Sheaf Square Ecological Design and Management

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S he a fS qua r eEx t e ns i onS he fi e l d Ec ol og i c a l Ur ba ni s m &I nt e g r a t e dHa bi t a tDe s i g n

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Woodland Species :

Betula ermanii ‘Grayswood Hill’ Hyacinthoides non-scripta Dryopteris filix-mas Cyclamen hederifolium var. hederifolium f. albiflorum

Meadowland A: Woodland Meadows A Meadow B Wetland Rain Garden River Pictorial Meadows Green Roof Mix

Reseda lutea Cirsium rivulare ‘Atropurpureum’ Geranium himalayense ‘Gravetye’ grass Phleum bertolonii Anthoxanthum odoratum

Lythrum virgatum ‘Dropmore Purple’ Sambucus nigra f. porphyrophylla shrub ‘Eva’ (PBR)

Meadowland B:

Chamerion angustifolium Geranium ‘Orion’ Achillea ‘Credo’ Centaurea nigra grass Phleum bertolonii Anthoxanthum odoratum


Juncus inflexus Iris pseudacorus Juncus effusus Typha angustifolia Lysichiton americanus Alnus glutinosa Salix × sepulcralis var. chrysocoma Salix × sepulcralis (golden weeping willow)

Rain Garden:

Persicaria bistorta Iris sibirica ‘Valda@ Rudbeckia fulgida ‘deamii’ Astilbe ‘Bressingham Beauty’ (× arendsii) Primula pulverulenta Rodgersia Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’

Aim To design a biodiverse site which will support and encourage wild life and provide a natural view point for visitors to the site. The square is situated next to Sheffield Railway Station and is therefore, a prime location. Providing an environment which is tranquil and natural for both local people and visitors to the city

Circulation The Skywalk (glass bridge) will not only give access to the site but a spectacular view over the site. At a height of 4m, it is level with the road which runs parallel to the site. As the bridge is level with the road it gives disabled people the opportunity to experience the view. At mid point the bridge has a spiral staircase, giving access to ground level. There are other pathways which allow you to explore the site but at the same time protect the plants and animals which live their. In the water section, wooden bridges have been provided to give people the chance to be over the water. Which runs south.

Features There are three features on site, Land Art inspired by Richard Long, Flood water sump like the ones at Lady Bower and a Spiral Staircase adjoining levels

Green Roof Building The Information Centre and Coffee Shop is positioned by the station as this is the most convienient place for people visiting. The green roof is designed with Agrostis Capillaris, Primula Veris and Galium Verum

PICTORIAL MEADOWS GREEN ROOF MIX: chives Galium verum Primula veris Prunella vulgaris Agrostis capillaris



Site Section 1

Flood water level 5 years water level Normal water level

SECTION A-A’ 1-200

SECTION B-B’ 1-200


Detail dr aw ing

Euonymus europaeus ‘Red Cascade’

Betula ermanii ‘Grayswood H

Hyacinthoides non-scripta

Cyclamen hederifolium var. hederifolium f. albiflorum

Dryopteris filix-mas

View Rain garden

Astilbe ‘Bressingham Beauty’ (× arendsii)

Rudbeckia fulgida ‘deamii’

Calamagrostis × acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’


Persicaria bistorta

Primula pulverulenta

View Bluebell woodland Iris sibirica ‘Valda’


Habitat Providing a habitat is a difficult job. The needs of animals and insects are many. Putting native plants into the site makes the job a little easier. With this in mind looking at endangered species and meeting that need became very important. Grass Snakes like to be near water and enjoy dense vegetation as do Water Voles therefore expanding areas of water helped with flooding but in doing so provided a good habitat for Voles and Snake. Traditional meadow planting gives encouragement to Butterflies and Bees both rare in cities, while the wetland supports insects like Water Boatmen and Frog Hoppers

Common Frog

Grass Hopper

Orange tip Butterfly


Frog Hopper

Common and smooth newt

Water Vole (Endangered)

Habitat Perspective- cross over glass bridge

Grass Snake (Endangered)

Water boatman

King Fisher



Experiential Walking through the site one will experience many different things. The sound of running water, the rustle of leave and grasses. A range of colour from a variety of greens to bright yellow, purple and white. Smell will punctuate the air from a variety of plants.


The site will attract many types of birds insects and animals. The success of the habitat should mean that you will not see them unless you know where to look and know what you are looking for.

Hyacinthoides -non-Scripta



lythrum virgatum dropmore

Salvia x sylvestris

Phleum Bertoloni

Cow Slip


Centaurea Nigra

Epilobium Angustifolium Geranium Orion

Iris Sibirica

Jancus Inflexus


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