Devry phil 347 all homework assignments latest 2017 november

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DeVry PHIL 347 All Homework AssignmentsLatest 2017 November Question DeVry PHIL347 Week 1 Homework Assignment Latest 2017 November Precis 1 To complete this assignment, follow the instructions below. 

Review the description of a precis in this section after exercise 2.16 in the textbook. You can also see examples throughout chapter 2. Then, consider statements 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, or 10 in Exercise 2.18 (found in chapter 2).

Choose two statements and present an analysis in a proper paragraph. Be sure to identify the essential elements including


the source of the statements;


any claims;


whether those claims present an argument; and, if so,


which of those claims are thepremises and which is theconclusion.

Feel free to add any additional information you feel is pertinent to analyzing each statement.

Please submit your assignment as a double-spaced Microsoft Word document. Please use the naming protocol Precis1_Lastname. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, the document would be saved as Precis1_Smith. DeVry PHIL347 Week 3 Homework Assignment Latest 2017 November Precis 2 To complete this assignment, follow the instructions below. 

There will be arguments to address from both Chapters 5 and 6.

From Exercise 5.28 (mislabeled 2.28 in the text),


choose two arguments from options 1, 7, 8, and 10, and follow the directions for writing the precis.

From Exercise 6.22, pages 158–159, o

write a precis for options 1, 4, and 7.

You will end up with five precis in one document.

Be sure to include a cover page, and double-space the writing.

Note:Although you cannot easily do a simple or Venn diagram, you can 

number the claims;

clearly designate them aspremises and aconclusion; and

walk through the logic stating the relationship between the premises and the conclusion.

Be sure to state exactly which type of argument you are analyzing.


If the argument isinductive, state how you rate the argument's strength.


If the argument isdeductive, state whether it is valid and sound.

Also be sure to clearly list the exercise and option in the precis.

This assignment should be submitted as a double-spaced Microsoft Word document. Please use the naming protocol Precis2_Lastname. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, the document would be saved as Precis2_Smith. DeVry PHIL347 Week 4 Homework Assignment Latest 2017 November PHIL347 Week 4 Homework Assignment Truth-Table Worksheet (graded, 60 points) Part 1: 6 points Part 2: 18 points Part 3: 20 points Part 4: 16 points Total: 60 points Part 1—Four Main Connectors (1.5 points× 4 = 6 total points) Instructions For the four main connectors, complete the truth tables below.

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· For the purposes of this document, we will use keys common on most computers. · The tilde (~) remains the same, butandwill be represented by&,or will be represented byV, andIf, then will be represented by>. · Use capitalTfortrue and capitalF forfalse. P











Part 2—Simple Claims (3 points× 6 = 18 total points) Instructions The simple claims below are from the textbook Exercise 7.6 (page 167). · Designate a letter to represent each simple claim, and then translate the truth-functional claims into symbolic forms. · Be sure to provide a breakdown on which claims are represented by which letter. Example: People often think that all claims are either facts or opinion. Answer: FÚ O F =People often think that all claims are facts. O =People often think that all claims are opinions. 1. If John continues to look haggard, then someone must arrange to take him to the University Health Center to find out what is wrong. Answer: 2. Kestrels are not common in this part of the country. Answer: 3. All students on campus have access to either a desktop computer or laptop computer. Answer: 4. The movie is unsuitable for children unless it has a G rating. Answer: 5. Llamas are South American ruminants, and bison are North American bovine mammals. Answer: 6. You can graduate from this university only if you pass the logical reasoning class. Answer: Part 3—Identifying Operator Identification (4 points× 5 = 20 total points)

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Instructions From the textbook Exercise 7.11 (pages 170–171), follow the directions for claims below. · Be sure to identify the claims represented by the capital letters you have chosen as well as the type of main operator (i.e. conjunction, disjunction, negation, or conditional). Example:You do not feel safe in the dark, yet your mission is to go into that cave. Answer: ~S •M conjunction S = You feel safe in the dark. M = Your mission is to go into that cave. 1. It is not the case that my car will start after a rainstorm only if I dry off the battery connections. Answer: 2. You will not have a successful business unless you hire hard-working employees. Answer: 3. A crocodile is neither in the yard nor in the house. Answer: 4. Children are strong readers and have good math skills only if they attend preschool. Answer: 5. If you finish all of your dinner, then you will not have room for dessert. Answer:

Part 4—Table Completion (4 points × 4 = 16 total points) Instructions From the textbook Exercise 7.20 (pages 181–182), complete the truth tables for the following arguments, and state if they are valid or invalid. · If invalid, be sure to highlight the line demonstrating that fact. · The two columns to the left in red are there to help you make sure you are applying all values properly. 1. M >K M K The argument is _____. (Valid or invalid) M








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2. P > Q Q P The argument is _____. P




















3. Q P>Q P The argument is _____. Q














4. A V B ~B A The argument is _____. A













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DeVry PHIL347 Week 5 Homework Assignment Latest 2017 November Precis 3 To complete this assignment, follow the instructions below. 

You will have two arguments to address from both Chapter 8 and Chapter 9.

From Chapter 8, Exercise 8.9, write a precis on passages 4 and 5.


Be sure to identify the type of argument, if appropriate, and discuss the strength of any possible inductive generalizations.


Work to justify your analysis.


No diagram is necessary.

From Chapter 9, Exercise 9.12, write a precis on passages 1 and 4. o

Be sure to identify the type of argument, if appropriate, and discuss the strength of any possible analogical arguments.


Work to justify your analysis.


No diagram is necessary.

This assignment should be submitted as a double-spaced Microsoft Word document. Please use the naming protocol Precis3_Lastname. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, the document would be saved as Precis3_Smith. DeVry PHIL347 Week 6 Homework Assignment Latest 2017 November Reference List for Argumentative Essay In Week 7, you will be constructing an argumentative paper incorporating what you learn that week about constructing arguments. For this assignment, you are to submit a Microsoft Word document with a properly formatted cover page. You may use this document to build the paper due in Week 7. To complete this assignment, follow the instructions below. 

State the topic clearly.

Create a thesis paragraph expressing what you will be arguing (the point you want to make) and a general order for the paper.

Include a reference list of no fewer than five properly APA-formatted references for sources you intend to use in the paper.

The list of possible topics includes

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human involvement in climate change (no or yes and to what degree);

the use of robots in healthcare;

the impact (positive or negative) of social media on a specific generation;

whether social security will be sustainable into the future;

the value of DNA therapies in treating cancer;

using technologies like CRISPR/Cas9 to eliminate genetic diseases (or create designer babies);

whether animals should have rights equal to humans;

whether vegetarianism is healthier than eating meat; and

whether either medical or recreational marijuana should be legal.

Hopefully, there is something here that will interest you. Note: As you do your research, it is permissible to change your sources. Also, because of the recency and relevance of these issues, no sources older than 5 years should be used other than as historical information.Critical thinkers do the research first and then side with the preponderance of evidence. You might want to follow that principle. This assignment should be submitted as a double-spaced Microsoft Word document. Please use the naming protocol ReferenceList_Lastname. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, the document would be saved as ReferenceList_Smith. DeVry PHIL347 Week 7 Homework Assignment Latest 2017 November Argumentative Essay Following the direction offered by Jackson and Newberry (2016) in Chapter 12, complete an argumentative essay on the issue you chose in Week 6. Be sure your essay contains 

an introduction containing a thesis that states the issue, your position on the issue, what the paper will cover, and in what order;

at least two paragraphs that each contain a well-supported (and documented) claim or sub-argument that will provide strong support for your fallacy-free argument;

at least one paragraph discussing a documented, reasonable counterclaim to your position that needs to be a legitimate claim that someone has actually made as a counter-position on your issue;

at least one paragraph offering a reasonable, documented response to that counterclaim; and

a conclusion that summarizes the argument and conclusion.

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This argumentative essay should 

be no less than 750 words;

have no fewer than five sources;

be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, using proper APA formatting (cover page, one-inch margins, and double-spacing); and

follow APA documentation protocol.

This assignment should be submitted using the naming protocol ArgumentativeEssay_Lastname. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, the document would be saved as ArgumentativeEssay_Smith.

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