essage from Broker of Record Time has passed by so quickly and we are nearing the end of year 2019. From the very beginning we started our brokerage in 2004, we strive to put together teams of the finest real estate professionals in establishing a brokerage that provides our agents with the most advanced technology, strong support, systematic training, and education. In the past 15 years, we listen, we learn, we gain, and we grow. With over 1200 salespersons/brokers registered with our brokerage, the biggest Chinese brokerage in Ontario, we can proudly say “we did it”. We would have not been able to achieve our goal without your efforts and supports. With that said, we will continue to help our agents to perfect their trade techniques and to provide our clients with the best real estate services possible. Looking forward, 2020 will be another great year. I am confident that our company will continue to strive toward more success I look forward to seeing growth and success from our agents and brokerage. I wish you all a healthy and prosperous new year!
Tony Ma Broker of Record
加拿大大鹏地产公司(HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc., Brokerage)成立于2004年7月,目前公司旗下经纪1200余人,是 多伦多规模最大的华人地产公司。自加入HomeLife大家庭以来, 大鹏地产一直稳居HomeLife加拿大全国业绩总冠军的宝座,并保 持着销售业绩和放盘总量第一名的彪炳纪录。在过去十五年的发 展过程中,大鹏地产以其独有的正面积极的企业文化,一流的培 训课程、严格的管理制度、以及强大有效的公司管理团队支持, 让旗下的地产精英得以在充满竞争的行业中立足并持续发展,以 及创造更大的成功。大鹏地产,是地产精英的基地,更是业绩冠 军的摇篮! The largest Chinese-Canadian real estate company in the GTA, HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc. , Brokerage first opened its doors in July, 2004. From the beginning, HomeLife Landmark set out to create an environment where over a thousand real estate salespersons could thrive competitively and successfully, accomplishing more than they ever imagined. To provide high-quality service to those buying and selling residential and commercial properties, HomeLife Landmark has assembled a team of the finest real estate professionals, providing them with the most advanced and up-to-date education, training, and technology. We help our professionals refine their abilities and, most importantly, we provide our clients with the best service possible.
ompany Introduction
公司优势 dvantages
大鹏地产业务范围多元广泛,包括住宅和商业买卖,商业和民用租赁,土地买卖, 地产投资,楼盘开发等业务。公司管理有序,制度分明。大鹏地产严格实施公司支持
业务多元 管理有序
系统、前台接待系统、电话服务中心、后台支持系统、市场开发系统,会计管理系统 等,责任落实到位,分工具体、细致、明确。而且,在地产服务的每一个环节,从接 待客户、Showing房屋、卖房上网挂牌(Listing)、房屋的买卖、交割过程,到贷款 帮助、成交后的售后服务等方面,大鹏地产都给予公司经纪强力的支持。
大鹏地产一直推崇高密度和高成效的经纪培训课程。培训内容从经纪的基本职业素 质,到经纪的基本职业技能,从市场推广能力的提高,到利用高科技和新媒体推销各 类房产资源,一应俱全。每周星期二、四和六在公司万锦总部定期进行的培训课程以
培训高效 造星卓著
及周二、周四在密市分公司进行的经纪培训辅导从不间断,加上全天候值班经理及时 的答疑解难,大鹏地产力求使加入的每一位同事都感受到知识和经验的重要性,帮助 经纪们度过最困难的前期开拓期。对于已经深入行业并取得了一定成绩的精英经纪们 ,大鹏地产每三个月会举办精英经纪培训班,在十堂课的教学中,我们为精英经纪们 集思广益,很多经纪通过精英培训后都能突破瓶颈,在业绩上更上一层楼。
一直以来,大鹏地产与各大建筑开发商都保持着良好的合作关系,我们代理的新 楼盘涵盖了整个大多伦多地区、安省其他城市、甚至美国的多个州市。2013年底, 大鹏地产成立了新楼盘展销中心。新楼盘展销中心的成立得到了各大建筑开发商的 鼎力支持,纷纷为新楼盘展销中心提供第一手楼盘信息,并为大鹏地产的客户提供
架构明晰 服务全面
了更加丰厚的售价优惠。大鹏地产密西沙加分公司于2014年6月成立,位于密市中 心位置,紧邻密西沙加黄金广场,交通方便。大鹏地产密市分公司的成立,为多伦 多西部社区,特别是密西沙加、弥敦、宾顿、奥克维尔等地区的客户提供了更便捷 优质的地产服务。大鹏地产于2019年5月成立了美国分公司(Landmark U.S. Realty Inc.),专注于奥兰多迪士尼周边高回报、高收益的高端小区,帮助投资者轻松获得 长期的现金流回报。
Homelife Landmark's superior training, distribution, and reward systems provide a complete and systematic foundation for our salespeople. Our goal is to enable every full-time salesperson to become a top-producing professional in the real estate industry. If you have a related career background, or if you have successful past experience and are seeking a positive team to support your career development, please join us at Homelife Landmark. You will realize your entire potential, and together we will achieve our dreams.
2018年大鹏地产再次荣获HomeLife加拿大年度业绩总冠军 2018 Emerald Club Office in Canada Gross Sales Commissions
进步和发展为己任。不管顺势逆势,大鹏地产都有信心在未来的道路上和全体精英同仁一起勇往 直前,创造并成就更加美好辉煌的明天!
最值得信赖的服务 助您实现安居置业的梦想 最值得加盟的团队 助您实现事业成功的理想 实用系统的专业培训 全面高效的办公支持 和谐向上的企业文化 著名的HOMELIFE连锁公司! 大鹏地产---金牌经纪的摇篮 大鹏地产助您鹏程万里,事业辉煌! • Practical and Systematic Training • Comprehensive and Effective Office Support • Positive and Supportive Enterprise Culture • Franchisee of the Renowned HomeLife Realty Services Ltd. HomeLife Landmark Helps you achieve UNPRECEDENTED CAREER SUCCESS!
(2004-2019) Our History
大鹏地产公司成立 HomeLife Landmark Brokerage was established
加拿大华人地产公司业绩第一名 Company ranked #1 in performance among Chinese-Canadian Real Estate Companies
2004 2008 12
大鹏地产并购城市地产公司 HomeLife Metro was merged by HomeLife Landmark
2009至2018年,连续十年获得华人地产公司业绩第一名 As the highest performing Chinese real estate brokerage for 10 consecutive years (2009-2018)
新楼盘展销中心成立 Condo SuperCentre was established
2013 2010 11
总部搬迁至万锦市 Headquarters relocated to Markham
2014 06
密西沙加分公司成立 Mississauga branch was established
2013、2014、2015、2017、2018 获得HomeLife加拿大年度业绩总冠军 HomeLife Canada Annual Performance Champion in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018
旗下地产经纪超过千人 Company acquired more than 1000 real estate agents
美国分公司成立 Landmark U.S. Realty Inc. was established
2019 2018 07
美国房产团队成立 U.S. Real Estate Sales Team was established
2013、2014、2015、 2017、2018 获得HomeLife加拿大 年度业绩总冠军
HomeLife Canada Annual Performance Champion in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018
2009年至2018年连续十年获得 华人地产公司业绩第一名
Ranked #1 As the highest performing Chinese real estate brokerage for 10 consecutive years (2009-2018).
获得多个建筑商的肯定与赞许并保 持着良好的合作关系 With HomeLife Landmark’s successful experience in pre-construction projects, we have developed long-term stable relationships with developers and builders.
ffice i Locations 万锦市总公司 Markham Head Office i (From 2010-now)
密西沙加分公司 Mississauga Branch (From 2014-now)
(From 2019 -now)
美国分公司 Landmark U.S. Realty Inc.
Mississauga Branch 密西沙加分公司
大鹏地产密西沙加分公司于2014年6月成立, 位于密市中心位置,紧邻密西沙加黄金广场,交 通方便。密市分公司总面积约2600平方英尺, 内设会议室、会客厅、工作间、办公室等,各类 设施配备完善,停车位充足,为经纪们提供了一 个方便、快捷和高效的工作环境。大鹏地产密市 分公司的成立,为多伦多西部社区,特别是密西 沙加、弥敦、宾顿、奥克维尔等地区的客户提供 了更便捷优质的地产服务。
Located near Golden Square Centre, HomeLife Landmark’s Mississauga Branch was established in June 2014. With a total area of 2,600 square feet, the Mississauga Branch includes conference rooms, a reception area, and workshop facilities. The office is fully equipped and has ample parking, providing brokers with a convenient and conducive working environment. The establishment of HomeLife Landmark’s Mississauga Branch provides convenient and high quality real estate services to our clients in western area of GTA, especially in Mississauga, Milton, Brampton, and Oakville.
Landmark U.S. Realty Inc. 美国分公司
2019年5月25日,大鹏地产在美国成立了 分公司Landmark U.S. Realty Inc. 。作为多家 建筑商的国际首席代理,大鹏地产在多伦多本 地和国内客户中对佛罗里达州度假屋和长租房 市场方面的专业和影响力有目共睹。 大鹏地产美国分公司主要专注于美国奥兰 多迪士尼周边的高回报、高收益的高端小区, 其中有ChampionsGate, Windosr at Westside等。 拥有五年的成功度假屋营运经验,并于奥 兰多优秀的当地团队有着良好的合作关系。
On May 25, 2019, HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc., Brokerage established a branch office i in the United States - Landmark U.S. Realty Inc. .As the top international sales agency, HomeLife Landmark has the most professional and knowledgeable Brokerage in U.S. long-term rental and vacation homes. The company primarily focuses on high income return neighbourhoods in Orlando, Florida, including ChampionsGate, Storey Lake, Windsor at Westside and etc. With five years of successfully experience in managing our vacation homes, HomeLife Landmark has developed a solid cooperative relationship with local management teams in Orlando.
美国分公司售后部门 Landmark Vacation Homes 为了提供更好的贷款、装潢和管理等一条龙服务,大 鹏地产美国分公司售后部门Landmark Vacation Homes 应运而生。大鹏地产以保障客户的最大利益为前提,为 每一位客户提供透明实时的全方位服务,包括:度假屋 投资咨询,筹备上市和后期运营管理等。
To ensure the best investment returns for our valueable customers, HomeLife Landmark established our Landmark Vacation Homes Department. We provide transparent and comprehensive services, including vacation homes consultation, listing preparation, booking and guest services.
官方网站 Official website: www.landmarkvacationhomes.com
扫描下方二维码 了解更多资讯 You can scan the QR code to learn more information
anagement Team
Tony Ma President, Broker of Record
Sammy Yang
David Chen
Melody Lao
Kamalu Tharani
Cathy Liu
Jessica Huang
Mississauga Manager
USA Sales Dept Manager
公司培训 raining Programs
大鹏地产公司一直提倡“和谐向上、共同发展”的企 业文化,我们欢迎更多人才加盟。这些“新鲜血液”将会 为广大客户、为其他经纪、为公司带来无可限量的契机 和成就。 大鹏地产通过多年的经验积累,从员工培训到业务 管理已经形成了一套完善成熟、富有成效的管理机制。 公司自成立以来,多年如一日,始终坚持每周2-3次的
2019/01 Kick-Off Training
系统培训,全年培训超过100多次,培训内容从经纪的 基本职业素质,到经纪的基本职业技能,从市场推广能 力的提高,到利用高科技手段推销各类房产资源等一应 俱全。
HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc., Brokerage is built upon the philosophy of professionalism, multiculturalism, and teamwork. We always welcome more professionals to join our team. New salespersons offer tremendous opportunities for our clients, agents, and company. Through years of professional experience in the field, HomeLife Landmark Realty has assembled an excellent team of experts, able to effectively manage everything from employ-
2019/01 Kick-Off Training 2019/11 新政府下的地产新政分析讲座
ee training to keeping the business running at peak efficiency. From its establishment, the company has consistently hosted 2-3 systematic training sessions every week, adding up to more than 100 training sessions per year. The training provided has covered a wide range of topics, from improving the agents’ basic professional qualities and skills, to using the most advanced techniques to sell and promote the various types of real estate available.
在强化地产经纪的个人职业素养方面,大鹏地产一直 不遗余力。公司提供的培训课程中内容广泛,涵盖了与 地产相关的几乎所有行业信息,如房屋结构和验房的注 意事项、地产开发和翻建的流程、商业地产成功案例、 地产经纪和多个物业的报税细节、最新贷款政策、地产 法律法规更新等。今年大鹏更是推出了各种地产销售技 巧等实用讲座,包括美国房产交易培训、楼盘和房花的 销售技巧、Open House实地考察、电子签名的使用、如 何利用微信等新媒体扩大客源、各种地产APP的应用, 更有从业几十年的讲师带来的“精英培训班”系列课程和 Kick Off开年培训这种大型培训讲座。大鹏地产的地产 2019/02 地产经纪职业保险知识讲座
经纪们将这些专业知识融会贯通,更好地服务客户,受 到客户广泛好评。
2019/03 银行贷款新政讲解会
2019/01 楼花交接违约问题详解讲座
HomeLife Landmark has spared no effort in strengthening the personal professionalism of our real estate agents. The company offers a wide range of training courses covering all industry-related content, such as Home Inspection, Real Estate Developments and Construction Processes, Commercial and Small Business, Tax Returns for Multiple Properties, latest Mortgage Policies, Real Estate Laws and Regulation updates and etc. In 2019, HomeLife Landmark launched multiple practical seminars on various real estate sales techniques, including US Real Estate Sales Training, Sales Techniques for Pre-Construction Projects, Open House Field Trips, Use of Electronic Signatures, how to use new social media platforms such as WeChat to expand your customer base, and how to integrate various real estate apps. In addition, there was also a series of “Elite Training Courses” presented by a lecturer with decades of experience, and a large-scale training seminar to kick off the start of the year.HomeLife Landmark’s real estate agents have been able to integrate this expertise to better assist their clients, receiving frequent praise and excellent reviews.
大鹏地产十五年的发展是书写多伦多地产传奇的历程, 也是一个造“星”的过程。自成立以来,大鹏培养了一批又 一批在多伦多地产行业里叱咤风云的地产明星。大鹏地产 与一众地产精英的成长历程算得上是多伦多地产业的一本 教科书。大鹏的造“星”工程可以归纳为大鹏的 “I-STAR”system。I,是打造自己的Image(形象);S, 是公司平台的Support(支持);T,是获取专业的Training(培训),A,是得到管理和经理团队的Assistant(帮 助),R,是拥有丰富的Resource(资源)。有了全面而 2019/11 房产税务知识讲座
环环相扣的平台承托,大鹏地产的经纪们得以乘风起航, 与公司携手开创更广阔的天地。
Over the course of more than fifteen i years, HomeLife Landmark has seen tremendous growth and success. Since its inception, HomeLife Landmark has trained countless numbers of renowned real estate agents. The extraordinary progress made by HomeLife Landmark acts as both a benchmark and an inspiration in the Toronto real estate industry. HomeLife Landmark’s success in transforming agents into superstars can be
2019/11 Union Village 新项目预告会
attributed to our unique I-STAR system: I, to create your own “Image”, S, to have the “Support” of the company platform, T, to receive frequent professional “Training”, A, to have the “Assistance” of our qualified managers and broker of record, and finally R, to have full access to our rich library of “Resources”. With comprehensive support on every level, HomeLife Landmark’s real estate agents are able to fly high and reach for the stars, working hand in hand with HomeLife Landmark to go further than ever before.
2019/05 美国投资业务宣讲会 2019/05 The Well 楼盘推介会
ajor events
Florida Sales Event At the beginning of the year 2018, after HomeLife Landmark’s Broker of Record, Tony Ma and a team of talented professionals travelled to Florida to survey the area, HomeLife Landmark became the sole representing brokerage for several Florida Vacation Homes and Long Term Rental real estate projects, increasing the number of options available to clients who are looking for affordable homes with huge investment potentials. Throughout this year, HomeLife Land-
大鹏地产总裁Tony一行众人亲临美国佛罗里达州实地考察之后,大 鹏地产独家代理了多个佛罗里达州度假屋和长租房地产项目,为置业投 资者带来了多个价格实惠且投资潜力巨大的地产项目。自2018年以来, 大鹏地产已多次举办美国房产展销会,大鹏地产的精英团队和来自美国 的开发商代表为客户解答疑问并现场签约,展销活动在业界取得极大的 反响,现场络绎不绝的人流表明人们对房产投资依然有着极大的热情!
mark has held many US Real Estate Sales Events. The US Sales Team from Homelife landmark and the Developer representatives from the US were able to swiftly answer client questions and address their concerns, signing contracts on the events. HomeLife Landmark’s promotional activities could only be described as extremely effective, and the constant flow of people coming onto the scene shows that there is still great enthusiasm for real estate investment.
大型活动 2019 Major Events
11 YV VIP经纪发布会
YSL VIP经纪发布会
U.S. Sales Team
作为2018年大鹏地产推出的明星团队,美国房产团队在销售业绩上交出了一份满意的答卷。大 鹏地产美国房产团队自成立以来,多次前往美国实地考察,主要合作伙伴包括美国著名建筑商 Lennar, Pulte Homes 等。目前业务范围包括美国佛罗里达州的度假屋和长租房市场,并于2018和 2019年相继举办多场美国房产展销活动,在多伦多引起很大的反响。大鹏地产美国房产团队在销 量、专业度和影响力上已经成了多伦多本地美国房产市场的领头军。
An all-star team launched by HomeLife Landmark in 2018, the U.S. Real Estate Sales Team has already delivered a confident sales performance. Since its formation, the HomeLife Landmark U.S. Real Estate Sales Team has frequented the States on many occasions, visiting leading American developers like Lennar, Pulte Homes and other distinguished US builders. The U.S. Sales Team’s business focus is on vacation homes and the long-term rental market in Florida. The team has also held numerous sales events between 2018 and 2019 that have created positive reactions in GTA. HomeLife Landmark Brokerage’s U.S. Sales Team has become a leader in Toronto’s local US real estate market, with their excellence in sales, professionalism and influence.
2019 Review
2018-2019两年内 获得Lennar国际首席代理 以及Pulte最佳销售业绩奖
Landmark U.S. Realty Inc. Grand Opening
U.S. Sales Team was established
EAM Introduction
Rickle Huang
地产这个行业没有什么秘笈,记住一句话: “专业、专注,100%投入热情,知人善用,合作共赢”
There is no secret to the real estate industry. Success comes with professionalism, dedication, enthusiasm, forming industry connections and cooperation.
Queens Team
EAM Introduction
Queens Team成立于2019年3月,由大鹏地产五位优秀的 女性地产经纪组成,他们是Joyi Zhang、Jessica Huang、 Alicia Huang、Jane Sun和Cindy Yin。Queens Team致力于 大多伦多地区楼盘和二手房市场,同时对美国奥兰多度假屋 投资有深入的研究和独到的专业见解。
The Queens team was founded in March 2019 and consists of five outstanding female real estate agents from HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc., Brokerage . The team includes Joyi Zhang, Jessica Huang, Alicia Huang, Jane Sun and Cindy Yin. The Queens team specializes in pre-construction projects in the Greater Toronto Area and the resale housing market. They also provide in-depth research and unique professional insights into vacation home investments in Orlando, USA.
EAM Introduction
Bo, The Real Deal! “Bo, The Real Deal! ”是大鹏地产推出的Listing精英团队之一。团队以 多年Top 10 Listing 经纪刘博 (Bo Liu)为核心,以擅长客户服务与市场 营销的金牌经纪 Jason Gao 为团队经理,汇聚了一批精心钻研二手房重售 市场的精兵强将,以骄人的业绩在大多地区重售市场上打出了品牌与声望 !“Bo, The Real Deal! ”团队秉持“We Deliver Value!”的宗旨,“客户利益 至上”的原则,精耕细作、专业务实,赢得了客户的信任、厚爱与支持!“ 人品可靠、业务精湛、渠道丰富、成功率高”已成为客户对“Bo, The Real Deal! ”团队的共识! “Bo, The Real Deal!” is one of the elite listing teams launched by HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc., Brokerage. The team is led by Bo Liu, a multi-year Top 10 Listing broker, and Jason Gao, team manager and gold-level salesperson specializing in customer service and marketing. The duo brings together a group of elite agents who conduct thorough research into the resale housing market, achieving prestige and recognition for their outstanding performance. Their motto “We Deliver Value,” and customer-first, hard work and professionalism has won the trust, love and support of their clients. Clients have consistently praised the “Bo, The Real Deal” team for their reliability, business excellence, abundant connections and their high success rate!
EAM Introduction
CondoPro 团队是大鹏地产旗下的专业房产团队之一,长 期致力于为加留学、移民、生活、工作的华人群体以及为海外 投资的华人群体提供房屋租赁、房产买卖、楼花买卖、生意买 卖、商业置业、翻建开发以及相应法律咨询、银行贷款、售后 验房、物业托管等等一系列的相关服务。拥有不同背景的团队 成员具有多达6种语言的沟通能力(包括中文、英文、西班牙 文、广东话、福建话以及上海话),凭籍多元化和专业化的服 务,负责和守信的态度,为不同客户群体提供最优质的地产服 务。 The CondoPro team is one of HomeLife Landmark Brokerage’s professional teams and has been providing long-term real estate services to overseas students, immigrants, the Chinese community, and Chinese investors. The CondoPro team members come from different backgrounds and can speak up to 6 different languages (including Mandarin, English, Spanish, Cantonese, Fujian and Shanghainese). With diversified and professional team, CondoPro provides the best real estate service for their diverse clientele.
EAM Introduction
CondoStar CondoStar由五位专业资深的房地产经纪人组成。他们分别是拥有近30年 商业运作及团队管理经验的Edward Xin;14年地产销售经验,性格沉稳工作 敬业的Robert Lu;周到稳重,拥有多年跨省地产经验的Ann Wang;精诚协 作,为客户争取最大利益的Irene Li;和来自地产开发世家,专业高效的 Hannah Han。组团以来,CondoStar 深受客户和同行的一致认可,成为多 伦多地产市场一颗闪亮新星! The CondoStar team consists of five professional real estate agents. Edward Xin, with over 30 years of previous experience, specializes in business operations and team management. Robert Lu has over 14 years of real estate experience and consistently provides quality, thoughtful and dependable service for his clients. Ann Wang brings many years of hard working, cross-province experience to the team. Irene Li always has her customers best interests at heart. Hannah Han comes from a family with many years of real estate development experience. Since its formation the team has been recognized by their peers as one of the premier real estate groups in the Greater Toronto Area.
AAA Team
EAM Introduction
AAA团队成立于5年前,当时有两名成员。 如今,已经成为 了一支由5人组成的专业团队。这支团队由从事房地产行业多 年的五位专家组成,业务范围包括GTA的各个区域,以确保客 户满足所有对于房地产的需求。同时,还提供加拿大境外的房 地产服务(包括:美国,中国,印度和斯里兰卡)。 每个团队 成员在消费者的整体满意度中都有着特定的角色为的是让他们 在房地产交易中获得得轻松和满意的体验。
AAA Team was established 5 years ago with two members. Since then it has grown to a team of five with powerful and influential specialists in the Real Estate industry. Our experienced five-members team works to insure all real estate needs of their clients, including properties outside of Canada such as USA, China, India and Sri Lanka. Every team member has a specific role to play in the overall satisfaction of the consumer. This ensures a stress free enviroment for our customers.
EAM Introduction
Home Express Team 加鸿置业团队是大鹏地产旗下专业房产团队之一,一直活跃在大多 西部和多伦多市中心地区。在过去几年中,团队成员获得了包括Top 10 of Listing和Top 10 of Resale在内的众多奖项 。拥有超过15年的房 地产投资经验,并致力于奉献,诚信和专业,加鸿置业团队在客户心目 中已成为信任和成功的代名词。事实上,他们90%的客户都来自于推 荐。"本地专业知识,国际市场开发。“加鸿置业团队帮助不同国际背景 的客户在加拿大实现了置业梦想,并至始至终的不断超越客户的期望。
Home Express Team specializes in GTA west and downtown Toronto area. They received numerous awards including multi-year Top 10 of Listing and Top 10 of Resale in the past years. With over 15 years of experience in real estate investment, and the commitment to dedication, integrity and expertise, Home Express Team has become the brand meaning trust and success. 90% of their clients come from referrals. "Local Expertise, International Presence.” Home Express Team has helped clients of different international backgrounds in both residential and commercial areas and consistently exceeded their client’s expectations.
David Chen Team Leader Manager
商业地产团队 ommercial Team
Lawrence Ding
Ding Ding
Steven Fan
Bo Jin
Adam Tao
Phoebe Wang
Kevin Tao
Louis Lu
Luke Zhou
Ben Wang
Aileen Chen
Summer Wang
Joe Xu
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘 Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
独家代理项目 Exclusive Projects
Aoyuan International
Aspen Ridge Homes
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
M2M Condos
Margo Condos
Camrost Felcorp
Canderel Residential & Kingsett Capital
One Crosstown Condos
Capital Developments
Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
Exchange District Condos
St. Clair Village Condos
The Forest Hill Condominiums
Azura Condos
Transit City
Concord Adex
Nordic Condos
Tretti Condos
Central Condos
Concord Canada House
Concord Adex
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
Concord King's Landing
The LakeFront Condos
Cortel Group
The Lakeshore Condos Cresford Development Corporation
Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
Oak & Co. Condos
Distrikt Developments
CG Tower
Crown Communities
Distrikt Trailside
YSL Residences Diamante Development Corporation
Greenwich Village Towns
Winlock Towns
The United Bldg. Condos
Mirabella Luxury Condos
n i s a r t i s t ’s i m p re s s i o n .
Elad Canada
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
Freed Developments
G Group Development Corp.
Galleria on the Park
Empire Communities
ANX Condos
The Borough Condos
I ll u s t rat i o n i s a r t i s t ’s i m p re s s i o n .
Great Gulf
Greenland Group(Canada)
Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
Maverick Condos Graywood Developments Ltd
250 Lawrence Condos Kingdom Developments
K Square Condos
357 King West
Lakeside Residences
Lamb Development Corp.
Lanterra Developments
The Bread Company
Artists' Alley
Lanterra Developments
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
Fifty Scollard Condos
No.31 Condos
Notting Hill Condos
Illustration is artist’s c
mergecondos.com Illustration is artist’s concept.
LCH Developments
Liberty Development Corporation
Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
Promenade Park Towers
Merge Condos
Promenade Park Towers (Building A (south side), Building B (north side)): Exterior Rendering Dusk View, By Liberty Development
Lifetime Developments
All illustrations are artist’s concept. Furniture is displayed for illustration purposes only and suites are sold unfurnished. Building finishes and view may vary from those shown. Building and view not to scale. For more information, please speak with a sales representative from Merge Condos.
Exclusive Listing: Baker Real Estate Incorporated, Brokerage. Brokers protected. E.&O.E.
XO Condos
Grand Cornell Brownstones
Panda Condos
The Brownstones at Westown
Marlin Spring
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
Mattamy Homes
Menkes Developments Ltd.
The Mack
Mattamy Homes
Vita 2
Fleur Condos
Menkes Developments Ltd. Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
in.DE condos Menkes Developments Ltd.
Mobilio Condos & Towns
Metropia & Context
The New Lawrence Heights Metroview Developments
Sugar Wharf Condos
8888 Yonge
MOD Developments Inc.
55C condos
Metropia, RioCan Living & Capital Developments
Minto Communities
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
11 Yorkville
123 Portland
Pinnacle International
The Saint
Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
Bijou on Bloor
Primont Homes
The Prestige Condos at Pinnacle One Yonge
Queensville Developments & National Homes
Jade Garden at Cornell Sorbara Group of Companies
Encore The Conservatory Group
Aurora Hills Sorbara Group of Companies, Metropia & Greybrook Realty Partners
The Point
The Way Urban Towns
Pearl Place Condos
The Daniels Corporation
The Remington Group
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
Lighthouse East Tower
The Thornhill
Gallery Towers
Times Group Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
Pavilia Park Townhomes
Treasure Hill Homes
Canyon Hill
Trendi Towns
Tribute Communities
Linx Condos
Y&S Condos
Edenbridge on the Kingsway
项目介绍 加拿大 楼盘
The Well
Urban Capital & Rogers Real Estate Development Limited Downtown Toronto & GTA Projects
M City Westbank & Allied Properties
Zancor Homes
King Toronto
合作伙伴 Business Partner
Baker Real Estate Incorporated
Milborne Group
RAD Marketing
Cornerstone MarketVision Marketing Realty Inc.
International Home Marketing Group
The Branch Condos
In2ition Realty
The Condo Store Realty Inc.
PSR Brokerage
Kuzuian Real Estate
TFN Realty
Skyline Marketing Realty Inc.,Brokerage
Champions Gate
美国 奥兰多 度假屋 Orlando Vacation Homes
Storey Lake
Windosr at westside
Windosr island
我 “与大鹏 2004年加入 • Join in 2004
Wendy Sze
Maria Ma
Lawrence Ding
Marilyn Gao
John Niu
Akshay Joshi
Jonathan Wang
Tim Wang
Rosie Bi
Maggie Liu
2005年加入 • Join in 2005
Irene Lu
Jeff Qian
Marcus Lou
Mike Luan
2006年加入 • Join in 2006
Richard Chen
Omid Akhlaghi
Tony Tao Song
Diane Dai
Mike Meng
Andy Gu
风雨兼行 十五年成长
2007年加入 • Join in 2007
David Yu
Tong Zhang
Stella Ding
Charity Chen
Angela Shen
Kelly Liu
Stone Zhang
Michael Yu
Stephen Lee
William Zhou
Dan Su
Judy Yu
Michelle Yuan
2008年加入 • Join in 2008
Tony Tang
Rose Yun
Sammy Yang
Danny Peng
Bin Liang
Ming Zhao
Annie Wang
David Zheng
Maged Bushara
Erkan Sen
Tatiana Chliapnikova
Andy Wang
Martin Zhou
Wilson Lee
Anthony Xu
Sunny Shang
Angel Lu
Amir Khimani
Paul Jia
Jason Wang
Robert Li
Alan Zhang
Serphin Lai
Amy Kwan Miu Kwok
Nadarajah, Nada
Kamalu Tharani
Ramesh Babbar
Shan Naz
风雨兼行 十五年成长
Algernon Rodrigues
Adil Sidaros
Rao, Nunzio
Shamim Ansari
Edwin Li
Patrick Tellis
Pietro Valle
Angela Yang
Richard Wong
Bobby Vikos Chippa
Charles Ling
Joe Chan
Jenny Pang
Lorne Wasser
Saifoo Lau
Billy Trieu
Mumtaz Jeewa
Deepti Neto
Peter Zand-Karimi
Jeff Wu
Kevin Yip
Wei-Hing Lam
2009年加入 • Join in 2009
Wayne Lai
Ingrid Zhang
Sam Hana
Michael Mao
Howard Mai
Kamal Dhakal
Ahmed Farooq
Mahmood Ghani
Olga Parkhomenko
Sam Hosseini
Khalid Mahmood
Patty Zhang
Jim Tran
Vilija Truelove
风雨兼行 十五年成长
Imtiaz Fazalbhoy
Ruby Tao
Iris Li
Sherry Lee
James Wang
Lily Zhang
Inayat Ail Kherani
Clark Gao
Yvette Luong
Thamal Perera
Addis Hadege
Yi Long
Sue Zeng
Wasantha Abeysiri
Ming Li
Tommy Zhao
Alice Xu
Erfan Hajian
Joe Liu
Arnel Ilano
Amy Chen
Thangesh Sithamparapillai
David Luu
Faye Wang
Mike Huang
Ram Saravan
Dennis Chin
Sophie Fu
Susan Zhang
Sean Liao
Shiraz Marani
Anna Liang
Grace Chen
Ding Ding
Alex Sandoval
Devin Zhu
Noriel Dela Cruz
Alex Lyubarsky
Xiao Mei Huang
Clifford D'Souza
风雨兼行 十五年成长
“ 我与大鹏那些年的_____________” 悠悠十五载
马保现邀请我参加公司今年的圣诞晚会,我几番谢绝,不料老马一再邀请,盛情难却,我就只能却之不恭了。遥想当年 公司第一届圣诞晚会,也是老马专门请我,一样的节奏,一晃都15年了。 荏苒十五年,弹指一挥间。在不经意中,大鹏已走过了十五个年华,发生了翻天覆地的变化。作为公司的一员,我真的 感慨万分。 记得第一届公司圣诞晚会时,公司的规模不大,才三十几个经记,晚会由韩建国和Wendy斯主持,获奖经记才八个人。 那年我是兼职做,正好挣了三万多的佣金,勉强够银奖,就成了第一个上台领奖的人。 那年的冠军是李敦,这哥们那年挣了大概16万的佣金,代价就是新车一年跑了14万公里,可谓天道酬勤。那年韩建国刚 进公司才三个月,一单生意尚未完成,可晩会上仍然忙前忙后的,我就觉得这小子行,果然后来他就越发不可收拾了。 公司刚成立那会,办公室不大,公司培训时,大家都来,人常常挤到门外,结束后,意犹未尽,大家伙就继续呆在公司
John Niu Join In 2004
侃大山,尤其几个女经纪,没事就把老韩按住一通调侃,常常把他搞得满脸绯红,娇喘连连,像个大姑娘似的。 从前慢,大家也没什么钱,谁要能做一单六十万的Deal,那就是放卫星,绝对轰动,请客是必须的节奏。楼下就是成吉思汗自助餐,$15/位,那会 儿日子就是这么简单。 有天老板心血来潮,让我也搞一个讲座,介绍如何抢Offer,我推辞道:俺英语不行,老马说:就用中国话。于是隔天公司给经记们发通知,并强调 "Lectures in Mandarin"。那天人来的特别多,里三层外三层的,大伙都说:还是老牛面子大,搞个讲座,老板还请大家去Mandarin撮一顿,太讲究 了! 大家都是新人,来自五湖四海,没有钱也没有经验,唯独不缺的就是热情和干劲。李菲当年开个本田civil,车的后视镜都被撞掉了,带客人看房的路 上,又撞到路边障碍,车前面开个口子。菲姐露出女汉子本色,二话不说,从车里拿出透明胶带,三下五除二就把口子粘上,把客人吓得"大姐,要不 我来开车算了。"这就是当年创业的生活节奏,人人满怀希望,辛苦而充实着。 07年雍景豪城(Concord)发布新楼花,老板是晚上九点多打电话给我,当我赶到Downtown 的售楼中心,现场已经人声鼎沸,一百多人在排队等 候了。连续二天二夜的露天排队,正逢盛夏,晚上感觉格外清凉。那时夜短,为了打发时间,我有时给大家讲故事,然后东边就泛白了。 那次排队我认识了许多公司的新人,他们那时没客户,老板就让他们过来排队。其中一哥们中间去咖啡馆上厕所,与老板聊天,结果老板就成了他 的客户,从手里拿了两个单位。许多人就从那次排队出发,现在都已是多村楼花的大牌了。 十五年了,公司已从十几个人,七八条枪发展到现在一千二百多人,多伦多首屈一指的大公司,成了多伦多地产界华人的黄埔军校。前一段,我路 过公司最早的地址,那个大楼已经不见,取而代之的,是一幢拔地而起的新楼。时光在变,景物在变,而我有幸在这大好的时代中,陪伴着公司的成长 ,慢慢变老。 岁月辗转成歌,时光流逝如花。回头俯望,走过的路,有平坦更有崎岖,遇到的人,有欢笑还有泪水。有的人不幸倒在了路上,更多的人还在前行 ,义无反顾。十五年过去,岁月如梭,只留下光阴的故事,有你有我。 老牛2019年11月于多伦多
大鹏地产15年, 每天都在成长壮大。 我感觉不变的是老板TONY和MELODY, 公司几位经理们一如既往,随时随地, 有力有效的支持, 前台秘书们尽职尽责,专业高效的服务。 大鹏地产是个有灵魂的公司, 我很幸运是公司的一员。
Marilyn Gao Join In 2004
风雨兼行 十五年成长
只要你坚持做事专业,做人真诚,客户会主动找你,即便是我们竞争激烈的地产行 业!这是我真实的职业总结。
Maria Ma Join In 2004 2009年,就是这么一个风雪天,我走进大鹏,成为多伦多几万名地产经纪中的一员。那年的冬天多伦多遭遇了几十年 不遇的暴风雪,那一年也是多伦多经济的寒冬,双重压力下,很多人从这个行业离开,很多人对前途充满迷茫,这个时候 入行,对于新人的我来说,实在是充满挑战。 好友Sammy Yang对我说,越是在困境中,越是可以学到东西。如果你可以在最开始就经历最残酷的考验和最艰难的起 步,那么以后无论遇到什么艰难险阻,都会无所畏惧。 我还记得那一年,Tony Ma对我说,公司扩大规模,刚刚收购了一个地产行。在那一年的地产界,因为经济寒冬,有一 些地产行甚至退出江湖。这个时候居然去逆风前行,实在是非常大胆而有魄力。 事实证明,我们在当年冒的险,经历的挑战,在后来的日子,都化作无限的动力和成功。如今的我和大鹏一起成长、起 飞。大鹏地产以突出的业绩和1200多名经纪的显赫成绩成为多伦多最大的华人地产行;而我希望看到的,是未来的十年,
Ingrid Zhang Join In 2009
大鹏会成为整个安省,或者整个加拿大最大的华人地产行,逆风前行,我们的路会越走越长。 祝福大鹏,也祝福每一个伴随大鹏成长的我们。
从业10年,有一半的时间在大鹏。5年前早春时节的一个阴雨天,第一次走进大鹏。当时坐在Tony 面前的,是一个极 度不安,充满消极悲观情绪的我。Tony 打开电脑,把可以帮我解决问题的方法打印出来递给我说:不要怕,试一下,问 题是可以解决的。很多时候,一根稻草可以压垮一个人,一个善意的提醒也可以拯救一个人。一周后,我将因为不知道该 如何面对的纠纷,勇敢的去尝试解决好了,转会加入了大鹏。 在大鹏,我的交游并不广阔,但是Tony,David,Sammy和为数不多的几个同事,我们亦师,亦友,在工作中,亦或 是在生活中,互相扶持,互相帮助,互相成就彼此。流行的鸡汤说:人可以不成功,但不能不成长。深以为然。成功的定 义可以五花八门,但成长的标准只有一个:内心独立而坚强。独立来自于无数次的磕磕碰碰后的自我完善,坚强来自于大
Kaiyan Yang Join In 2014
鹏大家庭给你的支持和底气。 大鹏展翅,扶摇直上九万里,这是美好的愿景。鹏之背,不知其几千里,如今的大鹏之背,背负着数千名经纪的职业 发展,祝愿大鹏,志在千里,人间正道,不与沧桑。
风雨兼行 十五年成长
丰业银行房贷顾问 )*+,%-"'.'/"'(%012"3*# Home Financing Advisor
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! 23 45.#*6,765895#"5'+ ! :5'-.!6;#,95#-"5* !"#$%&"'( 647-292-0850 )*+,%-"'.'/"'(%012"3*# liru.ding@scotiabank.com ! ;#"'+"9!56:5*"&5'+5 ! <5!7 =519!,45&6/$45#*6 456%787%9:;9 ! >5&"+.!6<-$&5'-*6.'&6 !"#$%&"'()*+,-"./.'0%+,1 >,#5%%%%%% ! ! 23 45.#*6,765895#"5'+5 ! :5'-.!6;#,95#-"5* •!16;#"'+"9!56:5*"&5'+5 years of experience •!Rental Properties <5!7 =519!,45&6/$45#*6 • Principle Residence >5&"+.!6<-$&5'-*6.'&6 •!Self-employed buyers >,#5%%%%%% •!Medical Students and • High Net Worth Lending
Shirley Shen 沈毅炫 Mortgage Specialist 房屋贷款专家
C:416-871-2288 Email: shirley.shen@rbc.com
贷款范围包括: • 工薪人士 • 自雇人士 包括COMMISSION收入人士 • 高资产人士 无需收入 • 新移民 登陆加拿大5年以内 • 海外人士 包括留学生和探亲人士
Garry Shapiro
Printed by Colour Tech Marketing Inc./ 800-410-4510/ www.colourtech.com Printed by Colour Tech Marketing Inc. •1-800-410-4510 •www.colourtech.com
CORNERSTONE Financ ial Services Corp.
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Steven Liu 房屋贷款顾问
Mary Qiu 贷款专家 Mortgage Specialist
C: 647-866-4746 steven.y.liu@rbc.com
C: 416-567-1233 mary.qiu@rbc.com
地址: 3985 HWY 7 20 年加拿大经验 Markham, ON L3R 2A2 审批快-省利息-专业诚信 网页: https://mortgage.rbc.com/steven.y.liu
Kick Off Training
“Best Practices: Everyday Compliance” Spearker:
TREB President and Tony Ma
1) 2020 Toronto Real estate market outlook 2) Trust in Real Estate Services ACT 2002 3) REBBA 2002 Code of Ethics
(coming soon signs; interference of contracts; handling pre-emptive offers; stigmatized issues; multiple offers; offers received by a listing brokerage; trademarks; lock boxes) **Fee: TREB charge us $10 plus hst and a speaker fee - not too much**
January 21, 2020 Time:
10:00AM- 1:00PM
How to Register: You can Scan the QR Code or Call: 905-513-8000 or Email to info@homelifelandmark.com
Markham Head Office 7240 Woodbine Ave Suite 103 Markham, Ontario L3R 1A4
Mississauga Branch 1140 Burnhamthorpe Rd W. Suite 300 Mississauga, Ontario L5C 2S9
T: (905)305-1600
T: (905)615-1600
F: (905)305-1609
F: (905)615-1601
info@homelifelandmark.com www.homelifelandmark.com
HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc., Brokerage **Independently Owned and Operated**
HomeLife Landmark Realty Inc., Brokerage **Independently Owned and Operated**