3 minute read
Men Never Listen, but Now He Will.
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dergarten. She gathers flower petals and leaves from her land and presses them into botanicals—beautiful portraits of her woods, which she gives to friends. She keeps Lotte’s archives at the Dimond Library at the University of New Hampshire, organizing and sorting whenever a friend can drive her there. “There’s always plenty to do,” she says.
Seven years ago, she turned in the keys to the last in a long line of Volkswagens. She can recite all the colors and models, beginning with a dark- green microbus and ending with a red semi-automatic Super Beetle. “The last one actually had a heater that worked,” she boasts. “I used it until prudence told me it was time to stop driving.” She exists in her secluded place in the forest with the help of friends and neighbors who visit and take her shopping. But there are long stretches of time when she’s alone. “Being here, I’m never bored; I feel totally comfortable,” she says. “I hear people talking about cabin fever; I can’t understand it. I’m not a hermit, but there are great pleasures in solitude.”
Everyone wants to know Beatrice’s secret to a long life. She doesn’t find it remarkable: “It’s not genes. My mother lived to be 80, and my father died in his 70s. Keeping busy is important, and it doesn’t always have to be serious. A sense of humor helps, as does being adaptable.”

Beatrice has three nephews she’s very fond of, but no other family. In many ways, her friends are her family: “I always felt that I was dropped by gypsies into a family with whom I had nothing in common. We all find our families after a while, and I’ve found a number of wonderful mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters!”
While excluding sugar and processed foods from her diet has perhaps helped extend Beatrice’s life, what sustains her is her writing: “I never could separate work from play, and to me, writing is like breathing. Writing is a lonely occupation, and I think being alone is wonderful in terms of having quiet. Even if the telephone rings, to me it’s like a great big crystal chandelier being shattered. And time goes by so rapidly when I’m writing. I look at my watch and I can’t believe it, how the time goes by.”
A small plane drifts overhead. Crickets chafe in the late-afternoon sun. Beatrice is out on the porch again, this time looking for an article she wrote in 2012 for Price–Pottenger’s Journal of Health and Healing on the dangers of antibacterial soap, which has only recently come under attack. Once again, ahead of the wave.
Beatrice sees her time in assisted living as a rehearsal for the inevitable. What’s odd is that she sees the passage of time in reverse, now that she’s back home: “I found that when I was there, I thought about everything in short little boxes. But now that I’m home, I find I can think in a broader way, much further into the future.”
Beatrice is a woman of great humor who loves nothing more than a good laugh. Despite her mirthful outlook, she maintains the hope that the deadly serious messages that she’s been putting out there all these years can still take hold. A woman who hasn’t eaten sugar or processed foods since her earliest years, a woman who has retained vigor and beauty and who takes pride in rejecting the new world—you might say she’s the living example of how to live well and long. Naturally.
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