Yancey County News Aug. 9, 2012

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Staying hydrated means Teen swim scheduled for Burnsville pool overall better health

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Yancey County News Crabtree - Egypt - Green Mountain - Jacks Creek

Brush Creek - Burnsville - Cane River

Pensacola - Price’s Creek - Ramseytown - South Toe

www.yanceycountynews.com vTo be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.v Aug. 9, 2012 W Vol. 2, No. 32 v Recipient of the 2011 E.W. Scripps Award for Distinguished Service to the First Amendment v


By Jonathan Austin Yancey County News A second Burnsville business has been hit by burglars who were targeting the firm’s safe, police say. Heritage Lumber on the U.S. 19E bypass was broken into early Tuesday morning, said Burnsville Police Chief Brian Buchanan. “An undisclosed amount of money was taken from the safe located within the business,” Buchanan said. According to the chief, “the methods the perpetrators used were similar to other (recent) break-ins in Yancey and Mitchell County.” On July 26, the Advance Auto Parts store in Burnsville was hit and similarly robbed. At the time, store employees said the business had been closed as usual the night before but when they arrived to open that Thursday, the back door had been pried open. The telephones and the alarm wires had been cut, and the safe in the back of the store had been opened. Buchanan said business owners should avoid leaving cash on premises, if at all possible. He said his department is continuing the investigation.

Thieves targeted Heritage Lumber on the bypass this week, breaking in at night to access the safe in side the business. This is the second safe-cracking reported in Burnsville in the past three weeks.

Schools score well on ABCs

By Jonathan Austin Yancey County News Yancey County Schools scored well on state-rated growth and performance standards, though other WNC counties didn’t fare nearly as well. “I really believe that the size of our schools is a factor” in the success of the county schools, said Superintendent Dr. Tony Tipton. “Smaller schools mean more eyes on the student. That’s a pretty simplistic answer, but we work together, share information.” Likewise, the close relationship between the county’s two middle schools helps as students face the changes - both academic and biological - that come in those difficult middle years. “There is that friendly rivalry. There is nothing wrong with that,” he said. All Yancey County schools excepting Burnsville Elementary met their Annual Measurable Objectives as determined by the state Department of Public Instruction. By comparison, in Madison County only two of the seven schools met the AMO standards. In Mitchell County four of the schools that were in operation last year met AMO goals. Unfortunately, two of those that met

their goal were Buladean Elementary and Tipton Hill Elementary, which have since been closed. In McDowell County, which has 12 public schools, seven didn’t meet the yearly goals. Regionally, “If you look at the rankings, you can see where we are,” Tipton said. “Of our two middle schools, East Yancey ranks No. 2 on the performance composite” regionally, and “Cane River ranks No. 4. We’ll stack our middle schools up with anybody in the state,” he said. Mountain Heritage High School ranks fourth in Western North Carolina, Tipton said. “I think the numbers speak for themselves. “Most of the schools made the same as they always have. Most of the schools met all of their targets. But the subgroups we did not meet are the traditional subgroups we have not met.” Overall sweeping change in testing and the way students are evaluated will create issues that schools, students and parents must address, Tipton said. “So much new is coming across. Next year the test scores are going to be down.” See Page 11

Mountain Heritage boys are hard at work preparing for the coming football season.

River frontage and mountain views! Easy access to Asheville MLS 24167 728 W. Main St. - 682-9994 • Dale - 208-1881 • Jonathan - 779-1980


2 August 9, 2012



Yancey County News - Recipient of the 2012 Ancil Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism v


Don’t like pesky state laws? Just ignore them

By Chris Fitzsimon NC Policy Watch Legislative leaders this session came up with an interesting way to handle a pesky state law standing in their way of their plan to seize control of the State Board of Education. They just ignored it. The law says that the Governor must send the names of her appointments to the State Board to the General Assembly by the sixtieth legislative day of the session and then “the Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in joint session for consideration of an action upon such appointments.” Shall meet in joint session. Not much wiggle room there. The law is based on the provision in the state constitution that says the governor shall appointment 11 members of the board subject to legislative confirmation in a joint session. The other two members of the board are the lieutenant governor and the treasurer. Perdue sent the names of her appointments to lawmakers in the spring of 2011. She proposed reappointing current State Board Chair Bill Harrison and current board member Jean Woolard of Washington County. She also proposed appointing William Woltz Jr. to replace current board member Tom Speed, who asked to step down. Legislative leaders seemed ready to go

along with the appointments. The chairs of the Senate Education Committee filed the customary resolution calling for the joint session to consider the appointments. But that was where the process stopped. There was no joint session. There was no discussion of the resolution to authorize one. There was no action at all on Perdue’s appointments in the 2011 session or the session that met from May until July of this year. Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger was asked about the state board appointments at a press conference this summer and said “Gov. Perdue is a lame duck. We would prefer to have whoever the new governor is filling long-term appointments on various state boards and commissions.” Perdue was not a lame duck when she submitted the appointments in 2011 and even if she was, the constitution doesn’t say that just some governors have the right to make the appointments. And the law could not be clearer. It says the General Assembly SHALL meet in joint session to consider the governor’s appointments. It’s not an option left to the whim of Berger or anyone else. It is not about what he would prefer. It’s conceivable that lawmakers could tweak the law, though it’s hard to imagine how any changes would meet the constitu-

tional requirements for the state board appointment process. And changing the statute would draw more attention to the failure of legislative leaders to act. They would rather not talk about it because it is an unprecedented and possibly illegal power grab. State board members serve eight year terms and the terms are staggered to ensure that all the members are not closely tied to one governor. But the folks running the General Assembly don’t want to have to put up with state board members who disagree with their agenda to dismantle public schools with vouchers, for profit virtual schools, and unaccountable and unlimited charters. They briefly considered a constitutional amendment to change the way the state board is appointed but that’s a cumbersome process. Instead they simply refused to make Perdue’s appointments and saved them for the next governor, counting on their candidate to win and have twice as many appointments as is customary in his first year in office. It’s an outrageous display of raw partisanship that could have serious ramifications for public education in North Carolina. Not to mention what it says about legislative leaders’ lack of respect for the law and the Constitution they have sworn to uphold.

Drop boxes now available for old prescription drugs The Yancey County Sheriff’s Department, The Burnsville Police Department and The Mitchell Yancey County Substance Abuse Task Force have announced the availability of community drug drop boxes for the disposal of unwanted, expired and unused drugs. Drop boxes are located inside the main entrance of Yancey County Sheriff’s office and inside Town Hall. The drug drop boxes were installed to meet a growing need to safely dispose of unwanted prescription and over the counter medications, said Brian Shuford, detective with Yancey County


The Yancey County News is the only independent newspaper in Yancey County. It is owned, operated and published by

Susan Austin ........ Advertising/Publisher Jonathan Austin ........... Editor/Publisher who are the sole participants and members of

Yancey County News LLC 132 W. Main Street Burnsville, NC 28714 828-678-3900 jonathan@yanceycountynews.com susan@yanceycountynews.com The Yancey County News (USPS publication No. 3528) is published weekly - every Thursday - for $25 per year in Yancey County, $35 per year out of county. Published by Yancey County News LLC, Periodicals postage paid at Burnsville, NC. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Yancey County News, 132 W. Main St., Burnsville, NC 28714 Printed in Boone by the Watauga Democrat on recycled paper.

To be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.

Sheriff’s department. “When we realized that two drug take-back events during the year wasn’t completely meeting the drug disposal needs of our community, we pursued a grant from NADDI (National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators) to obtain a drug drop off box for the Police Department. We also had support from ALTEC to make and provide a drug drop off box for the Sheriff’s Department.” ALTEC is a local employer and is a leading provider of products and services to the electric utility, telecommunications and contractor markets. “I want to thank ALTEC and NADDI for supporting the needs of our community in such a generous way,” said Mechelle Akers, chairman of the Yancey County Substance Abuse Task Force. “I also especially want to thank Detective Shuford for his leadership and foresight in obtaining the drop boxes for our community. These drop boxes are much needed and will be highly utilized by our citizens.” Brian Buchanan, chief of police for Burnsville, believes that the drop boxes are an important step in stemming the diversion of prescription medications into the illicit drug trade. It is his hope that “these drug drop boxes will allow anyone who wishes to properly dispose of unwanted or out-of-date medication the opportunity to do so without having to store the medication in their homes while waiting on the next prescription drug drop off date,” he said. Proper disposal of unused medication also helps to protect our environment. Jade Pierce, a member of Toe River Valley Watch, says “pharmaceutical drug contamination in our groundwater, rivers, estuaries and bays is an emerging issue throughout our state and our nation.” When dropping off unused or expired medications, please keep them in their original container, marking out any personal information on the label. The drop off box will be available 24 hours at the Yancey County Sheriff’s Department and at

Burnsville Town Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Drugs will be processed by law enforcement and delivered to the Drug Enforcement Agency for incineration designed to minimize the impact on the environment. The Yancey Mitchell Substance Abuse Task Force would like to remind residents that drugs left unattended on kitchen counters, purses, bathroom medicine cabinets, vehicles or office desks are vulnerable to theft. Locking up medications and safely disposing of them will help to reduce theft and substance abuse in the community. For more information please call your pharmacist, the Burnsville Police Department or the Yancey County Sheriff’s Department.

‘It’s who you know or whose pocket you pad’

In response to the case involving Tom Farmer (July 12 edition, Yancey County News), it was handled inappropriately, but what can you expect from the Yancey County Sheriff’s Office and the judge. I have lived several places, but this county is, by far, the worst of them all when it comes to political favors. Here it is who you know or the pockets you pad. The district attorney stated that Tom Farmer was a good old boy and that was his first offense and he just made a mistake. Well, the prisons are full of good old boys who made a mistake, and Tom Farmer should not be exempt. So voters, the only way to make a difference is - if they are to seeking re-election to come out on Election Day and voted the Banks’, Judge Lyerly and District Attorney Jerry Wilson out of office, and maybe get someone honest. Name withheld on request

August 9, 2012


Advocate asks: What are gubernatorial nominees doing for children in poverty? Pat McCrory and Walter Dalton are engaged in a cutthroat battle to be the next Governor of North Carolina. Up to this point, both candidates have focused their messages primarily on job creation and jumpstarting the economy, along with a healthy dose of personal and political attacks (e.g. McCrory’s tax returns and Dalton’s ties to Gov. Perdue). What they’re most assuredly not talking about are North Carolina’s children, and specifically children living in poverty. Irrespective of political philosophy, our elected officials have a responsibility to use their power and influence to ensure that all children are safe, healthy and well-educated. Unfortunately, neither McCrory nor Dalton appears all that interested in articulating a plan for children. Aside from a superficial debate about K-12 education, we haven’t heard how either candidate would address the range of serious problems facing children in North Carolina. Perhaps the starkest of these problems is childhood poverty. One in four of North Carolina’s children live below the poverty line and 11.5% live in “deep” poverty (for a family of four the poverty line is $22,350 per year and deep poverty is $11,100). Poverty means a lot more than struggling to get by in the present – it means limited opportunities and poor outcomes in the future. Children raised in poverty are less likely to graduate high school and more likely to be incarcerated than their peers from

economically secure households. The National Center for Children in Poverty reports that, at four-years-old, children who grow up below the poverty line are already, on average, eighteen months behind what is normal for their age group and that this gap is still present at the age of ten. If educational achievement is a key indicator for a child’s future success, then children in poverty are already starting out at a significant disadvantage. Short of eradicating child poverty, there are policies and programs that can close the achievement gap, particularly early education. Unfortunately, neither candidate is talking about his ideas on this front. The implications of poverty stretch far beyond education. Research shows that children raised in poverty are more likely to experience mental health disorders, exhibit anti-social behaviors and suffer from physical health problems largely as a result of the stress caused by living in poverty. Like education, behavioral and physical health problems have serious implications for the child’s future success. By ignoring them, we’re jeopardizing the future health and prosperity of these children and our state. My question for Mayor McCrory and Lt. Governor Dalton is this: What’s your plan for North Carolina’s next generation, particularly children who are living in poverty? And before you answer, I’m going to take away your stock answer – ensuring that every child has access

Low-income students get fees waived on AP, IB exams A grant and supplemental funds from the U.S. Department of Education will allow low-income high school student taking an Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exam this year to have test fees covered. As a part of the federal Advanced Placement Test Fee Program, the N.C. Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) will receive more than $800,000 to cover AP and IB test fees for all lowincome students who qualify during the 2012-13 school year. “Many students use their AP and IB courses to get a head start on earning a college degree,” said State Superintendent June Atkinson. “The cost of a test should not be a hurdle in any student’s path to reaching his or her goals for higher education or a career.” Forty-three state education agencies were recently awarded a total of more than $21 million in grants from the USDE’s Advanced Placement Test Fee Program. The

individual amount that states received ranged from $9,000 to more than $7.6 million and was based on the number of AP tests that low-income students would take, according to state estimates. AP and IB tests can cost students $87 or more per test and many students will take more than one exam. NCDPI officials estimate that this year’s grant will help pay for AP and IB

exams for more than 8,000 low-income students. Exam coordinators and district leaders submit the necessary paperwork to the College Board for students who qualify for the fee reduction and work with NCDPI to ensure students receive the support they need. If parents or students have questions about test fees, they should contact the AP or IB

exam coordinator at the student’s school. School officials with questions about the grant should contact NCDPI Director of Gifted Education and Advanced Programs Sneha Shah-Coltrane. In 2011, 30 percent of the state’s high school seniors took at least one AP exam. 18.4 percent of the class of 2011 earned a 3 or better on an AP exam.

to a high-quality education is important, but it’s not enough. Children aren’t educated in a vacuum. Just like nearly every other indicator of well-being, a child’s performance in school is directly correlated to his or her economic security, so that’s where we need to start. Perhaps McCrory and Dalton believe eliminating childhood poverty is unachievable and not worth talking about. If that’s the case, then let’s talk about how we can mitigate the impact of poverty by implementing smart policies and programs. Certainly, providing a first-class education to all children is a necessity, but we can’t stop there. Children from low-income families need health care and many need intensive mental health services. They need financial aid to access a higher education. They need child care, so their parents can work. They need a safety net to ensure that there’s always food on the table and always a roof overhead. What is the plan for North Carolina’s children? Our next governor should be willing to ask, discuss and ultimately answer that question. Rob Thompson is the Executive Director of the Covenant with North Carolina’s Children, a coalition of over 60 service providers, civic associations, and advocacy organizations who seek to advance public policy that benefits children and families in North Carolina.

YHS Pet Press

My name is Brie, a beautiful Beagle. The folks here at the shelter are amazed at how well I am house trained. I can make an easy transition into any home!

Gus is a playful kitten. He is ready for some one-on-one attention with a loving family!


New Hope GYN and Breast Oncology at 21st Century Oncology in Asheville

Dr. Nathan Williams Dr. Nathan Williams has joined with 21st Century Oncology to provide multi-specialty cancer treatment to women from throughout Western North Carolina. Dr. Williams welcomes new patients and also looks forward to continuing to care for current and past patients at his new location.

Suzy Wong is a young Siamese cat that is ready for a new home to lounge around in.

Callie is a female tri-colored border collie mix who is ready for a permanent home.

Get back to what you love To schedule an appointment please call

(828) 274-7502 20 Medical Park, Asheville, NC 28803 Exit 51 (Hwy. 25A, Asheville) off of I-40

Call the shelter at 682-9510 for more information on these or other pets, or plan to visit us at 962 Cane River School Road.

4 August 9, 2012


Regional Market Reports Which markets offer Yancey farmers the best return on their investment? Should they head west, east or south? Agriculture and food industries accounted for $29,057,488 in Yancey County income in 2000, or 7.77 percent of the total county income. Livestock, poultry, and their products accounted for 23 percent of the total agricultural market. So this list recounts the prices in the last week at regional farm markets.

STATE FARMERS MARKET: August armers Wholesale: Butterbeans, Shelled (4 pound bag) 13.00, (8 pound bag) 20.00; Beets (25 pound bag) 20.00; Blackberries (flat) 23.00-24.00; Blueberries (flat) 20.00-22.00; Cabbage, Pointed Head and Round (50 pound crate) 12.00-15.00; Cantaloupe (bin) 100.00; Cantaloupe (each) 1.00-2.00; Corn, White or Yellow (4 dozen crate) 13.00, (5 dozen bag) 15.00; Cucumbers, Long Green (3/4 bushel) 18.00, Pickling (3/4 bushel) 20.00-28.00; Eggplant (1/2 bushel) 15.00, (1 1/9 bushel) 10.00WNC Regional Livestock Center, Canton - Weighted Average Report for Monday Aug 6, 2012 Cattle Receipts: 156 Last Week: 139 Last Year: 277 15.00; Okra (25 pound box) 20.00-22.00; Slaughter cattle trended 2.00 to 4.00 higher. Feeder cattle trended 2.00 to 6.00 Potatoes, Red or White (1 bushel) 22.00-25.00; higher. Slaughter cows made up 26 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 7 percent, Sweet Potatoes (40 pound box) 12.00-15.00; replacement cows 4 percent, and feeders 64 percent. The feeder supply included 36 Peaches (1/2 bushel) 14.00; Peanuts (30 pound percent steers, 36 percent heifers, and 28 percent bulls. Near 34 percent of the run bag) 35.00; Pepper, Bell (3/4 bushel) weighed over 600 lbs. 20.00, (1 1/9 bushel) 12.00-15.00; Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 - 2 Peas, Dixie Lee (1 1/9 bushel) 20.00Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 22.00; Squash, Yellow (1/2 bushel) 2 275-275 275 180.00-182.00 181.00 State Graded Goat 12.00, (3/4 bushel) 20.00, Zucchini (1/2 2 330-330 330 150.00-184.00 167.00 3 350-385 362 147.50-172.50 158.23 bushel box) 12.00, (3/4 bushel) 20.00; and Sheep Sale 1 400-400 400 146.00 146.00 Tomatoes, Slicing (25 pound box) 14.003 455-475 468 135.00-141.00 136.94 20.00; Tomatoes, German Johnson (25 2 525-535 530 120.00-127.00 123.53 pound box) 28.00-30.00; Tomatoes, Monroe, North Carolina 6 560-598 586 113.00-126.00 117.91 Grape (12 pint flat) 15.00; Tomatoes, Aug 1, 2012 3 615-635 625 125.00-130.00 128.01 Cherry (12 pint flat) 15.00; Tomatoes, 3 670-695 685 116.00-125.00 119.67 Roma (25 pound box) 14.00-15.00; 2 730-745 738 103.00-118.00 110.42 Total Receipts: 154 goats, Watermelons (each) 2.50-3.50, (bin) 1 775-775 775 112.00 112.00 1 800-800 800 118.00 118.00 90 sheep Last month: 120.00. Wholesale Dealer Price: Apples 1 855-855 855 110.00 110.00 (traypack carton 100 count) WA Red 147 goats, 49 sheep Medium and Large 3 Delicious 35.75-38.75, WA Golden 1 320-320 320 140.00 140.00 Delicious 37.00-47.00, WA Granny 1 495-495 495 128.00 128.00 Smith 34.00-36.50, WA Gala 32.00All prices are quoted per 1 645-645 645 107.00 107.00 36.00, WA Fuji 34.50-38.00, WA Pink Holstein Large 3 head. Lady 38.00-41.50; Asparagus (11 pound 2 250-295 273 80.00-90.00 85.41 S l a u g h t e r a n d carton) 26.95-36.35; Bananas (40 pound Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 - 2 carton) 23.00-28.75; Beans, Round Replacement Classes: Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price Green (1 1/9 bushel carton) 32.001 245-245 245 177.50 177.50 4 400-425 410 122.50-130.00 126.90 41.25, Pole (1 1/9 bushel) 32.00-34.00; Goats 5 460-495 481 120.00-131.00 126.87 Beets (25 pound sack) 15.45-21.15; 5 500-535 519 114.00-128.00 121.59 Kids: Selection 1 40-60 Blueberries (flat 12 1-pint cups) 22.005 555-582 576 115.00-122.00 118.98 lbs 87.50-105.00, 60-80 25.00; Broccoli (carton 14s) 19.954 600-635 613 113.00-125.00 118.76 Cabbage (50 pound carton) 3 660-685 668 109.00-113.00 111.34 lbs 65.00-92.50; Selection 21.50; 16.50-21.45; Cantaloupe (case 12 count) 2 700-710 705 112.00-124.00 117.96 2 20-40 lbs 40.00-57.50, 19.95-20.65, (bin 110-120 count) 1 820-820 820 93.00 93.00 150.00-175.00; Carrots (50 pound sack) 1 870-870 870 86.00 86.00 40-60 lbs 65.00-92.50. 32.15-34.65; Cauliflower (carton 12s) Small 1 - 2 1 465-465 465 110.00 110.00 18.05-22.35; Cherries (16 pound box) Does/Nannies: Selection 48.00; Celery (carton 30s) 31.75-33.50; 1 545-545 545 107.00 107.00 1 580-580 580 100.00 100.00 1 100-140 lbs 120.00- Cilantro (carton 30s) 18.65-23.65; Medium and Large 3 165.00; Selection 2 100- Citrus: Oranges, CA (4/5 bushel carton) 1 425-425 425 100.00 100.00 32.15-36.25, FL (4/5 bushel carton) 140 lbs 60.0021.00-22.00; Grapefruit, Pink CA (4/5 Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 - 2 135.00; Selection 3 50-70 bushel carton) 28.65-33.15; Tangelos FL Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price (80 count box) 25.00-26.95; Lemons (40 1 430-430 430 140.00 140.00 lbs 22.50-70.00. pound carton) 37.35-40.25; Limes (40 5 450-485 465 125.00-139.00 132.38 4 500-530 511 117.50-130.00 124.96 pound carton) 20.00-22.00; Oranges 4 550-595 574 114.00-126.00 120.63 Wethers: Selection 1 70- CA Navel (4/5 bushel carton) 24.001 645-645 645 110.00 110.00 32.15, FL Navel (64 count) 26.15-31.75, 100 lbs 172.50. 2 665-690 678 103.00-109.00 105.94 Tangerines (120 count) 24.00; Corn, 1 705-705 705 100.00 100.00 Yellow (carton 4 ½-5 dozen) 18.002 760-760 760 99.00-101.00 100.00 Bucks/Billies: Selection 20.95, White (carton 4 ½-5 dozen) 1 840-840 840 88.00 88.00 1 100-150 lbs 140.00- 18.00-20.95; Cranberries (24 12-ounce 1 930-930 930 90.00 90.00 Small 1 - 2 172.50, 150-250 lbs package) 24.50; Cucumbers, Long Green (40 pound carton) 23.00-25.00, 1 445-445 445 80.00 80.00 Full 152.50-182.50 1 620-620 620 80.00 80.00 Pickling (carton 40 pound) 32.00-35.00; Medium and Large 3 Eggplant (25 pound carton) 14.001 495-495 495 110.00 110.00 15.00; Grapes, Red Seedless (18 pound Sheep 1 500-500 500 110.00 110.00 29.00-32.00, White Seedless 1 955-955 955 70.00 70.00 Lambs: Choice and Prime carton) 29.00-34.00, Black Seedless 29.00, Red 20-60 lbs 72.50-85.00, Globe 29.00; Grapefruit (40 pound Bred Cows Medium and Large 1 - 2 Young 60-100 lbs 60.00-125.00; carton) 37.15; Greens, Collard (bushel Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price carton/loose 24s) 10.00, Kale (carton/ 1 710-710 710 635.00 635.00 Per Head 1-3 Good Months Bred 1 965-965 Months Bred

965 999.00-1100.00

1100.00 Per Head 7-9

Medium and Large 1 - 2 Middle Aged 1 1045-1045 1045 875.00 875.00 Per Head 4-6 Months Bred 1 970-970 970 875.00 875.00 Per Head 7-9 Months Bred Medium and Large 1 - 2 Aged 1 1260-1260 1260 975.00 975.00 Per Head 7-9 Months Bred

20-60 lbs 40.00-65.00.

Tennessee Sheep and Goat Auction

66-80 lbs 135.00-163.00 81-90 lbs

7/23/12 Tennessee Livestock Producers Graded Goat and Sheep Sale, Columbia, TN. Receipts: 930 (723 Goats; 207 Sheep) Last Sale 749 Next Sale August 13, 2012. (Second and fourth Monday of each month)

Selection 3 25-35 lbs 121.00-150.00 36-50 lbs 147.50-151.00 51-65 lbs 145.50-175.00 66-80 lbs 134.00-135.00

Ewes: Utility 50 lbs 57.50, 80-100 lbs 65.00-95.00.

Slaughter Cows Breaker 70-80% Lean Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 1 1320-1320 1320 76.50 76.50 3 970-1340 1183 82.00-88.50 84.91 High Dressing 1 1255-1255 1255 71.00 71.00 Low Dressing 1 1575-1575 1575 74.00 74.00 1 1735-1735 1735 80.00 80.00 High Dressing Boner 80-85% Lean 3 760-895 813 70.00-72.00 71.19 5 965-1385 1179 70.00-79.50 76.44 12 905-1310 1167 80.00-89.00 82.56 High Dressing 1 1490-1490 1490 73.50 73.50 Lean 85-90% Lean 4 665-790 749 65.00-68.00 66.30 5 830-1205 1002 62.00-68.00 66.00 2 885-1035 960 40.00-50.00 44.61 Low Dressing Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1-2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 2 1300-1480 1390 92.00-93.00 92.47 1 1300-1300 1300 87.50 87.50 Low Dressing 5 1520-2285 1877 91.00-95.00 93.26 2 1745-1750 1748 98.50-106.50 102.51 High Dressing Cows/Calf Pairs: (1) Small 1 and 2 545 lbs middle age cows with 150 lbs calves 675.00 per pair.

bunched 24s) 10.55-14.15; Turnips, Topped 11.85-14.65; Honeydews (carton 5s) 29.00; Kiwi (carton 117s) 12.15-13.15; Lettuce, Iceberg (carton 24s, wrapped) 29.8533.95, Greenleaf (carton 24s) 22.00-26.50, Romaine (carton 24s) 27.50-29.50; Nectarines, Yellow/White flesh (1/2 bushel carton) 24.00; Onions, Yellow (50 pound sack) Jumbo 20.0025.45, White (25 pound sack) 14.00-16.00, Red (25 pound sack) 15.00-22.50, Green (carton 24s) 14.65-19.65; Sweet Onions (40 pound carton) 22.00-24.35; Peaches, Yellow/White Flesh (1/2 bushel carton) 24.00; Peanuts, Green (35 pound bag) 53.00-69.00; Pears, Bartlett (16 pound carton) 34.00; Peppers, Bell Type Green (1 1/9 bushel carton) 16.65-19.00, Red (11 pound carton) 25.0032.50, Yellow (11 pound carton) 29.00; Potatoes (50 pound carton) Red size A 14.00-18.65, Red Size B 25.00-28.00, White size A 14.35-17.15, Russet ID 19.35-20.05; Radishes (30 6-ounce film bags) 14.35-15.75; Plums, Red (28 pound carton) 27.00; Squash, Yellow Crookneck (3/4 bushel carton) 20.00-23.00, Zucchini (1/2 bushel carton) 16.00-18.00; Strawberries CA (flat 8 1-quart containers) 16.95-20.00; Sweet Potatoes, Orange (40 pound carton) 16.00-21.45, White (40 pound carton) 20.0020.75; Tomatoes, Vine-Ripened extra large (25 pound carton) 17.15-20.75; Tomatoes, Cherry (flat 12 1-pint containers 19.35-22.95; Roma (25 pound carton) 18.00-20.00; Grape (flat 12 1-pint containers) 20.00-21.00; Turnips, Topped (25 pound film bag) 14.35-22.15; Watermelon, Seeded (bin) 150.00, Seedless (bin) 150.00. WESTERN N.C. FARMERS’ MARKET: (Wholesale Prices – Asheville) Apples (traypack carton) Red Delicious 36.00-38.00, Golden Delicious 36.00-38.00, (1/2 bushel) Local, Gala, Mutsu, Wolfriver 12.00-16.00; Bananas (40 pound box) 19.50-20.00; Beans, Greasy Cut Shorts (bushel) 45.00, Halfrunners 30.0032.00; Broccoli (1/2 bushel basket) 12.00, (carton) 16.00-17.75; Cabbage (50 pound carton/crate) 10.00-12.00; Cantaloupes (carton 9-12 count) 16.00-17.00, (bin 120-140 count) 150.00-180.00; Cauliflower (carton) 20.0021.50; Citrus: Lemons (cartons 95 count) 30.00-31.50, (165 count) 30.00-34.00; Corn (bag) Bi-Color, White & Yellow 14.00-16.00; Cucumbers (1 1/9 bushel) Long Green 12.0014.00, Picklers (1 1/9 bushel crate) 28.0030.00; Grapes (18 pound carton) Red & White Seedless 20.00-25.00; Lettuce, Iceberg (carton) 21.00-22.00, Green Leaf 18.00-19.00, Romaine 21.00-21.50; Okra (1/2 bushel) 18.00-20.00; Onions (50 pound bag) Yellow Jumbo 20.0022.00; Peaches (1/2 bushel basket) Freestone Monroe, White Rose, Alberta 16.00-18.00; Bell Pepper (1 1/9 bushel carton) Large and Extra Large 14.00-16.00; Potatoes, Irish (50 pound bag) White 14.00-22.00, Red 16.00-24.00, Russet 12.50-18.00; Squash (3/4 bushel)#1 Yellow Crookneck 18.00-19.00, (1/2 bushel) Zucchini #1 12.00-16.00; Sweet Potatoes (40 pound box) Red or Orange #2 12.00-15.00; Tomatoes, Vine Ripe (25 pound box) Extra Large and Larger 10.00-12.00, medium 8.00, Green 10.00-14.00, Heirlooms (bushel basket) 45.00-55.00; Turnips (25 pound sack) 13.75; Watermelons (each) 3.00-8.00, (bin 35/40 count) Seeded 120.00-140.00, Seedless 150.00-180.00.

Goats sold per hundred weight (cwt) unless otherwise noted, weights, actual or estimated. Slaughter Classes: Kids Selection 1 25-35 lbs 150.00 36-50 lbs 189.50-197.00 51-65 lbs 180.50-193.00 66-80 lbs 160.00-177.00 81-95 lbs 157.00-162.00 Selection 2 25-35 lbs 133.00-150.00 36-50 lbs 161.00-200.50 51-65 lbs 180.50-196.00

Yearlings Selection 2-3 69-118 lbs 117.00-151.00 Slaughter Bucks/Billies All Wgts 80.00-128.00 Slaughter Nannies/Does All wgts 70.00-110.00, mostly 77.50-109.50

Good 146.50153.00 Choice and Prime 61-80 lbs 130.00-152.00 Good 123.00141.00 Choice and Prime 81-100 lbs 125.00-143.00 Good 121.00138.00 Choice and Prime 100-120 lbs 120.00-130.00 Good Choice and Prime 120-161 lbs Good Slaughter Ewes Utility and Good: All wgts 70.00-120.00

Kids Feeders Selection 3 25-40 lbs 112.00-130.00

Slaughter Rams: All Wgts Not well tested

SHEEP Slaughter Lambs-Includes all breeds, sold per hundred weight (cwt).

Tennessee Dept of Ag-USDA Market News, Nashville, TN Lewis Langell, OIC (615) 837-5164

Choice and Prime 40-60 lbs 163.00-180.00

August 9, 2012



Randy Silvers Randy Silvers, of both Greensboro and Burnsville, passed away on Tuesday, August 7, 2012, at Mission Hospital in Asheville. He was the son of Mary Rose Silvers and the late Burgin Silvers of Burnsville. Randy was one of those rare individuals who knew at an early age what he wanted his vocation to be, and he pursued that vocation as an award winning quilter, quilting instructor, sewing machine dealer and quilt shop owner. Randy was the original owner of The Country Peddler Quilt Shop in Burnsville and Fran’s Quilt Shop, which he bought and renamed Randy’s Quilt Shop in Greensboro. He also traveled the East Coast for many years selling quilts at craft shows. Randy was instrumental in the formation of the Gate City Guild in Greensboro. In addition to his mother, Randy leaves behind his partner of 20 years, Louie Hughes of Greensboro, a host of aunts, uncles and cousins, as well as friends, especially in the quilting community all across the country. Randy held to his deeply religious beliefs. He was very proud of his mountain heritage and loved to tell stories from his childhood in his quilting classes. A service for Randy will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in the Chapel of Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home. The Rev. Jerry Shelton and his uncle, Frank Silvers, will officiate. Burial will be in the Cane River Church Cemetery. Visitation will take place beginning at 1 p.m. prior to the service at the funeral home. Randy greatly supported many causes, but there were two causes that were near and dear to him. The first one was supporting breast cancer research, as Randy witnessed countless friends and customers battle breast cancer. He donated quilts and fabric from his shop to be made into quilts to be used as raffles to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The other great cause Randy supported was helping to feed the needy by sponsoring food drives for Greensboro Urban Ministry. Those wishing to do should make a donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, the Greensboro

Urban Ministry, or Reconciliation House She leaves behind her loving husband in Burnsville, or to your favorite charity. of 21 years, Tony Cucumber; two sons: Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home is Dustin Cucumber of the home and Steve assisting the Silvers family. Robinson, of Burnsville; six brothers: Ernest Wallace of Micaville, Pat Wallace Kenneth Robinson of Burnsville, Donald Wallace of Green Mountain, Ronald Wallace of Seneca, S.C., Kenneth Robinson, 74, of Green Bill Wallace of Pigeon Forge, Tenn., and Mountain, died on Tuesday, August 7, Bob Wallace of Dale City, Va. She also 2012, at his home surrounded by his loving leaves behind two grandchildren: Jacob family. He was a son of the late Grayson and Samuel Robinson, and several nieces and Eva Robinson. He was also preceded and nephews. in death by sisters Edith Crowder and Jean Funeral was Tuesday, Aug. 7, in the Smith and brothers Brown and Jessie Lee Chapel of Yancey Funeral Services. The Robinson. Rev. Bonson Bullman officiated. Burial He enjoyed fishing, hunting and was was in the Wallace Family Cemetery. a life- long woodworker. Kenneth loved watching his grandchildren play ball. Mary Tichenor Surviving are his wife of 44 years, Grace Renfro Robinson; a son, Kenneth Wayne Mary King Willingham Tichenor, 68, Robinson and wife, Ramona, of Relief; passed away on August 4, 2012 at her daughters Donna Buchanan and husband, beloved home of River Song. She was the Micky, of Bakersville and Debra Street eldest daughter of Aaron King Willingham and husband, Ronnie, of Buladean; sister and Mary France Klettner Willingham. Reba Boone of Granite Falls; brother Jack She is survived by her husband, Clarence Robinson and wife, Brenda, of Bandana; Byrnes Tichenor of Spruce Pine; a son, brother-in-law Robert Smith of Marion; James Theodore Tichenor and his wife, and eight grandchildren: Trenton Robinson, Holly, and two grandchildren, Olivia and Martin Robinson, the Rev. Brandon Byrd, Harrison Tichenor, all from Spartanburg, Amberly Biddix, Autumn Thompson, S.C.; sisters Alice Moehlenbrock of Bradley Robinson, Isaiah Robinson and Columbia, S.C. and Virginia Koch of Sonseehry Robinson. Lisle, Ill.; a brother, Tom Willingham of Funeral will be held at 8 p.m. on Friday, Ridgeway, S.C.; and numerous nieces, Aug. 10, in the Chapel of Yancey Funeral nephews and cousins Services with the Rev. Clyde Thomason, Mary was born in Columbia, S.C. the Rev. Cecil Hensley and the Rev. Danny She was a 1962 graduate of A.C. Flora Silvers officiating. The family will receive High School. She received a B.S. Degree friends from 6 until 8 p.m. on Friday in Business Education from Winthrop prior to the services at the funeral home. College in 1966 and a Masters Degree in Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Social Work from the University of South on Saturday in the Griffith Cemetery. Carolina in 1993. Memorials may be made to Hospice Mary’s career after college began as of Mitchell County, 236 Hospital Drive, an intern on Capitol Hill in Washington, Spruce Pine, NC 28777. D.C. Following that experience, she was a legal secretary at the law firm of Baker and McKenzie in Washington. She and her Madge Allen family returned to South Carolina in 1970 Madge Allen, 87, of Scronce Creek, where she worked as a deputy clerk in the passed away Saturday, August 4, 2012, U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Court. She left at Mission Hospital. A native of Yancey that position to operate her own art studio County, she was a daughter of the late where she taught decorative painting. Several years later she re-entered the work Frank and Cenia Tipton. Surviving are her children: JoAnn force as a legal secretary for the law firm Phillips, Christine Hensley, Ray Edward of Medlock, Davis, and Gergel. In 1988, she became the Executive Allen, Fred Allen, Jerry Allen, Steven Allen, Larry Allen, Bobby Allen and Director of the S.C. Alliance for the David Allen, all of Burnsville, Jan Ledford Mentally Ill. She resigned this position in of Johnson City, Joyce Letterman of 1996 when she and her husband moved to Weaverville, and Donna Penland of South the Western N.C. to fulfill a lifelong dream Carolina; and several grandchildren and of living in the mountains; but Mary did not retire. great-grandchildren. Funeral was Wednesday in the Chapel She was hired as the Medical Social of Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home. The Worker in the Home Health Division of Rev. Jerry Shelton officiated. Burial was Toe River Health District from 1997 to in the Little Ivy Baptist Church Cemetery 2006. Mary served as the Chairperson of the Task Force to establish the My Meds at Mars Hill. program for Mitchell and Yancey counties. Grace Wallace Cucumber She served as the coordinator to establish coalitions in Mitchell and Yancey counties Grace Wallace Cucumber, 60, of Fletcher, to assist elderly citizens at risk of abuse formerly of Burnsville, passed away on and neglect. She was the chairman of the Saturday, August 04, 2012 at Park Ridge Task Force in Mitchell County to develop Hospital in Hendersonville. A native of a long-range plan for the elderly where Yancey County, she was a daughter of the needs have been identified and goals have late Doss and Elva Edwards Wallace. She been set to develop resources and services was also preceded in death by a sister, Ruby to address these needs. She established Measles and two brothers: Ford Wallace Mary’s Caring Hands, a respite program and Ted Wallace. See next page

6 August 9, 2012


Obituaries for caregivers and their family member who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. She served a the Mitchell County delegate to the N.C. Senior Tar Heel Legislature. She was an active member of the First Baptist Church in Spruce Pine. A memorial service was Tuesday, August 7. Her cremated remains will be scattered at her beloved River Song in a private family ceremony. Memorials may be made to 1. Mary’s Caring Hands c/o First Baptist Church, 125 Tappan St., Spruce Pine, NC 28777, or to the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 3803 N. Fairfax Dr. Suite 100, Arlington, VA. 22203-1701.

E. Wayne Turbyfill E. Wayne Turbyfill 78, of Elkins Road, Bakersville, passed away August 2, 2012 at Blue Ridge Regional Hospital. He was a native of Mitchell County, and a son of the late Howard and Delitha Buchanan Turbyfill. He was a veteran of the Coast Guard where he served in Iceland and Greenland. He was a Member and Deacon of Vians Valley Presbyterian Church. He was a loan officer at First Union Bank. He was instrumental in introducing Mastercard to North Carolina businesses. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. Survivors include his wife, Genevieve Conley Turbyfill, of the home, a brother

Red Cross plans blood drive Aug. 14

The American Red Cross will be having a Yancey County Community Blood Drive at Higgins Memorial Methodist Church. Hosted by Blue Ridge Regional Hospital and the American Red Cross on Tuesday, August 14 from 1:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Those who donate blood or platelets before Sept. 30, 2012, are entered into a summer drawing for $3,000. Free T-Shirts to Donors. Please call 766-1591 to schedule your appointment or online @ redcross.org.

Sale benefits imagination library

The M-Y Trade Fall & Winter Consignment Sale will be held Friday, Aug. 17, from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 18, from 8 a.m. – noon. The sale will be located at Cross Street Commerce Center in Spruce Pine. This sale features the very best in “Gently Used” and new children’s Fall and Winter clothing. Also, toys, furniture, bedding, equipment, maternity clothing, and much, much, more! This sale benefits the Mitchell County Imagination Library. For more information call Fay at 828-765-0805 or the M-Y Partnership for Children at

Billy R. Turbyfill and wife Phyllis, of Greensboro, NC, a nephew, Randy Turbyfill, and two nieces, Angie King and Jennifer Evatt; and three special great nieces and two nephews. Funeral was Sunday in the chapel of Henline - Hughes Funeral Home with Robert Simes and Fred Boozer officiating. Interment followed at Bear Creek Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Vians Valley Presbyterian Church PO Box 202 Bakersville, NC 28705.

Elizabeth Burleson Chandler Elizabeth Burleson Chandler, 62 of First Drive, Spruce Pine, passed away Aug. 4, 2012, at her home. She was born in McDowell County, to the late Willard and Zelma Long Burleson. She was a member of Berry Chapel Baptist Church and operated Libbys Place Hair Salon. Survivors include her husband, John M. Chandler, of the home, sons, Mark Chandler, of Micaville, and Eugene Chandler, of Bakersville, a daughter, Nicki Penley, of Spruce Pine, three brothers, Arnold Burleson of Salisbury, Terry Burleson of Marion, and Richard Burleson of Shallotte, two grandchildren, Rachael Chandler and Nineva Penley. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Ella Mae Bailey, and Wilma Gillespie; and four brothers, John, Ronald, James, and Calvin Burleson.

828-765-5130 .

Homeschool sale scheduled Aug. 25

There will be a Homeschool Used Book Sale to be held at Shoal Creek Baptist on August 25 from 8 a.m. to noon. If you have items you would like to sale the cost of the booth is $5 to be paid by the 18th, please Contact Amanda Silver 828766-9872 for all information. Tables are limited, if you have a table feel free to bring it to use. All homeschooler’s welcome to attend. Church is located at 1867 E Us Highway 19E Burnsville, NC 28714.

Classes to teach canning techniques

Hands-on canning workshops will be offered at the N.C. Cooperative Extension office. The classes are scheduled for morning, afternoon and evening sessions. A class on tomato canning is scheduled for August 14, and a class on jams and jellies will be held August 21. Phone pre-registration required at least two days prior. Call 682-6186 for more information on registration. N.C. Cooperative Extension offers pressure canner dial gauge accuracy checks. For more information

Funeral was Tuesday in Berry Chapel Baptist Church with Greg Hollifield and Bobby Joe Greene officiating. Interment followed at Berry Chapel Cemetery.

Elize Arthur McKinney Elzie Arthur McKinney, 89, of Bakersville, passed away Sunday, Aug. 5, 2012, at the Blue Ridge Regional Hospital. He was born in Mitchell County to the late Ed and Maude Hall McKinney. He had previously worked at Henredon Furniture and was a member of Vians Valley Presbyterian Church. He had a passion for Hereford cattle farming. Survivors include his wife, Susie Tipton McKinney of the home; daughter, Elaine Bishop Wyatt and husband, Kenneth, of Bakersville; sister Parazady Whitson of Green Mountain; grandchildren Wendy Silvers and husband, Harley, and Brittainy Bishop; and two great-grandchildren, Dakota and Brinkley Silvers. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by brothers, Paul, Silas, and Lyda McKinney. Funeral was Wednesday in the chapel of Henline-Hughes Funeral Home with T.J. Miller and Ron Vinson officiating. Interment was in the McKinney Cemetery on Gage Branch Road. Memorials may be made to Alzheimer’s Association Mountain Office, 31 College Place, Ste D 320, Asheville, NC 28801.

Upcoming Events

or to set up an appointment, call the Yancey Center at 6826186. There is no charge for this service. Republican Party Yard Sale - 8/11, 7 a.m. 506 East Main St.; Republican Party Cook-Out, Work day set for 8/11, 4-7 p.m. DAV Picnic - 8/11, 4-8 p.m. at Ray Cort Park. new park Toe River Model Railroaders , Wednesdays 2-5 Bring the whole family and p.m.Spruce Pine Library. join the fun on Saturday, Aug. Rotary Club, Tuesdays at noon at the Western 25 from 10 a.m. – Noon for a Sizzlin in Burnsville. work day at Cane River Park. Alcoholics Anonymous - Mondays 7:30 p.m. at Cane River Park is located First Presbyterian Church. off 19W on Whittington Road. Discounted Penland classes available The park has been in the works for many years and is finally Penland School of Crafts has open spaces in several classes at half tuition to area ready for use by the public. “We hope the community residents. Regular room and board charges will come out and explore apply, but students are not required to stay the many new features at the park” said Yancey County on campus. C o m m i s s i o n e r M a r v i n The session runs Sunday, August 12 through Holland. Friday, August 24 with openings books,

Healing is focus for clay, glass, printmaking, letterpress, metals, and textiles. Information is available in prayer service

the classes section of the Penland website: The OSL’s Living Faith www.penland.org. To enroll, call the Chapter of Burnsville will Penland registrar at 828-765-2359, ext 15. be conducting the next interfaith healing prayer service at First Baptist Church, 125 Tappan St, Spruce Pine, on Sunday, August 19th at 3 p.m. Chaplain Jack Hancox will be officiating. This service is held regularly every 4th Sunday of the month. All are welcome. For directions to the church, call (828) 765-9411 .

Band Rental Lowest Rental Prices!

Affordable used instruments for sale

‘Keep your money in Yancey County!’

The Music Box 128 W. Main St - 678-9596

August 9, 2012


Isolation room allows for safety, protection at shelter YHS is once again on the cutting edge of animal sheltering, said YHS Executive Director Tim Tipton. A recently introduced isolation area has dramatically reduced the number of dogs and cats spreading disease. Parasites, worms and infections such as upper respiratory infections are common in both dogs and cats. Many animal health issues can be extremely difficult to control in the close quarters of a shelter environment. “Couple this with the fact most animals coming into the shelter have never had a single vaccination or de-worming and it is safe to say disease and parasites can spread through the kennels very quickly,” Tipton said. “We have no history at all on 75 percent of the animals we intake. Of the 25 percent we do have history on, the over-whelming majority are not current on vaccinations,” he said. “We have had proven infection control procedures in place for quite some time. Now we have a very well designed and functional isolation area tying everything together,” he said. “The isolation area features a dedicated entrance and exit, a separate ventilation system and ultraviolet lighting in all HVAC returns. Ultraviolet lights

have been used in the hospitals and other medical facilities for some time to help kill viruses, bacteria, mold and other health hazards. The entire project was paid for with donations. Having fewer sick animals saves the shelter money in the long run by reducing our medical costs. It also reduces stress on the animals and the staff. Imagine being away from everyone and everything you know and then add on top of that, being sick. Pretty stressful. Just like you, animals feel bad when they are sick!” he said. “I also can’t say enough good things about Dr. Susan Scariot and Dr. Selena Lusk. How many animal shelters would love to be in the position of not only having one volunteer veterinarian, but two! “Both of them give so freely of their time to help our shelter Above, the Yancey Humane Society isolation ward before renovations, and and most importantly our animals. below, after it was remodeled to better control the spread of disease and Neither one of them ever asks for parasites. or expects anything in return. It is refreshing in a world where so many people are ‘me, me, me’ oriented to see people like these two doctors who really just want to help animals,” Tipton said. Dr. Scariot is a graduate of Colorado State University and serves as the YHS volunteer veterinarian of record. Dr. Lusk

is a graduate of North Carolina State University and serves as a shelter volunteer veterinarian. “On behalf of our o rg a n i z a t i o n a n d our animals, I really can’t say thank you enough,” Tipton said. Dr. Susan Scariot and Dr. Selena Lusk at work at the shelter.

Free pool party for high school students On Saturday, Aug.11, there will be a free pool party event sponsored by the Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force and Graham Children’s Health Services for high school students at Ray Cort Park. The event is from 5-7 p.m. Students will be able to enjoy swimming, volleyball, music, snacks and more. This will be a great way to kick off the school year and enjoy the pool one more time before it closes. The Prescription Drug Abuse Task Force sponsored a student listening session at Mountain Heritage High School back in 2010. The task force heard from over 150 students about how to prevent the drug and alcohol problem in Yancey County. The biggest response from students was that there is a need for more activities for youth in Yancey County that are fun, but also drug and alcohol free. This event is in response to that request! “This event is a great opportunity for students to come together for fun in a safe and supervised environment. It is a great way to also encourage students to have fun in a drug and alcohol free setting,” said Dan Graham, Drug Task Force member and retired school counselor from Mountain Heritage High School.

Destination Dining at Mt. Mitchell Golf Course • Open to the Public Full Bar • Saturday Night Prime Rib! Come check out our specials! Comfort food - Jazzed up! 11484 N.C. 80 South 12 miles from U.S. 19

Open Tues - Sat 5-9


8 August 9, 2012


24144 $179,000 New 3BR/2BA cabin in the mountains with great views from a rocking chair porch. Attached garage, hardwood and ceramic floors, fireplace, open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, lots of wood.

#24733 $279,000 Very private gated high altitude horse farm. Lots of wildlife, small pond and long range views. Property adjoins MLS #24337. NEW LISTING


MLS #24946 $850,000 350+ acres of extremely private but easily accessible with good gravel surface roads.

24264 $185,000 Great mountain retreat. 2BR/2BA, one and a half story log sided home with great wrap around deck and single drive-in basement located on 3.47 acres.

#25271 $339,000 Unique property, 25+/- acres, over 60% of boundary joins USFS, end of road privacy, easy access, large orchard with over 100 native varieties. Nice landscaping and a cute little well-maintained farm house. REDUCED!

MLS 25244 $159,000 3BR/ 3BA 2 Story, garage basement, carport, located just outside city limits. GREAT BUY!

Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News The construction to put U.S. 19 through the peak of Madison Mountain has been completed and the road now runs through the gap blasted out of the mountaintop. Construction crews are working to get the Madison County portion of the newly-widened road open in both directions by autumn. The routing of the road across the mountaintop has eliminated the confusing and possibly dangerous switchback that had been in place where the straightened traffic lanes on the Madison County side of the project met with the original curved portion in Yancey County.

MLS #25054 $164,000 Only minutes from Burnsville, this 2BR/2BA ranch has great country setting.

Dale’s cell - 208-1881. Jonathan’s cell - 779-1980 728 W. Main St. 682-9994 Regional pastel group opens show

The Appalachian Pastel Society (APS) is presenting a member art exhibit at the Bristol Public Library through Aug. 31, in the Library’s Virgie R. Fleenor Fine Arts Gallery. Artists from East Tennessee and western North Carolina are showcasing the vibrant, luminous qualities that make soft pastel paintings uniquely expressive and exciting. The exhibit may be viewed

during normal library operating hours: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. The Bristol Public Library is located at 701 Goode Street, Bristol, Va. The APS Bristol show chairperson is Barbara Kitty Williams. APS serves members from North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia and Virginia.

Robert P. Laborde, MD Retina Specialist

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August 9, 2012


Annual benefit auction this weekend at Penland School of Crafts Friday, Aug. 10 – Saturday, Aug. 11

The Penland School of Crafts’s annual benefit auction is a gala weekend in the North Carolina mountains featuring the sale of more than 200 works in books, clay, drawing, glass, iron, letterpress, metals, painting, printmaking, photography, textiles, wood, and other media. The Penland auction is one of the premier craft collecting events in the Southeast and the perfect opportunity to support Penland’s educational programs. Admission is charged; absentee bidding is available. Penland School of Crafts is located just off Penland Road in Mitchell County. For more information call 828-765-2359 or visit www.penland.org.

Suzanne Greene INSURANCE InsuranceAGENCY AgencyINC

Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News Crafters and those wanting to see and buy crafts turned out for the Mt. Mitchell Crafts Fair last weekend in downtown Burnsville. Organizers reported a good crowd for the 56th annual fair.

Trail Association to hike Mitchell Saturday North Carolina High Peaks Trail Association will cover the famous Mt. Mitchell loop trail on Saturday, Aug. 11. Starting at the restaurant, this is a rugged 8-mile hike, heading a mile up hill to the summit, then a mile and a half along the Crest Trail before descending the steep Big Tom connector trail to the Buncombe Horse Trail for a two-mile jaunt along Commissary Ridge to Camp Alice and then another two

miles back to the restaurant. Hikers may meet at the Burnsville Town Square at 8:30 a.m. for carpooling and public transportation, or at 9:30 at the state park restaurant. Wear sturdy shoes and bring water, lunch, and rain gear. Remember that temperatures can be 10 to 15 degrees lower on the mountain with higher winds, so have an extra wrap and/or windbreaker. More information may be had by calling hike leader Dennis Smith at 675-9459 or 284-4000 or by going to www. nchighpeaks.org.

Fine Arts Guild to meet Aug. 23 The next Blue Ridge Fine Arts Guild meeting is Thursday, August 23, at 6:30pm at the Town Center in Burnsville. Our guest artist is Jim Carson, whose landscape painting was featured on the cover of the Laurel of Asheville this June. The public is invited to attend. Light refreshments will be provided. For information visit our website at www.bragwnc. com or email llovrek@ccvn. com.

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10 August 9, 2012


UARA Racing

Drivers give fans a jaw-dropping finish for City Chevrolet 150

By Kassie Hughes The UARA-STARS delivered an action packed 150 lap race at Concord Speedway during the City Chevrolet event Saturday night. While the checkered flag dropped for Garrett Campbell, Sean Rayhall and Dillon Bassett were battling for third but ended up driving vertically on the turn-three wall with Bassett going through the outside fence. Bassett was awarded the Pigwire Electrifying Move of the Race Award for his part in this spectatular portion of the event. Both drivers climbed from their cars unharmed. The City Chevrolet 150 had a total of 12 cautions with four blown motors and plenty of sheet metal ripped off. Garrett Campbell survived all the carnage and came to the finish line first claiming the checker. While most drivers were caught up in misfortune, Circle Wheel/ Xtreme Trophies Rookie of the Race Brandon Jones had his best UARA race. The young driver qualified in the top five and raced hard with the other competitors to hold on to that position. Jones advanced to the second place position during the green-whitecheckered and managed to steer clear of the last lap incident. Travis Swaim clenched his fifth Sunoco pole with a whopping 16.386 second lap, which was a tenth faster than outside pole sitter Rayhall. Swaim led the first 57 laps until, Rookie Ben Rhodes jumped out front. Shortly after Rhodes took the lead, his motor blew giving the lead to Rayhall. Rayhall was awarded Tilton’s Most Laps Led Award. Swaim used his patience to his advantage and came home with a solid third place finish. The oldest Burns’ brother from South Carolina, Jeremy, had a

impressive night for his third race of the season with the UARASTARS. He qualified fourth and finished fourth. During the first couple of laps, he made his way to the second place position. After the first caution of the night, which included his younger brother Will, he slowly fell back a couple of positions. Another Hot Rod Rookie that had one of his best UARA finishes was Tyler Laing, who brought home a fifth place finish. Laing has truly shown his talents on the track as he raced clean and managed to miss all the cautions. With his 17th qualifying position, he was right in the middle of all the flying fenders and hot tempers. Brodie Kostecki, Will Burns, and Roger Powell persevered through the tough times and pulled off top-ten finishes. Will Burns spun during practice earlier in the day, causing time-consuming damage to his machine. His team worked all day and through qualifying to get it ready for the City Chevrolet 150. After starting on a provisional and a spin early in the race, he finished seventh. Kostecki was racing hard with Sammy Jasper for position, when the two of them spun. Unfortunaltely Jasper was done for the night, while Kostecki’s team kept digging. With the amount of cautions, Kostecki was the lucky dog two times, allowing him back on the lead lap and a sixth place finish for the young Australian. Roger Powell and his team worked hard on their machine all day as well. The team was so busy fixing their car, they were late to pre-qualifying tech and penalized one qualifying lap. Although Powell started second to last, he stayed out of troubles way and finished tenth, awarding him the Holley Performer of the

The starting lineup for the City Chevrolet at Concord Speedway. Photo by Drew Hierwarter.

Race Award. Other drivers that were caught up in the cautions were Julia Dawson, Enrique Contreras, and Cory Joyce. Things were looking up for Dawson and her team as they were at the top of the leader board for the majority of the first practice. The confidence worked in their favor as she qualified 13th, but spun early with Contreras in the aftermath of a caution. Joyce did a complete 360 degree turn in the dog leg, while other competitors raced by ripping off his fenders. It was also a tough night for local drivers Greg Peterson, Bobby Measmer, and Joey Bryant. They too were victims of the full moon rage. During post-race tech, UARA Officials disqualified Saturday night’s apparent winner Campbell. The cylinder head on the Campbell car did not comply with the 2012 UARA rule book. However, Campbell’s team appealed the decision and the part in question will be reviewed Monday by the UARA appeals board. The win could be delegated to Jones following the decision of the UARA appeals board giving the young rookie his first UARA win. The official results to the City Chevrolet 150 will be announced when a final decision has been made following the vote of the appeal board.

The teams only have a few days to prepare for UARA-STARS next event at Tri-County Speedway. Joining the STARS will be the Super Truck Series and the Carolina Vintage Racers. 2004 UARA-STARS Rookie of the Year Steve Wallace will be making his first appearance of 2012 with the STARS at Tri County. Unofficial ResultsCity Chevrolet 150 : 1. 12-Garrett Campbell 2. 33-Brandon Jones 3. 28-Travis Swaim 4. 5-Jeremy Burns 5. 16-Tyler Laing 6. 40-Brodie Kostecki 7. 82-Will Burns 8. 8-David Garbo Jr. 9. 2-Beau Foust 10. 23-Roger Powell 11. 60-Jeff Melton 12. 14-Sean Rayhall 13. 44-Dillon Bassett 14. 20-Cory Joyce 15. 99-Jake Morris 16. 35-Devin Jones 17. 22-Buster Bennet 18. 71-Joey Bryant 19. 9-Ben Rhodes 20. 58-Scott Turlington 21. 74-Bobby Measmer Jr. 22. 32-Greg Peterson 23. 18-Sammy Jasper 24. 70-Enrique Contreras 25. 17-Julia Dawson 26. 33-Will Gallaher DNQ

Dillon Bassett, No 44, heads over the wall near the end of the race at Concord.

August 9, 2012


Hunting is fun, but it’s the friendships that count In just a few weeks things will get interesting for an outdoors writer like me here in North Carolina. Opening day of dove season is Labor Day weekend, and then bow season opens for whitetail deer the following weekend. To add fuel to the fire, I will be in Texas the weekend after that on a bowfishing trip for one of the largest freshwater fish, the alligator gar. So in order to help me keep everything I need to do in order without forgetting deadlines for the newspaper and magazine article submissions, as well as hunting dates, I sat down and begin making my list. I have a few weeks in this month to iron things out. I still have one more trip I need to make one weekend this month, but I have not decided which one would be best. Then I came upon both my late grandfather’s birthday and my dad’s birthday. I thought back to earlier years, when I was not so locked in to daily life. I reminisced about the only time I was able to hunt with my grandfather and my dad together. It was a dove hunt. Papa had on his brown felt hat that he often wore. Dad was wearing his baseball style cap. I was wearing my favorite boonie hat with the drawstring looped over the top. From what I remember the birds were not flying great, but I do remember it not being a failure of a day, either. Of course, that memory rolled into opening day of dove season, the next date I would mark on my schedule. Over the last few years I only remember one opening day not being successful. It was following a hurricane, if my mind is not altering the memories. It rained to the point there was standing water everywhere, and we ended up hunting Labor Day Monday instead. I think I only saw three or four birds total. But ever since that year, the birds flew. My son and my dad shared a few of these years


From the front Most troubling, Tipton said, is that the retest for third graders in their spelling comprehension test has been eliminated. “This year, you could take the retest. Next year, there won’t be a retest.” What does that mean? “For a third grade student, starting this year, if they make As in everything but fail the reading test, they must repeat” the third grade” or complete a summer reading camp and pass the test over the summer.” If parents don’t want the child in summer camp, then the child must repeat the grade, no matter how good his or her grades were. “No research shows that it does a kid good to fail them,” Tipton said. “What it does to them as far as socially, as far as their ego, and especially as you get older, it means you have a third less chance of graduation. If you’ve been failed twice,” the risk of dropping out doubles, he said. And Tipton wanted to make sure that the public understands that new tests and new procedures statewide will mean “test scores are going to go down next year. No doubt. “The message we need to get across, in this drop (of scores) is, please understand it. It’s not that the kid’s have done a bad job. Next week: Details on the new state standards, and changes in future school calendars.

Bill Howard’s


in the field. Last year I carried my nephew and brother-in-law on their first dove hunt. Then I thought of my nephew sitting in a tree stand about 10 yards from me last year. We watched a doe feeding as the sun crested the horizon. He texted me asking if I saw it, which immediately made it run. I did not get a shot, but I had a remarkable time. As I looked down at my paper, I marked opening day of bow season, following the dove season opener on the calendar just as it did in my thoughts. “What did I do last year on opening day of deer season?” scrolled through my mind. “Of course!” I thought to myself. I missed it! I was in Georgia on one of my dream hunts. Chasing alligators during the night. I met Dane and his wife Sherri. They put me up for

the weekend hunt. A complete stranger, other than a passion for hunting and attempting the same quest. I guess in the outdoors there are no strangers. I continued to turn the pages on the calendar thinking what the remainder might be in store for me this year and next. What might I experience? What great chapters may I be able to add to my life’s book? Who will be there to experience the moments with me? Then I thought about the last question a little harder and deeper. Who will be there? I have been on plenty of excursions by myself and enjoyed them. Those trips have been instrumental lessons. But I do not have the same attachment to them as I do with the flashbacks of family and friends. They were not more than lessons. They taught me everything from how to appreciate the wild to the tendencies of deer movement. They were there and they have their place. Without those moments I could never share it with others. But they did not have the extra element needed to take the slight grin from the memory to turning the corners of the mouth and making it an outright smile. So as I continued to work on my scheduling, I began looking for ways to involve family and friends more often. I would much rather smile after thinking back. Bill Howard is an avid bowhunter and outdoorsman. He teaches hunter education (IHEA) and bowhunter education (IBEP) in North Carolina. He is a member of North Carolina Bowhunters Association and Pope & Young, and is an official measurer for both. He can be reached at billhoward outdoors@ gmail.com.

Workshops on expanding energy markets With significant growth in demand for renewable energy, AdvantageWest, with Appalachian State University’s Energy Center and the EvolveEnergy Partnership, presents a series of workshops on how Western North Carolina manufacturers can expand their business opportunities in this segment. Held at locations across the AdvantageWest 23-county region, each forum will provide an overview of renewable energy manufacturing and market trends, focusing on a different supply chain topic area. Dates and topics are as follows: --August 14, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Product Development & Innovation in Renewable Energy Supply Chains. Hosted by: Western Carolina University’s Center for Rapid Product Realization, 270 Belk, 90 West University Way, Cullowhee, N.C. --August 17, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Solar PV & Solar Thermal Supply Chain Opportunities. Hosted by: Lenoir-Rhyne University’s Center for Graduate Studies of Asheville, 36 Montford Ave., Asheville, N.C. --August 22, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Metals, Materials & Electronics in Renewable Energy Supply Chains. Hosted by: Caldwell Community College and the Caldwell Green Commission at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center, 1913 Hickory Blvd. SE, Lenoir, N.C.

Drop off your donations for the Yancey Humane Society Flea Market! Look for the location in the Burnsville Plaza between GO Grocery and Fred’s. Donations accepted every Saturday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. The auction will be held at the same location Sept. 21-23!

The workshops are free, with lunch included, but seating is limited and preregistration is required at: http://tinyurl.com/cvufsxt. For additional information, contact Anna Levitsky at alevitsky@awnc.org or (828) 687-7234 . The forums are made possible with support from the Appalachian Regional Commission. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, YANCEY COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 2012 E 12E119 EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of Thomas George Gates of Yancey County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate of the deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before 28 September, 2012 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 28th day of June, 2012. Thomas Dean Gates, Executor P.O. Box 1687 Burnsville, NC 28714

TBA Tim Brown Architecture custom residential commercial institutional



12 August 9, 2012



Artist Cabin & Studio. Burnsville/Celo. Enjoy the soothing sound of cascading bold water all at your own mountain retreat. This unique property features a cabin that retains vintage charms with pleasant updates and stunning decor, including vaulted ceilings, huge sunny windows, and a detached garage workshop/studio area. Enjoy the private covered back deck overlooking the creek as well as a covered front porch. Included are a stove, microwave and a refrigerator. Super location in a premier arts community. National forest trails are within walking distance. Close to all area attractions. Call 704-516-9273. Manufactured HomeBurnsville/Celo: Enjoy the soothing sound of cascading bold water all at your own mountain retreat. This unique property features a like-new 2005 Clayton manufactured 2 bed/2 bath home with generous vaulted master suite, including a

CALL SUSAN at 678-3900 to schedule your classified ad! Only $5 for UP TO 50 WORDS!

huge garden tub and a walk- washer-dryer, and kitchen, in closet. Enjoy the large possible owner financing, spacious eat-in kitchen, and $144,000. Close to town of a private covered back deck Burnsville. 828-777-0667 , overlooking the creek. There 828-683-7810 . is a covered front porch as well. Included are a washer, 3/3 Burnsville on coveted dryer, stove, microwave South Toe River; Fish raft. and refrigerator. This is a On private lane. Golf: Mt. super location in a premier Mitchell, 8 miles. Golf: arts community. National Grassy Creek, 17 miles. Forest trails within walking County taxes: 2 kitchens. distance; Close to all area Washer-Dryer, Well, Septic. attractions. Call 704-516- Window treatments and all 9273. appliances, dishes and some 2 BR 1 Bath house on furnishings to stay. Move in a private lot. Has garden ready, Wood fireplace,Stove, spot with wood or oil heat. Water-heated baseboard heat Partly furnished. No pets furnace. Anderson windows. or smokers. Call 678-5070 Moving close to family. No or 682-0051 for more owner financing, Cash or information. If no of answer approved and ready loan. Week 8/13/12 - 8/19/12 leave message. Deposit and Call 828-675-4491 . reference required..



2.2 Acres, Unique 1946 renovated barn, open concept, 1 bedroom, 1 custom bath, hardwood floors, great walk-in closets, all appliance, including

MLS #25263 $99,000/ 5 acres tracts on Halls Chapel Road near Seven Mile Ridge Road. Pick your spot, great view of the Black Mountain Range. Wooded or open; laurel thickets, stream, springs, mature

The Weekly Crossword ACROSS 1 Part of SUV 6 ____ and proper 10 Creative spark 14 Take in, perhaps 15 Miniscule amount 16 Lowest high tide 17 Starbucks offering 18 Pronto! 20 Repeated 22 Pitchfork part 23 Walked firmly 24 Leaves high and dry 27 Chiffons' hit, "___ So Fine" 28 Corporate marriage 31 Phone's ABC 32 Of direct descent 33 1992 movie, "A League of ____ Own" 35 Beach accessory 38 Shade of color 39 Beat around the bush 40 Bay window 41 National song 43 Scuff up 44 Think highly of 45 Whole bunch 48 Flaw 51 Channel changer 53 Burglar's booty 54 Hurry up! 56 Forever 59 Insiders' talk 60 Dieter's goal 61 Boat-building wood 62 Wake up 63 Predicament 64 Drop-off point 65 Hit below the belt, perhaps DOWN 1 Northwest Indian












King Size Foam Rubber Mattress. Like new condition. $25. 682-9250 1999 Crown Victoria. $2500 Cash. 111,200 miles, One owner. 828-675-4491 Lots from 3 to 7 acres, or all 21.57 acres. Snow Hill Boxwoods for Sale. $10 each. 828.208.0406. For Sale By Owner: 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath Cedar home with great views, Best value in South Toe/Celo area. 1 acre, beautifully landscaped grounds. Call 828-675-5464. 9 am to 9 p.m.





22 24




30 33




















32 36









ESTATE SALE: Saturday, August 11, 2012. 92 Water Springs Hollow, Burnsville, NC. Leather furniture, TV’s, Some antiques, tools.

by Margie E. Burke



hardwoods, privacy but easy access. Stroll to South Toe for fishing. Electricity on property. Call Dale @ 2081881 to schedule a walk in the woods to see this beautiful property.













Copyright 2012 by The Puzzle Syndicate

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 21 24 25 26 29 30 32 33 34 35 36

Nebraska river Furry swimmers Like bell-bottoms Gym equipment Popeye's prop Large cross Computer pros, briefly Make a difference Pointless Like school buildings on Sundays Chow down Mighty Joe Young, for one Pronoun on a towel Prom attendee Backspace relative Future branch Feeling achy Go over again Too thin Jeans brand Disneyland, e.g. ___ and haw Mummy's locale Spoken

37 Like some routers 42 Roll-call reply 44 Fancy home 45 Taste bud locale 46 Worthless 47 Took home after taxes 49 Social customs

50 Charged particle 52 Dimwit 54 Foundry waste 55 Rugrat 56 Stately shade tree 57 Little piggy 58 Set the pace

Answer to Last Week's Crossword A L M O S T














Sewing alterations. Call 208-3999. Low Interest Loans to Qualified Home Owners for Any home improvement projects. 828-273-0970 Blue Belle Farms, A U’Neat Gift shop and makers of Goat Soaps and Lotions is currently seeking Crafters to join the fun! You keep 100% of YOUR proceeds for a very small rental fee. Please stop by 127 West Main Street to see what everyone is talking about in beautiful Downtown Burnsville! Will clean your home or business. Call 208-3688. Sewing alterations. Call 208-3999. Will mow, weed-eat, & do yard maintenance. Call 208-3377 or 208-3688. TOWING SERVICE With Rollback Truck! I Buy JUNK VEHICLES! Pay Fair Price! WILL PICK UP VEHICLE! Call 828-284-7522 or 828284-7537


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Friend to Friend is now looking for entrepreneurs to partner with in a small Internet business. If you have a gift of gab and a small investment you can start today. Bring your partner for a 45 minute interview. We are an equal opportunity business. Call for an appointment 24/7 – 828-776-2463.


Developer seeking sales assistant with computer and people skills for administrative contact management system data base in our Sales Center, The Cove at Celo Mountain. Duties include phoning, greeting clients and assisting sales manager. Real estate experience a plus. Generous hourly rate and bonus,40 hour week Send resume to: denise@mlcnc.com


Need partner to walk A p p a l a c h i a n Tr a i l . Christian Male. Would like to start soon. Call 688-2842 for more information. Will provide transportation.

Yancey County School has “Plan of Care” for children with Diabetes The State Board of Education has adopted guidelines for the development and implementation of individual diabetes care plans as required by Senate Bill 911. These guidelines have been developed with consultation from the NC Diabetes Advisory Council and local school administrative employees. A procedure for the development of an individual diabetes care plan is at the written request of the student’s parent(s) or guardian. The individual care plan is reviewed annually. Information on the individual care plan includes the responsibilities of the parent, appropriate school staff, an emergency care plan, the identification of allowable action to be taken, the extent to which the student is able to participate in his/her own diabetes care and management and other school personnel in order to offer appropriate assistance and support to the student. As required by Senate Bill 911, all school employees will complete a basic training about diabetes including signs and symptoms of diabetic emergencies and first aid procedures in collaboration with principals, school nurses and staff. (Senate Bill 911-g.s. 115C-47-Care for School Children with Diabetes.) If you have any questions concerning the diabetes care plan, call Ellen Miller at the Board of Education at 828-682-6101, extension 314, or talk to your school health nurse or the middle school health clinics. Any child that has a problem, such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy, etc. should have an individual health care plan (IHCP). The procedures for the development of the IHCP is at the request of student’s parent(s) or guardian.

August 9, 2012


Finding the path back to parenting sanity

By John Rosemond

In the late 1960s, as psychologist B. F. Skinner’s behavior modification theory made the jump from academia into popular culture, the focus in child rearing shifted from molding character to “shaping” behavior. Books such as Gerald Patterson’s Living with Children promised perfectly well-behaved children through the proper manipulation of rewards and punishments such as time-out and systematic removal of privilege. Prior to this revolution, proper parenting was a matter of providing unconditional love and unequivocal leadership. Discipline was the process by which parents transformed the antisocial toddler into a pro-social human being who was respectful of legitimate authority as well as the rights of others, willing to accept responsibilities, and determined to overcome obstacles. These were character issues. Now, child rearing became “parenting,” discipline became the process of shaping proper behavior, and parents became compliance officers. Please don’t misunderstand me on this point. In most cases, a child’s purposeful misbehavior requires a firm adult response, one that communicates the clear message that the misbehavior in question won’t be tolerated. Punishment is one way of accomplishing that, but not the only way. In some cases, a stern one-sided “conversation” will suffice. But some misbehavior merits no response at




all. Children are, after all, mischievous, and a good amount of their mischief is harmless. An example is a 3-year-old who discovers that the word “poopy” is bound to elicit some form of interesting reaction from adults, whether laughter or shock. That sort of inconsequential thing can be starved out of existence by simply ignoring it. It’s obvious that a good number of today’s parents fail to respond adequately to misbehavior. They ignore what is clearly more than mere mischief, they deny that their children are brats, they make excuses for them, and so on. These parents are a principal’s and teacher’s worst nightmare. But on the other side of the discipline coin one finds a good number of parents who over-discipline. These parents are obsessivecompulsive when it comes to their children’s behavior. Producing the perfect child appears to be their raison d’etre. As such, no infraction is too small to escape their detection, and

punishment is their passion. They end up micro-managing their children’s behavior, creating more problems in the long run than they solve. No matter the context, micromanagement always breeds resentment, deceit, and eventual rebellion. At the very least, that sort of parenting style fails to teach a child the inestimable benefits of self-control. These parents often complain that when their kids reached their teen years, it was like a switch was flipped to “Kick Out the Jams!” Or their kids get to college, can’t deal with the independence, and collapse emotionally or academically or both. The path back to parenting sanity lies in reembracing the past, the most important aspect of which is re-establishing the training of character as the top priority. That will require (among other things) eschewing the post1960s emphasis on self-esteem and rebooting the traditional emphasis on the rights of others, balancing after-school activities with unpaid household chores, and restoring the teaching of manners, beginning with table manners (starting with eating what is put in front of you without complaint). Ultimately, this will require that parents abandon the pursuit of success and happiness for their kids and pursue instead the goal of making America a better place. Family psychologist John Rosemond answers questions at rosemond.com.

Novelist to teach 10-week class on writing memoirs

Novelist, teacher, and essayist Christine Hale will teach a 10-week class on Thursdays from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in Burnsville at the Mountain Heritage Center beginning September 13. Titled “Remembering, Misremembering, Disremembering: Our Memories Have a Story to Tell,” the course will explore the particular challenges and possibilities of writing memoir. Using examples from published memoirs and inclass writing, participants will learn techniques for turning memory, real or imagined, into story. Hale’s debut novel Basil’s Dream was published in 2009 and she has completed a memoir, In Your Line of Sight. Her creative nonfiction and short fiction have appeared in many journals, including Arts & Letters, Apalachee Review, Rivendell, Natural Bridge,

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and The Sun. National Book Award finalist Joan Silber describes Basil’s Dream as “an entirely riveting story, vivid, full of intrigue - a novel I won’t soon forget.” Hale’s just-completed memoir describes how the story of her parents’ epic bad marriage made her a writer, and her young adult children’s penchant for tattoos became a ritual for reclaiming family ties shattered by her divorce. A native of the southern Appalachians, growing up just over the Blue Ridge in Bristol, Va., Ms. Hale was educated in North Carolina: A.B. from Pfeiffer University, near Charlotte; M.B.A. from UNC-Chapel Hill; and M.F.A. from Warren Wilson College. She’s held jobs ranging from banquet server to investment

banker, although the majority of her experience is as teacher and mother. A former Beebe Fellow at Warren Wilson College, she’s taught there and at the Great Smokies Writing Program in Asheville. Presently she is faculty at the Antioch University – Los Angeles Low-Residency MFA Program. The class is a fall offering in The Great Smokies Writing Program of UNCA. The cost for in-state students is $230.82 and applications are available at www.unc.edu/gswp. Early registration is encouraged. Call or email program administrator Nancy Williams at nwilliam@unca.edu, 828/250-2353. Local questions may be directed to Susan Larson at 765-2652. .

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14 August 9, 2012


The importance of staying hydrated for overall health Medea Galligan MS Nutrition If there was just one thing that I could tell a client to do that would greatly improve their overall health, as well as headaches, body aches, dry skin, and even chronic constipation, it would be to drink more water. That is because all of those conditions are symptoms of dehydration, and despite our access to clean water, most people today are chronically dehydrated (and don’t even know it!). Even though we are coming out of the hottest months of the year when we lose excessive amounts of water from our bodies through perspiration, becoming conscious of your water intake is still vitally important. Despite all the “sports” drinks and juices available, the best thing you can drink, in the summer and all year round, is water. Water, which makes up between 50 and 60 percent of your body, is so important that you would die without it in a matter of days, according to Duke University Department of Chemistry. Under optimal conditions, the body can survive for 60 days without food, but only 10-18 days without water. Your body may be able to maintain some vital functions if you only consumed the water that’s in your food, but you will reap greater benefits if you stay well-hydrated with water or water-rich fluids. Your skin is made up of about 70 percent water, so any loss of body water equaling 2-3 percent of our body weight will begin to affect performance adversely. Loss of 4-5 percent of body weight results in reduced carrying capacity of the blood for nutrients, as well as reduced ability to remove heat from the body. Water important for health Water is important in all of life’s chemical processes, the functioning of our bodies’ internal organs (like the heart and kidney), and the production, growth and life of skin cells depends on it. Water helps your body get rid of waste material through bowel movements, sweat and urine, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you couldn’t excrete waste products you would eventually be poisoned by them and die. Being well-hydrated also improves your ability to fight illnesses because water is part of lymph fluid, a part of your immune system. You’re also less likely to feel day-today malaise if you’re hydrated since being dehydrated can cause symptoms such as headaches, back pain, muscle weakness, fatigue and dizziness. Your body only functions properly within a narrow temperature range. A few degrees too high can cause brain damage or harm other vital organs. When you’re in summer heat, your body helps itself cool down by evaporating perspiration on your skin. However, you’re at risk of

overheating if you’re not drinking enough fluids to sweat out. Your body is full of structures that are susceptible to damage if they’re not surrounded by fluid. When you’re hydrated, your joints, spinal cord, eyes and brain are cushioned against shock by a layer of water, according to the University of NebraskaLincoln Extension website. Having extra lubrication in your body also improves your ability to eat and digest food because water is in your saliva and the mucous that helps move food through your digestive tract. Being wellhydrated also helps keep your skin moist and supple and reduces your risk of developing dry skin complications such as dermatitis, cracks and infection. Water within the cells helps make your skin look smooth, firm and tight, and far exceeds any “age-defying” cream in its ability to reduce wrinkles. Drink water for weight loss Drinking water or water-rich fluids on a regular basis can help you maintain a healthier weight or even lose weight. Drinking water instead of soda can quench your thirst without adding calories to your diet and may suppress or distract your appetite if you drink it when you experience a food craving. Water is also essential for weight loss because your body needs to flush out the byproducts of the fat it’s breaking down. In addition to helping your body maintain a stable temperature, being well-hydrated -- ideally by drinking water every 15 minutes or so during sporting events -helps keep your muscles strong and active. Water helps your body transport oxygen to your muscles, which means they are also more efficient during physical labor. Strategy for better health So how much water should we drink? The rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight, in ounces of water, a day. So if you weigh 180 pounds, you should be drinking 90 ounces of water a day. And if you are exercising and actively perspiring, you should be drinking even more than that. It is important to drink water before, during and after exercise. In hot environments, active people should drink about 16 ounces of water 15 to 30 minutes prior to working out. After a workout, replenish fluids at the rate of one pint of water for every pound lost. Bringing a water bottle, or bottles, with you wherever you go and drink regularly is the best way to continue replenishing your body’s

water supply throughout the day. While most of the “thirst quenchers” or “energy drinks” on the market today can be good for replenishing certain types of nutrients (electrolytes) that are lost through perspiration during extended outdoor activities greater than 60-90 minutes, most of them contain high levels of high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. This is not what you need on hot, humid days — or any other time, for that matter. For the same reason, you should not rely on carbonated soft drinks, alcoholic beverages or caffeinated drinks to maintain your body’s liquid levels, as these fluids can have a diuretic effect, and actually increase fluid loss.

on the fermentation time and type of tea used. Lacto-fermented fruit juice, or fruit kvass, is a wonderful treat for the kiddos. Not only is it a special treat (as juice normally is), but this juice feeds their little guts with wonderful goodness. They are both wonderful drinks that are easy to make, inexpensive, and delicious alternatives to storebought juice and soda. More to come on fermented drinks! Improving diet improves hydration

Compared to a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and naturally raised meats of our ancestors, most if the of the modern American diet consists of processed foods likes breads, noodles, and snack foods, that lack Delicious beverages do exist any natural moisture and who’s digestion requires what moisture If have your body weight in we have. ounces of water sounds like a lot Various reports indicate that to you, and you haven’t developed humans receive 20–25 percent what is called a “healthy thirst” for of their daily water intake from water, don’t be discouraged. Fruit food. Fruits, vegetables and other teas, like Red Zinger, Raspberry high-moisture foods, therefore, Zinger or Wild Cherry Blackberry make an important contribution to Zinger can help you hydrate total fluid intake. Fruits (primarily without the enormous amount of melons and citrus), as well as sugar or caffeine that is found in vegetables (cucumbers and leafy sodas, juices or sweet tea. After greens, mainly), contain more than brewing and chilling, add some 80 percent water, which is one stevia natural sweetener or a little of the many reasons to get more raw honey to taste for a refreshing fruits and vegetables into your and thirst quenching alternative to diet. Aiming for 60-70 percent of water. Another option is to make fresh vegetables and fruits, along your very own natural “vitamin with quality protein sources, will water” by slicing lemons, oranges, go a long way towards keeping you or even apples and letting them hydrated all year long. infuse their vitamins and flavor Medea L Galligan earned her into a pitcher of water. Masters of Science in Nutrition Another option is naturally from Oklahoma State University, fermented drinks, like kombucha and also attended the Institute a n d f r u i t k v a s s . D r i n k i n g for Integrative Nutrition’s Health K o m b u c h a p r o m o t e s g o o d Coach Training Program, located health and has helped millions in New York City. of people worldwide with its Since 1998, she has helped Week of 8/13/12 8/19/12 excellent detoxifying and immune- thousands of people of all ages enhancing qualities. Kombucha improve their health and well has proved itself to be a quite being through support and remarkable therapeutic drink, made encouragement, exploring which from sweetened tea into which a foods are right for them, and Kombucha culture (a symbiosis of assisting them in bringing back bacteria and yeasts) is placed. It the joy of cooking and eating. Visit can taste similar to apple cider or www.HealthyLifestyle Concepts. a refreshing light wine, depending com for more information.


Edited by Margie E. Burke

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August 9, 2012


What’s to eat at the elementary schools? Friday, Aug 10

Monday, Aug 13

Tues, Aug 14

Wed, Aug 15

Thurs, Aug 16

Friday, Aug 17


Breakfast Pancakes Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Sausage Biscuit Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Ham Biscuit Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Pancake & Sausage Stick/ Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk


Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Cornbread/ Sunbutter s’wich/B. Beans/Slaw/Pears Blueberry Apple Crisp Milk

Max Pizza Stix w/ marin/Ham&Cheese s’wich/Sunbutter s’wich/Corn/Carrot Stix/Peaches/Cranberry Crunch


Lunch Turkey Pie/BBQ Rib s’wich/Sunbutter s’wich/Baked Potatoes/ Glazed carrots/ Mandarin Oranges/ Pineapple Bits Milk

Breakfast Pizza

Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Sunbutter s’wich Glazed carrots/Green beans/Baked Apples Peaches Milk

Hamburger Steak/ Roll/Chix Taco Salad Tossed Salad/Refried Beans/Baked Apples Fruit Cocktail Milk



Toasted Cheese s’wich/Sunbutter s’wich/Veggie Beef Soup/Broccoli/Fruit Applesauce Milk

Food for thought for middle school Friday, August 10

Monday, Aug 13

Tuesday, Aug 14

Wed, Aug 15

Thurs, Aug 16

Friday, Aug 17

Breakfast Pancake&Sausage Stick/ Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza Pancakes Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk


Breakfast Ham Biscuit Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Pancake&Sausage Stick/ Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Glazed carrots/Green beans/Baked Apples Peaches Milk


Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Cornbread/ B.Beans/ Slaw/Pears Blueberry Apple Crisp Milk


Lunch Toasted Cheese s’wich/Sunbutter s’wich/Veggie Beef Soup/Mega Pizza/ Broccoli/Fruit Applesauce Milk

Turkey Pie/BBQ Rib s’wich/Baked Potatoes/ Glazed carrots/ Mandarin Oranges/ Pineapple Bits Milk

Hamburger Steak/Roll/ Chix Taco Salad Tossed Salad/Refried Beans/Baked Apples Fruit Cocktail Milk

Sausage Biscuit Pancakes Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Max Pizza Stix w/ marin/Ham&Cheese s’wich/Corn/ Carrot Stix/Peaches/ Cranberry Crunch



Chowing down at Mountain Heritage Friday, August 10

Monday, Aug 13

Tuesday, Aug 14

Wed, Aug 15

Thurs, Aug 16

Friday, Aug 17

Breakfast Pancake&Sausage Stick/ Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza Pancakes Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Sausage Biscuit Pancakes Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk


Breakfast Ham Biscuit Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Pancake&Sausage Stick/ Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Breakfast Sausage Biscuit Breakfast Pizza Cereal Animal Crackers Juice/Fruit/Milk

Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub/Chix Quesadilla Glazed carrots/Green beans/Baked Apples Peaches Milk

Hamburger Steak/Roll Pizza Six w/marin Corn/Carrot Stix Peaches Cranberry Crunch Milk


Lunch Toasted Cheese s’wich/Sunbutter s’wich/Veggie Beef Soup/Mega Pizza/ Broccoli/Fruit Applesauce Milk


Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Chix Quesadilla Cornbread/ B.Beans/ Slaw/Pears Blueberry Apple Crisp Milk

Medea’s recipe for Sautéed Pears with Raw Honey Here’s a delicious summer dessert that’s ready in under 10 minutes. Simply sauté pear slices with this yummy honey-based glaze; while the fruit softens, the honey caramelizes. You can use your favorite kind of apple, fresh pineapple slices or other firm fruit of your choice in place of the pear. Serves 2 1 large ripe Asian pear 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive 1 tablespoon raw honey

Soft Beef Tacos/ Ham&Cheese s’wich Chix Quesadilla/Salad Refried Beans/Baked Apples/Fruit Cocktail



Turkey Pie/BBQ Rib s’wich/ Chicken Tender Biscuit/ Baked Potatoes/Glazed carrots/Mandarin Oranges/Pineapple Bits Milk

¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon ¼ teaspoon grated lemon or orange zest Freshly grated nutmeg Cut the pear in half and remove the stem and seeds (and the peel, if desired). Cut into ½-inch slices. Warm the oil, honey, cinnamon, and lemon zest in a small skillet over medium heat, stirring to blend. Lay the pear slices into the oil mixture and cook for about 4 minutes, until soft on one side. Turn and cook until soft on the other side and the honey thickens, turns a shade darker, and lightly caramelizes. Divide the pear slices and their sauce between 2 dessert plates. Garnish with nutmeg.

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