Pixel Arts

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PIXEL ARTS Pixel Arts Resurgence and its Impending Future

Yangzi Wang

PIXEL ARTS Pixel Arts Resurgence and its Impending Future

Name Yangzi Wang Student ID WAN11344157 Tutor Paul Rennie

Ozymandias ruins in pixel style






Theme 1 History of Pixel Art




Theme 2 Resurgence of Pixel Art


Bibliography Books Online Resources Journals


Case Study 1 Rogue Legacy "Video Game"


Case Study 2 Pixel Pour by Kello Goeller


Case Study 3 PomPom Mirror

Introduction Pixel is an abbreviated term for picture element. It is a mosaic of little squares that form images and pictures (Livingstone & Hubel 2002). The concept of Pixel art dates dates back to 1884. The origin of the pixel art can also be construed from other traditional art forms. The traditional alternative forms of pixel art are seen in cross-stitch designs, and traditional mosaic patterns followed in many parts of the world. This is similar to the concept of small elements of similar geometrical shapes used to create interesting visuals and ideas (Kopf & Lischinski 2011). It was initially used in video games of 2d technology, but the emergence of 3d Video game technology saw retardation in its usage. However owing to the development of mobile digital media tools and social


media apps there has been the resurrection in the usage of Pixel art (Munjeri, 2004). The history of pixel art and its modern day predominate usage forms the crux of this report. For this case study analysis of the popular Rogue Legacy video game, Kelly Goeller concept of “Pixel pour” and David Rozin “Pom Pom Mirror” has been discussed in great detail in this analysis. From this, the modern day renaissance of the pixel art in the modern era and the inspiration it draws from the past are analyzed in great detail. These case studies are from the various implementation of pixel art, and they will provide insight as to the modern day implementation of pixel art. The modern day pixel art form is easy to gain access (Kopf & Lischinski 2011). From this, the future of pixel art and their possible applications in the future can be determined.



HISTORY OF PIXEL ART Mosaic patterns were prevalent from Byzantine times in 300 AD (Preziosi, 1998). The mosaic art form is also seen in Christian era where the ornaments were made predominately from homogenous materials that were similar in geometric shape and design (Preziosi, 1998). This shows evidence of pixel art form roots and its origins. It is found to date back to same civilization periods. From this, it also lists the people that pixel art has always remained in civil societies either in one form or the others. The mediums of usage of this pixel art might have varied, but some fundamental dynamics has been observed to be the same throughout the ages. The concepts of mosaic design were

seen during the Gothic Revival and Art Nouveau movement (Preziosi, 1998). The usage of cross-stitch, the creation of mosaic elements and forming interesting imageries are the characteristic features of pixel art. This is observed in these traditional art forms as well. Another interesting factor that was observed from classical forms was that pixel art was seen to be present in many mediums across the different cultures such cross stitch is one expression (Chen, 2001). Other artistic forms were seen in many parts of the world. Pixels were initially developed from handmade line art. This was subsequently drawn in computers. Pixel art is considered to be a contemporary art, but it is a resurgence of the pixel art form that dates back to 1884 (Lyon, 2006). The term pixel art has its origin from 19th century Germany. It was initially referred to as


“Bildpunkte� literally meaning picture points (Lyon, 2006). In 1927, it was published in Wireless world magazines. This shows the inception of the term of a pixel and the historical significance of the Pixel art form. In many ways, they were an underrated art form that has only recently gained prominence. There was always a presence of the concept of using pixelated art. It was initially used in video games of 2d technology, but the emergence of 3d Video game technology saw retardation in its usage. Sonic and Nintendo used this form of art to create imageries for their video games. These visuals become popular once again in the 1980s (Preziosi, 1998). In 1980, the usages of these arts became popular and were used ubiquitously in another medium as well (Chen, 2001). The advent of 3d Game technology caused the impact


of pixel art to reduce in the societies. After the development of app technology in mobile phones and social media technology people have started to use the concept of pixel art in many areas. This is not limited only to the technological field. From the Historical analysis, it can be comprehended that Mosaic arts laid the foundation of modern day pixel art (Chen, 2001). These pixel arts from technological medium have found its niche base in applied arts as well. There has also been a usage of pixel arts in everyday objects as well. There is an application of pixel arts in various technological mediums and everyday objects.



RESURGENCE OF PIXEL ART Pixel art form lost its prominence in the 1950s and from early 1980 there has been a resurgence of this art form. Pixel art seems to create a strong impact on the viewers and society (Livingstone & Hubel 2002). These are the reason that there is always a resurgence of this art form. Present day pixel concept is an eclectic mix of line art and the hues or the colour pallet used is limited (Chen, 2001). From blurry pictures in the 1980s to clearer imaging in the recent decades, there has been an exceptional growth of pixel art in the current era. Modern day pixel art is the sharpest crispest imaging that can be seen. To elucidate the concepts of the resurgence of the pixel art, there is a need to probe into the techniques in which

modern pixel art can be utilized. Techniques that are used in the current day pixel are discussed in detail below.

Unique tools of presentation of modern pixel art Dithering is a concept in pixel art, which is created primarily from two colours. These two colours are made to amalgam without having to involve extra colours (Chen, 2001). In the previous era, this was used due to lack of technology to implement these designs. In the modern day, artists use this style as a way of expressing themselves. This is similar to the concept of Stippling (Chen, 2001). Stippling is a concept where patterns are formed by small dots. It is found to be using varying degrees of the same hue. This is found to be another version of the


expression of pixel art. Another technique is anti-aliasing. Anti-aliasing is a style where the pixels are made to blend with the background. Varying pixel dot colours are used to blend with the background (Peters, 2009). There are many means of expression that is used in this Anti-aliasing concept. Typically high resolutions pictures are made into low-resolution pixel dot images for the image to blend in with the background (Chen, 2001). By using these techniques, many dynamic images can be created. In the modern day, many Photoshop images aid in the creation of anti-aliasing (Peters, 2009). By using this concept, various mediums of pixels art can be developed into different types. Isometric pixel art is a new revised version of the traditional pixel art. This


isometric pixel art typically uses like small cube-like structure to create pixel art. This is quite different from 3d imaging and is a lot more complex than the traditional 2-D pixel art. Creation of Isometric or dimetric pixel art is a lot more complex and requires much focus. Delineation of Spatial arrangement is done from a whole new perspective in this art form. Minimalist Pixel Art has been gaining prominence in the last two decades. From late 2000 onwards there has been considerable development in abstraction elements of the pixel art. It is in lieu with the most recent trends of modernity (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). There has been much discussion in the current times concerning pixel art formation. When analyzing Malevich black cross painting, it can be seen

that there many variations that have been developed to the original artist painting. This minimalistic concept in exuded in the pixel art. Nostalgia has emerged as an art form and is seen in the artist’s affinity towards traditional 2 Bit styling (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). Owing to the nature of 2-bit styling the new age pixel art is considered to be retro chic. It is incorporated in many of the artistic stylings due to this fact esp. the 8 Bit Pixel is still in existence today because of its reminiscence of the historical pixel art. To discuss the contemporary usage of the pixel art case study examples of Rogue Legacy, Pixel pour and Pom Pom mirror are discussed in the subsequent sections.




ROGUE LEGACY "VIDEO GAME" To understand the significance of pixelated art form “Rogue Nation game� is used as an example. Many factors have been investigated from this case study analysis. (Wired.Com, 2015) One of the modern day


applications of pixel art is seen in the rogue legacy game. In this graphics, all the elements of design are found to be simplistic. It adds to the ambiance of retro. In the pixel art that was initially added to the video games had the isometric focus that was bi-directional (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). This concept of Pixel art was replaced by the modern linear perspective of the graphical art forms. Newer perspective geometric

dimensions replaced the axonometric art form in the 1990s. However in the new era, this was a resurgence of these pixelated themes for video graphics owing to the retro imageries and consumer preference. There was a decline in the Pixel art form but it esp, showed a renaissance in the video games. This is because of pixel art being considered as a characteristic feature of modern graphics of video games (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). There is a universal connectivity by users when the play video games in this pixel art format. The traditional 8-bit format was created for lack of hardware resources but in the new age, it is being incorporated to invoke emotions in the player. The modern day pixel art incorporates newer mechanical elements for its portrayal.

There is also a modern day interpretation of abstractionism that is viewed in this pixel graphics.

Elements in Rogue nations The picture element in Rogue nations is unique and easy to create. There is a sense of nostalgia that has been associated with this gaming structure. It allows the people to connect with the users because of its minimalistic designs. There is a sense of nostalgia that is associated with these games. Hence, it makes it interesting gameplay. Colour palette used for this gaming creation is minimal. There is an efficient use of gradient and texture that combines it with the sophisticated game design. This paradox that is involved in this game makes it particularly attractive (Reale,


Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). The gaming concept has been aided by the addition of this design. Many elements make this ideology behind the game to be readily available to the people. The elements of the game had traditional isometric projection. It was found to be favoured than the modern day perspective-viewing element. This has aided in graphics to be interesting.

Explanation of elements The graphic designers had wantonly tried to connect with the image of the game to be nostalgic in some respects. This is seen in their use of the traditional 80s style of pixel art. Retro design making costs is minuscule when compared to alternative 3d imaging. However, this game was not


designed to reduce costs. The primary reason was to create a sense of nostalgia to ensure that the people felt a sense of connection and reacted positively to the nostalgic representation. However, it has been observed that creation of many other video games using 8 Bit technologies is favoured because of lower costs involved in the process (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). It has been observed that economic implications are also major reasons for the sustenance of the art forms. This reduced costs and space to create innovative designs make this concept of video games particularly interesting. It is because of this attribute pixel art will be prevalent in the future gaming designs as well. The visual elements of the game design have been made simplistic. This is to ensure that the people feel the need to

add more dimensions to the presented imageries. There is a lot of in depth perception and elements that can be added by the individuals to make this gaming design unique (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). Apart from this addition of pixel art to video gaming technology also proves that pixel can be adapted to any art form. More innovation, creativity and endurance are imperative for creating this art form. Despite it being simplistic in design, there is depth in this arrangement (Kopf & Lischinski 2011). It also adapts to the different mediums that make it an attractive hobby for people and serious art for the artists. This is seen in the interpretation of the pixelated art forms in new social media and digital media apps. It is easier to create these pixelated art forms using 8 Bit technologies for smaller app

technology. Pixel art in technology was initially populated by the concepts of video games in the modern era. There was a time when art, technology were considered to be two very different elements. However, the modern day tools give much importance to the aesthetical presentation. Using pixel art has been one method of representation that indulges the viewer with both technology and art. Fine arts have been transcended into new age interpretation of applied arts by making its presence prevalent in the media technology. Many facts and opinions can be derived from this pixel art. To conclude Rogue nation is a single game that had incorporated Pixel art. Apart from this game, many new cutting-edge technology video games also utilize the concept


of pixel art for this reason (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). The reason for this prominence is that pixel art has enabled people to easily creates pixel and economic costs involved. From an artistic point of view, it enables the artists to use the modern day minimalism concepts. Also, there is more connectivity to the users from these art forms. Hence, there has been gaining popularity for this concept. The resurgence of pixel art owes its new age presence to the video games. It is because of video games this art form saw the resurgence in the mainstream societies.





Pixel Pour concept by Kello Goeller is investigated to determine the significance of pixelated art forms in the street arts or the applied arts. There is minimal use of colours palette typically two or three colours; there is much subject to interpretation. There is simplistic lining used to explain the visual elements in the art. This art form is considered to be the newer version of abstraction. Current time pixel art is an interpretation of the modern day concepts of abstractionism. There are many gaps in this design. This is for the viewer to fill in the gaps and create an engaging content with the viewer or the audience. (Steph, 2015) Through street art and graffiti many new perspectives in art forms were developed. This is an act of challenges the societies with art tools. It is questioning the


authority and a kind of rebelliousness. Street art is considered to be acts of vandalism. It is to challenge the society where the artists try to express their antagonistic views towards the society. This unique street art is to improve the aesthetic quality of the street. There has also been a change of definition of the street art. Artist has managed to remove the negatives associated with street art through this representation. At the same time challenged society in a unique way. The point of this research is not to preach the act but in essence, take into account some interesting factors of street art. These street arts make mundane roads and bridges interesting. Using this concept of street art number of new artistic representation has taken place in the modern era. The essence of art is to question people and challenge societal conformities.

Pixel Pour is also in many ways a challenge to the traditional representation of art forms (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). It challenges the notions connected with street art. Has managed to remove some negative publicity of street art and has also added the functionalities of abstractionism in its form. It is because of this analysis it is considered in this research. This pixel pour had managed to combine many elements in its minimalistic portrayal.

Elements of this design There has been a new hybrid indexing technique that comprises of unicolour or bicolour. Many non-overlapping blocks of pieces form the final design shape. It utilizes the concept of the histogram of uni-colour uniform blocks of the image, HUCUB (Nezamabadi-pour &

Kabir 2004). There are elements of abstractionism and space for the viewer to relate to the content. Kello Goeller has used this concept in the Pixel pour design. In the design shown above it can be seen that pixels are poured from a black faucet. It is a street art design. The colour palette is found to be a mixture of blue hues. They are arranged in a manner that creates the illusion of pixels being poured out. It creates the illusion of hybrid reality. This is a contemporary take on the pixel art. It has essentially transcended the concept of modern day graphic representation in up-to-date software into applied arts (Steph 2015). This notion makes the pixel art truly unique and innovative. This artwork has essentially reduced the space between virtual reality aspects of pixel art into applied arts. It has


brought abstractionist art forms into the modern day streets.

Explanation of the elements These art forms have used various modalities to express the design. It is minimalistic in perception, but the colouring of the blocks and the hues representation shows the depth of the individual pixel blocks (Steph 2015). There is much retrospection that can be done by viewing this art form. This street art has been found in the streets of NYC. It essentially was created to reduce the monotony of streets. This pixel pour concept in this design has a 3-dimensional take on the pixel art forms. Initial construction of the pixel pour design was removed as it was considered to be graffiti polluting the street views. However, artists across


the spectrum appreciate the thought of presenting an art form that is different from the normative art forms that are created. It is a street art, but it explains to the people that art can be effectively amalgamated in any form. There are multiple aspects of this design. This modernity of its portrayal also essays the bustling NYC city. This art form challenges the notions of normatively accepted ideologies of societies and makes people think about new perceptions and how to develop art in everyday activities. Pixel Pour concepts ask the people to think beyond societal conformities. This will enable the people to look into modern art, contemporary pixel resurgence. There are also gaps provided in this dramatic emphasis for the viewers to fill essentially in the gaps.

It has used only blue colour for its pixel pour concept. Different shades of hues are used to represent the many cubes like geometric shapes and sizes. This enables the viewers to connect with the applied art (Steph 2015). This is an essential concept that can be subjective to the interpretation made by the viewers.

pixel art as a medium to change the dynamics of social conformities of regular commercial roads. This makes it interesting and fun to observe. It also enables the viewer and encourages the viewers to think beyond the ordinary societal conformity.

Traditionally pixel arts were considered to be 2 d in its design. The artists have created a new dimension and new art medium to create new aesthetics to routine, mundane streets. Artists have managed to show it in 3d form and add more depth to 3d art forms. It also has minimalism in its art forms. Owing to its representation and the depth of theory that has been associated with this art form. It is considered to be truly a new art medium of expressions. It has created





POMPOM MIRROR Pom Pom mirror was designed in the recent years. It has many intriguing elements that have been derived from the pixel art form. These amalgamations of technology and pixel art have been discussed in this analysis. Pom Pom mirror has gained much attention because of its take on the pixel art theme and interesting presentation of the elements. They have essentially created the dynamics that new mediums of expressions can be established by the Pixel art themes.


Technological elements involved in the creation of Pom Pom mirror. Daniel Rozin created by the Pom Pom mirror by amalgamating the concept of pixel art with the modern day motion sensor technology. It utilizes the concept of modern Kinect sensors (Brandrick, 2015). 464 servos are attached to this mirror. This enables motion sensors to be activated when people stand near to the mirror Brandrick, 2015). By using this concept, the mirror recreates the actions performed by the individuals standing in front of the mirror. The Pom Pom mirror comprises of many Pentagon shaped structures. It enables these structures to have a fur like outer coating. Interestingly the colour palette used for this Pom Pom Mirror is either black or


white. These figures have a pair of Pom Pom that is white and black. To this structure motion, sensors are affixed. This is similar to having a low-resolution camera attached to the motion sensor. This motion capture camera aids in mimicking the actions. This is the actual technology. The overall technology and the implementation are a little more complex. This technology then effectively mimics the actions of the individual standing in front of the mirror (Brandrick, 2015). However, they are different from traditional mirror it creates a new dimension of individual reflection. There are many complex mixtures of technology and abstractionism that has been essentially embedded into this design.

Daniel Rozin perspective: Daniel Rozin has essentially

challenged the viewers and created a vague question. The question is, does technology react to people or do people react to technology? This oxymoronic element is also manifested in this art form. It has added a new dimension of interactivity and reactivity (Brandrick, 2015). Rozin wanted people to be intrigued by this and also at the same retrospect about the elements portrayed. The artist was able to do both these actions. This is considered to be a very new medium. This is also an example of applied arts being fine arts and at the same has an infusion of technology. These aspects make it an eclectic mix of all these factors.

Perceptions of the elements Looking at the philosophy behind Pom Pom mirror the views are made to retrospect

about the new applied manifestation of conventional mirror technology. Pom Pom mirror is a kind of active art form that essentially reciprocates the individuals view. Their individuals can use this as a medium to create their imageries. Pom Pom mirror has essentially become an effective new visual reciprocate medium that is used to express. It is a mixture of visual medium and has minimalism embedded to this design. This is a paradigm example of the resurgence of pixel arts in the contemporary era. Many elements makes viewers connect and relate with the medium. This form of minimalistic design in the art structures has added to the development of pixel art. This minimalism has much significance for this art form. It has enabled the viewers to create a subjective view of the mirror. This subjective interpretation was an


important aspect of the DeStijl movement. The DeStijl movement was able to transcend art to other common objects. Rozin has successfully brought a new dimension to the Destijl movement. Many of the modernist interpretations of arts look for ways to connect with the viewers in an alternate dimension. This art has enabled the people to connect, react and interact with the mirror. This innovation can lead to the new resurgence of the pixel art. Viewing this from an alternative perspective, it can be seen that people have always had the narcissistic need to look and view at themselves. Ancient tribal people used to consider the water to see their reflection. From this, the mirror technology was formed where reflection could be seen. People were curious as to see how they look aesthetically. This


was the basic reason for the formation of a mirror. Mirror has its prominence and ubiquitous usage around the world owing to this fundamental ideology. Pom Pom mirror is an extension of this need for man to have a new medium that mimics the individual action. From viewing this Pom Pom mirror and reading the pieces of literature involved in the process makes the researcher understand that actions are a true manifestation of a person’s ideologies. This mirror removes the façade of persons outside appearance and gives importance to the actions and their behaviour. This is an insight that has been gained from observing this Pom Pom Mirror. As stated above this mirror being abstractionism also personified aids in the subjective interpretation of the art form. It is because of this factor this Pom Pom

mirror is considered to be a new tool of expressions. They enable a person to look beyond general representation. It makes them divulge in more details regarding appearances and manifestation of these perceptions. To summarize about Pom Pom mirror, it is a new kind of visual medium that has minimalism embedded into it. It is an amalgamation of contemporary design and modern abstractionism concept. This has been effectively manifested into applied art medium. There is a new kind of reactivity that has been embedded in this concept. It has been found to revolutionize modern interpretation of pixel arts concept.

Analysis From the analysis, it has been observed that this pixel art has always been in existence. It has been observed in different cultures and has been manifested in various mediums historically. Initially, it was implemented in video game designs in the 1980s purely out of economic necessities. However, there has been a resurgence of this art form in the modern era because of the artistic interest in pixel art design. There was a resurgence of this pixel art in the 1980s owing to the development of video game technology. The video games of the 80s used this pixel art form because of its ease of representing isometric graphics easily. 8 Bit graphics was easily represented in this graphic format. Owing to this technology was used in video game technology. However, the arrival of perspective viewing


had made this pixel art form to be replaced by new forms of representation.

Comparative analysis of De Stijl movement and Pixel art In the last ten years, there has been a manifestation of pixel art in many mediums. It is seen in video games, in applied arts and also used to create new mediums of reciprocity art forms. This can be compared to the modern day De Stijl. This movement comprised of abstract imaging, geometric shapes and forms. This was a modern interpretation that allowed people to apply arts in their ordinary form. A similar trajectory is viewed in pixel art form (Munjeri, 2004). Like the De Stijl movement the pixel art has also managed to transcend from traditional conventional art forms to the


new age technology medium. It has found a niche place in the various mediums. Like the De Stijl movement, pixel art emphasizes the importance of aesthetics and art in everyday objects. This fundamental characteristic feature is seen to be common between the two art mediums (Munjeri, 2004). Modern da pixel art can be considered to be the emergence of the abstractionism art movement.

Romanticism in Pixel art form Romanticism movement gained prominence in early 19th century owing to the subjective nature of the art. Apart from transcending fine arts to applied arts. Pixel art forms also are similar to the notions of the romanticism (Janson & Janson, 2001). This art form is found to be analogous to the concepts of Romanticism. The crux of the

romanticism is different from classicism and new classicism because there is freedom from subjective notions of the art (Janson & Janson, 2001). There are spontaneous emotional elements in this art forms this is similar to the pixel art forms. Pom Pom mirror is found to have created a new kind of mirror that showcases the actions of the people. This mirror is considered to be a new type of mirror that is used to manifest people’s actions. Daniel Rozin has created this artwork to exemplify the notions of reactivity. He has raised the paradox if people react to technology or if technology reacts to people. This is a new medium of reactivity. There is abstraction observed in the colour palette, and there is simplicity in its portrayal however it allows people to interpret the elements on their own (Peters, 2009). Pom pom mirror concept is similar to

the notions of romanticism. This is the reason for the fascination of this art form. It allows the people to relate and form subjective interpretations that are different from the original artist works.

Resurgence of Pixel Art It has been observed that pixel art has been in vogue in the current times. Present day Pixel concept is an eclectic mix of line art, and the hues or the colour pallet used are limited (Kopf & Lischinski 2011). It is not restricted to any one technological medium. The concept of pixel art has become embedded in technological devices and an application of everyday objects as well. Pixel graphics has much relevance in the modern day technology. This is also used in social media apps and also in many digital tools. The 8 Bit


technologies are considered to be chic (Peters, 2009). It is because of this prevalence, ease of usage and the lower costs involved in the creation of pixel art in technology, pixel art usage has become widespread. Owing to this reason a classic popular video game in the genre was chosen (Peters, 2009). It was found that they used minimalistic designs, and the isometric projections were used to create a sense of chic. Pixel Pour street art design is a new age interpretation of 3d imaging in pixel art technology. There are new elements of expressions in these art forms. The artists have used this art to challenge the societal conformities regarding each of the events. The expression of this art form is truly unique and it there has been importance given to blending of this art with the other cubes. There are a lot of modernist interpretations that


can be observed in this artwork. This creates a situation where people are allowed to form their subjective interpretation from the minimalistic designs. Many elements make it applicable to various applied arts. It is used in many mediums to express the different art forms (Munjeri, 2004). From the experimental analysis, it has been seen that the artistic movements have cycles where it reaches maximum popularity and wanes eventually (Janson & Janson, 2001). However, these pixel arts forms have always prevailed directly or indirectly in the societies. The reasons for this prevalence are that romanticism and Abstractionism are combined in these art forms. It has transcended into applied arts and also enabled in a creation of new mediums. This is the

reason for this pixel art to gain prominence.

Conclusion Traditional pixel art was seen been in utilized in many mediums. Primary homogeneous geometric structures create visual imageries that were found to be prevalent in some aspects of modern art. In 1980, there was a resurgence of these art forms owing to the use of video game technology. Subsequence perceptive viewing technology had enabled people to switch over to new technology. Again a new resurgence has been observed in this era. Pixel art is now considered to be retro chic. The cost of creating graphics using 8 Bit technologies is also very cheap. Because of this aspect and the ability to create minimalistic designs with in depth perception this pixel art is gaining prominence. These

pixel arts are found also used in other mediums of art. Pixel Pour street design is one such example of this art form. It is believed to have created a new medium like the Pom Pom mirror. They are effective tools to represent art in different areas. From this, it can be observed that there are some marked similarities between the De Stijl movement and the modern-day pixel art concept. The research concludes by stating that this resurgence of pixel art will be expected to stay prominent in the modern times. Their usage will be increased in the future as well.


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