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Craftsmen’s FAIR
AUGUST 4-12, 2018
$2 off full price admission.
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Cannot be combined with other offers.

Center Sandwich, Concord, Hanover, Hooksett, Littleton, Meredith, Nashua, North Conway
49 S. Main St, Suite 100 | Concord, NH
NH Business For Sale
GREAT OPPORTUNITY to own pro table, TURN-KEY, Antique Co-op Business and Quaint 1860 farmhouse nestled in beautiful historic Old Wilton Center Business.

A Visit to Wolfeboro Can Be… …Whatever You Want It To Be balloons, with games, rides, barbecue, and more. southcountyballoonfest.com
JULY 28–29: MIDDLETOWN, The Newport Show. More than 40 top dealers converge on St. George’s School, with plenty of paintings, furniture, folk art, and jewelry. 401846-2669; thenewportshow.com
AUG. 3–5: CHARLESTOWN, Seafood Festival
This gastronomic extravaganza at Ninigret Park highlights the state’s best seafood and includes amusement rides, a car show, a petting zoo, raffles, and music. 401-364-3878; charlestownrichamber.com
AUG. 7–12: STATEWIDE, Rhode Island International Film Festival . Expect gala celebrations, premiere screenings, educational programs, and award ceremonies in addition to a lineup of the year’s most creative films. 401-861-4445; film-festival.org
AUG. 15–19: RICHMOND, Washington County Fair. The state’s largest agricultural fair presents concerts, a giant midway, horse and tractor pulls, a farm museum, delicious foods, and more at the county fairgrounds. 401-539-7042; washingtoncountyfair-ri.com
AUG. 18: JAMESTOWN, Fools’ Rules Regatta
After the cannon fires, participants have two hours to convert “non-marine items” into a sailing vessel capable of transporting them across the finish line. jyc.org
JULY 12–15: BRANDON, Basin Bluegrass Festival . Bluegrass pickin’ and the rolling green hills of Vermont combine for a weekend of family fun at the end of Basin Road, featuring such bands as Remington Ryde, Larry Efaw and the Bluegrass Mountaineers, and Moonshine Falls. basinbluegrassfestival.com
JULY 14: CRAFTSBURY, Antiques and Uniques Festival. More than 100 vendors take to the town common, as live folk music and roaming buskers add to the ambience. 802-5862823; townofcraftsbury.com
JULY 26–29: BURLINGTON, Lake Champlain Maritime Festival. Take part in a final salute to summer at this waterfront celebration featuring live music, paddleboard rides, an antique boat show, and plenty of long boat, canoe, kayak, and dragon boat demonstrations. 802-482-3313; lcmfestival.com
Period 1860 House with 4,380 sq. . of dealer rented space ~ $323,000 Turnkey pro table business with great brand value ~ $175,000
Yankee Magazine Editor’s Choice Award: 2016 Best Vintage Decor
Waterfront Shopping, Dining and Lodging. Free Public Beaches. Boat Rentals. Golf. Art Galleries. Paddleboarding. Concerts. Fishing. Cruises. Trolley Tours. Theatre. Scuba Diving. Four Museums. Kayaking. Jet Skis. Farmers’ Market. Fairs. Sunsets. You can do everything…
...or nothing at all.
See “101 Things To Do in Wolfeboro” at wolfeborochamber.com 603-569-2200

Sponsored by wolfeboronh.us
Wolfeboro Economic Development Committee “Work and Live Where You Love to Play”
JULY 27–29: WOODSTOCK, Bookstock . Meet an array of writers as they present their work, then stock your shelves at the used and vintage book sale and take in performances on the beautiful town green. bookstockvt.org
AUG. 3–5: BENNINGTON, Southern Vermont Art and Craft Festival . Bennington’s Art Week kicks off with a feast of handmade crafts, original art, live music, and gourmet food offerings, plus a wine and craft beer tent, all at Camelot Village. 802-316-5019; craftproducers.com
AUG. 24–SEP. 2: ESSEX JUNCTION, Champlain Valley Fair. Get in on the fun at the Champlain Valley Exposition fairgrounds with garden exhibits, food competitions, horse shows, and concerts. Performers include the band Old Dominion and comedian Gabriel Iglesias. 802-878-5545; cvexpo.org