yale school of music robert blocker, dean
institute of sacred music martin jean, director
Jessica Petrus soprano
Grant Herreid vihuela and theorbo
February 7, 2011 at 4 pm
Marquand Chapel
luis milan (1500-1561)
Durandarte, Durandarte
alonso mudarra (1510-1580)
Triste Estava El Rey David
Holly Chatham piano
Si Viesse E Me Levasse milan
Agora Viniesse Un Viento
Por Ásperos Caminos
girolamo alessandro frescobaldi (1583-1643) barbara strozzi (1619–1677)
Cosi Mi Disprezzate
claudio monteverdi (1567-1643)
Voglio Di Vita Uscir
L’Amante Segreto
Intermission osvaldo golijov (b. 1960)
Lúa Descolorida
hugo wolf (1860-1903)
Spanisches Liederbuch Sie Blasen Zum Abmarsch Bedeckt Mich Mit Blumen In Dem Schatten Meiner Locken
lee hoiby (b. 1926)
Songs for Leontyne Price The Doe Autumn The Serpent
This performance is in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Artist Diploma.