Yancey County News edition of April 10, 2014

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Mission Group hopes to feed the hungry Story inside

Governor honors Wanda Proffitt with top award F


Shelter dogs spread the love

Yancey County News Crabtree - Egypt - Green Mountain - Jacks Creek

Brush Creek - Burnsville - Cane River

Pensacola - Price’s Creek - Ramseytown - South Toe

www.yanceycountynews.com vTo be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.v April 10, 2014 • Vol. 4, No. 15 v Recipient of the E.W. Scripps Award for Distinguished Service to the First Amendment v

Bob Orr named new district attorney Gov. Pat McCrory has appointed Justice Bob Orr to fill the vacancy in the district attorney’s office in the 24th Prosecutorial District created by the retirement of Jerry Wilson. Orr is a former member of the N.C. Court of Appeals and former Justice on the N.C. Supreme Court. “I would like to thank Justice Orr for his willingness to serve our great state again,” McCrory said in his announcement, released Tuesday morning. “Justice Orr’s wealth of experience will be a perfect fit to fill the remainder of this term. The people of the 24th

Prosecutorial District are fortunate to have a former justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court and a man of Bob Orr’s character serve them in this capacity.” Orr will serve until a new district attorney is elected this year. He has most recently been Of Counsel at Poyner Spruill, with offices in Fayetteville and Raleigh, and is taking a leave of absence from the firm to take the appointment. Justice Orr served as a member of the N.C. Court of Appeals

Bob Orr

for eight years before joining the N.C. Supreme Court where he served for ten years. After retiring from the judiciary, he spent seven years as the Executive Director and Senior Counsel for the NC Institute for Constitutional Law. As reported last week, Wilson abruptly announced early retirement for health reasons. See page 6

Note on sidewalk leads to drug arrest A Burnsville couple has been arrested after someone left an anonymous note on the sidewalk outside the Yancey County Courthouse accusing them of growing marijuana. Sheriff ’s detectives used that accusation to initiate an investigation that later that day resulted in a search of the home of Jeff Ronald Miller and Debbie Lyn Miller of 701 Debbie Miller English Branch Road. Warrants say detectives approached the house and smelled marijuana. After serving a search warrant, detectives said found 13 pounds of marijuana growing on the property and charged the two with multiple felonies, including trafficking in marijuana, maintaining a Jeff Miller dwelling for the transport of marijuana, felony possession of marijuana and manufacturing marijuana.

Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News

Crews had begun demolishing the Mountain Energy gas station and convenience store on the east side of Burnsville to allow the company to build a new facility. The store closed last week and on Monday crews began pulling metals, lumber and other recyclables from the structure in preparation for demolition.

Local veterinarian does service in West Indies

Dr. Stacey Jones recently returned from volunteering during a spay/neuter campaign held in Charlestown, on the island of Nevis in the West Indies. She was part of a World Vets team whose service project was to assist efforts in controlling the local animal population and contribute to the overall animal health on the island. Jones owns Cane River Veterinary Wellness Center. She spent a week volunteering her skills by providing spay/neuter services as well as medical consultations. All veterinary services provided by World Vets in developing countries. “World Vets’ trip to Nevis was a unique experience that allowed me to visit a country I had never even Dr. Stacey Jones performing surgery in Nevis during her World Vets service heard of before,” Jones said. “World Vets volunteers from New Mexico to New Hampshire and Canada trip.

came together to do what we are all very passionate about: helping people and their pets.” World Vets provides veterinary aid, veterinary training and disaster relief around the globe. World Vets has programs in 39 countries on six continents, and works in collaboration with animal advocacy groups, foreign governments, US and foreign military groups and veterinary professionals abroad. “We greatly value the efforts of Dr. Jones and the entire veterinary team that work tirelessly to make this project a huge success,” said World Vets CEO and founder Dr. Cathy King. “Volunteers are an extremely important part of World Vets’ programs and make our work possible.”

2 aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS

Mission group hopes to feed the Yancey hungry

A local mission group is working to create a community outreach program that would regularly provide food boxes to Yancey families in need. The group, called Loaves and Fishes Food Box Ministry, says in its mission statement that they want to stop hunger in Yancey County by providing food boxes to families in Yancey County, who are in need of food to help supplement their other food sources, and help to provide healthy meals for their families.” The Higgins United Methodist mission team voted on starting a new mission on June 1 at the Higgins United Methodist Church Life Center with their efforts to minister to the people of Yancey

County on “Be the Church Sunday,” according to a statement. “If interested in helping with this community outreach, we invite you to come help the congregation of the church to fill and deliver these boxes on June 1, at 9 a.m. in the Family Life Center, located directly behind the Higgins United Methodist Church in Burnsville. The group says it needs cash donations, a portable conveyor belt, 150-200 banana food boxes, trucks and trailers for hauling food from Manna Food Bank and delivering food boxes after they are filled. They also need to compile by May a list of needy families or individuals. The list could include individuals identified by Yancey

County Senior Center, the Yancey County Health Department, the Department of Social Services, Homes for Hope, church groups, Yancey County schools, Back Pack Ministries or anyone in need. The goal is “to see other churches, community organizations and citizens get involved in an ongoing food box ministry that could be set up in addition to the current programs we already have in place, such as back pack FeedA-Child program, Reconciliation House food boxes, soup kitchen, food stamps and Ingle’s gift cards, that people could go to or call when they need extra food for their families.” The group hopes to “extend our outreach program to anyone in need regardless of

income status.” “This is an opportunity for churches to reach out to their own communities to show love and support and get to know the people in their community and invite them to church and to help in the community. “If we, the people of God, would join together and reach out to the saved and the lost in our communities I believe we could not only make a difference in their natural lives but we could have an impact on their spiritual lives as well.” The group identified Mary Alice Beaver as a contact for the public, at 828-284-2412.

Mountain Heritage sees lowest drop-out rate ever

Mountain Heritage High School Principal Kevin Huskins reported at the regular meeting of the Yancey County Board of Education Monday night that the Mountain Heritage High School dropout rate has just been announced for the March 2013-March 2014 timeframe and is the lowest in the school’s history. The previous dropout rate of just over 3% from March 2012-March 2013 improved to 1.6% for this past year. Across North Carolina the state average dropout rate dropped from 3.01% last year to 2.45% this year. Superintendent Tony Tipton stated, “While Yancey County Schools will continue to improve on that number, it is still great news and this accomplishment is shared by every teacher, every bus driver, and every employee our children come in contact with throughout their years with YCS. Graduation Date Set Superintendent Tipton presented a revised 2013-14 calendar to the Board for approval that reduces the number of school days from 180 to 178 instructional days. The Board also approved Saturday, June 14th (11:00 a.m.) for the graduation ceremonies at Mountain Heritage High School. The last day of school for students, currently, is a full day on Friday,


The Yancey County News is the only independent newspaper in Yancey County. It is owned, operated and published by

Susan Austin ........ Advertising/Publisher Jonathan Austin ........... Editor/Publisher who are the sole participants and members of

Yancey County News LLC 105 W. Main St., Suite F Burnsville, NC 28714 828-691-0806 or 691-0807 jonathan@yanceycountynews.com susan@yanceycountynews.com The Yancey County News (USPS publication No. 3528) is published weekly for $25 per year in Yancey County, $35 per year out of county. Published by Yancey County News LLC, Periodicals postage paid at Burnsville, NC. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Yancey County News, 105 W. Main St., Suite F, Burnsville, NC 28714 Printed in Boone by the Watauga Democrat on recycled paper.

To be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard. vRecipient of the 2012 Ancil Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism and the Tom and Pat Gish Award for courage, integrity and tenacity in rural journalism v

June 13th. However, this date could change if more days are missed. Dr. Tipton reminded the Board that we missed a day in late May last year because of flooding. Support Person of the Year 2014 Dr. Tipton informed the Board that beginning this year, Yancey County Schools will recognize the YCS Support Person of the Year. This came as a suggestion from MHHS Social Studies Teacher Mr. Jim Rose. This recognition is

added to the line-up of Principal of the Year, Teacher of the Year, and Volunteer of the Year in an effort to recognize a non-certified school staff member, central office staff member, assistant principal, maintenance, or transportation staff member. Nominations are currently being submitted by principals and the Board will select and recognize the Support Person of the Year 2014 at the June 2 regular meeting.

School plans spaghetti dinner fundraiser Are you looking for cheap family fun on a Friday Night? Do you want to contribute to a worthy cause? Then look no further because we have just the thing for you! Dinner and a show for $5 per person with proceeds going to benefit the students of South Toe Elementary. It’s a win-win situation! As many are aware, the school sign marking the entrance of South Toe Elementary is in disrepair and is in desperate need of replacement. This sign is needed to help inform our community of upcoming events and important items. However, we are currently unable to obtain full benefit from the sign as it is unstable and beyond repair. Our students, teachers, and parents are willing to “give” in order to “receive” so we have scheduled a night of wonderful food and fabulous entertainment which

can include the entire family! Make plans now to attend South Toe’s “Wildcat’s Got Talent” night scheduled for Friday, May 2. Prior to the show, we will be selling spaghetti dinners for $5 each (this includes spaghetti, salad, and tea, lemonade, or water) with dessert and extras for an additional $1 charge. To-go orders will be available from 4 – 6 p.m., with dine-in meals being served from 5 – 6 p.m. Meal tickets can be purchased in advance from the school or from a South Toe student. Tickets will also be sold at the door. The school invites all community members to pick up an inexpensive dinner while contributing toward the purchase of the new school sign. Beginning at 6 p.m., the “Wonderful Wildcats” will provide quality entertainment. Each class will perform along

with individual and small group acts. Students are working diligently to prepare and they are excited about sharing their talents with everyone. Admission to the show is included in the $5 meal price; however, if you choose to attend the show only, there will be a $1 admission charge for everyone age 5 and up. To paraprase a popular ad campaign: Cost of a Spaghetti Dinner? $5. Dessert, coffee, and other food items? $1. Admission to the performance only? $1, ages 5 and up. Seeing the new sign and swelling with pride knowing that you made a difference in the life of a child? Priceless. Thank you in advance for your support. We hope you will bring the entire family and join us on May 2.

Send us you news and photos! Share your ideas or opinion!

Yancey County News

Look for our new home! 105 W. Main St. downstairs! email us at jonathan@yanceycountynews.com mail letters to 105 W. Main St., Suite F Burnsville, NC 28714

aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS 3

State warns of infections carried by ticks and mosquitoes

With summer fast approaching and people spending more time outdoors, it is important for everyone to take precautions against tick and mosquito bites. Tick and mosquito borne infections cause

illnesses and deaths in North Carolina each year, with more than 800 cases reported in 2013. To e n c o u r a g e awareness of this issue, Governor McCrory recently proclaimed April 2014

as “Tick and Mosquito Awareness Month” in North Carolina. “Ticks and mosquitoes are very common in our state, and they can carry germs that cause serious infections,” said Carl Williams,

“Experience Matters”

DHHS’ State Public Health Veterinarian. “The good news is that many of these infections can be prevented by following some basic control measures.” Tick borne diseases in North Carolina include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and ehrlichiosis. These diseases are diagnosed from all regions of the state and can be acquired at any time of year. However, the vast majority of infections occur in the months of June through September. Mosquito borne diseases are less common than tick borne illness, but severe infections due to LaCrosse virus and West Nile virus are reported every year, including cases of encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain. The North Carolina Division of Public Health encourages the

following activities to help protect against illness caused by ticks and mosquitoes: • Avoid tick habitat, which includes wooded, grassy or brushy areas and wear repellents • If you find a tick attached to your body, carefully remove it by grasping the tick with fine tipped tweezers as close as possible to your skin and apply a steady gentle pressure until it releases. • Use a mosquito repellent when you are outside and exposed to mosquitoes. • Mosquito proof your home by installing or repairing screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes outside and use air conditioning if you have it. • Reduce mosquito breeding by emptying standing water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, discarded tires, and birdbaths on a regular

basis. • While it is not possible to prevent all cases of tick and mosquito borne illness, you can greatly reduce your risk by following these basic control measures. “It is a great time to enjoy North Carolina outdoors,” said Williams. “Just be mindful to take the appropriate steps to protect yourself and your family.” The Appalachian Pastel Society meets Saturday, May 10, from 10 a.m. - noon with a demonstration by Regina Burchett on how to paint the sky from peaceful cumulus clouds to dramatic storm clouds. Materials needed are an easel, pastel paper, pastels, photo from which to paint, and a floor tarp. Meet at Grace Community Church, 495 Cardinal Road, Mills River. visit www.appalachian pastelsociety.org.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA-Part B, Public Law 108.446) Project is presently being amended. The Project describes the special education programs that Yancey County Schools proposes for Federal funding for the 2014-2015 School Year. Interested persons are encouraged to review amendments to the Project and make comments concerning the implementation of special education under this Federal Program. All comments will be considered prior to submission of the amended Project to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh, North Carolina. The IDEA-Part B Project is open to the public for review and comments during the week of April 14-18, 2014 in the office of Pete Peterson, EC Director, located at 100 School Circle, Burnsville NC.

Mountain air Country Club

Job Fair

Mark Your Calendar! Saturday, April 12, 2014 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Yancey County Town Center ELECT

Britt Springer District Attorney

• Chief Prosecutor for Watauga, Avery, Mitchell, Yancey, and Madison counties • 10+ Years as Assistant District Attorney • Responsible for sending child sex offenders to prison for a combined 1000+ years • Endorsed by Jerry Wilson, DA (retired) and Chief DA Judge Alexander Lyerly (retired) Paid for by The Committee to Elect Britt Bingham Springer DA

Seasonal Full-time & Part-time Positions: • Community Organic Gardener • Cart Attendant • Line Cook • Dishwasher • Market Attendant

• Seasonal Naturalist • Chef ‘de Cuisine • Recreation Facilities Assistant/Intern • Server • Outdoor Center Host

Managers will be available to conduct interviews. Please submit your qualifications or print the application online at www.mountainaircountryclub.com and send the information via e-mail to apatton@mtnaircc.com or facsimile at 828.682.4298. Mountain Air Country Club is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provides excellent benefits and competitive wages.

4 aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS

Shelter dogs spread love By Trish Francis T h e Ya n c e y Humane Society (YHS) sponsors many programs that are beneficial to the community, one of which is a monthly visit with Shelter dogs to local assisted living and nursing homes. Volunteers who take dogs to the Yancey House and Brookside Rehabilitation & Care are continually amazed to see that there is so much joy in their monthly visits. There is nothing quite like seeing a resident’s face literally light up when someone puts a dog on their lap. Many of the residents are dog lovers, but unable to have a pet at this point in their lives. Several of the residents have told the volunteers that every month they wait anxiously for the next visit! Of course, it’s a great way to get Shelter dogs out of their kennels for an afternoon. And the joy these dogs spread when they are excitedly licking a resident’s chin is immeasurable. The volunteers humbly admit that they get almost as much enjoyment out of watching a dog and a resident interact as the resident does! One of the YHS volunteers recently relayed the following story: Today we took

Morgan and Sadie as our “therapy dogs.” At Yancey House there was an elderly couple sitting together in a common area on a small couch. There were lots of other folks parked around the room in wheel chairs or side chairs, but nearly all of them non-communicative. I walked up to the couch and asked the couple if they’d like a visit from a Shelter dog. The man never spoke. Not one word. But his wife spoke to him and for him. She said, “Oh, he loves dogs.” He smiled the biggest smile, and for our entire visit, that smile never left his face. I had noticed that the couple was holding hands when we walked up, and after a minute he dropped her hand to reach out and pet Morgan. I kneeled down at his feet to get Sadie closer to him. He leaned over to pet her as well. After a minute I said

“I like your cowboy boots.” His wife said, “he loves his boots.” But, again, not a word from the man. The man studied the dog, and I studied his face, wanting to commit that smile to memory. After five minutes or so, we moved on. His wife was grateful for the visit. The smile on that man’s face stayed with me long after we left the home. Those of us who live in Yancey County are very fortunate to have such a great resource as our local animal shelter. It has a wonderful staff who works hard every day for the good of the animals. Please show your support for YHS at every opportunity! And when you are ready for your next furry friend, hurry down to the Shelter. There are whiskers and a wagging tail behind every door. Trish Francis is a YHS volunteer & Pets In Nursing Home Program member.

Organic farmer Joel Salatin to speak at UNC Asheville

Self-described “lunatic farmer” Joel Salatin will deliver a lecture, “Folks, This Ain’t Normal,” at 6 p.m. on Saturday, April 12 in UNC Asheville’s Humanities Lecture Hall. His talk is part of UNC Asheville’s annual Greenfest celebration, and Ashevillage Institute’s Permaculture Design Course, which is being held on UNC Asheville’s campus. Salatin is an author and thirdgeneration organic farmer whose family owns and operates Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Salatin is the author of nine books, including his most recent publication, Folks, This Ain’t Normal: A Farmer’s Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World. The farm features prominently in Michael Pollan’s bestseller Omnivore’s Dilemma and the award-winning 2008 documentary film, Food Inc. Salatin’s lecture is free and open to the public, and is presented by UNC Asheville’s Office of Sustainability and Ashevillage Institute. For more information, contact Sonia Marcus, UNC Asheville’s d i r e c t o r o f s u s t a i n a b i l i t y,

at smarcus@unca.edu or 828.251.6627.

Learn backyard medicine at Mayland in Yancey Explore herbal medicine that is present in backyards or front yards, fields, and forests. Learn about treatment of common problems with plants that are growing beneath our feet. Many plants are nutritious foods as well. Class begins May 5 at 6 p.m. For information visit www.mayland. edu.

Celo Health Center would like to welcome Kirstin Rule, Certified Nurse-Midwife. She has recently moved with her husband and four children to Yancey County from Asheville. Kirstin has 12 years experience as a midwife - attending both home and hospital deliveries. At Celo Health Center, Kirstin’s scope of practice will be limited to hospital births. Her Kirstin Rule and Emily Cade Chappelear love of midwifery began when she worked on the maternity ward of a mission hospital in Haiti alongside her missionary parents, Dr. Steve and Nancy James. She will be working parttime at Celo Health Center beginning in April. She is looking forward to joining Dr. Dorothy DeGuzman, Dr. Scott Rogers, and Dr. Philip Mitchell as they provide prenatal, intra-partum and postpartum care to women and their families. Kirstin will also offer annual physicals, including pap smears, well woman primary care, family planning, and pre-conception counseling. Celo is also pleased to announce the return of Emily Cade Chappelear, PA-C. Emily first came to Celo Health Center in 2008 to complete her clinical rotations. After her marriage to Alex Chappelear, DO, she moved to the Tri-City area of Tennessee and worked as a Physician Assistant with the Bluff City Medical Center. Emily will be treating patients of all ages with both acute and chronic medical conditions; and will be available for annual physicals. The staff of Celo Health Center is delighted to welcome Emily back to the Practice. Emily, Alex and their daughter, Jupiter will live in the Celo Community.

For more information or to make an appointment with either Kirstin or Emily, please call Celo Health Center at 828-675-4116.

aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS 5

Nothing inspires fear like the unknown

There are many places that one could go that inspire fear. Trying to stalk into a lion’s hunting ground comes to mind. Or swimming off the coast of Africa where the sharks go airborne when attacking their prey. Honestly, one of my biggest fears, and I am not one to cower at much, is going under a house. Yes, that inspires as much fear in me as facing a black bear with now weapon available. It has something to do with a job I once had in which I had to check the crawl space of a business and just a few feet inside the door was a massive group of black widows. They smothered my coveralls and I could not get out of them quick enough. In fact, I ended up standing there in my underwear running the water hose over my body to wash any of the babies off of me that may have made it past my layers of clothing. Nothing inspires fear and anxiety as much as the unknown though. The very nature of the unknown is to provide uncertainty. While gator hunting in Georgia I expected to see alligators. Therefore, the sight and proximity of the gators did not unnerve me. I expected to come face-to-

Bill Howard’s


face with a mountain lion while in Arizona. The mountain lion was what I was after, and the guide explained to me that my shot could very well be from only five yards away from wicked teeth and an angry disposition. In those situations I was fine as it was a known expectation of what was to come. Walking into a closet of an abandoned house I was on my alert for snakes. Not necessarily because snakes had been there before. Mostly because I was young and if something was dark and unknown my mind slithered with snakes in the blackness. I nearly fainted when an opossum hissed with the ferocity of rabies stricken wildcat when I opened the closet door. The unknown and unexpected occurred. To this day, nearly 35 years later if I walk into an old, dark barn, shelter, or house I now expect to see the elongated jaw of a mad opossum to come out of the shadows. And I’m not expecting them to play dead either. One of the common sayings about the fear of snakes is “I’m not scared of the snakes I can see, it’s the ones I can’t that I’m worried about.” That is me in a nutshell.

From the tree stand, while sitting in the dark waiting for the warmth of sunlight to break the horizon, many strange sounds can be heard. When taking my kids on their first hunts, they were always amazed and a little apprehensive about the shrieks and cries that surround the night. I explained what the different calls were, and on future hunts and camping trips they became accustomed to the noises. But that first instance of the unknown, that was the scary part. The more we learn, the less we are in the unknown. After all, it becomes a known experience. We become comfortable in the environment that surrounds us and know what to expect. Except for the owners of that business where I was crawling into the crawlspace. I am sure they will forever be afraid of seeing a grown man dancing around in his underwear while spraying himself off with a water hose. Bill Howard is a member of North Carolina Bowhunters Association and Pope & Young. He can be reached at billhowardoutdoors@ gmail.com.

New rates schedules for national forests

The U.S. Forest Service National Forests in North Carolina are changing the fees at recreation sites for the 2014 season. The changes were approved in March, after careful consideration of public comments, including the recommendations of t h e S o u t h e r n R e g i o n ’s Recreation Resource Advisory Committee. All fees were evaluated to ensure that the level of benefits and services provided are commensurate with the fee and that fees are comparable to similar public and private sites. The Forest Service will implement most of the fee changes beginning May 7. The National Forests are implementing the following change(s) to its current fee structure to sites in our area: Pisgah National Forest Sliding Rock Recreation Area - The daily fee increases from $1 to $2 per person. Annual passes remain at $25. Additional revenue is required to operate this extremely popular site, which often receives 1,000 or more people a day. Fee revenue will provide expanded hours for lifeguards and help pay for the maintenance at this highly used site. N a n t a h a l a National Forest The fee increases will

standardize rates across the three shooting ranges. The fees are critically needed to address the health, safety and resource damage needs at these ranges. Panther Top Shooting Range - The cost of the daily permit will increase from $2 to $3 per person. Annual fee would remain the same at $25 per person. Dirty John Shooting Range - The cost of the daily permit increases from $3 per vehicle to $3 per person. The annual permit cost will increase from $7 per vehicle to $25 per person. The last fee increase was in 2004. *NOTE: Annual permits already sold in 2014

for Dirty John Shooting Range will be honored until their expiration. However, these permits will only be honored at that site. Moss Knob Shooting Range - This is a new fee at the range. The cost of the daily permit will be $3 per person, with the annual permit costing $25 per person. Purchasing the $25 annual permit will allow shooters to use all three ranges in Nantahala National Forest. Fee rules did not change for shooters under the age of 16. They are not required to have a permit, but must be accompanied by an adult.

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6 aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS

Bob Orr County faces lease quandry named DA The Yancey County Board of Elections staff

Class visits science center

Recently the fifth graders at Burnsville Elementary school took a field trip to the Colburn Science Center in Asheville, which was paid for by a Target Field Trip grant. The fifth grade teachers, Kim Rathburn, Renee Duncan, and Priscilla Dunn, applied for the grant last fall, and decided to use the $700 to extend the students’ understanding of weather and matter. The grant paid for admission for all students to the Science Center and for several non-fiction books about the topics that will be used in the classroom. The trip included two hands-on presentations and an opportunity for the children to do a scavenger hunt in the museum. In the class called “Climate Connections” students learned how to measure

different aspects of weather. Renee Duncan commented that “The students were able to use science tools, like an anemometer and air pressure gauge, that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.” The class “Things Change” focused on the states of matter and how they change. Kennedy Wilson, a student, said, “The coolest thing was when the teacher took the dry ice and we got to see it smoke.” The demonstrations helped students better understand the differences between solids, liquids, and gases. Through the generous support of Target the students were able to expand their learning about weather and matter in new and exciting ways.

Hello my name is Roosevelt. I am a 1 year old Shepherd mix. Although my name is very sophisticated, I can have a good time like the other dogs. I enjoy a good run in the spring grass with my canine friends. After my run I will cuddle with you on the couch. Hurry in to meet me today. Well my name is Renee, a 5 month old kitten. I think I am the sweetest kitten here. I like to be held, bushed and loved on. I may seem a little high maintenance, but I promise to make you the happiest human ever!

From the front Wilson had already said he would not seek re-election, but lung cancer forced him to leave early. Three Republicans are running to replace him Assistant DA Britt Springer, Burnsville attorney Seth Banks and Watauga County Commission Chairman Nathan Miller, a Boone attorney. Last week, Springer said indications were that Judge Alexander Lyerly would be chosen to replace Wilson and Lyerly had announced his retirement from the district court bench the week before. The Watauga Democrat newspaper reported that Lyerly had traveling to the Watauga County Courthouse last Tuesday to be sworn in. Springer said not having a district attorney forced cancellation of a grand jury session. She said defendants would have grounds for appeal if prosecuted without someone sworn in as district attorney.

Crazy Daisy Is now an authorized retailer for

Jim’s Formal Wear! Now is the time to be fitted for prom.

$40 off regular price! Call the shelter at 682-9510 for more information on these or other pets, or plan to visit us at 962 Cane River School Road.

Hours Mon-Fri. 10-5 Sat. 10-3


was asked to prepare to move out of their West Main Street location after the building was sold, but County Manager Nathan Bennett says “there will be no change or move from this location through the primary election cycle.” The circumstances arose after the building sold and the new owner suggested a higher monthly rent and a long-term lease for the board of elections. Rent has been $1,000 per month, Bennett said, but the owner is seeking $1,381 The county considered buying the threestory property behind McDonalds but dropped that idea when it was determined that there was no handicapped access to the second floor. “The county was in a month-to-month lease with the previous owner,” Bennett wrote in an email to the Yancey County News. “The county is in negotiations with the new owner to develop a new long-term lease. Right now we are still month to month with the new owner with an agreement to remain month to month until a new lease is approved.”

Proffitt honored with volunteerism award

Gov. Pat McCrory is honoring Wanda P r o ff i t t w i t h t h e state’s highest award for volunteer service. Proffitt is being honored with the Governor ’s Vo l u n t e e r Service Award for her lifetime achievement t o t h e Ya n c e y County Economic Development Commission. She is one of 21 North Carolinians being honored with the award in 2014. “The selflessness these recipients exhibit makes our state a better place to live,” McCrory said. “I am grateful for their tireless efforts to effect change in their communities and they are what makes our

state great.” Proffitt volunteers w i t h t h e Ya n c e y County Economic Development Commission, where she has served for 33 years. She donates 30 hours weekly as executive director. She has worked to bring industry to the county and get the county certified as a “Community of Excellence” by the NC Department of Commerce. Proffitt has also volunteered for many other organizations including 23 years with Spruce Pine Community Hospital, 10 years with Habitat for Humanity and as president of the Mayland Community College Foundation.

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aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS 7

Animal shelter announces rabies clinic dates for 2014

Yancey Humane Society Executive Director Tim Tipton has announced the rabies clinic schedule “to allow for greater participation in our clinics.” “Our first clinic is quickly approaching. This clinic will be Saturday, April 26, from 10 a.m. through 3 p.m. at the animal shelter located at 962 Cane River School Road. Cost of the

vaccination will be $8 per pet. These are one year vaccinations.” Kittens and puppies must be a minimum of 12 weeks old to be vaccinated and vaccination is required by NC law by 4 months of age. Failure to vaccinate is a misdemeanor and could result in serious problems (legally and financially) for the pet owner should a bite or

similar issue arise involving their pet. Subsequent clinics will be Saturday, June 21, and Saturday, October 4. All clinics are held at the YHS animal shelter at 962 Cane River School Road, Burnville. The April clinic will begin at 10 a.m.; all other clinics will begin at 9 a.m. All clinics end at 3 p.m.

Little Theater presents Harvey Parkway Playhouse is presenting Burnsville Little Theater’s production of the Pulitzer prize-winning comedy, Harvey, on Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27 at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee on Sunday, April 28, at 3:30 p.m. According to director Barry Kelly, “Harvey is the funniest play I’ve ever seen and the cast is marvelous.” Harvey was made into a movie after it had one of the longest runs of any comedy on Broadway. The play centers on mild-mannered Elwood P. Dowd, his invisible friend, a 6-foot rabbit named Harvey, and Elwood’s society conscious sister, Veta. When Elwood insists on introducing the invisible rabbit to everyone he meets, Veta tries to have Elwood committed to the sanitarium but the staff commits her instead. Once the doctors learn their mistake, the hunt is on for Elwood and Harvey. Willie Walkingstick plays Elwood and Patti Smith of Burnsville plays Veta. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children and can be purchased at the Parkway Playhouse website, at the box office, and at businesses in Burnsville.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY • Proven Leader: Youngest Chairman of the Watauga County Board of Commissioners • Proven Administrator: Helps administer a county budget of almost 56 million dollars and successfully runs a small business ensuring that clients are served and payroll is met • Proven Litigator: Tried numerous criminal trials to verdict both in front of Juries and Judges • Proven Conservative: Lifetime Republican with a clear conservative voting record. • Endorsed by Tom Rusher: Five time elected District Attorney of the 24th Prosecutorial Disctrict Paid for by Nathan Miller for District Attorney




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8 aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS

You need to address boy’s video game addiction Q: Our 14-year-old son seems depressed - to us, at least. His principal sees no sign of depression but thinks he’s socially anxious. The subjects of counseling and medication have come up. We have suggested to him that he get more exercise and spend less time playing video games and watching TV, but he says he hates sports. He appears to be withdrawing more and more into his video screen world. Our plan of action is to insist that he take up a sport if he wants the freedom to have a computer and video game. We want him to have balance in his life. Your thoughts? A : I ’ m i n n o position to know whether your son is depressed or anxious. If you want answers to those sorts of questions, you and your son would need to see a skilled mental health professional in your area. Then you would have to determine for yourselves whether or not you feel comfortable with his conclusions and recommendations. However, if my experience is worth something, I can tell you with a good amount of confidence that the syndrome you’re describing obsession with video games, withdrawal from the real world, lack of motivation - is becoming increasingly familiar t o me, an d mo r e often than not if the teen is a male, video games are part of the picture. Video games are proving to be very problematic for teen boys. More and more researchers are coming to the conclusion that they are addictive - not figuratively, mind you, but literally. They are, after all, a form of gambling. The fact that they don’t involve money is beside the point. In the last few months two separate sets of parents have asked me what to do with 20-something




unemployed sons who play video games all day and through most of the night. Those two sons represent thousands of young “men” who are wasting valuable years of their lives playing electronic games that have no redeeming value and pose a real hazard to their emotional and social health. Before any evaluation of your son can yield a reliable picture of his mental health, the video games have to go. To accomplish that, you have to recognize that you are part of the problem. Yo u ’ v e b e c o m e enablers. First, you cannot “suggest” to a methamphetamine

addict that he shouldn’t use so much meth, that he needs to get more exercise. If the addict won’t give up the drug, then people who have influence and authority in his life need to take it away and make sure he can’t get his hands on it again …ever. Second, there’s no such thing as an addict being able to strike a “balance” in his life between the addiction and healthy activities. As seems to have happened with your son, an addiction takes the place of healthy activity. As any former addict will attest to, you’re either addicted or you’re healthy - you can’t be both.

I don’t know whether your son would benefit from a psychotropic medication, but I can say with reasonable certainty that medication or not, he needs to be released from his slavery to video games. He is not going to voluntarily give them up, so you’re going to have to step up to the plate and take them away. For your son and thousands of videoaddicted teen boys, I’m hereby proclaiming Thursday, May 1, Take Their Video Games Away for Good Day. In my fantasy, millions of boys come home from school that day and find their video game consoles are gone… forever!

To paraphrase Louis Contact family Armstrong, “What a psychologist John wonderful world that Rosemond at www. would be.” rosemond.com.

Towing Service with Rollback Truck!

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Week of 4/7/14 - 4/13/14


Governor Hunt to speak at fundraiser for NC House candidate Dean Hicks

The honorable James B. Hunt will be the guest speaker at a fund-raising rally for Dean Hicks, candidate for NC House District 118, representing Madison, Haywood and Yancey counties. The rally will be on April 15 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at the Town Center in Burnsville. The public is invited; refreshments will be served. Mr. Hunt is the only governor to serve four terms in North Carolina. He is recognized nationally as a leader in education reform and in bringing industry to the state through technology innovations. He increased student scores more than any other state in the nation through programs such as Smart Start and the N.C. School of Math and Sciences. He is recognized as one of the most influential people in education, along with Bill Gates, George Bush and Bill Clinton. His leadership had North Carolina ranked at the top of the nation in economic growth and job education. Dean Hicks invites all his friends and supporters to this special event! Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dean Hicks


Edited by Margie E. Burke

HOW TO SOLVE: 

Difficulty : Easy

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               Copyright 2014 by The Puzzle Syndicate

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aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS 9




44.330 ACRES - NATIONAL FOREST joins at back and side boundary! 3600’ Elevations astounding VIEWS - wooded mountain land, ideal for Hunt Club or Survivalist retreat- with plenty of firewood, deer and other game and springs. Short walk too Appalachian Trail! No Restrictions. www.lunsfordrealty. biz $110.825! Lunsford Realty 828-678-3400. FOR RENT or SALE - Brick rancher of three bedrooms, one bath. Living, dining - kitchen, u t i l i t y. c a r p o r t . G a r a g e . Outbuildings. 4.62 ACRES - ideal for gardens, horses. Plenty of firewood. Trout Stream nearby! Rent -$600 month - NO pets! Sale $159,500 - some owner financing with substantial down. www. lunsfordrealty.biz Lunsford Realty 828-678-3400. M T. M I T C H E L L G O L F COURSE - .77 ACRE - gentle slope ideal building site with VIEWS of South Toe River and mountains, landscaped by “Nature” with abundant laurel, ivy, Galax and native flora! Septic approval, community water. Golf, hiking, fishing in South Toe River - protective neighborhood OWNERS WILL FINANCE!!! $55,000 - Lunsford Realty 828678-3400. South Toe land for sale 5.5 acres off Colberts Creek Road. Creek frontage, borders National Forest, privacy, mixture of lush rhododendron, pines and hardwoods, level to moderate grade, south/southeast exposure, garden spot, view of Black Mountains, beautiful rock formation, active springs with spring boxes and pipe, and close proximity to South Toe River and

Carolina Hemlock Recreation Area. At least 3-4 potential house sites. Transferable septic permit already obtained. Electric close by. We are selling in order to buy a larger parcel (10-15 acres) and will consider land swap option. Asking price: $84,900. We would love to answer any questions you have or meet with you to show you this beautiful property. Contact Lisa at 828-208-1221.

Homes For Rent Thurston Associates 828-682-4552

● 1Br/1Ba New studio cottage. Celo area $800/month, includes yard maintenance. ● 1Br/1Ba high end efficiency in a private home. $800/month, including utilities. ● 3Br/2Ba furnished log home. West Yancey, $1,200/month ● 2Br/2Ba furnished log home. Celo. $800/month.

FOR RENT House For Rent: 16 minutes south of Burnsville off Hwy. 197. Catttail Creek Rd. $675/month plus utilities, deposit, pet deposit. Approx. 900 square ft. 3 bdrm., 1 bath, laundry room, small yard, kitchen/dining/living room is one room. Small stove. Beautiful area. email: ronm2u@hotmail.com 828 551 9775


Compost & Garden Soil Topsoil Worm Castings 828-231-9352 www.maytimecomposting.com

DoneRite Lawncare All lawn care needs, Snow removal, firewood supplies and much more.

Call 284-0032 and have it DoneRite!

Get the ONLY locally owned Yancey County newspaper! That’s right, this is the only newspaper that is 100 percent owned by Yancey residents! It is the only one NOT majority owned by an out-of -state newspaper chain!

828-675-9532 Boxwoods for Sale. $10 each. 828.208.0406. AKC registered chocolate lab puppies for sale. Please contact 208-3524 for more information.

Adult day care - Heritage Adult Day Retreat located just west of Burnsville offers low cost affordable quality day care for your loved one giving you the opportunity to take care of yourself and . things you need to do without Week of 4/14/14 - 4/20/14 worry. Qualified/caring AVON Representatives staff. Grants available. For needed in this area. Great information please call 828products for Easter! Only 682-1556 $15/Kit. Call Sheila Hill, Free Manure – Will load. 682-6303 Clear Creek Ranch. 6754510 J&J MOWING Roof Leak? Call Brad at All of your lawn care needs Tip Top Roofing, 25 years+ will be taken care of with one experience. References. call! Jimmy McMahan and 682-3451 Joshua McMahan offer over Sewing alterations. Call 50 years combines experience! 208-3999. Will clean your home or Call 675-4357 or 675-4014 business. Call 208-3688

House For Rent in town, 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, 2 story house, large BM, Fireplace, Central Cooling/ Heating Pump, Garage, Decks, Balconies/ Patio, Fully Fenced, Appliances with Washer/Dryer. $900/ Month. No pets preferred. Call (828) 682-7499 .


FOR SALE Golden Delicious apples, Virginia Beauty apples at Arbuckle Road. Please call

The Weekly Crossword ACROSS 1 Song section 6 Waikiki's island 10 Cashless deal 14 Muslim prince (var.) 15 Horner's reward 16 Hankering 17 Second crop 18 Archaeologist's discovery 19 One-sidedness 20 Radio problem 22 At all 24 Dead heat 25 Ditzy type 27 Neon or nickel 29 Programmer's output 30 Awesome! 32 Calcutta coin 33 Annapolis grad. 34 Deep cut 35 Shows the way 36 Passed away for died, e.g. 38 Dicker over price 41 "Con Air" actor 42 NBA position, briefly 45 Sidestep 46 Related (to) 47 Steamed up 48 Root used in energy drinks 50 Broom closet item 52 Wander about 53 Yuletide tune 55 La Brea sight 56 Proton's place 58 Cubby hole 60 First Pulitzer Prize novelist 61 Film part 62 Mrs. Peacock's game 63 Lazy sort 64 Cry of disgust 65 Nelson of early film musicals 66 Little darlings

HOST HOME PROVIDER A re yo u a b l e t o provide a loving home? Community Alternatives of North Carolina is currently searching for dynamic folks in the area to support IDD individuals within a home environment. Training is provided. Call 828-284-2776 or email jcall@ rescare.com for more information.





by Margie E. Burke 5

















26 30







45 48






47 50

49 53




36 39










54 58

51 55









Copyright 2014 by The Puzzle Syndicate

DOWN 1 Big name in fashion 2 Poker face's lack 3 Perks 4 See red 5 "Sesame Street" regular 6 Decide on 7 Sunburn soother 8 Desert Storm vehicle 9 Carrot's flower cluster 10 Undersea prowler 11 Like some candidates 12 80's flick, "____ All Odds" 13 Old Spanish coins 21 Cocktail party serving 23 Calm state 26 Cable competitor 28 Seriously injure

31 Chess declaration 34 Netherlands dollar, once 35 Type of hickory 36 Sponsorship (var.) 37 Hotel worker 38 "Okie From Muskogee" singer 39 Flyboy 40 Venetian boat 42 "Apocalypse Now" director

43 Movie preview 44 Apartment dwellers 46 Long-standing 47 Walked with purpose 49 Present time 51 Appetizing 54 ____ and clear 57 Brave opponent? 59 Anthem author

Answer to Last Week's Crossword: L I C E L E A S E M E T H

















10 aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS


Ransom L. Pate

Ransom L. Pate, 90, of Burnsville, passed away Saturday, April 5, 2014, at St Josephs Hospital. A native of Yancey County, he was a son of the late Shirden and Annie Adkins Pate. He was the husband of Palma Anderson Pate, who died in 2011. He was also preceded in death by brothers Bill, Jim and Clarence Pate. He was a World War II Navy veteran and a member of the Sgt. E. L. Randolph Chapter 57 DAV. Ransom was an electrician and operated Pate’s Trucking. Surviving are a daughter, Jeanie Chrisawn and husband, Keith, of Burnsville; two sons: Donald Pate of Burnsville and Gerald Pate of Micaville; granddaughter LeAnn Capps and husband, Jeffrey, of Weaverville; grandson Alan Chrisawn and wife, Amanda, of Micaville; three great-grandchildren: Colby, Callie and Josh; two step great-grandchildren, Rodney and Kasey Kinser; and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral was Monday in the chapel of Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home Chapel. The Revs. Ricky Ray and Keith Blankenship officiated. A graveside service was Tuesday in the Eddie McMahan Cemetery.

County, he was a son of the late Shelby and Martha Silver. He was also preceded in death by his first wife, Doris Jones Silver; sisters Carrie, Callie, Evie and Nola, and brothers: Dee and Dan Silver. Gale was a Korean War Army veteran. Surviving are his wife of 46 years, Emogene Branton Silver; sons Daryl and Adam Silver of the home; daughters Deborah Roberts and husband, Dale, of Weaverville, Shelia Fruechtenicht of Greenville, S.C.; Theresa Radeker and husband, Scott, of Rock Springs, Ga., Angie Laws and husband, Mark, of Green Mountain, and Megan Silver of the home; 10 grandchildren; two greatgrandchildren; sisters Eva McCurry and husband, R. D., of Marion and Barbara Fox of Burnsville; a brother, David Silver of Marion; and motherin-law Etta Jones of Burnsville. Funeral was to be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Young’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, of which he was a member. The Revs. Roger Thompson, Phillip Hughes and Bernie Jones were to officiate. Burial was to be in the church cemetery. The family was to receive friends from 6 until 8 P. M. Tuesday at Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home, where the body was to remain until the service hour. Memorials may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of the Blue Ridge. 236 Hospital Drive, Spruce Pine, NC 28777 or Young’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church.

A. Jay Laws

Gale Silver

Gale Silver, 81, of Shoal Creek, died Saturday, April 5, 2014, at his home surrounded by his family. A native of Yancey

A. Jay Laws, 73, of Morrow, Ga., passed away Saturday, April 5, 2014. A native of Yancey County, he was the son of the late Joe and Maxine Deyton Laws. He was also preceded in death by a daughter, Natalie Laws. A. Jay worked for Ford Motor Company over 40 years and was a member of Guiding Light Baptist Church.

Surviving are his wife, Wanda Laughrun Laws; children Randy Laws and wife, Michele, Rhonda Pierce and husband, Billy, and Alvin Laws; grandchildren Dejah Nesbit and husband, Brad, Kaney Cowart, Andy and Kayleigh Laws, Megan Martin and husband, David, Brooke, Lindsay and LeaAnne Pierce, and Jessica Martin; seven great grandchildren; and sister Frances Webb and husband, David. The family will receive friends from 6 -8 p.m. Thursday, April 10, at Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home. A graveside service will be at 1 p.m. Friday in Fairview Cemetery at Horton Hill. The Rev. Harold Lowery will officiate.

Thurma Hughes

Thurma Staton Hughes, 89, of Micaville, died Friday, April 4, 2014. A native of Yancey County, she was a daughter of the late John and Ora Fortner Staton. She was the wife of Filmore Hughes, who died in 2011. Thurma was also preceded in death by a sister, Paulette Harris; and brothers Terrell and Ray Staton. She was a member of Morning Star Baptist Church. Surviving are two daughters: Linda Russell and husband, Mike, of Asheville and Sabra Tipton and husband, Horace, of Mill Springs; two granddaughters; Ashley Edmonds and husband, Shannon, and Kishia Wise and husband, Bobby; great granddaughter Madison Wise; brother J. C. Staton of Acworth, Ga.; two special friends and caregivers, Tommy Dale, Linda Hughes, Clinton, Denise and Randy; and special friends Clinton, Denise and Randy. Funeral was Sunday in the Chapel of Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home. The Revs. Billy Mitchell and Donnie Bryant officiated. Burial was in the Morning Star Baptist Church Cemetery.

Chip Zullinger

Dr. Sidney ‘Chip’ Zullinger III, 63, of Houston, Texas, and Manassas, Va., passed away unexpectedly Tuesday, April 1, 2014 in Houston. A native of South Carolina, he was a son of the late Sidney Zullinger Jr. and Kathryn Rathbone Zullinger. He was chief elementary school officer in Houston Independent School District in Texas. He earned his B.S. in 1973 from Mars Hill College, his M.A. in Educational Administration from Western Carolina University in 1979, and received a doctorate in educational administration from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro in 1991. A teacher, coach, principal and superintendent, he touched thousands of student’s lives. Chip served as Yancey County School superintendent for two years beginning in 1984, and also served as superintendent for school systems in Charleston, S.C. and Denver, Colo., in North Carolina, Wyoming, and Virginia, and as executive director of an educator’s union in South Carolina. Surviving are his wife; Pam Young Zullinger of Manassas; and two sons: Sidney Zullinger IV of Manassas and Zach Zullinger of Greensboro. A local memorial service will be held at 5 P. M. Wednesday, April 9, in the Chapel of Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home. The Rev. Ricky Ray will officiate. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association. Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home is assisting the Zullinger family.


What’s to eat at the elementary schools? aPRIL 10, 2014 • yANCEY cOUNTY nEWS 11

Friday, April 11

Monday, April 14

Tues, April 15

Wed, April 16

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Sausage Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Pears Milk/FF Choc Milk

Breakfast Chix Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk/FF Choc Milk

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Mandarin Oranges Milk/FF Choc Milk

Lunch Hamburger/Chix Fillet S’wich/Baked Potatoes/Glazed Carrots/Mandarin Oranges/Fresh Fruit Milk/Choc Milk

Lunch Pizza Stix w/marin Cheese S’wich Sunbutter S’wich Corn/Sweet Potato Fries/Peaches Baked Apples Milk/ FF Choc Milk

Lunch Fish S’wich Meatball Sub Sunbutter S’wich Broccoli/Pinto Beans Pineapple Bits Applesauce Milk/FF Choc Milk

WG Cereal

WG Toast/Juice Peaches Milk/Choc Milk Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Sunbutter S’wich Glazed Carrots/ Green Beans Baked Apples Peaches Milk FF Choc Milk

Thurs, April 17

Friday, April 18

Pancake/Sausage Patty


Breakfast Ham Biscuit

Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Sunbutter S’wich Baked Beans/Slaw Peaches/Cherry Cr. Milk/FF Choc Milk

WG Toast/Juice Peaches Milk/Choc Milk Lunch BBQ Rib S’wich Cheese Pizza Sunbutter S’wich Broccoli/Refried Beans/Fruit Cocktail Pears Milk FF Choc Milk

WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk/FF Choc Milk

WG Cereal

Food for thought for middle school Friday, April 11

Monday, April 7

Tuesday, April 8

Wed, April 9

Thurs, April 10

Friday, April 11

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Sausage Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Pears Milk/FF Choc Milk

Breakfast Chix Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk/FF Choc Milk

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Mandarin Oranges Milk/FF Choc Milk


Breakfast Ham Biscuit

WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk/FF Choc Milk

WG Toast/Juice Peaches Milk/Choc Milk

Lunch Hamburger/Chix Fillet S’wich/Baked Potatoes/Glazed Carrots/Mandarin Oranges/Fresh Fruit Milk/Choc Milk

Lunch Pizza Stix w/marin Cheese S’wich Corn/Sweet Potato Fries/Peaches Baked Apples Milk/ FF Choc Milk

Lunch Fish S’wich Meatball Sub Mega Pizza Broccoli/Pinto Beans Pineapple Bits Applesauce Milk/FF Choc Milk

Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Cornbread Baked Beans/Slaw Peaches/Cherry Cr. Milk/FF Choc Milk

Lunch BBQ Rib S’wich Cheese Pizza Broccoli/Refried Beans/Fruit Cocktail Pears Milk FF Choc Milk

WG Cereal

WG Toast/Juice Peaches Milk/Choc Milk Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Glazed Carrots Green Beans/Baked Apples Peaches Milk FF Choc Milk

Pancake/Sausage Patty

WG Cereal

Chowing down at Mountain Heritage Friday, April 11

Monday, April 7

Tuesday, April 8

Wed, April 9

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Toast/Juice Peaches Milk/Choc Milk

Breakfast Sausage Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Pears Milk/FF Choc Milk

Breakfast Chix Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk/FF Choc Milk

Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Mandarin Oranges Milk/FF Choc Milk

Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Mega Pizza Glazed Carrots Green Beans/Baked Apples Peaches Milk FF Choc Milk

Lunch Hamburger Cheeseburger/Pizza Chix Fillet S’wich Baked Potatoes Glazed Carrots Mandarin Oranges Fresh Fruit Milk/Choc Milk

Lunch Pizza Stix w/marin Cheese S’wich Bean/Cheese Burrito Corn/Sweet Potato Fries/Peaches Baked Apples Milk/ FF Choc Milk

Lunch Fish S’wich Meatball Sub Chix Quesadilla Broccoli/Pinto Beans Pineapple Bits Applesauce Milk/FF Choc Milk

WG Cereal

Help Dig In! earn funding D i g I n ! Ya n c e y Community Garden has entered the Seeds of Change Grant Program in hopes of receiving $20,000 for its mission. There are two phases in the grant process: public voting and final judging. The public voting has begun and continues until April 21. After that, only the top 50 applications that receive the most votes will move on to the

final judging phase. On May 5, Seeds of Change will announce which o rg a n i z a t i o n s w i l l receive the two $20,000 or the 15 $10,000 grants. Dig In! is appealing to everyone in the community to vote b y v i s i t i n g w w w. seedsofchangegrant. com or the Seeds of Change Facebook page. At the website, enter the zip code 28714 or Dig In! Yancey Community

Garden and press “VOTE.” On Facebook, “Like” the page to vote for Dig In! You are allowed to vote once a day until April 21. Dig In! is a volunteeroperated community garden located on Bolens Creek Road which has donated over 10,000 pounds of vegetables to local food relief agencies since 2010.

Thurs, April 10

Friday, April 11


Breakfast Ham Biscuit

Pancake/Sausage Patty

WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk/FF Choc Milk

WG Toast/Juice Peaches Milk/Choc Milk

Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Cornbread Mega Pizza Baked Beans/Slaw Peaches/Cherry Cr. Milk/FF Choc Milk

Lunch BBQ Rib S’wich Cheese Pizza Ch. Garlic Flatbread Broccoli/Refried Beans/Fruit Cocktail Pears Milk FF Choc Milk

WG Cereal


Administer/Executor Notice Having qualified as Administrator, of the estate of Willie Gene Evans of Yancey County of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before 1st day of July, 2014 or this notice will be pleaded on bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make an immediate payment. This is the 1st day of April, 2014. Patricia M. Evans PO Box 558 Micaville, NC 28755 Publish April 10, 17, and 24, 2014 and May 1, 2014

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