July 4 edition of Yancey County News

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www.yanceycountynews.com vTo be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.v July 4, 2013 W Vol. 3, No. 27 v Recipient of the E.W. Scripps Award for Distinguished Service to the First Amendment v

Heavy rain Drive through service? may cause flooding Heavy rain was on tap for the rest of the week in Yancey and the surrounding area, and all of Western North Carolina was under the threat of excessive rainfall through Wednesday night, according to the National Weather Service. On Thursday the flooding threat was expected to remain in the mountains. “Generally 2 to 3 inches of rain is likely

across the watch area” through Wednesday evening, the Weather Service said. An additional inch or more of rain could fall on the Fourth of July, with thunderstorms producing isolated heavier amounts. “The heavy rain will result in rapid rises on creeks and streams that will push some of them out of their banks,” the Weather Service said.

Our new office!

The Yancey County News has moved to 127 West Main St., Burnsville, inside the Mountain Crafts Co-op building! Come see us in our new location, and look for each edition in the green coin rack located at the front door of the building!

No one was injured Wednesday when a Toyota slammed into the Tag Office on the town square. The driver of the vehicle, Jerry Ray Murphy, 63, of Piney Hill Road, told officers “that his leg went to sleep and was unable to hit the brake in time to stop safely.” Luckily there was no line of customers and staff was protected by the tall counter separating the office. “We have made temporary access to the tag office through the old library entrance until the repairs are complete,” said County Manager Nathan Bennett. “The office was only closed the afternoon of the accident and reopened as scheduled on Thursday for business as usual.” Bennett said a contractor has been hired. “The Town of Burnsville public works and fire departments assisted county maintenance with immediate debris removal, for which we are very grateful.”

Photos by Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News

Traffic stop uncovers two pounds of marijuana

By Jonathan Austin Yancey County News An alert North Carolina Highway Patrol trooper seized two pounds of marijuana during a traffic stop on U.S. 19 on May 31. The seizure resulted in the arrest of Mark Sterling Young, 49,

of Franklin, who was charged with felony possession of a schedule VI drug and felony maintaining a vehicle for the distribution of a schedule VI drug. Assistant District Attorney John Honeycutt said Trooper Daniel Hughes stopped Young’s

vehicle “for a routine traffic stop, and at some point … discovered two pounds of marijuana” in the vehicle. A trooper supervisor said that the marijuana was sealed in plastic. The supervisor said Hughes initially stopped Young

for speeding. He arrested Young after finding the marijuana and impounded the vehicle. Honeycutt said Young posted $15,000 secured bond and was released. He has a September 13 court date in Madison County Superior Court.


2 JULY 4, 2013



Recipient of the 2012 Ancil Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism and the Tom and Pat Gish Award for courage, integrity and tenacity in rural journalism v

The Declaration of Independence

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass


The Yancey County News is the only independent newspaper in Yancey County. It is owned, operated and published by

Susan Austin ........ Advertising/Publisher Jonathan Austin ........... Editor/Publisher who are the sole participants and members of

Yancey County News LLC 132 W. Main Street Burnsville, NC 28714 828-691-0806 or 691-0807 jonathan@yanceycountynews.com susan@yanceycountynews.com The Yancey County News (USPS publication No. 3528) is published weekly for $25 per year in Yancey County, $35 per year out of county. Published by Yancey County News LLC, Periodicals postage paid at Burnsville, NC. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Yancey County News, 132 W. Main St., Burnsville, NC 28714 Printed in Boone by the Watauga Democrat on recycled paper.

To be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only. He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.+

JULY 4, 2013


Will proposed N.C. tax changes help or hurt? Analysis by Alexandra Sirota Once upon a time, North Carolina’s policymakers pledged not to decrease investments in public schools, universities, parks or courts as they restructured our tax system. “Revenue-neutral” tax reform appeared to be a bedrock principle policymakers weren’t willing to betray. Now, just a few months later, our state leaders are on the verge of approving a tax plan that would dramatically cut public investments that are fundamental to our economy in order to pay for tax cuts that mostly benefit the wealthiest taxpayers and profitable corporations. How did we get here? Policymakers quickly found it difficult to balance the budget while cutting taxes for the wealthy and profitable corporations. To enact these tax cuts for the rich while also avoiding harmful cuts to public investments, they would have had to raise taxes for the middle-class, or push the burden onto local governments. Needless to say, these are unpopular options. But instead of acknowledging that cutting taxes for the rich would require huge sacrifices of the middle-class and low-income North Carolinians, policymakers have dug in their heels and decided to cut investments that people and businesses rely on every day. And as special

interests clamored to keep their tax breaks, the cuts to services grew deeper and deeper. So here we are at the start of July with two competing tax plans, each of which will bring in between $500 million and $1 billion less than the current tax code. The $1 billion decrease in revenue in the state Senate tax plan is equivalent to the entire annual budget for the state community college system which provides 840,000 North Carolinians with an affordable education each year and helps train North Carolina’s next generation of skilled workers. These massive revenue losses will damage more than just public institutions like our schools and universities; they will hurt our economy too. Cuts to higher education will mean fewer North Carolina workers have training in highdemand, high-tech fields, so local businesses won’t have the qualified employees they need to expand. If seniors can no longer receive support like in-home meal deliveries, more will have to enter long-term care facilities, which is bad for seniors and costs families and the state more money. If businesses have to wait longer to settle disputes in the courts, it could delay their production, hurting the business and its employees. There is good reason to be concerned about

Two from Yancey on regional board Yancey County construction consultant W. Thomas “Tom” Alexander has been re-elected chairman of the board of directors of AdvantageWest, the regional economic development partnership serving the 23 westernmost counties of North Carolina. Alexander is a founding member of the AdvantageWest board and will serve a second two-year term as chairman. Stephan Duncan, agent/ broker with Beverly-Hanks & Associates., in Buncombe County, was elected to the office of 1st Vice Chair, while Randy Banks, president and CEO of Mountain Air Development Corp., was elected 2nd Vice Chair. Shirley Hise, executive director of the Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce, was elected treasurer and Steve Odom, vice president of Odom Trucking Company Inc., in Graham County, was elected corporate secretary. The slate of officers was

Child care center gets new name

Tom Alexander

Randy Banks

presented by the chair of the nominating committee at the June 20 meeting of the board of directors. AdvantageWest is one of seven regional economic development partnerships in North Carolina and serves the 23 westernmost counties of the state. Chartered by the state General Assembly in 1993, AdvantageWest is a nonprofit, public-private partnership.

Members of the board of directors are appointed by the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the House and the president pro tempore of the N.C. Senate. A d v a n t a g e We s t ’s program of work focuses on advanced manufacturing, entrepreneurship, the film industry, the green economy and agribusiness.

name, we are hosting an open Art show benefits house on Tuesday, July 30, Africa outreach at 6:30 p.m. The center is Staff at the Yancey County located at 55 Oak Crest Road, The work of artist Pat Child Development Center Burnsville. Schosser is available in a has been working hard the last benefit show July 4-6, with Churches plan kid’s proceeds to benefit two few months and has undergone major painting updates and fun day at county park students from Zimbabwe. renovations. Along with these Ephraim and Chipo Tshuma changes, the center has decided are studying in the United Local Baptist churches are to change their name to “Little sponsoring Children’s Fun States and have planted Hands Learning Station”. Day on July 28, from 2 - 4:30 churches in Zimbabwe and Effective July 17, new signs p.m. at the Cane River Sports Mozambique. Ephraim worked with the new logo will be in Complex, located at Whitt as a professor at Zimbabwe place at the daycare and at the Bottoms. Come enjoy food, Christian College. corner of North Main Street fun and games for free. The Schosser’s benefit show is at and Lincoln Park. To celebrate program is for children ages Alpine Design, located at 509 the renovations and the new 4-13. East Main Street, Burnsville.

the immediate harm of these tax plans and even greater reason to sound the alarm about the long-term consequences. Year after year, these tax plans will continue to hold revenues down, likely causing new cuts in services each year or at the very least an inability to meet changing needs in the state. That is because of the adoption of a flat income tax rate won’t benefit from growth in the economy and won’t be able to keep up with a growing population that means more children in our already crowded public schools, more cars on our already congested roads, and more lawsuits filed in our already clogged state courts. Put simply, the current proposals on the table will only make the problems with North Carolina’s tax code worse. North Carolina policymakers should remember the promises they made a few months ago, and go back to the drawing table to create a tax plan that would protect our state’s vital investments. Alexandra Sirota is the Director of the North Carolina Budget and Tax Center, a nonpartisan advocacy organization that tracks economic data and analyzes state policies regarding poverty, economic and workforce development, and community opportunity.

Sunbathing tips from a dermatologist By Currie Custer MD Western Carolina Medical Society I am a dermatologist who treats hundreds of skin cancers a year, so on a recent family vacation to the beach, the pressure was on. I felt like it was my duty not to let one family member get sunburned. Let me tell you - it was hard! Of course, I know all the statistics. One in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetimes. If people live past the age of 65, then this risk goes up to 40-50 percent. That means that about half of the people over age 65 have had a skin cancer! Even knowing all of this, it is still hard to protect yourself from the sun. Here are my tips for making a beach vacation, day at the lake or just any day outside safe. 1. Apply a base coat of sunscreen to all areas of the body prior to putting on your bathing suit. This should be a broad spectrum sunscreen so that it blocks both UVA and UVB. While at the beach, I chose 50+. I also usually do a quick double application of sunscreen to my face, chest, and neck. 2. Use sun protective clothing. Stores like Land’s End and J. Crew are catching on to the sun protective clothing trend. These companies make shirts that provide spf 50 protection in a shirt designed to be worn in the water. My family and I wear these in the pool and ocean. 3. Always wear a wide brim hat in the sun. Ball caps are better than nothing but wide brim hats provide a bigger area of shade under the hat to protect your ears and neck too. 4. Bring and a tent or umbrella to the beach. 5. Reapply your sunscreen every two hours. For a full day at the beach, you should almost go through a small tube or spray can every day. As for the spray, I do like it for application outdoors. but make sure that you apply a thick enough coating and then rub it in to ensure good coverage. 6. Avoid mid-day sun when the sun’s rays are most intense. I’m not saying that it is easy to go to the beach without getting a sunburn, but it is possible. The sheer numbers of skin cancers are enough that everyone should be enjoying the sun smartly. So slap on a hat, slip on some sun protective clothing, and slop on some sunscreen!

4 JULY 4, 2013


Obituaries Thanna Smith and husband, Bobby, of North Carolina, Christine Humphrey and husband, Johnny, of Baltimore, Md.; brother, Gary Riddle and wife, Janice, of Burnsville; four grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. Funeral was Sunday, June 30, in the Chapel of Yancey Funeral Services. The Rev. Ricky Ray officiated. Internment was in the McIntosh Cemetery on Langford Branch with Masonic Rites conducted by Burnsville Masonic Lodge #397 A.F. & A.M.

Leatha McIntosh Riddle Leatha McIntosh Riddle, 97, of Langford Branch, died Friday, June 28, 2013. She was the daughter of the late Howard and Fannie Wheeler McIntosh and the wife of the late Francis Riddle. She was also preceded in death by three sons, Jimmie, Leroy and Bennie Riddle (see obituary below); two sisters, Minnie Pate and Myrtle McIntosh;and four brothers, Nealy, Wellington, Lincoln and Leslie McIntosh. Leatha was the oldest member of Elk Shoal Baptist Church. Surviving are five daughters: Shirley Linville and husband, George, of Mechanicsville, Va., Jessie Sowder and husband, Charles, Christine Humphrey and husband, Johnnie, of Baltimore, Md., Thanna Smith and husband, Bobby, of Mocksville, and Judy Smith and husband, Paul, of Axton, Va.; a son, Gary Riddle and wife, Janice, of Burnsville; eight grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren, and other extended family. Funeral was July 2, 2013 in the Chapel of Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home. The Rev. Stacey Elkins officiated. Burial was in the McIntosh Cemetery on Langford Branch Road. Donations may be made to the John F. Keever Solace Center, 21 Belvedere Road, Asheville, NC 28803.

Bennie Riddle

A native of Winchester, Ky., he was the son of the late Matt and Ruby Carr Bailey. Ronald was a Marine Corps veteran, former chief of police in Parkland, Fla., and a member of the Roan Mountain Baptist Church. Ronald is survived by his wife, Billie R. Stockdale; daughters: Linda Karen and husband Rasheed Ohab of Durham, and Susan Lee Bailey of Bakersville; son, James and wife Nancy V. Bailey of Sunrise, Fla; sister, Linda Gail May of Margate, Fla; his grandchildren: Erica Hurley, Fred Jeffrey, Sarah Jeffrey, Ronald Bailey and Troy McKinney William Bailey. Funeral arrangements will be announced Troy McKinney, 78, of Bandana, died by Henline-Hughes Funeral Home. Thursday, June 27, 2013 at Blue Ridge Regional Hospital. A native of Mitchell Burke ‘Buddy’ McCandless County, he was a son of the late Carroll and Rittie Buchanan McKinney. Troy was a Burke “Buddy” McCandless, 66, of man of few words who loved to be outside Busick, died on Thursday, June 27, 2013 mowing, gardening, fishing, hunting and at his home A native of Labelle, Fla., he traveling. was a son of the late Carl McCandless and Surviving are his wife of 57 years, Louise McAlister. He was also preceded Anna Mae Buchanan McKinney; daughter in death by a brother, James McCandless. Marisa Callahan of Bandana and two sons, Buddy lived a number of years in Naples, Chris McKinney and wife, Betty, and Tracy Fla., until moving to the mountains in 1977. McKinney and wife, Julie, alll of Spruce He was a supply sergeant in the Army Pine; sister, Iva Lee Yelton and husband, stationed in Germany during the Vietnam Bill, of Bakersville; grandchildren: Trevor, era. He loved racing, cooking, working Jacob and Jocilyn McKinney, Jason and with old cars, his junk yard, his dog Chemo, Kendra Callahan; great-grandchildren: but mostly his family. Landon and Jathan Callahan. Many nieces, Surviving are his former wife and best nephews and cousins also survive. friend, Cassie McCandless Mazzagatti; Funeral was Monday in the Silver Chapel two daughters: Melissa McCurry and Church. The Revs. Jonathan Thacker, Steve husband, Ken, of Newdale, and Scarlett Williams and Vernon Buchanan officiated. Allison McCandless of Busick; four sons: Burial was in the Silver Chapel Church Tucker McCandless of Sevierville, Tenn., Cemetery. Paul McCandless and wife, Martha, of Bald Mountain, Kane McCandless of Busick and Blanchard Garland Brent Hanes of Labelle, Fla.; sister June Jerome and husband, Jerry, of Busick; three Blanchard Garland, 82, of Big Brush brothers: Lyle McCandless of Labelle, Creek, died Sunday, June 30, 2013, at Brian Fla., Roger McCandless and wife, Judy, of Center Health and Rehabilitation. A native Naples, Fla., and Brooke McCandless and of Yancey County, he was a son of the late wife, Denise, of Jacksonville, Fla.; eight Charlie and Lissie Garland. He was also grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. preceded in death by sisters Jean Garland Several nieces and nephews also survive. Rios, Mary Ellen Kraft, Faye Higgs and A celebration of life service was.on Mae Murphy; and brothers George Garland Sunday in the Chapel of Yancey Funeral and Ray Garland. Services. Rev. Scot Garland officiated. Blanchard took care of his mother until Memorial donations may be made to her passing while farming, then went to Hospice of Yancey County, 856 Georges work at Glen Raven Mills for 24 years until Fork Road, Burnsville, NC 28714. his retirement. He enjoyed collecting guns and coins. Surviving are special friend Betty McCourry of Brummets Creek; brothers Lee Garland of Garden Valley, Calif. and Bobby Garland of Norberth, Penn. Several nieces, nephews and other family also survive. Funeral was Tuesday, July 2 at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. The Revs. Phillip Garland and Marty Parrott officiated. Burial followed in the Phillips Cemetery at Red Hill. Memorial donations may be made to Indian Creek Baptist Church or to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.

Bennie Riddle, 64, of Langford Branch, died Thursday, June 27, 2013, at Care Partners Hospice and Palliative Care in Asheville. A native of Yancey County, he was a son of Leatha McIntosh Riddle and the late Francis Riddle. Bennie was founder and president of the Western Carolina Quality Deer Management Program. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend who was hard working and always willing to lend a helping hand. Survivors include his wife, Maurine Scott Riddle; sons Nick, Charles and Chris Riddle all of Baltimore, Md.; stepdaughter Ronald Wayne Bailey Sherie Coleman of Virginia Beach; stepson Dale Coleman of Burnsville; sisters Ronald Wayne Bailey, 76, of the Cane Shirley Linville and husband, George, of Richmond, Va., Jessie Sowder and Creek Community, Bakersville, passed husband, Charles, of Baltimore, Md., Judy away June 26, 2013, in St Joseph Hospital Smith and husband, Paul, of Virginia, in Asheville.

This newspaper believes you

should NOT have to PAY MONEY

to run an obituary.

Yancey County News

JULY 4, 2013


Some of these skeeters are trophy sized! After working hard this previous weekend in getting a project completed and then enjoying the fruits of the near completion of the project, I sat on the swing on our front porch and enjoyed a brief rain shower. My mind floated from one subject to another regarding both the project, a book I am working on, and this column. Then I felt a slight sting on my left calf. There it was a pesky mosquito. I swatted at it and cashed in a direct hit. A few moments later I staggered into the house, my wife alarmed by my condition. All I could voice was “the mosquito slapped me back!” Around 30 years ago a tire shipment to Texas brought along a few aliens. Since then, the Asian tiger mosquito has populated 27 states including our very own North Carolina. In fact, North Carolina is one of the few states where it has been spotted in every county. Decorated in rich black with small white bands, the little beast is easy to identify. It is also very aggressive. Instead of waiting for specific times to feed, it prefers to eat whenever it is hungry including full daylight when other mosquitoes are less aggressive. And it prefers biting knees and ankles. Have you ever had a swarm of mosquitoes attack your ankles? It is not fun! You constantly look like you are

Bill Howard’s


doing some type of Swedish dance while hopping around on one foot while grabbing the other and then switching legs. I have heard of a few people who actually got jobs doing the dance skits at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg while trying to protect their lower extremities from the aggravating buggers. Yet another issue is the increased level of disease associated with the Asian tiger mosquito. The name sounds bad enough, but having the ability to carry around 30 different viruses sounds like it should be Spiderman’s next supervillian. Back in 2005 and

2006 it was blamed for an epidemic resulting in two hundred sixty six thousand people becoming sick with over two hundred fifty fatalities. Some of the diseases it can carry include Dengue fever and West Nile virus. I wonder if our native mosquitoes were to hijack their way over to Africa would the virus they spread be called the East of Mississippi blah? Anyway, this fellow is definitely a supervillian. As with any mosquitoes, it is recommended to drain any standing water. That means no bird baths, no water buckets for the dogs, and even clean out the gutters on the house. All I need, another honey-do addition to the ever growing list! Even with this knowledge I do not see how to stop the breeding grounds. First, it has not stopped raining in the last three months it seems. Second, it has been found that this particular brute of a blood sucker can mate and lay eggs in a pool of water as small as a bottle cap. A BOTTLE CAP!

DEET has been determined to be effective in warding the invader off though. Now, I know a man named Deet who works with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission in recruiting new hunters and promoting the hunting heritage. Walter Deet James may have just the ticket here. Hand out Asian tiger mosquito hunting permits and we will draw in enough new hunters to ensure the heritage of the outdoors continues into the next millennium! And I have become acquainted with a few mosquitoes in my 40+ years here. Some of these guys are trophy size! So be on the lookout for these dapper looking irritants. And remember to be on guard, because they can slap you back. Bill Howard teaches hunter education (IHEA) and bow hunter education (IBEP) in North Carolina. He is a member of North Carolina Bowhunters Association and Pope & Young, and is an official measurer for both. He can be reached at billhoward outdoors@gmail.com.

Hunter apprentice permits now available in N.C. The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission began issuing Hunting Heritage Apprentice Permits on July 1, allowing new hunters to go afield under the guidance of licensed adult mentors before taking a required hunter education course. Gov. Pat McCrory recently signed into law the legislation enabling the apprentice permit program in North Carolina. “ Wi l d l i f e a g e n c i e s m u s t recognize the importance of increasing hunting opportunities to maintain relevancy of our conservation heritage,” said Travis Casper, the state Hunter Education Program coordinator. “Apprentice permits have been successfully implemented in other states without a significant increase in hunting-related injuries. We must be more efficient and effective in getting more people engaged in safe and enjoyable experiences with our wildlife resources, to foster support for all conservation

issues.” The Hunter Heritage Apprentice Permit allows someone to purchase a hunting license without first having completed hunter education, then go hunting, as long as the apprentice is within sight and hearing distance of an accompanying licensed hunter who is at least 18 years old and who has completed a hunter education course. The Hunting Heritage Apprentice Permit also allows someone to hunt when accompanied by an adult landholder or landholder’s spouse who is exempt from the hunting license requirement as long as the individual is hunting on the landholder’s property. All hunters must follow all other applicable licensing requirements and hunting regulations. Wildlife Resources Commission Executive Director Gordon Myers said the Hunting Heritage Apprentice Permit provides an appealing option for family-

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oriented hunting opportunities, such as dove hunts. “If someone is invited to a family dove hunt on the day before the season opens, the Hunter Heritage Apprentice Permit would allow that person to participate under the watchful eye of experienced hunters,” Myers said. “I believe that after enjoying the outdoors and fellowship associated with a dove hunt, an apprentice hunter will be very interested in attending a hunter education class, and hopefully, bring a friend.” North Carolina is the 35th state to enact an apprentice permit, according to Families Afield, a program established by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and National Wild Turkey Federation to bring a new generation into hunting. For more information on hunting opportunities, licenses and regulations, go to www.ncwildlife. org or call 919-707-0031 .

For Buying or Selling!

wahlersteam@gmail.com Call the Wahlers Team if you’re buying or selling! Call Dan @ 467-3401 or Melissa @ 467-3400. 369 W. U.S. 19E - Office: 828-678-9944

Quick Facts

• The permit requires the holder be in proximity — sight and hearing distance without electronic devices or enhancement — to a licensed hunter who is at least 18 years old and who has completed a hunter education course. While there is no charge for the permit, purchase is required for an appropriate hunting license. • Other applicable privilege licenses are still required, such as Big Game Harvest Report Card, HIP certification and federal migratory waterfowl stamp. • The permit is valid only for the term of the hunting license purchased under the authority of the permit.

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6 JULY 4, 2013


Update on the season at Dig In! Community Garden From Laura Seelbach Summer! Finally the vegetables are catching up, thanks to all the lovely rain, our compost tea and some warmer temperatures during late June. Tribes from Camp Full Circle will continue their morning visits to the garden during the first two weeks of July. I have really enjoyed meeting them, their teachers and having their help. Eric Klein says they have enjoyed their June visits to Dig In! Lots of work was accomplished thanks to Peirce Bingham’s Mountain Challenge youth group and they will return on July 19. They get the prize for the most potato beetles captured and they win a treat on their next visit. T h e “ Yo u n g People In Mission” from the Southeast United Methodist Church Camp at Lake Junaluska will be returning to Dig In! the first week of July to help us for one day. During last year ’s visit they helped us harvest potatoes. This year’s focus will be on setting up our irrigation system. The first half of 2013 has been blessed with rain; now we’re into summer and hotter dryer weather will require more watering. Our beans will be coming in mid month and we’ll need volunteers to help harvest. I look forward to being in the garden with you on your next visit and thank everyone for their help during the month of June.


July is a great time to prepare your new asparagus bed even though you won’t plant the asparagus until next year. Pick the sunniest location. Asparagus prefers 8+ hours but will grow with 4 to 8 hours. The soil needs to be well drained, fertile and sweet -- a pH range 6.5 to 7.5. Keep in mind once it is planted it will be producing for 15-plus years, so think long-term location.

Avoid planting it where you have grown onions previously. At Dig In! we used the lasagna bed at the far end of the garden. This area has had organic matter added every year since the garden started. A lasagna bed is made of multiple layers of straw, grass clippings, chopped leaves, coffee grounds, compost, & horse manure, piled on top of a large sheet of cardboard and the whole bed covered with a layer of soil. Using the lasagna method to start your bed is a good way to eliminate many weed issues. Starting now in July gives it plenty of time to compost down. To sweeten the soil you will need to add lime. Adding some green sand and rock phosphate will also help enrich the soil. You can even plant a cover crop like spring oats which will hold the lasagna bed together-- the oats will die during the winter adding to the soil structure. Next year watch this newspaper f o r t h e Ya n c e y Extension Service plant sale. Based on

your growing area measure for 18-inch spacing between your plants to determine how many to buy. The asparagus crowns remind me of octopus legs. Each crown is planted in a twelveinch deep hole (wide enough to spread the roots out) into which a small mound of compost has been placed. Drape the roots over the mound and cover with two inches of soil/compost mix. PATIENCE. Wait until you see the shoots emerging and as the summer progresses keep adding soil and covering them until you have slowly filled the twelve-inch deep holes. Then add more to create a mound of soil around the ferns. DO NOT PICK ANY TO EAT THIS YEAR OR THE NEXT YEAR. I know it is hard to wait, but think short-term sacrifice for long-term gain. Be diligent in removing any weeds you find growing in the Asparagus bed. If the weather is dry remember to water. By mid-fall the ferns will turn golden brown and dry, cut them off

and compost them. Take a soil sample and test the pH, make adjustments to keep it around 7.0. The Extension Service can help you test. Now add more compost or well-rotted manure at least three inches deep over the whole area. This will level the surface as the little mounds of soil around the ferns will be covered. Top off the bed with a thick layer of straw to protect it for the winter. Next spring remove some of the straw and add more compost about an inch to the whole bed before the spears emerge. In early spring of Year 3 harvest your first spears by snapping them or cutting them an inch above soil level; then apply more compost over the whole area. Let the plants grow, keeping them weed free and watering if the weather is d r y. R e p e a t y o u r fall cleanup adding compost and mulch for winter protection, and your spring compost replenishment each year to feed the Asparagus. Although

the initial work of setting up the bed is involved it is worth giving this fine leafed plant every advantage, y o u r e ff o r t s w i l l be rewarded with many years of tasty asparagus. Harvest tips: Look for spears with close tight tips and let the ones with l o o s e r t i p s g r o w. The spears don’t all emerge at once so

pick daily during early spring. If you plan to store the asparagus you will want to place the spears into cold water as you harvest them, then drain them and refrigerate, they will keep for four to five days or you can freeze them, but fresh is best.”

Buy Yancey County News at Mitchell-Yancey Habitat for Humanity Restore 563 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine and Habitat keeps half of the money! Open Tues – Fri, 9-5; Sat 9-2

JULY 4, 2013


Ladies enjoy mother & child fashion show

Last Thursday, the Ladies Club of Burnsville held their annual fashion show at the McElroy House in Burnsville. Tea was served beginning at 4 p.m. and there were several mothers and daughters enjoying the event together. Clothing from Felicity’s Closet and the Pink Store were modeled for the ladies.

Arrest made in pharmacy robbery

A Forsyth County man has been arrested in connection with the June 18 armed robbery of Hospital Drive Pharmacy in Spruce Pine. Aaron Christopher M e r c e r, 3 1 , w a s arrested Saturday, according to the Spruce Pine Police Department. Mercer was charged with robbery with a dangerous weapon; trafficking in drugs; three counts of sale and delivery of a schedule II substance; trafficking in opium; felony larceny and communicating threats. Mercer is being held under $240,000 secure bond.

Hey guys, look here! To the right! My name is Pete! I am a beautiful 2 year old Border Collie mix. I can bounce my way into your heart. Hurry in to meet me. sWell look up! My name is Woody. I will scamper my way in to your heart. Top that, Pete! Come in to take me home today.

Call the shelter at 682-9510 for more information on these or other pets, or plan to visit us at 962 Cane River School Road.


JULY 4, 2013


MORE FROM MAYLAND Turning Flowers to Jelly (3 hours) This will be an interactive class where everyone will help in the making of Flower Essence Jelly made from Daylilies. Learn how to collect, prepare the flowers for making an infusion to be used in making jelly. We will make the jelly in our onfarm certified kitchen and everyone will take home a 4 oz. jar of jelly that is made during this class. The Mushroom Hut @ Fox Farms. Directions will be provided. Class begins on July 13 at 3 PM. For more information visit www.mayland.edu and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-682-7315.

Are you a Survivor? Wilderness Survival Peter Pan (Myra McCoury, foreground) gives instructions to some of the Lost Boys of Neverland ( Class (12 hours) from L. Zachariah Malas, Hana Stella, Olivia Hughes, and Izzy Davis) in this rehearsal photo from Parkway Playhouse’s production of Peter Pan running through July 13.

‘Peter Pan’ takes wing at Parkway Playhouse The high-flying fantasy, Peter Pan, will delight children of all ages when the boy who will never grow up opens for a three week run at Parkway Playhouse continuing weekends through July 14. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. with a 5 p.m. performance on Sunday June 30. Tickets range from $12-$20. The production, which is a play based on the book by J.M. Barrie with orchestral music by American music virtuoso Leonard Bernstein. (The composer of West Side Story.) Who doesn’t know the story of Peter Pan, the boy who refused to grow up? This is the beloved story of Peter, Wendy, John, Michael, the brave Tiger Lilly, Tinker Bell, the Lost Boys of Neverland, and of course the diabolical Captain Hook. Brimming with youthful adventure and flights of fancy Peter Pan is a story that resonates with the young and young at heart. P a r k w a y Playhouse, in this production, heavily showcases area youth. “This is an exciting production to be a part of” commented Parkway Playhouse Producing Artistic Director, Andrew

Gall. “With most of the cast and crew being under the age of 20, the energy and enthusiasm is palpable. This production is loaded with mermaids, fairies, crocodiles, special effects, exotic animals, pirates, and of course one of the most beloved characters and stories of all time, Peter Pan himself. This production showcases young and emerging talent in our area unlike anything we have done before. ” P a r k w a y Playhouse’s cast is one of the largest and youngest ever assembled by the 67-year old theatre company. Heading up the cast are Myra McCoury as Peter Pan, Iszie Hilbert as Wendy Darling, and Jeff Polgar as Captain Hook. Also in the cast are Anna Franklin as Mrs. Darling, Steve Elderbrock as Smee, Stephen Bailey as Starkey, and Colin Eten as John Darling. Danny Wahlers and Nicholas Messer alternate in the role of Michael Darling and Elizabeth Boulter and Courtney Wahlers alternate as Liza. Steven Grindstaff, Caleb Grindstaff, Barry Kelly, Ryan Robertson, Travis Wy n k o o p , a n d McKenzie Pauley appear as rough group of pirates. Taylor Hutcinson appears as

Tiger Lilly and Peyton Ye a r i c k , L o g a n Kirkimillis, Olivia Grindstaff, Logan Walden, and Lilly Polgar portray the various braves in her tribe. Rachel Boulter, Lilly Bartleson, Hanna Barilovits, Anna Zimmerman, Rebecca Heidenfelder, and Caley Pippert appear as exotic but dangerous mermaids. The lost boys are played by a rotating cast that includes Hana Stella, Kade Hoilman, Natalie Calkins, Izzie Davis, Zane Toomey, Zeke Toomey, Lynn Hilbert, Brianna Hilbert, Legend M c C o u r y, O l i v i a Hughes, Amira Malas and Zacariah Malis. Peter Pan is being directed and adapted from the novel by Gall with musical direction from Roberta Whiteside, choreography by Amanda Pisano, scenic design by Bruce Chuvala and Mary Katherine O’Donnell, and flying effects is by ZFX. Peter Pan was first introduced by JM Barrie in 1901 in the short story, Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up. The stage version was introduced in 1904 and has since been flying in theaters worldwide. The play’s initial popularity spawned a book which was basically excerpts from the script – Peter

Learn basic “wilderness” survival skills for when the unthinkable happens. Topics will include recommended equipment to have on hand when hiking or enjoying the outdoors, compass use, map reading, fire starting, basic first aid, and more. On Thursday we will discuss skills and then move outside on Saturday for skills practice. Bring a bag lunch for Saturday. Class begins on July 18 at 6 PM at Mayland’s Yancey Learning Center. For more information visit www.mayland.edu and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-6827315.

Pan in Kensignton Gardens – released in 1906. Barrie expanded the work into a novel in 1911 entitled Peter and Wendy. In the original American production, Peter (who is traditionally played by a young woman) was played by actress Jean Arthur and Hook was played by Boris In the General Court of Justice, Yancey Karloff (famous County, North Carolina, Superior Court for his portrayal of Division Frankenstein and File no. 2013 E _____ voicing the Grinch i n t h e a n i m a t e d PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S NOTICE adaptation of D r. S u e s s ’s H o w Having qualified as the Personal Representative t h e G r i n c h S t o l e of the Estate of Charles John Hardin of Indian River County, Florida, this is to notify all Christmas). All performances persons, firms and corporations having claims the Estate of the deceased to present will be held at the against them to the undersigned on or before 25 Parkway Playhouse October, 2013 or this notice will be pleaded located at 202 Green in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted Mountain Drive in to said estate please make immediate payment. Burnsville. Week of 7/8/13 - 7/14/13 Reservations can This the 27th day of June, 2013. be made by calling 828-682-4285 or by visiting www. David C. Hardin, Personal Representative parkwayplayhouse. 500 East Broward Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-3004 com . June 27, July 4, 11 & 18, 2013


Edited by Margie E. Burke

Difficulty : Medium

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Copyright 2013 by The Puzzle Syndicate

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HOW TO SOLVE:        Answer to Last Week's Sudoku

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JULY 4, 2013




For Rent In town, 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, 2 story house, large BM, Fireplace, Central Cooling/Heating Pump, Garage, Decks, Balconies/ Patio, Fully Fenced, Appliances with Washer/ Dryer. $900/Month. No pets preferred. Call (828) 6827499 . For Rent - Brick rancher three bedrooms, bath, living, dining, kitchen, utility room. Carport. Nice yard, room for garden. Out in the country. NO PETS inside or out. $700 month. Lunsford Realty 678-3400 For rent - Fabulous 3 bed/3.5 bath log home in great location. Just 20 minutes to SP Hospital. Fully furnished. $1200/month. Cattail Peak Realty, LLC, 828-284-2968.

ITEMS OR SALE 760 feet of 1 ¼” H D (schedule 80) White PVC well pipe in 20 ft sections. For well/spring water/ compressed air use. Tapered male/female fittings which

can be cut off and all regular 1 ¼”fittings can be used. $15.00 per 20-foot section or $500.00 for all 38 pieces. Burnsville. Call 704-6190400 . Boxwoods for Sale. $10 each. 828.208.0406. Hens with chicks. Mixed breed game. Can be free range and do not need a coop. Good layers. Leave message. 678-9596 MOVING: Miscellaneous Furniture for Sale. Ongoing. Please call 828-688-4161 . MOVING SALE - Saturday, July 6, 2013..10 A.M. until it’s all gone. MAJOR

Mobile DJ Service providing sound entertainment for any occasion! For a quote (828)284-2875 Semon7@gmail.com

TBA Tim Brown Architecture custom residential commercial institutional



Save money with Yancey County News! Administrator’s notices cost half what others charge.

Susan@ yanceycountynews.com

Towing Service $ Wanted to Buy $ with Rollback Truck! JUNK VEHICLES Rollback Service! I&Buy Junk Vehicles! Pay Fair Price Will Pick Up Vehicle 828-284-7522


MOVING SALE! Moving old things out and new things in. Nice furniture--Cedar chest, bamboo framed mirror, sofas, chairs, tables, desks, beds and dressers. Men’s and women’s clothes, shoes, work boots and western boots. Pool table and Holland Smoker. Guitars-Les Paul Gibson Electric, Fender Telecaster, Left-handed bass, 2 Acoustic guitars and an Organ. Much more and a

2004 Ford Thunderbird with only 42,000 miles. NO EARLY BIRDS ALLOWED before 10 A.M.. Come and get a great deal!

commercial roof repair and maintenance, roof coatings, gutter repair, roof inspection. References. 682-3451 Sewing alterations. Call 208-3999.


DOWN 1 Bushy coif 2 Film segment 3 Bee-finding bird 4 Yuletide drink 5 Night light? 6 Towel word


Advertise your yard sale or special event in the Yancey County News! Call Susan at 691-0806 to secure your space! Classifieds cost only $5 for up to 50 words. Call her how and advertise your event! Friend to Friend is now looking for entrepreneurs to partner with in a small Internet business. If you have a gift of gab and a small investment you can start today. Bring your partner for a 45 minute interview. We are an equal opportunity business. Call for an appointment 24/7 – 828-776-2463.

Low Interest Loans to A D U LT Week D AY of C A7/8/13 R E Qualified Home Owners - 7/14/13 - H e r i t a g e A d u l t D a y for Any home improvement Retreat located just west of projects. 828-273-0970 Burnsville offers low cost affordable quality day care Will clean your home or for your loved one giving you the opportunity to take care business. Call 208-3688. of yourself and things you need to do without worry. Sewing alterations. Call Qualified/caring staff. Grants 208-3999. available. For information TOWING SERVICE With please call 828-682-1556 Rollback Truck! I Buy JUNK Roof Leak? Call Brad at VEHICLES! Pay Fair Price! Tip Top Roofing, 25 years+ WILL PICK UP VEHICLE! experience. Residential, Call 828-284-7522 or 828-

The Weekly Crossword ACROSS 1 Tylenol target 5 Bundle of wheat 10 Surveyor's map 14 Horsewhip 15 Slight trace 16 Anger 17 Big-top bigwig 19 Hot spot 20 Kitchen gadget 21 Part of a driver's license exam 23 Over there, old-style 24 More statuesque 25 Safecracker, slangily 27 Dear, as memories 28 Implied 32 Flightless bird 33 Long for 34 Club music genre 35 What pH measures 37 Miles away 38 Put under 39 Flippant 40 Pipe fitting 41 Bicuspids, e.g. 42 Piccolo's cousin 43 Salon offering 44 With little effort 46 Spanish sun 47 Tori of TV 50 Swampy area 53 Hourly pay 54 Winding 56 Bearded flower 57 Nom de guerre 58 Soon, to a poet 59 Soldiers' meal 60 Kind of node 61 Bawdy





by Margie E. Burke







21 23














34 37

36 39




41 44 48




























Copyright 2013 by The Puzzle Syndicate

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 22 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 33 34 36

Contest hopeful From way back Undomesticated Draw out Bathe Forever and a day Camp sight 1987 movie, "Tin ___" Hate with a passion Skateboarder Hawk Brewery need One who runs the show The inevitable Lady of the castle Word before sanctum or peace Tribal pole "Where" attachment Trunk item Like a wallflower

37 Resist, as authority 39 Plymouth colonizer 42 How some things are chopped 43 Point of entry 45 Rope fiber

46 47 48 49 50 51

Cupid, to Venus Triathlon leg Remove the rind Guardianship Fit together February forecast 52 E-mail button 55 Mushy food

Answer to Last Week's Crossword B A R B























10 JULY 4, 2013


The new-found dangers of glyphosate residues

By Medea Galligan MS Nutrition, CHHC, AADP Before you decide to “take care” of pesky weeds in the garden or yard with a common chemical herbicide that you can find at any store in town, you may be interested in learning about the most recent studies. According to a new study, heavy use of the world’s most popular herbicide, Roundup, could be linked to a range of health problems and diseases, including Parkinson’s, infertility and cancers. The peer-reviewed report, published April 18, 2013, in the scientific journal Entropy, said evidence indicates that residues of “glyphosate,” the chief ingredient in Roundup weed killer, which is sprayed over millions of acres of crops, has been found in food. Those residues enhance the damaging effects of other food-borne chemical residues and toxins in the environment to disrupt normal body functions and induce disease, according to the report, authored by Stephanie Seneff, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Anthony Samsel, a retired science consultant from Arthur D. Little, Inc. Samsel is a former private environmental government contractor as well as a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The Many Shocking Impacts of Glyphosate “Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body,” the study says. We “have hit upon something very important that needs to be taken seriously and further investigated,” Seneff said. Environmentalists, consumer groups and plant scientists from several countries have warned that heavy use of glyphosate is causing problems for plants, people and animals. T h e E PA i s c o n d u c t i n g a standard registration review of glyphosate and has set a deadline of 2015 for determining if glyphosate use should be limited. The study is among many comments submitted to the agency, but when the disastrous health and environmental impacts are considered, along with the exponential increase in use, the real question is: can we really afford to wait that long? Monsanto is the developer of both Roundup herbicide and a suite of crops that are genetically altered to withstand being sprayed with the Roundup weed killer. These biotech crops, including corn, soybeans, canola and sugar beets, are planted on millions of acres in the United States annually. Farmers like them because they can spray Roundup weed killer directly on the crops to kill weeds

in the fields without harming the crops. Roundup is also popularly used on lawns, gardens and on golf courses. Of the more than two dozen top herbicides on the market, glyphosate is the most popular. In 2007, as much as 185 million pounds of glyphosate was used by U.S. farmers, double the amount used six years ago, according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data. Monsanto and other leading industry experts have said for years that glyphosate is proven safe, and has a less damaging impact on the environment than other commonly used chemicals. Jerry Steiner, Monsanto’s executive vice president of sustainability, reiterated that in a recent interview when questioned about the study. “We are very confident in the long track record that glyphosate has. It has been very, very extensively studied,” he said. Conversely, many studies are currently examining the effects of both GMOs and herbicides, such as Roundup. This study is just the most recent in a series of studies that show numerous harmful effects. Presented below are 12 sobering facts about glyphosate based on studies that were conducted over the last 17 years: 1) Glyphosate causes disease and biological / physiological disorders in crops. Fifteen years of research by the USDA indicates that the chemical glyphosate, the key ingredient in Roundup herbicide, is linked to fungal root disease in plants. 2) Glyphosate is no longer effective at killing weeds. 3) G l y p h o s a t e u s e i s increasing steadily. According to the USGS, more than 88,000 tons of glyphosate were used in the United States in 2007, up from 11,000 tons in 1992. Since the advent of “super weeds,” the use of glyphosate (and other even stronger weed killers) has risen significantly. 4) Glyphosate is not breaking down as promised. In 1996, New York’s attorney general sued Monsanto over the company’s use of “false and misleading

advertising” about Roundup. That case ended with Monsanto agreeing to stop calling Roundup “biodegradable,” and to pull ads claiming that Roundup was “safer than table salt,” “practically nontoxic,” and ”stayed where you put it.” Two decades after the advent of “Roundup Ready” crops and their dominance in the agricultural marketplace, the evidence of their falsehoods abound: multiple studies have found significant levels of glyphosate in streams, soil, air, rainwater, and groundwater. 5) Glyphosate residues are also found in our food. A recent study found that Glyphosate residues in the main foods of the Western diet – sugar, wheat, and genetically modified corn and soy – inhibit critical enzymes in mammals [which] manifests slowly over time, as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body. No surprise, a study done in Germany in 2012 found glyphosate in all of the urine samples it took from non-agricultural workers in Berlin, at levels 5-20 times the limit for drinking water. 6) Glyphosate causes birth defects and tumors in animals, and sharp declines in beneficial insects - and often at dilutions far lower than the concentrations used in agricultural and even home garden spraying. A June 2011 report assembled by an international team of scientists revealed that studies done as early as the 1980s by biotech and ag-industry corporations (including Monsanto) all showed that Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate causes birth defects in laboratory animals… again, at very low exposures. 7) Glyphosate is a genotoxic endocrine disruptor to human cells. Glyphosate is the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer, along with other “inert” ingredients that are potentially even more dangerous. Use vinegar instead! 8) Glyphosate is linked to cancer. Three studies have linked glyphosate exposure with nonHodgkin’s lymphoma. 9) Glyphosate causes DNA damage. Inhalation of glyphosate was observed to cause DNA damage after short exposure to concentrations that correspond to

the 450-fold dilution of spraying most commonly used in agriculture. 10) Glyphosate makes nutrients unavailable to plants. Glyphosate binds vital nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, and boron in the soil, preventing plants from taking them up. So GM soy plants treated with glyphosate have lower levels of essential nutrients and reduced growth, compared with GM and non-GM soy controls not treated with glyphosate. 11) The EPA is still working on Glyphosate’s human risk assessment. Although the EPA has found the time to establish a National Acceptable Daily Intake of glyphosate (5.5% per day; as cited in the study done on pregnant women), long-term human risk assessment studies are slow to emerge. 12) Glyphosate resistance is the primary purpose of genetic crop engineering. GM crops have been responsible for a 527 million pound increase in herbicide use in the United States over tahe first 16 years of commercial use of GM crops (1996 – 20011). What You Can Do To Reduce Your Exposure To Glyphosate In addition to Roundup, glyphosate-based herbicides also include brands Rodeo, Sting and Accord. Even if you do not use herbicides in your own yard, your children and your pets may be at risk of exposure or ingestion of glyphosate. Herbicides and pesticides applied by a neighbor can present a health hazard for you and your loved ones, especially if the wind is blowing towards your property when spraying occurs, so be sure to talk to your neighbors about the risks. There ARE MANY safe and effective alternatives to using herbicides and chemical fertilizers on your lawn and garden - long before chemical sprays even existed, organic gardening methods protected the long-term health of the soil! This is the true foundation for growing healthy plants that have higher natural resistance to weeds, pests, and disease. In addition to reducing exposure to glyphosate by not using herbicides on our lawns and gardens, the most important way we can reduce our exposure is to See next page

Berry-Lemon Frozen Yogurt Compliments of www.HealthyCookingConcepts.com This is perfect treat for a hot summer day or a light 4 cup ice cubes dessert after dinner. Refreshing and creamy, this 2 cup fresh organic berries frozen treat can be personalized with your favorite Whole mint leaves for garnish berries - fresh organic strawberries, blueberries, Directions raspberries or blackberries mixed in whole! Put lemon juice, yogurt, honey, banana, and ice Garnish with mint leaves for the final touch. into a good quality blender and mix on high for Ingredients 2-3 minutes until contents are smooth and creamy. 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice Spoon evenly into 4 pre-chilled bowls, mix in ½ 1 ½ cup vanilla or plain Fage whole-fat yogurt cup fresh berries per bowl, and garnish each with 2 Tbs raw honey whole mint leaf. Serve, sit back and enjoy your ½ organic banana summer!

JULY 4, 2013


You can do everything right and still feel failure I often hear real-life parenting stories that evoke two equally strong feelings: on the one hand, sorrow; on the other, gratefulness. I am saddened to hear these stories, always told to me by loving parents who have conscientiously tried to always do the right thing, but they also cause me to be glad beyond measure that I am not raising children today. I got out of the game just in time, it seems. Willie and I did not have to deal with hundreds of cable channels, video games, cell phones, or the Internet with its various temptations, including social media, pornography that a 5-year-old can access (Click Here if You’re 18 or Older!), chatrooms, online gaming, and shopping carts. When my kids were growing up, we had a television (sometimes), period. In 1980, I wrote a column in which I speculated that video games were addictive (which we now know is true), and the president of Nintendo USA sent me a stateof-the-art video-game system to share with my poor, tech-deprived children so I could see for myself how wrong-headed I was. It sat, unopened, in my attic until several years ago when I gave it away. In short, Willie and I had it easy. The worst thing either of our kids did was sneak out at night after we were asleep. That would be the son, of course.




One such heartbreaking story was told to me recently. It’s been told to me hundreds of times, actually, and every time my heart is broken. It begins with good, decent, responsible parents discovering that their young adolescent boy has accessed pornography of the worst sort on the Internet. They confront him. His father talks to him about how pornography disrespects women. The parents make sure he can no longer access the Internet at home without supervision. The boy figures out how to get around the blocks, how to disarm the tracking software. The parents find him sitting at the computer, mesmerized, at three o’clock in the morning. Then his best friend’s parents call to complain that he has introduced their son to Internet pornography. The word gets around. No one will let their children associate

with the boy, and the parents figure out that they’ve become untouchable as well. And the boy just keeps right on figuring out how to beat the system. As the parents tell the story, they’re both fighting back tears. So am I. What should we do? they ask. I tell them it sounds to me that they’ve done all they can. But it’s not working! they say, in despair. I ask, “Can you accept that you’re not going to be able to completely solve this problem? Can you accept that the river’s going to find a way around your sandbags, but that you should keep putting out sandbags anyway?” Then I say something along these lines: “Are you willing to accept not only that this isn’t your fault, that it has absolutely nothing to do with anything you did or failed to do, but also that you are not the appointed agents of change concerning this issue in your child’s life?” In other words, I tell them, do your best, but don’t expect much in return. Pray for your son. Above all else, keep the demons of guilt at bay. Guilt is the enemy. And then I feel guilty for being so grateful. Family psychologist John Rosemond answers parents’ questions on his web site at www.rosemond.com.

Many worry that pesticides will cause long-term damage From page 10 BUY & EAT ORGANIC FOODS (or grow our own)! Since GM foods are not labeled, and organic foods cannot by law be genetically modified, it is THE ONLY way to assure that you and your family are not exposed to the numerous harmful effects of glyphosate! When you choose organic you are also voting with your dollars to support farmers that are concerned about your health and the health of the planet. Not only will organic foods be free of glyphosate, but they will also be free of many other toxic chemicals that are sprayed on conventionally grown (if not GM) foods. Growing or buying organically or bio-dynamically grown foods is THE BEST WAY that you can DIRECTLY support your health, your local economy, and the health of your planet. And when we choose health for ourselves, we are also choosing health for all of us. Additional Sources and Studies about Glyphosate: 1. Reuters, Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:49pm EDT, Heavy use of herbicide Roundup linked

to health dangers-U.S. study 2. Entropy 2013, 15(4), 1416-1463; doi:10.3390/e15041416, Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases, Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff 3. Why Glyphosate Should be Banned 4. A Review of its Hazards to Health and the Environment 5. Sirinathsinghji, E., Ho, Mae-Wan 6. Overview: http://permaculturenews. org/2012/11/01/why-glyphosate-should-bebanned-a-review-of-its-hazards-to-health-andthe-environment/ 7. Full Report (ISIS Members only): http://www.i-sis.org.uk/error/login_error. php?location=Why_Glyphosate_Should_be_ Banned.php 8. Glyphosate Fact Sheet from Beyond Pesticides 9. http://www.beyondpesticides.org/ pesticides/factsheets/Glyphosate.pdf 10. Glyphosate Fact Sheet from Pesticide. org

11. http://www.pesticide.org/get-the-facts/ pesticide-factsheets/factsheets/glyphosate 12. Glyphosate Fact Sheet from Mindfully. Org 13. http://www.mindfully.org/Pesticide/ Roundup-Glyphosate-Factsheet-Cox.htm 14. Glyphosate Toxicology 15. Caroline Cox. Journal of Pesticide Reform, Volume 15, Number 3, Fall 1995. Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides, Eugene, OR. 16. http://gmo-awareness.com/resources/ glyphosate/ Medea L Galligan earned her Masters of Science in Nutrition from Oklahoma State University, and also attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Health Coach Training Program, located in New York City. Since 1998, she has helped thousands of people of all ages improve their health and well being through support and encouragement, exploring which foods are right for them, and assisting them in bringing back the joy of cooking and eating. Visit www.HealthyLifestyle Concepts.com for more information.

Can you really defeat weeds with a spray of vinegar? From Purdue University If fighting weeds in your garden has you in a pickle, you’ll be interested in a USDA research report about using acetic acid (vinegar) as an herbicide. USDA researchers confirmed that acetic acid is effective at killing some common weed species, including Canada thistle, lamb’squarters, giant foxtail, velvetleaf and smooth pigweed. Weeds were hand-sprayed with various solutions of vinegar, uniformly coating the leaves. The researchers found that 5- and 10-percent concentrations killed the weeds during the first two weeks after emergence from the soil. Older plants required higher concentrations of vinegar to kill them. At the

higher concentrations, vinegar had an 85- to 100-percent kill rate at all growth stages. However, perennial weeds, such as Canada thistle, were only temporarily knocked back; the roots survived to sprout new shoots. Even though vinegar is an acid, it breaks down quickly in the soil and, therefore, is not likely to accumulate enough to affect soil pH for more than a few days. Corn is the only crop thus far that USDA scientists have reported on the use of vinegar to control weeds without harm to the crop. Vinegar causes a rapid burn to plant tissue of susceptible species, so unintended injury is quite likely without knowing more information. Further studies are needed to know whether other crop plants and ornamentals can tolerate the vinegar.

Ordinary household vinegar is about a 5-percent concentration. Stronger solutions that are labeled for use as herbicides are now available from some retailers, including http:// www.sumrset.com/new_herbibide.htm, http:// www.greensense.net/, http://www.bradfieldind. com/ and http://www.biconet.com/lawn/ burnout.html. Note that vinegar with acetic acid concentrations greater than 5 percent may be hazardous and should be handled with appropriate precautions. Vinegar solutions of 11-percent strength can cause skin burns and eye injury. Also note that the use of a vinegar product for killing weeds, unless the material is specifically labeled as a herbicide, is illegal and a violation of federal pesticide laws. Always read and follow all pesticide label directions.

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