Filibistro Brand Manual

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Brand Identity Manual

Contents Marian dela Fuente 15510947 Tut: Jacquie Shaw Unit: Brand Identity 271 Introduction Brand Identity Elements 3 How to use this manual 3 Brand Identity Elements 4 Brandmark 5 Typeface 6 Clear Space 7 Minimum and maximum usage sizes 8 Brand variations 9 Incorrect use of elements 10 Colours 12 Spot 13 Supporting Colours 14 Incorrect use of Colours 15 Additional Graphic Devices: Shapes and Patterns 16 Square and Circles 17 Tattoos 18 Mask 19 Flowers 20 Business Aplication 21 Typography 22 Business card 23 Letterhead 24 Envelope 25 Menus 26 Napkin 27 Uniforms 28 Website: Home Page 29 Sinage 30 Exterior signage 31 Interior 32 Conclusion 33

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Introduction FiliBistro Manual Guide

How to use this manual

This manual is to be used as a guidline for artists and for the company in using the brand mark in different areas of print and publication such as stationeries, pamphlets, envelopes, business cards, menus, napkins, uniforms; and electronic communication such as website. It is important to have rules and guidelines in using the brand mark to have efficient and consistent branding in marketing, public relations, advertising and communication to create coherence and establish the brand image.

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Brand Identity Elements

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Brand Identity Elements The Brand Mark


Role of the Brand Mark symbol

The brand mark reflects the values and personality of the brand and the company as a whole. Thus, the most important part of brand identity is the FiliBistro logo. It also represents the restaurant’s theme: Philippine festivals. The brand mark also communicates the brand values which includes: refreshing, vibrant, youthful and friendly. The FiliBistro logo has 2 elements: 1. The FiliBistro logotype 2. Symbol The logotype which is developed from handwritten design is unique and it creates the authenticity of the brand. The symbol represent the Philippine culture theme of the bistro.

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Brand Identity Elements Typeface

Menus/Poster and other graphics design

Title and other display type

Lollipop pt 18 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 -=[]\:”;’,./<>?~!@#$%^&*()

Body and other supporting texts

Saddlebrook pt 14 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 -=[]\:”;’,./<>?~!@#$%^&*()

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Brand Identity Elements Clear Space x



The readability and legible presentation of the FiliBistro logo is essential in preserving a good brand identity. The clear mark ensures the protection of the logo’s integrity. Diagram: y = height x = 1/12 of y

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Brand Identity Elements Minimum and Maximum Size

size: 100% 84.46 mm x 51.08 mm

size: 33.78 mm x 20.43 mm

size: 24.75 mm x 18.5 mm

The logo is provided in illustrator format to be used in different sizes in the disk at the back of this manual

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Brand Identity Elements Variations

The brand mark can be used in different variations presented in this manual. In fax and black and white documents, the logo can be printed in all black monochromatic variation including symbols.

The colours can be inverted to white including the symbols if the background is dark colour or black.

The brand mark can also be a blue or red monochromatic colour that designers can use for different specific design.

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Brand Identity Elements Incorrect Usage

Correct usage: No alteration in colour, size, layout and includes symbols.

Do not squeeze the logo.

Do not stretch the logo.

Do not rotate the logo.

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Brand Identity Elements Incorrect Usage

Do not decrease the size of the text; do not increase the size of the symbols and vice versa.

Do not change the style of the logo type.

Do not disalign the letters.

Do no separate the symbol from the logo type.

Do no remove the symbol from the logo.

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Colours Main Colours (Spot)

PANTONE: 646 C C/M/Y/K: 71/32/14/0 RGB: 64/128/174 Hex: # 578EC2

PANTONE: 179 C C/M/Y/K: 0/83/89/0 RGB: 227/58/36 Hex: # E9500E

PANTONE: 7406 C C/M/Y/K: 71/32/14 RGB: 252/196/36 Hex: # FFD000

These are the colour guidlines for printing purposes of the brand mark and other related applications like envelope, letters and posters which uses Spot colours. The hex colours should be used in web and other on screen applications for laptop, mobiles and other electronic devices.

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Colours Supporting Colour

PANTONE: 376 C C/M/Y/K: 50/0/100/0 RGB: 141/198/63 Hex: # 95C11F

The refreshing colour green helps balance out the vibrant colours of the brand mark and re-enforces the fresh tropical and festival theme of the bistro. This color is only be used as a background colour, in-text decorations, and graphic devices such as undelrines. An example is in the menu design.

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Colours Incorrect Use of Colours

Do not change the color of the letters “Bistro”.

Do not change the colour of the letters “Fili”.

Do not change the colours of the dots of the letter i’s and “O” in bistro.

Do not change the colours of symbol.

Do not change the colours the letters “i” and “o”.

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Additional Graphic Elements

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Additional Graphic Elements Shapes and Patterns Suares and Circles These are the squares and circle patterns that are used together with the other graphic elements to create a festive design. The squares are in orange and blue colours with yellow outline. No other colour variation can be used. The circle patterns’ fill and stroke (below left) can be in blue, orange and yellow colours . The squares and circles can be scaled down to a minimum size considering that the squares and circles are still recognizable. The vector shapes are provided in illustrator format in a disk at the back of this manual.

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Additional Graphic Elements Shapes and Patterns Tattoos These are the tattoos patterns that represent the tribal festival theme of the FiliBistro restaurant. The tattoo images can come in orange, yellow and blue. The different parts of the tattoos can also be used separately, alone, or in different colours, and in different layout or arrangements (see images on lower left). The tattoo images can be scaled down to a minimum size considering that the squares and circles are still recognizable. The vector shapes are provided in illustrator format in a disk at the back of this manual.

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Additional Graphic Elements Shapes and Patterns Masks These are the 2 variations of the mask design. They can be used in blue, yellow or orange and/or a combination of the three colours only. You can use a separate part of the mask, for example, the eyes and noes only, for a design but it is not encouraged. The mask images can be rotated in any angle and flipped based on the design. It can be resized to a minimum scale as long as it remains recognizable. The vector mask images are provided in illustrator format in a disk at the back of this manual.

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Additional Graphic Elements Shapes and Patterns Flowers These are the flower designs which represents the flower festval and colourful theme of Filibistro. The big flower on the left should be kept as it is and should not be varied in colour and shape. The little flower patterns on the bottom of the pages can be used in the colours blue, red and yellow. They can be arranged in any format together with the other graphical elements. They can be resized to a minimum as long as they remain recognizable. The flower vectors are provided in illustrator format in the disc at the back of this manual.

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Business Applications

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Business Application Typefaces and Family These are the appropriate typography for for formal and/or written documents of the FiliBistro brand such as business cards, letters. No other kind of font should be used aside from these. BUSINESS CARD

Name Surname

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Calibri pt 12


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Calibri pt 10

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Helvetica pt 9 Color: Black 80%






pt 11




leading: 14 pt Hypenation: off

FOOTER FiliBistro Address PO BOX Perth, WA 6000 Phone: 1234-5678

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Helvetica pt 9 leading: 10 pt Hypenation: off Color: Black 80%

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Business Application Business Card Front

size: 24.75 mm x 18.5 mm

size: A6 52 mm x 74mm

3 mm bleed area


' 8989-5467 Opens everyday from: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

size: A6 52 mm x 74mm

3 mm bleed area

Applying the graphic element, logo and typography to the business card should be minimal and clean. The graphics used for this is provided in the disk at the back of this manual in illustrator format (.ai).

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Business Application Letterhead size: 10 mm from the edge of the paper

size: 33.78 mm x 20.43 mm

Name Address Date > To whom it may concern; > vet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui oďŹƒcia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. > Aliquam tempor mattis lectus, eget pharetra lectus scelerisque eget. Pellentesque auctor, diam id interdum ultrices, eros lorem lacinia est, sit amet rutrum leo ipsum sit amet felis. Ut placerat congue justo quis posuere. Donec ut turpis id lacus ornare tincidunt nec ut justo. Ut nec diam nec odio congue aliquam. Nunc semper euismod libero, tempus dapibus felis sollicitudin nec. Phasellus tempor mattis lobortis. Aenean ante turpis, varius et pellentesque nec, condimentum non purus. > Sincerely yours, > Name Position

FiliBistro 12 Clare St., Perth, WA 6000 # 1234-5678 ISBN, 978-3-16-148410-0

scale: 75% actual size: A4 margins: 20mm all sides bleed: 3mm all sides

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Business Application Envelope 15 mm 15 mm


FiliBistro Global Community Group If undelivered please return to PO Box 4573 Perth Western Australia 6000

The envelope design focuses mainly on the flap of the envelope. The same graphic design for the letterhead is used on the flap. The inside of the envelope is colour green to create a fresher feel and contrast with the graphical element on the outer flap. The graphics used for this is provided in the disk at the back of this manual in illustrator format (.ai).

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Business Application Menus

This is how the menu should be designed. Simple, clean and minimal graphics. The font types indicated in the manual are used for the display type and body type. The colours of the FiliBistro are used as higlights for the categories. The green colour is used for additional graphic devices.

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Business Application Napkin

10 mm

10 mm

Standard Dinner Napkin Size: 20 x 20 cm Material: Cotton Colour: White

reference for napkin size:

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Uniforms Apron

The uniform should be all black with white apron (left): Female: Black shirt,blouse, Black skirt or pants. Male: Black shirt, polo Black pants Shoes: Closed black shoes. The staff should be always tidy, neat, well groomed and presentable. The design of the apron is enhancing the graphical elements, colours and the logo to achieve a coherence in branding.

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Website Home Page

This is how the website homepage should be designed. The background colour is green and the border design for the stationery is also used. The whole body is aligned at the center to leave negative spaces on the left and right side to achieve a clean and fresh look.

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Sinage Exterior The exterior sinage is on the post infront of the building. The logo appears in plane white background.

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Sinage Interior

For the interior sinage, the logo is etched on the glass at the entrance with a semi frosted glass background to separate the logo from the rest of the glass. The frosted glass also helps in toning down the reflection of the glass to be able to see the logo more clearly.

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Branding is a powerful tool to market and promote the restaurant.. The brand logo, graphical elements and typography should be used properly and accordingly to achieve a uniformity, repetition and coherence which are needed for effective brand recognition. The design of the branding should not only look good but it should also represent the company’s personality, values and goals.

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