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Exploring Way Down East
Micmac Farm Guest
Cottages, Machiasport: Three housekeeping cabins and a room in a restored 18th-century farmhouse sit on 50 dog-friendly acres along the tidal Machias River. micmacfarm.com soon forgotten. maine.gov/ cobscookbay
Kilby House Inn and B&B, Eastport: A restored 19thcentury in-town Victorian with numerous antiques from original owners, four bedrooms, and a lavish breakfast. kilbyhouseinn.com
The Meadow’s TakeOut, Steuben: One of those small places with a big local following, known for its seafood and stonebaked pizza. Facebook
▲ Vazquez Mexican Takeout, Milbridge: As you drive through the village of Milbridge, expect to see lines outside this takeout stand that began as a food truck for hungry blueberry pickers. Facebook

The Bluebird Ranch Family Restaurant, Machias: Fish chowder, fresh fried fish, and all-American diner food come with dog-friendly patio seating. Look for the scratchmade doughnuts on Sundays. bluebirdranchrestaurant.com
Helen’s Restaurant, Machias: Since 1950, Down East travelers have known that the fame of Helen’s berry pies is richly deserved. But the tasty fish chowder gives the pie a run for its money. helensrestaurantmachias.com
Waco Diner, Eastport: oldest diner in Maine, with a timeless view of bay and boats, serves what’s been called the best blueberry pie in the state.
Lubec Brewing Company, Lubec: taproom with live music on Saturdays and an outdoor patio with water views and good pub grub.
Machias River Inn, Machias: Each of the 39 rooms at this throwback to Route 1 motor inns has a river-view deck where you can watch for eagles and seals. Next door is Helen’s Restaurant, and just across the road is the Down East Sunrise Trail that runs nearly 90 off-road miles. machiasriverinn.com
The Inn on the Wharf, Lubec: You can’t get closer to the water than this restored century-old former sardine factory with its own wharf. Book a whale-watching tour in the inn’s 26-seat boat. theinnonthewharf.com
Eastland Motel, Lubec: One of the few classic motels in the Lubec area, modestly priced, with rooms equipped with refrigerators and microwaves, plus fresh-baked muffins and coffee to start the day. eastlandmotel.com
▼ Cobscook Bay State Park, Dennysville: Camping beside the tremendous tides of Cobscook Bay, with more than 800 acres of wild coast all around, is an experience not
Wild Blueberry Land, Columbia Falls: Yes, the giant blueberry-shaped building is roadside kitschy, but you’ll find anything and everything blueberry for sale inside, and a museum to give you an appreciation of the fruit and those who harvest it. wildblueberryland.com
The Ruggles House, Columbia Falls: The grand flying staircase in this early19th-century home is the big draw on home tours. ruggleshouse.org
Cutler Coast Public Reserved
Land, Cutler: One of the most beautiful and dramatic walks in Maine is along the 10 miles of trails that overlook the Bay of Fundy. It will show you why the region from Cutler to Lubec wears the mantle “Bold Coast.” maine.gov/cutlercoast

Bold Coast Charter Company, Cutler: Small guided tours that (weather and tides permitting) land on Machias Seal Island, giving lucky birders a unique view of nesting Atlantic puffins. Tours sell out soon after their January website posting. boldcoast.com
Boot Head Preserve, Lubec: A stunning gem of the Maine Coast Heritage Trust, which manages numerous coastal lands in the Down East region. mcht.org/preserve/boot-head Cobscook Shores, Lubec: Ecotourism at its finest. A unique conservation project protected 15 parklands along Cobscook Bay that offer beaches, cliff walks, coves, and islands, free from crowds, cars, and most vestiges of modern life. cobscookshores.org
▲ Quoddy Head State Park, Lubec: One of the most photographed lighthouses in the country comes with spellbinding views and miles of waterside hiking trails. maine.gov/quoddyhead
Campobello Island: From Lubec, the toll-free Roosevelt International Bridge takes visitors across the Canadian border to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s beloved summer estate. visitcampobello.com
Eastport Windjammers, Eastport: Lobsterman and boat captain Butch Harris leads daily nature and sightseeing trips to the Old Sow Whirlpool and whale feeding grounds. eastportwindjammers.com
Raye’s Mustard, Eastport: Since 1900, stone-ground mustard seeds have been used here to create flavors unequalled in the country. Mustard lovers, you’ve found the yellow stone road. rayesmustard.com
The Commons, Eastport: A much-touted landmark for Down East home decor, jewelry, and artisanal crafts, including tribal Passamaquoddy work; also home to a destination gallery. thecommonseastport.com