USTFCCCA ALL-ACADEMIC TEAM The men’s track and field team was named a Division I all-academic team by the U.S. Track and Field and CrossCountry Coaches Association. Kevin Dooney ’16 also received individual allacademic recognition.

NBA Cleveland 101 Orlando 93


NBA Charlotte 116 Detroit 98

NCCAM BC 62 (OT) Syracuse 59


SARAH HALEJIAN ’16 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM The junior guard from Wyckoff, N.J. was named to the Ivy League Honor Roll after her performance on the hardwood this weekend. Halejian averaged 14 points, 5.5 assists and three steals in games against Penn and Princeton.

“We’ve been swimming less yardage than usual so we are fully rested and ready to go.” OLIVIA JAMESON ’17 WOMEN’S SWIMMING YALE DAILY NEWS · THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2014 ·


Presidential visit for Yale captain


Captain and shortstop Cale Hanson ’14 met with former president and Yale baseball captain George H. W. Bush ’48 over winter break. BY JAMES BADAS STAFF REPORTER


he No. 13 Yale men’s lacrosse team advanced to the national quarterfinal of the NCAA tournament last season and won the Ivy League championship. The Bulldogs won 12 games, the most by the program since the 1992 season. FREDERICK FRANK reports. SEE PAGE 10

Two men with a lot in common have patrolled the infield for the Yale baseball team, but they have done so sixty years apart. Both hail from the Houston, Tex. area. Both were brothers of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity in their years at Yale. Both majored in economics. Both even served as team captain

their senior years.

BASEBALL One of those two men is current Yale shortstop Cale Hanson ’14. The other is the 41st President of the United States, former first baseman George H.W. Bush ’48. So maybe there is a difference. SEE BASEBALL PAGE 11

Jones gets 200th win


Politics at the Olympics Normally I don’t wake up on weekends until it’s absolutely necessary. But this Saturday, I broke my personal rule and got out of bed at 7:00 a.m. The Olympic showdown between the American and Russian men’s hockey teams was simply too good to pass on. And the game certainly did not disappoint. American goalie Jonathan Quick and his Russian counterpart Sergei Bobrovsky made some of the most spectacular saves of the tournament so far. Russian captain Pavel Datsyuk, likely playing in his last Olympics, scored two goals to send the game into overtime. After a 65-minute stalemate, the game came down to a nerve-wrecking shootout. T.J. Oshie, selected for Team U.S.A. partially for his shootout skills, finally took down Bobrovsky after seven rounds to give America a 3–2 victory. Even though this game will go down as one of the greatest ever played in Olympic hockey history, the intensity of the game far exceeded the importance of the match. The arena was filled with chants of “Rossiya, Rossiya” — the Russian equivalent of “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” Players on both teams sacrificed their bodies to block shots fired at nearly 100 miles per hour. While victory was sweet for the Americans, it did not substantially affect their standings for the playoff round. The real reason behind the ferocity displayed by both teams is the rivalry between the U.S. and Russia dating back to the Cold War. Some of the most memorable games in Olympic history took place between the Americans and the Soviets. In 1980, a U.S. team filled with amateur and collegiate players took down a Soviet powerhouse at Lake Placid en route to a gold medal. The game became forever known as SEE COLUMN PAGE 11

BY DIONIS JAHJAGA STAFF REPORTER In his 15 seasons as head coach of Yale men’s basketball, James Jones has led the Elis to an Ivy League title, two postseason tournaments and top-half finishes in the Ivy League every year. In 2002, Jones was named Ivy League Coach of the Year. But it was a quiet win against Dartmouth on Feb. 7, possibly eclipsed by the Elis’ triumph at Harvard the next day, that put his contributions to Yale in context.


Yale has never finished lower than fourth place in the Ivy League under head coach James Jones’ leadership.

Jones became the second Yale men’s basketball coach, and just the fourth in Ivy League history, to win 200 career games for the Bulldogs. For the calm and collected

Jones, the win against Dartmouth was a poetic way to cross the finish line. Rather than a blood-boiling contest to commemorate the milestone, the Elis thrashed their opponents 67–54, never trailing by a single point in the entire game. “I try to be calm during the course of games,” Jones said, “because if I’m irate and crazed and emphatic about stuff, how are my players going to react? If they see a calm face, a steady face, hopefully they’ll be more calm and steady because calm and steady is going to win the race.” His collected demeanor has served the coach well in his time at Yale, but Jones deflected most of the praise for his achievement. Since Jones took over in 1999, SEE COACH JONES PAGE 11

Swimming set for championships BY SYDNEY GLOVER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER All of the hard work and dedication that the swimming and diving teams have put in this season comes down to these next two weekends.

SWIMMING The women’s Ivy League Championships will be held this weekend at Brown University, while the men start off their championships on Feb. 27 in Cambridge, Mass. Both teams have had at least a week of rest before the Ivies begin, and they are fully focused on what lies ahead. On the women’s side, the team has been modifying the intensity of its practices to prepare for the championships. SEE SWIM PREVIEW PAGE 11



Women’s Ivies will be held at Brown, while the men’s will be held at Harvard.


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