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Asparagus - the wonder vegetable!
My gosh! What a big striped bass!
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www.yanceycountynews.com vTo be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.v April 12, 2012 W Vol. 2, No. 15 v Recipient of the 2011 E.W. Scripps Award for Distinguished Service to the First Amendment v
Burnsville TRAC gallery derailed Arts Council announces need to close Main Street location By Jonathan Austin Yancey County News
Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News Anglers are always happy to show off their catch on the first day of hatchery-supported fishing in Yancey County. See more photos inside!
Independence Day fireworks set for July 7 in Burnsville The Yancey County Board of Commissioners approved the annual Fourth of July fireworks display to take place on Saturday, July 7, this year. The move came at the commission’s monthly meeting. County Manager Nathan Bennett told commissioners that the cost for having the annual fireworks display was tremendously reduced if they continued to schedule the event on any day that week other than on the Fourth of July, which falls on a Wednesday this year. He said the fireworks provider charges in the $5,000 range for other days, but about four times that amount if a municipality expected the event on the Fourth. As in years past, the commissioners agreed. Bennett said his office had been getting calls from people out of state saying they were planning their vacations based on when Burnsville would be lighting the fuses, so a date needed to be set. “They plan their visit around this,” Bennett said. Traditionally, the fireworks are visible across the downtown Burnsville area.
Facing “economic realities” and other stress factors, The Toe River Arts Council will close its Burnsville gallery this summer. “I wanted to cry my eyes out” after the decision was reached by the TRAC board of directors, Executive Director Denise Cook told the Yancey County News this week. “But still, this is going to give us the opportunity to expand for all the arts.” TRAC, a non-profit organization founded in 1976 to promote the arts in Mitchell and Yancey counties, operates two galleries – one in Spruce Pine and one in Burnsville. But the organization owns the Spruce Pine building and rents the West Main Street location
in Burnsville. Staffed mainly through funding from the Seniors in Community program, which paid a number of people to work at the gallery, TRAC maintained both gallery locations. But with the senior funding being cut, the council board realized two galleries might be more than they could support. In an email to members, the council said that while “plans are still being developed … we will be moving out of our Burnsville Gallery by the first of July. The TRAC Board has made this decision in response to new demands on the arts council, economics realities and the gradual reduction of staffing from the Seniors in Community program.” See page 2
Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News This man was injured Wednesday afternoon when a car went out of control on N.C. 197 and caareened into the creek near the old Unimen site. Rescuers cut the roof off the sedan to free the man, who was transported to the hospital.
One of the nicest large parcels in Yancey County 85 acres close to town. MLS #24184 728 W. Main St. - 682-9994 • Dale - 208-1881 • Jonathan - 779-1980
2 APRIL 12, 2012
Board asks for bridge to be named in honor of Clyde McIntosh The Yancey County Board of Commissioners last week approved a resolution to ask the North Carolina Department of Transportation to name the bridge on U.S. 19 at Riverside in honor and memory of former Yancey County Sheriff Clyde McIntosh. McIntosh served as sheriff from 1986-90, and was also a director and chairman of the board of the Yancey County Department of Social Services board. In other business, the board: • Heard a request from County Manager Nathan Bennett to demolish former DSS building B on Lincoln Road. • Heard a proposal to auction Yancey County surplus items on the Govdeals.com website. Bennett told the board that many North Carolina counties and the town of Burnsville already sell some surplus property on the website. • Heard a proposal from Sheriff Gary Banks to let the county jail participate in a program in which unused beds could be made available to misdemeanant prisoners from other counties. Banks told the commission he would initially limit the availability to two beds, and that housing Yancey misdemeanants would take precedence over earning money housing inmates for other counties. • Honored the Mountain Heritage JV boys football team and the JV boys basketball team for their undefeated seasons. “This hasn’t been done before in our county,” Chairman Johnny Riddle said. • Approved a proclamation recognizing April as National County Government Day. • Held a public hearing regarding application for a Community Development Block Grant for up to $500,000 for funds to go towards construction of a new county senior center. • Approved appointments to the Firefighter Relief Fund board. • Designated the Yancey County Committee on Aging the lead agency for a Home and Community Care Block Grant, and made appintments to the HCCBG board and the RC&D Board.
Sign moratorium change is good news for business A long-time Burnsville business is moving quickly to relocate after getting approval for new, larger signs. Deyton Cellular - a U.S. Cellular agent - will move to a larger store in the Banks Family Shopping Center and hope to be up and running by the end of May. Owner Missy Deyton and representatives from U.S. Cellular had appeared before the Burnsville Town Council last week to seek approval for a new sign at the shopping
center. They said the move to the larger storefont hinged on getting final approval for that sign. They said it had been designed on guidance from the town, but later was deemed non-compliant. On advice from public works supervisor Anthony Hensley, the board lifted a moratorium that had been in place on signs in town. Deyton and the U.S. Cellular representatives were told that their sign would be OK for five years.
After that time, a new sign would be required in order for the business to meet the coming new sign ordinance. The change also means Cruz Life Center can install a new sign that has been ready for use. In other business, Economic Development Director Wanda Proffitt told the board that issues with the rollout of broadband Internet have been resolved and “it should be back on track by the end of the month.”
TRAC to close Burnsville gallery
What will become of the TRAC mural that greets visitors who arrive via West Main Street in Burnsville?
From Page 1 The email continued: “TRAC’s mission remains constant and we continue to work for you to promote the arts in Mitchell and Yancey counties. We accomplish this in numerous ways through education, supporting local artists, economic development, partnering with other community groups - all for the betterment of our communities. “TRAC is exploring numerous other possibilities in Burnsville where we can have a new and exciting presence. We appreciate your continued support and help.” Cook said TRAC is focused
on “embracing all of the arts” and bringing the arts to the people. “TRAC is not only visual arts,” she said, so the need for two distinct galleries to display works was a luxury the council couldn’t support. The TRAC gallery in Spruce Pine has been undergoing renovation and should be open again later this spring, Cook said. She said the council remains focused on “connecting the community with the artist,” and is “open to ideas” for how to best communicate that in Mitchell and Yancey counties. “There’s so many things we can be doing,” she added.
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APRIL 12, 2012
Health report shows importance of public investment By Rob Schofield RALEIGH - At the most basic level, it’s beyond debate that one’s location can have an enormous impact on one’s health and wellbeing. If you have any doubts about this, ask the people who live near the Fukushima disaster, in the Gaza Strip or in Port au Prince, Haiti. Human intellect, drive and initiative can make a huge difference for people in just about any place or set of circumstances, but at some point, reality sets in; if you live in an impoverished or unhealthy place, it just stands to reason that your odds of leading a safe, healthy, high-quality life are a lot longer than if you’re comfortably ensconced in an affluent community. A report prepared by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute - you read about it last week in this newspaper provides further confirmation of the importance of location. It includes data on every county in the United States and concluded that “where we live, learn, work and play has a big role in determining how healthy we are and how long we live.” In North Carolina the counties where people are healthiest tend to be urban and/or affluent (Wake, Orange, Union, Mecklenburg and Dare) and the places where health outcomes are lowest tend to be rural and poorer (Columbus, Robeson, Halifax, Bladen and Edgecombe). So, armed with these facts, what do we do? If you’re like most caring and thoughtful people the answer may seem obvious: “Do something!!”
Some ideologues on the political right, however, see these sobering statistics differently. They see them as indicative of little more than that the inhabitants of the troubled areas are making poor choices. Several comments that accompanied a story about the new report on a Raleigh news website blamed the inhabitants of the poor areas in harsh terms. Here’s a typical one: “What a crock. The government gives them everything they need. They have welfare with which to buy food, it’s their own fault if they don’t buy healthy foods. They have access to healthcare, it’s their own fault if they don’t utilize it. The media loves to portray the poor as victims of society when, in fact, most are in the lower income bracket because of personal choices.” According to these bitter and troubled people, the problems in North Carolina’s poorer counties and presumably, any number of other struggling places in the world, are simply a matter of bad decisions by shiftless people who know (or ought to know) better! Cruel and extreme as this may seem, these comments are not all that remarkable or surprising. Though usually somewhat more polished, such absurd statements are, in fact, the daily stock in trade of the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of the world and the conservative Raleigh think tanks like the John Locke Foundation and the Pope Civitas Institute. Their message to the people of places like Columbus and Robeson Counties is this: “Move somewhere else. Either that or work harder to pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps. Public systems and structures can do you no good. What your community needs
Thank you for covering Congressional debate Certainly you’ve edition) was excellent. given your readers a At least you are change in newspaper willing to tell us about r e p o r t i n g . Yo u r serious controversy. coverage of the political Hear! Here! debate at Mountain Kenneth Harvey Heritage (April 5 Burnsville
The Yancey County News is the only independent newspaper in Yancey County. It is owned, operated and published by
Susan Austin ........ Advertising/Publisher Jonathan Austin ........... Editor/Publisher who are the sole participants and members of
Yancey County News LLC 132 W. Main Street Burnsville, NC 28714 828-678-3900 jonathan@yanceycountynews.com susan@yanceycountynews.com The Yancey County News (USPS publication No. 3528) is published weekly - every Thursday - for $25 per year in Yancey County, $35 per year out of county. Published by Yancey County News LLC, Periodicals postage paid at Burnsville, NC. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Yancey County News, 132 W. Main St., Burnsville, NC 28714 Printed in Boone by the Watauga Democrat on recycled paper.
To be a voice, and to allow the voices of our community to be heard.
to do is to sell off its schools, roads and public health departments to private corporations and get rid of business regulations.” Happily, most people still understand the folly of such extremist views. They understand that public education works and that so do public health programs, public roads, environmental protection laws, consumer protection and safety rules and dozens of other public structures and systems. Obviously, there are scores of variables and limitations. But generally, when we pull together, invest more and pay more attention, we get better results. When we fend only for ourselves, invest less and neglect we get poorer results. And despite the suggestions of some, it’s clear that the problems of the Third World and of the impoverished communities of the North Carolina will not be better served with more official neglect and fewer of the public structures and systems that bind society together. As the release accompanying the county health report noted: “The good news is that businesses, health care providers, government, consumers and community leaders are already joining forces in communities across the nation to change some of the gaps that the Rankings highlight.” In other words, Americans know in general what to do about the poor counties with terrible health outcomes. All that’s needed is the data to pinpoint the problems and the political will to act. The new report provides the former. Let’s hope we can overcome the roadblocks thrown up by our confused friends on the far right to muster the latter. Rob Schofield is the Director of Research and Policy Development at N.C. Policy Watch.
April 28th 2012
Burnsville Town Center 6:00-8:00
The 2012 Relay For Life Planning Committee would like to invite you and your guest to join us for the annual Relay For Life Survivor’s Dinner. This dinner is held in your honor as a celebration of you! Join us for a delicious dinner prepared by your Relay teams, mingle with other survivors, hear about this year’s event and find out what the American Cancer Society is doing in the fight against cancer! We hope you can join us for this fun filled evening! Please call Joyce Dale if you have any questions. RSVP by April 25th if you can attend. 682-7089 This event is open to ALL survivors. If you have recently been diagnosed, please join us in this celebration and find out what the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life is all about!
Lisa Haney scholarship fundraiser April 21 The 2nd Annual Walk-a-thon for the Lisa Haney School Bus Scholarship Fund will occur Saturday, April 21, at 9 a.m. The walk-a-thon will be in the Mountain Heritage High School bus parking lot, and the cost is $15 per participant. Donations
will be gladly accepted in any amount. Water, fresh fruit and a T-shirt will be provided for each participant. Registration is at 8:30 a.m., or pre-register with any bus driver. This walk is for fun, walk 20
miles or 1 lap...it is up to you. This is a family fun event, so please bring no pets. For more information, contact a school bus driver, or call Jeannie Chrisawn - 208-0925; Christine Fox - 284-0582; or Angie Wilson - 208-7600.
4 APRIL 12, 2012
Obituaries Thomas G. Gates
Thomas G. Gates, 94, of Burnsville, formerly of Charlotte, died on Wednesday, April 11, 2012, at his home. A native of Saltville, Va., he was the son of the late George and Mary Whitehead Gates and the husband of the late Thelma Grace Gates, who passed away in 2007. He was also preceded in death by five brothers. Mr. Gates retired from Eastman Chemical Company in 1982, at which time he pursued his passion in oil painting. He was the oldest member of Christ United Methodist Church of Charlotte and was a faithful Hospice volunteer. Mr. Gates is survived by his son, Thomas Dean Gates and wife, Sandra, of Burnsville; granddaughter Tina Brooks and husband, Ron, of Charlotte; brother Paul Gates and wife, Nanny, of Lynchburg, Va.; sisters Frances Musselwhite of Roanoke, Va., and Mary Roberts of Saltville; sisters- in-law Mary Kate Jennings of Kingsport, and Elizabeth Kilday of Greeneville, Tenn. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Sunday, April 15, in the Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church with the Rev. Wes Sharpe and the Rev. Joe Bennett officiating. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the church. Graveside services will be held in the Forest Lawn West Cemetery in Charlotte on Monday, April 16. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of Yancey County, 856 Georges Fork Rd., Burnsville, NC 28714.
Wintz McIntosh C. Wintz McIntosh, 93, of Hardscrabble Road, died Tuesday, April 10, 2012, at his home. A native of Yancey County, he was a son of the late Zeb and Ruth King McIntosh. He was also preceded in death by a sister, Enid McIntosh; and, brothers Jack, Clay and Frank McIntosh. Wintz was a World War II Army veteran, retired farmer, and active in the Democratic Party. Surviving are his wife of 70 years: Eloise Stines McIntosh; a daughter, Susan Ball and husband, Niles; a granddaughter, Emily Hudgins and husband, James; a greatgrandson, Dalton, all of Burnsville; and several nieces and nephews. Funeral was Thursday in the Bald Creek United Methodist Church, of which he was a member. The Rev. A. J. Moore will officiate. Burial was in Proffitt Cemetery on Hardscrabble Road. Memorials may be made to Bald Creek United Methodist Church, C/O Nan Proffitt, 43 Beechwood Drive, Burnsville, NC 28714, or Hospice of Yancey County, 856 Georges Fork Road, Burnsville, NC 28714.
The family would like to say a special thank you to the caregivers: Sylvia Gilley, Karen Watts and Monica Burleson and Hospice of Yancey County for the excellent care given to Mr. McIntosh. Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home is assisting the McIntosh family.
and four grandchildren: Owen, Ahlana, Sarah and Hunter. Five nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral was Thursday in Pine Branch Baptist Church. The Rev. David Troutman and the Rev. Greg Hollifield officiated. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were to be Jamie Acuff, Christopher Ray Sullins, Cameron Hollifield, Tyler Hollifield, Jerrel Walton and Heath Briggs. Memorials may be made to the charity of one’s choice.
Jean Holcombe Warren Jean Holcombe Warren, 63, of Kernersville, passed away peacefully Monday, April 9, 2012, surrounded by her family. A native of Burnsville, she was the daughter of the late Harlon and Alma Robinson Holcombe. She was a graduate of High Point College and had worked at Young’s Florist in Kernersville for a number of years. Jean attended Pine Grove United Methodist Church. Surviving are her husband of 42 years, Michael ‘Mike’ Warren of the home, a daughter, Allison Warren of Kernersville; a son, Andy Warren and wife, Jenny, of Clemmons; grandchildren Xander and Samantha; a sister, Patti West and husband, Gary, of Statesville; special cousins Myra Hensley and husband, Charlie, and Jerry Holcombe of Burnsville; and several nieces, nephews, cousins, extended family and friends. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday in the Chapel of Pierce-Jefferson Funeral Home in Kernersville. Dr. Gary West will officiate. Burial will be in Mt. Gar Cemetery. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, My Sister ’s House of Statesville, P. O. Box 5217, Statesville, NC 28687 or Hospice of Forsyth, 101 Hospice Lane, Winston-Salem, NC 27103.
Betty Jo Brinkley Robinson
Betty Jo Brinkley Robinson, 77, of Bill Allen Branch, passed away Thursday, April 5, 2012, at her home. A native of Yancey County, she was a daughter of the late Hulon and Bertha Wright Brinkley. She was the wife of Tommy Robinson, who died in 2005. She was also preceded in death by three sisters: Marie Ball, Dorothy Brinkley Robertson and Ruby Wilson; four brothers: Clyde Brinkley, Jack Brinkley, Joe Brinkley and Reece Brinkley; and a son-in-law, Danny Boone. Betty was a retired kindergarten teacher with the Yancey County Schools. Surviving are four daughters: Belinda Woody and husband, Mike W. Woody, of Micaville, Rhonda Boone and fiancé, Billy Buckner, Kristi Robinson Bailey and husband, Walter, of Burnsville, Leigh Ann Pauley and husband, Jeff, of Micaville; grandchildren Justin Boone, Brinkley Woody Fox, McKenzie Pauley, Brianna Woody and Abbey Bailey. Memorial service was Saturday in the Chapel of Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home. The Rev. Joe Bennett officiated. Burial was Sunday in the HoneycuttPrice Cemetery, with the Rev. Jack Hancock Phillip ‘Cricket’ Wilson Jr. officiating. Memorials may be made to Hospice of Phillip Ray “Cricket” Wilson Jr., 51, of Yancey County, 856 Georges Fork Road, Hickory, formerly of Spruce Pine, died on Burnsville, NC 28714. Monday, April 9, 2012, in Baptist Hospital in Winston Salem. He was a son of Phillip Sr. and Ethel Robinson Mitzie Watson Wilson of Spruce Pine. He was preceded in death by his grandparents Ethel Robinson, 69, of the Micaville and brother-in-law, Randy Hollifield. Cricket Community, passed away on Sunday, April loved his motorcycles and hunting. 8 2012, at her home. A native of Yancey Surviving, in addition to his parents, are County, she was a daughter of the late Ray and his loving wife of 33 years, Malanie Wilson; Maggie Miller McPeters. She was a member a daughter, Summar Holman and husband, of Concord Baptist Church. Jonathan, of Hudson; two sons: Dustin Ray Ethel was the dietician of the Old Burnsville Wilson and wife, Cendie, and Bradley Ray Hospital and was a CNA with the Toe River Wilson and wife, Meshell, all of Hickory; a Health District. sister, Sabrina Briggs and husband, Darrell, Ethel is survived by her loving husband of Spruce Pine; sister-in-law Sherry Hollifield of 15 years, Jimmy Robinson; daughter Gouge and husband, Donald, of Spruce Pine; Linda Gail Autrey and husband, Coy, of
APRIL 12, 2012
Obituaries Pensacola; two sons, Eljay Hollifield and wife, Julie, of Pensacola, and Ben Hollifield and fiancée, Lisa Pope, of Jacks Creek; stepsons Brandon, Derrick and Josh Robinson; sisters Marilyn Wilson and husband, Elbert, Jenell Robinson and husband, Raymond, Jessie Presnell and husband, Paul, all of Burnsville and Vonita Carroll and husband, Leroy, of Forest City; brothers: James McPeters and wife, Margaret, of Pensacola, Terrell McPeters of Miller Branch, Ricky McPeters of Pensacola, Wendall McPeters and wife, Betty, of Barnardsville and Archie McPeters of Nebo; grandchildren: Johnny Autrey, Megan Gouge and Adam Bodford; great-grandchildren Ava Rose Autrey and Baxter Bodford; and stepgrandchildren Emily, Casie and Madalyn. Funeral was Tuesday in the Chapel of Yancey Funeral Services, with the Rev. Perry Norton and the Rev. David Burrell officiating. Graveside service was in the Eddie McMahan Cemetery. The family wishes to say a very special thank you to the Toe River Health District and to Hospice of Yancey County for the wonderful care given to Ethel. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of Yancey County, 856 Georges Fork Road, Burnsville, NC 28714.
Martha Eloise Silvers
Martha Eloise Silvers, 77, of the Swiss Community, died Monday, April 9, 2012, at the John F. Keever Solace Center in Asheville. A native of Yancey County, she was a daughter of the late Lee and Pansy Edwards Hensley and the wife of Ossie Silvers, who passed away in 2003. She was also preceded in death by two
brothers: Paul and Verona Hensley and five sisters: Addie King, Odell Riddle, Thelma Hensley, Ruby Wheeler and Stella Hollifield. Eloise was a kind, humble, loving mother and friend to those who knew her and was always ready to pray for any request. She loved working in her flowers, canning and one of her joys was dining out. She was a long-standing member of Fox Creek Baptist Church. Surviving are three daughters: Juanita King and husband, David, of Iva, S.C., Vadie Lee Winters also of Iva, and Mary Roberts and husband, Ricky, of Greeneville, Tenn.; a son, Billy Silvers and wife, Wanda, of Burnsville; a sister, Vertie Lou Carver and husband, Roy, of Cherryville; two brothers: Cacciaguida Hensley and wife, Linda and Robert Lee Hensley and wife, Teresa, all of Burnsville; nine grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. Several nieces and nephews also survive. Funeral was Wednesday in the chapel of Yancey Funeral Services, with the Rev. Larry Niks and the Rev. Darrell Tipton officiating. Burial followed in the Silvers Family Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the John F. Keever Solace Center at P. O. Box 25338, Asheville, NC 28813.
Larry Parker Jr.
Larry Parker Jr., 59, of Burnsville, passed away Wednesday, April 4, 2012. A native of Charlotte, he was a son of Betty Treadway Parker of Burnsville and the late Larry Parker Sr.. Surviving, in addition to his mother, are sisters: Teresa Parker of Hickory, and Kelly
Parker-Carter of Conover; and brothers: Greg Parker of Charlotte and Barry Parker of York, S.C. A graveside service was held Monday in Sunset Memory Gardens in Charlotte with the Rev. Michael Canady officiating. Donations may be made to Holcombe Brothers Funeral Home, P. O. Box 325, Burnsville, NC 28714.
Lyda Theron Grindstaff Lyda Theron Grindstaff, 89, of Grindstaff Drive, Bakersville, passed away April 9, 2012. He was the son of the late Forrest and Mary Woody Grindstaff and a Native of Mitchell County, NC. He was a truck driver for Deneen Mica Company for 65 years. He was a member of Mine Creek Baptist Church and an Army veteran of World War II, where he served in Central Europe. He drove the staff car to the funeral of General George Patton. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Howell Grindstaff, of Bakersville; his son, Tim Grindstaff, of Bakersville; two grandsons, Craig and Jason Grindstaff, and one great granddaughter, Chesney. He was preceded in death by a son, Gary Grindstaff, one sister, Lela Rhyne, and two brothers, Joe and Louie Grindstaff. Funeral was Wednesday in the chapel of Henline – Hughes Funeral Home with Sherrill Whitson and Mark McKinney officiating. Interment was Thursday at Rebels Creek Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Mine Creek Church c/o Roger Garland 650 Duck Branch Rd., Bakersville, NC.
Brother, sister give hair out of love
Mountain Village Apartments
200 W. Main St., Burnsville Immediate openings for 1 bedroom apartments! Thomas and Camryn after their trims. At right is Thomas before the haircut.
Thomas Garrett of Bald Creek decided to do something that few boys ever consider. Thomas, 10, decided to grow his hair out so it could be cut for charity. He and his sister, Camryn Garrett, 8, both came to Jill’s Hairport before Spring break and had their donations ‘collected.’ His gift will go to Locks of Love, a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada suffering from longterm medical hair loss. Hers will go to Wigs for Kids, which makes wigs for kids who have lost hair as a result of medical treatments, health conditions, or burn accidents. “I’ve been growing it out for three years,” said Thomas. How did he get
the idea? “I walk around town a lot, and women would complement me on my hair,” he said. “I’ve got a friend, (and) she donates her hair. I thought I could grow mine” for the same good purpose. Thomas and Camryn are the children of Melanie and Tom Garrett, and they attend Bald Creek Elementary School. “They decided they wanted to grow their hair out,” their mom said. So why get haircuts now? “It was long enough, and Spring break was coming,” Thomas said. Now that the hair is gone and he can feel his neck, does he miss it? “Yes and no,” Thomas said. Like anyone, he had gotten used to having long hair, but he figured having it short again wouldn’t pose a problem. And he was quick to say he might do it again, some day.
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6 APRIL 12, 2012
UARA Racing
Bassett brothers finish 1-2 at Dillon Motor Speedway By Kassie Hughes A full moon hung over Dillon Motor Speedway as the Bassett brothers led the UARA-STARS field to the checkered in Saturday night’s Eggs-traordinary 150. Elder brother Ronnie took his second UARA win in a row followed by his younger brother Dillon, Scott Turlington, Josh Wright and Sunoco Pole winner Travis Swaim. Ronnie Jr. and little brother Dillon battled for the top two positions during the last thirtyfive laps of the race. The pair held on to the top two spots following two late-race, double-file restarts and a side-by-side fraternal battle during the last four circuits “I had a blast racing with my brother during those last couple laps,” Ronnie Jr. said in victory lane. “To be his first year in this series, I’m very proud of him. I spun the tires on that last restart and I thought he might get me on the outside, but we were able to drive back around him with less than two to go. It’s just a testament to this team and what they do to these cars for us to come home one-two.” Dillon fought his way from the ninth position, earning the Holley Performer of the Race Award for gaining the most positions in addition to his first Xtreme Trohies and More Rookie of the Race award. “That was fun, but I really wish I could’ve beaten him,” said Dillon Bassett after congratulating his brother on the win. “He’s a great driver. He’s taught me everything I know and I keep learning from him everywhere we go.” The Bassett family gathering did not take shape until the final half of the event. Sunoco Pole winner Travis Swaim and outside pole starter Scott Turlington
jumped out to a straightaway lead on the field, battling amongst themselves for the opening segments of the race. Swaim’s tires gave up first, causing him to relinquish the lead to Turlington, but the late race restarts were the downfall of both drivers. “We weren’t saving anything,” said Turlington after the event. “We saved too much last race at Hickory and we didn’t want that to happen again. I knew when we got those late restarts, though, that the Bassetts were both back there and coming, and they had more tire left than I did. We’ll figure this deal out though and be back at Rockingham trying to get a win.” While those up front were jubilant, there were some heated tempers further back through the field under Saturday’s full moon. Jake Morris, who qualified fourth, broke a crankshaft during the opening pace laps and finished 25th. Once the race started, turn four became “calamity corner” as R.A. Brown got turned around twice (the latter of which ended his night). Teammates Ben Rhodes and Clayton Pyne collided, and many other young drivers found themselves turned in the opposite direction to traffic at various times during the evening. Joey Bryant who was making his first UARA run of the season was awarded the Pigwire Electrifying Move of the Race Award for dodging the bullet many times as his fellow competitors had their spins. The next stop for the UARASTARS will be next weekend at Rockingham Speedway Saturday April 14, as companion to the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series. All practice sessions for the Trucks, UARA and the Frank Kimmel Street Stock Nationals will take place on Friday. The UARA-STARS will open on-
Legion information now online The American Legion’s official training program for officers, members, Legion College applicants and those who simply want to expand their knowledge of the nation’s largest veterans service organization is now available online. The American Legion Extension Institute has been rewritten, updated, streamlined and enhanced with videos, digital photos, clickable links, a historical timeline and additional features. To register and take the course, visit www.legion.org/alei. The program is designed to take less than two hours to complete. It is divided into six sections, with a
quiz at the end of each, followed by a final exam. A participant must pass a final online exam to receive a digital certificate of recognition; a lapel/ cap pin will also be delivered to those who successfully complete the course. The names of those who have passed will be recorded and indexed at The American Legion National Headquarters. Graduates will have the option to click a box upon completion to recognize their accomplishment on The American Legion national website at www.legion.org. The online program replaces printed booklets that had been sold through national headquarters.
Dylan Basset, left, with Miss UARA Brittany Poe, battled brother Ronnie, right, at Dillon Motor Speedway.
track activities on Saturday with qualifying at 10am and racing at 2pm. The Camping World Truck Series will qualify at approximately 3:30pm with the Kimmel race following at approximately 4:45pm. Grandstand admission to Friday’s activities is free while Saturday tickets are only $15 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. Results: 1. Ronnie Bassett Jr. 2. Dillon Bassett 3. Scott Turlington 4. Josh Wright 5. Travis Swaim 6. Roger Powell 7. Devin Jones 8. Sean Rayhall
9. Clayton Pyne 10. Ben Rhodes 11. Joey Herques 12. Tim George, Jr. 13. Tyler Laing 14. Joey Bryant 15. Tyler English 16. Brandon Jones 17. Scott Bishop 18. Kaleb Pressley 19. Julia Dawson 20. Quinn Fowler 21. Will Gallaher 22. R.A. Brown 23. Logan Bunning 24. Cory Joyce 25. Jake Morris For more information on the UARA-STARS, visit them online at www.uara-stars.com.
APRIL 12, 2012
Regional Market Reports Which markets offer Yancey farmers the best return on their investment? Should they head west, east or south? Agriculture and food industries accounted for $29,057,488 in Yancey County income in 2000, or 7.77 percent of the total county income. Livestock, poultry, and their products accounted for 23 percent of the total agricultural market. So this list recounts the prices in the last week at regional farm markets.
Harward Brothers Livestock Market, Turnersburg, NC Weighted Average Report for Monday Apr 9, 2012 Cattle Receipts: 672 Last Week: 1199 Last Year: 1378 Slaughter cows trended mostly 2.00 higher, bulls trended mostly 2.00 to 4.00 higher. Feeder cattle trended mixed with a huge amount of low quality. Slaughter cows made up 26 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 2 percent, replacement cows 2 percent, other cows 1 percent, and feeders 70 percent. The feeder supply included 26 percent steers, 46 percent heifers, and 29 percent bulls. Near 13 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs. WNC Regional Livestock Center, Canton, weighted Average Report for Monday April Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 - 2 9. Cattle Receipts: 286 Last Week: 490 Last Year: 420. Slaughter cattle trended 1.00 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price to 4.00 higher. Feeder cattle trended 5.00 to 7.00 lower. Slaughter cows made up 28 percent of the offering, slaughter bulls 5 percent, replacement cows 18 percent, and 2 205-230 218 205.00-222.50 214.25 feeders 50 percent. The feeder supply included 30 percent steers, 46 percent heifers, 5 250-290 275 180.00-192.00 186.16 and 24 percent bulls. Near 32 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs. 3 325-340 332 175.00-189.00 181.28 Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1 - 2 11 355-395 375 165.00-179.00 172.23 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 6 402-435 414 162.00-177.00 168.15 Tennessee Livestock Comments 1 170-170 170 180.00 180.00 BEEF CATTLE: Fed cattle 10 460-485 483 175.00-180.00 179.31 3 250-270 262 205.00-212.50 209.45 sold for mostly $121 to $123 5 510-518 516 153.00-166.00 160.99 2 330-345 338 170.00-191.00 180.73 last week $3 to $4 lower. On 3 560-585 570 145.00-160.00 151.62 2 410-440 425 172.50-180.00 176.12 a dressed basis prices were 2 610-625 618 133.00-150.00 141.60 1 470-470 470 168.00 168.00 mostly $193 to $194, $9 to 5 544-544 544 164.00 164.00 Small 1 - 2 $10 lower. Five area weighted 5 552-575 558 147.50-159.00 154.84 2 205-220 213 150.00-170.00 160.35 average prices thru Thursday 1 590-590 590 145.00 145.00 Brahman X 3 305-340 327 157.00-164.00 160.36 were $121.91 live and $193.39 2 625-625 625 140.00 140.00 6 350-395 377 132.50-150.00 143.28 dressed, compared to $125.55 2 660-695 678 135.00-140.00 137.44 4 465-490 474 140.00-163.00 150.74 and $201.87 a week ago. Prices 3 720-735 727 123.00-131.00 126.32 a year ago were $123.16 and Medium and Large 3 1 880-880 880 121.00 121.00 $196.18. This represents the 5 315-345 329 157.00-170.00 162.13 1 900-900 900 111.00 111.00 first dip below year ago prices 5 370-384 381 152.00-154.00 152.39 Medium and Large 3 since early 2010. The lower 2 475-495 485 152.00-153.00 152.49 1 315-315 315 132.00 132.00 Brahman X bids were accepted by cattle 1 420-420 420 122.50 122.50 2 510-530 520 140.00-145.00 142.45 feeders in the face of sharply 1 480-480 480 70.00 70.00 Thin Holstein Large 3 lower cutout values and futures 1 555-555 555 120.00 120.00 2 235-245 240 125.00-130.00 127.55 prices. The Choice cutout on Small 3 6 255-290 273 120.00-131.00 127.64 Friday was $177.61 down 1 525-525 525 130.00 130.00 4 300-335 313 130.00-133.00 131.29 .90 from Thursday but 5.76 Holstein Large 3 lower than a week ago. The 2 425-440 433 110.00-123.00 116.61 1 400-400 400 92.50 92.50 Select cutout was $175.30 2 570-595 583 106.00-116.00 110.89 1 510-510 510 122.50 122.50 down 1.36 from Thursday but Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 - 2 Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 - 2 down 7.10 from a week ago. Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price The Choice Select spread was 1 230-230 230 180.00 180.00 Avg Price 2.31 compared to .97 a week 3 260-295 278 172.50-187.50 181.69 4 250-285 273 171.00-180.00 174.35 ago. The LFTB (Lean Finely 2 310-335 323 182.50-195.00 188.51 8 315-345 328 165.00-181.00 173.30 Textured Beef) issue continues 3 350-385 368 164.00-175.00 168.70 14 355-385 374 154.00-171.00 165.34 to cause major economic losses 6 405-440 426 140.00-157.00 147.05 18 400-445 425 150.00-157.00 153.07 in the beef business. Prices of 5 455-490 470 138.00-145.00 140.58 50% CL (chemical lean) beef 14 450-480 468 148.00-165.00 156.51 8 505-540 525 130.00-147.50 141.49 are down nearly 50% in the 28 500-547 521 141.00-151.00 146.58 3 550-590 567 139.00-147.50 142.12 last few weeks and fatty trim 12 550-590 570 137.00-145.00 139.81 4 600-645 619 127.00-134.00 131.00 prices are lower as well. The 6 610-645 639 136.00-138.00 136.32 4 655-670 661 125.00-140.00 131.49 price declines are impacting the 1 710-710 710 131.00 131.00 2 670-690 680 121.00-122.00 121.49 beef cutout which also impacts 2 795-795 795 109.00 109.00 Small 1 - 2 what packers are willing to 1 815-815 815 105.00 105.00 4 315-345 330 137.00-152.00 143.60 pay for cattle. Imports of beef 1 895-895 895 93.00 93.00 3 375-380 378 150.00-156.00 153.66 from Australia were up 73% in Small 1 - 2 5 400-445 421 132.00-146.00 139.95 March as high prices in the U.S. 1 400-400 400 122.00 122.00 and a slightly weaker dollar 5 455-490 479 141.00-150.00 144.01 1 530-530 530 120.00 120.00 boosted sales. Why do we need Medium and Large 3 Medium and Large 3 beef from Australia? We need 2 230-245 238 120.00-140.00 130.32 1 235-235 235 120.00 120.00 Thin the 90% CL to blend with our 4 300-345 331 120.00-160.00 147.30 1 365-365 365 155.00 155.00 50% CL to make acceptable 1 410-410 410 100.00 100.00 Brahman X 7 350-395 381 120.00-152.00 140.31 ground beef for the food service 1 460-460 460 125.00 125.00 7 405-430 418 140.00-148.00 142.82 business which now wants no 1 510-510 510 70.00 70.00 Thin 7 460-485 471 132.00-149.00 143.98 LFTB. Our production of 90% 1 590-590 590 120.00 120.00 12 507-535 515 114.00-144.00 133.83 CL comes mostly from cows 1 590-590 590 80.00 80.00 Thin and bulls. Due to the high 2 655-665 660 120.00 120.00 Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC value of feeder calves, cow Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 - 2 Report for Monday Apr 9, 2012 harvest is expected to be down Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price sharply this year. The decline 2 455-470 463 127.00-137.50 132.16 Cattle Receipts: 263 Last week: 588 Last year: 802 in fed cattle prices from the 3 500-540 518 150.00-159.00 154.91 Spring high to summer low 4 570-575 574 137.50-154.00 147.15 NO Trend to few cattle at Market. Slaughter cows can typically be 12 to 15%, but 5 600-645 623 130.00-145.00 137.72 made up 11 percent of the offering, slaughter it is taking place this year at a 1 670-670 670 135.00 135.00 bulls 3 percent, replacement cows 7 percent, time when prices are normally 3 710-720 715 110.00-116.00 112.00 other cows 2 percent, and feeders 77 percent. The peaking with the end of Lent 1 795-795 795 123.00 123.00 feeder supply included 30 percent steers, 43 and beginning of the grilling 2 805-805 805 109.00-110.00 109.50 percent heifers, and 27 percent bulls. Near 16 season. There is now much 1 855-855 855 109.00 109.00 percent of the run weighed over 600 lbs. (Figures uncertainty in market as to Small 1 - 2 in parentheses are weighted average weights and how low prices will go. From 1 400-400 400 70.00 70.00 prices for each category) Feeder Steers: Medium the supply side, cattle numbers 1 625-625 625 120.00 120.00 and Large 1-2 295-295 lbs (295) 225 (225); are still lower. However, in the Medium and Large 3 300-345 lbs (325) 200-220 (207.35); 375-395 short run packers are expected 1 480-480 480 122.50 122.50 lbs (384) 195-200 (196.98); 400-435 lbs (418) to reduce processing to cut 1 510-510 510 123.00 123.00 185-189 (186.92); 455-465 lbs (460) 178-180 losses, which could cause some 2 550-580 565 77.50-120.00 98.19 (178.99); 505-535 lbs (518) 167-178 (172.23); backup of cattle in feedlots. Slaughter Cows Breaker 70-80% Lean 550-555 lbs (553) 171-179 (175.68); 605-635 Prices for feeder cattle are Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price lbs (619) 133-144 (139.46). Small 1-2 270expected to be lower this week 5 1050-1290 1175 78.00-81.00 79.25 270 lbs (270) 192.50 (192.50); 320-345 lbs due to the decline in cash and 14 1055-1375 1244 81.00-94.50 89.35 High (333) 185-190 (187.41); 365-390 lbs (384) futures prices. Dressing 178-187.50 (182.79); 405-425 lbs (415) 1695 1415-1675 1570 75.00-81.00 78.78 176 (172.42). Medium and Large 3 225-225 9 1425-1905 1593 81.50-89.50 84.70 High lbs (225) 172.50 (172.50); 255-290 lbs (273) Dressing 150-170 (160.64); 315-325 lbs (320) 132.50-142.50 Boner 80-85% Lean (137.58); 375-375 lbs (375) 152 (152); 470-470 lbs (470) 95 (95); 535-535 lbs (535) 125 (125); 550-550 2 845-895 870 72.00-79.00 75.60 lbs (550) 115 (115). Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 845-845 845 82.00 82.00 High Dressing 1-2 250-295 lbs (273) 185-190 (188.27); 315-325 lbs 2 735-865 800 59.00-67.00 63.33 Low Dressing (322) 178-190 (184.74); 355-395 lbs (372) 172.50-180 8 915-1260 1112 72.00-82.00 77.45 (174.93); 400-420 lbs (410) 165-170 (167.56); 455-490 14 965-1295 1117 83.00-96.00 88.61 High Dressing lbs (471) 152-162 (156.20); 500-545 lbs (527) 145-151 1 985-985 985 69.50 69.50 Low Dressing (147.35); 535-535 lbs fleshy (535) 130 (130); 550-590 1 1425-1425 1425 85.00 85.00 High Dressing lbs (571) 129-135 (132.97); 600-640 lbs (622) 125-133 (129.22); 655-660 lbs (658) 118-120 (119); 705-715 lbs Lean 85-90% Lean (710) 115-123 (118.97). Small 1-2 265-290 lbs (278) 1 600-600 600 56.00 56.00 178-180 (179.05); 320-320 lbs (320) 170 (170); 3652 840-1125 983 59.00-60.00 59.57 385 lbs (375) 160-161 (160.51); 440-440 lbs (440) 150 2 850-1310 1080 50.00-52.00 51.21 Low Dressing (150). Medium and Large 3 405-445 lbs (431) 125-145 (136.06); 460-495 lbs (473) 135-144 (137.95); 505-545 Cows/Calf Pairs: (32) Small 1 and 2 730-895 lbs middle age cows with 175-200 lbs lbs (524) 120-125 (123.76); 550-595 lbs (575) 110-124 calves 650.00-1200.00 per pair. Medium 1 and 2 940-1330 lbs middle age cows with (117.90); 615-635 lbs (627) 94-110 (103); 650-680 lbs 120-470 lbs calves 1100.00-2075.00 per pair. Large 1 and 2 1115-1560 lbs middle (662) 90-100 (92.97). age cows with 280-500 lbs calves 1925.00-2225.00 per pair. Feeder Bulls: Medium and Large 1-2 425-445 lbs (439) Baby Calves, per head: Holsteins 60.00-170.00. 177-180 (177.98); 450-495 lbs (472) 170-180 (173.59); 500-535 lbs (514) 156-162 (158.64); 550-585 lbs (558) Source: NC Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Raleigh 151-160 (154.63); 565-565 lbs fleshy (565) 141 (141);
2 570-575 573 125.00-134.00 129.48 2 615-645 630 105.00-131.00 117.69 2 650-690 670 105.00-110.00 107.57 3 700-710 707 110.00 110.00 2 770-780 775 90.00-106.00 98.05 Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1 - 2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 18 400-445 425 154.00-184.00 166.30 15 450-495 470 150.00-170.00 160.77 17 500-545 523 148.00-168.00 156.01 8 560-590 579 149.00-156.00 152.11 4 605-625 611 140.00-147.00 142.98 8 650-695 673 130.00-145.00 137.05 Small 1 - 2 4 415-440 425 140.00-150.00 145.52 7 450-490 469 100.00-145.00 135.83 7 500-545 517 124.00-140.00 136.21 8 550-595 569 120.00-145.00 134.09 5 605-645 627 130.00-135.00 131.74 2 650-680 665 125.00-131.00 128.07 2 795-795 795 90.00-100.00 95.00 Medium and Large 3 3 400-440 417 119.00-150.00 136.63 4 455-480 466 131.00-140.00 135.85 2 505-545 525 135.00 135.00 Slaughter Cows Breaker 70-80% Lean Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 8 1010-1395 1202 85.00-91.50 88.69 2 1270-1395 1333 94.00-95.50 94.71 High Dressing 13 1400-1985 1533 83.00-92.50 88.18 7 1430-1850 1554 93.00-96.00 94.36 High Dressing Boner 80-85% Lean 7 775-895 837 82.00-92.00 86.89 49 900-1395 1116 82.00-93.00 87.46 6 1005-1335 1172 93.00-96.50 94.58 High Dressing 4 920-1240 1044 73.00-79.50 76.87 Low Dressing 28 1400-1905 1565 80.50-91.50 87.09 4 1415-1625 1539 93.00-94.50 93.60 High Dressing Lean 85-90% Lean 2 675-765 720 66.00-69.00 67.41 Low Dressing 5 840-1160 985 77.50-84.00 81.64 13 845-1255 995 50.00-79.50 68.56 Low Dressing 2 1450-1500 1475 80.50-81.00 80.75 Other Cows Small and Medium 1 - 2 Young Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 3 795-845 822 91.00-95.00 92.63 Slaughter Bulls Yield Grade 1-2 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 2 1025-1470 1248 100.00-103.00 101.77 7 1075-1495 1317 109.00-118.50 112.38 High Dressing 2 1500-1550 1525 95.00-98.50 96.78 Cows/Calf Pairs: (4) Small 1 and 2 715 lbs middle age cows with 230 lbs calves 980.00 per pair. Medium 1 and 2 825-865 lbs middle age cows with 150-255 lbs calves 860.00-1290.00 per pair. 605-610 lbs (608) 144-145 (144.50); 655-655 lbs (655) 140 (140); 730-730 lbs (730) 129 (129); 760-760 lbs (760) 120 (120); 815-815 lbs (815) 115 (115). Medium and Large 3 415-430 lbs (423) 120-141 (130.69); 460460 lbs (460) 148 (148); 515-540 lbs (533) 118-137 (127.76); 535-535 lbs jersey (535) 80 (80); 565-590 lbs (578) 115-130 (122.34); 885-885 lbs (885) 106 (106). Bred Cows: Medium and Large 1-2 Young 765-765 lbs (765) 655 per head 1-3 months bred (655). Medium and Large 1-2 Young 1025-1085 lbs (1055) 910-1010 per head 4-6 months bred (961.42). 1065-1065 lbs (1065) 999-1110 per head 7-9 months bred (1110). Medium and Large 1-2 Middle Aged 880-880 lbs (880) 550 per head 4-6 months bred (550); 915-1110 lbs (1013) 770775 per head 4-6 months bred (772.74); 1215-1215 lbs (1215) 875 per head 4-6 months bred (875). Small 1-2 Young 660-660 lbs (660) 550 per head 7-9 months bred (550). Slaughter Cows: Breaker 70-80 percent lean 1090-1255 lbs (1173) 79.50-82 (80.84). Boner 80-85 percent lean 1015-1355 lbs (1232) 85.50-92.50 (88.38); 1155-1155 lbs high dressing (1155) 95.50 (95.50); 1400-1510 lbs (1448) 87-93 (90.21). Lean 85-90 percent lean 800-1215 lbs (1013) 73-76 (74.59); 875-1040 lbs high dressing (952) 81.50-85.50 (83.82); 900-920 lbs low dressing (910) 70-72 (70.99). Other Cows: Medium and Large 1-2 Young 860-885 lbs (873) 85-89 (87.03); 975-1155 lbs (1065) 100.50-101 per head (100.73). Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1-2 1090-1090 lbs low dressing (1090) 88 (88); 1655-1770 lbs (1708) 103.50108 (105.78); 1515-1515 lbs high dressing (1515) 113 (113); 1645-1690 lbs low dressing (1668) 82-90 (85.95). (7)COW CALF PAIRS: Small-Medium 1-2 715-1015 lbs young-middle age cows with 170-270 lbs calves 1020-1290 per pair. (35)HOGS: Barrows-Gilts U S 2-4 200-320 lbs 60-64, Sows U S 3-4 375-750 lbs 60-83. (42)GOATS: KIDS 1 20-40 lbs 50-62.50, KIDS 1 40-60 lbs 72.50-85, KIDS 1 60-80 lbs 90-110, KIDS 2 20-40 lbs 25-30, NANNIES 1 50-70 lbs 60-70, NANNIES 1 70-100 lbs 80-85, NANNIES 1 100-140 lbs 95-100, NANNIES 1 140-180 lbs 110-112.50, BILLIES 1 70-100 lbs 95-100, BILLIES 1 100-150 lbs couple 120.
Source: SC Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Service, Columbia, SC
8 APRIL 12, 2012
Contractors have widened the access to Lower George’s Fork Road at U.S. 19 in preparation for widening U.S. 19 east of Burnsville.
North Carolina Plant Conservation Board to meet
Local yarn shop gets bombed YummiYarns was ‘yarn bombed’ last Wednesday evening by undisclosed members of the “ Yu m m i Ya r n s Sisterhood,” a
The North Carolina Plant Conservation Board will meet in WinstonSalem on Wednesday, April 18, to review progress on management activities and to review the 2011 ginseng season. The board develops and administers multiple programs to assist in protecting endangered plant species in their habitats. The 9:30 a.m. meeting is at the DENR Regional Office at 585 Waughtown St., Winston-Salem.
knitters group that meets at the store every Thursday and welcomes new members. This group of ladies secretly gathered together
HEIDER’S TAX & ACCOUNTING SERVICES Refer a friend and you both get $15 in cash or $15 off your return! Notary service! 635 Carl Eller Rd, Unit 6 - Mars Hill - 680-1172
to knit and crochet swatches of yarn for the bombing event as a surprise for the store owner, Wendy Reid. When Reid arrived at her downtown Burnsville store last Thursday she said she was thrilled. “I’m amazed that our customers made such a big effort to help promote our yarn shop!” she said. The non-damaging type of graffiti or street art uses colorful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn. Some pieces can remain intact for many years while others may be easily removed if necessary. Ya r n b o m b i n g started in the Netherlands in 2004, spread to the U.S., where a movement was started by one woman in Houston, Texas, and has since spread around the world becoming very popular. Our very own Town Square light posts were bombed for last years Mt. Mitchell Crafts Fair.
24489 $179,000 3BR/2BA Beautiful brick, 2 car attached and detached garage/ shop, paved drive. Built 1978 with top-of-the-line materials. Jack’s Creek community!
24743 $53,000 2.76 acres in Rebel’s Creek area. Small branch runs through center of property, open, very gentle grasslands, could be used as mini farm.
24701 $112,000 15.02 acres with multiple homesites. Long range views, wildlife and pasture land for livestock. Very private.
24781 $365,000 81 acres of private mountain farm land. 2 barns, pasture land, 3 spings, small creek and wildlife. Excellent views.
24215 $69,500 PRICE REDUCED! D/wide 3BR/2BA easy walk to town. Very private, covered front and back porch w/patio. Carport storage shed. Seller motivated.
24356 $465,000 Immaculate log home overlooking Cane River. 3BR/2.5BA w/1BR/1BA self sustaining apartment. New technology and Craftmanship at its finest!
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APRIL 12, 2012
Anglers turned out across Yancey County on Saturday for the first day of fishing this Spring on fishery-supported streams. These images were captured on the South Toe River. Most who turned out reported small trout, though the gentleman in the top left photograph was tickled with several measuring 15 or more inches.
Rummage, bake sale scheduled
A rummage and bake sale will be held April 28, from 8 a.m. 1 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church, 20 Summit Street, Burnsville. All types of clothing and home goods, baked goods, and great knick knacks will be for sale Coffee and muffins will be available for a small charge.
Youth ralley set
The Yancey Baptist Association will
sponsor a free one-night youth rally on Friday, April 27. “The Wake up Call” is for students in middle school through high school and will be held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The event will be held at West Burnsville Baptist Church. There will be breakout sessions on different issues, such as Evangelism. A group from the Baptist Student Union at Appalachian State University will help lead the sessions, and there will be guest speakers and bands.
Area churches will be providing food and everything is free. The event for April 28 has been cancelled, organizers announced.
Dance program
“Rounds in the Round,” a performance by UNC Asheville’s dance program featuring ballet, modern, Jazz, hip hop, Filipino, Middle Eastern, tap, soft shoe and more, will take place at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, April 13-14. The program will be
held in the Carol Belk Theatre on the campus. “Rounds in the Round” will be a familyfriendly and celebratory show vaguely modeled on a boxing match, with each of its 13 “rounds” featuring special lighting design by the UNC Asheville Drama Department. Tickets are $10; $5 for students. For information and ticket reservations, please call 828-2325652 or order online at http://drama.unca.edu/ theatre-unca.
Jonathan Austin/Yancey County News
Family and Friends . . . Serving Family and Friends We are committed to restoring and maintaining your independence and quality of life to the greatest extent possible.
310 Pensacola Road Burnsville, NC 28714 Ph: 828.682.9759 Fax: 828.682.4096
10 APRIL 12, 2012
Burnsville Metric bike event set for April 28
The Burnsville Metric - a 60-plus mile bike ride held yearly in Yancey County - will occur on Saturday, April 28. Organizers tout the ride as “a great way to start off your cycling season. It is casual but well-supported and comprises some of the flattest, most scenic roads in Yancey and Mitchell counties.” Due to the ongoing construction project along the U.S. 19 corridor, riders should be especially alert to road conditions along the stretches of the route that follow that road. Organizers say there will be no Family Ride in 2012. They will consider offering it again in 2013 if they find a sponsor and if there is sufficient interest. The ride begins promptly at 9 a.m., and helmets are required. All riders must sign a waiver, and riders under the age 18 must have a parent co-sign the waiver. All riders must obey rules of the road. There are three well-supplied rest stops along the route at the Egypt-Ramseytown fire department, the Bakersville fire department, and at Martin’s Chapel. Organizers offer roving support for any who wear out or have mechanical difficulty on the 60.7 mile route. Ham radio communication will be provided by the Mayland Amateur www.burnsvillemetric.com, and packet pick- $35 after that. Students (22 or younger, full-time up is the day of the race from 7:15 a.m. – 8:45 student) $20/$30. Radio Club. Day-of-ride registration begin at 7:15 a.m. at Registration packets are available online at a.m. at Burnsville Town Center. Registration fee is $27 if by midnight April 14;
the Burnsville Town Center.
TRAC plans art auction Canned food fundraiser set
A treasure of items have been donated to the Toe River Arts Council’s “first-ever” TRAC Art Roadshow: gifts of jewelry and other items from the travels of concert pianist Madame Lili Krause; a beautiful hand-built red oak harpsichord with cherry and walnut keys; African baskets that were given as an honorary gift from the Craft Council of South Africa to our own local basketmaker and NC Living Treasure, Billie Ruth Sudduth. These plus l o t s o f p o t t e r y, glass, paintings, photography, sculpture, stained glass, folk art weavings, jewelry, and more are some of the close to 150 items that were donated by
local collectors and TRAC supporters. Attendees will have an opportunity to bid and purchase these items on Saturday, April 21 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Burnsville Center. Auctioneer Zack Allen will be amusing and bemusing the audience as he auctions and talks about these unique pieces. Food and drink will be available. And to boot that – admission is free! TRAC continues to accept items now until April 21 at either the Burnsville TRAC Gallery (10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at 102 West Main Street, or in Spruce Pine at the Mountainside Wine Shop (next to the Spruce Pine
for Reconciliation House
TRAC Gallery that is being renovated). Mountainside Wine is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. 100 percent of the value of the donation is tax deductible. For more information call Denise at 6827215 or email trac@ toeriverarts.org.
Can we skate together? Can we raise money and food for the Reconciliation House while having fun? Yes, we CAN! Join the fun at the 2nd Annual Roller Skating Canned Food Fundraiser for the Reconciliation House. Th e Yo u th G r oup and Missions Committee from First Presbyterian Church of Burnsville are teaming up with the Youth Group from Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church & St. Thomas Episcopal Church for a night of skating, fellowship and fundraising at the Riverside Roller Rink on Wednesday, April 25th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. We want to stock up the food pantry at the Reconciliation House. In order to join the fun, participants must bring 5 cans/packages of nonperishable food items (pasta,
peanut butter, cereal, etc) or $4.00 to get in. All money will go to Reconciliation House; so larger cash donations are welcome. “We’re excited to partner with other churches for this worthwhile cause,” said Amy Sheele, Youth Group Coordinator for First Presbyterian Church. The last youth group fundraiser at First Presbyterian Church raised over $500 to purchase food for Operation Feed a Child. “Families are encouraged to come out and join the fun. This is a great opportunity to come together as a community,” said Steven Grindstaff, Youth Minister at Higgins Memorial UMC. For more information, call First Presbyterian Church at 682-4789.
TBA Tim Brown Architecture custom residential commercial institutional
APRIL 12, 2012
Keeping the youth involved in hunting
Wes entered the field Saturday morning at an early 6 a.m. The previous evening, he had scouted the fields for signs of his game. On one field, he heard the familiar sounds of a lonely Tom. This would be the place. Wes set out two decoys, one jake and one hen, and then backed into the edge of the woods. Sporting his Stoeger 2000 12 gauge shotgun, and loaded with 4 shot Winchester shells, Wes felt good about this morning. Within Wes Beamon with his 10 minutes of sitting, birthday turkey: 9 ¼ the gobbles started. inch beard and 1 inch Wes has been hunting spurs. turkey for the last few years, even had one come within a few yards of him on occasion. Wes had scouted the land many times, learning where every tree and thicket was located. He had studied the paths the different animals would take to get from field to forest to field. And for his work, this year, if the Tom were to appear before his decoys, he would pull the trigger. In 2009 the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission proposed doing away with Youth Turkey day. Youth Turkey day is historically the Saturday before opening day of turkey season, in which hunters under the age of 16 are allowed to go in the field in pursuit of gobblers. The hunters of North Carolina were upset with the notion of losing the youth only hunt and their voices were loud. Youth only days represent a way to have an
Bill Howard’s
adult work with a youth in the pursuit of the game through cooperation. In the book “The Hunter: Developmental Stages and Ethics,” Dr. Bob Norton challenges the reader to get the youth involved with the outdoors first. As the youth becomes more acquainted with nature, then the passion of the hunt will follow. Once the youth has worked toward the goal, through learning the appreciation of nature and the outdoors, the hunt would be more satisfying without setting uncommon expectations. Many of us believe if we can just get the new hunter their first ‘kill’ they will be hooked. Contrary to these beliefs, the first kill is not the beginning stage. The first kill is just one of the stages. After the work, the consideration and appreciation, the kill helps influence the young
hunter for the future. Ethics are instilled. Now, all work and no reward do not bode well for a long-term hunter either. The pursuit of the game needs to have an end goal. Often the sight of the animal is enough, but even that needs to be prodded further eventually. This is where the youth only days have become beneficial. Well before the shotguns start firing on opening day, before the turkey become accustomed to the ‘fake’ hens and jakes calling for them, the youth get their chance at one shot. As Wes sat in the edge of the woods on the field line, he kept hearing the gobbles getting closer. Soon, he could almost feel the bird nearby. A great flutter occurred just to his back, and a great dark object landed just in front of him. The Tom perked up as he met the decoys set in front of Wes. Wes pulled the trigger on the 12 gauge. He had no time to be nervous or anxious. Wes was the hunter and instinct grabbed hold of him. With the blast the turkey stumbled about. Wes’ hard work and several years of hunting the elusive and wary bird had finally paid off, just as he felt it would. This was Wes’ last opportunity to hunt on any youth only day. Two days later Wes turned 16 (April 9). Nature had provided an early birthday gift. Bill Howard is an avid bowhunter and outdoorsman. He teaches hunter education (IHEA) and bowhunter education (IBEP) in North Carolina. He is a member of North Carolina Bowhunters Association and Pope & Young, and is an official measurer for both. He can be reached at billhoward outdoors@ gmail.com.
Teen pulls record striped bass from Hiwassee Reservoir When he launched his 17-foot Hydrosport on Hiwassee Reservoir on the morning of March 31, Tyler Shields expected he’d catch a few largemouth bass, maybe a smallmouth bass or two. What he didn’t expect to catch, however, was the new freshwater striped bass state record. Shortly before noon, the 17-year old from Murphy reeled in a massive 66-pound striped bass, using a black zoom trick worm and 10 pound test on a Bass Pro Shops Bionic Blade rod. Shields’ state record striped bass eclipses the previous one, also caught in Hiwassee, by nearly 12 pounds. That fish weighed 54.2 pounds and was caught by Larry Keith Verner, also of Murphy, on June 6, 1991. When he first hooked the giant fish, Shields, who was who was fishing with his cousin, Logan Howard, 15, and friend, Caleb Davis, 15, thought that it was a catfish. However, when he got the fish to the boat, he saw that it was “a big striper.” He didn’t realize how big it was until he got to the dock and a friend’s father, Brian Kilpatrick, suggested that it might be a new state record and recommended that Shields get it weighed. The grocery store that Shields visited initially had scales that went up to only 50 pounds. He eventually had the fish weighed on N.C. Department of Agriculture-certified scales at Interstate Welding and Steel Supply, in Marble. Powell Wheeler, a district fisheries biologist for the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, verified that the behemoth was a striped bass and exceeded the existing state record. Shields, who has a lifetime fishing license,
since it’s the only the lake he’s fished since he picked up a rod and reel four years ago. Although he said he knew that the last state record striped bass came from Hiwassee — and had heard of anglers occasionally catching whopper striped bass — Shields said he prefers catching largemouth, smallmouth and spotted bass year round, and catfish in the summer. As evidenced by the two state records, Hiwassee Reservoir harbors some very large striped bass, particularly for reservoir striped bass, which typically don’t get as large as their coastal counterparts. See page 13
HIGH COUNTRY GUN & KNIFE SHOW First Gun & Knife Show in Yancey County • 120 Tables of Guns, Knives and Related Items Barbecue - Bake Sale - Door Prizes Sat. April 21 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. April 22 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission $7 Buy, Sell, Trade
N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
Tyler Shields with his 66-pound striped bass.
prefers trying his luck on Hiwassee because of its close proximity to his home and because he knows Hiwassee so well — not surprising
MOUNTAIN HERITAGE EXPO CENTER 621 Micaville Loop, Micaville Info. & Directions: www. highcountryshows.com
12 APRIL 12, 2012
Executive mountain home with 3 bed/3 baths, beautiful views, Fireplace, wood stove, open floor plan and recreational rights to the Cane River for fishing, swimming, etc. West side of Burnsville. Available 4/15/2012. $950/ month. Cattail Peak Realty, Burnsville 682-3217. 1,2, & 3 Bedroom apartments for rent in town of Burnsville. Please call 865-607-3208.
WANTED TO BUY Need Cash? Got Clothes, Furniture, Household Items? Planning a yard sale? Call 828-284-9449. I will buy good condition items. No calls on Sundays or after 8 PM.
Unrestricted one acre on Upper Browns Creek Road. Beautiful bold stream, several water holes, view of Mt. Celo. For information, please call 828-675-0647.
4 Bed Rm 2 Bath 2000 sq ft Delivered to your property. $68,800 Call Sam 828-6841550 After 5 call 828-7683648 Dune Buggy for sale $2,500 OBO. 828.208.0406.
6 . 2 9 a c re s l a n d p l u s 3 b e d r o o m , 2 b a t h 1999 Toyota Camry, good Mobile home for sale condition, needs shocks. i n R a m s e y t o w n s h i p . $1,950.00. Please call 828Will finance with 10% 208-7137 downpayment. Listed at Week of 4/16/12 - 4/22/12 Boxwoods for Sale. $10 $110,000. 828-329-4958 each. 828.208.0406.
Apartments for Sale - 2 Units/5 Apartments, plus extra acreage for additional units - Possible Owner finance with sizable down payment. Call 865-607-3208. (P&L available to qualified buyer) Burnsville Town limits.
Huge Yard/Tent/Moving Sale. The Computer Help Shop. (1.5 miles east of Burnsville) Furniture, Household, Clothing, Antiques, Tools, Equipment, Computers, Parts, Accessories. Friday/
The Weekly Crossword ACROSS 1 Lowe of "Pretty Little Liars" 5 Composed, as a letter 10 If all ___ fails... 14 Honolulu's home 15 Macho guys 16 Hatfield/McCoy affair 17 Barrel of laughs 18 Pole vault, e.g. 19 Repel, with "off" 20 Clothing tag instruction 22 Department created by Carter 24 Ship captain's post 25 Fox follower 26 Muslim holy city 29 Part of mph 31 Kind of coffee 35 Horror-stricken 37 Michele of "Glee" 39 In the past 40 One with an artistic career 44 Chess pieces 45 "We ___ People..." 46 At an angle 47 Rose oil 50 Bungle 52 Like most chips 53 Bread purchase 55 1995 film, "Mr. Holland's ____" 57 Insignia 60 Lack of color 64 Actor's part 65 Put up with 67 Elliptical shape 68 Pirate's drink 69 Old photo color 70 "Will be", in a Doris Day song 71 At one time 72 Trusty mount 73 Game show prize, often
Saturday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. .
Parkway Playhouse, 202 Green Mountain Drive; Friday, April 13, Noon until 3 pm and Saturday, April 14, 8am until 3 pm. Honda Goldwing Motorcycle, furniture, books, tools, antiques, and much more! Thousands of items! Indoor sale, DO NOT MISS! The Bald Creek United Methodist Women will hold their annual Yard Sale, Saturday, April 21 from 8 a.m. to noon in the church basement. All proceeds will go to The Bald Creek United Methodist Church Relay for Life Team.
Will do housecleaning, sit with elderly, Reliable,
by Margie E. Burke
21 24
40 44
46 51
52 56
34 Milestone 56 Say "not guilty" birthday 57 Hence 36 ___ for tat 58 Daybreak, 38 Blind-bat link poetically 41 Pan handler? 59 Voting group 42 Magazine edition 60 Snowman 43 Gorbachev accessory policy 61 At any time 48 Make a claim 62 Indian garment 49 Caviar source 63 High-five sound 51 Band tour toter 66 Make a wager 54 Stockpile Answer to Last Week's Crossword L E T U P A R I S E G R E E N N A E C H E L C H A T T L E I Y A E R Y T R Y O N D E R E S E R E V O L V P A L O A D O U Y E N S
Neighbors helping Neighbors, a Bolens Creek Community Project. Call 208-3999. Low Interest Loans to Qualified Home Owners for Any home improvement projects. 828-273-0970 Blue Belle Farms, A U’Neat Gift shop and makers of Goat Soaps and Lotions is currently seeking Crafters to join the fun! You keep 100% of YOUR proceeds for a very small rental fee. Please stop by 127 West Main Street to see what everyone is talking about in beautiful Downtown Burnsville! Give the gift of reading! Su b s c r i b i n g t o Ya n c e y County’s ONLY LOCALLY OWNED - and nominated by your Chamber of Commerce as a 2011 Business of the Year - Newspaper can provide a year’s worth of great information! Only $25 will get your home delivery
Is your subscription up for Renewal?? Now that we have had our ONE YEAR Anniversary, (!!) It’s time to think about renewing your subscription to THE NEWSPAPER in beautiful YANCEY County! We are grateful to the ones who have already done so, and look forward to a maintaining our relationship with the many friends and supporters we have made throughout this year past! Please call or stop by our office - 132 West Main Street, in beautiful downtown Burnsville! 828678-3900. We have also mailed “reminder postcards” , please be sure to return asap. You don’t want to miss a single issue! It’s the season for Yard Sales - Advertise yours for only $5.00! Give us a call. Don’t miss this opportunity to get great exposure and increase traffic to you location. Susan - 828-678-3900
Having qualified as ancillary executor of the estate of Clinton Edwards of Yancey County of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of June 2012 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 28th day of March 2012.
Copyright 2012 by The Puzzle Syndicate
DOWN 1 Firewood quantity 2 Samson's pride 3 Sailor's shout 4 Holland hat 5 Potter's device 6 Overhaul 7 Warning sign 8 Hamilton's bill 9 Computer key 10 Worn out 11 Lascivious look 12 Like an aria 13 Circular current 21 Canine line 23 Sign of approval 25 Genealogy chart 26 Underground lava 27 Plumed wading bird 28 Monk's monotone 30 1965 film, "The Sons of Katie ____" 32 Erie or Panama 33 FBI operative
Sewing alterations. Call 208-3999.
started TODAY! Call 6783900 to sign up NOW!
Administrator / Executor notice
39 42
53 57
responsible, and reasonable rates! Please call Linda, 828682-7984.
Alan Keith Edwards 2200 Nave Dr. Johnson City, TN 37601
3/22, 3/29. 4/5, 4/12 2012
IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, YANCEY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Administrator / Executor notice Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lois Mamie Robinson of Yancey County of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of June 2012 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 27th day of March 2012. Kenneth Robinson 985 Bee Log Road Burnsville, NC 28714
3/29. 4/5, 4/12, 4/19 2012
Children who read well get better grades in school!
APRIL 12, 2012
Addressing issues with bedtime and toilet By John Rosemond
relationship between freedom (what this age child wants most) and Q: My 12-year-old daughter thinks she’s old enough to set her own responsible behavior (what parents want most from this age child). bedtime. We told her that we want her in bed, lights out, by 9:30 on To maintain or gain more freedom, the child begins to act more weeknights and 10 on non-school nights. This really isn’t working, responsibly. Win-win! Q: Our 4-year-old daughter goes to the bathroom frequently however, as she continues to try to during the day. Sometimes, she will go into the bathroom, stay up later. In one of your books, Living pee, come out, and go back in again within minutes. Her you describe a system for letting need - if that’s the right word - increases when we put her teenagers earn their curfew. Can we in her room for time-out, during nap time in the afternoon, use a similar system for bedtime? with and after we put her to bed at night. Her pediatrician has A: Curfew and bedtime are ruled out a urinary tract problem. How do you recommend horses of two different colors. The handling this? former involves safety, peer group, children A: I’m glad you told me her physician has ruled out a maturity, and responsibility issues urinary tract problem because I wouldn’t have given you that are not involved, or as involved, advice otherwise. This isn’t the first time parents have as regards bedtime. For that reason, I described this problem with a girl this age. Odd, for sure, but would not advise using an approach nearly all young children do odd things of one sort or another, and one similar to the curfew system that I describe in my book Teen-Proofing. I generally recommend that parents set no specific bedtime for a or two odd things does not make a odd child. The somewhat selective child 12 years of age or older; rather, they simply insist that after a nature of the problem tells me this is a tad manipulative. Tell your daughter that if she has to go to the bathroom more than certain time - say, 9 p.m.- the child is on non-punitive restriction to once during her nap time, that you have to move her bedtime back one her room. Assuming that she does not make it difficult for other family members to get a decent night’s sleep, the youngster can stay up as late hour that evening (notice the margin of error). Otherwise, I recommend as she wants. However, if getting up in the morning and getting ready that you completely - and I mean COMPLETELY - ignore her need for school, church, or whatever become problematic, then the parents to be in frequent contact with white porcelain during normal waking go back to enforcing a specific, and relatively early, bedtime. In that hours. With dispassionate enforcement on your part, the naptime urges unfortunate event, they also remove distracting electronic devices - should disappear within a couple of weeks. When you think that part of the problem has been solved, use a cell phones, computers, and the like- - from the child’s room so that she can fall asleep more easily and get the sleep she obviously needs. similar approach concerning her bedtime urges. Tell her that if she If that step needs to be taken, then the child’s room is cleansed goes to the bathroom more than once after being put to bed, you will and the “old” bedtime is enforced for at least a month, but no more move her bedtime back an hour the next night. If my experience serves than two months. Then parents replace the distractions and let the me well, that approach—ignoring and a mild consequence—should child determine her own bedtime again. My experience is that the clear up her urinary tract hyperactivity in short order. “punishment” doesn’t have to be used more than twice before the Family psychologist John Rosemond answers questions at problem is solved. rosemond.com. This approach helps the pre-teen or young teen see the life-long
N.C. teen pulls in state-record striped bass From page 11
Striped bass, or “stripers,” are regarded mostly as a coastal water fish, living their adult lives in the ocean and migrating up into coastal rivers to spawn. If conditions are right, as they are in Hiwassee, striped bass can thrive in freshwater. The Wildlife Commission stocks striped bass into several freshwater reservoirs in the Piedmont and Mountain regions, but ironically, Hiwassee Reservoir is not stocked with striped bass. Striped bass in Hiwassee are the “Houdinis” of the fish world, having traversed several obstacles to make it into the reservoir. “We’ve always focused on other fisheries in Lake Hiwassee, particularly walleye and black basses,” Wheeler said. “However, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources stocks stripers upstream of Hiwassee in Nottely Reservoir. Occasionally, a striper survives
passing through Nottely Dam turbine or over the spillway and swims 13 miles down the Nottely River to Hiwassee Reservoir.” The few striped bass that make it from Nottely Reservoir to Hiwassee tend to grow very large, very fast. “The rarity of striped bass in Hiwassee coupled with the abundance of forage fishes in the reservoir are the main reasons why Hiwassee has produced the last two freshwater fishing state records for striped bass,” Wheeler said. “In the middle of Hiwassee where stripers are often found, there is simply a lot of food and few other predators to compete with.” The Wildlife Commission does not manage Hiwassee Reservoir actively for striped bass, but Wheeler said that he has had several encounters with large stripers in some of his fish-sampling work. “Some anglers also are aware of these very large, but rare, fish,” Wheeler said. “They’ll actively target them in Hiwassee.”
However, most Hiwassee anglers, like Shields, prefer fishing for largemouth bass and smallmouth bass. Shields’ record is unique in that it not only breaks the freshwater state record, but also exceeds the current saltwater state record as well. That striper, which was caught off Oregon Inlet in 2011, weighed 64 pounds, according to the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, which recognizes state records of fish only from oceans, estuaries and coastal rivers. To qualify for a N.C. Freshwater Fish State Record, anglers must have caught the fish by rod and reel or cane pole, have the fish weighed on a scale certified by the N.C. Department of Agriculture, witnessed by one observer, have the fish identified by a fisheries biologist from the Commission, and submit an application with a full, side-view photo of the fish. For a list of all freshwater fish state records in North Carolina or more information on the State Record Fish Program, click here. For more information on fishing in public, inland waters, www.ncwildlife.org/fishing or call the Division of Inland Fisheries, 919-707-0220. For more information on fishing in public, Bail brings a wealth of experience gleaned from inland waters, visit www.ncwildlife.org/.
Bail is new Forest Service chief The Southern Region of the U.S. Forest Service announced today the selection of Kristin Bail as the new Forest Supervisor of the National Forests in North Carolina. Bail is currently the Deputy Forest Supervisor on the Coconino National Forest in Arizona. In accepting this position she is returning to a part of the country she loves. “I am honored for the opportunity to live and work in the beautiful mountains and coast of North Carolina. I look forward to working with our forest employees, our state and local partners, and the conservation community to care for these diverse and special National Forests,” said Bail.
over 27 years of federal service with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the Forest Service in Oregon, Arizona, and Washington, D.C. In addition to her current role Deputy Forest Supervisor for the Coconino National Forest she has previously served in the BLM national business and fiscal resources section and as the BLM national policy and program lead for the 37 national monuments and national conservation areas. Kristin will report to the Supervisor’s Office in Asheville, N.C. on May 21, 2012.
J.F. Robinson
Furniture & Appliances
Wood Stoves
Lane Parts for sale! Knoxmealmaster
8:30-5 Mon-Fri • 8:30-1 Sat 75 Roy Edwards Lane Mars Hill - 689-4323
14 APRIL 12, 2012
UNC Asheville plans astronomy lab
UNC Asheville and the Astronomy Club of Asheville have announced a joint project to Polling Place Buffer zones for Yancey build a small laboratory on the north side of County Polling Places campus that will significantly expand student The following is a list of Yancey County polling places and a description of each buffer zone is which Election opportunities for studying optical astronomy. Day electioneering. Buffer zones are designated in UNC Asheville’s Physics Department has a accordance with G.S. § 163-166.4(a), by the county well-established core of astronomy classes, but board of elections. Where practical set limit of the zone is 50 feet from the door of entrance to the voting place, lacks a laboratory/observatory for coursework measured when that door is closed, but in no event is the and undergraduate research. The new facility limit at more than 50 feet or at less than 25 feet. The poll will serve as a modern lab for the 300 students workers will mark buffer zones on Election Day with No who study introductory astronomy each Campaigning or Electioneering signs. year and as a research facility for students Burnsville: Located at Burnsville Elementary School pursuing advanced study and undergraduate Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the front door of research projects in astronomy, astrophysics the building and experimental physics. The lab will also be Cane River: Located at Bald Creek Elementary School Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the back door of used for special sessions for area K-12 schools the building and the N.C. Center for Creative Retirement, Egypt: Locate at Bee Log Elementary School as well as by the Astronomy Club of Asheville. Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the Cafeteria door Ramsey Town: Located at Ramsey Town Fire Department The Astronomy Club of Asheville is Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the side entrance funding the full cost of building the facility, door which is being designed by Padgett & Freeman Green Mountain: Located at Green Mountain Voting Architects of Asheville. House Electioneering is allowed 25 ft from front entrance “We are grateful for the generosity and Jacks Creek: Located at Clearmont Elementary School vision of the Astronomy Club of Asheville and Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the back entrance are delighted to be working with them to bring Brush Creek: Located at the Brush Creek Community a high-quality astronomical observation and Building Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the front door research facility to the region. This joint effort Crabtree: Located at Micaville Elementary School will benefit scientists of all ages and abilities Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the front door and promote and expand STEM education on South Toe: Located at South Toe Elementary School Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the back entrance our campus and in our community,” said UNC Pensacola: Located at Pensacola Fire Department Asheville Chancellor Anne Ponder. Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the side entrance Said Bernard Arghiere, Astronomy Club Prices Creek: Located at Cane River Middle School of Asheville president, “This observatory Electioneering is allowed 50 ft from the main front entrance will bring our solar system and the universe a whole lot closer to the residents of Asheville, Charles McCurry, Chairman Buncombe County and our region. There Yancey County Board of Elections are many wonderful astronomical images Run Dates: April 5, April 12, April 19 and April 26 available today, but nothing takes the place IN THE CIRCUIT COURT YOU ARE NOTIFIED that of observing a planet or other celestial objects OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL an action for dissolution directly in the telescope eyepiece.” COURT IN AND FOR of marriage has been filed The 1,300-square-foot, single-story building S U M P T E R C O U N T Y, against you and that you FLORIDA Case No. 2012 are required to serve a copy will have a low-pitched roof that slides back DR 000 155 of your written defenses, if for full-sky astronomical viewing, and will any, to it on SHANNON SHANNON LEWELLEN- LEWELLEN BOLANOS, accommodate up to 25 students and staff. BOLANOS whose address is 117 N. The lab will permanently house two 14-inch Petitioner/Wife Rosewood Ave., Bushnell, FL 33513, on or before June optical telescopes; a paved terrace outside And 11, 2012, and file the original the building will provide space for additional with the clerk of this Court portable telescopes. JOSE INES BOLANOS- at PO Box 2587, Bushnell, The Astronomy Club of Asheville will HINOJOSA FL 33513 before service on Week of 4/16/12 - 4/22/12 Respondent/Husband Petitioner or immediately provide one of the two 14-inch telescopes; the thereafter. If you fail to do NOTICE OF ACTION so, a default may be entered university already owns the second. One of FOR DISSOLUTION OF against you for the relief the two telescopes will be upfitted for remote MARRIAGE demanded in the petition. viewing and high-quality photography. Dated March 26, 2012, Said Brian Dennison, UNC Asheville’s To : Jo s e In e s B o l a n o s CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT Hinojosa COURT By: Melanie Hurst Glaxo Wellcome Professor and professor 1681 W. U.S. 19E Deputy Clerk of Physics, “The optical astronomy lab Burnsville, NC 28714 3/29, 4/5, 4/12, 4/19 2012 will give students hands-on experience with telescopes and related state-of-theEdited by Margie E. Burke art instrumentation. Difficulty : Easy HOW TO SOLVE: This will complement our ongoing work in radio astronomy that we carry out in partnership with the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute Answer to Last Week's Sudoku near Brevard.” “We are excited about the opportunities to partner with K-12 educators and students in our region. Astronomy is one of the sciences that can intrigue students of any age,” added Judy Copyright 2012 by The Puzzle Syndicate
Beck, the UNC Asheville physics professor who will be working with area schools. The new lab will be located at the end of Nut Hill Road (referred to by some as Chestnut Ridge Road), on a very small portion (.07 acre) of the 65-acre property owned by the university that sits north of Reuter Center and the Sherrill Center, above Lookout Road. Nut Hill Road is a gated and paved access road built by the university a number of years ago. The site was selected for its excellent sky views and because it is subject to minimal vibration and light pollution, which are both key to optimal astronomical study. The lab will sit well below the ridgeline on the lower part of the property facing the campus. The lab’s small footprint will allow it to easily blend into the site. The presence of the lab is not expected to increase traffic on Lookout Road. Nut Hill Road, which intersects with Lookout Road, will remain gated. Classes and groups using the lab will be transported by campus shuttle. Parking at the lab will be limited to facility staff and users requiring handicap access. The existing hiking trails on the 65-acre property will not be affected by the project and will remain intact. Construction is expected to begin this summer and the lab is projected to be in use during the coming academic year. Some tree trimming and tree removal will be required for construction and optimal astronomical lines of sight.
Towing Service $ Wanted to Buy $ with Rollback Truck! JUNK VEHICLES Rollback Service! I&Buy Junk Vehicles! Pay Fair Price Will Pick Up Vehicle 828-284-7522
IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE, YANCEY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Administrator / Executor notice Having qualified as co-administrators of the estate of Mary Lou Wilson of Yancey County of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before 13th day of June 2012 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 13th day of March 2012. Merita B. Good 3262 Paint Fork Rd. Mars Hill, NC 28754 Linda B. McKinney 2908 Hwy. 80 South Burnsville, NC 28714
APRIL 12, 2012
Asparagus - a springtime wonder veggie By Medea L Galligan, MS Nutrition The appearance of fresh asparagus at local farmers’ markets and grocery stores is one of the healthiest signs that spring has indeed arrived, when its shoots break through the soil and reach their 6-8 inch harvest length. The fleshy green spears of asparagus are both succulent and tender and have been considered a delicacy since ancient times. In California the first crops are picked as early as February, although the asparagus season generally is considered to run from April through May, and the growing season in the East and Midwest often extends through July. Asparagus is a member of the lily family which includes leeks, garlic and onions. It has a spear top with bud-like, compact and pointed head. It may surprise you to know that there are a few hundred varieties of asparagus but only a small number is edible. Asparagus is one of those veggies that my famiIy and I enjoy cooking and eating during this time of year. Asparagus is not only delicious on its own and in many different recipes, but it is also packed with health benefits and disease-fighting abilities. For starters, it’s loaded with nutrients. Asparagus is an alkaline food which is rich in protein but low in calories and carbohydrates. It is an excellent source of potassium, folic acid, vitamins A, C and K, and traces of vitamin B complex, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. A good source of dietary fiber, asparagus is also rich in niacin, phosphorus and very low sodium. And certainly most impressive is that it is one of those few vegetables that actually has the calcium and magnesium in the ideal ratio of 2:1. Asparagus is also packed with antioxidants, ranking among the top fruits and vegetables for its ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. This, according to preliminary research, may help slow the aging process. Secondly, this herbaceous plant—along with avocado, kale and Brussels sprouts—is a particularly rich source of glutathione, a detoxifying compound that helps break down carcinogens and other harmful compounds like free radicals. This is why eating asparagus may help protect against and fight certain forms of cancer, such as bone, breast, colon, larynx and lung cancers. Another anti-aging property of this delicious spring veggie is that it may help our brains fight cognitive decline. Like leafy greens, asparagus delivers folate, which works with vitamin B12—found in fish, poultry, meat and dairy—to help prevent cognitive impairment. In a study from Tufts University, older adults with healthy levels of folate and B12 performed better on a test of response speed and mental flexibility. (If you’re 50-plus, be sure you’re getting enough B12: your ability to absorb it decreases with age.) One more benefit of asparagus: It contains high levels of the amino acid asparagine, which serves as a natural diuretic, and increased urination not only releases fluid but helps rid the body of excess salts. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from edema (an accumulation of fluids in the body’s tissues) and those who have high blood pressure or other heart-related diseases. The most common type of asparagus is green, but you might see two others in supermarkets and restaurants: white, which is more delicate and difficult to harvest, and purple, which is smaller and fruitier in flavor. No matter the type you choose, asparagus is a tasty, versatile vegetable that can be cooked in myriad ways or enjoyed raw in salads. Steaming
is traditional, then coating with melted butter or hollandaise sauce. You want make sure to lightly steam, rather than boil, the spears, just enough to turn bright green and maintain firmness. This will preserve the sodium and other minerals in the asparagus, instead of boiling them away. Another option is to cook them without water in stainless steel waterless cookware. Avoid cooking asparagus in iron pots as the tannins in the asparagus can react with the iron and cause the stalks to become discolored. Another way to prepare asparagus is to break in short lengths, and cook quickly in hot oil in a wok and sprinkle with soy sauce or balsamic vinegar. Roasting or grilling asparagus is another delicious way to prepare this delicious and nutrient packed vegetable. How To Grow Asparagus (Aspargus officianalis) Believe it or not, asparagus is easy to grow. You can either direct plant seeds, or plant as crowns. Seeds will take 2-3 years before maturing into crowns. Seeds should be planted at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed, and best planted at soil temperatures between 61 and 86°F in October in the Southeast. Or plant crowns (roots) 20-40 cm apart and a few cm (1 inch) deep in well manured soil in October. The
asparagus shoots grow in spring. Harvest the shoots which are bigger than 1-2cm/half-inch in diameter. Leave the rest to grow into the leafy ferns (1.5m/5-6ft tall) which will feed the crowns to give a crop next year. In autumn the ferns will be covered in bright red poisonous berries. Leave the ferns to die down in autumn, then trim off the dead stalks and pile on plenty of rotted manure/compost to give the roots plenty of food to produce new stems in spring. Harvest by cutting off the stalk, close to the ground. From the second or third year you can get an additional crop by letting the first lot of ferns grow, then bending down the stalks to break them. A second crop of shoots will grow and can be harvested. Leave subsequent shoots to grow on to ferns. Asparagus is compatible with Parsley, Basil, Nasturtiums, and Lettuce, but be sure to avoid growing with Garlic and Onions. Worth noting: The asparagus berries are poisonous and only the young shoots are edible! Medea L Galligan earned her Masters of Science in Nutrition from Oklahoma State University, and also attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s Health Coach Training Program, located in New York City. Since 1998, she has helped thousands of people of all ages improve their health and well being through support and encouragement, exploring which foods are right for them, and assisting them in bringing back the joy of cooking and eating. Visit www.HealthyLifestyle Concepts.com for more information.
Asparagus Crustless Quiche This quick and easy Italian-inspired dish combines good-for-you garlic, Omega-3 eggs, and a little cheese with the season’s tender and healthful asparagus to make a golden delight of a main meal. INGREDIENTS 2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil plus extra for pie plate 1 pound asparagus, tough ends snapped off and discarded, spears sliced into 1/2-inch pieces ¼ cup finely minced scallion or onion ¼ cup finely sliced portabella mushrooms (optional, if you like mushroom!) 4 large eggs 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan or Romano cheese 1/2 cup dry Panko breadcrumbs Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 Tbs chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 1. Preheat oven t o 3 5 0 ° F. O i l a 9-inch pie plate. Pre-heat a heavybottomed skillet on low, add the olive oil and scallion or onion, asparagus, and mushrooms, cooking around 4 minutes until asparagus bright green and crisp-tender. Remove from heat. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, garlic, cheese, and Panko breadcrumbs. Add sea salt, pepper, and fresh parsley, whisking again to combine. 3. Add asparagus and stir to combine. Pour mixture into the prepared pie plate and bake in preheated oven 30 to 35 minutes or until firm. 4. Remove from oven and let cool for 15 minutes. Serve with a large green salad and enjoy!
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