A Study Study of of Consumer Consumer Preferences Preferences on on A Social Media Media Advertising Advertising Social
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. Literature Review 4. Expected Outcome 5. Research Methodology 6. Limitation 7. Time Frame 8. References
This study is about consumer preferences on social media advertising especially fashion brand advertising and most of the information is based on The Medium is the Message edited by Anneloes van Gaalen which have 50 advertising rules for references. Generation Z born in technology overflow generation, everything is rapidly and social media are one of the biggest channel for fashion brand to promote their brand and product. This study would like to discover how consumer do when they saw the advertising appear between the videos and social media platform. And find out what is the most attractive advertising video element.
1. To investigate the effective way for promote fashion brand product in advertising 2. To identify the consumer preferences on different advertising 3. To develop a tool for people promote fashion brand reputation
Literature Review Marketing
Advertisement is related to marketing, it is the best strategy ever for promoting brand and selling things. It could help to increase the sales promotion and improve the image of brand loyalty to customer. There are lots of advantage of advertising: firstly, easy way to create a value proposition; a way to set brands and product apart from the competition, if the brand increases its chance to show up to the public, lots of opportunity all around the world. Also, it could save time to reach different potential customer, because it is take many times for finding the relevant conditions customer, it provides choice to consumer and provides economic growth and support (Gaille 2015).
History Advertising
At first, in the old days, people want to deliver their sale message, started write in the wall papers since Egyptians. They use lots of drawings in the wall to communicate with others. Lost and found advertising in the papyrus. When the cultural move into China, they would treat advertising as an oral, selling poetry of bamboo flutes. Different country uses their own skills and method to sell product. In the 19 centuries, advertisement is popular, they use radio in the 1920s, commercial television from the 1950s, cable television in the 1960s and Internet 1990s, at that time, advertising not only selling product either services and let people know the brand. Till now, social media are the fashion mainstream advertising strategy. Advertisement have different species like: word sponsor advertising, video, photo, press, direct email, television, posters, radio, cinema, flyer, billboard, exhibition or celebrities. Along with the culture and the improvement of the society, social media are more popular and the company started sending message through smartphone. Comparing with the old days, more informative and message were directly and clearly. Today, the message is multiple, and sometimes, you do not
Advertising is a marketing strategy to communicate with public using audio, visual or video to sell things, product or services. (Iain, 2009) It is one of the key element to run a successful business (Michelle, 2017). Iain (2009) said advertising as ʝthe official art of capitalist society’, it is kind of promotional culture all over the world and take an important role to the fashion industry. Advertising occupied social life, social communication platform, audio visual media and printing publication are part of human life. Along with the rapid acceleration, the old advertising technique cannot stand still, the technology technique advances continuously. Social media advertising rises up and it bring fashion industry to the next level. However, the technology generation came, all of the advertisement changes their direction. Lots of advertisement make changes (C.Long, 2016), its transformation cause the older promotion modus transform to social media items. Social Media Advertising substitute the original method for promotion, the fashion industry not limit their promotion way and it becomes the hottest topic nowadays. Social media marketing popularity are becoming the top of the business industry, pushing economic getting a success. While all the fashion brand and company shift their focus on social media not just magazine, flyer or television advertisement, others brand cater the fashion trend and want to catch up the mainstream.
Commercial advertising is part of branding, television and radio are two advertising type, which is expensive and broadcast device, a product name or image with qualities would send to consumers mind. Popular social media sites, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, offer different ways to advertise brands. Facebook gives advertisers options such as promoted posts, sponsored stories, page post advertising, Facebook object advertising, and external website standard advertising. Also, online, domain name, print, outdoor like billboards and point of sale, novelties, celebrity endorsements are another advertisement method. Advertising is communicated through many mass media, including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; and new media such as search results, blogs, social media, websites or text messages(Cart, 2015).
Social Media
The best social media platform for social media marketing 2018 include twitter, Facebook, linked, YouTube, google plus, Pinterest and Instagram. According to Dave Chaffey (2018) Global social media research summary 2018 for social media advertising, it details list out lots of statistic of latest adoption and usage. The most popular social networks worldwide information prepared by Statista, Facebook be the top of million fans(see figure 1). Even Facebook owned WhatsApp, Facebook, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are in the top four. Social media are growing rapidly, it replaces the position of television and radio.
Expected Outcome The study - Consumer Preferences on Social Media Advertising would take references with key element and advertising theory of making a best advertisement video and release it in a suitable social media platform. After the firsthand and secondhand research, the result would be more clearly and detail list out the problem of current fashion advertisement face, also the feeling of target customer. The research is come from different research engine, the consequences would be objective and authentic. The expected result of the study is enhancing fashion industry and awareness of fashion brand advertisement through social media tools against the consumer preferences. Social media is one of the biggest marketing tools for selling products and brand reputation, so the study would be a useful information or references to improve their business to next level. For long term, to suggest the relevant video by consumer behavior and offer video making tutorial service for newest designer and fashion brand. Finally, the outcome would provide anticipated outcome like video editing service for teaching people to join the online business with low quality photos.
Research Methodology
Consumer behavior and advertising is two major part during research the literature review, another This study includes two research method - firsthand important keyword like social media can help identified the study basic terminology and clarify the research and secondhand research, most of the research papers and literature reviews selected from study direction. Those secondhand resources are NTU library, VTC e-database, books, website, journal helping to enhance the study move to higher level articles, conference proceedings, government/cor- due to the completely integrated sources and information. However, the consumer preferences are porate reports, newspapers, theses and dissertapsychological part so that it is lack of resources tions, internet, magazines, HKTDC, Taylor Francis support and it is individual feeling and reaction. The and JWT Intelligence. In the other hand, some online survey report and article could be the refercharts, data and statistic would be selected from ences for analysis and evaluate the result. government websites and HKTDC.
Focus Group Focus group is a way to gather information from same background and experiences (Toolkits, 2009). It is more freely and easily to express their opinion, though the interactive discussion, participants could get some new insight or wide range of views (Toolkits, 2009). More specifically, detail, lower cost and get the in-depth information. Mini focus group: participant down from 6-8 aged 20 - 25 college students. Prepare the open question and end question, and set list about 10-12 questions during the discussion, few topics and question would provide for reference or direction to the discussion. Consumer perceptions and reactions are the important thing for open conversation are lively and free flowing, it smooth to get the feedback (Kokemuller, 2007).
The reason why survey and questionnaire or interview are not chosen to be the study first hand research method due to survey have limit the question quantity, the interviewee would not spend much more to finish the questionnaire; a survey could not be asking in-depth feeling or opinion; compare with focus group, respondent would communicate with different ideas, through the conversation they might be brainstorming new ideas by others comment and feedback. Huge amount of questionnaire would be ideal for collecting view, also the interaction could stimulate different thought.
Limitation Perhaps participant affected by other in the group but and can’t be generalized to a larger group/some may dominate the discussion. Focus group it is beneficial for received informative message though communication. The discussion is unlimited, the personal approach and opinions, perceptions and feelings would appear during discussion. It is cost saving and get the information rapidly. Respondent may not be serious for answering questionnaire and talk over into discussion. Time is one of the limitation for collecting data and analysis the result. Also, distance is another limitation, the study only can research local situation but overseas status would not be available for collecting firsthand news. It only takes reference from internet or books for comparing the different situation.
Time Frame
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