Today's Paper

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T H E O L D E ST C O L L E G E DA I LY · FO U N D E D 1 8 7 8




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CROSS CAMPUS Braving the abyss. There is no

hell like waiting in a single-file line with dozens of your peers in a basement below L-Dub. A sign has appeared above the door of the post office on Old campus that reads “Abandon all hope ye who enter here” and carries the United States Postal Service logo. On various class Facebook pages, students have already suggested taking over the operation themselves entirely, in order to implement more effective processes. Although the USPS did not shut down along with the rest of the government, it remains to be seen whether a mutiny will occur.





Yale Humanist Community seeks a home on campus


Number of New Haven residents with health insurance on the rise







Evidently anything can pass as a theme nowadays, at least in Ezra Stiles. According to a recent announcement from the college council on the upcoming Stiles Screw, themes on the table include odd mashups such as “Business Casual Fictional Creatures” and “Semi-Formal Lumberjacks.” The architecturally unique college is also considering literary references — “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “The Crucible” — as well as tacky, prom motifs like “Enchantment Under the Sea.” Oh, to be a Stilesian …



1943 For the good of the country, the Whiffenpoofs announce they will disband for the duration of the war — songs, tailcoats and all. Submit tips to Cross Campus





4.6 BY SEBASTIAN MEDINA-TAYAC AND ELEANOR RUNDE STAFF REPORTER AND CONTRIBUTING REPORTER New Haven continues to face severe racial and income disparities in quality of health and educational achievement, according to a comprehensive report released Tuesday

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Mortality by ethnicity/race by the local nonprofit DataHaven. The report, titled “Community Index 2013,” covers New Haven proper along with 12 suburbs and draws upon data from a wide variety of sources, including census data, hospital data and DataHaven’s own analyses. The report’s findings show that the inequality New Haven res-

Festival showcases local art

Immigration nation.

Storefronts and windows are being wrapped in black and white, half-toned photographs of local immigrants and immigrant supporters. The retro-art campaign was put on by JUNTA for Progressive Action, a group that advocates for immigration reform, in preparation for the National Day for Human Dignity and Respect on Saturday.

idents face is more dramatic than that of most other American cities. In New Haven, an individual’s race, income level and neighborhood level is a large determinant of his or her overall health and quality of education.

When mayoral candidate Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 releases his next campaign finance filings, he is likely to shift this year’s fundraising race. Elicker’s filings will include donations brought in from Sept. 4 through midnight Thursday, whereas the filing deadline for Toni Harp ARC ’78 is a week later. During the democratic primary, Elicker trailed Harp significantly in donations. But in less than two weeks following the Sept. 10 primary, Elicker raised over $50,000, two times his goal of $25,000. Neither Elicker nor his campaign staff will reveal how much they expect to have raised, but regardless of the exact number the sum will vastly exceed the $29,254 the campaign brought in during July and August. To raise these funds, which could potentially even the candidates’ chances in the race, Elicker’s campaign has relied heavily on previous donors. “Now that it’s just two candidates, people who were holding off are all giving right now,” Elicker fundraising consultant Rafi Bildner ’16 said. “We’ve seen a massive flood of donations coming in the past two weeks because people are paying attention now.” The general election is a clean slate in terms of fundraising. Those who gave to the campaigns can give again. Elicker’s primary donation limit, $370, was lower than Harp’sbecause of his participation in the

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Theme makes the party.


Hispanic 13.6

wander down just a block past the New Haven Green early evening today may stumble upon pathways of luminaria. Around six, restaurants will start setting out open air seating and the New Haven orchestra will begin warming up. Soon the square will be studded with spectacles of light art, perhaps the vague imprints of phantom ships. Friday marks the annual LAMP or Light Artists Making Places festival, and the theme this year is the ‘Phantom Ship of New Haven,’ a 17th century vessel that was lost at sea but which some say can still be seen misty autumn nights on the Elm City horizon.

12 12.6

A light in the dark. Those who

New Haven


A Don Draper touch. Although

arguably more alternative than the Mad Men crowd, the “alt-rock” radio station WMRQ-FM has taken out two avante-garde billboard advertisements — a sign on Whalley Avenue that states only “foo fighters. foo you!” and another on Winthrop Avenue that is upside down. No further explanation was provided in either case.

All numbers are deaths per 1000 live births


Visitors examine works at an Artspace show in 2011.

BY PIERRE ORTLIEB CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Roughly 300 Connecticut-based artists will display their work at select locations throughout the Elm City this month as part of New Haven’s City-Wide Open Studios Festival. The event begins tomorrow evening with a launch party at Artspace — the New Haven studio, exhibition space and gallery that has been organizing the festival for the past 16 years. This year’s theme of “reveille”, or awakening, captures the organizers’ intention to raise awareness about local art and allow painters, sculptors and drawers from the New Haven area to showcase their talents, said Helen Kauder, executive director of Artspace. “This year, it is a very eclectic mix of works,” Kauder said, noting that artists will experiment with a variety of themes, materials and colors. The creations on display SEE ART SPACE PAGE 6

Donations to tighten race

Shutdown cancels OCR visit BY ADAM MAHLER CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Though the Office for Civil Rights intended to visit Yale’s campus this week to discuss sexual misconduct, the government shutdown forced them to postpone their visit indefinitely. The Office of Civil Rights, a sub-agency of the U.S. Department of Education, had planned to send representatives to Yale to follow up on a complaint against the University that was resolved in June 2012. The complaint, filed in March 2011 by a group of students and alumni, alleged that Yale had violated Title IX — a law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in colleges and universities that receive federal funds — by not sufficiently responding to notice of sexual harassment.

Though Yale has instituted several reforms in the past 18 months, OCR representatives had intended to speak with students about any concerns they had about Yale’s compliance with the 2012 voluntary resolution of the case. But the closure of the federal government this week has forced OCR to halt operations and postpone its visit. “We are shut down [and] will have to postpone our trip,” Thomas Hibino, an OCR representative, said in a Tuesday email obtained by the News. “When the government is shut down, we’re prohibited from working.” OCR had planned to meet with the University’s standing committee on sexual misconduct, as well as with several students who had expressed interest in scheduling in-person meetings after OCR sent an

invitation to the Yale community in September. University Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Provost Stephanie Spangler said the timing of the OCR visit “has no bearing” on the 2012 agreement between the University and OCR. The agreement called for the University to educate the Yale community about sexual misconduct and the resources available for students. As a result of OCR’s investigation, Yale has instituted several reforms, including the appointment of Spangler to the newly-created position of Title IX Coordinator, the creation of a University-wide Committee on Sexual Misconduct and the institution of revamped training programs about sexual misconduct for all freshmen, leadSEE OCR VISIT PAGE 6

Faculty input’s role unclear BY NICOLE NG CONTRIBUTING REPORTER At the first Yale College faculty meeting of the year on Thursday, the committee charged with examining faculty input in University decisionmaking presented preliminary findings. After several months of studying mechanisms of faculty governance at Yale’s peer institutions, the ad-hoc committee — which Presidentelect Peter Salovey and Provost Benjamin Polak appointed in May — reported its research and opened the floor to faculty discussion. The six-person

committee, chaired by political science professor Steven Wilkinson, did not present a specific proposal, but the presentation led to a discussion about the need for improved faculty governance at Yale. Out of the approximately 100 faculty members who attended the meeting, more than 20 professors participated in a conversation about current structures of faculty governance, weighed possible alternatives such as a faculty senate and discussed the challenges of implementing a new structure. “I sense desire on the part of large numbers of the faculty to have some kind of a represen-

tative body that is not merely appointed,” said Seyla Benhabib, a political science and philosophy professor. “And there are a lot of details that need to be worked out.” Yale currently does not have an elected faculty body. Instead, the University collects input through town hall-style meetings such as the monthly Yale College Faculty Meeting and through committees appointed by the University administration. According to the committee charged with examining input, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is the only SEE FACULTY MEETING PAGE 3




.COMMENT “Once again, Yale shows 'em how it's done!”

For a more active YCC T

o say that last year was not the best year for the Yale College Council would be a vast understatement. Two members of the executive board stepped down at the start of the spring semester. Survey after survey was sent out to the student body, yet the only tangible result most students can cite is the infamous salad report. When elections for the 2013–’14 executive board rolled around, three of the six positions were uncontested, even after the date for submitting a candidacy was extended. No candidate received more than 725 votes, with hundreds of students putting in the extra effort to vote “abstain” in multiple categories. Clearly the YCC needs to redeem itself. There are issues that Yale students care deeply about that the YCC can, and should, be addressing with more than just surveys. Fossil Free Yale sprung up to demand that the University follow in the footsteps of colleges around the country and divest from fossil fuels. The student contribution for financial aid rose again, leading a group of students to march on the financial aid office and demand reform. This past summer, the sexual misconduct report spurred a petition asking for stronger preferred disciplinary sanctions that garnered over 1000 signatures. Judging from campus discourse regarding these issues and many more, it is evident that Yale students are not apathetic regarding University policy and campus life. Yet it appears that the majority of them do not feel that their representative body will do much to address any of these problems. And given the YCC’s recent track record, this outlook does not seem unwarranted. Many have resigned themselves to the belief that our student government exists for the sole purpose of planning events like Spring Fling. Up until 2009, however, event planning was not even part of the YCC’s agenda — the Yale Student Activities Committee existed as its own separate entity. At points in its history, the YCC has been successful in putting serious pressure on the university to enact policy change. In 2011, the council petitioned the administration to extend gender-neutral housing to juniors, a measure that was implemented in 2012. In 2005, the YCC passed resolutions demanding financial aid reform. This, combined with student protests by the now-extinct Undergraduate Organizing Committee, led to the announcement of huge aid reform in 2008. The student contribution was lowered from $4,400 to $2,500 per year and the range of family incomes that qualified for financial aid was extended. Since then, the

student contribution has climbed back up to $3,300, almost comp l e t e l y undoing the hard work students DIANA put in eight ROSEN years ago. The YCC Looking has failed to prevent Left the steep increase in student aid contribution. Still, the YCC’s new leadership has the opportunity to shift direction and tackle more substantive issues than last year’s council. Although the group has not substantively addressed financial aid for several years, a committee has recently been formed to begin looking into YCC action on the issue. The council created an events committee in order to prevent event-planning from being the sole focus of the organization. YCC leadership sent out emails encouraging students to apply for a new Title IX Student Advisory Board. The YCC is planning on holding a campus-wide referendun on fossil fuel divestment in November. And the push for transparency with the updated YCC website is an excellent step towards ensuring that our elected representatives are doing more than just collecting data on salad bar ingredients. I find it hard to imagine that YCC members are content with the group’s current reputation. They too are students on this campus and are affected by the same issues as the rest of the student body. Two of my suitemates are newly elected YCC representatives and they both hope to enact substantial change from their positions. Many students seem to have given up hope for an active YCC, as evidenced by the low voter turnout in the spring. But I am hopeful that the council’s leadership can learn from their predecessors, taking on the sort of issues that YCC has tackled in its history. The YCC is taking steps to reestablish its legitimacy on campus, but our representatives cannot do this on their own. It is our responsibility as students to get involved in some capacity — the council cannot lead unless it understands the issues that concern the student body. Getting involved can mean joining a committee, having conversations with your representatives or simply taking the time to vote during elections. YCC reform has been needed for several years now. It is up to us to push them to achieve it.


Announcing the Managing Board of 2015 past weekend, the News elected the Managing Board of 2015, which will steer the newspaper through its 136th year and includes the following members: This EDITOR IN CHIEF Julia Zorthian Greenwich, Conn.

CULTURE EDITOR Aleksandra Gjorgievska Skopje, Macedonia

MANAGING EDITORS Anya Grenier Kensington, Md. Jane Darby Menton Tallahassee, Fla.

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY EDITOR Daniel Weiner Arlington, Mass. FEATURES EDITOR Lorenzo Ligato Cusano Milanino, Italy

ONLINE EDITOR Cynthia Hua Palo Alto, Calif. OPINION EDITORS Emma Goldberg New York, N.Y. Geng Ngarmboonanant Bangkok, Thailand NEWS EDITORS Sophie Gould South Hamilton, Mass. Amy Wang Phoenix, Ariz. CITY EDITORS Monica Disare Hamburg, N.Y. Michelle Hackman Great Neck, N.Y.


n August, I was reading by headlamp in my cabin in the woods of interior Alaska, when a traveler named Mark burst through the door. He was staying on my couch for a few days, and had gone to town that day to see about buying a raft for a backcountry trip he was planning in the Arctic. Mark told me he had withdrawn all of the money he owned at the time — some $900 — to pay for the raft. He then asked if I knew what it meant when people say “make it rain.” I didn’t, but I soon learned: he showered every dollar he owned over me, swept most of the cash into a pile on the floor, grabbed a lighter from the counter and hovered over the bills, threatening to burn them. The money survived, unsinged, but we found twenties littered about the cabin like lint for days afterward: stuck under cushions, folded on the floor, crumpled between books. At the time, it was easy for me to believe that wealth had little do with money. That cabin I lived in had an eightyacre backyard of wild land, ripe for exploration. I had wood to keep warm, I made my own bread and I did my best to eat out of the backyard, feasting on blueberries, raspberries and rose hips. I have never felt wealthier than the

MANAGING EDITORS Anya Grenier Jane Darby Menton ONLINE EDITOR Cynthia Hua OPINION Emma Goldberg Geng Ngarmboonanant NEWS Sophie Gould Amy Wang CITY Monica Disare Michelle Hackman CULTURE Aleksandra Gjorgievska

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Daniel Weiner SPORTS Charles Condro Alexander Eppler ARTS & LIVING Jackson McHenry Elaina Plott Yanan Wang YTV Madison Alworth Raleigh Cavero Kevin Kucharski MAGAZINE Sarah Maslin Joy Shan COPY Adrian Chiem Ian Gonzalez Elizabeth Malchione Douglas Plume

PRODUCTION & DESIGN Emma Hammarlund Leon Jiang Jason Kim Jennifer Lu Daniel Roza Mohan Yin PHOTOGRAPHY Kathryn Crandall Henry Ehrenberg Brianna Loo Sara Miller

PUBLISHER Julie Leong DIR. FINANCE Joyce Xi DIR. OPERATIONS Yumehiko Hoshijima ONL. BUSINESS MANAGER Gonzalo Gallardo


ILLUSTRATIONS Annelisa Leinbach DIRECTORS OF TECHNOLOGY Vincent Hu Soham Sankaran



The News’ View represents the opinion of the majority of the members of the Yale Daily News Managing Board of 2015. Other content on this page with bylines represents the opinions of those authors and not necessarily those of the Managing Board. Opinions set forth in ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the Managing Board. We reserve the right to refuse any ad for any reason and to delete or change any copy we consider objectionable, false or in poor taste. We do not verify the contents of any ad. The Yale Daily News Publishing Co., Inc. and its officers, employees and agents disclaim any responsibility for all liabilities, injuries or damages arising from any ad. The Yale Daily News Publishing Co. ISSN 0890-2240



All letters submitted for publication must include the author’s name, phone number and description of Yale University affiliation. Please limit letters to 250 words and guest columns to 750. The Yale Daily News reserves the right to edit letters and columns before publication. E-mail is the preferred method of submission. Direct all letters, columns, artwork and inquiries to: Emma Goldberg and Geng Ngarmboonanant Opinion Editors Yale Daily News


ARTS & LIVING EDITORS Jackson McHenry Pasadena, Calif. Elaina Plott Tuscaloosa, Ala. Yanan Wang Markham, Canada

COPY EDITORS Adrian Chiem Chicago, Ill. Ian Gonzalez Miami Lakes, Fla. Elizabeth Malchione La Canada Flintridge, Calif. Douglas Plume Anchorage, Alaska PRODUCTION & DESIGN EDITORS Emma Hammarlund Angelholm, Sweden Leon Jiang Jericho, N.Y. Jason Kim Las Vegas, Nev. Jennifer Lu Livingston, N.J. Daniel Roza Hagerstown, Md. Mohan Yin Munster, Ind.

PHOTOGRAPHY EDITORS Kathryn Crandall Mission Viejo, Calif. Henry Ehrenberg Seattle, Wash. Brianna Loo South Pasadena, Calif. Sara Miller Waynesville, Mo. ILLUSTRATIONS EDITOR Annelisa Leinbach Mesa, Ariz. MAGAZINE EDITORS Sarah Maslin Madison, Wis. Joy Shan Shreveport, La. DIRECTORS OF TECHNOLOGY Vincent Hu Potomac, Md. Soham Sankaran Mumbai, India

morning I ate French toast with jam made from justpicked raspberries, still warm off the stove. In his DIANA book “ArcSAVERIN tic Dreams,” Barry Lopez Savoring questions the definiSight tion of wealth by describing encounters between the native Tununirmiut people at Pond’s Bay and European whalers who were exploring the area. The Europeans searched for fortune in northern Canada while the Tununirmiut told them wealth meant having a good family life and being imbued with a “far-reaching and intimate knowledge of one’s homeland.” Lopez asks what it means to grow rich: “Is it to retain a capacity for awe and astonishment in our lives, to continue to hunger after what is genuine and worthy? Is it to live at moral peace with the world?” These are good questions. What is wealth, anyways, and when do we feel it most? Over the years, I have experienced wealth in various forms. I have felt rich in the jungle of Panama watching lightning

bugs as big as my fists. At other times, I have felt wealth arrive in the form of meaningful work — those spring days at Yale when I was ruled by the belief that a paper I was writing from the Beinecke archives was the most important thing in the world. Often, I have felt my richest while doing cartwheels on Cross Campus. At this time of year, as summer internships and consulting firms begin their recruitment, it is easy to make jabs at those dressed in suits, interviewing with various investment banks in WLH or Blue State Coffee. At first glance, it seems that the wealth they are chasing is the kind we most associate with money. But I think that most of those folks are chasing other kinds of wealth, too: a sense of self-worth, challenge, growth, the feeling of contributing some kind of value to a world outside of themselves. What is most worrying to me about the droves of Yalies heading into these fields isn’t necessarily the money; it is whether these students know what wealth means to them personally. The definition of wealth differs drastically by person, as it should. This is why I am so skeptical when confronted with the sheer number of Yalies choosing the same career paths. Can so many people have settled into one concept of

wealth? Am I missing something, since mine is different? A few days after the “make it rain” incident, Mark and I hitchhiked to a trail where we would backpack for a few days. We were picked up by a young couple. We were sharing stories about Alaskan travels and explaining how we supported our lives there. When it was Mark’s turn, he said he had just graduated college and wasn’t living or working anywhere in particular at the time. The woman driver smirked and asked, “So you’re just independently wealthy?” We looked at each other and laughed, recalling the image of his life savings casually strewn about my cabin. “It depends on how you define wealth,” he said. “If monetary, then no. But in other ways, am I independently wealthy? You better believe it.” Most of us move forward and try to find wealth — we pursue it, chase it, potentially sacrifice our passions and desires for it. For many of us, though, if we take a hard look, we may find the very thing we chase is already around us in spades. DIANA SAVERIN is a senior in Berkeley College. Her column runs on alternate Fridays. Contact her at .


Rooting for failure

YALE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO., INC. 202 York Street, New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 432-2400

EDITOR IN CHIEF Julia Zorthian

SPORTS EDITOR Charles Condro Midlothian, Va. Alexander Eppler Bethesda, Md.

YTV EDITORS Madison Alworth Long Valley, N.J. Raleigh Cavero Pleasant Hope, Mo. Kevin Kucharski Greer, S.C.

Seeking wealth

DIANA ROSEN is a sophomore in Pierson College. Contact her at .

Editorial: (203) 432-2418 Business: (203) 432-2424



aced with no other options, the Tea Party has now begun actively rooting for the failure of the American economy. Their high-stakes decision to hold the government hostage to delay implementation of the Affordable Care Act will ultimately make or break the Tea Party’s legitimacy as a political institution. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. In its earliest stages, the Tea Party rallied support by vowing to defend the American economy from the onslaught of dangerous government overreach. But all of that changed on Oct. 1 when the party shifted its strategy from defending taxpayers to crippling the country’s economy. As we enter our fourth day of a government shutdown, it is important to understand why Tea Party leaders decided that an all-or-nothing last stand had become politically necessary. Since its rise to power in the 2010 elections, the Tea Party has focused almost exclusively on trying to convince the American people that the Affordable Care Act will wreak havoc on our economy. Opposition to Obamacare has become so central to the move-

ment’s platform that without it, the Tea Party has little reason to exist. As the launch date of the health care exchanges inched nearer, Tea Party leaders began to see the writing on the wall. Despite voting over 40 times to repeal, delay or defund Obamacare, the Tea Party has been unable to derail the Affordable Care Act from becoming the law of the land. Once the health care policy is implemented, Tea Party leaders can no longer tell horror stories about socialism, death panels and skyrocketing premiums because reality will contradict them. Afraid Americans would see the real benefits of the health care law, they had no choice but to shut the government down. When the clock struck midnight early Tuesday morning, 800,000 federal workers learned that a few hellbent members of Congress had forced them out of work to prove a political point. Last fall when I traveled all across the Northeast to knock on doors for President Barack Obama with other Yale students, I did so because I wanted to see Obama’s policies implemented. In particular, I wanted his health care pro-

posal to come to fruition. The current government shutdown defies the basic ideas of a democracy. One wing of one party of one chamber of Congress is overpowering the will of the American people. But the Tea Party simply has no incentive to fund the government right now. Ted Cruz, one of the most politically astute members of Congress, knows the only thing worse than the Tea Party being blamed for shutting down the government is the Tea Party being dead wrong on Obamacare. To be clear, Tea Party leaders are not shutting down the government because they fear that the Affordable Care Act will fail to deliver insurance to 30 million Americans. Their worst nightmare is that the health care law will succeed with flying colors. To that end, the Tea Party has deliberately tried to sabotage the health care industry, with conservative governors refusing to set up state-based exchanges or expand Medicaid. Georgia’s Insurance Commissioner Ralph Hudgens even bragged that his department is doing “everything in our power to be an obstructionist” to Obamacare.

Fortunately, the Tea Party does not comprise the full membership of the Republican Party. In fact, many reasonable Republicans, including both of the last two Republican nominees for President, have denounced the strategy of holding the economy hostage to delay the Affordable Care Act. But Tea Party members of Congress, protected by gerrymandered districts, have an agenda separate from that of establishment Republicans and have necessarily resorted to extremism as they fight for their political lives. The next few months will decide the fate of the once-formidable Tea Party. If the Affordable Care Act fails to deliver promised results once coverage begins in January, the Tea Party will cash in on years of political posturing and finally establish their legitimacy on the national stage. But if President Obama’s signature health care law succeeds, ring the death knells for the future of the Tea Party in American politics. Because their 15 minutes of fame are over. TYLER BLACKMON is a sophomore in Jonathan Edwards College. Contact him at .




WOODY ALLEN “I took a speed-reading course and read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It involves Russia.”


Keep calm and Orgo on I



Stop the prison transfer E

very weekend during the school year for the past three years, I’ve spent a couple of hours tutoring inmates at Manson prison, a high-security correctional facility run by the state of Connecticut for male offenders aged 14 to 21 that’s located about 25 minutes from Yale’s campus. The more I’ve gotten to know the inmates, the more I’ve begun to understand the importance of family relationships in the context of the criminal justice system. A formerly incarcerated individual who receives emotional and economic support from his family upon being released from prison will be far less likely to return to prison. A father who’s serving time in prison instead of raising his son could be beginning a vicious circle of multigenerational incarceration. For the 2.3 million Americans currently behind bars, as well as the 2.7 million American children with at least one incarcerated parent, sustaining family bonds in spite of the physical separation of prison or jail is critical to their long-term wellbeing. These relationships reduce individuals’ chances of reoffending, improving public safety and reducing incarceration costs.

Inmate visitation is perhaps the most important factor in preserving family relationships over the course of a long sentence. The Minnesota Department of Corrections, in a study conducted between 2003 and 2007, found that consistent visitation by families reduced the risk of recidivism for felonies by 13 percent and for parole violations by 25 percent. In June, Charles Samuels, the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, sent a letter to all incarcerated parents in BOP custody in which he wrote, “There is no substitute for seeing your children, looking them in the eye, and letting them know you care about them … the staff in the BOP are committed to giving you opportunities to enhance your relationship with your children.” However, despite these sentiments, the BOP is planning to take away these opportunities from hundreds of mothers housed at the federal prison in Danbury, Conn. Citing overcrowding in men’s prisons, the BOP is planning to convert Danbury, the only federal women’s prison in the BOP’s 10-state Northeast region, into a men’s facility by the end of this year. The BOP would transfer approximately 1,140 female Danbury inmates, who live in the

Northeast, to a new federal prison in Ala., as well as potentially to other sites far outside the region. This proposal would severely reduce, and in many cases entirely cut off, visits between these 1,140 women and their families, including their more than 700 children. It would no longer be feasible for most of these families, many of whom are low-income, to visit their loved ones, especially on any sort of regular basis, when they are 1,136 miles away from Danbury in rural Aliceville, Ala., a small town without an airport or train or bus station. Moreover, there are concerns that tiny, remote Aliceville does not have a large enough population to support volunteer services — including legal aid and education programs, like the one I participate in at the Manson prison. Fortunately, there are better alternatives to the BOP’s plans. One sensible option is a program started by the Women’s Prison Association called JusticeHome, which enables some women who plead guilty to felonies to stay at home while reporting to court regularly and receiving supervision. Enrolling women in JusticeHome is far less expensive than incarcerating them and allows women to continue

to raise their children. The BOP has said that prison overcrowding is the reason for the Aliceville transfer. But overcrowding is a result of failed U.S. criminal justice policy, and the children of the female inmates at Danbury should not be punished for this failure by being cut off from their mothers. A short-term solution to prison overcrowding is programs like JusticeHome and other communitybased incarceration alternatives. The long-term solution is not to build more correctional facilities like the one in Aliceville, but rather to reduce the U.S.’s massive prison population. We have less than five percent of the world’s population but nearly a quarter of its prisoners. Taking steps such as decriminalizing certain nonviolent drug offenses, reforming mandatory sentencing and emphasizing rehabilitation and re-entry efforts will all help to bring about an end to our country’s crisis of mass incarceration. WILL PORTMAN is a senior in Trumbull College. Contact him at . Jessica Garland and Nia Holston contributed to the writing of this column. The writers are board members of the Yale Undergraduate Prison Project.


Rejection, not failure “W

e have had many qualified applicants this year … We regret to inform you that we will not be able to offer you a position.” The first rejection came as a complete shock. I had to read it twice before the words fully sunk in. The next one came less than an hour later. By the end of that day, I had accumulated two more. By the end of the week, my tally had risen to 12. Twelve overly polite responses, 12 “appreciated your application” and “try again next year” notes. One rejection is hard enough for a typical type-A Yalie to deal with. But what happens if you get rejected from everything that you applied for? Let me backtrack a bit and say that this was not the column I was expecting to write at the start of this year. This fall, I was determined to take more risks, to more fully explore all of the resources that Yale has to offer. I confidently auditioned for extracurricular groups, applied for selective seminars and interviewed for oncampus jobs. I assumed that I would be accepted for at least one position — I even worried that I would have to turn some

of the opportunities down. It wasn’t arrogance, but rather an expectation based on past experiences. You would be hard-pressed to find a student here who wasn’t accepted into the majority of the prestigious programs that they applied for in high school. We Yalies do that whole application thing pretty darn well — or so I thought. But at the end of those hectic few weeks of interviews and auditions, I was left reading a computer screen full of rejection emails. I could almost feel my face stinging from the slap. At first, I felt pretty awful. I wanted to curl up in my room with a bag of popcorn and watch a lot of terrible TV. Never before had I received so many rejections in such a short time period. It shakes your identity up a bit when you discover that you might not be as good of a leader or an editor or a poet as you had thought. To realize that they could have chosen you, but they chose someone else instead. Yikes. But, as the time goes on, I’m beginning to come to terms with my folder full of rejections. I realize that in a place like Yale, where each person has such incredible talents, to say that competition is fierce is a major understatement. If you audition for

a spoken word group, you might just be competing with the winner of last year’s National Poetry Slam. The other applicants to that creative writing seminar may have already published full-length novels. Most importantly, I have come to realize that I am not alone. For every student getting tapped or initiated this week, there are dozens more who were turned down. For many, it may be their first experience with rejection on such a large scale. That’s okay. We’re only human. Much as it may be hard for us overachieving perfectionists to hear, we can’t excel at everything. Here at Yale, students typically internalize such rejections. We don’t like to talk about our failures, the painful moments of disappointment when we’re told we didn’t make the cut. Successes, on the other hand, are all too public. We all hear the cheers and laughter echoing across Old Campus during tap nights and initiations. When we keep our disappointments hidden, we lose out on an opportunity to build a network of support. No matter how incredible everyone here seems, I guarantee

you they have all experienced rejection at some point. By acknowledging this shared experience we can not only move past it ourselves, but also help others in their own processes of growth. I’m not going to go so far as to say that I liked being rejected, or that I’m glad it happened. My ego is still a bit bruised. But maybe I needed to be knocked down a few pegs to be hit with the icy reality that I won’t be successful in everything I endeavor. I wasn’t planning on being without major extracurricular commitments this semester — but I’m beginning to warm to the idea of it. I have an unexpected opportunity to make extra time to see friends and to explore New Haven (and heck, maybe even the whole East Coast). There will be plenty of time to enjoy what I do well, and to practice the skills I’m not so good at yet. I’ve started to understand that rejection doesn’t make you a failure — it just makes you human. And there’s something very freeing about that. EMMA FALLONE is a sophomore in Ezra Stiles College. Contact her at .

’m a sophomore with three pre-med suitemates, which means that I’m hearing a lot about how much Organic Chemistry sucks right now. I sympathize with them halfway: Orgo is awful, but it’s not nearly as bad as many pre-meds at Yale make it out to be. Like many a Yalie, I got to campus intent on following the pre-med course of study. Halfway through the semester, I dropped these plans and made the abrupt but welcoming switch to a humanities focus. However, because I was taking “Freshman Organic Chemistry,” concerned pre-meds assumed that I had been thrown off the path by that fearsome demon called Orgo. But that was the farthest thing from the truth. I’ll be upfront: I got an A in “Freshman Organic Chemistry.” Most students in my class did — our professor told us. While most of us were busy worrying ourselves sick throughout the semester (I had my fair share of panicky moments), we failed to recognize that the Organic Chemistry method and curriculum at Yale was designed to reduce student stress and promote success. What makes Organic Chemistry difficult as a subject (especially in its first semester) is that, unlike most other science disciplines, it isn’t entirely memorization-based. Once you commit a handful of reactions to memory, you have to figure out how to apply them to many different mind-bending situations on your exams. The spatial intelligence required of this task is not something that most of us can immediately call upon, which is why it has to be trained through all those late nights in the library.

STOP COMPLAINING — YOUR ORGANIC CHEMISTRY CLASS IS NOT THAT DIFFICULT To help us, all of the Orgo syllabi actually provide students with a lot of leeway. At first glance, it seems like a lot — problem sets, three or four quizzes (depending on the professor) and three midterms. But it isn’t so bad. All of the syllabi that I examined allowed students to drop the midterm that they did most poorly on. Some professors didn’t collect problem sets, assigning them solely for students who wished to practice the concepts in time with the lectures. All classes offered sections and review sessions that provided students with personal attention and the opportunity to clarify any sources of confusion. If I had taken Orgo at one of our peer institutions and put in the same amount of effort, I may not even have passed the class. My professor, Jonathan Ellman, never collected a single problem set. For me, that meant that I never had to do them. The night before each quiz or exam, I would do a handful of problems, often getting them wrong without knowing why, and I’d march in the next day praying for the best. Things turned out fine. The ability to drop my worst quiz and midterm grades (five out of 20 and 83 out of 225, respectively) helped a lot. So did the generous upward curve and high similarity between the practice problems and actual exams. Of course, I am only speaking from personal experience. Freshman Orgo students are a self-selecting group, which may explain the high grades — although most of us were not award-winning prodigies, just students that had dedicated themselves to the sciences in high school and were therefore slightly ahead of the game. I also know that other professors and versions of the class may be stricter with grading. I can’t even pretend to comprehend how a student coming from a weaker science background might feel learning these advanced concepts without a solid foundation. What I can say, however, is that we always need to put things into perspective. While we sob in our rooms over exams that were, at worst, probably still doable, my pre-med friends at some other schools — Northwestern, Washington University — power through longer problem sets, tests that are impossible to finish in the allotted time slot and — worst of all — grade deflation. Organic Chemistry at Yale is not a weed-out class, and we need not continue to treat it as such. Nor do we have to allow that negativity to taint the rest of the pre-med experience. And it’s not just Orgo and the pre-meds. It’s the Intro Programmers. DSers. These classes and programs are difficult, but so is mostly everything at Yale. Recognize them as a challenge rather than an ordeal and move toward realizing success — rather than just preventing failure. WESLEY YIIN is a sophomore in Pierson College. Contact him at .




“When the burdens of the presidency seem unusually heavy, I always remind myself that it could be worse. I could be a mayor.” LYNDON B. JOHNSON PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

DataHaven sheds light on inequality “I think that this information suggests that changes should be made to ensure that our residents have an equal opportunity to achieve their full potential, regardless of where they happen to live,” said Mark Abraham ’04, the Executive Director of DataHaven. “The idea is that the report is just a beginning of that story.” Greater New Haven’s income distribution is more unequal than 82 percent of 366 U.S. metro areas surveyed. The report defines high-income and low-income residents by the relative wealth of their respective neighborhoods. For example, East Rock and Westville were categorized as highincome neighborhoods, and Dixwell and the Hill District were considered low-income. New Haven’s high-income population, if taken as a measure of a city by itself, would have the secondhighest overall wellbeing of any city in the country. By contrast, New Haven’s low-income population as a city would be 119th. School of Public Health lecturer Amanda Durante, one of the researchers for the report, said that health discrepancies between neighborhoods are due to the differences between communities’ access to good health care, healthy food, and exercise. The death rate from diabetes, which is considerably higher in lowerincome neighborhoods is a “striking example” of this phenomenon, she said. The report showed that obesity ranged from 16 percent of highincome individuals to 43 percent of low-income individuals. In low-income neighborhoods, nearly 70 percent of restaurants were fast food establishments, according to the report. “As a community, we cannot afford to ignore the consequent impact of poverty on our health,” said Alycia Santilli, the chairwoman of the local nonprofit New Haven Food Policy Council. “We must address food and health as part of a larger economic strategy in New Haven.” The main purpose of the Community Index report, Abraham said, is to “measure progress on various issues of interest.” This information can then be used by residents to “create very specific action plans to improve the outcomes that are measured.” The Food Policy Council hopes to address the city’s nutritional needs through the Food

CHILDREN UNDER AGE 5 LIVING IN LOW AND MEDIUM-INCOME Percent of Children under Age 5 in Low- and Medium-Income Neighborhoods


70 60

Faculty role discussed FACULTY MTG. FROM PAGE 1

50 40 30 20 10 0





Race Action Plan, a plan that draws on a study cited in the Community Index. The plan, which the Board of Aldermen’s Human Services Committee approved last week, features initiatives such as community gardens, increased access to locally grown food, increased food stamp benefits and nutrition education. Abraham said that he hopes the report will inform policy-making at the state level as well. “We have had conversations with state leaders about how this report can be used,” he said. “Elected officials frequently have made reference to our work in the past.” The report also showed racial segregation by neighborhood in the New Haven area, with black and Hispanic residents comprising the vast majority of the population in low-income neighborhoods. “Most school attendance zones are based on these town and neighborhood boundaries, which leads to significant racial segregation by school,” the report stated.

The report shows a 68 percent black/white disparity, a percentage which represents the proportion of one racial group that would need to switch schools in order for the racial makeup of children and families in each school to mirror the racial makeup of all students in the area as a whole. This places New Haven in the top 10 percent of most segregated school systems, according to a 2013 survey by the Harvard School of Public Health. Third graders’ reading levels vary widely between income groups: 58 percent of children from high-income families were reading at the national standard, while 21 percent of those from medium-income and 17 percent of those from low-income were achieving the same standard, according to the report. Educational discrepancies persist later in life, the report said. Eighty-four percent of highincome individuals received a bachelor’s degree or higher, while only 22 percent of low-income individuals managed to do the same.

On a more optimistic note, recent legislation has had a positive impact on New Haven educational prospects, Abraham said. Governor Dannel Malloy has passed “landmark legislation” which has resulted in increased financial aid focused on new education programming in the 30 lowest-performing districts, said Gian-Carl Casa, undersecretary for the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management. The report concludes by suggesting various avenues for change in Greater New Haven, including the prioritization of early learning policies, the facilitation of new affordable housing and the elimination of pollution and toxic infrastructure in historically disadvantaged areas. DataHaven plans to make presentations to several government agencies over the next few months. Contact SEBASTIAN MEDINATAYAC at sebastian.medina-tayac@ and ELEANOR RUNDE at .

institution among Yale’s peer schools that uses a similar system. Harvard and Princeton both have hybrid models involving appointed committees, elected representative bodies and all-faculty meetings, while other institutions such as Stanford and Duke have elected faculty senates or councils, according to the committee’s presentation. “There was real discussion about the desirability of having more elected members,” said Yale College Dean Mary Miller. “I didn’t hear strong expression of support for townhalls.” Professors also raised questions about how changes to the current structures of faculty governance would be decided on and implemented — questions that received “fuzzy” answers from the committee, according to classics professor Victor Bers. Benhabib said some professors suggested that any recommendation for changing the current structure should include input from all faculty members rather than just the Joint Boards of Permanent Officers, which only includes tenured professors. “The faculty should have a chance to vote on whether the faculty wants to represent itself,” Benhabib said. Miller said the major responsibilities for decisions regarding the Faculty of Arts and Sciences lie in the JBPO’s hands, according to Yale’s bylaws. But she added that many professors at the Thursday meeting seemed surprised to hear that the official role of the JBPO extends beyond decisions about faculty promotions to tenure. According to the committee’s research, many of Yale’s peer institutions have elected representative bodies that include members from all schools within the university. Miller said it would be a “real change” for Yale to shift from a model in which faculty governance is principally influenced by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to a model that solicits faculty opinions from across the University. Issues of faculty governance and input have been a topic of debate ever since controversy arose over Yale’s partnership with the National University of Singapore in 2012. Salovey and Polak formed the Committee on FAS Input in May “with the goal of better understanding the mechanisms in place for faculty input at other institutions and considering the possible approaches that could be effective here.” “I would say we are right at the edge here of either grave disappointment or some extremely significant reform in decision making,” Bers said. Though Thursday’s meeting primarily focused on faculty input, Dean of Admissions Jeremiah Quinlan also presented on admission statistics and demographics about the Class of 2017, and faculty members discussed the check-box to send applications to Yale-NUS, which is currently on the Yale College application supplement. The meeting also included the announcement of special and standing committees, as well as presentations on the semi-annual Executive Committee report and sexual misconduct report. The next faculty meeting will take place on Nov. 7. Contact NICOLE NG at .

Elicker pushes to equalize funds for November ELICKER FROM PAGE 1 Democracy Fund, a public matching system that limits donations and prevents contributions from political action committees and business entities. Harp contributors could, and still can, give up to $1,000. Elicker has vowed to continue to abide by the Democracy Fund regulations in the general election. The Harp campaign, which has long criticized the fund as a waste of public resources, disparaged Elicker’s continued participation. “He’s not entitled to any more of the taxpayer’s money, what is referred to as the sore losers’ club, the Democracy Fund,” Harp communications director Patrick Scully said. Scully said that Harp’s campaign has continued similar fundraising strategies from the primary, adding that the campaign has a large number of repeat donors in addition to a number of new contributors. Scully did not say, however, if the campaign planned to match its total from the last filing period, which came to $176,082. According to Elicker, the campaign has relied primarily on those who gave during the primary. Bildner said that the relatively low contribution limit ensures that donors will be able to give a second time without making significant financial sacrifices, making it easier for campaign staff and volunteers to approach donors. The city’s approximately 18,000 independent voters will also increasingly play a role in funding the campaign, according to Bildner. Bildner added that the proportion of donations for Elicker from New Haven, long a source of contention in the race, went up.


Justin Elicker FES ’10 SOM ’10 will face Toni Harp ARC ’78 in the Nov. 5 general election. Scully said he was uncertain if the proportion has changed for Harp since the primary, during which Elicker raised 79 percent of his funds from New Haven compared to Harp’s 41 percent. Despite the campaign’s efforts, not all of Elicker’s donors — of who 18 gave the maximum — plan to give again. Hamden resident Anthony Cuomo, whose wife Maryanne gave $370 during the primary, said the couple has no intention of donating more to Elicker. “I think he was qualified to be mayor. I happen to know him, so I donated,” Cuomo said. “I donated once and I didn’t think that obligated me to donate again.” Another Elicker donor who gave $370, Yale Professor Harvey Weiss, did not confirm that he would donate again, but he said that the “corruption now personified in New Haven by Ms. Harp’s

candidacy” motivated his support of Elicker. According to Elicker, the spike in fundraising will allow the campaign to avoid going into debt in the weeks immediately before the Nov. 5 general election. This phase, commonly referred to as the “get out the vote” period, generally involves the highest expenditures of the entire campaign. “From literally day one of me hiring my campaign manager, I made it clear that we would absolutely not go in debt,” Elicker said. “That’s bad financial policy and it’s a bad way to run a city.” The average donation to Elicker’s campaign during the July and August reporting period stood at $80, as opposed to $217 for Harp. Contact MATTHEW LLOYDTHOMAS at .





“To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy.” WILL DURANT AMERICAN HISTORIAN


The article “Cohen takes helm of Slifka” stated that Rabbi Cohen is Slifka Center’s first female director. While Cohen is the first female to serve as both executive director and senior rabbi, Amy Aaland had previously served as director as well.

Shutdown impacts STEM


Due to an editing error the article ‘Government shutdown impacts Yale’ misstated that more than one in four workers at Johns Hopkins University are employed by the federal government. In fact, more than one in four workers in the state of Maryland, where Johns Hopkins is located, are employed by the federal government.

UN ASG talks peacebuilding


Assistant Secretary-General of the UN for Peacebuilding Support Judy Cheng-Hopkins discussed how to heal countries wrought by civil war. BY RISHABH BHANDARI STAFF REPORTER At a talk on Thursday evening, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for Peacebuilding Support Judy ChengHopkins highlighted the crucial role of the international community in stabilizing war-torn nations. Addressing a crowd of roughly 30 audience members in the Davenport College common room, Cheng-Hopkins — who previously served as the United Nations’ Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees — spoke about challenges that international institutions face when managing post-conflict societies, common misconceptions that people have of peacebuilding and the ways in which small, stabilizing changes can lead to economic development. Cheng-Hopkins explained that peacebuilding entails building sustainable economic and political foundations, such as establishing land commisions to redistribute land and setting up more inclusive political processes. “There are few things more important than restoring a country that has been wrecked by civil war,” she said. “Not only is economic progress often reversed and infrastructure destroyed, but it creates entrenched divisions within a country.” Cheng-Hopkins criticized the international community for often prematurely abandoning the “long process of peacebuilding.” If the underlying factors and disagreements that lead to civil war in the first place are not addressed, she said, violence will relapse even after UN peacekeepers leave — and these nations may become “safe havens for terrorism and drug trafficking,” which threaten the larger international structure. Citing studies measuring the number of violent conflicts around the world, Cheng-Hopkins pointed to more than 20 countries — mostly ones in SubSaharan Africa — that are mired in cycles of violence and poverty. “If we don’t stay in for the long haul, we’re running the nearcertain risk of having to intervene again and again in the future,” she warned. Cheng-Hopkins said that in addition to impatience, the international community’s peace-

building efforts can fail if policymakers lack an understanding of the culture and history of the specific country they are helping to rebuild. Although peacebuilding is a “costly and lengthy endeavor,” she said, it justifies its costs over time. Cheng-Hopkins brought up the UN’s 2004 intervention and ongoing engagement in Burundi as an example of successful peacebuilding, because the international community assisted the nation in building essential infrastructure such as roads and hospitals in order to “overcome the root causes of conflict.” Cheng-Hopkins said she often has to think “like a venture capitalist” when deciding how to allocate her office’s limited budget across so many countries in dire straits. “You have to decide where to invest your money in the places most likely to produce peace,” she said. Throughout the talk, ChengHopkins emphasized that peacebuilding and political stability are the most important preconditions for economic development. Countries with negligible or no violence saw a major decline in poverty from 1981 to 2005, she said, while poverty levels have remained constant in conflictaffected countries. Cheng-Hopkins also advocated for more women to be involved in peace building and development. “Women are almost innate peace builders,” she said. “They are natural peace mediators. They want their children to go to school, they want to live in their villages in peace.” Students said they enjoyed her talk, describing it as inspirational and uplifting. “It was great to see a female perspective on development, and how influential women can be in developing and rebuilding wartorn countries,” Julia Levinson ’15 said. Danielle Ellison ’15 said that although Cheng-Hopkins was “focusing on the positive side” of development, it was “uplifting to hear of the active role women are playing in some parts of Africa.” Forbes Magazine named Cheng-Hopkins one of the ‘10 Most Powerful Women at the UN’ in 2011. Contact RISHABH BHANDARI at .


The shutdown of the national government and various federal organizations has limited the ability for Yale researchers to continue their work. BY J.R. REED STAFF REPORTER As the national government enters its fourth day of shutdown and prospects for political compromise remain uncertain, Yale researchers and science administrators fear the effects of a protracted gridlock in Washington. Furloughs at federal organizations like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have severely limited faculty members’ ability to make contact with organizations critical for supporting their research, according to Deputy Provost for Science and Technology Steve Girvin. Yale receives an average of $1.5 million in federal support each day, and extended disruptions to this lifeline may have lasting impact on the Yale research infrastructure. “The true impact is going to depend on how long the shutdown lasts,” Girvin said. “If it’s only two days, it’s not a major deal, but if it stretches to weeks, it’s going to start turning into serious money.” The NIH — the nation’s largest biomedical funder — has a grant deadline on Monday. The NIH, where 73 percent of workers are furloughed, has a semi-

automated system for grants that allows researchers to submit with more limited human input from the organization, Girvin said.But he added that he is worried whether the systems will be able to keep up during the shutdown. The NSF, on the other hand, does not have an automated system and is neither able to process grants nor pay out approved grant money to researchers during the period. Yale Associate Vice President for Research Administration Andrew Rudczynski said the NIH and NSF have issued advisories encouraging researchers to hold off on grant submissions. The two organizations plan to issue new deadline dates for any deadlines that may occur during the shutdown, he said, adding that he has not personally seen any direct effects on Yale research projects during these first few days of shutdown. During the last government shutdown, which lasted 28 days in 1995–1996, Rudczynski said agencies encouraged researchers to continue working and expects them to do the same this time. “It’s hard to say just what the impact will be,” Rudczynski said. “If there aren’t new grants that have been awarded at the end of this period, then that could cause issues. That’s not

to say the grant won’t be made once the shutdown is over, but right now the government can’t make any new awards. It’s a serious issue, and we are all paying close attention to it, but at the moment we are following the agencies’ guidance.”

I also know some of my colleagues have deadlines that have now fallen into a black hole. CHINEDUM OSUJI Professor, Chemical and Envionmental Engineering The shutdown has not impacted professor of chemical and environmental engineering Chinedum Osuji, as all of the funding for a $2.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy has already arrived. Still, Osuji said he is frustrated that he has been unable to interact with NSF personnel during the shutdown. He added that he still hopes to make a grant deadline at the end of October. “I also know some of my colleagues have deadlines that have now fallen into a black hole,” he said. “I’m lucky because no

funding is due to come in and there is no particular resource related [to] interactions I need, but, for some others, this could spell bad news.” Many postdocs are NSF funded, and Girvin said the University is looking into how the shutdown may impact their support. Girvin underscored that this shutdown comes at a difficult time for science research in America. Coupled with years of tight funding for science, the sequester and the looming debt ceiling debate, the shutdown is another hit to researchers, and the country’s scientific credibility in international collaborations. “There is real damage that is being done to the picture of the research enterprise because of the funding uncertainties and inabilities to give rise to real budgets,” he said. “You can’t just turn [the research enterprise] on and off at will. You’re discouraging people in the pipeline if they think they are going to be spending their time worrying about financing.” The NIH and NSF were the two largest sources of federal funding to Yale in the year ending June 2012. Contact J.R. REED at .

Humanist group seeks recognition BY VIVIAN WANG CONTRIBUTING REPORTER When the newly organized Yale Humanist Community applied for official recognition from Yale’s religious community at the beginning of the school year, the group realized its request was an unusual one. The YHC was a nonreligious group striving to join a religious community — so when its application was rejected in late September, the group’s founders were disappointed, but not entirely surprised. The YHC was founded in 2012 by Paul Chiariello GRD ’18 and Miles Lasater ’01 as the first university-wide association for humanists, an umbrella term for nontheists who believe in using reason and human experience to create a set of ethics. But shortly after the group applied for membership to Yale Religious Ministries — an organization that comprises campus religious groups such as the University Chaplain’s Office and the University Church — its request was turned down. “We had a good discussion at that time, and individuals expressed thoughtful concerns, positive feedback and diverse wise counsel to me,” said University Chaplain Sharon Kugler in an email to the News. “[But] after much discernment, I decided that the nonreligious

nature of the YHC did not fit with membership in a group with explicitly religious selfdefinition.” The YHC decided to apply for membership this year after it hired its first two staff members — Chiariello as director of operations, and Harvard Assistant Humanist Chaplain Chris Stedman as coordinator of humanist life — over the summer. Although humanists explicitly identify as nonreligious, Chiariello said the YHC was nevertheless optimistic about its prospects because of the shared missions between humanism and established religious traditions.

The way we see it is that the conversation has shifted but certainly hasn’t ended. CHRIS STEDMAN Coordinator of humanist life, Yale Humanist Community Prior to the group’s founding, there were only two humanist organizations on campus: the Yale Humanist Society for undergraduates, and the Open Party for students at the Divinity School. Despite failing to secure membership within

YRM, YHC leaders said they will still continue with their mission to be a resource for the entire university and even for the city of New Haven. Even though Chiariello said he felt “shock and disappointment” when the Chaplain’s Office turned down the group’s request, he added that the YHC remains optimistic. On Sept. 23, Stedman wrote an open letter on the group’s website explaining the significance of the decision and how the group will proceed. Stedman said he is looking forward to collaborating with the Chaplain’s Office on future areas of shared interest. The Chaplain’s Office will also still promote resources and support for humanist students, faculty, alumni and community members, he added. “When we entered into the process of applying for membership, we began cultivating a relationship with the Chaplain’s Office,” he said. “At that time the discussion was about formal affiliation, but since then that conversation has shifted into one of collaboration. The way we see it is that the conversation has shifted, but certainly hasn’t ended.” But some members of the humanist community felt that YRM’s lack of recognition deprives the YHC of a valuable platform. Before Kugler’s deci-

sion was announced, Chiariello expressed hope that official University recognition could help dispel some general misconceptions about humanism. Ari Brill ’15 — a student member of the group — said it is “unfortunate” that the application was rejected because of the potential relationship that could have developed between the group and the Yale community. “I think the Chaplain’s Office officially recognizing [the group] could have led to a perception of a less insular humanist community,” Brill said. “[One] that reached out to and learned from Yale’s active and well-established religious organizations.” While the YHC has not ruled out the possibility of applying for YRM membership again some time in the future, Stedman said it is not currently a priority. “Humanism is perhaps not all that different from many religious traditions, in that it has history, stories, ideas, principles,” Stedman said. “We want to build relationships with religious neighbors and collaborate for the common good.” The YHC staff will meet with Kugler next week to plan specifics for future collaboration. Contact VIVIAN WANG at .


Hired first staff members

Fall 2013

Rejected for membership

Humanist Society formed

Summer 2013

Applied for membership with the Chaplain’s Office

End of Sept 2013

Next week Humanist society to meet with Chaplain Kugler to discuss future plans




“There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward, you can remove all traces of reality.” PABLO PICASSO SPANISH ARTIST

Open Studios to ‘awaken’ Elm City


Artspace New Haven will showcase the studio’s and works of more than 300 artists, primarily housed in the Goffe Street Armory. The location is appropriate to the festival’s theme of ‘reveille.’ ART SPACE FROM PAGE 1 will range from a beaded tapestry delineating a conflict between Chinese military forces and Buddhist monks to a tuft of grass that should challenge the viewer to revisit preconceived notions of ecology and environmentalism. Caleb Hendrickson, the festival’s coordinator, said that the diversity of art displayed will

allow participants to engage in a creative dialogue. “The idea for the artists is to start a discussion with collaborators and colleagues,” Hendrickson said. “That’s the main thrust.” Visitors will have a chance to see the artists’ private studios, go on a bike tour of New Haven and explore the New Haven Armory, a previously deserted building that

Artspace has renovated to host the studios of approximately 130 artists through October. Artspace’s effort to “awaken” the Armory ties into the overarching theme of “reveille” as well, Kauder said. Hendrickson explained that the creative revitalization of unused buildings will benefit artists, viewers and the city, whose relationship with the arts will be reinforced by

the “wide range of experiences” staged by Open Studios. Some of the participating artists, such as Jason Noushin, hope to also challenge viewers’ notions of more specific topics. He hopes that his piece — a .45 caliber pistol on a burgundy canvas surrounded by real bullet cases that pierce through the background — will help spark a national dialogue on gun violence in the

United States. Noushin began work on the piece in the aftermath of the Newtown shooting and said he is looking to use Open Studio’s creative space as a forum for further discussion. “When you see art, it stays with you — it’s more arresting than hearing about it on the radio or reading it in the news,” he said, adding that the visual power of art, while pleasing to the eye,

should also tease the mind. Ultimately, Hendrickson said the main objective of the festival is “to expose people to art and to make it fun.” The New Haven City-Wide Open Studios runs from Oct. 4 to Oct. 27. at four locations throughout New Haven. Contact PIERRE ORTLIEB at .

Office of Civil Rights cancels visit to Yale OCR FROM PAGE 1 ers of student organizations and residential college masters and deans. The University also now releases biannual reports on the state of sexual misconduct at Yale. The most recent report, released in July, incited widespread controversy because many believed the University had not sufficiently punished perpetrators of “nonconsensual sex.” Of the six students found guilty of “nonconsensual sex”

between Jan. 1 and June 30 this year, only one was suspended and none were expelled, according to the report. Over the summer, concerned students circulated petitions calling for the University to respond more strongly to incidents of sexual misconduct, and University President Peter Salovey addressed the complex nature of the issue in an Aug. 5 email to the Yale community. “Yale’s standard of consent is extremely rigorous,” Salovey said in the email, adding that Yale requires clear and unam-

biguous consent at every stage of a sexual encounter. “But even with the involvement of an independent fact-finder, it is often difficult to ascertain the circumstances of a complaint beyond what the complainant and the respondent report.” Despite Yale’s work over the last few years to address the problem of sexual misconduct at Yale, Salovey said there is still more to do. Shelby Davis-Cooper ’14 said sexual misconduct is a divisive issue on campus. “Some friends are very

invested in campus sexual climate,” she said. “Others find the issue overwrought or a matter of political correctness.”

Yale’s standard of consent is extremely rigorous. PETER SALOVEY President, Yale University

Still, she said, all students want to reduce the number of

incidents of sexual misconduct. Third parties like OCR help to hold Yale accountable, DavisCooper said, adding that she is “cautiously optimistic” about the progress Yale is making in improving its sexual climate. Both freshmen interviewed said they think Yale is doing a reasonable job of clearly defining sexual misconduct and raising awareness on campus. Alex Lee ’17 said Yale’s emphasis on teaching students about “enthusiastic consent” helps them internalize messages about what forms of sexual con-

duct are acceptable. Students interviewed said they were largely unaware that the OCR visit had been postponed. Sixty-one cases of sexual assault, harassment or other misconduct were brought to University officials between Jan. 1 and June 30 this year. Contact ADAM MAHLER at .




“I have never taken any exercise except sleeping and resting.” MARK TWAIN AMERICAN AUTHOR

FITWEEK flexes New Haven’s muscles BY POOJA SALHOTRA CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Greater New Haven and Fairfield County residents are breaking a sweat this week as part of the second annual FITWEEK event. Founded by Shana Schneider ’00 in 2011, FITWEEK is a company that encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle throughout the year. The company is currently sponsoring its biggest annual event, which allows those across New Haven and Fairfield County access to hundreds of exercise classes at participating local businesses from Sept. 30 until Oct. 6. The classes are available to those who purchase a $20 FITWEEK pass, whose proceeds will support cancer research and patient care at the Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven. “You have to find a workout that you really connect with because then you will keep going,” Schneider said. “The FITWEEK event is a good opportunity for people to try different local fitness options.” The event kicked off on Monday with a 30-minute lunchtime walk led by Schneider and Anees Chagpar, director of the Breast Center at Smilow Hospital. About 25 people gathered outside the Smilow Cancer Hospital to walk and talk about the health benefits of physical fitness, Chagpar said. For the rest of the week, passholders can attend fitness classes ranging from salsa dancing to kickboxing at over 150 participating businesses in Greater New Haven and Fairfield County. Margot Broom, owner of Breathing Room — a local yoga center — agreed to participate in this year’s event by allowing

pass-holders to attend three yoga classes for free during the week. “I think it’s a great way for people to try different avenues of fitness,” Broom said. “And there’s definitely a return on the investment — for the most part, people come in and they completely fall in love with what we do and want to come back.”

People come in and they completely fall in love with what we do and want to come back. MARGOT BROOM Owner, Breathing Room Director of the New Haven Open at Yale, an internationally acclaimed women’s tennis tournament, Anne Worcester attended the kick-off walk with seven other New Haven Open staff members and said she has used her pass to attend a Zumba class and a yoga class. “It’s all about trying something new in an effort to stay fit,” she said. In addition to helping people find a fitness class that suits their lifestyle, organizers said the event is meant to highlight the link between physical fitness and cancer prevention. For last year’s FITWEEK event, the passes were free and money was raised through sponsors and individual donors. But this year, Schneider said she decided to directly link the passes to the donation to create a clear connection between exercise and cancer prevention. “Based on the research, it’s pretty clear that physical activ-


Greater New Haven residents can access hundreds of exercises classes at local businesses by purchasing a FITWEEK pass before Oct. 6. ity is beneficial, whether that is in reducing cancer risk, increasing survivorship, or reducing the risks of other diseases like cardiovascular disease,” Chagpar said. Although the FITWEEK event only lasts one week, Schneider

said she continues to help people add fitness to their daily routines through the company’s monthly fitness events and an ongoing online campaign that stresses exercise. In one video, “2-min Workout with a Toothbrush” she shows viewers how to

Mexican politicians talk careers

strengthen their legs through leg lifts and squats while simultaneously brushing their teeth. The idea is to be active throughout the week, rather than burning yourself out at the gym once a week, said Schneider. As part of the event, Schneider


BY ISABELLE TAFT CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Ernesto Zedillo GRD ’81 and Arturo Sarukhan — the former president of Mexico and former Mexican ambassador to the U.S. — voiced their opinions on U.S.-Mexican relations and international affairs in a crowded Branford common room on Thursday afternoon. About 100 undergraduates, graduate students and faculty members attended the discussion, moderated by Justin Schuster ’15 and Eric Stern ’15, editors-in-chief of The Politic. Zedillo and Sarukhan discussed their career paths and thoughts on the future of Mexican relations with the U.S., as well as the impact of China’s rise as an international power on the bilateral relationship. Zedillo, who currently teaches economics and heads the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, served as the President of Mexico from 1994 to 2000. Sarukhan, now working for a strategic consulting firm in Washington, D.C., was an ambassador from 2007 to 2013 under Mexican president Felipe Calderon. Throughout their remarks, both speakers emphasized the importance of education to achieving success. Zedillo described his humble upbringing in a remote part of Mexico, where his father worked as an electrician and his mother as a secretary. Through success in his local public school system, he said he was able to advance to the National Polytech-

nic Institute in Mexico City. “And then I came to the best university in the world,” Zedillo said. “You know the name — Yale.” Sarukhan said he viewed his work as ambassador as a service to the country that enabled his parents to “restart their lives.” His father’s family fled Armenia during the Armenian genocide, and his mother’s family of Catalonian Republicans left Spain after the Spanish Civil War. Sarukhan said the U.S.-Mexican relationship during his tenure was like a Dickens novel: the “best of times, the worst of times.” The relationship faced challenges such as a fluctuating American immigration policy, drug violence in Mexico that occasionally spilled across the border and uncertainty about the role of a rising China in the Western hemisphere. But despite these tensions, Sarukhan said, communication between the two nations remained strong. Zedillo attributed credit for this close relationship entirely to Sarukhan. “I don’t even want to think what would have happened if an old-school Mexican diplomat had been in Washington,” Zedillo said. “It would have been a disaster.” Sarukhan achieved the distinction of being the first ambassador in D.C. to operate his own Twitter account, which started in 2009. He said he decided to start the account without asking for permission because he was sure it would be

refused, adding that “everyone except babies hates change, and foreign services are no different.” Sarukhan urged students seeking careers in the foreign service to push against the “bureaucratic inertia” that limits freedom and reduces creativity. And he cautioned them that a career in government is not an easy life of gala events and shaking hands with dignitaries. “It will be a long slog,” Sarukhan said. After the moderated discussion, audience members asked questions about the speakers’ current occupations, thoughts on the future of nuclear weapons reduction efforts and opinions on the influence of domestic politics on foreign policy. Aaron Troncoso ’17 said he was interested to learn more about Mexican politics because of his Mexican heritage, adding that hearing speakers like Zedillo and Sarukhan offers a lot of knowledge and feels like “watching an artisan.” But not all audience members felt the venue was well suited to the event. Reed Dibich ’17 said he felt the former president and ambassador deserved a more grandiose setting than a table in the Branford common room. Ernesto Zedillo teaches two undergraduate courses at Yale — a lecture on international trade and a seminar about globalization. Contact ISABELLE TAFT at .


Uninsured rate declines in Connecticut BY RISHABH BHANDARI STAFF REPORTER

Former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo GRD ’81 and former ambassador to the U.S. Arturo Sarukhan spoke on Thursday.

is leading a 30-minute walk on Yale campus on Friday afternoon and a “shopping walk” through The Shops at Yale and Chapel Street Boutiques on Saturday.

The share of Connecticut residents without access to health insurance has dropped significantly in recent years, according to census data from the most recent Current Population Survey (CPS). Economists and policy analysts interviewed said that Connecticut’s improvement came largely through the implementation of federal and state policies aimed at improving access to health care. The findings, which are part of a larger nationwide report on trends in health insurance, poverty and income, show that the percentage of Connecticut citizens under the age of 65 without access to health insurance dropped from 12.7 percent in the 2009–2010 two-year period, to 9.5 percent in 2011–2012. Across the nation, the uninsured rate dropped slightly from 15.7 percent to 15.4 percent, but it was not a statistically significant drop according to the Census Bureau. Most of the decrease in Connecticut’s uninsured rate can be attributed to the expansion of Health for UninSured Kids (HUSKY) — Connecticut’s Medicaid program — as well as the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, said David Dearborn, the communications director for Connecticut’s Department of Social Services. “In the last few years, Connecticut has allowed previously ineligible groups like low-income adults without children to access HUSKY for the first time,” Dearborn said, adding that the state legislature has also increased income eligibility for parents and pregnant women in HUSKY. “These measures are the real drivers of this decline,” Dearborn said. The percentage of Connecticut residents who were covered by HUSKY grew from 9.9 percent in 2009 to 15.7 percent in 2012, while the Medicare coverage rate also ticked upwards from 14.7 percent to 15.7 percent. The drop in uninsured state residents came in spite of a decrease in employer based insurance. This decrease can be attributed to Connecticut’s sluggish economic climate. The state continues to struggle with high

unemployment and a tepid economic recovery. “The economy’s been lousy and that’s led to firms switching formerly full-time workers to part-time work so that they’re no longer eligible for the company’s health insurance plan,” said Rexford Santerre, a healthcare economist at the University of Connecticut. Santerre pointed to the drop in Connecticut’s employer-spon-

Connecticut has allowed […] low-income adults without children to access HUSKY for the first time. DAVID DEARBORN Communications director, Connecticut Department of Social Services sored insurance (ESI) rate from 67.5 percent in 2009 to 64.3 percent in 2012 as a continuation of what he said is a long-term trend. According to the non-profit advocacy organization Connecticut Voices for Children, 78 percent of Connecticut residents under 65 had employer-based health coverage between the years 2000 and 2001. By 2011– ’12, that number had declined to 64.3 percent. If the ESI rate continues to fall, government programs will need to continue growing to cover the gap, said Sharon Langer, a senior policy fellow at Connecticut Voices for Children. She added that the ongoing implementation of the ACA will be the next major opportunity for low-income residents to obtain health care insurance. By further expanding HUSKY coverage for low-income adults and providing more affordable private coverage, the Affordable Care Act will provide coverage for between 100,000 and 130,000 state residents, Langer said. Among children in Connecticut under the age of 18, the share without health insurance declined from 6.5 percent in 2009–2010 to 4.5 percent in 2011–2012. Contact RISHABH BHANDARI at .




Budget, debt unresolved

T Dow Jones 14,996.48, -0.90% S S

NASDAQ 3,774.34, -1.07% Oil $103.18, -0.13%


S&P 500 1,678.66, -0.90%

T 10-yr. Bond 2.606, -0.76% T Euro $1.36, +0.03%

Police shoot, kill driver after chase


Grand Canyon National Park Ranger Jason Morris talks to people on a motorcycle at the closed park entrance. BY JIM KUHNHENN ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — Three days into a government shutdown, President Barack Obama pointedly blamed House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday for keeping federal agencies closed, while the bitter budget dispute moved closer to a more critical showdown over the nation’s line of credit. The Treasury warned of calamitous results if Congress fails to raise the debt limit.

If we screw up, everybody gets screwed up. BARACK OBAMA President, United States

Answering Obama, Boehner complained that the president was “steamrolling ahead” with the implementation of the nation’s new health care law. As the government operated sporadically, the stock market sank to its lowest level in nearly a month. The shutdown was clearly leaving its mark. The National Transportation Safety Board wasn’t sending investigators to Tennessee to probe a deadly church bus crash that killed eight people and sent 14 others to the hospital. The Labor Department said it wouldn’t release the highly anticipated September jobs report on Friday because the government remains shuttered. Outside the Capitol, shots rang out at midafternoon bringing an already tense Congress under lockdown, a nerve-wracking moment in a city still recovering from a Sept. 16 mass shooting at the Navy Yard. Authorities and witnesses said a woman tried to ram her car through a White House barricade then led police on a chase that ended in gunfire and her death outside the Capitol more than 1 mile away. Despite the heated political rhetoric, some signs of a possible way out of the shutdown emerged. But the state of play


remained in flux. Two House Republicans said Boehner told them he would allow a House vote on restarting the entire government — but only if conservative GOP lawmakers assured him they would not attack it for failing to contain curbs on the health care law. So far they have been unwilling to give that commitment. The two spoke on condition of anonymity to reveal details of private discussions. The shutdown and the approaching debt ceiling were merging into one confrontation, raising the stakes for the president and Congress as well as for the economy. Obama and his Treasury Department said that failure to raise the nation’s borrowing limit, expected to hit its $16.7 trillion cap in mid-October, could precipitate an economic nosedive worse than the Great Recession. A default could cause the nation’s credit markets to freeze, the value of the dollar to plummet and U.S. interest rates to skyrocket, according to the Treasury report. Obama catalogued a litany of troubles that could be caused by the failure to raise the debt ceiling, from delayed Social Security and disability checks to worldwide economic repercussions. “If we screw up, everybody gets screwed up,” he said. The speaker’s office reiterated Boehner’s past assertion that he would not let the United States default on its debt. “But if we’re going to raise the debt limit, we need to deal with the drivers of our debt and deficits,” his spokesman, Michael Steel, said. “That’s why we need a bill with cuts and reforms to get our economy moving again.” Conservatives have insisted that either reopening the government or increasing the debt ceiling must be accompanied by a measure that either delays or defunds the nation’s new health care law. Absent those concessions, Republicans want cuts in spending, savings in major benefit programs and an overhaul of the tax system.

A damaged Capitol Hill police car is surrounded by crime scene tape after a car chase and shooting on Capitol Hill in Washington. BY BRADLEY KLAPPER AND LAURIE KELLMAN ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — A woman with a 1-year-old girl led Secret Service and police on a harrowing car chase from the White House past the Capitol Thursday, attempting to penetrate the security barriers at both national landmarks before she was shot to death, police said. The child survived. “I’m pretty confident this was not an accident,” said Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy Lanier. Still, Capitol Police said there appeared to be no terrorist link. Authorities would not say whether the woman had been armed. Tourists, congressional staff and even some senators watched as a caravan of law

enforcement vehicles chase a black Infiniti with Connecticut license plates down Constitution Avenue outside the Capitol. House and Senate lawmakers, inside debating how to end a government shutdown, briefly shuttered their chambers as Capitol Police shut down the building. The woman’s car at one point had been surrounded by police cars and she managed to escape, careening around a traffic circle and past the north side of the Capitol. Video shot by a TV cameraman showed police pointing firearms at her car before she rammed a Secret Service vehicle and continued driving. Lanier said police shot and killed her a block northeast of the historic building. One Secret Service member and a 23-year veteran of the Capitol Police were injured.

Officials said they are in good condition and expected to recover. “This appears to be an isolated, singular matter, with, at this point, no nexus to terrorism,” said Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine. The pursuit began when the car sped onto a driveway leading to the White House, over a set of lowered barricades. When the driver couldn’t get through a second barrier, she spun the car in the opposite direction, flipping a Secret Service officer over the hood of the car as she sped away, said B.J. Campbell, a tourist from Portland, Ore. Then the chase began. “The car was trying to get away. But it was going over the median and over the curb,” said Matthew Coursen, who was watching from a cab win-

dow when the Infiniti sped by him. “The car got boxed in and that’s when I saw an officer of some kind draw his weapon and fire shots into the car.” Police shot and killed the driver just outside the Hart Senate Office Building, where many senators have their offices. Dine said an officer took the child from the car to a hospital. She is in good condition under protective custody, officials said. A few senators between the Capitol and their office buildings said they heard the shots. “We heard three, four, five pops,” said Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa. Police ordered Casey and nearby tourists to crouch behind a car for protection, then hustled everyone into the Capitol. Others witnessed the incident, too.

Lawmakers don’t see urgency to end shutdown BY CHARLES BABINGTON ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON — The government shutdown could last for many days or even weeks because politically safe lawmakers in both parties feel little pressure to compromise. Heavily gerrymandered districts make many House Democrats and Republicans virtual shoo-ins for re-election, insulating them from everything but the views in their slice of the country. That means some lawmakers can be greeted as heroes back home even if nationally the budget standoff comes to be viewed with scorn. For decades, lawmakers have redrawn congressional boundaries to pack districts with like-minded people and ensure easy re-election for incumbents. But election results and lawmakers’ voting patterns show that the

House is more sharply divided along party lines than perhaps at any other point in modern times. “After every census and reapportionment, the blue districts get bluer and the red districts get redder,” said former Rep. Steve LaTourette, R-Ohio, using the colorful terms for liberal and conservative districts. “It’s against their electoral interests,” he said, for lawmakers from such districts to move toward the center rather than feed “red meat” to their most ideological constituents. Many House Republicans insist that President Barack Obama curtail all or part of his landmark health care law, which they call “Obamacare.” But Democrats, who control the Senate, say it’s preposterous to yield ground on a major accomplishment that survived a Supreme Court challenge and Obama’s 2012 re-

election. Both sides appear unwilling to budge, thanks to lawmakers’ ideological beliefs and the strong support they generally receive from voters back home.

Obama is not going to give up on Obamacare, for either a delay or defunding it. And I don’t see how we can give up on trying. MIKE SIMPSON, R-IDAHO Member, House of Representatives “It might be that both sides are backed into a corner so far that it’s hard to get out of,” said Rep. Mike Simpson.

R-Idaho. “Obama is not going to give up on Obamacare, for either a delay or defunding it,” he said. “And I don’t see how we can give up on trying.” Constituents calling and emailing his office, Simpson said, generally oppose both the shutdown and the Obama health law. He said the government shutdown could last at least two weeks, which would overlap with the more consequential question of whether to raise the U.S. debt limit to avoid defaulting on obligations. Like many Republicans, Simpson said the GOP will have more political leverage on the debt ceiling because the stakes will be so high. The White House calls that an irresponsible and unacceptable strategy, and it vows not to negotiate on something that could rock financial markets worldwide and trigger a new recession.






Mostly cloudy, with a high near 74. Chance of precipitation is 30%.


High of 76, low of 59.

High of 75, low of 63.


ON CAMPUS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 6:00 PM Night Market. A night of culture founded by the Taiwanese American Society celebrates the world by lining the walkway between Branford College and Jonathan Edwards College with booths, fun activities and performances of all sorts. Library Walk. 8:00 PM “The Most Beautiful Thing in the World.” One of the world’s most renowned motivational speakers is coming to the Yale Cabaret for three nights only. Come and discover the power of the YOUniverse! Part self-help seminar, part clown show, “The Most Beautiful Thing in the World” will open your mind, explode your heart, and change your life in 60 minutes, tops. Yale Cabaret (217 Park St.).


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 6:00 PM The 2013 Nigerian Independence Day Gala. This year marks the 53rd anniversary of Nigeria’s Independence. The Students of Nigeria presents the Nigerian Independence Day Gala, which features a keynote speech by Nigerian-American author Nnedi Okorafor, winner of the 2008 Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa and writer of “Who Fears Death.” There will be a cultural show including Asempa!, African Queens, spoken word and more. Traditional Nigerian cuisine will be served. AfroAmerican Cultural Center (211 Park St.). 8:00 PM Yale Symphony Orchestra Season Opener Come help ring in the new year as the YSO opens its 2013-’14 season with Wagner’s Overture to Tannhäuser before accompanying Chelsea Lane ’14, the 2013 William Waite Concerto Competition Winner, in Glière’s Harp Concerto. Purchase tickets online at Woosley Hall (500 College St.).


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 2:00 PM ”Pride and Prejudice.” The Undergraduate Jane Austen Society is hosting its first event: a film viewing of Jane Austen’s classic, “Pride and Prejudice.” Timothy Dwight College (345 Temple St.), Selin Lounge.

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle


CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis ACROSS 1 Place for una familia 7 Xerox insert: Abbr. 11 Advanced math deg., in Canada 14 With 15-Across, verifies in advance, literally 15 See 14-Across 16 Suffix with Capri 17 Clubs with balls 18 Yellow butterflies, to Brits 20 Two-note keyboard effect 22 Most fit to serve 23 “Pinocchio” whale 26 With 32-Across, warm apparel, literally 28 Barcelona gold 29 Kiosk 32 See 26-Across 33 Fam. tree member 35 Old cutter 36 Sign of cold feet? 37 See 39-Across 39 With 37- and 40Across, nosh, literally 40 See 39-Across 42 Progressive Insurance spokeswoman 43 B.C. law group 45 Starr-struck one? 47 See 51-Across 48 __ music 50 Fire 51 With 47-Across, former “American Idol” winner, literally 53 Con artist 55 Years in Claudius’ reign 56 Certain cracker 59 Guides in the direction of 61 Jason of “Harry Potter” films 65 Fancy marble 66 See 67-Across 67 With 66-Across, 1975 Best Picture nominee, literally 68 People people: Abbr.

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By David Poole

69 Celebrity chef Burrell 70 Initial stages

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“Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board.” ZORA NEALE HURSTON AMERICAN AUTHOR

Ship sinks off Italy

Mexicans seek Asylum BY ELLIOT SPAGAT AND MARK STEVENSON ASSOCIATED PRESS SAN DIEGO — Elizabeth Silva was walking her younger sister to school when two hooded men burst into her house and pumped three bullets into her father. When her 14-year-old brother rushed out of his bedroom to see what was happening, he was also shot dead. The killings in a sun-seared farming region of western Mexico prompted her to board a bus to the U.S. border to seek asylum, a hugely popular escape route in a remote area that has seen some of the country’s worst drug-fueled violence. As gunfire rang in the distance, her family hurried out of the cemetery after burying the bodies and fled the same day. Asylum requests from Mexico have surged in recent years


A ship carrying African migrants to Europe caught fire and capsized off the Italian coast on Thursday. BY NICOLE WINFIELD ASSOCIATED PRESS

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ROME — The rickety fishing boat was the third of the night to head toward the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa, overloaded with African migrants seeking a better life in Europe. Most never reached shore. After the boat started taking on water, someone on board set a fire to get the attention of passing ships. The flames spread and panicked passengers surged to one side to avoid the fire. The vessel capsized, and hundreds of men, women and children who didn’t know how to swim were flung into the Mediterranean Sea. At least 114 people died and some 200 were still unaccounted for late Thursday, Italian officials said. “We need only caskets, certainly not ambulances,” said Pietro Bartolo, chief of Lampedusa health services. It was one of the deadliest accidents in the perilous crossing thousands make each year, seeking a new life in the prosperous European Union. Smugglers charge thousands of dollars a head for the journey aboard overcrowded, barely seaworthy boats that lack life vests. Lampedusa, 70 miles (113 kilometers) off Tunisia and closer to Africa than the Italian mainland, has been at the center of wave after wave of illegal immigration. “It’s an immense tragedy,” Mayor Giusi Nicolini said. Between 450 and 500 people were believed to be on board the boat, which set sail from the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and capsized about a half-mile from Lampedusa; health commissioner Antonio Candela said only 159 were rescued. Bartolo initially put the death toll at 94 but said it would certainly rise as search operations

continued. Italian coast guard divers later reported seeing another 20 bodies on the ocean floor. The deaths of so many people may have come down to the lack of a cell phone. The 66-foot (20-meter) boat was carrying migrants from Eritrea, Ghana and Somalia, Italian coast guard spokesman Marco Di Milla told The Associated Press. It nearly reached its destination, getting as far as nearby Conigli island before it began taking on water, Interior Minister Angelino Alfano told reporters.

Most of them can’t swim. Only the strongest survived. SIMONA MOSCARELLI Legal expert, Internation Organization for Migration

Usually, smugglers have mobile or satellite phones to call for help when they near shore or run into trouble. Instead, someone on this boat set fire to a piece of material to attract the attention of passing ships, he said. Only three of the estimated 100 women on board were rescued — and none of the 10 children were saved, said Simona Moscarelli, of the International Organization for Migration in Rome. Two of the dead women were pregnant. “Most of them can’t swim,” she told the AP. “Only the strongest survived.” Italian coast guard ships, fishing boats and helicopters from across the region searched for survivors. Rescue crews hauled body bags by the dozens at Lampedusa port, lining them up

under multicolored tarps on the docks. Coast guard divers found the wreck on the sea floor, some 130 feet below the surface, Cmdr. Floriana Segreto told the AP. Survivors packed Lampedusa’s detention center for migrants, along with those aboard the two other smugglers’ boats, which reached shore safely. More than 1,000 people were squeezed into a space built for 250, Moscarelli said. Medical workers scrambled to treat the injured. Migrants who arrive in Lampedusa are processed in centers, screened for asylum and often sent back home. Some slip into the general public and make their way to northern Europe, seeking to blend into larger immigrant communities. In Italy, migrants can work legally only if they have a work permit and a contract before they arrive — a policy pushed through by Italy’s anti-immigrant Northern League party. Thursday’s disaster was the second shipwreck this week off Italy. On Monday, 13 men drowned while trying to reach southern Sicily when their ship ran aground just a few yards from shore. A host of Italian officials demanded the 28-nation European Union do more to combat smuggling operations and help countries like Italy cope. “Let us hope that the European Union realizes this isn’t an Italian problem but a European one,” Alfano said as he headed to Lampedusa to oversee the recovery operation. In a tweet, EU Home Affairs Minister Cecilia Malstrom called for a redoubling of efforts to “fight smugglers exploiting human despair.” Pope Francis, who visited Lampedusa in July to bemoan the frequent deaths of migrants, sent his condolences.

The residents of this town are under death threat from a drug cartel … please provide them the protection they request. RAMON CONTRERAS Town official, Buena Vista, Mexico and, while the U.S. government doesn’t say from where within Mexico, The Associated Press has found that many are now arriving at the border from the “Tierra Caliente,” or Hot Country, about 250 miles west of Mexico City. Word has spread there that U.S. authorities are releasing women and children while they await hearings before immigration judges, emboldening others to follow. The AP counted 44 women


Violence stemming from Mexican drug cartels is causing families to seek asylum from the United States.. and children from the Tierra Caliente released in San Diego in just one month, from Aug. 26 to Sept. 27, including the 25-yearold Silva, her 2-year-old daughter, mother, grandmother and sister. Many from the town of Buenavista carry a formal letter from town official Ramon Contreras stating they are victims of persecution. “The residents of this town are under death threat from a drug cartel … please provide them the protection they request,” the letter reads. The Tierra Caliente is so completely ruled by one vicious drug cartel that residents in a halfdozen towns formed self-defense groups earlier this year to try to drive out the gang. Now, they are fleeing in droves, saying their

rebellion has made them targets for cartel killings. “There have been many, many families going to the United States to seek asylum,” said Hipolito Mora, a leader of the patrols in the La Ruana neighborhood of Buenavista, a municipality of 42,000. The Knights Templar cartel, a pseudo-religious gang that takes its name from an ancient monastic order, has set fire to lumber yards, packing plants and passenger buses in a medieval-like reign of terror. The cartel extorts protection payments from cattlemen, growers and businesses, prompting the vigilante patrols in February. That drew more attacks from the cartel, which sought to cut off the area’s main economic activity, growing limes.




“Show me a good loser, and I’ll show you a loser.” VINCE LOMBARDI AMERICAN FOOTBALL PLAYER AND COACH

‘Dogs take on ‘Stangs FOOTBALL FROM PAGE 12 the Cornell game. “It allowed our offense to get stronger and become one cohesive unit. We tried to make our presence felt. I think we did a good job as impact players.” Varga in particular has been a stalwart for the Elis. He ranks second in the FCS in rushing yards per game with 170.5, and his presence gives Yale much more space to work on the sides of the field. The Elis’ no-huddle offense also provides an advantage in its ability to wear down opposing defenses. Eight of the Bulldogs’ 13 scoring drives this season were eight plays or longer, and every scoring drive has taken less than five minutes. Against the Mustangs (2-2, 1-0 Big Sky), however, Yale’s defense will need to step up. Cal Poly’s offense is unlike any that the Elis have faced thus far. Their triple option attack, led by junior running back Kristaan Ivory, has averaged 278.2 rushing yards per game, which ranks seventh in the FCS. “Every year is a new year,” Yale head coach Tony Reno said after the Cornell game. “The carry over that we had from last year is growth. I’ve spoken a lot about the cultural change. We’re very young still, so I’m very cautiously optimistic about where we’re

going. Both of Cal Poly’s losses this year have come against FBS opponents. The Mustangs played Fresno State and Colorado State, both members of the Mountain West Conference in successive weeks and lost 41-25 and 34-17, respectively. Playing well from the getgo will be crucial to Cal Poly’s chances. In the team’s four games this season, opponents have outscored the Mustangs by a combined total of 92-34. The Bulldogs realize how important it is, especially this week, to try to continue that trend by getting a fast start. “Starting quickly will be essential,” Palin said. “We must play 60 minutes of executing our kind of football to win this game.” Of course, the Elis have experience against strong offenses this year. Last week the Elis forced two interceptions and a fumble against Cornell quarterback Jeff Mathews, a potential NFL draft pick. The Yale defense, led by Palin and defensive end Dylan Drake ’14, has truly shined on third downs. Opponents have only converted a combined five third downs in 23 opportunities. Saturday’s game kicks off at 5:00 p.m. EST. Contact GRANT BRONSDON at .


Tailback Tyler Varga ’15 (No. 30) paces the Ancient Eight with 170.5 rushing yards per game.

Volleyball digs into Ivy play


Setter Kelly Johnson ‘16 (No. 11) recorded 14 assists when Yale last played Harvard Nov. 19, 2012. VOLLEYBALL FROM PAGE 12 ning before taking on the Big Green Saturday afternoon. Members of the team said that they were excited to play their Ivy foes, particularly archrival Harvard. “We are always pumped to play Harvard,” setter Kelly Johnson ’16 said. “It’s such a longtime rivalry and it always gives us a boost of energy and motivation.” Last year Harvard was just 5–10 coming into the match against the Elis. Yale, meanwhile, was in the middle of a historic undefeated Ivy season and came into the match having won its last four conference games. The Bulldogs used that momentum to defeat Harvard in straight sets. Johnson had a phenomenal game, with 13 kills on .722 hitting percentage to go along with her 20 assists and nine digs. She committed no errors despite her 18 attack attempts. Outside hitter Mollie Rogers ’15 contributed nine kills and a match-leading 14 digs, while setter Kendall Polan ’14 led the team with 28 assists in addition to her 10 digs and six kills. Harvard struggled to generate counterplay and fell behind in kills, assists, and digs by huge margins. The Crimson did, however, score the first six points in the sec-

ond set and held a 12–4 lead before Yale went on a 13–2 run and left them behind. The Cantabs took the lead again in the final set, but eventually suffered their largest margin of defeat in the match, losing 25–15. Harvard has not had a winning volleyball season since 2004-’05, when they went 15–10. Since then, the Crimson have endured hard times, including a brutal 3–21 record in 2005-’06. “In previous years, Princeton and Penn have been our biggest rivals,” middle blocker Jesse Ebner ’15 said. “But this year, Harvard is much improved and they’re a really strong team. I think it’s going to be a really intense match.” The Crimson will enter the match fresh off a sweep of Dartmouth; Harvard’s upgraded team suggests it might revitalize the famed Yale-Harvard rivalry. For first year players, the rivalry is particularly interesting. “I think it’s really important to represent the Yale community and make our school proud,” libero Tori Shepherd ’17 said. “It’s fun to be a part of such a longstanding tradition.” Dartmouth (7–6, 0–1) is coming off a disastrous 2–22 record last season. Despite the Big Green’s struggles, they competed hard against the Elis in last year’s matchup.

After dropping the first two sets by double digits, the Big Green gave Yale a real battle in the third. Johnson’s ninth kill tied the set at 20, but Dartmouth scored the next three points and never relinquished the lead, eventually winning by a narrow 25–22 margin. The Elis were able to come back strong, however, and took the final set by a score of 25–17. Johnson barely missed a triple double again with 24 assists, 10 digs, and nine kills. Libero Maddie Rudnick ’15 led the team with an impressive 24 digs, while Rogers’ 14 kills were the highest in the match. According to Ebner, the team’s focus during practice in the week prior to a doubleheader is usually on the first team. The Elis then rely on scouting reports to prepare for the second match. But this does not mean that they will overlook Dartmouth. “Every team in the Ivy League is competitive and wants to win,” Shepherd said. “We approach every game with the determination to win and play our style [of] volleyball, regardless of the opposition.” The Elis will play Harvard tomorrow at 7 p.m. in Payne Whitney Gym. Contact DIONIS JAHJAGA at .

Yale faces nemesis MEN’S SOCCER FROM PAGE 12 two and 15 respectively, while Albrecht has registered a single assist and four shots on the season. On the other end of the field, Alers has been a mainstay of the Yale defense this season, playing every minute of every game thus far. He is joined in the back by a pair of experienced sophomores, Tyler Detorie ’16 and Phillip Piper ’16, and freshman Henry Flugstad-Clarke ’17. Goalkeeper Blake Brown ’15 and captain Max McKiernan ’14 have both started each of the Bulldogs’ seven games thus far. They have helped form a stingy Bulldog defense that has kept every game except for two a one-goal contest. “Our seniors are so important to the persistent and positive mentality of the team in difficult circumstances,” Tompkins said. “They are great leaders and have inspired the play of younger players like Cam Kirdzik, Henry Flugstad-Clarke and Henry Albrecht

who have all been significant contributors so far.” Yale should expect another close game against Harvard. With the exception of one, every game the Crimson has played thus far has been decided by a one-goal margin. Furthermore, in each of the last six Harvard-Yale matchups, no more than one goal has been scored. This includes last year’s game, which ended in a 0–0 double overtime draw despite the teams combining for 34 shots. Adding to the pressure on the Bulldog offense are Harvard goaltenders Brett Conrad and Evan Mendez. Conrad ranks third in the Ivy League in saves with 31 and has two shutouts to his name. Mendez has only featured in 180 minutes this season, but has 10 saves and has given up only one goal in that time. The pair has split halves in the Crimson’s last two contests. On offense, no Harvard player has scored more than one goal this season for an attack that is dead last in the Ivy League with

only six goals scored. Half of these goals have come from set piece opportunities. This may be worrying for Eli fans, as seven of the 10 goals that Yale has conceded have been off of opponents’ setpiece chances. “Games against Harvard are different that any other game,” Alers said. “They are always very intense and physically tough. I think it’s important to come into the game calm and composed though. One thing I’ll tell the younger guys is to be ready for that intensity, but to treat the game just like any other and not get overemotional.” The Bulldogs come into the rivalry matchup with a 0–2 record at Reese Stadium this year, while the Crimson is winless in away contests with a 0–2 record. Harvard leads the all-time series with a record of 51–37–11. The game will kickoff this Saturday at 7:00 p.m. Contact FREDERICK FRANK at .

Elis ready to strike WOMEN’S SOCCER FROM PAGE 12 “But every Ivy game is an absolute battle because you really only have one shot, so we don’t want to make it into a habit for us to have to constantly come back.” Forward Paula Hagopian ’16, whose goal last week against Princeton gave Yale the victory, recognized that Harvard is one of the teams to beat in the Ivy League. However, she said she has faith that the Bulldogs are right at their level.

“After beating the defending Ivy League champs [Princeton],” Hagopian said, “I think we have a ton of momentum to go in with confidence and put [Harvard] away. Playing them on our turf with our fans and given how they beat us last year will definitely give us that extra boost.” Harvard squeaked by Yale last year in a 1–0 overtime victory that put the Bulldogs in an early 0–2 Ivy League hole. This year, all the Bulldogs are focusing on is not

falling behind in the conference. As far as Central Connecticut State (2–7–0, 0–0 NEC) on Monday, Meredith admitted that not much attention will be paid to the Blue Devils until after the Harvard game. “I won’t even watch any film on Central,” Meredith said. Kickoff against Harvard is slated for 4 p.m. at Reese Stadium. Contact JAMES BADAS at .


@ Bulldog Invitational (@ Yale University)

No broadcast


vs. Harvard

7 p.m.


@ School

x p.m.



@ Cal Poly

5 p.m.

Big Sky Network/ Yale Football Radio Network

Men’s Soccer

vs. Harvard

7 p.m.

Women’s Soccer

vs. Harvard

4 p.m.

Women’s Ice Hocket

vs. McGill

4 p.m.


vs. Dartmouth

5 p.m.



MLB Cardinals 9 Pirates 1

MLB Dodgers 6 Braves 1

NHL Kings 3 Wild 2

NHL Bruins 3 Lightning 1



CRAIG BRESLOW ’02 AND RYAN LAVARNWAY ’09 BOSTON RED SOX Two former Bulldogs have left Yale Field for the cozy confines of Fenway Park. Breslow pitches in relief while Lavarnway catches for Boston. They helped take the Red Sox to the MLB Playoffs. Game One of the ALDS against the Tampa Bay Rays starts today at 3:07 p.m.

REGATTAS GALORE COED SAILING The No. 1 Coed Sailing team will put boats in four different regattas this weekend. Representatives of the team will race in the Danmark Trophy, the Gardner Invitational, the Jesuit Open and the Women’s Olympic Regatta.

NFL Browns 37 Bills 24


“Harvard is much improved and they’re a really strong team. I think it’s going to be a really intense match.” JESSE EBNER ’15 VOLLEYBALL


Bulldogs head west FOOTBALL

Yale set to spike rivals


Volleyball has not lost an Ivy League match since Nov. 11, 2011 — a streak of 15 matches. YDN PHOTOGRAPHY

Wide receiver Chris Smith ’14 (No. 3) is second on the team with 12 receptions for 119 yards across two games. BY GRANT BRONSDON CONTRIBUTING REPORTER The Yale football team breaks new ground this weekend, traveling to California for its first ever matchup against FCS No. 19 Cal Poly Mustangs. Coming off of a dominant 38-23 victory over Cornell at the Yale Bowl last week, confidence is sky-high for the Elis (2-0, 1-0 Ivy). “We are confident in our practice and preparation,” captain and defensive end Beau Palin ’14

said in an email. “Cal Poly is a very good team and we are excited for the challenge.” In their two victories this season, the Bulldogs have relied on different facets of the offense. The freshly-minted no-huddle offense instituted in the off-season racked up 327 yards on the ground en route to a 39–22 victory over Colgate in week one. All-American candidate Tyler Varga ’15 posted the third-highest single game total in Yale history with 236 rushing yards. Week two brought an aerial assault, as quarter-

BY DIONIS JAHJAGA STAFF REPORTER back Hank Furman ’14 completed 29 of 36 passes for 353 yards and three touchdowns against Cornell. Receiver Deon Randall ’15 was explosive, making 11 catches for 148 yards, catching a trio of receiving touchdowns and tying a school record. Returning from a season off due to injury, he won Ivy League Offensive Player of the Week honors for his efforts facing the Big Red. “I think the year off helped,” Randall said after

The Elis (7–3, 1–0 Ivy) will first match up against the Crimson (6–4, 1–0) on Friday eve-





Women’s soccer to host archrivals BY JAMES BADAS CONTRIBUTING REPORTER

After five straight losses, Yale has the opportunity to turn its season around this weekend with a home win against archrival Harvard.

The women’s soccer team will have a chance to send a message to the entire Ivy League on Saturday afternoon when they host rival Harvard. The Bulldogs are also set to take on in-state opponent Central Connecticut State on the road Monday night.

MEN’S SOCCER The Bulldogs (1–6–0, 0–0 Ivy) enter the heart of their schedule against the Crimson at Reese Stadium on Saturday night. The contest will be the first Ivy League game for both teams. Harvard (1–5–2, 0–0 Ivy) comes into the contest with a record comparable to the Yale’s and has experienced similar goal-scoring woes throughout the season. “Records mean very little in YaleHarvard games,” head coach Brian Tompkins said. “This is always an exciting and hard fought game regardless of what has gone on before it. I expect this game to be no different.” Yale has been shutout in three of its last five matches and will look to striker Peter Jacobson ’14 to lead the front line against Harvard. The Ann Arbor, Mich. native, who is second in the Ivy League in points with nine, has scored four of the Bulldogs’ seven goals this season. Three of his goals came in the Elis’ only win of the season, a 4–1 drubbing of Sacred Heart on Sept. 10. But the Bulldogs rank last in the Ivy League in shots and second to last in goals scored and will need other players to chip in if they hope to win.

After sweeping Brown last Saturday, the Bulldogs will have their first doubleheader of the Ivy League season when they face Harvard and Dartmouth this weekend.



No more than one goal has been scored in each of the past six Harvard-Yale men’s soccer games. Three of Jacobson’s classmates, winger Cody Wilkins ’14, midfielder Scott Armbrust ’14 and forward Jenner Fox ’14, have looked lively this season and appear primed to make a impact on Saturday. Wilkins has scored a goal and taken five shots in his first full campaign since his freshman year. As of late, the midfielder has been noted for his speedy play on the flank. Fox was particularly active in the Bulldogs’ last game, when he mustered five shots against Quinnipiac. Armbrust ’14 has been the Elis’ main creative threat this season, registering two assists in the team’s two

games in Calif. “We feel like this is a new chance to prove ourselves,” defender Nick Alers ’14 said. “The Ivy League is wide open this year and we want to prove that we are a contender. We can’t wait to get on the field this Saturday. We’ve have a good week of practice and we’ll be ready to go.” Two freshmen, forwards Cameron Kirdzik ’17 and Henry Albrecht ’17, have already proved themselves on the Yale attack. Kirdzik ranks second on the team in goals and shots, with



Yale (5–3–0, 1–0–0) is coming off an impressive victory last week over defending Ivy League champion Princeton. The Bulldogs will have to pick up where they left off in order to defeat Harvard (5–3–1, 1–0–0), a team that Yale head coach Rudy Meredith said is among the cream of the crop. “When you play Harvard it’s just a different animal,” Meredith said. “I think they are the best team in the league.” With a chance to open their Ivy season with two wins for the first time since 2009, the Bulldogs will have to do their best to contain Harvard’s freshman sensation forward Margaret Purce, whose five goals makes up a third of her team’s total scoring production this year. Meredith acknowledges Purce’s talent, but said he is aware that she is not Harvard’s only threat. “Purce has the potential to be Rookie and Player of the Year,” Meredith said. “She’s a handful but you can’t put all your attention on her because they have other players as well.”

One of those players is Harvard midfielder Peyton Johnson, who is a key orchestrator for the Harvard offense. She leads the Crimson with three assists. Yale is once again entering the weekend not knowing whether Rachel Ames ’16 or Elise Wilcox ’15 will start in goal, though Meredith said he is leaning towards Ames at the moment. Ames picked up the victory against Princeton last Saturday and boasts a .767 save percentage compared to Wilcox’s .741 save percentage. Harvard has a similar quandary in goal. For the Crimson, three different goalkeepers have played in the last three games and each has played in at least two matches this season. While the Bulldogs have two options in goal, the team is lacking in depth defensively. Injuries have taken their toll on the Yale defense. With defenders Christina Bradley ’16 and Ally Grossman ’16 already out indefinitely, defender and captain Shannon McSweeney’s ’14 injury during the Princeton game was a major concern for Yale. Fortunately, it appears that the captain will play this weekend. She is at about 75 to 80 percent healthwise, according to Meredith. Despite the injury concerns, members of the team said that they are entering the game with a lot of confidence in themselves, especially after multiple comefrom-behind victories. “We’ve proven that we can come back from being down and that we won’t give up,” defender Meredith Speck ’15 said. SEE WOMAN’S SOCCER PAGE 11

THE NUMBER OF ASSISTS THAT SETTER KENDALL POLAN ’14 HAD LAST YEAR WHEN YALE PLAYED AT HARVARD. The setter had more than half of the team’s 52 assists when they traveled to Cambridge, Mass. on Oct. 6, 2012, to beat the archrival Cantabs en route to a perfect Ivy record.

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