2 minute read
If you experience painful muscle cramps in your legs, back, feet, or hips, you should know relief is available. Over 100 million people suffer from unnecessary muscle cramps, which may interfere with sleep, because they are not aware of this proven treatment.
MagniLife® Muscle Cramp Pain Reliever contains eight active ingredients, such as Magnesia Phosphorica to help prevent and relieve cramps and radiating pains that are worse at night. “Your product has severely helped me and I thank you so very much.” - Marie L., MT.
MagniLife® Muscle Cramp Pain Reliever is available at CVS, Rite Aid and Amazon. Order risk free for $19.99 +$5.95 S&H. Get a FREE bottle when you order two for $39.98 +$5.95 S&H. Send payment to: MagniLife L-YK2, PO Box 6789, McKinney, TX 75071 or call 1-800-532-9177. Satisfaction guaranteed. Order now at www.LegCrampsRelief.com
Are unsightly brown spots on your face and body making you uncomfortable? Liver spots, also known as age spots, affect the cosmetic surface of the skin and can add years to your appearance. Millions of people live with the dark spots and try to cover them with makeup, or bleach them with harsh chemicals because they are not aware of this new topical treatment that gently and effectively lightens the shade of the skin.
MagniLife® Age Spot Cream uses botanicals, such as licorice root extract to naturally fade age spots, freckles, and other age-associated discolorations, while protecting skin from harmful external factors. “It is fading my liver spots. This product actually works!!!”
- Patricia C, NJ.
MagniLife® Age Spot Cream can be ordered risk free for $19.99 +$5.95 S&H for a 2 oz jar. Get a FREE jar when you order two for $39.98 +$5.95 S&H. Send payment to: MagniLife ACYK2, PO Box 6789, McKinney, TX 75071, or call 1-800-532-9177. Complete satisfaction guaranteed. Order now at www.AgeSpotSolution.com

is the ONLY trailer for offroad vehicles that—

EnergAire continuously purifies up to 4,000 cubic feet (a large room) of air and makes it breathable and invigorating. Restores natural ion balance to unhealthy environments caused by industrial pollution, automobile exhaust, central airconditioning, and heating, smoke, dust, pollen, animal fur. . . removes microscopic pollution particles not removed by any other method of air purification. EnergAire was rated Number One for speed of removal of cigarette smoke by the leading U.S. consumer protection magazine. It has no noisy fan, no costly filter, and requires no maintenance. Uses less than 2 watts. 9" high. 3" diameter. Weighs less than 1 pound. $69.95

RODAR is the super-powerful professional ultrasonic pest repeller with up to 60 or more times the power of other devices — and power is what makes RODAR so effective. RODAR ultrasound equals a jet engine — noise unbearable to pests but at frequencies humans and pets cannot hear. RODAR units are completely safe. RODAR drives pests out and keeps them from getting in. Handsome simulated walnut cabinet 5-5/8" high. Weight 1-1/2 pounds. Uses less than 5 watts. $99.95

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