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Top potters to be exhibited at Spruce Pine show
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www.yanceycountynews.com vTo be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.v Oct. 10, 2013 W Vol. 3, No. 41 v Recipient of the E.W. Scripps Award for Distinguished Service to the First Amendment v
Schools warn test scores will be lower New tests recalibrate scores across the state
By Jonathan Austin Yancey County News Educators are trying to prepare students and parents to be ready for lower end-of-grade and end-of-course test scores as the state releases the first scores after new test standards were introduced last year. The state board of education warns that results will be much lower than North Carolina has seen for a number of years, but the results will not “be held against the student,” said Yancey Schools Superintendent Dr. Tony Tipton. “Just because grades are down doesn’t mean students failed or teachers or failed,” Tipton said. He said Raleigh is warning that “test scores are going to drop as much as 30 to 40 percent.” New standards were approved by the State Board of Education to bring expectations for student performance in line with current career and college expectations. Local school and district scores will be released on Thursday, See page 4
Local writer wins national award
Celo resident Katey Schultz’s book Flashes of War has been honored with the 2013 Gold Medal Book of the Year for literary fiction by the Military Writers Society of America. The book of short stories relates the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq through the perspective of participants from all sides of the battle. The Los Angeles Review of Books said Schultz’s “ ... deceptively minimalist style … exposes the traumas of war without any breast-beating outrage.” The MWSA book awards recognize outstanding military-themed books in a wide range of categories, including fiction, nonfiction, spiritual/religious, poetry, business/how to, and others. See Page 4
Photo by Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News
In a horse-pulled wagon, the Rural Academy Theater rode through Burnsville last week after performing in Celo. The actors were going to perform Monday in Mars Hill.
Fifth-graders take to the river
Special to the Yancey County News A trio of fifth graders haul in their catch with excitement; wading in the Toe River they’ve discovered a treasure trove of stoneflies, mayflies, crawdads, caddisflies and other wiggly critters. They’ve just been part of the Waterbug Safari, led by Gary Peeples of U.S. Fish and Wildlife that allowed them to wade into the river in search of aquatic invertebrates. Some of these are insects whose presence and diversity is used to gauge stream health. The Toe contains a reassuring number of these creatures, reflecting the success of local citizens and government groups to improve and maintain the healthy ecosystem of the Toe River Watershed. Similar scenes played out repeatedly over
the course of four days, as nearly every fifth grade student in Yancey and Mitchell counties had a chance to learn about the rivers in their community as part of the fifth annual Toe River Valley Festival sponsored by Toe River Valley Watch, our community’s watershed preservation organization. “Mitchell and Yancey counties really do have some incredible streams. This festival opens up those streams to kids. Some kids have long fished these waters, some have never gotten their toes wet in them – this program gives all of them a chance to get outside for a day, and hopefully broaden their world a little, whether that’s doing art or donning waders and learning about what See Page 7
mountain crafters’ co-op
127 W. Main St., Mon-Sat : 11-5
2 Oct. 10, 2013
You can’t compromise with terrorists or the GOP Dear Editor, So now 800,000 jobs have been sacrificed due to Republican extremists. They obviously do not accept democracy as valid, since the Affordable Health Care Act, which we badly need to insure over 30,000,000 Americans, was legitimately passed by Congress long ago. The present Republican actions are blackmail by a minority which shows no respect for Democratic process. The harm resulting from the government shutdown due to the Tea Party Republicans and their agenda is highly reprehensible and irresponsible. And just what is it they claimed to disagree with in the Health Care Act? Birth Control! The fact that women with health care might receive the care they desire. They were willing to shut down the government (notably excepting their own salaries!) because they don’t trust women to think for themselves. This is 2013, not 1913 ... they need reminding. These men, rather than pursuing important legislation our country desperately needs, such as the Jobs Bill, are behaving as bullies in preventing citizens from working. Doing this when our country already suffers severe economic hardship is doubly unconscionable. I can hardly imagine anything more deliberately irresponsible toward constituents than this, and Mark Meadows is definitely part of the problem. Far too many Republicans tout government
as the problem, while doing their level best to make it so. They are absolutely determined to prove government doesn’t work, which makes them entirely illegitimate as candidates. These people do not belong in government and should never be elected. But unfortunately, our citizenry is so ill-informed as to their tactics and those who support them, they are easily swayed by the rhetoric and misinformation they hear. North Carolina is now considered the state most saturated with political misinformation, which is undoubtedly one reason we suffer such disastrous politicians becoming elected. A bi-partisan (remember the possibility of compromise once upon a time?) bill was created to end the sequester and create jobs. What happened to it? Tea Party Republicans filibustered and kept it from law! These people could cause much more damage than they already have unless citizens begin paying far more attention and vote accordingly. Tea Party Republicans can’t cope with the real problems facing our country and instead create new problems unnecessarily through their own fantasyland of murky ideology. Odd thing, isn’t it, that when we had a Republican president running our country economically into the ground, he was supported by his party. He could spend as many trillions of dollars as he chose to wage an illegitimate war. But now that we have a Democratic president who is desperately trying to solve the
very real problems that have resulted from the previous administration’s policies, Republican extremists do nothing but stand in his way. Now we find that even national security may be in danger as a result of the actions of these mock representatives. Boehner has been claiming he wants compromise. Nonsense. Democrats have attempted compromise again and again, but as we all know, terrorists can’t be bargained with... and these Republicans fit the bill, now having become the most dangerous terrorists in the United States, sowing seeds of division and destruction everywhere. Their behavior implies they’ll be unhappy with anything less than a kind of dictatorship by their minority. The least citizens of Yancey County can do is to call Mark Meadows at 202-225-3121 and tell him we want him to support reasonable bipartisan efforts in Congress including support of the Affordable Health Care Act. It only takes a minute. And we can thank Kay Hagan for her support of health care for all citizens. People roll their eyes at Congress, but the real responsibility rests with voters. One person, one vote. If citizens cease voting for Republican extremists, government will function far more smoothly. Our district is part of the problem; it’s time to wake up and do our best to help, get to the polls, and vote for candidates capable of genuine compromise. Karen Watkins
Mayor doesn’t mind critics unless they might be fictional Dear Editor: After being called a point blank “liar” in the other newspaper last week I felt it necessary to issue some clarification. To the residents of Burnsville: During the September town council meeting I asked if anyone could show me the language in the “design guidelines” that exempted residential properties. After much discussion with Dean Gates, Harrison Tyner and Ron Hancock it was clear to
me that the language simply was not in the existing regulation. Ron Hancock stated that it was not the “intent” of the “design guidelines” to include residential property and that the language needed to be inserted. So, again, I say that this entire “design guideline” episode is too much, too fast for our town. Politicians come and go while leaving in their wake laws that actually affects residents and business owners trying to make a living while lawyers, courts
The Yancey County News is the only independent newspaper in Yancey County. It is owned, operated and published by
Susan Austin ........ Advertising/Publisher Jonathan Austin ........... Editor/Publisher who are the sole participants and members of
Yancey County News LLC 127 W. Main Street Burnsville, NC 28714 828-691-0806 or 691-0807 jonathan@yanceycountynews.com susan@yanceycountynews.com The Yancey County News (USPS publication No. 3528) is published weekly for $25 per year in Yancey County, $35 per year out of county. Published by Yancey County News LLC, Periodicals postage paid at Burnsville, NC. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Yancey County News, 127 W. Main St., Burnsville, NC 28714 Printed in Boone by the Watauga Democrat on recycled paper.
To be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard. vRecipient of the 2012 Ancil Payne Award for Ethics in Journalism and the Tom and Pat Gish Award for courage, integrity and tenacity in rural journalism v
and other politicians argue over the “intent” of the politicians who approved it in the first place. The town council refused to let the town attorney review the new “design guidelines” and then postponed voting until November (after the election) to give the town attorney time to review this latest move to further complicate the life of anyone considering starting a business. The council is now considering the creation of the “Design Review Committee” to
advise the town council, town staff and the planning board in matters of “design guideline” application and enforcement. When this is approved you will have up to 20 people in various capacities discussing how your property should look if you are allowed to even start your business. I asked: why would you want the town attorney to approve this when you would refuse to let the town attorney look at the “design guidelines?” No one could answer that
simple question, but I know that the reason is council does not want to hear what needs to be done to fix this mess. I said all of this in defense of being called a “liar” in the Times Journal last week by Samuel B. Johnson. While I would rather have discussed that face-to-face I have not been able to find him. He is not listed in the phone book, voter registration files, or the property owners listing for Yancey County. Danny McIntosh
State court clerks work to feed world’s hungry
North Carolina’s 100 elected clerks of superior court recently participated in a global effort to refocus their local efforts in serving others. Clerks of court joined forces with Stop Hunger Now, an international hunger relief agency, to volunteer time and money to package 10,000 meals. The event was organized by the N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court (NCCSC) to help emphasize the importance of being mission minded and to lead by serving others. “North Carolina’s clerks of superior court serve families and children in our state every day,” said NCCSC Executive Director Barbara Moore. “This unified effort to help feed families and children around the world helped us refocus on our powerful ability to positively change lives in the communities we serve.” In addition to volunteering time, each clerk of superior
court contributed $25 to help fund the meals. Meals are highly nutritious, dehydrated, and comprised of rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring, and 21 essential vitamins and minerals. The meals will be shipped to hungry people in Stop Hunger Now’s network of 65 countries. “Working together to volunteer for Stop Hunger Now gave us new energy to face the challenges we each have in our own counties,” said Wake County Clerk of Superior Court Lorrin Freeman. “Our effort reminded us that despite recent budget cuts and hard times, we are all fortunate in so many ways.” “Every day I walk into work I’m reminded how blessed I am to have such a great team to work with and how much we can accomplish as we work together,” said Yancey County Clerk of Superior Court Tammy McEntyre. “Volunteering for
Stop Hunger Now we were able to accomplish so much with just a little effort, and in doing so we are reminded of how much we take for granted.” About the N.C. Conference of Clerks of Superior Court The Conference was created in 2006 pursuant to Article 63 of Chapter 7A of the North Carolina General Statutes. The goal of the conference is to improve the administrative operations of the offices of the Clerk of Superior Court while increasing public accessibility to the courts. For more information email barbara.d.moore@nccourts. org. Stop Hunger Now is celebrating its 15th anniversary of its ongoing work to create a movement to end hunger. More than 100 million meals have been packaged and distributed worldwide. Learn more at www.stophungernow.org.
oct. 10, 2013
Life is what happens on the way to the hunt True adventures consist of a main storyline and a bunch of little things that make it memorable. For instance, I will always remember my bison hunt back in 2006. Not only did I take one of the great beasts with a bow but peppered throughout the trip were small tidbits of things that built upon the whole feel of the hunt. Dad and I stopped at every Bass Pro and Cabela’s store on the way to North Dakota. Whoever decided on where to build these two stores did a fantastic job as they were spaced perfectly for rest stops rather than pulling off the side of an interstate to one of the many run by the different states. We also visited the National Buffalo Museum in Jamestown, N.D., walked the grounds of one of General Custer’s battles, and hiked and climbed to the top of an old Indian burial ground. Again, the little things enhanced the experience. David Tomlin drew a moose permit for the second time for a hunt in New Brunswick, Canada. In 2008, David was successful in downing a monster 14-point bull moose with a 51-inch spread and weighing over 1,000 pounds. It was a great hunt and trip, but David wanted to spice things up even more for this second hunt. David decided to bring along his son, Eli, who is eight years old. The first thing that stuck in Eli’s mind was the passage from the United States to Canada and back again. You can imagine a kid’s awe of the processes that are going on while traveling from one country to another. As far as the area where the hunt would take place, New Brunswick specialized in agriculture production. While they harvest many different crops, potatoes do particularly well there. Eli noticed the extensive amounts of labor and machinery used during the harvesting of the potatoes. David also took Eli on a side trip to Hartland, New Brunswick. There, spanning the St. John River is the Hartland Bridge. Constructed between 1898 and 1901, the Hartland Bridge is the world’s longest covered
Bill Howard’s
bridge. Running nearly 1,300 feet across the river the first person to cross the bridge was a Dr. Estey who was responding to an emergency on the other side. Another of the small things was the generator-powered cabin that David and Eli stayed in. David noted that in today’s world there are often deadlines, time tables, and places to go. There, the only thing that dictated time spent were the two to them. During the evening they would sit on the porch and play cards. Father and son. Of course, the highlight and main goal of the trip was the moose hunt. New Brunswick only has a three-day season. Dale Clark, the guide for the trip, is an expert David Tomlin and son Eli after a successful moose hunt in New Brunswick, ‘moose-talker.’ Using Canada.
Singing group plans Poor Man’s Supper The Traditional Voices Group will hold a Poor Man’s Supper on Saturday, October 26, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in the social hall at the First Baptist Church on the town square at North Main Street. The proceeds will benefit TVG’s Video Heritage Project through which we collect stories from our mountain people and prepare them for radio broadcast. The traditional supper will be beans, c o r n b r e a d , s l a w, onions and pickles, and dessert for $10. Take outs will be available beginning
at 4:30. We will also hold a silent auction of special cakes and other donated items. Local musicians will entertain. There will be a lot going on in Burnsville that night. Beginning at 7, Little Roy and Lizzy will perform at the Burnsville Town Center and the “Yancey County Salute to Hee Haw” will take the stage at the Mountain Heritage High School. Make sure you’re prepared with a good supper to sit through all this entertainment. The Traditional Vo i c e s G r o u p , which also produces
a horn made out of birch that resembles an extremely large funnel, one could understand where the term ‘bull horn’ comes from. Dale worked the call and the three of them spotted seven moose the first morning in just an hour-and-a-half of calling. Afterwards, they hiked to a couple of beaver ponds and up a hill where they saw a big-bodied bull. Eli and David crouched down and moved in closer. Estimating the distance at 300 yards, David waited for the moose to turn broadside before squeezing the trigger on the Savage 7mm mag. The shot was true and the bull dropped. The rack was smaller than one they saw in the morning but the body was much bigger. And Eli witnessed and was part of a great adventure of things both small and large. Bill Howard teaches hunter education (IHEA) and bow hunter education (IBEP) in North Carolina. He is a member of North Carolina Bowhunters Association and Pope & Young, and is an official measurer for both. He can be reached at billhoward outdoors@ gmail.com.
RiddleFest every year, has sponsored the Video Heritage Project for the last five years as a way of preserving the people’s history of the Toe River Valley. Follow the link from our website (www. tvgnc.org) to watch a video version of Memory Minutes or call 828-682-9654 for more information and tickets for the Supper. Tickets will also be available at the door. Listen to Memory Minutes Monday through Friday on WKYK at 8:45 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. and on WTOE at 7:40 a.m.
Store to host reading, reception Ask Ric Hunter what being a fighter pilot during wartime was like, and he’ll tell you, “It was hours and hours of boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror.” Reading the air battle scenes in his new book “Firehammer” makes one feel those moments of stark terror and much more. Burnsville book store Off The Beaten Path will host a reception Oct. 18 to celebrate the book’s recent publication, we asked Ric how it all came about. Your Dad was a Yancey County native and a career Air Force pilot. You followed in his footsteps. What motivated you to write this book? During 20 years working with crazy, wacky characters all over the world, I
Ric Hunter is the author of “Firehammer.” naturally have many stories to tell. Since retirement, I’ve supported my hunting and fishing excursions with the true accounts of my combat experiences and photography for military magazines that are hungry for firstperson stories. When I participated in a writers’ workshop, I decided to see if I could “go the distance” and write a book. With my own experiences to draw on, there would be, and was,
little research required. A subject of the book is my best buddy growing up and all through school, who got killed by a Vietnamese sniper. The book is considered historical fiction. What part is fiction? My years of fighter experience are condensed into a year in the book, so the flying scenes, and the romance, could be considered fiction. The dates are historically correct. I tried to write ... a really good America tale of friendship, heroism and romance. The free reception is from 5 to 7:30 p.m.. Ric will read a bit, sign books and answer questions. For information, contact Off The Beaten Path, 19 W. Main St., 828707-5476 or email offthebeatenpath burnsville@gmail.com.
4 oct. 10, 2013
Top potters gather for invitation show in Spruce Pine
The 7th Annual Spruce Pine Potters Market Invitational show features 30 renowned ceramic artists for an annual sale Oct. 12-13 in the historic Cross Street Building. This year’s artists include Ron Slagle, Linda McFarling, Shane Mickey, Tzadi Turrou, John Britt, Becky Gray, and Barking Spider Pottery, among other nationally known artists. Based in Mitchell and Yancey counties, these artists organize the annual invitational event, which boasts two thousand visitors a year. Work includes contemporary functional pottery, figurative sculpture, and tiles. “The history of the ceramics tradition in North Carolina is incredibly rich,” says Andrew Glasgow, retired Executive Director of the American Craft Council. “Nowhere is that tradition more fully realized than in the mountains of Mitchell and Yancey Counties. The celebrated potters in this region have become nationally
The work of Linda McFarling. left, and Ken Sedberry will be part of the 7th Annual Spruce Pine Potters Market Invitational show.
known.” Glasgow currently lives in Asheville and has visited the studios of many SPPM exhibitors. For many collectors, the big draw for this event is not only the quality of the work, but the accessibility of the artists, who gather under one roof for this exciting annual sale. Bobby Kadis, Chair of the North Carolina Arts Council, has likewise expressed enthusiasm. “The Spruce Pine Potters Market is a unique event showcasing the work of the many outstanding and
talented potters in the Penland/ Spruce Pine area,” he says. “As a potter myself, I can attest that this exhibition is one of the finest displays of pottery in North Carolina.” This year’s guest artists are Julie Wiggins of Charlotte and Karen Newgard of Asheville. Both have longstanding ties with many members of SPPM and are eager to exhibit their work alongside their mentors and colleagues. Also new this year is a raffle, featuring
significant work by four different artists. Winners will be announced at the end of the weekend and presence is not required to win. Admission is free, with artists selling their work from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Light breakfast and lunch options will be available. Look for parking assistance upon arrival, including shuttles from the lower parking lot. SPPM is an affiliate organization of the Toe River Arts Council.
Schultz wins top State: End of Grade scores to go down award with her ‘Flashes of War’ From the front Finalists ranged from first-time authors to New York Times-bestselling writers. “The annual awards program is MWSA’s most important and exciting function. We focus on content, style, visuals, and technique,” said MWSA president and New York Times bestselling author Dwight Jon Zimmerman. Schultz lives and writes in a 1970 Airstream trailer bordering the Pisgah National Forest, where she edited and proofed “Flashes of War” for publication. She is the daughter of Bill and Lisa Schultz of Celo. She is also the author of “Lost crossings,” a photo book about the swinging bridges of the Toe River area. Jack Segal, a senior U.S. diplomat, said of the book: “What really amazes me about Katey’s writing is that she has been able to get inside the minds of people in war … she hasn’t been to Iraq or Afghanistan, but she describes exact situations that I have seen in these places. She creates the scenes, the villages, the people, and the situations perfectly. She is also able to very aptly describe the transitions that people face when returning from war. She’s a unique and very, very talented writer.” Schultz is a graduate of the Pacific University Master of Fine Arts Writing Program and recipient of the Linda Flowers Literary Award from the North Carolina Humanities Council. The Geraci family would like to thank everyone who helped when they lost everything in a house fire. We can’t begin to name all the churches, businesses, and people who gave to us. But we can let you all know how much we appreciate all the help that was given. A big thanks to the town of Burnsville. A big thanks also to Bee Log Elementary and to Cane River Middle School. We would have been lost if it hadn’t been
From the front Nov. 7, at the State Board of Education’s monthly meeting. “The test results from last year will give us a baseline measurement for our students as we move forward,” said State Superintendent June Atkinson. “We fully expect proficiency levels to steadily increase as teachers and students acclimate to the new content standards and expectations. Other states, most notably Kentucky and New York, have had the same experience in raising standards and have seen a bounce back in subsequent years.” State Board of Education Chairman Bill Cobey noted that it is important for North Carolinians to have assessments that give everyone a clear picture of how well students are prepared for today’s jobs and careers. “It is important for us to stand behind our students and teachers,” he said. “We know that, with our support, they will rise to meet these new expectations.” “North Carolina students didn’t lose ground in their learning last year, but they are being measured against a higher standard with more rigorous expectations for applying knowledge and skills to real-world problems,” said Atkinson. “In order for our students to be competitive upon graduation, we have an obligation to expect more from them.” The process of establishing cut scores on each end-of-grade test came after weeks of analysis and work with classroom teachers to identify standard levels. The goal is to sharpen the focus on what students need to be successful after high school graduation. In the past, North Carolina’s achievement levels were more focused on what students needed to be for all the wonderful, giving, people in our little community. Our family thanks God above all else. We are still together working to overcome our loss. Again, we can’t thank our loving community enough for everything. Thank you, Matt, Velena, Aaron, Maya, Summer, Hannah and Ayla
successful at the next grade level. Tipton said he felt the new tests are fair, “but a lot of people are concerned.” He said the most critical thing to do is for educators to prepare students and parents for the coming scores.
Fine, Folk & Funky Art created by over 100 of Western North Carolina’s finest artists and craftspeople. Micaville Loop and Highway 80 South Located in the Old Micaville Country Store with The Ice Cream Deck and Dragon’s Tone Music & Lutherie by David
One Of A Kind Art Gallery www.ooakartgallery.com
Mon-Sat 10-5:30 Sun 12-4 828-675-0690
BURNSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN A Municipal Election will be held on November 5, 2013 in the Town of Burnsville, North Carolina to vote on (1) Mayor for a four year term, (2) Two Town Council Seats for a four year term each. Polls will be open from 6:30 AM until 7:30 PM. The polling place will be located at: Burnsville Town Center 6 South Main Street Area “C” Burnsville, NC 28714 Absentee ballots are not allowed. All residents of the Town of Burnsville who are registered to vote with the Yancey County Board of Elections may vote in this election. Voters who are previously registered need not re-register for this election. Those residents of the town who are not registered to vote must register on or before 5:00 PM, October 11, 2013, in order to be eligible to vote in this election. Any voter who has moved outside his or her precinct but within the county since the last election should notify the Yancey County Board of Elections in writing by 5:00 PM, October 11, 2013. For additional information contact the Yancey County Board of Elections at 828-682-3950 or by email at yancey.boe@gmail.com. By the order of Yancey County Board of Elections, Marvin Holland, Chairman Published Sept. 20, 27, October 3 and 10, 2013
oct. 10, 2013
Obituaries Howard Forbes
Howard Forbes, 73, of the Estatoe Community, died Monday, October 7, 2013 at his home. He was a son of the late Stan and Ethel Buchanan Forbes and husband of the late Dixie Riddle Forbes. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be announced by Yancey Funeral Services.
Coy David Moore
Coy David Moore, 87, of Burnsville, passed away on Sunday, October 6, 2013, at Blue Ridge Regional Hospital. A native of Yancey County, he was a son of the late Rev. Sam and Mollie Ann Bryant Moore. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Lillian R. Moore, who passed away in 2012, and a sister, Pansy Huskins. Coy was a strong willed, fun loving man who loved bluegrass music and had a passion for dancing. Surviving are his sisters: Mildred Young of Bakersville, Lillian Landreth of Pisgah Forest and Maxine Hensley of Green Mountain, and a brother, Boyd Moore and wife, Janie, of Marshall. Several nieces, nephews, cousins and his beloved parrott, Tweety, also survive. Funeral service will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, in the Chapel of Yancey Funeral Services. Burial will follow in the Proffit Cemetery. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the funeral service at the funeral home.
Hettie Dunn Tipton
Hettie Dunn Tipton, 90, of Unicoi, passed away Thursday, October 3, 2013, in the Center of Aging and Health in Erwin, A native of Mitchell County, she was the daughter of the late Fate Butler and the late Mary Moffitt Butler Hightower. She was a member of the Limestone Cove Methodist Church. Hettie loved going to yard sales and preparing food for her neighbors. Mrs. Tipton was preceded in death by her husbands: Austin Dunn and Sherwood Tipton; sisters Polly Thomas, Sally Roberts and Sue Smalling; brother Cameron Butler. She is survived by her brother in law, Jack Smalling of Limestone Cove and several nieces and nephews. Funeral was Sunday in the chapel of Valley Funeral Home in Erwin. Pastors Estel Williams and Dallas Gregg officiated. Burial will be 11:00 am Monday in the Roselawn Memory Gardens.
Russell Douglas Staton
Russell Douglas Staton, 60 of Biggerstaff Road died Saturday, October 5, 2013, at his home surrounded by his family. Doug was a son of the late Russell and Jean Howell Staton. He is survived by his wife Gail
Pittman Staton; a son, Derrick Staton, Dimple Dillinger and wife Merina of Spruce Pine; two Dimple Dillinger, 73, of Lower Browns daughters, Dayna Shipman, and husband Creek, died Sunday, September 29, 2013, Eric of Marion, and Renae Pittman and at Carolinas Medical Center in Concord. husband Rodney of Spruce Pine; three A native brothers, Darrell Staton and wife Linda o f Ya n c e y of Fayetteville, Donnie Staton and wife County, Pam of Spruce Pine, and Danny Staton she was a and wife Sandra, of Spruce Pine, and daughter five grandchildren: Dylan Ledford, Daisy of the late Shipman, Cole Shipman, Faith Ledford, Willard and and Alli Grace Pittman. Alice Wilson He worked for Parkway Auto Parts for Woody, and 25 years. Doug attended Bethel Missionary the wife Baptist Church in Spruce Pine. of James A graveside service was Tuesday at Dillinger, Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Cemetery. who died in Memorials may be made to Hospice of 1977. She Mitchell County 236 Hospital Drive was also Spruce Pine, NC 28777. preceded in death by a sister, Ethel Carroll; and a brother, Jack Woody. Dimple was an Eric Whitson Smith active member of Liberty Chapel Free Will Eric Whitson Smith died October 1, Baptist Church. 2013. Born February 9, 1965, in Johnson Surviving are a son, Tim Dillinger and City, he married Laura Lee Kutter Smith wife, Amber, and granddaughter Madison on May 7, 1998. Dillinger all of Kannapolis; and a sister, Eric worked in many different fields Hazel Fox of Burnsville. Many nieces and in his life such as electrician, nursery nephews also survive. and landscaping, Christmas trees and Funeral was in the Chapel of Holcombe wreaths, and owner/operator of Affordable Brothers Funeral Home. A graveside Guttering with his wife and children. service was in the Robinson Cemetery on Survivors include his wife Laura, three Halls Chapel Road. children; Joshua Eric Smith, Rachel lee Memorials may be made to Hospice Smith, and Jordan Whitson Smith; his of Cabarrus County, 5003 Hospice Lane, mother Shirley Sue (Whitson) Smith Kannapolis, NC 28081. Grundstrom and husband, Paul Grundstrom, of Green Mountain; sister Elizabeth Hope Jennie Penland (Smith) Daniels and Dale Daniels, of Jennie Penland, 89, of Horton Creek Buladean; the Kutter Family of Vincennes, died Monday, September 30, 2013, at Ind.; Mr. David Lee Kutter, Mrs Marcia Blue Ridge Regional Hospital in Spruce Sue (Bold) Kutter, Mrs Catherine Jean Pine. A native Lucille (Kutter) Bush and husband Scott o f Ya n c e y of Edison, N.J., William David Kutter, County, Matthew Ryan Kutter and wife Megan she was a Elizabeth (Helderman) Kutter, four nieces; daughter of Christa Elizabeth Daniels of Buladean, the late Cheet Elizabeth Jane Kutter, Bailey Lynn Kutter, a n d Te x i e and Alexandra Bush of Edison, N.J., two Robinson nephews; Hunter Ryan Kutter, William Holcombe Hank Kutter, and one great nephew; and the wife Trenten Wade Brown of Buladean. of Brooks Eric was preceded in death by one Penland who child with Laura Smith and grandparents; passed away Franklin and Alma Elizabeth (Harrell) in 2007. She Whitson of Buladean. was also A memorial service to celebrate his preceded in death by brothers: Lester, life will be on October 12, at The Bridge Liston and Charles Holcombe. Church of WNC, located at 207 Pinebridge Surviving are a son, Donald Penland Ave., Spruce Pine, at 3 p.m. officiated by and wife, Brenda; and a grandson, Darren the Rev. Scotty Jenkins. There will be a Penland and wife, Rica, all of Burnsville; dinner and fellowship for all immediately and four sisters: Eloise Austin of Burnsville, following memorial services. Grace Deweese of Kannapolis, Mildred Memorials may be made to; Mitchell Haas and Georgia Sherlin and husband, County DARE Program c/o Jesse English, Jim, of Arden. 63 Crimson Laurel Way Bakersville, NC Funeral was in the Chapel of Holcombe 28705. Brothers Funeral Home.
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6 OCT. 10, 2013
Cougars play tough but Polk shows strength M o u n t a i n Heritage’s varsity football team opened up strong last Friday in Columbus, scoring on a Trevor Robinson pass to Avery Austin then again on a 49-yard Dalton Cannon run. Good points-after by
Tristen McCarty gave the Cougars a 14-0 lead over conference foe Polk County High. Polk County countered with two touchdowns but missed the extra points to give the Cougars a 14-12 lead at the end
of the first quarter. The rest of the half was all Polk as they scored on a short run and on a fumble return. Polk County scored four times in the third quarter. In the fourth Heritage’s Dalton
Robinson scored on a five-yard run and Daulton Buchanan scored on a two-yard run. Both touchdowns were topped with successful two-point conversions on passes by Trevor Robinson, one to Buchanan
and one to Dalton Robinson. But the Polk County team went on a frenzy in the fourth quarter, scoring on a 45-yard run, a kickoff return, an interception return, a 16-yard scamper and a 75-yard run.
Polk County won 80-36. The Cougars play at home this F r i d a y, h o s t i n g conference opponent Charles D. Owen from Swannanoa.
Homemade bread, desserts and specials every day!
Breakfast 7-11 a.m. Mon.-Sat. Lunch 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. M-Fri. (11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat.)
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Wednesday, Thursday, Fri. & Sat. 5-9 p.m.
Wednesday 7-9 p.m. Pete McWhirter & Friends!
Thursday 7-9 p.m. Open mic for Piano Players! Coming soon! Trivia Thursday - stay tuned for information! Typical Mountain Boys, Bluegrass at it’s best! Friday 12-2 pm
Open Mic Night - Fri 7-9 This Saturday 7-9 pm
114 East Main St.
678-9362 For Reservations
Photos by Brett Hopson
A Touch of “Cass” is relocating to 117 West Main Street in Burnsville and is reducing inventory!
Buy Yancey County News at Mitchell-Yancey Habitat for Humanity Restore 563 Oak Ave., Spruce Pine and Habitat keeps half of the money! Open Tues – Fri, 9-5; Sat 9-2
Store-wide sale, everything 20% to 50% off!!
Sale begins October 9th 2013!
OCT. 10, 2013
Fifth graders learn about living with a river From the front lives in the river,” said Starli McDowell, one of the event organizers, president of Toe River Valley Watch and Mitchell County native. Over the course of the Toes in the Toe event, Yancey County elementary schools came to Patience Park on the South Toe River, and Mitchell County schools to Riverside Park on the North Toe River. They played and learned about their local watershed by rotating through Learning Stations that included a nature walk, art, solar energy, outdoor games, watershed health, fish education and a water bug safari All the stations were geared to used games and interactive, hands-on activities to teach the children about the environment of a river’s watershed and were designed to support the classroom curriculum being taught in their schools. (Watch for the Watershed Tapestries created by the fifth graders and Penland School of Crafts during the Nature
Art Learning Station; they ‘ll be on display at both Burnsville and Spruce Pine Ingles stores after Oct. 14.) The educational event, now in its fifth year, is sponsored by local watershed environmental group Toe River Valley Watch.
Support was provided by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, RiverLink, Penland School of Crafts, the North Toe Partnership and N.C. DENR Division of Water Quality. Generous donations of time, money and food from TRVW members and board members,
The East Yancey Middle School Panthers defeated Cane river last week 36-8 to end the regular season undefeated.
Children’s art classes scheduled
Printmaking art classes for children with Anna Vislocky Early and Cassie Floan will be held at TRAC. The classes run four weeks on Thursdays from 3:30-5 p.m. at TRAC in Burnsville. Classes will be October 17 & 24 & November 7 & 14. The classes are appropriate for children ages 6-12. Cost is $60 per child. To register call Cassie at (828) 678-3352.
An affiliate organization of the Toe River Arts Council
community folks, The Pizza Place and Aardvark Farms were greatly appreciated. “We’ve really worked hard to make this a community endeavor and it’s beginning to pay off as we get support from state and local organizations, artists and businesses,” said Jade Pierce, TRVW board member and another of the event organizers. The streams of the Toe River Valley are home to the endangered Appalachian Elktoe mussel and the unique Southern Appalachian Brook Trout (or Brookies as they’re called locally). Local interest in these streams’ well-being has increased in recent years as they become recognized as an economic resource supporting paddling and fishing industries. Since 1996, Toe River Valley Watch and its members have worked hard to improve and protect our local watershed to the benefit of wildlife, boaters, fishers, swimmers. Please visit www.toerivervalleywatch.org to learn more about their work and to get involved.
oct. 10, 2013
Is your child the argumentative one, or is it you? Q: My 5-year-old daughter has developed a bad habit of arguing with me whenever I refuse her something, anything. Believe me when I tell you she is relentless. She will continue to argue until I put her in her room, but as soon as I let her out, she starts up again. I shared this with a therapist friend who told me that my daughter is trying to manipulate me, to control the relationship. She said to just continue putting her in her room whenever it happens and it will eventually stop. Do you agree? A: Since you are not in a formal relationship with this therapist - since she’s a friend - I can answer your question: No, I most definitely do not agree. At age 5, your daughter’s brain has not developed the ability to consciously, with malice aforethought, manipulate someone. That very sociopathic ability does not develop, on average, until age 12 or so. Your daughter is arguing with you for the same three reasons all children argue with their parents: First, you explain yourself; second, you try to get her to agree with your explanation; third, she throws down the proverbial gauntlet and you pick it up. I’ll take each of these in turn. Explanations invite pushback, and pushback
is argument. When your daughter asks for something, it’s one thing to simply say “No.” It’s quite another to go on and on about why you are saying “No.” You tell your daughter, for example, that you’re not going to buy her a new Princess Fantastic doll because she has enough of them already and they cost too much anyway. Your daughter responds with a rebuttal, as in, “But Mom, I only have five and besides, this is the one everyone’s been waiting for and all my friends are getting it and besides, it doesn’t cost nearly as much as that new washing machine you and Dad bought last week.” You then tell your daughter that the fact that everyone is getting the new doll isn’t reason enough to pay that much money for it and, yes, five is enough, and where the new washing
machine is concerned, that was something the family needed, not something you simply wanted. And your daughter comes back with... and the game is on. Your objective in this game of back-andforth is to get your daughter to say what no child has ever said: “Wow, Mom! When you explain yourself like that I can’t help but agree with you! Of course I don’t need another Princess Fantastic doll, and of course need and want are two entirely different things, and of course I have enough dolls as it is. Thank you, Mom, for taking the time to help me understand all of this. You’re a really super Mom!” Now, that’s pretty silly of you, isn’t it? Lastly, you said your daughter has a bad habit of arguing with you. I disagree. It’s you who has the bad habit of picking up the gauntlet whenever she throws it down. The way to not pick up the gauntlet is to (1) say “No” and nothing more; (2) when your daughter demands to know why or why not, say, “Because I said so.” And then (3) turn around and walk away, leaving your daughter to stew in her own juices. Our great-grandmothers were on to something, you know. Family psychologist John Rosemond answers parents’ questions on his web site at www.rosemond.com.
‘Child Fund’ offers help for children who need assistance Special to the Yancey County News Every child is unique, and develops at his or her own pace. But some children require assistance to make the most of their particular skills and challenges. Early intervention is often the key to success in school, and in life, for many children. Some children may require assistance in skills that adults take for granted such as: gross motor skills (using hands and legs effectively), speech skills, cognitive skills (reasoning/understanding), developmental skills, learning from others and retaining information. Senses such as hearing and vision may also need to be assessed for problems. Many agencies exist in Yancey County whose purpose is to locate and serve children birth to 21 years old that may need special services such as speech, physical, and occupational therapy. Early intervention help for children who may have developmental delays is also available. Making sure that all parents in Yancey County are aware of these services and where to access them is the purpose of the yearly drive to locate children in need of these services, called “Child Find”. The local efforts to identify children and youth are a part of a concentrated statewide effort to find children who need special help which they are not currently receiving. Project Child Find is also an endeavor to inform parents and/or guardians of these children of the services available from their local school system and other state and community agencies. The Yancey County Interagency Council held a Child Find meeting on Sept. 5, at the Yancey County Health Department. The agencies that attended were: Children’s Developmental Service Agency, Yancey County Schools, Mitchell County Schools, Yancey & Mitchell Head Start, Family Support Network, Yancey-Mitchell Partnership for Children, The Yancey
County Health Department, AMY Regional Library, and Western Highlands Network. Below is a guide parents may use to see how their children grow and change. Do not become alarmed if your child can not do all the things listed. This is a general guide and all children grow and learn in their own way. 6 Months: Rolls from stomach to back, reaches for toy, transfers toy from one hand to another, looks for noise made near him, makes sounds for specific reasons (hunger, wet, etc.), helps hold bottle while drinking, plays with toes, pats mirror image, put everything in mouth, follows toys when held in front of his eyes and moved. One Year: Sits without support, pulls to stand, crawls on all fours, understands the meaning of “no” and “bye-bye”, repeats sounds made by others, feeds self cookies or crackers (may not be neat), waves byebye, shy with people he doesn’t know, turns pages of a magazine or book (more than one at a time) Two Years: Walks well, carries toys while walking, speaks several words which are understandable and meaningful, refers to self by name, recognizes self in mirror, feed self with spoon (may spill some), drinks from a cup, occupies self in play, plays with an adult (rolls balls to adults), shows body parts (eyes, nose, foot) when asked. Three Years: Goes up steps, two feet on a step, walks on tiptoes, runs easily, unwraps candy, names objects such as toys and food, speaks in three word sentences (“Me go home”), pulls of sock as part of undressing is toilet trained, shows interest in TV and radio, helps adults by putting away toys and clothes (when told), turns pages one at a time, recites nursery rhymes (Mary had a little lamb, etc.) Four Years: Walks up steps, one foot for each step, picks up small objects with ease, unbuttons buttons, tells stories, speaks in complete sentences, dresses self, feeds self well, washes hands and face, gets along with other children, imitates adults doing simple
tasks, builds a tower of ten blocks, copies a circle, matches some objects and colors. Five Years: Hops and skips on one foot, marches in time, catches a ball with his hands, speaks clearly and can be understood by others not in the family, brushes his teeth, cares for all toilet needs, follows two directions, recognizes shapes, copies a square, circle, triangle, and a cross, recognizes coins, counts to four. If you have or know of a child that may need services, please contact Exceptional Children’s Director, Pete Peterson, at the Yancey County Board of Education at 682-6101 ext 315or Preschool Coordinator, Jayme Maier, at 682-4772.
South Toe Elementary raffle sales under way
The South Toe Elementary Fall Festival and Raffle is Friday, Oct. 18, at 5 p.m. Raffle tickets are on sale now. Festivities include games, activities, and prizes for the kids. There is a $5 entry charge per child from 5-7 p.m. Pizza, drinks, and snacks will also be available for purchase. There will be a silent auction during this time and then an exciting live auction at 7 p.m. So many businesses, artists, and craftspersons have donate amazing items to the auctions. The winner of the annual Fall Festival raffle will be announced that night. You do not have to be present to win but you do have to buy a ticket. Each ticket is only $1 and each includes a possible winning choice of: - A hand-crafted wooden bench or 4 Tickets to Tweetsie Railroad, or - 2 Tickets to Dollywood along with 2 tickets to The Titanic exhibit, or - A special quilt made by artist Dorothy Pondy. Raffle tickets may be purchased now at the South Toe Elementary School office, from South Toe parents and students, at Yancey County News office (127 W. Main St.) at Jill’s Hair Port, at The Grapevine and at the Yancey Times Journal office.
OCT. 10, 2013
SOUTH TOE LAND FOR SALE 5.5 acres off Colberts Creek Road. Creek frontage, borders N a t i o n a l F o r e s t , p r i v a c y, mixture of lush rhododendron, pines and hardwoods, level to moderate grade, south/southeast exposure, garden spot, view of Black Mountains, beautiful rock formation, active springs with spring boxes and pipe, and close proximity to South Toe River and Carolina Hemlock Recreation Area. At least 3-4 potential house sites. Transferable septic permit
already obtained. Electric close by. We are selling in order to buy a larger parcel (10-15 acres) and will consider land swap option. Asking price: $84,900. We would love to answer any questions you have or meet with you to show you this beautiful property. Contact Lisa at 828-208-1221.
House For Rent: 16 minutes south of Burnsville off Hwy. 197. Catttail Creek Rd. $675/month plus utilities, deposit, pet deposit. Approx.
STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS COUNTY OF YANCEY THE UNDERSIGNED, having qualified on the 17th day of July, 2013, as Co-Administrators of THE ESTATE OF JOANNE H. BLACKBURN, Deceased, of Yancey County, North Carolina, do hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of December, 2013, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This, the 1st day of October, 2013. BLAIR G. JOHNSON and KYLE S. JOHNSON, Co-ADMINISTRATORS OF THE ESTATE OF JOANNE H. BLACKBURN c/o Stephen C. Rhudy, Attorney Walker Lambe Rhudy Costley & Gill, PLLC Post Office Box 51549 Durham, North Carolina 27717-1549 Published October 3,10,17, 24, 2013
Visit these establishments for the
Yancey County News Guy’s General Store • Poplar Grove • Appalachian Java • B&B Convenience Store in Hamrick • Mountain Energy • Felicity’s Closet • Samir’s Convenience Store • Cruz Thru • Whitson’s General Store • Efflers Store • Westall Grocery • Riverside Grocery • Habitat Store in Spruce Pine Pine •
Towing Service with Rollback Truck!
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900 square ft. 3 bdrm., 1 bath, laundry room, small yard, kitchen/dining/living room is one room. Small stove. Beautiful area. email: ronm2u@hotmail.com 828 551 9775 House For Rent in town, 3 BDRM, 2 Bath, 2 story house, large BM, Fireplace, Central Cooling/Heating Pump, Garage, Decks, Balconies/ Patio, Fully Fenced, Appliances with Washer/Dryer. $900/Month. No pets preferred. Call (828) 682-7499 .
Roof Leak? Call Brad at Tip Top Roofing, 25 years+ experience. Residential, commercial roof repair and maintenance, roof coatings, gutter repair, roof inspection. References. 682-3451 Sewing alterations. Call 208-3999. ADULTWeek DAY CARE of 10/7/13 - 10/13/13 H e r i t a g e A d u l t D a y Yummi Yarns! Learn to Retreat located just west of knit or crochet for FREE! Burnsville offers low cost Walk in at your convenience affordable quality day care daily at our new location 17 for your loved one giving you West Main Street Burnsville. the opportunity to take care Call for more information. of yourself and things you 828-678-9890 need to do without worry. Low Interest Loans to Qualified/caring staff. Grants Qualified Home Owners available. For information for Any home improvement projects. 828-273-0970 please call 828-682-1556 Will clean your home or Free Manure – Will load. Clear Creek Ranch. Please business. Call 208-3688. call 675-4510
Ya n c e y C o u n t y Schools is using ARRA funds and seeking bids for the following: Six Dell PowerEdge T420 Servers (Bundle package.) project# 262ARRA_995_02; 110 Samsung Chromebooks project # 262-ARRA995_01. For more information visit https://www.ips.state. nc.us/IPS/Default.aspx or www.yanceync.net
The Weekly Crossword ACROSS 1 Mixed-nuts nut 7 Help in a heist 11 Before, in verse 14 Where charity begins 15 Wild swine 16 One with a habit 17 Disco light 18 Like some chocolates 20 Hotel offering 21 How butterflies move, often 22 Anastrophe 24 Marvin and Majors 27 Clairvoyant 28 Beau for Barbie 29 Brother's place 31 Bone-dry 32 Carb-binding protein 33 Teaching staff 37 Milli Vanilli ruse 38 Well-recognized 39 Copious amount 40 Sword holder 41 Daily grind 42 Shell game, for one 46 Marjoram or mint 47 Brazilian music 49 One way to watch or hold 52 Amazon, e.g. 53 Type of rug 55 Show remorse 56 Pigeon sound 57 Preserve, as ham 58 Einstein's "E" 59 Royal flush card 60 Swirling current 61 Cashless deal
Boxwoods for Sale. $10 each. 828.208.0406. MOVING: Miscellaneous FurnitureforSale.Ongoing.Please call 828-688-4161 .
by Margie E. Burke 5
16 19
24 29
31 34
36 39
46 49
52 55
Copyright 2013 by The Puzzle Syndicate
5 Fire leftover 39 Streetcar of 47 Billy goat 6 Like Willie Winkie yore feature 7 Mother-of-pearl 42 SWAT team 48 Sports venue source member 50 Storybook start 8 Deck hand's 43 Clandestine 51 Macho guy boss 44 Repay, in a way 53 Mo. for opals 9 Big Apple river 45 Joan of Arc, 54 Caviar source 10 Fox follower notably 55 Yank's foe 11 Petition 12 Parisian street 13 Cut short 19 Excavation finds Answer to Last Week's Crossword 21 Raging hot C O P E A T L A S S O B S 23 Artist's P E A C E C L A P A P E X rendering L A S T E N N U I H A L E 25 Julia's S K I N D I V E D F L O R A Brockovich A B L E T E A L 26 Harmony, briefly B R A C A D D Y C L A R A 29 Spark S E I D E L L A R K S P U R producers S P A T E N E V A E V E N 30 Workout units W R I G G L E R 31 Buttonhole, e.g. S E N I L E S N A F U B L A Z E E L M DOWN 33 "Barney Miller" E L S E V E A L 1 Black currant spin-off A P P E L L A T E R A B B I 34 Need liniment liqueur L I E D A C O R N B O R N 2 Make aware 35 Force T O R S O E D I T S N A G 3 Impose penance 36 Not up to it E N T E R L E G O O G L E 4 Noisy owl 37 Wretched
10 Oct. 10, 2013
Mayland College classes scheduled at Yancey campus Shitake Mushroom Start-up Workshop (2 hours) New! This class will help you identify where to get your tree/logs and get them cut and ready to inoculate your logs in the Spring. Pick out your “log yard” and be ready to take the follow-up course in the Spring to learn how to inoculate the logs. Class will be held on a working farm (The Mushroom Hut @ Fox Farms). Class begins on October 9 at 1 PM. A second class session begins on October 12 at 1 PM. Holiday Floral Designs (12 hours) New! Learn to create beautiful floral arrangements, wreaths, and décor for personal use or for resale. In this class you will have the opportunity to make several different décor pieces. No prior experience necessary. You will be given a suggested materials list the first night of class. No class 11/11. Class begins on October 14 at 6 PM at Mayland’s Yancey Learning Center.
know if you would be good at it? Here is your chance to find out. Actor Rob Storrs will guide you through the process using a score to break scripts into workable rehearsal pieces, connecting the pieces into dramatic performance scenes, vocal techniques, and teach you what to expect at an audition and how to prepare. At the end of the course you will have your chance to shine in a public performance. (No class on 11/11). Class begins on October 14 at 6 PM at Mayland’s Yancey Learning Center.
Therapeutic Massage (660 Hours) This program provides Therapeutic Massage I and II, and provides participants with the basic information and skills needed to qualify to take the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Exam (MBLEx) offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards (FSMTB). Graduates who pass this exam may apply for licensure to practice in North Carolina. Students will be prepared to work in Act Like a Pro (24 direct care settings to hours) provide manipulation, Have you thought methodical pressure, about acting, but don’t friction and kneading
of the body’s soft tissues to support wellness throughout the lifespan. Graduates who become licensed should qualify for employment opportunities in hospitals and other medical settings, rehabilitation centers, sport or health clubs, retirement communities, day spas, resorts, and private practice. Admission to the program is available on a first come, first served basis and requires that the applicant be at least 18 years of age by the first day of class and a high school graduate or equivalent (GED®). Students will also be required to demonstrate reading proficiency either by college transcripts, a computerized placement test, or the TABE reading test. Students in this class may be eligible for Project Skill-Up scholarship funds. Class begins on October 14 at 6 PM at Mayland’s Yancey Learning Center. Mac 201 (6 hours) New! Dive deeper into programs that come on Mac computers! This class will focus on the tools used in GarageBand,
iMovie, and iPhoto. Additional Apple related software will be discussed. Bring your Mac laptops and your creativity to this interactive class. Class begins on October 15 at 6 PM at Mayland’s Yancey Learning Center.
class. Class begins on October 22 at 1 PM at Mayland’s Yancey Learning Center. For more information visit www.mayland. edu and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-6827315.
Excel (24 hours) Learn the basic elements of Microsoft Excel in this hands-on environment. Create graphs and charts, use simple formulas to perform calculations, and more. Class begins on October 21 at 1 PM at Mayland’s Yancey Learning Center. For more information visit www.mayland. edu and click on the Continuing Education link or call 828-6827315. Computer Basics II (24 hours) Expand on basic PC knowledge. Review text editing and formatting techniques. Gain more in-depth information on library, file and folder structure, Gmail, software installation, customizing the look of the computer as well as protecting the computer from viruses, malware, etc. There are a lot of handouts so students are advised to bring a 3-ring binder to
Defensive Driving (4 hours) Eliminate points for tickets! Complete this 4-hour defensive driving course to reduce the effects of minor traffic violations.
Question: When A Contribution Is Made To Yancey Humane Society, Does It Go To Feed The Animals or To Feed Someone’s Ego An anonymous paid advertisement
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South Toe Elementary wins arts grant
Week ofVeneers 10/7/13 - 10/13/13 • Crown & Bridge • Nitrous Oxide
South Toe Elementary has been awarded $5,000 from the N.C. Arts Council to develop and implement a writing and literacy workshop with acclaimed author Susie Wilde. A writer, teacher, consultant and presenter, Wilde loves to share her passion for and knowledge of children’s books and writing with children, families, teachers and individual adults, including those who want to write children’s books. Children’s books are at the core of Wilde’s work, linking reading and writing. She has published a children’s book, a writing book for teachers, and
hundreds of articles and columns about books and audios. Aligning with the common core, grant will provide an artist in residency opportunity. Using strategies and practice in both analytical and creative higher order thinking, students will output from the workshop with a better understanding of collaborative and creative writing. During the workshop, fifth grade students will learn analytical and creative narrative writing strategies that align with Common Core. These include: evaluating narrative books, pre-writing to develop a character, planning a sequential
plot, determining supporting details, and evaluating and improving writing drafts. A d d i t i o n a l l y, Wilde’s residency will offer a workshop to parents of schoolaged children to provide methods on how activities at home can integrate with the teaching at school in an exciting and playful way. The N.C. Arts Council awards grant money each year to provide diverse arts experiences for citizens in all 100 counties of North Carolina. In fiscal year 2012–13, the Arts Council is expected to distribute $6.4 million in state and federal grant funds to arts
organizations, schools and other nonprofit organizations that sponsor arts programs.
831 Main St., Mars Hill
Open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Accepting most dental insurance!
Edited by Margie E. Burke
Difficulty : Easy
Answer to Last Week's Sudoku
Copyright 2013 by The Puzzle Syndicate
oct. 10, 2013
What’s to eat at the elementary schools? Friday, Oct 11
Monday, Oct 14
Tues, Oct 15
Wed, Oct 16
Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal/Toast Juice/Peaches Milk
Breakfast Chix Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk
Breakfast Sausage Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Pears Milk
Breakfast Ham Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast Juice/Peaches Milk
Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Sunbutter S’wich Glazed Carrots Green Beans Baked Apples Peaches Milk
Lunch Hamburger Steak Roll/Chix Taco Salad Tossed Salad/Refried Beans/Baked Apples Fruit Cocktail Milk
Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Cornbread Sunbutter S’wich Baked Beans/Slaw Pears/Cherry Crisp Milk
Lunch Pizza Stixw/marinara Ham&Cheese S’wich/Corn Sunbutter S’wich Sweet Potato Puffs Peaches/Cranberry Crunch/Milk
Thurs, Oct 17
Friday, Oct 18
Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal/Toast Mandarin Oranges Juice/Milk
Pancake&Sausage Stix
WG Cereal WG Toast Applesauce Juice/Milk
Lunch Beef Taco Chix Salad Wrap Sunbutter S’wich Broccoli/Great Northern Beans Pineapple Bits Applesauce/Milk
Lunch Chicken Pie BBQ S’wich Sunbutter S’wich Baked Potatoes Glazed Carrots Mandarin Oranges Fresh Fruit Milk
Food for thought for middle school Friday, Oct 11
Monday, Oct 14
Tuesday, Oct 15
Wed, Oct 16
Thurs, Oct 17
Friday, Oct 18
Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal/Toast Juice/Peaches Milk
Breakfast Chix Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk
Breakfast Sausage Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Pears Milk
Breakfast Ham Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast Juice/Peaches Milk
Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal/Toast Mandarin Oranges Juice/Milk
Lunch Hamburger Steak Roll/Chix Taco Salad Tossed Salad/Refried Beans/Baked Apples Fruit Cocktail Milk
Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Cornbread Baked Beans/Slaw Pears/Cherry Crisp Milk
Lunch Pizza Stixw/marinara Ham&Cheese S’wich/Corn Sweet Potato Puffs Peaches/Cranberry Crunch/Milk
Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Glazed Carrots Green Beans Baked Apples Peaches Milk
Pancake&Sausage Stix
WG Cereal WG Toast Applesauce Juice/Milk
Lunch Beef Taco Chix Salad Wrap Broccoli/Great Northern Beans Pineapple Bits Applesauce/Milk
Lunch Chicken Pie BBQ S’wich Baked Potatoes Glazed Carrots Mandarin Oranges Fresh Fruit Milk
Chowing down at Mountain Heritage Friday, Oct 11
Monday, Oct 14
Tuesday, Oct 15
Wed, Oct 16
Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal/Toast Juice/Peaches Milk
Breakfast Chix Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Fruit Cocktail Milk
Breakfast Sausage Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast/Juice Pears Milk
Breakfast Ham Biscuit WG Cereal WG Toast Juice/Peaches Milk
Lunch Turkey Pie Meatball Sub Mega Pizza Glazed Carrots Green Beans Baked Apples Peaches Milk
Lunch Hamburger Steak Roll/Chix Taco Salad Chix Tenders Tossed Salad/Refried Beans/Baked Apples Fruit Cocktail Milk
Lunch Hot Dog/Baked Ham/Mac&Cheese Chix Quesadilla Cornbread Baked Beans/Slaw Pears/Cherry Crisp Milk
Lunch Pizza Stix w/ marinara Ham&Cheese S’wich/Corn Sweet Potato Puffs Peaches/Cranberry Crunch/Milk
Bee log elementary fall festival Bee Log Elementary School is once again having its annual Fall Festival. The Fall Festival will be Friday, Oct. 18 at the school beginning at 4 p.m. Food will be served until 7 p.m. The meal includes hamburger or hot dog, baked beans, chips, drink, and dessert. Cost is $6 for adults; $4 for children - or feed a family of four for $20. “We will also have many activities to enjoy such as face painting, sack races, cornhole, and entertainment from the bee log faculty and staff as well as the children.” The entertainment will feature music from “through the decades.” All monies go toward the improvement of the Bee Log playground. Students, teachers and administrators hope residents will come out and support the school and enjoy a fun-filled evening with food, fellowship, and entertainment. “We look forward to seeing you there and we thank you in advance for your support.”
Thurs, Oct 17
Friday, Oct 18
Breakfast Breakfast Pizza WG Cereal/Toast Mandarin Oranges Juice/Milk
Pancake&Sausage Stix
WG Cereal WG Toast Applesauce Juice/Milk
Lunch Beef Taco Chix Salad Wrap Chix Fillet S’wich Broccoli/Great Northern Beans Pineapple Bits Applesauce/Milk
Lunch Chicken Pie BBQ S’wich Ch. Garlic Flatbread Baked Potatoes Glazed Carrots Mandarin Oranges Fresh Fruit Milk
Teachers, do you want another way to show how great your students shine? Then send the news of their success to this newspaper, your local newspaper! Send news and photographs to Jonathan@yanceycountynews.com
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