Yantra corporate profile rev7 0

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We ar eaf r es hI ndi an t ech s t ar t up compr i s ed ofi ns pi r ed youngengi neer swor ki ngi nt heďŹ el dofMobi l eRobot i cs ,or asweputi t ,Mobot i cs ! Bei nganR&D or gani zat i onbynat ur e, wes peci al i zei ni ndi genousdes i gni ng&devel opmentaswel lasmanuf act ur i ngof s t andar d aswel last ai l ormademobi l er obot i cs ys t emsf or i ndus t r i alandcommer ci alappl i cat i ons .

Robot i cscan be compl ex,buti ts houl dn’ tbe!AtYant r a,we f ocusondes i gni ngus erf r i endl ymi ni mal i s t i cr obot s , whi chgi ve exact l ywhati sneeded.Nomor e youhavet odealwi t h needl es scompl exf eat ur esaddi ng up t ounneces s ar ypr oductcos t .

Del i vermobi l er obot i cspr oduct st hatar emi ni mal l yawes omeand af f or dabl e&emer geasgl obal l ybes tI ndi anbr andi nbus i nes s .

I MAGI NEt heunt hi nkabl e NEVERSAYDI Et omakei tr eal DEVI SEawes omepr oduct s I LLUSTRATEceas el es sef f or t s ACHI EVEf oreachямБr s tl et t er

Wes t r i vehar dt os ol vecompl exdynami cpr obl emsi nl oadcar r i ageandt r ans por t at i onwher et r emendoushumanef f or t sar e r equi r ed.Wi t hourl at es tof f er i ngRAGHAV,weki ckof fournew s er i esofAdapt abl eAut oGui ded Vehi cl esf oraut onomousmat er i alhandl i ng. RAGHAVAGVsar es peci ďŹ cal l ydes i gnedt owor k underchal l engi ngoorcondi t i ons&demandi ngmat er i alhandl i ng r equi r ement si n manuf act ur i ng i ndus t r i es .Thes es mar t AGVsar ebei ng mades mar t erwi t h manyupcomi ng I ndus t r y 4. 0f eat ur ess uch asper f or mance moni t or i ng modul es ,aut o l oadi ngunl oadi ng acces s or i esand wi r el es schar gi ng s ys t ems . Manymor eexci t i ngpr oduct st ocome.

Aut onomousmat er i alhandl i ng f r om poi ntt opoi nt

Ens ur es af et r ans por tof heavyl oadataf f or dabl e

Reduce/ el i mi nat e pai nf ulhumanl abour

MSENSE Technol ogy

Aut o/ Manual Mode

Accur at eObs t acl e Det ect i on

Mobi l eApp Cont r ol

St at i onDet ect i on andSt oppage Pat hCl eani ng Mechani s m 2YearWar r ant y agai ns tmanuf act ur i ng def ect s( T&Cappl y)

Saf et ySwi t ch 8+Hour sof cont i nuousoper at i on 8+Saf et y Sens or s

Aut omot i ve

Def enceI ndus t r y

PaperMi l l s

Phar maceut i cal I ndus t r i es

El ect r oni c Manuf act ur i ng

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