Profane Existence #54

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lnlo trom At least six members olthe Black Riders Lib€ration Party, including its leader T.A C O. (Take All Capitalists Out), and sisters Aryana, Nadia and lsabel, also important leaders of the party,

plus one chitd, were arrested on August 16th in two separate raids, one in San Bernardino County, where


anived with warrants

the BRLP, and one in Los Angeles by the LAPD. SisterAryana is being held on $500,000 bond on a Los Angeles warrant and is to be transferred to L.A. from San Bernardino. Sister Nadia Shakur has a court appearance scheduled for Friday in San Bernardino and has the possibility of being released on her own recognizance at that point. Two ol those arested in Los Angeles have already been released, but

fora numbur al.nsrnhEre


held on $50,000 bond at the Century Detention Center near the LAX Court-

IA.C.O is being

house. Legal, material and other lorms of solidarity The Black are needed immediately and 'lrgently! Riders immediate priority is to obtain T.A.C.O.'s

and the high bails are a measure of the growing impact of the Black Riders not only locally but around the state of California and beyond The BRLP led two recent news-making demonstrations in Leimert Park; one at the head of the Unity N4ission to Free the SF Eight, the former Black panther Party members and associates who have been charged with conspiracy in a 35'

release on bail, which requires both cash for the bond (at least a substantial portion of the $5000

- ten percent) and people willing to act as guarantors or cosigners on the bond. The members of the Black Riders who would have been in a position to do that are in custody themselves l\rost of those out on the street and dealing with the situation are young and poor; they need a cosigne. on the bond note. I can put up a significant amount of the cash for the down payment on the bond, as I have done before, but I am not in a poiil]or t, co s gn. The cur:tinl bail on Aiiars rs Ici3lit proii !rtr\,o and E!ir,ass,stance rt feerlsd liere and !,r th the othur casss as well. lnc udlng T.A.C.O. James Simmons, who had f.equently represented members of the Black Riders on previous cases of repression and harassment, is not practicing law currently. Other lawyers are

year-old case based on torture As T.A C O. said

at the time, the SF Eight is an attack not only on the elders and the legacy of the BPP, bul on the curent lorces struggling for Black liberation and self-defense, such as the BRLP They were also involved in the selr-defense of the Black community in its opposition to the provocation by the Minute-klan anti-immigrant, pro-police forces fronted by Ted Hayes. The BRLP has recently been building chapters and making contacls in San Diego, Sacramento and the Bay Area As their recognition and support in the Black community of south L.A., Crenshaw, Watts and the lnland Empire has grown, the police have grown more intent on disrupting their activities These latest raids and high bails are turther proof that the system hates and wants lo destroy organized

needed. Folks with stable housing and resources are needed. Financiat donations large and small are certainly needed. Politic€l support is most definitely needed. These arrests are not neu but their scope

resistance among Black and other colonized and resisting people. The BRLP in particular' which has worked on both truce-making among Black p -e ',,:! 3gainst the youth and Black 6 o^ and repression, ll3're b€l4n_e prime targeti and must be a prime rallying-point fo. solidarity. You can call ARA-LA at 310-495-0299 to offer your support; send funds (cash or checks made out to cash, or US POSTAL money orders only made out to Boxholder)to Black Riders. PO Box 8297, Los Angeles CA90008. IUPDATE for LA ARA: At press time Taco has been released from jail, but two sisters are still being heldl




IflIIffiEItIA IAMPERED BY FBI & CIA to Ruoters News Service, there Ls documented evidence of edits to the o_.-e




offices. These edits were drscovered through n



encyclopedia Wikipedia onginating from computer networks within CIA and F3l


t ;E o

the use of a tracing program called Wikiscanner mak ng monitor designed


who is

anonymous changes to wikipedia entnes --P tampered entriesincludeediting and/or ren'c'. .g

information regarding a former CIA cr ef, Guantanamo Bay Prison, and lraq War casu_ alty figures The agencies involved ha',e lof

course) denied any official endorsemeri;'f lhe changes, as doing so would be clearvlo a! 3'of Wikipedia's conflict of interest rules.

l-4 lillE lrr! R.r,rb|.nn PHrlV ,!'il hold ine'r nall.flai cDn'/enllrln rl Sr PiJl irad llr nalolrs Rsll']L.]l.Jn s:LJlr ln]rr ]] L,j.Ier3 Di lhe r.nrlltl.t lvlllbe]refE kr pr,mDlc tl'eLi T{-r|]l v, Fq 3!and.

FOX IIEI/VS CAUGHT ITI THE ACT It would probably come as no surprse to our -eaders that Fox News has arso !ee_ caught tampering with Wikipedia entries Not

ociirniltlr:itshE,.rE.JanIaflr.Q..\]ntel'ar:iLv1e.-nndinrrnenRND.i,,DC'rrj]li{]l)rJ,fitlaEFr'ifans Er5len.s ,,1 L ba s,J!!ori fll l,resa L{ori' throull lcr)ltFuea coveftJgl] r! lliE e'ent !r'h ljl'!'-

tary critical of its staff, but also accentlated critical entries of its enemres like Al Frankin and Keith Olbermann. ln response to being caught Fox News's Chris Wallace aired a diakibe designed to undermine Wikpedia's



end seltci thsJ ra lD, J! iD '1',r, E lslr l'l rt:socn:e ailvisls lla'n:;lllac_Dsji lhe 'oLlntl] plSq l'r rtrivcrga on ani']o!nd'd cn tho T,! n Cltiss lDr trlta r:l! Ja J a,ll'er [. rnlir RNC aclrrrl ss A! :Lron as tlre iiiai ^as

plus pralidc n:3lenq irirll inJari€ slpt)nrt lo' irora rnlo'rnatorl vsl! /'!%!!norir 'rg Ol r:o,rfEr r|ilon: a.F rr 3Lr lt rrrnDd to i.r,r rr dp 1rr ihe : l0ll [)p ocrslc Nstional Convention in ^ Den,rer to njttrl 1lro llast3rd3 acroLrnla:r;,r i,r. therr to'.!1ar,! r1g ) r nrl'dor tens Ofthousands on Denver actions can be lound here: www More information (among crimes) other innocent lraqis of and

only is there evidence they removed commen_


On the morning ofAugust 20th,, grand jury subpoenas were delivered to an individual in Seattle, WA and an individual in Chicago, lL. Both have

TIII'Iil CITIES SOTIIIARITY STATEME]IT: It has just been made public that two people have been ordered to appear (subpoenaed) before a MN Grand Jury on Sept 6, in regards to [4idwest ALF/ELF activity. They are, Anthony Wong and B.andon. lt appears that neither is cooperating. Unfortunately, the same can't be said oI snitch lan Wallace, who is known to be coop-

been subpoenaed to appear at a grand jury in l\,4inneapolrs, MN on September the sixlh When Anthony Wong was subpoenaed in Seatue, the object of the invesligation was not made clear by Erik Swanson of the Minnesota police and Joint Terrorism Task Force.

ln the case of the person subpoenaed in Chicago, Brandon, it was made clear that the grand jury is investigating "acts of arson and vandalism thal happened several years ago in lvlinnesota state." Neither of the two people receiving subpoenas today have been charged with any crime. In both instances, lan Wallace was named as cooperating with the investigation. Grand Juries are secret government investigative bodies that strip witnesses of their basic constilutional rights. Once you have been subpoenaed to a Grand Jury you lose the right to remain silent, the right to hear evidence presented against you, and even the right to an attorney in the Grand Jury room. A Grand Jury can jail you without convicting you of a crime or giving you a proPer trial! Please keep your eyes open for further updates in the coming days, and be ready to assist in whatever ways these individuals request lt is vital that we support those subpoenaed by what appear to be politically-driven grand juries. ln the meantime, please be careful about public speculation concerning this grand jury investigation.

Aothony Wong's account may be found here: http podland.indymedia.oN en/2007/08/363764.sht nl and rcads as follows: At approxrmately 8:45 a m. on Monday, Au-

gust 20th, 2007, two law enforcement officials woke me by knocking on my apartment front door in Seattle, Washington. I opened the door and one of them referred to me as "Tony", the nickname commonly used to refer to me by people I know This person nearest to my doorstep, I would later discover after asking him for his business card, was Erik Swanson, Police Sergeant, lnvestigations, Joint Terrorism Task Force, University of I\,4innesota Police, Twin Cities Campus. He said he wanted to come inside and talk with me about some things I asked them if they had a warrant Officer Swanson said "no" I told them no comment and began to shut my door Officer Swanson then told me he first needed to give me some documents. He asked again if they could come inside. I told them "no". He gave me a federal "Subpoena To Testify Before Grand Jury" on September 6,2007 alg a.m at the "308 U.S. Courthouse" in Minneapolis, Minnesota. After he gave me the subpoena he showed me a couple of color copied photos of some type of vehicle or machine. The photos were dark and unclear and I couldn't really tell what exactly

he was trying to show me or why. Then Officer Swanson told me that I knew what he was showing me and if I cooperate it'll be better for me. He

mentioned an lan Wallet or Wallice who Officer Swanson said had been cooperating with them

erating with federal authorities.

Grand juries are the flrst step in sending down indictments- you are not ailowed lo have a lawye. present inside the room at a grand jury and can be kept in jail for months at a time for refusing to testify. lf you know ANYONE who has been subpoenaed, or have heard anything aboutthe situation, please share that information. There is noth-

ing to be gained by keeping quiel, and a lol of people's safety, comfort and freedom are on the

fllx, somehow (again, they did not say in regards to what). He told me they had also been speaking to one Kevin Tubbs and one Stanilsas lvleyerhoff and said both had been talking to them- again, about what they did not say and did not explain why any of this is relevant to me. The entire time they never actually told me what they were investigating o[ why I was being called to testify. Throughout the brief interaction I repeated "no comment" whenever appropriate -Anthony Wong tonywongTTT@yahoo com

Btandon's account may be found here: htt p l/c h i ca go, i n d ymed i a. org/newswi re/d i splay/79085/index.php and reads as follows: Hiall, Today lwas issued a subpoena (here in Chicago) to attend a Grand Jury in N4inneapolis, MN .egarding acls of arson and vandalism that happened a several years ago in Minnesota state- The date is set lor September the 6th I was supposed to meet a woman about subletting an apartment, but instead was greeted by two agents from the F B L who proceeded to question me about my involvement in two specific actions I refused to answer any questions, or to help with

the investigation in any way. They let me know that a man named lan Wallace has been cooperating with them for the past several months regarding these events and possibly others. They told me that lan claims that I (and anolher person) planned these actions and travelled to Minnesota to take part in them. A Seattle man was also issued a subpoena for the same date this morning . I was NOT issued an arrest warrant and have not been charged with anything... only a subpoena. This all happened this morning (l\4onday) around 11 :00arr. Look forward to more information regarding these new events in the coming days


lf you are approached by authorities, know that you DO NOT have to say anything, and that there are people and lawyers ready to support you. Even the most seemingly-innocuous statemenls can have negative effects and answering questions only opens you up to further harassment. We will be planning a support rally of some sort in regards to the grand jury, so please watch our website ( for new information. ln the meantime, please contact us at with questions and information, and especially if you need legalsupport. Solidarity, Twin Cities Eco-Prisoner Support Committee

By popular demand I have brought back the "Ecomedia News" section that had began each issue until a few years ago. We dropped the news section thinking that internet-based anarchist / activist news-wires had eliminated the need. Recent readers feedback requests have shown otheMise and lamenting the demise of the news section was one most repeated themes As this decision was made literally a few days before press time, I have not had proper time to do a thorough job of collecting and editing like I used to. Look for this feature to return with a bang in the next issue, including an in-depth look at the "Green Scare" witch hunts.

YOUR HEIP ilEEIIEII! Our best source of news coverage has always been from our readers. Please help this section succeed by reporting the newsfrom your area. And if you don't like the news you're reading (or lack thereof), then go out and make some!

By Lee Acosta-Lewrs & Beck Levy

CllTfest RVAS workshops took place

on Juoe 30 and July 1 at the William Byrd Community Center We were pleased by the attendance: about

seventy people came each day, However, there wasn t much ovetlap between lhe people who attended workshops and the people who attended the shows Furthemore, the difference in gender balance was obvious at each type of event: roughly 7/3 men to women at the shows and closer to 6/4 women to men at the workshops. All of the workshops were valuable and challenging, and we wish we had been able to attend them alll Below is a brief discussion of some of the workshops we did have a chance to attend More info on the works can be found at: TUTAI WE TIKED:

- Free admission!


Diverse (yet still relevant) range of topics covered

- Good mix of hands-on skill share style workshops and more theoretical ones

- Allworkshops involved group participation - Lots of handouts/materials at workshops fo[ continuing discussions

wtlal wE watl T0 SEE lt'rPnovE: - More cross-attendance between shows and workshops

- More space given to discrrssing intersections of race and class in addition to gender - More queer and lrans inclusion

- Longer workshops tloT PoWEBIESS:





B: Tlis workslop on being an ally {o survivors of sexual assault is somelhing that Katy Otto and I have done several times. We begLn with a brief discussion of ground rules and deflnitions of relevant terms and then break into small groups. Each group is given a sampLe sltuation to discuss and then we rejolm to compare notes,

Li I have

attended one incarnation of lhis

workshop or anoiher four or llve times at ihrs point and one aspect of it lhat I always appreciate is lhe lack of gid structure and the organrc way in which ideas are developed within the workshop. Allowing the topic and ideas to be fashioned withln the dialogue helps make lhe discussion of various facels of sexual assault and community response

much more relevant to the actua community in which said discussion is taking place- This allows new ideas to be exchanged each time the workshop is given. B: For example, at NCOR (National Conference for Organized Resistance, DC) last year a lot of the discussion tifie was given to the different ways people cope with assault, specifically selfharm, while at Positive Youth Fest (DC) the role of alc,ohol in assaultswas examined. At CLlTfest, more airtime was given to how celebrity status can protect a perpelrator of assault, We also explored the issue of knowing how much support you are capable of giving to a friend without burning yorrrselfout. L: Seeing a workshop on such an emotionally oveMhelming toprc as sexual assaulI undeltaken with the amount of care for lhe participants safety and cornfort is also an encouraging change of pace. The ground rules helped create a supportive environment and assured that everyone in the

room was on a similarpage as to what direction the workshop was going to be taking. SIES



W0nSE IHAII 0UEEn: SCnEEilltG B: This film screening wes the only specifically

queer-centric workshop Lucy Thane's documentEry on 90's queercore representod an interseclion of queer polilics, feminism, and punk very relevant to CLlTfest. lt was a great chance to see po/verful and rare foolage of some of my favorite bands (specifically

TEAM DRESCH and TRIBE 8), and $efilm balances live footage, inlewiews, and projeds of the tme. PAilEI 0|SCUSS|o[

0t Pof,l

L: Leigh and Rachel's workshop on porn was the rnost posrtive experience I had at CLlTfest, and was a heartening example of a discussion of controversial and difiicult subject matter that didn't become an argument or debate, lt was clear thal everyone in the room was interested in learnrng flom each other, and there was a clear tone of respect. B: Leigh and Rachel did their research and were able to fill in attendees about the starcture of the "adult industry." We covered a bit about the history of porn, the economics of producing it, and discussed issues ofconsent and sexuality. L:Workst'ops on controvers,al topics are. in my experience, oflen fraught wrth intellectual grandstanding and silencing behavior During this workshop, nobody was trying to make anyone else feel stupid or like thehfeelings were invalid. I appreciaied how intentional everybody was being about the comfort level of others in the room, without ever delving into teftitory where people were "walking on eggshells" and afraid to say what they actually mean Finally, I appreciated that the panelists, Ra chel and Leigh, were not operating on an agenda. They seemed truly interested in rostering a discussion as opposed to attempting to sway lhe room io their respective opinions. The participants all seemed comfortable sharing how they felt and explaining why they felt the way they did, w(h others responding in kind. sussrailcE aslBE & atcofl0Ls l[ PU ( co]ilMulllflcs L: As a straight edge person, conversations about substance use and abuse within the punk community are very lmportant to me. Coupling this with a discussion atrout harm reduction is a good way to avoid moving in a moralizing, "who's right, who's wrong?" direction. What l'm interested in is taking steps towards a community of ftiends who have supported, healthy ways ofcoping with life. Liz and Qrlillin are both very knowledgeable about the sublects ofthe workshop and are fantastic at communicaling within a group setting. Both clearly valued the expenences and opinions of everyone in the room and maintained a setting where I felt like I could eam withoutfeeling like lwas back in school. Thisworkshop also had a ton ofpracticalinfo in lhe form of zines and pamphlets to take home. This really facilitates fu(her communication and helPs the attendees leam to be better allies to thekfriends, It was cornforling for me to know ihat I had concrete information that I could present to my ftiends ifthey were ever in need. All of the in[ormalion, covering topicssuch as harm reduction, overdose prevention, safe drug use, and how to limit ones drug intake, all canied the same non-judgmental/non-moralizing theme. lwould love to see more workshops presented in this style in the future.

mitted ourselves in 2005 and by mid 2006 we accumulated a huge backlog of projects being held up for lack offunding orlime to work on them

It's becoming a bad habit that I siart my column with

an apology for the magazine being late Fact is a few alert people will even notice that its co'ning a monlh behind schedule, simply because they've gotten so used to a year between issues. I know publishing so soon after the last one caught a lot of our contributors otf guard too, hence a few regulars are not present this time around. Even with planning this issue months in advance, a good chunk of the planned conleni felr through and wllbe appearing i1 future issues. Thrs really isn't such a bad thing since

we have another oversized review section this time around. As I do the layout l'm feeling the crunch for space with this issue and worry how small l'm going to have to make this text forfuture issues. Getting this rssue done was a rather herculean effort, workrng on it a little bit he.e and there in ad dition to my already more than full time workload keeping up with lhe distro, record label, web site and all my other responsibilities. Aside a small but

dedicated crew of part{ime volunteers, Im pretly much the entire labor force PE has. lt's been a year now that l've been holding down the fort as PE's sole full-time coordinator The finanoial situation has improved somewhat since this hme last year, at which time we had to lay off most of the staff. Although the situation ha6 improved, PE is stillfarfrom being out of debt and therefore unable to paywages anytime soon l'm not trying to mrnimize the efforts of our volunteers, because they do heip a loi, and I

am ever so thankfu for their contribulions. PE is


rather large and complex operation and a lot ofwhai happens here requires constant atlentron and more responsibilities than lcan ask of few-hoLrrs-per week volunteers. lJnfortunately even a part time accomplice is sadly out of reach at the moment, until PE is out of debt, l'm pretty much on my own here. lJp until now that has meant working at least '12 hours most days (and often late into the night) for five, six, or sometimes all seven days per week People who know me weli will agree that l'm a tough person, am willing to take on huge responsibilities, and have an almost maniacal dedication to achieving my goals. My weakness is lhat I often overestimate my abilities to handie responsibilities and take on more projects than are realistically possible This sort of overachiever mentality has had an infectious effect on Profane Existence since the beginning- As I push myself to do more and better, those around me do the same and together we achieve amazing results. On the other hand, it has also lead to the occasiooaldisaster, especiallywheh ihat means taking on more projects than we can realistically manage. This can result in projects being late or done poorly, and often results in negative consequences with somebody, somewhere bejng disappointed. I can think of many projects over the

last couple years that have been delayed or cancelled because they wereJust beyond

o!r reach.

[,,lost of the problems keeping up with our commitments have stemmed from loo many people within the collective pushing through lheir favorite prolects, while not enough attention was being paid io what was realistically possible from our finances and the collective's labor force We really over-com-

During the last year I have been working through the backlog and right now there are releases berng pressed lhat have been on hold since late 2005. ln the past year I have been very careful not take on loo many new projects and have vowed to nol repeal the mistakes that caused us so many problems Yet, this magazine being a month late is just another reminder that l've once aqain overstepped my abilrty to keep up. As Joe would say, "Mr. Siskrnd, yorJ've been writing checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash.' This has been really slressful to the point that I get up to work in the middle of the night, because I lay awake thrnking about all the stuff I have to do. While l've been working long hours to (try to) keep up with everything, in the back of my head l've been trying toflgure out how l'm going to scale down PE to a realistic size I wrote about thal a little in my last columns, but looking back I haven't really done a damn thing about it - in facl l've made the situation worse by promising to publish this magazlne more often during the next few years. Somelhrng is goi.rg to have ro give and the month delay of lhis issue is

the proof Over the last four or five years Profane Existence has done a variety of projects and functions The magaz ne, record label, and distro are still the main three projects we focus on. However, we have also committed considerable resoutces to maintaining an internet presence, booking and driving band tours, organizing major events and conce(s (CLIT Fest'04 and '05, the annual PE anniversary parties, and even gigs for touring bands) and have even dabbled wilh internet radio shows and web site. All of these things are related to our goal of promoting the intematonal anarcho-punk community, but they have also created a vast amount of commitments too, During the past year I have cut out or scaled back many of these commitmenls due to lack of time and/or money to keep them up- For example, l'm no longer booking or drlving bands on tours and have backed off from organizing local gigs completely. l m still planning to organize our annual anniversary party thrs {all, but thal's about the extent of my currcnt booking plans- (Bands: if you are looking for help with a van, driver, and booking help for a US tour, I strongly recommend you get in touch with Chrisfrom APPALACHIAN TERROR UNIT. See the Before the Dawn ad in the back of the magazine). Getting the radio stuff back up and runnrng is out of ihe picture

too for now Jeremy doesn't have time to put the show together and I don't have time to do the web site.

Even with PE scaled back to just our core el ements of record label, magazine, and distro, this is still a formidable amount of responsibilities for a sma I collective to handle- Right now the PE Collective is as small as it can get and it's obvious to me that lcan't keep up with it all. lt's financially impossible to "hire" more help, so the only solution is to make lurther cuts from, PE's project load. This is essentially forcing me to make a tough choice On one hand


can continue to work my ass off doing a half-

assed version of the magazine, label, and distro The other choice is to cut one or more projects out in order foa the remainder to achieve maximum po-

tential For me this js a really tough choice, because I have been so heavily involved with all three areas for the past 18 years. Giving something up feels like admitting defeat and that I didn't do as good of a job as I could However, it's obvious to me as well that l'm standing in the wayof progress by selfishly cling-

ing to too many responsibilities. I have to let something go After a year of agonizing soul-searchrng, I have decided that record label and disko are going to gei the ax 60 that the magazine can suNive. Before the firsl issue ofPEwas released.lpubhshed nrre ssues of my previous zine and helped out with a couple of others. From my perspective, mywork on PE started long before the record label and d slro started: ong

before we were even called Profane Existence I would be a liar to say I haven't enJoyed releasing records too, but it's vary rarely been as satisfying (and challenging) as putting togetheran issue of this magazine. All the former PE editors (and zine editors in qeneral) who have pulled all-nighters trylng to keep on deadline know exactly what I'm talk ng about There are other reasons why I chose the mag' azine over eveMhing else. One is thatthere are rel atively few regularly-published genurnely DIY punk magazines left. N4any of the old staples have disappeared in recent years. The firsi to go was Flipside, taken down when Rotz Records went belly up. More recently we have seen the demise of Pu,k P/anel and Hearlattack as well Even Maximumrocknroll has become aMully thin as of late and Im sure it is also a lot harder to sell at the $4 cover price (l hate to sound alarmist, but lthink MRR is going to have to make some serious changes if they are going to

survive). While web pages, blogs, and l\ryspace has replaced a lot of personal 'zines, I don't see them replacing all magazines. I can support based on the fact that dunng the last couple of years PE has highest number of paid subscrrbers of our ertire history Now more than ever people are looking

forgood magazines - and people genuinely seem to like what PE has to offer I recently posted an open invitation for comments and critique of this magazine on ourweb site and I\,'lySpace page. There was

a huge number of responses both posted publcly and sent privately. Of all of the responses received, the number one criticism (by far) was that we don't publish often enough I also posed the questlons if we should switched to an intemet-based 'nagazi_e rather than continue the printed version, but the answer was a very resounding ano almosl ura'1 nous NO WAY! Another reason to give up the label is due to the changing way in which music is distr buted and

through massive industry-wide towards pure

d g tal

fornats. At the height of our rccord labe and distnbution efiorts, PE actually needed a warehouse to run our operation and house all the inven:ory As years have gone by, the quantities of eact re ease we have stocked has steadily declneo Tr s rs not saying the amount of releases has dec,.ed iust the number of each one we need to keep n slock. Similarly we used to press thousands oi each of !p wiih our releases and had a hard time keeo demand. Sales of unyl and cD's heve c3. ned so


much that it's taking even a long time ic se :he frst 1.,. E i e shar1 000 copies of most of our re{eases ing has certainly cut down on sales to s.-e degree, you also have to look at the fact thai ine'a are now many mote labels than there werâ‚Ź ie- rears ago n a s.nal sea It's no longer a case of a few big Now there are lois of little fish i. i'e sea a I competing for a reduced number of biJi e's A lot of ihis is the result of the rnternet and :e.... oly leveling the playing field. Relatively cheEp a.câ‚Źss to markeis (i.e. the internet, I\,4yspacâ‚Ź eic ra\'e made it sma I labels a good environment for fostentg At the same time much more cfns- i icr labe s ihai refuse lo adapt to chanqing times ln order to survive some ace s nave a ready stopping doing traditional re ease icrrilals ln favor of



going purely digital (or offer downloads at a cheaper price than physical copies). I can see more and more labels doing this as rnstantaneous digital delivery makes so much more sense than kaditional, physically delivered formats, l'm not the only one who thinks this way and the decline of actual record and CD sales proves it Throw in the fact that the next generation of cell phones also double as music players - making the MP3 the most accessible format of our age, As time goes on fewer and fewer physical copies of releases will be sold Of course there will always be exceptions to this trend, like the die hards and colleclors and Germans who love iheir vinyl-an exception I am exploiting with the VR Collector's Series. Touring bands also do well selling their wares and that wll never change. And until something better comes along, CD's are slrll the cheapest means of mass delivery (and safe backup) without using the internet. As far an actual time line for winding down PE

Records, the current plan is as follows... Over the next 6 months lam gorng 1o PUllout all stops in order get as much of the planned release schedule accomplished. ln order to compress easily a year's worth of commitments into half the allotted time, some creative re{hinkrng has been put into efect. Some projects I planned as strictly PE titles have become joint releases with the bands or other labels. Others have been scaled back from multiple formats to single formats, some have been taken on by other labels, and a couple have just been cancelled until further notice. On the inside back cover of this magazine are listed lhe t(les currently in print or soon io be released within the next month or so ln addition to those, you should expect to see the following releases before year's end: STATE OF THE UNION, ONE BY ONE, and WARCOLLAPSE discography CDs, N/AKILADORAS 2nd LP, and FAGGoT LP/CD/DVD. ln addition I hope to help co-release the new LPs from WARToRN

and FLYBLOWN with the bands


And finally I have agreed to do the next LPs from IMPERIAL LEATHER, MISERY and APPALACHIAN TERROR


which are the only planned record

2008 The rest

of 2008 will be spent working on the magazine, selling off the record label's back catalog, and winding down PE Distro releases for

- which wrll still exist, but will be greatly diminished in size. Very few current PE releases will be kept in print once the existing quantities are gone (tough choice - repress old .ecords or pay off PE's debt?)- I have been considering ways of keeping them avail able digitally, but for the moment I don't have time to make much progress in this arca. We don't actually own the rights to the records we have released, but share them with the bands. Pulting them online is going to require permission from the bands and that's going to take some time for sure- ln the meantime my recommeodation is lo get any of those PE

ending in 2008.

As for the impending hiatus of Profane Existence from being an active record label, I don't think there is any reason to be upset or to despair. There are many other good labels out there-in fact more than ever before-all of which have the possibility of doing a good a job (if not better) at releasihg the kind of music PE has done. ln the last four years PE Records has released about 50 new titles (over '100 since we began) - almost all of which I have had

some part in the production process. l'rn personally satisfied with my efforts in this area and am ready to hand it off for the next generation to continue. l'm sure there will always be just one more record to release down the road, so l'm not quite saying it's entirely done yet.

After the label starts winding down, I plan to use the extra time to make imprcvements to this magazine - part ofwhich includesthe planned return to a bimonthly (every other month) publishing schedule. However, I realize that in the immediate future my attention is going to have to focus on lhe final PE Records releases My original plan was to resume a bimonthly schedule in October, but being realistic means pushing off the next issue untrl a December release date Even then I may sli{l be too busy to publish every other month and may start out 2008 with a quarterly schedule (every three months). lwill only be able to determine this as progress is made towards winding things down with the label and dis-

tro We'lljust have to wait and see. ln terms of other important information to pass along, ldo have a few more gems for you...

The first is that 1984 Press, an independent offshoot ofAK Press, has asked to reprinl our book Mskno Punk e ThEat Aaarrl lf you are not familiar with this book it is a "best of' collection ,rom the first

20 issues of Profane Existence lllagazine, not only outlining PE's polilics, but also some of our accomptishmenls during that time. We published the book ourselves back in '1998 and all3000 copies sold out relatively quickly. As soon as this issue of PE magazine goes to press iwillbegrn work on reassembling the book for re-publcation. only minor cosmetic changes will be made to the original document, as additional materialwll be reserved for parts ll and lll sometime down the road.

Another piece of qood news is that former PE co-editor Chelsea "4002" Bondage has completed the intensive tattoo apprenticeship that she has been undertaking for the past couple of years. She has akeady lad some amazing ink on numerous folks around Mrnneapolis and hasjust begun a year-long commitmentto shop in St. Louis. Good job Chelseal


hours in a record s(ore, thumbing through cassettes, readrng liner notes, magazine interviews - anything I could get my hands on that remotely rocked, and that could temporarily take me away from an otherwise mundane and horribly depressing life. Discovering punk rock only fueled "The Hunt," and ftom the first second of hearing MINOR THREAT'S discograplry CD, I had a new calling. lt was a new beast to tmck through the jungle of bad alternative and grunge; it was almost as if I had

heard music for the first time in my life again. I would squint and look at the band logos scrawled on the leatherjackets of punks in band photos, and started compiling a list of bands I wanled to check out, and see if this insane bu?z I was getting from lightning-fast drumming and buzzing guitars would keep going. I felt like a detective, and somehow I

So when I see kids who have been defined by the dig(al age, I look at them with a heavy heart. The rnte'ret nas made il so incredibly easy b access in-

cally a limited edition collector's series aimed at raising cash for PE. They cost a little more than ordinary PE releases, butyou 6lso get a little more too. Just a few hours ago we received the final missing preces

for the first two releases in the series. ln order to

end of 2008 to do a second series offive. Asofthis writing we have sold just under half of the 150 avail" able subscriptions for the first batch. If the other half sells out quickly I will consider doing a second series

head and pulled a record out of the sleeve and pro" ceeded to explain to him what a record player was. Now there are times at all-ages shows when I look around and feel old, but this was a particular occasion where I felt like I came from a complotely difierent planet than these kids Jokingly I our drummer and pondered whether it would have been a better idea for me to bring a big hard drive filled with mp3's so that the kids could just download them into their iPods. lt's strange to think that in my lifetime l've witnessed a complete and total paradigm shift in technology, and sonetiftes lforget that kids have a completely differenl environment to grow up in than I did. I actually remember when CD's first came out, and on one of my frequent trips to the r€lcord store in the mall l'd pull oui lhe huge cardboard boxes they used to come in, and give a similar bewildered stare to ihem. I remember thinking that CD's were a fad and would never give way to the cassette or LP, and as the years progressed I watched the vinyland tape selection from the record stores dwindle down as quickly as the hak metal bands of the time lgrew up engaged in what lrefer to as "The Hunt." I spent most of my adolescent life grounded by my parenls, confined to the four walls of my bedroom finding solace in only my stereo and a handful of art supplies. Shopping for musrc was one of the only things lcould engage in, and lcrealed a lifestyle around Before I discovered punk, it was all about Colomoia House and other mail-order music clubs At one point I had 4 fake identities all receiving CD's in boxes via mail, which l'd scam for their free signing bonuses and then change the addresses to fictional locales I would (and still do) spend

was piecing together this case from the late 70's and 80's that had been left cold. To this day I stil get the same giddy sensation from discovering an obscure 80's hardcorc band from ltaly that l'd never heard before.

releases you are interested in now, because they probably won't be available very long. I previously menlioned the Vinyl Retentive series of albums we have in the works. This ts basi-

gei copies you have lo sign up for a five record subscription. All live albums in the first series will be out before the end of this year. lfyou count theJoint releases, we have enough alburns coming out by the

and hoh€d quite confused when thurnbing through the boxo€ ol7"s I had laid out. He p,r ed out an ENDROPHOBIAT and with a wlspy lool;n his mascara-encrusted eyes asked me, 'Are these r',ke, big suckers or something?" Mouth agape, I shook dly

I knew something had gone terribly wrong with lhe world that night. lwas selling distro at a l\4ElSCE showi we were booked on a weird bill at a lame rock club and the crowd consisted primarilyof 14 yearold kids. A floppy-haired emo kid came up to my table

formation that lthink much of the mystery offirstdiscovering and gotting into punk has been allogether vanquished. With a file-sharing account, anyone can amass a gigantic music collection in a matter of days for faee, without ever having to do more than type a few keywords into a search engine. Now l'm

no purist, and I cert€inly embraced the advent of email, the internet, and downloading mp3's as much as or even more than the next person. But lwonder if all this technology has begun lo skip the culture

There s something about handing someone a flyer

real logical path. It felt like going down a highway at mach 10 and not being able to read the signs. Now my doctor wanted me to take more? Outstanding! Because while I was taking Xanax, let me tell you a couple things I went through .. Fkst of all, it really messed up rny motor functions l've always loved skateboarding since I was a kid. I started skating in the mid eighty's when it was a lile style instead of an extreme sport. (By the way,

or handbill for a show that makes the show itself more intimate lt's great that bands and labels have

I really miss those days when skating was directly interlinked to punk.) I liked doing old school tricks,

an avenue to upload their songs, book shows, and spread their sound across the wodd for free. But

sJch as .iding the board on a tennrs courl. jumping over the net and landing back on the board Usually lcan clearthe net by a good six hches One day, I

out of something l've actively pursued and lived for fle lesl 15 yfErg fve hp6rd a couob peopig sâ‚Źy lhtl Doca'Jso ol M/bFzE thors s no oeed io mEke ltyerE tor shows s.;ymor!. whrch mstâ‚Ź6 l'0 absofulaly cing6 Whlle lhe Rupert l\,,lurdoch-owned social nehvorking site has become jmmensely useful in promoting shou/s,


it ce(ainly

should not serve as



as people (myself included) become more and more dependant on things like Myspace for communrcation and the relay of information, rt seems that we

have become increasingly impersonal in real life, and more intimate in ouronline lives lfind itstrange thatwhen I go out I am swathed with very superficial small talk from people in person, but online these same people are spilling therr guts lo a machine. uploading their hearts like a pixilated photograph. To completely fight against and cohbat this is senseless at this point. Social nehvorking sites like the'space have completely warped and changed how humans interact in the modem world. There have been campaigns online for people to quit I\,,lyspace, but the only alternative g:ven is tolorn another, less popular network. The only thing we can do is find moderation and balance between the tangible world and the world that requires a login and password to access, Perhaps if we view computers as tools lo improve our lives, not as life-support systems, we re already halfi^/ay there

took Xanax and went boarding. As I neared the net, I squatted down, andjurhped as hard as I couLd. Next thing I know l'm doing a 360 in mid air, and lcrashed into the pavement. I had put all my might into jumping over lhe net, yet lt had only hfted me about 2 inches offthe board, causing me to fl,p right overthe net While my buddies got a good laugh from lhis, I wa6 starting to earn my body and firind were no longer working in sync from the medication. Not having as much physical control over my body as I was used to wou d turn out to be the least of my concerns l\rentally now I was a wreck. Whenever lfelt another attack coming lwas told to take anoiher med. But I was also having memory loss lwould take a med and ten minutes Later, take anotheT because I couldn't remember taking the fkst

"Do you want to kill yourself?" The doctor "Nol" I blurted out, angrily "Do you want to hurt me?" I drdn't, but I knew where this Iine of questioning was heading. "No, but lfeelwayworse than when lfirst started coming to you " "l think you're not being totally honest with me. Ithink additional medication and some time rn a hospital might be best for you." I was working a steady job, playing with my band, and other than what I thought were anxiety attacks, I was living the best I could. For as long as I could remember, anxiety attacks and body buzzes had been a part of my life. Along with face and throat tics, hypersensitivity, learning disorders, and night seizures. lt sucks, always has, always will. Tourette's has caused my body and mind to have some extremely out of hand incidents in my life. But being in this doctor's office, facing more medication, and time in an institution, was hothing I cared to be a part of Xanax had been prescribed to me 5 months earlier Thefirstweek oftaking it, my attacks did subside, however now it was making me crazor then I fe t before. My mind would race out of control with no

syndrome. It's a neurological djsorder that there is no medication foa

"Why were you taking thrs much medication, whal are you trying to do, kill yourself?' Bitty ( PS: WartornJust returned from a killer lour in Europe

and we want to thank Juanmi, Eduard, and everyone else that helped us out. Allthe bands we played with were amazing and the hospitality is greatly appreciated . until next time

one. So not oniy was my doctor over nedicating me, I was over medicating myself. Whi6h does wonders for someone let me tell you. By double dosing lwould lose time Ten, twenty minutes would go by and lwould hardly have a clue what I did, orwhere I was. Afew times I lost hours only to wake up on the floor in a puddle of my own drool. All of this would lead up to my rnost bizarre and terrifying moment

l'm a barber by trade. Often times at work l'll grab a quick nap if ldon't have any clients. When I was taking Xanax, it made me feel more tired, and by this time I was on maximum dosage One day at work my mind and body came crashing down at once. lwas sitting in my chair restrng, when I shot


off it slowly. lt will take a month to get ofi of it. Sudden stoppage can cause cardiac araest." I was listening and feeling pretty angry about my being misdiagnosed in the first place. Tums out that I don't have anxiely disorder, I have Tourettes

Sometimeswe actually getwhatwe've wished for but it comes at a time when we don'l want it anymore. It's an ironic twist that shows us holv much we've grown and changed, even rn the short period of a few months. I am in that boat, lraded in a vengeful sh p for something suited to these calmer seas The t'des have shifted iowards a shore I can recognize,

ofthe deep. I\ry "wish" was for harm against someone who harmed me. I didn't ask for harm by my hands or in a physrcal sense in general, but by his own sorry circumstance at the time The "nice guy" costume he paraded in was wearing by the day but couldn't be no longer controlled by the emotions

awake realizing I was paralyzed Only my eyes moved. Slowly I felt my body shirtting down Nry heart slowed, my lungs slowed, and I felt my body dying. I tried to tell my co-worker to call 911, but I couldn't talk Then rny body Just stopped Nry heari stopped and I went limp. Next thing knew I was leaving my body, and the room changed as I knew it I could feel other entities in the room ihat I hadn'i

whatever. lt seems a careless aggressorrarely reaps the consequence we deem fit for their actions at the time. We wanl it NOW as immediate as the parn we

noticed before, For some strange reason, I seem-od to be made up of not a physlcal body, but more of thoughts and ideas Some ofthe entities seemed alright to me, others, not so much. Suddenly I remem ber thinking that I hadn't done all I wanted to do in my life and BA[4] Somehow I was shoi back into my body and i gasped deeply for air. Time almost had no meaning to me as I tried to get used to my body. It felt awkward like a glove that doesn't fit. Slowly I started to move my hands, arms, and legs- lt took a few more minutes for me to be able to talk Finally I asked my co-worker what happened to me He said,

It's been some time since l've felt that initial wrath. l've transformed into a rhuch more stable being emotionally, .eturning from the maddening adventure that stole me away for a while That form of depression seems eternal and terrifylng, so the removal of it feels like a daily gift to your sense of normalcy and calm. Big sigh Genuine smile. Forgiveness has even been a lricky idea tossed around, but l'm not getting ahead of myself herel The whole bullshit and blind christian concept it commonly subscribes to is far from my thoughts

"l don't know I was reading and wasn't looking at

senseless acts. Fuck that lt's in your own tme and removal- lt's in an understanding you give to yourself to let go ofthe triggerthat keeps you paralyzed lno longer stare down the barrel held by those hands. lf an)4hing, I feel a bit sorry for the ftind that leashes him to that same stale spot. He may run one way or the other, it is still the same patch of grass worn to dirt And of course I am still tethered in my own ways. I loved him somethrng fierce and now l'm finally letting him go The ronanticized ideas are

you." So I have no idea ifthis was realor in my head

Keep in mind that the medication was suppose to bring me back to normal it could be just me, but what seemed to be a death and an out of body ex-

pe ence

is far from normal Luckily enough (or unlucky depending on your view) I injured myselfskating again. lwentto a regu' lar doctor and when I told him how much medrcaiion I was taking, he was shocked "You can't just quit taking this. lf you qult ihe withdrawals will kill you in a week. You have to wean

lorn fast enough in my eyes Retribution, karma...

are experienong. Patience is a distant and foregn land whe4 you are trapped on your own despairing island.

To "forgive" in that manner is to give credrt to those


ng along with tl"e good and bad


Rowing closer to shore. Today he is actually turning himself in for a six month sentence. lt has nothing to do with me but all to do with the shedding of his ridiculous disguise. [.4y goofy "wish'is coming to fruition, though I don't feel those fierce thoughts anymore Karma? I don't know .. l've spent the last six months in my olvn personal confinement and now l'm finally free.

Once i was walking down Hennepln Avenue in Minneapolis during a particularly frigid winter day, and I heard in the distance a guy yelling something It had that kind of aura of intensity that could only come from someone who was either severe y high or insane. As I kept waLking I saw this guy yelling shit on a street corner right;n the middle ofthe busy thoroughfare of Hennepin. As I got closer I realized

il was something about the bible. So at this point you probably know the rest. Crazy guy yelling about the bible and Jesus, blah blah blah. You don't need to hear Probably you don't, but l'll te I the rest because it's funny. I get closer and I can hear whal hes saying now. "lt s in THE BlBLEl" "Allthis is in the BIBLE' as


he gestures around pointing at people, cars, buildings "ALL THIS SHIT lS lN THE BlBLEl" OK that was a little weird, but I guess he's pretty convinced. I get closer a1d he's looking people in the eye insanely as they walk past him, most of the repressed l\,4innesotans avoding eye contact, including me He has this weird energy about him that is kind offrightening As I round the corner and get about 10 leet past him I hear a little commotion and him shot ting ,I SAID, IT'S IN THE BIBLE MOTHERFUCKERI' This guy had grabbed some businessman by the lapels and was yelling in his in the face. Maybe he didn't look convinced, maybe he rubbed the guy the wrong way, who knows Maybe I am just ill informed but this seemed

pretty un-Christian to

me. Or maybe it's a perfecl

allegory for American Chrisiianity.

I grew up in a non-religious environment.


don t know that I would call it atheistic or un spiritual, but my parents definitely didn't care for organized religion I\ly dad was especially pessimistic about it, my mom always wanring to see the positive in any-

thing. We were left to believe or explore whatever we wanted about religion, spirituality,


This was

a pretty cool thing I realize and all too rare rn the wo d. I have always had contempt for organized religion long before I was into punk or anything like that Untrl I learned more my (dis) belief was based more on an rntellectual approach e.g. that "god" isn't logical and is an ignorant idea. Even thoLgh I wasn't rarsed in a religrous environment, I of course had the taint of Jucleo-Christian culture which is alltoo pervasive even ifyou are separated from formal religious practice or part cipalion. OUTWASPy repression was still prominent even with my hippie parents I think my parents thought they could remove lhe P in WASP and make it easier. Kind of. I never actually read a word of the bible until I

was in college, maybe 20 years old. i took a course in Biblical Studies You may find it hard to believe but I wanted to take it (it fulfilled some requrrements too, why not) Cal it morbid curiosity if you like. I was at my wits end trying to understand the hypocrisy of modern Christianriy. So much of it didn t make senseSo when we got inlo the course, I was fascinated by the bible I have to admit. I read the whole thing, There is so much in there that has shaped our culture I had absolutely no fucking ideal So many expre6sions you hear, words, references, stories, elc thal we are awash in every day. I\,4ost of them I had no idea were remotely Christian at alll I guess I shouldn't be too shocked because European civi-

lization has been obsessed with this one book for over 1000 years lt's a shame too because it is all ove. the place in terms of the message it gives. lf you over-read anything and nit pick it, you'll inevitably get lost and confused You end up selecting bits and pieces you believe more than others That's how we get snake-handlers, Chrisiian scientists, apocalypse cults, etc lf you focus on the book of Reveiations, holy shit, can you imagine? I say this as an avid reader. I am even in lavor of re-reading good books. But I think it is possible to overanalyze things. I am also an avid over-analyzer which has not seNed me very well in life lemme iell ya. Modern day Chrlstianity is plagued by institu

tional and political exploitation and manipulation in the form of dogma and doctrine li is confused be cause it looksto an aathology of bookswhich are far from perfect, flawless or cohesive. No texi, religious or otherwise, is. When I read the bible I thought to myself, what is Jesus' message? He has a lot of messages of course. I figured if you wanted to llve a life that could be characterized as "Christian", you would focus on love, forgveness, compassion, and healing That would be followng his example from what I can tell. Why are these qualities so absent in such a great majority of modern day Christians? The obsession wilh excluding members of oJr society (e g homophobia, gay marriage) and the overail Mbe of self-righteousness, hate, rigidity, intolerance, and associated qualities I gel from them jusl leaves me dismayed Of course I suppose there are some people who follow true "Chrislian ideals," bui they are usually outside of the institutions of the church I think any form of real Christianity died pretty early on, when itstarted being !sed as a poliUcalweapon and societal manipulator Even crushing other Christian groups, Like the Gnostics (who were pretiy cool, some of them anyr,vay) I\,Iy contempt for organized religion, especia ly Judeo-Christian religion, was shengthened by my exposure to the bible. I now understand not only is modern day mainstream Christianity institutionally and politically perverse, but also morally and spirilually lost The moraland spiritualaspects have long been subverted by the instituUonal and politi-

cal motivations of the powers that be. This ls the problem with organized religion in general. I have always grasped at why Christianity is so particularly vLrlnerable to this. I think it is because 1. it has been intertwined with heavily militant, stiate-oaented authoritarian European cvilization a4d 2 lts primary text is perplexing The one thing I could agree, with however despite thrs experience, is that whatever yoil want to point at it is in the bible. I\,,lotherfucker. On a related note, lthink I have become more open lo spiritual (but not necessarily religious) ideas in my old age liust don't have the capacity to carry the voracious hatred and anqerat the world thai has

been part and parcel of so many punks' lives, and subsequently consumed them. I m in this for the long haul, and l've felt myself burning out. I have found meditation a particularly useful tool in trying to heal and understand these destructive emolions, among many other things including our aversions and attracions lunderstand why I have this deep seated aversion to organized religion. The understanding rs no longer from standing outside and looking at how stuprd zealots look (although they do), but from trying to understand them and seerng really t.uly, how confused and perverse tley are in that sense. lt has done two things lthasmademe feel compassion for individuals who believe this shit that's fed to them and suffer because of it, and also deepened how damaging I think the institutional aspects of Christ anity really are. Trying to really understand things that we are troubled by orfeel disdain for is a very valuable thing, both from an intellectual, existential and emotional perspective lt can change lhe way you perceive things and also how you react to them, hopefully in a more skillful and wise way, too. Id also like to say that I am fucking thrilled to be writing for PE. I was thrilled to write for MRR when they asked, but I think that PE kind of tops it for me as it's always had a special place in my heart PE and Dan have been an inspiration foryears and I really admire the real dedication, determination, and quality work I urge all of you to support PE ln their projects and donate to keep this mean machine go-

inglCheers! PO BOX 18884 / Oakland, CA94619 nick@mangelslakt org

Hi, this is the first ofhopefully many columns for Profane Existence l'm on a irial period, to see if l'm op forthe job - in other words hopefully I won't bore the pants offyou. Even though l'm the new kid on the block, well writing here thai is, I have been around for a few

years Here's a brief rntroduction l'm guessing that most of you reading this will have at least some ioterest in punk, may be new to it or into it for some time. But we all have one thing rn common, getting inro it in the first place. Everyone

has a story to tell, each as equally important as the next. Regardless ofage, gender and time served we are into it and that's what is important for now. I'm just around the corner from the ripe young age of39 and was 16 in 1984. lhad been into metal for a few years, but as lwas qetttng older I justfelt out of step with those around me Their interests bored

me I was getting bored with metal and the cock rock c'rcJs of bands and inflated egos, and inteNiews rn metal magazines either made me fall asleep or annoyed the hell out of me with their inbred attitudes. I had a thirst for something more, a yearning for the unknown lhai was nol included in any magazines I was reading at the time. My older brother was into 70 s punk and New Wave, but that d dn't really appeal to me that much

painting rainbows, wejust have to make distinctions

ship and ideas, music etc. Love and peace. Contact points: MEL HUGHES / 26 ST IIIATTHEWS ESTATE / KEADY CO,ARI\4AGH, 8T60 3SF / NORTHERN IRE' LAND Email: caringedge@netscaPe net [,/ySpace: www.l\

and still doesn't today. Despite that, lthought l'd give punk a go. So uhen a ln€id 0, my blElhs/s r'rEde a da h€ {'loughl I might Ukl. one cruple ol tapas q( of these ts€E hed lho liEt LP bv uoc . tlir ioored me and made me want more. I was hooked in '1984 and all these years later this LP still remains one of my favorite records ever. The same guy told me of a gig, and my frrst one was DISORDER, but being drunk I don't remember too much about it. The second one. THE DEPRAVED, I wasn't as drunk and


that implicate the realculprits. Humanity is not to blame for the state of the world, humanity is not a slngular senlient decislon rnd wkkod and rn€long pcGoosllty fiEt6 ctt d€3svlng gl oolladlw Eulcda o. mlSa d€ oll So oa€n you heat state.nents rcgardl,lo hunanly €6 folbr€. "WE de6t oy lhG envEoMalnl. WE RE litr a virus. WE don't belong on this planet" This is just about the most arrogant and ethnocentric logic that has ever emerged to insult the innocent nature of almost every human being and culture that has ever


remember it. When I got home and over the next couple of days, while sober, I found some zines/flyers in my pockets that I got at the gig Reading these zines oPened a brand new world to me. what with interviews of bands, and columns/articles on various subjects that I had never read about before in mainstream press. Contacts, reviews and ads - your tyPical zine fodder - were all new to me. Thus began my introduction to buying tapes, records etc via mail order, trading tapes' writing to people all arcund the globe - a part of my life that still continues to this day and continues to

Let's scale the human story down

reinforce my belief in all things hardcore punk-

I live in Northern lreland and throughout ihe years havo been rnvolved in many aspecis of activity that go hand in hand with being into hardcore ounk. I used lo oo a zine cElled No Sarcodes Necessary, which exisled from 1993 to 1999. Changed the name ofthezine to Direct Hrt, which lstillcontinue to do. I had a distro in the 90's. Had a band in the late 8O's called DEADHEAD, named after the ACTIVE N4INDS song. Funny enough, the connection with ACTIVE MINDS didn't end there as the first release on my labelwas a split 7" between them and URKO. The second release was another split 7" between BASTARD YOTJTH and KNIFED Both stillavallable Some day l'll reloase another record when I have some money. Currently playthe guitar, but there's no one around here to make a racketwilh unfortunately

symptoms of seParation Part l: MisanthroPY Mlsanthropy is a fashionable term among anarcho_ punks- A couple of my old friends would often say, ' I m feeling misanthropic today.' I always loved that because it seemed so honest and because it was framed in the sentence siructure of healthy psychobabble lf you state a feeling it's open. but it's not blameful. ll's not as binding and shallow as 'l ihink" or "l am'. To describe a feeling gives you space to observe and interpret that feeling without losing yours€$ ln lL You c.rl Gcognira thd lhe l€.llng 18 the outgroalh qf some&lng ds€9er, not rurt $e pqre trulh of your exlgtence.

l'm a husband, father of tlvo wondedul children. l'm an ofllce slave, which pays the brlls and I

may have a family, job etc but how

llive my life, how lcontribute to society, and how



bflng my kids up is on my terms and coincides with

my punk ideals. You don't have to stop living just because your life changes like this. As yoars go by, itseemsthat people drop out of punk for whatever reasons For me seeing the state of the wodd, people's attiludes and all that goes on these days just reinforces my beliel in continuing to be involved within hardcore punk and all the good stuff that haPpens here because of the big hearts of those involved. The honesty, ideas, and muslc combine the fact lhat people continue to stand up against things ihey don't agree with Peopb getting

ofi their as.". and doing things inspires me and hope it does forYears to come.

10,000 years latet The village


Lots of metallers, but alas no punks.

feeds the family.



comprehensible level. Let's say that the story of humanity is the story of a village. Everyone is living relatively happily and harmoniously for a couple hundred thousand years Then all of the sudden a vitlager in one hut becomes insane and decides to dominate his family, then uses violent forces never before imagrned to enslave all the people, animals, and land in the village. The cancerous aberration of greed that omerged in one mind spreads and colonizes mosl all other minds very rapidly. All villagers resisted and some siill resist while some have escaped to the high mounlains and barren deserls to continue their peaceful traditionalways


I've been reading Profane E0stence lrom

when I first bought issue one all those years ago and it has continued to inspire me down the years. Through all the ups and downs it's stili here' bigger and better than ever with the same gnarly bie it al ways had- Am I stoked to be able to write for it? You better believe it, l've wdtten some reviews in this issue and will continue to write some for each issue as they come. I will also be conkibuting interviews and whatnot. ldo believe in their slatement, "Making punk a threat again'. If you don't loe the line of how the capitalist society wants you to believe that you have to buy their crap in order to feel alive and hu' man, if you reject their influence, you are a threat to the very fabrics ofwhy they exist Being a punk is a rejection ofthose norms. Be|eve in it and yourselfThat's it for now, see you in the next issue All feedback ls welcome Lets exchange friend_



when my friends said



misanthropic today" because t pre'supposed that it was a temporary place, and one that with or without known cause, was just one o[ many states to be in. Pefi€p6 tomor.ow they'd lo.l 'Phlbqlhroplc.", ovsr tt€ y6ds l've .arely hsa'd this word used in such a playful way. lJsually it's

io reinforce lhe psychic rice-papeI prlso'r of nihilism: the philosophical belief in and care for used

nothing. Nihilism is the ultimate rationale for apathy, the flood gate for depressive chemical imbalance, and the ultimate cause of physical dis-ease

The conclusive sef-defeating concept


caustic sLrbstance that I feel must be carefully quarantined and examined To me it really embodies the spirit of the indusirial death culture. lt is a tool of hegemony, which is a term coined to describe the plocess whereby an misanthropy

is a

oggr6srod populstion edopt8 lhe bellEl6 and value€ of lhe ruing allls hll3 enit,ing lhol, co.tpll€nc. $llh totalsubiugation ln otherwords, we do the system's work for it without its need to apply direct force when we propagaie ils beliefs voluntarily By promoting

the concept o,


we empower


misanthropic psychology of the systern. The sysiem is in fact the misanthrope, and we are the victims of misanthropy It is fundamentally disempowenng to construct

a world-view based on the hatred of humanity but it's hard to move away from this lvhen our music and ari so ernphasize the vile atrocities committed by the human species. I donl ihink lhe.e's any need

to give up the dark and gloomy aesihetic and start

is now a

towering menacing city-state and in it emerges a rebel movement called anarcho-punk, lt sprouts a consciousness of liberation and hatred of the order rtoElty. lt rightly $rdlts to find ths ,oots of the cuscd aydem and sover lhem whibSlmdlaneously


creatlnE n€w alterltaljv! encamFnon6



outside of the citadel.

However many among its neo_tribe are weakened and immobihzed by the false assumpiion and fear that humanity itself ls hopelessly corrupt How else, they ask, could such a hornd state come about? Mustn't it be a fatal flaw of human nature? It took the discovery of the "lrue story" of

the orjgin of the death culture to develop


understanding it was not WE who chose this way. It was only a cofir]pt few who perversely developed technologies of dominion to subsume a I into their gnp.

lJnforlunately that story-book m!4hology of civilization and the corruption of humanity is an over-Eimpfif]cation. The "true story" is much more complic6i6d and theoretical- Here's a digest ctl lhe more technical scientific theories on the maiter The shift from partnershlp to dominator of socflll6s (c1udely !.eJcd do'.rn 6bovr lnto tie 'd€a one crazy man) lfi hql was a slow pEc€9s lhat took lhorrssnds of yeEc 6.d hapP€fled lnd.p€o6en{y in many locations throughoul the world at the end ofthe lasi lce Age 10,000 years ago All modern hLmans and theil pre-modern ancestors alive from three


to 10,000 years ago were foragers (aka

hunHgElhcflas). ThetE were no domos!'caled plent! oi animEls, all lllc wls wild. HunElt3compeled fo. reoourEnG ln balancewlth allolherltf. Tn3y llved in small nomadic groups of about 25_50 and never gerloosy dtstupl 3?ay€d in ooa paacB bog ono{gh 1o lhE rnwprmgnl. Unt,er lhBs€ @ndfiont ttaMg and equalily were the norm. Around 8.000 B.C. the world cllmate drastically changed and certain populalions got backed into an ecological comet They had to lame. domesticate and in some cases ultlmately ens ave the earth to survive However it was not a conscioLrs process by


hvolwd PeoPb lust dlo t'vna'.l,re, hod t0

esrh p*r&g nsnent, ht.-lltne lene.Etion. millennium etc Luckily, noi all domesticaled



societies lost their reverence for women' animals,

and the earth. Many were able to find a new balance

and harmony. For some though a fatal coriuption occurred, Female centored creation stories were slowly replaced by angry male god stories. Societies centered on women became dominated by men. An unprecedented artificial abundance of resources was created; a surplus never before possible or desirable for our light traveling egalitarian foraging

and its cancerous cultures of civilization, should we nol expect similar effects? lf we love and trust the underlying intelligence of humans to live by their nature of peace and balance, would not this true


spiritually, and physically,

This surplus gave once free and equal societies something to fight over. Private material wealth accumulation began. Women and animals became property along with land and other natuml resources, all to be controlled by the men who consciously shaped cultures of conquest to pillage €vor-expanding teriitory After a few thousand yeaB of this aberrant behavior, the need to bulld walls to protect th6 agrarian patriarchal domains arose, hence civilization: lhe culture ofcities. Empircs grew out of cilres ln cities mass slavery and grinding exploitation of the peasant classes generat€d yet a new abundance of human and material resourc€s for the elite to channel into scientific, philo6ophical, and military classes Thes€ classes were to create ever moae heacherous physical technologies forconquost and control, and ever more hideous psychological technologies to entrap minds into fear and worship

of divined rulers. All that's changed from the last few thousand years to the prcsent has been the scale of death, enslavemont, and destruction. (for a much more detailed study of the origin and history oI civilization please reed "Freedom and Civilization: A Comparalive Analysis" at node/455). Basic judicial logic can be used to assign guilt and innocence. lf most humans now alive are the enslaved victims of a few corupt patriarchal aberations, how could we just blafie all humanity? simply cancer. Another scaled model Cancer is the process by which cells fail to develop proporiy. they lose their purposo to the organism and lhoy grow and divide without respect to normal limits, invade and destroy adjacent tissues, and may spread throughout the body. They create an imbalance and threaten and olten ultihately kill the whole organism. The average human gonerates one cancer c6ll a day. lts the diligentjob of our immune systeE! to huntdown and killthese cells. The modem


diagnosis of cancer is misloading because in fact all of us at all times have c€ncer. The real disease shouldn't be called cancer at all. lt should be called immune failure, because a weak immune system loses its ability to efi€ctively resist the cancer cells and thus a debilitating disease state results from their undrecked propagation. Back to the analogy of blaming the whole

for the ills of tho part. lf you had cancer would

you hate your ontko being, all the healthy cells in your body? Or would you know that this is just an aberration, something that should be understood as unchaGcteristic of the true naluae of your being and all its cells? You've lived your whole life with all of your trillions of cells wo*ing in a harmony of infinite inlelligence. At one point. the link to that intelllgence b.eaks down, and an imbalance occurs. lf not stopped and restored to balance, the bizarre disease can run rampant and wreak havoc (Sound

like technology and civilization? GroMh without intelligenc€?). Countless clinical studies have proven beyond a doubt that one of the most powerful healing tools for cancer patients (in addition to an immediate raw food/green juice centered diet) isto apply meditative self-love totheirwhole being, and particulady to their immune system, thus empowering itto channelinner intelligence to restore balance. lf we extrapolate this healing logic to the world

consciousness penetrate the toxic haze ofthe death culture? Hating humanity is suicide, psychologically,


of our


only weakens the

cultural immune system and

transmits the message of defeat to whateverhealthy populations still exist Every culture on earth and every individual has a complex relationship to the culture of death, lhe cancer of corruption, civilization, industrialism, capitalism, etc Some are morc deeply infected than others. Some are more conscious perpetratoB of it than others. Some are collaboraiors. Many are still virtually untouched. Take a moment to scan the earth in the mind's eye, try to feel, not just think about the distribution of moral responsibility for the state of the world. ls it really humanity as a whole that's starving millions ot children, leveling foresis, dumping toxic waste, building nuclear weapons, burning brides, and

torturing animals? Humanity is comprised fiostly of victims of the techno-industrial death cultuae. The death culture is very recent on the face of the earth and in humanity's long tribal history, it's really consciously managed by a liny minority of the world's human population- l\rosl of us are tools or raw materials, not owners or engineers I love humanity. lt's taken a lot of re-wiring for me to overcome my misguided misanthropy and .eally mean that. [rany old friends will be laughing

to read this

knowing how cynical and callous l've always been. N4any of them would say to my misanthropic old self, "You know, have you ever stopped to think that your hatred of the external world and of humanity may just be e projection of your own issues, your lack of self-love?" I now know they were right; all healing starts from withrn. How can I not be brought to tears of awe when I think aboutthe universe ofcellular magnificence that is my body, the ever self-organizing, repairing and replaong river of my physical existence? How could

I nol be embarrassed for my years of depression and self-denial that negated the wonder and beauty of my gift of life? How could I not love myself, and by extension all life and all of rts epic struggles to express itself in pure health and harmony through each and every one of us?

I love humanity and what I love most


it is that like all of our indivdual cells, all members of humanity have the capacity to channel infinite intelligence gathored across billions of years of the evolution oI life. We can, under conditions


openness, creativity, compassion, and love,

generate solutions for any problem.

Micro and macro scale healing


according to the same principle: love. Hahed is fuel lor disease. lf you hate your body, it becomes sick and dies. lf you hate your ethnicity its collective self-esteem will wither. lf you hate humanity it won't resist its predicament. lt won't align with the earth to recognize and push out the sliver of human conuption that's lodged in this sliver of time. Philanthropy, the antonym to misanthropy, need not simply be a word reserved for morally burdened industrialists who try to "give back" to the cancer foundations trying to cure the diseases the industrialists created in the first place- We can be philanthropists without donating millions to charities. It may not be as 'brutal'and 'black metal'a sentiment

as misanthropy, but it is quite powerful, and that should be precious toanyone serious abouteffective resistance,

The Banality of Racism Five incidents:

1.) Last summer, a party in Uptown (for nonChicagoans, this is a faded, once-upscale shopping district destroyed by the '68 nots and now mostly low-income housing and abandoned store-fronts, typical Chicago). Moslly white k'ds drinking PBR and listening to-you guessed it-hip-hop. I overhear some hipster gkl complaining aboul her job."l don't

I speak their language when they come into the store but they don'twant to talk to me-ldon't get what's wrongl l'm tryingl" 2.) Afew weeks ago, sitting around, Bucktown (another ex-working class 'hood well on s way to get what's wrong with Hispanrcs.

gentrified steri ity). Talking about seven inches, Los CRUDOS comes up. l\,ly friend says, "l have that one seven inch..." [4e: "The HUASIPUNGO split?"

Him, totally deadpan: "l dunno. The one with that spic band." 3.) This happened to my brother,


Summer school at the high school in a suburb (Evanston) noted for its 'progressive' politics. The subject of languages comes up. Some girl in Ugg boots says, "1 don't want to take Spanish." Why not? "l don't want to speak the language of my 4.) Drunken discussion with afamilyfriend (with a PhD in sociology) about immigration, me arguing for opening the borders and granting amnesties, etc. Him: "l don't want some illiterate hallbreed dumbshit peasant taking jobs frofi Americans..." He went on like that for awhile, but you get the gist of it. 5.) This happened to a friend of mine, at a

Superbowl party in Lincoln Park (gentrified/student ghetto nerghborhood). The halftime commercials

come on, and Janet Jackson briefly appears onscreen. The dLde next to my friend remarks, 'Wow. Janet Jackson looks like Aunt Jemima," and then asks my friond, who's black, for a cigarette. Although different people said these things, and these remarks were said in different contexts, there's a lot of similartres between them. They are obviously sickeningly racist, but they were mouthed by people who no doubt consider themselves liberal

or progressive. None of ihese people saw their remarks as out of the ordinary-to my shame, the remark about "tha[ spic band" went un-commentod upon by me or anyone else in the room. ln one sense, it means thatracism has become nomalized, in a way that's completely different from the pre-Civil Rights movement Jim Crow south.. ln an era in which the "achievements" of the civil rights era are taken for granted, it's of course no longer approved of to be openly racist. Yet the hatred for people of other races is still there, and manifests itself in the host diverse ways. lnstead of out- and-out, ArchieBunker style racism we are now confronted with a more subtle form of it, in which racist rema*s are tacitly accepted or ignored-after all, he didn't real/y

mean thal, did he-he was just joking, right? This new crypto-racism is expressed in many otherways as well. One which readily comes to mind is white kids listening to rap konically. Here I'm reminded of a party at the University of Chicago (one of the most elite schools rn the nation, a well-guarded islet of whiteness and elitism in the midsl of Chicago's impoverished mostly black south srde) in which Economics students had a "gangsla" party where the mostly white attendees showed up in baggy pants, backwards caps and drinking blunts and forty-ounces BlackJace gone post-modern? The point? I don't know if there is one, besides

the cliche that the world's full of hate


my obligaiory, once-per column punk album tiUe reference). There's a little bigot in all of us, fed by ignorance and a sense that it's ok to make racist nemarks because no one's 'actually" racist anymore,

or that somehow gangsia r6p is hilarious. The

of universal enlightenment that thls entails all too often conceals a form of racism that's assumption

more insidious because it's so often unconscious I would argue ihat many racists aren't even aware of their being so, these days, bringing up the quesuon of who can judge what constitutes blgotry or not Ultimately, perhaps the only thing that separates

average white young adults like the characlers

we saw in the four eptsodes above from

lhe stereotypical redneck Southern racist is that these people fhmk they're enlightened, whereas the hick couldnl care less Which one's more honest-the klansman in white bedsheets ranting about why he hales immigrants, orthe white kid who listens to LOS CRI.IDOS and reads Chomsky bui gets mad when bands sing in Spanish because it's'spic bu lshit"?


g":ruu.,tElyfl nculcrtrh...orâ‚Źrs,c.s The N,,tinneapolis, Minnesota 135 bridge collapse is a kagedy that could have been avoided lt might be easy to say ihat now, afler the fact I suppose, but who would have ever guessed someth ng like this would happen in Mifnesota? lts always seemed like I\rinnesota was a state that had lt together and was far better off than many others. Especially states in charge of b4dges over the Mrssrssippi River Its baffling that the collapse is mosl likely due to neglect. Barring any future discoveries, it simply appears that this bridge wasnt well maintaioed

Experts have qurckly pointed

to the


administration's budget cuts and lack of interest ln maintaining U.S. infrastructure- There's a lot to be said about that.


to the U.S. Department of

Transportation, existing bridge maintenance funds decreased from $125 billion to $124 billion last year, while new bridge expenditures rncreased from $52.9 billion lo $58I billion I guess it was more impo(ant to put emphasis on cuiting 6 ribbon and not enough emphasis on maintenance of existrng bridges.

But what's more intriguing


U.S. governmenl relies on stale data





decisions regarding how federal money is spent on malntaining our highways and bridges. The Federal Hlghway Administration is one of 11 divisions of lhe U S. Department of Transportation. All of the

decisions they make are based upon data provided by,ndivrdualstate departments of tran sportatio n, ln thrs case Minnesoia ln the years prior to the collapse, several reports cited problems with the bridge structure ln '1990, only 23 years after rtwas built, the l-35 bridge received a raUng of "structurally defi6ient," citing sEnificant corrosion in its bearings. "Structurally deflcient" is a classification term which has been given to 70,000 other U S bridges. Accordrng to the experts, this classification doesn't necessanly mean a bridge is bad. Hmm. . l'm no expert but any system which has "structurally deficient" as a classification that doesn't necessaa ly mean 'structurally deficienl" is a system that's poorly designed Or possibly they just don't want to admit thal 70,000 U.S bridges could colJapse at any moment under lhe right conditions. Much of the speculation of neglect from englneering experts touched upon the fact thal the l-35 bridgewas doing more than itwas designed to do. Several civil engineers said this bridge wouldn't be built under today's conditions. The l-35 bridge was only 40 years old. Bul was host to over 141,000 vehicles daily, a number that increased to that point as lhe years went by. The l-35 is not just a bridge thal connecis downtown Minneapolis to northeast N4inneapols, it is part of the lnteastate Highway system that connects Minneapolis to the rest of the country. From ihe middle '1gth century until 1920, if a person traveled in America from one city to another, the trip almost certainly was by rail By the 1950s, the decllne of railroads in the United States coincided wth the emergence of commercial aviation and with the introduction of the lnterstate Highway System. Both competing modes of travel received substantial government support The Federal Highway Act funded ihe lnterstates and state governments built compatible networks of local roaos ano pursued auto{rtendly policies As a resu l, more Americans embraced the convenience and privacy of personal tlansportation byautomobile, and interstate commerce shified from the rails to kucking. Today, there are estimates of 15 5 milion trucks operating ln the U.S. generating revenue of $255.5 billion a year Those numbers are growing every year By comparison, there are 5OO railroad freight companres generaling $422 billion dollars of revenue Amlrak, the governmenisubsidized passenger rail system, gets just $1,2 billon from the feds to operate, and wouldn't exist without that subsidization- Heavy trucks are doing


the job that railroads were designed to do They are on the streets rlght next to you as you walk or ride

This kind of thing gets to me personally because my Great Grandfather George ZeigLer speni his entire life building raikoads across ihis country. Now we hardly even use them. I hate to call his life's work a waste, but unfortunately it seems that it was The U.S. could, and should, have a raikoad system that rivals Europe or Japan. Did you know that a kain needs 50-70% less energy to transport a given tonnage of freight (or given number of passengers), than does road transport? We should get the ']8-wheelers off the

road and back on the rails and work towards a high-speed rail for elJicient movement ac.oss the country. We should stop misappropriating highway funds and bailing out the airline industry (which got $'15 billlon after g-11) As a person who travels alound ihe country a lot, I've had a lot of time to think about the highway system, dodging big trucks moving at high speeds, dealing with the ruts in the road caused by overuse

and neglect Driving in the rain is the worst Nol only has our van almost wiped out a time or two by 18-wheelers not slowing down in the rain (that is a story in itself), l've seen countless other cars hydroplane from the same [hing I love l\,linneapolis and I love Minnesota. lls like a second hometo me. Even though l\,4inneapolis is 900 miles lrom Graceland, it feels like the other

way around.


sympathize with the people of kagedy The last time I

I\,,linneapolis affected by this

went overthe l-35 bridgewas with THE COOTERS and HAPPY BASTARDS rn fall of 2006. "Can you believe how tinythe Mississippi River is up here?" I remarked to my Mississippi boys who were present We had been over Mississippi River bridges rneverystate bordering the dver, on tour last fall. The bridges in Memphis, Greenville, Vicksburg, and New Orleans are humongous compared to the l-35 bridge in Minneapolis and if one of those b.,dges were to collapse, the magnitude of the disaster would be unimaginable. As a footnote to this column, I would like to mention that August 30, 2007 marks the second anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina disaster ln Mississippi and Louisiana. FYl, several of the b.idges along the Gulf Coast have still not been rebuilt

Some people lie about it, others choose to ignore

it, in some areas it's whispered about in halllit

corners and in other regions it's highly celebrated for numerous days on end. Some people look at it as a doom-filled ending while others revere it as an exciling beginning. When lwent through it lfelt l'd entered a right of passage and l've onlyiust begun What is it my fair-weathered friends? lT s turning 30 years old The other day I overheard my friend say in conversation that so-and-so should have acted more mafure and, "She was old! A thiriy year old woman

shouldn't be acting like thatl" Somewhat insulted I reiorted back to my 23 year old frlend, "Hey I heard thai. You know someday you'll be where I afir and you'll

have to deal, and then you'll understand ' Apologizing she quickly responded, "Oh, I don t mean ihirty is old This lady was just really immature l'm sorry. You're not old. Anyways, you look young in the face " Well thanks toots (My friends are smad They know how lo butter me up) See, the thing is I wasn'i offended that she indirectly called me old. I was concemed that she viewed an older age as a negaiive aspect of life and that got me thinking. Whats so great about being "young"? Lrkewise, whafs so bad about being "old"? Years ago, when I was a teenager I wanted to be older so badly that I thought I would die, jusi shrivel up and dle wilh anticipation. I wanted to get into venues to see shows btt couldn't. t hated being carded for cigarettes I hated being carded for beer. Unlike some ofyou lucky suckers, I never had an oldersibling to help

rne out in that department and I rarely hung out wittr people that would contribute to minors. One day I got an insider tip that a specific drivethru on a spec ic day would sell me alcohol and not card me. Woo wheeel You better believe I went through the drive-thrul I remember to this day the nice girl asked, "Do you want a half-rack of Zima or a câ‚Źse?" Not knowing lhe cool, alcohol-specific lingo and also not wanting hesrtation to reveal my ess than appropriate age, I quickly answered, "A case " (Now let's pause so you may ail finish laughing at my beer choice. And... done) I kept the case in mytrunk. lt lasted for two weeks. It was very similar to driving an ice cream truck minus the cool linker-bell music. And, I didn'l sell it to kids. Not many. Only a couple. l\ry nerghbors. Oh, I'm just kidding. Fast foMard a few years and guess what ldid on my 2'1st birthday? The day I just couldn1 wa,t foQ?? The daythat lwould yelllrom the rooftops, "Heyworldl! l'm 21 now. Look at mel You can card me all you want bqt l'm buying that beer!l Hahahahaaaal The joke's on you " Yeah, well, I did nothing. I sat with my cat by my onesome in my apartment. lf you can have a birthday that's a dud, thatwould have been a perfect example of a failed 21st birthday. Hadn1 lproperly prepared forthis moment during my later teens? Apparently not. Around the same time ltried to go back to college but leamed that I wouldn't qualifo for flnancial aid. lgnore

that fuct thai I worked full time, paid my own rent and bills, and took care of myself and had so for years-l was not an "independent." The onlyway Ic.uld qualify was to bare a child, serve in the military be manied, or be 24 years old- Now com'on...- this bureaucratic age limitation was starting to become a bit unrervrng Iturned 2'1. I did my time but no, yet another hurdle to overcome, Soon enough it all started makrng perlect 6ense to me -- l'm old enough to independently buy cigarettes, buy beer, and independent enough to die in a war for my country but I'm not independent enough to receive financial aid for education. I don'tthink Einstein would have approved. Overall, I didn't enjoy my 20 s allihat much Some parts were okay and fun but the bad parh grossly ouh,veighed the good stuff. ldon'tblame anyone. lliken it to a person who is bad at bowling, when every lhrow is a gutter ball, whether fast or slow. Yep, lwasjust bad at being 2o-someihing and ten years didn't improve my odds allthat much. To be fair, I made great f ends, finally movedtoa place lcould callhome, played in four different bands, and pushed forward. Did I leam a lot? Yes- Do I think those were the best years of my life? No. Do I wish to be 24 again? Hell no. Eff a bunch of twenties, I sayNow that l've been 30 years old for 5 months I have to tellyou, it's been the BESTfive months l've ever had and the prospects are only getling better. Some of you may think it'sjust an eady onset of mental dementia and thats why I can't remember ever having such a better time, but you're wrong. lfully embrace the hirtysomething years and eagerly await what's around that comer. This may nol have been, or is now the case for many of you but my twenties were filled with Who am l? Where am I going? Why am I here? What should I be doing instead of whal I am doing? How do I gel ou't? ls it okay with the family? My friends? MyselP Ughh, I finally feel secure and peaceful with my life. I now feel Im at firll liberty to live it up, laugh loudly out loud, make excuses to no one, and be amed wth knowledge and wisdom thatwillkeep me from falling rnto those historic pitfalls. I by no means have all the answers and l'll never slop evolvrng and growing. changing and reananging What I do have now is the simply realization that I will enjoy life and never subscribe to an age preconcepton of how lshould act and who lshould be. Heres my answer to the questions posed ea ier,

"what's sogreatabout being young and bad about being old?" lt's clich6 butlrue, you?e only as old, or as young,

as you feel inside. I think the term'youth'has less to do with age and more to do with still being fascinated wilh life stillwanting to earn. stillwanting io experience new adventures, and not allowing the trivial to keep you down On the other hand, I thLnk old describes attitudes content wilh stagnancy and doesn't properly describe age. So, there's nolhing great about being young and bad about being old that isnl bad about being young and good aboutbeing old. Additionally, ifs presumptuous of a younget aged person to detemine

what it's like to be older, as they've never actually lived an older age (unless younger aged people câ‚Źn tim+ kavel now-that wouldnt surprise me a bit). [ry final thought is actually a wish for change. Nalive Americans have long been noted for revering their elders wilh respect, care, and gratitude for they consider thelr elders more knowledgeable and wise, and understand their importance in the community. I hope that we allcan learn to do the same and treat our elders with the respect and gratitude they deserve -t.a,c,

ffiE6p ffiffiB$ffi& EBWffi eEBBEffi8 g R)A/Y



Good dayl I am Alt6r from Davao City Philippines i used to be a member of the AS-A-WHOLE collective and we used to have an infoshop. Right now we've decided to split the co lective into two so lhat we can come up with more ideas and projects So now lm planning to run another infoshop I have several books here in my old p ace about different topics of culiure, socio politics, sclence, history and art etc- but unfortunately, its noi enough to establish a good infoshop (l don't have enough books, zines, pamphlets or records because this s my iirst time to run one), I have also collected fewdocumentary films in which we used to show during our previous film viewing activities back on our infoshop, Those films are of various subjects but unfortunately its rea ly not enough. I am taking good care of these s1uffs because i know th s is very imporlant in my future projects I have my little space here in my grandmother's house and i think this could cater libraries, audio visual and even meetings and forums. lf you like to ask me about my projects, i'll say i have so many plans in my mind. I would like to establish a permaneni 'book club' which will hold a regular weekly discussions about polilics, alternatve living and ecological issues. Right now, i am also planning to ,lnd members from different schools so that we can easily attach to dlfferent kinds of school organrzations and organize everts and discussiols inside the school-As a post-graduate of4 year course, Ive also adended differeni organizations before in ny school and did some co laborative efforts wlth some cultural and ecological groups. In lhis wayi we can reach further in spreading the aliernative ideas and radical solutions to different social and environmental

problems. For2 years, lve been organizing with different types of youth organizations and NGO'S. Through art and lectures, i delivor ideas about sweafshops labor, corporate destruclion, rrono-cropping agriculture, pesticides, human rights, social responsibilities and consumer awareness I am doing these envrronmental campaigns voluntarily basis to many communities and schools. These mono-cropping types of agriculture has done a lot of harm to our ecology here in Davao Crty. Not to menhon thek pesticides and deforestahons. Cuffently, we are still pushing to the total banning of 'Aerial Spraying'method used by Big banana and pineapple industries here in Mindanao. These plantations has done a loi of damage to both ecology and the people but still, the government do not give sincere actions to this so , really think ihe time now to act is in our handsl To give you more rnfos about this, ilsuggest you should go tothese websites [sorry, it's a long IJRL to type into your browser, but ittakes up less space than in the magazine than a huge list of web

sites-EdJ' hltp://,com/search?p=davao+aerial+spr ayin g+ban&btn=Search&tab=WebEei=UTF-8&f r=my Organizing with different NGOS is one of my functions in my previous collective Despite of all ihe hard times, I have managed to do a lot of neid work, Curently, l'm still working on the second issue of my booklel called lntellectual revolution', a compilation of poetry essay, short stories and artworks from difterent local individuals i know ln this way, I am helping them publish their writings and molivate them lo do more DlYAlternative efforts. Unfortunately lam having a difficulty in producing huge numbers of copies because i have no subsdy forthis lcanonlyaffordto

make ten copies per week so I think i should inc ude ihis as a proposal I am seriously looking for somebody or any orga'l,zalions who can arford to help rre ir any possible way to reproduce my booklet because I can t afJord to have a photo copy machine. Thrs coming June, I would also like to continue my Saturday 'free school and ari workshop' pOeci for children ages 4 to 12 We are doing ihis program (wrth my previous collective) every last Saiurday of the month but this 1ime, I would like to make it 2 times a month This of course is a very meaningful effort to offer for our innocent children living in a very selicentered adult society. Ths allernative do-il-yourself ef{ort'for fragile vulnerable young minds is sincerely to be given for freel The activity would include writing and art workshop, ecological class for children (of course), film screenings, healthy vegetarian foods, parlo. ga-1es, poerry a1d short story read;rq, singirq and dancing and gift giving (riy few donated children's book and art equipment) Unfortunately, this project wouldn't be possible if icannotco lect donations for my students, Please, do notforgetlo jnc ude some school suppl es such as children s book, aI1 tools, sketch pad etc on your donation lisl Anyway, lthink this is alfor now and before I end this lelter, lwould like to clarifo my proposals for any kind hearted comrades across the globe . I am asking for any donations to help me materiaLize this infoshop project lf you can afford to send me any donations such as books, pamphlets, zlnes, Iilms, records, eaflets and stickers, please don't hesitate to send me through my personal address. I am also looking for any of ihese important eleckonic gadgels like cheap printers, DVD burners, cheap digital camera for my documentalions and reports or even used laplop il possio e lf yo. are interested rn helpirg me in my prciects, please feel free to email me so that i can give you more informations with regards to the process You can a so contact me and set some time for us to talk online and give some few questions about my credibility and ldeas For those who like to expand their projects (any) here in the Philippines, lam willlng to accepl any specifictasks from you (ifyou would prefer it ihat way) orjust sirnply discuss a certain project and plan to you and help me work thrngs o!i. I hope everything is clear about this point of self promotion because as you know here in this disregarded 3rd world counlry finding a good, noble, meaningfu and politically correct job is impossible. I am a graduale of computer science, but I prefer not to take corporatejobs because l've already dedicated my life in this skuggle! L would ralher Lrse rny skills, abilities, talents and intellect to meaningful resistance such ihis than to be a slave and be a passive victim of corporaie oppression which inflicted so much hardship and pain to humanity and to eafth in general Thats all I can say right now and I am hopang for your positive response on this matiet.


Alter aka Cockroach, I\,{ay 27, 2007 Contact- alarconey@yahoo com

Mr Alter Pcar / #87 Km7 San Nicolas, Buhangin / Davao City 8000 / Philippines

friends have started a anarchist library/arUshow space in Miami and have been doing some smaller local shows but things keep getting better and betier with each show l'd like to start booking some bands at this velue ryse I and would love Io have ary profane exls_ tence band tourjng the south/easi come th rough Leime l\,4y

Hello therel I wou d be rea greteful for any help with contacts to

know ifyou have any interest and we can keep worklng onthis.l've typed a rnillion and 1/2lefters akeady so I'm

put together a US tour for TOXIC WASTE/BLEEDIN RECTUM & AXIS OF. ts been a while but we a so run two venLresr one Glasgow Scotland and another North Coast Nl for any bands who might be interested www' toxicwastebelfast or roy@toxicwastebefast co,uk we are trying to book shows now for ihe next 12 months! PAJBackline/Food/Accomm provided Thanks billions

sure your tired or reading Thanks for taking the time to read another punkers rants Just know, we the punx,

-Roy HellDan, I wan to take ihe time to thank you personally for all the wonderful things you fine folks at Profane have done over the years, I saw a bu letin you posted on I\,4yspace aboui a week ago where you were asking for people's input on the current state of affairs in the mag itsef. lve been reading and buying from you guys for 15+ years now and can honestly say l've never once oeen 'Fl oown As a matter of fact I thin\ lhe magazrle has gotten better I myself am a punk rockjunkie and just cant magine my ife without new amazing bands to search out courtesy of the Profane review section There'ss not another mag out there that asks the questions you guys do and to the amount of bands you guys cover every issue The ending of Profane Existence could only mean one ihing, the death of punks existence itself, Nowadays there's so rnany bands out there, but not a one is doing anJ,thrng otherthan releasing a demo and maybe a 7" before disappear to never be heard from again Aside from the lifers out there (BEHIND ENEI\,4Y LINES, N,IISERY etc..) it seems as if the trend s dying off in thelr hearls even quicker these days I personaly have lived in South Florida my whole life and can remember the great shows of the past There was a time when bands would aciually make the drive to come down here and sweat it up at some god aMdul warehouse in the middle of nowhere Those hay days are long since pastand there are neverany shows around here anymore Lve spent the last few years of

my life, planning an escape from this shithole of a state to some place that has a happening scene Now l'vedecided that instead of moving away and just leaving this p ace to roton itsown, why notimprove on what is here I have a gut feeling that if there were more awesorne bands coming through here, thescenewould drasucaly irrprove Ten years ago I was seeing the casua ties n a shit hole barwith allofrnaybe 30 people, and nowwhen they played here last year, there was probably 250-300 spiky hair little punkers out. l'm sure you can thank the Warp Tour lor a lot of ihat, but there is potential here

need Profane Existence You embody eveMhing thal makes punk what it really is meantto be-2 fingers in the air punk rock. Up the fucken punxl Cheers. john (

Back in the late 80's Minneapolis was a lolal shlt hole place to be a punk in too There was a goad scene here earlier, but most of those bands/people sold aut, broke up, or just plain died off. ln spite of pressure to move on lo brighler pastures or drop out, a few of us made an effai to get the shit going again. Those effois really paid off and now we have avaied and vast punk communily numbenng in the lhousands Positive eneryy is infectious and before too long you won'I feel like youle the only one who gives a shit. Thanks for the commenls and good luck!

-Dan PE:

The last issue was awesomel In ten years we will look backon this one and say, "Thosewere the dayslll" The N D.T stuffwasihe best. lloveyour mag and want to continue my subscriplion until I diel!l Sometimes I wish itwouldn t take so long between them, but they?e a ways worih itl A happy customer, Damon Galdi Hil

l'm hector from BLACK PANDA. We are looking for a really good labelwith political atitude from USAto release our CO USAversion from our discography CD and i want to ask you if you are interesied on release t. We are a band fiom Spain with members of NASH_ GUL, |\,1ADAME GERMEN, SLS3 and millions of other bands. I hope that you ike it. I wait for your answer We don t have any date for this release,next year or something like that Cheers. Hector

Thal's awesome you would like PE to release yout discography. Unfodunately PE Recods is going on hiatus and can'l do it (see my column). Love your band though!


?r I lr 'i(s


dj f

My first exposure to MISCHIEF BREW began when we received a copy of their firct CDEP Bakanel for review in lhis magazine a few years back,llwas such a unique bl@nd of up beat punk rock, fun Polilical messages, and various folk / acoustic influences. I was totally irnpressed irnmediately agreed to get some copies for our distro, The CD's were released on the Fistolo Records, the ldbel run by MISCHIEF BREW foundet E k Petersen and pariner Denise Vertucci, I have cofie to know them through a couple of years of cofiespondence as well as running into each other on various tours and festivals. After sevenl missed oppotTunities for a live inteNiew during the past two years, I thought an email interyiew may be better for our busy schedules, frrese quesfions were answered by Erik during a break in the latest Notih Ame can tour. MISCHIEF BREW (as well as Ertk Petersen solo) have several demos, EPs and full length releases availabte and I fecommend checking them out. Erik and friends also put on a spirited live show and are surely not to fiiss! .Dan Photos on pages 22-24 by Kelly Hondula. Photos on pagos 2l and 25 bY Dan

MISCHIEF BREW a full on band or is it Erik Petersen accompenied by random friends?


A litile bit of both, actually! lt's become more of a band over the years. ln the studio we've had lois of accompanlment and collaboration, with people from various bands and poecis chiPping in (LEFTOVER CRACK, WORLD/INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIEry,

GUIGNOL). L've, its prefty much a lh'ee-piece.. and random assortment of friends indeed The current hne-up is myself on guitar and voice, Shawn St. Clair on bass, and Chris "Doc" Kulp on drums, percussion, trumpet, marimba..- Pretty much any other instrument. I feel like l'm part of a n_y cicus.

How did you get started doing acoustic pertomances? Did il start as pu.ely a solo act? It all started by accident... ln the later years ofTHE ORPHANS, I was fascinated wiih the idea ihat rebellion in musicdidn'toriginate in punk rock. Woody Guthrie's "Pretty Boy Floyd" has all the elernents of a punk song Travelling, Robin Hood bandris, outlaws, shooting rhe deputy.. lt was nothing new. even in punk circles: even beyond THE POGUES, THE LEVELLERS, and Brlly Bragg, there was also bands like CHUN,4BAWAMBA, BLYTH POWER (exMOB and zoUNDS) that combined punksong with

folksong. N4eanwhile, I got inio more haditional lolksingers like Pete Seeger, Sian Rogers, Utah


: Phrlhps... All what you coLrld call radical stoMellers. lstarted lislenrng to Gypsy music,jazz, old country... a lot of LPs from the dollar bin in thrift stores. All of it came together as rnspkation for me. I wanted a band, brJt for whatever reason it never happened.-. so I started playing solo at punk showsCan you tell us a litlle about your previous music expefience? Who were THE ORPHANST

THE ORPHANS was the first band I was in that actualli got our shit together enough to play shows afld make a record, I grew up on rap music, then got ihto metal, then heard the DEAD KENNEDYS while skateboarding and it all took off from there. I remember a teacher at my high school gave me a beat up cassette copy of DEAD KENNEDYS P/astrc

Surgery D,sasfers-


heard the song Teminal

Preppie and it all suddenly made

sense I had never

felt so liberated hearing a song. Then from there we got into BLACK FLAG,7 SECONOS, CIRCLE JERKS... in retrospect, l'm glad I got into old school punk first before bands like NOFX, GREEN DAY... the old stuff seemed much more real and pu.e So THE ORPHANS were basicallyfasl snotty punk rock. I

think that my time in THE ORPHANS was the best,

just because at that time in my life I needed to feel liberated through songi authodty figures, teachers, parents allcoming at me from different angles telhng me all this was just a phase. lt wasn't a phase, now l'm almost 30 and l've been playing punk rock for half my life. Do you come from a musical background? How

were you exposed to traditional folk music and what brought you to playing this style? Well, I always listened to music growing up, I took piano lessons when I was very young.. My mom played a little piano and my dad had an acoustic guitarwhicheventuallybecame mine. Butkaditional folk, never. I feel lucky that the first music format I understood was vrnyl and cassette, not digitalfiles.

Whal sort of shows do you play and ate you morc comfortable in ftont of some audiences than others? Do you ever get heckled when you pley at punk shows? I play all sorts of shows with al iypes of bands. l'm not really sure why, but my songs seem to cross

muslcal boundaries, with people from allwalks of life getting rnto the musicand appreciatrng it. Beyondthe subculture: "normal" people, for lack ofa better term l'm pretty open to any type of aLrdience. But overall, it's even a myslery lo me as to why the music spans beyond the boundaries of punk and anarchlsm. As fa. as heckling goes, l've been heckled but I can rollwith lheckle back When I4|SCHIEF BREW played Lexington this drunk dude in the front took off his shirt and kept whipping it at me. So I kicked him in the chest. But overall, I consider I\,,llSCHlEF BREW a punk band. We're rooted in the punkscene


and have anarchist-punk ideals, No matter where we venture to, however I grow as a songwriter, I don't thrnk l'll ever shed that. I mean, hell, we cover RUDIMENTARY PENII

Do you always play alEmative places and events? Have you evet played traditlonal oldschool folk events? ln your opinion what is the most bizarre show you have played? Usually altemative places and events, that's where I feel most at hom6. Because the music transcends


I do

indoed end up working

again I like doing it, it's funny watching the young punks come and go crazy with older fo kies now and

in front of all their parents- As far as the weirdesi show, thal's tough. In the early days I played this commune in Poughkeepsie, the people at the house didn't even know I was scheduled to play, aad then all of a sudden all these anii-Hudson-River-Pollution activists showed up and put their pajamas on and had me play in front of a hearth fireplace- There were long-haired guinea pigs running around with sharp fucking teeth that would bite me. That was pretty weird.

Do you think lhat acouslic-punk is becoming accepted in the mainalream now that AGAINST ME has been signed by a major label? I think

ofAGAINST ME as more of a rock band now

than a folk punk band. But maybe, who knows? Wilh bands like FLOGGING MOLLY and GOGOL


BORDELLO headlining huge festivals, it's definitely a sign that mainstream punk is integrating sounds from difierent cultures I think on the whole, that s a good [hing. l'm persohally noi interested in anything in the realm of the mainstream, it's never been my thing. But lalso have no problem withAGA|NST ME either, l've neverbeen one to get upsetwhen a band gets huge. I think it's funny. lrememberwhen punk houses resonated with the whole "GREEN DAY sold out" argument. Then it was RANCID Then it was CHUI\4BAWAMBA. Now it'sAGAINST ME. They're just the hot band to hate Yet, I never hear, "GOGOL BORDELLO" SoId out. Which is probably because GOGOL BORDELLO wasn't rooted in the DIY punk scene- This scene we're in is very unforgiving when it comes to bands getting popular As a side noie, let me just say that I think GOGOL BORDELLO is a bit over.ated. Check out bands ,ike BALKAN BEAT BOX, FIREWATER, WORLD/INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY ROI\,IASHKA, GUIGNOL..

There are tons of "Gypsy-punk" style bands that do it way better and less gimmicky.

Please lell me a littlâ‚Ź about Fislolo Records - for example what doeE lhe name mean? Whon did

you starl it and why? You havo recenily done some non-accoustic/folk bands - will therâ‚Ź be more

oflhls in Fistolo's future?

Fistolo pretty much staried along with MISCHIEF BREW. Denise and I started all this together. She's always been more organized than me and She was the one took ii to a new level. She used io book shows in Baltimore (THE ORPHANS actually cancelled on her once at the last minute, before I knew herl), and she did silkscreening, which was

another thing




So we had patches

and T-shirts, the first l\rlSCHlEF BREW demo, old ORPHANS 7"s and tapes. . all of a sudden we had a little catalog and a mailing last. Eventually we made enough money 1o put out the first official MISCHIEF BREW CDeo Bakeral, so we realized, "l guess we have a label." Fislolo is the name of a devil in ltalian

folklore We're both 50% ltalian and love ltaly, plus it fit with the whole theme ofdeviltry, mischief, trouble-

making, anarch,sm Like everything else, lt started by accident. We never really planned it out or really thought we'd end up releasing stuff by other bands, but now we have

Asfarasthe non-acoustic stuff, yeah, I defi nitely didn't want Fistolo to be pigeonholed as solely releasing one genre of music. I definitely thought

a label that represented acoustic_ esque punk bands These bands would always be the odd band out on another label. But we also had THE ORPHANS discography ln our catalog.. and later started working with WITCH HUNT just when people started writing us off as a folk punk labell We also helped release the STOCKYARD STOICS/ there wasnt

FILAMENTS split 7", whrch l'm totally excited about. overall, lconsider the label "Carnivalesque Punk Rock." Not so much defined by a sound, but a feelrng, a tone, a mood Punk rock is kind of a circus an!4,vay... traveling, collectivism, the bizarre and outlandish. Definrtely expect all sorts of styles in Fistolo's future

You have recently rcleased an exctuslve online cotleclion of you ea y demos at downloadpunk. cofi. What brought ebout the decision to do an ontlne exclusive? W lhete ever be a Physical verslon of lhis rclease?

It's kind of funny.. The physical version of this release rs being released on casseite by Dead Format, which is a tape-only label from the Lehigh Valley, PA. So you got the modern online exclusive on one end, and the old school demo tape on the otherl But as far as a CD version, not at this time We've toyed with the idea of releasing the first demo M/rlh as a limited benefit CD or so'nethirg Bui like it or not, punk has kans ated into the digrtal realm. l\,'lajor labels were too slow to accept this, and they wasted tons of tirne, money, and

resources doing stupid shit like suing flle'sharers. They shut down Napster, which was certainly far

from a politcal entity... yet the cosest thing to anarchism to happen to music, maybe ever, lt was a revo[rtion, not in the sense of a bloody revolt but more like the printing press lt filled a gap, liberates people by putting the tools in their hands All of a suddeh, major labels alen't needed Nou lalso lhink artists need to be compensated for their work, we're all taking time off work to tour, record... and this shit cosis serious money to do. The "market" is still growing and changing At this


I see a store like downloadpunk. com as a great thing. lt's a sub-project of Hopeless Records- When we email them, the owner writes us back, always thanking us for working with them. point in my life,

You can conhol all your releases better than any otheronline store, and manage each individual artist page. We still sell through iTunes but we Lke to do all our exclusives through downloadpunk. Just to keep it in the family. I don't think the CD forrnat is dead yet and I don't know if it will completely die. But it's also funny to hear punks lamenting the death

ofthe compact disc,.- I rememberwhen bands were scoffed for releasing stuffon CD, So vinylwon't die, and now there are tape-only labels again... CDs will get cheaper to do or bands will be forced to be more creative with their packaging.

How would you describe the state of the punk movement in Philly these days? My own experiences over the last few years have been pfetty intense - is this always tte case or ,s my perception that warped by only being there during big festivels?

lhave a

love/hate relationship wiih Phrladelphia.

Recently l've been shit-talking it, probably too much... all the bigger clubs are owned by larger booking entilies that masquerade as independent promoters Plenty of21+ shows, Afler the Pointless Fest riot and fiasco, everyone talked shit on R5, but it wasn't Rs's fault. lthrnk R5 rs a great thing. Because when you getto the leve of BRIGHT EYES oTAGAINST ME. at least these bands can come to Philly and play a non'Live Nation/Clear Channel show. I think that's important. What Philly really Lacks now is a mid-sized all ages punk venue, like ABC No Rio or Charm City Art Space in Baltimore. There are basements for sure, but they come and go so frequently.

of festivals, do you know if there will evef be another Poinfress Fesf? Do you think Spgaking

such gatherings are wotth doing in spite of being magnets fot idiob and trouble? There will never be another Pointless Fest, ihat's for sure, lt's really unfortunate. As with most things that get fucked up in the punk scene, it's usually the actions of a few careless idiots. I think the concept of the fest is a great thtng, because on the whole what we are involved in is a punk community. And it's a greatwayto bring bands togetherfrom dlfferent countries into the same ine-up, get old friends together. ls it worth it? Well, nothing is worth people getting mugged or sexually assaulted, or beaten and arrested. The tension between the hardworking people in the punk community and the 'scumfucks' is building up.. and after what I saw first hand at the last fesi, I don't think Phllly will be the final festgone-bad , Granied P hilly cops a ren't known for their cornpassion and de-escalating skills. But I also don't think we should be giving up, setthng for "well, guess we can't have fests anymore"Jusi because of a relatively sma I group ofapathetic assholes. Who is the Pirate Pug? Anyone who knows you will well knows ahout your love of pugs - would you say obsession is an epptopriate tefin?


Obsession, very appropriate! The Pirate Pug is actually a Frug (French Bulldog/Pug rnix) that we adopted a whrle back, named Tiggy. He on y has one eye, and we have to take care of his other eyeThere's so much wrong with dog-breeding. I don't

necessarily think licensed AKC breeders are the problem MeD in Black made pugs really popular

(ust like The Ome, made Rottweilers popular in the Staies). PLrppy Mills and shady breeders churn out these poor dogs, and they're all inbred and taken away from their mothers too young, and they all have health probLems, Pugs naturally have a lot of healih problems, and peop e get them because they?e cute, but then realize what a pain in the ass they are... and have to give them up. So we work wth pug rescues. We wlll never have another puppy again (unless it's rescued). Rescuing dogs is expensive and a lot of responsibility. There are so rnany problems with dogs in America, so many unwanted dogs put down each year. Ijust love pogs, I can't explain it. N/aybe cause they look like trolls. But yeah, anyone thinking about getting a pug: be advised that the puppies are maniacs, and they can have a lot of health problems. I'd suggest looking into rescues and no-kill shelters if you re looking for a specific b.eed of dog. But getting back to your question, we made Pirate Pug st ckers with Tiggy's face on it to help pay for his eye surgery More info about this (and al Mischief Brew/Fistolo matters)


are at w$1/v.mischiefbrewcom and www,fistolo,com. Every little bit helpsl

This issue brings the long-anticipated retum of the featured artist section of Profane Existence Magazine. For this is' sue we have the honor of featuring Fly' a femate activist, squatter, Punk tocker, caftoonist, illustrator, adist, and teacher currently residing in the Lower Easl Side of Manhataan. Our firct exposure lo Fty's work was during the early 1990's

in the pages of World War 3 lustraled

Paor of crtrdvt ttts? affi w, &rn lbpi.c. or wotr i,rr,i "pnutt t' 'dbtttd oy riorru o. si-ro,* M? t'o Yos tl ,rtut


iili' ,"*

,t y Ftt czlltttp


yw un?


I have been drawing since before I can remembet just seemod to be always a necessary part of my existence. so I ihrnk ii was jusi writlen into my genes. i have always had a sketchbookZ even when ldidn i know whai that was. My first 'Published" Piece

before. I don't quile know how to describe it. buiafterthat ljust started to gel this idea that I could creaie mY own destiny l'm surâ‚Ź I did not have those words to describe it at the time, bul in retrospect that's what it


ofwork.. ummmm . Ithink it was for a pamPhlet when qot a summer iob when I was rn high school as a


"conceptual architect" for a historical Preser_

magazine and The Shadow newsPa' pet-atlhough she was activie doing

vation society in the

area that I was liv_ ing I had to draw the

felt like a


what she does tong before thaL Cur' rcntty Fty is a contributor to Slug and Letluce, Maximumrocknroll and many other pubtications you may or may not be familiat with. She atso produces her

area as it would con_

ily had


own zines and has two collections of wotks published in book form' I am very gntefut that Fty was able to make time

in her schedute to paint such a beautiful front cover for us, assemble a gallery of her works, and answer mY queslions'


ceivably look afler a proposed restoration

was growng

project that they were trying to get funding for. When lwas in high school I also used to

do calligraPhy on ceF tificates to make money Then I started spray Painl ino lshiris for lhe localPUnk

h::r.ut house lmore on that laleo. I still Produce




own zines. since 1984 or 5. I have also had two books Published.

)lN N bahto inYotvld Jll"rarlrv lrirr.a" -au*i




ahapc yoU'

dE? oo you th/nl tt5 timo3ph'lt loafy fotta'td t&on c*t "'ie,/rrE 'a ihr{ rsrlsrld 0t. '1ro ,r Yol.,,t " afun?


so I could never re_ ally get the idea of stabiliiy- when I saw these freaky People I was sort of scared of them, but I also felt like I was one of them- It was right sbout this time that I was also in the Process of ' becoming an extreme alhlete and I eveniually compeled inter nationally for years (dunng high school and college) l did a lot of exkeme sports like runnino marall'ons, jumping out of planes, s(nng' war.otiin"o, euen su+ea a teu.t[nes)' was on the nalional ,o*,no ieam, and more too numerous lo lisl lcould wrlte , i.,r""r uuour these experiences' but I iusi wanled to ;enuon that. because it was a huge part of my life at it . iime. tt rs atso partlv ihe reason that I suddenly had tn" lorr"q" ,o pril ,ytelf io the absolule limils lt will gave me sound rea-,lv cheesv but the whole punk thing rne raea tfrat rt was fne to be an oulcasl Not only ll'at' and out vou cor-r'd iust oo wfratever the fucl you wanied r wJi atr atout cnattenginq whal was e:pected of you I was verv insoi'ed by a lrne in a Nina Hagen song when


,niiofr scnoot

ttrar went, "Be 'earless!" and I really

rn"t 6 f'eaa in .ue.v aspeci ol my life l wanted to d. everuh:no that I was afraid of_-_â‚Źnd I dd-for years oo't stuo'o ana oangerous ai some points)' l\Iy "i."r,,rit, iior o,n[ 6anas were tt'e RAIIONES, SEx PISToLS' ini CrmH. DEAD KENNEDYS THL sllrs, x'RAY spEx. ano manv, rarv *orewhen lwas in high school' si ctiche ana mainstream by now but at t a"u ;t *"s ue.v Iadical .especially srnce I was in in. iime""", ,.. m"insrr"um iown ul the nme Some o{ the stuff tnev ;ere lalkirg aDout I had no knowledge ol espe_ find ciafiv fHf CfnSH and DKs so lreally wanted to itout it. flat was mv first venture inlo real "radical" ",,r irirre. rr *as also lhe lirsl time that lreally saw lhe

(DKs art_ iniense ootrtcatcollage work of Wrnston Smith of Gee worL the see I would p."rlv .oon in"" "rt"rTh,s artwork l'ad an exlreme '.ii vai,.her TCRASS arlist,. ,moacion me, if,orgt, I did not think mysell capable of lhe time oo'^o srcn comp'e, ana thought{ul work al painl t-shirls one_ot mv eartv paia an,obs was to spray prnr, t'air"sa on " ltwas basicaJ! this Llini. toir' "rirv ttre p,..lnks hung out bul the guy who ,.ttu otace wnere c,-ri'trarrwas aaLratty'ea'ty good at il' lcannoL remember *nrtooss.ssed me togel this idea' because at ihe time

i *"J"tiri uurv t"rr'.o*"ious, geekv and shy l think I was aooui 17 or 18 when I l.nally got lhe coLrrage to walk into the place. I was really scared of these liberty .J^eo oeoo'e: n tfre me I had no punk li'ends al all walked in, I talked to the guy who was cutting and iold him lhat lcould make spray paint Fshirls Ior him Io sell. He was so cool He immedialely 9ol me t; make rshirts on a regular basis (and actually paid



fcefrret, Artctt, fLY

mel), and then eventually he convinced me lo be a 'hair model," He lold me I had a rea ly great shaped skutland he wanted to experment So of course I said yes and what I got was a zeb|a striped l\,4ohawk with rattails He

also shaved designs inlo the a ready shaved parts of my skull. This was very early 80 s and I had never seen anlh ng like this! | totally LOVED ill He also actua ly convinced me to do some (anti)fashlon shows, which were completely n/visted I learned very quickly thal people would seriousy think I was mentally unbalanced due to my appearance Se ouslylAt this time lwas very involved in competing internationally as an athlete so it was a littletense "They" want to make sure you are psychologically stabe before you go oui and representyour country. I had to p an my haircuts around leam selection lime. I can remember one year when I made the team and about an hour later I was gelting clippedll To linally answer your question I would say that I was mostly nfluenced by the atlit!de of punk: To have the courage to flail around for a wh le before I could ac, tually figure out for my self what I wanted to represenl as an artist. The punk atliiude gave me the courage to challenge traditional art forms and to aclively quesiion eveMhing propagated n the general media - | am sure other artists th.oughout the ages have felt the same thing, but for me the catalysl was punk Ithink the sp ritof punk lnitia y fosLered a DIY dea of life in generalfor me liwasthefrsltimelthinkthat really opened my eyes and realized thal I had Lhe power to think for myself. lnsiead of figuring out how 1o fit n, now ! could iigure oul how to express the fact thaL I did not want to fit in. During high school (and my whole lfe actually) I have lived a lot of differenl places and been involved n many di'ferenr "punk" and/or "art com-1uni-

ties I have been part of many collectives, bul when I finallyanived in NewYork City in the late 80's, ilwas like Ihad finallyfound my place I firs t go1 involved wlth ABC NoRio in 1989, helping lo organ ze a huge art exchange

called the "Cult X - Change " lt was all about visual art, performance art, music, and poetry 11 was not a predominanty punk thrng, but it definiLely had the splrit When I sraled gerting involved n rhe squatter scene in NYC, that was when I truly started 10 learn about DIY lifestylelThis was aboutihe same time lstarted going to meetin,gs lot Wold War 3 ///ustrated There Sâ‚Źth Tobocman strolgly sugges led to me Lhat lstarl doing comtcs and that's when I started doing comics WW3 is a adical political publicaiion, not necessarily punk, birt without punk lprobaby would noi have ended up nNYClo begin with. So yeah, punk nurtures the DIY spirit, but I think part oflhe idea of punk is that you are supposed to push yourself beyond punk


I guess lhis would depend on how you define "Art " There is some art that I do that s only for me to see lt could be lust lo lei ouL aqgression or to iry to visualize a situation that I am having a hard time dealing wth or lusl when I am freaking out or maybe I lust wani to experiment with some new materials or maybe I am just bored The thing is thal l would not labe all of this stuff as "Art " I guess lcould sayihat there is a ways a message (a meihod io the madness) either for me alone or for lhe world at large There s always a message, but the difference is thal some art may be tola ly subjective, while otherprojects are more objeciive. What t comes down to is that it is up to me lo decide what gets pubIished and whai I can keep 10 myself. I think art can be an amazing therapy tool, but a lot of people mistake thâ‚Źir therapy for something thal everyone should see. And some people have no idea oflhe concept ofediting. lhave produced an lnsane amounlof art and oflen, atthe time ofproduction, lam convinced that il ls genius material. Then years leter when I

hdtt, tLY

look at it I am completely embarlassed and usually glad that it has not been seen by anyone ( and many times mortified lhat it has been published worldwide). I would also like to note atthis pointihat lalways try to maintain a sense ofhumor in whatever lam doing Formethatis absolutely essenlialor lwould be dead by now.

the courtyard of the K ller Banshee Compound in Oak_ have also done land, CA ( smJbrDalntinqs and a bunch oftnlllg R€cen{y.ny old ftldrd OoE Boy convinced me to e*l p6ntlng lgaln by convnr$anrng me to do al intenEd poc6 ior him. wtEcll is very exc tingl

roti con irlt o,(aE Eob/' !{/lolt,gs ead inh draglagil Oo you & wott



ygua p./bllatrad

,a o,haf ,r6d{orr5 larrdat


L pt rrllrhd?


painting or sculpturc? What eboul cornpuhr eided

graPhics? I have done some murals I\,{y mosl famous one was the front ofABC NoRio in 1995. I had to replace the front of the building before I could start painting and ot course I had lo do ihat du ng one of the hardcore shows I was culting and hauling lhree quarter inch sheetrock, then lrying to hold it up and screw it in, during which time all the drunk punks just watchedl (except this one sweeL lrish guy who helped me oull thanksll) I ended up breaking my toe and then had to go offon tour for three months ln Europe, limping and using a cane the whole time (sorry I got off track)l The NoRio mural was one of ltry (Evodl6 pd.rbng6 .nd { wsE u9 lhe.e for yeaG unlll it bagan lo da6lniEg.a$. I Sarled lo .€storB il lh 2K1, bd then 11 happened and I left town for about six months,



Then had yoars of severe health issue so I couldn't lin sh Glloong it, and eventually it was t ken down (so sadl) Another mural that I really love is the one I did in


I also used to do crazy installation art I was in ,iamboE. Gar,n6ny for lhe AgC NoRrc lenrr y€.. an'

1990. I 50rl ot !4ittlDd tre 6how and btdl teeo€€" trl tho fiddle of hs 6pocc \'y'€ elgo did some welrdo performance siuffon cable TV in Ham'



burg lmetsome crazy hackers while lwas

in Hamburg,

althoJgh I can t r€membt, thcf nsrE I h6d baon li6n+ ing out wiln a bunch ol cdnputer gle€tE dr he ml(Ulala 80s back io the (rS, sa t iEd hsard ol l,hr6e gur6 This was before the inlernet existed and we used to send messages that would get posted on the various BBS (b.rll6hn bor.d 6ytbm3) theo Op6raIlon Sun o€fllhaP Fned, whrai waa s vsry pi'r'olal l&e€l aslbn agalntl corr$uler geeklrE egBlntt probsbly lhs llctoane celled Phrr.t. Anyono who ue€3 E coftrul€ shoid M up this l'istory:l I nave done a bunch of installalon oieces allover norih America and Europe but that was quite a l.^r yes.E aga On. one ol my faaonlla w6a tnh crary oontr.ptori I mtde ln l99l cdlod "Boby's Ftd VnuJ Reality." ltwas likea square painted helmet that had op_ iical illusions. mirror', and windows inside it and llwould 9p.n arourd on y(xf lr€6d. lt was cotupleiEly ridiculotrsl I Getly gor rno dorB N3l lrE d8wtrgs .nd lhe comicsw_en lbecame very nomadic in the late 80 s and

erdy 9O'! When lou I'vc ot t of a b#lprcl you ne€d b llt your Brl sludo nlo ydrr. backpaal At thd tme I abo

slen d F/y Msgqpt Z.,'. I lh'nk th€ fi6l l!!ue weB in 1985 or 86 and lt was printed on newspint I actually got funding,o. lt tien I rra6 ttill ln irnool. bill grien I ii tte rood Frybecame a poltcad ane. srd lrr ahou I gol my natne I would g,ve ou th.!€ lrqky p(!ilc8.dr fJir ol 6i €rrd .annnos to rrn.YBvet I wlnl Th€y t/eout neverrErn€m!6r my ns-e, but Ur.y el*ayE woJd rerrEmber th6 narie of my Z|ne, so r|ey wfirld vdl fLYr el mo whon.lwr Lhoy tv(,uld i€€ me egaln itlt ot ur" Fry Zoor*"t -mpuld OerErelsd |to.i 1968 onward. IVIy first comics that were complelely computer gcng.lrlod l(!d m tgg, ldaEw lt\€ wttolo lhdlg 6nd cdrr. Rrs!

Eroaoc, n




!6rablar lt Oot



Wlttl and lot g@d rBEonr Tha$ rtdyB I drd , 6nd rnl

separalely, then scan and lweak rn Photoshop I havo done a few sculptures but one ofthem gol

eaten by rats so I was discouraged to continue with that And of course I have done a lot of weirdo perfor_ mance stuff. ln 1991 I wenl on ioLrr with zero Boy and the Cyber Circus: I was l\,4iss lnformation Sornelime around 1998 I invented "unspoken word." I had been rbl.rg rDokan $ord since lg9o tfld 90 of couaEa I vras ooou So toeciaaa to pst thul lhe ird( up bul I slill wanted to make a statement. What I did was to safety_ g€leiy nry lps bfleuEr INB on 6Dao6 llt n9 lro huge Dm

pn6 altd $en ch my wlEE sno{v t6ng Dlo flash csd8 Th6l $rr leelly rsally lunl I recdwd a.ndaing audl6.loa

frrtrrre,il Atfift, fLY

response and people went nuls, The first lime I did this was actually in Sardinia, ltaly. lwas there doing an art show wilh a bunch of NYC Lower East Sde artists The Italian guy organizing il was trying to scrow us over by notgiving us the money we had been promised from the grant he had received. Now you do not screw over Lower East Side squatters. You just do not do lhat. So I did ihe unspoken word performance, because we were not supposed to talk about allthis bullshit publicly. I safetypinned my lips togeiher and then unrolled a big scroll of paper with all tho delails on it so people could read all about it, I gol an enthusiastic response from the ltalian artisls. They were also very amused because the text was allin ltalian which I had translated myself

Nowadays are you subinllllng pleees for work in publlcations ot .re lhey coming to you wilh rcques6? Do you foresoe ever belng able b neke a living frc,n your craft? I do a lot of stuff regularly for various publications ike stug an<t Lettuce, M/\XIMUMRoOKNROLL, The Vil /ager (local LES weekly), sproad (sex workors magazine), Wo d War 3 lllustrale4 I lust started submitling to a very coollitlle zine cailed Mlne Shart, and soon to be included in Slrpbur,ger lhe Vil/ager is the only one that pays an,.lh ng (not much)- I get a lot of requests for shrff; usually non-payrng requests I know I should really hustle more to gel paying jobs, but I have a really hard lime with the business end of arl- I wont lo college for graphic design and I did really well. After graduating I

worked in ihatfie d for years. During lhai time I also had a few "ga lery" shows and that whole th ng just really made me sick The whole "art world scene for me just seemed so pretentious and depressingr Llke a black hole lwas going to gel sucked lnto. ll was around that time that I ended up in New York City somehow, met some freaks and stumbled intoABC NoRio At some point lwould like to "make a living" doing what I love; whlch would of course include drawing comics, drawilg portrals, and fiaybo painting agai1, but I would also ike to include teaching I have been teach ng zine workshops for ihe past 5 years I have a 5 week program lhat I teach atihe l\,4oCCA (lruseum of Comic and Cartoon Art) n NYC and at the Lower Easl Side Girls Club- I have also guest lectured etthe School of Vsual Arts in NYC aod al lhe Parsons School of Art and Design I have also done the z ne workshops at the

I complelely fell in love with the city. I went back "home" after a few weeks and had 10 dea with my dad dying oi brain cancer for a few intense months. When I came back to NYC I siarted getting very involved at ABC No Rio; helping to set up arl shows and tours That's what really drew me io NYC. I got involved in a million other things afler thal, bui the original magnet was No Riol

anarchsl book fair in Toronto, Canada and last year I did three workshops in Vancouver and Vctoia, BC,

walls and replace floor (aka ceiling) beams before we could even stari rebuilding We have been in transition to becoming a "co-op' for years now. Just before 9/1'l the crty cut a deal with 11 buildings in the Lower East Sid6 (anoiher long story), so ihe pressure has been on to geiourspacâ‚Źs up to code, wh chwe finally passed our inspection about a month ago- We like to ca I ourselves a "home-in-slead." This is the name lhat I painted on a scaffolding that the cily put up in fronl ofour building un-

Canada. I really love the teaching thing, This fall I have three potential classes lined up, but again ts noi really something I can p an to live

You have become well-known for your involvement in both the radicel art and punk movemenls in New Yo* City, Are you frcm thete orlginelly (ancl lf not how did you end up therc)?

I have been in my cuffent squatled buitding since '1992 and we have survived through some crazy times (l have many scary sto es of impending â‚Źviciion)l When I firsl came into the build ng t was in such bad shape lhat no one wanted to live here We literally had to rebuild brick

announced in 1994 (see my Eyeball House Comic).

The ,lght in Tompkins Square Park was lo evict The first lime I came 10 New York Ciiy was in January 1988 lhitchhiked here with a friend ofmine.ltwas sooo fuckin cold and we stayed in a fuckin COLD squatl! But




Do you still live in a squet? How is squatting NYC .lifferent tocley than it was belore the big lighls ove,r Tompkins Squate Pa*?




Tent Oty which was a modern day Hoovervi ller Homeless peope squatling the park in lents This was a little

different lhan the homesteading movement. Athough





of people wanted to unile bolh of these groups.


know for a fact thal people are stil taking over bu dings in NYC and outlying boroughs, bui this is somelhing that has become much more transient, lsolated, and secretive There is not a big organized movementto takeover and rehabilitate abandoned buildings anymore. The real estate interests have taken hold wiih a dealh grip and there are really almost no free build ngs left open !o squat in NYC Even in Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten lsland, it ls geiting much, much harder (if nol rmpossible) lo squal with the intenton oi long term oc_ cupation

Do you ,â‚Źel that radical sPitil ol lhe Lower East S,?e has bee, brcken since lhe yuPPicilaction of lhe go's? Have pockeb of othet ndical activism popp.d up elsewherc in the city? Were things befret in the "good old days" or ere ot lhings betw now? Well, it seems like a lot of lhe radical elements of lhe LES have had to re-locater Some by choice and some not. Also many have died Things are definitely not like they used to be, which is verysad in a otofways.Atlhis point in time lwould say lhallhe rad calspirit is stillhere, bui is seriously being squeezed out I hate to say it, but I feelthat eventually ln ihe dlslant future hanging out in the Lower East Side wlLl be sort of lke wearing a Che Guevera tshirt. i.e. a (someiimes well-iniended) fash ion statement Right now there are still a lolofold school people around which gives me hope, but I am so irrltated by these cornplete tourist "slumming" idiots that invade the neghborhood, especially on the weekends Also lhe lactihat so many expensive reslaurants and halr salons have opened ihat none of the original residents of this area can afford to go to what they are trying to do is 1o commodify the tadical spirit " If they make it safe then they can sell it and then the real-estate values sky rockel There have been pockets of radicalaciivism through-

out NYC forages and thai is nota newthing ldon tthink I can lsi ihem all, but one of my favorites is the Misled Youth Network. They now have a home base on Staten lsland, bul they also have a website: misled_youth org And the lcarus Proiect:wM/wthe carusproiect net Are you still involved with ABC No Rio? Do you ?ahe pan in other activities there asicle from the weekend Punk fiatinees? How cloes a band go

aboul booking


lhete? can you say some

woftls about the collective's Progress towatds gaining ownerchip of the building?



involvement with

the front of the building. The garbage pile was so big it went all lhe way down the street We also had to re_ place parts of the floor in the gallery space I think the frst punk matinee was about a week after we fixed lhe foor. We had also completely excâ‚Źvated the back yard and painted murals all over the back yard fence, which at the time was just plwood I was at the very first oi the punk mat nee shows, which was held in the gallery space on the firsl floor because we had an installation se1 up in the basement lt was really hilarious because Severiee, magazine acLually showed up to this show with photoqraphers. They were laking pictures of all lhe punks and they took pictures of us (l know, I know - we were total idiots!), butthey made us put down our40s for tle pholos About a month lale'severiee/, rragazine came oLrl and lnere we were: as a photo accompanying an article aboui ihe straight edge movement at CBGBS! We were going to lry to sue them for misrepresentation butwewere too drunkto remember at lhe lime Anyway, the punk shows moved into the basement after we took down our installation Then for aboul six months I was living at No Rio I can't give loo much information about why I left, because ii was complicaled and rnvolved oth_ er people in the art coleclive thatwas running No Rio at the time lv4y comrades and I decided 10 pa( ways with No Rio. I was especlally in disagreement because they had proposed lo disconlinue the punk shows Anylvay, eventually lt ended up (happily) that the punk colleciNe took over running No Rio. After thal I sLarted going back to shows somelimes, but I was never a member of the No Rio punk collective. I did help out doing some re_ pairs and painted a muralon the front of the building and painted ihe ceiling in lhe (now) zine hbrary (the same placewhere lused lo live) lhave been involved ln many shows lhere since then: The most memorable was in 1995 lcurated the "Unreal Estate Show" (you can get ihe irony if you know that No Rio was born from an art squat acLion in 1980 called the "Real Estate Show") We had a crazy "New Years Heave" party with lots offamous squatier punk bands including ZERO CONTENT, lt4AGGOT and [/OB ACTION (from Chicago). Then on new years day Y2K I curaled the Dangerous Remains show Thrs was basically a squalter museum featuring some amazing artifacts found and generaled in squatled buildings in the Lower East

Side. also had my book


ABC No Rio was actually not with the punk matinees, because they had nol started yet When I first went to No Rio t was maybe 1988 and

my first contact was with the radical poets and performance arlists: They were

doing some hardcore shitl Seeing them was aclually whatgave me the courage to start performing myself lcollaborated with some of these amazing people and we organized lh s whole perfor-

mance exchange thing. My art posse and I invaded No Rio in [.,larch of 1990 and we had to clean out 10 years of garbage fiom the basement There was so much stuffthat we actually had to dismantle





lease party rhere for C!lB!.1!.1!ClSlqlgeA jsldl (\,vhere performed "Unspoken Word") I have also done several installations and have contributed to many shows and fundralsers I have also recenlly commitled to helping put together a newABC No Rio book. The last one was published I think in 1998, so il is about time to get something new together and I am totally psyched to work on I

thisl Everyone should go to the ABC No Rio web site ( to gei all the details about what is now happening Basically we have the title to the building but, rt ls beyond a renovation projecl: Stutr has to be pretly much rebu ll for much oflhe building so any help al all thar people can g,ve is apprecialedl There is a whole section on lhe web site that gives suggestions for helping to fund-raise. Here is some general booking contact info: Booking 1212\ 254-3697 exl. 11 Booking Hours: MelanieiWed 2-4pm Tucker: Thurs 5-7pm Email: Maill HC/Punk lMatinee ABC No Rio 156 Rivington Street NewYork. NY 10002 Basicâ‚Źlly send a demo ofyour band Nomcist,no homophobic, no sexist bands need apply. Wail a few weeks and then give a call.


wo* in lho mid ,n t ,e pages of ww3 lllu6kaied. ,s lt sarl being published end do you still conubute? Wold War 3 is most definitely still being published! ( - as I am typing this I Some of my first encounters of your



should be working on my latest piece tot WW3, which is a comic aboul Times-lJp and Crtical lvlass in NYC. I won't give you too much information about thal, so it won't ruin the comic for you, but you should most definitely check the Times Up web site:httpr// ]'lmes ljp has been an inspiralion to me since got to NYC I used to love go ng on the Critical l\,{ass rides on my skates, ai least until I gor ioo physically fucked up to do thal ln the lasr issue o'l,?W3 (#37) I did a comic called 'B oDiesel lo the Peop e" about my best pal Arrow (aka Dog Boy) who is building a biodiesel factory in Brooktyn (www.lrislatebiodiesel com). ll was through Irylv3 that I goi to finally meel and do a show with Sue Coe, who was a huge lnfluence on me when I was in art school (please look her up on line)l

Do you miss being in GOD lS MY CO-PILOT and towing? What sod ol expedences and knowledge did you lravels bring you. That is anolher huge queslion that I could write a novel about - seriouslyl I filled a lot of journals and sketchbooks while tounng, some of which came oul in my zines I d d love touring wilh GOD CO and it was pretiy crazy. I had done a few shows with them,lust doing a lew back-up vocals, and had done a spoken word thing on a few of their records Then, just belore new years of 1994-95, they called me up and asked me if I wanted lo play bass in the band for their Japanese tour lhal was

happening in 2 weeksl Of course I said yes! The only problem was that I had never played a bass or any other kind ofguitar ever in my lifelso lweni to the Craig Flanagan (guilar genius of GOD CO) school of bass playing, whrch was a two-day. eighl-hours-a-day crash course n allthlngs GOD CO. Ofcourse the first class was bright and early on NewY6ars Day, righl after ourvery successful New Years Heave pariy at No Rio.

a great instigator: He lent me a white bass and a distortion The next thing I knew I was in Japan rocking out in kont of 600 screaming fansi That was amaz ngl I highly, highly recommend it 10 everyonelTour ng is a really great way to see the world, but eveMhing happens so fasll You really have to be on your toesr don t bhnk or you might miss somelhing. But GOD CO s not the only band thai I toured Craig is


- my other lavorite touring experience was with my drunk punk band ZERO with


(l also did


comic by the same name in Slug and Letluce fot yearc). Craig and I created ZERO CONTENT and played some legendary shows in NYC in the mid-g0s, but I don t think he wanted to come on tour wilh us because we were so dysfunctional. I did some. shows in early 1999 on the West Coast wilh AUS-ROTTEN and Lhen again I lhink it was later that summer I weni on the West Coast leg of the


Primate Freedom Tour (organized in part by NeilRobinson of Tribal War) with AIJS-ROTTEN and ANTI-PRODUCT. ,9

I had such an amazing time

and met incredible


(but I should apologize to Nei because I think I sort of squatted the lour

tegrfiret' Arfift, tLY






thanks for having me!l) Of of course the most insane thing was thai for all the ZERO CONTENT shows mv band just never showed up! I was so pissedl I know ihey have the best lntentions, but Dog Boy and Squatter Dave werejust such crusty drunk punks thattheywould always gel distracted by some politicaL (d runken ) act on and either pass oui or get arrested So I ended up hav_ ing lo do the whole tour a cappellai Just try standing up in fronL of 50-200 punks and do your set without your band!t Bui il actually turned out so great and a mysteri_ ously oop]ike bassplayer (sic) from AUS_RoTTEN sat in {or my band and we actually had a pit sometimesl Oh, I could tellyou some other stories thatwould make your eyeballs bleed!l

Ivostlywhat I learned louring with bolh bands was the mathematics ofhow to fit way morc inio the van than in the logical \dord can actually fit, how to geomekically arrange say 28 people inio a few rooms to sleep, and how to creale a personal force_neld when stuck in lhe van for days 10 defect the bad moods and bodily emissions of my comrades llhink that any band who is touF ing iiould try lo get timo otl tro.n esch othe{ a6 mucrl as Nr8Blble I r\odd alwliyt lry h, lal€ otl bt mysell6nd go for hours long walks to explore I had the mosi amazno a)(I)B.3nces rsrldo.nly rnll lhc fiEalu€sl p€o916 by d;nq h'6. End rl r66lly saved u6.ll lrcm t'llAg each otherll

How did the idea hehind the book Peoos come about? When were most of the dnwings made and what sort of paramelers did you have for including people in the book? The PEgPs (pronounced peeps') project is all about dolno port€li5ol peoPlo.rd wdll€ Ut€t Bbrir3 on lhe prge ar.lno lns ddwlrB ll all Blarted n tha nid gos when I was on Lour a LOT wilh GOD CO lt was a re' ally amazing time lor me and I met so many incredible DeoplE fir e r!ry sho( trie We $/€.6 play,tg Bhowg av_ €rlday ln 5 nelr glEca (moB1y Europe) l €i €yB fled my sketch book wiLh me and I would be drawing people whenever we had a chance to sil down for a minuie to socialize For most of lhe people we met, Eng ish was their second language, and I really loved the way they phrased things. lt was so poetic and more interesting than clunkyAmercan English, so I started wriLing down the stories lhey were telling on the same page as the drawings Afterawhile lnotjced lhad a lotoflhese draw_

so many that lthought ilwould really have to be a book Once I decided to do a real book my whole process got more refined: lstarled making appointments with people to draw them and gel their story I think the drawings rmproved, the stories were more focused, and therefore I th nk more accessible to a wider audience For the eEQet book published by Soft Skullin 2K3, most ofthe drawings were done from lhe mld-go's right up to maybe

a month before the book came out, There were about 200 portraits altogether. I did nol really have parameters

for including people in the book One of my intenlions was to rry lo docu-enl what I colsioer to be an rnv s_ ible l_istory. So many people I meet are doing a-azi19 thlngE and ll6ve ametig slo(h! ltae{ that ilEy doEtNo a voico rnd sorne klnd ol recoonilim I dlo trad thi6 crazy idea of creating some sort of activisl directory, bul also including people that you would iust assume are lotally conservalive by looking at them, but they actually are up to all kinds of shenanigans. I wou d PEOP anyone that I meet that inspires me in any way.

Since the book was Published you have continued

the seies in MRR. Are you planning to rclease a second edition? Yes. lhope sol lhave p,rtout two PfOP(/e)szines s nce lhe book came out and al this point I have enough for either a new zine or a new book I would really like 10 put oui a new book, but it probably won t be as lancy as the Sofr Skull book: ljust want it to be affordable PEoPs are also being published in MRR, The Villaget' Mrreshall, and olher random zines,

BalnO lnvolvad wlth punk for

t{o drc.daa nol,

tou h.yc avoidad tll. fast burn€ul

iornrn h*r qperleoced. As


ltrlny sodvr

a wom.o lnvolvad la

a predominantly maledominated community, how

do you find inaplralbn to kesp yo.l. volac loud arld strong? Have you errBr felt sqlaarad oul bacauaa vourvolce wasn'tbcing heard oryou didn't show as much bravado as your male counterparts? Well actually it has been three decades now (tucklll) and I have deflntely NOT avoided burnout I have ex_ perienced burnout preity hard several times. ln my first experienceswith punk, when it wasiust starting, it really seemed like it was a loi more violent than it is now, but that might have been just because I was iumpirg into ihe pit a lot more in lhose days. The punks werc brulal back then and notjust the guys!Se ously, when lwas a teenager, some oflhe punkgids were scarierto me than the guysl Once the 80's hit

Igot much more immersed

sometimes lod focus or have not had enough time, esFeaalty I hsve oian,tol hsd erDuqh lima lo Co lo lhowi clus lo hEvinC lo wort oG my li.ildlo$ So m8.Yy lirn€g thegos lwould see punkson tneirwayio some amazing shows. They were trying to get me to come but I would have to say no because lwould be putling myiloordown Lhat day or putting ln mY windows I have neverfelt that I show less bravado ihan the


guys. Aga n I have been mor€ impressed by the bra' vado of some of lhe punk women I have met or been

ings and it dawned on me that I should make a zine But since I kepi doing these drawings, there were eventua ly



artschool, expe menting wilh materials and substances (a1d hip hop). Then in the early 90 s I goL to experience a bad neruous breakdown and then some very severe physicalmishaps (i.e. broken back,lom ligaments, getting hitby an SUV elc). ihav€ been involved in so many collectives and ari and political actions beyond punk: I think that it is an importantlhing to stay active and keep redefining where you ft. Since lcame to NYC in lhe late 8Os I have iinally been stable for the llrst time in my life. I have a really great communily, especially the squat communily, which at this poini is like a family to me. lhave neverfelt squeezed out: lt is more that lhave

A*{lt, FLY

lnfluenced by. As a leenager I saw Wendy-O-Williams standing on top ofa speeding schoolbus crashing inlo a wallofry setsllThen she wou d take a chainsaw live on siage and dismantle TV sets (so ironic that I saw these things on TVI)Anlaray she was amazingl Rhalwas way more inspiring than seelng Sid Vicious nodding out and too iucked up io even talk to an interviewer ' have had mary mpn ro rli-rdate -re in my life and notjust in the punk commun iy. I have had some hofiendous encouniers that I will not deiail here but none of itwaswhat lwould consider bravador ltwas morejust a violent expresslon ol theirstupldity and insecurlty, and it was/is something I do not respecl at all Lucky for me I have been able to get away from these siluations wiih relativelyfew scars emotionally and/or physically I have met so many amaz ng women in the international punk communily who have had similar exper ences (see Zero Conlenl # 13 where Amyl Nitraie ge s kri?d by a misogynisi asshole) Cindy Crabb, who does Dorls zine, also put out a z ne called Suppo.I, which conlronts the ssue ol sexual abuse and ideas of how to deal with it (check www microcosmpublishing-com) I have also had the experience of being respecied and sLrpporled by many LrJly draring guys ,n the purk communrl\. who remain to this day some of my bestfriends


cally ill io supporl the corporate agendas of globalization lt is really a lot ofwork to flgure out how to lve wlthour supporlilg any evil co-porarions I used lo surv ve mostly by dumpster diving, bul due lo extreme physical njuries and too many art and oiher commitments, I can no longer do that Dumpsler diving is great when you are physically ft and have the schedule to suit it but I also feel ike it s not a real solution anyway Our goal should be lotry to reduceihe production ofgarbage, but if more and more people are living off of garbage, then garbage will be in hlgh demand- Some people want to tell you that you are a sell-out f you make any money at a I fron your art and lhey will lell you this as they smoke their l\,4arlboros and drinklhelr Budweiser lthink that we should not be opposed to trying to make a living doing what we are passionate aboul and I think that we can do this without being "sell-outs lf lcould do some artwork wilh no art directon, just what lwanted to say and get paid by lhese evil pigs, then I might consider it But the thing is that it would never, ever happen, because I rea ly would not depict something nice for them Usually what happens if a cor poralion wanls somethlng thal ooks 'punk" or "street" then ihey just hire some copy-cat art st to imitate the look. I have seen blatanl imilations of Seth Tobocman's artand a soofmyown lf any of these corporations were

Last queslion is ahout ethics and sticking true to your DIY ideas. l'm guessing you wouldn't do afiwotk commissions by some big corporations like Citibenk or Coca-Cola. Howeve| would you take patt in an art show rclated to and benelitling an imporlant social issue (say homelessness ot Hlv preventions) if il were sponsorcd by those same

sponsoring benefils for important causes lhen what I would want to do is investigate their agenda I would want to work with ihe peope they were benefiting and see how they fell about Lhe whole thing and how much oflhe profits they were actually receiving lf the groups being represenled were authentic, if I wanted to work wilh them, and f they were able to promole lheir own agenda, then maybe I would consider it

so sick abouia lotofwhaLis happening in theworld today wlth lhe corporatization of identity ll is exiremey pervasive and at this point lt s almost lmpossible to be "pure unless you wantlo live in the wilderness and shit in a hole in the ground I think it would make me physi-

lf lhere's anylhing you would like to ad, please feel



free to clo so herc. Thenks for taking lhe time lo answer (hese quesliors and contributing yout wo*l There are so many things I would I ke to






could talk about all of my current pOects! I wish I could lisl everyonewho has inspired me, butthere are way too many, so lwill just mention someofmy favorite people!l I already mentioned Misled Youth and Times lJp and WW3, brl you should also check Lhe Ki ler Banshee Studios (www and the crenada Chocolate Company (www grenadachocolate com) Also vwwv.b odiesel org, tsp ive org (Tompkins Square Park Live), www croadcore org (Crisry Road ana,uzzzing arlistl!), www.girlsclub org (Lower East Side Girls Club), and www punkmagazine com (punk magazine). Last but noi least is ihe Purple Thistle Cenire (in Vancouver BC Canada) http/, IMy latest zines: Dog Dayz #1 and #2 and also PEOP(le)s#2 and #3 ate currenlly available from me for $5 poslpald (US) ZERO CONTENT Greallst Hlts (limited edition) CD - now available $8ppd (US). Email me for a longer lisl of available zinesllP ease conlacl: Fly / PO Box 1318 / Cooper Station / NYC, NY 10276 / USA you can email me: fly@bway nei (please put PE in lhe subject so I know lts noi spaml)Also check my webslte wwwbway neu-fly lt s embanassingly out of date, bul I hope to get it currentASAP!l!





tt'vE WE




iffi Fnfitd' Ar$ft' fLY

tealwel, Ar$ft, fLY

Ihis hsue, all Ine te0ipes lisled belolll are inspired Dy 1000s lrOm Mexi00, s0uln amefi0a, 0enlral America, Spain and tne $0utntve$ US. A leu 0l llle tecipes tttete co[t]iDuted in sDanisn, and arc lhted nere ln b0llt $Danisll anf, [nglish. Inanks [0 l{alnan, val, 0esar, Liz, vin0e and Ien I0r all y0ur contilbuti0ns!! Gracias a t000s para lus reoelas ex0elenles!

l{athan's Rockin' Soyrizo 1/4


lb. dried Ancho peppers


tsp. tsp. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. 1 1

dried Chipotle peppers black peppercorn, whole cloves, whole coriander, whole cumin seed, whole cinnamon stick o.egano, dried





2 2

Tbsp. salt Tbsp. smoked


I ea. garlic bulb 'tl2 c. red wine 3/4 c. white wine vinegar 3/4 c. canola oil

c. 1 lb.


Remove all of the stems, seeds, and membranes from the toasted peppers, chop into smaller pieces and put in a blender. Using a cofiee bean grinder (or good ol' mortar and pestle, though the cinflamon stick would take some serious crushing), grind the toasted whole spices with oregano, salt, and paprika then put in blender.


Put eveMhing except TVP in the blender with peppers and spices and blend on high until smooth. Adjust heat, salt or anything else and then pour mixture over the TVP

5. Allow TVP to absorb all of the liquid and add


water iI needed.

TVP, dried

*lt's best to make thrs a day or two ahead of time to let the TVP take in all of the flavors and get nice and soft. This stufffreezes really well so make huge batches and just keep it around in the freezer. You can substitute preground spices for the whole, but I prefer the taste oI the toasted whole ones. Same for

1. Toast the dried peppe.s in an iron skillet over medium-high heat, careful not to burn them by moving them around a lot (l do this on the grill, but the skillet is more accessible,) They should puff up and look roasted on the outside. Let cool.



Toast the whole spices in a pan over medium heal. Leave dry don't use oilor they will be saut6ed not toasted and lose their flavor to the oil. They willfinish quickly and you can recognize this by the popping in the pan and the good smell. Let cool.

the dried peppers, use some chipotles from a can or ground chipotle and ancho if the whole ones aren't accessible. lt seems like a ,ot of work but it is worth it, and in the long run it can save money from the prepackaged stuff, and would be made in your kitchen, not by shady corporations.

Maygun's grilled tolu 'ifish" tacos

Marinate the tofu overnight, then grill on both sides. Serve on com tortillas over slaw, covered in crema mexicana and fresh lime juice.

Tofu Marinade:

'l block tofu 'l12 white onion, minced 3 cloves garlic, minced '1 lemon, juiced 1 teaspoon each ot cayenne, salt, pepper and cumin a splash o beer lvix all yer ingredients together. Slice tofu and set into a baking dish. Cover wmarinade and let sit overnight or at least a couple hours. Grill lightly on both sides.

Crema Mexicana: 1 tub vegan sour cream (or make your own) 'l12 lime, juiced plus zest 1/3 bunch cilantro, minced 1/2 jalapeno, minced

Slaw: Cabbage, carrot, red onion, sliced really thin and mixed.

Gesar's Pozole The boys in Minneapolis saved me from wretched hangovers a time or two with this

ea. bell pepper, (any color but I like the red) ea. onion 5 cloves garlic


1 1


2 ea jalapeno 2 ea. Roma tomatoes

10-15 dried Guajillo or Pasilla chilis (remove seeds before cooking while dry) 12 Cups White Hominy (Pozole Blanco)




2 Bunches Cilaniro, 2 Large cans Mock Duck, chopped (about cups) '1 Onion, chopped 4 Cloves Garlic, chopped

1. Heat oil in sauce pan or pot over medium


Fill a stock pot with water half way to the top. ln a large pot, boilchilis in water. Cook at a boil for about 5 minutes until softened. Drain Chilis. Fill pot 2/3 of the way with water again and add mock duck. Bring to a boil. ln a blender, mix together chilis, 1 bunch cilantro, onion, salt. Drain and rinse hominy. Add chili mixture and hominy to mock duck and boiling water. Cook several minutes untii heated through. Garnish soup with chopped cabbage, cilantro, lime and tostadas.

I[aygun's Smoky Vegetable Tofu Empanadas For the shells, you can use either premade empanada wrappersi, or use wonton wrappers.

'l Red peppers 1


1 Red Onions 2 ears white corn

'l can chipotles in adobo sauce 1 block tofu 1 câ‚Źn tecate or similar Mexican beer. Use

about l/2 cup for the marinade - drink the rest! 3 Cloves Garlic

Salt Pepper Olivg oil

Tofu Marinade: Remove the chipotles from the jar, saving the adobo sauce for tofu marinade.Cut toru into slabs. ln a bowl, mix together beer, adobo sauce, garlic, salt and pepper. l\4arinate lhe tofu in the mixture tor at least an hour, and grill. Small dice and set aside. Place all cleaned veggies into a bowl, mix with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast untilthey start to turn dark. When they are done roasting, let cool and chop them all into bite sized pieces. Mix with grilled tofu. Place a small amount on each empanada wrapper. Fold over the edges, using waterto seal. Bake until golden brown on lop.

Nathan's Tasty Spanish Bice

'l '1l2 c. white rice, (the long-grain, parboiled stuff) 2 3/4 c. vegetable stock or water '1l4 c. olive oil 2 Tbsp. salt 1 Tbsp. cumin, ground 2 tsp cayenne, ground 'l Tbsp achiote, ground 1 lsp. coriander, ground 1 tsp. black pepper, ground

high heat. When hot add the vegetables (and fruit), saute until onions are kanslucent.

2. Add rice to the saut6 and continue to cook with the veggies for about 3 - 5 minutes. Stir constantly or rice kernels will burn.

3. Add liquid and stir rn the spices while bringing it to a boil on high heat. Once rolling set to low, cover and let it do it's thing


Check periodically (l don't cook with timers so I don'i how long), by gently moving some of the rice away, to see if the liquid is gone. The rice should be done when allofthe liquid is absorbed. (Again Idon't how long, use your own intuition) *As well as not using timers, I don't always cook with measu ng utensils- This is an example of something I never measure (except the rice and liquid). The amounts in this recipe are rneasured from one of the more recent times I made rice, the next time was a little different. Use this as a guideline and add your own tastes and flavors. Just keep in mind the rice to liquid ratio. Usually 2:'1, I took some out because oFthe water in the tomatoes and

onions. lf you leave those out, add some more liquid. On the flipside, take some more out if you add more veggies

Vince's Boasted Corn Chowder 6 16 oz cans of yellow corn 1 package of Morningstar meal starter "chicken" strips, diced 1 large yellow onion, diced 6 cloves of garlic, minced 20 Crimini mushrooms, diced 1/2 cup of bullion powder (l used the fake chicken flavor from l\radison Market) 1 16 oz can coconut milk 16 cups of water Vegan margarine

Flour Salt Black Pepper Set oven to broil, drain 3 cans of corn and roast in oven until they darken and caramelize. Saute onion in stock pot with a little bit of margarine. Once onions start to become translucent add garlic and mushrooms and continue saute until mushrooms start to soften up. Saute fake chicken in a separate pan until it firms up a bit. Add 3 cans of corn, undrained, roasted corn, coconut milk, bullion powder and water and bring to a boil. Start making a fairly large amount of roux. Once water has hard boiled for 5 minutes start whisking in the roux, making sure to add it slowly as to not over thicken. How much you use is up to the user, some like a runny chowder, some like it thicker I personally

just added it until it was a step thinner than a good gravy, Then add fake chicken and salt and pepper to taste. Serve in bowl with soy saLrce and garlic chili sauce as condiments.

Maygun's Seitan Asada Forthis recipe, you will need about a pound of homemade seitan, sliced very thin on a bias. You can use the recipe for Nraygun's chicken style seitan in PE#46, or make your own. For the marinade: 3 cloves garlilc, minced 'l12 white onion 2 Tbsp. Oregano 2 Tbsp, Cumin 1 Tbsp. Chili Powder '1 Tsp. Garlic Powder 2 Limes, juiced 2 Tbsp Soy Sauce 1/2 Olive Oil

Dash each of salt and pepper Take the sliced seitan and put it into a plastic bag or glass container. Pour the marinade over the seitan, and coat evenly. Let the seitan sit overnight, or at least several hours. When you are ready to prepare il, heat a pan and fry the seitan until browned. Serve in corn tortillas M/ith Maygun's Roasted Tomato Sa sa, or Chimichurri Sauce.

ilaygun's Roasted Tomato Salsa So easy to make, and so much better than the shit salsa in a jar at most supermarkets. Serve over Seitan Asada 5 tomatoes 1 white onion 1 jalapeno pepper 1 fresno pepper 4 cloves garlic 1/2_lemon, juiced 1/4 bunch cilantro salt and pepper to taste Half and seed all your tomatoes and peppers. Peel and quarter onions. Peelgarlic. Toss in olive oil and roast in the oven at 350 degrees untilthe veggies start to char. Cool and blend in a food processor with lemon, cilantro, salt and pepper...y0mmm.

Argintinian Chimichuiri Sauce Originally a marinade to be seNed over red meat, this flavorful marinade can be used to spice up all soris of vegetarian dishes. 1 Cup fresh Parsley 2 Tbsp fresh Oregano 3-5 cloves Garlic 1 tsp. Salt 1/2 tsp. Pepper 1/2 tsp. Chiliflakes

Tbsp. Shallots 3/4 Cup Olive Oil 3 Tbsp. Sherry Wine \4negar 3 Tbsp. Lemon Juice 2

Chop herbs, garlic and shallots. Put into blender and add all liquid ingredients. Blend logether and serve as a condiment over seitan asada, rice, beans, enchiladas, etc.

Liz' iiushroom and SPinach lamales

RICIIAS [N I$MilOI (recipes in $panisll)

1 bag corn husks or tamale PaPer 2 cups frozen corn, thawed cup corn meal (masa harina) cup fresh spinach cup mushrooms, finely chopped medium yellow onion, flnely chopped 2-4 cloves garlic, minced 1 Tbsp salt 2 Tbsp olive oil cotton string

Los tres recetas proximas son de un amiga

se llama Jen de San Luis Potosi, Mexico Los recetas estan en su forma original de ella, y tambien en lnglds de N.4aygun Muchas Gracias Jen por su ayudall

Fill large pot with water, bring to boil. Heat oilin skillet Add onion, galic, mushrooms' spinach, salt, and pepper' Cook for five minuies or unhl onion is soft, set aside Process corn in blender or food processor. Add @rnmeal to corn a litile at a time until creamy. you may need to add water a little at a time until a mushy dough forms. Fill large bowlwith the hotwater and soak corn husks for a few minutes until softened. Shake excess water from husk and unfold gently Spread about 2 Tbsp of corn mixture in middle ofhusk and about 1 Tbsp or mushroom mixture in middle of corn Fold husk tightLy over the tamale mix and tie ends with string. repeat with all husks. Prepare steamer and place tamales in steamer for about 1.5 to 2 hours.

val's Green Chili Stew 5 Carrots 2 Onions 5 stalks Celery

4 Russet Potatoes

The next three recipes are from my friend Jen, who lives in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. The recipes are listed here both in their original format in Spanish from her, as well as in English translated by l\,4aygun. Thank you so much Jen for your helP!!

Jen's Tinga vegana Zanahoria Chipotle Sal de aio Cebolla 1 diente de ajo Jitomate


Green Chilis (as much as you want to use


Vegan - C"r.t, for Jen,s -

Vegetable stock Rough chop all veggies and sautee in a large stock pot with olive oil Add enough water to cover all the veggies CIean the green chiles, chop and add to the soup. Heat through, and make a roux to thicken- Thicken to desired consistency and serve.

Liz' Hot Sauce 5 Medium Tomatoes, chopped

2 large yellow onions, chopPed 1 bunch cilantro 7 cloves garlic, choPped 1O - 20 dry chili peppers (depending on desired hotness) salt, pepper, cumin to taste Place all ingredients in large pot and bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer on low Jor about 20 - 30 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool. After mixture is cooled puree in food processor or blender. Keep refrigerated in air tight container.


Chipotle PepPers Garlic Salt Onion 1 clove Garlic Tomato Place the chopped carrot on the stove in a pan and fry until they are Yellowish. ln the blender, place the garlic, chipotie, garlic salt and tomato, and liquify. Take the carrot and onion from the pan, place in the liquld mixture Heat for a half an hour.

Jen's Ceviche VeEetariano Estilo Acapulco '1

lata de Champinones

2 Jitomates 1/2 Cebolla blanca '112


manojo de Cilantro


1 lata de Chicharos '112

Jen's Vegetarian Ceviche, Acapulco Style 1 can of mushrooms 2 Tomatoes

white Onion 1/2 bunch Cilantro 1 Avocado 1 can oI peas 1/2 liter of Orange Juice Pickled JalaPenos (optional) 3/4 cup catsup Salsa Picante 1 spoonful of soy sauce 1 spoonfiil Olive Oil 1 cup of mineralwater '112

Cut the onion, tomatoes, avacados in small dice-sized pieces, and finely chop the cilantro. When that's ready, integrate the rest of the ingredients in a conlainer large enough to mix allthe ingredients l\,4ix and it's ready

Rallar las zanahorias. CoLocar la cebolla cortada en rodajas dentro de una cacerola y freir hasta que esten como amanllitas. Denko de la licuadora, colocar el diente de ajo, el chipotle (al gusto), la sal de ajo y eljitomate, licuar perfectamente Verter la zanahoria dentro de la cacerola con la cebolla, revolver y colocar lo que se licu6. Calentar durante media hora

5 cloves Garlic

aguacate, el cilantro finamente picado, una vez hecho esto se integra el resto de los ingredientes en un rafractario donde haya sufuenciente espacio para mezclarlo todo, listo

bote de Aceitunas verdes

1/2litro Jugo de naranja Chile Jalapeffos en escabeche (opcional) 3/4 de taza Salsa catsup de tomate Salsa picante al gusto 1 cucharada de mesa Salsa de soya una cucharada de aceite de olivo '1 taza Agua mineral Se pica en cuadritos la cebolla, jitomate,

Jen's Buiuelos de zanahoria

4 o 5 zanahorias medianas lavadas y ralladas 100 gramos de harina de garbanzos o comUn.

cucharada de coco hojas de albahaca nuez moscada sal '1 pizca de Polvo de hornear aceite para freir 1

Ralla las zanahorias y ponelas junto con el resto de los ingredientes en un recipienteAgrega el agua necesaria para formar una pasta Io suficientemente flrme como para que no se abra alfreirla Calienta el aceiie en una sart6n honda a fuego moderado. Toma una cucharada de la mezcla, vi6rtela en el aceite, y con la ayuda de tos dedos repetir la operaci6n hasta terminar la pasta.

Jen's Carrot Fritters

4 or 5 medium carrots, washed and grated '100 grams of garbonzo flour '1 spoonful of cocoa Powder A pinch of baking Powder Oilfor frytng

Grate the canots and put them together with the rest ofthe ingredients Add enough water necessary to make a paste to form patties for frying. Heat the oil lo a fying pan over moderate heat. Take a bit of liâ‚Ź mixura. put into the oil and repeat the procedure untilyou've used all the mixture.

anE dlo{gtrr! in gn(Er.l. All th€ wBy lr!ru lrb r! a grBln,€baae thal contes th. 3z'pegc oobr boot_ l6t snd lha drly thrtrg I rs.lly miar ia Enobll llEndttidl for the lyrjcs. (Potin) S O A Records / Paolo Peiralia / Via Oderisi Da Gub' bio 67/69 / 00146 Roma, ltaly // w!ta,v.affluente.splinter,


worth checking out for fans of classic Swedish punk.



Jimmv Blom / V nterqatal 21A / 504 60 BORAS Swe_ den


Force.l Boatl" 7000 DYING RATS Let me 6tart by saying the only good thing about this re_ lease is that it is on transpaant pink vinyl. The "musiC' sta(s with some creepy electronics before leading into a rdly .nd h-vlly ddord @,r.r ot BLACX SABBATF 6 P..!nod. fha tidB b6cf n nEle .lolse !n[l r liUQ blt ol r€condr Th. cdnd tl!€ks lhrough ura m€s5ld a f6w nctlElBe _ial lEmioilt ,rE € fup Bda darra with blt d SIff{tlY PUPPY wrlhoul benq qood Tttn wE 96l lo the finar track which ls the only one thal ,s recogniz-


€6 6 adl! at all: E lrfiiH, toco.d€d lirE covlr 0l JOURNEYT Any ltL/ lb! tlild,r. Ih€ cdvll dq9lc,ts e boaton fre and probably doomed Lo s'nx:a fitl'ng image


m&!a. (Md hdgnant) gceoster Cttoi,anlials I PO Box


/ lowa City,



ABEL lS DYING - Gazing Frcm the Abvss CD You know how sometimes atier lislening to a band or musicltn you gatl lldy mspired to pick up an irstrumenl and mck it to d.ath? Afler lisrening Io ABEL lS DYING for lha utEteenth ima ln a roll l'm collder ng light' ing rV Cuil, on finl, lEsing o.r ll l,td tl€n burying it inlh6 woodll This bEin is ro luckiig gDod I can't heLp but make lhe 'claw" wilh both my hands, scowling my hard6st, and screaming aaaaaaahhhhhhh like Thomas Lindberg (AT THE GATES) at the top of my lungsl lt's like these folks share lhe same brain when il comes to wnting, because they arB so perfecily in sync with each other. Each person in the band has perfected their instrument. The lyics are deep and personal and their sound is metalcore after getiing PHDs in Swedish melodic death metal. The dual guitar harmonies are b.aulrd yrt co.nP5r ct ld d6g b, ddlnrg bi€e ll.EB lrd ladectly EtH wlth l!€lE dly ax0aoalYg and plstla

d.rJrmrE. ilri! CD l. s&olutdy nind bbwltlg .nd I erolldn't ac lrrPr-ed I h 0E near ftrfut! batrdE ll6i.d th.m !a an kli|Ers. Thatel ai/rn an acolalic ltaEh b let you know that theyd hug you before pummeling you into oblivionl (Jake)

Still Life Records / VLE BuffolilS, 20095 / Cusano ([rl), llaly // wwwstillliferecordscom ALL THOSE oPPOSED s/t "fan disc"



ALLTHoSE OPPOSED are a four piece flom Olneyville in Providence Rl Thek one sheel describes them as a "DolillcJ n'rdoor€ hr*h bt'td ' b'l l m rtt qr'e tdy b oioeonhoL lhraa l(xE ln &dl a bdhg srbcel4or}, lhlS ,5;ong d'rc $ol,9 I ld ol€a. I lhni s gpod giualio woulrdo 'em roln6 iusucc sM lh. lirlt hact TRugr ihe vocals sounded a little forced and ihe dlsc sounds hollow, but ii's punk so what ya gonna do right? Butlh s rtlrEly 6nd dlE lt€ Frst fittlfl I rEelly dEE prolrllre3 -. mt t;o TheE€ al!,raa co.i6ruclod poll$cr[y oh&gad

t€.! ilOT lo bco.ilt lofl€ bo.rig lh6sh rllrmb€r. Glrd fiElodlc Bp6ady rlcu5h_ .olr houald n 5 EE lv ltafrj 3crE6ftrd DIY packEOng ;qu6



wlu! qr.el

Now the criliques - No contact info on the disc (though I can my copy ctma lYiuh s om lheel) and no tyiicl mly guere a cfrefltrtt lt ts lhese guys JB 9leaed Ebout.



lit gov*nmlrt ruara

and l've glsoned from their

names lhat theyle vegEn Lo. (stinkbot) Self released contact lhem 9E email allthoseopposed@

ABNORM - Ert Javta System Kan Fan Binna vetel Era Satans As CD'R

i Hel'

These Swedes from Boras with mernbers of RAJOITIJS are crankin'out a mix between crustcore and more clas_

sic Scandinavian 80's punk- The produciion is heavy and dark reminding me ofearly SKITSYSTEI\'{ and such but the songs have more ofan 80's punk feelllom time to time.Allthe riffs are prewstandard and in most cases with bands like this I gBt bored, butABNORI\,4 lend io lift it to an interesling level from time to time thanks to the vocals bringin' lhoughts io bands like [,4ISSBRUKARNA and DISKONTO. ln the end this ls a pretty solid demo

// wwwabnom,se

ASNORM .. /Uurtirafio,ella Horot CD'R 20 track demo ofSwedlsh d-beal punk out of Boras The artwork is qulte ugly and with standard titles lik€ 'Skit_ rylEm gld Slop the Ptocbc$on ll lEtraa llls b.v!n qrt lhb ona ob ny CD-plryar Sul 'r aDllty lold r} cordnc tsi sir. onry tnr* a. tour t!ck! il lo6a li€ l'ln li6bnfq m Urc e*rc rong ova, ]ld or/€r. i lt€y'd p.rt I Inb mor! im6 hlo lh. tmbng ot thit and !€u6d the best rifls fora few tracks I think theywould be on the rlghlway cause I stlll ike to think there are some pretly lEolrE oanr here, (fuin) elom I virlirgeen 2lA / foa 60 8OMS. Sne-

AFGHANISTAN YE-YE'S / ERANTZUN - split 7" AFGHANISTAN YE-YES sound pretly tEht on this one. Fast paced, old_school punk with dealh rockish moments They really shine here ERANTZUN play loud, fast, ihrashy hardcole and they do t well, This nlght m6tr your aaE blecd- I !.lio!al, dlg thisl Hopefully thsrt ririll be mo.€

lir[ den




AFGHANISTAN YE.YE,S / THE REHAMASTERS SPIit 10" AFGHANISTAN YE-YE'S lay down six songs of 80s slvle anEF€bne tlt you cs.t!) punk on lhar ide ot lDo sptt P..ty Jtg,qndor,!,-d. tun rlull IHE REI|AMA.STERS irse the r side to assau t the walls separating musical

ABNORMI Loise, Iaiyas LP Let me start offby saying this band fucking rulesl Along with fellow F nn's KIELTOLAKI theyie keeping the clas_ in

a 80's US HC influence to the equation and it's not a bed lhl'rel the 5hout d vocra! lln Fiml6h) r! dclh' alld v,tdr Epe€d but .El to fst 0t t yol,l aani {ril€ oul what he's saying, not that I can understand whai he s dnglno abqrt anywBy but lucffy ,t€y Pro{da Engnsh

t eltlclonB Sps€dy euh, ilE whh PbEly gf lE*iE 99ll5 and hod(,o{ltr (no nol Ul. chu!0o clrugrF ntul LrE kdfrnr) 3old b65[naa llto ,tu wqild qrpacl ltarr the Finnish bands of old and some hectic dfllmming ldl cv€rylhao toOdhar mErhg l,ll. a tcald lecqd Ol.t d66n"t g.t md,rg tl E[ Thty rh lhroogh tG btck! h what seems I ke no t me and I found myself listening lo it over and over cause ljust couldnt gei enoughl Lyrics are social/poliilcal in nature covering such lopcs as deplta*aon. oreed, oP9r€tdon lrd ryBlhy oE I 6arl r*' comcnd this rlco.d rnolgh ed ns {mltld to f,oo .DFisE so vlu d tale' ac biI rlopafully thaie ll h€ e cD prtts o' i ,or yg'J vrnyl challrEed fglk! od [|5'! (Addto) Asrel ie.ords / Grcnn La1@r. ilB / !7081 GeiEEn I Germany // w\4




(A Cltain o0 Hatred EP

Blr'ng frlm J€p€n. tHE ,qc:Rosnx bdr o eir trer. ol ftErubd mrdy hE.dEtq 9lJr* l,! ths 12' EP rc' ls.5€{, Dy Vlniloe.s ln Oetkncis. !flh € aatlid rala€ae6

w|rr. of lh€ ovE .tha-loD A|I/|ESIX wo.lhlggng varl€ty. (A Ctd,, 04 Hdred € tlors ol a lhoul oul lo i*llr J*+ n.rc crc.rp6 lik€ UP CREA o. ASSfORIT Tlxrnd.r' 06 oaor,ucton On thg drums. drd lome gDrg€4E @1,0. E t tD bool ArllErgh frB finrl and titlE track ol D|B EP is a blatant rip-off ofAMEB|Xs /-c.a.M, this is a pretty sold release and does show their depai(ure flom being a clone to finding lheir own sound. (Rob Hanna) Wlispers in Oarkness / Portland. OR'no aodress given

- FiYe Iales ferror CD HC yodtl aDA tiAX ar! JalonG6€ v6rs,on or lH€ AC' CU3EED (rrsrrrr Sol6tt€.D6s., €.a). tE tM. fm a ftltL bumflEd lhal fiele atB only 5 Itad€ on ltiE ditc, !a-


LlJse at the end. ,'m for.Fd lo resDn il allover agarn. B€on Cayin€ $B thlx ouna thE CD I gol 5 pby ni0r til8 b d l^ l6F6o etrd lh€y wlfr srPer nhE dud66, bul Etso bo lt uP llv€ Thls llrr CD csgUtB lho hirh ociroe eneEy ot ADA I'lAXa lire pr!llrtca PlBry wEr: No[ [ranv lEaar!.t caa do lhEt lbr mort btds. ll tou'ta inlo cnyi'nc srAucHrEn. c.o c. o. FUNEROT. vor'll dig

this (LawLess)

I\,1CR Company



on S.O.A here wth


new album called 'L bra Fame'- This directy bring my lhpughlE lD COUFLICT tut.|Eo Srari$ ELEKTRODU' ENDES as ll both hs. O. dtlslc .ndchoroli|d YrIh pdltiarl lytir and tatl €l|ne lvoc€lE. hrt on sqYF MrE wlth rlErE ol s ElJtpgrk f€dng and md9(k r,oE6l& This is actually fuckin'incredible punk wellworth checking out if you like the above menlioned or lhe southern


gEnr6a. Ono mlnrrb razry pl,lk, tra ne, bLclstd cll.idcors .nd tippino tttough BIG BLACK t!,rllqy b.. Ere erdung- fi..c drs lBElly lud( t{lh y9r, €xF.# tio(r.. thlr ls rct lo ray ll! bod, b€cgre€ I hd llrytrll reaching for it quite oflen This splil comes packaged in a good looking cardboard cover. (l\.'latt lndignanl) Brain lnfection Records / no address provided

AFTERTHE MASSACRE - A Fulure Discarcled to the Bone plls CD This English band ls crusi_as_fuck exisiencel Fast pummeling crust that would have fit in perfecily ln lhe mid go's when crust was at ils flnestl They have ev€rythl,E n the eqlElim lol , Cod cruEt bdid' mJ3 , binale d6li.E voaalS. (bgr! gtuF s5 ha{) ngph! gulLr riffs, drums that pound out last unrelenting beats occa_ sionally blasting for good measure. All played fast and harvtl ThB voaalg trc piEEr.t. End @Yat a wido t ' ety o, thr€r lhll a good c'ust brid rhqrld b€ EiElad aboutr war, govemment, god, religion, police states, banks, technology, and the fact that there won't be any future for anyone! An all around great crust album! (rEhlEouE)


od6ft, da Gubb.o 6.A. Reoods, P-lo Fotrsla , 67/69 / 00146 Roma / ltaly //


AGUIRRE s/t CD Judging by the cover (always a good idea) I would have Exocld llis b b€ EdrE lcnoqa D€€st cruEl DU ae luJly lhiE !s erndh'ng aE€. Stow dadr. arDaom€nld Hc i?i nilch !l $me. hs . NEUROSLS inflBncE a,rd

sdlrtim!3 Gmlndr rE o, CoINTERBLASI arPa{bll, newer stuff. Th s is far flom standard punk or metalfare, but it has certainly grown on me. (Nick [4angel) vvlwv myspace com/ aguirrezorngoties

AKlllBo Harching Your Mellow CD Their firstalbum from 200'l re reieased onAT- Noisy and chaotic wilh screamed, raging vocals and in-your_face mus cianship. Sometimes it gets a bii off-kilter with odd iempos add g.Eh, bl,l ovo€ll ihis is pretty gdd lor my fkst exp€urE lD l,lta bcnd. Reminds me of tomelllng of a mix b€!w!.n KISS tT @oDBYE and THEJEAUS LLZARD. Would definitely check them oul live, bei lhey are loud as fuck (crudos) Altemat ve Tentacles / Po Box 419092 / San Francisco' CA94141 // www.livelocrush com AM OBA.,}'ATE , RUir,oTCD-R


Classic ltalian anarchopunk

RDd Vinyl nicely (MEn lndlgrant)

Carnus Records / no address plovided

/,abnorm se

sic Finnish HC sound alve, but ABNORMI brings

fon !hl! tcn6.

Fd€lad n a tranBpE lnl co,ar

REging, b3l, dlsfo.Ed hEdoolt fiom a EmaI lowo ln NodnGm Sired€n (tl.y lran €*r € trlo! Ltlcr wllh m€9 lo EIlo{,r,nGttl) lhEl Eaudr lik! ll @old be the lGl d€m6 by pROIES BEIIGI o. MOD a7i this iE ho., I llka itll The songs average just over a minute each and the CD comes wrapped in sweet art with mushroom clouds and reindeeFtype dudes. Noisy guitar solos are plentiful and galloping drums are the order of the day. Need-


less to say, I thlnk this is good times Recommendedl


ilLPe.on@hotmail com / AMPERE / SINALOA'split LP I hale trying to come up wiih bullshit comparisons when no.€ r6o!'y f'l AMPERE play 6 tail and tallror oom_ 9ls,( h$dco.e Tho 'r'ocots End strangarieni Eflrnd me ,o.rEwhat ol lCtUS. Thoir lyn6 aeem to &al rlllh some kind of impending doom Depressing but really goodl SIIIALOA 0{6r somelhng drtrBllnll ml+l€mpo

aon@ w{h alno6l 6pod(en vocalE Thc long6 Eottld be reLEE lhe wnler 9 rotelnn co , lrrcked ca fo ^6natrwo a oood SONIC lhe flxrrc 6 k'nd or srty up YOUTH wEy) and I crn defl iely see Sll{AIOA96Uln0 GOma paay on lhr loc6 colleg€ r'd,o slrllm Good 5lufl


Cc.nas w'th 6 glo€sy lync tlrenl and a lrlllo t @kler o rants. (lMatt lndignanl) Ebullition Records / PO Box 680 / Goleta, CA 93116

ANTI-YOU - l4ar(irg yout Life MiserablegD It seems like lately l'm really fee ing like Im over the 80's H/C revivallhat has all the kids going ga_ga and all the old farts reunitrng (yawn)..... over it, for the most Dnd Holuswr €ornellmes th6ro comet e bend lhal B

od cre.t ,n tlisl lhoy do. evEn d th6 tlyle 13 gel' Elo olaved out AifTl.YOU to.n Roma '3 deinrtely onc or iiroce uanos These dudes tsm'hd me ol 5omo ol llE de€l3 ol tl,c ,unl,, I'te tho Do$ elenenis ol BLACK

rusr llEl

FuO. ruEolrnre



GANG GREEN Keeping it fast and snoity, lh s is over in about 10 rninutes and playing H/C with a feel llke it used io b6 | ouaas l'm 6ByrrE lhal ,13 n(r ti€ lhsy a.e lmltslng rh6 8dS b6nds lfie s hr ol olhar c1nrlnl DBrdB. aNTl' YoU feel really genulne and sincere in iheir delivery of kick-ass H/C (Lawless)


AORTAORTA - Moverrerf is Ar,



60r€ p.llty rEd(rl F6n'sh .hsobc mclll'c HC hsrt

remmdB ,n€ of BORN AGAINST. ROR' SCHACH, or SYSTRAL Deilnitely not what we have come to expectfrom Lhe Finns, butthis is greaL none the tlmer. excSgt bs6 Lyrlcs arE kt4d ol alty d|d lor one gong 'rvly layo.rle vcEn ts Ute le{*lFn o' my Il re_ Den'6 lrorn lm rn'rror lrscar6o il .ooLB b€Ed tnal _ €tv 6 Tnra lhough tral moy be, thEl 16 k'nd ol drl ol r.lilleld. bur dgl! ,etlhel dEsuade vo., lrDl't pEhng ll!'s up (Nick [,4angel) Tuska &Ahdistus / Karhuntie 5 B 24 / FIN_65360 Vaasa


tl tm6


APPENDIX - Top of lhe PoPs LP APPENDIx show why Finland is so important to the his_ lorv ol punk wlth lhts

re.ssue DdrL

punk chord progreB'

siors o{at dltv'nq bass. d'ums and lhose feral vocalE This must have scared the piss outofsome people back

$e 80s H'Ohly reaammeodad o.lan h&gru^l, Heh^,. R.r.ords / cJo AndrcOi H6hn r An Oor l(uhril.


ke 7 / 3'1535 Neustadl / Germany Assel-Records / Groner Landstr 48 / 37081 Goeltingen / Germany

ARG(,E DAMNATIoN -. Re'cycle Old Purc Har.lcote Punk Scum 1991-2003 CD This is a discography CD of JapaneseARGUE DAMNA TION including 41 tracks recorded for various releases from 94 and up to 2003 These songs all have a greai, hlory snd th€shy pEdudion all (hru The bBnd n{t qoatr . wd6 rlngE oi lnllusnclt h ths 5cn96 gplnE lrom bolno tasl orx, tEsr'ty uS 'nftE1o6d crwl Anarcir)' ' E(KAIA pu,*- o :o." mof! rn,.r.Gmpo 61,, wlth dn l€61 io rl wh4h I thrnk 15 p6ruy bec66e o, tE sdd,llonEi vocaLists screams. The lyrics have English translations and gpe3 n ll|€ u!.Jol ]aPao65s 6MG loor5ino no5tly 6t k€uaa a&una, rverend coarlalim etc Good cruity Mr+ coro. rE[ rE naw blt fnank6 to tho Plod(Elion ballnr Itten a lol o, l:he bands arcond ln thig Btyl6 and lhoy're ,or worth checking into for those ofyou liking this particular style (Polin) McRComp.ny / 157 Kamiagu [laizuril Kvoto 624-0913 / Japan //

ARMY OF JESUS - BookAomb 7" Ausiin, TX is well renowned for churning out fantastic punk bandl end ARMY OF JESUS was .en lnly no erceD{on ufiloalunalely b.otGn up row. accorl,lng lo rhe r w€tdl. DhB beftd f6ahrtrd Uall ol PEDESTRIANS and REPERCUSSIONS Recorded in 2005, lhis is blaz806 BMe hrdcoro In th€ vt'n o{ BLAC( FIAG or 'n{ NiCROS. Soot &ornb uta, 2r and P.€su"nDrv '3 'inal in 7" release While this is not groundbreaking material any way, { ls oslNaaod n'e[ Ertl lhc lynca ere as Erooghl' ful's li\ey r! bMd Th.y Od poni6 tor in aftaklg lE ording ioo. (Rob Hanna) C rrnal lO / 3540 \. Southpon / Cl_icago, lL 60657 THEASSASINATORS - s/t 7" Awesome musicfrom Denmark, THEASSASSINATORS w l 6tr,6ep wu lnlo I dencng ttnzy wlth lher tnthernrc mdod( lonk ,ocl( nlsd fih roctn' bGakdownB End csrchy nfi3 Hermo.nan, leme& lyncs tr40 {r Oan6h *ro rem,n,gcant ol LA FRASTION lh€y had anoiher irnoer Th6 , @nsl6ts ol lwo gdrgs oll uobeat happ) mu;E sth hope-flntd polrtlcel tyncs li6l r,rsls you reel hke vori c5n rnalo 6 drf,e.erEa THE ASSASSINATORS ur" iun O'otua t * rraltt whst you l a! dc'{intely check Lhem outl (Maygun) theassaslnato rs@hotmail. com / AIerta Antifascisia ASSHOLE PARADE- EMbE'S CD

Hard to believe these dudes have been at this pissed off faslcore power violence game for so many years- yet ln all, includthls is the r firstfull length. Twenty blasters .lm#r Thl8 G as tno a sick SEPTIC O€AIH mver of

rre lert stull grt6. naw uo3tsl thra6h bands ;r. noie from th65€ rotatatE of Lho latlnegg lhrE is damnessential (LawLess)



No ldea Records //



SocietYt 6ure cD

lllted theriEslvas w'fi b€_ PJr(s Ponk er lial ts lh6lr rarsdr d'era wag io cL;anse Punl of$o alarns of€mo. nu_maltl, po9'grnl.

Well. lhese 0uyi apperenlly


and other clear and present dangers Surely a noble causei as we al know nu-melal deilnitely sucks UnfoF trlrlElEl.y fl|ere Ell€godly Fn'h'h nep'rod Pu^te.E horn Walorlo$r. N€w Yort luil ddn't soom lo p.n ho mrch ol anvrlinp lnlo U$'r muslc Sama Deal e€{y Eono crap lenc! rodolod over end ow( etc tm 6ura $ey had fun ,irarrng lnu atrrn. ano thelE'E sornclhlng lo b€ 6610 fol ltrtt bul thoro g algo srr}Blhrg lo be lad lor I'ving a shit about your music. (lvlatt lndlgnant) Generic Records / no address

BAGNA- sPlit CD Well I ihink both of these bands are from Belarus but I c6n't be sure.because the address is in a anguage Ican't read, and ihe characters don't appear in the E loftch /$€ r.136 Roa|.lr leiE/E-td, Bul lhc hD6l i! t o; S6ieru5. and Doih b€nds wntc e{er|Ervoly rboul the pol[all cllmate lhelo. both n the( 6ong3. 6nd lheir €rplanotont Luddiy, 6l! B(rlgs er6 wr'unc i'sw ErE kilr trEnllato.rt. so t€ can lrro* whd ihey .. to sngl aboull That being said, ihe first band on the CD is I KNoW. Th6r Gmlnd me 5 liulr bll ol a mit b€lv/e€tt BALLAST. ar6 hler I,NHINGED lls m€lodL p{rnk wth I KNOW /

sn angry €dge. wrlh tonrele vocals that alc nol grufi 6td o(owli hd s1r[ plsr.d otr After that is SAGNA. Th.) romird ma of UNXIi{O. but rawer and lerr ptudrc6d, Al5o orsEa{ ot punlq gEhfly m6lodrc. bU ml Es much * oE lirs bend. gactlA hEve a 6l0ally ctuBt er leol Th€y elro hsua ,onre TRAGEDY'€ique guil,r. alftr. Dol marlegE lo do rt wEldi ad!8ly sollding anythuto lll(e the Poinlvrd iugEema,Jt TIiE Daci(Eglng E '/ary olY End pldred wtlt polllns aboul € rsgpn ol the wdld fiotl ol uq in th6 USI do l h€5r l,oo much aborill ('lghteoB) Rc;l Scerla , PO 8ot 13 , trtrnlk , 8€lru6 l' RrB' sell3@gmailcom TIM BARRY - Rivanra JuDcfio, CD Betler known for his career as the lead slnger in Rch_ lnoad, VAB i'rgB€rtaul axron AVAIL. l,rro |i lim Batry'B dotut aB 6n .llcoqfllrv aolo arllrl At wth 6inc6ny-


Eorrd.ilg band LtrcERO. t cen l ho.€30y 86v thel I love o. hrlE th6 l€5e3€ wlth hts you^ger Ebt8l Ctltll^ P'3y' fto vrokr. n{,3Dslly this ls {atly run_or'Ihc mlll mode'n atico,,ltry wlrr Barry's acoustc eu4ar5. p€d€l 6tcd ,n{ !h€ occ€ltrrtal plano t6rvl6o lh.ot€hou! th4 l€n

Iracks oo lha dlge while thg !6t ttd6 tbidlbly nolh' r1o l,to AVAIL tho.!! a suDtle 6lm rEty rn atlrtrdg cr' c;l delN€rsd ,n flroody (,drntry x|rigB EbqJt Oanhag. snd trEv€l alicne6 The.a wan t a wh..a 'nuospacton, lol to tlc tt|e3e soogi [rgellrer. msrba ll lrs li6 ordarlno ol fie sonos. r.rd Ih€ endr.sdl Laar! dq*rbd and -Pe.h"g" lho naxl one bilba b.ue{ lRob rir n"Ogl,ng Subur6an Home Records / Po Box40757 / Denver, CO ao204 BHOPAL - where MoalitY Feils Co'R This is a demo CD ofa great new band from Alessa ndria

Itsly H3ary. oplc hsnlcors lh6l sourxls

l r io'tElhhg

ol ponlend (dd you notco hon, I avoded uE n9 ltl6 'l'wo.d ?). Fo, a demo. llto toond qr.rty io i6wies6. Lvicalty. lh5 ri BUp€r 5ltq10 lE Th6 ll.8l radi altEc'tt olJl

.Dodlm paol€5|cullrdn tlom iwo 3dct _ one. lhoy SiLcl lhc |ibr€l lypos who ms.lly chanl 8log.n8 {rd ,'a'e bannsrs. 6! lholgh lhat orn ed evs change. iom l}i. other side, th€y tst. trendy'protest warrioE to task for destroying e.llrtoul creating. This is a great band, and I can1wait for the LP to come outl (lnbred) Bhopal/ www.myspacecom/bhopal / bhopal666@libero it

BELCHING PENGUIN - Deno's 1985 & 19887" Long losttreckBllom this Florida hardcore DErd Collec' tor s;um rru tnoe them for their rare, "Dratt 8eor.. Not Me" LP, but this EP gives you a preity good dea what theywere aoout. ThrashySO's purk lilal could only have come fom thal time. llcluoed with the EP al€ repro_ duction of various BP flyers, poster, booklet and loads of pictures. Pretly decent songs from this over-looked band. on blue-swired vinyl. (cflldos) Bufiito Records /Sound ldea Diskibution / PO Box3204 / Brandon. FL 33509_3204 // wwwmyspace com/belch_ ingpenguin

- In fhe GriP of Olficial Treason CD A three CD rant extravaganza flom one of the icons (oood or bod) ol punL SUI l(.s thr6 6 n6ad€d nror€ i;En 6t s lni6 nElion deacan& nh,ure nghtwho fnadne's .nd hlty lrEcIon. Thls 13 o colle6bon ot nt.t'' nal d@ls b.tn6an moa r{1(l 2006 W€ll doru eftugh that even at 3 full CD's, it doesn't get lo be too much JELLO BIAFRA

Jello. moal ot th€ ttdE Due to the polltlcal nalure of this ,fie srl{l p6oplc ln\'olv€d fi P.E. ' a lo( of lhis is preaching lo o!.r\6nod, bul Eir v{nlsi he upddE€ and cranks up the words of his llrst Gulf War epic, "Die For Oil, Sucker" Wlolgter you personally think of him, its really good 1o llee Jdlo sticking to his guns and spsaking out in these troubled times. (.rudo!) Altemalive Tent cle3 / PO Box 419092 / San Francisco,





7O,' CD BLACKTUSK hailfrom the greatsouthern cily ofSavan' nah, GA. They do not fall easily nto any pigeon hole as far as their music is concerned They have their rools ln tho plhl ic€ne, tul &at r ltd o! niJch ln0leoaa llom mcl, ancl stoEr rcck lytE hEndi &hosgh lhsh lou, d is very much fl lhe lyDrc€l s.Yonnoh Btyle of heavy rE_ tallc;rusty Prrfi. vory much their own lmlquo blaod- You cen hs.l horn lheir local pl€d6 oessors and contemporaries such as DAlt'lAD, KYLESA, BARONESS, etc, (all of which they've played and toured with extensively) butyou can also hear a lot of lnfluence from bands like BLACKSABATH, and MASTADON, and olher stoner rock iype bands, even some DYSTOPIA sori ofelements here and there, but allwith a very punk fee in the back ground. The vocals duelbetween deep, orufl sorE$ and a .mrB 6lY l hoher pitchad a,rget. en6 i . , q.ut p",..g rh6y'o nghl .n6 lh.y hrve th6|' 6h'! togethed ThE CO l5 a lorJr dsmo rr 6cng€ lrc'n $elr (a; of yot) uorol6ss6d Ml l.rErh I's ju6t..emple ot BLACKTUSK


lhe great new tracks,lhal are a huge leap forward since oElrfrll CDEP ll y,ol.l tve m tha US urm ,iou v€ proE ahly aa€n thaE€ guya al loaEt€, rhco ttly.ya EurEd the counlrya bunch of times_ This is one of those bands whose live show is so intensethat it's almost impossible to capture lh€ heaviness of it on recording, but this new album comes damn close Definitely check them out! (nghteous) //

BLACKOUT- 6/t CD Rockin' Hardcore punk out of M nneapotis with members from PROVOKED among olhers on prolane Exisbnce. Ar l|lsl t lrdty tik€d,tll onc b'Jt sfllr lebnir! b I stqn En dmca l'nl €tEnrng I! h6v! roc$d uldr8hG I Jike the style which is Rockin'Hardcore punk noi far from INEPSY but the firsi probtem here is that I don,t tike the production at all When I play it on low votume it sounds OK but when I put it up on a better stereo it sounds kind d cteppy €nrl nEtr s 6w mir, Tha 9oat96 ars !@d hrr I clnt hetp tu€ting thrt som€{hng is mtrsirE to take it to that levelwere I really enjoy it, and this is really my lyp. of p(nk Nol I trd Ecord bd I thlok th.y d t hEve toma d6pE b lllsl batoa! fr6y wI dlmb lo Urc top's ofihis genre_ And nexl time I woutd tove to hear a more suitible produclion, less gamge/d-beat and more well-producedl l'm lookin'forward to hearing more lrom



them!(Potin) Profane Existence

BLOODYAND THE TRANSFUSTONS - s/t CD Bloody l\,,less is back wrth a new band, you remember Bloody l\,,less right? LJsed to hang with GG back tnna day. Anyway this record is shaight up rock-n-ro I thoughtfor sure l'd hate it but I enjoyed ii so much I had to share it with my mom. Bluesy and a titch psychedetic at times with stoner rock tunes tike CREEpt COOLA; this ditty almoslsounds t(!ALe Coopor and lggy had a kid logeiher An ani.colDqrf l.db ldlg calted FIllFU and there are plenty of references to gelting wasted, RRRRIPPED, STILL HUNGOVER AND STONED (A country and western song) TORE UP and DIVEBAR SUPERSTAR. This ain t no straighl edge disc and it,s pretty fun if you need a 50 minute vacation from reatily (stinkbot)

Black & Blue Records PO Box 410325 Cambridge MA 02141

BOOK OF BLACK EARTH - Ir,e Feasf CD Dark and heavy, evil and epic death melal, lhat is complelely un-prelentious and hojds this reviewers attention llora stari l[ rhp. Joat dn trring Etan('s oul tmor€6t fE gound&sp! €rEEt€d by tha$ l].bnt.d ptsy€'s. whtch gives this an exka edge that keeps thek sound fresh and compleiely punishing. The split with FALL OF THE BASTARDSwas awesome- but tthink this recording is a bit different. The band has coatesced into an even more ferocious, heavy and relenlJess band. (Lawless) 20 Buck Spin / 2340 PoweJl St #117 / Emeryvijte CA 94608

BRUD KROU-s/t CD-R This band is awesome. They come from Betarus wth thrashrng hardcore and angry vocats The frrst comparison I thought of was a tighter LARIvl, which is a pretty awesome resemblance that not many bands can clatm! DEADFALL and DEFUSE atso come to mind white tistening to lhis lfyou like fast noisy punk you should give BRUD KROU a lisien. (Hazel) lgor Pomaz / PO Box 141 / IMinsk 220071 / Betarus /

SRUTAL KNIGHTS - of Shame CD lf youle looking for deep insightfut tyrics about pubhc policy, the war for oil, and global warming carried by brooding crusty meta.. .skip this CD're looking.oobnOiorE gErBgE ponl wr[r sd{s rh6'You,! FrCd( I Qu.lf, 'Bitini Di.t'. .nd '\Anbb Party. ttb ls ,or yo.J B.K seem to just aro, pbyvrg music wltholt the worry

of taking themre{vtt d anything ella bo seriousty. They are a lo{i hEh-eiergy dlrty punln rdt tive p,ece


riioaa lyrE oodd have brEn latan Lorr [lE scrlbbllrgi of &m€oneb J( Hlolr noaEoook. Ror nds m6 of IHE DWARVESlight. (Jake) Deranged Records

/ 1166 Chaster Road / Gibbons, BC

/ VON 1V4 Canada

BURIAL Nevel Give Up, Nevet cive tnLp Germanys BURIAL pay homage to Japanese HC/ punk ln a huge way on this LP Reminds me a bit ofthe more 'd-beal" sounding TRAGEDY songs meels Japanese b3rd6likE cRUo€. DEATH stDE artd [le sort Nofiing ercund blrt ig mt a bad re@d ai a ; I got me hli9edl l'y. h.€ld a kl ot pcopte .teg this Bcord otr cause lhey seem 1o "rip olf mosl of thek riffs from the Jtp!n6!. brndg lriar''! amdating brlt rr€Gona{y I thlnr [tql plSy h w€l and het I oodd b6 ron6 thary couli, b6 another DIS clonel Lyrics are a bit personal n nature butstill retain apolitical qualityand deal wilhfrustrations of everyday life. lf you canl get enough of the ,Burning Spirils" sound or lfyou just want to hear some good rocking tunes by lll ,n.€rli t*r( lhis Lp upt (Adrian) Hate Records ,/ rrn/v,hdocordE. nel Instigale Records // www, La

Vda es un

IVus // www,lavidaesunmus,collr

Hungry Wolves 7,' Jud whcn I lhEnrght BURIAL coubn t gEt any b.llr lh6y lllessa thir,crr ot € fl Sdt phytng their t*a on lhe J+ErEa6 HOPulk ao.rnd but the rertls are . lol nE e pq lrlu *d a bt tlghlert lh6 f ltrve9 up fol' Eo.Es eod I lhodd d€rinih{y m6ta tl. hatErs inlo ballp\,lrE I nd tl€o chccli yoor os5 caula thty nilhf tc t !*arrl Co€r Eri lE &f|e by Jagan€E anlst Sticl BURIAL




which completes the package even more. lf this record is any ndicaton of what's to come kom BURTAL then I am eagerly awalting anoiher release cause lhese boys definilely know what they're doing! (Adrian) HeartFirsl Recordings / Landsberger Str 146 / d-00339 M(inchen / cermany // wwwheartfirsi,net

BURIAL - Hungry Wolves CD A wicked hardcore assautt is what we get on this disc, which happens to be a collection of past efforts, ptus two unreleased tracks. I have no idea where BURIAL are from, but there's definitety a heavy Japanese lnfluence here. I'm also detecting a vagueTRAGEDy sound which l'm digging, even though that influence has been way overdone n receni years. At limes the vocals even remind me a blt of Jack Controt, which is defnitety a good thing I also need to mention lhe artwork. wh ch suits the darkness and bleakness ofthts disc The cover was done by legendary Japanese ariist Sug , and features a pack ofwolves (er, a wolfpack? Tee hee) on the hunt through the decaying remains ofa city. How suitingl Asolid efiort (lnbred) HG Fact Records/ www inlerq CAREER SOLDIERS Loss of Wotcts CD Hey, nol badl Not bad White these fotks arent


blazing any new lraits theyte doing what they do in style, Looking at the art and tlner with their gothic font and machine guns definiteiy reminds me oi the likes of COIVIPLETE CONTROL or WORKIN, STIFFS, bui CAREER SOLDIERS aren'1 anybody's ctones The music

b rbret punh bd theE r. t l.1.!l ot corulEdty, dal! I ray corFetenca. thd ilJly reralaEb ihr tiata.rE : there is really somelhing going on here! The vocats re, ln'rl{l me ol RAMSO el tnEr a.E tho VncE ar€ .dualy nbod $tl llrat mBt!.t (cdratmriBm. ckatno. 6!gion. war, etc ), nol just gett ng hammered and tatking shit aboui the poseurs. "There is nrore

10 tife than the th ngs

you buy." word. (Matt Indignanl) Punk Core / PO Box 916 / tViddte tstand, Ny 1i953

CAREER SUICIOE - Altempted Suicicte CD After n^/o anlhologles, a couple of sptits, some ep,s and some 12" records this is CAREER SUICIDEs eighth

you don'l have to guesswho itm ght be!you can tellone song from lhe oiher and they are all catchy and memo_ rable lnstead ofjust playing as fast as they can C.S spends the time to write out songs thal let each member 6hr|e llrgr,gh mclt-dn9 thc vDrat6 then diys th€![ Et hyp€r-rpe€d wt'lorrl E toE rE €ny of the [svo. tion put into the playing reaty hetps c€rry the frantica y r.rnt prrg6a, tyri6. Oonl tElai thia yrtllla oparsirng

t]! afir


h*vy rEchn..y. (Jai€)

Deranged Fhcrds / 1166 Chaster Rd. / cibsons, BC / VON I V4 C.n.da THE CARNIVAL - Kivurias CD This is totally in the classic Flnnjsh iradition ofhardcore. These dudes come from Kajaan which is in lhe middte of 1owle-e, Finland ano give me a stap in the face with prr€. .rld angry sB fuck trsrthore. ThG Oid thfigs lhoul hl6 CD lrlat lt inclu(leg ndutlr ly.i:g nar a toa



of information and the five hacks go by so fast that I still warl oto|!. whEh on |lb (Ntler h d mav b. a oood thirg? ll you lrkrlaa h.rt oore a,rd fia nnnisi rcen;, go chect thrr d.rt -ifit be wodh tU The Carnival/ Kansakoulunkatu land // r,

(tuln) I / 871S0

Kajaani/ Fin,

- Je Tnhhai Demain CD Errpdrc htmdudldl to tha parl+baB€d punk



oudt, CARIOUCHEfest r!3e6retdh6,th!bm.r!;inger liem XOCHISE (ryho di, . rDt 2 x r wil,l CONFL|Cl in 1995) Musically this sounds tike a combinatlon of LA FRACTION and SI|FF UT n-E F|NGCRS. kre ltitge I iblolvl'oly canmt gEt cnough or U.s€ dql! llEtB b

more than enough lo distinguish CARTOUCHE from behg a LA FRACTION clon.t tany !oig. hEve an olw ,.r€v€ BIONOE-|Eh 6qlrd 6 th.m. .rE Trahirat Denain tanslates to "t Wilt Betray Tomorrow,,, and is certainly astand outlrack on the like-named disc Lyrics in French with Engtish lranstations, twetve tracks with no slinkerc Dig it. (Rob Hanna) Maloka // www




CELLULE X - X-pressiorrs CD lhis thr€tr me fo. a hal ot a toop(rF pun H€nded). trn. 1116 ltrsl ofthe Fr.nch r€teEE€s I lct ltorn DEn thb li nol punk. .relal, or wett. its sort of trp-hop. lt was a nice dlrprilc wtlon I pd rt on lacarrE€ | ddnl |tl[y p€y 8Ifitrorr and iln h[ plEy rrd lrartod to ddve. r. got thGl bact 9.0l,t6 muaic that's very llhrho ;0! |rlltEate 'mbDnl dtum (copB orBr n h€t I luppolB cou5 ba lOOd tor d-rcirE (l oen'l dtrclr) wnh gul, rarndGs thrown n herE and thals lor 6ll otm(6t indurrd te€t ItJ EKO has a realty good ear and great t ming. The M,s have a really smooth sexy Jtow thai at times can be a titfle in you're face without be ng aggressive, bul l,m not sure whal the lyrics are about Overali ihis is a realty good CD. (Jake)


Slraight out of Canaduh s capiLal city come ihe CENTRETOWN INSURGENTS, paying theh brand of analcho€taE€Urjocl n dldb€at plnk (lrt€lr dercription,

nol lnln .) lf lh.t de.orlptbn's B rule conlu.ri! 10 you (il w.e to n .) 1116 b8rd lound! a bt :,t€ erly to mid 9()€

Por&d bdrdr tk6


ANCE and others llka it, they definitely have that catchy sound and song wriliE you can sing atong to. The lyrics are greal. louching on nor-1at lopics (media, enuronmenr. etc ). bulyou can lell they realy care about what IEy lE abqrl The Bbqva 6 a ajl pAlh CD boo*rot Btyte e{ler and tt tmke p.€(y lhary as y.€lt, my o.lly qu.lm! wiBl tli3 6emo h [l.t ttE ,ecadh! ls ,€Eli rollgfi, rcucn.. otscLos€ nrrgh! But b my rr&wladg6, lh. band har 6 i6ry €,r,rll, wtth betG. r!-. cording. And as an addit'on to att{his they are kilter, hiler paoCe. gat on Soppqt thasc aurB! lDave) 'rl qro t adme / gO Detong CENTREIO9VII ltilSURGENT3





r€16€3s Thb romlnda ma o, why I ltai€d lid€rino to futdoor€ yEE E ago. that rl! thfleen ioigr hat alB fast and shredding wit'r out btu.rirg into each other. The


band has il's own sound so that when you hsten to them


Dr. / OUErrE, OrX.'io /

(tJ-7E1 / C.rud!

- life's Sfiort


ha I from Pittsburgh pA and ptay some

tMe ptItk. h! b6rncy. Dotncy. 0ouncy' potlrr' Fl,l. fun. ll,I, fun. fun! Thls di6c wl! not €nllgtrirll

lE6l ?7

dv y; oboul lia

gllghl ot E€a anaftorEa bur



'f &oul irf.rv olink ahtt€ thi6ll do. fh€ro tG lan aong6 and the nlolto b€€r d nd fono tlolkE hESnO &ciet . o.,.! h'; or 7oe punt Cov€r6 o, DEt"0oUTlON 236 'xn"rr.f,/urli,r P.Ltg. Bf Oi{OIE S H lgltg O1 fh' Tabrlrott€ ,id CHEAP TRIO('E Sutrender' Th€eE 're <erirv ueer dflrkln' turB tlE soundtrack to a nlght otn. tof6 o, lcond bryfc ad, a hidden lrack! A co\'er of Buddv Hollie's Cool Cool Daddy Long Legs a song performid only once ancl I happened on The Young Ones- (slinkboi) 'Da Co;e Reco;ds / 4407 Bowes Avenue / West l\"lifflin


cHoxr cocol , URBAI{O€ iwr€ raary crcit€d b g{ ln6



llrEw bacau!' I hlcl

hE 6 oltit hrE6 Ebo', CHOKE COCOT End I cryttinH ws;f dri ppLdad. F'rEl thcr9 t UREANOS ftom

Aian6 A/l!6 rrho pLy a tin6 ol hybdd ol mdodE tld hoE oon. vrih eoma pcrlB mu6lcally @rnin6ng

oi AGNOSTIC FRO0fi. oolv w i ratpv l€('€|. vo' cals, I had never heard of them so il was a good intro-


duEton. CHOKE COCO tt a.|

Ell lcmalE HC b6ltd


tr iual ltdthg €tEaomal &rt'l .ooraiw. ,too,rr Yocal thft'fi HC whih retfindl tn;. tol ol [r. hadr€Bt ANTISCHISm Th. lyri:5 8tt th€ PhilDDo€s. who

incisive and have a great analysis of racism sexsm' mrlitarism, etc. Flooredl (Nick Mangpl) Dolusion of Teror / 299 BintorE lPldldel Bulacan 3004 / Philippines CHOOSE YOUR POISON

lhnshed To Ribbons 7"

ploot lo h€rltt3 who come fton Wg'Dntlo, m.Ii kEw dlll tEte Eon uia 6li tha pud( ft can gEl. c_ i."iuw b'rds *" c+lOOsE YouR PottioN $urght ;o d€'tr h.Eh. wlh rrnadly dona lyric6. (on €) Cor:on Ectate , 7OA N, bw. S!€el / APPudl, W i

Flri ql



CrEEI rlBl{rLEFTot Et CR cr'.alltcD iws vrv crorea u tc th!3 CD 'n ltry t€Yiew



th.t haii oa m; sph. 2 ol wttch ale oovtr 9a v/€ll Th€v do Ssp.t rr@l by CITIZEN FISH, End th.; ond tE CO *tth Raalo.r Foi' E lbrr€ by lh' SUilHuMANs, Alro tudod 6 E t€llv tumv rnlro 'n lo !.O,C-'6 lblt sqlg ,rih O.\,E OiEbr frc'n MOC and ty Jelb gBft! on thE r 6'cond roolGn word eutg arly Ar"6Jt.t6 H{hly rlcotfftt'nd€d! (lG,! Ci' on


derpunk) CIVIL WAR I IRAI]IDEAD sPlit CD This CD could calla a M of an overload in your ska in_ flu€rEd lEc,co.r dlat. bt,t on lrris aglit d Balrally w6k' out aa.lofit CIVIL WAn ftorn ha i'LthE l&lds ,r uP IGt a wrth a ojEltv utitQt 6, hcl lqrnd Tha vocaL

'almd ftn|e b.r TL YAMKEE vv1,15 61i $rldtme. FLEAS AND LICE the lydEs rrunl iEdulld, btll atE th'rD'

tatng up ar|malrlghB, br'ir! le;r lrcnon olnkr. grd E9sury. The musc 6 fatl. a,F


ar,|.| t0 th6 goml.

ef Un"e. ncry ct lnfua^oadl BRAINOEAD L " ernilE ily to b6nd6 Ik' Oatttt"nv rrea gn undnvty LEPER ad ;mexflEE. lo a ha€tI €r!a.t SKARP Th' docent, bol mor€ or bss troddhg lha same nfics ;d renE old politicd pl,ll ,od BRAIi{OEAO .lso inoorpoisles a iittle gtind ll{o 816r ska/ha.dcqo sound

o- -,0




w.ll {Davr)

/ Botervatstraat i 3 8011/ Xp Neuuiands // wlvw crashlandingrecords

&E6t#rldrrO r€cord!

zs{|. , th;

tf vou

Itl6. otgr.tptt


Not b€d at all. (Paul) lrorlult Tragedy Record // www.moshpit-tragBdy


h!v! snv .mnrtv h. wlMIER. HELLMMMER.



CAmlGE. a'tt ncu of oE rcrEd h'€drlxrYtreklo ddth &cn than"lhlr b yolt b-d, lhaat Ja9"!" o,raer p,"o"ory do th. bast al lhs g*rtt fiia !t'' o'


clriRl|lcY - d.!o


CIANIdE Ho,rtng, worrnd€d llocd! \ih'ci fir'k! ttiy doo n.lrt lnb lhe;her room. Mtl(klqyl (Nldr M'fl'

g.i.q a toEtirnc Ln ol lr.lbouma. AlllrallC. MUTINY rr". ie* rdndf 9rE€ct Latunng nall the rEmtrts


Utmurr oln"irur sund..

iO'Buck Spin i 2340 Powell



wra ertainiv looq anticioard. A

/ Emeryville, CA


COfU$Ox - fo.d*iu.r CD COtLISION, lrqtt l{dl.rld, itB € lotal etsll ol tonlc ;nn.tcE'!. lhrl wdl heva yo{r El! baa-irE. yol,l, b€r 69akE .nd you. n.d( ltin ttem .r tr. h€'d bltiltrg rhai rr-E CO iirr innrd on you. 1,1 lon93 o{ le.t rnd tu'



tlE b$.nar all




oiy t'&e 'n 9€e. ulr, iata all t|osa l'sldy fo dr atlrDdtv tLl lhay ooar3 end att irst n rrtg& fhay allo Lor, *hrf6 06 ;n6 6n snd daas, et hou, 'r erg killltlg t"rlr gltlct' Tiy do . mioty cDv.r ol Atttu6. onrn lly 6dl. by fio i'nd6 oa ;iriadry B D BRAIt'ls. Afbr E carple ol thr met6l aaaoa cEn

CO"R!. 'Roidk l€r' rs rhar !€c(nd Orfioel you ltavs B

ntatiallr| grxrd€t€

deE€rt!3 a chance. (Mel Hughes) Borta Brigade Records / BP 31








62140 Hesdin

d€prnun ksn



he u,tide.ind



o{n ol Biaon blin9


rao|n ic fodna? lt'lr. ll lo'J'ts t o tna danarada ca'uc aarm. 0ro ie da nildy Eomcfung Fo lll{lr ch'd( out. (Rob Hanna)

S€lf-reloased / wwuthecurr€, eu

Gzotllll( - i.rras


l had itii Potl"tr brrd" n"r"r cease to amaze me nev€r hatd ol 6rya unril I oot l,r€ CO tn lny te' ,l* dla. and I .""" bb*n sslsy. Tli5 band il Clb ovlr hol6 t. oirce wiUr Url, *nf". Dul alwsy! mmaga! ini oairra rorno t-kho n B coa[+ve r€cord lt rlnoor" frdn bain€ Elotar ml+E t9o c'lrt wllhql' crultfro trcavoes Emiditc€nt ol ! ltoltrl rurtlin!

me rcrtizon, wrUr crunctry. gall4lno Cuilal! 0tat hatg .lmo3l a mgtal tlal TlEn €t trmc ltB h'br lM moll ln" gor ct et ur- rqt€ Eongl l€mi'd ltx ol €n E.acr ouni band. wlth thBt dq6at ! ('lrn ttyla [ht lo


Er"a at*t"m+unr uenor ot ttra ceay 80 r hjt a[ fE tlna dt elll playal, Yrfth lhrr haavy cruEty



fudr'g6d Elbuml Th' lyncs! ol b9ic6, mrinty iocudoe qr v'liet wrlh tha rodd grcund ua. an hou il bel,lc you E wrErg-lrogarllr and daprBa€lt. pahlnc E vsy dyt' hahr0 lofic o-tJB. luit th€ w.y I llkg d (dehEo,3) riflr ttrc urc wre r po aro( 33,34{00 Nowv TErg / ee3ic6ltv. tht3 iB E Gallv

oo ,ar a wLlg

Poland //



www.bondesbrigaderecords com COMMON ENEMY -IU,'. CD Hera we have a CD of snotty skatoboard loving hardTha lFci (atd att a^d a'' col! lrom R€adine. e.l,thno els.), atD al.rEEt rnlraly drdidlad b Bkalt ' .drl;, axaapt for $r€ aangi *out dtl'rting. lt€!r6t. fuont{€ss bllqh€s' who vrlrrl tr6i g6ot1e'nEn tltndt to buv fn.m diSnaoda, eid (he drE na ol lrno cJrottng M'r.€lly lparkl^g. it'6 trolty BlE d.d rkal.> thEclr tyD€ herdcoE wlh hgrr prtdted s,|oulrg voaal6 !ftd ter brBEldofii ThaGa also a brrnoa bo'i'l6 irack. Pase. (Hazel) overdose o; Reco.ds / Po Box 525 / Fleetwood, PA / 19522 / wwwmyspac€.com/oveldoseonrecords


b;'E .

COX8IAI.T ATAIC OF TERiOf, - el CAF CST hail'nq lrom Brishton pray C.usty UKalyle Punk


O(.LY ,r,cl d€5gm ln

d. R6o.'a Eb o, E Inan ,tting



o, a

' CD lrbh inntlrtca Ih' *no"-*rut a tt SrYlngy hallrd calld '\,/lclo ;'rnr ;o ,r,!Ol- llr rwEoma",ry

rb.rB orrrd. wrlh bud€E ot qrlt. b6!6 ln'baltve€o frc mi,Oneae ThlY ttk6 a bcdc AehG lita Crind tnd ,,ou cslr d6f tllv he€I tirk r@ts wlth innrrsrc€t lnom ;he Ir.6 ol t{APAt ',[ DEATH .nd REPULSION' Th.'e 3 dEnfid vocslg. blErsl tlclr 5nd a[ th8l ]ou wq,ld Er' i"a l-m e s-d grxrd band. t{ow. €dd h tt$'r !om' i.raaro snilhrec-h. e ta DR.l (dl e.E ). lit N|C|PAL WASTE eic. Tha !,€.d oootinuee. lh. hct tEl lEve l\Do vo<allrtB'nhlch on[ .ddE b trr raa8' o' clll' or and bnltllly thsy ham,net al you. tcnaa'tt'd voc"' .6uol.d wtlh ttre oto,.!r, only Ed6 b thalr alllldy po artri ro,od. The errvr boll lo ad lhit firadnaG6 6 ofi tha .c€b b.tstdowtrs. liJnciy and cslchy b... dlts whioh d€liritalv k9€9 vou ntef€€86 8od mElra yo|l wanl lo n mote obv ,t aetn !.'td alEtn' lha r€'oitng ""0 "r lr .taaralrl Erd tha bd th€l lhala guyl kno{ ouallN fro,v ;r aev odv oue6E havig 6 ioot


rt. e mo tiaitne rno poairnad€outd,rg lo!ts Jn lr-- urte t ackc. Farl! oa bt.ld3 &. FLOGGIMi gP€.d


dEi. ll

MLLY eita t*e S or 6 ycrre ol rv$toC. wE g't 5 b"nd lrlct(i trn ClTllEN FlSHlAk wE srr btaled to 2 othea tracks which are covers The @vers are Mo'6y bv CHOKTNG VtCTAa *rd GLr, CDEni., {FUCX OFF', bv LEFTOVER CRACK. All ? o, ots, ,on95 Er! good lnes wrth lllot lyti6. Et ususl 6h? L O C do 8 toIrCE


COfl S-tt Odtt

DISCHARGE 6Nd ANTISECT TN|S CD-R comes trlth r[oe 9drfud snnEt along $'ili lyrics and exolanalronS arld uro g.odudrt hdE lg rYhd most crust b.MB &Em alrout. Thoao llva uEd€ ot solid, raomg qt,3l blow B aw6y End I cen',t wait to h€ar more lrom mer€ bastad! G.Bsl lobl (Potin) Ilcr / 20 G.oltd Slt€61/ Bdghton / Easi Sussex / BN1

s,!d A

4NW wwwconstantstateofterot@m

CREArlVe W AIE dtrtlo CD It En\ oiien thal !aoi, heer bana,s ,tom s!u6i AEbia ..rd [ €r,!l1 16'olEn yoo her gdndcoE from 6'udi,'B CREATIVE WASTE Pbvs bnt l Efindoott in

the vains Of NASIJM, REGURGITATE, CARCASS ANd PIG DESTROYER. You wlll here plenty of growl' blast haal6, haEvy rilta and evai lt lts not E€ good as th€ir ldolr,i llke h. Thatan!6 GodorErrtsrEr andAnsal' potential urnalr'o4 ,,? ODitlon tho{, ital hb b.nd has



7he D€ad Sessions

l,.rrrrrf,ro Cn aar, Crt a/ta, CD baeJOira comoaseo orbtrtor rEmb.rr LOST GEN' imrror,r. xrteeceeo. rnd IROfl CROS6. Thees ;uvE cEma loqolh€r u,llh Ul€ daort !o go hcl lo ?03 i ounr h ure vdr ol IHE OA,,I'IED rnd DEAO gOYi. rccod"ro lo !ll'r o ahaet lt do6'l'l qut' !.til.i,. trd ho;oh I'. a ptiny strE{lrl Lftvatd lo'l dlrE" tlr€E Enl rnv ol tha glotty da6pc[0on ol 'l'ly ourk ,ErAh U, heir Gr€dil lhig d'sc I nlb wlth drMnC ptE frrzy haa eo'n€ €reo rvt e lnr, o,atro -d :inrtc ;ucbon raapmg


clanty of tha

m€lc b


' bvd. tiElroh no lbt DU'tPlrE adltilstr. wate lo b! lDxd on ifB ! bl bdrd, lol my &. a covar o, Roky Enct $.f'e t Wafi<ed liffi A Zor'7rtu w{ DIY

uatr H€tt w'rt f'rn€oorni. Ioo FEd ar|d ihe defnite stand outs on this record. You could throw



this on and cul some wood or paint the living room wilh' out any difficulty.

(stinkbot) incas necoras 28 culvert City Road New Milford cT 06776


- Ite Anarcw and Pdmi'

R tusrs double CD Thh band €rirtad b€hEao '7E-'8?, End v..' lh' Pt!' da4srsor b CRESS, lnLc,i I u.s mo.l ol, la not d ol lh.6€rDa na,lt$elB Horr.tEt, ra mlolt oa I gb'olt&,ty

lor! CRESs, trE |t'llt doatnl cdnParg. 'an.rchv YE56


lot ol


atly al.ter€|.

fit* d6c



rnd P@rty aomo LEck!, ar|6 is v€ry 'aw ncqd€d- Tha ioutd llinlniioeot ot ofiar aorly Palcc ounk b.nd. ltk. THE MOB. or ZOUNDS T}l. bqntt ware e bunch oa tcaraEa.t wlEn lho tirt Y,l'a lt@rd'

,r* ,'B Eno

.d. .nd


d.f.nlty .howr Th. !.c!od dht, ?tittiti"g

Rituals' is a lot more listenable. tt's sort of industriat t bal punk that remlnds me a titfle bit of JOy DlVlSlON, but without the catchy danceable beats. The politics are on point, and the booktet has some sounding

funny stories aboui "the old days" written by members ofthe band. Not a bad disc representing more ofa i me and place, then a great a great recording, but I dig the seconddisc. (righteous) NIKT NIC NIE WIE / PO Box 53 / 34-400 Nowy Targ /

would say that they are heaviy influenced by Swedish E rd FlmiEh H*dcoro. wi(h B brt ot DISCLOaE rro.gllp lrn un ln lo. good maa$uG. Th€lr b,rlcs at! dtnple 6nd 10 the point, and also include Japanese translations, Check it outl (Ken Clderpunk) Humtn Ub66tion Front / petra Krupauerova / Borovv Vrch 791/46014/ Czech Repubtc


music is topped off with throai wrenchjng screams that remind me of i\,4lSERy at poinls. KARNVAPEN


AT-TACK is up next wilh catchy lhrashy hardcore and shr|.k66-vocslE. IhGy atmosl rErdnd ma of a ne$-E a

Poland //

DESTRUCTORS 666 / THE RUTNED sptit CD DESTRUCTORS 666 and THE RUtNED rake turns assaulting you on this release. DESTRUCTORS 666 res_ unact96 S|6 lgen tE m bdng (t3 eo.'a old !En6l p!l*

bt ob .dr@l penr .od kht thlris olt




fuzzy sound and some quick angry words Theyle anrDr.d !t thr system Then THE RUTMED iqnp n wtn Gry ol h. tlead good honor roct with C€idy Slatch-

sg lltc bit ol a cBH rr.l t@ REAILY FUNII SyrEpriri Takc €orn good ,Or prnk,/rifh. Foll{c.i ldgq Eod te€m


ug w{tr .ome aonhlo trssrE End


ed $c 5u tr.d( dtc. R€M up my a ./ (lrnkbol) R wdy FanBgo Record! cro Flat a. ,tot Fark Ro€d f Peterborough Cambs PEI 2TR / U K.





This seems to be a retrospeclive of these Columbian street-punks' 20+ yeat cateet. The first half is pretty consisient UK82 style punk. From "l\ratdigo tus Compromisos" on, however, we get € preity varied, yet distinctive sound. At times t'm reminded of the SUB" HUMANS, at others of some otd Finnish hardcore, but mrE d dtb Ir llCly dEi,vdiva I uadalllttd e,|oug+t gDJlhh lE g€t Sral lraaa tyric6 E e m{dnoftrl. tE ltfell, ano oflen quite personal. covering sJch lopics as nuclear war and the violence of the drug trade. This one's a keeper. ([ratl lndignant) Rob the Rich Records / c./o Jose Posada /.1gOO1 Ne 14

Av #325 /

[.4iami, FL 33179

DISCIDER s/t 7" Excellent 7'from DISGIDER. 4 hacks offast, slow, fast d-beat with some good crust sensibilities in the mixture for good measure, Brutally raw vocals and equally menacing music to back it up. Nothing totaly new, but what the hell, these guys do it well, with a good recording and song structure I makes you want to stand up and shake your fist to the angry songs. Good lyrics,

ranging anti government, swealshops and looking at your life and seeing what you like/don'l tike. I like the way they are worded, not simplistic, but not so that you need a PHD in political science. They?e from the heart and lhEfi ell that maiters to me. Look at the.r6me, yup DlSalDER. On the back of the lyric sheet ia a Ecipe for fiatiirg homebrew ctder, oh how I remarnbar the days of making homebrew As DSORDER would say, Tall over, not out'. A must for 0tose who love 90,s dbeat, Swedish raw punk, DOOTV etc. They had a track on one of the CDs that came with the last issue of pE, !O ch€ck €m and buy this (L4etHughes) Dlrcldcr@hotmait. com

DISKELMA s/t 7" DISKELMA, from Finland, play raging Scandi-crust with UK HC ovortones, btistering guitar riffs, and at sometimes even a hint of MOTORHEAD mixed in for good measure, DISKELMAS lyrics are a depressing and dark socral commenlary deating with the military, violence, war and self arila€rr. I would add this to my weekty rotation withoul iaiiblionl (Jasons) Kamasel Levyl / www.punkinfinland.neukamanen

DISKELMA/ OISTRESS - 6ptit 7" Ep Frrst off w6 gel 3 iracks of heavy D-Beat from DtSKELMA. The lyrics are short but swoet with Japanese translations. They remind mea lotofEXTREIIE NOTSE TERROR. Good stuff On the flipside we are keated to anolher 3 tracks of raw angry noise trom DISTRESS. I




of info and [unny stories about the releases and their Btp6riaoo6r srEond thGrl Tha mu!& B lolilly hBt otd aohool hldco.€ psnl(. vary ritJch h tho vsln ot ,filB 47, The guitals are fLrzzed outand distorted, the druns ale 9utnolog D-b€€ts, dtd thC voEab E-e quid( A!$y shqJE llrre .lo 86 6on96 lo aI. .nd oniy. coui[ ol lltE r .106l in et Orer a nirda rlld A ha[. So th6fe what you get kighteous) Crlmes Against Humanity lpO Box 1421l Eau Claire, Wl 54702 / USA //

Sound Pdution Records / KY


O Box

17 7 42

t Covington,

I 41011

- Fuck The System / prcpagancta CD DISTRESS from St-Petersburg Russia delivers som slick and brutal d-beat I can ctearty hear heavy Swedih influences wch ihey top off with a good cover ofANTt CIMEX'S Set Me Frce. This is realy aggressive, wiih desperate vocals and good riffing and d-beat alt the way. What more could you desire?. I guess if you con_ sider the situation in Russia these guys have a good reason to be pissed off Along withthis CO was a CD-R prq|to Oa tha b€.dr newest riabriat (full length Comlng thtr yBar). llE a rolJ8h mix (r lorrr songs of brvDj top notE+| d-bea!. fhc 6cund is tretllr more brutalrocals and I got a real eariy DTSFEAR feeting of this. Bri liantl Looking forward to ihe album (Dave) AIex distress@gmail.corh DISTRESS


-sptit CD Both bands from Russia, both bands share members, both bands play d-beal crust. The KOMATOS track are

good but ii's when DISTRESS staris thek side wiih P,or.rl Ard suvhe (vARuKERs) t|rt this spt[ cD besncs r!.lly good. lhoy olao play r oovir ot OtSCHARGE (lreanwhile)... cood bands, a good release and if you are inio d-beat crust drop atex a line and orderthis right now, hehel (Paul)


almorl rrtrid intncity. A[

no [-..L.

di$drod aFd go kom the Sta dting tD ro.ia aatay s!"5lohl torwad Hc/punk bockld br iome rylnmh ba.dne3, tight drumming and i hom t€Elion rhlch I!.

- A Btaze in the Northeh

ing up. Wow! (Dave)


DR GREEN - Culture RepairCD Th s is the 4th release from Lithuania,s DR GREEN who haee barn loang Crone ior 11 ya-r and they play 5 rnix of of HCJD6k end tyalt lq Suorisingly onouoh lhey rE rlaly lucln gooal G{[ars are

ally rerninds me a lot ofVOODOO GLOW SKULLS first album (which is anothor stand out for tha g6orq). All the songs a.e sung in heir native lanlulgo ulth the exception of 2 sung in English bui lyric kanslations are provided all of wich are social/potitical in nature. The packagrnq rr rBally ne\ at we l, ils a recyclad card_ board gate toad w, no plartE except tor the t$r! that holds it shut whtch t€B thE band togo and stbum ti e allor,.l . Efit I atro cdna€ with a stot(.r So ityou got .n ogon oind b lhe Sk€/Punk oEn by at.nG..t. dl€dr thisd€cout, you won't be dissapointed. Co reteased by 4lab€18 (Adrian) Zofia ll v,rww zona,ll Nikt Nic Nie Wie //

Srry split CD This CD is the auratequivalent ofbeing kamptedtA 23

ltirull gam ol Frle r€o'no hEdd€ p,rnl $ragm otn of Selldril lhe fril ba.d MASSGRAV cfiurrt out t2 fast-asjuck tracks ofSwedish hardcore that is a tot less formulaic than some. These fo ks obviously know how to do it righ1. I even hear a bit of a LJ S. hardcore influenoa n lhem as welt -te tfics have an angry a1d very oolllEal beno ,as {ar as I can get lror the eiptanai,ons, the lyrics themselves are entirely Swedish.) DTSKONTO is next and n eight tracks they btow this hard to foliow act straight out of the water! DISKONTO,S been &ing thla tor 1 2 )ra,l and you 06.r d.fnlbty EI, e{.€r, rdrg F E n€ht t0 thc poh( a,/sryriftc6.,6u€f paEced trd lrltrgtd out b ba !3 cadry arld ptalsd or 6s po+ dbL. OIGXOMTO hr{k€rE b..} b Sr€der'! h.rdcDr€ heyday with nods to bands tike MOB 47 and NO SECURITY but keeps things fiesh and interesirng at the !3t'|eiima. EIS[Etio.tB €re ako rwaaomE a8 pef u]J. el, kE€Cog lhhgt llraa,\rani .nd .El sllorrlrig S€ms€lve3 to get sia e- I may noi understand the cover art and the slea ing the name of a DARKTHRONE atbum doesn,t make sense to me, but this split is definitely worth pick-


of lhe lyrlc! oo Eptrl ge l,l Spsniri, bsi as l!€. a! I can tell, one Ot KARNVAPEN ATTACK,S songs is a lwo hner against COps. ADsrdne_ (Dave) La Plana Harde / Silvia P / C/Remedei 61 08500 Vtc / Spain // / www taplaneharde. cjb net


running gyrrdBh thrsBh.rE. ThE dbc conrgihr aff their old oul of prlnl ltaords, derno., lplltB. cdnpllation traclE Errd wttal DoL Th€ Lner noba hEve B ot



pump out ninetracks of crazy crust wllh !low6r, chuggy parts and fast blasiy parts you all knod llrd love. The


DISKONTO - Diskontography CD Well her6 ,/t haya rn e*ty dEogr€phy by

- spt

A heavy split from two awesome Spanjsh bands. Despite the name, DISYO|JTH sounds nothing like the normal "DlS'Tare as thek name would suggest, They

I\,4aloka // okadislro_com

Karma lVIira // www.DlYspb_ru

DRAIN THE SKY - s/CD lf youte into stripped down doomy music fu of meL -cholic m.lodh!, tis m€tn ba for yoo. St ilr{ oi wilh E t hetlum6rtal lnlro th€f8 fust ovar fuir rinotfr lo !.t lrE mood ORAI IHE sKY creolt ! so6&.sp. .t bcaufflllly hydEd muCc rnlth B dch thtckme3 trcu

$!sldn'l ftom a iour Ftuc. rritlout dqgandhg on kBrooqrua lor d6pth. I na fia rdt of .ric lorrd

you might find on the Neurot Records roster. This band seems to be heavily ,nfluenced by earty NEUROSIS, but wlthoul lhe noLy btl!. 's very mlnmrtyet grgantic €I lhG 6arrl€ tlrE wlth aa( ot yague but daep lyrics. All ln all thls 16 B ve.y good l!lea6e. (J*r) Life is Abuse / PO Box 20524 t Oaktand, CA 620 www DRILLER KILLER - ffie 4Q Mangrcna.te CD Th s is the latest CD from those Swedish HC veterans DRILLER KILLERI ltwas reteased in 2005 and sounds

vety fresh and raw as fuckt The 1t iracks pr€56nbd hell show how lar this bend nas come s,nce lhatf ong'ns in the eaiy 90s. Ltia hoavy. fast. good, strong Swedish PardFuc<ingCd€ Nut lald. By The Way DK guys -.. where d d that freaky looking monster dude on the back cover come from? (Ken Cherpunk) Crires Against Humanity Recordg pO Box t42tl Eau Clairc, Wll 54702 ll y,t'trw cah DRILLER KILLER - Cor4 Cheap & Dtsconnecbct CD This CD originally came out in 2002 and has been narly rEnE*e.ed End .eirsl,6d coufb8y aa Nir( tB Cflmaa Agaiml Hurmtuly RscDds Thaao a|t tO o{} nal mclr eltd Orsy do a vl!ry . Er€eong @v!r ot 1


ve PLFg W'dn Fire. b, dl. RUNAWAYS ctrca tSn You gotia hear that cover to believe ifl Good stuff! The rest ofthe music isyour usualSwedish HC fare, wailing

gutar l6ads, occasional slow and heavy breakdowns,

but mostlv metal influerced HardFuc\ing' (Ken Corel Yo.r krEw Fu lolra it. so go oul and get itl Cld€rDunk)

Crmes Againsl Humanity Records/ PO Box '4 21l Eau claire, WU 54702 // www cahrecords com DRILLER KILLER. IOIAI FUCRiN' BrutAIiZEd CD This CD contains the first 2 LPs completely remastered an4l uo b rnufl rlong witn 6 vftteo lracl on thB and oI |he dl6c Tha firBt EaDrd 'Brutsrzr' llo'n 1993' Holy 'i fuckino OISCHARGE wff3hp Batrn n'Sto'Bn 'rflB hEF

led Erri.r bu.6B ll DISCIiARGE limo or inoth6. il was c!9Pad on tisa re' cord, but fiafs nol . had tvno an ltry book a3 its bl.n dorl6 cor,ltlo3g lltrBB owr tlla yBac by msny diaro'$ bsn66 lorE wqh qllgl lendts end sorne rEt Love h' Loy6 (. IOVE tTnri' On ther !.co.ld recdd |tom l9g5 -fotrt Fuctnq Hal€' tlEy proorellsed s kl TIIo v@alE anr 6lol dto;g6t and liE ploatucton 'E wiy betEY A lhoooh I respy lrka boft dbume dcftn'E 'mgo^,Gmefl. By th€ way. I wa8 6ho grr€n $E vrryl v.'6|on6 d ht'e 2-LPE &vtahze (,./!,|8 on .Ed vln, a'td lr€ o$or 'e' cord was on yellow vinyl. Assel records did the vinyl versions Anyway,. Grab elther version when you see kL


dd it el

t! lKen

snd shon



C'imes Againsl Hu'nanfiy Reco'ds/ PO Box 1421l Eau Claire, Wl/ 54702 // www.cahlecords com DRILLER KILLER / SIMBIoSE ' split CD'EP

Sweden's DRILLER KILLER start things off with 2 Frrlit 90r€ 60riat of mElsl !t luct d_baal c'uBltor! _under t,le 3t,l' rr6-oen9 to ba lho ANTI-CIMEX 6an€ betied up a b{ and rY'Bl 6lral6nt |vflc6. Seoord Trtct lt en onodal tncl o#€G |rp mo.e ot wml lhey a'! Itr'''/fi tor. loo rlolci sr^lloih E^6tcola Bturall Potrugal6

stMBl6SE frnlsh lho dtBc oll wrtn 2 r8a*5 ol sdti! verv well ratclrdod meLallic d_beat crJslcore nol Jn_

rike'DRILLER KILLER, SKIT SYSTEIM and ExTRElvlE NolsE TERROR. Death metal riffing accomPanied by rumbling basslines, powerful drumming and a dual vocal altaak that at times brought lo mind another greal band doino thl6 Etytl C.n.d6'E MASSORAVE' pEt not venturino lnto lha grlndcolB. And I mu6l 6a) Urete sonos are dilinrtety wonhy of Csa^g ttrs band on re sam; bvel st lh.i mnuarE6. I baftcve ItxB ic @mtrE oul on vinyl as a 7" sometime soon if noi akeady Pick this uol (AdilEn) MCR Conpany / 157 KamlagL MaizurJ / Kyoto 624091 3 / Jepal //'html DRUGS OF FAITH



DRUGS OF FAITH, is a ihree piece band from Sier VA gld bov on ooy do lhey toow now bc E€od th' I sh-rvers Oorm my sprne wrth [1|6 6 lrEct CO ' wh''h beleve may be theil 'rrsl. Taryni Ihunderous bass


arj d the forefronl from atarl to tlnish, big filndrm hcks lh8l sllEmsta al mant spoada lo chlllng strokes

il,ow. tri,aw ana mooo oflhanong t rddor'l6 Gullrr wrs€. Richsld ,3 rEt ia. oll lhe 6ound o thE filst tdo ol NAPALT DEATH! Soum.6tormho an.l wcllGloq'I€d souncs ltl.l couolea fret powcathordE that droo nlD ma.odE E |d 11ello{, nf6gc tO OnhOft€ lo the tull be6c 6oond Gro.l drulrYmng blloldrum IdB and grumble b asLbeats where the need calls for- My only is lj16 ,/Ocdr, thay pgl nasd to bO a lrscllon lorrder ro DdmGlE wrli th. ;eai. bul 6t! coocemanl lho re6l Ilom hlqh EcGam3 L hostla D€llov'B fv! ptiyed lh'' CD d l;d t6n tm€s 6rady snd 6{.ry Ume I llslBn lo it I find a new riff, beat etc that I didn't notice the last time. There are times for an air guitar and listening to ttir le deBlilEay one ol the6, Tho lyrica aro p'Ety rEt_ roigactv! o'l umea ho lynclst lo!18 lhol meyb' d lhEd hsve (hns lnE. ,l6loed ol lhll ReEdrE lllcnr I can understand where they are coming from whlch l'm sure a lot of people will. This has definitely been an mtele6uno inlr9ducDon lD lho tlarrd snd an ex9en€oo' r rnrend dxoeo uD wn o [BLBng !o tlll .agEr ol 6 CD (N,lelHughes) www drugsoffaith com

EDELYGE 3 PIRAIETa , RUTTBUiAa ' r,|ir CO punk lrom CItch Ft ohl uo rw Erov. podhcel hard@e Rs'oub,l'c. ED€LWEISS PIRATEN otr rs nl,r6 lrad(. ot msaodlo tdd-lcmpo p!rr* tock wtlh iome 3rB bll' thmwn in lo. ! Emd msaru.6 6nd chld dl vocab. ech'' rny rsrnnEoent ol PETROGRAo. wn'b RuugURAKs eldtrt tracLr ere a D|l motE moody and @mb'ne E 6-

niots ol oetat. end d\Ft l thst n$le5


sense. Reminded me of LOST WORLD a loi for some 'easor (alhoJgt the gutlJral vocals are mab in Rum_ burak)... Enqli;h translations oflhe lyrics atE p'ovided' Great stufft (adaa)

MAP Records / Czech Repuolc // piraten@anarch' or www rumburak,czechcore cz ESCLAVES SALARIES ' Ca Augurc MalcD I do.t't doubt the5a h&s are qood el wllet fEy dD. hrt whst lh€v do rt rEetv no( lhal ,ntrlllmo b mr F'En"r

Cenad6; $pposa6 Ol wlth a t0'r6cEnl amosnl ol

lttEo'd bseebdl b€G erd b'a66 k^uctle6 Th'

R.oor. fiueclln. IhE rr!€rtE hrve FctuBs




.€ ont(B€cd .nd thst 6 d!finrtdy good rn,no we can'ne"e. tter! anougfi adla!a!5'D. Too b6d I ca; l r!6d FEnch. birl lhd 5 raily my fuckng fEillng





Thare E oorcnid halt: somrhm63 a ttild( st rlE orl dmnq bd then tatl! b5d( mb tho sam' old hnrirls. I hnin d ne€ds e bit mol! malooy 6nd bll ' le reqeoe t trti rt etngH whea I listdr to [. bln I ptob'

i.'|'l lt?

.brv;;'r Fd( 't up sc.'n lpr 6 u,tEl.. {Mstl lnd{r.^o nl" r€ FEiE I RoE Slr 3 / 37173 Golllnlen / G'iwYrv

ETHNOPAIRE - Arirnalie, cD and DvD ETHNOPAIRE from France describe themselves as r 'urn5e !unk' b€nd 5nd I c6n'l 6€y l v! heard nnroh trke li|E b€tol!, Th'nk ol nEd rins pbyld o€. t4crvlo b.ElG. acconlad vi$ 'rnbal' (for laci( ol e bBner hrm) inEltulr*nlalEn etrd o$er 9rcorlmlning, nrB hE3

' vrN orcce36€d, mduA[fial sound fr€r€ 6la no vocal6 li a douEL dlc th. elbr,ft E $ r!,txrei th€ !€cdu mo

rEl€ala. me

ar twrca /lnt',€16r,

ffsl E

ls I OVD turinq a live performance and other clips (Hazel) Folklore de la Zone lvlond ale / www.fzm fr


THE EU'S ARSE -Adesso ComeAlloft"'CD

Ah, THE EU'S ARSE, Etunning raw punk batd Lom lta' lv axEtttd b€l$6an 1 981 a nd 1 985' ThE, wdlt on ltal;an band UPSE NOISE' 6 becdn..mtlEr Greal Dooldel full of pttto€ elc. all n ltalian and f you


yciu l nol hive much ol .n ldd The gOA r€bdL sLtes llra al b€ing their dlecogla' ohv but tnats atlout it. No lhucn hdP Wlrat I c€n ltll cortarm Ore r EP Lo SrtrD H, &sg[to D vou 'Bene's. 't '02 Fofll/o and r.i'sph EP wtlh IMPACT (enoot' ldendarlt llatran b6ndl t\,uetuE 6ongE ol .aw ha(holl o;r* $lais$llhrt6 you t&a { dd €ona Ego lrost ol them v/torE .n lhdr mttl la6nai wh€n lXry starcd lha b'nd' Ba lh6l'! ! kr ol Goorly qEl|tg throllgh if all Lo{' fi punkg D.o(tuct'o.r. bd hay lhls stutt G lro.n 1982 when me gsr,a t rhft TtEl!'i 6 vld6o dl wal! punkg t|(l fi. C6. flom 2OOa^o m 1..s. bui my co.nouiet xtonl Coy Gel rr ss vou na€d !h. 6o{lwarE sl5l glayi AVI YloaB yor, clrsic ltallEn hardcoE Et ah gllEdabia pn" now

canl lhst lhan



Re;ords / Paolo Petralia / vA Oderisi Da Gubbio

61/69 / 00146 Roma / ltaly // w\44,.soarecords it

FAKE PROBLEMS- How Fat Out Bodies Go CD From Nele5. Fbrde miB hE a Y6,y Tl!, BARRY'6'i foakv t*1. Could dso ba seid lhcy hsvs a't AGAINST uEivoe rrappoa,no WhBlsvEr [iey havs gdtrg dr. lhb 6 a nrcs collod,an t y a t!^d uho hal/r 6 lot !o L)' !€l

P!rd( snd blk ttlh lot*


sin*.'|fie, ,mt


tun6a. dnd soma hfn9 loD. Eet{l 6 quio!'r lu!6 lika, "Cold on lh€ aa(f l8 .e.lly nPpdling rr{h a bil ol Eoun' lw th.lrwn rn. Oefon6}y can s€€ 116 bond gpUno ' huoe lolloflinq E6 lhav have E l!trla aomeltf,ng br ev' erfrnc snO Oo if vory wal wllhout srndlr€ codilnvrd Well donel (crudos) Saboi Productions / PO Box 28 / Gainesville, FL 32602 // www fakeproblems,com

FAx! PROE.EfG'qPt{!&o*t -do./s^oo*es


'klldotco ol FAK€ e,,{ti{irsdo, ts r oo.r9lbmn

i-Cer.if,,rS nra f Sp,"" rnd Spor6s. rnd thcir ir{ letl r.laseed cD watcrmg &€ 8d Gtl ,.re i&ttdot I * ta ot gro.tfy .n @'/ntry gome on her! Ptnry

"t erult rl vo-u re rn a twengy firooal sPgin on 6 b€ oood ta cmrs tb oz ttrarr I E n nol hor€r', I d!gtE8s)' lha lrackr lrolroa Ol fhe OEt€,| wilh i6 rllr'n aboul lh€ crot {orftrE mo rer trEurn,rC hE dattlh n a ilc' rds dlgcus.,|O th'rogs9hy .,i", ni.u", ',td ffin "Oour rhe dlsr ,5wB da*n unr Crtas-ten,rv ncn agg[eiarvg orci tosr. nEEl ir{ntGsLd I rr*r wh€n! oal br ooopv stfl wfrr gnrwtr and ang6t. plcnty ol futr C,{)



ir# Lre!€ wri"r'r'c no a'.d' G.t '?'e iraodlot skiD thrs comD. (stinkbot)

Sa;ot Productions / Post Office Box 28 / Gainesville' Florda 32602-0028 USA



fEEATTIC ' Hrrrt nCD

fiOwgnS..... pt r a tuzEd r0,t€ ot hErdcoE -"r. w,fi som" cttrt,cpsfu I odtlgarr mom to BOTCH aM svaa lome plrnxrd l'E €atly

punk early


into their sound. StoneQunk anyon6? well I like it!(Paul) w\a,w.myspace,com/baltimorefl owers

vew'stone/ sound on the guiters which fits well

FLY SHIT - Br:itza... Balna Nola Blzi? CO FLY SHIT hEil6 lrcm B€q..4 ln Noitfio SP'in'3



tommoua ga:auc Contry' aod B8tzt Bsin! Nola Bln? (o.. 'Liy.! &, How lo LrvE lr7 n Englc'r) '5 sl€'r trli tenotlr CO rgoato Lvrt6 ln B€8q!s wllh bofl irnr,* sid Soardr us|8letlotrs. llEE E a welLPto' aria nntdcon" o.rnt ,eood wli a d.6nrL Do'!9lrnr rr"oi. e p"rt wtEte HT SKER Ou. GG


"rnr""ce. nfl-r-l Alscutr-S

dl FUGAZi. and NCI.IEANSI.I(] lrano,lo od lnd vou r! lomeriisi oloaa Tht "l"ony urtrriat-end }orron rn mr dEpel al! e'Erlltnt Not b'd tur Bo[n.t|,rno


i ddnl thrlk

d.ri6tr.8 /





7a P@lr






' oata aratacels Records / 335 Posta Kulxa / 48200 Durango FREDAG DEN 13E - Derro 2006 CD FREDAG oEN l3E ftodt Gohe,lburo

!om; ao.l re oooo.


Swld'i dsvr "ld b ba,rdr urt vlc'

cnrltv ha6cof! uth tiEaad oll '/ocst''


goirol ru comr€r€taa

rnoM asxeg RlsE orlly .

ha'vy' lrtu€ 'tto€ ?lErE"m B !5o toma lr(, malodiar lL€ TMGEDY ond MARrYRD@. Thd! st€ tE lyrlc, on thlt da'tE bui lh' iona utlar who it boor Engiiah nd sv.rdti $o"! 0l'l


L\E-bt6d lB pomcd tld tilaad oi so'rg' [k' 8'cr lhir 6 Galty gDod (lomo d m*a5 7a Sr'l€tv r,ea, nlor" ot thlt bE E I yci, 6lE inio lh' ,r* ,ranf 6 'lEkaa mentioned bands checkthi6 one (Paul) wr/ iedagdenl 3e

Fucr ox fHE





Anoth,.tltar 'ol6rs! tom Y'rt*€s et UCR II y! Inofl FOTB. th6n ya loroYr lhat they 5rE lrggln Btab

uo bl'JdgEonrE JagEnraa atyle pElxri vEl€n'! t:'!' nies t riorv trG ths u.nd . lol and md thr ogponu V to o[ey wrtt/Eao lll.m n Tokyo. Th€y ara a/'an mo'! brut l'llva Plu6 lhay're 61n0l' nas ona ol the m6l l\ra eY€. 6aG On thl! ?o'oding tncy lxtl.ina 'tulllts tO Eo,r€ ol ltrir ltlendE b, utay o' @Y'ing oav h6nEO [#m. Thoio tonde oerng SHIXABANE .rd Vlvlslcx s i.rd( y.ahl RELAnONSHfT lroln J.l€r16. ,trh J'' fesl-oo,r ihet B @mC6lltly rans

[v rr

'!lerule6' CD it cr*t3no6d arld fi6t pr.rnpmg As a nlDe bonur aro frst s€r;.ai"dao alP6 fto,i bofi !6nds l m r€ally into this. (LawLess) MCR ComPanY // wwwdance


FUCK THE FACTS, MESERINE - sPlit 7" lUde old dtb o{ .gtc Orlnd maytarn coft'3 o'l b.euliful vmn wirts vinvt, thBl only cdda lD th' ovtrall



rrE€(hbar lplrt Tt+D ol Ou'6*'6 I Oils€a br p(jru lnio tE gtind' bodr thrla bSltdB en! tiot all thel mudr d E aao6t. UaXe oner ,rp o',rcr rtre log ].ind el lE 0nr'l th't lr

nrce bsgr

oaaraing ioor



sacras wdl


sute to leave your ears ringing One lrack from FTF of brutal grind metal (didn't this band sign with Retapse

recently?) accompanied by thres offerings ofihat kill€r old schoolgrind MESERINE is known and loved for- on th€ fip side. This is so fuckin' exc€ll€ni that I just gotta play it again and again. (Lawless) Sonic Deadline // wwwsonicDeaoline cjb nel and Sir Punkly // www.sirpunkly com



Tdumph Of Life CD

ofyouram, Canada's FUCKED UP shock us with only 3 tracks afler trying to be LED ZEPPELIN or something releasing double LPs or what not. They've got a lot in common with DAS OATH, they slarted oul as raging hardcore and somewhere down (he line started listening to 70's rock With a back catalogue the length

Hmmm, aretheytrying to be the next KILLERS or some olher charttopping rock band? is thatwhatthis r6l6ase

is destined for, chart stardom? Hope not. The vocals are still raw and fucked up (ahem) as ever, and feeloui of place at times with the music. Progressive (?) music wilh hardcore vocals The lyrics remain as cynlcal as 6ver. (Mel Hughes)

Vice UK I 77 Leonard Street


London / EC2A 4OS /


GERIATRIC UNIT - Arucreer Accidenb EPCD GERIATRC UNIT is a band comp sing of four, old as hell, Bntish guys who have been in d6ep freeze for many years and play fast as hell unadulterated hard@re Between the four of them is probably over a c6ntu.y of band experience, and it shows in this superbly and w6llexecuted CD. For those who don't know, GERIATRIC UNIT is comprises of members from such great and well respected bands such as HERESY FORCEFEO, HARD TO SWALLOW, JOHN HOLIT'ES and many more, Ten songs in as many minutes, taking inspkation from what they remember from digging out thek old 80's hardcore remrds Just think of BAD BRAINS, MDC (fircl LP), [rOB 47, NEOS, POISON IDEA and many more, along with crucial comps such ASTHIS IS BOSTON NO LA, PEACE^ruAR, CLEANSE THE BACTERIA, the old MRR comps and you should get lhe idea of where l'm coming from. l've so wanl6d to hear this for a long time and bless Dan's cotton socks for letlrng me tell the world just how good it all is. lts all super fust power-chords zooming by like a runaway train, gnarly beats and spat vocals The lyF ics are in your face and shaight to the point. Like'Kill Th6 Pose" is for the poseurs, some are on the sickness of society and depression. I had to laugh ai "WasteLine" and the facts of getting older and how it applies to me: "so, hair falls out, youthful looks fade, waistline expands and lifes ls pain', couldnl have pul il better myself OLD-FAST-LOUD! This is what I wanied it to be, rt's that and a whole lot more. Super amazing and ifyou getthe chance, snap it up before you get too old. (lt4el Hughes) Network Of Friends Records // GIGLINGER Orsfortio, CDEP I have never heard of this band before Apparently Finland's GIGLINGER have been around for over 10 years They have a unusual strategy called- No gigs, No full lengths, No bullshit- This is a 4 song CO EP that's prew electronic. Think a happy SKINNY PUPPY with Brit-punk guilar. Not sure whatthe lyrics are aboul cause it didn't come with any (Lulang) www.kingpenguinrec,com / www grglingeacom GIUOA- s/t CD This is the frst album from ltalys GIUDA who features Agipunk label boss Mila on vocals They have also members from acts like ltaly's DISARM This is a really good release which have a dirty and good sound Think simple and aggressivo 80 s Scandinavian/lJl(Japanose crusty hardcore all the way kom start to finish 'frackslike Decadenza and P/oggla Nera tops il all and it is a very good album 10 songs raw punk up your

arse. (Paul) I\,CR Company / 157 Kamiagu Maizuru / Kyoto 6240913 /Japa1. LP versron released oy Aqipunk GRAF ORLOCK - Desfia etion Time Yesterclay CD Their press sheet descrjbes them as a "cinema grind" band, but I have no idea what that means. So let's discard that sheet shall we? Thls is a modern grindcore band thai sounds a lot like the siuffthat's being released by Relapse these days. Lots of stops and slaris, breakdowns and some pretty techy gu tarwork, There's a lot of samples throughout some of the songs wh ch can get kind of distracting. The lyrics are really good Condemnation of American culture from the larger scale, to the smaller scale. While this isn't lhe sort of thing td nomally lisien lo, this is aclually really rad (lnbred) Level Plane Records I PO Box 126 / Barnegat NJ 08005

THE GREAT ST. LOIJIS . Forcver Now CD Noi sure ifthis is Rockwith hints of Punk or Punk tinged with Rock. I guess it doesn't fucking matter. Previous comparisons putthem somewhere between LEATHERFACE and SOCIAL DISTORTION and that's certainly not ,naccurete but I may give the wrong impressron: THE GREAT ST. LOUIS lacks the ra\rv character of these acts but never sounds overproduced These UK rockers romind me most of RPM era RISE AGAINST, albe[ with more of the aforementioned rock eiemenls Good solid stuf{. (lratt Indignant) JSNTGI\, Records / PO Box 1025 / Blackpool, Engtand FY3 OEB / UK

HEADED FOR DISASTER Demo 2006 CD HEADED FOR DISASTER c.mes from Sweden aod plays a chaotic mix of punk and hardcore, sometimes ihey sound like DC hardcore and sometimes like Swedish hardcore, The vocals are desperate, crisp and flts well to the music Overall this is a good demo who shows this baod's potential I got a feeting that ihe next releaso is going to be better than this, although this is not bad ai all. (Paul) www / www,

HEADS KICKED OFF - Dlscogtaphy 1996-1999CO These dudes were from Melbourne, Australia, and this CD compiles some unreleased material along with cornp tracks, an out of print 7", and some live stuff [4usically, il's fast and very pissed off hardcore punkl llaybe comparable to DESTROY or CAPITALIST CASUALTIES. Basically it's fast core power violence type stuff, Some random tempo changes thrown in here and there with some blasl beais scattered about. The vocals are very harshly screamed and sound VERYangryl l\,4osl ofthe recordings sound really good, and it's

pretty heavy siuff. I don't usually dig power violence type fast stuff, but this is actually really good, and they have pretiy good political lyrics, which is a definite plus for me! I hale it when a band doesn't have anr,thing good to say kighteous) Itlark / PO '1T 58 / North Fiizroy, Vic 3068 / Australia //

HELLSHOCK/ EFFIGY OutFron the Dark Side split CD

GREENLAND WHALEFISHERS - Dow, andOutCD Huh? There must be some kind of mistake here The CD says GREENLAND WHALEFISHERS but this is cleafly some collecton of POGUES outtakes l've never

heard. Bul wail, ths guy sounds tike he has teeth! This can't be the POGUESI Alright, all joking aside the GREENLAND WHALEFISHERS are apparently Norway's answer to the POGUES and they rea ly really sound like them right down to the whlsky-soaked vocal cords. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the album, hell lwould have pissed myself over ihis about ten years ago These fo ks are quiie good at this Just magine a slighily tighter ess inebriated /f/ Shou/d Fal/ from Grace with God anr'1 you've goi this album (lvlatt lndignant) Patchwork Records / no address

HARAKIRI- Brooddemo & Shi( demo CD's Full on b own out distorto-metai infused grind assault with sick vokillzl These demo CD's were a very pleasant surprise ln my box of review goodies lhis issue. I know absolutely nothing about this band, except thai they fuckin'rule and hail from Belarus Very basic DIY packaging, covers screen printed (one on what looks/ feels llke brown paper bag), photo copied inserts with lyrics (some songs in English/some in Russlan) and a mini poster all in a plaslic zip lock baggy. So about the bands sound- ifya putABCESS, WADGE, CATHETER &AGATHOCLES in a blender and pui it on puree, HARAKIRI wouid be the thick, bloody mixiure left at the bottom bei,veen the blades. (Lawless) SeJf released // www.xarakiri666

HARK! IT'S A CRAWLING TAR.TAR - Dorr Del Gelap Communique CD Wowl Really nice digipack with some amazing art Comeswilh iold outlyrics insertand posier lth nk the poster art is done by the bands singer, Kenji. This band comes frora lndonesia and have a loi to say to theiroppressive government thru their lyrics This is really welldone politicalcrusl lhat has some darkgloomy edges as well as some thrashy fast srylings here and there. A very cool and interesting release, that is well worth searching out. (Lawless) www.thrashsteadysyndicate conr


For all of you I ke myself wno enjoy takng your music with you but can1 afford thoseturntabies lhatconvertvinylto mp3s CrimesAgainst Humanity was kind enough to release ihis out of print splil on CD HELLSHOCK'S contribution is three songs of rain soaked crusty metal iust the way your mom likes it plus a cover of Lifeslyles by POISON IDEA The sound quality is greai and the mix is perfect so their songs hit you in the face like a bag of bricks According to Dusty (aka the cat crusher) they don't play 8/oodsuckers or /// is lrel/ anymore so you should picklhis up ifyou want to hearthose songs. Since l've been living under a rock this is the first time l've had the pleasure of hearing EFFIGY They kicked out three songs of Japanese style thrashy mayhem for this one wjth some flailing guitar solos and rhythms that made me want to starl an old school circte pil. From what I was iold this recording is unusually lojifor lhem and it doesn't representthem properly, but t does add to the darknessofthe lyrics l'lldefinitely be looking o!t for other recodings. (Jake) CrimesAgainst Humanily Records / PO Box 1421 / Eau Cleite. V',ll 54702 ll www cahrecords com HOMBRINUS DUDES- s/t sp I\,4mm-hmmmm, this sweet EP contains a handful of tracks of two piece MI grjndcore hotness. I do love a good grindcore duol H-Dudes are super raw and heavy with a touch of meta{, all with the blast beats and duat raspy growling voca s that make such things so awesome The not exactly blasting but still fast type parts shou d induce a whole mess of bangover Bonus points are awarded forgood politicallyrics and a coolilvo-part cover lfyou love bands like UNHOLYGRAVE, DENAK, or NAPAL[.4 DEATH's good records, you willenjoy this. The record is a benefitfor Leonard Peltier and features a short spoken piece about the cause on stde B, so even internet music people and lazy punks who don't read inserts will have to pay attention (Hazel) On the Warpath Records / onthewarpathslT@yahoo.

IACCUSE/HUMMINGBIRD OF DEATH . split LP Two fast as fuck bands that make NASCAR nuts yearn for "the need for speed" Kudos to Uncle Ken (the ireedom fighter) over at Sound Pollution for having the good sense to leam up IACCLJSE from the Motor City

wth the mighiy damn ferocious HUMMINGBIRD

OF DEATH from Borse. I ACCUSE kick start lhis slab of vinyl with eleven kicks to the throat of over the top fast-core sickness, at times reminds me of VIVISICK - which is a huge compliment On the flip side we get a realthrash-core pummeling by HOD, who manage to keep it interesting with a heavy dose of powerviolence thrown in for good measure, These dudes bring to mind bands lrke INFEST and HERESY Yup this is just that good. (Lawless)

Sound Pollution


PO Box 17742


Covington, KY


ICTUS/THIS THING CALLED DYING - split LP ICTUS rock their side ofthis split with a single song on their side of the LP Pretty, melodic and epic, it rs ex_ actly the sort of Spanish crusty goodness we've come lo yearn for from bands llka EK(AIA or IVIADAI.'IE GERIl,,lEN. Spastic, emotive sl^glng wdh political lyrics rails its way ov6r melodic hardcore nffs Features members Of MADAME GERIUEN, THIS THING CALLED DYING from NoMay rocks their side of the LP with fast and furious hardcore crust [Iultiple vocals spew at ya over lightening fast riffs. Check'em out!(Maygun) A16rta Antifascista ILEGALITY Sami Proti Sebe... CO From Slovakia ILEGALITY bounce forth with a quality release. Darn, l've found this CD the hardesi to review and left it until last Amazing sound qualty full of good riffage and tuneage A band thal cannol be p€eon holed, not that they would want to be, and makes it all lhe more an interesting release.They havea hard-edge punk sound wilh some hardcore sensrbilities. Know what they are doing and do lt well. l'm drawn towards good stuff by GBH, RESTARTS etc as a basis to give you an idea ofwhere lhey are coming from. lve always loved Eastern European bands and ILEGALITY are no exception- Odginallyrics and life and allthat itthrows al you. Worthy release ifyou liketunes with a hardedge to them. ([rel Hughes) wwwilegality-org / IMPERIAL LEATHER / CLASHDOGS split CD Pretty hard to go wrong here lL, in caseyou don'tknow, are an excellent Swedish punk band with an all'starline up playing some classic snotty punk/hc. CLASHDOGS are a Japanese band playing some hyped up rock n roll street punk. Another ine I\,4CR release (N ick l\rangel)

MCR Company 0913 / Japan


157 Kamiagu l\,4aizuru



/ Kyolo 624-

Cotk Screw Pork Sword


This is a recently released slngle by a Vancouver, WA band that featured a young Tom Roberts (better known as Pig Champion) playing guitar in his first band befo.e POISON IDEA. Therc is a dlstinct similarity to lhe songwriting on this recod afid Pl's Pick Your King EPI fast, punchy hardcore with driving down_picked guilar riffs. One side is recorded in '1980 whilst the other is taken fiom a live show in Eugene, OR in 1981 The

singeristheonlythingthatreallykillsthisrecordforme. Lyrically it's basically a litany of snot and cusswords, reminiscent of someihing you d find scrawled in G G ALLIN s notebook. The shock value fails to shock, and lhe vocals aren't awesome enough to cover for lack of creativity. Kind of like a second-rate SICK PLEASURE. A must have for Pl. geeks of coursel (Rob Hanna) Fatal Erection Records / www myspace com/fatalerec-

iionrecords INHASTE


Tre ly.ecftage LP

Oui of the ashes of Seattle bands SHITLIST and

RAZED comes INHASTE. a powerhouse ol mus.cians to dropwhateveryou are doing start a circle pit and throw stuff across y€r living rooml Fast impeccable drumming backs walling guitars; the brutal lyrics dark and heavy in tone sing of ominous polilical and personal lopics. Combinations of pounding d-beats, grinds, biasts and breakdowns twst into

thatwillmake you want

fast and heavy riffs ihatthen segue into hard, heavy as fuck overtures and changes! The music is meiiculous as wellas fullofraw rage and energy- fans of 90s crust and hardcore, as well as anyone that I ked SHITLIST or RAZED should check this outl EveMhing about this record shows thal they spent iheir time to make ihis good. The quality of the music as well as the recording is excellent (l\,4aygun) LJnrest Records / www unreshecords com lN NOMINE CHRISTI Quo vadis? LP Describing thls one rs a bit iricky as lhey're sound is unconventional The opener is a tweLve pus minute track that sels the pace for this very bleak and desper' ate slab o' wax lmagine the sound you would get if you combined AMEBIX and eany GODFLESH Make sense? l.N C are a combinatlon of stripped down crusi and almost industria electron c rhythrr wth creepy rrelodies thal are sure to haunt you in your sleep lt completely look me by surprise, bulthe more I listened to t the more ii made sense. lt's good to hear folks that break away from tradition to truly express their ideas especially when the sound and lyrics complment each olher so well An additional sheet was added to translate the lyrics from German to English, which really helped understand the dkection of this band Th s is definitely worth checking out. (Jake) Civilisat on Records c/o Oliver Schwarz / Parkstrasse 39 /8g312Gunzburg Germany www civilisalion-records com lNRl - Demok acia CD These guys are from Poland and p ay political melodic pdrll @ck reminding m€ on PROPAGANDHI but witn *i oaalem ElrDpBlo,uch lo 1l and lhis iB ectlaily'13klnd of kacks how this is described from the label as well. in about 30 m nutes along wth a booklel comp ete with lyrics, pictures and some info unfortunately only in Pol' ish. Ouite good punk rock, nothing really special but at the same time. lhave no complaints here as this is a well-done record with a solid production (Potin) inri@band pl// \oww inrl band Pl

INTERLUDE s/t 7" INTERLUDE from Zaragosa, Spain plays sow emo style hardcore I don't know this genre at al so I can't compare it to an!'thing, bui guess they are into NEU' ROSIS's latest record ngs because it sounds a bit similar. lfyou are inio that k nd of Hardcore I guess you w ll lke this oowerful, melodic and slow wilh screaming vocals. (Paul) www.myspace com/theinterludeband ISTUKAS OVER DISNEYLAND - Ar, Eeen Said Beforc CD AllBeen Said Before rcleased in 2001, took a while to get here I guess, is the first release by ISTUKAS OVER DISNEYLAND Ths disc is 1en poppv upbeat tunes aboui hanging oui, unity, drinking beer, hating on disco kids and then they bust out some pollucs Struggle Fat Su-Vivaland Betrayed Hopes (a toia fist pumpin track) sre pretiy solid anti authority tracks, there s an anticop tune called Glgs Of lhe Pigs and an anti sexual abuse number called Sex Scanda/ This record covers a lot of ierritory and it's a bil angsty at times but check lt out N ce for a Saiurday aflernoon (stinkbot) Cat Food Money Records JUSTICE DEPARTMENT


Deily Massacre CO

Wow This is some brutal grind'influenced hardcore! JUSTICE DEPARTMENT take the finest aspects of classic bands lke EXTREME NOISE TERROR, SORE THROAT, and NAPALN,4 DEATH, and put a modern hardcore twist on them Technical guitar, complex drumming and the occasronal slow part make this a killer album And then we get into the lyrics (al in Spanish, but Eng sh translaiions accompany the disc). Ev_ ery song is aboLrt the industries that supporl the muF der of defense ess animals. 100% vegan grind for the punx!The artwork is disiurblng, but in awaythatmakes

you think about where your m€at and dairy come from Even more disturbrng is the PEIA video that accompanies the disc - extremely graphic, and not in a "cool" gindcore kind of way. (lnbred) New Eden Records/ PO Box 11055/ Costa Mesa CA, 92627l wvvw newedenrecords com KHATARINA s/t 7" Debul 7" from this all female Finnish band and its quite an impressive one at thai Playing what you would expect to come out of Scandinavia, solid pissed off dbeat crust with dualshouted vocals, sounding similar to earLy DISKONTO but not as fast But what sets KHATARINA apart from the d-beat hordes is that the stark b/w images of war and death and lyrics about war are nowhere to be found- Lnstead they have songs that are a bit more relevant in the socral sense by being femi_ nist in nature taking on such issues as gender roles, alcohol abuse and macho attitudes iowards women in bands etc Songs are sung in English one in Swedish wth translations in Japanese. lchecked out some newer songs on theirweb site and got hyped for a new release which I hope comes sooner lhan later. (Adian) Accraim Colleclive t 1O1 Fuji-a 2-10'4 . Sangenjaya Seiagaya-ku llokyo 154-OO24 I Jepen //' masters com KNI CRIK - Foudle CD Formed n 19M, KNI CRIK was an experimental punk I ftee jazz gtoup ltom Paris that derived much of their sound and aesihetic from Sioux lndian folksong and tribalchanis while conceptually this discographyCD is an interesli'rg artifact in Frances bizarre music scene, lind myself struggling lo figure outwhat bleating saxo_ ptirl.s6 hav! to do wl$l faiiei AmodcanB Muat ot il i6 painlr.rly che6y, and El t,m6 ll almc! le€G li(t ,gu r! llstening to a bad TCH-KUNG! cover band. l'm nol sure exactly how much acid you have to be on to enjoy lhis record, butifthe back cover photo is any indication I bet their live show is completely out there (Rob Hanna) Folklore de la Zone [,4ondiale Records // www.fzm-fr

KOSAYASHI- ileuarst/icr, LP Super melodic hardcore punk from Bremen, Germany, Vocals are kind of reminiscent of NAKED RAYGUN, bac\ed by raginq. fist-pumping, punk. Lyrics sung in German are of a political/personal nature, translated into English, Spanish and Japanese on theirsecond al bum Guest vocalist Laura from DISFACE on the track, La yal/a Awesome record, don't let it get ove ooked

(crudoil KOAAYASHI / Stedinger Strasse 58 / 28203 Bremen / Germany // wu /v kobayash i-dlsko. org

split LP Finnish Hc/Punk vets KoHU-63 start thts LP off, and being that l'm only iamiliar with their "classic" material of ycateryear I wa8n'l rr6lly p€porBd hr what I w*i atto{, to hea.. Aknost 30 yoaB oader bul rc dgn ol a^, slowing down whatsoever! Faster butstillplaying those catchy/melodic riffs with more power and tighter than they've ever been kind of leaning towards the "crust core' sde of the spectrum but they keep it tucking punk- They rage through ten tracks all sung in Finnish (English/German translations provided) two of the tracks happen to be RED WITH ANGER covers and another is a cover of 'El Salvado/ originally done by UK punks THE INSANE. l'm always happy to hear old bands still together and still releasing top qualiiy anger filled HC/Punk Germany's RED WTH ANGER offer up a similar experience onlywith a more metallic influence ranging fron mid to thrasn pace, and songs sung in boih English and German Also providing a KOHU 63 cover sung in German of course, Lyrics are definitely pissed off and cover such topics as lhe punk Polico, listening to racist bands cause the music is "good", and the shlt we gotta deal with in everyday life etc There's also a "hidden" bonus track where members of both bands team up and do a fun track that sounds like it should be on an 8O's hak metalcomp All in allthis ls KOHU-63 / RED WTH ANGER -


a great record and should be in everyone's collection! (Adrian) AsselRecords /Groner Landstr.4g /37081 Goettigen / Germany // www.asseFrecords de Stay Free Underground Records // wwwsfu-records. com

KLINIKAs/t CD I f€el special. Sup€r speclal- Bec€use someon€ out there thoughl enough ofme to mak6 a band comprised of all my favorite things and send it to me for revlew. What did I do to deserve this? Have I been good? KLINIKA hail from Poland, wher6 they released this 4 song teaser to thek upcoming LP lmagine a modern-day POST REGIMENT with a fiddle player, and you have a good idea of what thes6 {olks sound like. They have the classic pollsh punk rock down. whipping lhrough songs with a passionaie intenisity. The main female vocals ale awesomel And the violin weaved lhrough the songs really brings'em home. Can'twaitto hear more! (Maygun) Nikt Nic Nle Wie / PO Box 53 / 34-400 Nowy Targ / POLAND //

KOLOKOL - Flammer & Faryer CD Melodic yet h€avy NoMegien HC, with influences ftom some of lhe bands from that cold wasteland. At times

more technical and sometimes harch. The lyrics tend

lo be clean but have thsir shouting mom6nts. Fucking crazy thick booklet with tons of pictures of accordions, hatch€ts, and other objects. I don't quite get the rel€vanc6, but wow. (Nick Mangel) Sjakk Matt Plaier / Postboks 49 / Valerenga N-0626

KYKLOOPPIEN SUKUPUUTTO s/t LP pronounoe €ven by Finnish standards. Raging, thrashy HC detinitely reminiscent of lheir countrymen TERVEET MDET, KAAOSRIISTETYT, LAMA, and oth€B only p€rhaps 6 little fuller sounding and heavier. The lyrics are mor6 ind6pth and

A hard band name to

muting and w€ll-placed solos take the edge off of the very urgent lyricsdealing with governmentlies, poverty,

and general shittiness of lhe state of our ptanet due to human greed and destructjon. Even if you are not from Hungary and c,on'i und€rstand the lyrics the feeling comes through without question. (Jake) Maloka / BP 536 / 21014 Dijon Cedex / France // www. malokadistro,com LORDS OF LIGHT . E ergy LP This is a very strange release indeed! No matter how many tim€s I give it a spin I still don't know what to think of itl lt's a real mix6d bag of stuff. lt jump's all over th€ place, from shoutod vocals and fast bits of 6usic to clear/mellow vocals and music, and lot's of stu{f in between There are some silly lyrics paying homage to AC/DC, I.,IOTORHEAD and Euro Prog Rock from the fucking seventiesl I can t help but think ofthe line from old [,4onty Python skjts, 'And Now For Something Completely Different". This is thek second LP and my copy was on be€e Mnyl. (K€n Ciderpunk) / / LUCRATE lrllK.s/t 2XCD+DVD My frst experience with LUCMTE [4lLK, and what a wild and weird trip it's b6en taking in thls package of 2 CD's and 1 DVD. They formed in 1979, this French band is what I used to call Art Punk, when the lines between punk and ngw wave mix€d fre€ly. Not unlike som€thing you'd hear ftom Rough Trade, mixed with CRASS and or CHUMBAWAI\4BA The first CD comprles just about alltheh musical output, including loads of live performances The second CD is various bands and p€opi€ doing covers of their songs which ts a v€ry neal idea for a discography. The third disc is a DVD. Can't say that this is something I woutd've been into, but still this package of their material is fun as hell to explore and check out Nicejob. (crudos) Folklore De La Mondiale / Paris, France lucraternilk.


intelligent than their fFinnish forefElhers, no slight to the

gods intended. The angerjusi pou6 ofithe vinyll (Nick

lrangel) Tuska &Ahdistus/ Karhuntie / Finland

5 B 24 / FIN-65360Vaasa

LARKIN . Araxerdre CD Thi6 release from Ouahoma's own LARKIN contains six songs of true lrish maudlin'. The traditional lrish style of music they play allows them to be comfortabl€ in both their own individual lunes as well as covers of old Iavorites. Truly lrish in natur€, LARKIN floats along on happy tun6s that back lyrics so dark and poetic, it will make you want a ddnk if lhe fiddle and p€nny whislle don't already. Features lydcs srich as The boys are out on the botlle again in a wodd of our own tragedy as it all is falling in once again as it always is soeming to be'. Fans of THE POGUES and such similar music should dofinitely check out LARKINI (Maygun) Know Records / PO Box 90579 / Long B6ach, CA 90809 //

LAST DAYS OF HUMANITY "Putref.ction in P.og. ress" cD Blasting blown out gore grind, appar€ntly this band has been around for 17 year6, which blows my mind. I .6member solne of thek 6ady recDrds and they c6rtainly are pretty good for the gore grind g6nre which I am pretty picky about as a lot of it is shitty. 41 songs to pummelyou into a bloody messl (Nick Mang€l) Bones Bdgade/ BP 31 / 62't40 Hesdin France

LECSA+UNK . l,egslis Puszaraas CD Ahhh, this dlsc brings mo back. W€ll, not the band 6s much es lhe sound. They have this lete '80s early '90s thing going on that is really refrcshing. Musically if6 very nelodic and en€rgetic while retaining a bit of simplicjty. lt's sorl of pre-pop punk if lhal makes any senso to you. Sp6€dy guitar riffing with plenty of palm

LUMEN . Lume, /l Raiso, d'et € CD lam not sure iflgot the band name right on this one, the packaging is kind of scant and in a weird font!Too bad bec€use this is fucking incredible. Definitely along the lines of NEUROSIS, RED SPARROWES, and at times some Geman Mosh metal shit lik€ AC[,/jE, orAS THE SIJN SETS. Long songs, some of which are up to 15 minut€s. Very wellcrafted music- Ihave no ideawh6re this band is from or what their deal is which I would like to know but as I said lhe packaging is spalse. A surpdse favorjte here! (Nlck Mangel) Day Affer Records / PO Box 158 / 3320'1 As / Czech Republic MAD CADDIES - Keep il Go,rig CD Starling in 1995, this central CA- bas€d group mix elements of reggae, swing, Dixie, dancehall and punk on Keep,l Ooirg, their 5h full-lengih .€lease. lt's produced by Wayne Jobson, who's had his hands in producing artists IiKe NO DOUBT and TOOTS & THE IVIAYTALS, and as a resultthis is a very polished dancehallrecording. At ils best tmes this record harkens to mid-career CLASH or MADNESS, and th6re are some impeccably catchy and danceable songs hk6 "Pyraftid Scheme." Then,justwh€n you're almost guiltily onjoying il, singer Chuck Robertson staris doing his best Sugar Ray impression, and allof a sudden itfeels likeyou?e lislening to SUBLIME. lf you're really into gotng to WaFed Tour this is right up your all6y. (Rob l-lanna) Fat Wr6ck Chords / PO Box '193690 / San Francisco, CA 94119-3690 /


THE MAKAI TheEndofA You KnowCO THE [4AKAi are a metal band from northern Califomra. The music here is straight foMard m€tal most of the time (that's preity good) with the exceptions of some nu metal sounding parts/songs. The vocals are tok€n metal cooki€ monster at parts but are mainly high pitch


and whiny as you will notice as soon as the CD starts There are no lyrics in the CD but with song titles liko "fire breathing damsel devoure/' and "lady of the lake' I can assume what the lyrics might be hke. Most punks probably wont dig thrs but mekl heads and screamo kids will love it (Lukng) www.themakairocks.@m MALA SANGRE. Rde IheWnd...7" Lels Fuckirg Rrde starts otrthis brilliant 7" The style is metallic crust in the veins of HELLSHOCK, EOI\r. Pissed off vocals and good riffing makes this 7" with two songs very goodl I'm vsry excited too h6ar more from lhis bandllSo if you?e a fan ofthashy crust this is strongly rocommendedl!Aw6some a(worktool (Paut) www.myspac6 com/malasangre MALIGNANT TUMOUR / GURKHA - Split CD II4ALIGNANT TultloR call thek side Rock and roll engine and lhat is ono spoton description Take SEVERD HEAD OF STATE, ANTICIMEX, and MOTERHEAD put them in a blender and you have Rock and roll engine. MALIGNANT TUMOUR also added the tracks from lheir split with LYCANTROPHY ss a bonus. The GURKHAside is titled Ddnking from th6 skutts of dead gods. It has more of a trashy punk fll with deprossing lyrics about how shitty humanity really is. This CD is not one of the most polrtical lhings going but its great to rock out when your wth good ftiends and a few cases of beer (Lutang) lnsane society records / PO Box 18 / 504 01 NO\aV BYDZOV / CZECH REPUBLIC MASSMORD . Urreasrred LP The second fulll€ngth LP from Sweden's MASSMORD shows lhat the band has now fully matured into their own sound and have great comfort playing wth each other. Twelve blistering new tracks of comptex-sounding Scandi-crusl, with male/iemale vocals, rot€ntless battering of the drums, ear-drum rendering guitar sound, and ominous bass rumble like that oI an armored brigade on lhe move. The lyicsare mainly in Swedish and are appropriately angry and political (there's Engtish explainations printed on the inner sleeve). This eastly ranks up there in quality with other top notch Scanrdinavian bands of ihe anarcho-crust genre like OPERATION, PROTESTEM, TO WHAT END?, DIASPORA, etc. (Dan) Blindead // htlpJ/ Nakkeskud // Halvfabrikat // wwwhalvfabdkat net Contrasrl //


MERCENARY COCKROACH Steps to NOWhete Demo CD Judging by tho misl€ading pop punk looking cover ldidn't have any high hopes for this one. However I was completely surprised once I put the disk in MECENARY COCKROACH are ftom Croatia and describe themselves as g nd core but, I got a more DEICIDE Legion era (with better lyrics and a much tighter budget) feel from it. The bass is pummeling and the guitar work is amazing Evory song has technical solos fult of dive-bombs. The vocals are very guttural. My main complaint is llistened to this a few times trying to follow the lyrics but I never had a clue where the singer was at Allin allifyou like m6tal this is for you. (Lulang) mercenary_cockroach@walla,com MEHKAGO N,T,. s/t CD Fucking €ar splitling thrashy crust grind-core explosioh of epic proportions, AAARRRGGGGHHHHHI There is a bit of some death m6tal leanings in this band's sound as well, making the five atlacks on here ihat much more interesting. The recordrng is good yet there is stitt a raw edge to the overall production, I think lheir name roughly fanslates into " lshiton you" in Espahol. Hope these dudes from Florida get on it and rot€ase so6e more shit, This CD has been tn my car stereo for a iow days now. Membe.s of I,IEHKAGO N.T. have also done

time in SHITSTORM and TORCHE (Lawless) S.O.Y Records / I\rehkago N.T. / 5'11 S Royal Poinici' ana Blvd #106 / [4iami Springs FL 33166 MEISCE Bored offhe Darce 7" One dgy a bunch o, drunk punk tock€6 m SeattlB d6_ clda.l ll ws! h€h llme to step oul ol lhair inductd wodds, tear themselves away from such notable other p.ricrs ,3 WoRMWOOD, COUNTDOWN TO ARMAGEDDoN. aod INHASTE tor a faw mlnulcs, plcl uP r.ltumer|ts. aid el llk€ rlEy ra krlh Some ive odd y6ir tstEr, oul ol lrE om l,ghts ot pubs all around lhr Pacific Norlhrcs( llro lone sor€6 hsve made iheir way onto a beautful piece of wax. Muslcally, MEISCE are a wonderful mlx of classic kish styles, twists of gypsy tJnes. are€p6 of Kl6:a1or. tnd pure pLnk rock energyl The firtdl.. accorolan. ard mandoln playilg all add an aweaomdy oqlocta addition to the mix, whjle backing guitars, bass and drums fill out the instrumen' tals behind droning, deep brash vocals. Lyrics are dark, sardonic, and funny. Simply put, if you like punk rock, and you lt ln3h mudc. th6 b tha bsnd lbr yoo Tho Nvo tongs laaru.ecl dl lh6 7 ere o. y a coupla o{ $r€ many beaulrfultunes that you wrll want to sing along to This is one of my favorile new releases I hope io see more soonl (l\raygun) Fistolo Records / PO Box 2836 / Upper Darby, PA 19082 // wwwflstolo com Aborted Society Records / 1122 E Pike Street / Seattle WA 981 22-3934 // www abortedsocieiy-com THE MINGERS - Passion not Fashion CO THE L,IINGERS come from Leeds IJK and play a style compared to F-MINUS, KILL YOUR lDlOLS, D.R l, and MINOR THREAT. THE MINGERS have a lot to say snd Pslsbn rrot tsshion E indeed vary p€sBlonnl€ Tho rynca Ellhough a Dll lrYeotl€ st l,lier ore 6n all oul atlac( against war. reltgious lundamentalism hunt' ing, and epsltiy ln tfle Blnt 6a6tlo Some tracks are popgy snd aJper hEgPy othds at6 t65l.nd th'ashy all are vBry

cstciy con€6

$dlh a iIoTERHEAD piss_take

posler (Lutang) Go down lighting / PO Box 132 / Leeds LS6 2RR / UK


is intense Swedish hardcore

song lallng s9e4 s Dn !o "'sdlo hleflo,lr Bnd nol 'rry qiD ol lea Ova.6ll ti6 m 6 wlrlen re8lly w'll mu+ cally eno lwlca0y Sate !o say my oopy $onl bc colllcl_ rE du6l a yun€ aoon. ch!.rs ro MONSTER lor do'n'g rom6lt!fl9 dllfeGnt and !ol'd (LrftrE) Dey 6ierreco.d6, PO Eor 153 / 35201 Ae / Cz6ch Republic / www,sabatagerecords net MONSTER SQUAD - Fire The Fetlh CD Appa-enty Punk Core bands are allowed to have poli_ ti.s now. . must be acceotable now lhal DEFIANCE is on the label Well, ihis is pretty'paint by the numbers' drael pun! cnsp Ploductan. 3016 ln ne nohl Pl6<r$ alxl gaig vo<al9 on lhe chorura! I called rl bolorB I el,erip,ri m" ooc on lls proclct ble. bu '16 nol bnd AcEeny, lnsy tdrnd alnE6l oiacrly lfie Toronlo o AC' TloN, who are p'etty decenl. Like I sa:d. the-e's some vague socio-poLilical rlamcnB io the lyrics and the in' side art, so thaf6 good Those guys are gonna be a big hlt wtth the kids for sure. The CD is enhanced, and his Unks to.. ringtones?l Okay, that's preity whack A decent enouoh dl3a thoLrqh. (lnbred) Punk Core R-caon i / PO Box 916 / I\,4idd,e lslard NY 11953 // www.Punkcole com .


They're guilding Walls Arcund

Us CD ITIONEYBROTHER is the stage name ofAnders Wen-

din former front man of Sweden's MONSTER After MONS'IER drsoanded We.ldrn slarted wriLing mus,c and creating songs by rnixing up some of his favoite genteS: d!co. st€, 6oul, a pog rnd malong lom6 r+ ally plgasanl flwirc ThE ls NOT a hrrdooG rDcc.d Dy any strelch. end I waB Ehoctod upm lE enng lo lt llE first lim6 llow mucfi I Bally llked i Tha tlllt lrack 19 purr dlsco, the perfect soundlrack to a shldlasi p6rty at a ttsrld's hoLrse whele folks parade aiqJnd in clev€r haadoear Trs t ttr,g, Rorra5ldai .t a l! abclt som. oW cllesag hls ox.ponner r,lro 3 fiorod oo lo enother quy wlD. acrordnq lo MONEYBROTHER i6 . phonv Slra.rlp ,r It t Mirtl 13 8 g.8ige tr€ai but I cool ll3l'en. Blrn F&ked F'ot Slo lt i trsct Ebqrl gatung 6anmd but it's done in a way that it's like a break up song Fucklnq b.lllir lyncs Eve],1,nt y ll\l B,ad Your lban B s firo{ bacl lD 6irt€s !o$1. laild love ton ot $vll lf you h6,/! tcclly daj musE 6nd ml iult 6erl6/n lypc' of ln!61c, Ched( trlls oul Ttrs Gco.d waE wsll tYrltt6n, played and p.aduced MONEYBROT|IER'S voice is at times reminiqcenl of Mescaretos €.4 Strummer and with hints of Bowre, Springsteen and even Morrissey (stinkbot) irrnino Heart Records / Box 441,70148 Orchfo I Swede; // wwwburningheart com MONSTER - Arms cD },4ONSTER Preay much play hardcole in the vein of WOLFBRIGADE However the songs on the CD just don't all sound slighUy dlfierent but they pick apa.l genres ln a almost bizarre but refreshing manor. For



ng otll stone wfln lher aJ 7'rrleate. Sah Joia B WHTSKEY SUNOAY pvmmelE oirt slto ttnct o' rnelodic, energetic, and dirty pop p!nk on this split wrth O6sta, Japtai MORGUE SIDE CINEMA. A9 wlth all ,ny L\,oate 991[ 13, both bends fioish o{ he! id€'5 t}y cov64n0 lho olhcar'san{l Both Dand3 have e &,rtddt i s ooo gunk. bui E 'ttle dsrl( snd E€nfimnt roondlrE !-.thor lhEn iuwr1ll6. The guitrrs arl as hoa!'y as ltr., are mtdc.t€ MORGUE SIDE CltlElrAoei€, v o[Ebbad my de.I'on wlh lher 3n€6r llgtluoka e otull ;nd so{d vo(s16 uoo btd $e tvncs hsd m Engll6h lranslation, 'cause now l'll have to make up my own. lf you're a fan ol baMs like QUARANTINE or LEATHER' Eco.d that wil sit on your iurniable for FACE, this rer€ wh€n bolh !'de3 daye oa €nd (aa lt has mlr€) of a splt strnc to well Tha W.S lrack'Mado ol Slorteis quila pa5€$ly oo€ ol tha bltt 5an93 l'!€ hood m lhe last dacsd€ Absotrtaly Gco.nmeodcd (Rob Ha n€)




www themingers-com


instance the firct song

then the next is a more catchy sing along, then ihelhird sounds like BLACK SABBATH at parts I did nnd the



Vnehell Records

PO Box 36131


San Jose, CA


MUTINY - Co,oP Btewety CD Arrrhhh.. These pirates are loaded up with fresh supply ol baar snd E bed aitluoo. .eady !o lsundr 4rdB on u^tnowD0 oars €^r€ |tem Thl6 bttgtme berd from Melbourne. Australia wth probably their besl re' coro yol How c.n you nol a l e a so.lg called "E{hty

Phks snd at old

P A "? No

of th is band any longer


wev I csn .eBl6r lha ci8rfi5 the folk pu nks irom Australia

€nd tha plank for tho€€ who say dlierB.[yl lctlrdoi, Fi8tolo Reao.d! / PO 8or 283,6 / Uppor DEby. PA '19082 //[,4utiny


MY PRECIOUS - Everylhing So FarCD As the titLe would suggesl this is a collection of mate_ rialfrom various releases- The easy way out would be

to s.y lnal MY PRECIOUS llay me'lBlcdr, hn this r€16A$0


a lOt mor€

dlva€e lhel lhat lrs

not oi'galy


nical or whiny and sounds very raw and passionaie There are two vocalists, one otwhom sometimes takes a break from screaming to really sing That is some_ thinq I u6{ra,y (,t3hle an lhi6 6on ol band, but t,la manages lo lll lhe fiu6rc t6ry wen. The r.gino, owrt0pping vocale 6la rEdnECrn! ol FIRE DOTVN SELOW. Th s band s sound as a whole s somewhat like JENIGER' lwas surprised at how much lenjoyed this CD, but it rEalty grrrv on me wtlit€ listlrino {He?al} Thra5h Staady Syndic€ta I!-€shsliad)6ltndF / thrashsteadysyndicate@holmall com

NAKED oae SteP Backwa.d CD This isa band I missed out on backin daysofyore. This Kent band fofired in 1979, with a faifly rocklng, mid_ tempo punk. scralchy quitar sound. This CD compiles lherr'983 Bluurq 7'', a lrack from lhe Bul/shil Deleclor /l camP. 'Uidlg3os pr9_War Gormanry" snd l' un' olca.;o ehrab lacl€ Defrilsly h6i a v€ry 80'e anarcho-feol and lhem hanging around with the SIJB' HU[4ANS,lt's easy to hear those influences. The music pretty much slayslhe r€ma tSrYEo, as they resisted th€ inen current trend to Pl6y lader ano fasier. I have to sq,. lhr! CO h6a rEaly gt(htr o.i rn6. mtybo psr 61 6 nogtolol,, bul thls 16 vwy, very wslo'ona lnd 3l'an(ts up g!|ry god, over 20 yaa.9 hie. Vt oll wcr$ io pd( thl8 u9 Would low lD 664 tnem gEt back Egelh€r ard c'lttl' out some new material. (crudos) OverE o\rnd Records / PO Box 1NW / talwtal[eirpon_ Tyr'€l NE99 1NW / u.K. // www.ov.lgrorrlrdr€csde NEMA BAR|KADA - Zm nzeni W case Co NEMA BARIKADA from Czech Republic have been around since 2000, but this is my first exposure to them The music itsell could be described as fairly fast crust-core that never degenerates into grind. Music re' mains interesting throughoutthe 3o'song dlsc due to a vaooly of !,hlizEd tochnlqueg: dual tt/l vocll!. 'x"lltnt ura ol keyboerdc lor morYEntum/alnosph€ra b{lldlr{ ln lfit 06. dual us ot auttrc / dgongd gvltrat 61 lh€ $me Ema, elc Th€t coYor MOB 47, VICTIMS,8'itd NEGATIVE APPROACH lo give you more clues as to where they come I tully intend to play this CD

d6ro.ruv Hlesaiel Reco'ds do Pavsl Frrmi / [,rstrko,a 3gi i Ricany u Br4a / 66a 82 / Clech R€public // NEOPROPHETS - Providence Crusted Thdshers CD-R Althor,En ln€|.s 6n I aiweys B rol lrl co uli6s. tnis o,t€ do3cr653 rt p.rny well ThGs Rhode l6l&ldaB Cay .ome p.lntulblrck ttlstal llrlpl'ld 6tu3ly hr,sh Urdik8 s lci ol ,unk baads lh6!6 6tya' if$ cl€Er lh63o tellE4 aclrlally spand Ime compo6ltro !te5r rongB ano re{nnq them. Pl6lty oool lyncs lcant wBd to h63r moro flDm ihe6n 0uy3 a band to ural.rt lor 6uter (NGl MrE l, Marc Anilrony Ro€ / 4 % Rmggord Sl I Plovd.nca.

Rt02903 NON PROFIT . Rage ard Bitfon ess CO Debut releasefrom these London punks (wellPolish re' dU London l9|UEi rat! tire bsnd 16 iou,) RegEnti€ss ol whete lhey t€ ftom. NON PROfIT pl6y a n,o€ bltnd

ol mE na4ed punk .ocl snd lull lhrottlc Hcilh'a8h nol lnllkg Bnythrng lhal's be€n dooo balol€ Tl'€t do&r.l maan this dba Bn l a rdgEr ad hold itr ou,nl Gurrals are distorted yet clear, bass lines are wild like they should be, and tll6 drumming is precise and powerful bul do€sn't overpower everything else Thls disc is mhad melly lr€ll std really le$ y'ou h66' 6lBrylhm0 protly clesrty Tho vocals erE fi PolBh 9tE I ca'i ohly iresuhe nre iyics are potllicd ln natul€ 6v€n hq{fi ltE lyncs tv6r! nol Drotiled ln my aoP, whlch lB t ilramE. CD conrcr n . drg! pack Vnyi 9€.!ron drt 3om€dsy

perhaps? lf yoL d'g bands such as FLEAS AND LICE, bezeaten, gox, LlnrFERRAetc and the son check t,llr band out! (Adtm) Nlrl Nln ili. l/Vl. / PO 8@( 53 / 34"400 Ns$,y Totg '] Poland // wwwnnnwPl

- Iodos os Disfatces LP belreve this is the 2nd full_length release from lhe Brazi ian band NO REST. Awesome music, full oI en' ersy gnd BngEr. thelr sound haB lsally co.Ytg togB$lar io-maks s grBal relen5€ M€bdE pr.lty nttoB gi\,! way to Eogry itsl peced hrszing tratd@tc md lhrath{ad'€ overtures- The female lyrics sung in Portuguese are vast and varied, ranging from beautifully sung intros to qutlcrD!. anquGh flllad sareems Th! tP tornas corn' NO REST


iloto *rtt o""ut fr, pa(r€ong snd iynci 'n Pq'

tuguese and Engllsh. This band is wo(h checking out for their awesome mix of musical/vocal slylings lf you are a fan offastthrashy hardcore, dark pissed offcrust, or melodic epic prehy intros and outros, theae is something to satisfy each and everyone of you .- You fine punk rockers you. (lvaygun) NO REST/ CX Postal8593 /Ag. Trsteza / CEP 91901970 / PortoAlegre / RS / BRAZjL NO SOULS LOST - Ifiese Dead Yearc CD-R lJnfortrJnately this disk didn't come with any tyrlcs or

much information, because l'd like to know more of what this band is about The opening tracks is a sound collage wiih distorted voices over ii iaking about codes of vengeance, compass on being deleted from the hLrman file, and how human testing has begun Then the listener is thrown headfirsl into four kacks of abrasive metalthai has a heavy groove. Closing the CD is a very shange drum 'n'samples track wilh a sod of rap thrng gorngon Lislening to this is like having yourteeth pulled with a jackhammer then rinsing with (bio)diesel fuel Though there rsn'la bass player theres no shorlage of low end lts post-apocolipticore at its finest- lfyou listen to early MORBIDANGEL, NASUM, PANTERA, and the like then this is for you (Jake) HYPERLINK "http/" !!ww moshpittragedy com ODSZUKA LISTOPAD.S/t CD The vocals alternate between a roar and a semi-whiny singing style that contrasts with the chugging downtuned music. It sounds like GLASSJAW or AS I LAY DYING or some other shit but at least it's mercifully short. Nol having it at all. (Hazel) Nikt Nic Nie We / PO Box 53 / 34-400 Nowy Targ /

investigalve journalist with a slew ol awards under his belt His 2002 book l-ha Bart qpmd.aa/ Monev Cen B!! was a NY]imes best seller. Live from the armed madhouse is a speech recorded in 2006 atTampa tJniversity. ln it PALASTsh nes lighi on the stolen elections of 2000, expla ns why we can expect more stoien elections in fuiure, and ways to iight back at the republcan luggernauis PALAST also covers the Bush familtes addiction to "pelroiollars", the h story of lraq's o t, the forming of OPEC, Orinoco crude in Venezrela and exposes George W Bush for his fear of horsesl PALAST is great al mixing humor and emolion with facts that make this CD re-iistenable over and over (wiih the exception of the two "techno" songs at the end), which is exactly what's needed to take t all in Recommendedl (Lutang)

Altemalive Te'rtacles/ PO Box419092/ San Lrancsco

cn'194141-9092 AK Press / 674-A 23rd street / Oakland





PARLAMENTARISK SODEMI - s/t cD.R Well, l wish l cou d tell you more about this band because the music is absolutely crushlng! lt is mostly grind , but has heavy e emenis of'80s lhrash especially the breakdowns ihat are mosh circ epit-tasticl l'm nol exaclly sure wherethey are from and there's no trans alion whatsoeverfor ihe lyrics- lcan tellyou that theyare very serious about the message that they are trying to get across lts also a very DIY cut and paste package with a creepy b ack and whiie photo of an official looking building on the cover Anyway, this is a very brutat non-stop aura assault limited io 200 so geith s ifyou're a serious grindmonkeyl (Jake) parlamentar

Poland / www nnnw pl

Ol POLLOI T, Defence of our Earth CD Thls is a re-re-release of the classic LP originally released in 1990 by Words of Warning. For those unfamiliarwith the LP what you have here is classic anarcho punk at its best. Wth tons of releases out and more coming, Ol POLLO|have been one of the center bands in the anarchist punk movement for years /,1 Deferce of Ou, fadh covers such topics as anarchtst prisoler support, anrmal nghts, earth libelation, and n lheir own words, "Giving the fascist a good kicking!" Updates added lothis release are nice glossyart, Polish translations, and liner notes about ihe music business, future plans, and whal formerband mates are up to. On a sad nole unlike the previous CD release of ln defence of our earlh the Omnicide EP ltacks ate not included in this one (Lutans) Nikt Nic Nie We / PO Box 53 / 34-400 Nowy Targ /

PAZAHORA s/t CD PAZAHORA hail from Singaporc- This happens to be the r debul and by the sound of it theyve have been hard at work crafting memorable songs with melody and power They refiind me a lot of REITAINS OF THE DAY EKKAlAand dare lsay t. .TRAGEDY with moody inhos then birrstlng into some raging d-beats while interweaving some melod c guilar work, dua male/female vocaltrade offs sound similar to TO WHAT END? The yrics contain a strong anti captalist message and bleak social commentary CD comes in a lhree panel cardboard sleeve with no plastic with blacldgreyscale art that's as dark as the tunes You can obtain this CD by writing to the label and it is $7 ppd so theres no excuse for you not to check this band out! (Adrian) Prohibiled Projects c/o Shaiful/ Bedok CentralPost Office / PO Box 530 / Singapore 914605 / Singapore // prohib


PAXAmericanA- Fol Your Own cood CD OROER OF THE WHITE ROSE - Wat MachineCD This is the debut release from this three piece (now a lour piece) band all the way from Hawaii There are 11 well pu t together tracks on here that show a good bil of dive.sity in their musical influences, from raging Punk

rocuHardcore to some metal and a bit of ska thrown in as well. I definitely see a good future for these guys. (Ken Ciderpunk)

Unitree Recordings/ POBox 880908i Pukalani, Hl/ 96788 ORDER OF THE WHITE ROSE .I-rve O,, KTUH CDR

This live set was rocorded on October gth, 2006 at the Llniversity Of Hawaii for a show called "lvonday Night Liv6'. lt contains several songs trom their debut CD and 4 songs that were not included on the debut for onâ‚Ź reason or another, There is also some interview stuff with the band included as well Check it out. (Ken Ciderpunk) GREG PALAST , L,V6 FroD the Armd Madhouse CD For those of you unfamiliarwith GREG PALAST he is a

NEN that were recorded in [,lay 2004. The 2 otd Ep's were remasiered in 2006 (while the latest LP was beng recorded and masiered) and were included in this CD as bonus material A nice package alt 'round. (Ken Ciderpunk)






l,rosotros fenemos Et

Fuego CD Eighteen tracks of various styles of H/C, plus a bonus track that reeks of techno Don't worry il's all over in aboul30 minutes Three d ifferent singers bring a divers element to the songs. as ooes the use of a harmonica on one track and several sing alongs on oiher tracks... the one element l'm not really into on this is the rap piece. Justdoesn'tworkfor me Loads of hooks and the

sing alongs keep ihis catchy and groovin' right along, mightbe something l'd put on while cleaning the house. PDR are from Chiie and most likely have a hugefotlowing in down there. (LawLess) Depraved & Devilish Records // rrww punkdeluxe nei PLEASE INFORM THE CAPTAIN THIS IS A HIJACK - Defeat or Humiliate the UniEd States ot Ame ca LP l'm admihed'y ulfamria- wilh this bard a1d rheir prevL oLrs body ofwork but I wlll do my best here The songs are inierspersed with d sco-esque tracks thai have a variety of samples over ihem. These are rnostly of a political nature, as are the bands lyrics, which also fealure ong explanations This could be compared to go's Ebul ilion-type bands lo some extent, I also hear a hint or h^/o of RITES OF SPRING. (Hazet) Clean Plaie Records / PO Box 9461 / Nonh Amherst, t\ilA 01059 POLITBURO / CRIATURA Split 7" POLITBURO from Spain were a new band for me, lhough Ihad heard several CRIATURA record;ngs prior io this POLITBURO have an interesting style of creepy upbeat punk rock wiih a keyboard The bass lines are also ciearly heard under the circus-y keyboard notes, which I like a good deal The vocals are sung with dramatic emotion. Overall, lwould describe them as a theatricalband with punk rock influences - which lthinkwill grow on me the more I listen to it. CRIATURA continue on on their newest release with thek musical stylings of melodic political punk rock The two songs on this 7" are upbeat and caichy, while managing 1o be really pretty at the same time. The hamonizing maleJematâ‚Ź vocals are sung in Spanish, and their lyrical content is covers the issue ofstanding up for yourselfand not lett ng sociery take its tollon you. (lt aygun) IVala Raza /APD C 6037 50080 Zaragoza / SPAIN

I had never hed-d oftl_:s bard oefore I qor rh s ir my reviewstack, bul lwasvery pleasantly surprlsedl As soon as I put it on I knew they had to be from Finland They have that great classic Finnish hardcore sound, only a little more interesting with ihe addiiion oI a saxophonel The slnger sounds like the dude from KAAOS, and ihe music is totally old Scandinav an hardcore to the bonel This disc cornpiles a few oul of prinl 7"s, some comp tracks, and a few new unreleased songs They even cover'cranked up really h gh by the ENGL SH DOGS, butthey sing il allin Finn sh (and thasthesaxophonel) I dig this band, so if you like old Finn sh punk or just good musc in general, grab thisl (righteous) Musta Lokki Osk FallPakankuja 3 A 10, 00S70 Hel sinki / Finland //

PROPAGANDA POR EL HECHO s/t CD PROPAGANDA POR EL HECHO are from Zarzoga, Spain and play simple, upbeat catchy punk with some shout along style choruses. The iyrics are entirely in Spanish so I can't exactly decipher what's being said bui as near as I can tell from ihe art and the words in the lyrics that parallelEnglish words, they seem io have their hearis in the right place The sound these folks have reminds me of catchier acts Like AUTONOMTA or even newer bands like ATTENTAI The only thing l'm really confused by is ihat there are nine songs listed and lyrics for nine songs, yet the CD has 20 songs. Perhaps it's a discography release, Oh well(Dave) PROPAGANDA POR EL HECHO / cnab@hotmailcom /

PILGER - Beggirg For A Silver Lining CO This 30 irack CD flies by in 33 m nutes and contains some good o d style melodic Hardcore from the L,K. The first 14 tlacks were recorded in 2006 and renrind me of FUGAZI and a few other D C bands from the late 80s through the 90s Tracks 15 - 25 are from a 7" EP called lhese Ilmes and were recorded in Feb 2004 Tracks 26 - 30 are from a spli17" with BIFF TAN-


Purk Sou.d Agaiflst CD

Discography CD, 37 iracks in all, of this seminal ltatian band that existed from 1982 to 1984. This is of particular interesi to me, being a lover of 80's hardcore and in particular ltalian bands of this period as it was such an exciting period and produce some of the best hardcore released- What is it about ltalian bands that make them so damn crucial? When they sing in thek

native tongue, it adds a breath of fresh air and lotally rawness and insanity to tho song. This is so with PSA, while ihey have fast songs, that break down into melodic yet crunching all the same The band has a vibe not unlike early DEAD KENNEDYS mlxed with some what tunefulness of TSOL, or early VANDALS DaTk bass lines and typicalfasi, simplethree chord hardcore that made hardcore of the 80's so exciting and have you hungty iot ltrol€. Th6 mod cn clal fEd of thi6 dis_ cography li thal d haB fa6kr lhtl they tBcdded ior ! 7" to be releEEed dn FAX RdD.ds, 8n e*clting bbal in the early io mid 80's from the LJK that was releasing stuff completely different to other labels at the time LJnforiunately the 7" never got released, so here it is in all its glory. This comp comprises of thek denE (some ofthe songs did appear on one of the PAx comps, 'Bollox To The Gonads...'Lq that some ofyou should b€ familiar with) and a rehearcal. The booklet contains lyrics, all in ltahan off course, pholos, show flyers, artwork and even the covers of some zines the appeared in. Pretty essenlial foI those in need of a history of worldwid€ hardcore and for the old folks who need to wake again. (MelHughes) SOA Records / Paolo Peiralia / VA Oderisi Da Gubbio 61/69 / 00146 Roma / ItaLy //

Ligh6 Out! 7" EP This tour piece band from Phoenix, Arizona crank out 6 tracks of early 80s influenced Hardcore on this seven


incher, lt was recorded in February 2006 and conlains some oftheir older work from demos and what nol lt's tight, heavy and nasty, iustthe way I like my H/C. Keep ii comin'guysl (Ken CiderPUnk) THE PRosTHETlcs - llo Rerrorse CD-R lbelieve thai this is one of2 old demos released bythis band from Phoenix,Az. l'm guessing that itwas puiout before the 7 EP I reviewed in this issue of PE.came out. L,nfortunately there are no lyrics and very little info provided with these releases other than a short note that cane with both. There are 7 lracks of raw as fuck hardcore on this CD-R that I give 2 thumbs way up to, in fact I like this CD-R a lot more ihan the 7" whethe. it was recorded before or after it Good stuff, iust a bit sparse on the packaging. (Ken Ciderpunk) www, PSYCHO FACTION - Twerty Two Years Too Late 7" From waysides of history the could_have'beens, come PSYCHO FACTION from Cumbria Countv in England. Clrca 1979, with basic anarcho-punk style, this band shared the stage with the likes of CRASS, POISON GIRLS, FLUX OF PINK INDIANS, CONFLICT, RUBELLA BALLET, and olhers of that era. Pretty rough recording quality, but its good thatthese see the lighlof day after allthese years Despite the rough edges, the anger of those tines in plainly evldent and they even managed to create some catchy tunes amongst the chaos of their existence. Two thumbs up and a circleA for bringing this band back to life (crudos)

Shockl Horrorl Records / PO Box 4328 / Oceanside, CA s2052 / w,rwshockhorrorrecords-com PYRAMIO SCHEME - House


Here we have another awesome Pittsburgh band oul to convince me to relocatel This is hardcore of the Iast and raging but not quite blasting va eiy with circle pit parls, an occasional guitar solo, and snarly vocals There are three songs per side, and each one is over before you know it. The lyrics are snappy Ianis abollt Chrisiian hardcore kids. rock star attitudes, and idiols plugged into gadgets 2417, among othertopics PYRA_ [4lD SCHE[i]E could (and do)fitwellon a billwith bands like LOOK BACK AND LAUGH or fellow 412-dwellers CAIJSTIC CHRIST. The recording manages to catch a level of energy reminisceni of a lot of Japanese fasi hardcore bands, Something aboutthis also reminds me of SIEGE, but I can1 quite say whal Go see this band, buy this record, and crash a frat party whenever you

canl (Hazel) Ad Fraud / 1749 BroadwayAve. / Pittsburgh, PA 15216 / www.myspace com/Pyramidscheme RAKKAUS Kuotevan Maailman Hiliainen Ktous 7" RAKMUS play brutal, femalejronted scandicrust, in the vein of DETESTAT ON, only ihey're actually from Scandilav'a, Finlano Io be exact All t\e so'lqs are in Flnnish wiih English translations provided Fea( anger, corruption, death, and sacrifice are all top cs in the lyF ics of RAKKAUS, at times with dueling male/female vocals. RAKKAUS did lt for me both lyrically and musically. Recommendedl (JasonS) Tuska & Ahdistus Records/ wwwelisaneLfi/tuskajaah_ distus RATOS DE PORAo Hom em lninigo Do Homem co Legendary band returns with a new release How's thal forjournaiism? l'11 be honest I have not heard this band since me 8O's. honesl Bu hel, Iheyve oeen going over 30 years, so hats off and congratulations I have to say that this is a very decent release Genres aside, ths s siraighi up thrash metal, no iwo ways about il' 12 songs, of pulveris ng intens ty- Excellent recording

where you can hear eveMhing clear as a be l. Still a wal of powu. Olt EEtt'se ir's fJll ol golo€ End whal have vou. Bul ylu l&r what lhey've ddle bEiB! you wil like thi9,ltlo!'r'6 tlo of them and dal't &tady have it you certain y will not be let down. I know my metal mates will love it. The lyrcs are in their native tongue, so I cannot comment on them (Mel Hughes) Aliemative Tentacles Records / PO Box 419092 / San Francisco, CA 94141 // www alternativetentacles com THE RATS /SHUT THE FUCK UP SPIit7,, Two Euro bands teaming up for some fast aggro 80's H/C, noihing eaith shattering or different but a solid release for sure. STFU hail from Germany and THE RATS are from Sweden Agood pairing ottwo new up_ starts that are pretiy equal as far as this release goes,


ThrarhbEstard Records do Andreas Knoblock / Warschauersl-a 57 / '0243 Belrr / Ger-ary RELICS Demo 7" Wow ihis is rough! Four songs of heavily distorted femate fronied hc with choppy grooves and punish ng beats to back up scathlng social crtques RELICS work very hard to get the mosl out of therr instruments and lyncs crealinq emolional oulbursls of plre solic bliss. The songs get under your skin and make you wantto cry in a fit of rage Live sets mLrst be absolutely chaoiicl [,,1y only complaini is thal it was over way too quickly. Get a hold oI this quickly, because it looks like they've only printed 250 of these hand screened nug' gets. I really hope ihere s nore where th s came from (Jake) Cleanplate / po box 946'1 / NorthAmherst, N,4A01059 relics@hotmail com RUIDO s/t LP This LP contalns unreleased tracks recorded by So_ Cal's RUIDO back in 1999 lf you haven't had the pleasure of hear ng this band this is great way to gei

acquainEd trlh them. They play a mix of punk, thrash and grhd&r! with dual vocals ranging from rage filled screams to guttural growls, buzz saw guitars, rumbling bass and some excellent drumming which n fact reminds me of another great band from So-Cal KON_ TMTTAQUE but not so heavy on the earLy E.N T influence. The majority of ihe songs are sung in Spanish which are tEnslated in English They also do some excellent covers of 7 SECONDS, AGNOSTIC FRONT and THE FARTZ- ExceLlentcover artdone by none other than Mid and this comes on colored vinyl for all you nerds out therel (Adrian) Know Records / PO Box 90579 / Long Beach, CA 90809 // www

SAHN MARU S/T 7,, Stripped down hardcore DUnldcrust from Oakland with members of BLOWN TO BITS and NOXIOUS PRIX (in 9$6 VrOt{3 SOatE 0f bE Codrlll glc m@i Ecll9c

DIY pl,lktt ln lh. Eid E.y) Mu.&.lly 0e b .4.i €nd dtod.lllad cruBt ponk urth hlnl ol th. bldllq|El eaa Bay nrvor - onrprrbL b lhr 6nl NEURO3|S 7" .I,td .,,€n 6o.rE ECOi{OCHRIST thro\m h b. lpod

measure. Lyrics are semi-political, bul are mosily dark

Defldl6l ob6svatorE sbout hl,lrai lrtlutB snd th6 b€d lhEl06 paoglr Co E sdl oihd Coir€a m vlty niot pochel sleeve with styl'slic artwork tnai hints ol tradi_ _ simple bul effec_ tive Derlnitely worth yourttime and moneyto checkthis one out, (Dan) Self released // httpJ/vlww.myspace com/sahnmaru

t onal East Asian paint'ng and prinls

NDS lvational ByptoductT" eP is comprised of two members of CLUSTERFUX playing fast and funous crusty HC Punk Van, John, and Justin play catchy tunes parred with wltty, tongue-in-cheek lyrics with topics aboui lo_ cal assholes, Rupert l\4urdock the Denver Posl, and everyone's favorite herb lt's even pressed on clear waxl Fun as fuckl (Jasons) LessAri Records / PO Box'16378/ Golden, CO/ 80401 SALTED



N lA - Polruled / Diseased CD Five guys from Ontario, Canada's playlng Metallic Hardcore in the veins of BLOOD FOR BLOOD and such go-


tm into blEr$ lrcm llnl€ b EtE, gMio ll bdl ataar uetat

art toe






'r€nng.mEri dld I aar't trac*E wllh good Flili..l / Eadd help lhhkl.o abour EARIH CRlglS E td SNAPCAIIE read[E mqm The llcodno b mt Emd1g Ur DeSl in thl! genre and 't neval tEolly gel to the levelwere these kinds of bands get my etiE {ion Still, at some points the choirs come and take it to thal level but as fast as it caught my attention, it loses itagain (Potin) www / sarniaband@hotmail com


SCATHA - Arler

Oh wowlll

Ihe Dust Setlles CD


heard rumors ages ago about


SCATHA CD release and l've been blessed by lhe pa' gen god. rnd lEr lhE b 7EyEx. h4py d.F. Abcolddtr

ato'Fod Xnd tofi [rc da sEl6ffi rnom yrio.r! cllo! in So6da|d.lro ohE bg.ndrry Sapttih bands split up, SEDmON ind USAFFECI, m€mbars teg€idary

get together an molph lnto Ue Elmlghi, SCAlttA lrvlth the idea of honmg ! ,ttdE dotrat lla3lgt,|d d€rler sound, the winds_ blew, you could hear the delighted howls of wild animals. the moon was b qht in the sky and SCATHA hit us with an almighty wallop. Being a huge fan ofthe predecessors I loved this band from the start until the end. lhave allthe original vinyl releases of the songs here, but wanled this too and if you feel you need some coaxing, wellthere are h,vo bonus songs nol on ary (r lhc oaond vmyl TlI! discography oont!|i! EBqped. P|t,lscr. ecotttaol fP ftrck lhr S,,!tatD f. B,rfn. l.lfr C LP. thc aDlil T with OAGDA gnd as I mentioned the two bonus songs Angus' vocals are so unique and harsh, his cries for a more eco and respectful soc,ety have always remalned deep in my heari. Brutafry honest and passionate to ihe bone Mu_ sically they do carry off more where SEDITIoN left oft, lllat gto'rmg 5 H. d3 loEzlng wtlel thoy Eosn.t [ca it yor'.e a ,4,irt ,@da, ot lm m€olzlrl!. yoo trEy ba Iahiliar. lt you are new and like harsh muslc wilh some irbal beats and amazing lyrics you would love this l hope everyone reading ihis willcheckthem out, you will not be disappointed, The booklet, I am happy to say, has all the ly cs and artwork reproduced the same as the originals. Now, whateveryou do, huntihis CD down and get into lt (Mel Hughes) N,4CR / '157 Kamiagu I\,4aizuru / Kyoto 624-0913 / Japan // SCHIFOSI- Absenfium Existence 12" This lvle bourne, Australia band has been going for about 5 years now What you can expect from this


12in is more of the down-tuned melodic epic crust that's ever so popular these days Fans of the genre will instantly fall in love wth this record and shoutd not mjss out, Even those that consider the slyle redundant would have a hard time staying away from the songs ln Absentium and Shallow Alcheny lwhich is lyrically briLant) One downfall is it's a slx song 12 lnch 45 so ils over fast Nice solid packagLng and mine came on sweet "Coke botile" waxl (Lutang) Aerta anlifascista do- Tlmo Nehmtow / Postach 2318 / 24913 Flensburg / cermany // www no-pasaran-org

- Full Fronlal Nudity DVO lf your familiar with LE SCRAWL from Germany, then LE SCRAWL

ya know what to expect, jazzed oul grind'core chaotic claziness to the tenth power thal is anything but predictable or boring This DVD combines a collection of video clips moslly taken on the bands Cali tour back in 2004, even has sone of the Gilman footage from the show I had the opporlunily to see them at There's an interview with the band as well, but my favorite parts are the covers they do They pulloffa sweetverson of Good Iimes by LE CHIC. - Now thais fuckin'classic. (LawLess) Life ls Abuse c/o Big Daddy Mauz / PO Bax 20524 I Oak-iown, CA 94620 SECURITY THREAT "The Truth is Oul" LP Heavy, grlndy, crusty HC punk kom this Denver band, wlth members of CATHETER What else wouid you expect? lt's definitely good 90's style crusvgrind a la DISRUPT, DEPRIVED, STATE OF FEAR, elc which I am sure plenty of PE readers cut the r teeth on or otherwrse adore. Packaging is a little bit pJain bul I can't hold that against 'em (Nick IVangel) Civilsation Records / C/O Oliver Schwartz/ Parkstr 39 / 89312 Gunzburg / Germany SET TO EXPLODE Washington D C 's SET TO EXPLODE dishes out s x tracks of pretty straightfoMard soLrnding 80's hardcore Fast, angry, breakdown laden- They kind oI sound like a poorer represeniation of NEGATIVE APPROACH or YOUTH OF TODAY rraybe The iyrics iouch upon sublects like war, elitisis and personal problems, and of course staying kue. Ugh The lyrlcs are lar ioo cheesy Ior my liking but I guess that's what emulating 8O's IJS hardcore gets you. (Dave) Grave Mislake Records/ PO Box 12482 / Richrnond VA I 23241 I g?yemislakerccords@gmail com

SEVERED HEAD OF STATE - Powq Hazetd CD Th s is the CD version ofihe latest offering by the international supergroup that is SHOS. The songs irom the r latest two EPs are on here aswell, Word from the rumor millwasthatthis record broughta change in musicaldirection to a rocking Motorcrust style, and while ihe new material does no1 sound completely different, it does have oore of a mid-tempo MOTORHEAD or POISON lDEAsound as compared to the previous releases. The lyrics are well written and mosi y focus on death, war, and other grim topics (Hazel) Havoc/ PO Box8585 / Minneapolis, [,4N /55408/www

SHITLICKERS - C/ackecl Copskulls 7" OK, were should lstart here.. This is probably one of the most classic Swedish hardcore EP's of all timeSHITLICKERS, also known as SKITSLICKERS released this on [,,lalign Massacre back in 1982 and later as well on Distorlion Records as a split-7" with this EP on one side and ANTICIMEX - Analdstatlack on the other Here then we have a bootlog from a label ca led Extortion Records released complete with the origina artwork. The sound quality is OK and really notto complain about judging from the original, and well it is a bootleg but as thls is nearly impossjble to get and Distortion is a label we learned not to trust, I welcome this release, Foryou who have missed this classic I can iell you this is one of the most brutal d.beat records of all

time and the lyrics are si ll to this day more powerful ihen most of the stuff coming out of the scene_ If you don't have thls release in any of the previous released iormats, I suggest you go get it and take some minules to enjoy punk history al it's beslr (Potin) Extortjon Records I PO Box 874867 / Chicago, lL 60648 SICK FIX - demo tape At first ltried to cornpile a lst ofglowing adjectives, but l'lljust come oui and declare in no uncertain terms that SICK EIX is one of my clrreni favorite bands Let this demo serye as your inlrodu ct on-expect fast and distorted music with angry vocals and a sound very much

their own, though HEALTH HMARD and INFEST comparsons come to mind easily- lVichelle writes lyrics about local housing problems, rapists, drunk drv. ers, and haters who pull the lowest'nsult" of calling someone fat- Everything aboul them is sincere, right on, and seriously pissedr There is a 7'out now on Third Party records w th many of the same songs, get that if you can't find the demo No posing out you need this (Haze ) Death, Agony, and Sc.eams Cassettes and Vinyl/ Sick Fix / 929 Farragut st NW / Washington, DC I 20011 SLIGHTLY LESS THAN NOTHING- Less Fashioa More Thrcshin LP Ths motley crije of punx from Seattle come ful on in effect with some oflhe besl thrashy skate-core around these days, accompanied with smart and witty lyrics. Tounng re entlessJy has definitely helped ihem hone their dislinct and original sound lfyour into the likes of RKL, ASSHOLE PARDE oI SEPTIC DEATH, then this band willget yourfists pumping and wjllbring a gigantic smile to your face Nice packaging with color matched cover art, vinyl and center labels Love ihecearvinyl wth the sick slime green splaiter, also comes with a

nifty poster....which also matches eveMhing else. (Lawless) ln

mica / PO Box 2803 / SeatUe, WA


SNUGGLE / WHISKEY SUNDAY- split 7" Seattle's crusty pop punks SNUGGLE have been one ol my lavo.ile local bands lor lhe oasi few years, ripplng out h ghly danceable and energetic songs with fantastic live performances. SNUGGLE is somewhat of a sLrper group featur ng members of SKARq CONSUlt4E, and APEFACE although they sound very little like the pummeling crust core of their respective bands, ihe combination is remarkable on ts own Two tracks from SNUGGLE on this piece of waxi fastpaced melodic punk with pop sing-a-ong choruses. As wiih their debut 7" lwlsh the recording was a little more tucid, but nevertheless has received constant play on my turntable. WHISKEY SUNDAY who are very quickly becoming one ofmy newfavoriie bands, certainlyshine on their side of the sp it with two hacks of gruff, dirty, sing-a ong anthemic punk reminiscent of early REPLACEMENTS. lncludes lyric booklet & sheei, highly recommendedl (Rob Hanna) Vnehell Records / PO Box 36131 / San Jose, CA 951s8 SOFY ITAJOR s/t CD SOFY MAJOR from France plays some kind of noisy and melodic post hardcore. They remind a llttle bit of ORCHID only less chaotic They have incorpomted a lot into their mus c, they call themselves "Noise Hardcore" and that's a fair description Very melodic and good vocals lthinkthis style of Hardcore needs a good sound too create a sort of "dark athmosphere" and so they have. Normally this is not my cup ofiea but I actually Iiked this band. (Paul) www sofymajorcom SOLID DECLINE

- Adorning rhe

I think this band is from Germany,

Void 2


butdon't quote me on that, But at any rate, this is another awesome release


frofi Heart Fkst Records. This

is a double 7". the steeve is thick cardstock with black and white ink screened on it, and it's done really well. The music is kind of a mix offast rock n roll sounding punk and straight up thrash. So what l'm saying s, it rocks and it's fast. The vocals are very screamed and urgent, klnd of shrill sounding All in all this is a solid record. (righteous) Solid_decline@heartfist net // www.heartfirst net

SPACEHORSE , Ghosts of Civil LivingCD SPACEHORSE is a iairly new band oul of San Diego CAlhat consists ofmemberc from older bandsfrom the area such .r.. HEROIN, CLIKATAT-.]1(ATOW|, BATTALION OF SAINTS, CAMERA OBSCURA etc. Well now that's out ofthe way on to the tunes. I\,4usicatty ihis disc is really fucking good solid hardcore witch sorne wild/melodic guitar leads and crunchy rhythm guitars, wild basslines and some tighthard hitting drumming ihe vocals were bit of a downside to me at first because they're mor6 singy than l'm used to but after repeated listens they grew on me and added a sense of urgency to the music with ly.ics in the personal category One of the tightest / well played hardore records l've heard in a while check it outl (Adrian) Day After Records / PO Box 153 / 352 0T AS / Czech Republic // www dayafier cz THE SPECTACLE

T, Fa,7 2 x LP From Bodo, Notuay and now broken up since 2006, this is a limited repress of their double LP Very moody

and dark wilh a certain ambience, crust-like punk wilh screamed/spoken vocals I am klnd of at a loss lo describe this as ir's a coifluence oi somelhing nea' TRAGEDY and GODSPEED! YOU BLACK El\rPEROR, yet without the heavy as a brjck production of lhe former. I can see this definitely growing on me, ioo bad they broke up. Though a double LP seens a tad indul gent and the artwork, even though re-vamped is pretiy hideous, in my opinion Stillihis has a certain hook that draws me in to listen over and over again. (crudos) Scenester Credenlials I PO Box 12151 lowa City, lA 52244 / www scenecred com STATE RUN - s/t LP/CD The best punk bands are always very young and shortived So is the case for Wales' now defunct STATE RUN, and unfortunately so l\/usicallythis group is right up there with the likes of BORN AGAINST or ECONOCHRIST;fast paced, energetic hardcore punk rock with heavy and intricate layers of melody weaving in and out. Very thoughtfully written lyrics with a bleak and alienated world view, aboul as articulate and poetic as itgets lm actually shocked these kids were only 15-17 years old while making this music, excepi forthe slghtly thin recording The CD version lncluded five tracks from a previous 7" entitled "Paralysis," and I must say l'm sold on the discography as a whole. I\,4y onty quah with this islhat ldidn'igetto see them playthese songs live. (Rob Hanna) State Run Records / I Tern Rd / Porthcrawl/ Bridgend / CF36 3TS / UK

STAJNAS LOAOS i VACANT CHURCHES 7" Pretty cool split here of h^/o melodic Hc/punk bands with female vocals STAJNAS LOBOS is more on the clean melodic side, which VACANT CHURCHES are a bit more anarcho-punk inspired with harsher vocals and some cool keyboards too. Lyrics for both bands are quite thoughtful. Can't wait to hear more from both ofthese fine bandsl (Nick lvlangel) Vnehell Records / PO BOX 36131 / San Jose, CA 95158 THE SUBHUMAT|S (Canadal I'lew

Da* Age Parede LP

Their first release in 23 yearc REALLY? lt's tike they never broke up. They jumped right back in wiih '14 tracks of political punk rock full of cynical critique of today's wodd with songs like World At Wa, Cebbnty, Mindless Tough Guy Act and Life Sure Can Suck. Al a time then a lot of bands are geiting back together to

make some cash lhese guys have come with a disc fill of relevant songs and this is a really accessible disc lf you?e a fan of early eighties punk and hardcore you'll love this LP lt comes with a lyric sheet but you'll not need il. The lyrics come across easily and it's fun to sing along to this record. lf you don't know about the SUBHUMANS (allow meto relletata hero theCanadian ones) Wikipedia them. This band cared so much about what they w€re doing lhat they got lnvolved in dtrect action putting one of the members in prison for a spell. They're fun, bright, funny and thoughtful lt's the perfect package. This is a well produced disc wilh really greal artwork within from G7 WelcominE Commiitee records.

(itnkboo AlL.native Tgntacles Records / PO Box 4'19092 / San Francisco CA 94141

- Bree4 Sweat E Sfrrve CD This is my llrsi contact with this Canadian anarcho/ atr€€tgnk aEl and I h$re to 5€y lhay motE€5 ItE Snotiy, up yor hco pol* rock mt t t lrom O€FIANCE SUBSISTANCE

ln the letler that came with this record they state that it took eight years to make it and that they're very proud of thek accomplishment. Well, they should be as this is an incredible piece of plastic with well_made booklet / ariwork, killer production and amazingly catchy riffn loqefi.r grih acarciotyti:i€nal good vot lhlg lr E !r_ ally ho{J I lhhr . b[ pola6h.d B€XINO ENEMY UNES would sound but with more sing-a]ong parts. Wow!


Subsistance / 60 neveu / Pienefonds, Qc / H9H3N'41 canada // wvrw subslstance.nei

SWELLBELLYS /THE VENDETTA/ BPlit 7" SWELLBELLYS from Scotland and THE VENDETTA from ltaly on green and black streaked vinyl. Pretty strEiohluo fast. melodic punk with a rough stre€t-odge fro;swiLLBELLYS. while on the flip side has THE VENDETTA have a more I.'IOTORHEAD, mid'iempo quality going on. Both bands complilYEn, Eech tther on this split. l\,4y first time with each and hElE to lay I will be looking out for mor6. Both bands have recently put out full-lengihs. To the streelsl (crudos) Peter Bower Records / PO Box 132 / Leeds LS6 2RRy U,K. // !!,\ /wmyspace,com/peterbowerrecords

SYSTEMATISK TERROR - 2006 Demo CD'R First demo kom Sweden's SYSTEMATISK TERROR and is pretty good despite lhe so'so quality of the recording, but hey it is a demo so ils to be expected Blt,ryway h€3e boy3 ptay tho rod to ttl6 polnt Fdarry notdco.€ lvih molody lll.l '9 s blt all oY.. lhc d6 c5r5€ som. ol Da aongB r€€rn lo end *tup{y wl lc oflers buad up ulth som. h6€Yy Elow p{6 th6t lead into some full throttle thrash with some rage filled screams The last song ls a llve minute epic and in' corporates som€ spoken word Lyrics deal with war,

aiiatEl rlghtt. h!{n5 a{.' l'd rc€lty Ite to


oa3ttorhg t|6 r,o,ltl. Citaty mo.€ flom this bend ln the


fulure cause iftheyighten up theirsongs they have the potentialto be really good and b€ addedlolhe insan€ly long list ofgreat bands out of Sweden (A('dan) / falafeLPunk@gmail com


SUNPowER - Say somefrirg 12" Raw as hell mid 80's style hardcore that is snotty as tuckl Verbally assaulting scenesiers, punks who don't support local bands and slaying outside the club Lrniil the "cool" bands go on, nazi skins, sexism, afld a whole lot more lwas put offal llrst because the vocals sound almost exactly like Mr Biafra, but afteI a while lwas able to ignore it Besides, isn't imitation the sncelest form of flaitery? Either way, lhis is a really good album that refuses to give in lo lalest punk aock trends and ,]ice keeps .t real The clear prss yellow vinyl was a tolch (Jake) Still Holding on Records // stillholdingon free fr SURRENDER s/f 7" The well-designed monochromatic packaging certainly brlngs to mind the old anarcho stuff, and the sound lives up to that promise. The release leads in wilh a SUBHUMANS-Iike bass groove before launching the vocal attack The second side trades off between ap_ parently female and male vocals that are strong but

neverscreamy. lreallydig these bass lines Lyrics deliver a much needed critique of left_wing, anarchst and punk polltics. "What if we stopped believing in a slogan based soluiion?" Good question. (l\,4att lndignant) Surender/ PO Box 301 / Berkeley, CA94701

SWELLBELLYS Bullets & Blades CD Dude PUNK FUCKING RAWK! I got up in lhe living room and danced around This is some fast angry Scottish iypaa ip€6drng throuqh twelve tmcks of pissed off punk rcct llry t{o metalto be found on this release kids. Right outthe gate they?e taking shots at dubya with From The West and straight in to an anii Natjonal Front iune called Don't Need lt. This is fast aggressive punk rock the stuff that got me here in lhe first place and it ain't formulaic or sloppy! I found every track a treat and was especially puckered at their cover of BOOYCOUNT'S Copkirler fol' lowed by a dub track Lasf Chance thals slraight out of the rnanual. Irusl is about hiends getting the shafr from friends, Revenge a tune about People who hurt kids and the obligatory anli-army song called /.4rh? 8/ind Simple si?ight foMard PONK. Oh and the sound bles is fun as shrtl lf you?e burned out by the metal influences FIND THIS RECORD! (stinkbot) Go down Fighting Music / PO BOX 132 / L€eds LS6 2RR / IIK

SYSTEMATIC OVERTHROW - Demo CD-R Thrs band hails irom Ft. Wayne, lN, and they play rip_ pllE n|cE cflEr Thay .t o oottoal anerch(rcruat band tith ferrEle votel6 the OUiEnEl 6 a raal ti'3iet bn8 of wsling h@ks, and solos, the drums are pummeling, and ltto vocJi are in yourface. At times they remind of a little band you might remember called NAUSEA, and ihat ain't a bad band to be compared tol This is a pretty sweet demo, so check it out (righteous) coverthrow TANKER CHAOS - War Machine l0" This Fronch band has a kind of quirky mix of styles The sound is kind ofcrusty punk, but kind ofsiraight up hardcore. with some death metaltype riffag€ al around, and a constant and steady drum sound kind of like a thrash band. At times it's fasl and chaotic, but it has some rockin' slower breakdowns and the vocals defi_ nitely remind me of mix of deathmetal, and the singer from BRoKEN lt works out pretty well (righteous) Kanivd Chaos c/o lvl Rue De La Corvee / 25360 Nan_ TERROR LEVEL RED - Lost 7" Self-released EP from this NewYork based crust band. Heavy, trulel, oowl-tuned and well'pleyed crust in lhe verns ol b5nds Ii<e SKIISYSTE[.] and TRAGEDY and these guys seems to be pretty youngjudging from there Myspace and I think this is a fuckin'good startl The music is really well-made and brlngs both fast d-beat as

wellas sow breakdowns and

a loi of good melodies.

The vocals are incredible as well and lihink they did their homework cause even if there are a lot of bands around playing this kind of crust this catches my atlention and I lisiened to this EP severaltimes before it left my vinyl player. ll seems they have an LP out as well and lcan'i wait to hear it, solld work! (Potin) Terror Level Red / 88 AdeLPhi #25 / Brooklyn, New York'11 205 Edmanrex@gma .com THOUGHTASSAULT - s/l 7" Anarchopunk out of Germany both remindlng me a lot ofANTI-FLAG with a skate/melodic feel to tt but also a lotofAmerican melodic DIY anarchobands Good politi_ cal lyrics taking care of a loi of interesting subjects and some greal harmonic pads along wiih bolh a female vocalist singing and a gLry screamlng Nice aiMork as well and I must say this T" really catches my attention

all the way lhru! I would love to get a chance to see

lhis live as well as getling my hands on some more releases, Good melod c anarchopunkl (Potin) wwwmyspace com/exeg' bert


TIME OF THE WOLF s/t CD Oooh! This is gonna be epic I can feel the build up. Slow, dark, metallic. There are slfings Cre6py strings, making this all the md€ hau^t n9. Dark, prldy lm6|9

intros... lead into IIIEITTMLLLLLL!l! Maa..trn!!!9h' hhh! Wait. ls ihis...saianic metal? Oh, you betcha. And ry. Tha technical 116 Ealty lolld m lems of musEal


of tE mombers is acNdly quita lmpressive' Oy!, he t p guriar leaos and EOol on drumt back evil throaty vocals, leaving olenty to throw your long harr around toeven ifyou don'tworship eldiablo lreally en' joyed that long exlended intro includino aa€€P, strings on the first song. I personally could d€.| e lrrout lhe "lucifer...lucifer...lucifer..-" lyrics But if that grabs you, pick this up! (Maygun) Odium Generis Humani Records / 7044 CarollAvenuo #3 / Takoma Park, MD 20912


ToTALICKERS s/t CD TOTALICKERS from Barcelona, Spain comes with sonos lik€ Dislickers and delivers some crusty rock:n roll d-beat punk for you folks. Members fiom fellow Barcelona punks HOLOCAUST lN YOUR HEAD and NO CONFORI,4E among others, rf vou re ,nto bands o(. Airl cll\,4Ex, TAMPERE SS. DOo[,l and MoTORHEAD you wi,l tike this band. Another skong release from whal seems io be a great hardcore scene in Barcelona, Spain P,ck lhis one up


www.myspace,com/gritaomuere // !r'\ /w myspace com/ totalickers TRAP THEM


CunlHeirTo The fhrone 7"

very lntsE6ling rllaase of catchy





sl linE6 mer6l tingEd tUC. Supar light musi-

, graJlt wklu and plnrrilling dn m6 ha.p thjs rawking along. There's a really coolspoken word lhing on the b'side ofthis. which lends a sense ofmaturily to this .elease These are definitely not lhe kids down the street puidng out their first EP, these are some weath_ ered old 5chool mother fuckers offoring up thek life's blood thru their music TRAP THEI\, has x_members of GRIEE DECEIVBER WOLVES & BACKSTABBERS lNC, This comes in a crazy silk screened cover and on sweet split color vinyl. I ihink punx into DISFEAR' AT


THE GATES, & BEL will be into this. Look for these dudes to be hitting lhe l\ridwest & East Coast inAugust with PERTH EXPRESS from Germany, (Lawless) ThrashArt TRAP THEM . Sreepwerl Deconstruclor Co t2 longr o, gnndlng noisy lcrssnE punl meLt . Every ganq b.ghs snd a')di with e ulall ot Mbtak ih.t sand_ wlchB6 lha chaoedihin. AlDlrln roqufEd (Llttrrgl Trash artl / PO Box 725 / Providence Rl / 02901 www, kashartrecords,com

TRlOxlN - The Experitnert CD TRIOXIN from l\rontreal Canada delivers 14 tracks of qood raw punk wih bo[i Englllh and F ench lyrics. The

;oc!ls really remnds flre ol Flalle Wisemark of BLACK

UNIFORMS fame, and the music style is quite similar too. Lyics dealwith themes like religlous wars and animallib€raipn. This is a very good CD. They have also a split 7'with BESTHOVEN out now lfyou are into €w punk you wlllikethis. (Paul) Counteract Recs / 81 rue sarnte ceqle / 13005 Mar_ seille / France //www trioxin24s-tk TRIPIS - P/aMlda CD TRIPIS fiom Krakow, Poland plays Punk Rock wiih Hardcore influences- All the lyrics and rnfo is in Polish which I don t understand so I can only say something

meaningful about ihe music- I can hear some influences by Ol POLLOI, 7 SECONDS, BLiCK FLAG and ACCUSED, although this is not as'brutal orasfastas those bands can be To me this music s quite odd, as they suddenly bring in some emo-parts and suddently some sing along parts I guess ts an OK release but I feel it's not as strong as an album should be (Paul) Nikt Nic Nie, PO box 53, 34 - 400 No\eytang Poland. wwwmyspace,com/tripisrocks

TROCKI. Bez konca... CD Fkstofall, this band put a lotofthoughi inio ihe ariwork on this release. Things like an image of whal looks like jesus that has an added image of good ol'G-W. subtly overlaid when the lyric booklet is puled out Or the lonely guy in a field of cardboard boxes made to look like office cubicles. Nice touch. Musically TROCKI play gloomy sort of grindcore with a hini of blackmetal that attacks at tull force with some of the creeplest sounds bites between songs. Churning guitars lightly drstorted bass and thundering drums enhanced by overtly politcal lyrics sung in a dual demon versus maniac fashion make this CD a double thumbs up- (Jake) wydawnictwo NIC / ul, Wloclawska 1AN2 156-420 Bierutow, Poland // www.malarie.indpl

WARKORT Med Tiden I Ryggen cD TVARKORT is another crustcore act from Gothenburg, Sweden. They play straighl forward crusi wiih dual male vocals, Where one screams and the other one rs more dark (growl anyone?) lcan'tfind much information on this band, but I know one oflheir membeN were active in lhe great but forgotten d-beal act E-47'l in the 90's. I guess I can call this metallic DOOM (the band) inspired crusl Lyrics deal with such topics as violence, stealing and sooe politicalviews on the society lf you ard crust you will like this. I know that like straight idid (Paul) www.tvarkort,com / www myspace,com/tvarkort






This five piece band slraight oLt ol Ausral,a give us 12 mad as fuck trac[s ol high energy ha'djucking-co'e that never lets upl lt was recorded in late 2006 and rcleased in ea y 20Ol I believe that this is their ihird release and lhopethatthey keep'em coming for a long lime. (Ken Ciderpunk) / deathsheadrecords@gmail.


Podland's UPSHIT CREEK brings four tracks of fastpaced melodic pop punk with a heavy DIY bike punk aesihetic on this debut 7" Lovely silk screened cover and a photocopied lyric booklet lnserl included as well on this self-release, Lyrically these songs are introspeclive and political ln nature, wilh a short paragraph of lyrlcal analysis accompany ng each track Although the vocals aren t fully my cup of yerba mat6, I thought that this band s politics are spot on; grounded in reality, and thankfully detached from the over idealistic college student pseudo-revolut onary babble that we hear so much- The songs are catchy and have a nice balance between disiorted parls and lhe clean chafine jangly parts Th s record should come complimentary with a pair of Carhartts (Rob Hanna) Dan Nowhere / 514 NE Jafiett/ Portland, OR 97211 VACANT CHURCHES -As I Fall From Grcce CD I liked VC's tracks on their split 7" with SATJNAS LOBOS quite a bit lt seems like on this CD the band has slowed down quite a bit and become more melodic (not sure if this CD was belore or aft6r the 7') The keyboards aren't quile as strong, nor are the vocals, Th s band is still good, snotty female vocal punk rock and I will definitely watch these guys and check out thek future releases. (Nick Mangel) Vinehell Records / PO BOX 36131 / San Jose, CA

more power to them. This band has a sound akin to the more evolved Swedish HC bands of the last decade or so such as PROTESTEMoT OPERATION, llhink this may be a demo CO as well, so it's a promising starl for

sure! (Dave) LJLRIKE:

Halvkass Produktion: info@hal\.fabrikat net



VALIOMIERDA serf-fifred CD Remember back in the early 90s (shut up, I'm old) after MINISTRY gotsom6 airplayand melalbands staried to work some ofthat sound inlo their mus

c? We lldo and

lhat's whatthis reminds me of. u nlike those tired metal bands under the inlluence of smack and a crap record producer though, VALIOMIERDA are sincere and it shows. I hear equal parts PANTERA, BUTTHOLE SURFERS, and old schoo skate punk P us, while l've got no lyric sheet, they supposedly sing in English, Portuguese, and Spanish And a I4OTORHEAD cover to boot! Good stuff. (Matt lndignant) Fivecore Records / 2'111 S Trenton Way, Suite#105 / Denver, CO 80231

. split


This CD is made up ofold demo tracks, live offerings & vinyloutputs from days gone by These two bandswere instrumentaland infuentialin lhe 80's ltalian scene and

lelt a definite mark on the internalional scene of that time as wâ‚Źll. WARFARE? Were kind of like ltaly's version of CRASS butwith a touch ofd-beat in theirovsrall sound, UPSET NOISE can be considered one of the ea.lier fast-core bands and many bands since them claim them as an influence, This is essential for punx lnto 80's intemational H/C or KBD types (Lawless) SOA Râ‚Źcords / wwwsoarecords, it

LICR Company


157 Kamiagu l\,,laizuru


Kyoto 624

0913 / Japan


A superb 7'that rages from beginning to end. Both bands are Scandi-crust influenced with the pure rage of IJK anachro-punk, while WHOLE lN THE HEAD has a touch more hardcore mixed in. Love it so much my dreads just got itchier hstening to th;s. WAR ALL THE TIME is ex-members of BOXED lN, while WHOLE lN THE HEAD are a newer band, but sttll ripping nonetheless. This 7" will definitely hold up to repeated listenings, in faci I hope it doesn't wear out too fast- Great split! (crudos) Crimescene Records / Unit 3 / Lodge Causeway Trading Est / Fishponds / Bristol/ 8516 3JB / U K / www.,uk

Well shit-vrcious Swed sh D-beat crusl you say? Yes, it definrtely is gruff vocals (which I prefer over the screechy shit), heavy guitars, pounding thundering drums, black and white grainy war lmages, and band photos wilh skulls replaclng the heads l'm in hog heaven. (Nick Mangel) Svaveldioxid / C/O Pahick Kolb / 8510 Redange Attert

/ Luxemburg wlTCHES WITH DICKS - Manual CD WWD play solid energetic pop-punk (but not too poppy) The music reminds me of THE CURSE (the Philly one) and JAWBREAKER, as well as a bunch of other bands whose names aren't coming to me. lt's pretty good for the style and lenjoyed thrs release despiie my usual lack of interest in the genre. (Hazel)

VALSE TRISTE ,radon ,/ku CD VALSE TRISTE rs oie of Filland's longesl rLnning

Kiss of Dealh / PO Box 75550 / Tampa, FLl 33675

bandsihalfor some reason has been severly under rated and over looked Rather than playing what we have

WORMWOOD - S(arvalio,, CD

from Finnish HC bands they ven-

tured out into some wild $visted bass driven madness that b ngs to mind another under-rated Finnish band from back n the day KANSANTURVAMUSIIKKIKOMISSIO or KTMK for short, but with a more thrashy approach. Or if you took NOMEANSNO by way of the classic Finnish sound and threw in a litte CRASS into the mix, bul that still doesn't do thern justice at all This dischas 20 songs on itallsung in Finnish ofcourse and comes packaged in a diqi pack This band is a breath oi fresh air and to all of you out there lhat think punk has become stagnant and there is no originalty left Check this band out if you haven't akeady cause they're one ofthe besi around right now' (Adrian) lf Society / Po Box 6 / 00511 Helsinki / Finiand // www.

halvfabrikat net UPSET NOISE/WARFARE?

CD (Lawless)

WARVICTIMS - Kr,gsoffer 7"


a I come 1o expect

ULRIKE - V.rdag6n At En tGmp CD From Sweden, ULRIKE brings ten kacks of mid lempo hardcore punk. Catchy, sometimes sing a long worlhy hardcore with awesome buBts of double kick As fur as lyrics go, they?e entirely in Sw6dish with no English translations or oxplanations, lt sucks that I can't read what they?e talking about and I thlnk it's unfair that bands have to adapt lo English to be understood, so

VORACIOUS SOUL. A Blind Colot CO Been a few years s nce Osaka's VS has put something out The five songs on this CO their newest output, shows a different VS not quite as melallic as their "Adrenalin Storm' album, yet very intense in delivery This is sorne great over the top, energetic and powerful stuffthat is extremely dlvers. I think punx into GASTUNK, HHIG and even ARTII/IUS PYLE will dig this

VICIOUS CYCLE , s/t EP At first ihoughl upon opening my review package, I thought this was two separate records ln reality, this one comes in t\^/o versions with different cover art-one has a yellow cover and clear green vinyl, the other comes on clear, says "56/100" on it, and is cloaked in red paper. They're idenlical beyond thal, so buyers beware. The music is on the catchier side of that neo80's hardcore slyle that is very popular at the moment, a H CAREER SlJlClDE. ld probab y enjoy VICIOUS CYCLE hve. The record isn't bad, just not my thing. (Hazel) Radio 81 / www..adioS'lrecords.corr / www.vciousvi-


The newest release from Seattle's WOR[/]WOOD, Starvafio, is

a wonderful indescribable combination


metal, punk, doorn, crustand more The new LP maintains the truly dark, creepy ambiance lhat made me fall in love with them n the frst place. Right from the irst song on the album, I was sucked in Multiple vocals, haunting keyboards, pummeling lribal drum beats Vocai echos. Lots ofsamples and down iempo interludes. Ee e breaks filled with slow keyboard solos and haunting female s nging. Heavy rises in music lhat lead to crescendos filled with gutMenching screams. The lack of guitar presence only adds to the empty, dreary feeling I get whie listening to lhe record. This recording is at once creepy, dark and beautiful al the same lime I believeihe word that comes to mind is EPIC?An excellent progression from earlier maierial (l\raygun) 20 Buck Spin / 2340 Powell Street#117 / Emryville, CA 94608

YAKUZA HORROR - La Vi Exlinction7" YAKUZA HORROR from Spain plays crusty hardcore with melal riffs now and then I am not blown away ot anything, but they have a nice "groove" through this T that makes it quite good lt's similar to bands like CONSU ,lE because you can hear this guitarist likes lo shred the Swedish slyle. All the rnfo and lyrics here is in Spanish so I can't offer an insight there. Overall a good 7"- (Paul) Trabuc Records // www,nodoso,org/trabucrecords THE YOUTHS . s/t 7,'

Saying this is slighily snotty garage meets early THE

be accurate, but doesn't really do ugucs ThB 6 5 aatloutly good ol€ong. Bul THE

DAIV]NED would


Ponugial). nol tha llo' tor C[y- Ths fee song8 tlram6dva€ a,E thon 'nlGt€m_ po tllal|,il, tha grd.r dnp6 mlh tllcct3 erld t/va eYen gBt


natt fiorn L€boo


io ha€l the oaaas,qlal han$cl8O Sr,e.L Lyflcs tErd low6rd tu inlto:Dedaw. oltcn co.|cernlng how one fis r; wrfi s tooety so concemed w{n tlra rn6tEnEl l'm gure 8rr good lolh6 el MRR 5.e fattng all ov€r lh€rn' B6lv€6 loith'3, snd wrlh gbod lB.5di (Metl lndlgntnll Criminal lQ Records / 3501 N Southport / Chicago, lL 60657

FLAG end Los CASTIOIOS quite good sampler musicalwise too- (Paul)

tnc" t*" nNtt

th6 6


wu,wfireandflames com

DVD Gfl7red Cheese Sandwich DVD DVD / 90 minutes / no Price lsted

oh man. The b6sic premBe ol thE filrn is small town

Don't F*ck With Her CO ((rl Yea, th6 'u" la ltrdEd ool n lhs tld6. Oa etash€'d nEre accurclelv, Elvth ure cov€r an. th.t 6 a ooalp t' trn cD halunno toor oarlda..lLl oR NOTHING H C'. GRUK. RIOT THIS, srd BRUISE VlOLEl The iocus hal8 B on Lmtle.fD.t d brnda (EU llorn ColEmi') and there's an essay about violence against women, but over all lhe content was lacklng lt doesn t even oome wtlh I linc shalt d D6rld filb {unb95 yoli cotrnl thE AOfiHC brnd z,no lhol cern€ mlh lh'3). AOI{HC are V lA -

hardcore with breakdowns that gets compared to AGNOSTIC FRONT a lot GRUK is punkier stuff with a raDd sour$,ng vocal€l who h(r1..5 ove, cvaMhng ln an umroa.r'r.J hst on RlOf THS lum 'n 0ve lr* ol rouo; DUnt l9ct. and BRUISE VIOLET'IT lo9 ofi lhc dls4 wtdE &m'br glyle All 'n 6tl lhE comp odnl do m!,Ei ,.t nE, but I wrll 6ay that SRUI.SE VIOLET ie p'.lty deenl eod wore mv lavonlc b6nd f€€turid (He6!) On he R64r, PO Bot 25r I Norco CA 9286&025'l //

v 1A - Heatock CD F!cl. llo,r'a JEo*t6.a punk oiBlltypoe The Japanote ou aaern lo tatS evel/trnng rnd cas* [ up to l$elvt $ msgnE my rErdy gl€e when I lourd lti! comr aDo'r ,n rw rw*w orle'Ttra comp ha9 put toga0ie. all lho dlt' lerErll bendg who aggaate<t sl lho 'Heal Rod(' ponk md to3tlval ln JsFan Ra9rEr€ntld her! str ZERO (6lrdghl up hs.dcda p(mk .ock wlth a slEht MoToR-

(6El$ha'red chei gunt ala uloEs funnv b6rEtE on Pttr* CotE) CHAOS SIDE toxtDm€lv NYHc-n[rr€nc6d . Ydlh r+Eng?], ANAR'

irai nr,i . otsct-lpnEs

CHY CONDOUS (ktch€ss ho,daore pl,llt Srnple 5'rd to lhe pdnl Tlr€y alro {vln lhe p.[a lor Dad band nama oI drE fiEnlhl. ANG€LICA lrE.lty lun le,n€le_lronlo'l tha HAPPY BASTAnOS Etmkt Thov stnrost !ffrnd to a degr€e, whfi 6n t a b€d trrr$ sl sl!) THOUO{T w h Bo.trditg to 3ay). efld CONTROTL



116 gragt l,ntontc hardcd€ wrrr roal'6hntd' dfE voc€lr. Ramnd6 rl. oa CIOOS UK al t'De6) Al n 9ll.-tr6 lE o g.€El oompldon. lho'r0n I can do wlll|oul ure CtoOS SIOE sqto . ,l€ r.pP|ng tr65n I ''6ty good'


Did I menUon that ZERO do a wicked cover of "Paint lt Black"? I didn't? Wellthey do- So there (lnbred) MCR Company/ 157 Kamiagu Maizuru 0913 / Japan /wwwdance neip/-mcr/ V IA

a oood eoouq'l reason Do buy th s CD lD supporl l'E o;d cause ald lhe o1€s do\rn t1e'e protoshnC lNilh


Kyoto 624_

- Last Monarcho Punk Austia LP


ol larlhrsshv auturs

punk, featurrng

SHObK TROOP, XURWA APAMTA DIE BOSLI\GE JUGEND DER APATHIE AI\,INESIE ANTINATIONAL, FURIE. SoTATILA, and DEADLINE. Sonically, qLrite an impre6gvE Tnaup, lhou€h nol ma'ly very wall lnollv oands. bu lhot l.lqrl&r'i Btiop you lrom ch&hng thl6 out. LimilEd lD 5OO qrrre6, so ba fast. S[6rioul5 in_ clude, DIE BOSLINGE _ who I reviewed tho 18fl rsal6 of PE. ANTNESIE ANTINATIONAL, and SOTAnIA Each band hes a certain charm as the recording quaF fiy vafles, but this ls a nice rnro lo the AJslrian scene (crudos) Noize A4 Records


Crow Music c/o Stefan E Anqre / lJkichstrasse 28, A'6840 Giitzls / Austrla // w\'vw _

- Make CaPitalism Hislory CD Thls is an mobillzation sampler agalnst the G8 summit 2007 in Hel'qmdam, Ge'many That's in my oprnio'r

V lA

AbuncnolboredCaradl teeaEaGlardBh€naniga69 -take a blDEt flom gelir.E sldred to slart a clJb an kds thqt makg3 griled chatsa ssnduidl*. They 9d Enul down bacaose of lh€ Gchoofs food @nhacl Thele s

a riot The idea could have been entertaining, but the film is so overdrawn and boring that lwas wa lng for it to be over-l swear over half of it is filler scenes-and ale €O mlfirlo3 13 I lc.lg tlm€ lo w.dil! Tho charect6rc thn. and I m{€n THIN The Tde&bblas ara mdo &!l' llfeoelEd. srd erpooentially more am$lng Tho rno$€ oets ev€n worEe whEn the p.eachy. heEvy'harded ;evoluhon fieUnc end 6d,vratn parody sluf Eomos n l'll take a whole bucket of pass on lhis one (Hazel)

PRINT O: And d-beat?

This is an extremely well_done zine flom England bcrElng on raw punk ol the d+aal varialy' Th€ !ty'

out is exc6ll6^t - olaan, bll ll keeF me hEgnly 6 ionl of the ana Ttlere 5 a 9!€61 nleftr&v wdh lhosa crustv bagtdrds AFTER THE MASSACRE wh'ch wa6 Ierlly n-d€pth ano lntorlElntng unl*e e lol ol band lm€tvr€ty6 | co{ne scroas thoge day6 The olh€r ma]or band inteNiewed in this issue is BESTHOVEN, who travr be€n d-baeln9 lre Ehrl out ol uE lor alnlosl 2 d6€adrd now lwas e tnir d66ppo{.lled wrln l'116lr)_ terview - il seemed really cookie'cutter without much substance, Rounding out the zine are a Czech scene .ooo.t. lnro.malbo o,o tne gmup No.wEh AnerchFt3, s brE{ ploIle on th. b.nd DEATH FnOu AsoVE


F,ld vedr. (hbr€d) ri4{r,to r pO eox 202, SnFhy I 8Ol8 3WB / UK/ uk

Anarchoi #'s '14, 16 and 20 A4 / copied / generally 32 p!!at / tlo price listed As l'm ieviewing all three at ho Same time I will give you s oanoral dee ol lhe an€ Jamci rvho alooe lt prak along w h aarty g0'r UK82 ia"" 6wot ZZ "tyt. bands interviewed graviiate toof the So most stuff. wards this sound- The bulkofeach issue is interviews, _ some reviews and the odd g g review pretty much ely l,hr basl ol lhc t

.tsriEs hE done



So ll yo(/ lik6'77 styled punk aM a qicl rEad, loot no further. James Gemmell/ 3 Haze Grove / Kilwinning / KA'13 7JH / UK

Ab#5-March2006 $2 / 1/2 page / 20 Pages

This zin; i;both confusing and really interesting lt's an inc'rd$ly oired bsg @nsid..lrE lh€ zma p',bliElF efB encou€ge yoo lo 6eale yo{r o'rn EutmlBsEh 69 lono as,ls J@ady lo copy 6rto t6rt p€ge AD E l*e an ioen d's€sston and ho$'lo :rr€ w l wa)p lo 1N' b6tLr snd Qng€r' (ocaordmg lo $a e,elanrtlon €l lh' e oeo.nnrno.t Thrg z,m rncllrd€s ut€ful nbriaton tnJrano-us ,€as ano haltlul m.r6 oi d{fielBnt hori6 howto create a practicalfemale balhing suit, information on where and where not to hltchhike and so much more. Theres in incredible amount of information oacked inlo tnis lttle zrne aftd lne mone people who w le in and submit and the mo.O p€@l€ who read' I can only imagine how much more interesting this will become in future issues. (Dave) Ab c/o Dwelling Portably/ PO Box 190-ab / Philomath, Or / 97370

Altefiative Press Review Vol. 1 0, # 1 5, Fall 2006 Y!' 1l / e€ poqes / 94 gs Anoher qEal ,ssuc o{ APP lnsde. I lqrno No6m Cto(nskis lecruro onalyztng lhe '$';, on Er.o' an E

ergrnrnaion ol ttrc wav medla hsfted reFart! on Hu'' rlcane Katrlffi and g/ll, o!.ront gov€mnEnl cruqad€ against sexual contenl on the Internet, a disturbing lo;k at the u.S. military's countless examples of torture, mass fit d€t and war mrra6, and an int€rvlaw with Jeff Monsoo (yesr) Wellg' rBEdlogl(6dEl Alternative Pless R6vlGw / PO Bor @45 I Arllngton,


CEn | €^Ev p.e3B-rrbGe?? Yes I can Th6l's atesqital p lv whal ti1€ .s.pfioto6 sGd Vflc.E ot AONHC ttlth u e & orotag kqn r€v€ws d lmg mlo thc r68rler'6 he6d how louOh o{ a fronl wo.n6a ther 'bl4ach€d b'oade hardoot6- hoDlie." singlo, E. Ther€'5 En l0telvrei,, wllh them too- This will be interesting to you if you are on the band's mailing list or are revlewing one of their releases and need a cheal sheet (HazeL) On the Rag / PO Box 251 / Norco, CA/ 92860-025'1 / wwwonthelag net




or Nothing H.C Band Zine#8 Hdl rhr r T paa|.. , rlo lbr.d AIt


rle ls lhat $Eir gultarilt used IOYCE MCXINNEY EXPERIEI\ICE to ogv drums fHE 6NE TAKES, alEllre. o.d €6liv 80 s band wllo reformed. Thrashers FLLTHPACT 116 l0leMe,nr wllh; ,NTIBOOIES REFUSE/ALICO olt ON ACTIVE HOLY RACKET ATO,,GVITIER. Pleis or 30 yearE 01 p'unh (!an t) 6M e piece on Besl {tamous toolball playGr hom Northem kclan_d who was 6lso onr ol lh€ b€5t plsyers of his time when h€ Played for MAN UNITED). #20 with; THE DRAGGED from Northern lreland and l've never heard of them TOX|C REASONS. no, ho B€<* logelher' qurt. a short nlcNievr' A.d B ler1 odds and 6nds, Nol lie bo3l i53!' lhat

.noEl intore5ling lact lor


AGTIAIE#9, Winter 2007 1/z sizedl z(qages I $2

mthirE elBo.

in 2004 SAD SOCIETY, long standlng band COMBAT SHOT, another long standing band,


uncll lrlB'vrewB t'/tlh'

.n old barld hom lh€

eeJly 60 s who

aized / 28 pages / 1 pound or $2 po86c:k2F@nfs lirst 'ssue slarls oil strong. mixing latcal ranE, arilcle6. bond id€nlo96. oolumns and lol ol cool Dol$cat ert (front covot lncludEd wow r5 t|o1 1,65 1 Th,s rsstE l€6lures ntrrvlcr\lB wdh PSY'






cHERREES. Iants aboul environmental devastation, information on the Anarchist Black Cross, and some com cs. Aoood startr (Dave) Back2Fro / Fronl Cover ProducLions / Box F / 67 lalraqimoto RD / Baltynartnch / BT2d 8Nt'l / N lre_ rand / aJ.K. / Dock2'ront-danny@y.lroo Back To Frcnt #2,






,51P!9c6, ? od loqethH m titrllt ol


lsmat' tl^is zine

h5i ;lelvlsws wtlh R€port S'tlspiciou6Adivity (ex'ARTICLES OF FAITH and JAWBOX), Noam Chomsky, THE USUAL SUSPECTS, Peter Srnger (the writer/ artm6l-nohte aatvl5l). Flst Eafi Recorft THE E)(

CHUMBAWAMBA, UNIT (OI.APOSTLESI. O^d lIlOleI (adaal Tront Cover / Box / 67 Tanlaghnole Road / Bal_



lynahinch, BT24 8NU

/ UK




Badcata#15, Match 2007


/ 76 pages / $4 This issue of Barrbata from France is packed wrth interviews: LA FRACTION, SICK OF lT ALL, UK SUBS, Lydia Lunch, Angela Davis, articles about the Black Panther Party, anti-fascist efforts in Russia, and much more. l\,4akes me wish I read Frenchl (adaa) Batticala I 21 rue Voltiaire / 75011 Paris / France // 8

Dwelling Portably 97370-0190

badly drawn and very cramped carloon diaries of lhe author's daily routines. Serving coffee, drinking, hanging out, drinking, lislening to music, drinking and my personal favorite, using the lerm gay in a derogatory sense Waste of paper (Dave) Crummy Stuff c/o K Godsey / 2883 Harrison Ave /Apt


2A I Circinnali OH I 45211

Dirye# A Beal Of Ou Own 41 Fall 2006 /full page / 30 pages / 0.50 cents Another brand new publicalion to show ihe DIY punk community is live and well, A BeaI of Our Own ltavels the typical MRR / Razorcake layout road, bui does

it like a seasoned pro. Of cource, this isn't just


copy oi other zines of ils ilk, A Beat af Our Own has some quirky weird stuff like a made up ]nierview with a ghost (you'll have to read it to get it I think ) and some awesome colurnns The nornal fJll page zine fare is here as wellwith rnterviews from MISSION OF BURMA, BONEDOG, EWHARRIA, ANTI.NOWHERE LEAGUE, a history of THE DETONATORS and an inlerviewwith Jim Testa ofJersey Beat, also your normal dose of reviews! Nothing too g.ound-breaking but well pui together nonetheless. (Dave A Beat of Our Own / C/o Sam H / PO Box 7066 / Hampton, VA 23666

Captive Voices #'14 I Winter/Fall'06 44 size / copied / 32 pages / donations This zine is wrtten by a pdsoner, but assembled, copied and distributed by ABC on the outsrde Full of stories about lile inside An arlicles on expenments on inmates. Plenty ofcontacts of people to write to, who I'm sure would be glad of a letter or two. Reports on happenings around the globe. So if you have any interesl in inmales, have some spare time, a little cash then subscribe to this mag and help make people's lives a little more bearable inside lf possible, please donate $5 - $10 per year, you'll get two issues per year and the knowledge that you are helping someone. (MelHughes) HoustonABC / PO Box 66776'14/ Houston, TX 77266 // / myspace com/houstonabc

2 % size / 32pages / $1 + stamp

Dlrge is a b&w cut n' paste fanzine from Brooklyn, NY Thls zine rs stuffed full of photos and fucked-up adwork an all thek xeroxed g ory This rssue of Dlrge has a hi arious interview with STORMCROW, a Gee Voucher introspective from her recent CRASS art show in NYC, and a scene report from Rochester. Very enlertaining for only a buck and postage (Ja' sons) Dirge zine do Eugene/ 147 Rugby Rd./ Brooklyn, NY/ 1122 // projectilepuke@yahoo com

DOR S#24, spring 2007 '/, sized I 32pages I $2 Dols is an amazing personalzine lhat's been around for a whie now Arrthor Cindy has ihis intense way of pouring allof herdeepesl emolions and thoughts onto the page and while leaving herselfvulnerable, analyzing eveMhing. l've seen a lot of zines try lo do this, but very few can do it effeclively - lhis zine does it much better than mosi ln this issue, Cindy talks about rural iving, and how she used to be scared to death of country folks when she first moved to North Carolina. She,like many of us cityfolks, dwelled on the negative stereotypes but it wasn'[ until she listened to lhe loca counlry station with songs th at suspiciously sound like anarchist anthems, thai she knew it was golng to be okay That story cou d have ended there, but much like a great conversation, she leads us off into oiher terriiory before we really even know it. She challenges the reader throug hout the issue - challenges our preconceived notions, our assumptlons, and our way of thinklng. She doesn'l preach, but heips us look at a different angle. A I this withoul comrng across as pretentious, which other personalzines have a tendency to do I love this zine (lnbred) Cindy / PO Box 1734 /Asheville NC / 28802

fhe CtA Mekes Science Fiction UnexcitinglA

l/4 size / 32 pages This zine serves as an information reader about the FBI assassrnatrcn of Puerto Rican lndependence

leader Fibiberto Ojeda Rios As the zine slales in its introduction, in the fall of 2005 the FBI shot over 100 bullets into the house of Filiberto Ojeda Rios. They waited almost an entire day before entering the house, during which time Rios bled lo death a gunshot wound, He is considered a marlyr in Puerto Rico, and the events have sparked much anti-uS sentiment and fear over the Bush administrations future acts ofsabotage. The zine goes into historica I detail of both the Spanish and IJS occupations of Puerto Rico, the harassment from the FBI on the Puerto Rican population, and a history ofthe life and death of Rios. Striking chords of similarity with the acts of hatred on polilicalprisoners in lhe Lls, thereare excerpts aswell by I\/umiaAbu Jamal, and comparisons 10 the incident at Ogala and a statement by the Leonard Peltier de-

fense fund. There is so much informalion PACKEO into lhis tiny sized zine it is appalling. The informalion

here is essential lo read- pick up a copy and educate yourselfabout the US and its ties to the exploitation of th6 Puerto Rican people. (l\/aygun) l\,4icrocosm Publishing / PO Box '14332 / Portland, OR 87293


Crummy Stufl#1 l6 pages / quarter page / 1 dollar ln Crummy Stuff number 1, the wrter presents just that, some pretty crummy stuff The zine consrsls of

Drcam Whipdl4 5.5"x4" / 143 pagcs / no price listed A fat little publicalion thai can easrly fit into a hoodie pocket to be read on a train t)de, Drcan Whip E a travel-story focused personal zine, There are a few dozen tales of adventure in Europe and North Ameri ca The layout is simp e and easy to read-mostly text with a few illustraiions and newspaper clipping thrown in. The writing itself flows wel and avoids lhe usual pitfa ls of personal zine-dom, resulting is a decent, easy read (Hazel) lVicrocosm Publishing / PO Box 14332 / Portland, OR / 97293 //

Dwe ing Portebly May ?OOG $1 I 112 page I 2'l pages The litle explains this zine fairly wellr Within the pages ofthis z ne you will find tons of information about creating and utilizing different thingsfora nomadic, primitive lifestyle Different people's experiences about riving in cars, discussions aboul tho best poison Ny remedy, a ton of sources on other places to get information about lhis kind of lifestyle, and an extensive back issue catolog in case this issue didn't contain the informalion you need. This was a little dense and sorneiimes confusing, but for those into primitivism and nomadic lifeslyles, this is for you (Dave)

PO Box 190"1/ Philomath, Or /

Equalizing X Dislortvol




lf yoJ didn t remember. Equalizing X Distotl is an ex-

tension ofthe weekly radio show heard on CIJIT 89.5

fm Sunday nights from ten to midnight" in Toronto, Canada. This issue rs a bit smalle. than usual but it's quality notquaniity right!?! lnsido EXD there are huge interviews with ANGELS SAINTS, AND HEROS(eX members of Hudson Falcons and King Size) and RODNEY WALLwho hosts a radio show on CHMR in St. Johrs Nelvfoundland. Following the rnlerviews are extensive music, zine, and video reviews to round out a pretty good issue this time round- (Jasons) Equalizing X Distoru 21 Foundry Ave LJnit 5 / Toronio , ON / M6H 4K7 /Canada //

Fiffh Es(atu#375, Spring 2007

8%'10/56pages/$3 l've always enjoyed this magazne and lhis issJe rs no different. Very thorough and informative pieces of writing about the food service industry (haven't we all had a chance to taste the beast at some point in our lives?), repression of indigenous people's protests in modern{ay Venezuela, af examination of recent French and Danish riots, and more, Here's to 42 more yeats ol Fnh Eslate \adaa) Fifth Estate / PO Box 2010161 Fetfiale,Ml48220 ll fe@fifthestate org

Folkzine#2 1/2 size / 30 pages

This is a great litile zine from Sweden packed with information. lt includes interviews with THE ASSASINATORS / LA PIOVRA/ DEATH TOKEN, REFUSE/

ALL, an awesome detailed AL]ERNATIVE bio which details their recordings and tourc, vegan recipes and revrews. The layout and quality ofthe artwork and piclures is stellar as well, Fans of band interviews and vegan recrpes check it out! ([,4aygun) Andreas Nilsson / Nydalavagen 54d / 352 48 VAXJO Sweden // / www


Give Me Eack#s1

8%*11 / 64 pages / $1,50 So i am holding this zine and a thought runs tirough my mindr wow, this REALLY reminds me of Heartaftack, both in scope and format. As it turns out, this is technically a cont,nuat:on of the said long-running (bui now defunct)zine So ignore the issue numbering discrepancy... Based in DC, Glve Me Back(referencing?) contains interviews with TINY HAWKS, ENVY SEEIN RED, Donna Manion (RVA Clrt Fest 2007 organizer), and Philly's Pissed (dealing wilh sexual assault not light reading) IVy fingertips are stained, but it's been worth it! (adaa)





20056 [The roference


PO Box 73691


Washington, DC

is to the anti-sexism compilation al-

bum of the same name released by Ebullilion Records (same people who published Heaftattack) way back


C ree n A n archy



ln4, Spring/Summer 2007

l102pdges l54

Wow- this is a verythick issue of lhis 'anti-civiliza tion journal of theory and action ' The theorizing articles coniained wilhin can be tresome to read, particularly for those not utterly agreeing wilh ideas set forward, bui I bet quite of few of PE readers would be interesled in getting their hands on Green Ararcrry. Aside from a ton of articles promoting the anti-civilizatlon theme, thisjournalalso includes a reprint of segmants from ltalo Calvino's lnyisihle-.liili9r, the book I have always loved To be honest, what I have enloyed the most is lhe Crass-esque artwork sprinkled throughout

lhis journal, as well as the anti-capitalist and animal rights news from all over the woid (adaa) Green Anarchy / PO Box 1133'1 / Eugene, OR 97440 // www greenanarchy,olg

Headwound #18 g l, X 11t ?5 pages / 1,50 pounds/ $4 / 3 eurcs / trade Hey gang, we have another .efreshing issue of Headwound on our hands lhave a love_hate relalionship with this zine lt gives me the good interviews with WHOLE IN THE HEAD, UNION IVIADE, FILTHPACT, BBP DISTRO, THE BAYONETTES, ANd KIST,4ET HC' ll also satisfies my desire for politicaland activism updates, like what's going on with Leeds ABC However, Chip and Rachel cut me down to sizs with their cyni_ cal look at the punk community and the shit records that occasionally come out of it,. Hell, that's why I like Headwound so much Get thisl (Jasons) Headwound c/o Punktured /'145-149 Cardigan Rd. / Leeds Ls6 1LJ / England

Hobnail Review #3, Oclober 2006


%* 1l /6pages/free(2lRCs)

HR's aim is to publish an informative guide to small press altemative publjshing The editors focus their elforts on anti-authoritarian, mdical, and leftist publications This issue also has an article about the working class writing and publishing group called lhe Federation of Workers, Wrilers and Community Publishers (adaa) Hobnail Review / Box 208 I 235 Earls Court Road / London SWs gFE / U.K.

Hobnail Review*4, Novemebr 2006 8%*11 / 4 pages / free (2lRCs)

See above for info about this guide The usual list ls augmented with one person's account of the Anarchist Bookfair in London- (adaa) Hobnail Review / Box 208 I 235 Earls Couri Road / London SW5 gFE / U K

Hobnail Review #5, January 2007 I Y" " 11 / 6 pages / free (2 lRcs) See above for info about this guide There is the usual informatve list and brief summaries of alteanative publications. However, this issue ofthe pamphlet also has some short, but wellwriiten critiques of the corpora(e media (adaa) Hobnail Review / Box 208 / 235 Earls Court Road / London SW5 9FE/ U.K.

Hobnail Revi8w *7 , March 2007 8

%*'l'l /6


/tree (2 lRCs)

See above for info about this guide. Expanding in volume. this issue even includes a comic strip! The guide tself has gotten more and more comprehen_ sive. (adaa) Hobnail Review / Box 208 / 235 Earls Court Road / I ondon SWs gFE / U.K.

Hobneil Review 48, Spring 2007 8 % * 11 / 12 pages / Iree (2 lRCs) See above for info about this guide. Even bigger lhan the last issue, HR keeps on reviewing relevant alternalive leftist publicalions A few reprinted articles make this issle more interesting. (adaa) Hobnail Review / Box 208 / 235 Earls Court Road / London SWs gFE / U.K.

lnsideArt ne#11 This magazine isfucking fantastic!The linernoles say

that this is the first issue that wasn't printed in Ger' man, and l'm happy lwas the recipientofthis self_pro' claimed "maximum artscum". /,1side A,'lzril,e /s printed in fu ll color glory The art it displays is downright creepy I\,4ost of it is apocalyptic and morphic in theme, though ihe mediums by which they are crealed aIe vasl and

varied. A lot of the work would be lost in translation of text- a woman part female part alligator, a scenes that look like child faiMales gonethe way of LSD (you know, the'bad tip" kind), things I never wanted to see done with dolls... All ofthe artwork makes me want to look away, but I can't Im intrigued Highlights other than that include an lnterview with Michael Hutter and images of his work;yellow seeping mushroom clouds atop wrapped dark-blue decaying buildings portray a bleak lonely view of urban demise Also noleworthy is lhe art,cle and pictures of the Boliviar nunmies covered in tattoos found in the 1800s ln addiuon to all this, there are poems colresponding with even more artwork, and several magazine reviewsl This magazine is a must-have for anyone intelested in dark, danng political artwork and 's appendages A really great releasel (Maygun) lnside Artzrne / PO Bax 2266 I D'54212 Ttiet I Cetmany

Le DIY O! La Mod, 2007 8 y2* 11 l 6S Pages I 2cDs included

/$ 12

Not sure if it's really a zine accompanied by 2 CDs, or a 2 CDs compilalion accompanied by a huge book_ lel. Let us assume thal it is a publication document_

ing French anarcho-punk in the past 20 years and it happens to come with a greatsoundlrack with French hc punk bands- Bands include HEYOKA, KOCHISE, PEKATRALATAK, SS 20, URBAN BLIGHT, CIVIL AGGRESSION, AGORA, ATTENTAT SONORE, and many more. The English lranslation of ihe booklet can be found online at: www,apfDlYfree lrand is well worth reading. For a punk 'hlstorian' like me, DlY or D/E'was a must. (adaa) APF / 82 Rue Colbert / 59000 Lille / France // / www.apf DlYfree f I

Maximumrccknroll #278 JulY 'oG Tabtoid/ 1oo+Pages/ $4 Well, here we go, I have sevelal months-worth of MRR to go through, so hold onto your hatsl This s the July'06 issue and as we all know MRR is fullofletters, amazing columns and columnists, scene reports, and music/zine/book/video reviews which seem to improve with every issLe. This month has in_ terviews with BILLY CHILDISH, DEATH TOKEN, THE FIRST STEP, Ramsey Kanan of AK Press, HEADACHE CITY DECONDITIONED, and a lon more MRR never disappoinls! (JasonS) Maximumrocknrcll #2Bl October '06 This is the Oct'06 issue MRR. ln this month's issue there are intervrcws with OUT WITH A 8ANG, REDD KROSS, ALAN I\,4ILIVIAN SECT, RAT TRAPS, ANd A ton of others Also, in this issue are some great show photos by Larry Wolfley- Thrs issue of MRR won't dis' appoint you. (Jasons) Maximunrocknroll #282 November'06 This is obviousiy ihe Nov 'OG edition of MRR if you've been paying atleniion Hidden ,n lhis ancienl punk rock tome are interviews with THE FEELERS, THE HOI\,IOSEXUALS, AUKTION, THE EFFIGIES, PESD , Trustfanzine, and other punk shit. MRR also has a TOXIC EPHEX retrosPective thai was pretty interest ing. On a sad note, Golnar announces her departure fiom MRR in thrs issue. Pick one upl (JasonS) Maximumrccknrcll #283 December'06 Here we have the Dec'06 issue of MRR In thrs issue we explore, JAY REATARD, CRll\,4ES AGALNST HUMANITY RECORDS, DORIS ZINE, KVOTERIN. GEN, ATOUCH OF HYSTERIA, ANd THE 9O,S PUNK SCUM PIT PART 2. Hey kids, don't forget the awesone letters, columns, scene reports, and reviews in every issue of MRR Fucking standard reading mate_ rial. (JasonS) Maximunrcckntoll #294 January '07 January's issue of MRR is fucking killerl There are huge sections about SUBHUMANS (part 1) and GILMAN'S 20 year annrversary with great wriling and

Mole3 alone madethe issue Also this month were lnl€tutoy& with THE BLANK_ITS, photos. These two

CONDENADA, MARGARET THRASHER, ORDER OF THE WHITE ROSE, and more! Excellent, excel_ lent issue! (JasonS)

Maximumrccknroll #285 February '07 ln this, the February issue of MRR , we have the life ANd ATt Of RANDY "BISCUIT" TURNER Of thE BIG BOYS, plus parl 2 of the SLIBHUMANS story. Also in MRR this monlh are interviews with RUIN, THE TRANZMITORS, LEI\,IURIA, THE BLINDS, Nd tO much more to list. Decent issue! (JasonS) Maximumrccknrcll lql86 March '07 Well here we are, March'sissue of Maximumrocknrcll This month has some great columns from Mykel Board, Al Ouinl, Edca Ransom, and the Crimeihinc Collective. Not forgetting lhe Best of 2006 which is an amazing year in review with each MRR shitworker going through their favorite records flom iast year. This lisi made me pull my head outta my ass and pick up some great new music, This month also had inteF views with SI,4ARTUT KAHOL LAVAN, and part one of a LOST CHERREES retrospective. Fucking great Lssuel(JasonS)

Maximumrocknrcll 1f287 APtil 'o7

Fuck this piece of shit rag of a zine! I fucking hate itl I egpecially hated the rilENi€wE with SSK, RESTLESS YOUTH, SBV KEITH ROSSEN. CRAP CORPS, THE VlClOLlS, part two of LOST CHERREES and all the other pointless shit in this zine Forget this, it's toilel paper. April Foolslll By the way, goodluck to Golnar - you're Iucking awesomel (Jasons) Maximumrocknroll l{288 MaY '07 Hr lherel Well, here's the May issue of MRR, if you couldn't tell from lhe last review. This is also the firsl new issue without coordinator Golnar Nikpour. So far this isastandard ofMRR. - so far. This month includes interviews with CLOCK CLEANER, CONFLICT(US), PISSCHRIST, THE MTS(Sweden), VILETONES,

VIOLENT TUMOR, plus more PS, Mykel Board is rad (Jasons) Maximumrock n rcll #289 J|]ne' 07 Hey kiddies! Yet anolher issue of good ole MRR io wei your whistle This month we have interviews with ULTIMO RESOUTE, KURSK, I\,IASSTMUMA, SOCIAL CIRCKLE, FINAL APPROACH, POST PUNK KITCHEN(word.), SOUTHERN DEATH CULT, and more punk type stuff. Hey, Golnar's all settled in NYC and back this month with the firsi column since her departure. Also, there is a huge report from K-town' Denmark about Urgdomshuset (RlP) Fuck yal There you have it, eleven month's of MRRI (Jasons) Malimumrocknroll / PO Box 460760 / San Francisco. CA94146-0760 // www Maximumrocknroll com

Motgenmuffel #11 January 2006 24 pages / l/2 page / 60P Wow! What a nicey done zine This zine is done graphic novel style and it totally wo*s The author depicts various recent happenings in her life with excellent drawings and good story hnes This issue includes the authols escapades serving food (and participahng) at the GB Summit, vacations, and sickness in the family l\,4y only problem with this zine was sometimes lfound it a bit hard to follow, trying to figure out which panel comes next can get a b confusing. The idea, look and wrltrng behind the zine is totally solid! (Dave) PO Box 74 / Brighton / BNI4ZO / UK

Move YoutAss #14, November 2006 81/^' '11 I 54 pages I Fr.€ (send $ for postag€l) This zine seems to be the most consistenl and reli abl6 source of what's been going on in Czech hardcore punk music-wise. lnterviews with lGNlTE, SEE-

lN'RED, BOUNCING SOULS, and addresses of the venues and record shops you would need to visit next time you're in Czech Republic. (adaa)


Jan Kovar, [4YA / PO Box 18 / Chrastava, 463 31 / Czech Republic // moveyourass@seznam cz A

Nedro* of Friends

% size / gSpages / $5 in the US

I have lilerally been reading lhis zine

everyday for the past 6 weeksl A Nelwork ofF,erds is a zine with contlibutions fTom AGIIATE, ATTITUDE PROBLEM, BORN CAUGHT DOMD, GADGIE, HEADWOUND, INITONIT RIPPING THRASH, TOILET PAPER BIBLE, and WHY compiied by Steve from R/PPING THMSH . A Netwotk of Friends has a ton of inter views includirg: KISMET HC, FRAIVTID, RAJOITUS, KVOTERINGEN, LIES FEED THE IVACHINE, GEN. ERACION PERDIDA. CONSTANT STATE OF TER-

ROR, THE I\,4INGERS, AFTER THE BOMBS, ANd BALLAST!Also in the pages of A Netwo* of Fiends are reviews, columns, lour diaries, show reviews, scene reports, and a ton of other interesling info, Up the uK DIY communityl (JasonS) Ripping Thrash I PO Box 152 / Burton-on-Trent / Stafts DE14 1X)( England

Next Stop Nowhete #1, Spring 2007 size/ s4pages/ $5


This is a nice, slick looking zine from the

llK I believe

(sorry lhere's no address isted any$/here) Dave, lotme y of Fncturc fanzine, has put together a new zine after sort of burning out for a while He cheedully admits stealing the layout from Adcore, so who am I to complajn? Features rnclude a BLACK COUGAR SHOCK UNIT American tour diary an interview with Damaged Records, and an in-depth interview with anti-Scientology researcher l\,lark Bunker. While l'm not usually a huge fan of lour diaries, the BCSIJ diary was a defnrte oxception. lt's much more in-depth than most olhe6 l've read, and rncludes pholos that don't fall into the "tour diary clich6" category Very cool. But holy crap, the best part of the zine is the anli-Scientology featurel Worth the price of admission alone, let me tell you No, I won't spoil for you, bul rest assured you will be shocked by the revelattons within. This is a great zine, and I can't wait for the next issue.

(hbred) Orf Ifie Hook#12, September 2006 51/,1 8 Y,l 20 pages I $2 Off lhe Hook is the newsletter ofthe MissouriPrisonerc'Labot Union, lt includes interviews wilh prisoners regarding a protest over horrible food served to inhales in i,,lissouri, as well as an abusive environment in California's Corcoran Slate Prison, The news section reveals gruesome statistics about adult punishmenl for juvenile crimes jn the U.S., and letters and editorials round up the rest of this neat little publication. (adaa) Black lJnicorn Press / Off The Haok I PO Box 872 I Kirksville. MO 63501

Otf The Hook # 13 Y, sizel lgpagesl $2 Off The Hook is a newsletter put together by the [,4issouri Prisoner's Labor Union and lhe Off The Hook Editorial Collective. This little newsletter is chockjull of le(ers regardrng incarceEtion, gangs, plsons as slave plantations, and a letterfrom MichaelAfrica and the history of MOVE Off Ihe Hook also has a small section of news stories that relate to the L,S prison system lnterestng and informalive (JasonS) Black Unicorn Press - Publisher & Distributor/ PO Box 872 / Kirksville, l,4O / 63501

Ploppy Panls #5 A5 slze /copi6d / 20 pages / $2 post.paid Cool litlle zine from Scotland. having seen previous issues, I'm sure glad it's slill going because it's got a good attilude and is lots offun 1o read. lnterviews are

with; KAIVIIKAZEE, a power-violence inspired band


from Robin Hood's county Nottingham, a band l've never heard - but going from this interview I would

and LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER PIus, of course a bunch of rad columnists, and reviews of intensely short fast and loud righteousness. Oh, wait - how

like to. Sleve of RIPPING THRASH, where he mainly talks about the pros and cons of CD-RS - well that's what mosl of the questions were related lo, so that's what the bulk of it fits around And STEP ON lT from Hungary all school h/c band. You get the usual rev ews, plenty of humour - well it is called P/oppy Pants after all and plenty of talk about shit in general Couple of vegan recipes too, as he says in ihe zine 'you can't shityourselfon an empty slomach', ha, ha. (lvlel Hughes) Roddy Ploppy Pants / Pillars Organic Farm / Falkland / Fife / KY15 7AD / Scotland

Prison Focus t126, F all 2006 * % 1'l / 40 pages / $4 (sample copy free) Pison Focus is a quarterly publication that works with and for pfisoners in California's prisons. This is-


sue has articles focusing on women in prison, including one specillc piece regarding incarcerated Native AmeHcan women, There are also a number of informalive essays written by prisoners about life behlnd bars, Pzson Foctls ends with a more gLobal take on the subjecl -the international prison news (adaa) Prison Focus / 2940 16Lh Street, Suite 85 / San Francisco, CA 94103


son Focus d27, spting 2OO7 A 1/, * 11 I 40 pages I $4 (sample copy freo) This issue is dedicated to international iss!es relating 1o imprisonment Articles deal with American secrel and not-so-secret prisons abroad, a first person account of rendition and use of torture under the guise of the war on terror, news regarding the lreatment of Palestinian children held captive in lsrael, and much morel I learned a lot from reading il. (adaa) Prison Focus / 2940 16rh Street. Suite 85 / San Francisco. CA94103 Razorcake #38, JunelJuly 2007 8'/.* 11 I 1'14 pages I 54 Primarily music-oriented magazine - tnlerviews with CIRCLE ONE (yes, THAT early 80s CIRCLE ONEI), founder of X-Mist Records, RADON, PROPAGANDHl, as well as p eces about women in punk, and a comparative look at Vietnam then and now- Reviews and columns make up the rest. (adaa) Razorcake / PO Box 42129 / Los Angeles, CA 90042

Shott, Fast & Loud #'16 8.5" x 11"/ 88 pages / price unknown This magazine is quickly becom ng the MRR of the powerviolence/thrash crowd l've only read a couple of issues before, but I m quite fond of it i'm really out

ofthe loop as far as lhe u{lra fast thrash scene goes, but SF&l does a good job of covering the more wellknown bands and introducing people to new bands and sounds sort of like MRR does This issJe features the first part of a series about the history of g ndcore, which is fuck ng sweet - I may nol be the biggest grindcore fan, but I love a good history lesson nonelheless ! Also featured are interviews with Swedish crusty bastards UNCURBED, mid-west thrashaholics XBRAINIAX, plus the usual columns (the best columnlst s VOETSEK's Ami fuckin' Lawless hands downl), reviews and bad attitude. Rowwrl (lnbred) Short Fast & Loud / 225 Lincoln Ave / Cotati, CA 94931 // www sixweeksrecords,com

Shotl Fast E Loud *17 8.5" x 11" / 88 pages / price unknown The latest issue of the thrashaholic's answer to MRR features a folow up to the grindcore history from last issue You ihought you krew grind? Well, Repulsean is here to show you that you don't know shit Damn, he put rne in my place This tlmearound, we also get inter-

could I possibly forget? This issue comes with a bonus CD for the expressed purpose of breaklng shit ninja style, Featured on the disc are brand new tracks by WARKRIME, BRUTAL DEATH, ROTTEN FUX, SEC. OND OPINION, plus 24 others Holy shit! (tnbred) Short Fasi & Loud / 225 LincolnAve/ Cotati, CA94931 //

Slingshot,'92 Newsprinu '15 pages/ Free or donation Tor those ot you who don'l know "Slingshol js an ir. dependent, radical, quarterly flewspaper published rn Berkeley [CA] since 1988" and sponsored by Long Haul. I have to tell you I love thrs paper. I wish rt was a monthly pub icaiion and 50 pages longer but alas, l'll haveto seitle forthe rad paperrtis.As always Srl4gshot is fu I of curreni radical and independent news stones and op-ed pieces There's the war in lraq, Transilions in radical Feminism, Critical Mass, a story about Rob Los R cos (a casualty ofthe recent "Green Scarc")and a shitload of other great stories and information for a sma ler paper. This is free fiom a variety of diskos if you ask for it. Pick it up (Jasons)

Slingshot#93 This is the winter issue




uarter there

is a huge center spread on the Zapatista movement in Oaxaca, [rexco written in both Spanish and English, There is a so several stories rclating to the "green

scare" and eco-activism that are really in-depth This is of Srngshoi also gives a nod to cilman's 20ih anniversary Srrgshot is fullofexcellent info, stories, and artwork. Please show your supportl (Jasons) Slingshot Newspaper/ 3124 Shattuck Ave / Berkeley, CA,/ 94705 //

S/rrgshol #94, Summer 2007 Tabloid newsprint/ 16 pages / Free in the BayArea,

Sl elsewhere S/,rgshot has been around for nearly 20 years and I don't think I've ever read a mediocre issue of it. High quality one would expect, this issue includes articles about the bio fuel hype, the neveFending war on lraq, homelessness, solar energy, I-69 blockade in lndiana, and much more. Highly recommendedl (adaa) Long Haul/ 3124 ShattuckAve / Berkeley, CA94705

fuhing fhe TideVol.19,

No. 6, NovembeFDecem-

ber 2006

Tabloid newsprint / I pages / g3 Tuhing The l/de is a journal of Anti-Racist Action's chapter in Los Angeles, and is atso affitiated with People Against Racist Terror. lncludes e time y article about Gls resistance of war on lraq, Mexican troops' invasion of Oaxaca, racists in ihe U.S miiitary roots of Japanese anti-imperialism and anti-miliiarism, and

morel(adaa) Anti-RacistAction -LA/ PO Box 1055 / Culver City, CA 90232 //

fuming The fide Vol. 20 No. 1 Newsprinu

8 pages / g'16

individual subscriptton


Tide isbeginning il's 20h year distribuling free hard-hitling, anti"racist, anti-colonialist analysis to Turntng

prisoners, Gl's, ARAActivjsts and many others Thats right 20 fucking yearsr This issue of larning Ihe Lde is fullof excellent articles including one writien by l\rumia Abu-Jamal who is facing his final appeal. There are updates on anti-fascist and ARA activists all over the world, and a communique'from activists that were ilvolved wilh CEAPPO in Oaraca, Ivlexico. This newsletter has a shitload of up-lo-date info and rnteresting articles- (JasonS) ARA c/o l\y'ichael Novick / PO Box 1055 / Culver City,

cN 90232

nnningThe Tidevol.20, No.



Tablold n.^i,spinl / I Pag6r / $3 ThlB rssu€ has a timelv Socle about lhe arresE of LonD€r Blect Panlh6.5 ftLmbers lfor c/mes lhey didn'l


co.nmir 35 y$6rB Egor) fhe ortggng and dGturblttg femicide rn many counlnot C€6dor $lsge dEpamy and an inteoew wllhARA'ls sn ant''aesr whrir hip hoo band. (adaa) Anii-Racist Action-LA / PO Bor'1055I Culver City, CA 90232 // antiracistaction-la@yahoo com

funw 7:ha ndEuoL 20, t3 r .Y'Jun€ 2m' ?.bloid nawaPd.rt / ! Pag.l, t3 gnll e36ronE 6s avlr (?O Fslr ln |h€ mak'rEi)

"nt (adaa) efforts, and more! Anti-RacistAction -LA/ PO Box 1055/ Culver City, CA 90232 //

p.g.l ;ong

130 8%x lo t Waming 44 to come out lot Wow. I vs b,rsn rormerly of a wtrite mw anO rtc wonh tne wait. Frank, yer snolrE 6marin0 Axocrotls M9dna6t. n€B Pu


t4 lt lha JePancse HC Punt Special o ACRoSTlx, ZYAIOSE. PERS€VERE End

ls6u,e tyomrn9


oloom!.-matallc crud merchsntr €fFlGYl' AlEo ns'd€ oaics or war.og at8 rt.rvtoivs wlth oev€ "Bsmof Errlrne,e d'.tmc OISCHARGE d.utrYnor and adlediln anarchp(r*3 GERM ArIAcK. l d lltr io 8dd th6t (|r!ao o€ a ior, luaking e$aaome adidaS In this isa$. ooe c.lEd "Al lhe G€la6 ol lldl'*hlch note6 thB limlladbg b€t*aon the R€60an 6nd Bush adrninGba' uirns tnd thear coonection wllh Oon€ld Rlrsbld 6nd another about the surveillance culfuire that scared the oiss ol,tla met Gsl u!91 Ua6ons) W.m'n€ i PO Bor 40! t3 / Po londcry. ORr 97240-



We'rc Gonna Fight#


Bb. I a8 Flq€E


We .E @1n, FBhl- ll Euly B U€ lnlama' mtrlst, regan, txe. olY punt zlnE Tha 6u,lor

I reaw lrko oonet.

trevoE erEn5iveltand l'5s conlacls 6ll ov6r tho wotld' Thl6 lr5u3 hE6 lnt! iot!.s with EKIDAO. AZ(O SOCNL IPe.U). TUBERCULOSES. ULTIMATUM (COIUln' b|al 6oshe{ Rrcotda (l8rEel). TOTrt BAN)GT llndc neiia). and saeno reoms ionn Lath Amefica, BolM€ lndoo.6rs, snd t9t6al and tielr 6 aho e ft',6lc rBvEw Becbn Tie eutltor sbo llrotlE ln E igw lrrYql sio'les for shits and giggtes Acesl (Jasons) WGF /8 CRS Gambetta/ 69007 Lyon / France

Wods ancl Picturcs#1 r l1l 43P!gc!, !2 us $3 woild


The tltle descrbBs p.oclsely the oonc€gl b'hind this zine Tho Etlwori ln llrs first issur of Wd'ds a'd PicBs ie lnct€dlbly dolt0€d and lnt lcate ard all done 'n blsd( Oen Eeai pir... ol arhrdk l' 5 vt6uel manil€stt' ht 1116. 6nd ue,.s oo pol'lrcal ld€ology. tFn ot Ardv 6 roaes on relgnn end rglntrrdity The 6rpl6,|auo(rs lt tncrodHy d..p 8nd P€rr6rts1 Atdy'or B6oh ,norr



an amazing artist with a distlnctive style that l'd like to see more of. Greatiob! (Jasons)

Words and Pictures c/o Andy C/ PO Box 2454l Am_ herct, MA./ 01004

The Yeesl of your Wonies: A Yeast lnfection Sut' vivat Handbook bY E ce Zelfland 1/2 size,30 Pages A fact-filled zine aboui yeast infections, what they alo, and how lo daal wilh th€m lrdu6as vogan lqol' pes snd nifly old pic€ ol re'dly cLd l.dlo. lnlludct cie'r6r chdptg iuer qlch a! "fh€ p€t yo! ne{€r ln&v yo.r h8di FeodlrE and


Z.dsnd /


d€entln yout vsglns" 6nd 'Food

Ga€s Sts6.1 {202 I Boul-

You Cen Wo* Any Hundred Hours a Wsek you Want (n vour lJnderyeat!!: 7tt ,l{Eaody ot Micto' gad o' W Recolcosm PuLlishing as Totd to $e lection by Joet Aiel

A dEl,sll"ffled SvnoF$ thr6

doalllrc Yntx Canad' E ,g oa;ttt"o ot AfghEniat l. th€ conroverEy mllrtaN rNolvetneot h"rud€3 ovor B;tlsh P€rtoleun donsfing l2S milf'oo lo [he Lo' Anoei€r CorrnN Mulaum of Afl lo erdrengo fo' d€dl' y gote lo BP. poBt'Kelmt reb(jlHhg cet-ng o ne.,



der, CO 80302

,tra.E; l, p.e..



vdrsell. Msma fha dlet lo. utornen ignsng y€r6l ll! ia.rnrB' ThB rm it . qlrt rBiou'c€ lor aqlgne look' h yeagl infa<rtonB m a nalural mann'' ino lo de€l 'n idjlrdrm hstoaogy €nd dEtary cl€nglG (l'Iavgun)


the hElo'y



PuDllehlnq an6 how ( cetn! lo b€. Thc ane chonEies lhE lran ;| Mtcrocoern, lha mo(€ to Poalland OR lhe d€E lo Dublish thorr own bootE, l6ir lo supPort books ..a ona". oocee on a aolbclNo baili l[s t de'

tnnei n teac lta to pout your h"n and i"mtron a"no *ri ,nO 'dO". O *. lt flie s'd hll wrlh yotlt tL9' "n Tho €^d pe96r aro reE wld [o. ; lnd poan!$.ofi.

h.lolks fiEl lhe.r hrn€ anal Ef,olts lnto MErocoim *,trrr rn", oo. wheae lhay come h6n end how $l€y gt€El cama la'b. pen d lh€ Mrcroaosm @ll€cllve A (b

I lect llled ana lor hat6 ln6l lov€ thE @llectv6 s5 and a reolly good p.im6r lodlyona crBiy enough 'nd paislonste aoqioh to lhmk about $anirE Lp hdr o{vn


ororect! (MaYgun)

m Pub.ishing i PO 8ox14332 / Portlano, OR 87293 wwwmicrocosmPubhshing org


the sentrm6nl ,os lr6€d !o read lh6 ztnet F(,r lhe oualitv if you n€vat gd tne cjBnce 10 You t eanl thb o'1 p'J$rg Kudoa !o Mirooosm yorr in"il E


"etunt this oul (Mayqun) Microcosm Fuolishing / 5307 N Minnesota Avenue / Pod,and. OR 97217 / www.microcosmpubrishing com


Ier. powet i s.rpttic noval , l3G P.gx I ll8 &tra" a yon, Nsrne |9 bsErcally 5 rtaslNe NBb

This l5 s hugo compilalio'r ol ehost g 5s'l' tC ;-ErE ol Nate Po.Jrll wort. nclud,lg ltv€rsl oobllBh€o wgals, two oraphc nova,s End lom€ newtl b€lo" * t voeo t tsn'biw[h NEla Potl€$6 worft rEv€l I ireOrnq lhta. Delieve r o, nol A,lEr rr€ad lnls ,n r,aa'a uar ld E6sn hls anworl n YBrlout rBfldoltl ;ce5 {or vea6. I lov€d thr bl64} End wh{e att' wod( tnsl wrE at nrr.ts D6B6<l n roal(y end d{r$n'to_ a chaotic me6t aitli b{l lhan aldoanly Steu,Bd rogo glondg ranged lrom rBist' Do.dermg on mBE rty Tt€ dat[ u'rth to more d€i*lrcarB ,r "t o6arn, "re.y-a "oi" mental lne6s. tnd s'( irrtog csta5lre 'tE' t,.m I m rrcl 56vns lrlst lh.s novel ws ova4y ieflouG

iqtl€r omnb{E

DecauEa IthorouEhlv eqov€d FRAIKENSONES hc p(rnt_houla ett3 AtlI@n9ay6 rnlrEdeenllll6 of pnnleci on I 1tu5 bmk B oafin lly rYo,lh lh€ p59e( r€allv tuar(hE eqoved c€dlnO fiE' (Jaso/'Sl


Po4' MErocoa,'t Fub[shng / 5307 N Mnne€ota AvE' lano. OR, 97217 // www micocosmoublishing com

B00t(s Applicant

pag* /

retailed @

A ouY roollnq llnouoh €l rBcydhg b|n lot


E3' , +is"

sizo / printed / 48


coaildanlal PhD aPdG8 llle6 at '196$!975 an iw Leretr unvitrsly lrom tne y€ara PIE|B ol Ure studonlt End comliEnta on lhom were tl.-ooens


rescued. Originally they were put lo96'litor in copied zino fornat and disiributed in the undE Eround' Now I\,licrocosm Publishing, an awesome book publisher from Pofiland, have d;cided to make them more available. A noble effon I guess I looked through the book a few times and il3!ill doesn'l do anything for me' My wira looked ai it and te{ t 16 ,a''1€ We hod fie di6_ clcBlon lhat if it was pe{rgle w! lnelr, th.n wE would hsvr had a blast. Or€tEn leridr3 PaoPtB Though l'ln eure lhda wfl be qlogle wio wil lnow eitlo thoy 're Encl mt a klcl oul ol I Sadly lhst pefloo 6n\ rYE Al rhe;1d of lhe dar. t fuflnv,aad r6w thd 3o called erp€rE carn wrta s€ld cornmsnt! o'l tEo€l6 arld lhese @rnmml. rBay hav! baefl urd ,0end ha p6'6on ye€rB aoo aod stDppad lhem gotung s plsc6 al colleg€ or €[rllioym€nL lucl Huoh6a)

Miclocoaryi P'rblrEh'ng ,5307 N lrmneaoEAw t Porl_ land, OR 97217 /i www.microcosmpublishing com

Ple.n. Oan\ F..d

*l. B.larr A lr.o!fl


my o{fi ltvo lr'l handG a bautd oopy ol lha llrre i65rra ot t're hn! Eince olt ol onn( ra'€ Prs€se Oonl F6ad fio El€'6rs wntlan ln !16 9Or I stllhavr nry dog+Btral,gr€d ccP €s on my aie[. txJl l m 6 pactrat I cen'l r,ll yE !^'hel e qBat Joy n s to rro lhE ln agam. and n boot io;Et' F& fio6€ o, you lfiel d'dnl gel lo ro.d lham

b"l€r. ,l


11" hotdng


the tlrst llnt€ rround. gqt r€ady to. €n larxmrl'ft€e) trB€t! POFTB .€6ds lll(a the Eplltlru lltle bmti" of So/ ,of Oit. rnhalE vegEtt reclp€6 aI! lbl6d win punk rock iom Escta lor *rtet to t,rte t lo wh& oooklrE The

great lor ho n€w vsgElrnan who E l@'mg wrde virlety of stra€h&rw.ri tatly todpeg The bok comblrr€E aoolooe fto.h rll tho o6ghol at'a'. dl_ virad o co!t!6a fho reclp€a slB aaty to folbw' fun tD raad. nternatiotol ln vad€ty. tnd lE3tE 868t1 The6€ rina€ and Soy flo,l O" tY€.€ Lh6 ones I re,.rcd to rYbsr

reo;ot rl€ ncr



wh€fl l€arbnq



cooi v€gon lood guy 016 For




[iun rudily rlDum domloails wit[ sleeue artmrlr al$oilailaile ln fiis tutmat

'i I





*numlercdlllYcds llimiEilml00oachl ina miniuinyl sleerc UGtone of Wur choice tur IIEE with ordors

Irumourwo[siEl * sludgc/st[nGrfr0m oaliland, Gr

Nflarcfto Irum



amilrlle seuenuly furasmallcost

yGs, urc

ga crustlmfl allgustrN, ga rstlmfl allgusH, *tmsft lncluded

0n cd thf,t 00mEs


*Gflrstfn0m llnlolld

ttitfi thl$ mau0zinG


''-""i1 I ri necoirrjs rs i;]iotjrj-Ctreap oF 6 DRTLLER KTLLER cDS io A-r'ir,r'our,rce rur REissuE (iile; + &Dlsconn-ected" + T€tal Fucking Blq!?l:td ffie$me],odccrcbaidtc,spa0:78ecollJsES*o!alGdn6\tjatchouttorlh5&nJ Coto neZiltv eitJ" Driller "":f;jiii;\1il"rr?iii':Fuct

Tr,Jwola;i-'ite 4o


I e, plav .ra?Eg s,reoish H3idio(e tlith heavy mera rnJillEnces


s1000 eadpdd usA E,"h


" ^" woid cr::s00ppd

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I Dlskonto-DrSkontoqraphv'Cdcorlecliono'rhe{earrv5!roipnntrEcorc'ncludinslhe'denJorapena:nsS edshdust Driller

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HATE 15 3 more ubsnnl6nse smanng songs lrom THE Japanese powedouse AId 4 new s.ngs ol ihe slill loLrd and stiu going skongs and Poliii@l Dltdr




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EEFIGY - soldier HELLSHOCK - 0ni-v th(J dead-.NAUSEA - Peace

A @opelelion wilh TrulacaFala




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GOHTA}IIHAIIOT OISTRIBUTIllH D-i v a wh.,e5sle Drsl.ibtlion F.EctriMtuN5sErPunfl.@


55 PPD to: [-crs







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alvr arlil:rhlc: SAI,TF.D W()L il\iDS

'[eli(]nil hu\ prrxluct' CLUS'ftRFt lX (Colorado) , SYSTEM SHIT lCanada)ream up firr 7 inchcs (ri crust)'. thraslring ma!hr.m:!! On colored vinvl '*1rr '. mlspace-com,clustcrfrtr ALSO AVAIIABLE T'I{ROLIC }l


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Hit with ou second postal rate hike in as many yearc, we have adjusted out subsciption rdtes accordinglY.

Subscriptions are for six consecutive issues. Rates are as follgws:

GOMFILATION GD: We will include a free compilation CD with each

new issue of Profane Existence. This will feature songs from the bands interviewed/featured. There is also time available for other record labels and/or bands to include your track for a nominal fee. These fees are used to help pay for

the manufacturing costs o, the CD. Substantial USA: $30 CANADA / MEXICO: $35 WORLD-WDE: $45

Send check, MO or well-hidden cash to our contact address on this page Subs can also be ordered using PayPal to email pe@protaneexislence com oryou can subscribe with credit /debit card on our web site.

Profane Existence PO Bo,f, a722

Minneapolis, Mt{ 55404 . USA 612-722-1134 Fax! 612-605-'12{6 T]eH

ACTIVE REBELLION is now our of{i' cial distribution outlet in the UK and are offering PE subscriptions tor both the UK and the rest of Europe as follows: UK: E18 EUROPE: €23


Iore press time, paid from funds ratsed specffic€lly forthis purpose at the last PE anniversary party. This unfortunate change of policy---€fter 18 years-is the direci result of increased cost of printing and mailing each issue. Sending free copies to prisoners made sense when we were a low-cost newspaper, butthis format is much more

expensive in every aspect. We also publish far less news-oriented information than in the past, simply because this is now readily available on the internet. We will continue to donate copies to Books to Prisoners organizations that request them.


soner resoutce guide, tl you publish a please remove PE ftom ahe list of frce publicaaions. Thank you.


Roebuck House Roebuck Place Chapel-en-le-Frith, High Peak SK23 oER United Kingdom Phone: 01298812755 Fax: 01298811094

Active Rebellion also have available all Profane Existence Records releases lndividual mailorder and wholesale are available.


Profane Existence magazine is sent via bulk rate mail and is not automatically forwarded. Returned copies costus a lotofmoney, so please keep us informed of your whereabouts. Send C.O.A.'s to

Siz€ Co3t Dimensions (w x Hl pag€ $2OO.0O 7.5" x 10" (bleed also available) lkpage $100.00 7,5" r 5" or 3.75" x 10" 1/3 page $65.00 5" x 5" or 2.5" x t0" ll4page $50.00 3.75" x 5" 1/6 page $35,00 2.5"x5"or5x2.5 1l12page $20.00 2.5" x2.5" Full

Dlmenslotls trlsidc 190.5x254 mm (ble€d also avallable) 190.5x127mmor 95.3x254mm l27 x'l27 mm or 63.5 x 254 mm 95.3 x 127 mm


lf you are interviewed or otherwise make a substantial contribution to this magazine, we would be honored lo feature your song free of charge. STANDARD SUBMISSION: Record label/ Band standard rate = $ 60 per second, sold in 60 second chunks. lvlinimum track submission is $108 (for three minutes), with each additional minute being $36.

Discounts are available at the following ratesi




Contactr Active Rebellion

We are no longer able to offer lree issues of PE to those held by the state. lf you received this free, it is because you were lucky enough to have a requ6ted a copy be-

discounts avallable to advertisers - see below..

63.5 mm

63 5 x 6i!.5 mm

DEADLI ES!Ad and song submisslon deadline lor PE #55 ls November 15th. Oeadllnes Ior 2008 are as lollows PE #56|s February 1sth, PE #57 ls May'lsth, #58 ls July 15th, #58ls September 1sth and PE #59 is Novemb€r 1sth.

AD SPECS + PAYMENT! Ads can be sent to us as cameE-ready artwork or imago tlles (300 dpi .ipg, .pdf oi .tif tormaj). Wo can receive ads by mall (printed or on CD) and via €rnall' Payment must accompany all ada.

COilPlL,AflON CD TFACK! Advenis€rs are allowed to includs songs on lhe compllallon. CO lhat comes with gach lssue. AIull page ad wlllget you up to three mlnutes for lrse, half page will

get you 1/2 ott ($54) a three minule submlsslon, etc. Fo. full detalls ln on song submlssion, gee the separale cD coMPlLATloN section.

FULL PAGE: Free inclusion of track on compilation CD (up to 3 minutes, $36 per minute lhereafter) 112 PAGE soa/" discount off price

of CD

track ($54 for first three minutes, $36 per minute thereafter) 1/3 PAGE: 33.3% discount of price oI CD kack ($72 for first three minutes, $36 per minute thereafter) t/4 PAGE: ($81 for first three minutes, $36 per minute thereafter) FORMATS: Please send song on a CD as a standard CD audio track (one we can play on any CD player). We will not accept songs on DAT tapes, cassettes, reel to reels, or as l\.4P3 files (non-compressed .WAV or .AIFF files are OK) Our CD manufacturer also requires written permission (a copyright holder's "Grant of Rights") for us to include your song. This must include band/artist name, song title, and contact information (also let us know

what you would like printed as contact inlo for publication in the magazine). You can download a simple Grant of Rights form here:

for song submission and payment is the same as the ad deadline. The CD will be constructed on a flrst-come, first serve basis, so get your songs in early to ensure inclusion. PE reserves the right to limit the amount of songs or refuse any song at our discretion (hint no racist, sexist, homophobic or other bullshit will be accepted) NOTE: We will send out only one free copy to each band / label who submits a song, ad, and/or item reviewed. Additional copies can be purchased at 1/2 the cover price plus shipping Deadline

CIRCULATION Press run of PE 54 is 3000 copies.


l.t.t.t. U,S, POSITGI


lilIltilPoLls. llll




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