profane existence #37

Page 1


'and a few duds, mainly

lrcm Sweden for some rea' 'tong hours of paintul delibereion'sbetore we could le's winner. With three cries of "Hip Hip Horay!" we -time champion (fot the last three months anyway) wizardry as non-other than tstanding achievement,. we award du ng the next time visitlng the 't ever accuse us of not

from re-

for want

or thls payas owed page Pubtn.


s state. are

: 92 Plke


...... .,



Box A" seattle, wA,981o1 .:!"u:i

, Phlladelphla, PA 19143

rh Bars Yorh NY 10009 Prlson Book Program clo Bound Together Books,359 Halght Stteet San Franclsco'

CA 94177

free prlsoner sub3ctlptlon list will llkelv rea(h over 1000 names thi3 bsue (an be malled oul. Anv donatlons would be appre(i' to help (oyer the (osl ol ptinting, enveloD$ and poitage for risoner subs and future reque3ts ue may le(eiue from prlsone{i

Feel lree


donate to the above oryanizations as uell!

Hete arc answers to some Frequently Asked Ouestions we have heard since our announcement to disband the PE Collective:



decided to continue mailorder and \rvholesale diskibutionlor PE-related releases onlyand on a parltime, voluntary basis.

Why not pass Profane Existence on to an other group of people if you can no longer

do it? Profane Existence Collective is not the olthe movement, but a creation colleclive over lhe would take

no longer be available from Prolane Existence atler December 31, 1998. A couple o, us have


built it to the hard lor our







the PE Collired and

and Scorned, doing lhe record labels

and Fired Up, as well as working lnsurrecreation Center.

Who is going to disttibute our records


OIY means Do lt Yourself. Don't take the easy road and sell out to the punk distribution monopoliesl





with other projects anyway; in



nafie lor the new proiectyou

are working


old rccotds on PE coming back


quitting Profane Existence to that would simply be a lf we ever had the time and similar, we would of Existence. Many ol the

of our


them, we will recaialog, but owed by weeks, quickly

in by those

pass on the name gtour will not appreciate create it. Maybe some rested (and more think about regrouping are simply lective. Right now totally destitute.

All releases other lhan those on Profane

Existence, Skuld Releases, and PE Far East will

When does PE mailorder and wholesale

distribution end?


tl was totally bummed to hear ol the demise ol PE! l'm iust sad to hear ol the magazine calling it quils... Outta everylhing you've been doing I think the magazine the mosl impodant and has lell a matk on me... fhere's not many zines (ot aN at all) that wovided as much inlo on squatting & DN actiw'ties from e,reryit herc, but algo fiad a sease of humq and good ,aste in music too-. All l'm saying is if you can keep anylhitg still alive, l'd stick with the zine-. The world has enough rccord labels and lhe bands can put out theit own fucking rccords!" -ltlauz

k Iace those chargo too money or shouldn't our wolk in the DIY scen6. This narattitude doesn't allow extra money for clothing, and shelter, and therefore doesn't realislically support its own movâ‚Źmsnt. There are justso manycoststo running a magazine as large as Profane Existence: rent and utilities tor an of-

lice, telephones and fax machines, computers, software, postage and permits, photocopiers. taxes, etc. Would people be willing to pay S3-5 for an issue of Profane Existence or advertise if we doubled our ad rates? [Iaybe when the dust settles and all of our lose ends are taken care of, we'll rethink ourdecision to the end the rnagazine, bul we're making no promisos right now!


lhe F"ol,ana peoph that we werc lssue as a laded punk fiovemenl ol e.xhausdon E,,tl ln and anarchbm the dav we

the want

gltl,E uP con dbuare endlrg

bE lor


lherc arc

hom prsl t6rt On

tia It


people and

ln Hdlcrl wottdng


,ot ol

sane Ceh


vl tt tha



scale& new

ueb sffe

Dear lriends and Suppoders oI the Prolane Exlstence Collective, On October 11th, the workers/members

of the collective made a decision lo cease ooerations of activities under the name Profane Existence. This action will go into eflect lmmediately and will result in cessation ot most collective funclions within the next six months, including the end of Prolane Ex-

istence Magazine, our wholesale and mailorder distributions, and allnew releases on Protane Existence Records. This decision has been a longtimecom' with serious talk ol ending Prolane Exing, istLnce going on lor the past year. Some

longtime collective members had already begun phasing oul their levelol commitment earlier this year, and thus hastening the decision lor lhe resl ol us. By totally anding the collective now. We are hoping to do so on a high point, not wait until il totally collapses in on itsell in a huge mess. There are numerous reasons behind ending PE and we feel that they should be lully explained. This letter is not an altempt to lay blame lor the demise ol Prolane Existence, but to explain why we made this decision tor ourselves, and what our immediate plans are to wraP uP'alloftha loseends'

ovEPwHEt],lEo ' Profane Existence has always been a very all-consuming undertaking lor those who have chosen io take on the task. Long, stress-Iilled hours and otten thankless shitwo* have always taken th€ir loll on our collectiv€ members, our current stafl not excluded. We have lost several ol our most productive workers through burnout over the yeats and it is a lhing we still face every day at PE. Over the past two years we trled to alleviate some of thls overwhelming wolk load and stress bv scaling back he activltles ofthe collective. We eiimlnated ourscreen printing operation, cut back the number of records and books we distribute, and moved PE lo a smallsr space. However, all ol this effort did little io alleviate the problem bocause lherE are always new projects, problems and emergencies lhat need our attention. We've


tried to scale it back to a more manageable level, but there is iusl so small we can make the collectivs and still call it PE.

bv PE found otl lhe lo o*

Balancing commitments to PE has also


tthlch wa' was pordot t filn

ln lhe

U'E HAVE NO TIVES meant rnaking huge sacrifices in our personal lives' We have missed countless beauiifuldays ouidoors bgcause ol our commitrnents to PE k€pt us work-

ing insids. We have mlssed an equal amount ol good nights'sle€p dueio overwhelming stress we

brlng nome with us at night. We have mlssed weeks and rnonths of our lives Blal could have beEn spent with friends and loved ones. while

we harbor some (perhaps foolish) ideas of putting lhe revoiution fiIst, in reality it is our families, friends and loved ones Mlom we would rather give the bulk of our attention to. While we still want to be active, the level of commitmeit needed to maintain the PE collective pretty much has excluded having any time or energy for anylhing else at all

THE PAY SUCKS Ws would abo be liars to ignore the flnancial reasons for ending the collective. We believe in the DIY ethic that our products should be setf-produced on a grassroots l€vel and as cheaply and possibte. However, we also beli€ve flat a fair days work deserves a lair day's wagel Profane Existence has a history ol iust bare ly being able to keep on going, being stuck in an endl;ss cvcle of debts and bills thai has always plagued the DIY punk movemenl Money to pay collective workers' wages has always cgrne secondary to payments lor ths distrlbution invenlory and tor PE piojects. When wages could be oaid at all, they were often late, and far less than 'omparable pay in 'regular' iobs. \t possible for PE past has been it ln the


ors io get by wilh money lrom outside sou'ces (i.e. part time "real'jobs or othercreative rf€a1s)


necessities. The reality we are facing is that two ol the current collective membors now have 'hildren whom they musl also support. The liftle wages paid by PE just aren't enough and th€se colleciive members must move on to betler paylng iobs. We willnot be irresponsible parents no matter how important our work at PE.

IHE PIAN While the Prolane Existence collective is

made up ol only lour full-time members, the ov'rall impact ol our activities is truly worldwide Decisions made here in Minneapolis affect peoole all over the world and it will take time to tully put PE to rest. We have made up a basic ou0ine ol our luture plans for the main areas of Protane Existence and a rough timetable for events'

,MAGAZINE We are currently finishing up construction of Profane Existence #37, which we have decided

be ourlastissuo linyourhands now]. Ourorigr nal Dlan was to have this at the printer by now Ioctoberl, but have decided to delay the publica' iion date untilsome tme in November. Since this will be our last issue, we want extra time to mako it lhe best that we possibly can and make a lastino imotession, Those peoplewho have subscrip'



willbe issued credit slips for their remaining copies from PE Mailorder Distribution (see below tor credit sliP deadlines). llwe are on your mailing list lor rcview copies of records. zines, etc. please remove us nowWe will not review or pay lo send back p romo copies received after October ol 1998!

I.IAITORDER DISTPIBUTION We have ,ust completed mallorder catalog *27 B,hich will be good hrough the end of 1998' Our olans are to publish a final mailorder catalog (#28i during December which should be good


through th€ end ol Februar|999. Atter this date, all mailorder distribution for non-Profane Existence releases willcease and all unreturned creditslips will be declared VOID. Profane Existence Becords will sti be avaiiable directly as long as we can keep titles in print.

WHOLESALE DISIRIBTITION Our current plans for wholesale diskibution are to cease all consignment sales immediately and send refurns to respective labels. Liquidation of rema;ning stocks will be completed by December31, 1998. Protane Existence Recordswill still be available directly as long as we have time to do them and can afford to keep tilles in print.tskuld Releases and Profane Existence Far East ti0es willstillbe available from us for mailorder

and wholesale afler the rest of the colleciive is shut downl.

RECOPD LABET Prolane Existence Records currently has seveIal releases in the works. Of these, only ihe A/Political 7" and Decr€pit 12" will come out on PE Records in t998 (or early'1999), We have chosen these two because they are both new releases from bands currently going today, and are only lacking funds lor pressing. All other previously forthcoming projects willbe scrapped or released on other labels [with exception oI the Deprived discography LP which may or may nol still happen on Profane Existencgl. Ol the back catalog titles from Prolane Existence Records, many will be allowedto go out of print as we deplete our stocks. However, we, will continue to reprsss som€ ot ths more recent and popular titles well atter the rest ol PE ceases to exlst. This is to be in fairness to bands as well as to combat the ridiculously hyperinflated prices in the collectors' market. Bands on Profane Existence Flecords will continue to receive royalties for any further represses ottheir works and any outstanding previ-

available on




(, or by emailing us (mail@ or by sending a sell-addressed stamped envelope to ourP.O. Box address. We hope to have the auction completed by December 31st of this year. ffhe bidding will be closed by the time this is published. but look for a second auction to begin in early 19991 To the labels we owe rnoney; we will send payments as moneycomes backfrom stores, distribulors, etc. lf you ar€ able to sell stuff in your area, we are.also giving the option of taking PE Releases in immediate lrade. This could be your quickest way to g€t paid since we will olherwise' be waiting for other peopie to pay us betore we can pay you. ll you are interested in trading, we encourage you to hurry your requests because

most stocks are likely to dwindle last upon this announcoment. ln any case, we do not want to rip anyone off and will pay out of ourown pockets if we have to.

To the people who owe us money; please pay us NOW espocially if you've owed us for a long tme! lt is not tair that we have to cover your debts and would like to pay our own as soon as possible. SomB time do\,'in fle road we will publish a list of all of those who have ripped us off or otherwise tlakod out over tho years. Now is your chance to redeem yourselves before we go public with your shame!

THANK YOU ln the 10 years that Prolane Existence has been publishing, distributing, propagandizing and agitating, itwould be hard to say ihat we don't all

ous royallies will be paid. Publishing rights for Profane Existence Records will remain with the label and the bands and 'rill not be sold to a third

partywifloutconsentloallparties. lnotherwords, we are not interested in selling any of our back catalog releases to other labels. WE have not ruled out the possibility ol future CD reissues of back catalog items lor continued availability at the lowest possible price. OI course, this will only money permits.

FINANCIAL MESS On paper, Prolane Existence is doing iust tine. The amount of money we owe

lro record labels is less lhan our combined inventory and bills owed to us. However, PE has lost over $40,000 to flaky or iust plain rip-off distributors during the past ten years, and we're not optimistic lhat we will get paid all that we are now owed. Even still, itis likelytotake a longlimeto collect money from ourdistributors and will bB 6 months to a year (or ever longor) belore we can payoffallof our debts,

We will be conducting a sale/auction oI record, CDs, books Irom the PE library aswellas test-pressings ot PE releases to help repay our debts assoon as possible. The auction listwillbe


feelmuch more enrichedwith the experiences and knowledge we have gained. By quitting Prolane Existence, we are not giving up on our politics or beliefs in the kuly underground DIY punk €thics. We ar€ exlremely hopeful that we have b€en able to inspire and educate through our efforts and that the movement willflourish after PE is gone. Allof

us at Profane Existence will still be actively involved within the movement and willprobably collaborate on simila( but much smallet proiects in the ruture. For all of those who have supported us financially, emotionally, or otherwise, we send .outour hear$eltthanks. We also wantto thank all of those who have worked with the PE collective in a cooperative fashion, be they bands, distributors, record labels, magazines, and other generally outstanding individuals. However, tho most gratitude ol all goes for those who have risen above and beyond the call of coolness lor donating theirtime and money to make the prisonersub fund wo*, aswellas h€lp the other benefit projects initiated by Profane Existence: you are thB great-

est! lf there was a way to thank everyone individually, we certainly would, but we don't want to make a list because offearwe would leave someone out.

Until we cross our paths again, thank you ANd .... UP THE FUCKIN' PUNXITI

Protane Existenqe Colleclive

Minneapolis, october 12, 1998 505th anniversary ol the beginning of Native genocide in the Americas,

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Upholds who should be put to death. The pulpose olthis racist crusade is to manu{acture aclimate of'pirb: lic opinion' tor the legal lynching ot Jamal We cannot let this happen! Pennsylvania governor Tom vowed to sign a new the state Supreme 1n1995, it took a tional protest, resenting South




Friday, 30 October, 1998

umia Abu-Jamal is now under immediate threat of death by the state's executioners. [.,lumia Abu"Jamal is an innocenl man, an eloquent and oulspoken opponent ol racism and iniustice who has been hounded bythe PhiladelFhia police and FBlsince the time he was a leenaqe spokes-man for the Black Panthsr Party in the late 1960s. Jamal remained in the cross haks ol the cops as he went on tobecome a renowned iournalistand supporter the MOVE organization in the late 1970s. Con" tinuing the decades-long political vendetta against Jamal, this morning the Pennsylvania Supreme Courl issued a 71-page ruling endorsing each and every aspect of his racist lrame-up 4nd false conviction for the 1981 killing of Philadelphia police' man Daniel Faulkner. Thrs judicial ruling has been prepared by a sinister campaign by the Philadelphia Fraternal OroJ

der of Police and its supporters. To grease the skids to the execution chamber, these forces re' cently took out a lull-page advertisement in the New Yotk lines 114 June)and other major newspapers around the country. Only days before the ruling, the Nerv york Posi (25 Octobeo ran a rabid editorial raving against Jamal as a "cop killer"

IrumiaAbu-Janral-is precisely designed to sdndtify the staie's machinery of death. Jamal's case lhrows a spotlight on whallhe barbarrc rac rsl death penalty rn lhe U.S. is allabout. ln ademonslration o, flagrant bias, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling dismisses as "in' ciedible'every pisce ol lestimony by witnesses onJamaJ's behali and every piece ol evisubmitted by Jamal's delense ieam. At the !me, they lino lotally 'credible" every acby the Philadelpn a Police Department is so e-up system that er en filed a civil rights a!v-

' @ay,

lier warrant Jamal's they can in

'widespread, arbitrar, and abuse" of witnesses and

rightnoware ing on the to demand: F Abolish the racisi

last three years alone, hu.:'eds in Philadelphia have been i''!!!n 'oLlt on sijch grounds. The Court ruling also upholds every a:: on by noiorious hangtng-1udge Albert Sabo, v,- : : re! lsl_ sided over the origina' farce ot a trial ano


It is no accident

Court ruling was upcoming elections-as


Beliet {PCBA) hearings begin. --r n

other term as governor ous campaign of bigotry and the right to abortion,

the absurd statement that'our -lles ,e, fair and competent." Sabc s 3robias was so blaiant that e!e' the ch Iy News (2 Oclober 1996r "," as a mouthpiece for lne F- la_

cratic and Republican speedup on death rows


e' terrorists

ment, complainea !rat

Barnett Slepian lastweek are howl lor racist legal 29-year-old black man,

tactics can only




leased irom prison in

the rigged trial and hearings :.n-

mlrrder conviction was on tab cated testimony. the dealh penally at the this innocent man see his lls exoneration. exoneralon.

Sabo. a mountain of evidence has :ame Jamals innocence and tha iaccoercion and terror wielded by ti]e '.llaotfice qii and the co:s lo rPrtrd ur'urut District Al'torney'se vrrrwe delphia


Thecrl]sadeiokillanolherinnocentman.SecureJamal,sconviction'AtleastlivewitnEsses police ihat the most prominent deatl.row.priggQgrin Ar!9ta, t,-Jtqativi .aifisrqnl .vantage points told


Govemor Tom


- Uace -





.,r1,.',-: "


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D-4. Lvnn Abraham . Uol(e ' 215'685'8700 Fax - 215'686'8024 US Attv Gen. Janet neno . vol(e ' 202'514'2000 Far" 202 514'4371


Racist Frame-Up

- Mumia ls Now

another man-notJamal, whowas lound slumped on the street after being shot in the chest by Faulkner--had run from the scene ofthe shooting. The prosecution's claim that Jamal's legally registered pistol was the murder weapon is refuted by the simple fact that there is no evidence at all that Jamal's gun was even fired that night, much

stressed in building labor-centered protests ing the summer of 1995 on the eve ot threatened execution, the social power to Jamal and abolish the racist death penalty the hands ol the multiracial

less by Jamal. Another central pillar of the

UPS strike to the walkout which

prosecution's case-that Jamal had "conlessed" to the shooting while in the hospital that has likewise been fully exposed as a there was no reportofsaid "confession" than two months after the shooting. The Pennsylvania Supreme the whole of this mass of evidence nocence. lt also sneers at the clear Black people were systematically the iury in Jamal's 1982 kial. Yet lhis anothe. instance of the racist was shown to be widespread and a ten-year-old "training" videotape by delphia D.A.'s office was made public in The frame-up of Mumia stamped by today's ruling, demonskates is no lustice in the racist capitalist

decades of defeat, the labor onstrated renewed combativity, GM empire this summer. ln taking

Jamal's freedom, the working class a blow againsl an entire system

exploitation of labor and

olthe black population. is central to the committed to the mobilize in the

the racist

Delense Canel

MaryPow66 (NCOPA), Ann Fagan Ginger (M6ijl6john C6ntor) tolamili€swho hav6losi loved oros to polic6 brutality and activisrs/organizors. TheE were approximately 80 p€ople in a[endanoe lorlhe lribunaland thsre was a panelon Mumia Ab! Jamal lhal lealured D'Andr€ Bin€r oi lhe October 22nd Coa iiion andSimoru Duranlol Folus8& Res sll who €mphasizgd - Bon Oaniels, Bon Hampton,

Mumia's appeal lot post-conviclion relicl on Oclobt i,9, Notest actions took place in citi.sarcund the wo .r, On Novotft bat 7, demonstntions werc held in Phile.talphie PA, Ann Arbot Ml, Au*in rx, Bengd ME, Blooninglon lN, Budinglon w, Chicago tL, Galnes tla FL, LoulsvilL Kv, L$AngaLs CA, Madtson V Ninn.tpohs, MN, Missog/, Ml, N.shvi e fN, PortlaD.l OF, San Diego CA, 52, F@cisco CA, S.ail. WA, Calgary (canada), votra Re.ron.ta (Brazit), Anstedan (llo and), Besantod (France), Hanbuts (cemany), Mrrse te (Fnn.e),

Patis (FBnce), Rona (ttaty), osto (Notwsy), strasbouts (Fnnce) and Capa Towt (South atriaa). Fottowidg a.o so,,e

btiel repotts aonpilo.l by Roluse add Baslsl (rcsist@walrus.con) wtth ennoying sor-con$adulatory t* Ann Arbor, Ml/ November 9 - Apprcximalely 50 p€opl6 panicipaled in a Noon ralylor Mumia Abu-Jamal oh Novemb6r 9 in Ann Arbor, Michigan Th€ demonslralion was call€d by lh6 Ann 460r chapl€r ol Anti-Bacisl Action (AAA)and was alt6nd6d by a wld6 rangeoicommunily 6mb6.sand Unive6llyol Michigan Siudenis.

Oslo, Norway / Novembor 7 -'Stop lhe €xeculion ol Mumia' demonsrrario. in Oslo, NoNay. Palnlbombs and li€wolk c€ckers where ihrown al lhe us Embassy durng a demonslralion in supporl ol Mumia Abu Jamal. aboul 100 people participal€d on veryshon.otica, andpromisedtowork hard€rand mobilizingmore in lhe nenweekstoslop lheexecllion ol Mlmia.Ih€ manil€slaiion were ananged bythe suppon commilieelor Mumia kom lhe autonomous youlh hoLrseAIlz in Oslo. chicago, rL/ Novemb€r 7- chanrlng'Stop rhe Execuilon - Free Mlr.ia Ab!-Jamal!', abou 300 peoplB marched thbugh lh€ contralLoop and he d a ra ly in iio.t ol ih6 Chicago Tribune hswspape/, Thousands oi lealletsabout Mumia weredislribuled along the march roul€, The demonslraiion was oqanized by the Commill€e io F€e Mumia Abu-Jama! (a coalilion o, polilicaland socialaclivLouisville, KY / Novemb€r 7 - About so p€ople showed up lor lhe Save Mumia demonst.alion called by LouisvilleAnti'Hacisl Acl on. MuncieAnriBacisrAdlon was presenfloo, aswere the KY ACLll, lhe XY Allianc€ Agansl Bacism and Politica Bopression, and Missoura, MT / Novsmb€r 7 - 25 p€ople ailended a abour Mumia alch sl the Kins church. Monlaroy, CA / Novombor 7 - The€ was also a Naliona Tdbunal on Polics Brulaliiy and Misconduot in Monlerey lhat drew som€ ol lhe meior nalionel iioues in lhe movemenl lo


whsr. thngs are at in rhs bartle, tho siak€s rhe impodanca ol raklngihesrrugglo broad€rand higher in orderro preventlhe govemmert lrom k lling Mumia. tlashvills, TN / Novomber 7 - A p.ol6sl lo raisa public awareness on Momia's case was held al ihe Federal Counhoose doentown, drawins 6G70 panicipants lh,oushoul rhe day. About 1500 or so ll6ls wsr€ dist/ibut6d, Foms,ltaly / Novombor 7 ' Aboui 60 p€ople panicipaled at the sil-in. we have d stribur€d abour 300 sh@ls conlain€diasl Mumia's €ngl and lh€ n6w atlornays' requasl. We r66d bolh and we lold abour Mu+ia and VOVE s srory W6 hao ploros aldcand es lo l€l know w€ were I"616 il suppon ol MJFE. fllre.erl days $e wil XAssocialion s€nd you some pholos -Malcolnl Sm Francisco, CA / Novomber 7 - ln SF Bay Area, appoxi people malet 1,000 look lo lhe slreets to volce th€ir oulrase. The Bay Arsa aclion was o€anized and iniliat€d by rhe Mobiizaion ro Fr6e Mumia Abu-Jam al coaliiion. Prior Io lhe march.lherc was a shod rally ar rhs SF Federal Buildlng af,d poople hlddled in Ihe wlnd and rain io hearA.gela Davisia momber ol Thnd Eye read a siatement by Assaia Shakurand then p€opls took lo the str€€ts. Thsmarch w6nllhrougha pr€dominanllyBlacknel9hbo6ood lhal hasbagn hard hir by pollcg bruraliry and halassmentihlh€ r€c€nt porlod and was gr66t3d warmly by Ihe @sid6nls oi the .€aty protscls. The u€6ncy ol Mumia's case drew a divelse, youihlul d€leminalion, revolulionari€s, aoiivists and olhers. Voll. Bedonda, Er&il/ Novsmb€r 7 - Workels in Volla Bedonda, Brazil demonsuared to demand 'Fre6dom Now lor Mumia AbuJamall'and'Down wllh lhe Racisr Dealh Penahyl' lnitiated by th6 Liga Ouanalnremacionalisra do BEsil (LOB), section ol the L6aguo lor lhe Foonh hlehalional, lhe lally was held in lront ol Lalin Ame ca's largesi steel planl. Speakers spoke al a monumeni lo lhree wo&ers killedwhen the amy inlevsned againsl lhe milila.i 1988 staer sxke. Publcized ihroLrgh a leallel, ndio nler views and a powedul sound lruck provid€d by the Consiruciion Wod(ers Union, ihe proiesi ol severaldozsn drew steeland municipal woAers and olher unlonisls, as well as black activisls and slud€nrs ircm area schools. Dolron / l'lovomb€r 5 - A deh onsi.alion al he US Disl.ict Counhouse on Novemb€r 5lh. Over 50 peopl€ very spiiled poople show€d up. Alol oi psople drove by, honkgd homs, and cheered lhe d6mohstratior on. San Francbco / Nowmb€.2 - The 'I\,londay afte/ emersency

Danger on how to get involved to save Mumia Abu\ramal, the lollowing organizations : CONCERNED FAMILY &

OF MUMIAABU,JAMAL P.O- Box 19709 Philadelphia, PA'19'!43 476-8812 or (203) 847-6721 (2ls) 476-7551o.: (203) 846-1937 E-mall: mumia(} Web:

Mobilizatlon to Free Mumla 3425 Cesar Chavez St. San Francisco, CA 94'110 (4ls) 821-04s9

Minneapolis / St. Paul arca: to Defend Mumla Abu.J6]nal Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55405 holline & voice 512649-4579

.minn.neU-meiMnder.htm the TCCDMAJ, held every Wednes. PM. et Ari6e! bookstore,2,141 Lyndale (phone 871-7'110). Or leave a mesaage on the TCCoMAJ hotlin6ev€nl oqanized bylhe Pison Radio ftojecr, Fircworks and olhers, was eflscliv6, Somo lO0O aflended and mar.hed throlgh ih€ Mlsson Dislricl communilies in a rorch iight parade. Los Ang€l€s / A Novemb€r 2 - The L.A. d€molor Mumia tonilhi al lho westside ledeEl building with 200 participants alltogetheL Th€ demonsraton was mel wirh a lanly posiiive response irom lolks passing by, wailing,orbuses o. driving along wikhne. Ouil€ a lsw psoplo show€d up sho didn't s@m lo be wilh organized conlingenls but jusl concsrned individuals *,lro fiopelully will b€ hooking up wilh som€ ongoingwort. Folks we€ ihe€ kom PABI ABA, MXGM, Retuse & R6sisr, Food nor Bombs, Panisan De, Jens€, Peace& Freedom, CISPES, Crackth6ClA, som6 Zapari{a supponers and probably somB other organlialions, Ulnneapolb, MN / Novernb€r I - Coss to 100 people came lo lhe interseciiofi ot Cedar and Biverside on Nov€mbe. 1sr to express lheir oul€ge al lhe decision againsr Mumla. Ih6 dBmonslralion was miiilantand spkiled, witha st.eer march downC€dar Avenue lollowing ihe rally on lhe sleps ol Riversid€ Bank. Some great piclures ol lhaldemonslEiiof, can be eiewed onlin€ ai:httpi/ /wwl€ia/1 1 -ldemo/dsmo,hlm Ann Arbon MI / Octob8r 3l - A demonstation took place at lh6 doMloM FedBalBuilding. On lsss han 18 hours nolice,15 p€opl6 mel wilh signs and llyors lor passersby amd received a good r€sponseand achi€vedmoG nane recognition ol Mumia. Naw Yo , NY / Oclobor 3t - 1 ,0O0 proresrers gaths.€d ai Grand CefliralSla on and maEnedro limes Square on Satoday Octo ber 3lSl. A Fr6e Mumia Ab!-Jamal conting€nr pa.ricipared in ihe Halloween palad6, and olher marcneB and onlookeE joingd in chanling sloqans demandinq lhalAbu-Jamal be lre€d. Sm FrmcBco, CA/ Oclob€r 31 - Th6 Mob lization ro Fr€€ Mumia Abu-Jamalh6ld an 6meq6ncy d€monslraiion in San Franciscoal Powell and Marker ro protest th€ decision ol the P€nnsylvanla Supemo Coud. Aboulrzoo peopb anonded includinE a brc.d langeol peopl€ ropresenting manyorganizalions.Amesling ol75 Mob lization memba.s and supponeB earli€r in the day sst, Satur day, Novemb$ 7 as ih6 dal€ lor a mass and proi€si €lrlo Stop lho Exdcurion and Fr6o Mumiat Vvrehing(on, DC / Ociobsr 31 - Approx nately 80 psopla prc. l6st6d in lronr ol lhe Suprsme Couri at 5:(lo PM. ll th€ death warcnr is sign€d, a demonsrration willb€ held in lronl ol the Supr6mB Coun al5:00 PM on the rollowing day. Msetings oJ lnremational Conceh€d Famiry and Fiends bl Mumia Abu Janal a6 held every Iuesday at 6:00 al 404 H Sl., NE. Conlacl Reluse & Resisrl 305 MadisonAve., Suhe 1166, New York, NY 1016s Phone: 212-71 3'56s7 €maii: or

ARD PEIIIEBI quesis to see an outside physcian, and Doctor Keller, a renowned mailla-facial s!Igeon from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. l'4N has written the pdson lelling them he is willing to treat Leonard Peltier, but prison officials have denied those requests. lt is no\/ more urgent than ever that Leonard Peltier be lreed. To find out about civil disobedience actions in your area, or lor help and ideas lor organizing

The Leonard Peltier Delense Committee is calling for a renewed international campaign ol of nonviolent civil disobedience starting December 19, 1998, to lree Lsonard Peltier and political pris-

oners everywhere. These action are intended to increase the pressure on President Clinton ic keep his promise to sign the order of Executive Clemency and finally end this injustice. Leonard Peliier is the USA'S most famous political prisoner and has been locked up for over 22 years after being framed for the murderol tvi'o FBI agents at the Pine Bidgs Sioux Reservation. The agents deaths were a result of a shootout with an encampment of the American lndian Movement (AlM) in which oneAlM member, Joe Stuntz, was also killed. Leonard Peltier is imprisoned for a crime he did not commiti convicted and sentenced on the basis of evidence which the govenment has long ago acknowlsdged to be false- Evidentiary hearings have been repeat€dly denied to Peltier in order to gain a new and fair trial. Congress has so lar refused to invsstigate the matter, which will likely expose the illegal incarceration ot Peltieras well as FBI complicity in the murder of over sixty people at the Pine Ridge Roservation.

Currently Leonard Peltie/s health is in se-

your own actions and events, contact the Leonard Pelti€r Defense Committee. They are planning to print large posters for the campaign which read ,FREE LEONABD PELTIERAND ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS.' These large posters will greatly aid the visibility of Leonard's case by displaying th€m in homes, oflices, store windows and wheatpasting them on walls in your community. Please send adonaiionwhen wdting lorabundle offiese posters.



Leonard PeltierDelense C,ommittee / P.O. Box 583 / Lawrence, KS 66044 Phone: 785-842-5774 Fax: 785-842-5796

verely poor conditiorL Due to a jaw operation he underwent at Springlield Medical Facility, he is in excruciating pain every day. He cannot open his

mouth enough to bite his rood and mustforce food through a gap in his teeth and mash it with his tongue in order to eat. He has put in several re-


Hl everybody at the PE collectlve,

she was living under house arrest in the commu'

posed to finish on May, 7th) is Maurizio Laudi. The famous "arsenal' lound in the cellar of


aaw on iasue 36 the anicle


sent yau

about Patrlzia andTo no (Silvano, Edo +Sole)' By now the news I sent you aie old, and need

to be updated. The ter bte lact lhat makes the|,- old, is that Sole is dead. I still can't believe it myself. It's good that you 've got E-mall, 5o you can rcceive newa lrom all ovet thia lucked'up world in a short fime and be more erlective. You are doing such a good iob with the maga' zine--. Sometimes I know ol a lact happened'

lel's say in Gemanh frcm PE and ngt lrom the people involved in the thing' fhis is to 1ay how good is PE and how untight is rhe "move' ment". We should work on it, we should cre' ate a tightet net ol contac,s. Anway, here's the atticle about Sole's dead, I'ye laund it in : hwtlwww.ecn.orgzero

Soledad ls dead. No celebrations please. Soledad hung hersolf (we don't have any reason io doubt it) on Friday night (between July 'lO and 11, 1998) in Benevagienna (ltaly), where

nity "Sotto i ponti". Her body has been taken to lhe hospilal of Mondovi, as required by a magistrate, who \,vas very upset because of the unexpected interruption of his lishing-day. Actually ws don't even knoll his name. Many journalists, as usual, arrived inimediately but they were chased away. Soledad was a 22 year-old anarchist 22 and she was Argentinian. She was in ltaly since September of 1997. During the investigations on the saboiages against the High Speed Train Project [fAU in Val Susa; she was accused of being a

member of an armed organization called 'Lupi Gdgi" (Grey Wolves) which claimed itsEll as responsible of only one such sabotage (there have been a dozen ol them and almost all happened belore Summer 1997). She was arresied with two other anarchists, Silvano Pellissero and Edoardo

Massari, at the beginning ol March, 1998. The chargeg were reduced after the suicide in iail of Edoardo Massari"

Soledad then obtained houss arrest in Benevagsnna; Silvano was moved instead to the high security prison of Novara. At the moment he is at his 2oth day of hunger-strike asking for house aflest and in order to know the date ol his trial. The magistrate who holds the inquiry about


the Casa Occupata in Collegno (Turin), where Silvano, Soledad and Edoardo lived, has been never showed to the public and no expert evidence

has ever been presented.

The Media are working to construct a part lor Silvano, describing him as an agent provocateur. Right now there are no public domonstrations scheduled, and we hope therewon't be, given the results of the mass demonstration held on April, 4lh: just a sort ol exorcism after which nothing really meaninglul happened. Let's leave apart any mere conventional form

of action . Anyone wanting to express his/her thoughls and sentiments and rage should simply doit, intheplace and lhe situalion where one lives, by one's own times and waYS.

There is nothing to add and nothing to be

shouted out. Move. (think globally act locally)

P.S.- Luca Bertola is out of prison. Silvano Pelissero obtained house arrest. ll you want to writ8 : c/o Asilo occupato / Via Alessandria 12 / Torino/ ltaly



l1i:iil"*ff?"l:*,fi*[:,#*"$ governm€nt


foropposing the illegal policies of lh€ and/or its political subdivisions- Prisoners of War (POWS) are those combatants struggling against colonial and alien domination and racist regimes, captured as prisoners are to be accorded the status ol prisoners ofwarand their treatment should be in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Conventions relative to the treatment of prisoners of war. ln the United States ihere are over 100 Poliiical Prisoners and POWS. Any voice ol dissen-

ll you are involved

etc. we would


also visits Political PrisoneIS and Prisoners of WaL

publicizes thek plight, produces literature (tapes,

etc. by or about Political Prison€rs and POws). ABC also attempts to help them with any other needs they may have.

Portland ABC-Suppon GrouP/P.O. Box 40660 / Portland, OR 97240.0560 Telephone: (503) 287-6467



Prisgnof T-shirts,


There are many

for more instarting a support

whete there ls an them to volunteer NJ 07508

FL Pt.


ABCF's work with Here are just a few:


Send a donailon to Fund. The Warchesl is

send monthly ch€cks to POWS who have been or no financial support . Make a commitment

month to the Warchest Fund. When you a commitment to afixed amountev€ry means that more Political Prisoners /

St. Laurent / Montreal,

be consistently supported by the warchest One time donations automatically go into the gency fund. The emergency tund is

/Alliance, OH 44601 Way / Roswell,

Corporate property was damaged and the local NIKE store was closed afler anarchists and

other anti corporate activists rallied against the shoe giantin Eugene Oregon today. People gathered at the outdoor market downtown about 11:OOam.After some speech making and leafleting a group of about 60 took the street in violation ol the municipalparade ordinance. The march was led by a black block of young anarchisis, an in' creasingly common sight in a community plagued

by police violence. Following the stick and gas mask toting radicals came a giant 1 2 ,oot 'swoosh'

(NIKE corporate symbol) dragged by small chilthe tence surrounding the construction site of the dren to dramatize illKE,s use of child labor, group proceeded to the sth Skeet Market, in which new 'NlKEtown" siore. The police seemed to have been taken by ihe NlkE store is located and the site of surprise and it wa9 several minutes belore they conflict over the removal ol trees lo make riYay


previous for


or provide wifl the an article, about

are going to

murder. Locked away in prison and forgotten by thE very movements they came lrom, they continue lhe struggle ftom within the belly of the beast. They continue to meet repression lrom tha criminal in-

time to time need emergency assistance. AgC

Political Prisonlliers and other mate-

sion bscomes targeled by lederal and local law enforcement for harassment, misinlormation, intimidation,-assault, wronglul imprisonment, and

iustice system. Political Prisoners and POWS continue the baule with the court be treated like human beings. As a result support from the outside is much neoded lor legal fees, daily necessities, and any emergency needs that need to be mei. Help is also needed in letter writing campaigns to put pressureon pison ollicials and parole boards. TheAnarchist Black Cross is a group ol individuals that seelhF need to provide nonsectarian, financialassiitance lor Political Prisoners and POWS who receive no suppof orthose who from

to those Political Prisof one time or emorgency

As the rapid deployment unit (RDU the political police here) deployed with riot gear and pepperspray, several people entered the market and made their way to the NIKE store where product was pulled off ol shelves, displays were vandalized, fireworks were ignited and an entire rack of clothes was dumped off a balcony into a fountain below. Anarchists,,vere also seen on the root, butit is unclear what may have occurred there. At this time it appears thai no arrests havs been made, bui many people were photograph€d. Eugene is the birthplace ol NIKE, CEO Phil Knight still mainlains a residence in neighboring Springlield though corporate headquarters have moved up the road to Portland. Citizens rioted against NIKE on August 2nd causing some $5,000 damage. The A-ln os News SeMc€ WWW:

On August 1oth, activists occupied a stretch of land in South l\4inneapolis slated for destruclion under a highway re-roule plan. Proclaiming the eslablishment oflhe Minnehaha Free State,lhe protestors have so lar managed to haltlhe environmentally devaslating re-route, and their occilpation continues as this is-

sue goes to press. The protest is aimed at lhe Minnesola Depanmenl of Transportation (MnDOT), which wants to re-roule Highway 55 to the easl ol its exisling corridor, and widen it lo four lanes. This would creale a smoother conneclion for commulers coming to downlown Minneapolis trom lhe southern suburbs, and also ease the roule to the airport. Not surprisingly, this quest for convenient driving displaces its costs on to the neighborhoods and green spaces in ils path. The re-roule would carve up a signilicani chunk

of gresn space next to Minnehaha Park, which is home to Minnehaha Falls and is one ofthe most imporlant pieces ol the Minneapolis park system. The Park will not be quite as pleasant with the roar of heavy trallic all around its weslern edge. Nor will it bâ‚Ź as accessible to adjacent neighborhoods; bems and sound walls will do more to block the park from the surounding community than lo aclually reduce noise pollution. Several groves of old-growth oak lrees will also bâ‚Ź destroyed to make room lorthe road, aswillother palchos ol urban wilderness curently home to a va-

riety of wildlile. One ar:ea to be aflected is Camp Coldwaterand ColdwaterSprings. Camp coldwater \.!as the site of the first white settloment in Minnesota. Bslore lhat, the area was occupied by lhe Dakota people, to whom lhe Coldwater Springs are slill a saded site. Camp Coldwater lies in thepalh olthe re-route, and N4nDOT has announceil de-waledng plans which would reduce the springs if notdrylhem up completely. ln an associated development, the Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) has been given a section ol the Camp Coldwater area lo use for expanded commuter services and additionalpa*-


th( Hlghway 55 reroute o((upalion. Slgn painted at intersection near the All\4 (American lndian Movemeni), ihe MendotaMdewakanton Dakota tribe, lhe lndigenous Environmenla, Netwo*, and unafliliatod individuals. Among other things, they oppose any re-roule ol Highway 55 through green space, soekcommunity conlrolover land use decisions, and demand recognition ol lhe I\,{endota-l\rdewakanton Dakota and thoir land claims. (The full toxt of lhe occupiers' stalement can be read at'stopss/occupy.htm) ln lhe initial wave of the occupation, proteslors were preparod mainlyto block demolition by the state. One house was occupied and barricaded by 3 women. Another house was protgctod by a man on a 20-rool high tripod plaltom, designed

another prolestor was locked down to the gro!,nd. ln the tace ol this opposilion, the state backed down and lemporarily called a halt to ils p ansThough no longer on 24-hour lockdown, the proteslors remain wary, and are ready lo resume lhe ' posi tions if need be. Poople stay alert for signs ol nlervention, and sentries with walkie'lalkies keep a lookout at night. Currently, the stale appears 10 be playing a wa ting game, hopingto outlastthe prolestors rather than forcelhem out. The proleslors insistthey aren I eaving, and have used theirtime well, getling organized for an indefinite stay. And while lhings have settled down sorre s nce

Food Not Bombs, the People's Co. Bakery, and the Seward Caf6. People donate prepared mealsaswell as groceries. A kilchen has been s€t up with 2 propane stoves, and 3 vegan meals a day are served in the camp. Food has played a role in establishing ties betweon the protestors and the resi of lhe neighbor-

hood. On Sundays, lhe community is inviled over for a com roast and talk. Generally, response lrom the community has been positive, with some people actively supporting the protestors. The occupation has raised a lot ol Iocalawareness about lhe re-rcute and about grsen issues. Protestors have also taken timo to work on individual projecls like beautification of the area, including planting a garden. Curently, the main activity is preparing for the coming of l\rinnesota winter. Shelters are being built to provide more protoction than

The western edge of the Mlnnehaha Free State Dakota members have declared lhe Coldwater Springs area a spiritually sign,licant site, pointing to a sland ol oaktrees aimed in lhelour direclions, and raising the qusstion ol burial grounds in lhe area.

A number ol guidolines have been established by

tho group in order to maintain friendly relations with the neighborhood and keepthelocus ol the occupation on the re-route, depriving lhe state of any prelexls il might use to break up the camp. These in-

State archaeologists claim to have found no evidence ol intact remains du rig previous development. The age ol treos has also been disputed, wilh the state

clude no weapons/no alcohol/no drugs policies, nonviolence, a single lke, and quiel hours. Roughly 30 psople spend lhe nighl on any givon date, and a large support network has evolved to k6ep things going. ln addilion to the baricaded houses, a number of tenls and lepees have been erected. Gas, water, and eloclricily to the houses have been cul otf, bui the proteslors have improvised. A

trying to argue they could nol have existed dudng Dakota occupancy o, the land, pointing lo core lests it has done on similar trees. Bul protestors have a cross-soction laken irom a nearby burr oaklhal indi-

cates old enough agg and is also smaller lhan the existing trees. Alongside these battles, numerous evenls have been planned lo raise awareness o, lhe occupation

and keep poople in good spirits. Some recent ex' amples include:

'Eanh Firstl Fall Midwest Regional Rendezvous, Oct. 9-'11 held at the site on Oct.12 ("Columbus Day"), also at the site ' a Benefit Concefl in Minneapolis on Nov. 6 fealur-

'an Indigenous Peoples Dayparade



14o-mile ride honored the 38 Dakola killed during an '1862 uprising againsi illlreatment and broken promises bythe stale of Minnesota, and similar struggles continuing today. The nexl testive occasron will be a Thanksgiving Dinner potluck at the site, plannedlor 1 p.m. on Nov. 26th. Atlendees are asked to bring utensils and a dish lo share. But, special events aside, lhe heart of this campaign is thg ocrupation itsell and the people who keep it alive, day after day. A look at their wonderlulwork is in ordsr: The Minnehaha Free State is run ontheprinciples

changing o, the seasons, and suggested there would bo no charg€s press€d if they packed up camp and

lett. This proposal was completely rejecled by the Minnehaha Free State. N4nDOl o, course, is denying it ever otfored to make a deal.

The determinalion ol lhe prolestors is amazing, butthey need morethan compliments if this struggle is going to succeed. Please considergetting involved in the occupation eflorts. Donation pdorilies right now aro winlor clothes, sleeping bags, blankets, firewood, batteries, tools,

fire, candles, kerosene lamps, and ftashlights aie

U-locks, waterprool tarps or plasiic sheeting, and (as

being used for light sburces: Recently, a solar panel was donated, which is used to charge balteries and run lights and a fax machine. Fresh water is regularly collectod in iugs from th6 nearby Camp Coldwater Springs. Balhrooms, how-, evor, mean eiiher the woods ora walk to the parkor a gas slation. Food com6s kom a variety of sources, including

always) vegan tood. Monetary donalions are also welcome. Donalion can be dropped oft on site, or mailed lo Big Woods Earth Firstal: PO.Box580936, Minneapolis, MN 55458. Any checks or monoy or' ders should be made out to: MNRAG. People are always welcome lo come oul and see what's happening, donate their lime and labor, and join in the occupation. Minnehaha Free State is lo-

You can get the latest inlormation on the occupation by calling the hotline al (612) 728"0595. lnlomation on STOPthe ReROUTE, includingthe

occupation, can be lound online al: hltp:// freenet. msp. mn. uyorg/stopss/top. html.

A day-by-day look at lhe occupation is available

al Tom Taylor's site: htlp:// noreroute/reroule_occupation,html. Special thanks and best u/ Austin, who helped with much olthe information contained inlhis P.E., who has keptanarchism alive and well in the Land ol 10,000 Punks for the last t€n years. We remain bloodied but unbowed. Free the people / Free the land!

anicb. And che€rs to

ol group consensus by the occupiers themselves. Regular meelings occur once a week, or may be called lo consider decisions which allecl the communjty as a whole. Anyone who is around may altend ihe meetings.

work for it, driving the occupiers out. MnDOT oflicials recently met with lhe protestors, alluded to the

catod at 5307 Biverview Road in Minneapolis. lf you'rE coming lrom downtown on Highway 55, tum lelt (East) on 53rd Street and go 2 blocks. Please be advised that it you do visit the Free Stale, you are lechnically breaking the law by trespassing on MnDOT land.

ing local bands ' a commemorative horseback ridg from Birch Cou-

lee lo the occupatio0 site, compleied Nov

tents can atford. Firewood is being gathered, as are sleeping bags and winler gear. The stat6 ssems to think winter will do its dirty


lmpulse '98


and watch bands play, lows: Step

1 - Organize and promote a punklest out in the foresis here. Step 2 - Make it overtly political; that way only cool, thoughilul kids will come. Step 3 - Take aforementioned cool kids


out and show them amazing forests and what happens to them under the very corporate rule that all their tave bands sing about. Step 4 rThe


n. An inviolable p

So a little more than two years ago I sorta promoted a litue punk gel togethet up here in the darkest, most primeval depths of Cascadia. Alter eleven arduous months of organizing what I had hoped was to be a positive, fun, and overtly political galhering, I was a little disappointed (read: devastated) by the results. A week betore the gathering, which I had affectionalely named after my fave Anlisect song, there were already 150+ kids in town, bored and drunk. Needless to say, after seven SF scumfucks gang-raped a woman, deslroyed the poorost neighborhood in Eugene, and came within inches of getting our only all ages

e of refuge and sanctuary think of attempting another one ihis year?" As I blush and kick lhe dirt restlessly with my boot I deliver some vain ex6use to your valid query.. uhhhh... I figured it would be different in the woods... uhhhh... lstillhad some hope thatpunks as a scene had some sense of responsibility... uhhhh... I still lhought the kids could be united...

kids automatically fall in love with the wilderness here and after seeing the direct action campaigns already hera, willget inspired and stick a.ound to smash corporate dominance wilh us. Step5-The punks turn outto be just \rhat tle proverbial doctor ordgr€d and are so etfective that society comes tumbling down amidst butt ffaps, bullet belts, and Crass patches. Step 6 - We all live happily ever after in an ecocentric world without cops, politicians, or spbrt utility vehicles. Needless to say, it didn't malerialize according to my plan. After an agonizing three months in search ol a punk name lor the gathering which didn't use the words resistance, critjcal, actve. or any unnecessary hyperbole, lfinallysetded on the name Asylum and started putting word out tTough the usual punk media. Aside from the perpetual "Not again! Don't you ever learn?'from scenestersthe world over,lhe organizing side of ii wasn'l too hard.

"At first I ignored them, then I got angry, and then they kicked my ass. The HDP is soley ::U:5"Jl$"."l,lli:T",1#:,f,:":il:::','$:,"; responsible for the "Asylum Massacre!' and they are proud of if. Fuck'em..." Timp] !li,i":iii:',ffi"1'f:iil1fl'."i"fly$.L;:: bddge, 47 bands played lor free, 2 kids di got hit by a carthE d;y I started and anoiher was hit by a train the day after), 17 kids were hospitalized for various wounds (mostly received during many fights between skinheads and punks, skinheads and scumfucks, and scumfucksand punks), our loaned PA was stolen by a scumfuck, the geriatric mayor of Eugene declared a state of emergency because lhe 600-odd punks were stealing,

smashing, and drinking lhe town like nolhings since the Dead shows ol the early '70s and woll, aside trom seeing far too few of my beloved workshops go down, I was also facing the wraih ot the city government as lh€y threatened to bill me tor ihe six portapotties lhat wer€ level€d and charge me with whatever crimes they could get to stick to my dirty black shirt. Needless to say, I caught out ol town the next day.

'So why?' you ask, 'having seen the success of your last punk gathering, whydid you even

uhhhh... I listened to too many Seven Seconds albums and was too posi-core t6 bok at the obvious. The fact is, whereas some peopl€ learn from their misiakes in an ellort to avoid or at least avert future failure, I on the other hand, was bom without the innate ability to reason lhusly. OK, that and I was pretty bored with the scene here and nothing energizes a scene quile like brining in a few hundred of your closestlriends to town.... and well, l'd sorta been running this plan through my head to pull lhe Earth Firstl movement trom the

hands ol the crystal worshipping hippie mafia where it now testers under the sweltering sun ol stagnancy and ineffectiveness, and reenergize the movement with the fun, disrespectlul rebelliousness of punks. So my grand s9heme was something as fol-

Oregon alons has over a million acres of available venues (public land), so there was no need Ior talking to landlords or other propenied interesis, workshop and discussion leadgrs came pouring out ofthe woodwork ofrering to do workshops on everything lrom sexual health to trce climbing to sEl, dgfense lo sabotage, and as opposed to Resist and Exist, there wasn't a conslant barage ot bands calling to play. All was well up to the end of May when federal law enforcement orficers strarted calling my home phone asking where exactly we were planning to hold this shindig and what we expected to happen (l ol course had no idea'cause I wasn't really involved in the process. iiwasjust myvoice mail and email that were being used lor promotlon). By that time we had already ,ound a good


Troll, Emporor of HDP spot up in the woods about 60 miles from town in the Willamette National Forest, a bunch of old triends started dropping in and there was no way we were gonna stop rt. Afterpulling together supplies (tarps, tools, tood and what-not) we headed out to establish theAsylumAutonomous Zone and prove that living anarchism is not only possible, but desirable. The night ofthe 16th turned out to be a wonderful prelude to what I had hoped was to come. A bunch of awesome kids setto work throwing up tents for the kitchen, digging shitters, and setting up the other physical needs of our new society. As the sun plummeted intothe western sky, a van from Hollywood pulled up lull of mohawks and spikes and before long, 40 some kids were hang-, ing around a campfire telling dirty lokes and showing neal and interesting things they could do with their bodies. Fuck yeah... The next day, there were about 100 kids there, sitting around listening to Slayerand eating USDA canned goods, helping make signs, set-

ting up tarps and other good stuff, or of cou6e exercising theirpunk rights to sil around in the hot sun and drink rotgut booze while other people work. Surprisingly enough, it took atmost eight hours lor the first chaos to erupt. Christ and his lriends had be€n drinking in the sun since dawn and stumbled their way over tothe kitchen whero the reslofthe festwere lounging in the shade. Of course, too much wine and sun don'tdo much for one's subtleness or finesse in walking arcund a crowded tap and ol' Christ managed to trip over ,our or five kids before feeling the call o, nature. He proceeded, like any self respscting punkwould,

to relieve himself all over the kitchen. As everyone underthe tarp watched, mouths agape, Qhrist and his giritriend started lake fighting and soon enough she went head over hgels inlo the stack of donated yogurt. As this good natured belligerence threatened

to ovolve inio more exkeme forms, we called a meeting to see what everyone wanted to see out of the convergence and to try and hammer out a way at bolh preventing and dealingwith any problems that may arise. Christ and some olher inebri?lod kids took this meeting as a fine place lo espouse their hatred for'PC faggot pussy nigger bilches" likE myself and my friend Monica, and dq(y much used every remotely offensive word ii iheir vocabulary to express their hatrsd tor oF garkation that interfered with their ddnking and p.artying. The restgt us unanimously agreed that was to


don't like watching months ol work start to unlold because ol a lew kids stuck in some adolescent rebellious stage. Things sgemed to calm down with lhe setting sun (mainly becaus€ none of the scheduled bands"showed up, probably due to the fact that my voice mail system was all lucksd up and lhey couldn't find it), and everyone seemed to be getiing along prettywell, especially as Adam and Charity dished up wellare stew. That night I went down the hill to kick it around

the camplire wlth some old friends and new crushes, content that everything was good.... Until I ended up running back up the hill to break up some light that was happening oul of our view.

When I got up to the top, the fight had alrgady been broken up... OK, so it wasnt really a fight, more ot a beating as big ol' Frank from New Or leansbok ofiense at something someone had said about his lacial tats or club atfiliation and proceeded to sock ls-yeaFold Dale in the mouth. People pulled Frank otl of Dale and after twenty minuies of dilticult dialogue betlv€en drunken personalities, Dale apologized for any ottense his much larger opponent might have taken and it was resolved that HDe the punk club that lots qt fte kids in attendance claim€d, did not mean.:Hollywood Drunk Punx" as was widely assuried, but rather "Hollywood Drunx Period." With that imdeiail out ol Ule way, well

bigcircle of aboul50 people intenton kicking Frank out of lh€ area. Fseling somewhat responsible for ensuring this didn't erupt into complete and total mayhem, and also for the safety of the people there, which was obviouslyjeopardized by Frank's presence, I went along with the posse towardsthe spot where Frank was drinking. As always, mob action is much more diflicultthan our patches and iconography would suggest, a fact which became apparentwhen Frank refused to leave and fouror five of his friends decided they were gonna fight the whole mob. Anyway, most of us tired rather quickly ol the bullshit shit talk between macho members of the mob and certain Hollywood kids

that were making a cameo appearance as the Ghetto Boyz, complete with dramatic gestures, speech riddled with ebonics, and threats to kick all our 'PC asses...." After everyone moved back lo camp, it seemed, if only lor a minute, that eveMhing was OK, That minul€ quicklyladed and I was treated to the joyous,luck of watching a large drunk HDP punk pickup niy belov€d railroad pick and stumble his way over to lhe camp,:i The hopes ol myself and people aroufld us ftat hs lvould irip

himselfended with the pick wielded . Soon enough, telling me what was me to do somethlng

gotto. my rob

to tho

ol all I alll


Other than


was a great


Delaware Hug Punks


punk fest that was worth my friends' lives and we decided that in order to preserve life and limb (as well as borrowed sound and visual equipment), thatwe should retreat back to Eugene and decide what to do at a meeting the next day. ln less than five minutes flat, we managed to pil6 everything

and everybody we could our hands on into vehicles and pull a strategic retreat back to the kind o, organic safety of Eugene. I ended up driving back to lhe site about a half hour alter the mass exodus lo see if anyone got left behind. As I sped by the first spot on my

way to a satellite camp that had formed on a nearby clitf, I was privileg6d to watch the instigators ofthe original violence beating the hellout of one another in the fading light. At the Clift Camp, it a ditferent story altogether A whole crew 'rvas had lined their cars up in defensive positions and were filling empty beer botlles with gasoline and camp fu6l making improvised molotovs, 'ln case the Hollywood kids showod up....' Everyone up there was pretty content staying atop the clitf and not letting lhe shits lrom Sood ruin and with a lew kind words from Nohand Oan, we sped back to Eugene. That night, the kids at the Whatever Basemgnt were cool enough to put on a last-minute showforthe haggardAsylum goers and Roseburg locals Pascals' Wager rocked the whole housg down with their hyper-emotional hardcore. Atter wiping the tears from our eyes after seeing PW's set, we all settled in for the night. The next morning, lwoke up atO am, started driving, and accidentally stumbled upon the per fect spot lorAsylum, Take ll;a deserted old gravel pit 26 miles south oftown, right next to a lake, and close to the Fall Creek Tree Sit. At the noon meeting, the 50 or so kids decided to move it back out tothe woods, abandoning the ideathatwe should move the fest into the city where things could get even crazier. Rumor had it thatthe HDP kids that sta(ed most of the violence had arrived in Portland the night belore bragging about destroying the gathering and siarting a forest fire, but had no intention of returning, so everyone was pretty optimistic that things were linally gonna work out. From then on, things wentway too smoothly. We set up camp in about a day, kids got lo organizing themselves into different security collectives

todealwithanyfuturetroublefromtheSocalkids, Neil from Tribal War set up a free vegan kitchen, bands began to show up, and much to the ioy ol all, there was a railroad trestletojump otf of.... Ol' Rebob Dijon and lwent back up to the old spotto tools, tarps,

kids had started (potentially saving 10,000 acres of forest from being burned to a crisp), salvaged all of the food and gear, and cleaned up most of the mess... they fucking rock. The next four days were awesome. Lots of workshops went down, a whole bunch of independentpoliticalmovieswerewatched, acrewof kids moved up tothe FallCreekTree Sit, ten oreleven bands played, there was plenty of food, everyone went swimming at least twice a day, and well, it was pretty much the anarchist summer camp we had been lookingfor. Hell, we even hadtheobligatory anarchist spin the bottle game..., We hadfinally succeeded in setting up our little society in the middle olthe sticks, without cops, nordrunken silly kids to ruin it.

On the last night, the Basement kids werB once again wondertul enough to open up their home for the fest, as 100-odd people squeezed into the basement to see th6 Skatford I\rarcenarthe Living Warroom, Embrace the ',\


the lack of trying. OK, so a ie!., kLds with dilferent ideas and better fashion than us proved just how easy it is lor a couple ol shits 10 ruin something for everyone, but in the end, we all got a better idea ofhow to dealwith such maners. Someumesshit happens, and in the punk scene, it seems to happen a lot more often. But rather than JUst whining about all the shit, we should be leaming from it so it can't happen again. All in all, the gathering was a glowing suc-

ces6. A couplâ‚Ź of hundred kids set up

a countersociety out in the woods based on their own principles, had bands and movles p ay, and pretty much actualized a lot of the pol tical rhetoric we throw around about autonomy and anar-

chy. I had not one, but eighl ditlerent kids tell me itwas the besttimeoftheir lile, and i, nolhing else, a whole crew of punks got too moon Amtrak be-

fbre jumping ofi the raikoad trestle. what could possibly be punker than that... Crazy big thanks to Adam and Charity, Niki

Kingdom, and live other bands play. Unfortunately, righl berore the Skatlord Mercenaries started their third song, the pigs showed up, closed the shgw down, and gave the Basement a $300 ticket. After a small altercation with some kids who were tired of running lrom every little threat that fucked with Asylum and wanted to light lhe cops, everyone settled back into their homes and a case of Milwaukee's Best. Asylum was over. Since Asylum, I have once again had to endure my bad reputation as an organizer of ill-fated punk fests, dodging accusations ol killing people, bring bands ol roving rapists , and other so out

and Karen from Austin, Neil Tribal War, Ben and Alex Axiom, Hungry firatt, Monica and Casper, Rebob, Alex and Miriam from Germany, Suspect, Tanya, Johnny Cate and the Pirate crew, Brenton, Pat and the rest of the Eugene Anarchist Kids, John zerzan, llm Lewis, Food For Bums, Aron


that there will be

and the Whatover Basement, Kirk, TSM/SVF posse worldwide, Cam, nonny and the Victoria crew, all the bands and anyone else who helped at all with anything.

My most humble condolences to all who came kom near and far or had to deal with

couldn't find Asylum acts of senseless vio"

behind in

Come on, don tbe bridge 25 times today!!!

already iumped off the


trom (at(hDhrlre A ?eDon by Ek The Summer Solidarity Festival took place this year from July 16-21 in California. The lirsi three days were in Orange County, at the Koos Caf6, and the last three days were in L.A. at the Popular Resource Center. The idea behind the festival is to bring people together in hopes of building a solid communitythat works togetherlor change instead of having a bunch of divided "scenes'that are constantly feuding with one another lor petty reasons. The festival always draws a large amount of people that are involved in various struggles from around the world with all ditferent ages, races, sexes. classes. sexual preferences. elc. coming together and discussing ditlerent issues, how we atfect one another's struggles, and how we can all help one another in our struggles. Many ditferent political ideas are discussed and exchanged among everyone and that is really good to see. There are really informative workshops, discussion groups, & info shops, as well as bands and vendors. The 16, '17, and 18 took place at the Koos Caf6, in Orange County. The events starled in lhe afternoon and ran until a little after midnighl each night. There were a lot of bands that played, including Resist and Exist, Subsistencia, Asphixia, Los Chupacabras, Tezacrifico, Apocalypse, the Tom Brooker Band, Living War Room, Ciril, and many more- There were also workshops and discussion programs set up by a number of groups and people ranging from topics such as how lo fire your boss, Earth First!Actlvism, the history of radicalmusic. lndustrial Workers ofthe World, No Compromise, straight edge/drug lree lifestyle, por nography and its role in defining and manipulating oursexualviews, and many moae. There were also films shown on Earth First activism, the hundreds ol reasons why Shellis a bastard company, ALF activism, and more. Discussions were always very lengthy and involved a lot of people with no one tryin9 to belittle or put down other padjcipants but instead discussing things rationally and trying to reach conclusions on ways that we can work together to make a ditlerence. The workshops, of course, were very informalive and almost all of them handed out literature and gave contact addresses and mailing lists for people to get on for more information. There were also a number of DIY vendors and politicalgroups that were selling merchandise, literature, and more, includingAK Press, Black Star Collective, Animal Detense League, Vegan Mili" tant Movement, Catchphraze Records, the Free Tibet Campaign, and many many more. Food not Bombsalso provided food for everyone on allthree days. The days of the 19,20, and 21 took place at

the Popular Resource Center in Los Angeles. There were a lot more speakers that took place during lhese three days and less bands, which made these days really informative. There were speakers from groups and people on issues such as Zapatista Solidarity, immigration and naturalization, basic civil rights and local street vendor rights, racialbarriers and the media's involvement

in creating racismfrom the facts that it reports and they way in which they report them, American Indian Movement, and many more. Therewere also films shown on the Zapatistas, the 'New World

Bordei (US/lvlexico border violence), and the MOVE organization. There was also a presentation done by the group Danza Cuatemoc which was a traditional Aziec Dancing ritual which involved everyone who was in attendance. A few bands played ranging in slyle ,rom Anarcho punk to blues to acoustic/folk style music. Food was provided by the Popular Resource Centeron these days. I think that, of all the days, these three were

the most informative.


diflerent types of

people showed up from the surrounding communities, from all walks of life, to attend the last three days. Discussions would last lor hours with large amounts o{ community involvement in drscussing

ways in which people can work together to get things done in their areas, and in surrounding areas. Therewere manygreat ideas putfoMard and everyone was exposed new people and ideas


and perspectives.

This seriously has to be one of the most educational and inspirational

events that takes place. For people to come together under a common goal and be seri-

ously dedicated about it, lo see people who will get things done,


and to meet people with so much heart and such greal ideas is an amazing experience. The next one of these to take place will be the 1999 Solidarity Spring FestivalMest Coast Food Not Bombs Gathering. lt willtake place from April 2nd - 4th in Ventura, CA. There will be an art show atthe localart gallery workshops, local gigs, a thealrical play, iilm showing, zine/diy record swap meet, and more events are being planned. There will be free vegan food and camping nearby. Thâ‚Ź last day will be a big concert at the Ventura theake. Bands and speakers are still being booked so it you're interesied get in touch. Also, ifyou are Irom FNB and your group would like to participate

, or reserye a camping space at our site get in touch wiih us.


Ca. 33002


Tel (805)641-s925 Ask tor Katrina or J.Lee no calls after 1opm.

March 27l}: 1999 l Oam-6pm

Eurtn Anauat Bav


Anarchisl nBook[a





San Francisco County Fair Building ninth ave & tincoln way in golden gate park

as always, admission is free



West Coast Food Not Bombs Gatherlng April 2nd - 4th in Uentura, Califomia There will be an art show at the local

art gallery, workshops, local gigs, i theatrical play, film showing, zineldiy record .swap meet, and more events are being planned. The will be lree vegan food and camping nearby. The last day will be a big concert at the

Ventura theater. We are still booking speakers and bands (please send in your music with lyrics). lf you are from FNB and your group would like to participate, or reserve camping space at our site get in touch with us.

For more information and updates,

please send two stamps. Web page to be created in January. FOOD NOT BOMBS P.O.

Box 1553

Ventura, CA 93002





llOX 6f34f // BAIX'IilIOIIE, ilID 2f 2G) // U.S.A.

The Anarcho Punk Federalion is an

t ^


intemational network of active anarchists within the D.l.Y. Punk subculture. The basic ideas of the A.P.F. is to lirst ProPagate our anarchisi ideologies wilhin our culiure and lo second, make anarcho Punk an aclive and respected parl of the inlemational anarchist movement. To make

the A.P.F. is community.

anarcho punk a real threat!

While the Punk rock subcullure has

lor the mosi Part just become


minor image of this cr3P society we

e !T

rY 7^t

and give up, or move on to other

circles more accepting o, our political ideas. Well it shouldn't be




distribute it. And finally, A.P.F. groups. aid in raising funds for different aclivilies (such as printing COUNTERCULTURE

Countercullure is the free newspaper of the Anarcho Punk Federalion. lt comes out quartedy. Counlerculture remains free

P.O. Box 12935

OHIO A,P.F' c/o CounterPoEe t6o4 Chase Ave'




CONNECNCUT A.P.F. cio Us Against Them


107 Occum 83 Windham St.

3 Vaughn St.

do Arltonomous Aclion Farmingdale, ME (X34,1


GEORGIA A.P.F. c/o Lauren 1203 Lessie Ct. Marietta, GA 30066 ILLINOIS A.P.F. clo Subvert Collective P.O. Box 62,1 Manteno, lL 60950-062i1

copy, conlac{ the

solidarity and enthusiasm that those of our movemenl in the 80's had. EUI IntS tsnt a9OUr nosrargra. r nts ts the 90's. We're fully aware of thal and we haYe a whole new century looming before us. All Polilical parties from left to right are growing and profit-hungry capitalists are raping our world dry. Anarcho Punk is not a fad or a phase. We are anarchisls above all and we seek to destroy this unbearable society and recreato our beauliful dream some day. And that daYs getting nearer the with each voice added struOgle. Stop stagnating, move



because of donations. The PaPer is small but hop6s to grow. Each issue




the different anarclist groups and anarcho punks. To Dullo links and open lines of region.

clo Deael

FLORIDA A.P.F. c/o Death Metal Mililia P.O. Bor 17838 Clearwater, FL 33762


The A.P.F. hopes to revive the

c/o Brian P.O. Box 101763

Willimanlic, CT 06226



coLoRAoo A.P.F.



around the world and the number is growing. The purpose of these groups is to network within their

costs of the newspaper).

frustration of dealing with thick punk rock jocks lsads alot of us to either give in to punk rock aPathy, grow uP

vanous anarchist thoughts, A.P.F. updates, anarchist history, as well as listrngs of anarcho punks around the world.

A.P.F. groups have been forming

altematives to the shit we're given. Unfortunately, although being some of the most active in ihe scene, we

tend to be scattered about and isolated. This isolation and the

the globe, articles on

A.P.F. group in your area, if there isn'l one, contacl us (The Crasshole

et.ivc. 16 he , .nunler cultutal movemeni, outsPoken againsi building

prints protest rePorts from around


communication. They also Provide write.uos on whal's ooino on in their area for CounterculluG, as well as

all know and hate, anarcho Punk still

what's wrong, and


thai way. And with the A.P.F. ii doesn t have to be. We want to bring all these dedicated aclivists together and build a support basis and network of friends. ln a word.

c/o Crasshole Collective P,O. Box 65341 Ba(imo.e, MD 21209

<> MINNESOTA A.P.F. P.O. Box 3491 Duluth, MN 55803 NEW HAITTPSHIRE A.P.F. c/o Geolfrey McNamara RFO *2gox 172 Peterborough, NH 03458

do SFW? 253 Alerande. St. APt. 322 Rochester, NY 1'1602

-The Crasshole Colleclive

Postagemd Af.rr/i lnn<hnr.k Ausba

OUEBEC A.P.F. c,lo P.E.A.C.E. Press #1 P.ttetson Cres Carleton Pl. Ont. K7C 4H2 Canada <>

A.P.F. JAPAN do Ryuji Asada 102 Nakane House 3-25-20 Kdenji Minami Suginami Ku Tokyo 165 Japan

rEXAS A.P.F. c/o STS Zne P.O. Box 16ll Houston. TX 77251 <krust63@hol.Ilail.qom>

wAslflilGToN A.P.F. iro Molly ,977 1grh Ave. S. Seatfle, WA 96108

uRGlNrA A.P.F.

A.P.F. PHILUPINES c/o Plnks Not ThugE Collective P.O. Box t48 Taguig P.O. M. Mla. Phillipines A.P.F. POLAND c/o Wotiek Kuezynski P.O. Box '115 15562 Bialystok 25 Poland <>


Briets Magazine 759 Eattelle Ave. Morgantown, WV 26505


I i; 7 2

I 4 t


sO z


*10 unclltrrou, vt ' '--




E?OIILTX ?lt\lAfEtlEIEt ,tftyrrt N rlINII)lt


a '.4 It






Antrew )acob born Jan. ll, 1998

to John and Becca JI(PH(N CHAMB€RJ \ND ROOI He liker brealcing (aka iinre sievie ,/ w6g thinqr and dancino Boih.tied in a squat fire on tO


-love ya bro




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zin6, shins, qc by bands & people from irowd the world send a stamp. or IRC. & we'll sgld you our are pctage paid. lisi€d are all prices lisled caulog .ll rDlete catalo& c.npl€te

oiease make all dreck/m.o.'s to either Shelly ir.;,r-- *or Eric r;. Corder, c*,r- not .., Cddphtaze. cddrnhrse cash crsh is Delbridse !.roo its d your vour own o\m risk so hide it well. please but it's Pless fme ine too hin make sute that all pa]'ment is made orn in U S funds only. dishos please g€t in touch for whole$le rates

CATCIIPHRAZE PO.Box 533 waddeu, Az. 85355 lsg http ://www.angelfi r€. cotY/a zlcd$PhrazE 6

54O8@ef gc.maricoPa. edu

tW wip lascist ntugs d your so.caltd "Nazi. fuotherhood." ll you are scared o, lhe lascist lhGaa, tt en yo! have fiuch moae ,o ,eat th t wttich f"sdrts yt )r son wears. Fascisfi is to blame lot ,ascist iolence, not some hnqinary pfovocatldl mde by peogle who want to c(n. lront and stamp il ouL At least OatW is ma!<ing a ordic saatd iastead ol hiding bdind t'discte tion" or saying nothing at alt. By your own si lence you are l$idy saying it is Ot< lo. lascists and ,heh pro$an to E toleated in yow clm. munityt ot everywherc lot that nattet taking away you sonts l-shhls a.e not goitg lo chatge his opinion on lascisn and in lact wi| probabty rciolorce Ns beliels, not'o .7rention tunp you ln on the skte ot the oryessots k1 his mind bee point t). fhe oily lesson dtyone will tearn lrcm this hckleat is how reactionaty yar own beliefs atd ol



actions afe, To think that ProtaE Existence q Recotds arc 'b.ainwashing" yout c ld is absohJtely ludic,ous!. We arc oot out on the steel searching lor cdfleras, unlike the tnty lhGalening lascist orgaoizalions, o, making noney by plac@ yow son in ha'r'''s way. fhe lascist lhrcaa is aheady thete and your son has fiarte a cdFcious declsion ao stppott those wrro oppose lt. t, you. son worc a Mdtin Llthet King shitt would you lake it away becalse there is the rcJinote possibility ahat it iust m/4/ht offend sofieone? You acliorrs have been nothhg less ahan punitive lowatds yout sc,t and de in no way going ao help ptotect Nm Altet he has tefi the sancluary (ot he ) ol lanily tile, are you going ao contioue to dictaae Ns beliers ot meens ol exptession? co.edilor ol t+olane E lslence, lov-Oa!r, ing son, husband and lathel


To whom

it may concem,

OrJr 15 year

old son, Daryn Ryan appa.enty ordered the enclosed t shirts and ot,le, par& phenElia Lom your company without our per. mission. We do not lind this accepiable. Maybe thefe should be "No o,!e under t8 years petmitted to ordel without pa.ental consenl," p.i.{ed on your

order lotms. It is ve.y dilficult trying to raise a ciild ln the wodd as il is loday. lt's not sale lor you to get a hold ol these young adolescents at such a vulnelable stage in thei, lives, and ftll their minds with some bEinwashing, troublemaking t.ash when lhey still have so much mo.e to leam be, ,ore making an opinionated stand on specilic lssues in lheir lives. We leahed aod lived thtoush issues in oui liletime. Wg too, teel the same way on certain issue! as you lvoa oul son. Howevei, we do noi b(oadcast it or adverlise it acEss our crrests or on our backs. oisc.etions is the key word here. Let me ask you, how is youi company going io ,eel when my son wears one ol yout t.shirts ad something bad happens to him o, our lafiF ily? ls your company gong to be liable tor any

wrong doings thal may occur as a .esdt llom wearing yout merchandise? A.e you! o. your company going to teel tesponsible lot tringing lhe "Mzl Brotherhood" dorl/'l on our son, ,amlly, oa conrolnity because he was wea ng one ol lhe t slirts thal yoll piomotq ard sell to mi. nots? Th€.e should be laws against what you and yqfi compary are doing. tryhy doo't yo{, stop a.d considet how to prcvent violence instead ol creatlng it?-or "Conflict?" ln lhe fulurg il you should receive any olh€r ofders ,rom our son to the sane addess, please decline it Just as we have done lvith the .e, lumed package to yout co'Ilpany, and il's en. closed merchandise We have no idea how ruch moiey was il} volved hete, and we tedly dont care. Maybg il he doesn't get a relund on Ois merchandise he'[ learn a very valuabte lesson here . as so should you and your company. Take li toi whai it is


Howevei do undelstand that when il cornes to the sateiy o, our children andlo, oul lamily we will do whatevei

it takes liom pte

vcnting any ha]m in occurrin$ We tesent any establishmenl that wottld allow, instiqale and in. iertere with unsale situations lo anyorE, and lhen make money oll ot il as welL Theie is nothing that you repiesent that is welcome in our tamlly. home ot llv€i



Mrs. Donna Ryan and carth

Ryan-patents ot Oaryn Ryan PS ll you want to try and educate and/o. inllu. erce the "youth" ot today, try having a cguple o, kids ol your own, maybe then you'[ see things in a dillerenl perspeclive, as a parent

ao oo reders, ,his is a cory ol a teatet otigtglty seoa to ,bve ReEor.b, tt ld, Tt1f. Rya!'g lelt lhey also needed ao send to tuolaE E istence. fhe fierchaodise specified includd a Conlllct f.sfira ard Aus.Roltd, 'tsuck l,lazi Syn

IA note





leatet was no, rcalbl

directed aa E we tett ia in pora,,a ,o a, teasa wrlte a fespodse lor pt-dl$caaioL While we crt\ seod baryn a copy ol ,his issre, we have hope ,hal one o, his lriqds wilt at least show this









t can Wlaud yow etlods lo Notect Daryn (beidg a PARENI nysetl, ode ol

work hefe at tuolane E isterrcd, t dsagree tuo% wilh the meahotts ad reasoos lot





beat yow son wlth tgtd

spect as a l'/,ma,t being, i,,cepable






fo dicrate $rM becan adhe.e to ar,d wha, acode he t assochte with is nolhit?g morc ahan at opNesslye $vitofirre.ra vrttich wll, or y letu ao qen own deciion atd vahJes.



yq/, so'


odtnid. , an gld

that t grew tD ln


werc aa leasa rcspecte4 dthough dfime y ftotqrd Won, W my parcnas. At teast we are still on swaking lenns\


,hat is not at:f- case t td1€,se parcnts wete as cont you i*e lhe moG yott dsrcs@d yotr so4 who is 1s ye s old ard aow cap&le o, N, <lrg ,o, himse , ,he more

ol nary pcople t g.ew lp wt

you will deate a b*rie,


erots. I'm glad that you w,ote in to coiaecl me about the whole situatim wiih


b€rs. I'm no expert on everything


ty rncmconceaning

S.Ac. and itrs history, even though I think itl sate to say that l'm no novice either. Anyway, I also wanted to say that the inter.

view is basically about being punk and in a union. Fo, more into on the history, prorjs and ideolo

Mt attt qvlrs Ryai,


Oear Kurt and PE, I was pleased lo .ead some ,eedbact on the S-A"C. interview and I want to apologize tor any

ol rcsenbnf/tt

ar1d t:€-

Secotfi, we are Dot ,esponslbte lor acrions

gies ol the S-A"C. you would be wise to contacl ihe S-A.C. di.eclly.

Asq the ritl you're describing between S,U.F. and the SA,C. should, in my opinion, be consi+

ered as a mihor problem, The young

ad the old don't ahflays get along but we have mote in conrnon lhan we might ihink. Petei Hirseland / Birkas 25 / ll3 39 STHCM S.AC.

/ Bor 65()7 /

fl38:t STHCIrI



PE Gleetings ttom the Nolthwest Fitst



waai to compliment lhe PE cIew o.r your line work! You r'rade g,owing up in North Dakota sornewhal tolerablq thank yol{l The main ieason I am writing is to addiess lhe issue ot homophotia within the h.. punk scene. I lholght that moving out ot Eisma?k to Seatlle would be a huge step iowards being able to be myselt, but Lealize that homophobia erisls at a uncomlortable level everywhere nol

jsst lhe midwest Because ot this

I sta ed leeling very led up with punk aod it all seemed take, brf lt never give (p. I love punk music

sincerely benets

and it's political lire too rnuch lo be disillusioned.

I'm startins a zine called disarmamenq and to start with I want to locus on this problem wlih

"shut lhe


The zine will homophobia and.eally look into have an emphasis o., but woo't be limited lo lle gEy punk community. Basically ld like to view bands that sing aboul homophobia ot pqs' sibly have homo/biserual membels (to dso inlo the personal aspects withoot mysell). Fol lhe most Pad the zlne

trying to make the dirre?ences and picked apait by apawlro slt on their asses and iust sad lo have lhat lot in the because it is this mentality to sleer clear ol llom

) ad{, .lhatifi;se who have ler'Urbao tumq in the US

music. lnletested touch. Once again thanr lo and ears up to imPortanl Peace and Respect. You, Ttuly

and like to exptess theii songs hear the ramilia. play!" lt's ddiculous. lt is always



tai me about how

survive (barely)

L.l,.li iob wiihin anarl

the time

Mck Roserson / *125 lAh

/ 98fl2


lor whal is


to lhe title

Everyone at F

l've been. years now and It seems

the wift.

m oul

ol the

people lhal

you hand?

neglecl, are the




loi ou,

are look Papers ftom

our loads

h ihis



hold eiaty sum such an lective.

gox- 16665


please Oo L

lhat I iusl want

tivq So good luc*

up an all

the collective and and throughoul ihe sight on yolll

As ol lhe 5 Test

muslc and


ln all ol your llves. Adam Becket / 215


crpload iny head




Dear oan and PE

I'm sending lhis lettel mail interyiew you dd with tor ou. liille contibutior it

is ib let you now il any ol |,hariidi ate paisioq lirough oklahoma then would like to lhlow b'Chqw lor them, tum' have varied lrom 2G175 sir-lar iust depeo+ on the day and il lhe kids know tie bands at all I guess. Also il you have any promos you want to be played in between bands, betore shows, elc. we would glady take them and glve lhem sqme play. Send materials to: Kevin


styl€l I ihink it ,rustrating that when sending oul inlerviews maybe t out ol lo gei answered. a,|d il seems the ones who do atrswcr are lhe people who lun collectives/zines/disttos, and the people I

Arms', and lor tYping

nevel hea, rlom ale bands. Now, in my opinion, colleclive membets, zine editors, distribulorsare lhe ooes who bust thef assess to provid€ intomation, contacls, and oullets ,ol lhe rcst ol us (such as tuolane), aid in theit hectic sche+ ules still rrrake the lime io do other lhings like intewiews, which slppolt the smdle. tlickers ot hope'. I doI\ le€l they get lhe credil lhev de' sewe or ale even tecognized, such as bands seem to be, ll's real easy to stand alourd and walch a baild play than is lhe 'wori' of piching up a zine and GasP!) reading it! Music is also all outlet thtough, artd lytks are importanl, but how many limes must we he lhe saie regutgitaled lhemes? Shows blirlg a qaltredng and what ls most imporlant is lls as individuals, gur heads coming togeihet, oul dis' tincl perso.lal contdbutions. I lecently saw a

'tig act' in the undetgrourd wgrld where lhe

McB]kie, 3045 SW 68th, Ok!*oma City, OK 73159,

or io book any shows online ii's

okiepunkehohailaofir. Thanks and hope to hea ftom you soon. Cheers, Kevin p.s. ll you wodd like anythang reviewed h a zine we do here, iusl w'ite a leview or so.nething on

il ard lll

take care ol


DeaI PE, vocalisl pdnied to lhe kids saying


up to us,

togelh€r we can change lhe wo d", ptetty uplitl' ing words, bul then lollowed up with.eler ng to us as 'sheep'. lt disgusts me lhat lhose who devetop a largel audience ttad teeding i.lto the rockstar menlalily that lhey seem to pleach so passiomtely against And lhe ores who arc

Yo! wit very sotely be rvissed by me and my cornpadles. ll was what you did in lhe tO yeas youl collective was going. You Itied your dar hadesl to help many peode in need


I am !re.y plord ol you tot thal exact rea, sorl' Ever! though I never had a Subsqiption to PE I always seemed lo borow one (ad never retum i0 ad read it and lovcd iL ln my opinion and

you had some gl the besl music aloutd. lll miss dl ol it Peace ard Cheers!!! And {rp the Mother Fuckin ArnX!!

auger AXA Ryar in Dull.youth, Mnnesota Psil, you guys k.low anybody fttteresled in starl. ing an APF dowt lhele have lhern contacl me at my emdl address o. TPAPF(Twin porls Anarcho punk Fedaation) PO Bor 3491, Dduth tAl 5SBO3 C/O Ryan Larglee or CoSn Thomsen


tight now). The ch(,/lmstaf,ces ol ,haa day



kled ,or dow an intefliew, but , thit . it stads up oo ias dnn udttto{rl nefx, lot tess



As lor



.ro,r\ leet tn aty way that

is yout ladl, becatse ahatb rfficutotls, no, rcdly a ladl gl ,he Nr* movefient h gercnl dahaugh ,lrqe wqe sol,I,e cgoffi/4aw lac,ors,

{e iusa aoo werwh*rled W pE ao gd,E as i, ,ns these las, few ye t We need sofie aime to Weath belgrc we ca,, ithp bek lnto srch a Nohct thaa ls as dLc sunir'.g tn

redity, wc

keep it


tl s

b, &w\ tut &lfrrttdy not our!

has tuf,'cd oua ao

We may be



tl,eY Dan

Havlng iust read lhe annooncernent ln the newsgror$s l'm pissed oft lhough l{lderslad wllat you'ae saying. i/'laybe the bgine on the hst issue should be 'Prolane Eistence - gening oul o, debt again'. You havq ot coutse, be€n visited by ihe RioU Clone curse" we .elease sorne$ing by aoother band ard they spllt Dg an ir erylew ,or a zine and it lolds. The eviderce to support ltis theory gows as the years roll by. I wonder whethe. the besl conldbution w€ could mal(e to the lndB, pender* seclor world be lo sign lo a maiot label, thetelor€ ensuiing lhck immhent collapse

aid badruplcyJ

Anyway, hope lhe inteivlew we dd made mofe sense on lape lhar li do€s in .rry head. It you have ary subsidary queslions or arylhlng that yolr leel ne€ds lidying up lrom it, leet tree

to email lhem over and lll rellb, as soon

as possible, I an assuming lt wi[ appeai ln the lasl issuq ol course. Hope sq as I'd like to b€ pat



Hofie you got the mugs in one piecq well two pieces as lhere were two ot lhen! ard hope yoo"e not all golng lo dsappear torn lrle sccne dtogether, who will drange a gig lor us in Minne4olls



it lhal's lhe case?

Say hello to everyone lor me. Hope you'?e all okay ald

tha*s lor the

hospfiatity and trieo(}

liness erlended io us on our vlsii. I m pissed otr, ard not pst becaEe lhe demise ol PE meaE lhal there is one less label tial rnight conside eleasing someihing by RloV Clone in the luture. ll's more a sense ol loia. bodngr wlre(! o.ganizalioris such as youtselyes (and on a s,naller scalq Conlrol zine in lhe t[0 give up because o, ti€ dirllqdlies it's arother viclory ,or the coDoratiois ard Hg money concems. Things like Uis b(hg home qrite how dose they aie to fna0y destroying the indep€ndent seciot entirely, helped by unscirpulous p€ople involved in lhe lnd€pen&nl scGrie. Best ol luck ad do keep in louch by emirl or what evel.



Hey DaYe!



Riouclgie the firesaiage ol siwotl Ol k h the tast lsst8 beE ,nwry L in yow ,Brds

co,,ase lhe lntemiew ca,r.e lou shottU

Mandy &

ism. I cant tell yos ho!, nEny ol lhe artides

reporis and slr,tt hare been inlluenllal in my

lile' aod I know they have allected maty others as well. l.lo need to be sappy or anything, so iust let .me say ihanks ard good luck with Wh.tevet p.oiects and eideavo.s you all pursue in the

tuture. As taa as my cookzlne goes, I'll manage to get it oul ihere. I was iusi as honor€d to gei the orter to haue lt print€d by you ell as I woirld haye beefl io aclually see it gel pllnied. Tha*s agEin lor Ore support and the iaterest It ii would be possiue to lor$rad my nane and a6 Oess lo any other groups yoo know ot that mighl want ii/w,tt lo prlnl iLplease do.






Thanks fol lhe riessage l*gut not being *te to clstto Oo l,tot Fed rlhe Be s co*dne See ,tE rcyiqt tn this issudl a'1d the erptat& liq!- bolh aie app.eciated. l've beefl ,ollowil€ PE tor iust olrer 5 ol the tast t0 yers, so it is a Elher siad lhing lot dp to see il end. Few groups/zines that I know have aCl{eyed such an ideal bdarce ol FlnL" socid oilicisrq ad activ.


umamed puuicalioll, is lhe desperate need.tol $assroots dslribqtion- especially tor a corrt, munily such as ours wtidt would nouwill not exist without Oyer lhe lDars, I have sesl lhese resources fust lusking vaistr lt seems like kids dgnt even taue at siows atymore. Like has evolved inio sorne kind o, €{iter. tainment ooly indlstry wHch Led arything but comtorlable assimilatins into. Your decislon lo pa3s tie reigns only tur. lhers my lrcpldatiolr God I hope I an lust pa& ndd- I hope lh€re is someone out th€re thai proves mb $narlg carse I doi't teel v€ly we dght now. I guess wlral I am tiyirq to say is lhat I am goirlg lo miss you guys, ad I hope thal afler a hhius, you fnd lhe raiso.l d' etre to carry 'arn the good lighi ihat yos have been llghiing ,or a lorg lime now. I have busi in you as a lilerd and a coffinrade, that you will. ln solidarliy, ,ac* Cor rol

gu6s that's it lha q goodye, and maybe it oul lherc some0me soon

l1l make


fHs news c4rght me by sutprise. I'l'l sorf that lHng6 wercn'l able to b€ worked out \6,all meait qdte a Hl to me ovet in tl,l, as you tolks were ute best lol(s I've dealt wth over the yea.s. You miss€d

It was kind ot crary the week that I

received ihis emaiL



had gooe to a coi.Fle ol shows hele thal same week ard something sesned dfiererlt M.ybe I ha.h't notc€d beto.e, but the conposition ot the lolks lhere was iotaly dill€r€it Gone were the tofis tlal hq, been he.e tol years. The new kftrs w€re lntg dfierent thinss and people were doing ltlngs that I had hoped w€re e imulshed,rom the shows. They used to be a place to lecl co.r{o.table and to glou lhe image war back lrd lolks dHr\ see.n int€rested in change. A lot ot t fngs have be€ going on h the neigltodtood with

developDenl and dL and my gi.lftieid was gioped h lhe (lar* while a band was playing! I don'l knon, how to pass alor€ what fm geitkEl it iust secms lhat anolh€r ela has passcd It's time to creale another. lt seems in a lot ot ways, lhal we wllt be statng Irom lhe bednning AnywEys, I wish ya all w€lL Ycr've fflJy made an impact Thar*s Rico


I know it has been a long time comim, but I a,n still dslurbed and saddcned to see pE laid to rest I an nol sute il it is because deding wilh you as a ,tierd a.ld on a bosiness levd has becooe p.actically a day to day thing, or ,naybe ii ls becaJse I am really worried lhai lhcre will be no one oul there with like,mirded ldeals and aspitalioos to td.e up the torch aid be bth a resosrce and ar inspitalio.l to kids and old men like us dl orrer the world l, we had b€en doser geogl4hicdyt you can lrust that I would have beei righi there beside you guys ald gals, doing all that I codd. I h@e trat ttEre is somelhing thal I CAN do aside trom the pojects ald ac0vi{es thai coriptelely consme my day to day lale, which will hopetdly even be a traclim ol an inspirailor to people worldwide, as yours harre be€n I inspltalion lo me We bo0l knolv that ltis air't no bed ol roses_ and ii sucks to go down. Even il you go dovun Swingir'. Leally hope lhls movemeni is not

down ,o. the comL let's ,ust cdt this the eid ol aound one? I ihink sorneting lhat needs to be addressed in some fulute issue ot some

PE crew, This is Mke

&arer tom

Wal Crime zine in

Tlcson, AZ I tec€ivod lhe news ol the end ot Piota|e Existence a lew days ago {|d was vGry saddcned by il. I utderst nd your Doslli.rn Gomplelely arld lm noi w'ita.E ttis to beg you to siid( it out, bul to say lharks toa aI ol lhe yeas ot dolng greai lhings ai PE lhe zane and collec. tve have becn an insFiration to me tor a lgng and Leaily appreclate d ol th€ tiad times you have gone tirough ln order to cor.tsisleniy put out such a great alaAtoprnt 'zine. ll any o, ygu would llke to temdn on rry maaling

hst let

lisl ald cor inre receivino wa. climg me know. Asq i, ary ol you ever led

t your r,wltingt Wa Oime is avail&le io you I hope all o, you are dolng wel ad wi[ Gq] tinue to do so ilroqdr tie ciaos which wH no tfie need tor an outbt

doubt be cnslll€ dsring the o'lkial stutdour ol operalions. Cttce agEiq lhat you la aI ihe yeas ot good realing, nrrsia, and insd.atio.r Mke Kramer / Wa Cdme zine / p.O Bor 2741 Tucso.l, AZ &5r!2


cause. I iusl warted to do lhe same- hope to see you in the lutule witfi othet ploiecls within

anait D€at Prolane crew THs is Llke ftom Polard with a shori message, I lust got to know you decided to stop the PE cq eciive activities. well it pre[y ttrch looks like ihe end ot lhe wo , ' I mean, "whoa man, clled( this out, Ptorare Ei is dea4 what nexL?". Bul I lhink I kind ol undetslad yoll people. The leasorls you give loi stopping seern serious ad I know that you canl always put lhe mooeyl time, heatts ard enercy inlo somelhlng arld gel almosl notling h exchange ercept lol little sat'


Anyway, I rHnk you peode dd a great iob. The rnovemenl owes You a beel-) KEEP t.P THE SPIRIT DEEf' hI YOUR HEARTS FOR EVER_ Tal@ good care. Thank you



lor evelylhing. X


Thank you, lor all lhe years

lhe OIY movefirenl (and maybe il you evel ,trake it down south lo Lalayeite, you can slop by lol a visit). I am sad to see you go, but you. ,ea soos aie totally understaidable- Good luck' and good bye- Wrate back il you ever get the chance- as a peGpal, a punlq or a par€ot By the way, I think tll slill send ovel lhal 7" one day

Soon- not lor lhe zine or ihe dislro: Jusl to lBlen tg. l'm sure there alen\ too many bands who scod you stull lhai don't waot anylhing in

retwnTake cae, guys!! Peace





Kenny Vallol

cniertairvnenl PE was ar afilzing help to, atd lor, many' many peoples worldvride. Gogd luct tg you in dl

can make it lo Take cale everyone, and even though thls is really sa4 it's a iime lor mernory, not mouming. .lonalhan / To whom lt May Concern Proiect / P.o, Bor 410433 / Cambridgg MA 02t4r

Hey Fold So, lte had a lew people tell me thal P€ is goin under. Thats vely disappoinling. Whal

broughl lhls on? Lack ol people? I hope you realize this will b€ an end io an era. You\re contributed mlrh lo lhe OIY cofimulity and cte ated many gteat ecenls in yout yeas o, eritence.



will lrom Oean Plate here, I iust saw your posl aboul Ore end ol P.E and while I guess I dor't have anything to leafiy say',| lust wa, ed to say that I lhink it's sad to see it Hey there,

come to ao end especially

ol inlormation, insight' and

collectivq whidr was unlodunately untuccess' lul, and tumed inlo me selling ladical litelalute at lhe sloie I work ai aid occasioml shows I

truly hope this decision was made in a

drunken stooper and your minds will change I, along with others appreciate your years o, dedi' and lun limes. Well, il il is re' cation ally kue, then let's continue to wotk together loa out cor nunity.

since t b€lieve it has cerlainly had

cheeis to all! Much Love, AndY PE,

$at you do,

Hellq nry triends! As dways trusl ihat all is well! Alter lea(! ing lhe leaflet about the dernise

irp lhe luckln'



ol PE, we are lelt with ralhet mired teelir€s. On one hand it is very sad to see it end I lemem. bel geiling my tilst anaichopuok


Wilh ar elphnation like lhe orte l'm readi.E on lh€ webpage- a l catr saY i5 ihail(s to. lhe insdration ald

record back

I have a sub' PE, but Please keep lhe rest ot ihe subscripton balarce. I know it won\ be muclt iust a couple ot dol' hi bul I guess it may hdP somewhse else. I was Plan' nlng o.r wiling a lelt€l lo YoU

lie motivalion. scdplion

prrls oul music I can relale io!


Noq over ihe last lew


slnce we have becorne laiends I have even greatet aespecl lor what yo!

I iotally suppoit you. decisior to lo other llings and I applaud yolr tor it Che€rs lo you and all you've done lor a small

are doins. move on

Oa'l in pa.fcdar) abolt send, ing our 7' (ReceoL our ad was in 136) lor considerallon in Your bvel dstIo (since we spoLe aboul lt the ptrone a couple ol mgnths ago)' but I

warted to talk mote about palenlhood' because I an in youi situation now- | have a 7 month

old glrl narned Emily Anne Vallot' and I leel that I happlly dedicate mole lime to p.lenthood lhal ANYTHING ELSE ln my llle Even though it lakes away Itom many olher lhings I love, it's not sQmelhing I regret at all. Falherhood i9 the best thittg to happen in my tle (along wlth maniaSe). lm sure You'll agtee!! Thls is not supposed lo be an ass'kisaing demonstrallo.|, but lm sule youll unde6tand w'ten I say that PE was a mdol diving lotce wiuin alaldropu*s'tves aoind the world t sincerely hope lhat these lailhlul readers (and listerrcrs) do nol lall bv lhe waysk e and disaF pear as PE slope being one ot th€lr local pdnG. P€ may be dead soo.r, bul unlortunatcly, maly punks wlll eqate thal wilh "lhe anatcio move' ma is de8d,loo". tvlaybe those ale the wed(

ones who should leave the scene' anyway, lhorgh- il they ale so narow minded-oh well. wtaleve? the case- I'm su.e dght aboJt now you e being bombarded lelt arld !ig[ by olh

ers who want lo wish vou w€ll a.rd thank you

lo. your te'rlfic contlib{tiors to a

in- I lhink 19. ll

was lhe Narsea LP atd I lemenF ber thinking- ftnally a lab€l thal




lecl o,r

group ol guys lrom Nowhetq usA noi lo men' tion the whole anarchisl scene in geneEl. ld(e

care my tdends in dl ,utute erdeavo.s. lhe colleciive wlll be sorely missed' Chad Malone, Ryan Rolston


grolnd Minislries and



S€nsual Under'

Brothel lnlerior

my involve

with gunk aock. that you had a kid I savi id the lasi PE and I lhi* that that's ie dly awesome, a.ld I hope lhat you'.e really happy. I utrderslatd the ploblem ol punk nol being able to pay lor a ieal lite very well as it E a problem ihat I will probably harre to tace soone. lhen l'd like (which I'm avoiding by being in colleqe). Anyways, I wish you all the best and hope thal this is the light ch()ice tor you, allhqrgh il is surely a sad lhing tor ihe Frnk community. Hopeldly someone will continue the traditio.L will oandy / clean Plate Records / PO Bor 709 / Hanpshire College / Amhersl' M 01002/ USA



It was sad lo hear that its true. Tha lor all the inspiration ove. lhe years' Good luck with any and all ol youl solo erdeavors. Whai you dd made a big dirlBence. lt did to me. Take b€sl ol care. Anarchy, peace, equality, Steve / Assiick / 403 Chaos

frtl€5,f,'', tita tc lolt y gre'd/hl lq lE ,t&



rffi stfl ws rr,,tb u &dfuit v,l* sc vttlt uc ffi b # arE ME gtfl hltpr/ '(f;,l*nmo'e or,r1p/5p m''' YG ,ed ,tl,,c ls . fptta at wrfrt vc vtt ttdl E Wg an owt Mt" s lo #dL fo { ol arlpE,a v,9 ,Ew vtfr|(,t h swtl ot d, N,, PrcSdtl At tirsl I thought il was stange i)kq bot unrodunately not I cai co.rDletely udet' ,n fua etffi, wt { Slvc d, ,ro3a stElr! stad wlry PE has lg do wlral you're doirE tho€lr. ,n ,,€' ,l2 rnfitll! N, lq P/E You've becr doinq anazing tHttgs lor len years lhouglr, so you've lasted longq ttlafl most col' lectives I know oL You've definiiely been al inspiralion in my lile. I've even lded statiing a

we taw



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ABOLISH THE byjoel(retired co-editor of profane



in punk.rock today, flT-olCq:"] rrt]emabout it, lhe bands yrlle ll."_r11"-" :.9", srng aDour rt and the emair rists don't mention it. But is,.preventing punk from making ::1o-r-.,,*n!1by,ti- loward.rhe struggte tor this country: the white ::ll:TIy.1l.1-,1:.:99m,in punK. r ne wnrte pur* is the most reactionary ment of punk rock, and one of the most common. As the white punk exists, punk,,^,ill forever be stuck in a countercullural ghetto that screams

I I '


a r;d


about injustice, but only to itse[. What all punks must do, then, is abotish lhe white



Deftntrion of a u,trtre


change for preterential keatment by the ruling


ended, whites agreed to enforce segregation and discrimination in;xchange for a new set of privireges: to get first crack at tie best

jobs, to o" m" aii riJ"nd first hired, to send ihoir kids to the bestichJs, to rive in tne nicest neighborhoods, to be treared we by the potice. This system of white pdvilege continu;s bday. For example, the average whit;family earns overtwice asmuch as a yorig Bi""k f"rily. .rf,irty perceni of Black peopf6 firJin for"rty 1+f percent of all Black chiidreny

io onfy eteven percent

"ompuriJ ot whites. Thd unerilioyr"nt


for whites is



or xJ':":,Ji:58ff1":i:l?Jiliyxll!ff,iii,'":;1

a member ol the r,lhite race, of course. Bu wno *^1,^^ .__ u - _,_ . ^^^ nsncsrromme mid'1ssos, not rrom 19s5 orsomewhat defines the whire ing, there's no such thing as r'acei A"'ha,o^as priuil"g" is the gtue that keeps the lhey've tried, scientists have never been _abte-to m",.iJ"" orrnnn. tn exchange come up with a scientific definition of race.^Mosi ;," ",i ,ace srarantees rh" have siven up iryins by now, havins come-to or wearth ror tre conclusion that there is onty one race: the human

,";;t B;;;i;d ;;;;:



ijii#fi""vi f";;;:; ;;;L;: #iJ rhe ;;i;;;iyH;"ti;::"#r]r,ltion ""ifr.fiij"ij'p!,ffii"lin," ,nir"t ,o"i"rv. But at the same time, race srir exists. our ,""r,1f"",,il1]3,0#,|$;,lil'Jffij,;:i:l,H",ilr,l"; opp"1* y.ririiruJil,i

chance to get into good schoots. our iob nities, our lik€tihood of beins senr ro prisont chances of achievins rinanciat success,-who-y: hansoutwith, which radio station we tisien lo,


uliiiuffi" tn" pririr"g"" "no ;;A;;il;ffi " ."#lli? ,n, *n,,e rac€. The "rl ffii;;;rk ;i;"";;';"#il#;ry *",ence. He or *ith the reberTd ;;(#ii;;;u"i,v"I'r,"jio""*,ri"" rl",J"p,iiiii,ii7oi*'iio"i"ns

ll""Tn:yiv"fl:*rJ;'"";;^:1lo* fact? it ;l:T1*



sclenurc the syslem But at lhe same 1me he "s"in"t does noirebel fiction but a significant social against the verv olue that keeps the whole rotten The reason is because Iace is an ch;llensing white sua creation or human beinss. lt's sort ot :y^*:.1"g"-ttf-because he has bi, rn itser,.the bi r ffi:"J?:*'l?",lir:'Jl*ses naturatwonh; the sovernment just says irs-a-v1! " ;;i,;. or whire suable piece of paper and the rest of us 9o- atong p."r""i i"'r"L,iy"ni""o'n!",o*. tn fact, he ofwith it. Th6 same goes with race. Skin c

jusi;;i;;;;;;;; h;:T lfffiir, -'ii!


iexture,racdrcha;ct6,i"ti"","rltno";#!'.["f we associate with races onty have vatue b€car"" humans say they do.


:"J-fx",Sfi:i[:ffnm:::::**X,,;# ;;;;il';"r""; ai""J l"Ji"n"rr"ng" 1," p.iui we wanted, we courd h1" ilri;iJi"" offi;;?d,;.e wil continue to prop

ili:*ttfl-f ::ij.'i:ji'ii:,".#urooovo"'il;il;;il"';:nili,'J"ve,vsvst"mrrecriti -l;t;h;;;;;;v"* and ranzines And that is why *"""iili."".*,

_ To make a long story shon, race was invented in


How could Black lolks not feel comfortable in the punk scene, you mjght ask. Well, try thjs simpletest. Gothrough your record collection and counl how many covers are pictures ol starving, murder€d,tortured,lynched, bombed,suflering;r screaming people with black or brown skin. I

counted 15 among my seven inchers alone. Most p€ople use these images because they think it shows ihe horrors of a world that would do such lhings to human beings. Thafs a nobJe sentiment, but its not necessarily what otherfolks see when they pick up the record or zine. For some, the im_ age of a slave being beaten, forexample, appears as a gross attempt to sell records by "shocking,, lhe consumer with images of Btack iuffering. io seesuch imageson punk products is insulting;nd, frankly, racist to many fotks. When conlronted with this issue, the white punk screams 'bensorship,' or ,,political correctness.'He complains that people who make these complaints are restricting his artistic freedom anii attacking the punk scene. But in fact, he,s do_ lng is detending white privitege. This exampte dossn't come out ot thin air. The hysletical reactioh by punks in my scene to such criticism was the finalstraw that drove me out of active participation in punk. lt showed me lhat not only were most punks notwilling to listen to sincere crjljcism, they wero even less willing when that criticism challenged theirwhiteness. Now, can you se€ how this mighl turnAfrican Americans and olher people of color off from punk?


Anotherexample olthe whit€ness olpunk is its undsrstandingof racism. Now, punk has a long history of anti-racism and I'm proud to have been a part of that effort. But lor too many punks being

'anti-racisf means chasing naziskins outol gigs. I supportthis kind olaction 1Oo%-bashing nazis

is absolutely necessary to keep the punk scene healthy. But lets be honest: it ain t fighting racism. Look at it this way: tho public school system does more to harm Blackchildren than allthe nazi skins in this countrycombined, yet lhe same punks obsessed with lascism raise hardly a peep about the lowergraduailon rates of Black and Laljno slu-

dents, the resegregation of public schools, the

[:,j:',,i:1'A?flfllTffif.f:lii."j"!:,]ff proof ofthe while punk tearing what might

despicable condition of schools in Black and Latino

deal Eu-

on lhe reservations, or thB aflack on affirmative aclion in the univorsities Now I knov, all the "school sut'' and .burn your skools" arguments, and l,m generally sympalhetic to them. But even if you burn all the


happen if poorslaves and vants from Europe and Africa united, cut a The rich gave poor I'I!yl.p"91i..iig.nts. ropeans certain righis and priviteges that they nied to all persons of African descent the rigit vole, tolree speech and assembly, to move;bout


Don,t believe the white punk exists? Then answertnis simpfe qr"siion. Where are the Black punks? On, irn6,u fr"i" r,",e andthere; "r"* I can think of a coupte in"i" Mi;neapotis and phoenix, the scenei p"rt it. eit tf,"r. " Black pr.lnk sc"n""_, Wju" "r" punk, grrrt "ny tot qr""r punk. bnrtstian ctass punk, and even Mexican and/or Chicano punk scenes in


marrywithout uppeFctass pr*, *"*i"g l"*" " iobs, permrsspn, to change to acouire o.operty, gl,rreses. don't sound no Brack punk :.::","."I1::^1p","mucn, Dur rt was unheard ol to give ths Door such "",","i scenes? "iti"". Why are the Bad Brains praclically the d"y:. exchange. poo-r European onty a[-Btac[ pun* tanoi Wtrere are the Btack Lgl1"_:lllg: l" as ,\uhites.. rmmrgrams, now defined aqreed punks? ls it because Black people hate the music



respect the propertv of the rich and to

il;;; i;,"


ieei peopte

or don,t tike bono"i" l"r,r"ibr i" it Uecause they defined as 'blaclC down. The new white race, are not made to fe'el'lietc-ome in trre wtrite punf agreed to enforc€ the system oI slavery in ex_ scene?

neighbhorhoods. racist 'tracking, of students in integrated schools. the terrible state of education

schools you stillface a situation where white


includingwhite punks-have an enormous advantage in terms of lile chances because education is often the only way out of poverty for kids of color. Even il the white punk reiects this sociells inslitulions and its ideals of,,success,, at least he.s had the opportunity to accept or reject that success. Many Black kids don't even have that choice. A final example ol the whiteness ot punk is

WHITE PUNK! the way in which the white punk deals with people ol color. whether in the scene or outside bl it l gol into this argument once wiih these punkswhotold

me they know what it's like to be Black because thev are discriminated against by society, too l sai; thatwhile it s true that Dunks face discrimination, all it takes to change that is a haircut and a trip to the Gap. Punks can "cross ovef to normal society at will while Black lolks can t, largely becausethe privileges ofwhite society exist because ol the oppression of Black people. The punks retorted that they could never cross over becauss they were "punks Ior life." One ol them even tried to convince me that he couldn'tcross overevgn if ho wanted because he had tattoos and a prison record. Well. one out ofthree Black men between the ages ol15 and 29 has a criminal record while I doubt 1 in 20 punks do, which tells me it's a lot sater to lace a pig in this unjust society wearing a mohawk, a Varukers shirt and two full sleeves ol tattoos than it is to be Black and wearing Hilfiger oear. This white punk shows a total ignorance of lmerican historyand disrespect toward Black lolk. He helps keep Punk white. oiher punks, of course, aren't so ass-backward when it comes to understanding oppression. One good thing about punk isthattorevery record cover ol a starving Atrican I can find another of a Zapatista. This kind ol thing needs lo be encour'

about) Chomsky, the situationists and the classic anarchist !'!,riters. but do we read Du Bois, Malcolm X, CLR James, Toni Morrison, or bell hooks? Punks who are serious about social revolution need to read up on the people who have the most experience struggling againstAmerican oppression. For starters, try Lerone Bennetl's The

Shaping of Black America or Angela Davis's Women, Race and Class. Fromthere, move on to TheAutobiographyof Malcolm X, W.E.B. Du Bois's Souls ol Black Folk, and any novel by Toni Morrison. These books will make you taste oppression in yourteeth. But you'llalsofind inspiration and lessons on how to struggle, lessons that apply much more directly to the American situa-

tion than European anarchism or


subcommandante Marcos.


Learn about Black culture, specifically hip

hop. Too few punks have taken the time io do this.

There are sevelal reasons why punks resist the hip hop scene. lrost ol them have to do more with the white punk's holier{han'ihou attitude than hip hop's actual flaws. I gensrally hear tlvo criticismsothip hop from punks. First, they say that hip hop is sexist. Now,

thEre's no question that there is a lot of sexist bullshit in hip hop, and that otten it's more uplront and shocking than in other music scenes Butother than the vulgarity of some lyrics, how much more

aoed. Mv onlv concern is that when punks celsexist is it than other types of music? The misogyny e6rate th; he;oes ol movements led by people ot ol hip hop is largely a function ol male hip hop color, do we lorget the lesser-known struggles of hop scene a masordinary folks? Praising Huey P-Newton isworth- - artists who try to keep the hip and must be oppressive This is space. culine hav' lolk lor Black ordinary you're dissing less'if fought-and it is. (For example, check out stuff by ing too many babies,lollowing Minister Faffakhan, Missy Elliol, Yo Yo, Lady of Rage, Queen Latilah' or accepting affirmative action "preferences." The Lauryn Hill, Oueen Pen, The Coup, Conscious it's heroes, task is notjust to hold up revolutionary Daughters, etc.) But we have to admit that punk to place yourselves, as far as possible, in the shoes also has its rules, customs, and other practices their peoples, to make and oppressed of ordinary that keep it as much of a masculino space as any struggles your own. other music scene. Whenever I hear i punk go on and on about Three howiheylike "some rap' but overail they're turned We know that the white punk exists and that ofl by its sexism and homophobia, my first rehe must be destroyed. The next question is how sponse is totellthem to clean up theirown house before they gotatking shit. A music scene that has to do it. I believe there are three primary tasks lor produced the likes of G.G. Allin, Anti-Nowhere abolishing the white Punk.



Learn about Black history lf punk is committed to destroying white society so that we can build a free society, then we have to learn from those who have the most experience fighting white supremacy: Alrican Americans Many punks have taught themselves about this nation's genocide aoainst the lndians and the 500+ years ot resisr;ce lo it-This is excellent. Buttewer punks have

taken the time to learn about over 200 years ol slavery and 350 years of white repression, discrimination, and terror against Black folk. Punks know about famous socialist or anarchist revolu-

tionaries 'like Emma Goldman' Alexander

Berkman, and Joe Hill, but how many of us know

about Paul Robeson, lda Wells Bamett, WE.B.

Du gois, orAssata Shakur? We read (or leasl know

League, Raid, Danzig, Vegan Reich, and straightedge (one of the most macho, hetero boy music scenes ever created) doesn't have the moralcredibility to be self-righteous about hip hop's flaws.

And at least hip hop is willing to honestly examine relationships between men and womerFsomething punk absolutely refuses to do. Tons ol rap songs touch on relations betlveen men and women: sex, equality, responsibility, love, commitment, etc. (And by the way, the men do not always come out on top in these songs, even ln songs written by male MCs.) How many punk songs can you thinkofthatdo fle same? (.1-love' the-girl-in-lhe-tuzzy-sweater' songs by pop punk bands don't counl) Oespite the obvious heterosexual prejudices ofthese songs, its still clear that

punk has as much to learn kom hip hop about gender relations and sexualityas it does to teach. The second criticism ol hip hoP I often hear lrom punks is that its too commercial. Now, there is definitely truth to this, but there's actually a lot of unacknowledged similarities between how the punk and hip hop scenes do business. Both tend tobe suspicious of greedy, soul-destroying record companies. Both lend to believe thatdoing-it-yourself is lhe best way to make, sell, and distribute one's music. (There are tons ol independent hip hop record lab€ls, clothing companies, and even movie production companies run by and lor members of the hip hop nation.) Both scenes tend to be run byfans, including zines and gigsaswellas record labels, and both are practically obsessed with keeping their scene free of the corrupting inlluences of outsid€ society. ln hip hop ifs called keeping it real; in punk it's called stiaying DlY. Thers are three main diflerences, Irom what I can tell. The first is scale: independent hip hop

labels ar6 selling hundreds ot thousands of records-even millions-whil€ punk labels are selling alew thousand. The second is the attitude toward making a profit most punks embrace the DIY ethic in order to keep money out ol punk, whilo the goalof DIY in hip hop isto make more money than one could lrom a major label. This can largely be explained by the class base of each music scene: most punks come from backgrounds that range from financially stable to extrsmely well olt. ' Punks also lend to have college educations or to be going to school. Neitherolthese situations are

th6 case for most hip hoppers, from whal I can gather. With little or no history ol lamily financial stability and with little chance ol going lo college,

its no wonder that most hip hop heads are using

their cratt to get paid and that their scene gives them respect when they do. When punks get big, of course, the scene pretty much loses respect for them. (lt was punks, after all, who painted 'FUCK GREEN DAY' in huge letters on Gilman Streets walls alter they releassd 'Dookie." Not thal I blame them.) Finally, hip hop takes care of its own, while punk often doesn't. Hip hop artists promote other artists by making 'guest appearances" on their records. They take special care to bring up new talent by letting lhem rap on their records and getting ihem contracts. irany hip hop artists take care oftheir friends by lorming crews that the artist takes care ot financially in exchange for pro' tection, loyalty, or just continued ,riendship. This kind of collective self-help is generally not a part of punk culture. We must leam from this. Ourtask is to make punk,like hip hop, as Blackas possible. We have to translorm punk lrom a white thing to a Black thing-regardless of the skin color of its participantsiust like hip hop is recognized as Black music despite tho fact that its audisnce is multiracial . But belore ,,ve can do tlat we have to leam to respecl Black culture.


MakE the struggle against white privitege cen-

tralto punk's political activism. By this tdon,tmean chasing your local nazis around. I mean working in struggles that undormjne white privilege by striking at the segregation o, and discrimination against

people of color. Here are some examples of the kind of \,vork punks need to do: lighting racist police brutality, which serves to protect the color line; opposing tracking in the schoots, which serves to s€gregate kids inside the schools since the,,gifted"

classes are largely white while the .remedial,' classes are mostly Black and Brown; opposing gentrilication, which includes a self-cri cism of spaces such as inlo shops, clubs, punk houses, squats, and cafesthatpunks build in these neigh-

lhreat to capitalism since the 6Os, but it wi happen only if punk stops being white. This means that punks have lo commit themselves to a)fighting white supremacy within lhe punk scene. b) fighting against white privilege in Amedcan society, and c) appreciating hip hop and Btack culture generallylor its impotunce in shaping the struggte for freedom and justjce in this land, and lorthe joy and pleasur€ it provides mi ions of people trying to survive a fucked-up world.

Letus endwhite supremacyand entera new era of punk with the cry: "Long Live th6 protane Existence! Death to the White Punk!.

borhoods; opposing public transportation systems

that subsidize suburban riders and penalize urban riders (such as L.A.'s subway system); opposing the racist criminaljustice system and prison

construction; defending alfirmative action in the colleges and universities we go to;.and opposing praclices that keep certain trades (like union con struction) practically all-whjte in our workplaces. We must fight against these things even the work seems to be mere liberal reformism and even i, il appears lo contradict anarchist principles. Affirmative action.lor example, seems like an odd policy for an anarchist to uphold: why would any self-respecting antistatist support a state program? ll we are well-schooled in Black history, however, we can see lhat there is really no necessary contradiction. White supremacy isthe glue thatkeeps

the American state together. Affirmative action undermines white dominalion oI the most prestigious jobs, the best neighborhoods, and the nation's wealth, which whlte totks hog. By undeF mining white domination, then, we undermine the very loundations of the state, making it susceplibl€ to radical change.

The French anarchist pierre-Joseph Proudhon supported the South in the Civit War. Proudhon claimed the "state s rights, and ;con-

federalisf ideology preached by the South was

clos€r to anarchism than the Union. But in defending the South, Proudhon derended slavery. Further, he could not see that the single major force

pushing lhe nation loward democracy was the slaves. This failure to see the slave (and Black people generally) as a force lor freedom blinded the Amedcan lett for at least a hundred years al-

ter the CivilWar Will it btind the punks, too?

The rhoice The punk scene, from the riot grrrls to the Ebullition radlcals to the anarcho-crustes to the straightedgers to fle new horde of Lookout!/Fat Wreck Chords ,ans, needs to make a choice. lt can goon as it has b:elore, nurturing and coddljng the white punk. lf lt does, the scene wil remain safe and put out lots of kick ass music, but it will continue to be a subcuttural ghetto that the bosses ot thls society only snicker at. Orpunks can throw down with people ot color against oppression and forjuslice. and fight as if their struggles were the punks' struggles as well. Because after all, they are. The rebellious spirit of hip hop and punk is the possible link between not just punk and hip hop but between Black and white youth ln general. This kind of unity could pose the greatest


ll you want to write to me directly, you can rcach me c/o The Ruckus at PO Box 1S/t3 / Phoenix, AZ 85001 ot at ioelo@asu,edu. ff you would like to debate this articte publicty, Heaiafiack has ageed to run responses to

this anicle in the letters section. Write to Heanafiack, PO Box 848, coteta, CA 93116. Prcfane Existence will also ptovide space lor responae to this atticle on our web site (www. p t ola D e e x i s te n c e, c o m ).

MAILORDER: (write lor wholesale prices)

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4oz DUSSErJoRF _:_ 6i4]lAl\ry_ 17

lln lorl 12" / CD. Ttl isfttRrElRAclcRcoil Es iN col.viNYL+ls rifl iIED!



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lLl l2'drp. 1Io td.. I l? 2XlT. G&r.cht ?[. . !!E4*,tEU!t

crr/r2" 37.2x12" s9. 7" 33.50.^tLt !d $1, ovcruar rd S2.

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"o5T tr+btgs€ttfKicesr chccks srrd mone,y ordais to p. much

LNal Puppet

naster nadnaD Aron has been coite busY latelv travelliD! arouttd with his suit' case treakshow- brit Eine a unicue (bul hardlv new) i;;;';i;;;;:ti;-;ri-peaormaice oack into ,e put

and brinein€ 'iiiiiit-iia-iiii no ne pater world. t nanaqed ktoscene catch hin lor an iiiii:iiiiiiii i ii6 iiicd wheo we're both in Mit DeaPdis h' between the chaos

of touring aN travelling. Oueslioos bv JoD"'

0K... tell us a bit aboul the Fr€ak Shotx... U'ho's involved and whal vou've b€en up lalelv? srro* rc a stow that I've been doine since October ol '97' Il uas ao i-tre as a puppel show and lurn th€ old lraditional carnival id";;;;

iiiai d;;ii;;ilh,r*


in irc t..d

il from more ol an anarchisi Punkrock per'

a difleren' lucked'up l*iiirij-oi,iirrii. .tl itr.ltririclers basicallv rePresent or a piss'take' I somdhins on commenlarv a oi rtev'r€ !o.i.r, i'tpiii b€ easv tor olher u'ould or il acl' as a solo do it iii,iiiriii jitto* to t .ould 'r""-o'ir pupp€f show iJ ,ii, ,e. lnslead ol making some complical€d lreak shou ll's also kind ol a piss'take liJiri i i o" i slraishl awav I also lik€' bul iii"i."ri srun wnictr is letling poPular th€se davs- which to with il"' I made



;ias out ot it as well. so uhal I was up i made €vervthine so I coold fit il into one laree fiber' phv l,i,"nt and did a bonch of shows on th€ wesl coast' I'd som€ theatres' t small arehooses, abandoned i,iriioooi inv*trere- cates, iitiiniiir. iri tpices. I uenr to EuroPe lo do a tour with somebodv io tdid a spontaneous tour on mv own. J,st eoihe Plac€s' *o haneine around lor about a week Promolios it and ii,i*, lliiiire r-r bv iiiirlit.-bJrJiiti*o tt € suilcas€ allover Europe on u'heels a lot ol times lllri.ri.-rioeni iix ,onihs there tooring around. There I siarted doine sho{'s didn'l ;iini sir. i did that a lew times in the shres. but People people ruere possibl€. EuroPe Bul in as seem didn't it or it iiemii oi,enio ;;;i;;-J;hed i" hive sone weird pupp€l show sort ol break uP the mc


it'ii'i6i ir*ini u.t-

iriilriririiii. 'rii. iiiil"]iiJiii, i


nolonv of the bands.

so vou've noticed a differ€nl resPonse in EuroPe thin in the state-s? oo vou perlormance? firin[peopte are more oPen lo ditlerenl medioms ol Mor€ inspiration lo lhat' mor€ o! a loi there is veah, tevel' i oieeer iiiini on i would i'd'riiiiiniiJi*inrt. I mii a lot ol people who i mighl have thoueff iikelhis who were wav o il. 6t1€r tourine around' I ne; ,e"ple who u,ould sav thal thev u'ani€d lo do someJhint punk bands thal had been in Punk batlds' or were io iiii" iiriiin the involved who was someMv bv seeing spired liii ,ii'r" icine ooine treatre. Bul now that I'ue come back after doins lhe show lasl nishl al lhe lnsur"Rec' realion Cenler, I think mavbe it! not so ditler' ent atl€r all. Mavbe when I uas in the states I didn't challenEe mvself lo iake il to lh€ punks as much. Whal I did grew oul ol the Dunk scen€. Mavbe h€re il's chanting, but in Eorope lh€r€3 mor€ of a tradi fion ol p oks that get iDto circus slufl Iike iuegline, clowning and whal noi. 6lso lh€re's a lot more bands u,,ho rr'ill




;;;;;; ;;a-#; ,"iot. ir, /i\, ;";;i-"' ,,t*4 \;;i " /t' ,l\.4\





do lh€alrics in lh€ir shot, and


So vou're toor in Europe urasn'l sel up b€tore hand? You set it uP as You uent? I was in cootacl wilfi a person who said lhev u,er€ gonna have some Punk cir"

cus Eroup logether and tour wilfi a band. 6nd whe0 I lot there' lhere wa!-no a rr luiioion'i *ork oot for one reasoo or anolher. so lher€ I was u/ilh


, iiini luiiiasi EJdi ei

tutt ot pupP€ts aod a solo show and I said' well I suess I've it mvself. As sprine kick€d in il ,ol reallv easv to do acluallv'

i-r,a Oo

Praeu€' knock€d oD the door ol Ladronka' showed wanled to do a shou' lher€' in so manv t'ords of i,liiil iiieiili. ih'€ldei was accepled and I u,as able to do shows al a lot ol lqullJtneriwtrictr was reallv nic€. People w€re sen€rallv inlo lor fte mosl so that's low ! wen! pirt, noi ivervuoov' bfi a lot ol peoPle sot into to trav€l tt'ift' and bands lo tind was easv ii somm€r it eoi anio liiiririi. bi:ii I co{rld €asilv fil iince -i twas jssr one p€rsor and lhis suilcas€' lhis sort of in. ma a teu bands who were reallv into theatr€ lor th€ peoPle' 0ol some biE lheatrical event' and sxpressiDg som€ messare lhal oflen Punk bands iie iaving ttre same thinrs, but l'm iust doine it in a ditler€nt wav. ll's a differenl medium reallv. The lour u/orted oul fim. I did aboul 50 shows over

iiii-oii iiitv, ti't ii.rple irr-"'m-

mlpri'ppirs,lald I


lhe cours€ ol six monlhs, mosllv in squats. usoallv lh€ best nighls lo do il q,€re then peoele had a bellv foll of food on a food nitht per' and kick back, relax and see some ueird (ormaoce. I was good becaus€ p€opl€ coold

relaL th€v tJeren't tolallv pissed.

ll's a diff€reol ahosphere atler

a caf€

than a

puiik giE. At a sid drunk and readv to I pulled off some ,irs. The onlv problem is thint, vou want lo s€t a harder al Ponk gigs, lf and tor lh€ audience

a puok'l,.9r af.tunk

sqre' lifile



s€€ tt Ior da





deli fe-

th€s€ bands. I cam€

look up on stare around u,ith lhese osing all th€se

pupml of th€ ilv







oid vou hav€ anv anv of lhe Places vou Yeah. lhere uas a lot of

staleslh3u€along €xplaia€d u,hat each


' aod laulhs


atter mv fiIst EDslish is

can words that



were sayiog



b€tlind the meaa{Dt ol lhes€ pieces they were doin!. 'when {,€ mei iu€ i,ere kinda into the same thi0g so iflslanflr.l u,as abl€ lo trav€l with ''tfiem. I may tout rl,ilh th€m.aeainand do some big

Mal oas

lgrye$ for ltleir


your pup' l,uAnled lo to lilfi lalk abgoi vour vorr act a.f ilsell. itspll. yoor Drro, ., ..l,$anled -- P€i3arc re6lbr{r0icue and euen grolesque. Dovou mak€ lham voorsell? Whal sofi of mat€rials a0d


Processes do vou use?

... yes.l makealllhe pup.p€ts mrs€lf. llear0ed lrom i::'llia gry here in Minneapolis-who has a small slore'..,r'lionl studio space. lstarted ouliusl makine masks paper machd '''.. tiirlh pap€r using a clav mold. All lh€ me. nachd lsing.a risrcolllpl€l€lv usins iunk, slutf vou lind in lhe )t, iri the dumpsier, ihe paper is usuallv ren€urspap€fs or pap€r bags, and usine elue ether- lt's a saeet level medium.

vou lhe u 1



Yoo said

arl. you caormale

pupP.els out


e lrash..,Oo the

troi€sqoe asp€cl, lo doine mori iiiorbid tvpe shows. happv puppet ltEaier, it u,on'l rJork l guv who had beeh makin, these pols, l.b-id a parallel id€a and h€ De tecbniques on puffine them lo

dillercnt respoDse

rnear r0 keeP


Tr-T[s-s:.19!! nkns€nances

sotl the gov r{ho showed me some lhings, who I knou rrho haue used it to the dedree that we've used


I reallv like that as well and it obuiouslv

appeals to a certain crourd. Th€s€ bones are fouod obiects as well. you can lind th€m in lhe woods or somebodv eave me a babv cat skull wfiich I made

:"j:,1"ry:.t^:: 'iri lluslc' 19 kg€t irrJiiiir,r-rilir. irsl reanimarinE somethine thar's d€ad. Thi's u,baf mpp€ts are as w€ll. voo'r€ I.T9-xeep !?lli tlll :Y1'-lll i,i-i,ie1-i:ii#fr6e ro iiiie'ii,i?ii mimfrr: irii lo wear a 6; urill expr€ss ruhars ''illf 1"',:'*' in [w head. To me il lies io wilh surrealism lo i3:: [P,r;ii-ii l/€ll'.1 see deEr€e. I haven't read u, deeplv on surr€alism. l9Pwl!l' bor t osuattv comDine a tor ot obiecrs, Like one I 0lo eel Io puppel is a mix of sorne bone skull. a lov lail, pa e,Yr 11l! per machd, aod some other plaslic tov stutf. I like I Y!..neuer to put allthis stutf torelher in a bi, mish mosh of i'^ l-ljrylf stuf, allwired. tied. and rlued torether. To me it's I'm not protessiooal, iust sat aroond ryl:f %?','r"#rul-1rJ-b-.tr11l:1111-r.-?lil9,T9r-.r.Tliri ''l:i'"'! n99P' itmytogether. uarehouse space and spent hoors




Ls Wry tn a lot ol


Trre. sunngrhs



ouer these



Jftins on masks' your act combines serious social me63ares and quences. wnere political messages like cops. suicide. elcetera rlilh an0,nev re a wacky comical approach. could you d€s€ribe


;iil?ff l.lffi :9r91ltl.-:!,?,-r'-l'j tike I said earlier, each puppet rcpresenls some-


lor them to

ora the one

to this a very bor€d biE

other would c0me doing


things. there

tuelve to tu,€nlv

SDd"lliw'a lrork, ii i': iild a lol o, fie ei:",



Iol ol cus


This that







riiii'{bat pil,petrv is a lot ol paople are gettinE lhat it's a m€dium where mak€ inlo a characler bv

thinss b€ lik( will sl

with it

punk uras anvbodv could pick up ol lot of noise and

bined' old se

someis and

I think r


fnt it S lfie

berin nents lv


Anvbodv oot rher€ readinr ftis iro ldr it it lhev lind inlerest in it. ll anvoo€ to keep in louch, I like to k€ep in louch this kind ot lhins. ils: P.O.

it u,as Tbe tion. the that

and was





thank anv.

I 'i






Up ih€ puP




in are not


I should



Theater her€

of his show available. Write

easv to some



.,i.i i:





anihal from

"l'm ally,

AM police .cah sav

further. thal fit ts booe


ifs rt

lil€ "vre've

d ltris- il's onlv {or c€r

hand and



I lhev


wilh about


ilselfin ls The sorl


lhal were

song I've osed the mix u,ilh som€ lwisted carnival music lhal mv lriend coFlssed for me. llave voo woflrcd wilh anv olh€r groups or perrorD

tool care ol ft1c{n that she uork€d shous in Podlahd


InlerYlev By: Tamara Photos By: Sam Lahor

With thefu arrgry, ecleclic and


expertmenhl lusion hardcore, Hip

Hon arrd Sarsa

and theh no comprclnlse stance

to lrce Puefio Nco,


York Cities Ncansfiuction have added a nant and unique vision

to the wo d ol ltolilical Punlc and have lorced us



oursefues iusl how liberated are wel sit1g,et



Alano, al

spoke with lead Ncanslruclion, P,as


York's ABC

recent slpru Tt

O PrO.

al ilew

So what was Your moliva' tion lor forming Ricanstluctlon?


Alano: We felta void. There was no one speaking about all the thingslhatwere important to us in a way that we could fully relate to.

Ricanstruction is made uP of Puerto Ricans, Latinos from the

diaspora, so our experience is somewhat unique in the Punk scene.

PE: How so?


For a hundred Years

now Pu€rto Ricans have been a colonized people in these ununited states. We're exiles in this country because of an illegitimate

government that exist in our homeland. We'rea People who've been downpressed daily, brutal ized, displaced, despised. We struggle each day within the bellyol this beast to liberate ourselves lrom the chains of U.S. colonialism. This is our reality. Our reality is alsolhese inner-city streets, this cultural, spiri-

tual and physical resistance. . this struggle is every second ol every day lf Puedo Ricans are Punks it's probably by necessity and not always by choice.

PE: I saw Ricanstruction perlorm atihe United Nations thb pasl July 256 at a demonskation marking the hundtedth anniversary ol the U.S.

invasion ol Puerto Rlco, but you tend not to hear much about this, I found it kind ol sur' prlaing that more peopledon't know aboutlhls liberation movement, there were about three or tour thousand People at that demo and yet next to nolhing on the commelcial news.

reason, have no qualms about supporting the'Tibetan struggl€ tor independence. This is not the case wh€n it comes to the Puedo Rican struggle for independence. Supporting the Puerto Rican liberation struggle means that you support an end

Puerto Rican...

its syst

lo experience the

to the €xploitation oI the Puerto Rican nation at the hands of the U.S. itself. There are many down with flat. 'Americans" who

Puerto Rican libera-

lhal your average Punk to Ricanstructions message?

things the

PE: Wh.tare

rtrol ol

oul of

the U.S., th6 bird. its continued Rico and

relerring to Puerto that rhe u.s. Ihis lvould us6, or

Yes, because our message, if it is that, is universal. There's iniustice €verywhere. Thsre's a need to

Alano: lt gains

Alano: But that's not really all that surprising, ls

th6 lreeseems to dom movement and why so manyU.S. celebritys support that struggle and yel we hear so little the Puerto Rican freedom movement.

PE: And why do You think that is?

add, that the dollars to 1930s into

Lama's time thing to



PE: Has thele feen a positive leaction to Ricanstruction and its m€ssage, because I

decades lor tunher profit is another trag-

know thatwiihin lhe Punk scene iteell thers's a viruleni anti-political eegment and well as a


no papers proving the land is theirs, they

Just I should

millions ot movement from th6 specifically, to the Dalai :S, has nothing to lose in and judging by the ihrown in, maybe somecondemning the libetan fressl pointing out that the U.S. many U-S. ciiizens, forwhatever

these issues realty are to all of us.


Planes ol people who've

colonialism. They tell them that since they

Alano: We'll, it's Pretty against China, not the U.S., the part of the U.S. to mention, and even recenlly I read, in

It's just a question of how important prolits.

segment that's opposed to any "outside"

have to vacate. lt's lhe same tactic used against


Native Americans when the U.S. stole North America trom them. ll goes on and on, medical experimentatjon on Puerto Rican POWS, torced

to b€ "oulside", unless, of cou6e, we're talking

sterilization ol Puerto Bican woman. Also,lhe U.S. has military bases throughoui PB which they use to control the populaiion, and also as a stepping off point to invade or inlimidate other LatinAmerican countries. They also engage in war games (in preparation for war against who?)and pollute

the sea and land. They've actually 'accidentall!/ dropped bombs on communities. The Puerto Flican revoluiionary Pedro Albizu Campos oncs said in

Alano: Well, we've never perceived ourthoughts about being outside the mainstream, or outside

olrle imperialists, We do get a lot ot questions atter the shows about our 'political

the thoughts

stance', and some Punks ask whal th€y can do to make realchange in the struggle against colonialism. we rind ourselves recommending certaln organizalions that exist that can give more intormation. We also send them lookinglor Che Guevara' and Matcolm X. and Frantz Fanon, and Pedro

AIbizu Campos, and Huey NeMon, and Mumia Abu Jamal, andAssata Shakur. We advise people to get in the streets ifthey reallywanna leam, and get involved. lf you can,t go to Latin America and fightcolonialism and neo-colonialism. you can still fight right here in the betty of the beast.

how rarethat is. I know a lot ot poliflcal bands tend to tind themselves preaching to the already convened?

Alano: That's often true, butthe punk movement is not a monolilh, you know. Sadly, there are racists in the Punk scene.And sexist, and a whole lot

PE: What do youseeas thestruggle lighthere in America?

of other unconscious tolks who think the punk


orconsoousness, but I don,t mind communing wilh those folks too because we can show them how we feel and try to overstand why they feel lhe way they do. Sometimes th€yre just pitifu y mis-

I think the struggle lor puerto Rican liberalion is partof lhe struggle righthere in "America',

movemenl js just about music. lts sad that the Punk movement hasn,t achieved a higher degree

because it's part of the wo d struggle. All those things that we consider wickod in America are vestiges of colonialism and imperialism. I you informed. lt's like when you attend a rally or dembelieve in world revolution than its your duty to onstration for one cause and you know all about eM colonization and injustice where;er il exists. that particular cause, but other people show up . But I understand whatyou mean. The struggle on with information on other lmponant issues and you the streets of America is a struggle against rac_ start to learn about these things as well. We will ism, sexism, police brutality... injustice, poverty... never condone White supremacy, or skaight up capitalism. Right now the puerto Flico Co ective, hate and intolerance, but we,re not qonna cona pro-liberation organization that I support, is in_ demn someone tor being misinrormed or mis-eduvolved in a campaign against gentrilication in El cated- This shitstem is very good at keeping us Barrio, which is a Latino gheflo in East Harlem. and mis-€ducated. These issues may not seem connected but they are. This is an impodantaspect ofthe struggle for PE: So do you see punk as the best ouflet lor people on the street, including punks, because political | gentrification is the same thing that turned the


Lower East Side of Manhaflan lrom a poor Latino communjty with Punks and bohemian artists. into the East Village, a ptayground forlhe wealthy. tr,s interesting to note that when the move to ge;trify

lhe Lower East Side began, the powers that be pitted poor Latinos who lived in the housing

projecls against Punks who lived in squats. The Latinos were told thatthe Squatters were keeping low incoms atfordable housing from being built, and many ol the punks, who were predominately White, did very tittle to dispetthis bu shil because they \.vere to busy being punks to care about uni_

lying with the larger community to fight the sn_ emy. We have to learn that downpression is downpression, regardless of the particular cause

you specialize in or the partjcular organization you're a member of. Division continues to keop us from victory

PE: Ricanstruction seems to do a lot of ben. elits. So tar l ve seen you at a Zapatista ben_

efit, Ftee Mumia, anti-sweatshops, Rock

againsi Bacism.,. the list goes on. Do you think these benefits help much?

Alano: Well, benefits are

certrainty nor gonna change thg wortd... at least not by themselves, and at this level they re certainly not much of a

money making enterprise. Just like rally and

demos, we kind of see them moro as a toolto get information out there. Some folks who,ve come to s€e the band simply lor ihe music, ended up getting involved with the particular jssu€ we were playing for. So it works in that respect. Also, a few months ago I was walking down the street and

this guy stopped me and asked me if I was in Ricanstruction and went on to tell me lhat the

money lrom a Zapatista benefit we had done had been used to bring polable drinking waterto a village in Chiapas. So you never know. you know.

PEj You talk aboui some pGople getting involved after anending a show, but I wonder

Alano: Punk by it's very nature is one of the best ways ot waging war againsl the status quo. punk was orlginally created to be an answer to the,,acceptable" crapthatthis shitstem tries to force leed us. lts weapons ot choice are it,s truly alternative outl6ls: music, zines, piralo radio, these are all ways offightingthe shitstem. punks Dly ethic, its anti-fashion sense, its veganism, squatting, these are all forms of resistance. Of course, punk only works as a part oI the resistance movement if it understands that itis part ofthe largershuggle all arouod us and nol just a clique lhat tries to aeparate itself lrom the r€stofthe struggle. punk must embrace all things that speak of a;istance, if not

you fall right into their strategy of divide and rule.

PE: Have you found in your experience that

Punk has no probtem dividing iisett lrom the resi ol the world?

Alano: ln some cases there are punks who feel more comfortable having theirown liflle clique that others can't infiltrate. They thjnk division trom the rest of the world is a punk ethic, not quite realizing that division from and destruction ol the power structure is the key. I remember a lew years ago Ricanstruction organized a few niohts it an aller-

native Punk space in a Latino neiqhborhood rn New York's Lower East Side where we showed films on the Puerto Flican tiberation struggle fotlowed by band p€rformances with predo;inately Latino political Punk bands. We had atso during ihis time done severat Zapatjsta benefits at this space. Shortly aflerthat, I read an articte in a,zine written by a "prominenf, punk who said that that particular space was being taken over by people who wanted to force ,,Latino issues on the punk scene".

PE: Do you see this as anoiher aspect ol racism in Punk?

Alano: I see

it as another aspect



tion and misinformation in the punk scene. With our music we've tied to add our litfle bitof hardcore consciousness, but we don t carry around any lusions; Punk suffers from many ;f tho same jlts as the rest of the wodd. And just like the rest of


the world, the Punk nation has a toi of work to do,

PE: So I guess Ricanskuction will beworking along with it?

Alanoi We'll be working the night shift...with a forklitt.

R,iu.rc Troe




It's been 6ix years since the last time l've interviewed DROPDEAD, and though lhey've been through quite a bil in that time, thei aftitudes rcmain as sincerc as the ealy days. On a hot August night, lhey te their tale... Question, by Dan and Jon. Photos by Dan

First off, you've gota line,up change since your last tou.. What happened to Lee? Bob: Well, he was having some personal problems hat were sta ng to atfect the band, and we thought it would be best if he,ust went along and did his own thing with hjs life and we do ourthing. So we asked Mr. Devon here from L4onsterX if he wanted to join us on our quest for world domination and he said yes.

Didn't you tou. with them belore on the Europe tout? Devon: Yeah, in '96. Bob: We gave Lee a littls time otf to try to get his problems together. But he just wasn't able to do it.

Benr I felt that our friendship was deteriorating. You can't be in a band with people you aren't really lriends with.


So lrevon, you're a permanent member ol lhe band now? Devon: Yeah. I recorded the last LP with them. One thing you we.e talking about earlier and

one thing I wanted to louch on in this interview ls lhat you've been hearing all these lumors on this lour, For instance, one is that you guys eat meat now. (laughter) Brian: I probably started it, that's the funny thing. Thinking thatnobodywould take itseriously. Who knows where it started? Bob: I think when bands reach a câ‚Źrtain point in their career, it's easierto starttaking shots at them. To callthem on their shit or whatever. We've been around long enough now where people iust want

to talk shit about us. For the most part I don't really give a fuck because it's all bullshit anyway. But certain ones strike home. Brian:The meat thing is iust ridiculous. Bob: So ridiculous that we don't even challenge '


Brian: Some things are based slightly in reality, but once it gets more than two persons away it just becomes a monster. Bob: Or when things go from eastcoast to west coast Ben: Or from country to country Bob: At one point back in the day, there was a rumor going around that I was dead. Ben: lt was a joke from one ol our iriends. It said that Bob was dead from an industrial accident. I

heard that he was electrocuted on atage by a

laulty microphooe... Brian: He was. Thatwas in North Carolina in'93.

Six songs in he just got barbecued and we had to stop the set. Bob: That was pretty intense. When you smell your nose hair burning in your nose, it's lime to stop the set. Brian: There's a reason for that third prong on the amp. You can't form a ground i, you're rolling around in wet grass with a mike in your hand.

Another rumor is lhal you guys are rock starg Brian: Someone said they say on an AOL chat room that "Dropdead are sold out assholes". I asked them "who are we sold outto?" We put out lhe records ourselves. Bob: We drive around in a van for thousands of miles making $20 a night. How fucking sold out can we possibly be? Ben: Even beyondthat, we're doing things the way we've always done them. ldon't see how ilwould be anydifierent. lfanythingw8've gone in awhole other direction- even more extreme in our ethics and how we do stuff.

Speaking ol doing things yourselt. Back in your beginnings, you did stufl on various labels, now you seem to be doing all your own stuft. Brian: The first thing (self-tilled ep) was on Crust (Ben's label) and the second thing (split 8' with Rupture)came outon my labelwith myfriend Pat, and the third thing (sp,it5" with Crossed Out)came out on an amalgamation ol five labels all putting money together- all laidy small labels.

Ben: Then with the LP, the guy from Selfless offered us to do it and we were at a point where none of us had any money to do

that. We talked about and there wasn't going to anything like

be any barcodes. The understanding was that he owned the recording even if it was under Dutch East, which I knew about ahead of time. Brian: Which I didn't by the way. Ben: Well, sorry Bob: I didn't know what it meant. Ben: There was a lot of stuff that was talked about that just didn't go correctly. Brian: The CD of the LP was the turning point whe.e it went absolutely sour. They changed the

adwork. Bgr: Thev chanoed the artwork tf,$ chariged ttr"e packaging. li was supposed to be a folded cover in a plastic bagwith ll$ CD in it. They did it like that, but all the.stores senithem back. Then they did them all in the iewel case. lt especially sucks when you do artwork and give it to them, then they change it. Brian: They completely changed the logo. They covered our logo in order to make it more slick.

Ben: That's basically a name I came up with to put out Dropdead stuff.

ls it the same as Crusl Records? Ben: Crust is over. Brian: lt's just gonna be Dropdead. Ben: Crusthas been handed oflto somebodyelse. l'll probably help out with it as some point. But I've got too much othershit going on to dealwith it properly. Plus it's been like nine years that l've been doing that. l'm kinda over that, it's time to move on...

It seems you guys have been more active lately. You did a whole bunch ol leleases in

the beginning, then you took a period of like ihree yesrs o, inactivity. Ben: After we got back from the '93 tour, my life

Ben: At the time it didn't seem like too much of a

Ben: That was

big deal. For all the shit that happened, it was good for usbecause we had an LPout and people could get it. But now things have taken a largo turn. Even with ihe 11'things didn'tgo as planned. Dutch East wasn't supposed to get any copies oI thal. Thatwas done allwithTodd's money by himsell and he did give them copies. So that was the

like "luck this shit."

Brian: We also figured oul they



not giving us all the records they should be giving

end of that-

Bob: Nothing hurls me more than seeing our

us for how many were sold. Ben: I don't think

we'll ever know



many were



take that

we learnedfrom. We

were a

record for like $13. Brian: l've had a lot of people complain to me like "you're record is $13 or 10 quid." Don't buy it, we have nothing to do with that. Ben: Break it. Brian: Mailorder it from us, or trom Vacuum, Protane Existence or whoever has it. Beni AII this 6tuff is from like lour years ago tt got to the point whele you guys had to


ally knew what

leg your own record. Ben: That LP has been boctlegged twice. Todd from Selfless bootlegged himselfoftof Dutch East. That record has a whole history of weirdness be-

the fuck we were

hind it.





don't think we re-


into. lt

iust turned into a monster.

What is the Armageddon Label? ls that you guys?

completely disintegrated and I sort of disappeared for a while to take of shit in my own life. Bob: We allhad ourtwists and turnsthatmade us take lime otf. Brian: ln'94 we didn t do a fucking thing. Ben: By ihe tail end of '94 we started gettinq shit back together. ln '95 we went to Europe and got our shit together enough to go there with new songs and new hopeto getourshit backtogether. Whenwe got back, we recorded a7'lor Pushead. Brian: Which never came out. Ben: We did the Australian T" which was planned to coincide with us going there. From there we decided that il we were going toAustralia we might aswellgo to Japan too. And then it was gonna be summer time and we were talking to Sufler from Europe... Brian: Who helped us out there. Ben: About bringing them over here. So then the tour went from being Australia and Japan to Australia, Japan And U.S. And after that we went to Europe again. Brian: That was September to December of'96.

Ben: We've been active, it was iust a period of about one year where we weren't. BobrWhen we were tryingto dangle the problems of our dissolving lives.

Have you laced muqh ctiticism fol recycling songs lrom your earlier releases? Ben: I don't think people really minded on lhe LP because not many people had the earlier versions. But when we did lhe live CD, people were like 'oh, come on...' Brian: lt seems like you can't win. lf you let it go out of print people'complain about that. lf you keep it in print, even though it's a slightly difterent

packaging. deople complain aboul that



mean, there's a European pressing of the LP and if you don'tlook at itclosely I guess you could buy it again and not realize it's the same LP lt's the same art, it's just printed a diflerent way. Ben: Now we have all new songs and people go "play the old ones, we don't know any ol these songs,' How thefuckdo you win that one. We do whqtmakes us happy- we play some ofthe better

old songs, which Devon needs to leam more of. He leamed like to 28 songs in two weeks. But the thing was that we had lo record the new LP and

derstanding of them. Bob: We've evolv€d as people. I have a lot of stuff going on in my life right now Some pretty

having such a raw'production.., Ben: What do you want? lt's a punk record. lts a fuckng hardcore record. That Don Furyt ng (selftitled LP)to us sounds like a pile ol shit. Bob: I hate trle Don Furything, but I like this record.

It's what I always wanted. Ben: Throw on Anli Cimex 'Baped Ass" ep and tell me that's not a raw ass record. To me thats what a hardcore record should sound like. For a band that's doing something thats more metal, go with the production. For a band that's more hardcore, you can go with production or you can record it on a four track.

What was the idea behind the backwards groove on the new LP? Brian:Ask Ben. I didn't know about it untitit came out. Ben: Just the idea lhai you can fuck with people. People just become too passive. When you buy a record, you don't think anylhing about it. You think you canjust go home and put the needle on It and it's gonna play. For me it's a little tQ test. How comtorlable have you become with this litfle produci you buy? People don't even think about it.

OK,l haven'tread thelyrics on the new record yei, but how do they compare to your earlier ones which were really angry and direct? Bob: l've tried to wrile a little more personal and realistic lyrics this time. I kinda went through the punk by numbers on some of the early stulf. I mean, I was youngerthen and everyone was writing war war war type of lyrics and that was the type of stuff I was writng. I thought a tot more about the lydcs on this record, about ihings that were rsal lo me. lwrite from a personal l€vel. I had a little sense of positively on this one and not just negalive like everyone's gonna die...

Yeah, but anyone who saw you play then couldn't say you 9an9 those lyrics wlthout conviction. lt was hardly punk by numbera I think... Ben: Ai lhe time allthat stutf was r€levant. Some of it still is. Brian: Some ol those ihings have been covered to the point where its not our iob to cover them anymore. Bob: Anybody who writgs aboutthings in their tyrics that lhey're nol involved in, it's pretty obvious. I think my lyrics on this one have really evolved trom the early days. That's tor sure. Brian: I can remembera long time ago in an interview somebody saying how come you don't have any pro-women lyrics or pro-choice, and lwas like "l don't know, thats just not what we're doing,, Bob: We haven'l got there yet. Ben: People expect you tO have a set agenda. Now seven years later, we're completely dilterent people from when we startsd, but we still have the same basic beliets. We havs a lot more un-

It takea you guys longer to write songa though.., Bob: These guys always have the music done before I have the lyrics because ltake a long time. I wanl it to be for .eal. I don't want by-the-book rpunk fuckin songs. I want them to have impact and make people lhink. So it takes me a litfle longer because l'm no lucking raving genius. How does that make you Ieel when you think about the tacl lhat a good amount ot people

who listen lo your band or go io yout shows don't even pay attention to your lyrica? Brian: I'm positive lhats t.ue- about any band. Bob: We get people who come to shows and they're just there to thrash. They come and go. I've had people come up to me and say'Yourwriting has chang€d my life. lt changed me from being a carnivore or somebody who's jusl a waster

of eveMhing io somebody who actually cares.' And that means everything to me and these guys to. Because il means w€'re making change. Brian: Sometimes it seems that we're just preaching to the converted. Maybe people there have heard itall, but mayb€ they haven't thought about it until it's put in a certain way lhai they can relate to.

But who are lhe converted? Brian: Yeah thls one guywe metsaid he had been listening lo us years, then he's offering to make us pasta and chicken. Bob: Yeah, this guy wanted us lo come back to his house for some pasta and chicken. Brian: l'm not slagging the guy, but he obviousty doesn't know where we're coming lrom because h6 isn't listening to lhe lyrics. We're like Terrorizer to him, just a fast band. Ben: Every band has people who are into them and know what lhey'r€ about- a polilcal band. Then you have people who are there for extr€me music, people who gotosocialize, people who go todrink, orpeople who gojusi because thsywere walking by. Brian: So lhere is no preaching to the converted unless everyone else hasn't shown up who ex"

cept for people who know exactly what you're about. There's always gonna be newpeople there who haven't heard you. Bob: On this iour ihere's tons ol people who haven't heard our message before and are really into it. lt's had it's ups and downs, but it's been a good tour Brian: Fucking long tour.

How long have you been going? Ben: About two months and about 20 days to go. Brain: Then wele oft to Europe and lsraet. Bob: We'd like to try Japan and Australia again il we can do it. Ben: We may go to lsrael and iust play to Nokka

Natza and USF... Bob: But the way I look at it, if we go over there and there's five people and one of them walks away with new ideas from us orsome sort olconviction that they didn't have before, we've succeeded. Brian: Even if we ddn't get through lo anybody and we're just preaching lo the converted there,

at least got to go to another country and get a better understanding of whats going on overthere. Because all we hear is what's on the news. Bob: The US version. You said you wanl to go back to Japan. There's

been lots ol rumors about problems on your lasi tour there, Dg you want to shed some lighl on lhat? Brian: We'll iust start it off by saying that there were mistakes made on both sides, lt wasn't an

thing. Fuck, we're human, ifs not like we can't fuck uP. Ben:Above and beyond that, we reallytried. When you tour another country with a group of people ifs supposed to be some sort ol cultural exchange There are supposed to be certain compromises you make lo adapt to each group of people's diflerent ways gf doing things. Bob: I honestly can say that I don't feel that that was given back lo us. More from just one pgrson in particular- the guy who brought us over there fucked with us in a lot of ways psychologically. That's my opinion. We didn't get the respect we should have gotten- notas a band, ora name, but as people. Brian: lt had nothing to do with the band. Ben: lt went boyond us being a band. lt was pâ‚Źrsonal issues- the way we conducl ourselves as individuals. When llook at my friends inthis band, I don't think we're a bunch of tuck ups. We're not the average band. we're a bunch ofdorks. When we went there we were trying to be as cool with these people as possible and be ourselves too. We're not gonna not do things that make us comfortable unless its something completely ambiguous. They'll have to adapt to our personalities. Brian: I was pretty uncomfortable with the autograph signing. Bob: They were making us sign autographs and stulf and we were like'lhat's fucking rockstar shit and we don't want to do that." Brian: And they were saying that it's considered very rude. We don't want to be completely disrespectful to a parl ol their culture. ll signing autographs is part of their culture, line: we kinda had fun with it, we'd sign "Shoutatthe Devil,love Dropus and them sort of

dead' Bob: Signing cronos frdmVenom's name and shit like that. Ben: lt was just a complete culture shock. lfs the

only place on the planet l've been where lfelt I was in a completely different country The whole cultural system is so ditferent. The way people

perspective. Eastern perspective is just so loreigntrom whatwe're used to. Wedon'tspeakthe language either, so itwas a lot lor us to dealwith.

Bob: That was a big thing. ln Japan it was lhis us and them type of thing. We were left lor long periods of time by ourselvgs, they weren't helping us find food, iust leave us by the side ol the road. There were a lot ofthings that went on that I don't want to get into. lt's not gonna be a mud slinging contest. I ihought we were trâ‚Źated pretty poorly, considering how many placos we've been. People have always really watched our backs. We didn't have that go on over there at all. Ben: ldon't wasn'tto slag the Japanese hardcore scene. These guys really are trying to make the DIY scene over there happen. They're really trying to get the politics and music above and beyond the lashion thing. They're doing it in a way

thatl guessrelatestotheirculture. lthinkit'staken to a realextreme tothe pointwhere they expected us to go over there and be like Crass. We're not like lhat, we don't want to be a leader. Brian: Crass didn't want to be either. Ben: But I think that was what was expected of us. To go and lead the revolution. I think they expected too much ofus as a band, and to uphold that as people too. (conversation mills on regarding bands being held

on a higher level and expected to live up to peoples' pre-concePtions...) Bob: One thing we try to is set up on the lloor and not do the stago thing a lot. Because we want it to be on an equal basis. Ben At more than music festival, there was this like 8 toot high stage. lf you want to feel naked and stupid, playon athing like that in frontof 1000 people. Brian: Untess you're into being an idol. For David

Lee Roth, maybe being up on that stage is the most powerful thing in the universe- more power-

lulthan heroin. For us, it's iust like it's being really detached.

Some people may feel that you swinging the microphone stand may be a disiancing thing. Brian: On the other hand, it kinda brings the message through to people because they feel physically threatened. Ben: When Bob is swinging that mike sland, he's singing and he's mad. He doesn't know what he's doing. Brian: He doesn't khow what he's doing a lot ol times. Bob: liust get so involved and wrapped up in it and so angry. l'm usually really mellow and laid back. l'm a push over. And when I get up there, l'm so angry about what l'm singing about and it moves me so much, that's iust how I react to the whole thing. Ben: l've gotta admit that I like the danger factor. There's something about the tenseness. There's actually a physicai threat. Things could disintegrate. Ihat's,ust the energy of it.

I'll never tolget the

AS220 and Lilchfield

Grange days where you would be picking up

How has doing tours or playing out changed lor you since the beginning? Ben: lt hasn't changed too much.

Bob:People know who we are and we have bener equipment now. We know what we're doing a linle more. Ben:We have a decent van.

Bob: Yeah, we're not touring in a station wagon. People know our music now and it's cool to see kids singing the songs and

laking inspiration lrom the songs. Thal makes me happy. Ben: lt's just grown overtime, we're stillon the same levelas when w6 staned. Chris Boans just wrole some shit about us saying we were cultish. I think il still is pretly cultish. We'r€ not tho band that's advsnising thal we exist every month in MRR. You don't hear about us, we just go oul and do our shit. We're not trying to rake in cash. We just wanl to 9o out and play shows. I lhink on this trip, not advertising that we exisl has hurl us. Where were we???.... Brain: We didn't even get into themonetary side ol Japan, which basically any rumor you've heard is about. Thal isn't what our problem with Japan was. Ben: That became an issue atterwads. On the last night ot the tour. OK, how do I get into this.-. I met a girl over there who is a good lriend of mine today. And Bob met a gid overthere. These gids were not pan ol lhe acc€pt€d DlYpunk scen€. Theguytvho we were with didn l care for them too much. On lhe last evening they flew from the city they liv6d in to Tokyo lo hang oul wilh us. So i'/e wer€ hanging out with them at the show and around ihe area.

Bob:Wewantedlo hang out with thesetwo girls whocame lo see us. Hey, we'ro adults here. Wecandowhatwewant. lf we were with some band on lour here and lhey met some women, who the hell would wa be to say anything to them? These guys we were with didn't likethese gidsso much that ihey threatened to cut their legs off il they didn't

leave us.

Beni So while we wer'e hanging out with these girls, Brian was insids lalking with some people and somehow he got to lhe subject of gotling us to the airpott. Brian: And he said "l thinks it's best if you go stay in a hotel with the giris, then in lh€ morning cirlch ths lrain to the airpon." lt's like a 25 minule walk to the train, then an hour ride to the airpon. We had a huge

amount ol stufl. I had bought like'100 roclrds when I was lhere. We had all our stuff that we had been carrying on tour lor

th6last month and a half. lwas like'ldon't

know about this man. l'm gonna 9o gol Ben. We have to talk.' Bob: Basically he was blowing us off for our last ride out ot Japan to go to lhe airpon because he didn't like the fact that we wanled to spend time with these girls- which was the last time we would probably seo them. Bul the thing lhat was going on was thatthe guy who broughl us overlherewas lelling people that he paid us six or seven thousand dollars thal we made in Japan. We should tell the amount that we actually gotBrian: $542 is what I had when I cashed in my currency.

Bob: We're not ragging on how much money we made, because we lost money tons of times lrom playing out. lt's the fact this guy istelling lies about us. Brian: $2100 or $2200 to $6000 is a far cry apad. Bob: But big deal, it's soap opera shit. But unfortunatEly, now the guy is over there slagging us to the moon lo all sorts of people, to all sotts of touring bandswho come over. He's blowing itallout of proportion and white washing us intothese capitalisl monsters. ll's absolule bullshit. I

What would be youl bottom line to aay lo any band who would ask ygu about golng ihere? Ben: lwouldn't have a bottom line. l'd tell them stuff lo watch out for and stuff we fucked up on, and tell them not to do the same dumb shit. Brian: We've heard a lot of bands who've gone over there, they play three shows in Tokyo and lhen two show in Osakaand go home. They'ro like ijapan's incredible man, it's the best place in lhe worldl" Theyve been there tive days. They don't know ,.yhat the whole thing is about. We were lhere lor three weeks. Everybody always said lhat you get mad paid. Like Anal Cunt got $9000 on live shows. Ben: llhinkthat hearing atllhat built up or expectations. We lhought we'd have no problem getting our plane tickets back. Bob: Which is all we wanted from putling all that money into it. None ol us are rich. Bdan: I think lwork€d two and a half years so I could afford to go on lour dudng thai time period. Bob: Butto get away from this wholeJapan thing... We had no problem with anybody there eccept for this one guy. Even the oiher people in his band. Again, mistakes weremade on both side, but lthink the more serious ones were made by him. lf anyone has any questions about this, writetous. Don'l believe rumors. We'lltellyou ourside, if you want to write to the oth€r side and here their story- fine, you can figure it out for yourself. Ben: A positive that that came out ol is that it's making us work even harder in a more DIY fashion. Trying to take compleie control ol eveMhing we do. lf it takes more time lo do it lhal way, we'll just take more time. The quality will be whal we


want it to be. From releasing our records, printing our shins, to booking our tours. Brian: Ralher lhan pressing the reoord in four different counlries, like il somebody wanted to do ii in Japan, someone in Europe, someone inAuslralia or whatever. we just press them all over here and whoever wanied to be a parl ol that could be a parl of that. Ben: They get their address on the record andlhey're helping us oul. There's enough addresses on that record of quality people that we know.

Speaking ol records,,. What's the idea behind this "Deconstructed" record? Ben: That's basically another one of my ideas. This guy'John who lives in Providence who's in a band called Landed does a side proiect called Pleasurehorse. uses an eight track machine with analog tapes and takes one thing as source malerial and will make it into somelhing else. I sawhim dothislhingto this indie rock al a show one night and make them like the most unholy thing on the planot. I lhought it wou,d be a cool project. I give him recordings of all ou. slutf and could pick what he wanted and make thing new out ol it. Sort of like tearing music apan and putting il back together as

somelhing ditferent. ll's sounds like minimalistic exp6rimental kinda noise track. lt's not like Bastard Noise, a little more relaxing sounding than lhat. has undercunenls of rhylhms. Bdan: l've never heard anythingthat like that ever. Bob: ll's machine mirsic.

B6n: lt's also gonna bo a benefit tor Rhode island Community Food Bank. Something that is actually parl of our munily. Bob: You know, it's quarterlo nine, we be going to the show?

Shit, yeah. Anything else you'd to Ben: Give us a'chance as people. Bob: The last lhing I wanl to say is toeveryonewho's helped us over the They're our kiends and we really ale il. Ben: Il you're doing something, don't do out ol obligation. Do it because you love it. Orolseyou're doing itforallthe wrong reasons. All: Thank you! DROPDEAD/ P.O. Box 8511/ warwick, Rl 02888/ USA





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anarcho distributors to take them because they aren't anarcho bands and I couldn't get and any ordinary distribulors to take them because RioV


Clone are an anarcho band and its our label. We got stuck in a catch 22.

PEi Have you telt that getting baqk together has been worth the eflort and are you getting your message across? Dave: Yeah surel Judging by the letters we are getting, yeah. A lot ol people aro w ting to us who got into punk during the new resurgence and slumbled across one of our records and read the

lyrics and thought "wow, look at this!" Theyle writing to us and asking whatother bands arethere and have dug up-old Crass records and peopls like that tor themselves. I think for every person like that it has been worth doing it again for us. PE: Do you have more ol an audienae then or now? Dave: Probably now. I mean there is a lot less competition now because there was so many bands around London at the time when we first started.

PE: What are the eally Riot/Clone Releases Ior us ol a younger generalioh oI anarchopunks? I don't think I've ever actually seen any of your early EP's... Dave: Oh, l've stillgot some oftheml There were three EP's: "There's No Govsmment Like No Govemment", "Work" and "Devastat,on

easlet ,o


anarcho-punks who have n;eer heard

ol No/,lqtane than t'

ts,o tlnd lhose who have. Fotmed ln lgTg, ahe otbinal Ptot/Ctone tdeased 3 EP's lo te'€a5e luo bdorc lhetr denke tn 198r, bul then rclomed a dozen vears 'al€' ptanned IJs. dudttg he summer of lo toutr Eurcpe and I LP's, louted CD nan ,mtztng

nd gdtlg to be rs we" becane ,Ppatena ia vas'he

lgg& As ,he lls tou aPlrcached, i o9anlzed as thcv hrd hought, wllh numetous lasl'minule cancellallom and a tot


lou, anog€/ihet, eioyatone Yocatls'' Dave Flovd' empy daaet Not wa lng to the asked lrlends hom another band aheadv lou ng,he U.S fi,hev uoutd help oul wlth ,athet last'mlnu'e thls prcreeded US, d,h acroil he dales ,hat werc sutl scheduted, and Dad lmprovised lncar/',atlon ot Rtoalctone. Allet nine houlE ot uqda ng ou malling llsl I gol a ch.nce lo slt down wiljh Dave Ftovd lot a tew quesllons abou' the b'"d and a couple ol beeB. t ttoutd have likedl.o have had more llme Prcparc lo' thh in'e iew' bul he amounl of shtlwo we ge, s,uck wlth every dav is lhe Gutse ol our own poPulE,titrl Vlhlle wc mosry shol ,he shta aboul DtY rcGotd tabets .nd honibtv dko$anized Gancet ahe


lew lhing Dave said lhaa shoutd be passed on to ou re''dets' -Dan flom 1979-1983 and pretty impressive. Wasn't it something like a ffiilisanpqared-aultet btought on teform' 128 pages? thete were


ot' ffi. t*i cr6"diiamd up to do thQ 6D. .Petg.: , singles'lrcrD otlrr bands ufio silit dP ak$c$ as *ell' ttsllosimonby wqre ou$aso pfgted'to r,ye-soon asrpy cD, do'the $o frffi"iJto ifri* t w-as itst frinnfl dss a(Cr ttrat' ffi$io fifif""rl"gsther and do it with hint." ano "S'iiCiiirii like ihe nature ot doing a record ili,i t ,"n"ori .r ,oney. Then I took over the PE: " label! over, beto take ,or us project and he was hapPy tause he would rathersee it come out than see it Dave: Well, you take your chances PE: So you have now have a bunch ol CD's just abandoned. 'PE: Did you release bolh of your new releases you'll never be able io sell? Dave: lcould build a housewithallthe CD's lhavel yoursell? road and l'v€ been 6ave: Actually I didn't do the second LP; il put out Oy eomU Factory.

Ihe 'Still




ment" C6 and book losi so much money that


i'm actually selling some on the

giving them away to people who buy both of our albums. The problem is they're not anarcho bands'

justcouldn'taflordtodoanotherone-They'reallniceblokesandllikedwhattheywere 'PE:

Yeah, the

bookthai came with the cD


doing so I put them


But I couldnl get any


Two of them

came out in'82 and one in'83. The thkd one actually came out after we split up lt was basically me and the drummerand a couple o, people who filled in: one of them was Llick, or original bassist and also played on the "Still No Govemment" CD.

PE: So when you retormed, lhere was iwo o,iginal members.

Dave: Yeah, me and Mick, plus PBte who joined in'81, and then Paco from Conflict.

PE: Did you get any cynical reactions lrom

people when you decided to relotm the liand? Dave: I think there was a little at first, but I lhink it was

allaliayed once people realized that we were

doing it lor the right reasons, not just to cash in. After all, il this was iust a "cashing in" enterprise then it's a really bad one. I think we broke even untilabout 1985 and have lost money ever sinca PE: Do you think it was worlh doing the book with the CD? Dave: Yeah, itwas worth doing, but unfortunately alotofpeople haven't got a lot of money, sothey're notwilling to pay what it coststo make a book and a CD. Still, l'm glad w€ did it.

Dave: Hmm... Yeah lthink


lthink punk itself

has actually grown as opposed to punk rock, which

are two ditterent things in my mind. You know you have punk rock, which is all of the peacock punks who go seethe old bands who have gotten together lor this big 'Holiday in the Sun" festival and is just a big money-making thing. Then you have punkwhich encompasses a lot more;people like yourselves. You know, the people who look at it more as a way of life and not a lashion. PE: lt seems thele was a big explosion ofthis

punk idea in London during the early 80's... Dave: lthink that punk rock, rrom 1976 to 1979,

PE: I am a new paront and take

was actually nothing. The press was saying it was

interest in talklnE to other

something that it really wasn't and that annoyed

anarcho-punks who also have children, Do you think your eF,

people like me who had tormed a real anarcho band. l think it was around 1982 when people started to notlce us-it seemed like we had all come with this great idea all of the sudden, but most ol the band had been around fora couple of years belore. We were a reaction to the Clash; the Clash were my inspiration because I hated them.

PEr How did you hook up with Jordan to do lhi3 tour?

Davei On the internet. Never trust the intemet because you never know who you are dealing withl Butgive him his due because l'dwouldn't be here if it wasn't for him and l'm pleas€d to be here. I mean how many unemployed people get to spend

seven weeks on anoiher conlinenl? I did have to borow money ofl of everyone I possiblycould and hopelully l'll be able to pay it back over the next year or two! PE: Have you been happy,wlth the turnouts?

Any Surprlses? Dave: l'm surprised howmanypeoplo have heard of us and know our songs. At other tlmes l'm equally surprised by how many people have never heard of us! lt was pretty amazing that in New York city there were people who were actually sing-


posure to the anarcho-punk

movementhad madeyou a dit erent kind ol parent? Dave: Actually we teach our child at home and I don't think I would have thought of doing it without an-

archopunk and the ideas that it introduced me to. I didn't even know

',as legal in England. PEr How old i9 your son? Dave: He's eleven. He did the long it

reading on the'Bluebird' CD.


a little bit of editing, but he's only eleven lor goodn€ss sake! Stlll, I think all ot his lri€nds that are the same age couldnrt hav€ done it. He's g€tting a one to one education at home and he seemsto be agood couple years in front ol his cousin who is nine monlhs older, butwould be the same year in school. Thg

school system over there is so screwed; it's so you have to work to the speed of the slowest people. That used to bore thg death out of

ing along to the songs. Th€ crowds here are much

me and that's why I didn't do well in school...

younger, but lwas expecting that too. lt's great because there seems to be anolher generation of punk coming up. I think its r€lreshing to play to

dan (Crasshole Collective) down,

young people, b.icause il you're playing to the same old peoplelhen what's the point? When we play in London you just get a bunch ol old punks tuming up and it comes back to the old saying "preaching to the converted.x The raver scene has really taken over in England so you don't get a lot of younger people turning up. I don't really understiand itbecause it does nothinglorme. But they probably think the sam6 titing about punk. The rave sceno is actually a lol more active than the punk scene in England. There's a group up oulside ot Lutton who have squatt€d a hospital and are doing it up and lhey put on a rave every week ortwo. They say to peoplE 'Hey look, we don't have any rules BUT nodrugs. Please do us that favor so we don't get lhe placer shut down.' And everyone resp€cts that. This is a very big squat and lhe police have been coolwith it... The -punk scene in England is rsally split up and ,rac-

tor the peacock punks. Then of come from all over

for this

the other old big bands. lt's all ,or money. The promoter makes no bones about jt. And if he doesn'tthinka band is worth paying then hewon't do it. I argu€d wilh him at a party onae about it and I told him thats nol how you do it, lfyou don't think a band is worth it, then you don't offer them the money in the first place! He said "well I didn't know lhey wer€n't worth it until thsy played, so I didn't pay them.' No you dont do thai! l say this in every inteMew: Do NOT go to HOLIDAYS lN THE SUNI lts a total rip off!

PE: ldonit reallywantto putJorbutwhen did you start getting an idea ot how poorly organlzed


tout was? Dave: Jordan was reallyweu mean- ! ing, but lwish I knew earlierhow bad it reallywas. He keptasking mB if lwas sure I still wanted to do the tour, but didn't really glve me any clue as to how clueless he was. ltwas really late in the process when Ifound out how young he was. That was wh€n he asked a question about something on one ol the Riol/Clone records and I iold him, 'lt's on the cove(' and he replies, I wasn't even

bom until after that was releasedl' "Oh nol' I thought, 'l'm trusting hundreds of pounds on the words ol a lifteen year oldl' You know, l'm here now and l'm determined to enjoy it and make th6 most of while l'm here. PE: What aboutthe other three guys you have

tilling in? Dave: They were really despondent to start With, but we've managed to sort lhat out now. You know

Mick, well, me belore we came over, 'Dave, wiih the inforrnalion that youve got, I wouldn't send a band to Lutton, let alone America.' ln a way

proves that you can do it yourself and you don't need the help of all the big money.

PE: There's a lot of misguided people who have this romantic vision that DIY has to be mlserable and shitty... Dave: Yeah, l've noliced that a lot over here. ln Britain we all got fed up with that in the early 80,s when we realized how crap it reallywas! Butover here I just can't understand the disorganization. Like in New York lasked whattime we were going on land the guy just said 'Uh... we don't have


PE: Haha! Sounds like ABC No Rio! Dave: Yeah itwas. ljuststood there thinking that what if we alljust get something to eat. So I ask him 'lf we go, do we miss our chance to play or should we stay?'and he goes "Uh..

'This is DIY and if something goes wrong, w6ll

ingwhen we were going to play as soon as everyone else goes out to get something to eat and of course our equipment hadn'ttumed up yet! Thats not for prinUng by the way! lsorry I can't resist because l've been in that same position once or twice at ABC myselfl-Ed.l

what lhe fuck.' But now it should be DIYP; Do tt Your Self Properly, I mean if you can't do it right then there's no point ln doing it at all. To do it properly doesn't mean it is any less punk, it just

'CONIACI: Eot , (lone r/o PO Box 2795 london NW10 9AY / U.K.



I was telling Jordan ov€r the phone

that DlYdoesn't mean that it has to be crap. This happenedin Englandin'81, where everyone said,

oric€5f '].r."nrro"il



vinyl New 4 song





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FELBExstR- 2o/r2. {-Irso pH oo+r-r-s22r5o, ,/ rx tr.o rf yo, r.icfil lval Er rtqrro b'!

viEttir. rusrRrr oo{3-l-98rr{96 ri vrailr. rllr Flrr ro

,rss By rr <rut BIot 't. iEusriFrcrssa 66 (Brakyrto) w@/rtr l..oo. r9.oo srr ra.qo-r5-oo


+ $1

7"s $3 alt 3 for $7 p&h,

$2 mnada &


muico, $levqrytlhereelse


actlve J.


Forthe record, can you pleasetellus about and Exist. When was the band formed. the members, and why resume atter a Ior the band? formed in late 1990. The band

people that

the our

lasted lor a year and a hall and broke '92. ln 1996, when


Jans has a ihan (hordr,

zines, and in the

iust that

some people are involved in it in diflerent levels. I got a letter from Comrade Abdul a member of

BGF (Black Gorilla Family) from Pelican Bay Prison. He said that mostolthe supportfor irumia


and other politica, prisoners came from anarchist punks, and I think thal that is great, because it

ith my felloi,v cdrBrddsâ‚Źi: rFiriiir the Vanguard M6vemeni,.Llearridd that without. hardship and struggle. I like aboutthe L.A. Panthers is thaiihe original members spend lime working with kids unlike older punks who blow otf generation becausa "it's been done a phase blah, blah, blah...." I stillhEV"d yet to participate in polit,calwork wilhtheGang Truce. But I have had the oppurtunity to go to the projects in Watts a few times to meet other comrades. I didn't go there to do politicalwork, I went theretolearn and see howthey organize. lhaven't been there since my triend Taco went back to prison. What I like about Gang Truce is the way they treat each other like family and their militant


wenttoallthe record stores;n Orange County that carry racist propaganda and used nonviolent tactics to get them to stop carrying it. They even We

,still the counter. Also Taco d his benused to help us a lotat animal efit sfpws when wq used to have problems lvith OrgnX|-n rpagtro peqte shuttng db'in ule gig. But ld:fliie IiFf weheie to'deal with{iroo6rns fike iha!"fr1 th6 purlk noverEr;nt in our owir. The les" son iian bring to the punk movement is that poorer communities respect you if you help other people keep

as an alternative. When your own movement puts you down like that its sad. // sli// teel like a total ietk for witing that review to this old

PE: Resistand Exist has deep roots in pacilist beliefs: ls this something you feel very strongly abouttoday? Has your position changed over theyears in thEface ol attacks by fascists and

u'e Udice?., ,. . " : ' i ltE h;rd beir€ a'pa;$st qtoause there are a tot of

are still

peodld who ts€ vioftnce as a way to sotve problems, I was in a'aituation where I was attacked lor no reason by a gulf war veteran. When you are on the ground being kicked in the head and face you don'thave time to stop and try to talk itoui peace-

gotten worse.

fully, you have to delend yourself. lf you feel a Weird vibe in a conversation or someone threatens you try to walk away from it. However. pacifism doesntmean being passive when yourlile is in danger, you have the right to detend youIsell.

worship them? I think thatlhere'sflothing wrong with old 't*lffis.g_tsIdng ladk together but when I sed:thdm live itigeems something is mis6ing. Th€ spidt is gone. As lor hero wo6hiping, I think it has to stop. What happens if you decide to follow a person

PE: On your

lirst EE you make a special dedication lo anligovernment demonstratorg in South Korea. What are some ot the connections ihat make this imponant to the North What ean we learn? demonstrabelieve

girls orthey eat meat and conAadict what

they say? Will you say ,uck the punk

The police killstudents at rallies there. I also have another. uncle who has been paralyzed by the Iglic9". ltn not advocating violence at demonstra$.t9.trq.ii*lattng on the police, but I do have respect T6{thei{bravery and dedication.

movement, fuck the struggle? No! You

to change this That willsustain you if your heroes or m€ntors tum

PE: ln the LA. acene, it seemg thete are very disiros and promoteE. How

lew DIY

your PE: ln which direction would you

is not there are many bands, kids, distro/labels, and venues that are DIY ln South-


to,aee the punk movoment go in the

e(n Calilorlia, wg have a huge diversity in fle ..,Q+ne, lryr! Rul"rl{"'hardcore. crust. power-viol€ncE, "-''

thing such as free food and clothing


could/should be working

its very easy to maintain ideats. ln the nextten years Iwould like to see more of a

everywhere you look

are addicted to drink-

drugs are the

alsolik6 other We have to get people to-

fiS en{6 kidel$at are activ€. Everyone pretty rtlch wd8s tddher, and people are active so

punks that youngerkids because they are introducing them to that oppressive litestyle.

the arm* or just dropping out ol and getting 9J5jobs- To overcome these need to cbrilmunicate better with each oiher and

The reason w€ don't put out our own records is becausa we don't have enough money. Spiral Records is an independent label so it is still DIY I .think you can be DIY and still make money for your efforts as long as you don't rip anyone off in the process. Acouple of years ago we opened up L.A. Anarchist center or 'De Center." I m9l wonderfulpeople there. lt was allvolunteer and sometimes I wish w6 had the money to volunteers because a lot oI them had io towards the end in orderto pay their bills and survive. Unlorlunately in reality you need money to survive in this capitalisl world.


iiiii Continnd. cLliieiil, thoiidfi lam on the stalf

now moretnan ever,

isan abundance of DIY bands, DIY labels, DlYven-

so much

have now it

tour in December with help of Neil of War Records. We are opening up tor Aus ll you see us come up and talk to us, we i interested in meeting new frierids.

of the New Black Panlher Newspaper, Iam going



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cl|l):ll6 oNLY! tiiollES/l)lsfillC3


PE: Why don't you start out with a little his-

zionist legitiin this counlry. in 1948

were killed by right dps during the so-called War ol This was a reallytraumatic event but here it's regarded as an isoan unfortunate mistake by an group which doesn't represent zionist

lslael belns a country whlch lsn ally on people's mlnds when ln comes

to lnternetlonal


hadcorc punh lt's about [me that the hldden

t?eaiures are



mated. We didn't want to be a typicalpunk band with

like some bands

in lsraeli called

Irom Dlr Yassln were

Canceror Obnoxious Rectum. Thafs just be-

lntervlewed bv Y@hoo ln

9E. The


an obnoxious name



takes responsibility for it. have to keep in mind that people who central in lsraeli politrcs were inor knew about this. Just by usrng this we wanted to bring the subject into the public realm, to say that things aren't the way they're taught us. Just for a kid to ask us about the meaning of the 0ame is already raising the issue again. lsee the impodance in that. Picking the name was notjust for the purpose of shocking or provocation, ii was meanl to I raise. interest in.this event. . J: I think the provocation aspect aiso shouldn't be underesti-




it doesn't even exist olfically be-

ing stupid and cliched.

name Dlr

Yassln romeg from the name

ol a Pel.

esllnlan ylllage on the oulskhts of re?usalem untll the outbrcak ot the 1948 (lrr.el's lndependen<e)

war, Dudng the yar, 200 ol the ulllage's populatlon was slaughtercd ln (old blood: i.lost of lhe

We want to have some sort of posilive provocation to inspire interest. F:There are things going on bethe surtace of this country. way the Arabs were treated in this country, the Palestinians in the territories are being treated even now, is an that people here have to dealwith. So this is our small effort to bring it up. Maybe some people who are into the music and don't know much about politics can lind a good start-

on. You can'l escape it and lt won'l do much good if you pretend that it doesn't exist. Most punk bands sing about things like getting drunk

which is fair enough, you have that in every country but lthink here the situalion is so politicised, lt's shocking that punk here is so unpolitical. ln theory it should be a real fertile ground for punk bands bul most bands don't want to dwell too much on lhe political events taking place here. All of our songs are very political conscious, dealing with where we stand. We want to torce those punks that don't care about politics to at least deal with reality. PE: To give people on the outside a better

perspective on things, maybe you can say somEthing about the origins ot lhe lsraeli punk scene? F: Punk has been going on here since 78rg but it was lotally a fashion thing which revolved around getting clothes and records lrom abroad. There weren't too many bands then or even in the early 8oies, probably less than a handful. and they never released anything. Putting material was secondary, the most thing was ihe fashion and hanging out in clubs, rather lhan wanting to having something to say. Somehow in 80ies, there.were some people who intluenced by English anarcho triedto something lormed an

turning up. There was a shop in

carried a bunch of punk â‚Źnd My brotherand l, who started

living in this



band got wâ‚Źek, really There were was the since the was mostly good. lt died

dd in e the

95 most of any gigs.

the shows people with

zlnes like MRR lirst fanzine and we

and or

thdsâ‚Źnd people and stayed with it, like

less lD. There were some other wanted to take a more commercial changing into an alternative rock type sound. PE.ln all this time, whercdid people get inlormation on what was happening in p in the rest of the world? Because ol the geographical isolation, it's not like you can out what's going in your neighboring So how were people able to follow what was body

them out. There Russian immigrants existed.

the army before. From very important

then, I'll be a punk!" When they get out atter 3 years ol zionist brainwashing, it's pretty clear that they won't be punks anymore. That's the main.problem for the scene here. You'll have of kids into punk, then they'llgo off to the army at 18, never to be seen again. you'll have a new u/ave and the same thing will happen, it's an endless cycle. So now the main thing we try to do is tp convince people.nol to go into the army" We didn,t really understand why people were not staying in the-,gcene. lt's so obvious that you.shouldn't go tothe army il you pretend to beanli-authoritarian, shouting Crass and Dead Kennedys lyrics. lt should be obvious.but a lot of people did. They continued listening to Crass while they were in the army. So now we try a different approach. We put out one issue of our zine totally devoted to why you shouldn't go into the army, advice on how to avoid it. practical inlor It made a big impact and changed a lot views. Many people were already 'ians through punk but not too many made the connection of being against army or religion. Making songs against the police is very nice because everybody hates them, but when it comes io things more close to home like refusing military service and denouncing judaism, many people got scared. But

that has changed now, a lot oI the younger

can explain how you leel

punks are now refusing the army. PE: You've been talking about propagating

day you are born, you're indoctrithe zionist way ol thinking. Every-

not going into the army, maybe you can explain howyou managed to stay outol it even lhough it's mandatory. J: Being a male in lsraeli society, the only way

has to go to the army for 3 years, so if theywon't go, they

doesn't really have too much o, a rock roll tradition ityou

The way I see it is that they

already have too many people in the army. A lot ol people who join have

know what I mean. F: lthink we managed

to work in the beauracrcy. Only a part ot the people do armed service, a lot oI

to shape it into something that is relevant

in lsrael.

people are just a part ol the military mechanlsm.

this band, we're only speaking about local issues. We're avoiding more international

They don't want people in

ihere that will cause trouble. You need to find a way forthemto have a reason to letyou go, they

problems because it

need to stick to some sort of army procedure

would be totally stupid lor us to try to get in-

volved in that when

where they see that you willnotfit into the army. lt doesn't have to be mental reasons, or even ideological: Sometimes it mighl not work. But I think most of the time, It you're going to be honest that you have

we've got some many

problems here thai need to be dealt with.

J: Most of our songs deal with lsraeli realities: against the settlers, against joining the army, the assassination of Rabin, the bombings in Lebanon. lt's funny, there's so much to

anarchist or anti-militarist beliels and if you communi-

cate thal you really know what you're talking about,

sing about here but we're the only ones to do it. F: We did a benefit show recently, to raise moneyfor a Pal-


don't think they willdratt you.

PE; You were already say-

ing how lsraeli society is dominated by Zionist and religious ideas. How do you think punk fils into this society. Did looking llke a punk have a serious shock value? J: ln the beginning it was. But now, with allthis

' .


Nekhei Naatza and

techno trance culture you have a lot ol people pierced, having dyed hair,etc. lt's all becomâ‚Ź meaningless. F: I think society can eventually absorb every ditferent dress style but it's much harder to absorb ideas. You can commodify all the superlicial aspects ol the culture, but they can never commodify the ideas. J: Well, I guess they can. People buy punk records because theythinkthey are getting the idoas for the price ol an Lp. Just because you know Crass lyrics by heart doesn't mean that you understood theml There usedto be allthese people back in the day, they could sing Bloody Revolutlons by Crass by heart and they were singing it with their uniforms on and their guns around their shoulders, lt's really weird, maybe they didn't know English. F: This is a true story and I think it could only have happened in lsrael: A lriend ol mino got beat up on the street one time by another punk because he didn'tknow allthe lyrics to Securicor by Crass. I'm not kidding! PE: l'm sure Crass would be proud to know ot such devoted fans! HaHa! F: Coming backto what I was saying, of course even crass can be

estinian lamily that had their house demolished by the lsraeli ra< army. lthinkto do something likethat is a really good way to join punk and politics to'


J: We made a llyer that was passed out to ev-

eryone at the showilhore were videos aboutl the situation. We tryto force people to dealwith the situation, you can:tebcape it. Werre nolonly trying to get peopelto become more aware, we also want lo inspire them into action, because if

we do something like that, anybody else can too.

tic culture is basically considered anti-zionist.

PE: Do you think that tor punk to take .ooi in a country il has to be based on middle class teâ‚Źn rebellion? Alot ol so-calledThird

So, I think punk has more relevance here than almost anywhere else in the world. lthinkthere's more work to do for the punk scene than al-

scenes in the 90ies and I think that might have to do lyith the emergence ol a middle

of the authoritarian manner of society. J:Anything that is not in tune with the militaris-

most anywhere else. lt's lunny for Swedish bands to be singing about war and religion. We actually live this nightmare, it's notjust a cliche. I guess il's relevant everywhere in the world because there's iniustice everywhere but lor most punks it's a really abstract thing, Anywhere else you can make a zine against the army and it probably won't have much offect. Here you'll have mainstream politicans talking about wanting to lynch us, that we should be interrogated

by the police, that we should be put on trial, that we should be put away because we're a


World countries have developed punk class in these countries, l don'l wanl to make a big dealabout iibecausethis class bullshit is iust silly. What l'm aiming at is that punk rock, in its essence, is a rebelllon of bored, dissatisiled teenagers and if you havedon't them, you won't have a punk scene. That's why it's probably impossible to have a punk

scene in Lebanon or Syrla, People hava oiher problems besides boredom there, Fi I don't think itwould be because of economic problems bui because of cultural. ln ditlerent

cultures, this type of music will be lotally


ol MTV and this whole process ol turning

sure that we're stepping on safe ground.

the whole world into a village, it is possible to bring a cerlain musicalstyle and thelash-

J: lt needs time also. When we did our zine againstthe army, somehow it reached the newspapers and got lrontpage coverage. We were asked to appear on TVTalkshows, pestered for interviews. But \,fle relussd because we knev,/ we would have to go into this battlelield alone and we wouldn't have had a chance. F: And it's easy tor them, too. They won't bo lighiing a long battle or anything. They'll dig up

ion that goes along with it to every single corner ol the woild. Nowadays, everybody sees lhe same proEam so that's why lhe MTV kids in Berkley lookexactly the same as lhe MTV kids in lsrael. So it's turning everything

inlo a bland mush. F: Yeah, I think ypu're right. ln the early 80ies there were punk scenes in places like Brazil or Finland and whatever and although they were doing similiar stutf you could disiinguish between the dit ferent national traits that the

some law nobody knows much about and charge us with sedition. Or they'lljust make up

to get bands lrom abroad to play here. F: Yes, I think we've reached a certain point in the development ot the DIY scene here. We've already had a band from Calilornia called Your Mother a few years ago. They jusl came over, paid for lheir tickets and played a few shows. Back then, there wasn't even a scene which could provide them with much. Only in the last

2 years, we've been doing DIY gigs more or less regularly. Now I thjnk

speak about a Brazilian punk sound or a Dutch

we're ready lo invite bands and be able to pay for their plane tickets. We'llbâ‚Ź trying this pretty soon with Code 13 when they come to Eu-

one. The influences were in some cases the same

rope. The idea is to get them a cheap flight lrom

but they all had their local touches. Now all the bands sound like Rancid or Green Day.

one ofthe major European

music had. You could

airports like Amsterdam, London, FranKurt or Paris.

They can play 2 shows here and we'll cover the

PE: You mentiond the

problems you can get

cost of lheir tickets. They stay here tor a few days

into when you advocate dissenting views in this

and then continue their

country. Apparently, Nekhei Naatza had

tour through Europe. We would also like to do this with other bands, not only from the US but lrom Eu-

some trouble with religious people. F: Yeah, it was this really weird story. There was . some sort of review oI the

Nekhei Naatza 7" in .

now all these young skinhead kids, really nationalist idiots. PE: You were telling me that you want to Ay


strange rabbinic newspaper,

rope. Unfortunately, we atford any bands lhat

have more than 4 members. But if anybody is interested, get in touch with


. lhey.had a whole tealure,on us. They were r.trying to show how the lsraeli youth are falling

prey to decadence and going down the drain. So this one rabbi wanted to sue us and he wanted to drag us through all these major TV talkshows. We got allthese phone calls to apear on TV but we refused bocause we didnl want to turn it into this whole media circus. We wouldnl have had any control. With the Anarchist Federation, the secret police tried to infiltrate the group but because it's such a small country everybody knows each olher, so these spies were sticking out like a sore thumb. When . thai didn't work, they tried other methods like harrasing us, calling us to the Headquarters for questioning. They didn't have anything against us legally, but they were trying lo scare us. Because we have really strong views, we really have to be intelligent about it. We have to reach the people we want to reach but make sure thlt our stulf doesn'tfallinto the wrong hands. lf we get sued or victimsed by the police here, there willbe no one to help us. There are no sympathotic liberals or the No Censorship Defense Fund to help us oul, We would just stand alone against the slate and,we really don't

one for us. us.

Orthey'lljusl have thepolice hassle

PE: Getting back to punk, maybe you can say a tew r,vords on what the current lsraeli scene is like. F: There are three ditferent types ol people in the scene here. There are people intothewhole Calilornia pop punkthing. Then you have people into the whole internatiohal DIY scene which is the people in this band and some others. lt's more political and also more into this raw, last type of hardcore. And the third faction are what we call the "mindless scene". lt's quite a lot of people and lhey're into Exploited and other old

English bands. Their whole scene revolves


around getting drunk and some of the stutl that goes on there is reatly bizarre. They have their own club which is actually just a disco, they don't have any live gigs anymore. They just play theso dodgy Oicompilations through the PA. The guy who owns the place is like the main guy in the scene, he has the club and he's the manager ol the only bigger band from this scene. He gives a discount to girls who come in mini skirts and

me. PE: What kind ol plans do you have

for your

own band in the tuture? F: Well, we have recorded some material and will be trying to get it onto vinyl as soon as possible. We're also planning to tour the US and Europe in Summer/Fall of'1999. lf you can help with arranging gigs, please get in touchl

Havlng dls(oyer€d the exbren(e ot the BiEell Anaxhbt FedeTatlon e lew years ago al the Anar(hy ln the UK meee ng ln l,on. don, I had set my hean on findlng out yhat ihey werc dolnE lhere days, UnbrtunEtely, I

leemed that they h8d rplh up. Neverthe.

pur War, that had a paper called "Freaky'. They called themselves the 'Black Front, and it was kinda aboul dope rebellion and this that was going on in the US with Considering how long ago it was quite advanced in their ideas.

le$, I thlnk thls llflle.known Eloup de. selYed some fuihei InvestlEa on so I ln.

the only voices against the had no connection to the they wore iust freaks. D:Butlhe current scene

telaleyed lonner membelr Davld and Ayl.

'nection with what lhese most all of the people

and environmental concerns )auynaye:4 con- ri,-m6nttl wdre,doittil. l{1. conceii ngw."werq influ- just get {o unite 1l they Faw ard other countriEs.i (ain plAl ,qll instilqd,.by over 2




in 87188, there was radical At lha ime, the people that fining themselves as

archists were

diflerent left groups that expressly anarchist. However. one pacilist

anarcho punks Youth. lt ol around 20

they were the

lntifada. l'm


PE: Why don't you start by saying something

about the history of anarchism in lsrael and then bringing it up to the lAF. D: You'v€ got to remember that there,s been an anarchist movement €ven belore the founding of tho State of lsrael. You had avery strong hardcore number of anarchists. l\,lost of them spoke yiddish, the language spoken by the East European Jews. For about 30 years, from 1967 they published a newspaper in Vddish and Hebrew All of them are dead now except for one. Then in the Toiesyou had here and lhere anarchist ideas connected with the hippies. A: There was a group in 67, during the yom Kip-

20-30 activists. We met every time we needed to meet, sometimes itwas once a month, somelimes We discussed things we wanted to out 2 or 3 papers, there was like a actjvity. We had ourown maniexplained what it was that we against McDonalds,


involved in the lAF. : For a while, there were tempts to organize a tion butth€y didn't work out. When it tina y together it was around the time of the cull During that time there was again an ot lsraeli punk and we started the IAF The i was to try and got the anarchist e into herentform. We organized police brutality, were involved in

and environmental campaigns. We had regular majlings. At one time, we had about 2OO people who joined the federation and there wero some articles in newspapers.

PE: What was the structure ot the organiza.

tion? D: At its height, there was a good hardcore of


part ol the anarchist moveof thangsr Benefits, The idea was to across. We tried around a ceF It lasted camabout an

we profood place how things

thought betime exit because thing

lrom acleft wing from bat organized of anarchist relation between I were dealing with as a group. McDonalds, it was the conneciromination, vegelarianism and actions, be ihey anti police

or meeting Palestinians in the always accompanied by one or publication that explained specifiperspective on these issues. were discussing the Paleslinian ad tEbring up the way we see Stale as anarchisls. anybody belore, groups w€re resistonly because they wanted a Workers State spanning the whole Mediterranean. D: The Palestinjan State is a very good example. It was impo(antto come out as an anarchjst group

on this. And what do anarchists do? They fight oppression, they fight state control. So the best

lLEm 1$ of l,l.y d€nto organlred by the undeEEund stud€nt l.{oyement" to abollrh lhe s(hool sy3renr. llost ol rhe partldpanb vele enar(hbB, IABovEt A demonstra$on ln supporl ol lhe ALF, Iet Ayly 1995.

is a lack of alternative thought. lrany peoPle who ioined were Probably not anarchists but were looking iorsome"

thing new or lvorth checking out. There is

a lack ol alternative culture in this country

which is suffocating eveMhing. PE: Speaking o, that,

as far as the terroitories are concerned, are mod_ erately left wing. For them, it would be thinkable to allow the lormation of a Palestinian State itthey

can get pro-religious concessions lrom lhe government in return. Legislation is much more important lor them than the late of the settlers. PE: l'm sure a lot ol anarchisls throughoutthe world would be inierested what approach anarchists in lsraelhave towards the Palestinian

question. D: The r,vay we've dealt with this in the IAF is lhat


has their own views. But I guess it's

for a so-

have diflerent opinions on what kind o, sucess wâ‚Ź had with it. For the mainstream what we were

doing was considered very, very strange so the media people thoughtthey could make some sort

lellinto that trap Butat the time, we felt that any news is good news As Iono as thev menlion vour name, it's good. pei rrom what I teird, there were articles in of sensationalism and we

newspapers and afler that quile a tew people goi in touch, A:There were 2 big cover storiss.The reason why it wasn't too hard to get that type of attention was

that we only had to be there to be noticed. lts not like the media attenlion was the result ol some sort of extreme conlrontation or a campaign lhat we were carrying out. lt was iusl considered a noveltv. I remember at the time we were very worri6d about this sort of media anenton. lt was accomoanied bv a lot of intemaldebates on whether it was worth it. We were very intluenced by the Situationists so we were endlessly arguing about how vour message will get diluted as soon as it comes into contact with any sort of mainstream imedia. Baak then, the way the media portrayed ' us seemed very sensationalist and distorted but in lookino back it isn'tlhat bad, itcould have been much wirse. lt was ditlerent from places like the US or Europe because itactually roached people that would never have had a difterent way ol hearina about it. Especially people who live oulside of Te] Aviv. The result was that there !!as quite a

strong resPonse.

AJa qroup, our main goal was to get out the messagd, butthe mainstream mediacan basically do twoihings. They can tum you into a terrodst or a stranoe hippie type.ltdoesn't matter whal you're aciuallv about. So we made it a condition for the inteM;ws thatthey printour Po Box in the articles' so we oot like 2 or 3 page advedisements in the oaoers-no matter how much our views were disioried. You also have to realize that in lsrael, there D:

anarchisis, in lsrael, tanatics populalion outside,


zioniai lslael,

want what


these ale people A: Basically staie as a meaning gion. The ol religious

Zionist based on they agree, military

cient thodox ber that the here 1gltr orthodox

aeno ar





lo supfrom a lsrael. Party

theyle wanted rement.

society or tached and Some of crime siah can you have mentary D: There

indle. lt 3ro was

/ed with

as hated ali6n

all the promises

paiiament, women of they're not voting legislation.

ties to

tot brâ‚Źedlns monkevt desllned ior Yirdsedlon (lt vas iosed downl) TABOVB A l-l'l(oonald'r denontttatlon ln Iel AvlY' 1997' 1997 tGfrtt enfrn"f dghts 3dM5tt belng ancated al a slrughterto$e ln lerusalen'


reget rid sam9 hom

For extn an



A)ltl'+.ffvffi?Y,f,,Iil SDNDCHEq( oR








IODAY! Become a member of the Nonh American A.L.F. Supporters Group and get caught up on all lhc action. rald updates. pnsoner news, tips and info from active A.L.F. cells, and much more! Write toda), for

more info: NA-A.L.F.S.G., Bor 69597, 58,15 Yonge St., Willowdatc, 0nt. Canada. M2M 4K3 <naalfsg(g)envirolink. org>


The Biblioteca Social Reconstruir women's cotlective Mujeres Libertariasl

he onty anarchist tibrary in Mexico is the Bibtioteca Sociat Reconstruir. This smatl, centratty located space is not onty a storehouse of informatjon, but atso orovides a focat point for anarchists to connect, share news and ideas, and cottabo-

hotd their meetings in the library the tibrary attows tocat anarchists to use their resources to put out a number of zines.

Toby: ...we do various pubtications here: Sin Dios, Pensares Y Sentires, Eskamatusa, Resistencia, Comix, Germen, Cocina Poputat among others. We tet [the peopte who do these zinesl use the com' pute! took for graPhics, etc. When asked about their funding, Toby


The library is staffed bY Martha and Toby, two of the most dedicated and generous individuats l'Ye eYer met, Theyrunthe tibrary and travet to the surrounding states hetping various anarchist grouPs organize more effectivety and sharing informationatt for the meager satary of S12 a week' ln Jutv of 1997 I interviewed them about tf," tiUru.y and the quotes that fottow

are excerpted from that interview I tried to tet them tetl their own story as much as possible, atthough the transtation is mine. -Sin Toby: lthe .tibrary] was tt1rl"9.bY




iHlTi:ii:i:,[ il:r:",:',f"ilh ptace I open to the gen' I more formal. A erat pubtic. whereas before it had been I less organized and mem- | bers of our circte of friends and acquain' tances.

isn't worth shit, bosses aren't worth shit.' He's very wetI read, very vocat. He's pretty much retired but he stil[ ptays and teaches the kids how to ptay their instruments. We're going to pubtish a biography of him, because of alt the interest in his [ife, after we pubtish the biograPhy of Evaristo Conteras. He was the secretary general of the Federacion Anarchista de Mexico (EA.M.). Both of these biographies are due out mid-'99. Martha and Toby are contacted by more



BaxulttN vff;:,';p:";;ii"ii I| "-"rvrrv

War anarchist who had been exited by Franco. He was getting otd and sick and wanted to teave somethins to thewortd.

Toby: And imagine, there's a group of anarchist mariachis, They're in their second generation jn Sonora. They put anarchist ideas and themes in their songs... Max sanchez [the otdest mariachi], every May first he hotds anarchist discussions. He speaks against caPitatism, against the goY" ernment, against the church, against Po' tice. He's this otd man, the potice can't shut him up. He says, 'tisten, capitatism

responded, "The government offered us money, but we didn't accePt it. Mestre had a certain amount of inftuence in the gov-




Ul I .#T';1;';,-;"":J,"il;;;:;;i;i;,. -T.- ^e!O"^.od I |

Martha said, "They've read Bakunin and


Kropotkin. They're very wett informed.


RECLUS. I Brr th"y-rr"_tl"

**'** I1.,, ,^^*UEUlj J ""' ' f





yord 3r,:gu:!ig1.ll

ff'";'1li;i"l,liiilit:1qg# with the four syndicates, and working variouicooperatives in cautta. Puebta, Cuernau".a, a *omen's circle, and other

and to all. diffe::1,^d]f^: II O.oi".tt, R!; c uN s.t I events, toshow il;;,;'*;l;,;"tinss, -'.t: Col.Centro. Uol.Lentru. 45. DesPacho.206 DesPacho.ZUO workwithchitdiscussi;s, discussions, hive have movies, lMgrelos lMorelos I

II sent by the

Martha: Materials were old Spanish exites from attoverMexico, lfa: tiberfad @nalintemet rurunx dren, but we're onty a few... lf you're we Bv 1990 tibrary donations for the Lunesa Sdbado de 10:00a 14:00 hrS not there constantty they toose faith. were beginning to open, butontyforon" And there's onty two of us, we can onty F S0gO_ C.P.06002. MCfieO-l or two days a week. ln'94webeganto ourselves to devote ernment, but atter n. or"d, a t,.ti", ur.iued 'o ,TunL:!i1?-::-t-o open daity.





I l

::ll5;Xl,t-;:fl:1"?,1".:11t: i:#i?"ff"j',:t'i',: !il;iiT,,li:ilT#; i:i,',1',1f''i,,i'i:',r"HT'1"."#!i::*: *iSji"f:;:i:,n"*.;i*"4';:'.:""1 ;,:f:::,i["J,1'"'fl',",:T:#:i:".ff: i' *ouiJuu ugirn" *' "" gill'"]'oll"",il1i;.", Reconstruir is an i:fi;#f ix;:l:iil:"i1"J"#IJ:[H :'11'T'-:;;;;: o' roby: rin addition to about 2ooo


tittes, inctuding periodicats f rom the



ish Civit war.


,n"rn to comment on the

incredibte resource run by incredible peoPLe.

Martha:Wehaveabout'l50consutta-,litttoTTY:jY:."nalarinaresponded'TheyaskthatPeoptewhoPUtoutzinessend tions luiiitsl each month.

or*, Bl'#'il"


young peoPte. roby said that the main c-"{ brary right now is "to surYive. " The tibrary has been funded entirely on Mestret-pen- 1,""'. sion, but Mestre died in February of '97 and


!: *li:Xil'i'i:.1lifff#T1",}::i ffil;;';;"," :'.'il1i"li ,"r" i"f"iru-

*",'r.l-["-ii: tno"n. W"

ffi; ;"";;;;i;,iiiiii

let to

1,u"" "tro U"""


l[""i'::?,*Xliii::;::i3:'+'"J,flfl2 -


setts books of theoreticat

bers, and are organized atong anarchist

:::ffi[",X]^:il::1"']:',:ni"",',ffitii: fi;:i'::ii;;";"i::,'iff'i5"',"':'":: JlfI

peopte who can hetp in any higt ty contact them. To send money down, way to "n.orrage get a postat money order for Mexico, put it


write on the monev order that it's ror the ;;:;tifir5t; ::n$::Ti':1f;ffi:llll::':"ifl?:: ';;;;;';"'"tiYes ";" bibLioteca Atso' if you read spanish' send mem rObO some tfrat-nave in Cu"r,nuuut" worx oy aiffi|] of different anarchists. Locat anarchist groups [such as


ciPtes' are openty



List of books' pamphtets and fanzines they distribute'

for a

.h Zine

locus ol lhe zine indirecity desprtelhe languag6 barner

'OualiB/, one knows .t when they se6 it. fonte nrm and gei a copy. lt willopen upawhote newwo,Jd. To quote him dkectly, "Read, Think,Argument,Activo! cel an touch soon!" (A. Noise)

ttevL e!vs

RemembeL since thia is the tast i$ue ol pE, don't expect a review ityou send in yout zine aftet this date! However, the members ol the Protane Existence Collective will rcmain ac-

tively involved in the local punk counterculture and anarchist movements, Any lurther

reading materials senl to us will be made available in the lnsurrecreation Center lnlo-Shop,s reading libruty, when it rc-opens in the epringWe would apprcciate your consideration in keeping PE on you maiting list for lutute edi-

tions . Thanks!



issue # Price / Size / * of pages / language

Price: This is the postag€ paid prjce ,or a copy through lh€ mait to add-ress€s tn the U.S. when tisted. lt untisted, w6 made our b'esl guess or simpty wrol€

"?'. Whito many

zines are very cheap ortree, poslage isn,lso w€ recom. m€nd sendtng al least a dollar lor thos6 ,ines lisled "donation'lor lhe price, Size: This is the physicat si2€ ol the pubticatjon in the following codes: S: "Standard" or'A4'being roughty 81/2" x 1i, HS: "Hall Standarc" or "A5'being roughty 5 t/2-)( g t/2' T. 'Tablord'or'A3- oeing roughly i1. x 17", genera[y on newspdnl paper HL: "Hall Legat' being rou ghly 7" xA 1,2" . Language: Listed only ifotherthan Engtish.

AIDS pamphlet $2/ HS / 48 pages Thispamphlel contains a convincing argument that pojnts lhe linger at the US Department of Detense forlhe creation oltheAlDS virus, aswel aspossible connectonto olher killer viruses such as Ebola and the Marbu rg Virus, Debunked within are theo ginalU.S. cov€mments palenrly racist ctaims of anAtrican odgin forth6AlDS vi;us and lhe so.callec, Green Monkey theory As well, a subslanlial body ol evidence is galhered tinkrnq research of designerviruses for 1,.S. biotogicat weapons in th€ t 97O.s wilh olrcialideotogjcat learol a "poputation bomb"supposedly rmpending in the Third Wortd. lt reports that wiih a decade ot such fundingth€Ads virus explodedacross Akica and Soulh Amorica, wilh evid€nce pointing to a

World Health Organizalion smalt pox inoculation carhpaign as the cause. tnlh€ United States, theAIDS virus lksl look hold in lhe Gay community, whero it has been directly linked to a govomment.sponsorsd Hepatitis B research on sexua lly acllve Gaymales in New york, San Francisco, and Los Angeles-where theAlDS vrrus was Iirst reported in the U.S. Slill skeplicaj? Then pick up lhis w€ll-documenled pamphlet. compited fiom dozens o, n€wspaper articles. research reports, and books on lh€ subject ol AtDS. biotogicat weapons res€arch. and use ol germ warlare agarnst enemias of the u.s. Government by coved mititary and inte igence operalions. This pamphlet wi open your oyes and teavo you ljled wilh a c,eep sense ofangera h; t6vetol cruetly humanily can inflict on its own kind. (Dan) Awaken lnduslries / 600 Mrmosa Ave / Tflusvi e. FL 32796

Anercho lcon Vol.3 zine Once again, a rantastic Dxlxyx zjne from one or lhe most sinco.s, dedicated pLrnks jn Japan. lncrsdible layout as

always. The person behind this zin6 is a great

Japanlmation a.tist as welt, and he is able to combins lhe interesting wortd ot animaton with hjs political vi6ws; i.e, one ol hls punk Japanimallon characterc standingon a group of Japanese politicians. As belore, this issre is enlirely jn Japanese, so lcan,t road a wod. This is one ol those inslancos where you can teellhe intentionsand

FlT. Label, AsahiPlaza Um€da 1212,4-1i Tsuruno-cyo, Kita-Ku, 530 Osaka, JaparvEarth.


AntiIa Forum

$4/S/44pages The third edition ollhis magazine which advocales building a miljtanl anlilascist movement in North Arnedca. This issue,ocuses on the lheorelicalbackground behind {ascism and il's longttme param titrry coltaboraton with the stale and lhe capnatist etile. Th;re is also a tongthy ar, ticle on lhe roois of the fascist movemenl in Canadi as well as racisl elements ol the Ouebec pro,independence movement. There is also a lounding statement forthe new lntemationat tllililanl Anti-Fascist N6twork. tf you have a computer handy, check oul the Anti-Fascist Forum web site {http:/ lor the lowdown on militant antilascist organizng. (Dan) PO. Box 6326, Station A / To,onlo, Ontaio I\,SW lp7 / Canada

Anti-Flrr New6

A pro,essionatty-produced magaz:ne pul out bvthe Campaign toAbotish the FurTrade in tne UK. Whrie lhe main

concem olthis magazine lsto€xpose animal cruelty and ultimalely shut down the B,ft,sh lur tade as quicily as possible, th€y also have a broadergoato, animal laberation worldwide and supportother direcl-action campaigns s0ch as the Anamal Lib€ration Front. White mosty-focused on the fur industry and CAFTaclivlties, it atso has

a host ot olh€r contacts for animal liberalion organpalions across the UK. (Dan) CAFT/ PO. Box 38 / Manchester M6O iNx/ Engtand

Antipathy *2 $1 + 2 x 32C stamps / HS / 100 pagos l'm a blt behind on my reviews, so I sincer€ty hope this rin6 is still avarlabt€, because it is so we[ ;one that I ,ecommend everyone send oll for a copy todayl Anlipathy is, in myopinion, one ol the b6st ctone ltnes lo come orit of ths ararcho.punk scene, wilh a rea y personat, gul-level, brutatty honest writ,ng styte. A great deat of space in thrs zine is laken up by artctes tackting tough

personal-potitical issues wlthin and without tha pu;k scene and aclivist circles. These incluc,e a rath€r trluni aiicl€ addressing homophobia in th6 scene, as we as olhers covsdng such toptcsas Northern {white) privitege. and lhe mindless macho bultshit within lhe anti-racist

movement. There are also reports rrcm Eafth First! actions in the Northwest, a lravel diaay ol sons kom Costa Bica as wellas some anarcho-punk romanticismson lrainhopplng hoboes and ocean-going pkates o, th€ coloniat age. Ol course, wiih a 1OO pagos, th6re,s tons more ro lhis zine than my bd6l sampling can cover here. Just tuckln' get a copy today! {Dan) lrike Anlipathy/ po. Box 11703 / Eugene, oR 97440 Brand 3/98 ? /S / 32 pages/ Swedish A famous Swedish anarchist magazine which is now celebra ng it's lofin annjversary.. 1 OO year annivelsa that ry

is! This magazine is so beaulituly producec, that I wish

they would do a tutt Engtish transtations ,nstead ot the photocopled list ol artictes that came wifi our copy. lnside a16 severaladicl€s relaling tocampaigns andactivism ol Swedish anarchist, bul lhero is also coverage ot news and radicalactton |rom across Europe as welland an anble on feminism in no(hem Ahica wilh the Awtad Aliss tribe. (Dan) Box 15015 / 104 65 Stockhotm / Sweden

Briels #8 HS

9d Pietro St/ Morgantown, WV/ 26505

Bellet Put lnto Actioh HS/ 24 pag€s Apersonat pu'lk zin€ with the main writing being an auloblog raphical account ol physical abuses suffered by lhe wriler du ng chitdhood. I is written in such a way as io be both personally healing forthe author, but also as an attempt lo reach out and hejp those sufteing, or havo sultered from, similar abusive Iamity and school situalions. There are also some other shon observational writings on punk and personalpolitjcal as wejl as some live band photos. (Dan) 3639 NE 78th / Porfland, OFt 97213 $1 /

Blrning Sensatlon fz / HS / 16 paoes


This is a pretty good litile zine. There is slulf on Eadh Firsl, b6ing vegan, and some zjne reviews. Thas pretty small so there is not fiuch more than that, but stil a; interesting read. (duke) Rich A. Lowis / PO Box 8214 / Rockford,


Calbusters #3



$l ortrade/

Chiapas, reviews, and a lew more articles. This is a thoughlful zine and I hope io seo more oi it. (duke)

/24 pages

This is prettycool. There an odrtoriaton why the straight

edgs philosoohy might not appty to every;ne. A snart rundown ol lhe generat into behnd what\ going on in

$5 ($17.50 for 1 year sub) / S/32 pages A raucous magazine devoted towa rds lhe very nobte goal ol a wortd withor,t cars. There are arlicl€ion the tmpending o,tcrisis, the GtobatStreel partylo RecJaim the Streels and tps tor taking anti-car rnitiat;ves on a local level, as wellas a roundup of anlicarand relatod social and environmental issues lrom around lhewodd. While lhis is along the samg lines as their Amedcan counl€rpa ns Aulo.Free Times, thts zine do€s a potenlra y bener loo in oulreach by ke€ping it simpte, humorous, and !o the point, but lacks in the deeper analysis department. Most of the cont€nts are in Enghsn (but not exctusivety)

and lhere are usually short explanations lor mosl rn French, cerman, Spanish, Russian, and Esperanto,

(Dan) 44 rue Burdeau / 69001 Lyon / F6nce

counter;uhure #2 Donation /T/8 pagss The newspaper pubtished by the Crasshote Co ective rntended lo be Ihe volce and neMoftlng tool{or the intenationalAnarcho Punk Federation (ApF). tncJuded ar6 repons and inlormalioo on anaachisl and anarcho-punk

galherings, as welt


s from various rejaled orgaqizai;ons

around the world. atong with a large seclion ol protest reporls. There are aiso articlss on th€ ideology ol punk as an as wellas Bussian anaachism o, the lglh century Mainlylilled with news and contacts, this woutd begreati improved wiih more anicles on self-organization ancl cre, alive acljvism for lhose intor€sted in making an jntemalional Atarcho Punk Federalion more than iusl a tist o, addresses. cet lhts paperend gel invotved now! (Dan) PO. Box 65 1 / Battimorc,MD 21205

Counterculture #3

Donaiion/T/Spages Anolher issue of theAnarcho punk Federation resource magazine produced by the Crasshole Co ective. Aswith the pr€vioustwo issues,lher€ are regionalaction tepons ofanarchistand anarcho-punk activi es kom around lhe world as wellas numerous listings o,locatApF chapters and aflillated collectives, oands, organizations, and tndi-

viduals. Thore is also a conlinuation ol lho lhree-pa( se.ies on Russian Anarchism as wellas some views on anarchism and revolutionary violence. Whilethis news.

Daper is lhe main vorc€ ol the growing international Anarcho-Punk Federation, it is sti produced sotety by the Crasshoie Cottective, negating lhe rut€,trom-the.boitom d€mocratic slrength of ths lederalion struclure. Sadly the only organization the ApF has been able to muster up unlil now is a ljst ol address, with no other concrete platform, lederalion chaner, ororganizalional structure. Hoperully this wittbe amend€d at the tilst ApF gathering lo lake place in Ba[.more €ady next year. {Dan) PO. Box 65341 / Battimore. MD 212oq

Zlnes Zines Zines Zines Zines

\,vell-done inlerviewswhich includelhe likes

KT6 5EW / U.K.

Records. On the other hand, il was sad to see a huge chunK ol lhe ad space taken uo by larger Ameican hardcore labels, wilh manyUK labels conspicuously miss_ inq. ll s basically a free z;ne in lh€ UK, bul slill a tolal ba.qain tor $2 postage to lhe US. l'm giving lhis a "two lhuirbs ,:p- rating in hopes they send me a kee sub_ scription! Haha! (Dan) P.O. Box 623 / Cardifi CF3 9ZAlWales / Groat Britain

Live Wild Or Dle #7

olCres,Area Eflecl, Urko, Maximum Rock'N'Roll and Subjugation

Deviance *4 / Fight fo.Your Mind *3 split zine

$3?/S/46Pages/French Two ounk as luc( /i'es lrom France leam up lor thls

heaw dose ol polit,cs ard DtY punk aritude. Tne Devi_ l.t"rr'"*t tuilh the Frerch puruhardcor€ haa "n"" Kochise, Primilive Bunk and Phase Terrninale as bands";d" well as Kroniks zine and lhe radical egocologists Auto' Defense Nalu.a',sle F'ghl lor YouI Mind has a more in_ temalional cross-section contenlwise, with inteNiews with Oeriance, Cress, and Coprolilia aswellas arlicles on Mob

4Tandths 2nd pa11ol lheirBlackFlag history Eothzines are also chock iull ol contacts, reviows and other inloF mation. The layoutsare all construcled the trjed and ttue cul and pasle rneihod, so wearyoul reading glasses when


Genetic Disorder *15 $2 / HL/ 64 pages Takino a breah ,rom the Iegular content, Genetic Disor_

inspect,ng he conlents wilhin. Of course. a grasp ollh€ French languaqe probably helps tool (Dan) Deviance cro Stephane SERBIEB /60Avenue du 8l\'4ai 1945 / 88700 Bamborville6 / France or Fight for Your Mincl do Lokara / Chemin de la Vernue/ 03800 Mazener

Direct Action Agalnsl APathY *4 el.30 / HS / 56 Pages

This zine is am Dackod and e)dremely Inlormativ€' From oueer space, lo slreet pa es. shag ins lo lood co_ops' Crjtical [,lass and other evenls to articles centering on various lssu es of polilics ...alongwilh punkrockzine and record rcviews. This isgreatlPunk rock, polilics, culture, and communitv, rolled into one! Essential! (dLrke) c./o Green Aci;n OUBSU / Universily Rd/ Bellast BT7l

N.l@land Dischacha $3/A4l48 pages/Czech This is a maasive zine wilh tons ol inlerviews including

Sellish. Sanktus luda, Mnvd Budoucnost, Dislortion

Records. Censensus Reality Records, Cross€d Oul(musl be old?l), ancl a load more. Lots ol pictures and big lay_ outs with lols of gaphics'that's about all lcan enioybe_ cause I cant read Czechl A good zine in the spirit of anacho-crustPUnk. {Jon) '179l Kladno 7/ 273 0g/ czech Re_ R. Stdbrny/ Palackeho


rakes on a hrlarious de_along jou rnal ol the Kiil Zinesler tour pill together by Datuy ol Ben is Dead ear' l'er lnis veat We oot invhed lo have a labl€ on ihe Min_ neapol; bq ol lhis /in€ convention on wheels, bul de_ give clcled our prrticipation was pointless because we iust lnis awav lortee in Minneapolis area (or al loast we did al lhe time). Anyway, while not codarning late_breaking inlormation on lhe lalestALF actions or deoply lhought oul anti-slate manilestos, li was a grcal lhree ho!rdiver_ sion lrom mv normal routinel lts lighl reading. bul like lite bee( il s:till qels the iob done rn the end: (Dan) der

PO. Box '15237 / San Diego, CA 92175 Heart Atlack *19 $1.5O/ S/ 72 pages

Soawned as anolher bastard child ol Maximum Rocrn rolls severe malaise ol the mid_go's. Hean Al'

tack has taken over as a leading voice ol ihe DIY punk and hardcote movemenl As wilh it's progenilor, Hea( Atlack is mostlyiilled with ads and reviews, with a small amounl ol space dedicated lo l€tters and columns, al_ rhouohthere is alsoan inle i6w wilh the band Converge rhis iime around. Even based on sucn a trred lormula, lhev spice it up wilh lots ol inleresling glaphics and live band photos and teep a more consistenl polilically ac_ tive perspeclive which is moslly lost in the other maior

zines. (Dan) PO. Box 848 / Golela, cA 93116


lnterbang *7

Factsheet Five #64



haveol opene; a clpy ol FF lor a long me now_flaybe because we alreacty receNe hundreds ot ziles each month and the idea lhat there's ev6n more out lhere is too scary to comprehendl ll you are noi tamiliar with FF, it is verythick magazine dedicaled lo coverage oi mainly oflanzines, but also of smallpress in general, wilh cov_ erao€ ranotno lrom lhe mundane to lhe lrulv blzsrro ll heie's ttrrie-peopte inreresl€d in a subject lhen the16s orobablv a zi4e aboul and sur€ly you'll llnd il lisled in ;ere! lao tale issue with theirobsession torpdnling my tull name in their reviews, which is not only completely l

unnecessary, but lolallY bad lor security. (Dan) Factsheet Five / PO Box 17099 / San Francisco GA 94117

Fight for Your Mind #2 $3? / HS /42 Pages / French A 'OlY PUNK AS FUCK zlNE" Irom France made up mosllv ol inleruiews wilh the likes ol Spazz, Blanl.s 77' Stat6 ot Fea'ard Ine Prolane Exislence Collectlve. Thls

a nicle about M umia Abu'Jamal and Black Flag {the band), revierls, and DIY punk conlacts ior France' ihis also comes w'lh a'ree condom which shows they care aboul ourwell_beingl (Dan) c./o fokara / Chemin de la Vernue / 03800 Mazsier / France

is also an

Fraclure #4


A relatively new etlort irom the U.K. making a lair



bmDt at a Drovdtng nalronwde cove'age o'll'e scene ove;thele, whh a newspdnl construclron aFd compuler lavouts. il follows lhe likes ol MBR, Punk Planel' and H;ad Attack in bolh presentatior and {ormali 'evrews, letters, columns and interuiews. One ol the mosl oul' slancling positive aspects arelhe extremelylhorough and

An inspiing, pro_activist orionlaled hardcore zine whlch spenda as mlrch space on aclions reports and polilical analvsis as il does on lhe hardcore scene, ol which cov_ erao; is conslructively sell_crilical as well lnside there i< a-rather laroe s€cton tllled 'Gel lnvolvod" whichdocu'


anlLr;ist and anti'statist activities and demon'

slrations, as wellas a n€ws section which conlains citi' cal analvsis ol current world evenls such as recent U S' interveni,ons rn lraq. Yet another plus lor t\is publication are lhe manv wsll_wntten anicl€s on subjecls lik€ non_ tnonoaamy, ;omophobiarin lhe puntdhardcore scene,

veqanism, an "Ant"Hardline Msnllosto," and a ralhel detailed inlormational arliclo on MumiaAbu'Jamal. There poels callod is alsoan interuiew with radical Blac* aclivists lhe Uban Guerilla Poels and also the punk band J Chruch. To round it all out, there are also letlors and reviews sections. Although nol as polishedand clean as many or lhe bigger zines loday,lhe she€r volume ot radi cali;brmallon and dqhleoLls thoughls are sure lo make up lor any lost poinls in the presentation area (Dan) lntebang / PO. Box 671 / Ravenna, OH 44266

lnterpolTimes #13


A Eurooean hardcore zine made up moslly ol inlerviews with th; likes ol Mr T Experience FYP Visual Discrimi' nation, Keilh McHenry oI Food NolBombsand a particu' larlyanusinq exchange wilh Motorhoad. This is ihe "Girls Ao;insl Bovs" issue which mainly manilosls ils€lf wlth q;nder-relaied subiedslaking uplhe majority ol lhe opini;n columns. There is also a Gomonha tourdiaryas well

When you try to readlhis papet you get tho impresslon, kom lhe layout, oi a huge collage ol things Class war politics type gralicsjumbred m wilh clippings lrom news'

oaoers and some small rypewritlen aftcles covering a w;e variely ol issues. Allol this mighl take a little eflon to sort through, but it's more than wo(h it. There's a lol said in here. Some things really make yoLr siop, think and take notice. And hoy.. you'vo got to love lhe name! (duke)

LwoD / Po Box 481 /Tucson, Az/85702 Men Profeminlst newsletter #2/3

?/S/12pages A newslelt€r producod by tho European Pro_Feminisl Men's Network. devoted 10 the idealof bullding a men's movementwhich is in suppon ofleminist womon's orga' nEino and as aboltshtno abuslvo and violenl masculine lsnd;nci€s. ln this issue areanicles onviolenc€ against womon and domesticabuse, ideason setting upagroup of pro{eminist men and other retated infomaiion This is a very small newslettet but lhey do have a CD_ROI\/I availab6 which has much greator depth ol writings and lhoughts on men and projeminist ideas. There is also a Frenah-hnguage vercion of lhis newsletter availabl€, but I clo not know aboul the CD_BOM. (Dan) Europedn Proleminsl [,len's N6twork c/o Les Traboules / 12, Rue Agathoise / 31000 Toulouse / France htlp://www.menprof eminsit-org

Organlsel For Revolutlonary Anatchism #49


The qua neiy magazine ol lhe Anarcho-Communist F€d' eration with uselul inlormation on the lederalions activl' lies, As well, there are th€ regular news and analysis sections and this issues has speciall€atures on mental '1968, illness and social control, the Paris revoll of May myih and ths Disease, polilics Mad Cow tho behind lhe ol "ivita' Peron. While the heavy emphasis on class Dolitics my be a foreign idea lo mosl middle class anar chisbin l\io(hAmerica, there is somehing lobelearn€d frorn organization and politics of th€ ACE as well as pro_ vidino tsolidlv anli-authoritaian perspeclive (Dan) AGF-ar'o 84b whilechapel High Sl. / London E1 7OX / England

out the Void #? (SEEAD!!!10 SEEAD/ S/ lSPages/JaPanese A beaulifully-produced anarcho-punk zins lrom Japan \rrhich makes greal pains to infuse the ideals ol real an-

archisl resistance inlo a scene thal knows punk malnly as a lashion statement. While this is enlirely in Japa' nese, most ol the conlents are plainly discemibl€ by lhe accompanying glaphics. lnside are intoNiews Mth lhe Prcfano Existence Colleclive (lranslat€d lrom Aversion #3). SothiE from Crucilix (ttanslaled lrom B€yond the walls ol lniustice r7). and some anarchislslrom Turkey. There


a anarihist_punk scene

repo(lrom Poland

as well as anarchist action repofls irom across Japan rwilh oreat ohotos:) and around lhe wotld Therg are itso riviewi ol varlous ana.cho-punk musrc releases, with a very cool 'STAY DIY OR FUCK OFF!' attitude' IDan) c./o Engraved Music / PO. Box 28 / Izumisano. Osaka 598-8691 / Japan

Plerso Don't Feed The Bears #1

& 2

$2 / HS / 56 & 72 pages

as tons ol reviews and live pholos ol various hardcole bands- However, the parl olthis zine lhal inter€sted mo

These lwo cook zines are like the new Soi Not Oi's. Betore we decided lo end Prolane Existenc€, we wanled to orint and dislnbulelhese Th€re are 70 recipes in#1 and 'b0 in +2. There are a wide vanely ol interesling dishes in here, too many to even try and pickoul only a lew lavor' ites to mention. Also, like Soy Not Oi, lhere are artlcles aboutbeing vegan. I m so gladlhat alter allollhose yeals

the most was thek coverage ol countedng tascist infiltration Into the punk and hardcore scen€ (Oan) DPM / Aul Dem Stelansberg 58 / 53340 Meckenheim / Germaiy (or) EA/ 2 Church Meadow/ Surbiton, Surrey /

orounclbreaking idea ol a polilical cookzine lor lh€ ;ngoimet, limiled budget averags punk. These aro es' senlial. (duke)

Zines Zines Zines Zines Zlnes

there is someone who has expanded on lhe

Revolt #4 $1/HS/20 pages This small anarchist/revolutionary news publicaiion has lots of goodarlicles including naturcl childbirth, anti-Nazi actions, polilical pnsoner info, Spanish Revoluiion, Free Radio Berkeley, and more. Agoodsource of inlomalion with a strong anlicapilalism, anli-prison stance. (Jon) Chad C./ PO. Box 5144/ San Luis Obispo, CA 93403.

F'lyeh Rlsing


? / HS / 20 pages A music zine with the graphic look of a Discharge or De,jance lyric sheet*alltyped out capiialleflers or slencils

on a black background. lntervlew questions are put to Christdriver, Unholy Gaave, and Carcass, and lhere is also a gr€atdealol space devoled to H.P Lovecraftand a call lo boycott Garden Burgors. Delinitelya produclion oi someone with ecleclic views and interests. (Dan) PO. Box 40113 / Portland, OR 97240-0113

Romp *17 $4/A4/80 pagevswiss-German Anotherfine looking issue of Rompcovering newsorthe polilical/ squaU punld underground scenes in Swilzerland and inlernalional. Tons of addressos and news a icles here, wilh good graphics and layouls. There's also an

interview w:lh Servilude, columns and olher arlicles. Thero's so much crammed inlo this 2lne and like lo give it a more thorough review, but I can'l read German! lt's lrustrating. But il you do, I highly recommend checking oul Romp! (Jon) Romp/ PO. 8ox 6347/ 6000 Luzern 6/ Switzodand.

Room 101 #5 Donation / HS / 32 pagos A zine put out by a young anarcho-punk who has been travolling arcund across the country with his parents for tho pasl yearorso. lnside are reports detajling the cool, underground plac6 to go in lhe towns he has visiled, as wellas an inlroductory arlicles on anarchism, animalliberation aclivism, andCrass, Aswell, thereare exiensive reviews ol radicalbooks and some punk music as well, The sirongest points are the keen personal obseNations and honesiy in lhe wriling ihroughout. As faras I know, Geoffrey is stillon the roadi so il you orderthis zine, then you may even gel il personally deliveredl (Dan) Geotlrey l\rcNamara / RFD f2, Box 172 / Peterborough, NH 03458

Room 101 ir6 Donation / HS / 32 pages The n€xt installmenl into which this lime Geofl includss some inlerviews, these being wilh Jason, who is an l.W.W ectivist, I\richeile who sings (sang) ,or Whorehouse or Bopresenlatives, Th6re is also a fianifesto{rom Fre6 Radio Gainesville, a radicalpirate radio station tn Ftodda, as well as arlicles on Emma Goldman, and lhe Kronsladl rcbellion. There is also inlormation about th6 Animal Liberation Front, theABC No Rio artisls'space jn NYC, and a small listing of infoshops and radical book sioros. As wlth the previous issuo, the[e is also a summary of tecentlravels, as wellas some reviews ol relevant books. (Dan) Geoflrey lrcNamara/ RFD #2, Box 172 / Pelerborough, NH 03458

Room 101 #7 $1.50 / HS / 36 pages And ofcourse hero isthe most recent edilionotlhis zine which iust gets progressively better with leaps and bounds-and not just becaus€ there'6 a pictu re of ms on the cove Like previous issues, jt has a rsatty peGonal and enthusiastic leoling, and a relrgshing change from dry polilics and angry cynicism. This issues has inlerviews wlh Steve lgnorant ol the Strat,ord Mercenad€s (oh yaah, and Crass toq) and the Profane Existence Collective (explains's my ass on th€ cove4 as wetl as articles on lhe destructive nature ofcapitalism, an intro" duction lo anarchaJeminism, some thoughts on revolution and violence, how to swilch lo a vegan diet, and a reprint of th6 collectives anicb lrorn PE #16. tl that isn't enough, there is also a section ol quotes lrom various

activistsand book, zine and music reviews. (Dan) Geotfrey McNamara / RFD #2, Box 172 / Peteboough, NH 034s8 Slave #2

$2/S/96pages r

A atherlhick and imags-heaw hardcore music zine with a strong radical-lellists, pro-straightBdge (not ol the re-

actionary persuasion) polilical slance. lncluded are inlerviews with he bands Boy Sets Fire, New Day Rising and Reversalof llran, plus George Jackson ol BlackAutonomy lntgmationalas wellas several well-writien fealure arlicles lrom vafious groups and individuals within

lhoscene,takingonsomeratherloughpersonalandpoliticallopics. Thenthere arethe r6viows, a wholetone ot them, wilh a massive books revi€w section right laking Lrp the,irst dozen orso pages. ltisobviousthoyspenta lot ol time and elfod pulting lhis logelhar, because it's nol only meliculously written and edlted, but lhe layouts and gaphic design are proressional qualily. Whil6 I'm not too fond ot mosl ollhe music they cover (which is an irrelevanl matterot tast6), lstill have to applaud lhe serious otfods involved here. (Dan) PO. Box 10093 / Oreensboro, NC 27404 Slug & Lotluce #56 donation / T/ 16 pages Tho long-running DIY punk nollvorking and resourcezin€ is back again wilh another consislently well-constructed issue, Parusual, th6bulkollhe contenlsare mad6 upof DIY punk music and zine reviews as well as an enormous classilied ads seciion, lhere are also some really well-wdtlen columns, ZeroContenl comic, and live band pholos. Always worth chechng oul and a perfecl lor lhose who wish to make conneclions wilhin the DIY punk underground- (Dan) PO. Box 26632 / Richmond, VA 23261-6632

Turnlng lhe Tide Vol.



T/ 20 pages A deeply analytical and wellrosearched ioumat ol anliracism and anti-colonialism produced by People Againsl Racist Tefior (PART). ln this issue are new artictes on the recenl slayings of lwo antiracisls skinhoads in Las Vegas and th6 police torlure ol environmenlal aclivisls protecling lho old groMh Redwoods in No(hem CalifoF nia. Also included are ihe wellwritten lheoretical articles which help develop a consislBnt icleological core of beli€ls and lactic which are necessaryto building an €ilective and educaled anti-racisthovement. To lhis end there are sovoral lealure arlicles on capitalisn and colonialism, resisting lhe anti-tribal campaign, demititadzing and democratizing thepolice, theaboljtion olpdsons, women's liberation, the mllilia movemenl, and more. There isalso a nationallisting ol localAnli-Racasl Action contact groups and oiher inlormation uselul to anti'racist, antitascisl and antipolics brutality activists. A recommended education. (Dan) PART/ PO. Box 10555 /CulverCity, CA 90232 $3 /

Urban Arms #2

$2/S/28pages This is a gr€at zine and l'm glad to see #2. There are inlerviews with Dan lrom PE, TwenMhird Chapter, and Deptessor There's alsowrite-ups on bolh ihe More than Music Fesl and the Old Bam Punk Fest that both happened lhis summer. A bunch ol reviews and a rew good articles tie all ol lhis inlo a neat littls package...keep em coming! (duke) PO Box/ 19275 / Clncinnati, OH /45219-0275 War

Cime *10

$2/S/64pag6s Anothor excellent issuo of one ol North Amedca's best anarchopunk Znes of lhe past couple ol years, with atmostallo, the contents takon up by intormativs anictes. This time w6 are seryed up a heallhy portion ol activism with arlicles on rebent Food Nol Bombs activilios, anALF aclivlst on hungorstrike, shutting down theJabiluka uranium mine in Austlalia, the peace process in Nonhem kelancl, and howlo type aniclss on nalural cures lor headaches and lhe propor method of sinking a whaling ship,

which is sure lo b6 popularamong prison mailroom cops. As woll, there are aclion reporis, small news items, col-

umns,andmusic, booksandzin6reviews. Definilelyone worth picking up especially ii youte looking to satiale thal lhirsl foranarcho-punk aclivisl news alier PE isgone. (Dan) P.O. Box 2741 / Tucson. AZ 85702

Zaginllatch #12

/S /4 pages


A small newslelter produced by anarchists in Zagreb, Croatia, it is mainly comprised olvarious proiesi reports as wellas inlormation on the Autonomous Cultural Factory (AfiACK), an allemative ana.chislspace inZagreb,

as !,vell as informalion ol anarchisl activities ,rom other areas of lhe former Yugoslavian territories. (Dan) ZAP/ARK / Gajeva 55 / 10000 Zagreb / Croatia

-Noise HevL etvs .FUCKNGCOM YT 7' I was really exciting about hearing thls when I heard there were ex-rnembers olAntischism and lnitial State involvedand it lola lly surpassed myexpectations. This lsa really powerfulep- going lrom choppy d,schonant bits into lag. ing hardcore with Lyz's screarrs deliver'nq totally angslIilled lyrics againstthe contradictions in our society. Five songs here. lhal make the,r ma,* and loave you wanling moro. Hiqhly recommendedl (Jon) Pranid PO- Box 410892 San Francisco, CA94141-0892

NlPOLlTlCAl Propaganda By Oeed 7" Allol the Casualliestans who were pissed off iormakingfunoltheminthelastissueof

at this band


more pissed oll when they lind oirt th6y ptay bettermusic loor Totally old-school oeacepunk on thisliv€ track EP which brings back a style ol emotionally chargecl mLrsic played by lhe System and Flux ot Pink lndians in thek earlierdays. The lydcsonthis EP deal mainly with anarchrsl idoology and the theme ol propagandizing by example. The coveris also a larqelold-oul posleron which the contonts dealwilh the politics of punk (Dan) Crasshole Records / PO. Box 65341 / Baltimore, MD


ACCION MUTANTE YNo HaiFemeclioT " Powedulthrash, wlth dealh metalundertones ihat really stand out with lhe new gutisral vocal style. Lyrics are of course tolally polilical, bul with dark, ,orsboding underIones lhroughout. This asa good release in its own right, bul il larls to glab me wilh lh€ same lerocity as lheirtirst EP (Dan) Skuld Releases / Prolane Erislence ACT OF HEEESY/SCATHED


SCATHED are lasl and brutal wilh screaming vocats. I lhink Id like this a lot better i, lhe recodino was better lhough. ACT OF HERESY blow me away.l!The record'ng is much betteron this side and the inlensityand powe. ol lhe male/female vocals sends sh,vers up my spin6l, Both bands on here are really amazinq, I iust think thal SCATHED got lhe short €nd ol the slick as laras sound went. Slill, this is not to be missed! (duko) Brenl McKnighuAct of Heresy / 1810 Jacobson Blvd / Bremedon, WA / 98310


NDS Ihe NatlbnatLoia E 7" This long-runnrng. highly political a nd adamanlly DIY t!vomember band lrom lhe uK has cranrcd out their sixth EP and is just as inlense. i, not botler played than their eadier releases. As always, Active Minds pul lhetrid€as ACTIVE

inlo words in a rsally concise ly cal statemsnts which

are backed up by the lengthy explanalions behind each song. The tilie song, which compares the hypocrisy o, lhe media s embracement ol a new 'drug' called lhe Natrcnal Lonery in tho IJK while at the same time €xag. gerating lhe ecstasy _drug problem of the youth. over a semi.acouslic tune that recallsthe slyle olCrinqerand J Church. The rest ol the lracks are pretty much brutal lhrash punk, pulled off qu ite convincingly ln spite oftheir lack ol a bass playor! (Dan)

Loony Tunes / 69 Wykeham Streel

Yorks'/ Y012 7Sa / Eigland

/ Scatorough,

Zines Zines Zines Noise Noise


ACCUFSED/ BoNDS OF TRUST sp/1l7" Swedish hadcore I wouldn'i reel right il didnl exlend my ol Ir s 'a/v and bruEl genre one lasl time in the final ,ssLe ol PE. ACCUBSED play the style lo th6 max- my head s as I lype this. Raw abrasive 'lrasrrng ritls over a barre ing d-beat and some ol the rawest,lorn throat vocals Ive heard in some lime. Four songs on lheir side dea rng wilh religion, pollution, heroin abuse, and one in Swedish. I must search out their othor roleasesl BONDS OF TBUST are quil€ a nice surpnse. Equally raging Swedish hardcore wilh some heavyskank pans h own r,r lfs hke a combinatron ol classc Swedtsi ha'oco'e wrtr new schoolslrarght edge- but done ia really raw sryLe Killer epl (Jon) Seclor 7G Mahras Blixtbero/ Ysladsqaran 108/ 214 24 Malmd/ Sv/eden

ALIANS lv samo Poludnie cD

The recenl releaso bylhis long-standing Polish anarchisl band. Atter innumerable releases, ihey're approaching near pedection in their mixlure ol anarcho punk, Polish lolk and C lzen Fish lvpe ska.ln factthey nowadded an extensive brass section includinq a saxophone and lrumpet as wellas an accordion. lnevitably, the sound is approaching a bit of a big band leel. Il you are inlo the Englisl^ siy e of anarcho dub/ska/pu4k lusion. you llcer ta,n y 1{e r'lrs band. This 25 mrnule cD also includes a greal cover ot Dead Kennedys' "Lel's Lynch the Landlordl" (Y@hoo) Antena Kr2yku / Po Box 74 / 50'211 Wroclaw / Poland

ARDEN CHAPMEN s/ 7, lilinneapolis's own new school hyper spe6d gdnd band finally has lheir day. Always a greal and fur band to see live- Citical, yet vague, lyrics i especially ol punkand its insincerilies. 10 songs,45 ems.... one line disc. Get

Oregon is h€ro in the torm ol Axiom. Everything about this 7' is impressive; lrom the bold and deliant graphics on the cover, to tho wellwdtlon ard punchy music. to the powerlul mulli.lhroated vocaldelivery and the lnclusion of a booklel and mulllple irilormalional inseds lo complete the package. Don'l get me wlong, rough edges


and simplilied politics

one now,...,, (Kerry) / 110 W. 49lh St. / lrinneapoiis, MN 55409

ABMA CONTBA ARMA L et No One Deceive You 7" A Chicago-based Lalino hadcore band whrch of course draws obvious comparisons to Los Crudos. There are seven quick and totally raging thash lracks on this EP which seem 1o go by at an alarmingly quick pacel The ly cs are all in Spanish, but there are English lranslations ior lheh politically th€med songs. ll's on Lengua Armada too, which means you get lhe same hand-colored packaginq as the Crudos EPs. (Dan) L€ngua Armada / 2340 W 24th Slreet / Chicago, lL 60608

ARMISTICE/ FLUX OF DISOFDER spll 7. Amislice are a crust-influenced peace punk band lrom Califomia who rag€ through their two tracks ol angry politically barbed thrash. Flux ol Disordercome through with anoiher powerlul oltering ot ihree tracks here, in much lh€ same raw and heavy crust style as previously heard, and equallycharged lyrics about polilics and punk (includinq a coverof the Electro Hippies'GBH piss-take 'Am I Punk Yet?". (Dan) Hunnypot Records / 1215 Ronan Ave / Wilmonton, CA 90744 (00 Organize and Arise / 1035 lvodred Sl. / Latayetle, CO 80026

AMEN 81/ BUBNED OIJT sp,I LP The AI\4 EN 8 1 side is lrom a live concerl bul, ihe record'

ing is exceplional because is was taken lrom a sound board. Here we have 12 iracks of raging thrash lhal doesr r er Lpr Raw guilars, th,rnde ng bass, and an unrelerri'rg beal that wirlbe pounding in your head long alter its over! BURNEDOUTteaTIt up with 16songsot allout hardcole punkl simple rilrs backed bytrickybass lines and harsh vocals that neverseem lo quit! The nice multi'panel packaging fealures the ly cs by both bands, and graplrics. All lhe lexl is writlen in German so I don't kno\r eraclly what the lyrics are aboul but. judging lhe graphics t're'e ls a hea\,.y anli-cop theme. and lhls lsalso a benel.llor ararchsl groups in Yuqoslavia. (Joe) Funai Records: c/o Wagenplalz Buchenholener Slr. 63 WuppedaLGermany ANGER OF BACTEFIAS/JUGGLING JUGULABS SP/i,


AOB are ,rom Germany and play a style ot SlokeNewington / Hackney-influenced h€a\.y crust thal would please any lan of Dread Messiah or Coitus. The lyrjcs fortheirhvo lracks are in English (in lacl they sound like an English band)and are tolally pol ical. Juggling Jugulars are lrom Finland and lhls is their first new maledal since tter'-\ew Toys' session. True io lheir previous ollerings. lhey have a sound thal would lall inlo tradilional 80's hardcore" area ol lhe punk music specltum. The lyrcs ol lour ol their live songs are in English, wilh politrcal lhe-res throughout, and one song even 6boul lhs police not al the Black and Green Days fesltval tn January, in which lheirdrummer was aresled forbadng hisasslo the police cameras. Fucking dghl punkl (Dan) Ruin Nalion Becods / Stefan Willenborg / Vossberger Ring 54/ 49393 Lohne / Gormany

ANTI SOCIAL EEHAVIOFTLEGION OF OOOM splt 7" Ournol so dislant neighbols inWisconsin go lwo's up on lheyle debul vinyl releasel A.S.B. Provrde 2 lracks ol powe4ul, ,ntricale, hardcore combining slot! of beal fiy{hms will^ blazi19 thrash. The screams ot lhe loma16 vocals ano lhe gtutl male vocals accent lhis style per. loctlyl The lyrics are both politicaland porsonaland well written. Good tobl L.O.D- deliver a more straight for ward style playrng exlreme lhrash at 1,000 M.P.H. Dual fiale vocais growling and screarning shorl lo th6 point lyrics against televisions distoned views, Nazigenocrde and human explollalion. Fast noisy th rash? yes indeod!

ASIDE Victory Day 7" Apowerful n€w anarcho-punk band lrom France, Aside tear up the fuckin' groov€s on this inc@dible debul EP With a music slyle that combines crustwith classic Boslon hardcore circa 1982, thoir lwo vocalists (male and ,emale) beltouttheircausticand politically charged songs, which are writlen in both English and Spanish. The cover is a hiladous piss-lake on ihe movie lndependence Day, but done by anarchisls with a sense ol humor and.correct pdoritiesl (Dan) EITrasqo Flecords / BP 40111 /35101 Rennescedex 3/ France (or)Saniam (Yann) / 9, rue dos M6sanges/35650 Le Rheu / France ASMODINA'S LEICHENHAUS tape This band is basically a contnualion ol reconllydisbanded Mehr Wul {rom G6rmany. As with their previous band, lhe general direction here is eady Napalm Death although lhis is more up my alley with mors hardcors punk el€ments spdnkled throughout, as wellas Dyslopia typ€ atmospheric biis. ln facl this could appealto people who like alltypes of harsh music, power violence. lhrash, noisecore orwhat€ver The greal highlight here islhe lyrics e&ressing lheir oul and out hatrod of mocl€rn capitalisl society. Lov6 the samples,lool l've heard they've released vinyl in lhe rneantime. (Y@hoo) Paddy, Chrisllan/ D6rnbergslr. 14 / 341i9 Kassol/ GeF many

AUS.BOTTEN ruot Ore S/hgle Hil Discogaphy CO A complete colleclron ofall6t the previous vinyl.released lracks lrom one ol the most inrluentaal anarcho-punk bands ol Norlh Amedca during the past ,ive years. This includes lheir LB their two 7' EPs and theksplit 7'wilh Nakon Aggression-all ol which are slillavailable on vinyl excepl forlhe splil. The LP size packaging includes lhe poster/cover lor thek LP as wellas afold-out sleeve, which has the lyrics, but nol much artwork from the 7's. Although lhe poster covel is nice, without the vlnyl lo se e as a slitlener, lhe whole things ends up being a bit ol a lloppy mess and surelya nighlmareJordistribulors. There arc a re\iJ live racks and cover songs thrcwn in to fill up the exlra space, bul il hardly makes it \ronh buying il all again ifyou've already gol ihe vinyl. (Dan) TribalWar Records/ 1951 W. Bumsicl€ #1945/ Porlland,

oR 97209


Subordi-Nation: 1707 Burdick Sl. Oshkosh Wl. 54901 APATIA NO Fronleras 7' Straight outta Caracas, Venezuela comes Apatia No. lts lucking lo coolro t,nally see somelhrng coming kom lhis small scene. r0 m d lo last paced tracks. Flemrnds me o, olderS.Amed6an sluff, especiallySo's Colombian stull. No lyrics included, bul I know that lhey are a poiilically ' minded band and aclive in local political circles. Nothing too out ol the ordinary, bul solid, interesting and dedicated. I say gel il!!l (Kerry) Federico Rodriguez /A.A.772 / Medellin / Colombia

AVGRUNO/ oISPFOVE sprl 7' Avgrund are lrom Slovakia, but with lyrics that seem to be wrilten in Sw6dish, and a soundlikealmost anyband on the "Vikings are Comlng" LP Disprove are the Dascharge-tribute side proiecl band with members ol Japanese D.l.Y punk pioneers Beyond Descnption. Thoir songs o, coLrrse are Dischargs'influenced lo lhe bone, complolo vrith dfls and lyrics torn out ol classics like'Slate Violsnco Stale Conirol' and the like. (Dan) Forest Records c/o HidevukiOkahara / Cgramica 2 t301 / 2-1-37 Minami Kokubuilji / Tokyo 185'0021 / Japan

A){IOM E'Iablishing a Culture ol Resistance 7

The nexl wave o, raging anarchopunk ,rom Portland,

Nois.e Noise Hoise }Ioise Noise

keepthislrom mastelpiece status,

but lhis is delinitely an impressive ,irsl release lrom a promising band chock lull ol potential and energy lo go thal extra mile. (Dan) Gasmask Records / PO. Box 2626/ Portland, OR 972082626 (or)Carchphraze Records/ PO. Box 533 / Waddoll. A7 a5355

BOI'IGZILLA/HELLCHILD sprl 7' Bongzilla is slow, well-struclured dirge-core. I can't say that this is lheir bost matedal, but ii is bellerthan 90% ol lhe othet sludge-core around at the momenl. Bongzilla

really have a decent underslanding ol what it lakes to groove and llow. See them live il you can. They will delinilely escortyou tothe Void. Hellchild surprised meNormally, they are a mixture of doath-mstal and Japanese lhrash. Thsy slow it down a bil here, and they r6ly on power-riffage lo oveGtrmulat€ you into 6ubmission. This isn'ttheirb6st materialeilher, but it is stilla satis{ying listen. (A. Noise) HG Fact, 401 hongo-m, 2-36-2 yayoi-cho, nakano, Tokyo 164-0013, Japan.

BOYCOT,/ YUPPIECBUSHEA split 7" This is a b€nelil lorlheAnarchisl Black Cross. Fou, new songs lrom Boycot which really kick assl Raw and aggressive hardcore wilh angry vocals. Yuppiecrush€rare lrom Luxembourg but sound as lhey would be lrom Sweden! Slraighl tonyard Hardcore punk with good political lyric6. The record comes with a booklelfullol inlormation

on lhe Anarchist Black Cross, contacl addresses, inlo about what they are, and also hints lor demonslralions and rights ln case of State Repressionl (Joe E.) Sacro Egoismo / F6lberslrasse 20112 / 1150 Vienna / Auslda BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA/ KARMA sprl 7' Bullshil Propaganda are a Dulch th.ash band who make an insane kind ot racket you would expect from a band whose name most likelycomes rrom lhe Enrome Noise Terorsongl Karma ere trom Boigium and have lhe added dimension oi a femalo vocalist tolhe noisylhash lhai ls a good malch to that on the olh€r side. while the production quality is less lhan supofl, a lact can be ovea shadowed by tho sincorlty ol lhe politics and DIY othics behind th6 music, rein orced by accompanying booklet whichconla;ns lyacsandw tingskom bolhbands. (Dan) Fillh Earc/o'l'im Lelen /Ed. Arsenstraat 53 /2640lvonsel / Belgium

BUBNED UP BLED ORY Clonod Slaves 7' Heavy as luck; somewhal inlricate hardcore with som6 light ass hard driving speed lhrown in. Brutal, intense, blisterlng, alc. Somewh€r€wilh HisHero ls Gone, elc..., This shit is for reall! Wellwritton lyrics to bool. Also a

gul wrenching version o, No More by Black Flag lhat would mak6 Gr€g Ginn cry (Kerry)

SlapAHam / PO.Box 4208441/ San Francisco, CA941420843 BANISHED/DEAO STATE sp/,it 7"

Two dirlerent style team up ,or theyre debul role?se. BANISHED crush ov€rylhing in they're path with 1 lengthy

track ol heavy as luck, slow gul churning, gloomy,

CRUST! As the song progress'it picks up a bitwilh loads ol dllchanges lancy guitar blt and loads ol drum lills that keep it interesting. Theabrasive female vocals anddeap male vocals really pack a punch! BRUTAL! DEAD STATE play aggressive hardcora with loads of chang€s, breaks , and hooks lhal make ihls stand out

iiom a lot ol olher bands in this vein. Catchy rifls, otf beal drumming , stop and go bits. all done lighl! The angry male/lemale vocal combo remind me o, a cross

betlveen Nausea and Pink Turds in space and do a good iob expressing lhefro rago! Now,lhe packaging wasnt ready by the lime this was reviewed so... no comment. However, going byth6 songtillosand th€ lacl lhat members ol both bands are longtime fiiends,lcan say on lhe level! (Joe)


Dead Slate 1035 l,rodred St. Larayetle, CO.80026 CALLOT SED The Masguerade LP

Wilh Jon and Bracken lrom Slate ol Fear forming the gurtar seclion, and Stecy rrom Mankind? bollhg out ths vocals, you can already get an idea ol where lhrs band comes lrom: lntensely powerful tnrash, wickedly blunl political lyrics, and an angry vocal style thal has a similar sound ol Amy ot Nausea. Musacally, lhe elght songs on

the 45 RPM 12" are much more diverse lhan lhe stdcty Scandi-lhrash style ol SOF, alhough having ths sam6 cover artisl is going lo bflng up comparisons, even be. torethe record isplayed, Whllelhe covBr adwork leaves memystified inils meanlno, alleasllhe tvrics aro slraiohllorward polilical attacks, wilhout anv civotic ,berso;at' lhemos wastinq valuable ounk roc(sofos. 6iven tha incredlble talents behind this band, lhis roiord is no tess than what lhe briltiance lanticioaled. fDan) F[ed Up Records / PO. Box 8985 / eapotis, MN 55408


CAPTAIN 3 LEG/I NHOLY GRAVE spn 7. Unholy G rave conlinues on with lhe ret6ase-a,week strat, egy, and lloellhal lhey are beginnino to showlh€ €rors ol lheir way. Th€irmatedalis sortotblendon this Ep I know that there are the comptetisls oul there who don,t care anyway, Here is another one to add lo the pile. NoW let us discuss the reatjewet on this 7,. Captiin 3 Leg dre lhe mast€rs ol anlaq6nistic, anfl.pc orjnd;or€. j absolutelyadore lhis band. TheyargTHE primterband to walch ln the gdnd category They have slewofcassatte releasasloo. ll you a ro lhe oversensilive tvDe, stav away. lfyou are Interbsted inblazing, controveiitai, ana mnovativo music, sosk lhem out. They calt it, "Modem Day Plraq/. I call it mandalory. I coubh,t live without it. (A, Noise) Headlucksr, PO. Box 151, 25038 Rovato, Brescia, flaly



Evinrude Recordings, Tl3 Grace St.. Oflumwa, lA S25Oi, USA. CORROSIONE / CREPA s,,iI LP Two llalian anarcho-punk tiands team up for a power{ut release with elmost lncomprohonsible leiet o, thiash brutalityl Allol the lyrics ars in ltalian. but the accomoanving graphics ln lhe booktets give lighl to generalty potiitcalthemes thmughout. ll you were wondaring whiai hap. p€ned to that classic llatian sound of early Ft-aw powilr, Nogazione, and the Wetched, took no ruilhor than thia LPI (Dan) AglpunUAlarma Recorcls c/o cianpioro Mitani/C.p 63/ 27'100 Pavia / ltaty

COWBOY KILLERS Thank You, Fuck you anct

Goodnight CO COWBOY KILLERS isa band who's stull Ive been s€eing alound since the late'80s, but to be honest, I havsn'l ev€r glvet th6m a carelul listen. so unfortunately I won l b3 abl6 to compars this lodh atbum to lheir orevio'us siufl.

Thls Is a r€ally good sounding CD- sotid, we -play€d hadcore punk. Youcan tettt'\st/ve be€n ptaying tdgefrer lorag€s. b6c.ause it's tight and has a dtsunctstyte. The lydcs are winen ln a unique styl6 as well, wjlti a bit of humormixsd wllh serious stu,t (why do cD tyrics hav€ to be prinled so small?). (Jon) Rojgcled Hecods/ I Woodlinds Av6J Dun Laoqhaire Co. Dubllry' lreland OAHMER Dahm1ized LP Canadian gdnd based around the serial ki[6r phenom" enon. Good sound, but I must admit lhat I doi1 understand how paopl€ can continue to cap talize on soms. ono elss's misfoflune/griet when is so honitic. Obvtously, the msmbers ol Dahmerc€n sle€p wilhthemselves al night, so l guess it shoutdn t bolher ile. How€ver, the


colleclive consciousness ot this destruclive society does ttother m6, and lbeliev€ lhat the numbness reoreaented h6re is something we should att be aware oi and concomed wlth sinco everyons and lheiraclions are aproducl.of socisly. To.givs them their day tn coun, lh€i are anli-racisland anti-homophobic. tt is a gam€ o,giv6and takE wlth lhese folks. {A. Noise) ' Clean Plats Recods. DEATHCHARGE A /oo* a I thei sotrow 7Dls-ls rldiculous! ln past y6ars there has been more Discharga dp-oll bands lhanVou can shake a slick at and ol allol thom this is th6 most tasietess. Allthis band has don6 is lake exacl Discharge musjc and lvdcs, scramblo lhem up a bit (Note: fte tilt€ ol the recoid) to create a medley of.classlc Dischargs songs. This is by tar the most unodginal Dis-band lo dat6. I this is a i6ke th6v csnainly nasled a lot ot time and monsy on it. (Joe) Oeathcharge: PO.Box 66876 pontand 0R. 97,90-6A76


DIAVOLO BOSSO to the Blottock Flrst of all, lhis musl bs the thickest piec6 ol vinyl l,ve evsr lald hanc,s on. l'm seious, you (bLrE ki someone with thls tucker! Astde lrom thal, iho rest ol ih€ package matches tho quality ol the wax. These ar6 sohe m;d punk bastads trcm Germany. Great herdcore thrash h6r6- llght €s a-whip, raging dfis, 6nou9h to div€ you imo a thrashing frenzy. The lydcs ars all in ceman, !o I

can'l commsnt on lhal, blrt the booktet has oiclures ot Jon Travolla, Frank Begby, Mohammed All, and loads ol piss'up punks, so you know they're on the tevel. Thi6 I 16commend. (Jon) Bad lnfluence Recordv cy'o Stetan Fuchv Ludwtg-ThohaStr 14/ 93051 Fegensburgy' Germa ny.

DISKONIO F/oedom is

ul ot Sioht Lp This Swedish band has reallyoutd6ne h€msslves inlheir O

never encting qu€st at replicalinq the intensltv ol

Discharge's "why?'12'l Foult6en R-AW AND BRU1AL tracks complete this mad thrash btilz wlth lyics (in Swedlsh) and imagery culled lrom tho pages oi claslsic anaF chisl propaganda. Forgol everylhmg you,ve proviolrsty neard lrom this band because this records takss theil, soundto a completety n€wplateau. Oddly enough, here's enough vinylher€ lor two LP records. makingiftison€ oJ me wond s heavi€st recorls in more ways lhan onel (Dan) C.A.F. Recods c/o Patik Englund/ Sirandvallen l4OEi 302 57 Halmstad / Swed€n

OREADI'IAUGHI demo cass€tte ln lhe spkit ol Hellspawn andAssrash comes south Minneapolis'latsst cavalcade ol drunldn'punk mayhem. ln fact Dreadnaught has quilo an afl star tins-uD M.h AssEsh axemasler Gooch on the six stdno, Civil 'Disobedienc€ guilar wizard Man playing bass, Missry drumm€r GaN

keepingbeats, End HsttspawrvAssrash lionlrnan pignos6 on vocals. The nine tracks here sounds as if ths\iwsr€ recorded in a basement duing drunk€n haze, whlih th€y uncloubtedly were! Mustcally its a tot tike Assrash, bLil with more uniquely chaotic song slructures. Thers.s no lyric sh6el included, bul ol coulse you can e)@ecl more ot lho sort of drunken, wo*ing{tais po ties i,ou would expect lrom South Mlnneaoolh. lDanl 3023 Gadietd Ave. S. / MirineaDoiis, [,iN Sf,4OB


DBILLER KILLER / INSTINCT so l Sweden's OrillerKillartake a lsss iotlshed approach rrom previous rele€ses, bul then agaln two ol lhelr lh res songs ar6 covers from Mod€rale Likvidalion and 6arly Discharge. lnstinct are fiom Japan and glav live tratks ot the brutally law crazy thrashl Top quatiii hardcor€ music irom both bands, but whether or noi thsv have socially redeeming value is lor soheone etse i6 d6ctde_ someone wilh lessofa weakness lor mad thEsht (D6n) MCR Company/ 157 Ksmiaou Maizuru / Kvoto 624-091i / Japan (Also availabte in the LJS trom Stund po ulon Records).

OROPDEAO LP Finally the long awail€d new DBOPDEAD is out- and il whet an LP il is! This tslhe ulfimate in hardcore thrash. This is th6 record I go tor whon I get hom€ lrom wo*played al maxlmum volumos lo caim mv n6Nes, Most should be lamiliar wlth DBOPDEAD,S bAnd ot abcstv€ hardcore aM this recod picks upwhore th6k€adter stufi left oJf and pefiaps surpasses Ths sjzzting rilfs cut you in the spine, over the poundinO drums whtah swilch


lrom d-b6al to blast beats- driving thg nail ds6per. I havenl even menliongd Bobs raving screams which d€[ver urg€nt and som€llmes grim lyrics dsaling with man's doomed plighl it we don'i cha;qe our cou-rse of actlon. lS lracks hera- attas mad aserch olher. This is tho lype ol record that n6eds to b€ tngestod lhoroughly wilh every llsten. Don l pass this one -up. (Jon) Amageddon Labet (no addr6ss)

EXCRUCIAflNG TERROR Dividedwe Fatt CD Don'l send lucking CDs. Send lhe tucking viny This is some ralher complex qdnd lrom the Catii6mia abvss. I found thal every song sullered trom the "overcompticated,

song wdtlng disease. I would b€ afraid lo coirnt how marry dlfterent time signatures and riffs were in each song.

I nev€r hed enough time to abso6 and lor my body io seelhe with emotion. On toD oflhat. ther6 wain1 a l'vric shegl lncludsd. ljust don't unc,erstand the decisioti to k€ep the words a secret or to notcare enouqh to tet tho audiencs ln on the iokes. When tyrics aren,t-inctudecl, a vitalchance toconveya mossage: whatever il may be. is losl. Thal is alwavs a shame. aA. NoisE) Pessimiser.

EXKOMBRO s4 7' More raw herdcorc anack from th€ bowels o, Medeflin, Colombia. l'll have to_say that the vocats realty remind mea blol lhe singer lroni ITASSACFE 68 (actia yit a sounds like 11168). Tolatrag€ ti ed, atcohotiuelsd. anost _ egain6t socioty, etc. Adamn ace rocord. (K€ffy) John Ramirez /A.A. 57832 / Mede in / Cdbmtiia FROU ASHES RISE Fragments ot a Fallen Sky 7. I hale.lo make comparisons, but lhis stmply cai,t be ignoredl Thess guys sound a lo ike Neurosia, and l donrt moan lhal in a bad wayt This ts pretty good shil! (duke) Clsan Plate Records/PO Box 7bs / H;mpshk6 Co 6g'e /Amherst- MA/ 01002

GASP &/t CD lncrec,lbly intricats hardcore brought to you by stap-A-

Ham. The songs sullsr,rom ovei dtinciwith ioo #rany ideas. Maybe ihis woutd have been m-ore appealing ii, lherg wero lhe same amounl o, ideas sDreaii'acros; 2

full records inslead ol jusl one. This CD has i$ moments, biJl I canl really se€ the puposo tn a[ lh6 wanking lhai goos on here. lt has a beiutilut cover lhouqh. (A. Nioise) Slag-A-H6m.


This has aclually b€en oullora wh e now bul was mlssed in lhs last issu€ (sorry Vic). At first gtance I kn€w these guys had a lol to say as the packaging is a co age of prcUres, slog6ns. andshon anicles attrelating to they'.e plssed oft lyrlcs whlch deat wtth tiving rn this 6ppresiive syslem. Muslca,ly G.S. back up thotie rydcs bly crankingout4 songs ol hardcor€ punkl Aioryiocab ahouted over the catchy ritfs, drivinO beat, anij iom€ stno atono pans added in to break It down ntcety. Asotjd deb-ut, anl totally D.t.Y! (Jo6) Vic Roblnson:3 Vaughn St. Farmingdete ME.04344 GUERNICA Y LUNO l,yszys <ie Sztanctary... tO, Thisexcellent releaso sho;rs we the vari6d musicalap, proach taken by this Polish anarcho-punk band. Whitd jt starts out with a classic Contttct-stlite peace punk anth€m, this rocord (or CD il yo'l pr6,erj soon'takes us lhough a whole plethora of music styles lrom m€todic punk, 1o accordion-accompanied folk'music, to spoken \ /ord and Epping over a ftythmic backclroD ot dflJlilnino and keyboards. to angry thrash in lhe v;in of anothei

well-known Polish anerc*io-punk bandt Homomititia. Thev have both male and female vocalists whtch funher adA io the akeady unique and retreshine music which chanoes from track to lrack. Both the and the CD vers-ion comes rviih a.large lold-out poster which has a thef ryF


D5.13 Abolled Teen cenetation 7,

A 13 track EP diaboticatly powerrut thrash trom a band approprial€ly named Oemon System 13. This band is

lrom Sweden, and harbora po$;erfulstyte ol thrash that flls rn wel wilh what coutd be call€d their .national styl6, ol punk. Howev6r, Instead of the expected Discha(lelype.shouling, lhe vocatist altemalai betwe€n spolien words and screams. Lyricslly this band sinqs abdut th€ usual antiaulhoritarian lopics es wel as a-lew iabs at assholes within lho scene. A[ h all I tound thii lo be rema*ably similar to another band on thls label whose name endsin lhe same numerals. (Dan) Havoc R6cords/ PO. Box 8585 / Mtilneabofls, MN 5s4OB ENEMY SOIL Fractured T,eoloov 3" CD A litleen lrack 3' CD ol brutal thra-6h, with orindcore influ-

encsd wtrirlwind drum beatngs m€fled 6ut on most of the songs her€. The tyrics arg al polnicaltn subledt, atlhough lhey tend lo hav6 b€ moi6 slrbfle aDDr6ach in writing styl6. Musica y it is v€ry well consliricled and production.wlse lt is lar more ctban ahd polished lhan what yo'r woutd normally €xpect lrom a Dly retea6e, only one lrack, "Panisan Loya tty," has been previously Issued-, bul ls included here aa tiv6 bonus. ID;n)

Profan€ Exlsl6nce Far East c/o tzuirl Kubo Sanna lcho , Sonnyuii / Hlgashiyamaku, Kyoto





lcs and other wdling and includes Enolish lranslatiotis. (Oan) Nikt NIc Ni6 wte / PO. Box 53 / 34-4OO Nowy Targ / po-




Die 7,

The scourge and bans of Kentuckv do eiqht cjassic cov. ers trom €oht dilt€rent l6gendery JiDanes-o thrash bandsi Comes, Warh6ad, Outo, Ntghtmars, Brain D€eth, Lip Cream, S.O. B. and DamnabtdExcile Zombies. Ive heaii complaints lhat thes€ cove6 ar€n't as good as the origi. nals,but.l donl thhk that was he polnt. I p€rsonaliy lhink lfs damn good thrash and you can t get rirucn mor6 ov€r th8 lop lhan Hollnalion are on a consislent baslsl (Dan) MCtl Company/ 157 Kamlagu Maizuru/Kyoto

/ Japan

HERS iIEVEB EXISIED Lame Pantvhose ?,

Anallfemal6, thre+piBcs puik enssftblerrom the ea$em shores ol th6 San FEncisco Bav arsa. With lour tracks here, all wilh a social commen'tary trom a decidedly l€mlnist perspec0ve on ttte and potilitsand a sound lhal is like a sloppyvelston ot th6 Gits (in tact il inspired me to pull out th€ chsslc "Second Skin, Ep lor a ipin).

Soise Hoise Soise fioise Soise

_: erse and a slandoul amongsl lhe sEck Quile a qood ol blach;no ,{_.te recods I have lor rsview this issue, iDanl big Mamma oO Bax 1161 / Be*sley, CA 94701

HEYOKA Defirr, Sera LP

anotherorea: -€roorc Dunk release kom France, ltsstanino to 106l i(E a consoiracv wilh all lhese bands wilh feirare voca s good old lashioned anarcho punk collage layoul a-o E'ench lyrics. This new band mixes forceful ectous singalongs in that classic Frgnch anger


soJ.o. very mslodic and bouncy. (Y@hoo) Maloka, BP 536/21014 DiionCod€x/France Dunk

HOLOCHAOS curce wat T' Raw D.s.core irom Spain.9lracksn all;kgeping up with the lrad( on ol early Hialus, Doom and the like. Songs aboul Po rlrcal Prisonerc, anti-CD, anti-work, anti-animal abuse ...sound lyrics and ssnlimenls wilh a shrsdding

haroco'e soundtack. Powsrtul rgleaso.... look oul lor this onel {Ke.rv) No Fash on R{iords /cx. Postal03/ cEP:13450-970 / Brasil l.RF. / WARSORE sprl 7" A so il EP ol lolalHellnation-rnsDir€d

noisecore from two

ol rhe mosl exlreme bands ot ihis type ol music going tooay. l.B.F (lntinile Radical Freaks) a ro kom Japan and blaze lnroJgh lheirthree tracks ol lolally unknown m€s. and vocalscreams are utledy incompre' saoe (10 ,vrics 'wr lsore ha;cio,er a.e trom Australla and have six tracks

with sociaypolilical themes, although you would never know I without the lvric sheelt (Oan) Nat Hecords / Av€iue Shinsaibashi 8E 18-5 / Nishn Shinisaibashi2 / Chuo-Ku Osaka 542 / Japan

INE?I haoes ol Belaval LP

lnept play ieavy and rnl€nse music. Hal, lh6 tim€ its poand _dat a slowerpace... speecling up nowand again. Tne dLalmala/lemale vocals aro screaming, raging and slronq. I usually liko music a litlle laslsrthan this (its not plodd ngry slowl) but this has enough powsr, ang6l lal_ enl and crealvitylo keep m€ into lt. (duke) lnierbano Records / PO Box 671 / Ravenna, OH / rt4266 .r N.qoiros / Po Box 3674 / Columbus. OH / 43210. 0674 JOBBY KRT ST ,he Descent Of Man LP lwas sad to hearofthe demise of Jobbykrusl,lho Norlh_ ern lrela1d banclwho broughtr/slhe brilliantsplil LPwilh Vrklors Holnarrron lasl y6at But here we have a poslhumus rel€ass'an amaiing sev€n lrack Le laking their unrque sM6 €von lunh€r whils slightly slowerthan th6 so,ir LP,lhes€ sonqs llowwilh hsaw chod progressions, melodic bass lin€s, and screaming male/,emal6 vocalsatlimes reminding meotScatha. Thelydcsare long and thouo rr out- attaci(ino ths ills ot soci€lyand plBainglora

briqhrer 'uture. Slark black and white packaging wilh slronq use olgraphics drives lhe mod6 0f lhe music lur' ther. A great lP by one o, my lavodte bands ol tho past {ew years. (Jon) Fun,i BecordJ c/o wagenplal/ Buehenhelon€rc1r. 63/ 42329 Wuppertay Germany

KANSANDEMOKnAIA Topulaaliot Pois 7"

Old-school, ,oulmouthed Finnish punkwith sarcaslic lyr_ ics aDoul oolfical subiects relevanl lo Fioland and lh6 rest ol the world. The English lranslalions lor the rydcs on lhese twefue songs are pretlycrude and don'texactly do iuslice lo lhe humor and ironywflten into thgm. Mu_ sicilly a rang6 betwsen last thrash ancl pogo punk with classic punL guilar leads thrown in lor good moasurel (Dan) b/o jan, Raanela / Valtarie 73 B 55 / 905'oo Oulo / Fin. land

KANSANDEMOKFATIA./ SIIOI.IIN KEVAT sp,.I 7' Two Finn'sn polrltcalpunk bands team up for an €xcop_ iional oualitvaDlil 7" relsas€. Kansandefiokmtia showa much rhoreieveloped music style and lyric wrilingabihty than their {rlst Ee replacing a lol ot lhe foulmoulhed humor with more sedous lh6m€s, although sti dnpping ldth Sarcasm. Musicahy, lhe songs er€r more on lhe lhrash srde and are sxceplronally powodul thanks lo good r+ cording. Srionin X€vel are also a pollllcal thrash band who hrve more ol ananqry working class persp€clive lo their lyrical message. Musically you willlind them lo have an appropdalely tea rsome th€sh sound, much in lhe vein ol the Finnish classics. (Dan) C/o Jani Raadela / Valtatie 73 B 55 / 90500 Oulo / Finland (or) Ketsa Heyrynen /Lailapuhto 4 / 85500 Nivala / Finland

KATASTROFOBIA Vt 7" This is brilliantl 4 tracks ol powedul ha rctcore crust obviousiy conceivod lhrough lits ol rago and despairl Musi-

cally this is rntense! The lydcs are well writlen, inlelligent, polilical, otlen thought provoking, and are dehvered in a grutl in your lace manner wrlh the utmosl con_ andsincedty. Thepackagingisabeaulilul6panelPosler sleeve conhining lyrics, background graphics, an addi lionalins€rt containing long in depth explantaiions to the lyrics. and loads ol arlworl( including a hand drawn post€ d Every aspocl ol this record is lop notchlAnd highly recommendedl (Joe) Nabate rgcords: BP 92 4000 Loige 1 Belgium KIBOUS / SHARPEVILLE spll 7' Well, I think thls as a rocord lhe bands dld as some sort ol 'tour'record while lhey tolrrod logelhor. Kirous llke to play hiqh sp€ed hardcore (nol loo lhrashy) with a beefy guitar sound and hard, blasting drums. Greal slutl. I am linding mys€ll playing the Shalpeville side constanlly. A bit more moody on lh6irside wilh some really heaw slow to mid-paced paced stult, including some great samolsd shitthrown in p6rr6clly. Honest, wolllhoughtout lyrics lil the mood ped€ctly. Adamn flne r€colding..... {Kerry) McMi Rccords / PO Box 53 / 15141 Lahli/ Finland

KIBOUS 7' Eight tracks o, relentless thra6h lrom lhis Frnnish band who €xcel at laying down a wall of guilar noise over a machine-gun drum bsal. ThB lydcs are all ol polilical subiecls (Engftsh lranslations or explanations provided) and the packaging is black and whils printing with pic_ tures of bombed oul buildinos and demollshed lorest on th6 cover. You get the idedi (Dan) scaoeooat Records / Bakuunatie 55 B 44 / 20720 Turku / Finiaiii (or) No Fashion Recods / C.P 03 / Sanla Baba ra D'Osl6 - SP / C.E.P 13450"970 / Brazil KOCHISE Dans Le Meilreur Des Mondes... LP Finally the 2nd Lp by this long standing French anarcho ounk band.l'vo had ditllculll€s rsallygetting inlotheir lsl iocord b6cause lhe produclion was loo clean lor my tastes. This how€ver, s€es a change lor lhe betler, The rougheredges keep lhings moving along welland theh sound lies somewhere b€tween English slyl€ anarcho punk, classE French melodic punk and linges of lolky oarts. Thistrand is also resDonsiblolor $aninq a brt ol a Crass $pe collag€ r€vivalin Frcnce. Theyle stillthe lead_ ers ol lhe pack in lhis departmgnt lhough. As seems lo b6 frtlrng lor a French band fiese days,lhoy've got greal l€male vocals and angry polltical lyrics. (Y@hoo) Maloka / BP 536 / 21014 Oipn Cedex/ Flanc€ KURU / RECTIFY sprl 7' A split EP lrom two UK politcal punk bands who have nevbr rac€ived lhe recognition they dese e. Kuru has three ather l€nglhy lracks lhal aro kept inleresting by thg sxtremely well.playad bass LneE and crunching gLri_ tar pow€r. Musically they really have a London sound. bul ar€ lolally unique in lhsir own righl loo. Reclily are lrom Walss and l've been reviewing lh€ir maleriallor as long as PE has been going. Th€y have two extremely well-wrjlten songs here lbal obviously have a lot more lhouqht DUt into lh€m lhan the averago 2o-second thras-her-Bolh bands have political lyrics, bul Rsct yre_ inforce their messaqe by reallyqoing inlo deta inlheirs, boing bolh lengthy and well written. (Dan) lnllammablB Maleial/PO- Box 2544 / London NW6 3DF / England (oD MTB I Linby Close / Sherwood, Notts NGs 3HS / England

LA FRACTION M LP Walch out Post Regimonll These French upstarls are havinq a oo al the politically motivatsd melodrc hardcors throna in Eulope! Just like the previously unconlested masterc ot the oame lrom Poland, lhis band rises lo its lull glory ln a lito situation. Anothor w€id simrlarity are lh€ vagirsly tomulaled lyrics thal leave you wondering whal thefre going on about. But don't despair. this band is so good thal itdoesnl matlerlTheir previous 7'was a oood but slightlyloo pollshod lorbearerofihings locom€. Howevsr, on this Lplheir instanlly calchy,loe tapping punk rock lunss will havs you jumping around lhe room in ocstasy The ooeeously sung lemal€ vocals in French lyrics, which is aomelhing lhat works w€ll in thrs type of music, add €xtra spice to lhis gleal record. (Y @ hoo) Crash Discques / 21, Ter, Bue Vollaire / 75011 Pans / France

LOST GOAT Tappod On Eaih LPICD Well lhls ls a tough one... This is some really sludgy rock'nfolF like somelhing l'd wander inlo in a drunken stupor in a seedy club in a strango city. This San Fran-

lloise Noise Noise Noise

ciscolr;deliversometayer€d musicwilhlolsotmelodies over a I'eavy and sludgy rhythm. very melal. The lyncs and packaging aredarkand grim. llscoolto see a band hke this takethe DIY palh, b6caus€ llhink a lot ol people willdig ilwhowould otheMise notbe exposed lo il. (Jon) Li,e ls Abuse/ PO. Box 20524/ Oakland. CA 94620 MALEFACTION Ma, Grows Cold CO Loud, grutl malo vocals tlow over really fast lhrashing punk with definile black melal inlluences. Pretty coollyF ics writlen in a sod o, ,l6e flowing lorm sland out here. Thesotalented guys aredamn good at whallhoydo!l'm derinitely not into lhe black metalscene. in lact, really annoys lhefuckdutta me, bul ilyour on€ ol lhose people in the punk scene who have caught this disease, you'll delinitely know thatthis kicks ass! (duke) Out Of Enslavement/ 484 River Rd / St. Andrews, MB B1A 3C2 / Canada




Ma* Brubeckisa political poel and spokgn word aclivist trom Seatlle and makes five venous speeches on lho lirsl sid6 of lhis Ee with atlacks against lhe likes ol lhe Cia, the Nike Colporation, and macho assqples. lt could be compared lo Sam McPheeter's spoken wod bits on various Bom Against records, although in a more tradi' tlonalpoelry slyle. Three of lhe llve tracks are rocorded in a sludio, with sound atlects overdubbed which donl really add much lo the message. WO.FI. havethreenew traclis ol the powerful political hardcore lhal has eamed them respecl ovor lh€ pasl few years, Michellesvocals a16 especially rough on this r€cord, soundrng as if she's been €aling a steady diet ol glavel! This is a unique kind ol splil reloase to come lrom the punk scene and worlh laying yourhands on. (Dan) Oulcast Records/ 2608 end Ave, Suite 184 /Seaulo, wA 98121-1276 MELT.BANANA 9,T 7. I love M€ll-Banana, so I have heard n6ady €verylhing they have done, end lhis may be the best matedal I'v€ heard from them. As always, lh€y blow pEctically ev6ry other band away wlth lh€k aslounding energy. The sonosare much more slruclured lhan usiJal, and lwould decl-are lhis malgrial lo be classE Japanese lhrash with some ot the finost guiiar woft you will ever hoar Tho production is neaFperfsct. As you would expecl, the vocalist is going insane. lcan'l boli€v€ how great this record is. ll you could only own on6 Mell-Banana record, lhis would be lhe one. Unfoltunatgly, lhis record was released by a Japanese labelwhich doesnlseem lo be very con. csmed with its distribution (al leasl he.e in lhe Stales that is). I am betting lhat it will be a real pain in the ass lo track this 7" down. My sympathy goes out lo everyone interested in lindrno thrs record. wdle lhe label and lell them to lincl a d6ceinl distnbutor This tabel has a zilllon great teleases, and the only people who own them are l-he people who review lhe damn things lor zinos. (A Noise) HG Fact, 401 hongo-m, 2-36-2 yayoi-cho, nakano, Tokyo 164-0013, Japan.. N-K-D. Svnchrcnisecl 7" An impr66srve 7" kom a Polish anarcho-punk band who have transplanled lhemsglves to Berlin. Musicallythis is powodul hardcore, bul lh€ dual male and female vocalists dominale tl'eir angry sound. The lyncs all have po. lilical messagos or contain commenlary dir8ctedtowalds thepunkscene. lhe covarls an oversized,lold oul poster which contains lheir lyrics rn Polish aE w€ll as English translations. Righl on the cover lhey iustily lheir polilrcal msssaoe wiln lhe phrase,'lt's boring to sing aboul werc all the lim€, especially il our screams change nothing, but how can we sil back and take itluckin'alland leave lhe millions to their right to sllenco. . .' (Dan) Nih Nic Nie wie / PO. Box 53 / 34-400 Nowy Targ / Poland THE OBLITERATEO

/nsa, y 7'

Old school punk lrom Porlland, Oregon wilh a lemale vocalisl, and a luck you" attitude. The lydcs are mainly nihilistic obseNations on society's roles and historical/ polilical contradiction. Illusically mor€ on lhe slreel punk i'O' side ol things and I would place a pretty cenain bel lhal lhey drink a lot of cheap beer on a regular basis. (Dan) Consensus Realily / 1951 oR 97209



W Bumside *1654 / Portland,


T" lealuring Chelsea from Deathside on guitar, so you know it willbe a good one. The usual ullra fancy lull color pockel sleeve. The llrslsong is last and ddvingi

A2 song

totally.rips. I tove lhe hoarse vocals. Bum your weak

mind, lly high.... not sure exacltv what thev niean. but rt sounds cool. Side two is the;nid paced rockin, lune. Catchy guitar has thoae ?ock elements. Sounds cheesy, but its calchyand rea[y sticks in my min;. Overall, jts great. lJnfortun,tety it sedms overpadkaged and easily could have lh a lew hore sonos on here, -Oh well..... (Kerry) HG FACT / 101 Hongo-M 2-36-2 / yayoi,Cho / Nakano,


Tokyo 161-0013 /Japan

(Dan) 202 Henry Streel / Lafayelt€, LA 70506 RETRIBUTION

This is lhe most mportanl gdndcor€ atbum to be reteasgd rn a very very tong time. This releass is stoni,icant. Ev. 6rylhing is oxtremely wett-thought through.-This is noth-

lngshonola mastePtece. lcouldgooriandon.butyou musl exp€ience tt for yours€tl. I cioutdn,t give a recbro noner prarse: eas,ly on€ ol the lop 5 albums to see th€ light lhis year. (A. Noise) Slap.A-Ham PINK TUFDS lN SPACE The ComDtete... CD l'v6 always had a solt spot in my h;ar tor lhis anarchopunk band lrom Betfasl.i!. ketand whose brief existence spawned so,many great reteases, kom lhek demo to their splil,LP w ltsBdltion. Wnat you geton this disc is pretty much everything the band recorded, inctuding comi) lracls and both demos. ptus therr excellent iinyj releases. . If you lavor deuant potiticaIy charged ryncs. 6ngry mal6 /,emale vocals. and raging tfirasnltnen you hav6 to check this band out who nevei got the credfthey de6eryed while st l around! iDan) Rejecled Rocords / 9 Wobdlands Ave / Oun Laogshire Co. oublin / lreland


PISSEO HAPPY CHTLDBEN pissed plavorcunct CD Greatldea to re-releas€ attthe materiat,16;ra trutyseminal band onto a singlo CD, For those ol you who are now lo it all, thrs is pre-Neanderthat, pre-cyctops, preCharred Flemarns, pre-Man is the Ballard.' I ioil'are anlo€ny ol the bands mentioned here. you shoufu realy

track a copy down. Thrs materia, staneO tne whotil choppe-core/power.violenc€ lhinq, Odd choice ol tabels though. (A. Noise) Cr-owd Contrct Activities, 821 White Erm Dr.. Lovetand,

This band is trom Uraguayand ptey a styte ot LatinAmercan hardcoro thal was reallypoputar,n the mid 80,s. Thev

HEMISSION N,rety Fiye to Ninetv Eioht Lp Wisconsin has boen curssd by tde tail that mo$ ol.lhe

polilical crusupunk bands hom that arsa sptit up reta-

lively fast, with Remission being th6 on.y excopltoh, havIng reloased a muttilude ot 7's;nd an Lp befbre breaking up. This LP is basicaltya colection o,a ol the materlal lrom lheir demo and 7" Ilacks, some of which ar€

nard to find considering one EP only was rsleased in Auslralia and another in Japan. t, iou haven,l hearci Hemtssion, lhey play a brutally last stvte of harclcore lhrash, wilh screamed vocats, ind angri potiticat lyrics. lf you re a vinyt iunkie and mtssed oit'oh their irirpon EP's, orwould simply to heara good band, fianihis Lr ls tor you. hor thos6 who are not cD.challenged, then check out lheir discography CD iust reteased- on POWergroundBecords, (Dan) Dead Beat Records / PO. Box 293 / Los Anqeles, CA 90078

RESENT s,1 7" Extremely potilicat and angry songs ove, five songs o, some of th€ best old-schoot hardcare heard lhis siEe ot

/ PO. Box 93i3 /

ftey inftuenced),

Savannah, GA 3i412 /

BEVERSAL OF MAN Aevotution Summer CD S€ven tracks ol incredibtynoisy thrash played at hypersonrc speed and a vocalisl who screama as il 6;ing disemboweled in a pool ol rubbinq atcoholl I was actu_arly hr/ch more tmpressed lvith ne bookjet which comes with the CD which has the tyflcs as we I as writings anct

obseruations on the hardcor€ scene. White itcan bd'satetv said.this is one ot the most exlreme hardcorg bands go'ing, I was a brl orsappointed hal tner6 was onty j7 dln. ules of music on a lormal lhat coud hold five times that much. This would be better described as .,Rev6rsat ol Man" fanzne with a bonus CDI lOan) SchomatEs R€cords/ 403 W. Grind CentratAve./Tampa, FL 33606 SANCTUS IUDA JaD P/ess/ho CD A3" min CD compila't.on reteale ol thrs band,s th,ee sptit EPs. Sanclus luoa are lrolr Poland and ars commiited anarchist-punks who play an wickedty aggr€ssrv€ style ol thrash. Since allo, theirsptit EP's jre;-xtremety hdrd lo lind, this CD re-issue mayoe the ontyway lor ti€ rest ol us to hear them. Th:s CD inctudes lhe ,irics lo their political and angry songs transtated rhto Engtish. Iery lnore was some very serious lalk ol pufltnq out an Lp from lhrs band on Protane fx.stence R;coroi. whrcn wi sadly not happen now. (Dan)

S.D,S. Anebet 12' Well, well. il seems as lhough lhts may have b€en a d6layed release, seeng as il is MCB rerease, MCR 100. 1OO. Anywav, Anvwav sDs SDS areback areb;.k with 4 new otistering tracks. Now lhis isn.t th6 metat /

don-l go lo loo oveboard on dislorlion, prelerring 6 cleaner musical approach. and vocab v6u can und_er. sland inslead_ ol growling and screamrig. Thek tyrics

(Kerry) MCR.

Passive F,sr USA

Sannaicho, Sennyu,i / Higa shiyamaku, Kvolo 605-0972/ Japan (also available rn NorlhAmerica fr6m prolane Ex. istenco tor $5 inctuding postage)

PIREXIA Dale a Tu Vida Nuevos Caminos paa Anctat

REAL REGGAE maze CD ln lhe last ysarand a hall thsse guys |,ave put eul somo real.thrashin stul{i this CD no eicaption. ihe onty annoying lhing is this ridiculous mariiuana conceDt ihEv hav€. They even lhrow in this reoda€ tvDo stuti al lh6 end ol the CD which is poorty ptayi-d. If iirey woutd jusl stick lo playing bhstsing thrash, ihey woutd be perf;cl.

lorlongiosllnlestrecord.ngs l,youtikethiskindblsrrit;

Prolane Extslence Far Edst c/o lru.nt Kubo / 35,

s05s8. usA.

are mainly pollllcar (Engtlsh lranstations a r; providecti but also have some porconal subjects as well.' There were only 500 copios ot the Ep madle. hatf of those went to the band tn Urgaguay, so get yourcopy today to make sure you don t miss outt (Dan) Sin Fronleras Records / P.O. Box 8004 / I\rrnneapolis. MN 55408


lhinklheywere rrom Cahlo.nia. Thia coutdhave pjssed or il you love lnfest (ald a the oands yoLr must get lhis one (Kerry)

thrash you might be used to, but it is sti SOS. Their seems lo Seems to be an ovFrall'faar overatt lear tha lhe f'fi'rA future an$6^6-^r^^-, antitechnology, lhome lo to lhisdisc. thisdisc Itcannot cannol reallvsav reatiysay Ithke hke rhe coverdfr, yel rn€ yetth€ yer th€ 4 4lracks rracxs tracks Dtasl blasl lhrough throuoh with through th;irtra, wiih theirtrademaal\ lh;irtradema.k gujtar .

sound and dislinc$ve vocat atyte. Add in some weirdtteclronic bits blend€d in wih sohe sonos and a tit e tribat

chanling/ drumming aI works together quite nicely....SDS are back!tt! (and its about timelt lKerdl I\,CR / 157 Kamiagu Maizuru Kyoto / 624.09i3/ Jaijan

SELKAUS Y/os, Ulos. KaDina CD Selkaus rs Finnjsh lor "Conliicl_ and lhe CD tfles means Ouls,de. Rebeltrcn, the pottcs ot this band are in supDort ol jusl lhatt all out conlhct on lh6 slreets bv the


oppressed majority againsl l1e ru'ing c,ass ehte: ihis uu conrarnsslxleen angrytracks o, angry a na rcho.punk music with the kind ot voaats you can sihbut along ii you only know the Finnish lyncst Forreview, we receiied'lhe "iniernalional' edrlion cover which has lyrics all in Engrlsh and onty the song lrfles (rike "Fuck up and Revotution", "StonF lhe Yuppias Homes.'etc.) prbvided in their Finnrsh oaginals. White lhe sonqs m,i seem tike slogans ,rom Class War and ALF pamphtels. it,s great lo hear the message shouled aou'd wiih such angry conviction! (Oan) ($10 ppd in lhe US lro"r) L4ototov Records / yOK 6 B 23 / 40100 JXL / Flntand SHIKIBANE


12' Yet anothor ripping lhrash reco.d froft MCR. I was anxious lo hear thrs alte.fiese guys btew awayAgothacles on lheir sid€ of th6 sptit 7,'. Hiqh speed harircole thrash lhat at times hints at lhe souids bt greats tike cau?e. Onething lreatly hke abou his istheiact fial itdoes not sound overproduced, EveMhing is in Japanese too....,ld really like to know whal they are taikinq about,,,oh

we11......... (Kerry)


SLAIN / STATE OF FTLTH sofi 7, SLAIN go lrom slow poun<iing d,rges to bta..rng. fast nardcore They have a shglrt souldino metal tnllience. ll's prettywelldone lorwhal it is. STATE oF FTLTH com€s in even heavier and with a litlle more ol a metal tinge , bul on bolh olthese banos.lhe vocals keep,l pretty luc"k;n:

punk. (duke) Enslaved / PO Box 169 / ForsterCoun/ Bradforci, West Yorks / BD7 1YS / UK


Total tnlest worship slufi here. Donoperiecflyl Shil.

PHOBIA Means ol Existence CD


lhe 90s! The lyrics are rea[y welt.wntten and form a crilique olhe injustrcesot mod;rn society a s welt as giv; credil to thos6 lighrrg to make chang6; no ,nanor 6ow small thei. voices. These gJys also do an online zino called Negat,ve State iwww4.,'trisquit) which lollows along the same i'linking and porilics of the band.

157 Kamiagu Meizuru Xyoto / 624-0913 /Japan



ThlsAkron band celaintypu ls no pJnches in the brLtatrlydepartment. l0 tracks ol brulatgflnding haroco.e lhar goes everywlere betweer -al,c beats to slow crushrng brls wth toul vomil vocats screamtng to no endr Lurc; are a mixol polit'catwilh nrh,t.slrc. expr€ssing disguilfo. the state of the world. cood slL{. re-indi m;ot t,e eady days o, Earache (when they meanl rl). (Jon) Nonserlse Recordngs/ pO Bor 3811d3/ btinlo; Twp. M148038-0077.

SUEMISSION HOLO Waiting Fot Another Monkey to Throw the Fist Brick LP l'malwaysocstaiicwhenSUBMtsslON HOLDcomeout wilh somehing new. This is keeping up to lherr usual amazing qualily. The music is, alonq wrlh Jen,s srmolv beaulilul voice, catchy, creative and-rlowing. The tyici are polilJcal, int€restng and welt wrjnen an-d'il a

really nicely don e_oooktet. Oh yeah. and they happen to. b€ printed in 4 ditlerenl tanouaqest (duke) Ebulltron / PO Box 680 / G;tel-a. CA/ s3i16

St BSANrTY Huma,ls Shll


This band plays a styre o. music more akin to grindcore than punk. but lheir potiticai rydcs and Dty ethrcs earned lhom lhe ghl for a rev,ew in lhese oaoes. Wrth sonos Iike "Dead Pigs on Perade'(about kitlng the rich), ov;r musrc thal would have r,l we, in w1h the early Earache releaso, how can vou oo wrono? tDant Sonsual Unde rgro'und irinisrrie-s / p O 'Box 054 5 / Tutsa,

oK 74101.8s4s

SUBTRACT TO ZERO s/T LP Following inlhetootsteps of Demise and Damitol.lhis is

an angry new band lrom Mitwaukee. who take lheir poti-

lics lo a n€w level ol Infoverl€d toalhinq, whtcn i,ts'q,ell

wlh lheir dischordiant, post apocatvplic stvle o,


Hemarkable. this band is rea y pow€dul, wallol-nors6 sound. despite having asingte bass andnoauitar. There were a few repetitive,y tedious moments, buit lew and lar belween lhe majority ol the matorial wh:c1 Dorders on the ingeniousl The hand screen.p nled cover is also a muhi-page booklet. addrng to rhe akeadv qreat care th,a band has put inlo presenti'rg a powerfutiv-bod intiat re-

lease lDanl

$6 ppdl lrom Prrmary Thoughts Milwuakee. Wl 53203


Box 51.085 /

ST FFEB / URKO splil 7' UFKO tear it up with these tatest tracks. powertui, whit€ nol lhrash. Some of rhe best ot lhe type ol oreai pulk ro_ck lhal lhe UK seems lo specratize in inese aiays. SUf FEB speed things up a tittb more to comoteteihis bi! liant slab o, vinyl with th€i, own talenls ot mavhem and madnessl Thts is some ol lhe Dest rew stufl i've h€ard forawhilel (duke) Enslaved / PO Box 169 / ForsterCoull / Bradford. W€sl Yorkshne / BD7 lYS / UK

M CD Wow! Fuck Yeah! T'tis band h,ls yoL Iufl torce. Knocks you on yoJr ass. Sends you ,o, a loop and puts shrvers rrp your spine. They are defrnitety one ot tie most tatented bands lwas tucky enough to see th,s summerand lils release does thsm every bil oliustice. powerrul music, polilical lyrics and punk as ,Jci(, raqtlq rock....wnat more could you ask lor? (duke) Prank / PO Box 410892 / SF. CA/ 94141-0A92 TALK IS POISON


Vasinnets Historia 7"

Thrs is lucking amazingt Totatiiaronce aqain deliverlhe

goodsr /ith 6 new songs of raw Swedish-hardcore ai s Destl Ihrs is mor6 atong lhe lines of they're early days, tolallysizzling ri{s, harshvocats. and a pounding ij-be;tl Afler allthese years Tolalhar remain on the cutting edge musically and tyrtcalyt The tyrjcs are in Swedijh b;t, Excellenl English exptantations are provided. This is rn myopinion one of the best records 6f the vearl Crust records: PO.Box ioOr providence 6t. o29Oj

TOTALIrAn k/ass




This long lime running Sweoish outtil pumD out another hardcore npper. Nohing groundbreaklng. bul this rs stiI

Noise Noise Noise Noise lfoise

toD notch. Never a loser with those guys. Noi as good ad the new 7" on Crusl records. bu I personally rocom_

mend both 7"s lo anyone who likes superb Swedish Hardcore. (KenY) Prank Rec6ds 7 P.o. Box 410892 / san Franosco, 94141-0892


TUOMIPAIVAN LAPSET Painukaa Viftuun 2x7' Tho oac[aqinq on thrs is killer. Nice gatelold double 7' with ilice giosiy inoerl. Th s bdnds been kicking amund lor a whil6. The rore I lrslen, lhe mo'e I seem lo like. Old schoolFinnish hadcore with somewhal sloppy drum_ mino {whrch rs qreal loI these guysl). (Kerry)

FrqEl Recoros / Turtolanmaenk. 6D31 Tampere / Finland



UNM|SE You Gonna Make lt Ot You Never 7" Its beena whrle since lhis band has doneanything. Nice lo see another release (their LP was excsllen0 Old schoolJaDanese hadcore wth dnving EJ a(s thal sorta remrrds rie ol Dealhsrde. I I'nd lhe lyncs ldbe well in' tended. v6l ooorlv lranslaied (which is usually morecomF calthan;nythinlielse). Anyway, more olthe same greal slutl you sliould expecl kom MCB fiese days (Kerry) MCR (addr€ss above)

214 22 MALMo/ Sweden.

l've seen in awhilel Butjust as important, is lhe idea behind ihis comp.. The cover as a 32 page booklet with lyr-

YIA Crv Nov Cry Latet Volunes 3 & 4 CD Th,s ,s'a CD re-ielease ol two double 7' comp,lations which have some great bands on them: MITB, Lack oi

ics, p6rsonal writings and

lnterest, Suppression, Carol. Los Crudos, Charles Bronson, and more, Orcourse, thele is the ever-present

markelino scheme ol adding tracks onto lhe CD lhal

weren l o,,] the original vinyl releases, I havs always ,ound that lo be uner bullshil. FLcq you, I don'l reed the extra tracks. Look lor lh€ vinyl. the layoul in a larg6r size is worth lhe etlort. (A. Noise) Pessimiser-

Psbaoajuv Hlasatel Rocords/ do Pavel Frrmy Mrslikova 393/ 664 82 Ricany u Brna/ Czech Republic

VIA Alive in lreland wal

lylet, Ex'Gathedra, J€sse,

Kabinbov CD

from elevon dif,erent bands, manyof whom played in the Black and Green Daysrestivalol laslwinter (see PE #35)While lhere is sad'y no lyrics and no bdnd rnlormalion beyond conlact addresses. the songlilles (oilhose lcan make oul) give an ov6rall ana.cho-polillcal message lo lhe music. wlh gooo. consistenl mustc and ploduclton on almoslalloflhe recordings here. While mosto,these bands are previously unknown to those oulside Finland, her€ is lh6 complete linoup on the disc: Selkkaus, Siionnin

ll'$, and lhis r€cord aims to chang€ thal.

There's a lhink booklel with lots ol inlormation aboul the historv and oliohl ol lhe Timorese and a bunch o{ news

Kevat, Vilkavalta, Alakultluurin, Laajenluneel Pupillit, Moming Afler, lnjuslice System, Hobgoblin, Haptio, lrrilate, and Fuhace (Dan) ($12 ppd in lhe US from) Molotov Becords / YOK 6 B 23 / 40100 JKL / Flnland

wal. As lor bands- HEADS KICKED OFF


which hav€ a qreat track here, heaps bettorthan their is no siall feet! FORWARD DEFENSE, COACH, and UNDERTONE deliver powedul raw hardcore tracks as

well. JAMES BROOKS have a great track ol political

lolk pu nk, lelling thesiluaiion ol Easl Timo( An excellent packaoe hero good lunes and lols ot info. (Jon) Sp.ral Obreclrve/ PO. Box 12&rOaklands PId SoulhAus_

t€lia 5046/Auslralia. VIA Every Twenty Seconds 7' The bands: Skrotula, lhe Bigols, Sawn Oft, Human EF ror, Boycorl, Aclive l\,4inds, Scum ol Society, Vulgre,


Artwork by Simon, The locus: laising awarenoss lo boycorl r.lesrle lor (s d€s1ructiv6 marketlng skategy lo unirermins the heallhier choica ol breastleeding in order to sell more a nilicial baby milk. This is en exlremely com. plicaled issue which cannot be €xplained in a simple iecord revlew. This 7'conlains soms incr€dible music, and il oll6rs an oxcellent ovorviow of this lmponant issue. lt is a benolit as well, d6dlcaling the protits to Baby Milk Action. Fuck th6 multinationalcoQoralions who are deslrovino EVERYTHING in lheir pathl They must be slopped. ;nd this 7' otfers the potenlially-concemed pubiic with anolher av€nue lo become more aclive, (A. Noise)

A lour wav sohl her6. wilh these Eno,ish, Sconish and lrish bandi- illcaDturod lve in lrsland. The qualiryof all lhe recordings ard supelb, cryslal clear. WAT TYLER doliver sevei lracks o, their hilarious oft the wall punk. The best pan ol therrset is hearing lhem hockle the audi' enc€ and crack iokes! EX-CATHEDRA are mv lavonle here. Fivg lracki ol hioh energy punk rock with a bil ol ska lhrown in- done tn a qreat slyle thal grabs you and wonl lel oo. JESSE ptaY live lracks ol melodic punk rock wilh a rouqh €doe lo it, romindrng m€ a bil ol Leather,ace. KABINSOY stand on their own on lhiscom_ pilation- play two long Sabbath-laden dirges thal bring to ;nind EveH6le God orCaviU, bul wilh no vocals. Greal stufl. Overalla coolCD and a good sample tocheck out some olwhal'sooinq on onlhe Bnlisn islands ohyeah, it's also a benelii'or [he warz one Ce'ltre in Bellast. (Jon) Rejeclect Records/ 9 woodlandsAve./ Dun LaoghaireCo Dublid lreland



YIA Hungry Lad? 7' Thls is an iiternalional 5 band compilation with aanimal riqhts lheme to il, Ioatured hero are Diskonto, oiroct Aation, Armislace, Hooligan Riol, and a wacky one hom Krnqs Ol Feedback. Armislace and Diskonlo being the staid oJls herewilh a laging track komeach. Lyncs and band inlo are provided as;wellas loads otgory picturcs. Uoe) bircle A records 403 west Jsllerson Soulh Bond lN.

All Power lo the People, Not the Slate CD This ls a benslitcompilatrontorthe Mumia Working Group ol Reluse and Resisl. Some ol lhe bands include Global Holocaust, Good Riddance, Submission Hold, Malelaction, Cilrzen Fish plus many more, A good ssleclion ol

bands lied logolhar by conimon atliludes ol punk rock and oolillcs aa on€. Check it oul! (duke) Blaci( Slar Recordings / PO Box 5081 / Torrance, CA / 90510

Voico Production, c/o Flo, 1054 Chelsea Dr., Oltowa, Ontario, k1k 0m8, Canada. Human Error Records, cy'o Phillhy, Box z€ro, 121 Raillon Rd., Brixlon SE24, London, UK or Dave, PO. Box 751, Brunswick Lwr., Vic. 3056, Australia.


VIA Band-11o ArAv Fnhe ig Socialism CD

ls Da Wet'? compilation Abgebochenen Aabgs UN Belenolose t Gewalleruotbn 7' Thrs i; lh6 second reldas€ in the series ol bdnging lo_ qether newAustian Bands on a compilaton. llhink il

This compiiations slarts oul with some techno lhat I per_ sonally had lo slruggle a bil lo gel through, Then. a me_ diocre band that was a lnle wat€rsd down. Third song into the CD comes on and I feel like I had slruck gold!


thino thai sounds !;ke a svnthesizer concoclrcn oul ol lhe

Proqiamm C, wnich llhink is tho b€sl new Band from ausiria lately, Kawasaki, Kobayashiand Konstrukl, which already have boen on the lirst comp. Great cover! (Joe

Powedul and punk as luck, lhen going back to some_

8O's-(somelhing like S(inny Puppy watered down by DeDeahe Model which I lound interesting in a spooky wav The poinl ol lhis ts, thal lhis comp ts exlrem6ly var_ ied which I t'rin{ is lolally cool. They're ts somslhing on here for everyone. Maytt€ somelhing newtoo. Ohyeah, and this bernq a comp, lguess lshould name drop a bit....Oi Polloi, Operation, Buming Kitchon, Vanguard and

morel(duks) Brand / Box 150 15 / 104 65 Stockholm

vlA Breek the Silence

Vol- 1 7"

This fourway splitleatures new Swedish bands playing

old-schoolAfiierican stvle hardcore. INTENSITY,

OUTLASI59TIMES THE PAIN, and MISCONDUCTp|ay in the style ol eady 7 Seconds and tne liks, bui with re' allv heaw Droduclrcn ior plenW ol lhrash power' Allthe baids pl ywith lols ol €nergy and hooks 10 keep it inteF eslrnq. Lirics deal moslly trilr personal struggles and k€eDino ioosilivo sp,ril. Good Swedrsh posi'cor€l(Jon) Putiid Fi[h Conspira;y/ RodngoAliaro/ Sbdra Parkg.55A/

a a orettv cool idea, this time fealuling Prohaska,


Himmerwerk / c/o Didi Eicher / Allerheiligenplatz 1l/37 1200 vienna /Austna


VIA ltalia La Punk 1998 7' A compilation EP lealuring some foths most activ€ DIY anarcho.punk bands in ltaly. The line-up ol great songs (all ol thdm ar€ qooll) are lrom Scum ol Society, DDl, Crepa, La Maschera, lnsull, Sickoids and Brandelly D'Odio. The covefls actuallya bookl€twhich Includes a paqe ol lyncs and inlo lrom each ol lhe bands. (Dan) Agip'rnuAlarma Rscords c/o Gianplero Milani/C.P 63 / 27100 Pavia / llaly UIA Libenne 7" Bands like Youth Against, Huasipungo, Kontraatlaque, and Los Crudos (there are eighi in all) make lhis, musi_ cally,oneolthemaddest, mind-blowing,andbeslcomps

llolse Noise Noise Noise Soise

Molalov Coctail: Fitst Confrontalion CO

Fitly minJles ol hadcore punk Jrom F;nland lhal had Athena and I moshing arou.rd lhe lMrg room al a seriously trenzied pace. There are one lo loLlr lracks each

A Nation Beloyed 7' This ls a comp,lalion ol Auslralian bands, as a benelil lor lhe counlrv ot Easl I]mor- "a counlry lhal has suliered brutal repression a1d genocidal policies underlhe lndo' nesian Suharlo reg,me. acountrylhalhas be€n betrayed ov allAuslralial qovernmenls M/hos€ concerns are mon' eiary, not humanrtarian.' Ithink most ol us donl hear

clipDiiqs as

ZEMEaLUC Mene co isne chleli 7' ThisCzech Republc ba'nd delivers some r€allygood s ng alono oooo hde punk. Their sound is really calchy, bul wirh; he;wiil.,itirsound and throatv vocala. Goodsohd Dunk rock tir;t packs a punch. Lylics poinl out the lail' ircs anrl weakiresses ol humanilv. but wilh a breath ol hope. Nlce qatelold packaginO lo boot. (Jon)


YIA East Timor:

much aboJl

impona inlormation about the

subiect ol immigraiion in the US. Projects liko lhis are priceless ano the.r imponance rs undeniable. This is a oreat examoie ol the ounk rockcuilure. il's awareness in iolilics and ifs abilili lo ellecl whar peoole perceive in thls lucked up wodd and lhe way whlch they view tt 'n (hoperullywith clearereyes, awakened minds, and open hearrs). iduke) Etgdle t PO Box 20722 I lA, CA / 90006

UIA The Mythallhe Clean Kill 7" There's quile a lewsoundbites on here that ldidn\ really get much lrom ano I didn'l lind any ol the ba4ds really good (none ol lhem were hofible lhough). Bl,t lhe messaqe is lhere (animal nghls)and it's coollo her€ some stull ltom a counlry l'm nol exposed 1o musically as much as I am lo olherc. (duke) Human Error Becords/ PO Box 751 / Brunswick LWR / Vicloria, Auslralia / 3056 YIA Resistence is Futile, Assimilale 7" A coolcompilation wilh lour good bands. Konstrukt kom Auslia, Stalingrad kom lh€ UK. Gnevarce lrom llalyand No Complylromthe US whichplayan ass kickrng Spazz coverl (Joe E.) tnvenebrata Records / BrigittaplaD2zzl0 / 1200 vienna




The first installmenl was killer llexi. lncluded on vo. 2 are D.S.B., Slighl Slapp€rc and 2 mo'e. D.S.B con-

linue on with their 'iapcore' sound quile well and distinctly. ll you like anything els€ theyv€ done, you ll love lheir track. As usualSlight Slappers toss rn some maniacal hiqh eneroy qoofinessi equal lo previous eflorts. The otier tlvo bands. Less Haze and crucial sectibl don t quile stand up to lhe p.eviously menlioned bands. Bul this rocord is delinilely worlh I nonelheless. (K€rry) MCR MUCH WORSE 4x7"box Woll, 4 splrt 7"s i4 a box featuring 4 ol Japans mosl craziest lhrashers and 4 ol the U,S.'s more wsll known rip_ pelsgoingheadto head. RealReggae, Nice View, Fuck OnTh6B€achand Flash Gordon fromJapan fip ll up lh€ b€sl lh6y can. I really dig Real Reggae ovor lhe resl. From th6 U.S. are some big names like Capilalist Casu_ allies, Hellnalion, Charles Bronson and Spazz. Tho besl is the live spok€n lracks that Chades Bronson stole and sluck in belween theirsongs. The soundbites are better than the songs. Totally hilariousll Definitely a good one...... (Kerry) Sound Pollution / PO. Box 17742 / Covington. KY 41017

vtAToioRRow wLL BE


We'@ hore to ruin loul lun /Anarcho punkfedoftton benofit casselte This is a benelil for the A.PF A new intemational nel_ work of anarcho punk activists dedicated to a stronger more active movemenl. This is a great benefit and c€r_ taioly worlh sLpportingl Featurod on lhe cassetle are loada of bands lrom around the glob€. The sound qual' itv ol lhe casse e has a Iol lo be desired as mosl ol lhe s6nqs sound like lhey were recorded in the praclice space on rtaoe recorder. The bands thaldo sland out hele are

Rlot blone(U.K),


mraid(Austatra). Sanctus

tuda(Poland), and L//Polhlical(U.S.). The lape comes wilh a neivspaper explaining what the A.PF. is ancl a list of conlacl addresses around lho world, plus band inlo and some lyncs. Check il oul and gel involved! (Joe) Crassliole Collectrve: PO.Box 65341 Ballimore MD.


Flor ftom Primiiiv Bunko (crusi Your Mind! t'm going

tor whidr is very busy doing a lot ol to make lhis good and well to ke€p it tight cause l'm not going to take halt' to lalk about everylhing over he.e this good trench bands/zines/ is iust dsl?ibutors be known in all the ot tet counldes lhis eadli:fm only FJ ing ihose $ie(l mosi sincere, DlY,'roO profit aib ir ol lhe people listed are so I can ceniry you that they and No-Rip Otfs!


S.P. 347

75232 Pbris Ceder


l[SBiER is the new band o, torme. f:nola Rock band;.bd I iarely it's ab6ot as good, they have a CO out on bener buy MRR ot son like lhal! Panx! Contact: Michel CEBRAN / !4, Rue Fo, the .ines in France, they aie mosily Gay

/ 32390 Monlest,uc / Ftance DARUMA BAXUDAN is the hew Coche Bomba in lact it's the same name in lapaneset They irsl recorded and should pui olt a 7" on Bad carilffill*6elt*' 5 MIMTTED OF-C} ASSE is an extrerne g.ind Maisonale


slarled oui very


band in the Anal Cunt/ tlelnatioi vdn ii's hor.

punk Rock also so I prete( talking aboot Apuni zines and ctust/grind zines it r,fill ke@ this scene report sho.ter and anyway I le*lhese are the most intdresting onesl A[ these zin6 are in 1.9french unless stated! TOTAIITARTZM Very interesting



..) .. .,..,'o-.t .:'' ;.: '.'-"

which talks a lot-abdot Oass Wat the


like in En.

lh. 'knOym

and g9l ,ecbrds

last couple ot years lhere were one called ENoLA GAY llfji phyd{Eioidikusi wiih a Ooomish influencC, but tnei n<i tfirger elist The other one wal COCHE Bot\atArthat mired tasl Brnk with good ttrashcorq thair music aod lyrics wete-always surprising rd tull ol eq! s[ty,lnyway RIP tor both bands. t! siop it here ilnh the history because ld preler to talk about lhe aclual scenel There were cruil i batds such a5 COEXIST, CR( PAST, lVlCH,

etcBUIIKO is A-Punk

band, ihe.e are 2


in OcUNov.,. There

a couple ol changes over




but I lhink nobody cares! OPSIA},ID is a good grind ba,rd a' ta Drop

ttey have 3 eps out one in split with Seer, Red ard ihe new orle in splil with Spazr or Coalltioi! Contact Olivler / 4t Lagrange / 33liSO dead





,EAN SEaERG is also a new grind/power Violence band ftom the same place as Opstand lhey have a split /'ep out with Oahmer thatl redly great! And ihe new ,ean Seberg/Shhess

dble! Pam pul di.ita 7" ep ol them in t998 conlact a Fr?imitiv Bunto! SICKNESS

is also toglrs


EnEla Ga

this is a bald! -Crusi/Us nl*n h screaming vocals, tooii tut 'lui-tei g cor acli Cyril FnETO / 6, Rue Espaglle Auch / Fra.ce RAWNESS is a good rtraight torwad SE

bard th€y have a split CO out with peisonal Choicel SLUMS

Easterd Europe s

is my olhel band we do some kind


Saint France OEVIANCE A A.punf zine that tdks 03500


lhe French scene with intervieurs, a.tides, col. umns wilh petty cool cut and paste a.twork also hal, hardwritien and hal, typew'itten,

iiire labels:





*o . send

contactS, Menil / FIGHT FOR

il you can it

lor getting anarchist a.e lwo book storcs and they zines and a lot ol other shitl

/ lhefiwe have yet

to heat ol

aoyone to deal wilh Sludge and Dot regret


or cofiplaio

Lib'rairie La Gryfie 69007 Lyon / F ance


5, Ftue Sebaslien Gryphe

. Le Kiosk / Passage Dumas voliaiie / 75011 / Ftance




l'm not 9oin9 to put any into on squats because they change every month and it's hard to w'ile down slutl lhat will not be ot acluality in the next monlhs, so t'm sony hrt that's how it isl Same tfiihg tor conce places! Anyway, lhere are a lot ol anachist organi.


zations in France but you can gat their addresses


w.ite lo lhem! Here is the addess

BAD CARO: This label has

pul out coche 8omba,

ihaough the book slores 5o doo\ hesilate lo

ol ihe


out scena just write L'underground Oes Tanneries

trench BOOK

to get more inlo on loi La Trame oe

/ c/o Stephahe T.oplain / 10, Rue / 52000 Chaumont / France. precise intormations

to my ad

band PANX: He has put out

Coche Bomb4



abuso Sonoro a shit load

others my







I'{ERG $l.srrafo rrave O(OIIC

ry:F €d tro.n Da

Elltern atepe, ltrkfiown


sre3t ,ead lo slrug€iel Contact Fred BRAH!!!.{1l-t! Rue Foret / 67340 ',lenchhotteri / France Here are odller adatesses ot good zir




BP. 7523


35tl.,5 Rennes




Rtol.ar6"riiANcE: Anthony Giraud / Rcillaudd;s / 85llo saint Prouanl / France



2, Les Haris Oe 3:Y50 Beychac Et Caillau / F,ance LES FAUX FILS D€ IHRASH BOT RRENT: Lautent Soudeille / 24, Rue lliel / 63100 Clermont Ferrand

WANTED: Yann Uerdalle Beychac



Fiaoce MY WORLD ls-j Yves Prigent Le Vesinet / Fr-ca


B,P. 07



stull ,rom Prirnitiv Eunkq

too poo. io w le back lo everyone so no lRC, no reply, sad but true, sotry! Hete i5 my add.ess: Fight Fo, Your Mind / L'Okara / c/o Florimond sOYEz / Chemin de la vernue / 03800


releases are

of this magazine

Por !od'r aia.dro!,u* ba.'€6 crrl! ind likurie fu|,


'.n 't2

UX lnl

Punk a Thrcat goittg,to believe one pack ol ller

p.mDhleB and 9rlphl(r of


Send a saamp, IPC ot il lot a comptctc mattotdet cablog ol Prclme Exlslence P,ecords, Skuld Peleases,





guHe io rlternrflve yomen'r health (are ln ! fad.rllled, 16 plge plntphlet. CoveE everylhlng ,rom hl5torl6l oDDr€s5lon of yonen he!hi5,lo (ommon Ir edons, menrturtlon, blrth (ontol rnd AlDt. Sf DDd.


BA8, plut lealuret on (hlspat revoh, rquri (raddo*n ln lhe UK and an ' fa*lst on lrlal ln l{lnnespollt plut lhe regulsr features. t2 pIrd.


: FANE EXSIEN(E The lprlnE torlnlli '9E 9.9.


yt. EplBh, ZlDltltts updalet, lnd ln-

6umner 1997, P..t 1) Art€r r typl(db un(allad fot dcl.v, Prolane Erblenae Magszln€ lr b.d( vlth ! Dla sumner spedall lrsue 31 (on_

tewlcur ulth London Gteenpe.(€,



€dldon h.trrlir lomoia AIr*q lDad(t ' on b€ldf ol l.luml. Abu'J n5l, BoY@t

(opro,6t , Unhtnsed, Sln Dlor, lnd ln' rane Yogtht t3 ppd.

!n lnlefllev ullh Delettatl,on,

lkler on lhe 8l..k.P!nlhcrt, Ffih tquel plut (olobl., Venetucla hento !(enc ilpo.E $2



Aller lhrec ye.6 ol tabloldt, PE rctutht L, ltr! or|rln.l naglllne f,ormEt-. lull Dts€s, tlill wlih. $1 (oYer Dtl(e!

lnte|.lsvs lhls ltlue lndude lhe al' ,nishii 3r[raY (uN, HEALTH HAzAtD



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PROFANE EXIMN(E #19/20 (Sunner '93) (rush Oper.|tl,on Resaue tpedal douHe Btue lestudns lntervlevi whh HIAIUS,

DOGtrGHT.rhd . Eu.ope.n .nll-1.5' rlrt rt yl3l at vell !5 ..lklet on punk & 9o tkt, the lwl thc .hhb rnd lwlce ahFB $3 pPd.

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(oI equal or On get three lssues wlth a total

lhe b€fi€Y.t{e

,lo D.gat telturlhg

rid lscdlah .hlEho'tvndl' (airl r.o(rg s'AC, .st we[ .t lordJ oI


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PROF {E EXtSItll(E Sdl

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, P-t ! i.rr- L{ oa t E trEil. otr Ot!o| rgadJ cr-ts Dqr.U:E-l&lglotrlrrE * sr Asrda rllenlh*tdar' tad eidrr':, r.dr.t ol dia loar ol Ore$ cJ rd Des.d., 'H. Ef. G*ard E&af. p{ilr!; D(mr. Abo,h.

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