The punjab parlimentarian part 1

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The Punjab Parliamentarians 1897─2013



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Published by: Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Secretariat Lahore - Pakistan Phone No.92-42-99200335-47 Fax No. 92-42-99200330, 99200348 e-mail: Web:


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Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Father of the Nation

Allama Sir Dr Muhammad Iqbal Great Muslim Poet and Philosopher (Member of the Punjab Legislative Council 1927)

Mamnoon Hussain President Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Prime Minister Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Malik Muhammad Rafique Rajwana Governor of the Punjab

Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif Chief Minister of the Punjab

Rana Muhammad Iqbal Khan Speaker Provincial Assembly of the Punjab

Sardar Sher Ali Gorchani Deputy Speaker Provincial Assembly of the Punjab

Mian Mahmood ur Rasheed Leader of the Opposition Provincial Assembly of the Punjab

Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, 2013 - House in Session

THE PUNJAB PARLIAMENTARIANS 1897-2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Editorial Board......................................................................................iii Foreword................................................................................................ v Preface to the First Edition.................................................................vii Preface to the Second Edition..............................................................ix Preface to the Third Edition.................................................................xi Introduction.........................................................................................xiii

Part 1 Pre Independence Period (1897-1947) Chapter 1 Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab 1. First Council November 1, 1897 to July 3, 1909..............................................5 2. Second Council January 3, 1910 to December 14, 1912..................................... 11 3. Third Council January 4, 1913 to April 19, 1916.............................................15 4. Fourth Council June 12, 1916 to April 6, 1920..................................................21

Chapter 2 Punjab Legislative Council 1. First Council January 8, 1921 to October 27, 1923........................................29

2. Second Council January 2, 1924 to October 27, 1926........................................41 3. Third Council January 3, 1927 to July 26, 1930...............................................53 4. Fourth Council October 24, 1930 to November 10, 1936..................................65

Chapter 3 Punjab Legislative Assembly 1. First Assembly April 5, 1937 to March 19, 1945...............................................81 2. Second Assembly March 21, 1946 to July 4, 1947.................................................99

Part 2 Post Independence Period (1947 to date) Chapter 1 West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1. First Assembly August 15, 1947 to January 25, 1949...................................... 119

Chapter 2 Punjab Legislative Assembly 2. Second Assembly May 7, 1951 to October 14, 1955............................................131

Chapter 3 Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 3. Third Assembly (Interim Assembly)

4. Fourth Assembly May 19, 1956 to October 7, 1958............................................149 5. Fifth Assembly June 9, 1962 to June 8, 1965...................................................177 6. Sixth Assembly June 9, 1965 to March 25, 1969..............................................189

Chapter 4 Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 7. Seventh Assembly May 2, 1972 to January 13, 1977............................................205 8. Eighth Assembly April 9, 1977 to July 5, 1977...................................................223 9. Ninth Assembly March 12, 1985 to May 30, 1988............................................243 10. Tenth Assembly November 30, 1988 to August 6, 1990....................................263 11. Eleventh Assembly November 5, 1990 to June 28, 1993........................................283 12. Twelfth Assembly October 18, 1993 to November 17, 1996................................303 13. Thirteenth Assembly February 18, 1997 to October 12, 1999..................................323 14. Fourteenth Assembly November 25, 2002 to November 18, 2007............................343 15. Fifteenth Assembly April 9, 2008 to March 20, 2013.............................................375

16 Sixteenth Assembly June 01, 2013 to date...............................................................405

Part 3 Advisory Councils Chapter 1 West Pakistan Development Advisory Council 1. June 24, 1960 to November 8, 1961............................................439

Chapter 2 Provincial Council of the Punjab 1. First Council April 19, 1980 to May 25, 1983..............................................447 2. Second Council December 31, 1983 to October 25, 1984................................463

Part 4 Miscellaneous Governors...........................................................................................481 Chief Ministers...................................................................................487 Speakers..............................................................................................495 Deputy Speakers.................................................................................501 Leaders of Opposition........................................................................507 Secretaries.......................................................................................... 511 Senior Secretaries..............................................................................515 Picture Gallery ..................................................................................519






RAI MUMTAZ HUSSAIN BABAR Master in Public Administration Senior Secretary

Chief Editor


M.A. (Library Science), M.A. (History), M.A. (Pol Sc), LL.B. Director General (Parliamentary Affairs & Research)



LL.M. (Aus) M.A. (History) Research Officer


FOREWORD Living nations preserve their history and traditions which remind the coming generations of their glorious past. The history of Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, the largest House of legislature in Pakistan, extends over a period of more than a century. Its evolutionary journey started in 1897 when the first ever provincial legislature in Punjab was constituted as Council of the Lieutenant Governor of Punjab. It was a nominated body with very limited legislative powers. It was succeeded by the Punjab Legislative Council in 1921 and then by the Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1937. On independence in 1947, it continued as the West Punjab Legislative Assembly, subsequently renamed as Punjab Legislative Assembly. Upon formation of One Unit of West Pakistan, this Institution also served as Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan from 1955 to 1969. After the dissolution of One Unit in 1970, it has been serving as the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab since 1972. This book contains the name lists of members of the Legislative Councils and Assemblies of the Province of Punjab constituted from 1897 to date. A brief description of the legal framework under which the above mentioned Houses of legislature were constituted and profile of each of them has also been given before the name lists of Members of each Assembly. The entire credit for the production of this revealing publication goes to the Editorial Board who, with their sustained efforts, collected relevant information spreading over a period of more than a century. This publication has been brought out as a humble tribute to our forerunners. v

I hope that this publication will serve a useful purpose in acquainting the public of this august House and the personalities who played their role in the political history of the country during the pre independence and the post independence periods. RANA MUHAMMAD IQBAL KHAN Speaker Provincial Assembly of the Punjab June 2015 Lahore


PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The need to compile a consolidated history and list of Members of the Punjab Legislature had long been felt for the purpose of research in the parliamentary and legislative history of the largest Province of Pakistan i.e. the Punjab. In 1987, an attempt was made in this regard and a book titled “The Punjab Legislators� was published by the Punjab Assembly Secretariat which contained the names of the Legislators. Since then, five new Assemblies have been constituted. Besides updating the book, there was a need for adding additional material in the book about the legal framework and profile of each Assembly. Visualizing the research oriented importance of the book, Ch Muhammad Afzal Sahi, Speaker, Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, appointed a separate Editorial Board, under the patronage of the Secretary, comprising Mr Inayat Ullah Lak, Mr Khalid Mahmood and Dr Muhammad Arshad Ovaisi. This book is much more than a revised version of the 1987 publication. It has been divided into four Parts. A brief profile of each Legislature has been given which is followed by the list of Parliamentarians of that period. It is hoped that this book will attract the interest of the researchers and general readers alike. All efforts have been made to keep this compilation free from errors. Any suggestion, however, for improvement in the book would be appreciated. SAEED AHMAD Secretary Provincial Assembly of the Punjab June 2007 Lahore vii

PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION A sequal to “The Punjab Legislators” published in 1987 and the first edition of “The Punjab Parliamentarians” published in June 2007 is in your hands. The first edition, contained name lists of Members of the Punjab Legislature from 1897 to 2007 along with the profile of each legislature. After constitution of the present Provincial Assembly of the Punjab in 2008, there was a need to update the first edition. By and large, this present publication has the same layout as that of the 2007 edition. It has been divided into four Parts. A brief profile of each Legislature has been given followed by the list of Parliamentarians of that period.

Dr Malik Aftab Maqbool Joiya Secretary Provincial Assembly of the Punjab June 2008 Lahore


PREFACE (Third Edition) As the current era is known as the era of Information Technology and advanced knowledge that is why these two disciplines instigate people to learn and get more and more information about their desired objects. So I hope that this revised Third Edition of the Punjab Parliamentarians from 1897 to 2014 would satisfy the needs of not only the political leaders but also of the researchers and students. I am sure that this humble effort of the Assembly Secretariat would be a great reference book. The first and second editions provided information about the names of Members of the Punjab Legislature from 1897 to 2007 along with a sketch of each legislature. Now after the constitution of the present Punjab Assembly, it was felt indispensable to update\improve the book. Overall the present Revised Third Edition has the same lay out as that of the 2007 edition. It has four parts i.e., Pre-Independence period, PostIndependence Period, Advisory Councils and Miscellaneous. A brief sketch of each legislature has been given along with List of the Parliamentarians of that period. The Assembly Secretariat has taken all possible care and caution, however, pointing of omissions and errors would be welcomed to rectify the same in the next edition. Suggestions with respect to its improvement would be highly appreciated. Rai Mumtaz Hussain Babar Senior Secretary Provincial Assembly of the Punjab June, 2015 Lahore,


INTRODUCTION Located in South Asia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, the Republic of India in the east and the People’s Republic of China in the far northeast. Pakistan is the sixth most populous country with the second largest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia. Pakistan covers an area of 796,095 sq km and has an estimated population over 174 million with 97% Muslim majority. World’s seventh nuclear state Pakistan is a member of the United Nations, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, World Trade Organization, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, G33 Developing Countries, Group of 77 Developing Nations, SAARC, major non-NATO ally of the United States. Pakistan emerged as an independent state after the end of British rule in India in 1947. Originally it comprised two wings, i.e. East Pakistan and West Pakistan. In 1971, however, political dissent in East Pakistan culminated in secession of East Pakistan as an independent state of Bangladesh and West Pakistan became the present day Pakistan which comprises four provinces: Punjab, Sindh, North West Frontier and Balochistan, besides the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Islamabad is the federal capital. The province of Punjab is the largest of the four provinces. Present day Punjab was once a part of Indian Punjab before independence in 1947. For this reason, the history of Provincial Assembly of the Punjab is divided in two periods, i.e. pre-independence period and the post independence period. According to the present Constitution, Pakistan is a federal republic xiii

with a bicameral national Parliament and four unicameral Provincial Assemblies in its four provinces. The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, Pakistan, like other parliamentary institutions in the country, has evolved through a long process of constitutional development during the pre independence and the post independence periods. The genesis of the legislature in the sub-continent can be traced back to the nineteenth century. From 1833 to 1861, the Governor General in Council was the sole administrative as well as the legislative authority in the British India, who ran the administration and was assisted by the executive and legislative councils. Beneath the Governor General were the Governors of Provinces of India. The War of Independence waged in 1857 against the British rulers of India made them realize the necessity of establishing closer contacts with the local public and its opinion. The enactment of the Indian Councils Act, 1861 was the aftermath. This Act provided for the establishment of a Council of the Lieutenant Governor at the state level to transact legislative business as the legislative council. The 1861 Act thus laid the foundation for the future legislature as an independent entity separate from the Executive Council. The first council in the Punjab, however, was yet to be constituted when the Indian Councils Act, 1892 was passed. This Act enlarged the functions of the Council in two respects, firstly, the Council could discuss the annual financial statement and secondly, it could ask questions subject to certain limitation. Members were to hold office for two years. First Legislative Council in the province of the Punjab under the Indian Councils Act, 1861, as modified by the Indian Councils Act, 1892, was constituted in 1897. This Council comprised both official and nonxiv

official members. The meetings of the Council were presided over by the Lieutenant Governor himself. Element of election in the Legislative Council was introduced for the first time by the Indian Councils Act, 1909, also known as the Morley-Minto Reforms. The Act gave Indians limited role in the legislative councils. It dispensed with official majorities in the Provincial Legislative Councils and gave them power to move resolutions upon matters of general public interest and also upon the Budget and to ask supplementary questions. This Act carried constitutional development a step further. The Government of India Act, 1915, was enacted to consolidate the provisions of all the preceding Acts. This Act also provided for the constitution of the Punjab Legislative Council instead of the Councils of Lieutenant Governor. During the period from 1897 to 1920, four Councils of Lieutenant Governor were constituted, in 1897, 1910, 1913 and 1916. The Montague-Chelmsford Reforms were introduced by the British Government to set up self-governing institutions in India. The reforms were outlined in the Montague-Chelmsford Report prepared in 1918 and formed the basis of the Government of India Act, 1919. The 1919 Act was essentially transitional in character. The franchise was extended, and increased authority was given to the central and the provincial legislative councils. The most important feature of the 1919 Act was the introduction of a new system of dyarchy or double government in the Provinces. The Act created 11 self-governing provinces. The Governor could not be a member of the Legislative Council, he could, however, address the members in the Legislative Council. Four Legislative Councils under this Act were constituted in xv

Punjab; in 1921, 1924, 1927 and 1930. Under Section 84 of the 1919 Act, a statutory commission was to be appointed at the end of ten years, to determine the next stage in the realization of self-rule in India. Accordingly, the British government appointed a Commission under Sir John Simon in November 1927. The Commission, which had no Indian members, was given the task to investigate India’s constitutional problems and make recommendations to the government on the future Constitution of India. The Commission recommended further constitutional changes, which were embodied in the Government of India Act, 1935. This Act granted Indian provinces autonomy and the dyarchical system was discontinued. The 1935 Act provided for a Federation and the constituent units as the Governor’s Provinces. This Act, for the first time, provided for the constitution of an Assembly in place of a Council. Almost all Assembly members were to be elected, with the exception of some special and otherwise unrepresented groups. The term of the Assembly was fixed as five years. The 1935 Act also made a division of powers between the Centre and the Provinces. Two Legislative Assemblies were constituted under this Act, in 1937 and 1946. In 1947, the sub-continent was divided into two sovereign and independent states of Pakistan and India under the Indian Independence Act, 1947. Pending promulgation of a Constitution, the Government of India Act, 1935, with necessary alterations and modifications through the Pakistan (Provisional Constitution) Order, 1947, was adopted as the provisional Constitution. With the creation of Pakistan, the province of Punjab was also divided into two provinces, i.e. Western Punjab (in Pakistan) and Eastern Punjab xvi

(in India) resulting in the division of the Punjab Legislative Assembly, constituted in 1946, into East Punjab and West Punjab Legislative Assemblies. This carried forward West Punjab Legislative Assembly was declared to be the first Provincial Assembly after independence under the Pakistan (Provincial Legislatures) Order, 1947, and was dissolved in 1949. In 1950, the Province of West Punjab was renamed as Province of Punjab and the second Assembly was constituted in 1951 which ceased to exist when under the Establishment of West Pakistan Act, 1955, the provincial units and other states were incorporated into a single Province namely Province of West Pakistan. Awaiting enactment of the first Constitution by the Constituent Assembly, the 1955 Act contained provision for constitution of an interim Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan which was elected in 1956 in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, however, before it could hold its first sitting, the first Constitution of Pakistan was enacted and the interim Assembly was declared to be the first Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan in accordance with the provisions of the 1956 Constitution. On October 7, 1958, Martial Law was imposed in the country, the Assemblies were dissolved and the 1956 Constitution was abrogated. No elections under the 1956 Constitution, therefore, could be held. The second Constitution of Pakistan was promulgated on March 1, 1962 and the Martial Law was lifted. The 1962 Constitution provided for a unicameral legislature. The principle of Basic Democracy was introduced for the first time in the country and the system of indirect elections was presented. The next two Provincial Assemblies of West Pakistan were constituted in 1962 and 1965 under the 1962 Constitution. xvii

On March 25, 1969, Martial Law was again imposed in the country, the 1962 Constitution was abrogated and the Assemblies were dissolved. In July 1970, the Province of West Pakistan was abolished and the status of provinces was restored under the West Pakistan (Dissolution) Order, 1970 (PO I of 1970). A Legal Framework Order, 1970 was issued which provided for setting up of a National Assembly and Provincial Assemblies of East Pakistan, Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Balochistan. The elections to the National Assembly and Provincial Assemblies were held on December 7 and 17, 1970 respectively. However, due to political crisis, the elected Assemblies could not become functional till 1972 when the Martial Law was lifted and an Interim Constitution came into force on April 21, 1972. The National Assembly formed a Constitution Committee on April 17, 1972 to prepare the first draft for framing a Constitution. The report of the Committee was presented on December 31, 1972 along with a draft Constitution. It was unanimously passed by the National Assembly in its session held on April 10, 1973, was authenticated by the President on April 12, 1973, and came into force on August 14, 1973. Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, constituted as a result of general elections held in December 1970 under the Legal Framework Order, 1970, was declared to be the first Assembly in accordance with the provisions of the 1973 Constitution. The term of the Assembly was fixed as five years, however, it was dissolved few months before completion of its tenure. The second Assembly under the 1973 Constitution was constituted in April 1977, however, it was also dissolved after only two months and twenty-seven days, as a result of promulgation of Martial Law on xviii

July 5, 1977. The 1973 Constitution was kept in abeyance for a period of about 8 years and, after having been substantially amended, it was partially reactivated on March 10, 1985. With the lifting of Martial Law on December 30, 1985, the Constitution was wholly restored. The successive Punjab Assemblies were constituted in 1985, 1988, 1990, 1993 and 1997. All these Assemblies were dissolved before completion of their constitutional tenure of five years. After yet another military intervention on October 12, 1999, the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies were suspended and later dissolved. Following a constitutional gap of three years, the Assemblies were constituted as a result of general elections held in October 2002. The Assemblies were near the completion of their constitutional tenure of five years, when the Chief of Army Staff/President declared emergency in the country on November 3, 2007, following increasing acts of terrorism and judicial activism. A Provisional Constitution Order was issued suspending the Constitution. The National Assembly stood dissolved on November 15, 2007 after completing its constitutional life and the Provincial Assemblies were dissolved on November 18, 2007, few days before completion of five years’ tenure. It was decided to hold general elections on January 8, 2008. The state of emergency was lifted on December 15, 2007 and the Constitution was restored with certain amendments. Following the assassination of the former Prime Minister, Ms Benazir Bhutto on December 27, 2007, general elections were postponed till February 18, 2008. The Punjab Assembly, constituted as a result of February 2008 general elections, was the fifteenth Assembly after independence. The Assembly stood dissolved after completing its constitutional life on March 2013 on the advice of Chief Minister. xix

The present Punjab Assembly constituted as a result of May 2013 general elections is the sixteenth Assembly after independence. Along with the name lists of the Parliamentarians, who ever remained a member of Punjab legislature, this book contains legal framework and composition of all the legislatures constituted since 1897 to date. It has been divided into four Parts. Part 1 relates to pre independence period and Part 2 covers post independence period. During the periods of Martial Law in the country, Advisory Councils were also constituted on two occasions, which had no legislative powers but were housed in the Assembly building. A brief profile of these Councils has been given in Part 3. Part 4 of the book contains lists of the Governors, Chief Ministers, Speakers, Deputy Speakers, Leaders of Opposition and Secretaries.


Part 1

Pre Independence Period 1897-1947 Chapter 1 Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab Chapter 2 Punjab Legislative Council Chapter 3 Punjab Legislative Assembly


Chapter 1

Council of the Lt. Governor of the Punjab

1897, 1910, 1913, 1916


Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab 1897 November 1, 1897 to July 3, 1909

The Indian Councils Act, 1861 laid the foundation for the establishment of a local legislature in the Punjab; and section 44 of the Act, as well as the dispatch of Sir Charles Wood, Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for India, left it to the Governor-General in Council to determine at what time, effect should be given to this intention. The older provinces received the privilege at once but the province of Punjab, along with a few others, was admitted to this privilege after a period of 36 years1, when the 1861 Act had been modified by the Indian Councils Act, 1892. The first ever Legislature in the Punjab was thus constituted in 1897. Though it was a nominated body of both official and non-official members, it had the power of making laws. The General Clauses Act, 1898 (moved by Sir Louis William Dane on November 1, 1897 and passed by the Council on April 15, 1898) was the first enactment in the history of Punjab. The first Council functioned for a period of more than eleven years. It held 28 meetings and passed 23 laws . The meetings of the Council were presided over by the Lieutenant Governor himself.

1 2

Inaugural address of the Lieutenant Governor, Proceedings, Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab, November 1, 1897, pages 1-2. Proceedings, Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab, January 3, 1910, page 2.


COUNCIL OF THE LT GOVERNOR OF THE PUNJAB 1897 (November 1, 1897 to July 3, 1909)




1. Sir William Mackworth Young, K.C.S.I., Councillor of Empress (Presided from November 1, 1897 to February 28, 1902)

2. Sir Charles Montgomery Rivaz, K.C.S.I.

(Presided from November 10, 1902 to February 28, 1907)

3. Sir Denzil Charles Jelf Ibbetson, K.C.S.I. (Officiating Lieutenant Governor) (Presided on July 29, 1905 & August 5, 1905)

4. Sir Louis William Dane, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C.S.

(Served firstly as member and on his appointment as Lt Governor, he presided only the last meeting held on July 3, 1909)


The Punjab Parliamentarians

Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1897



1. Amir-ud-Din Ahmed Khan of Loharu, K.C.I.E., Nawab Sir, 2. Anderson, Mr Alexander, C.I.E., I.C.S. 3. Benton, Mr J, C.I.E., M.I.C.E. 4. Beresford, Mr J.S., M.E., M.I.C.E. 5. Bhagat Singh, Sardar, C.I.E. Chief Secretary to His Highness the Raja of Kapurthalla 6. Clarke, Mr R, I.C.S. 7. Cunningham, Mr A.F.D., C.I.E. 8. Douie, Mr James McCrone, I.C.S. 9. Fanshawe, Mr H.C. 10. Fateh Ali Khan Kazilbash, Nawab, Haji 11. Fenton, Mr Michael William, I.C.S. 12. Finney, Mr Stephan, C.I.E. 13. Gordon, Mr Webster Boyle, C.I.E. 8

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1897


14. Harkishen Lal, Mr, Bar-at-Law 15. Harnam Singh, Sir Kanwar, K.C.I.E. 16. Hutchinson, Col J.B. 17. Imam Bakhsh Khan, Sir Nawab, K.C.I.E. 18. Jai Chand of Lambagraon, Major Raja 19. Ker, Mr Arthur Milford, K.C.I.E., M.V.O. 20. Khem Singh Bedi, Bawa, C.I.E. 21. Maclagan, Mr Edward Douglas, M.A., C.S.I., I.C.S. 22. Madan Gopal, Rai Bahadur, M.A., Bar-at-Law 23. Mahan Chand, Thakur 24. Masson, Mr David Parkes, Kt., C.I.E. 25. Meredith, Mr Arthur, I.C.S. 26. Merk, Mr W.R.H., C.S.I., I.C.S. 27. Montgomery, Col J A L, C.S.I. 28. Muhammad Hayat Khan, Nawab, C.S.I. 9

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1897


29. Muhammad Husain, Khan Bahadur Khalifa Sayid, Mushir-udDowla, Mumtaz-ul-Mulk 30. Muhammad Shafi, Khan Bahadur Mian, Bar-at-Law 31. Muhammad Shah Din, Mian, Bar-at-Law 32. Partap Singh Ahluwalia, Sardar 33. Preston, Mr S 34. Ranbir Singh, Sir Kanwar, K.C.S.I. 35. Rattigan, Sir William H, KT, Q.C. 36. Suraj Kaul Raja, Pandit, C.I.E. 37. Thorburn, Mr S.S. 38. Tupper, Mr C Lewis, B.A., K.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C.S. 39. Umar Hayat Khan Tiwana, Malik, C.I.E. 40. Walker, Mr T Gordon, C.S.I., I.C.S. 41. Wilson, Mr J, C.S.I, M.A., I.C.S.


Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab 1910 January 3, 1910 to December 14, 1912

The first Council was a body of nominated members only and there was a need to introduce the element of election in the Legislative Council, which was, for the first time, brought in by the Indian Councils Act, 1909, as a result of the Minto-Morley Reforms. The membership was increased from ten to thirty; including fourteen non-official and five elected members1. The Council was also given power to pass resolutions, on the budget, as also on matters of public importance, which, however, were of a recommendatory nature. The second Council of the Lieutenant Governor was thus constituted in accordance with the provisions of Indian Councils Acts of 1861, 1892 and 1909. This Council held 18 meetings during its life of three years; and passed 14 Acts2.


Proceedings, Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab, January 3, 1910, page 2. Proceedings, Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab, December 14, 1912, pages.172-73.



COUNCIL OF THE LT GOVERNOR OF THE PUNJAB 1910 (January 3, 1910 to December 14, 1912)




Sir Louis William Dane, K.C.I.E., G.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C.S., D.O.L. (Presided from March 12, 1910 to December 14, 1912)

MEMBERS 1. Adamji Mamooji, Khan Bahadur Seth 2. Ahad Shah, Khawaja 3. Bahram Khan Mazari, Nawab, C.I.E. 4. Barron, Mr Claud Alexander, I.C.S. 5. Bate, Col Thomas Ellwood Lindsay, C.I.E. 6. Burt, Mr Henry Parsall, C.I.E. 7. Currie, Mr James 8. Davies, Lt Col Henry Samuel Price 9. Diack, Mr Alexander Henderson, C.V.O., I.C.S. 10. Douie, Mr James McCrone, C.S.I., I.C.S. (was selected Vice President on January 3, 1910) 11. Farrant, Mr James Thomas


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1910


12. Fenton, Mr Michael William, B.A., I.C.S. 13. Godley, Mr John Cornwallis, M.A. 14. Gordon, Mr Webster Boyle, C.I.E. 15. Gurbakhsh Singh Bedi, Baba, C.I.E. 16. Hari Chand, Rai Bahadur 17. Humphreys, Mr Robert, I.C.S. 18. Ker, Mr Arthur Milford, C.I.E. 19. Maclagan, Mr Edward Douglas, M.A., C.S.I., I.C.S. 20. Mahdi Shah, Khan Sahib Sayad 21. Mant, Mr Reginald Arthur, I.C.S. 22. Meredith, Mr Arthur, I.C.S. 23. Mubaraz Khan Tiwana, Malik 24. Muhammad Shafi, Khan Bahadur, Bar-at-Law 25. Parsons, Lt Col Clements George 26. Partab Singh Ahluwalia, Sardar, C.S.I. 27. Scratchley, Mr Arthur James, A.M.I.C.E. 28. Shadi Lal, Rai Bahadur, M.A., B.C.L., Bar-at-Law 29. Sultan Singh, Lala 30. Sundar Singh, Sardar Bahadur Sardar 31. Tollinton, Mr Henry Phillips, B.A., I.C.S. 32. Yusaf Shah, Khan Bahadur Khwaja 14

Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab 1913 January 4, 1913 to April 19, 1916

Though the third Council of the Lieutenant Governor was also constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Councils Acts of 1861, 1892 and 1909; however, when the Government of India Act, 1915 was passed (to consolidate the provisions of these above Acts), the Council functioned under the 1915 Act. The membership was increased by four; three seats to be filled by election and one by nomination1. The Council held 14 meetings during its life.


Proceedings, Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab, April 19, 1916, page 228.


COUNCIL OF THE LT GOVERNOR OF THE PUNJAB 1913 (January 4, 1913 to April 19, 1916)



LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS 1. Sir Louis William Dane, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C.S. (Presided from January 4, 1913 to April 18, 1913) 2. Sir Michael Francis O’Dwyer, K.C.S.I., I.C.S. (Presided from September 19, 1913 to April 19, 1916)

MEMBERS 1. Bahram Khan, Sir Nawab, K.C.I.E. 2. Bakhshi Sohan Lal, Rai Bahadur 3. Barron, Mr Claud Alexander, C.I.E., I.C.S. 4. Bhagat Ram, Raizada 5. Burt, Sir Henry Parsall, K.C.I.E. 6. Chatterjee, Protul Chandra, Sir, , Kt. C.I.E., D.L., LL.D. 7. Craik, Mr Henry Duffield, I.C.S. 8. Diack, Mr Alexander Henderson. M.V.O., I.C.S. 9. Diljit Singh of Jullundar, 10. Fagan, Mr Patrick James, I.C.S. 11. Fenton, Mr Michael William, C.S.I., I.C.S. 17

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1913


12. Gajjan Singh, Babu 13. Godley, Mr John Cornwallis 14. Gracey, Mr Stephen William, I.C.S. 15. Hari Chand, Rai Bahadur 16. Hendley, Col Harold 17. Ibrahim Ali Khan, Nawab of Kunjpura 18. James Currie, Mr 19. Kashi Ram, Lala 20. Ker, Sir Arthur Milford, K.C.I.E., M.V.O. 21. Kettlewell, Mr Arthur Bradley, I.C.S. 22. Lumsden, Mr Oswald Farquhar I.C.S. 23. Maclagan, Col Robert Smeiton, C.B., C.S.I. 24. Maclagan, Sir Edward, K.C.I.E. 25. Mant, Mr Reginald Arthur, I.C.S. 26. Maynard, Mr Herbert John, I.C.S. 27. Muhammad Amin, Malik, Khan of Shamsabad 28. Muhammad Shafi, Mian, Khan Bahadur 29. Parker, Mr Edwin Woodall 30. Ram Saran Das, Rai Bahadur 31. Shadi Lal, Rai Bahadur


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1913


32. Sundar Singh Majithia, Sardar Bahadur Sardar 33. Thompson, Mr John Perronet I.C.S. 34. Tollinton, Mr Henry Phillps, I.C.S. 35. Ward, Mr Thomas Robert John, C.I.E., M.V.O., M.I.C.E. 36. Yusaf Shah, Khawaja, Khan Bahadur 37. Zulfiqar Ali Khan, Khan, C.S.I.


Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab 1916 June 12, 1916 to April 6, 1920

The fourth Council of the Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab was constituted in 1916 under the Government of India Act, 1915. The office of Vice President was introduced for the first time. Since the 1915 Act had provided for the constitution of a Legislative Council in place of the Lt Governor’s Council, therefore, this fourth Council was the last Council of the Lieutenant Governor. It held 29 meetings during its life.


COUNCIL OF THE LT GOVERNOR OF THE PUNJAB 1916 (June 12, 1916 to April 6, 1920)



LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS 1. Sir Michael Francis O’Dwyer, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., I.C.S. (Presided from June 12, 1916 to April 7, 1919) 2. Sir Edward Douglas Maclagan, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., I.C.S. (Presided from November 10, 1919 to April 6, 1920) VICE PRESIDENT

Mr Herbert John Maynard, C.S.I., I.C.S. (November 21, 1918 to December 12, 1918 & March 14, 1919)

MEMBERS 1. Aikman, Mr David Wann, C.I.E. 2. Bahram Khan Nawab Sir, Mazari. K.C.I.E. 3. Bakhshi Sohan Lal, Rai Bahadur 4. Bhagat Ram, Raizada 5. Craik, Mr Henry Duffield, I.C.S. 6. Currie, Mr James 7. Daulat Rai, Diwan Bahadur, Diwan


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1916


8. Davidson, Lt Col David McDonald, M.D., I.M.S. 9. Ellis, Mr Thomas Peter, I.C.S. 10. Fagan, Mr Patrick James, C.S.I., I.C.S. 11. Fazl-i-Hussain, Mian, Khan Bahadur 12. French, Mr Lewis, C.I.E., C.B.E., I.C.S. 13. Gajjan Singh, Sardar, Sardar Bahadur, O.B.E 14. Gibson, Mr Basil Theodore, I.C.S. 15. Godley, Mr John Cornwallis, C.S.I. 16. Gopal Singh, Captain Sardar, ‘O.B.E’ 17. Gracey, Mr Stephen William, I.C.S. 18. Hallifox, Charles Joseph, Mr. C.B.E., I.C.S. 19. Hendley, Col Harold, M.D., I.M.S. 20. Holms, Mr William Frederick 21. Jawahar Lal, Bhargava, Pundit, Rai Bahadur 22. Joseph, Mr Eustace Alexander Acworth, I.C.S. 23. Lal Chand, Rao Bahadur, Chaudhri, O.B.E. 24. Lumsden, Mr Oswald Farquhar, I.C.S. 25. McWatt, Col Robert Charles, C.I.E., M.B., F.R.C.S., I.M.S. 26. Mehdi Shah, Sayid, Khan Bahadur, O.B.E. 27. Muhammad Amin Khan, Khan Bahadur Malik


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Council of the Lt Governor of the Punjab 1916


28. Muhammad Ikram Ullah Khan, Mirza, Khan Sahib 29. Parker, Mr Edwin Woodall 30. Partap Singh, Risaldar, Sardar Bahadur 31. Powell, Mr John, O.B.E. 32. Rajan Shah, Makhdoom, Sayid 33. Ram Saran Das, Rai Bahadur, C.I.E. 34. Richey, Mr James Alexander 35. Sheo Narain, Pandit, Rai Bahadur 36. Sundar Singh Majithia, Sardar Bahadur Sardar 37. Thompson, Mr John Perronet, I.C.S. 38. Townsend, Mr Crewe Armand Hamilton, I.C.S. 39. Waller, Mr Frederick Crighton 40. Ward, Mr Thomas Robert John, C.I.E., M.V.O. 41. Woods, Mr Frank Waverling 42. Wright, Mr William Thomas 43. Yousaf Shah, Khan Bahadur Khawaja, C.I.E. 44. Zulfiqar Ali Khan, Khan, C.S.I.


Chapter 2

Punjab Legislative Council

1921, 1924, 1927, 1930


Punjab Legislative Council 1921 January 8, 1921 to October 27, 1923

The First World War gave momentum to the growing demand for selfgovernment in British India. Therefore, the new constitutional reforms, under the Montague-Chelmsford scheme, were introduced by the British Government. The purpose of this reform scheme was to introduce new system of Government in the Provinces with the name of “dyarchy�. This scheme was implemented through the Government of India Act, 1919. The Government of India Act, 1915, had already provided for the constitution of the Punjab Legislative Council instead of the Councils of Lieutenant Governor. The first Punjab Legislative Council under the 1919 Act was constituted in 1921. The Council comprised 93 members2, seventy per cent to be elected and rest to be nominated; and the term of the Council was fixed as three years. Previously (till 1920), the Lieutenant Governor presided over the meetings of the Council, and for the first time, a nominated person (designated as President), and in his absence, an elected person (designated as Deputy President) was to preside the meetings of the Council3. The first election which was conducted in the House was of deputy president of the Council which was contested between Sardar Mahtab Singh and Chuadhri M. Amin. Sardar Mahtab Singh won the election by securing 48 votes, while Ch. M. Amin secured 37 votes. Mace which is the symbol of the authority of the House was first time presented to the House by the Governor of the Punjab in the session held


Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, January 8, 1921, pages 5-6. See section 20, Government of India Act, 1919.



on November 3, 1921. The House unanimously accepted the gift from the Governor4. The first Punjab Legislative Council had held 98 meetings when the Lieutenant Governor dissolved the Council on October 27, 1923 after completion of its tenure5. The announcement of its dissolution was made by the Governor Punjab in his address to the Council.


Proceedinds, Punjab Legislative Council, November,3,1921, p. 484 Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, October 27, 1923, page 387.



PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 1921 (January 8, 1921 to October 27, 1923)



PRESIDENTS 1. Mr Montagu Sherard Dawes Butler, C.B., C.I.E., C.V.O., C.B.E. (January 8, 1921 to March 21, 1922) 2. Mr Herbert Alexander Casson, C.S.I., I.C.S. (May 10, 1922 to October 27, 1923) DEPUTY PRESIDENTS 1. Sardar Bahadur Sardar Mahtab Sing (Lahore — Sikh Urban) (February 23, 1921 to October 24, 1921) 2. Mr Manohar Lal, Bar-at-Law (Lahore — Punjab University) (November 3, 1921 to October 27, 1923) MEMBERS 1. Abbott, Esquire E.R., C.I.E. (Nominated Official) 2. Abdul Hamid Khan, Khan Bahadur Mian, Diwan, (Nominated non Official) 3. Ahmad Yar Khan, Daultana, Mian (Luddan, Multan East — Muhammadan, Rural) 4. Akbar Ali, Pir, Vakil (Ferozepore — Muhammadan, Rural) 5. Ali Akbar, Chaudhri (Dhamri, Gurdaspur, Kangra-cum-Gurdaspur — Muhammadan, Rural) 31

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


6. Ali Haider Shah, Khan Sahib Pir Sayad (Sang Jani, Rawalpindi — Muhammadan, Rural) 7. Allan Khan, Dreshak, Sardar, (Asani, Dera Ghazi Khan — Muhammadan, Rural) 8. Amar Das, Lala, Vakil, (Sialkot, Rawalpindi Division and Lahore Division North — (Non-Muhammadan), Rural) 9. Amir Khan, Khan Sahib (Chak No.282, Gugera Branch, Lyallpur North — Muhammadan, Rural) 10. Anderson, Mr G., C.I.E. (Official — nominated) 11. Asghar Ali, Shaikh, C.B.E. (Official — nominated) 12. Ata Ullah Khan, Chaudhri (Kaulu Tarar, Hafizabad, Gujranwala — Muhammadan, Rural) 13. Atma Ram, Lala (Sirsa, South-East Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 14. Bakhtawar Singh, Sardar (Kathgarh, Hoshiarpur and Kangra — Sikh, Rural) 15. Balbir Singh, Rao Bahadur Lieutenant, O.B.E. (Gokalpur, Gurgaon — (Non-Muhammadan), Rural) 16. Balwant Singh, Sardar (Moran, Jullundur — Sikh, Rural) 17. Bans Gopal, Chaudhri, Pleader (Karnal — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 18. Beazley, Esquire J.G. (Nominated Official) 32

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


19. Beli Ram, Mian (Hoshiarpur — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 20. Bishen Das, Lala 21. Boyd, Mr D.J. (Nominated Official) 22. Calvert, Esquire H. Mr. (Nominated Official) 23. Chhotu Ram, Rai Sahib Chaudhri (South East Rohtak (NonMuhammadan) 24. Clarke, Mr Edward Earnest (Lahore, Punjab Chamber of Commerce and Trades Association, Commerce) 25. Coldstream, Esquire J., (Nominated Official) 26. Connolly, Esquire V. 27. Craik, Mr Henry Duffield, (Nominated Official) 28. Dasaundha Singh, Sardar, Vakil (Ludhiana — Sikh, Rural) 29. Daulat Ram, Kalia, Pandit M.B.E. (Ferozepore, East and West Central Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 30. Davidson, Lt Col D.M., C.I.E. 31. Daya Ram, Chaudhri, Bar-at-Law (Ambala, Ambala-cum-Simla — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 32. DeMontmorency, Esquire G.F., C.I.E., C.B.E. 33. Dilbagh Singh, Sardar Sahib, Risaldar (Chak No.66, Gugera Branch, Lyallpur — Sikh, Rural) 33

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


34. ELLIS, Mr. T.P. O.B.E., Secretary to Council 35. Fagan, Mr Patrick James, C.S.I, I.C.S. (Nominated Official) 36. Fazl Ali, Khan Sahib Chaudhri, M.B.E. (Ajnala, Gujrat West — Muhammadan, Rural), Minister 37. Fazl-i-Hasain, Khan Bahadur Mian (Elected — Muhammadan Landholders) 38. Firoz Khan, Malik, Nurpur, Nun, ( Shahpur West — (Muhammadan), Rural) 39. Forster, Lt Col W.C.H., (Nominated Official) 40. French, Mr Lewis., C.I.E., C.B.E., I.C.S, (Nominated Official) 41. Ganga Ram, Rai Sahib Lala (Ambala-cum-Sumla (NonMuhammadan) Rural) 42. Ganpat Rai, Mr (Lahore, Lahore and Ferozepore-cum-Sheikhupura — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 43. Ghasi Ram, Chaudhri, (North West Rohtak (Non-Muhammadan) Rural) 44. Ghulam Muhammad Shah, Saiyad (Jahanian Shah, Shahpur East — Muhammadan, Rural) 45. Ghulam Muhammad, Chaudhri (Parian Wali, Gujrat East — Muhammadan, Urban) 46. Gibson, Basil Theodore, Mr (Nominated Official) 34

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


47. Gibson, Esquire, Mr. A.J., (Nominated Official) 48. Gopal Singh Labana, Sardar Bahdur (Nominated Official) 49. Gopal Singh, Captain Sardar, O.B.E. (Non-Official — nominated, Indian Army) 50. Hallifax, Mr Charles Joseph., C.B.E. (Nominated Official) 51. Hara Singh Bedi, Bawa, Honorary Extra Assistant Commissioner (Nanakpur, Multan Division and Sheikhupura — Sikh, Rural) 52. Hardit Singh Bedi, Bawa (Montgomery — Sikh Landholders) 53. Hari Chand, Rai Bahadur, Lala (Multan, West Punjab Towns — Non-Muhammadan Urban) 54. Harkishen Lal, Lala (Elected — Punjab Industries), Minister 55. Harnam Singh, Rai Sahib, sardar (Rawalpindi, Rawalpindi Division and Gujranwala — Sikh, Rural) 56. Heard, Colonel R., (Nominated Official) 57. Hussain Shah, Saiyad (Rajoa, Jhang — Muhammadan, Rural) 58. Irving, Mr. Miles, Esquire, O.B.E. (Nominated Official) 59. Ives, Mr H.W.M., O.I.E., A.M.I.C.E. (Nominated Official) 60. Jacob, S.M., Esquire 61. Jamal Khan, Sardar, Laghari, (Tumandar, Dera Ghazi Khan, Baloch Tumandar — Landholders) 35

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


62. Joesph, Mr E.A.A. (Nominated Official) 63. Johnston, Mr J.Wilson, C.B.E. 64. Karim Ullah, Khan, Malik (Daryapur, Jhelum, — (Muhammadan), Rural) 65. Kartar Singh, Sardar, Vakil (Ferozepore, Ferozepore — Sikh, Rural) 66. Kesho Ram, Lala (Amritsar city, Non-Muhammadan) 67. Kharak Singh, Chaudhri (Raipur, Amritsar-cum-Gurdaspur, Rural) 68. King, Esquire C.M., C.S.I, C.I.E. (Nominated Official) 69. Lajpat Rai, Chaudhri, Rai Sahib (Hansi-Hissar — NonMuhammadan Rural) 70. Lal Chand, Chaudhri, Rao Bahadur, O.B.E. (Ruttak,-North-West Rottak — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 71. Lal Singh, Sodhi 72. Latifi, Mr. A. (Nominated Official) 73. Mac Watt, Colonel R.C., I.M.S. (Nominated Official) 74. Macpherson, Mr W.R. (Representative of European and AnlgoIndian Communities) 75. Mahabat Khan, Malik (Karkan, Sheikhupura — Muhammadan, Rural) 36

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


76. Mant, Esquire R.A., (Nominated Official) 77. Maynard, Sir John, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. (Ex. Officio Member Executive Council) 78. Mehdi Shah, Saiyad, Khan Bahadur, O.B.E. (Gojra, Lyallpur South — Muhammadan, Rural) 79. Mela Ram, Rai Sahib Misr Nikedar (Jullundur-cum-Ludhiana — Non-Muhammadan, Rural). 80. Milne, Esquire D., . (Nominated Official) 81. Mitchell, Esquire J.F. 82. Moti Lal Kaistha, Mr (Dharmsala, Kangra — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 83. Muhammad Abdullah Khan, Khan (Khangarh, Muzaffargarh — Muhammadan, Rural) 84. Muhammad Akbar Khan, Khan Bahadur, Raja (Jhelum, West Punjab Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 85. Muhammad Amin Khan, Khan Bahadur Malik O.B.E. 86. Muhammad Amin, Chaudhri, Pleader (Sialkot, Sialkot — Muhammadan, Rural) 87. Muhammad Hayat Khan, Chaudhri (Ranhera, Gurgaon-cum-Hissar — Muhammadan, Rural) 88. Muhammad Hussain, Muhammadan, Rural)

Saiyad 37



The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


89. Muhammad Irshad Ali Khan, Nawabzada (South East Towns (Muhammadan), Rural) Muhammad Jamil Khan, 90. Muhammadan, Rural)



91. Muhammad Khan, Mir Khan Bahadur, Vakil (Simla, South-East Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 92. Muhammad Raza Shah Gilani, Sayaid (Multan, Multan West — Muhammadan, Rural) 93. Muhammad Saif Ullah Khan, Khan (Isa Khel, Mianwali — Muhammadan, Rural) 94. Muhammad Shah Nawaz, Mian, Bar-at-Law (Lahore, Lahore — Muhammadan, Rural) 95. Muharram Ali Chishti, Maulvi, Vakil (Lahore, Lahore — Muhammadan, Rural) 96. Nabi Bakhsh, Chaudhri (Fatehpur — Amritsar, Muhammadan Rural) 97. Najabat Khan, Malik (Sheikhupura (Muhammadan) Rural) 98. Narendra Nath, Diwan Bahadur, Raja (Lahore, Punjab Landholders — General, Landholders) 99. Nawab Din Murad, Mr, Bar-at-Law (Sialkot, East and West Central Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 100. Owen, Dr C.A. (Lahore, (Nominated non-official), nominated to represent Anglo-Indian Community), 38

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


101. Panna Lal, Rai Bahadur, Lala (Ambala Cantonment, North-East Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 102. Prenter, Esquire N.H., (Nominated non Official) 103. Raghbir Singh, Hony. Lieut., Sardar O.B.E. (Raja Sansi, Amritsar — Sikh, Rural) 104. Raja Singh, Chaudhri, Rai Sahib (Jatwar, Ambala Division — Sikh, Rural) 105. Rallia Ram, Mr. Kundan Lal (Representative of Indian Christains) 106. Randhir Singh, Sardar (Kalaswala, Sialkot, Sialkot-cum-Gurdaspur — Sikh, Rural) 107. Roberts, Mr. Owen, Esquire (Nominated non-official, Anglo Indian) 108. Sangat Singh, Sardar (Kulla, Lahore — Sikh, Rural) 109. Sangster, Mr. W.P. Esquire 110. Sarup Singh, Rai Bahadur Risaldar (Badli, South-East Rohtak — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 111. Scott Esquire, Mr E.A. O.B.E. (Nominated Official) 112. Sewak Ram, Rai Bahadur, Lala (Gangapur, Multan Division — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 113. Shafi Ali Khan, Chaudhri (Gohana, Ambala Division — NorthEast — Muhammadan, Rural) 39

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1921


114. Sikandar Hayat Khan, Lieutenant, M.B.E. (Wah, Attock — Muhammadan, Rural) 115. Sundar Singh, Sardar Bahadur, Sardar Majithia, C.I.E. (Ex-officio member, Member Executive Council) 116. Thakar Das, Rai Sahib, Lala (Pind Dadan Khan, North-West Towns, — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 117. Tollinton, Esquire Henry Phillps, (Nominated Official) 118. Townsend, Mr Crewe Armand Hamilton, I.C.S. (Nominated Official) 119. Uttom Chand, Lala (Lahore City, (Non-Muhammadan) Urban) 120. Wali Muhammad Khan, Khan Bahadur, Rai (Talwandi Rai, Ludhiana District, Hoshiarpur-cum-Ludhiana, Rural) 121. Yousaf Shah, Khawaja Khan Bahadur, C.I.E. (Amritsar, City — Muhammadan, Urban)


Punjab Legislative Council 1924 January 2, 1924 to October 27, 1926

The second Legislative Council under the Government of India Act, 1919 was constituted in 1924. Section 20 of the said Act envisaged that after the expiration of four years from the first meeting of the first Punjab Legislative Council (i.e., January 8, 1921), the President would be elected by the Council. Mr C.M. King, C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S was nominated by the Governor Punjab under Rule 3(2) as Chairman to preside over the Council meeting until new President is duly elected by the Council and his election is assented by the Governor Punjab. The election was accordingly held and Sir Sheikh Abdul Qadir was the first elected and the first Muslim President of this Council. Till his election, the previous (nominated) President Mr Herburt Alexander Casson continued as such. Sir Sheikh Abdul Qadir resigned from his office in September 1925 when he was appointed Minister for Education1, and was succeeded by Khan Bahadur Chaudhri Sir Shahab-ud-Din2. The Council held its last sitting on October 25, 1926 and was dissolved on October 27, 1926 after completion of its three years tenure3. It held 102 meetings during its life.


Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, November 30, 1925, page 1370. Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, December 3, 1925, page 1389. Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, October 25, 1926, page 1810.

2 3


PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 1924 (January 2, 1924 to October 27, 1926)



PRESIDENTS 1. Mr Herburt Alexander Casson, C.S.I., I.C.S. (January 2, 1924 to January 16, 1925) 2. Khan Bahadur Sir Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Bar-at-Law (West Punjab Towns (Muhammadan), Urban) (January 16, 1925 to September 4, 1925) 3.

Shahab-ud-Din, Khan Bahadur, B.A. LL.B, (Sialkot - Muhammadan Rural.) (December 3, 1925 to October 27, 1926) DEPUTY PRESIDENTS

1. Khan Bahadur Sir Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Bar-at-law (West Punjab Towns - Muhammadan, Urban), elected un-opposed (January 5, 1924 to January 16, 1925) 2. Sardar Mohinder Singh, (Ludhiana, Sikh ― Rural) (March 5, 1925 to October 27, 1926) EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS AND MINISTERS 1. Chhotu Ram, Rai Sahib, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (South East Rohtak — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) — Minister for Agriculture, Education 2. Hon’ble Rao Bahadur Chaudhri Lal Chand (North-West, Rohtak ― Non-Muhammadan, Rural) ― Minister for Agriculture 3. Hon’ble Sardar Bahadur Sardar Sundar Singh Majithia, C.I.E. — Revenue Member 4.

Mian Sir Fazl-i-Hussain, Khan Bahadur, KT. Minister for Education, 43

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

Revenue Member — Muhammadan Landholders) 5.

Sir John Maynard, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. Leader of the House — Finance Member

6. Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh, KT (Sikh Landholders) — Minister for Agriculture OFFICIAL NOMINATED 1. Abbott, Mr E.R. 2. Abraham, Mr E.G.F., C.B. 3. Anderson, Sir George, Kt., C.I.E. (Director of Public Instruction, Punjab) 4. Astbury, Mr Arthur Ralph., M.I.C.E., (Chief Engineer, Public Works Department Building and Roads Branch) 5. Bakhle, Col. C.R., I.M.S., Inspector-General of Civil Hospital Punjab 6.

Barron, Mr Claud Alexander, C.S.I., C.I.E., C.V.O., I.C.S., Financial Commission and Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Development Dept.

7. Battye, Lt Col B.C. 8. Beazley, Mr J.G. (Secretary to Government Punjab, Transferred Departments) 9. Bhide, Mr Mahadeva Vishnu. (On Special Duty, Office of the Secretary to Government, Punjab, Legislative Department) 10. Blascheck, Mr. A.D. Chief Conservator of Forests 11. Boyd, Mr D.J. 12. Calvert, Mr H. 44

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

13. Coldstream, Mr J., Legal Remembrancer and Secretary to Govt Punjab, Legislative Department., On special duty, office of the Secretary to govt. Punjab, Legislative Department. 14. Cowan, Mr H.M. 15. Craik, Mr Henry Duffield, C.S.I. (Chief Secretary to Government, Punjab) 16. Dalip Singh, Kanwar 17. Davidson, Mr J. 18. Dobson, Mr B.H., C.B.E., I.C.S., (Offg. Home Secretary to Government Punjab. 19. Dunnett, Mr J.M., C.I.E. (Offg. Chief Secretary to Government, Punjab) 20. Emerson, Mr Herbert William, C.I.E., C.B.E., officer on Special Duty, Punjab Civil Secretrat. 21. Forster, Lt Col W.C.H. 22. Gibson, Mr A.J. 23. Gill, Col C.A., D.P.H., I.M.S. (Director of Public Health, Punjab) 24. Greig, Lt Col A.W., I.M.S. (Officiating Inspector-General of Prisons, Punjab) 25. Heard, Col R. 26. Irving, Mr Miles, O.B.E. (Secretary to Government Punjab, Finance Department) 27. King, Mr C.M., C.S.I., C.I.E., Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Punjab, Revenue Department 45

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

28. Latifi, Mr A. 29. Mayes, Mr W., F.C.H., I.F.S., Chief Conservator of Forests, Punjab 30. Milne, Mr D. (Director of Agriculture, Punjab) 31. Mitchell, Mr K.G. 32. Muzaffar Khan, Khan Sahib, Lieut. Malik, Representative of Indian Army (Director of Information Bureau, Punjab) 33. Penny, Mr J.D. 34. Ram Chandra, Mr (Secretary to Government, Punjab Transferred Departments.) 35. Reynell, Mr D. 36. Sangster, Mr W.P., C.I.E., M.I.C.E. (Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch) 37. Scott, Mr E.A., O.B.E., Director of Industries, Punjab 38. Stainton, Mr V. 39. Stow, Mr A.M., O.B.E. (Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government, Punjab, Revenue Department) 40. Strickland, Mr C.F. 41. Tollinton, Mr Henry Phillps, C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S. (Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government, Punjab, Development Department) 42. Tydeman, Mr E., I.E.S., Director of Public Instruction, Punjab. 43. Ward, Lt Col E.L.


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency NON-OFFICIAL NOMINATED

1. Ajab Khan, Honorary Captain 2. Davidson, Lt Col., D.M. 3. Gopal Das Bhandari, Rai Bahadur Sir, Kt., C.I.E., M.B.E. (Representative, General Interest) 4. Jawahir Singh, Sardar Bahadur Sardar, C.I.E. (Representative, General Interests) 5. Maya Das, Mr Ernest, B.A. (Representative of Indian Christians) 6. Mehdi Shah, Khan Bahadur Sir Sayad, C.I.E., O.B.E., K.C.I.E., (Representative, General Interest) 7. Muzaffar Khan, Lt Malik (Representative of Indian Army) 8.

Owen, Dr. C.A., M.D., Representative of Anglo-Indian Community.

9. Ram Chand, Lala (Representative of Labour) 10. Roberts, Mr Owen (Representative of European and Anglo-Indian Communities) 11. Webb, Mr H.W. (Representative of Anglo-Indian Community) ELECTED 1. Abdul Aziz, Mian (Lahore City — Muhammadan, Urban) 2. Afzal Haq, Chaudhri (Hoshiarpur-cum-Ludhiana — Rural) 3. Ali Akbar, Chaudhri (Kangra-cum-Gurdaspur ―Muhammadan, Rural) 4. Asghar Ali Khan, Subedar-Major (Jhelum — Muhammadan, Rural). 47

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

5. Bakhtawar Singh, Sardar (Hoshiarpur and Kangra — Sikh, Rural) 6.

Banke Raj, Lala, B.A., LL.B. K.C.I.E., (South East Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban)

7. Bhagat Ram, Raizada Muhammadan Rural)



8. Bodh Raj, Lala, M.A., LL.B. (West Punjab Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 9.

Buta Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Multan Division and Sheikhupura — Sikh, Rural)

10. Dan Singh, Sardar (Amritsar — Sikh, Rural) 11. Dhan Raj, Bhasin, Captain, M.B., B.S. (East and West Central Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 12. Dhanpat Rai, Rai Bahadur Lala, Chairman, Punjab National Bank, Limited, Punjab Industries 13. Dhira Singh, Sardar, M.B., B.Sc. (Lahore — Sikh, Rural) 14. Diwan Chand, Lala (Amritsar City — Non-Muhammadan) 15. Duli Chand, Chaudhri (Karnal — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 16. Faiz Muhammad, Shaikh, B.A., LL.B. (Dera Ghazi Khan — Muhammadan, Rural) 17. Farman Ali Khan, Subedar-Major (Rawalpindi — Muhammadan, Rural) 18. Fazal Khan, Munshi (Kangra-cum-Gurdaspur — Muhammadan, Rural) 19. Fazl Ali, Khan Bahadur Chaudhri, M.B.E. (Gujrat East — Muhammadan, Urban) 48

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

20. Firoz Khan Noon, Malik (Shahpur East — Muhammadan, Rural) 21. Firoz-ud-Din Khan, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (South-East Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 22. Ganga Ram, Rai Sahib Lala, B.A., LL.B. (Ambala-cum-Simla — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 23. Ghulam Muhammad, Chaudhri (Gujrat West — Muhammadan, Rural) 24. Gobind Ram, Chaudhri (North-West, Rohtak — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 25. Gokul Chand Narang, Dr, M.A., Ph.D. (North-West Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 26. Gray, Mr V.F. (Punjab Chamber of Commerce and Trades Association, Commerce) 27. Gurbakhsh Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Ambala Division — Sikh, Rural). 28. Haibat Khan Daha, Khan (Multan East — Muhammadan, Rural) 29. Har Chand Singh, Sardar (Lyallpur — Sikh, Rural) 30. Husain Shah, Sayad (Jhang — Muhammadan, Rural) 31. Jodh Singh, Sardar, M.A. (Sikh — Urban). 32. Karam Ilahi, Khan Bahadur Chaudhri, M.B.E. (Gujranwala — Muhammadan, Rural) 33. Kesar Singh, Chaudhri (Amritsar-cum-Gurdaspur — Rural) 34. Khan Muhammad Khan Wagha Malik (Sheikhupura — Muhammadan, Rural) 49

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

35. Khuda Bakhsh Khan Tiwana, Malik, Nawab Malik Sir K.C.I.E., O.B.E. (M), (Muhammadan — Land holder) 36. Labh Singh, Mr M.A., LL.B. (Cantab.) (Rawalpindi Division and Lahore Division North — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 37. Makhdumzada Muhammad Husain, Sayad (Montgomery — Muhammadan, Rural) 38. Mangal Singh, Sardar (Sikh — Landholders) 39. Maqbool Mahmood, Mir (Amritsar — Muhammadan, Rural) 40. Mazhar Ali Azhar, Maulvi, B.A., LL.B. (East and West Central Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 41. Mohan Lal, Bhatnagar, Lala, B.A. (Lahore and Ferozepore-cumSheikhupura — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 42. Mohan Lal, Lala, B.A., LL.B. (North-East Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 43. Muhammad Abdullah Khan, Khan (Muzaffargarh — Muhammadan, Rural) 44. Muhammad Jamal Khan, Khan Bahadur Sardar (Baloch Tumandar — Landholders) 45. Muhammad Mehr Shah, Nawab Sayad (Jhelum — Muhammadan, Rural) 46. Muhammad Raza Shah Gilani, Makhdumzada Sayad (Multan West — Muhammadan, Rural) 47. Muhammad Sadiq, Sheikh (Amritsar City — Muhammadan, Urban) 48. Muhammad Saif Ullah Khan, Khan Sahib, (Mianwali — Muhammadan, Rural) 50

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

49. Muhammad Shafi Ali Khan, Khan Sahib, Chaudhri (Ambala Division North-East — Muhammadan, Rural) 50. Muhammad Shah Nawaz, Mian (Lahore — Muhammadan, Rural) 51. Muhammad Sharif, Mian (Amritsar City ― Muhammadan, Urban) 52. Mumtaz Muhammad Khan Tiwana, Captain, Malik (Shahpur West — Muhammadan, Rural) 53. Najib-ud-Din Khan, Chaudhri (Ferozepore — Muhammadan, Rural) 54. Nanak Chand, Pandit, M.A. (Hoshiarpur — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 55. Narain Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Rawalpindi Division and Gujranwala — Sikh, Rural) 56. Narendra Nath, Diwan Bahadur Raja (Punjab Landholders — General) 57. Narinjan Das, Diwan (Rawalpindi Division and Lahore Division North ― Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 58. Nihal Chand Sikri, Lala, L.M.S. (Lahore City — NonMuhammadan) 59. Noor Din, Chaudhri (Lyallpur South — Muhammadan, Rural) 60. Partap Singh, Jamadar (Jullundur — Sikh, Rural) 61. Pohap Singh, Rao, M.A., LL.B. (Gurgaon — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 62. Raghbir Singh, Lieutenant Sardar (Amritsar — Sikh, Rural) 63. Ram Singh, Chaudhri (Kangra — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 51

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1924

Name and Constituency

64. Randhir Singh, Sardar (Kalaswala, Sialkot-cum-Gurdaspur — Sikh, Rural) 65. Ruchi Ram Sahni, Professor, M.A. (Punjab University) 66. Saadullah Khan, Chaudhri, B.A. (Jullundur — Muhammadan, Rural) 67. Sahib Dad Khan, Chaudhri (Gurgaon-cum-Hissar — Muhammadan, Rural) 68. Sangat Singh, Sardar (Lahore ― Sikh, Rural) 69. Sewak Ram, Rai Bahadur Lala (Multan Division — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 70. Shahadat Khan, Rai (Lyallpur North — Muhammadan, Rural) 71. Sham Lal, Lala (Hissar — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 72. Sikandar Hayat Khan, Lieutenant Sardar, M.B.E. (Attock — Muhammadan, Rural) 73. Tara Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Ferozepore — Sikh, Rural) 74. Tek Ram, Chaudhri (North-West Rohtak — Non-Muhammadan, Rural)


Punjab Legislative Council 1927 January 3, 1927 to July 26, 1930

The third Legislative Council under the Government of India Act, 1919 was constituted in 1927. The great Muslim philosopher, scholar and our national poet Allama Sir Dr Muhammad Iqbal was a member of this Council. Khan Bahadur Chaudhri Sir Shahab-ud-Din, was re-elected as President on January 4, 19271. The Council was given extension of about seven months in its three years tenure and was dissolved on July 26, 19302. The Council held 111 meetings during its extended life.


Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, January 4, 1927, pages 5-6. Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, July 26, 1930, pages 317-22.



PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 1927 (January 3, 1927 to July 26, 1930)


Name and Constituency


Khan Bahadur Chaudhry Sir Shahab-ud-Din, B.A. LL.B, (Sialkot Muhammadan Rural.) (January 4, 1927 to July 26, 1930) DEPUTY PRESIDENTS

1. Sardar Buta Singh, B.A., LL.B. (Multan Division and Sheikhupura — Sikh, Rural) (January 5, 1927 to July 21, 1927) 2. Sardar Habibullah, (Lahore - Muhammadan Rural) (July 21, 1927 to July 26, 1930) EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS AND MINISTERS 1. Captain Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan, K.B., M.B.E. (Muhammadan — Landholders), Revenue Member Govt. Punjab 2. Malik Firoz Khan Noon (Shahpur East — Muhammadan, Rural) — Minister for Local Self-Government 3. Mian Sir Fazl-i-Husain, Khan Bahadur, KT., Revenue Member to Government Punjab 4. Mr Manohar Lal, M.A. (Punjab University) — Minister for Education 5. Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh, KT (Sikh Landholders) — Minister for Agriculture 6. Sir Geoffrey deMontmorency, K.C.V.O., K.C.I.E., C.B.E., I.C.S. — Finance Member to Government, Punjab 7. Sir Henry Craik, Bart, C.SI., I.C.S., Finance Member Government of Punjab. 55

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency OFFICIAL NOMINATED

1. Abdul Rahman, Khan Bahadur Khawaja 2. Anderson, Sir George, Kt., C.I.E., Director of Public Instruction, Punjab. 3. Ashton, Mr H.F., (Secretary to Govt., Punjab Public Works Department, Irrgation Branch.) 4. Astbury, Mr Arthur Ralph, C.I.E., M.I.C.E., Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Chief Engineer, Public Works Department (Building and Roads Branch). 5. Barron, Mr Claud Alexander, C.S.I., C.I.E., C.V.O., I.C.S., Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Punjab, Development Department 6. Beazely, Mr J.G., C.I.E., I.C.S., offg. Chief Secretary to Government, Punjab, Transferred Departments. 7. Bhide, Mr Mahadeva Vishnu, I.C.S., Legal Remembrancer and Secretary to Government, Punjab, Legislative Department. 8. Blascheck, Mr A.D. 9. Boyd, Mr D.J., C.I.E., I.C.S., Chief Secretary to Govt. Punjab 10. Calvert, Mr H., C.I.E., I.C.S. (Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Govt., Punjab, Development, Department) 11. Cowan, Mr H.M., I.C.S., Home Secretary to Govt. of Punjab 12. Craik, Mr Henry Duffield, C.S.I., I.C.S., Chief Secretary to Government Punjab (Financial Commissioned and Secretary to Govt, Punjab, Development Department) 13. Crump, Mr R.H. 14. Currie, Mr M.M.L., I.C.S., Legal Remembrancer and Secretary to 56

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Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency

Govt. Punjab, Legislative Department. 15. Dobson, Mr B.H. C.B.E., I.C.S., Home Secretary to Government of the Punjab 16. Donald, Mr C.H. (Warden of Fisheries) 17. Dorman, Mr W.S., B.A., C.E., offg. Chief Engineer and Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Public Works Department(Building and Roads Branch) 18. Emerson, Mr Herbert William, C.I.E., C.B.E., I.C.S., Secretary to Government Punjab, Finance Department. 19. Ferguson, Mr J.A. 20. Forster, Lt. Col., W.H.C., M.B., D.P.H., I.M.S., Director of Public Health, Punjab. 21. Gill , Colonel C.A., D.P.H., I.M.S., Assistant Director of Public Health Punjab. 22. Holland, Mr L.B. 23. Khurshid Muhammad, Khan Bahadur Shaikh 24. King, Mr C.M., C.S.I., C.I.E., I.C.S., Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government, Punjab Revenue Department. (Presided over the meeting of council until President of the council was duly elected.) 25. Macfarlane, Mr D. 26. Mackenzie, Colonel H.M. (Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals) 27. Macnabb, Mr A.C. 28. Maqbul Shah, Khan Bahadur, Sayed 29. Milne, Mr D., C.I.E., Director of Agriculture, Punjab 57

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency

30. Mitchell, Mr Alon, I.C.S., offg. Secretary to Govt. Punjab. Transferred Department. 31. Muhammad Fakhr-ud-Din, Mian 32. Muzaffar Khan, Khan Bahadur Nawab, Director of Information Bureau, Punjab 33. Ogilvie, Mr C.M.G., C.B.E., FI.C.S., Home Secretary to Govt. Punjab 34. Penny, Mr J.D., I.C.S., Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Revnue Department Punjab. 35. Ram Chandra, Mr 36. Ram Lal, Lala 37. Rawlley, Dr R.C. 38. Sale, Mr S.L., I.C.S., Legal Remembrancer and Secretary to Govt. Punjab, Legislative Dept. 39. Sanderson, Mr W.R. I.C.S., Secretary to Govt. Punjab, finance Department. 40. Smith, Mr J.B.G., Chief Engineer, Public Works Department (Irrigation Branch) 41. Stewart, Mr H.R. 42. Stow, Mr. Alexander M., K.C.I.E, O.B.E., I.C.S., Finance Member to Govt. Punjab 43. Strickland, Mr C.F. 44. Townsend, Mr Crewe Armand Hamilton, I.C.S., C.I.E., Financial Commissioner, Punjab. 45. Willson, Mr W.R., I.C.S., Revenue Secretary to Govt. Punjab. 58

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency NON-OFFICIAL NOMINATED

1. Abdul Ghani, Khan Bahadur Maulvi, Representative, General Interest 2. Abdul Qadir, Khan Bahadur Shaikh Sir (Representative, General Interests) 3. Dalpat Singh, Honorary Captain, Sardar Bahadur, I.O.M., M.V.O. (Representative of the Punjabi Officers and Soldiers of His Majesty’s Indian forces) 4. Ghani, Mr M.A. (Representative of the Laboring Classes) 5. Gopal Das Bhandari, Rai Bahadur, Sir (Non-Official, nominated) 6. Keays Byrne, Mr F. (Representative of the European and AngloIndian Communities) 7. Maya Das, Mr Ernest, B.A. (Representative of Indian Christians) 8. Owen, Dr C.A., Representative of European and Aglo-Indian Communities. 9. Rattan Chand, Rai Bahadur Lala, O.B.E. (Representative, General Interests) 10. Roberts, Mr Owen (Representative of the European and AngloIndian Communities) 11. Shave, Dr Mrs, M.C., (Representative of the European and AngloIndian Communities.) 12. Sheo Narayan Singh, Sardar Bahadur Sardar, C.I.E. (Representative, General Interests) ELECTED 1. Abdul Ghani, Shaikh (West Punjab Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 59

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency

2. Afzal Haq, Chaudhri (Hoshiarpur-cum-Ludhiana — Rural) 3. Ahmad Yar Khan Daultana, Mian (Multan East — Muhammadan, Rural). 4. Akbar Ali, Pir, B.A., LL.B. (Ferozepore — Muhammadan, Rural). 5. Ali Ahmad, Chaudhri (Gujranwala — Muhammadan, Rural). 6. Balbir Singh, Rao Bahadur Lieutenant Rao, O.B.E. (Gurgaon — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 7. Baldeo Singh, Chaudhri, B.A., B.T. (North-West Rohtak — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 8. Bishan Singh, Sardar (Sialkot-cum-Gurdaspur — Sikh, Rural) 9. Bodh Raj, Lala, M.A., LL.B. (West Punjab Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 10. Chetan Anand, Lala, B.A., LL.B (West Punjab Towns ― NonMuhammadan, Urban) 11. Chhajju Ram, Chaudhri, C.I.E. (Hissar — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 12. Chhotu Ram, Rai Sahib Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (South East Rohtak — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 13. Daulat Ram Kalia, Rai Bahadur Pandit, M.B.E. (East and West Central, Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 14. Dhanpat Rai, Rai Bahadur Lala (Punjab Industries) 15. Din Muhammad, Mr M.A., LL.B. (East and West Central Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 16. Duli Chand, Chaudhri (Karnal — Non-Muhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency

17. Faiz Muhammad, Shaikh, B.A., LL.B. (Dera Ghazi Khan — Muhammadan, Rural) 18. Fateh Singh, Sardar Sahib Sardar (Ferozepore — Sikh, Rural) 19. Fazal Ali, Khan Bahadur Chaudhri, M.B.E. O.B.E. (Gujrat East — Muhammadan, Urban) 20. Feroz-ud-Din Khan, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (South-East Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 21. Ganga Ram, Rai Sahib Lala (Ambala-cum-Simla — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 22. Gokul Chand Narang, Dr, M.A., Ph.D. (North-West Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 23. Gopal Das, Lala (Lahore and Ferozepore-cum-Sheikhupura — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 24. Gopi Chand Bhargava, Dr, M.B.B.S. (Lahore City — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 25. Gray, Mr V.F. (Punjab Chamber of Commerce and Trades Association, Commerce) 26. Hans Raj, Raizada (Jullundur-cum-Ludhiana — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 27. Harbaksh Singh, Sardar (Hoshiarpur-cum-Kangra — Sikh, Rural) 28. Hari Singh, Sardar (Ambala Division — Sikh, Rural) 29. Hira Singh, Sardar (Lahore — Sikh, Rural) 30. Jawahar Singh, Sardar (Lahore — Sikh, Rural) 31. Joti Parshad, Lala (South-East Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 61

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency

32. Kartar Singh Bedi, Baba (Lyallpur — Sikh, Rural) Kesar Singh, Chaudhri (Amritsar-cum-Gurdaspur — Non33. Muhammadan, Rural) 34. Kesho Ram Sikhri, Lala, B.A., LL.B. (Amritsar City — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 35. Khan Muhammad Khan Wagha, Muhammadan, Rural)



36. Kundan Singh Mahton, Sardar (Hoshiarpur and Kangra — Sikh, Rural) 37. Labh Singh, Mr, M.A., LL.B. (Cantab) (Rawalpindi Division and Lahore Division North — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 38. Maqbool Mahmood, Mir, B.A., B.Lit (Amritsar — Muhammadan, Rural) 39. Mehr Chand, Pandit, B.A. (Jullundur-cum-Ludhiana — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 40. Mohan Lal, Lala, B.A., LL.B. (North East Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 41. Mohindar Singh, Sardar (Ludhiana — Sikh, Rural) 42. Mubarik Ali Shah, Sayed (Jhang — Muhammadan, Rural) 43. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Khan, Chaudhri (Jullundur — Muhammadan, Rural) 44. Muhammad Abdullah Khan, Khan (Muzaffargarh — Muhammadan, Rural) 45. Muhammad Alam, Dr Shaikh (West Punjab Towns — Muhammadan, Urban)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency

46. Muhammad Amin Khan, Khan Bahadur Malik, O.B.E. (Attock — Muhammadan, Rural) 47. Muhammad Hayat Qureshi, Khan Bahadur Mian, C.I.E. (Shahpur West — Muhammadan, Rural) 48. Muhammad Husain, Sayed (Montgomery — Muhammadan, Rural) 49. Muhammad Iqbal, Sir Dr, M.A., Ph.D. (Lahore City — Muhammadan, Urban) 50. Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari, Khan Bahadur Nawab (Baloch Tumandars — Landholders) 51. Muhammad Raza Shah Gilani, Makhdumzada Sayad (Multan West — Muhammadan, Rural) 52. Muhammad Sadiq, Shaikh (Amritsar City — Muhammadan, Urban). 53. Muhammad Saif Ullah Khan, Khan Sahib Khan (Mianwali — Muhammadan, Rural) 54. Mukand Lal Puri, Lala (Lahore City — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 55. Mushtaq Ahmad, Mian (Muhammadan — Landholders) 56. Nanak Chand, Pandit, M.A. (Hoshiarpur — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 57. Narain Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Rawalpindi Division and Gujranwala — Sikh, Rural) 58. Narendra Nath, Diwan Bahadur Raja, M.A. (Punjab Landholders — General) 59. Nur Khan, Risaldar Bahadur (Rawalpindi — Muhammdan, Rural) 60. Nurullah, Mian, B.Com (Lyallpur South — Muhammadan, Rural) 63

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1927

Name and Constituency

61. Partap Singh, Sardar (Jullundur — Sikh, Rural) 62. Raghbir Singh, Honorary Lt Sardar, O.B.E (Amritsar — Sikh, Rural) 63. Rahim Bakhsh, Sir Maulvi, K.C.I.E. (Ambala Division, North East — Muhammadan, Rural) 64. Ram Singh, Chaudhri (Kangra — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 65. Sadullah Khan, Mian (Lyallpur South — Muhammadan, Rural) 66. Santa Singh, Sardar (Amritsar — Sikh, Rural) 67. Sewak Ram, Rai Bahadur Lala (Multan Division — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 68. Shahadat Khan, Rai (Lyallpur North — Muhammadan, Rural) 69. Talib Mehdi Khan, Malik Nawab Major (Jhelum — Muhammadan, Rural) 70. Tek Chand, Bakhshi (Lahore City (Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 71. Ujjal Singh, Sardar, M.A. (Sikh — Urban) 72. Umar Hayat, Chaudhri (Gujrat — Muhammadan, Rural) 73. Yasin Khan, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Gurgaon-cum-Hissar — Muhammadan, Rural) 74. Zafarullah Khan, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot — Muhammadan, Rural)


Punjab Legislative Council 1930 October 24, 1930 to November 10, 1936

The fourth and the last Legislative Council under the Government of India Act, 1919 was constituted in 1930. On October 25, 1930, Khan Bahadur Chaudhry Sir Shahab-ud-Din was elected unopposed as President for the third consecutive term1. He was appointed Minister for Education on October 20, 19362; and was succeeded by Rao Bahadur Chaudhry Chhotu Ram3. Though the term of the Council was three years, but due to ongoing political development, it was given leases of life from time to time. In the meanwhile, the Government of India Act, 1935 was passed which laid down the tenure of the provincial legislature to be five years. In the circumstances, the Council continued for more than six years. The Council held 197 meetings during its extended tenure; and passed 26 Acts4. It is worth mentioning that during the tenure of this Council, construction of the present Assembly building was inaugurated on November 17, 1935 by Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh, Minister for Agriculture.


Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, October 25, 1930, page 5-6. Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, November 10, 1936, page 413. Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, October 20, 1936, page 5. 4 Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Council, November 10, 1936, page 411. 2 3


PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 1930 (October 24, 1930 to November 10, 1936)


Name and Constituency

PRESIDENT 1. Khan Bahadur Chaudhry Sir Shahab-ud-Din, Kt (elected unopposed) October 25, 1930 to July 24, 1936 (later on appointed Minister for Education) 2. Rao Bahadur Chaudhry Chhotu Ram, B.A., LL.B. (October 20, 1936 to November 10, 1936) DEPUTY PRESIDENTS 1. Sardar Harbakhsh Singh (November 8, 1930 to17 January, 1931) (Sardar Harbakhsh Singh died after the prorogation of the session held on 17th January, 1931. 2. Sardar Buta Singh, B.A., LL.B. (Multan Division and Sheikhupura — Sikh, Rural) (March 2, 1931 to November 10, 1936 ) EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS AND MINISTERS 1. Captain Sardar Sikandar Hayat Khan, M.B.E., K.B., — Revenue Member to Government, Punjab 2. Dr Gokul Chand Narang, M.A., Ph.D. (North-West Towns — NonMuhammadan, Rural) — Minister for Local Self Government 3. Irving, Mr Miles, C.I.E., O.B.E., I.C.S., (Finance Member, Minister Revenue previously worked as Financial Commissioner) 4. Malik Firoz Khan Noon (Shahpur East — Muhammadan, Rural) — Minister for Education 5. Mian Sir Fazl-i-Husain, Kt — Minister for Education 67

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

6. Muzaffar Khan, Khan Bahadur Nawab, C.I.E., (Revenue Member and previously worked as Director of Information Bureau, Punjab Joint Secretary to Government Punjab, Transferred Departments) 7. Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh, Kt (Sikh, Landholders) — Minister for Agriculture (laid down the foundation stone of present Assembly building on November 17, 1935) 8. Sir Henry Bart Craik, C.S.I., I.C.S., — Finance Member to Government, Punjab 9. Sir, Boyd, Mr Donald.J., C.I.E., O.B.E., I.C.S. (Finance Member to Government, Punjab) previously worked as Chief Secretary to Government Punjab. OFFICIAL NOMINATED 1. Abdul Aziz, Khan Bahadur Mian, C.B.E. (Financial Commissioner, Revenue) 2. Abdul Rahman, Khan Bahadur Dr Khawaja (Director of Public Health) 3. Abell, Mr G.B.E. (Deputy Registrar, Cooperatives) 4. Alma Latifi, Mr, C.I.E., O.B.E., I.C.S. (Commissioner, Lahore) 5. Anderson, Mr J.D. I.C.S. (Secretary Legislative Department) (Presided over the meeting held on October 20, 1936 for election of President) 6. Anderson, Sir George, Kt., C.I.E., M.A. (Director of Public Instruction, Punjab) 7. Armstrong, Mr W.H.F. (Director of Public Instruction) 8. Ashton, Mr H.F. (Secretary to Government, Punjab, Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

9. Askwith, Mr A.V. I.C.S. (Secretary Govt. Punjab, Transferred Department, Officer on Specila Duty) 10. Astbury, Mr A.R. (Secretary Electricity) 11. Barker, Lt Col F.A., O.B.E. (Inspector General of Prisons) 12. Beant Singh, Sardar, Sahib Sardar (Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies) 13. Bedford, Mr J.D.H. (Chief Engineer, P.W.D. Irrigation) 14. Bhanot, Mr H.D. (Senior Secretary to the Financial Commissioners) 15. Bourne, Mr F.C., I.C.S. (Secretary, Electricity, Industries and Labour Department) 16. Bradford, Mr W.G. I.C.S. (Secretary Transferred Department) 17. Calvert, Mr H., C.I.E., I.C.S. (Financial Commissioner, Punjab) 18. Chandra, Mr C.N. (Junior Secretary to Financial Commissioner) 19. Crawford, Mr E.L. (Secretary to Government Punjab, Public Works Department, Buildings and Roads Branch) 20. Currie, Mr M.M.L., I.C.S., (Legal Remembrancer and Secretary Legislative Department, Punjab) 21. Darling, Mr M.L., C.I.E., I.C.S. (Financial Commissioner Development) Din Muhammad, Khan Bahadur Sheikh (Assistant Legal 22. Remembrancer) 23. Dobson, Mr B.H., C.B.E., I.C.S., (Financial Commissioner, Development, Punjab) 24. Dodd, Mr R.J.S. (Reforms Commissioner, Officer on special duty) 69

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

25. Dorman, Mr W.S., B.A., C.E. (Secretary to Government, Punjab, Public Works Department, Buildings and Road Branch) 26. Fazl Ilahi, Khan Sahib Sheikh, P.C.S., (Officiating Director of Information Bureau, Punjab, and join Secretary to Govt., Punjab, Transferred Department) 27. Ferguson, Mr.J.A., O.B.E., I.C.S. (Financial Commissioner, Development, Punjab) 28. Garbett, Mr C.C., C.M.G., C.I.E., F.R.G.S., I.C.S., (Chief Secretary to Government Punjab) 29. Gill, Lt. Col C.A., D.P.H., I.M.S. (Director of Public Health, Punjab) 30. Goil, Col D.P. , I.M.S. (Inspector General of Civil Hospitals) 31. Grindal, Mr A.D. (Offg. Secretary to Government Punjab Finance Department) 32. Hadow, Mr R.P. (Chief Engineer Public Works Department, Irrigation) 33. Hearn, Mr J.W., I.C.S. (Home Secretary and Additional Secretary to Government, Punjab, Revenue Departments) Kirpalani, Mr S.K. I.C.S. (Junior Secretary to Financial 34. Commissioners) 35. Macfarlane, Mr D. (Secretary to government Punjab, Public Works Department, Buildings and Roads Branch) 36. Marsden, Mr P., I.C.S. (Secretary to Government, Punjab, Transferred Department) 37. Mitchell, Mr Alan, I.C.S. (Secretary to Government, Punjab, Transferred Department) 38. Muhammad Hussain, Chaudhri (Inspector of Vercniular Education) 70

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

39. Murphy, Mr A., O.B.E., I.S.E., (Chief Engineer to Government, Punjab Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch) 40. Nur Elahi, Khan Bahadur Shaikh (Assistant Director of Public Instruction) 41. Ogilvie, Mr C.M.G., C.B.E., I.C.S. (Home Secretary to Government, Punjab, Secretary Finance Department) 42. Ormerod, Mr C.M. (Under Secretary Local Self Government) 43. Parker, Mr R.N., I.F.S. (Chief Conservator of Forests) 44. Parkinson, Mr J.E. (Drector of Public Instruction) 45. Pearson, Mr H.J (Officer on Special Duty) 46. Penny, Mr. J.D., I.C.S. 47. Puckle, Mr F.H., C.I.E., I.C.S. (Chief Secrertary, Finance secretary and Additional Secretary to Government, Punjab, Finance Department, O.S.D.) 48. Ram Chandra, Mr. C.I.E., M.B.E., I.C.S., (Secretary Finance) 49. Ram Lal, Diwan (Legal Remembrancer) 50. Rehman, Khan Bahadur Dr K.A., M.B., Ch.B., D.P.H., (Officiating Director of Public Health, Punjab) 51. Reinhold, Col. C.H. M.C., I.M.S. (Inspector General Civil Hospitals) 52. Sale, Mr S.L., I.C.S. (Legal Remembrancer and Secretary to Government, Punjab, Legislative Department.) 53. Salusbury, Mr C.V., I.C.S. (Secretary Electricity, Industries and Labour Department) 54. Sanderson, Mr R., M.A., C.I.E, I.E.S., (Director of Public Instruction) 71

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

55. Sant Ram, Rai Bahadur (Chief Engineer Irrigation) 56. Smith, Mr J.B.G., C.I.E. (Chief Engineer to Government, Punjab, Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch) 57. Staig, Mr B.M. (Secretary Electricity) 58. Stewart, Mr H.R. (Director of Agriculture) 59. Stubbs, Mr S.G. (Deputy Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, Buildings and Roads) 60. Tate, Mr T.B. (Chief Engineer to Government, Punjab Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch) 61. Thomas, Mr H.P. (Chief Engineer, Electricity) 62. Townsend, Mr Crewe Armand Hamilton, C.I.E., I.C.S. (Financial Commissioner, Punjab) 63. Trevor, Mr C.G. (Chief Conservator of Forests) 64. Varma, Rai Bahadur A.P. (Chief Engineer to Government Punjab, Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch) 65. Wace, Mr F.B. (Registrar, Cooperative Societies) NON-OFFICIAL NOMINATED 1. Bokhari, Mr A.S. (Professor, Government College, Lahore) 2. Ghani, Mr M.A. (Representative of Labouring Classes) 3. Janmeja Singh, Sardar Bahadur Captain Sardar, O.B.I. (Representative of the Punjab Officers and Soldiers of His Majesty’s Indian Forces) 4. Labh Chand, Mehra, Lala, Representative of Gneral Interest


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

5. Maya Das, Mr Ernest, B.A. (Representative of Indian Christains) 6. Mushtaq Ahmed Gurmani, Khan Bahadur Mian (Representative of General Interest) 7. Professor W. Roberts (Representative of the Anglo-Indian Community) 8. Rahim Bakhsh, Maulvi Sir, K.C.I.E. (Representative of General Interests) 9. Rattan Chand, Rai Bahadur Lala, O.B.E. (Representative of General Interests) 10. Roberts, Mr Owen (Representative of the European and AngloIndian Communities) 11. Shah Nawaz Khan, Nawab Khan, (Representative of General Interest) 12. Shave, Dr Mrs, M.C. (Representative of the European and AngloIndian Communities) 13. Sheo Narain Singh, Sardar Bahadur Sardar, C.I.E. (Representative of General Interests) ELECTED 1. Abdul Ghani, Shaikh (West Punjab Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 2. Afzal Haq, Chaudhri (Hoshiarpur-cum-Ludhiana — Muhammadan, Rural) 3. Ahmad Yar Khan Daultana, Mian (Muhammadan — Landholders) 4. Akbar Ali, Pir, B.A., LL.B. (Ferozepore — Muhammadan, Rural) 5. Allah Dad Khan, Chaudhri, B.A. (Ambala Division, North-East — Muhammadan, Rural) 73

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

6. Arjan Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Hoshiarpur and Kangra — Sikh, Rural) 7. Asadullah Khan, Chaudhri, B.A. LL.B. (Sialkot — Muhammadan, Rural) 8. Bahadur Khan, Sardar M.B.E. (Dera Ghazi Khan — Muhammadan, Rural) 9. Balbir Singh, Rao Bahadur Captain Rao, O.B.E. (Gurgaon — NonMuhammdan, Rural) 10. Bansi Lal, Chaudhri (Lahore City — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 11. Bhagat Ram, Lala (Jullundur-cum-Ludhiana — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 12. Bishan Singh, Sardar (Sialkot-cum-Gurdaspur — Sikh, Rural) 13. Chetan Anand, Lala, B.A., LL.B. (West Punjab Towns — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 14. Din Muhammd Mr M.A., LL.B. (East and West Central Towns — Muhammadan, Rural) 15. Faiz Muhammad, Shaikh, B.A., LL.B. (Dera Ghazi Khan — Muhammadan, Rural) 16. Faqir Husain Khan, Chaudhri (Amritsar — Muhammadan, Rural) 17. Fazl Ali, Khan Bahadur Chaudhri, O.B.E. (Gujrat East — Muhammadan, Rural) 18. Ghulam Muhammad Shah, Pir (Shahpur East — Muhammadan Rural) 19. Gopal Das, Lala (Lahore and Ferozepore-cum-Sheikhupura — NonMuhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

20. Gurbachan Singh, Sardar (Jullundur — Sikh, Rural) 21. Habib Ullah, Khan Bahadur Sardar (Lahore — Muhammadan, Rural) 22. Haibat Khan Daha, Khan (Multan East — Muhammadan, Rural) 23. Imam-ud-Din, Maulvi (Hoshiarpur-cum-Ludhiana — Muhammadan, Rural) 24. Jagdev Khan Kharal, Rai (Lyallpur North — Muhammadan, Rural) 25. Jaswant Singh, Guru (Ferozepore — Sikh, Rural) 26. Jawahar Singh Dhillon, Sardar, B.Sc. (Agr.) (Wales), M.S.P. (London) (Lahore — Sikh, Rural) 27. Joti Parshad, Lala, B.A., LL.B. (South East Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 28. Kesar Singh, Chaudhri (Amritsar-cum-Gurdaspur — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 29. Labh Singh, Mr, M.A., LL.B. (Cantab) (Rawalpindi Division and Lahore Division North — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 30. Lekhwati Jain, Shrimati (North-East Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 31. Malhotra, Major R.C. 32. Mamraj Singh Chohan, Kanwar, B.A., LL.B. (Ambala-cum-Simla — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 33. Mangal Singh, Sardar (Rawalpindi Division and Gujranwala — Sikh Rural) 34. Manohar Lal, Mr M.A. (Punjab University)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

35. Mazhar Ali Azhar, Maulvi B.A., LL.B. (East and West Central Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 36. Mohan Lal, Rai Bahadur Lala, B.A., LL.B. (North-East Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 37. Mohan Singh, Sardar (Rawalpindi Division and Gujranwala — Sikh, Rural) 38. Mohindar Singh, Sardar (Ludhiana — Sikh, Rural) 39. Mubarik Ali Shah, Sayad (Jhang — Muhammadan, Rural) 40. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Khan, Chaudhri (Jullundur — Muhammdan, Rural) 41. Muhammad Amin Khan, Khan Bahadur Malik, O.B.E. (Attock — Muhammadan, Rural) 42. Muhammad Din, Malak (Lahore City — Muhammadan, Urban) 43. Muhammad Eusoof, Khwaja (South-West Towns — Muhammadan, Urban) 44. Muhammad Hassan, Khan Sahib Mukhdum Shaikh (Muzaffargarh — Muhammadan, Rural) 45. Muhammad Hayat Qureshi, Khan Bahadur Mian (Shahpur West — Muhammadan, Rural) 46. Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari, Khan Bahadur Nawab (Baluch Tumandar — Landholders) 47. Muhammad Raza Shah Gilani, Makhdumzada Sayed (Multan West — Muhammadan, Rural) 48. Muhammad Sadiq, Shaikh (Amritsar City — Muhammadan, Urban) 49. Muhammad Sarfraz Ali Khan, Raja (Jhelum — Muhammadan, Rural) 76

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

50. Muhammad Yasin Khan, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Gurgaon-cumHissar — Muhammadan, Rural) 51. Mukand Lal, Puri, Mr M.A. (Punjab Industries) 52. Mukerji Rai Bahadur, Mr P. (Punjab Chamber of Commerce and Trades Association Commerce) 53. Muzaffar Khan, Khan Bahadur Captain Malik (Mianwali — Muhammadan, Rural) 54. Nanak Chand Pandit, Mr, M.A. (Hoshiarpur — Non-Muhammdan, Rural) 55. Narendra Nath, Diwan Bahadur Raja, M.A. (Punjab Landholders — General) 56. Nathwa Singh, Chaudhri (Karnal — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 57. Nazir Husain, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Gujrat West — Muhammadan, Rural) 58. Nihal Chand Aggarwal, Lala (East and West Central Towns — NonMuhammadan, Urban) 59. Noor Ahmad Khan, Mian (Montgomery — Muhammdan, Rural) 60. Nur Khan, Khan Sahib, Rissaldar Bahadur (Rawalpindi — Muhammadan, Rural) 61. Nurullah, Mian, B.Com. (London), F.R.E.S. (Lyallpur South — Muhammadan, Rural) 62. Pancham Chand, Thakur (Kangra — Non-Muhammadan, Rural) 63. Raghbir Singh, Honorary Lieutenant Sardar, O.B.E. (Amritsar — Sikh, Rural) 64. Ram Sarup, Chaudhri (North West Rohtak — Non-Muhammdan, Rural) 77

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1930

Name and Constituency

65. Ram Singh, 2nd Lieutenant Sardar (Ambala Division — Sikh, Rural) 66. Ramji Das, Lala (Amritsar City — Non-Muhammdan, Urban) 67. Riasat Ali, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Gujranwala — Muhammadan, Rural) 68. Ripudaman Singh, Thakur (Amritsar-cum-Gurdaspur — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 69. Sajan Kumar Chawdhry, Mr (Hissar — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 70. Sampuran Singh, Sardar (Lyallpur — Sikh, Rural) 71. Sewak Ram, Rai Bahadur, Lala (Multan Division — NonMuhammadan, Rural) 72. Shah Muhammad, Chaudhri (Sheikhupura — Muhammdan, Rural) 73. Tek Chand, Mr (North-East Towns — Non-Muhammadan, Urban) 74. Ujjal Singh, Sardar Sahib Sardar, M.A. (Sikh — Urban) 75. Umar Hayat, Chaudhri (Gujrat West Muhammadan, Rural) 76. Zafarullah Khan, Chaudhri (Sialkot Muhammadan, Rural) 77. Zaman Mehdi Khan, Khan Bahadur Malik (Sheikhupura — Muhammadan, Rural)


Chapter 3

Punjab Legislative Council

1937, 1946


Punjab Legislative Council 1937 April 5, 1937 to March 19, 1945

The popular demand, for more responsible government and for fully sovereign assemblies, grew stronger and stronger. The British Government held a series of round table conferences in London during the period from 1930 to 1932 with representatives of various parties in India and formulated certain constitutional reforms. These reforms were eventually embodied in the Government of India Act, 1935. This Act introduced Provincial autonomy which was of a controlled type, but still it was an improvement over the previous system of dyarchy. The Government of India Act, 1935 brought significant change in the political scenario of the sub-continent. It provided for the constitution of Punjab Legislative Assembly instead of the Punjab Legislative Council and the office of President was re-designated as Speaker. The membership of the Assembly was fixed as 175 divided into various categories1. The election of the first Legislative Assembly under the said Act was held in 1936. The first sitting of the first Assembly was held on April 5, 1937 at Council Hall, Lahore as the Assembly building was under construction. The Assembly elected its first Speaker on April 6, 1937. The first ever walk-out, in the history of Punjab Legislature, was also staged at this occasion2.


See subsection (1) of section 61, Government of India Act, 1935. Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Assembly, April 6, 1937, page 18.



The first meeting in the present building was held on November 10, 19381. The office of Sergeant at arms was first introduce on the sitting held on June 29, 1937. At that time it is called Marshal of the House2. The first ever library Committee was also constituted by Mr Speaker in the sitting held on December 12, 1939., under the Chairmanship of Deputy Speaker. The term of the Assembly was five years3, however, due to various political developments as well as World War II, the Assembly continued for about eight years and its last sitting was held on March 19, 1945. The Assembly held 368 sittings during its extended life.


Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Assembly, November 10, 1938, page 1. Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Assembly, June 29, 1937, page 769 See subsection (2) of section 61, Government of India Act 1935.

2 3


PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 1937 (April 5, 1937 to March 16, 1945)


Name and Constituency


Khan Bahadur Chaudhry Sir Shahab-ud-Din, Kt. B.A., LL.B., (Sialkot (Muhammadan) Rural.) (April 6, 1937 to March 16, 1945) DEPUTY SPEAKERS

1. Sardar Dasaundha Singh, B.A., LL.B. ( Jagraon, Sikh, Rural) (April 6, 1937 to April 7, 1941, appointed Minister for Development on April 8, 1941) 2. Sardar Bahadur Sardar Gurbachan Singh (Jullundur West ― Sikh, Rural) (April 22, 1941 to March 19, 1945) PREMIERS 1.

Lt. Col Sir Sikander Hayat Khan, K.B.E. (West Punjab, Landholders) (April 5, 1937- December 26, 1942, he died on December 26, 1942)

2. Nawabzada Major Malik Sir Khizar Hayat Khan Tiwana, K.C.S.I., O.B.E. (Khushab, Muhammadan Rural) (December 30, 1942- March 1945), with portfolio of General Administration & maintenance of Law and Order, Public Works, Communications, Electricity, Local Government and Police. (He also served as Minister for Public Works, during the Sikander Ministery)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency MINISTERS


Chaudhri Sir Chhotu Ram, Kt, B.A., LL.B. (Jhajjar, General, Rural) ― Development, Revenue, Irrigation.

2. Chaudhri Tikka Ram, B.A., LL.B., M.B.E. (Rohtak North ― General, Rural) ― Revneue, also served as Parliamentary Secretay for Development till Decemeber 15, 1944. 3. Dr Sir Sundar Singh Majithia, Kt., C.I.E., D.O.L. (Batala, Sikh, Rural) ― Revenue 4. Khan Bahadur Nawab Sir Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari (Tumandar) ― Public Works 5. Major Malik Sardar Khan Noon (North Punjab, Landholders) 6. Major Nawab Ashiq Hussain, M.B.E. (Multan ― Muhammadan, Rural) ― War Planning 7. Mian Abdul Haye (South-Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) ― Education, Medical Relief and Public Health 8. Sir Manohar Lal, M.A, Bar-at-Law (University) ― Finance and Industries 9. Shaukat Hayat Khan, Sardar (Attock North ― Muhammadan Rural) ― Public Works 10. Allah Bakhsh Khan, Khan Bahadur Nawab Malik, M.B.E. (Shahpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) Education Medical Relife and Public Health 11. Baldev Singh, Sardar, Development (Ambala North ― Rural) 84


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency LEADERS OF THE OPPOSTION

1. Gopi Chand Bhargava, Dr, (Lahore City ― General, Urban) (19371940) 2. Bhim Sen Sachar, Lala, B.A., LL.B, (North Western Towns ― General Urban) (1940-1944) PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES 1. Allah Yar Khan Daultana, Mian (Mailsi ― Muhammadan, Rural) Education, Medical Relief and Public Health

Khan Bahadur Mian Ahmad Yar Khan Daultana, C.B.E., Political and Chief Official Whip (Mailsi ― Muhammadan, Rural)

2. Mir Maqbool Mahmood, General (Amritsar ― Muhammadan, Rural) 3. Raja Ghazanfar Ali Khan (Pind Dadan Khan ― Muhammadan, Rural), Revenue and Irrigation. 4. Mrs Jahan Ara Shah Nawaz, Education, Medical Relief and Public Health (Outer Lahore ― Muhammadan, Women, Urban) 5. Sardar Sahib Sardar Ujjal Singh, M.A. (Western Towns ― Sikh, Urban), Home 6. Shaikh Faiz Muhammad, B.A., LL.B., M.B.E. (Dera Ghazi Khan Central ― Muhammadan Rural) Local Government & Public Works 7. Rai SahibThakur Ripudaman Singh, B.A. (Gurdaspur ― General, Rural) Finance 85

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937


1. Khan Bahadur Mian Mushtaq Ahmad Gurmani (Muzaffargarh North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 2. Lala Bhagat Ram Choda (Jullundur ― General Rural) 3. Nawabzada Muhammad Faiyaz Ali Khan (Karnal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 4. Pir Muhammad Khan Sahib Chaudhri (South-East Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 5. Professor William Roberts, Kt., C.I.E. (European) 6. Rai Bahadur Chaudhri Sham Lal (West Multan Division ― General, Rural) 7.

Sardar Gopal Singh (American) (Ludhiana and Ferozepore, General Reserved Seat, Rural)

8. Sardar Jagjit Singh Man (Central Punjab, Landholders) 9. Syed Amjad Ali Shah, C.I.E., O.B.E. (Ferozepore East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 10. Hans Raj, Bhagat, B.A., LL.B. (Amritsar and Sialkot ― General, Reserved Seat, Rural) MEMBERS 1. Abdul Aziz, Mian (Outer Lahore, Muhammadan, Urban) 2. Abdul Hamid Khan, Sufi (Ambala and Simla ― Muhammadan, Rural) 86

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

3. Abdul Rab, Mian (Jullundur South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 4. Abdul Rahim, Chaudhri (Shakargarh ― Muhammadan, Rural) 5. Abdul Rahim, Chaudhri (South-East Gurgaon ― Muhammadan, Rural) 6. Afzaal Ali Hasnie, Syed (Shahdara ― Muhammadan, Rural) 7. Ahmad Bakhsh Khan, Mr (North Punjab ― Non-Union Labour) 8. Ahmad Yar Khan, Chaudhri (North-West Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 9. Ajit Singh, Sardar (South-West Punjab, Sikh ― Rural) 10. Akbar Ali, Pir (Fazilka ― Muhammadan, Rural) 11. Ali Akbar, Chaudhri (Gurdaspur, East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 12. Khan Bahadur Allah Yar Khan Daultana, Mian (Education, Medical Relief and Public Health, Mailsi ― Muhammadan Rural) 13. Amar Nath Shah, Lala (Sialkot-Amritsar ― Rural) 14. Amir-ud-Din, Khan Sahib Mian (Inner Lahore ― Muhammadan Urban) 15. Anant Ram, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Karnal South ― General, Rural) 16. Asghar Ali, Khan Sahib Chaudhri (Gujrat East ― Muhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

17. Ashiq Hussain, Major, M.B.E. (Multan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 18. Atma Ram, Rai Sahib Lala (Hissar North ― General, Rural) 19. Badar Mohy-ud-Din Qadri, Mian (Batala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 20. Balbir Singh, Rao Bahadur Captain Rao, O.B.E. (North-West Gurgaon ― General, Rural) 21. Balwant Singh, Sardar (Sialkot ― Sikh, Rural) 22. Barkat Ali, Malik, M.A., LL.B. (Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Rural) 23. Basakha Singh, Rai Bahadur Sardar (Batala ― Sikh, Rural) 24. Bhagat Ram Sharma, Pandit (Kangra West ― General, Rural) 25. Bhagwant Singh, Rai Sahib (Kangra East ― General, Rural) 26. Binda Saran, Rai Bahadur (Punjab Commerce and Industry) 27. Brijraj Saran, Kanwar (East Punjab Landholders) 28. Chaman Lal, Diwan, B.A. (Oxon) (East, Punjab ― Non-Union Labour) 29. Chanan Singh, Sardar (Kasur ― Sikh, Rural) 30. Deshbandhu Gupta, Lala (South-Eastern Towns ― General Urban) 31. Dev Raj Sethi, Mr (Lyallpur and Jhang General Rural) 32. Dina Nath, Captain (Kangra South ― General, Rural) 88

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

33. Duni Chand, Lala (Ambala and Simla ― General, Rural) 34. Duni Chand, Mr (Lahore City ― General Urban) 35. Duni Chand, Mrs (Lahore, Women, General) 36. Faiz Muhammad Khan, Rai (Kangra, Eastern Hoshiarpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 37. Faqir Chand, Chaudhri (Karnal North ― General Reserved Seat, Rural) 38. Faqir Hussain Khan, Chaudhri (Taran Taran ― Muhammadan, Rural) 39. Farman Ali Khan, Subedar Major Raja (Gujar Khan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 40. Fateh Khan, Khan Sahib Raja (Rawalpindi East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 41. Fateh Muhammad, Mian (Gujrat North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 42. Fateh Sher Khan, Malik (Montogomery ― Muhammadan, Rural) 43. Fatehjang Singh, 2nd Lient., Bhai (South-East ― Sikh, Rural) 44. Fazal Ali Khan, Khan Bahadur Nawab Chaudhri, O.B.E. (Gujrat East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 45. Fazal Din, Khan Sahib Chaudhri (Ajnala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 46. Fazal Karim Bakhsh, Mian (Muzaffargarh, ― Muhammadan, Rural) 89

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

47. Few, Mr E. (Anglo Indian) 48. Ghulam Hussain, Khawaja Muhammadan, Urban)




49. Ghulam Mohy-ud-Din, M. (Sheikhupura ― Muhammadan, Rural) 50. Ghulam Murtaza, Khawaja (Dera Ghazi Khan, North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 51. Ghulam Qadar Khan, Khan Bahadur (Mianwali North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 52. Ghulam Rasul, Chaudhri (Sialkot Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 53. Ghulam Samad, Khawaja (Southern Town ― Muhammadan Urban) 54. Girdhari Das, Mahant (South-East Multan Division ― General, Rural) 55. Gokul Chand Narang, Dr Sir, M.A., Ph.D. (West Lahore Division ― General, Rural) 56. Gopal Das, Rai Sahib Lala (Kangra North ― General, Rural) 57. Guest, Mr P.H. (Punjab Commerce and Industry) 58. Habib-Ullah Khan, Malik (Sargodha ― Muhammadan Rural) 59. Haibat Khan Daha, Khan (Khanewal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 60. Hari Chand, Rai (Una ― General, Rural) 61. Hari Lal, Munshi (South-Western Town ― General, Urban) 90

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

62. Hari Singh, Sardar (Kangra and Northern Hoshiarpur ― Sikh, Rural) 63. Harjab Singh, Sardar (Hoshiarpur South ― Sikh, Rural) 64. Harnam Das, Lala (Lyallpur and Jhang ― General, Reserved Seat, Rural) 65. Harnam Singh, Captain, Sodhi, (Ferozepore North ― Sikh, Rural) 66. Het Ram, Rai Sahib Chaudhri (Hissar South ― General, Rural) 67. Indar Singh, Sardar (Gurdaspur North ― Sikh, Rural) 68. M. Jafar Ali Khan, Mr (Okara ― Muhammadan Rural) 69. Jagjit Singh Bedi, Tikka (Montogomery East ― Sikh, Rural) 70. Jahangir Khan, Chaudhri (Okara ― Muhammadan, Rural) 71. Jalal-ud-Din Amber, Chaudhri, B.A. (West Central Punjab ― Indian Christian) 72. Jogindar Singh Man, Sardar (Gujranwala and Shahdara ― Sikh, Rural) 73. Jugal Kishore, Chaudhri (Ambala And Simla ― General, Reserved Seat, Rural) 74. Kabul Singh, Master (Jullundur East ― Sikh, Rural) 75. Kapoor Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Ludhiana East ― Sikh, Rural) 76. Karamat Ali, Shaikh, B.A., LL.B. (Nankana Sahib ― Muhammadan, Rural) 91

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

77. Kartar Singh, Chaudhri (Hoshiarpur West ― General, Rural) 78. Kartar Singh, Sardar (Lyallpur East ― Sikh, Rural) 79. Khalid Latif Gauba, Mr (Inner Lahore ― Muhammadan, Urban) 80. Kishan Dass, Seth (Jullundur ― General, Reserved Seat, Rural) 81. Kishan Singh, Sardar (Amritsar Central ― Sikh, Rural) 82. Krishna Gopal Dutt, Chaudhri (North-Eastern Towns ― General, Urban) 83. Lal Singh, Sardar, M.Sc., LL.B. (Ludhiana Central ― Sikh, Rural) 84. Mazhar Ali Azhar, Maulvi (North-Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Rural) 85. Mohar Singh, Chaudhri (North-West Gurgaon ― Rural) 86. Mohy-ud-Din Lal Badshah, Pir (Attock South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 87. Mubarik Ali Shah, Syed (Jhang Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 88. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Khan, Chaudhri (Jullundur North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 89. Muhammad Akram Khan, Khan Bahadur Raja (Jhelum ― Muhammadan, Rural) 90. Muhammad Alam, Dr Shaikh, B.A. (Hons) (Oxon), LL.D. (Dublin) (Rawalpindi Division Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

91. Muhammad Amin, Khan Sahib Sheikh (Multan Division Town ― Muhammadan Urban) 92. Muhammad Ashraf, Chaudhri (South West Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 93. Muhammad Azam Khan, Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 94. Muhammad Hassan Khan Gurchani, Khan Bahadur Sardar, C.I.E. (Dera Ghazi Khan South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 95. Muhammad Hassan, Chaudhri (Ludhiana ― Muhammadan, Rural) 96. Muhammad Hassan, Khan Bahadur Mukhdum Syed (Alipur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 97. Muhammad Hayat Khan Noon, Nawab Sir Malik (North Punjab ― Landholder) 98. Muhammad Hussain, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Gujranwala East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 99. Muhammad Hussain, Sardar (Chunian ― Muhammadan, Rural) 100. Muhammad Iftikhar-ud-Din, Mian (Kasur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 101. Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Lt. Col Sardar (Attock-Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 102. Muhammad Nurullah, Mian, B.Com (London), (Lyallpur― Muhammadan, Rural) 103. Muhammad Qasim, Chaudhri (Bhalwal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 93

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

104. Muhammad Raza Shah Jeelani, Makhdumzada Haji Sayed (Shujabad ― Muhammadan, Rural) 105. Muhammad Saadat Ali Khan, Khan Sahib, Nawab (Samundri ― Muhammadan, Rural) 106. Muhammad Sadiq, Sheikh (Amritsar City ― Muhammadan, Urban) 107. Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Muhammadan, Rural)




108. Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Raja (Chakwal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 109. Muhammad Shafi Ali Khan, Khan Sahib Chaudhri (Rohtak ― Muhammadan, Rural) 110. Muhammad Wilayat Hussain Jeelani, Mukhdumzada Haji Sayed (Lodhran ― Muhammadan, Rural) 111. Muhammad Yasin Khan, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (North-West Gurgaon ― Muhammadan, Rural) 112. Muhammad Yusaf Khan, Khan, B.A., LL.B. (Rawalpindi Sadar ― Muhammadan, Rural) 113. Mukand Lal Puri, Rai Bahadur (Rawalpindi Division ― General, Rural) 114. Mula Singh, Sardar (Hoshiarpur West ― General, Reserved Seat, Rural) 115. Mumtaz Muhammad Khan Daultana, Mian (West Punjab ― Landholders) 94

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

116. Muni Lal Kalia, Pandit (Ludhiana and Ferozepore ― General, Rural) 117. Muzaffar Ali Khan, Qizilbash, Sardar (Lahore ― Muhammadan, Rural) 118. Muzaffar Khan, Khan Bahadur Captain Malik (Mianwali South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 119. Muzaffar Khan, Khan Bahadur Nawab, C.I.E. (Attock North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 120. Narendra Nath, Diwan Bahadur Raja (East Punjab ― Landholders) Presided over the meeting held on April 5, 1937 where members took oath later on election of Speaker was conducted under his Chairmanship. 121. Narotam Singh Sidhu, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (South-East Punjab ― Sikh, Rural) 122. Nasir-ud-Din Shah, Pir (Toba Tek Singh ― Muhammadan, Rural) 123. Nasir-ud-Din, Chaudhri (Gujranwala North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 124. Nasrullah Khan, Rana (Hosiarpur West ― Muhammadan, Rural) 125. Naunihal Singh Mann, Lieutenant Sardar (Sheikhupura West ― Sikh, Rural) 126. Nawazish Ali Shah, Syed (Jhang East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 127. Nur Ahmad Khan, Khan Sahib Mian (Dipalpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 95

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

128. Muhammad Nurullah Mian, B.Com. (London) (Lyallpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 129. Parbati Jai Chand Devi, Bibi (Lahore City ― General Women) 130. Partab Singh, Sardar (Amritsar, South ― Sikh, Rural) 131. Pohop Singh, Rao, M.A, LL.B (East Punjab ― Landholders) 132. Prem Singh, Chaudhri (South-East Gurgaon ― General, Reserved Seat, Rural) 133. Prem Singh, Mahant (Gujrat and Shahpur ― Sikh, Rural) 134. Pritam Singh Siddhu, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Ferozepore West ― Sikh, Rural) 135. Raghbir Kaur, Shrimati (Amritsar ― Sikh, Women) 136. Rai, Mr C (Amritsar & Sialkot ― General, Rural) 137. Rallia Ram, Mr K.L. (West Central Punjab ― Indian Christian) 138. Ram Narain Virmani, Seth (Lyallpur and Jhang ― General, Rural) 139. Ram Sarup, Chaudhri (Rohtak, Central ― General, Rural) 140. Ram Sharma, Shri Pandit (Southern Towns ― General Urban) 141. Ranpat, Chaudhri (Karnal North ― General, Rural) 142. Rashida Latif Baji, Begum (Inner Lahore ― Muhammadan, Women, Urban) 143. Riasat Ali, Khan Sahib Chaudhri (Hafizabad ― Muhammadan, Rural) 96

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

144. Roshan Din, Chaudhri (Shahdara ― Muhammadan Rural) 145. Rur Singh, Sardar (Ferozepore East ― Sikh, Rural) 146. Sadiq Hassan, Shaikh (Amritsar City ― Muhammadan Urban) 147. Sahib Dad Khan, Chaudhri (Hissar ― Muhammadan, Rural) 148. Sahib Ram, Chaudhri (Hissar North ― General Rural) 149. Saif-ud-Din Kitchlew, Dr (Amritsar City ― Muhammadan, Urban) 150. Sampuran Singh, Sardar (Lyallpur, West ― Sikh, Rural) 151. Sant Ram Seth, Dr (Amritsar City ― General, Urban) 152. Santokh Singh, Sardar Sahib Sardar (Eastern Towns ― Sikh, Urban) 153. Satya Pal, Dr (Sialkot-Amritsar ― General, Rural) 154. Shah Nawaz Khan, Nawab Khan (Ferozepore Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 155. Shahadat Khan, Khan Sahib Rai (Jaranwala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 156. Sher Singh, Sardar (Montgomery East ― Sikh, Rural) 157. Shiv Dyal, Lala, B.A., LL.B. (South-Western Towns ― General, Urban) 158. Singha, Dewan Bhahdur, Mr S.P. (East Central Punjab ― Indian Christian) 97

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Council 1937

Name and Constituency

159. Sita Ram, Lala (Trade Union, Labour) 160. Sohan Lal, Rai Sahib Lala (North Punjab ― Non-Union, Lahore) 161. Sohan Singh Josh, Sardar (Amritsar North ― Sikh, Rural) 162. Sudarshan, Lala (Eastern Towns ― General, Urban) 163. Sultan Mahmud Hatiana, Mian, B.A. (Pakpattan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 164. Sumer Singh, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (South-East Gurgaon ― General, Rural) 165. Rao Bahadur Suraj Mal, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Hansi ― General, Rural) 166. Talib Hussain Khan, Khan (Jhang West ― Muhammadan, Rural) 167. Tara Singh, Sardar (Ferozepore South ― Sikh, Rural) 168. Teja Singh Swatantar, Sardar (Lahore West ― Sikh, Rural) 169. Umar Hayat Khan, Chaudhri (Bhalwal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 170. Uttam Singh Dugal, Sardar (North-West Punjab ― Sikh, Rural) 171. Wali Muhammad Sayyal Hiraj, Sardar (Kabirwala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 172. Shanno Devi Sehgal, Shrimati (West Multan Division, General, Rural


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946 March 21, 1946 to July 4, 1947

In accordance with the provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935, the second Legislative Assembly was constituted in 1945 with the same membership of 175. As Malik Khizar Hayat Khan Tiwana lost the majority in the House and no party was in position to form the government then Governor Punjab E. M. JENKINS proclaimed emergency and assumed the power of executive and legislature. The text of proclaimation of emergency is given below: The 5th March 1947 No. 465-Leg.−The following Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor of the Punjab, dated the 5th March 1947, is published for general information:PROCLAMATION WHEREAS the Governor of the Province of the Punjab is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the Government of the Province cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”): Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 93 of the Act and with the concurrence of the Governor-General, the Governor by this Proclamation−

(a) declares that all his functions under the Act shall be exercised by him in his discretion ; 99

(b) assumes of himself all powers vested by or under the Act in the Provincial Legislature and all powers vested in the Provincial Legislative Assembly, but not so as to affect any power exercisable by His Majesty with respect of Bills reserved for his consideration or the disallowance of Acts ; and he hereby makes the following incidental or consequential provisions which appear to him to be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the objects of this Proclamation, namely−

(1) The operation of the following provisions of the Act is hereby suspended, namely, Sections 50 and 51, Section 59, so far as it relates to or requires consultation with Ministers, Sections 62 to 67 (both inclusive) and 70 to 74 (both inclusive), the proviso to Section 75, the proviso to subsection (1) and (2) of Section 78, and so much of subsection (3) thereof as relates to salaries and allowances of Minister, Sections 79 to 82 (both inclusive), so much of subsection (1) of Section 83 as relates to the passing of a Resolution by the Provincial Legislative Assembly ; sub-section (2) of Section 83 ; Sections 84 to 90 (both inclusive) and so much of Section 169 as relates to the laying of reports before the Provincial Legislature;

(2) In exercising legislative powers under or by 100

virtue of this Proclamation, the Governor, acting in his discretion, shall prepare such Bills as he deems necessary and declare as respects any Bill so prepared either that he assents thereto in His Majesty’s name, or that he reserves it for the consideration of the Governor-General: and the reference in subsection (2) of Section 76 to the day on which a Bill was presented to the Governor shall be construed as a reference to the day on which a Bill was so reserved by him ; (3) Any expenditure from the revenues of the Province, whether expenditure charged by the Act on those revenues or not, and whether incurred before or after the making of his Proclamation, shall be deemed to have been duly authorized if it is included in an annual estimate of expenditure or a supplementary estimate of expenditure published in the official gazette of the Province ; (4) While this Proclamation is in force it shall, notwithstanding any thing in any rules made under the Act relating to elections, be unnecessary for an election to be held for the purpose of filling any casual vacancy in the Provincial Legislature ; (5) Any reference in the Act of Provincial Acts, Provincial laws, or Acts or ` of a Provincial Legislature shall be construed as including 101

a reference to Acts made under or by virtue of this Proclamation, and the Punjab General Clauses Act, 1898, and so much of the General Clauses Act, 1897, as applies to Provincial laws, shall have effect in relation to any such Act as if it were an Act of the Provincial Legislature.

Since the partition of the sub-continent had been decided, therefore, in pursuance of paragraph 6 of the Statement of His Majesty’s Government dated June 3, 1947, special meetings of the Western Section of the Assembly (presided over by the Speaker Diwan Bahadur S.P.Singha) and that of the Eastern Section (presided over by the Deputy Speaker Sardar Kapur Singh) were held on June 23, 1947. The agenda for these meetings was to decide whether or not the Province of the Punjab be partitioned. After voting on both sides, partition was decided1. Consequently, the existing Punjab Legislative Assembly was also divided into West Punjab Legislative Assembly and the East Punjab Legislative Assembly. The sitting members belonging to the Western Section subsequently became the members of the new Assembly renamed as the West Punjab Legislative Assembly. This last Assembly before independence, held its last sitting on July 4, 1947. It stayed for about one year and four months and held 13 sittings during this period.


Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Assembly, June 23, 1947, pages 3-5.


PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 1946 (March 21, 1946 to July 4, 1947)


Name and Constituency


Diwan Bahadur Sataya Prakash Singha, M.A., LL.B. (West Central Punjab ― Indian Christian) (March 21, 1946 to July 4, 1947) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Sardar Kapur Singh, B.A., LL.B. (Ludhiana East ― Sikh, Rural) (March 26, 1946 to July 4, 1947) PREMIER

Major Nawabzada Malik Sir Khizar Hayat Khan Tiwana, K.C.S.I., O.B.E. (Khushab ― Muhammadan Rural) (March 21, 1946 to March 2, 1947) MINISTERS

1. Chaudhri Lahri Singh, B.A., LL.B. (Rohtak North ― General, Rural) ― Minister of Public Works 2. Mian Muhammad Ibrahim Barq (Alipur ― Muhammadan, Rural) ― Minister of Education 3. Mr Bhim Sen Sachar, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore City ― General, Urban) ― Finance Minister 4. Nawab Sir Muzaffar Ali Qizilbash (Lahore ― Muhammadan, Rural) ― Minister of Revenue 5. Sardar Baldev Singh (Ambala North ― Sikh, Rural) ― Minister of Development 103

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency MEMBERS

1. Abdul Ghafur Khan, Chaudhri (Shakargarh ― Muhammadan, Rural) 2. Abdul Hameed Khan, Khan Sahib Sardar (Muzaffargarh ― Muhammadan, Rural) 3. Abdul Hamid Khan, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (Pakpattan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 4. Abdul Hamid Khan, Sufi (Karnal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 5. Abdul Haq, Mian (Okara ― Muhammadan, Rural) 6. Abdul Sattar Khan, Mr (Mianwali North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 7. Ahmad Jan, Maulvi (North-West Gurgaon ― Muhammadan, Rural) 8. Ajit Singh, Sardar (South-West Punjab ― Sikh, Rural) 9. Akram Ali Khan, Chaudhri (Taran Taran ― Muhammadan, Rural) 10. Ali Akbar Khan, Chaudhri (Kangra and Eastern Hoshiarpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 11. Allah Bakhsh Khan Tiwana, K.B. Nawab Malik Sir, M.B.E. (Sargodha ― Muhammadan, Rural) 12. Allah Yar Khan Daultana, Khan Bahadur Mian (Mailsi ― Muhammadan, Rural) 13. Anwar Khan, Rai (Jaranwala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 14. Asghar Ali, Khan Sahib Captain Chaudhri (Gujrat East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 104

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

15. Ashiq Hussain, Major Nawab, M.B.E. (Multan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 16. Ashiq Hussain, Sayed (Dipalpur― Muhammadan, Rural) 17. Atta Muhammad Khan, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Dera Ghazi Khan North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 18. Aziz Din, Chaudhri (Lyallpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 19. Bachan Singh, Sardar (Ludhiana Central ― Sikh, Rural) 20. Badlu Ram, Chaudhri (Rohtak Central ― General, Rural) 21. Bagh Ali, Mian (Fazilka ― Muhammadan, Rural) 22. Bahadur Khan Dreshak, Sirdar, M.B.E. (Dera Ghazi Khan South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 23. Bahawal Bakhsh, Chaudhri (South-East Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 24. Barkat Ali, Malik (Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 25. Barkat Hayat Khan, Sardar (North Punjab ― Labour) 26. Bashir Ahmad, Mian, Muhammadan, Rural)




27. Behari Lal Chanana, Lala (South-East Multan Division ― General, Rural) 28. Beli Ram, Thakur, B.A., LL.B. (Kangra East ― General, Rural) 29. Bhagat Ram Sharma, Pandit, B.A., LL.B. (Kangra West ― General, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

30. Bhagwan Das, Lala (Commerce and Industry) 31. Budhan Shah, Pir (Khanewal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 32. Dalip Singh Kang, Sardar (Lyallpur East ― Sikh, Rural) 33. Dalip Singh, Thakur (Kangra South ― General, Rural) 34. Daud Ghaznavi, Maulana (East Punjab ― Labour) 35. Dev Raj Sethi, Mr (Lyallpur and Jhang ― General, Rural) 36. Durga Chand Kaoshish, Pandit (East Punjab ― Landholders) 37. Faiz Muhammad, Khan Bahadur Shaikh, B.A., LL.B., M.B.E. (Dera Ghazi Khan Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 38. Faqir Chand, Pandit (West Lahore Division ― General, Rural) 39. Fateh Muhammad Sayyal, Muhammadan, Rural)




40. Fazal Elahi, Chaudhri (Gujrat North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 41. Fazal Elahi, Mr (East Central Punjab ― Indian Christian) 42. Fazal Haq Piracha, Khan Bahadur Sheikh (Bhalwal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 43. Ganga Saran, Rai Bahadur Lala (Trade Union Labour) 44. Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Raja (Pind Dadan Khan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 45. Ghulam Farid, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Gurdaspur East ― Muhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

46. Ghulam Muhammad Shah, Syed (Jhang East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 47. Ghulam Mustafa Shah Jilani, Khan Sahib Makhdum Sayed (Lodhran ― Muhammadan, Rural) 48. Ghulam Rasul, Chaudhri (South West Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 49. Ghulam Samad, K.S. Khawaja (Southern Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 50. Gibbon, Mr, C.E. (Anglo Indian) 51. Gopi Chand Bhargava, Dr (University) 52. Guest, Mr P.H. (European) 53. Gurbachan Singh Bajwa, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot ― Sikh, Rural) 54. Gurbachan Singh, Sardar (Ferozepore West ― Sikh, Rural) 55. Gurbanta Singh, Master (Jullundur General ― Rural, Reserved Seat) 56. Harbhaj Ram, Chaudhri (Lyallpur and Jhang ― General, Reserved Seat) 57. Hari Lal, Munshi, B.A. (Hons), LL.B. (South-West Towns ― General) 58. Iftikhar Hussain Khan, Muhammadan, Rural)



59. Inder Singh, Sardar (Eastern Town ― Sikh, Rural)



The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

60. Isher Singh Majhail, Sardar (Amritsar North ― Sikh, Rural) 61. Jagdish Chander, Mr (Karnal North ― General, Rural) 62. Jagjit Singh Mann, Sardar (Central Punjab ― Landholders) 63. Jahan Ara Shah Nawaz, Begum, M.B.E. (Outer Lahore ― Muhammadan, Women, Urban) 64. Jahan Khan, Chaudhri (North-West Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 65. Jaswant Singh, Sardar (North-West Punjab ― Sikh, Rural) 66. Jiwan Lal, Pandit (South-East Gurgaon ― General, Rural) 67. Jogindar Singh Mann, Sardar, M.B.E. (Gujranwala and Shahdara ― Sikh, Rural) 68. Kabul Singh, Sardar (Jullundur East ― Sikh, Rural) 69. Kale Khan, Raja (Rawalpindi East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 70. Karamat Ali, K.B. Sheikh, B.A., LL.B. (North-Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 71. Kartar Singh, Sardar (Lyallpur West ― Sikh, Rural) 72. Kehar Singh, Sardar (Jagraon ― Sikh, Rural) 73. Khair Mehdi Khan, Raja (Jhelum ― Muhammadan, Rural) 74. Khan Muhammad Khan Kathia, Mehr (Montgomery ― Muhammadan, Rural) 75. Kidar Nath Sehgal, Lala (Amritsar and Sialkot ― General)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

76. Krishna Gopal Dutt, Chaudhri (North-Eastern Towns ― General) 77. Lehna Singh Sethi, Dr (North Western Towns ― General, Urban) 78. Man Singh Jathedar, Sardar (Sheikhupura West ― Sikh, Rural) 79. Mangoo Ram, Chaudhri (Hoshiarpur West ― General, Rural, Reserved Seat) 80. Manuel, Mr P (Anglo-Indian) 81. Matu Ram, Chaudhri (Ludhiana and Ferozepore ― General, Reserved Seat) 82. Mehr Chand, Chaudhri (Hoshiarpur West ― General, Reserved Seat) 83. Mehtab Khan, Chaudhri (South East Gurgaon ― Muhammadan, Rural) 84. Mir Muhammad Khan, Rai (Samundri ― Muhammadan, Rural) 85. Mohan Lal, Mr (Una ― General, Rural) 86. Mohar Singh, Rao Sahib Rao, B.A., LL.B. (North-West Gurgaon ― General, Rural) 87. Mohy-ud-Din Lal Badshah, Sayed (Attock South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 88. Mubarik Ali Shah, Major Sayed (Jhang Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 89. Muhammad Abdullah Khan Sahib, Mir (Mianwali South ― Muhammadan, Urban) 90. Muhammad Abdus Salam, Mian (Jullundur North ― Muhammadan Rural) 109

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

91. Muhammad Amin, K.S. Sheikh (Multan Division Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 92. Muhammad Arif Khan, Khan (Jhang West ― Muhammadan, Rural) 93. Muhammad Feroz Khan Noon, Malik Sir, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E. (Rawalpindi Division Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 94. Muhammad Ghulam Jilani Gurmani, Mian (Muzaffargarh North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 95. Muhammad Hassan, Chaudhri (Ambala and Simla ― Muhammadan, Rural) 96. Muhammad Hussain, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Sheikhupura ― Muhammadan, Rural) 97. Muhammad Hussain, Sardar (Chunian ― Muhammadan, Rural) 98. Muhammad Iftikhar-ud-Din, Mian, B.A. (Oxon) (Kasur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 99. Muhammad Iqbal Ahmad Khan, Rai (Ludhiana ― Muhammadan, Rural) 100. Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari, Khan Bahadur Nawab Sir (Tumandar) 101. Muhammad Khurshid Khan, Rao, B.A., LL.B. (Rohtak ― Muhammadan, Rural) 102. Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Lt Col Sardar Sir, K.C.I.E. (Attock Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 103. Muhammad Nur Ullah, Mian (Toba Tek Singh ― Muhammadan, Rural) 110

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

104. Muhammad Rafiq, Mian (Outer Lahore ― Muhammadan, Urban) 105. Muhammad Raza Shah Jilani, Haji Mukhdumzada Syed (Shujabad, ― Muhammadan, Rural) 106. Muhammad Sarfraz Ali Khan, Raja (Chakwal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 107. Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Chaudhri (Sialkot Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 108. Mumtaz Ali Khan, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Attock North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 109. Mumtaz Muhammad Khan Daulatana, Mian (Sialkot South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 110. Narindar Singh, Sant (Montgomery East ― Sikh Rural) 111. Narotam Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (South-East Punjab ― Sikh, Rural) 112. Nasar Din, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 113. Nasarullah Khan Nasir, Rana (Hoshiarpur West ― Muhammadan, Rural) 114. Nasarullah Khan, Chaudhri (Amritsar ― Muhammadan, Rural) 115. Nau Bahar Shah, Sayyed (Kabirwala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 116. Pancham Chand, Thakur, B.A., LL.B. (Kangra North ― General, Rural) 117. Parbodh Chandar, Mr (Gurdaspur ― General, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

118. Parkash Kaur, Shrimati Dr (Amritsar ― Sikh Women) 119. Partap Singh, Sardar, M.A. (Amritsar South ― Sikh, Rural) 120. Piara Singh, Sardar (Hoshiarpur South ― Sikh Rural) 121. Prem Singh, Chaudhri (South-East Gurgaon ― Reserved Seat) 122. Prem Singh, Mahant (Gujrat and Shahpur ― Sikh, Rural) 123. Prithvi Singh Azad, Sardar (Ambala and Simla ― Reserved Seat) 124. Raj Muhammad Khan, Chaudhri (Hafizabad ― Muhammadan, Rural) 125. Ram Sharma Pandit, Shri (Southern Towns ― General, Urban) 126. Rameshawari Nehru, Mrs (Lahore City ― General, Women, Urban) 127. Ranbir Singh Mehta, Mr (Ludhiana and Ferozepore ― General, Rural) 128. Ranjit Singh, Chaudhri (Hissar South ― General, Rural) 129. Rattan Singh Tabib, Chaudhri (Ambala and Simla ― General, Rural) 130. Rattan Singh, Sardar (Ferozepore East ― Sikh, Rural) 131. Rattan Singh, Sardar (Ferozepore North ― Sikh, Rural) 132. Roshan Din, Khan Bahadur Chaudhri (Shahdara ― Muhammadan, Rural) 133. Sadiq Hasan, Sheikh (Amritsar City ― Muhammadan, Rural) 134. Sahib Dad Khan, Khan Sahib Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Hissar ― Muhammadan, Rural) 112

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

135. Sahib Ram, Chaudhri (Hissar North ― General, Rural) 136. Said Akbar Khan, Raja, B.A., LL.B. (Gujar Khan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 137. Sajjan Singh Margindpuri, Sardar (Kasur ― Sikh, Rural) 138. Salah-ud-Din, Chaudhri (Gujranwala North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 139. Samar Singh, Chaudhri (Karnal South ― General, Rural) 140. Sant Ram Seth, Dr (Amritsar City ― General, Urban) 141. Sant Ram, Mr (Jullundur General ― Reserved Seat) 142. Sardul Singh, Sardar (Lahore West ― Sikh, Rural) 143. Shahadat Khan, Rai (Nankana Sahib ― Muhammadan, Rural) 144. Shanno Devi Sehgal, Shrimati (South-Eastern Towns ― General, Urban) 145. Shaukat Hayat Khan, Sardar (South Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 146. Sher Singh, Chaudhri (Jhajjar ― General, Urban) 147. Shiv Saran Singh, Sardar (Kangra and Northern Hoshiarpur ― Sikh, Rural) 148. Shiv Singh, Sardar (Gurdaspur North ― Sikh, Rural) 149. Sudarshan Seth, Mr (Eastern Town ― General, Urban) 150. Sultan Ali Nangiana, K.B. Mian (Shahpur ― Muhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946

Name and Constituency

151. Sundar Singh, Chaudhri (Amritsar and Sialkot ― General, Reserved Seat) 152. Sundar, Mr (Karnal North ― Reserved Seat) 153. Suraj Mal, Rao Bahadur Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Hansi ― General, Rural) 154. Swaran Singh, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Jullundur West ― Sikh, Rural) 155. Tara Singh, Sardar Sahib Sardar (Ferozepore South ― Sikh, Rural) 156. Tasadaq Hussain, Begum (Inner Lahore ― Muhammadan, Women, Urban) 157. Tilak Raj, Professor, M.A. (Rawalpindi Division ― General, Rural) 158. Udham Singh, Sardar (Amritsar Central ― Sikh, Rural) 159. Ujjal Singh, Sardar (Western Towns ― Sikh, Urban) 160. Virendra, Mr (West Multan Division ― General, Rural) 161. Wali Muhammad Gohir, Muhammadan, Rural)




162. Waryam Singh, Sardar (Batala ― Sikh, Rural) 163. Wazir Muhammad, Malik (Inner Lahore ― Muhammadan, Urban) 164. Zafar-ul-Haq, Chaudhri (Rawalpindi Sadar ― Muhammadan, Urban) 165. Zafarullah Khan Jhanian, Chaudhri (Ajnala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 166. Zafarullah Khan, Chaudhri (Gujranwala East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 114

Part 2

Post Independence Period 1947 to date Chapter 1 West Punjab Legislative Assembly Chapter 2 Punjab Legislative Assembly Chapter 3 Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan Chapter 4 Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 115

Chapter 1

West Punjab Legislative Assembly



West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947 August 15, 1947 to January 25, 1949

On August 14, 1947, the sovereign state of Pakistan came into existence under the Indian Independence Act, 1947. Till such time the constituent Assembly promulgated a constitution for the country, the Government of India Act 1935, mutatis mutandis, was adopted as the provisional constitution under the Pakistan (Provisional Constitution) Order 19471. As a result of the voting in the Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946 held on June 23, 1947, the Assembly stood divided into West Punjab Legislative Assembly and the East Punjab Legislative Assembly. All sitting members of the Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946, elected from constituencies included in the Province of West Punjab (their number being 91), were declared to have been elected to the renamed West Punjab Legislative Assembly with effect from August 15, 19472. The first sitting was held on January 5, 1948. Sir Robert Francis Mudie, Governor of West Punjab appointed Mr Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari to perform the duties of Speaker till new Speaker was elected3. The second session, which was also the last session of the Assembly, was held from March 15, 1948 to April 9, 1948.


Issued under subsection (2) of section 8 of the Indian Independence Act 1947, subsequently, however, the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1956 replaced it with effect from March 23, 1956. Section 5(1) of the Pakistan (Provincial Legislatures) Order 1947 (GGO 19 of 1947), published in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), dated September 13, 1947, pages 85-86. 3 Proceedings, West Punjab Legislative Assembly, January 5, 1948, page 1. 2


First time the proceedings of the House started with the recitation of verses from Holy Qur’an on the point of order of Ch. Muhammad Hassan on March 15, 1948. Maulvi Ahmad Jan, MLA had the honour of recitation of verses from Holy Qur’an. This Assembly had held 29 sittings over two sessions when the Governor dissolved it on January 25, 19491. In this way, the first Assembly after independence remained on ground for a period of 1 year, 5 months and 11 days and passed 15 Acts during this period.


West Punjab Legislative Assembly Notification No.G-1(3), dated January 25, 1949, published the same day in the West Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary), page 15.


WEST PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 1947 (August 15, 1947 to January 25, 1949)


Name and Constituency


Khan Bahadur Sh Faiz Muhammad, B.A., LL.B., M.B.E. (Dera Ghazi Khan Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) (Elected unopposed ─ January 5, 1948 to January 25, 1949) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Mr Fazl Ilahi (East Central Punjab ― Indian Christian) (Elected unopposed ─ January 9, 1948 to March 24, 1948, he died on March 24, 1948) PREMIER

Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Khan of Mamdot with the portfolio of Law & Order, General Administration, Civil Defence and Jail. (August 5, 1947 to November 6, 1948 and November 15, 1948 to January 25, 1949) MINISTERS

1. Chaudhri Fazl-e-Elahi, (Gujrat North-Muhammadan rural) Education, Health and Local Bodies. Also served as Parliamentary Secretay for Revenue, Education, Health and Local Bodies. 2. Major Syed Mubarik Ali Shah, (Jhang Central - Muhammadan rural) Revenue and Public Works Department (All Branches) 3. Mian Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti, (Muzaffargarh - Muhammadan rural) Industries, and Labour, Civil Supllies, Rehabilitation, Forests, Veterinary and Agriculture. Also served as Parliamentary Secretay for ― Refugees and Rehabilitation 4. Mian Muhammad Nur Ullah, (Toba Teak Singh - Muhammadan rural) Finance, Transport and Co-operative Societies. 5. Mian Mumtaz Muhammad Khan Daultana (Sialkot South ― Muhammadan, Rural) ― Finance, Planing and Industries, Transport 121

The Punjab Parliamentarians


West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947

Name and Constituency

and Civil Supplies. 6. Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan (Multan Division - Muhammadan urban) Revenue, Irrigation, Electricity, Agriculture, Co-operative Societies, Veterinary and Forests 7. Sheikh Karamat Ali, B.A., LL.B. (North-Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) ― Education, Public Works department, Buildings and Road Branch, Medical and Public Health and Local Government. PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES 1. Chaudhri Muhammad Hussain Chhatha, B.A., (Sheikhupura― Muhammadan, Rural) ― Finance


2. Chaudhri Raj Muhammad Tarrar (Hafizabad ― Muhammadan, Rural) ― Education 3. Mian Abdul Haq (Okara ― Muhammadan, Rural) ― Home 4. Raja Said Akbar Khan, B.A., LL.B. (Gujar Khan ― Muhammadan, Rural) MEMBERS 1. Abdul Ghafur Qamar, Chaudhri (Shakargarh ― Muhammadan, Rural) 2. Abdul Hamid Khan, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (Pakpattan ― Muhammadan, Rural) 3. Abdul Hamid Khan, Sufi, (Karnal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 4. Abdus Sattar Khan Niazi, Khan (Mianwali North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 5. Ahmed Jan, Maulvi, (North West Gugaon― Muhammadan, Rural) 6. Ajit Singh, Sardar (South-West Punjab ― Sikh, Rural)* 7. Akram Ali Khan, Chaudhri, (Tarn Taran Muhammadan, Rural) 122

The Punjab Parliamentarians


West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947

Name and Constituency

8. Ali Akbar Khan, Chaudhri, ( Kangra Eastern Hoshiarpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 9. Allah Bakhsh Khan Tiwana, K.B. Nawab Malik Sir, M.B.E. (Sargodha ― Muhammadan, Rural) 10. Anwar Khan, Rai (Jaranwala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 11. Asghar Ali, Khan Sahib Captain Chaudhri, (Gujrat East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 12. Ashiq Husain, Sayed (Dipalpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 13. Ata Muhammad Khan, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Dera Ghazi Khan North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 14. Aziz Din, Chaudhri (Lyallpur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 15. Bagh Ali, Mian, (Fazilka ― Muhammadan, Rural) 16. Bahadur Khan Dreshak, Sirdar, M.B.E. (Dera Ghazi Khan South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 17. Bahawal Bakhsh, Chaudhri (South-East Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 18. Barkat Hayat Khan, Sardar (North Punjab ― Labour) 19. Bashir Ahmed, Mian, Bar-At-Law, (Ferozpur East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 20. Behari Lal Chanana, Lala (South-East Multan Division ― General, Rural)* 21. Bhagwan Das, Lala (Commerce and Industry)* 22. Bhim Sen Sachar, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore City ― General, Urban)* 23. Budhan Shah, Pir (Khanewal ― Muhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947

Name and Constituency

24. Dalip Singh Kang, Sardar (Lyallpur East ― Sikh, Rural)* 25. Dev Raj Sethi, Mr (Lyallpur and Jhang ― General, Rural)* 26. Faqir Chand, Pandit (West Lahore Division ― General, Rural)* 27. Fazle Haque Piracha, Khan Bahadur Sheikh (Bhalwal ― Muhammadan, Rural) 28. Feteh Muhammad Sial, Chaudhri, (Batala, Muhammadan, Rural) 29. Ganga Saran, Rai Bahadur Lala (Trade Union Labour)* 30. Ghulam Farid Chaudhri, (Gurdaspur East (Muhammadan), Rural) 31. Ghulam Muhammad Shah, Syed (Jhang East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 32. Ghulam Mustafa Shah Jilani, Makhdum Sayad (Lodhran ― Muhammadan, Rural) 33. Ghulam Rasul, Chaudhri (South-West Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 34. Ghulam Samad, Khwaja, (Southern Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 35. Gibbon, Mr. C.E., Anglo Indian 36. Gopi Chand Bhargara, Dr., (University)* 37. Gurbachan Singh Bajwa, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot ― Sikh, Rural)* 38. Hamidullah Beg, Mirza , (Eastern Towns ― Muhammadan, Rural) 39. Harbhaj Ram, Chaudhri (Lyallpur and Jhang ― Reserved Seat)* 40. Jahan Ara Shah Nawaz, Begum M.B.E. (Outer Lahore ― Muhammadan, Women, Urban)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947

Name and Constituency

41. Jahan Khan, Chaudhri (North-West Gujrat ― Muhammadan, Rural) 42. Jaswant Singh Dugal, Sardar (North-West Punjab ― Sikh, Rural)* 43. Jogindar Singh Mann, S.B. Sardar, M.B.E. (Gujranwala and Shahdara ― Sikh, Rural)* 44. Kale Khan, Raja (Rawalpindi East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 45. Kartar Singh, Sardar (Lyallpur West ― Sikh, Rural)* 46. Kathia, Khan Muhammad, Mehr (Montgomery, Muhammadan, Rural) 47. Khair Mehdi, Raja (Jhelum ― Muhammadan, Rural) 48. Khizar Hayat, Malik Sir, K.C.S.I., O.B.E. (Khushab ― Muhammadan, Rural) 49. Krishna Gopal Dutt, Chaudhri (North-Eastern Towns ― General, Urban)* 50. Lehna Singh Sethi, Dr (North-Western Towns ― General, Urban)* 51. Man Singh Jathedar, Sardar (Sheikhupura West ― Sikh, Rural)* 52. Mehtab Khan, Chaudhri , (South-East Gurgaon― Muhammadan, Rural) 53. Mir Muhammad Khan, Rai (Samundri ― Muhammadan, Rural) 54. Mohi-ud-Din Lal Badshah, Sayed (Attock South ― Muhammadan, Rural) 55. Muhammad Abdus Salam, Muhammadan, Rural)





56. Muhammad Amir Abdullah Khan, Khan Sahib (Mianwali South ― Muhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947

Name and Constituency

57. Muhammad Arif Khan, Khan (Jhang West ― Muhammadan, Rural) 58. Muhammad Firoz Khan Noon, Malik Sir, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E. (Rawalpindi Division Towns ― Muhammadan, Urban) 59. Muhammad Ghulam Jilani Gurmani, Mian (Muzaffargarh North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 60. Muhammad Hasan, Chaudhri , (Ambala and Simla ― Muhammadan, Rural) 61. Muhammad Hayat Khan Nangiana, Mian, Rawalpindi Division ― Landholders 62. Muhammad Hussain, Sardar (Chunian ― Muhammadan, Rural) 63. Muhammad Ibrahim Barq, Mian (Alipur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 64. Muhammad Iftikhar-ud-Din, Mian, B.A. (Oxon) (Kasur ― Muhammadan, Rural) 65. Muhammad Iqbal Khan, Rai , (Ludhiana― Muhammadan, Rural) 66. Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari, Khan Bahaudur Nawab Sir (Tumandars) 67. Muhammad Khurshid Khan, Rao, B.A., LL.B. , (Rohtak― Muhammadan, Rural) 68. Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Lt Col Sardar Sir, K.C.I.E. (Attock Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 69. Muhammad Rafiq, Mian (Outer Lahore ― Muhammadan, Urban) 70. Muhammad Raza Shah Jeelani, Haji Makhdumzada Syed (Shujabad ― Muhammadan, Rural) 71. Muhammad Sarfraz Ali Khan, Raja (Chakwal ― Muhammadan, Rural)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947

Name and Constituency

72. Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Chaudhri (Sialkot Central ― Muhammadan, Rural) 73. Mumtaz Ali Khan, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Attock North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 74. Muzaffar Ali Khan Qizilbash, Nawab Sir (Lahore ― Muhammadan, Rural) 75. Narindar Singh, Sant (Montgomery East ― Sikh, Rural)* 76. Nasar Din, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 77. Nasrullah Khan, Chaudhri , (Amritsar― Muhammadan, Rural) 78. Nasrullah Khan, Nasir, Rana, (Hoshiarpur, West (Muhammadan) Rural) 79. Nau Bahar Shah, Sayed (Kabirwala ― Muhammadan, Rural) 80. Nazar Husain, Malik (Pind Dadan Khan) 81. Prem Singh, Mahant (Gujrat and Shahpur ― Sikh, Rural)* 82. Riaz Ahmed Daultana, Mian, , (Mailsi― Muhammadan, Rural) 83. Roshan Din, Khan Bahadur Chaudhri (Shahdara ― Muhammadan, Rural) 84. Sadiq Hasan, Sheikh , (Amritsar City― Muhammadan, Urban) 85. Sahib Dad Khan, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B., (Hissar (Muhammadan), Rural) 86. Sajjan Singh Margindpuri Sardar (Kasur ― Sikh, Rural)* 87. Salah-ud-Din, Chaudhri (Gujranwala North ― Muhammadan, Rural) 88. Salma Tasaduq Husain, Begum (Inner Lahore ― Muhammadan, 127

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West Punjab Legislative Assembly 1947

Name and Constituency

Women, Urban) 89. Sardul Singh, Sardar (Lahore West ― Sikh, Rural)* 90. Shahadat Khan, Rai (Nankana Sahib ― Muhammadan, Rural) 91. Singha, Diwan Bahadur S.P., M.A., LL.B (West Central Punjab ― Pakistani Christian) 92. Sita Devi, Shrimati (Lahore City ― General, Women, Urban)* 93. Sultan Ali Nangiana, K.B., Mian, Shahpur, (Muhammadan, Rural) 94. Sunder Singh, Chaudhri (West Lahore Division ― General, Reserved Seat)* 95. Tilak Raj Chadha, Professor, M.A. (Rawalpindi Division ― General, Rural)* 96. Ujjal Singh, Sardar (Western Towns ― Sikh, Urban)* 97. Virendra, Mr (West Division Multan ― General, Rural)* 98. Wali Muhammad Gohir, Mian , (Jullundur South― Muhammadan, Rural) 99. Wazir Muhammad, Malik (Inner Lahore ― Muhammadan, Urban) 100. Zafarullah Khan Jahanian, Chaudhri, , (Ajnala― Muhammadan, Rural) 101. Zafarullah Khan, Chaudhri (Gujranwala East ― Muhammadan, Rural) 102. Zaffar-ul-Haq, Chaudhri (Rawalpindi Sadar ― Muhammadan, Rural) _______________________________ * Sitting member of Western Section of Punjab Legislative Assembly 1946; automatically became member of this Assembly; but did not make oath.


Chapter 2

Punjab Legislative Assembly



Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951 May 7, 1951 to October 14, 1955

The dissolution of West Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1949 was followed by a gap of about two and a half year due to assorted political developments in the newly born state of Pakistan. In 1950, the Province of West Punjab was renamed as Province of Punjab and as a result of the general elections held in 1951 under the Pakistan (Provisional Constitution) Order, 1947; the Punjab Legislative Assembly consisting of 174 Members was constituted. The first sitting of the Assembly, held on May 7, 1951, was presided over by Sardar Muhammad Jamal Khan1. House accepted an offer of a membership to Common Wealth Association on its sitting held during December 14, 1953. through a resolution for the first time. Motion of re-unification of West Pakistan was presented and passed by the House in its sitting held on November 30, 1954. Opposition staged a walk on this motion. The Assembly held 114 sittings over 10 sessions and passed 72 Acts during its life of 4 years 5 months and 8 days when it ceased to exist on the formation of one-unit on October 14, 1955. It had met for the last time on March 31, 1955.


Proceedings, Punjab Legislative Assembly, May 7, 1951, page 1.


PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 1951 (May 7, 1951 to October 14, 1955)


Name and Constituency


Dr Khalifa Shuja-ud-Din, M.A., LL.D., Bar-at-Law (University) (May 7, 1951 to October 14, 1955) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Chaudhri Chandu Lal Sundar Das, B.A., LL.B. (Pakistani Christian and Anglo-Pakistani-II) (December 18, 1951 to October 14, 1955) CHIEF MINISTERS

1. Mian Mumtaz Muhammad Khan Daultana, M.A. (Oxon), Bar-AtLaw, (Multan-XIII ― Muslim) (April 5, 1951 to April 3, 1953) 2. Malik Muhammad Feroz Khan Noon (Multan-IX ― Muslim) (April 3, 1953 to May 21, 1955) 3. Sardar Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti B.A., LL.B. (Muzaffargarh-V ― Muslim) with portfolios of General Administration, Law & Order, Finance, Judicial and Village Aid. (May 21, 1955 to October 14, 1955)

Also served as Minister for Agriculture, Forests, Animal Husbandary, Co-operation and Excise and Taxation during Noon Ministry and Minister for Education during Daultana Ministry. MINISTERS

1. Abdul Hamid Khan, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (Montgomery-VIII ― Muslim), Development. 2. Chaudhri Ali Akbar Khan, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-III ― Muslim 133

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

Reserved Seat) ― Education, Judicial, Legislative, Prisons, Press and Publicity. 3. Chaudhri Muhammad Hussain Chatha, B.A., LL.B. (SheikhupuraIV ― Muslim) ― Revenue 4. Chaudhri Nasir Ahmad Malhi, Education, (Sialkot II-Muslim) Legislative and Prisons. 5.

Khan Bahadur Sheikh Fazal Ilahi Piracha, M.A., LL.B. (Shahpur-III ― Muslim) ― Rehabilitation and Colonies, food, Public Relations and Press

6. Makhdumzada Alhaj Pir Saiyed Muhammad Alamdar Hussain Shah Gilani, B.A. (Multan-VI ― Muslim) ― Medical and Public Health and Local Bodies, Health, Medical, Local Government and Buildings and Roads. 7. Mr Muzaffar Ali Khan Qizilbash, Nawab, Sir (Lahore-I ― Muslim) ― Revenue, Treasuries, Colonies, Rehabilitation and Refugees and Development Co-ordination 8. Nawabzada Sardar Muhammad Khan Leghari, B.A. (Dera Ghazi Khan-II ― Muslim) ― Public Works, Buildings and Roads, Electricity and Transport, Irrigation, Revenue, Excise and Taxation, Resetlement and Colonies. 9. Shamim Ahmad Khan, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-VIII ― Muslim Reserved Seat), Development. 10. Sheikh Masood Sadiq (Rawalpindi-I ― Muslim Reserved Seat) ― Industries and Labour, Transport, Electricity and Development 11. Soofi Abdul Hamid Khan (Sheikhupura-VII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) ― Agriculture, Forests, Animal Husbandry and Co-oerative 12. Syed Ali Hussain Shah Gardezi, B.A. (Multan-I ― Muslim) ― Industries


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency LEADERS OF OPPOSITION

Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Khan Mamdot (May 7, 1951 to 1952) Mian Abdul Bari (Lyallpur-VII-Muslim) ( December 9, 1952 to October 14, 1955) PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES

1. Begum Khudeja G.A. Khan (Outer Lahore ― Muslim Women Reserved Seat) ― Education 2. Ch Abdul Ghani Ghuman (Sialkot-V ― Muslim) ― Chief Parliamentary Secretary 3. Chaudhri Muhammad Ahsan, B.A., LL.B. (Gujrat-III ― Muslim) ― Industries Also served as Parliamentary Private Secretary for Health. 4. Chaudhri Sultan Ali, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-II ― Muslim) ― Parliamentary Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister 5. Khawaja Muhammad Safdar (Sialkot-I ― Muslim) ― Public Works 6. Malik Abdul Aziz, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot-IX ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 7. Malik Qadir Bakhsh, B.A., LL.B. (Muzaffargarh-II ― Muslim) Chief Parliamentary Secretary (30-11-1953) 8. Mehr Muhammad Sadiq, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-IV ― Muslim) ― Health 9. Muhammad Hussain, Sardar (Lahore-III ― Muslim), Revenue 10. Sh Muhammad Saeed, B.A. (Hons), LL.B. (Jhang-V ― Muslim) 135

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

11. Shamim Ahmad Khan, Mr. B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-VII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) Development 12. Sheikh Zafar Hussain, B.A., LL.B. (Gujranwala-III ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 13. Subedar Raja Ahmed Ali (Rawalpindi-V ― Muslim) ― Agriculture. Also served as Parliamentary Private Secretary for Public Works PARLIAMENTARY PRIVATE SECRETARIES 1. Chaudhri Muhammad Siddique Wahla (Sheikhupura-V ― Muslim) ― Industries 2. Chaudhri Zafar Ullah Khan (Gujranwala-II ― Muslim) ― Development 3. Mr Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri (Mianwali-I ― Muslim) ― Agriculture 4. Rai Bashir Ahmed Khan Bhatti (Sheikhupura-VI ― Muslim) ― Rehabilitation 5. Raja Ahmed Ali (Rawalpindi-V ― Muslim) ― Public Works MEMBERS 1. Abbas Khan, Malik, Seth (Jhelum-IV ― Muslim) 2. Abdul Bari, Mian (Lyallpur-VII ― Muslim) 3. Abdul Ghani Harl, Chaudhri (Sheikhupura-III ― Muslim) 4. Abdul Hamid Nakai, Sardar, B.A. (Hons) (Lahore-V ― Muslim) 5. Abdul Hamid, Mr (Lyallpur-VI ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 6. Abdul Haq, Mian (Montgomery-III ― Muslim) 7. Abdul Latif, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (Sheikhupura-V ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 136

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

8. Abdul Majid Qureshi, Sahnavi, Mr (Multan-VII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 9. Abdul Qayyum, Mir, B.A., Ll.B. (Lyallpur-I ― Muslim) 10. Abdul Rahim, Chaudhri (Sialkot-X ― Muslim) 11. Abdul Waheed Khan, Mr (Corporation of the city of Lahore-IV ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 12. Abdul Wahid, Alhaj Mian (Lyallpur-X ― Muslim) 13. Abdullah Khan, Major Amir (Shahpur-X ― Muslim) 14. Abdur Rehman Khan, Rao (Multan-IX ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 15. Abdus Sattar Khan Niazi, Khan (Mianwali-II ― Muslim) 16. Abid Hussain Shah, Lt Col Saiyad (Jhang-III ― Muslim) 17. Abu Saeed Enver, Mr (Corporation of the city of Lahore-III ― Muslim) 18. Ahmed Ali, Sardar (Lahore-IV ― Muslim) 19. Ahmed Masud Said, Mr (Lyallpur-II ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 20. Ahmed Saeed Kirmani, Mr (Corporation of the city of Lahore-V ― Muslim) 21. Ahmed Yar Khan, Mehr (Shahpur-VIII ― Muslim) 22. Ali Sher Khan, Chaudhri (Sheikhupura-IV ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 23. Altaf Hussain Bokhari, Saiyad (Jhang-VIII ― Muslim) 24. Altaf Mohy-ud-Din Qadri, Saiyad, M.A. (Sialkot-V ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 137

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

25. Amir Ali Khan, Subedar, Raja (Rawalpindi-VII ― Muslim) 26. Amir Hussain Shah, Saiyad (Gujrat-IV ― Muslim) 27. Amir Muhammad Khan, Nawabzada (Mianwali-VI ― Muslim) 28. Amir-ud-Din, Mian (Corporation of the city of Lahore-II ― Muslim) 29. Asghar Ali Khan, Lt. Col., Nawabzada Chaudhri (Gujrat-II ― Muslim) 30. Ata Muhammad Khan Khosa, Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan-III ― Muslim) 31. Aziz Din, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-III ― Muslim) 32. Bahadur Khan Drishak, Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan-IV ― Muslim) 33. Bahawal Sher, Malik (Montgomery-II ― Muslim) 34. Chandu Lal, Chaudhri (Pakistani Christian and Anglo-Pakistani-II) 35. Daud Ghaznavi, Maulana (Lahore-V ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 36. Dost Muhammad Khan, Mian (Gujranwala-VIII ― Muslim) 37. Faiz Ahmad, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Shahpur-IX ― Muslim) 38. Faiz Ahmad, Mian (Montgomery-IX ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 39. Faiz Hussain, Malik (Sialkot-VII ― Muslim) 40. Faiz Muhammad, Mian (Jhang-I ― Muslim) 41. Fateh Muhammad Khan Tiwana, Malik (Shahpur-V ― Muslim) 42. Fateh Muhammad, Captain Mian (Gujrat-VI ― Muslim) 138

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

43. Fateh Sher Jhumat, Malik (Mianwali-IV ― Muslim) 44. Fazal Elahi, Chaudhri, M.A., LL.B. (Alig) (Gujrat-VII ― Muslim) 45. Fazal Hussain, Malik (Gujranwala-VI ― Muslim) 46. Ghulam Abbas Bokhari, Dewan Saiyad, alias Mr Muhammad Sultan Ahmad (Multan-V ― Muslim) 47. Ghulam Haider, Mr (Jhang-VI ― Muslim) 48. Ghulam Muhammad, Mian (Montgomery-VI ― Muslim) 49. Ghulam Murtaza, Haji Khawaja (Dera Ghazi Khan-VIII ― Muslim) 50. Ghulam Mustafa Shah Khalid Gilani, Saiyad (Rawalpindi-III ― Muslim) 51. Ghulam Nabi, Malik (Corporation of the city of Lahore-I ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 52. Ghulam Rasul Tarar, Chaudhri (Gujrat-IX ― Muslim) 53. Ghulam Sabir Khan, Mr (Montgomery-VI ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 54. Ghulam Sadid-ud-Din, Khawaja, Hafiz (Dera Ghazi Khan-VII ― Muslim) 55. Gibbon, Mr C.E. (Pakistani Christian and Anglo-Pakistani-III) (Deputy Opposition Leader) (Performed the functions of Leader of Opposition during the absence of Mian Abdul Bari in the session held from 22/11/1954 to 11/12/1954) 56. Gul Muhammad Noon alias Mr Abdul Aziz (Multan-IV ― Muslim) 57. Gul Nawaz Khan, Chaudhri (Gujrat-VIII ― Muslim) 139

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

58. Gulzar Muhammad Ali, Begum Dr, M.B.B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S., D.O.M.S. (London), L.M. (Dublin) (Multan city ― Women Muslim) 59. Habibullah Khan Tiwana, Khan Bahadur Nawabzada Malik (Shahpur-VI ― Muslim) 60. Hadayat Ali, Shaikh, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot-IX ― Muslim) 61. Haji Shah, Qadri Gilani, Sayad (Montgomery-IX ― Muslim) 62. Hamid Ullah Beg, Mirza (Lahore-III ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 63. Hassan Ali Shah, Saiyad (Montgomery-VII ― Muslim) 64. Iftikhar Hussain Khan, Khan (Corporation of the city of Lahore-I ― Muslim) 65. Inayat Ullah, Chaudhri (Corporation of the city of Lahore-V ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 66. Irshad Ullah, Chaudhri (Gujrat-XI ― Muslim) 67. Jahan Ara Shahnawaz, Begum (Outer Lahore ― Muslim Women) 68. Jalal Din Bhandara, Haji (Montgomery-VIII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 69. Jamil Hussain Rizvi, Saiyad, B.Sc., LL.B. (Alig) (Gujrat-XII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 70. Joshua Fazl-ud-Din, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (Pakistani Christian and Anglo-Pakistani-IV) 71. Kala Khan, Sardar (Rawalpindi-IV ― Muslim) 72. Karim Bakhsh, Hafiz, B.A., LL.B. (Muzaffargar-IV ― Muslim) 73. Khadim Hussain, Chaudhri (Sheikhupura-I ― Muslim) 140

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

74. Kher Mahdi Khan, Raja (Jhelum-III ― Muslim) 75. Khuda Dad Khan, Raja (Jhelum-II ― Muslim) 76. Khurshid Ahmed Qureshi, Alhaj, Hakim Mian (Shahpur-XI ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 77. Lal Khan, Raja (Rawalpindi-II ― Muslim) 78. Manzoor Hassan, Mian (Gujranwala-I ― Muslim) 79. Manzoor Hussain, Saiyad (Sheikhupur-II ― Muslim) 80. Manzoor-ul-Hassan, Sheikh (Rawalpindi-I ― Muslim) 81. Mehbub Elahi, Shaikh (Lyallpur-I ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 82. Mehdi Ali Khan, Nawabzada Chaudhri (Gujrat-I ― Muslim) 83. Meherban Ahmad, Haji (Corporation of the city of Lahore-IV ― Muslim) 84. Mehtab Khan, Chaudhri (Lahore-II ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 85. Moeen-Azam Khan, Sardar, B.A. (Dera Ghazi Khan-V ― Muslim) 86. Mohy-ud-Din Lal Badshah, Saiyad (Attock-V ― Muslim) 87. Mohy-ud-Din, Maulvi (Lahore-IV ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 88. Mubarik Ali Shah, Major Saiyad (Jhang-IV ― Muslim) 89. Muhammad Abdullah Jat, Chaudhri (Lyallpur-V ― Muslim) 90. Muhammad Abdullah Khan Lt. Col., Raja (Gujranwala-IV ― Muslim) 91. Muhammad Afzal Cheema, Chaudhri, M.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-IX ― Muslim) 141

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

92. Muhammad Afzal Khan, Khan (Mianwali-V ― Muslim) 93. Muhammad Akbar Malik, Mr (Gujranwala-VI ― Muslim) 94. Muhammad Akram Khan Bosan, Khan Bahadur, Haji Malik (Multan-II ― Muslim) 95. Muhammad Akram Khan, Malik, Bar-at-Law (Attock-II ― Muslim) 96. Muhammad Ali, Haji (Sheikhupura-VII ― Muslim) 97. Muhammad Amin Khan Kanju Khan, Mr (Multan-VII ― Muslim) 98. Muhammad Amin, Mr (Corporation of the city of Lahore-II ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 99. Muhammad Amir Khan, Mr (Jhelum-VI ― Muslim) 100. Muhammad Ashraf Alam Khan, Mr (Lyallpur-VI ― Muslim) 101. Muhammad Awais, Chaudhri (Jhelum-I ― Muslim) 102. Muhammad Bakhsh, Haji Mian (Shahpur-II ― Muslim) 103. Muhammad Ghulam Gilani Gurmani, Mian (Muzaffargarh-III ― Muslim) 104. Muhammad Hanif, Chaudhri (Multan-III ― Muslim Reserve Seat) 105. Muhammad Hassan, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur-VII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 106. Muhammad Hayat Khan, Malik (Attock-VII ― Muslim) 107. Muhammad Iqbal Ahmad Khan, Rai (Montgomery-II ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 108. Muhammad Iqbal Cheema, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot-IV ― Muslim) 142

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

109. Muhammad Islam-ud-Din, Maulvi (Multan-XIII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 110. Muhammad Jahangir Khan Langrial, Malik (Montgomery-I ― Muslim) 111. Muhammad Jamal Khan, K.B. Nawab Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan-I ― Muslim) ( Presided the Assembly Session till the election of Speaker) 112. Muhammad Khan Gishkori, Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan-VI ― Muslim) 113. Muhammad Khuda Yar Khan Maneka, Mian (Montgomery-X ― Muslim) 114. Muhammad Mehr Shah, Nawab Sir Saiyad (Jhelum-V ― Muslim) 115. Muhammad Mohsin Lali, Mahar, Mr alias Massan (Jhang-VII ― Muslim) 116. Muhammad Munir, Mr (Sialkot-X ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 117. Muhammad Rehmat Hussain Gilani, Makhdumzada Pir Syed (Multan-III ― Muslim) 118. Muhammad Saeed Qureshi, Nawabzada Mian, B.A. (Shahpur-VII ― Muslim) 119. Muhammad Sarfraz Hussain Khan, Malik (Attock-VI ― Muslim) 120. Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Raja (Jhelum-VI, Muslim) 121. Muhammad Sarwar Bodala, Mian (Montgomery-V ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 122. Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Chaudhri (Sialkot-VIII ― Muslim) 123. Muhammad Shafi, Mian, M.A. (Montgomery-VII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 143

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

124. Muhammad Shafiq, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Montgomery-III ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 125. Muhammad Wilait Hussain Shah Gilani, Makhdum Alhaj Pir Saiyad (Multan-III ― Muslim) 126. Muhammad Yar Khan, Mr (Multan-XII ― Muslim) 127. Muhammad Yousaf, Chaudhri (Lyallpur-X ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 128. Muhammad Zafarullah, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Corporation of the city of Lahore-IV ― Muslim) 129. Muhammad Zakir, Maulvi (Jhang-IX ― Muslim) 130. Muhammad Zaman, Mr (Gujrat-V ― Muslim) 131. Mumtaz Ali Khan, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Attock-III ― Muslim) 132. Murid Ahmed, Qazi (Shahpur-IV ― Muslim) 133. Murid Hussain, Saiyad (Sialkot-III ― Muslim) 134. Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, Chaudhri (Lyallpur-X ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 135. Mushtaq Ahmad, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (Corporation of the city of Lahore-III ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 136. Muzaffar Khan, Khan Bahadur Captain Malik (Mianwali-III ― Muslim) 137. Muzaffar Khan, Mr (Attock-I ― Muslim) 138. Nabi Ahmad, Chaudhri (Gujranwala-III ― Muslim) 139. Nasrullah Khan Jatoi, Sardar (Muzaffargar-VII ― Muslim) 144

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

140. Nasrullah Khan, Nawabzada (Muzaffargarh-VI ― Muslim) 141. Nasrullah Khan, Rai, B.A. (Lyallpur-XI ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 142. Nasrullah, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore-II ― Muslim) 143. Naubahar Shah, Saiyad (Multan-XI ― Muslim) 144. Nausher Khan, Rai (Lyallpur-VIII ― Muslim) 145. Nawab Khan Gopang, Haji Sardar (Muzaffargarh-VIII ― Muslim) 146. Nawazish Ali Khan Sial, Khan (Jhang-II ― Muslim) 147. Nazar Hussain Shah, Makhdum Saiyad (Lyallpur-XI ― Muslim) 148. Nazar Hussain Shah, Saiyad (Muzaffargarh-I ― Muslim) 149. Noor, Mr M (General) 150. Nur Muhammad, Malik (Montgomery-IV ― Muslim) 151. Qutab Khan, Sardar Bahadur Captain, O.B.I. (Multan-XII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 152. Rahim Bakhsh Khan, Mr (Multan-X ― Muslim) 153. Rashida Latif, Baji (Muslim Women ― Inner Lahore) 154. Rehan-ud-Din Siddiqui, Mr (Multan-I ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 155. Rehmat Ullah, Mehr, (Montgomery-I, Muslim) 156. Sai Muhammad, Chaudhri (Gujrat-XII ― Muslim) 157. Saif Ullah Tarar, Chaudhri (Gujranwala-VII ― Muslim) 158. Sajjad Ali Khan, Rukan-ud-Daullah, Shamshari Jang Allah, Nawab (Gujranwala-II ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 145

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Punjab Legislative Assembly 1951

Name and Constituency

159. Salah-ud-Din Khan, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Gujranwala-V ― Muslim) 160. Salehon Muhammad, Mr (Shahpur-I ― Muslim) 161. Salma Tassaduq Hussain, Begum (Muslim Women ― Inner Lahore) 162. Sana Ullah Bodla, Pir (Multan-VIII ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 163. Shah Nawaz Khan, Shaikh (Sialkot-VI ― Muslim) 164. Shah Nawaz, Saiyad, B.A. (Montgomery-V ― Muslim) 165. Shamim Hussain Qadri, Syed, B.A., LL.B. (Corporation of the city of Lahore-III ― Muslim Reserved Seat) 166. Shamsher Ali Kalyar, Alhaj Mian (Shahpur-XI ― Muslim) 167. Sher Jang Khan, Captain (Rawalpindi-VI ― Muslim) 168. Singha, Mrs S.P. (Pakistani Christian and Anglo-Pakistani-I) 169. Sultan Khan, Chaudhri (Attock-IV ― Muslim) 170. Wali Muhammad Bosal, Chaudhri (Gujrat-X ― Muslim) 171. Zafar Ullah Khan, Mr (Multan-IX ― Muslim) 172. Zahoor Hussain Shah, Syed (Multan-VIII ― Muslim) 173. Zeenat Jahan Fida Hasan, Begum (Muslim Women ― Rawalpindi city) 146

Chapter 3

Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan

Interim, 1956, 1962, 1965


Interim Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan reconstituted as

Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956 May 19, 1956 to October 7, 1958

Under the Establishment of West Pakistan Act, 19551, the territories of the Governors’ Provinces of the Punjab, the North-West Frontier and Sind; the Chief Commissioner’s Province of Baluchistan and the capital of the Federation; the states of Bahawalpur and Khairpur, and Baluchistan States Union; and the Tribal Areas of Baluchistan, the Punjab and the North-West Frontier, and the states of Amb, Chitral, Dir and Swat were incorporated into a single Province namely Province of West Pakistan2.

Section 11, read with the Second Schedule of the said Act, envisaged that until a Provincial Legislature was constituted for the West Pakistan, an interim Provincial Legislature would be constituted comprising the Governor of the West Pakistan and a Legislative Assembly composed of 310 members (10 general seats, 290 seats for Muslims and 10 seats reserved for women). 1

PLD 1955, Central Statutes, page 277 & The West Pakistan Constitutional Manual, Vol-I, pages 224-248. Section 2 of the Establishment of West Pakistan Act, 1955.



It was also provided in the said Act that this interim Legislature, unless dissolved earlier, would stand dissolved on expiration of eighteen months from the date of commencement of the said Act. The election to the interim Legislature was to be held on a day fixed by the Governor General. It was also provided that the first meeting of the interim Legislature would be held within sixty days of completion of election.

The election of the interim Legislature was held on January 19, 1956 and the results of the election were notified on January 29, 19561. However, before this interim Assembly could hold its first sitting, the first Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan was enacted on February 29, 1956 and came into force with effect from March 23, 1956. Article 76 of this Constitution contained provision for the constitution of a Provincial Legislature for West Pakistan comprising 300 members.

In order to give constitutional cover to the prevailing political scenario, the 1956 Constitution contained temporary and transitional provisions in Part XIII. According to Article 225 of the 1956 Constitution, until a Provincial Assembly for the Province of West Pakistan had been duly constituted, the already elected interim Assembly had to exercise the


Ministry of Law Notification No.F.4(6)/55-Con(1), dated December 20, 1955, published the same day in the Gazette of West Pakistan (Extraordinary), pages 2059-65. Gazette of West Pakistan (Extraordinary), dated January 24, 1956, pages 63-71.



powers and perform the duties of Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan. Accordingly, the interim Assembly was declared as West Pakistan Legislative Assembly, with effect from March 23, 1956, the date on which the Constitution came into force. It held its first sitting on May 19, 1956 (presided over by Mirza Mumtaz Hassan Qizalbash, a member of the Assembly1 ) and its last session was held from August 25 to August 28, 1958. This Assembly had held 80 sittings over 6 sessions when under the proclamation of Martial Law on October 7, 1958, it was dissolved and the 1956 Constitution was abrogated. It is pertinent to mention here that no elections under the 1956 Constitution could be held. This Assembly passed 75 Acts during its life of 2 years 4 months and 19 days.

It is worth-mentioning that Chaudhri Fazl-e-Elahi was elected as Speaker of this Assembly through a casting vote of the Presiding Officer, Mirza Mumtaz Hassan Qizalbash2.


Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan, May 19, 1956, page 1. Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan, May 20, 1956, pages 15-32.



PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF WEST PAKISTAN 1956 (May 19,1956 to October 7, 1958)


Name and Constituency


Chaudhri Fazl-e-Elahi, M.A., LL.B. (Alig) (Gujrat District) (May 20, 1956 to October 7, 1958) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Haji Syed Mehr Ali Shah N. Bukhari (Thatta District) (September 21, 1957 to October 7, 1958) CHIEF MINISTERS

1. Dr Khan Sahib (Swat State) (October 14, 1955 to July 16, 1957) 2. Sardar Abdur Rasheed Khan (Peshawar District) (July 16, 1957 to March 18, 1958)

(Workes as Minister for S&GAD, Tribal Affairs, Home, Excise and Taxation, Forests, game and Prisions during Dr Khan Sahib Ministry)

3. Nawab Muzaffar Ali Khan Qazilbash (Workes as Minister for Industries, Labour and Commerece and Village Aid during Dr Khan Sahib Ministry) (March 18, 1958 to October 7, 1958) MINISTERS 1.

Agha Ghulam Nabi Dur Muhammad Khan Pathan (Sukkur District) ― Games and Forests 153

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

2. Arbab Nur Muhammad Khan (Peshawar District) ― Excise and Taxation 3. Chaudhri Abdul Ghani Ghuman (Sialkot District) ― Excise and Taxation 4. Col Syed Abid Hussain Shah (Jhang District) ― Communications and Works 5. Haji Mir Ali Ahmed Khan, Mir Haji Nabi Bakhsh Khan Talpur (Hyderabad District) ― Cooperation, Food and Civil Supplies 6. Haji Najm-ud-Din Leghari (Hyderabad District) ― Forests and Games 7. Jam Mir Ghulam Qadir Khan (Las Bela) ― Prisons 8. Kazi Fazlullah Ubedullah, B.A., LL.B. (Larkana District) ― Development and Irrigation and Construction of new Barrages 9. Khan Iftikhar Hussain Khan of Mamdot (Tribal Area adjoining Hazara and Mardan Districts) ― Revenue 10. Khan Khudadad Khan (Hazara District) ― Health 11. Mahr Muhammad Sadiq, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur District) ― Cooperation 12. Makhdumzada Syed Hassan Mahmood (Rahimyar Khan District) ― Information, Social Welfare, Local Government and Information Department


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

13. Mirza Mumtaz Hassan Qizalbash (Khairpur Mirs) ― Food, Agriculture and Civil Supplies 14. Mr. Abdus Sattar Pirzada, Bar-at-Law (Sukkur District) ― Law and Finance and Indus Basin Water Dispute 15. Muhammad Ayyub Khuhro, Al-Haj (Sanghar District) 16. Sardar Abdul Hamid Khan Dasti, B.A., LL.B. (Muzaffargarh District) ― Education 17. Sheikh Masood Sadiq (Rawalpindi District) ― Refugees and Rehabilitation 18. Syed Jamil Hussain Rizvi, B.Sc., LL.B. (Alig) (Gujrat District) ― Refugees and Rehabilitation DEPUTY MINISTERS 1. Begum Khudeja G.A. Khan (Lyallpur District) ― Social Welfare and Local Government 2. Begum Mumtaz Jamal Anwar (Peshawar District) ― Health 3. Begum Zeenat Fida Hassan (Rawalpindi District) ― Education 4. Chaudhri Abdul Hamid (Lyallpur District) ― Food and Agriculture 5. Chaudhri Sultan Ali, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur District) ― Excise and Taxation 6. Khan Nur Muhammad Khan (Mardan District) 155

The Punjab Parliamentarians

S/N 7.

Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

Khan Sakhi Jan Khan (Bannu District) ― Power, Development and Irrigation

8. Malik Fateh Sher Langrial (Montgomery District) ― Prisons 9. Mr Joshua Fazal-ud-Din, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur) ― Law and Parliamentary Affairs 10. Mr Saleh Muhammad Khan Mandokhel, M.A. (Zhob District) ― Industries 11. Rana Chander Singh Sodha Rajput (Tharparkar District) ― Power, Development and Irrigation 12. Rukan-ud-Daulah Shamsher Jang Al-Haj Nawab Sajjad Ali Khan (Gujranwala District) 13. Syed Khair Shah Imam Ali Shah (Nawabshah District) LEADER OF OPPOSITION

Sardar Bahadur Khan (Lahore District) (May 20, 1956 to October 7, 1958) PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY

Khan Safiullah Khan (Peshawar District) MEMBERS

1. Abbas Khan Seth, Malik (Jhelum District) 2. Abdul Aziz, Malik (Sialkot District) 156

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

3. Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Mr (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 4. Abdul Ghani Harl, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Sheikhupura District) 5. Abdul Ghani Khan Khattak, Khan (Mardan District) 6. Abdul Ghani, Chaudhri (Bahawalnagar District) 7. Abdul Halim ‘Asar’, Qazi (Parts of Malakand Agency other than the Malakand Protected Area) 8. Abdul Hameed, Mr (Lyallpur District) 9. Abdul Hamid Kadir Bakhsh Khan Jatoi, Mr (Dadu District) 10. Abdul Hamid Khan, Soofi (Sheikhupura District) 11. Abdul Jabbar Khan Daudkhel Tarakzai Mohmand, Malik (Tribal Area covering the Mohmand Agency) 12. Abdul Khaliq Khan Kakar, Mr (Areas of the District of QuettaPishin excluding the Municipal and Cantonment Board areas of Quetta) 13. Abdul Latif Khan Zakakhel, Malik (Khyber Agency) 14. Abdul Latif, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (Sheikhupura District) 15. Abdul Majid Khan Karim Bakhsh Khan Jatoi, Mr (Dadu District) 16. Abdul Qayyum, Mir, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

17. Abdul Qiyum Khan, Khan, Bar-at-Law (Peshawar District) 18. Abdul Wahid, Al-Haj Mian (Lyallpur District) 19. Abdullah Jan, Syed (Peshawar District) 20. Abdullah Khan, Haji (Dera Ismail Khan District) 21. Abdullah Khan, Khan (Mardan District) 22. Abdur Rahim, Chaudhri (Sialkot District) 23. Abdur Rehman Khan, Rao (Multan District) 24. Abdur Rehman Muhammad Qureshi, Mr (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 25. Ahmed Ali, Sardar (Lahore District) 26. Ahmed Saeed Kirmani, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore District) 27. Aidan Singh Nagji Sodho, Mr (Tharparkar District (Caste Hindu)) 28. Aisha Muhammad Abdul Aziz Arain, Begum (Sukkur District) (Seat reserved for Women) 29. Ali Bakhsh Khan, Mir Haji, Allah Dad Khan Talpur (Tharparkar District) 30. Ali Bilawal Khan Shah Ali Khan Dombki, Mr (Upper Sindh Frontier District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

31. Ali Gohar Khan Haji Khan Mahar, Sardar (Sukkur District) 32. Ali Gohar Shah Muhammad Khuhro, Mr (Larkana District) 33. Ali Hussain Shah Gardezi, Syed (Multan District) 34. Ali Mardan Khan Mir Ghulam Raza Khan Talpur, Mir, M.A., LL.B. (Khairpur) 35. Ali Nawaz Khan Mir Haji Bundeh Ali Khan Talpur, Mir (Hyderabad District) 36. Ali Sher Khan, Chaudhri (Sheikhupura District) 37. Allah Bachayo Khan Haji Fateh Ali Khan Talpur, Mir (Tharparkar District) 38. Allah Bakhsh Khan Abbasi, Mr, B.A. (Alig), B.Sc. (Edin) (Rahim Yar Khan District) 39. Allah Dino Muhammad Hassan Sial, Mr (Khairpur) 40. Allah Diwaya, Qazi (Rahimyar Khan District) 41. Allahyar Khan, Malik (Campbellpur District) 42. Allana, Mr G (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 43. Altaf Mohy-ud-Din Qadri, Syed (Sialkot District) 44. Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri, Khan (Mianwali District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

45. Amir Ali Khan, Al-Haj Nawabzada Jam (Sanghar District) 46. Amir Ali Khan, Subedar Raja (Rawalpindi District) 47. Amir Hussain Shah, Syed (Gujrat District) 48. Amir Khan Muhammad, Col (Peshawar District) 49. Amir Muhammad Khan, Malik (Mianwali District) 50. Amir Sultan Khan, Khan (Mardan District) 51. Amir-ud-Din, Mian (Lahore District) 52. Ata Ullah Khan Mengal, Sardar (Kalat District) 53. Ata Ullah Khan, Haji (Dera Ismail Khan District) 54. Aziz Din, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Lyallpur District) 55. Bagh Ali, Malik (Area covered by the Cantonment Boards of Karachi, Malir, Drigh Road and Manora) 56. Bahadur Khan Drishak, Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan District) 57. Bahadur Sultan Mian (Bahawalpur District) 58. Balakh Sher Khan Mazari, Mir (Dera Ghazi Khan District) 59. Baloch Khan Nosherwani, Nawabzada Mir (Kharan District) 60. Barkhurdar, Malik (Bahawalpur District) 160

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

61. Bashir Ahmed Cheema, Chaudhri (Bahawalnagar District) 62. Baz Muhammad Khan Jogezai, Sardar (Loralai District) 63. Captain Quresh Khan (Tribal Areas adjoining Hazara and Mardan Distirct) 64. Chandu Lal Sunder Dass, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore District — Non-Muslim Reserved Seat) 65. Dharamdass Motumal Waryani, Mr (Sukkur District — NonMuslim Reserved Seat) 66. Dost Muhammad Ali Hassan Hakro, Mr (Larkana District) 67. Dost Muhammad Khan, Mian (Gujranwala District) 68. Elahi Bakhsh Nawaz Ali Shah, Pir, M.A. LL.B. (Dadu District) 69. Faiz Ahmed, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Sargodha District) 70. Faiz Ahmed, Mian (Montgomery District) 71. Faiz Hussain, Malik (Sialkot District) 72. Faqira Khan Jadoon, Khan (Hazara District) 73. Farzand Ali, Chaudhri,B.A., LL.B. (Bahawalpur District) 74. Fateh Muhammad Khan Tiwana, Malik (Sargodha District) 75. Fateh Muhammad Khan, Khan (Swat State) 161

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

76. Fateh Muhammad Laleka, Mr (Bahawalnagar District) 77. Fazl-e-Elahi Piracha, Sheikh (Sargodha District) 78. Fazl-ur-Rehman, Sheikh (Bahawalpur District) 79. G. Sikandar Zaman, Raja (Hazara District) 80. Ghaus Bakhsh Raisani, Major Sardar (Kalat District) 81. Ghulam Ali Haji Abdullah Memon, Haji (Hyderabad District) 82. Ghulam Ali Khan, Mir Haji Bundeh Ali Khan Talpur, Mir (Thatta District) 83. Ghulam Haider Bharwana, Mehr (Jhang District) 84. Ghulam Hussain Khan alias Haji Jan Muhammad Khan, Haji Qadir Dad Khan Mari Baloch (Sanghar District) 85. Ghulam Muhammad Khan Muhammad Hashim Khan Wassan, Mr (Tharparkar District) 86. Ghulam Murtaza Shah, Syed (Dadu District) 87. Ghulam Murtaza, Haji Khawaja (Dera Ghazi Khan District) 88. Ghulam Mustafa Ghulam Muhammad Khan Bhurguri, Mr (Tharparkar District) 89. Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, Mr (Nawabshah District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

90. Ghulam Mustafa Khalid Gilani, Syed (Rawalpindi District) 91. Ghulam Rasul Shah Pir Jahan Shah, Syed (Hyderabad District) 92. Ghulam Rasul Tarar, Chaudhri (Gujrat District) 93. Ghulam Sabir Khan, Rana (Montgomery District) 94. Ghulam Sadid-ud-Din, Najm-ul-Hind, Khawaja Hafiz (Dera Ghazi Khan District) 95. Ghulam Shah Bukhari, Pir Syed (Kurram Agency) 96. Gul Muhammad Noon, Rana alias Rana Abdul Aziz Noon (Multan District) 97. Gul Nawaz Khan, Chaudhri (Gujrat District) 98. Gulji Ratonji Menghwar, Mr (Tharparkar District — Scheduled Caste) 99. Habibullah Khan Torikhel, Fakhr-i-Kashmir Wazir Sardar (Tribal area covering North Waziristan Agency and Tribal Area of Bannu District) 100. Habibullah Khan, Khan (Tribal area covering Malakand Protected Area) 101. Hadayat Ali, Sheikh, B.A., LL.B. (Sialkot District) 102. Haji Shah Qadri Gilani, Syed (Montgomery District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

103. Hamid Hussain Muhammad Hussain Faruqui, Mr (Sukkur District) 104. Hamid Ullah Khan, Nawabzada Mir (Mekran District) 105. Hamid-ud-Din, Makhdum (Rahimyar Khan District) 106. Hassan Ali Shah, Syed (Montgomery District) 107. Hassan Bakhsh Shah, Haji Pir Shah Syed (Nawabshah District) 108. Hassan Bakhsh, Haji Pir (Hyderabad District) 109. Imam Ali, Haji S/o Khan Haji Muhammad Umer, (Nawabshah District) 110. Inayat Ullah, Chaudhri (Lahore District) 111. Ismail Burhani, Mr (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 112. Jaffar Ali Shah, Mr (Chitral) 113. Jahan Ara Shah Nawaz, Begum (Lahore District — Women Reserved Seat) 114. Jalal-ud-Din Bhandara, Mr (Montgomery District) 115. Jamal Dar, Major General (Tribal area adjoining Kohat District) 116. Kadir Bakhsh Illahi Bakhsh Tunio, Mr (Larkana District) 117. Kamran Khan, Khan (Swat State)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

118. Karim Bakhsh, Hafiz, B.A., LL.B. (Muzaffargarh District) 119. Khair Bakhsh Khan Mari Tumandar, Sardar (Sibi District) 120. Khan Muhammad Khan Buzdar, Sardar (Sukkur District) 121. Khan Muhammad Khan, Khawaja (Hazara District) 122. Khan Muhammad Yousaf Khan Khattak, Mr (Tribal Areas adjoining Hazara and Mardan Districts) 123. Khan Rasool Khan, Mr (Non-official member of Municipal Committee and Contonment Board of Quetta) 124. Khan Rustam Khan, (Tribal area adjoining Hazara and Mardan Districts) 125. Khan Saad Ullah Khan, Mr (Swat State) 126. Khan Sadullah Khan Amazai (Tribal Areas adjoining Hazara and Mardan District) 127. Kher Mehdi Khan, Raja (Jhelum District) 128. Khuda Dad Khan, Mahr (Sargodha District) 129. Khuda Dad Khan, Raja (Jhelum District) 130. Khurshid Ahmed Muhammad Yaqub, Sheikh (Hyderabad District) 131. Khurshid Ahmed Qureshi, Al-Haj Hakim Mian (Sargodha District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

132. Lal Chand Siroomal, Mr (Sanghar District) 133. Lal Khan, Raja (Rawalpindi District) 134. Madhavji Dharsibhai, Mr (Municipal Corporation of Karachi — Non-Muslim Reserved Seat) 135. Mahabat Ali Khan, Khan (Kohat District) 136. Mahboob Ali Khan Magsi, Sardar (Kalat District) 137. Mahboob Ali Shah, Pir Syed, alias Pir Mahboob Shah Gilani (Sukkur District) 138. Mahbub Ilahi, Sheikh (Lyallpur District) 139. Mahmood A Haroon, Mr (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 140. Mahmood Khan Jichki, Mir (Mekran District) 141. Mahmood Shah, Syed (Hazara District) 142. Major Syed Mubarik Ali Shah (Jhang District) 143. Malang Khan of Batgram, Khan (Tribal area adjoining Hazara and Mardan District) 144. Manzoor-i-Hassan, Mian (Gujranwala District) 145. Mashal Khan Jalalkhel Behlolazi, Khan (Tribal area covering South Waziristan Agency and the Tribal Area of Dera Ismail Khan District) 166

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

146. Mashal Khan, Khan (Bannu District) 147. Mehr Karam Bakhsh Bharwana (Jhang District) 148. Mehtab Khan, Chaudhri (Lahore District) 149. Miangul Aurangzeb Khan, Waliahad (Swat State) 150. Mir Azam, Khan, Chief of Daurs (Tribal area covering North Waziristan Agency and the Tribal area of Bannu District) 151. Mir Rehman, S/o Haji Abdul Rehman Bar Qambarkher (Khyber Agency) 152. Mohsin Shah, Makhdum (Rahimyar Khan District) 153. Mohy-ud-Din Lal Badsha, Syed (Campbellpur District) 154. Muhammad Abdul Haq Khan Khattak, Khanzada Maulvi (Peshawar District) 155. Muhammad Abdullah Jat, Chaudhri (Lyallpur District) 156. Muhammad Afrin Khan, Khan (Swat State) 157. Muhammad Afzal Bajwa, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Bahawalnagar District) 158. Muhammad Afzal Khan, Khan (Mianwali District) 159. Muhammad Ahsan, Chaudhri (Gujrat District)


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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

160. Muhammad Akbar Khan, Khan (Bannu District) 161. Muhammad Akbar, Malik (Gujranwala District) 162. Muhammad Akram Khan, Malik (Campbellpur District) 163. Muhammad Ali Khan Afridi, Nawabzada (Khyber Agency) 164. Muhammad Ali Shah of Sathiana, Syed (Tribal area adjoining Hazara and Mardan Districts) 165. Muhammad Ali, Haji (Sheikhupura District) 166. Muhammad Altaf Hussain, Chaudhri (Jhelum District) 167. Muhammad Amin Khan Samankhel Mahsud, Khan (Tribal area covering South Waziristan Agency and the Tribal Area of Dera Ismail Khan District) 168. Muhammad Arif Khan, Mehr (Jhang Distirct) 169. Muhammad Ashraf Alam Khan, Mr (Lyallpur District) 170. Muhammad Ashraf Khan, Khan (Peshawar District) 171. Muhammad Aslam Khan of Began, Khan (Hazara District) 172. Muhammad Aslam Khan of Tarbela, Khan (Hazara District) 173. Muhammad Aslam Khan, Khan (Peshawar District) 174. Muhammad Aslam Khan, Salar (Kohat District) 168

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

175. Muhammad Ayub Khan, Mr (Rahimyar Khan District) 176. Muhammad Ayyub Khan of Allai, Khan (Tribal area adjoining Hazara and Mardan Districts) 177. Muhammad Bakhsh Khan, Mir, Haji Mir Abdullah Khan Talpur (Tharparkar District) 178. Muhammad Bakhsh Lakhwera, Mr (Bahawalnagar District) 179. Muhammad Farid Khan, Khan (Hazara District) 180. Muhammad Ghulam Jilani Gurmani, Mian (Muzaffargarh District) 181. Muhammad Habibullah, Hafiz (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 182. Muhammad Hanif, Chaudhri (Multan District) 183. Muhammad Hashim Gazdar, Al-Haj (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 184. Muhammad Hussain Chatha, Chaudhri (Sheikhupura District) 185. Muhammad Hussain, Sardar (Lahore District) 186. Muhammad Iqbal Ahmed, Rai (Montgomery District) 187. Muhammad Islam-ud-Din, Pirzada Maulvi (Multan District) 188. Muhammad Jaffar Khan Gul Muhammad Khan Buledi, Sardar (Upper Sind Frontier District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

189. Muhammad Khan Leghari, Sardar (Montgomery District) 190. Muhammad Khuda Yar Khan Maneka, Mian (Montgomery District) 191. Muhammad Mohsin Lali, Mahr (Jhang District) 192. Muhammad Nazif Khan, Khan (Bannu District) 193. Muhammad Qasim, Mr (Bahawalpur District) 194. Muhammad Saeed Qureshi, Nawabzada Mian, B.A. (Sargodha District) 195. Muhammad Saeed, Haji Akhunzada (Tribal area adjoining Kohat District) 196. Muhammad Saeed, Sheikh, B.A. (Hons), LL.B. (Jhang District) 197. Muhammad Safdar, Khawaja (Sialkot District) 198. Muhammad Sarfraz Hussain Khan, Malik (Campbellpur District) 199. Muhammad Shafi, Mian, M.A. (Montgomery District) 200. Muhammad Shamas Khan, Khan (Peshawar District) 201. Muhammad Umar Khan, Khan (Peshawar District) 202. Muhammad Yar Chishti, Mr (Bahawalnagar District) 203. Muhammad Yar Khan, Mr (Multan District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

204. Muhammad Yusaf Khan Chandio, Mr (Thatta District) 205. Muhammad Yusaf Khan Qasamkhel Tarakzai Mohmand, Lieut Khan (Tribal area covering the Mohmand Agency) 206. Muhammad Yusaf Khan, Khan (Mardan District) 207. Muhammad Yusaf, Chaudhri (Lyallpur District) 208. Muhammad Zafrullah, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore District) 209. Muhammad Zakir, Maulana (Jhang District) 210. Muhammad Zarin Khan, Khan (Tribal area adjoining Hazara and Mardan Districts) 211. Mumtaz Muhammad Khan Daultana, Mian (Multan District) 212. Murid Ahmed, Qazi (Sargodha District) 213. Musa Khan Allah Bakhsh Khan Bughio, Mr (Larkana District) 214. Mushtaq Ahmad, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore District) 215. Mushtaq Ahmed Khan, Chaudhri (Lyallpur District) 216. Muzaffar Khan, Captain Malik (Mianwali District) 217. Muzaffar Khan, Mr (Campbellpur District) 218. Muzaffar-ul-Haq, Khawaja (Municipal Corporation of Karachi)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

219. Nabi Bakhsh Khan Khosa, Mir (Sibi District) 220. Nabi Bakhsh Khan, Mir (Chagai District) 221. Nabi Bakhsh Naich, Malik (Rahimyar Khan District) 222. Najm-ud-Din Wallibhoy, Mr (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 223. Nasir A. Sheikh, Mr (Sialkot District) 224. Nasir Ahmed Malhi, Chaudhri (Sialkot District) 225. Nasrullah Khan Jatoi, Sardar (Muzaffargarh District) 226. Nasrullah Khan Turi Hamza Khel, Haji (Tribal Area covering the Khurram Agency) 227. Nasrullah Khan, Nawab (Dera Ismail Khan District) 228. Nasrullah, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore District) 229. Naubahar Shah, Syed (Multan District) 230. Nausher Khan, Rai (Lyallpur District) 231. Nawabzada Iftikhar Ahmad Khan (Jhang District) 232. Nawazish Ali Khan Sial, Khan (Jhang District) 233. Nazar Hussain Shah, Syed (Muzaffargarh District) 234. Nur Muhammad Khan Sher Muhammad Khan Bijarani, Sardar 172

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

(Upper Sind Frontier District) 235. Nur Muhammad Khan, Khan (Tribal area other than the Malakand Protected Area) 236. Nur Muhammad Shah Murad Ali Shah, Syed (Nawabshah District) 237. Nur Muhammad, Malik (Montgomery District) 238. Pir Muhammad Khan, Khan (Mardan District) 239. Qadir Bakhsh Ilahi Bakhsh Tunio, Mr (Larkana District) 240. Qurban Ali Khan, Khan (Montgomery District) 241. Qutab Khan, Captain (Multan District) 242. Qutab-ud-Din Khan, Nawab (Dera Ismail Khan District) 243. Rahim Baksh Khan, Sardar (Multan District) 244. Rahmat Khan Bhatti, Mian (Gujranwala District) 245. Rehan-ud-Din Siddiqui, Haji (Multan District) 246. Rehmat Ullah Arshad, Allama (Bahawalpur District) 247. Rukan Zaman Khan Sultan, Raja (Hazara District) 248. S.M., Sayed (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 249. Sadiq Ali Abdul Karim Memon, Mr (Thatta District) 173

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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

250. Sai Muhammad, Chaudhri (Gujrat District) 251. Said-ud-Din Swalleh, Dr, D.Sc. (Berlin) B.Sc. (Agri) (Wales), B.A. (Alig) (Hyderabad District) 252. Saifullah Khan Mahboob Ali Khan Magsi, Mr (Larkana District) 253. Saifullah Khan Tarar, Chaudhri (Gujranwala District) 254. Salah-ud-Din, Chaudhri (Gujranwala District) 255. Saleh Muhammad, Chaudhri (Sargodha District) 256. Salma Tassaduque Hussain, Begum (Multan District — Women Reserved Seat) 257. Sana Ullah Bodla, Pir (Multan District) 258. Sardar Mahmud Khan, Mr, Bar-at-Law (Bahawalpur District) 259. Sarwari Irfan Ullah, Begum (Municipal Corporation of Karachi — (Women Reserved Seat) 260. Shad Muhammad Khan, Khan (Hazara District) 261. Shafqat Hussain Shah Ata Hussain Shah Musavi, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (Sukkur District) 262. Shah Nawaz Jamal-ud-Din, Pirzada (Nawabshah District) 263. Shah Nawaz, Syed, B.A. (Montgomery District)


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Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

264. Shamim Hussain Qadri, Syed, B.A., LL.B. (Lahore District) 265. Sher Afzal Khan, Arbab (Peshawar District) 266. Sher Jang Khan, Captain (Rawalpindi District) 267. Sher Muhammad Bharwana, Mr (Jhang District) 268. Sher Muhammad, Haji (Bahawalnagar District) 269. Shirin Khan, Khan (Mardan District) 270. Sikandar Khan Hamlani, Mr (Dadu District) 271. Sikandar Shah, Syed (Swat State) 272. Singha, Mrs S.P. (Sialkot District — Non-Muslim Reserved Seat) 273. Sobharo Khan Faiz Muhammad Khan Banbhan, Mr (Khairpur Mirs) 274. Suhail Khan Malazai, Seth (Area of the District of Quetta-Pishin excluding the Municipal and Cantonment Board Areas of Quetta) 275. Sultan Ahmed, Chaudhri (Bahawalpur District) 276. Sultan Khan, Chaudhri (Campbelpur District) 277. Sunder Khan, Sardar Mir (Upper Sind Frontier District) 278. Syed Altaf Hussain Shah Bukhari (Jhang District)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1956

Name and Constituency

279. Tahira Aijaz Hussain Agha, Begum (Hyderabad District — Reserved Seat for Women) 280. Teconmal Nathiromal, Mr (Hyderabad District — Non-Muslim Reserved Seat) 281. Usmar Din Khan, Malik (Kohat District) 282. Wali Muhammad Khan, Khan (Hazara District) 283. Wattan Badshah Khan, Khan (Kohat District) 284. Zafar Ali Shah, Syed, Muhammad Ali Shah Syed (Nawabshah District) 285. Zafar Hussain, Sheikh, B.A., LL.B. (Gujranwala District) 286. Zahid Ali Khan Liaquat Ali Khan, Nawab (Hyderabad District) 287. Zahoor Hussain Shah, Pir (Multan District) 288. Zain Noorani, Mr (Municipal Corporation of Karachi) 289. Zari Sarfraz, Begum (Mardan District) 290. Zubeda Ihsan-ul-Haq, Begum (Bahawalpur District)


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962 June 9, 1962 to June 8, 1965

After imposition of Martial Law in 1958, General Muhammad Ayub Khan introduced the concept of basic democracy through the Basic Democracy Order, 1959. The first BD elections to elect forty thousand representatives each from the East Pakistan and the West Pakistan, were held in December 1959. An Advisory Council was constituted instead of a legislature (for details, see Part 3 of this book). On February 14, 1960, these BD members authorized General Muhammad Ayub Khan to promulgate a Constitution who promulgated it on March 1, 1962 and it came into force on June 8, 1962. Article 70 of the 1962 Constitution provided that there would be a provincial legislature comprising of 155 members for a term of five years. Article 230, however, envisaged that the term of first legislature would be three years. The BD members served as electoral college for the election of the President and National and Provincial Assemblies. The Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan comprising 155 Members was elected by the BD Members. It held its first sitting on June 9, 1962 which was presided over by Justice Masood Ahmad, Member, Election Commission1. This Assembly ceased to exist on June 8, 1965 on the completion of three years’ term. It held 216 sittings over 7 sessions with the last session held from December 21, 1964 to January 31, 1965.


Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan, June 9, 1962, page 1.


During that period 77 Ordinances were laid before the House out of which 75 were Passed, 56 government original Bill were introduced out of which 48 were passed and 8 bills were withdrawn. Total 60 Private Bills were introduced 10 were passed one was rejected and others were pended with Committees when Assembly’s term expired. Mr. Justice Masud Ahmad, member Election Commission presided over the first meeting and administered the oath and election of Speaker. Its first Speaker, Mr Mubin-ul-Haq Siddiqui was elected unopposed on June 12, 1962 and was removed from the office of Speaker as a result of a ‘No Confidence Motion’ against him on July 4, 19631 and was succeeded by Ch Muhammad Anwar Bhinder. Mr Chou En Lai, Prime Minister of Peoples Republic of China, addressed this Assembly on February 24, 1964 and Marshal Abdul Salam Arif, President Republic of Iraq, addressed it on March 24, 1964.


Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan, July 4, 1963, pages 10-17.


PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF WEST PAKISTAN 1962 (June 9, 1962 to June 8, 1965)


Name and Constituency

SPEAKER 1. Mr Mubin-ul-Haq Siddiqui, M.A., B.Com., LL.B. (Karachi-VII) (June 12, 1962 to July 4, 1963) 2. Ch Muhammad Anwar Bhinder, B.A., LL.B. (Gujranwala-III) (July 16, 1963 to June 12, 1965) (Also functioned as Parliamentary Secretary for Law, Information and Parliamentary Affairs till July 16, 1963) SENIOR DEPUTY SPEAKER

Mr Muhammad Ishaq Khan Kundi (D.I.Khan-II) (June 12, 1962 to June 12, 1965) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Syed Zafar Ali Shah, M.A., LL.B. (Nawabshah-II) (June 12, 1962 to June 12, 1965) LEADER OF THE HOUSE

Sheikh Masood Sadiq (Rawalpindi-I) with portfolio of Excise and Taxation (December 6, 1962 to June 8, 1965) MINISTERS

1. Begum Mahmooda Salim Khan (Peshawar-II, D.I.Khan Division) — Education 179

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

2. Khan Pir Muhammad Khan, B.A., LL.B. (Mardan-II) — Revenue and Rehabilitation 3. Malik Qadir Bakhsh, B.A., LL.B. (Muzaffargarh-II) — Food and Agriculture, Irrigation and Power 4. Mr Abdul Qadir Sanjrani, B.A., LL.B. (Sanghar-II) — Health 5. Mr Abdul Waheed Khan, B.A., LL.B. — Railways 6. Mr Dur Muhammad Usto (Jacobabad-I) — Communications and Works 7. Sheikh Khurshid Ahmed, B.A., LL.B. — Law & Parliamentary Affairs 8. Syed Yaqoob Shah — Finance LEADER OF OPPOSITION

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar (Sialkot-I) (1962 to 1965) PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES

1. Arbab Muhammad Afzal Khan (Peshawar-II) — Co-operative 2. Chaudhri Imtiaz Ahmad Gill (Lyallpur-II) — Food and Agriculture 3. Chaudhri Manzur Hussain, B.A., LL.B (Sheikhupura-II) — Communications and Works 4. Chaudhri Sultan Mahmood (Sialkot-II) — Services and General Administration


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

5. Haji Sardar Mehboob Ali Bhayo (Sukkur-II) — Finance 6. Khan Malang Khan (Hazara-V) — Education 7. Mian Abdul Haq (Montgomery-I) — Home 8.

Mian Ghulam Muhammad Ahmed Khan Maneka (Montgomery-V) — Labour and Social Welfare

9. Mian Mehraj-ud-Din (Lahore-III) —Basic Democracies and Local Government 10. Mian Muhammad Sharif (Lahore-VI) — Revenue 11. Mir Hamal Khan (Karachi-cum-Lasbela) — Railways 12. Mr Abdul Latif Khan (Peshawar Agency-III) — Planning & Development and Auqaf 13. Mr Khalid bin Jaffar (Hyderabad-II) — Industries and Commerce 14. Mr Laxman Singh (Tharparkar-III) — Excise and Taxation 15. Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan (Jhelum-II) — Health MEMBERS 1. Abdul Baqi Baluch, Mir (Mekran-I) 2. Abdul Ghaffar Khan Pasha, Mr (Karachi-VI) 3. Abdul Haque, Allama (Rahimyar Khan-IV) 4. Abdul Latif, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (Sheikhupura-I) 5. Abdul Majid Khan, Major (Peshawar-III) 181

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

6. Abdul Majid, Haji (Dadu-I) 7. Abdul Rahim, Chaudhri (Sialkot-IV) 8. Abdul Razaq Khan, Jam (Sukkur-IV) 9. Abdul Raziq Khan, Mr (Mardan-III) 10. Abdur Rehman, Mr (Hazara-VI) 11. Abdus Subhan Khan, Khan, S.Pk. (Peshawar Agency-IV) 12. Afzal Khan, Khan Mir (Mardan-I) 13. Ahmad Ali, Sardar (Lahore-I) 14. Ahmad Khan, Khan (Lyallpur-IV) 15. Ahmad Nawaz Bugti, Mr (Sibi-I) 16. Ahmad Nawaz Shah Gardezi, Mr (Bahawalpur-IV) 17. Ahmad Saeed Kirmani, Syed (Lahore-V) 18. Aisha Aziz, Begum (Karachi, Hyderabad Kalat Division) 19. Ajoon Khan Jadoon, Mr (Mardan-IV) 20. Akbar Khan Muhammad, Mr (Peshawar Agency-III) 21. Ali Gohar Khuhro, Mr (Larkana-II) 22. Ali Muhammad Khan Khakwani, Nawabzada (Multan-IV) 23. Ali Shah, Pir (Hyderabad-VI) 182

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

24. Allan Khan Leghari, Rais (Dadu-II) 25. Aman Ullah Khan Shahani, Khan (Mianwali-II) 26. Asadur Rahman, Shahzada (Peshawar Agency-VI) 27. Asghar Ali Randhawa, Chaudhri (Lyallpur-V) 28. Ashraf Abbasi, Dr Mrs (Bahawalpur — Khairpur Quetta Divisions) 29. Atta Hussain Khan, Mr (Multan-V) 30. Bashir Ahmed Shah, Mr (Thatta-I) 31. Doda Khan Zahri, Sardar Mir (Kalat-cum-Kharan) 32. Fateh Muhammad Khan, Mr (Peshawar Agency-VII) 33. Ghulam Abbas Bukhari, Diwan Syed (Multan-VII) 34. Ghulam Ali, Pir (Montgomery-VI) 35. Ghulam Ghaus, Maulana (Hazara-IV) 36. Ghulam Muhammad Shah, Sardar (Jhang-III) 37. Ghulam Nabi Muhammad Varyal Memon, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (Hyderabad) 38. Ghulam Nabi Muharvi, Sahibzada (Bahawalnagar-III) 39. Ghulam Qasim Khan, Nawabzada (Multan-I) 40. Ghulam Rasool, Mr (Karachi-IV) 41. Ghulam Sarwar, Raja (Rawalpindi-II) 183

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

42. Gul Hassan Mangi, Haji (Sukkur-I) 43. Gul Muhammad, Mr (Peshawar-I) 44. Gul Nawaz Khan, Chaudhri (Gujrat-III) 45. Habibullah Khan Saadi, Amir (Lyallpur-VII) 46. Habibullah Khan, Khan (Bannu-II) 47. Hamidullah Khan, Mr (Mianwali-I) 48. Hamza, Mr, M.A. (Lyallpur-VI) 49. Hassan Shah Orakazi, Haji Malik Mir (Kohat-III) 50. Haziq Ali Shah, Syed (Kohat-I) 51. Iftikhar Ahmed Khan, Mr (Jhang-I) 52. Ilahi Bux, Mr (Khairpur-II) 53. Imam Ali Umar, Haji (Nawabshah-III) 54. Inayatur Rehman Khan Abbasi, Sardar (Hazara-I) 55. Jahan Ara Shah Nawaz, Begum (Lahore — Multan Division) 56. Jahangir Khan, Malik (D.I.Khan Agency-I) 57. Jamal Khan Rais Nawaz Ali Khan Leghari, Mr (Thatta-II) 58. Jamal Muhammad Koraija, Khawaja (Rahimyar Khan-III) 59. Khalid Umar, Sardar (Lahore-IV) 184

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

60. Khan Gul, Master (Kohat-II) 61. Khan Muhammad Kalyar, Mian (Sargodha-I) 62. Khuda Bux Talpur, Haji Mir (Tharparkar-II) 63. Khurshid Ali Khan, Rao, B.A., LL.B. (Montgomery-III) 64. Latifullah Khan Dirvi, Mr (Peshawar Agency-V) 65. Mahmooda Begum, Sahibzadi (Rawalpindi, Sargodha Divisions) 66. Mansab Ali Khan Kharal, Rai, B.A., LL.B. (Sheikhupura-III) 67. Mazhar Hussain, Mirza (Jhelum-I) 68. Muhammad Afzal Khan, Rao (Montgomery) 69. Muhammad Akbar Khan Kanjoon, Mr (Rahimyar Khan-I) 70. Muhammad Akbar Khan, Mr (D.I.Khan-I) 71. Muhammad Akbar, Mian (Gujrat-I) 72. Muhammad Ali Khan Afridi, Nawabzada (Peshawar Agency-II) 73. Muhammad Ali, Chaudhri (Bahawalpur-II) 74. Muhammad Amin Khan, Mr (Multan-VI) 75. Muhammad Ashraf Khan, Raja, B.A., LL.B. (Rawalpindi-III) 76. Muhammad Ayyub Khan, Sardar (Bahawalpur-I) 77. Muhammad Bux Talpur, Haji Mir (Tharparkar-IV) 185

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

78. Muhammad Hanif Siddiqi, Mr, B.A. (Hons), LL.B. (Larkana-III) 79. Muhammad Hassan Shah, Syed (Hyderabad-IV) 80. Muhammad Hussain, Sardar (Lahore-II) 81. Muhammad Hussain, Sheikh (Gujranwala-I) 82. Muhammad Ibrahim Barq, Mr (Muzaffargarh-I) 83. Muhammad Ibrahim, Chaudhri (Sialkot-III) 84. Muhammad Iqbal Ahmad Khan, Rai (Montgomery-II) 85. Muhammad Iqbal Khan Hiraj Sial, Mahr (Multan-II) 86. Muhammad Iqbal Khan, Sardar (Bahawalpur-IV) 87. Muhammad Iqbal, Mr (Gujrat-IV) 88. Muhammad Khan Junejo, Mir (Sanghar-I) 89. Muhammad Khan Talpur, Mir (Tharparker-I) 90. Muhammad Mohsin Siddiqi, Mr, M.A., LL.B. (Karachi-I) 91. Muhammad Murad Khan Jamali, Mir (Jacobadad-II) 92. Muhammad Qasim Mela, Mr (Sargodha-II) 93. Muhammad Rafiq Babu, Mr (Loralai-cum-Zhob-cum-Quetta) 94. Muhammad Ramzan Drishak, Sardar (D.G.Khan-II) 95. Muhammad Saeed Shah, Mr (Hyderabad-V) 186

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

96. Muhammad Shamas-ud-Din (Bahawalpur-III)



97. Muhammad Yasin Khan Wattoo, Mian (Montgomery-IV) 98. Muhammad Zaman Chishti, Pir (Bahawalnagar-I) 99. Munnawar Khan Chishti, Mr (Bannu-I) 100. Nabi Bakhsh Khan Zahri, Mir (Quetta-cum-Chagai) 101. Nadir Khan, Raja (Lyallpur-I) 102. Nadir Shah, Mir (Khairpur-I) 103. Najm-ud-Din Valika, Mr (Karachi-V) 104. Nasrullah Khan Khattak, Mr (Peshawar-IV) 105. Nazar Shah, Syed (Nawabshah-I) 106. Niamat Ullah, Chaudhri (Sialkot-V) 107. Noor Muhammad Khan Buledi Tumandar, Sardar (Jacobabad-III) 108. Pir Rakhman Khan, Haji Mali (D.I.Khan Agency-II) 109. Rasool Bakhsh Talpur, Mir, B.A. (Hyderabad-III) 110. Rehmat Ullah Arshad, Allama (Bahawalpur-II) 111. Safi-ud-Din, Syed (Campbellpur-I) 112. Sai Muhammad, Chaudhri (Gujrat-II) 113. Saif Ullah Khan Magsi, Mr (Larkana-I) 187

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1962

Name and Constituency

114. Saif Ullah Khan Tarar, Chaudhri (Gujranwala-II) 115. Sarfraz Khan, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (Sargodha-III) 116. Shabbir Ahmed Khan, Rais Sardar (Rahimyar Khan-II) 117. Shafqat Hussain Shah Musavi, Mr (Sukkur-III) 118. Sher Afzal Khan, Mr (Peshawar-V) 119. Sohail, Mr S.M. (Karachi-II) 120. Sultan Ahmad, Mr (Lyallpur-III) 121. Sultan Ahmed Khan, Major (Hazara-III) 122. Sultan Muhammad Awan, Mr (Hazara-II) 123. Taj Muhammad Khanzada, Mr, D.S.O., M.C. (Campbellpur-I) 124. Wali Muhammad Haji Yaqoob, Mr (Karachi-III) 125. Yaqub Khan, Mr (Peshawar Agency-IX) 126. Yusuf Ali Khan Magsi, Mir (Kalat-I) 127. Zahoor Hussain Shah, Mr (Multan-III) 128. Zaman Khan, Malik (Peshawar Agency-I) 129. Zulfiqar Ali Khan Kalyar, Mr (Jhang-II) 130. Zulfiqar Ali Khan Khosa, Sirdar (D.G.Khan-II)


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965 June 9, 1965 to March 25, 1969

The next Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan was constituted for a period of five years in accordance with Articles 70 to 72 of the Constitution of 19621. The Leader of the House was empowered only to run the internal affairs of the Assembly under the guidance of the Governor. Chaudhri Muhammad Anwar Bhinder presided over the first sitting of the Assembly and was re-elected as Speaker on June 12, 1965 unopposed2. The Assembly met for 248 sittings over 8 sessions with the last session held from January 1, 1969 to February 20, 1969. This Assembly remained on ground for 3 years 9 months and 17 days when it was dissolved on March 25, 1969 as a result of the proclamation of Martial Law by General Muhammad Yahya Khan, abrogating 1962 Constitution3. This Assembly passed 30 Acts.


Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan, June 9, 1965, pages 1-5. Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan, June 12, 1965, page 10. See Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary) dated March 25, 1969; pages 185-86.

2 3


PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF WEST PAKISTAN 1965 (June 9, 1965 to March 25, 1969)


Name and Constituency


Ch Muhammad Anwar Bhinder, B.A., LL.B. (Gujranwala-III) (Elected unopposed ─ June 12, 1965 to March 25, 1969) SENIOR DEPUTY SPEAKERS

1. Mr Umar Jan Khan, B.A., LL.B. (Bannu -I) Elected Unopposed (June 12, 1965 to February 5, 1966) 2. Mr Ahmed Mian Somro, LL.B. (Jacobabad-II) (February 5, 1966 to May 23, 1966) 3. Syed Yousaf Ali Shah (Peshawer- I) (May 26, 1966 to March 25, 1969) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Mr Ahmad Mian Somro, (Jacobabad-II) (June 12, 1965 to February 5, 1966 and May 26, 1966 to March 25, 1969) LEADERS OF THE HOUSE

1. Khan Habib Ullah Khan, with portfolios of Revenue, Land Utilization, Colonies, Land Reforms and Rehabilitation. (June 9, 1965 to September 25, 1966) 2.

Malik Khuda Bakhsh Bucha, with portfolios of Irrigation, & Power, Education, food, Agriculture and Co-operation. (September 25, 1966 to March 25, 1969) 191

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency MINISTERS

1. Alhaj Jam Mir Ghulam Qadir Khan — Auqaf and Jails 2. Begum Zahida Khaliq-uz-Zaman—Health & Social Welfare 3. Makhdum Hamid-ud-Din, B.A., LL.B. (Rahimyar Khan-III) — Food and Agriculture, Irrigation & Power, also served as Deputy Leader of the House 4. Malik Allah Yar Khan—Labour & Jails 5. Malik Muhammad Hayat Khan Tuman — Railways, EQ-operation 6. Mian Muhammad Yasin Khan Wattoo, B.A., LL.B. (Montgomery) — Education, Basic Democracies, Local Government and Social Welfare 7. Mr Ahmed Saeed Kirmani—Finance, Excised & Taxation and Information 8. Mr Allah Bachay Ghulam Ali Akharad—Law & Parliamentary Affairs 9. Mr Ghulam Nabi Muhammad Varyal Memon, B.A., LL.B. — Law, Parliamentary Affairs and Information 10. Mr Ghulam Sarwar Khan—Revenue, Rehabilitation, Colonies and Land Utilization 11. Mr Mahmood A Haroon — Labour and Co-Operative 12. Mr Muhammad Ali Khan —Education & Auqaf 13. Mr Muhammad Khan Junejo — Communcation and Works 192

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

14. Nawabzada Muhammad Ali Khan — Health 15. Sheikh Masood Sadiq (Rawalpindi-I) — Finance, Excise and Taxation LEADER OF OPPOSITION

Khawaja Muhammad Safdar (Sialkot-I) (1965 to 1969) PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES

1. Chaudhri Imtiaz Ahmed Gill (Lyallpur-II) — Irrigation and Power & Head Water, S&GAD, Home, Food and Agriculture 2. Haji Gul Hasan Mangi (Sukkur-III) — Revenue, Land Utilization, Colonies, Land Reforms and Rehabilitation 3.

Khan Muhammad Iqbal Khan Jadoon (Hazara-II) — Communication & Works, Transport

4. Khan Mukarram Khan (Peshawar-III) — Co-operation, Industries, Commerce & Mineral Resources and Planning & Development 5. Malik Muhammad Muzaffar Khan (Campbellpur-II) — Labour, Land Reforms 6.

Mian Ghulam Muhammad Ahmed Khan Maneka (Montgomery-V) — Irrigation & Power, Land Utilization, Water Development, Food and Agriculture

7. Mian Miraj Din (Lahore-I) — Services & General Administration and Home, Labour and Jails 8.

Mr Abdul Qayyum (Karachi-II) — Health, Co-operation and Social Welfare, Education, 193

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

9. Sardar Muhammad Ashraf Khan (Jhelum-II) — Health, Auqaf, Industries, Commerce, Minerals Resources, Planning & development and Railways. MEMBERS 1. Abdul Aziz, Mian (Jhelum-I) 2. Abdul Ghaffar Khan Pasha, Mr (Karachi-V) 3. Abdul Ghani, Chaudhri (Bahawalnagar-III) 4. Abdul Khaliq Allahwala, Mr (Karachi-VI) 5. Abdul Khaliq, Syed (Peshawar Agency-IV) 6. Abdul Qayum Qureshi, Mr (Bahawalpur-III) 7. Abdul Rehman Qureshi, Mr (Karachi-IX) 8. Abdul Sattar Khan Mohmand, Khan (Mardan-II) 9. Abdul Subhan Khan, Khan, S.Pk. (Peshawar Agency-VII) 10. Abdur Rehman, Mr (Hazara-VI) 11. Ahmed Sultan Khan, Sardar (Larkana-I) 12. Ajoon Khan Jadoon, Khan (Mardan-III) 13. Akhtar Ali Shah Qureshi, Makhdum (Jhang-II) 14. Akhtar Ayub Khan, Captain (Hazara-III) 15. Ali Gohar Chishti, Pir (Montgomery-VI) 194

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

16. Allah Yar Khan Langarial, Malik (Multan-V) 17. Amanullah Khan Shahani, Mr (Mianwali-II) 18. Anwar Aziz, Chaudhri, M.A., LL.B. (Punjab), LL.M. (Michigan, U.S.A.) (Sialkot-IV) 19. Arif Hussain, Mr (Lyallpur-V) 20. Asghar Ali Randhawa, Chaudhri (Lyallpur-IV) 21. Asghar Ali, Nawabzada Chaudhri (Gujrat-I) 22. Ashraf Abbasi, Dr Mrs (P.W. 152-Zone-II) 23. Ashraf Burney, Begum 24. Atta Muhammad Khan Mari Baloch, Rais (Sanghar-II) 25. Atta Muhammad Lund, Sardar Haji (Khairpur-II) 26. Badshah Khan Mahsood, Major Mir (D.I.Khan Agency-II) 27. Bashir Ahmed Shah, Mr (Thatta-I) 28. Chander Singh, Rana (Tharparker-II) 29. Darya Khan Jalbani, Rais Haji (Nawabshah-I) 30. Fateh Khan, Brigadier Chaudhri (Rawalpindi-III) 31. Fateh Muhammad Khan, Mr (Peshawar Agency-VIII) 32. Fateh Sher Langarial, Malik (Montgomery-I)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

33. Fazal Hussain, Sheikh (Muzaffargarh-I) 34. Fazal Qadeem Khan Kundi, Mr F.A (D.I.Khan-II) 35. Fida Hussain Hakro, Mr (Larkana-III) 36. Ghulab Khan Shinwari, Haji (Peshawar Agency-II) 37. Ghulam Abbas Bokhari, Diwan Syed (Multan-VII) 38. Ghulam Akbar Khan Khakwani, Haji (Multan-VI) 39. Ghulam Ali Chishti, Pir (Montgomery-VI) 40. Ghulam Ali, Malik (Sheikhupura-I) 41. Ghulam Qasim Khan Khakwani, Nawabzada (Multan-I) 42. Ghulam Sarwar, Raja 43. Ghulam Shabbir, Qazi (Jhang-III) 44. Gul Hameed Khan Rokhri, Khan, B.A., LL.B. (Mianwali-I) 45. Gul Zaman Khan, Sardar (Hazara-I) 46. Habibullah Khan Kundi, Mr (D.I.Khan-II) 47. Hamza, Mr (Lyallpur-VI) 48. Hazar Khan, Malik Mir (Karachi-III) 49. Idd Muhammad, Chaudhri (Lahore-III) 50. Imam Ali Unar, Haji (Nawabshah-III) 196

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

51. Inayat Ali Shah, Syed (Peshawar-IV) 52. Jafar Ali Shah, Ataliq (Peshawar Agency-VI) 53. Jafar Hussain Jaffery, Mr (Khairpur-I) 54. Jalal-ud-Din Khan, Mr (Peshawar-II) 55. Jamal Muhammad Koraija, Khawaja (Rahimyar Khan-I) 56. Jamshed Khan Mohmand, Khan (Peshawar Agency-III) 57. Karam Elahi Khan, Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan-II) 58. Khan Afzal Khan, Mir (Mardan-I) 59. Khan Muhammad Ahmed Khan, Sardar (Lahore-VI) 60. Khan Muhammad Kalyar, Mian (Sargodha-I) 61. Khan Muhammad Khan Nizamani, Rais (Hyderabad-VI) 62. Khan Muhammad Khan, Sardar (Sukkur-IV) 63. Khuda Bux, Mir (Tharparkar-III) 64. Kibat Khan Masozai, Malik (Peshawar Agency-I) 65. Mahmood Azam Farooqi, Mr, B.A. (Karachi-VIII) 66. Mahmooda Begum, Sahibzadi (P.W. 153-Zone-III) 67. Malang Khan, Mr (Hazara-V) 68. Manak Khan Bosal, Chaudhri (Gujrat-II) 197

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

69. Mansab Ali Khan Kharal, Rai (Sheikhupura-III) 70. Manzoor Ahmad Khan Qaisrani, Chief Sardar (Dera Ghazi Khan-I) 71. Manzur Hussain, Chaudhri (Sheikhupura-II) 72. Mazhar Hussain, Mr (Dadu-I) 73. Meraj Khalid, Malik (Lahore-V) 74. Mr Zafar Abbas (Jhang) 75. Muhammad Abdullah Khan, Raja (Gujranwala-III) 76. Muhammad Afreen Khan, Khan (Peshawar Agency-X) 77. Muhammad Afzal Khan, Rao (Montgomery-IV) 78. Muhammad Ahmed Khan, Sardar (Lahore-VI) 79. Muhammad Akbar Khan Kanju, Mr (Rahimyar Khan-IV) 80. Muhammad Akbar Khan, Khan (Dera Ismail Khan-I) 81. Muhammad Akhtar, Malik (Lahore-II) 82. Muhammad Akhtar, Mian (Karachi-VII) 83. Muhammad Ali, Malik, Major (Sargodha-III) 84. Muhammad Anwar Ali Khan Baloch, Khan (Lyallpur-I) 85. Muhammad Aslam Jan, Major, Bar-at-Law (Rawalpindi-I) 86. Muhammad Aslam Khan Khattak, Mr, S.Pk., M.A. (Oxon), Bar-at198

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

Law (Kohat-II) 87. Muhammad Aslam Khan, Malik (Campbellpur-I) 88. Muhammad Aurangzeb Khan Awan, Mr B.A., LL.B. (Hazara-IV) 89. Muhammad Ayub Khan, Sardar (Bahawalpur-I) 90. Muhammad Azam, Qazi, B.A., LL.B. (Hyderabad-II) 91. Muhammad Bakhsh Khan Narejo, Mr (Sanghar-I) 92. Muhammad Hashim Lassi, Mr (Lasbela-cum-Kalat) 93. Muhammad Hassain Shah, Syed (Hyderabad-IV) 94. Muhammad Hayat Kalyar, Mian (Sargodha-IV) 95. Muhammad Idrees, Chaudhri (Jhang-I) 96. Muhammad Iqbal Khan Hiraj Sial, Mr (Multan-III) 97. Muhammad Iqbal, Chaudhri (Gujrat-III) 98. Muhammad Ishaq Khan, Sardar (Quetta-cum-Chagai) 99. Muhammad Islam, Mian (Rahimyar Khan-II) 100. Muhammad Khan Jogezai, Tumandar, Sardar Bhadur Nawab (Quetta-cum-Zhob-cum-Sibi-cum-Loralai) 101. Muhammad Khan Talpur, Mir (Tharparkar-I) 102. Muhammad Murad Shah, Haji Syed (Hyderabad-III)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

103. Muhammad Musa Khan Bughio, Mr (Larkana-II) 104. Muhammad Nawaz, Chaudhri (Montgomery-II) 105. Muhammad Qasim Mela, Chaudhri (Sargodha-II) 106. Muhammad Rafique, Babu (Loralai-cum-Sibi) 107. Muhammad Rehmat Hussain Gilani, Makhdumzada Syed (Multan-II) 108. Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Chaudhri (Sialkot-III) 109. Muhammad Shafi, Mian (Lahore-IV) 110. Muhammad Shah Nasir Khan, Nawabzada (Peshawar Agency-V) 111. Muhammad Shams-ud-Din Gilani, Makhdum (Bahawalpur-II) 112. Muhammad Umar Qureshi, Mr (Hyderabad-I) 113. Muhammad Yusaf Khan, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (Rawalpindi-II) 114. Muhammad Zaman Chishti, Mr (Bahawalnagar-II) 115. Mumtaz Jamal, Begum (P.W.154-Zone-IV) 116. Mumtaz Safdar, Begum (P.W.155-Zone-V) 117. Munawar Khan, Mr (Bannu-I) 118. Nasir-ud-Din Shah, Makhdum Syed (Lyallpur-VII) 119. Nazar Muhammad Kaluka, Mian (Bahawalnagar-I) 120. Nazeer Ahmed, Mr (Montogmery-III) 200

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

121. Nisar Muhammad Khan, Mr (Peshawar-V) 122. Noor Hassan, Sahibzada (Bahawalnagar-IV) 123. Phool Muhammad Khan, Rana (Lahore-VII) 124. Qadir Bakhsh, Malik (Muzaffargarh-II) 125. Qurban Ali, Pir (Nawabshah-II) 126. Rahim Bakhsh Soomro, Mr (Sukkur-II) 127. Rahim Dil Khan, Nawabzada (Bannu-II) 128. Rahim Shah, Syed (Peshawar Agency-IX) 129. Saadullah Khan Daur Darpa Khel, Haji (Dera Ismail Khan Agency-I) 130. Sadar-ud-Din Khan Durrani, Agha (Sukkur-I) 131. Sadiq Hussain Qureshi, Nawabzada (Multan-IV) 132. Saif Ullah Khan, Malik (Bahawalnagar-IV) 133. Saifoor Khan, Khan (Mardan-IV) 134. Saifullah Khan Tarar, Chaudhri (Gujranwala-II) 135. Saifullah Khan, Mian, B.Sc (Engg) (California, U.S.A.) (KarachiIV) 136. Sarmast Khan Afridi, Malik (Kohat-III) 137. Shabbir Ahmed, Rais Khan Sadur Ali (Rahimyar Khan-V) 201

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of West Pakistan 1965

Name and Constituency

138. Sheikh Umar, Nawabzada, T.Q.A. (Kalat-cum-Mekran-cumKharan) 139. Sher Ali Shah, Syed, B.A. (Bom) (Thatta-II) 140. Sikandar Khan, Malik (Dadu-II) 141. Sultan Ahmed Cheema, Dr, Z.O.M.S. (Vienna), W.P.H.S. (Retd) (Sialkot-II) 142. Sultan Ahmed, Makhdoom (Rahimyar Khan-III) 143. Sunder Khan, Mir (Jacobabad-I) 144. Taj Muhammad Khan Bangash, Khanzada (Kohat-I) 145. Umer Khan Seikh, Mir (Kalat-cum-mekram-cum Khasan) 146. Wahidullah Khan, Mr (Lyallpur-III) 147. Wali Muhammad Khan Talpur, Mir, B.A. (Hyderabad-V) 148. Yusaf Ali Khan Magsi, Mir (Kalat-I) 149. Zafar Ali Shah, Syed 150. Zain Noorani, Mr (Karachi-I)


Chapter 4

Provincial Assembly of the Punjab

1972, 1977, 1985, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997, 2002, 2008, 2013


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972 May 2, 1972 to January 13, 1977

On July 26, 1969, the Chief Martial Law Administrator assigned the Election Commission the duty of making preparations for the next elections. The Province of West Pakistan was abolished with effect from July 1, 1970, and the provinces of Punjab, Sind, Balochistan and NWFP stood restored1. The CMLA also promulgated the Legal Framework Order 1970 (PO 2 of 1970)2

providing for constitution of National and Provincial


Assemblies . The Provincial Assembly of the Punjab comprising 186 members was constituted as a result of elections held on December 17, 1970 under the 1970 Order read with LFO (Amendment) Order 1970 (PO 18 of 1970)4. Due to political unrest, Indo-Pak war and fall of Dacca (on December 16, 1971), its first meeting could not be held until May 2, 1972. The Martial Law was lifted with effect from April 20, 1972. Pending promulgation


Province of West Pakistan (Dissolution) Order 1970 (PO 1 of 1970); see PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, pages 218-229. PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, pages 229-244. 3 Articles 4 & 5 read with Schedules I & II of the said Order. 4 PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, page 369. 2


of an agreed upon Constitution, an Interim Constitution was adopted which came into force on April 21, 1972. This Interim Constitution declared Provincial Assembly of the Punjab (elected in December 1970) to be the first Assembly and its term was fixed as five years (Article 108). After coming into force of this Interim Constitution, the Assembly held its first sitting on May 2, 1972, with Malik Ghulam Mustufa Khar, Governor of the Punjab in Chair. Before making of oath by the members, the Governor addressed the Assembly1. After his address, the Governor administered oath to Ch Muhammad Yaqub Awan, who had been nominated by the Governor to preside the oath making session. After making his oath, Ch Muhammad Yaqub Awan administered the oath to the members2. The new Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 was passed by the National Assembly on April 10, 1973 and received the assent of the President on April 11, 1973. The members of the Assembly again made oath under this permanent Constitution3. This permanent Constitution came into force on August 14, 1973; and the members made oath for the third time4.


Province of West Pakistan (Dissolution) Order 1970 (PO 1 of 1970); see PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, pages 218-229. PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, pages 229-244. 3 Articles 4 & 5 read with Schedules I & II of the said Order. 4 PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, page 369. 2


Under Article 273(1) of the 1973 Constitution, the Assembly had to complete its life on August 14, 1977, however, the Governor dissolved it with effect from January 13, 19771. This Assembly held 329 sittings over 19 sessions with its last session held from November 1, 1976 to November 26, 1976. This Assembly stayed for 4 years 8 months and 12 days; and passed 118 Acts. The Second Islamic Summit Conference was held in the Punjab Assembly Building in February 1974. Almost all the heads of Islamic countries from all over the world participated in the Conference. A Summit Minaret has been built in front of the Assembly Building in commemoration of this historic Conference.


Province of West Pakistan (Dissolution) Order 1970 (PO 1 of 1970); see PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, pages 218-229. PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, pages 229-244. 3 Articles 4 & 5 read with Schedules I & II of the said Order. 4 PLD 1970, Vol-XXII, Central Statutes, page 369. 2


PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PUNJAB 1972 (May 2, 1972 to January 13, 1977)


Name and Constituency


Sheikh Rafiq Ahmad, B.A., LL.B. (PP-75, Lahore-V) (Elected unopposed ─ May 3, 1972 to April 11, 1977) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Mr Shamim Ahmad Khan, B.A., LL.B. (PP-53, Lyallpur-II) (Elected unopposed ─ May 3, 1972 to January 13, 1977) CHIEF MINISTERS

1. Malik Meraj Khalid (Lahore) (May 2, 1972 to November 12, 1973) 2. Malik Ghulam Mustafa Khar (Muzaffargarh) (November 12, 1973 to March 15, 1974) 3. Mr Muhammad Hanif Ramey (PP-76 — Lahore-VI) (Also Served as Minister for Finance, Excise and Taxation during Meraj Ministry) (March 15, 1974 to July 15, 1975) 4. Nawab Sadiq Hussain Qureshi (PP-125 — Multan-X) (Also Served as Minister for Agriculture, Planning and Development during Meraj Ministry) (July 15, 1975 to April 11, 1977)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency MINISTERS

1. Abdul Qayyum, Malik (PP-15 — Jhelum-II), Health 2. Chaudhri Muhammad Irshad (PP-98 — Gujranwala-III) — Health, Agriculture, Live Stock & Dairy development, Forests and Wild life. 3. Chaudhri Mumtaz Ahmad Kahloon (PP-29 — Sargodha-I) — Auqaf, Colonies and Consolidation, Law & Parliamentary Affairs and Information. 4. Chaudhry Muhammad Anwar Samma (PP-20 — Gujrat-II) — Revenue, Power and Irrigation 5. Dr Abdul Khaliq (PP-6 — Rawalpindi-II)— Education, Industries and Mineral Development, Irrigation & Power and Finance. 6. Ghulam Nabi, Malik (PP-73 — Lahore-III), Education 7. Malik Hakmin Khan (PP-10 — Campbellpur-II), Auqaf and Jails 8. Malik Mukhtar Ahmad Awan (PP-116 — Multan-I) — Settlement & Rehabilitation and Labour 9.

Mian Iftikhar Ahmad Tari (PP-74 — Lahore-IV) — Communication and Works

10. Mian Muhammad Afzal Wattoo — Labour, Communication & Works and Excise & Taxation. 11. Mr Abdul Hafiz Kardar (PP-72 — Lahore-II) —Health, Education, Revenue, Colonies and Consolidation Food and Cooperation 210

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

12. Muhammad Khalid, Malik (PP-66 — Lyallpur-XV), Industries and Mineral Development 13. Nasrullah Khan Dreshak, Sardar (PP-140 — D.G. Khan-VI), Irrigation & Power 14. Sahib Dad khan, Brig (R) Chaudhri (PP-22 — Gujrat IV), Communication & Works. 15. Shaukat Mahmood, Mr. (PP-95-Sheikhupura-VII), Health, Revenue and Colonies 16. Syed M. Masood, — Law & Parliamentary Affairs LEADERS OF OPPOSITION 1. Allama Rehmatullah Arshad (PP-166 — Bahawalpur-IV) (May 3, 1972 to November 17, 1975) 2. Chaudhry Talib Hussain, B.A., LL.B. (PP-60 — Lyallpur-IX) Also served as Minister for Housing and Physical Planning, local government and Social Welfare (November 17, 1975 to January 13, 1977) MEMBERS 1.

Abad Ahmad Khan, Begum (PP-183 — Women’s Constituency-III)

2. Abdul Aziz Dogar, Chaudhri, B.A. (PP-126 — Multan-XI) 3. Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Mr (PP-14 — Jhelum-I) 4. Abdul Ghani, Chaudhri (PP-173 — Bahawalnagar-VI) 211

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

5. Abdul Majid Khan Faqir, Mr (PP-41 — Mianwali-III) 6. Abdul Qayyum Butt, Advocate, Mr, M.A., LL.B. (PP-6 — Rawalpindi-VI) 7. Abdul Rauf, Mian (PP-172 — Bahawalnagar-V) 8. Abdur Rehman Jami, Mr (PP-67 — Lyallpur-XVI) 9. Abida Hussain, Mrs Syeda (PP-182 — Women’s Constituency-II) 10. Ahmad Ali Baitu, Haji (PP-160 — Sahiwal-XIII) 11. Ahmad Bakhsh, Nawab (PP-122 — Multan-VII) 12. Ahmad Hayat Khan, Rai (PP-58 — Lyallpur-VII) 13. Ahmad Nawaz Khan, Capt (PP-42 — Mianwali-IV) 14. Ahmad Nawaz Shah Gardezi, Mr (PP-167 — Bahawalpur-V) 15. Aitzaz Ahsan, Ch. (PP-28 — Gujrat-IV) 16. Akhtar Abbas, Mr (PP-50 — Jhang-VII) 17. Ali Asadullah, Hafiz, B.A. (Hons) (PP-170 — Bahawalnagar-III) 18. Ali Bahadur Khan, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-133 — MultanXVIII) 19. Ali Muhammad Khadim, Chaudhri (PP-63 — Lyallpur XII) 20. Allah Ditta, Malik (PP-86 — Lahore-XVI) 212

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

21. Altaf Hussain Shah, Syed (PP-47 — Jhang-IV) 22. Amanullah Lak, Advocate, Chaudhri, M.A., LL.B. (PP-26 — Gujrat-VIII) 23. Amir Abdullah Khan Rokhri, Khan (PP-40 — Mianwali-II) 24. Amir Abdullah Khan, Khan (PP-123 — Multan-VIII) 25. Amjad Hamid Khan Dasti, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (PP-141 — Muzaffargarh-I) 26. Ata Muhammad Khan Khosa, Mr (PP-136 — D.G. Khan-II) 27. Atta Muhammad Khan, Nawabzada Sardar (PP-138 — D.G. Khan-IV) 28. Aziz Ahmad, Sheikh, B.A., LL.B. (PP-109 — Sialkot-V) 29. Bakhsha Ram, Mr (Minority Member) 30. Balakh Sher Mazari, Mir (PP-139 — D.G. Khan-V) 31. Bashir Ahmad, Chaudhri (PP-108 — Sialkot-IV) 32. Bashir Ahmad, Chaudhri (PP-89 — Sheikhupura-II) 33. Bashir Ahmad, Mr (PP-162 — Sahiwal-XV) 34. Bashir Ahmed Chattha, Chaudhri (PP-104 — Gujranwala-IX) 35. Bilquis Habib Ullah, Begum (PP-186 — Women’s Constituency-VI) 36. C – Ayub, Khan, Mr (Minority Member) 213

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

37. D.P. Singha, Mr (Minority Member) 38. Dilawar Khan, Chaudhri (PP-49 — Jhang-VI) 39. Dost Muhammad Lali, Mehr (PP-48 — Jhang-V) 40. E. Dinshaw (Minority Member) 41. Faiz Mustafa Gillani, Mr (PP-117 — Multan-II) 42. Farzand Ali, Mr (PP-121 — Multan-VI) 43. Fateh Khan, Malik (PP-12 — Campbellpur-IV) 44. Fateh Muhammad, Rai (PP-102 — Gujranwala-VII) 45. Fazal Haq, Mirza (PP-18 — Jhelum-V) 46. Fida Hussain, Mr (PP-101 — Gujranwala-VI) 47. Ghulam Abbas Bokhari, Dewan Syed (PP-134 — Multan-XIX) 48. Ghulam Abbas Khan, Sardar (PP-68 — Lyallpur-XVII) 49. Ghulam Abbas, Mian (PP-145 — Muzaffargarh-V) 50. Ghulam Ahmad Khan Verdag, Khan (PP-88 — Sheikhupura-I) 51. Ghulam Ahmad, Chaudhri (PP-31 — Sargodha-III) 52. Ghulam Farid Chishti, Mian (PP-159 — Sahiwal-XII) 53. Ghulam Qadir, Chaudhri (PP-106 — Sialkot-II) 214

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

54. Ghulam Qadir, Mr (PP-56 — Lyallpur-V) 55. Haleem Raza, Dr Malik (PP-52 — Lyallpur-I) 56. Hameed Ullah Khan, Chaudhri (PP-59 — Lyallpur-VIII) 57. Hamid-ud-Din, Makhdum (PP-178 — Rahimyar Khan-V) 58. Hassan Mahmood, Makhdoomzada Syed (PP-180 — Rahimyar Khan-VIII) 59. Hussaina Begum Constituency-V)





60. Ihsan-ul-Haq Piracha, Mr (PP-34 — Sargodha-VI) 61. Iqbal Ahmad Khan, Advocate, Rana (PP-97 — Gujranwala-II) 62. Irshad Hussain Shah, Makhdoomzada Syed, B.A. (PP-147 — Muzaffargarh-VII) 63. Islam-ud-Din, H.S. (PP-83 — Lahore-XIII) 64. Ismail Zia, Mian (PP-96 — Gujranawala-I) 65. Jamil Hassan Khan Manj, Chaudhri, Advocate, B.Sc. (Agri.), LL.B. (PP-99 — Gujranwala-IV) 66. Jamil Ullah Khan, Raja (PP-103 — Gujranwala-VIII) 67. Javaid Hakim Qureshi, Mr, M.A. (Urdu), M.A. (Pol Sci) (PP-1 — Rawalpindi-I)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

68. K.A. Mahmood Khan, Advoacte, Rana, M.A., LL.B. (PP-94 — Sheikhpura-VII) 69. Kaleem Ullah, Chaudhri (PP-176 — Rahimyar Khan-III) 70. Kazim Ali Shah Kirmani, Syed (PP-156 — Sahiwal-IX) 71. Khalid Nawaz Khan, Mr (PP-158 — Sahiwal-XI) 72. Khaliq Dad Khan Bandial, Malik (PP-38 — Sargodha-X) 73. Khaliq Hussain, Mirza (PP-8 — Rawalpindi-VIII) 74. Khan Muhammad Khokhar, Malik (PP-128 — Multan-XIII) 75. Khan Muhammad, Mian, M.A., LL.B. (PP-148 — Sahiwal-I) 76. Khurshid Anwar, Mian (PP-127 — Multan-XII) 77. Lal Khan, Mr (PP-27 — Gujrat-IX) 78. Liaqat Hussain Maral, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (PP-120 — Multan-V) 79. Mahmood Khan, Nawabzada Sardar (PP-137 — D.G.Khan-III) 80. Mahtab Ahmad Shah, Syed (PP-143 — Muzaffargarh-III) 81. Manzoor Ahmad Mohal, Advocate, Mian (PP-169 — Bahawalnagar-II) 82. Manzoor Ahmad, Chaudhri (PP-25 — Gujrat-VII) 83. Manzoor Hussain Janjua, Mr, B.A. (PP-7 — Rawalpindi-VII)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

84. Maratib Ali Khan, Rao (PP-168 — Bahawalnagar-I) 85. Mian Khan Kharal, Advocate, Rai (PP-154 — Sahiwal-VII) 86. Mr Munir Ahmad Haral 87. Muhammad Afzal Hayat, Mian (PP-24 — Gujrat-VI) 88. Muhammad Afzal Khan, Raja (PP-23 — Gujrat-V) 89. Muhammad Afzal Khan, Rao (PP-157 — Sahiwal-X) 90. Muhammad Akbar, Minahas, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-105 — Sialkot-I) 91. Muhammad Akram Awan, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-37 — Sargodha-IX) 92. Muhammad Akram Cheema, Chaudhri, B.A., LL.B. (PP-91 — Sheikhupura-IV) 93. Muhammad Ali Khan, Malik (PP-84 — Lahore-XIV) 94. Muhammad Ali Vakil, Mehr (PP-55 — Lyallpur-IV) 95. Muhammad Anwar Ali Butt, Mr (PP-111 — Sialkot-VII) 96. Muhammad Anwar Naru, Chaudhri (PP-93 — Sheikhupura-VI) 97. Muhammad Anwar, Advocate, Sheikh, M.A., LL.B. (PP-3 — Rawalpindi-III) 98. Muhammad Arshad Khan, Advocate, Khan, B.A., LL.B. (PP-150 — Sahiwal-III) 217

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

99. Muhammad Asghar Sheikh, Mr (PP-79 — Lahore-IX) 100. Muhammad Ashiq, Mr (PP-87 — Lahore-XVII) 101. Muhammad Ashraf, Mr (PP-152 — Sahiwal-V) 102. Muhammad Aslam Khan Niazi, Col (Retd) (PP-39 — Mianwali-I) 103. Muhammad Aslam Khan, Chaudhri (PP-4 — Rawalpindi-IV) 104. Muhammad Azam, Advocate, Malik (PP-36 — Sargodha-VIII) 105. Muhammad Azam, Ch (PP-114 — Sialkot-X) 106. Muhammad Bakhsh, Makhdum (PP-32 — Sargodha-IV) 107. Muhammad Haneef Naru, Advocate, Mr (PP-177 — Rahimyar Khan-IV) 108. Muhammad Hanif Khan, Babu (PP-5 — Rawalpindi-V) 109. Muhammad Hanif, Chaudhri (PP-112 — Sialkot-VIII) 110. Muhammad Hayat Gondal, Chaudhri, B.A. (PP-28 — Gujrat-X) 111. Muhammad Iqbal Khan, Malik Sardar (PP-171 — Bahawalnagar-IV) 112. Muhammad Iqbal, Sheikh (PP-44 — Jhang-I) 113. Muhammad Islam, Mian (PP-175 — Rahimyar Khan-II) 114. Muhammad Ismail Javed, Qazi (PP-129 — Multan-XIV)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

115. Muhammad Khan Khakwani, Nawabzada, M.A. (Cantab), Bar-atLaw (PP-124 — Multan-IX) 116. Muhammad Muzaffar Khan, Malik (PP-13 — Campbellpur-V) 117. Muhammad Nawaz, Mr (PP-21 — Gujrat-III) 118. Muhammad Rafi, Mian (PP-77 — Lahore-VII) 119. Muhammad Razi Shah, Mr (PP-119 — Multan-IV) 120. Muhammad Riaz, Sheikh (PP-153 — Sahiwal-VI) 121. Muhammad Sadiq Malhi, Dr, M.B.B.S. (PP-125 — Multan-X) 122. Muhammad Sadiq, Mr (PP-33 — Sargodha-V) 123. Muhammad Saifullah Khan, Haji, B.A., LL.B. (PP-174 — Rahimyar Khan-I) 124. Muhammad Sarwar, Mr (PP-19 — Gujrat-I) 125. Muhammad Shafique Khan, Khan (PP-100 — Gujranwala-V) 126. Muhammad Shah, Pir (PP-144 — Muzaffargarh-IV) 127. Muhammad Taqi Shah, Syed (PP-45 — Jhang-II) 128. Muhammad Yaqoob Ali Bhutta, Mr (PP-82 — Lahore-XII) 129. Muhammad Yaqub Awan, Chaudhri (PP-61 — Lyallpur-X) 130. Muhammad Yar Khan Lashari, Khan (PP-155 — Sahiwal-VIII) 219

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

131. Muhammad Yasin Khan, Kanwar (PP-132 — Multan-XVII) 132. Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan, Mehr (PP-46 — Jhang-III) 133. Munawar Ahmad, Raja (PP-17 — Jhelum-IV) 134. Munawwar Khan, Mr (PP-11 — Campbellpur-III) 135. Mushtaq Ahmed, Chaudhri (PP-113 — Sialkot-IX) 136. Mushtaq Hussain Dogar, Mian (PP-90 — Sheikhupura-III) 137. Mustafa Zafar, Mian (PP-142 — Muzaffargarh-II) 138. Naseer Ahmed, Mr (PP-109—Sialkot-V) 139. Nasir Ali Khan Baluch, Mr (PP-64 — Lyallpur-XIII) 140. Nasira Khokhar, Miss (PP-181 — Women’s Constituency-I) 141. Nawazish Ali Shah, Syed (PP-35 — Sargodha-VII) 142. Nazar Hussain Mansoor, Mr (PP-151 — Sahiwal-IV) 143. Nazar Muhammad Khan Jatoi, Sardar (PP-146 — Muzaffargarh-VI) 144. Nazar Muhammad, Mr (PP-110 — Sialkot-VI) 145. Nazim Hussain Shah, Syed (PP-118 — Multan-III) 146. Niwazish Ali Khan, Mr (PP-51 — Jhang-VIII) 147. Noor Ahmad, Mr (PP-69 — Lyallpur-XVIII) 220

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

148. Nur Ahmed Hotiana, Mian (PP-161 — Sahiwal-XIV) 149. Nur Muhammad Khan, Mr (PP-130 — Multan-XV) 150. Phool Muhammad Khan, Rana (PP-85 — Lahore-XV) 151. Rab Nawaz Khan Khaitran, Mr (PP-135 — D.G.Khan-I) 152. Rab Nawaz Noon, Rana (PP-131 — Multan-XVI) 153. Rasheed Ahmad Khan, Rai 154. Rauf Tahir, Mr (PP-80 — Lahore-X) 155. Rehana Sarwar Shaheed, Begum, LL.B., M.B.E. (PP-184 — Women’s Constituency-IV) 156. Rustam Khan, Mr (PP-149 — Sahiwal-II) 157. S.Stephen, Mr (Minority Member) 158. Safdar Ali, Advocate, Sheikh, B.A., LL.B. (PP-71 — Lahore-I) 159. Saghir Ahmad, Sardar (PP-30 — Sargodha-II) 160. Sakhawat Ali Khan, Mr (PP-62 — Lyallpur-XI) 161. Sanaullah Khan, Malik (PP-107 — Sialkot-III) 162. Sardar Ahmed Owaisi, Mian (PP-165 — Bahawalpur-III) 163. Sarfraz Ahmed, Malik (PP-92 — Sheikhupura-V)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1972

Name and Constituency

164. Shabbir Ahmed, Rais (PP-179 — Rahimyar Khan-VI) 165. Shabbir Hussain Cheema, Chaudhri (PP-164 — Bahawalpur-II) 166. Shah Muhammad Mohsin, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-81 — Lahore-XI) 167. Shah Nawaz Goraya, Chaudhri (PP-115 — Sialkot-XI) 168. Shaukat Ali, Chaudhri (PP-70 — Lyallpur-XIX) 169. Siknadar Khan, Raja, P.P.M. (PP-16 — Jhelum-III) 170. Tabish Alwari, Syed, M.A. (PP-163 — Bahawalpur-I) 171. Tahir Ahmad Shah, Mr (PP-54 — Lyallpur-III) 172. Tahir Beg, Mirza, B.A. (PP-78 — Lahore-VIII) 173. Taj Muhammad Khan, Khan (PP-43 — Mianwali-V) 174. Taj Muhammad Khanzada, Mr, D.S.O., M.C. (PP-9 — Campbellpur-I) 175. Sher Muhammad Bhatti (Lahore-VI) 176. Umer Hayat Khan, Rai (PP-60 — Lyallpur-IX) 177. Zahoor Ahmad, Mian (PP-65 — Lyallpur-XIV)


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977 April 9, 1977 to July 5, 1977

After dissolution of previous Provincial Assembly of the Punjab in January 1977, fresh elections were held in March 1977 to elect the new Assembly on the basis of direct independent vote and adult franchise in accordance with the provisions of 1973 Constitution. There were 240 general seats, 5 seats were reserved for minorities and 12 for women. The first sitting of the Assembly, held on April 9, 1977, was presided over by Sheikh Rafiq Ahmad, outgoing Speaker of the previous Assembly1. The Assembly had been elected for a term of five years, but it was dissolved under the proclamation of Martial Law on July 5, 1977 by General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq2. The 1973 Constitution was held in abeyance. The Assembly held its last sitting on June 27, 1977. It met for 21 sittings over 2 sessions during its short life of only 2 months and 27 days. This Assembly passed 15 Acts during its existence.


Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, April 9, 1977, page 1. Published the same day in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary) Part I, page 411 and PLD 1977, Central Statutes, page 326.



PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PUNJAB 1977 (April 9, 1977 to July 5, 1977)


Name and Constituency


Ch Muhammad Anwar Bhinder, B.A., LL.B. (PP-139 — Gujranwala XI) (Elected unopposed ─ April 11, 1977 to July 5, 1977) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Mr Shamim Ahmad Khan, B.A., LL.B. (PP-72 — Lyallpur VI) (Elected unopposed ─ April 11, 1977 to July 5, 1977) CHIEF MINISTER

Nawab Sadiq Hussain Qureshi (PP-166 — Multan X) MINISTER

1. Abdul Khaliq, Dr, B.A., B.Sc., M.B.B.S., M.R.C.P. (Edinburgh) (PP-3 — Rawalpindi III), Finance 2. Abdul Qayyum, Malik (PP-18 — Jhelum I), Housing and Physical Planning 3. Rafique Ahmad, Advocate, Sh, B.A., LL.B. (PP-105 — Lahore XII), Law & Parliamentary Affairs 4. Rafique Ahmad, Advocate, Sh, B.A., LL.B. (PP-105 — Lahore XII), Law & Parliamentary Affairs 5. Shabbir Ahmad Khan, Rais, B.A. (PP-240 — Rahimyar Khan IX), Revenue & Relief 225

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

6. Muhammad Khalid Malik, Mr. M.A. (PP-93-Lyallpur XXVII), Prisons & Irrigation 7. Muhammad Afzal Hayat, Advocate, Mian, B.A. (Hons), LL.B. (PP-31 — Gujrat VII), Education & Local Government 8. Ihsan-ul-Haq Piracha, Advocate, Sh, B.A., LL.B. (PP-46 — Sargodha X), Communication and Works 9. Captain Ahmad Nawaz khan Shahani, B.A. (PP-56-Mianwali VII), Transport 10. Shaukat Hussain Khan Mazari, Sardar, B.A., B.C.T.D., U.K. (PP188 — D.G. Khan V), Information 11. Qamar-ul-Zaman Shah Khagga, Al-Haj Mian, B.Sc. (USA) (PP179 — Vehari III), Industries 12. Ghulam Muhammad Ahmad Khan Maneka, Mian (PP-213 — Sahiwal XIII), Food 13. Muhammad Ashraf Khan, Sardar, B.A. (PP-22 — Jhelum V), Live Stock & Dairy development, Forests LEADER OF OPPOSITION

Sardarzada Zaffar Abbas Syed, Advocate, B.A., LL.B. (PP-59 — Jhang III) (June 6, 1977 to July 5, 1977) MEMBERS

1. Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Mr, B.A. (PP-21 — Jhelum IV) 2. Abdul Hafeez Kardar, Mr (PP-104 — Lahore XI) 226

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

3. Abdul Hamid Khan, Major (Retd) (PP-20 — Jhelum III) 4.

Abdul Majid Anwar, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-160 — Multan IV)

5. Abdul Rauf, Mian (PP-227 — Bahawalnagar III) 6. Abdullah Shah, Syed (PP-195 — Muzaffargarh V) 7. Abdus Sattar Khan Niazi, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-52 — Mianwali III) 8. Abid Hussain Bhatti, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-123 — Sheikhupura V) 9. Ahmad Hayat Khan Kharl, Rai (PP-76 — Lyallpur X) 10. Ahmad Nawaz Gardezi, Syed (PP-221 — Bahawalpur IV) 11. Ahmad Saeed Awan, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-71 — Lyallpur V) 12. Ahmad Saeed, Ch, B.Sc. (Hons) (PP-27 — Gujrat III) 13. Ahmad Shah Khagga, Haji Pir (PP-202 — Sahiwal III) 14. Aitzaaz Ahsan, Mr (PP-28 — Gujrat IV) 15. Akhtar Abbas Bharwana, Mehr (PP-66 — Jhang X) 16. Akhtar Ali Khan, Rao (PP-224 — Bahawalpur VII) 17. Ali Asadullah, Hafiz, B.A. (Hons) (PP-225 — Bahawalnagar I) 18. Ali Asghar Kayani, Mr (PP-1 — Rawalpindi I)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

19. Ali Asghar Waraich, Chaudhry (PP-91 — Lyallpur XXV) 20. Ali Muhammad Khadim, Ch, B.A. (PP-83 — Lyallpur XVII) 21. Ali Raza Shah, Makhdoomzada Syed, B.A. (PP-88 — Lyallpur XXII) 22. Allah Yar Chishti, Pir (PP-217 — Sahiwal XVII) 23. Allah Yar Khan Langrial, Malik (PP-183 — Vehari VII) 24. Altaf Ali Khokhar, Malik, M.A. (English), LL.B. (PP-165 — Multan IX) 25. Amanullah Khan Shahani, Khan (PP-55 — Mianwali VI) 26. Amanullah Khan, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-151 — Sialkot X) 27. Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi, Khan, B.A. (PP-161 — Multan V) 28. Amir Hussain Shah, Syed (PP-57 — Jhang I) 29. Anwar-ul-Haq, Ch, M.A. (Eco), Diploma in International Affairs (PP-156 — Sialkot XV) 30. Arif Hussain Kharl, Rai, B.A. (PP-82 — Lyallpur XVI) 31. Asad Ali Khan, Sardar, B.A. (PP-14 — Campbellpur III) 32. Ashfaq Ahmad, Advocate, Sheikh, B.Sc., LL.B. (PP-121 — Sheikhupura III) 33. Ashiq Hussain, Mr (PP-116 — Kasur VI) 34. Askari Hassan Khawaja, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-201 — Sahiwal I) 228

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Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

35. Azmat Hayat Khan, Sardar, M.A., LL.B. (PP-17 — Campbellpur VI) 36. Badar-ud-Din, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-69 — Lyallpur III) 37. Barkat Ali Ghayoor, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-127 — Sheikhupura IX) 38. Bashir Ahmad Commrade, Advocate, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-196 — Muzaffargarh VI) 39. Bashir-ud-Din Salar, Mr (PP-184 — D.G. Khan I) 40. Basit Jehangir, Sh, B.A. (PP-114 — Kasur IV) 41. C Ayub Khan, Mr (PP-254 — Minority Communities Constituency II) 42. Dost Muhammad Khan Awan, Malik (PP-37 — Sargodha I) 43. Dost Muhammad Khan Buzdar, Sardar (PP-189 — D.G. Khan VI) 44. E Dinshaw, Professor, B.Sc., M.A. (PP-255 — Minority Communities Constituency III) 45. Eid Muhammad, Chaudhry (PP-106 — Lahore XIII) 46. Faiz Ahmad Joiya, Mian (PP-216 — Sahiwal XVI) 47. Faiz Mustafa Gilani, Syed, B.A. (PP-170 — Multan XIV) 48. Faqir Muhammad Chishti, Hakim (Hakim Haziq) (PP-219 — Bahawalpur II) 49. Fazal Haq, Mirza (PP-19 — Jhelum II)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

50. Fazal Hussain, Malik (PP-131 — Gujranwala III) 51. Ghulam Abbas Bukhari, Makhdoom Diwan Syed (PP-175 — Multan XIX) 52. Ghulam Ahmad Khan Vardag, Khan (PP-122 — Sheikhupura IV) 53. Ghulam Ahmad, Ch, M.A., LL.B. (PP-90 — Lyallpur XXIV) 54. Ghulam Asghar Khan Dasti, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-234 — Rahimyar Khan III) 55. Ghulam Farid Chishti, Mian, B.A. (PP-214 — Sahiwal XIV) 56. Ghulam Farid Kathia, Mr, M.A. (Hisotry) (PP-204 — Sahiwal IV) 57. Ghulam Jafir, Malik (PP-222 — Bahawalpur V) 58. Ghulam Kibrya Khan, Advocate, Raja, B.Sc. (Agri), LL.B. (PP-67 — Lyallpur I) 59. Ghulam Nabi, Malik, M.A. (PP-103 — Lahore X) 60. Ghulam Qadir, Malik (PP-75 — Lyallpur IX) 61. Hakmeen Khan, Malik (PP-12 — Campbellpur I) 62. Hamid Kamal Dahir, Mr, M.A. (Pol Sci) (PP-235 — Rahimyar Khan IV) 63. Hamid Muhammad Shamas-ud-Din Gillani, Makhdoom-ul-Mulk Syed (PP-218 — Bahawalpur I) 64. Hamid Ullah Khan, Ch (PP-79 — Lyallpur XIII) 230

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Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

65. Hassan Askari, Advocate, Syed, B.A., LL.B. (PP-113 — Kasur III) 66. Iftikhar Ali Bukhari, Syed, B.A. (Cantab) (PP-61 — Jhang V) 67. Iftikhar Hussain Shah, Advocate, Syed, B.A., LL.B. (PP-215 — Sahiwal XV) 68. Iftikhar Hussain, Rao, B.A. (PP-125 — Sheikhupura VII) 69. Ikram Rabbani, Advocate, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (PP-207 — Sahiwal VII) 70. Imtiaz Ahmad, Advocate, Raja, B.A., LL.B. (PP-230 — Bahawalnagar VI) 71. Inayat Rasul Sindhu, Ch (PP-148 — Sialkot VII) 72. Iqbal Ahmad Khan, Advocate, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (PP-137 — Gujranwala IX) 73. Irshad Gul Majahid, Miss (PP-251 — Women’s Constituency XI) 74. Irshad Hussain Shah, Syed (PP-194 Muzaffargarh IV) 75. Irshad Muhammad Khan, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-74 — Lyallpur VIII) 76. Ishtiaq Hussain Bokhari, Syed (PP-101 — Lahore VIII) 77. Ismail Zia, Mian, B.A. (PP-140 — Gujranwala XII) 78. Jamil Hassan Khan Manj, Advocate, Ch, B.Sc. (Agri), LL.B. (PP135 — Gujranwala VII) 79. Jamilullah Khan Raja, Col, B.A. (PP-129 — Gujranwala I) 231

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

80. Javed Ahmad Khan Kharl, Mr (PP-87 — Lyallpur XXI) 81. Javed Mumtaz Khan Daultana, Mian, M.A. (History) (PP-181 — Vehari V) 82. Jawad Hussain Rizvi, Dr Syed, BDS (PP-33 — Gujrat IX) 83. Kalim Ullah Shah, Makhdumzada Hafiz Syed, B.A., LL.B. (PP186 — D.G. Khan III) 84. Kausar Ali Shah, Syed, B.Sc. (Engg) (PP-99 — Lahore VI) 85. Khalid Altaf Latifie, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-147 — Sialkot VI) 86. Khalid Amir Khan, Mr, B.Sc. (Agri), M.A. (Pol Sci) (PP-42 — Sargodha VI) 87. Khalid Mazhar, Advocate, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-11 — Rawalpindi XI) 88. Khan Baig Awan, Malik (PP-163 — Multan VII) 89. Khawar Ali Shah, Dr Syed, MBBS (Pb) (PP-157 — Multan I) 90. Khizar Hayat Shah, Pir Syed (PP-158 — Multan II) 91. Khurshid Alam Cheema, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-144 — Sialkot III) 92. Khurshid Anwar, Mian (PP-180 — Vehari IV) 93. M D Chaudhry, Mr (PP-142 — Sialkot I) 94. M Paul Chaudhry, Mr (PP-253 — Minority Communities Constituency I) 232

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Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

95. Mahmood Ahmad Goraya, Adcovate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-119 — Sheikhupura I) 96. Mahmood-ul-Hassan Dar, Mian (PP-70 — Lyallpur IV) 97. Mansoor Malik, Mr (PP-98 — Lahore V) 98. Manzoor Ahmad Khan, Adcovate, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (PP-191 — Muzaffargarh I) 99. Manzoor Ahmad Mohal, Adcovate, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (PP-226 — Bahawalnagar II) 100. Manzoor Ahmad Ranjha, Mr (PP-35 — Gujrat XI) 101. Manzoor Elahi, Adcovate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-30 — Gujrat VI) 102. Manzoor Hussain, DR Sh, M.B.B.S. (Pb) DORCS, RCP (PP-199 — Muzaffargarh IX) 103. Maqbool Hussain Shah, Syed (PP-210 — Sahiwal X) 104. Maqsood Ahmad Khan Leghari, Sardar (PP-185 — D.G. Khan II) 105. Maratab Ali Khan Zaraki, Rao (PP-229 — Bahawalnagar V) 106. Masud Zahidi, Advocate, Syed, M.A., LL.B. (Alig) (PP-44 — Sargodha VIII) 107. Maula Bakhsh, Ch (PP-81 — Lyallpur XV) 108. Mazhar Ali Khan, Sardar, B.A. (PP-100 — Lahore VII) 109. Mazhar Ali, Nawabzada, B.A. (PP-25 — Gujrat I) 233

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

110. Mehdi Khan, Ch (PP-136 — Gujranwala VIII) 111. Mehtab Ahmad Shah, Syed (PP-197 — Muzaffargarh VII) 112. Mian Sultan, Malik (PP-38 — Sargodha II) 113. Muhammad Aamir Khakwani, Mr, M.A. (Eco) (PP-178 — Vehari II) 114. Muhammad Afzal Khan, Rao (PP-211 — Sahiwal XI) 115. Muhammad Afzal, Advocate, Ch, B.Sc., LL.B. (PP-155 — Sialkot XIV) 116. Muhammad Afzal, Haji Malik (PP-138 — Gujranwala X) 117. Muhammad Afzal, Mr (PP-5 — Rawalpindi V) 118. Muhammad Akram Baig, Mirza (PP-107 — Lahore XIV) 119. Muhammad Akram Khan, Brig (Retd) (PP-10 — Rawalpindi X) 120. Muhammad Akram, J.D., Dr, F.Sc., MBPC (PP-152 — Sialkot XI) 121. Muhammad Alam Khan, Advocate, Rai, B.A., LL.B. (PP-231 — Bahawalnagar VII) 122. Muhammad Anwar Khan Naru, Ch (PP-120 — Sheikhupura II) 123. Muhammad Anwar Khan Tiwana, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-40 — Sargodha IV) 124. Muhammad Arif Chattha, Advocate, Mr, B.Sc., LL.B. (PP-130 — Gujranwala II) 125. Muhammad Ashiq, Sardar (PP-118 — Kasur VIII) 234

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Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

126. Muhammad Aslam Chela-Sial, Mian (PP-62 — Jhang VI) 127. Muhammad Aslam Khan Kharl, Advocate, Rai, B.A., LL.B. (PP80 — Lyallpur XIV) 128. Muhammad Aslam Khan Niazi, Col (Retd) (PP-50 — Mianwali I) 129. Muhammad Aslam Khan, Advocate, Rana, B.A., LL.B. (PP-78 — Lyallpur XII) 130. Muhammad Aslam Khan, Ch (PP-6 — Rawalpindi VI) 131. Muhammad Aslam Lone, Khawaja (PP-141 — Gujranwala XIII) Muhammad Aslam, Malik, M.A. (Eco), LL.B. (PP-13 — 132. Campbellpur II) 133. Muhammad Azam Khan, Advocate, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-39 — Sargodha III) 134. Muhammad Azar Khan, Advocate, Rana, B.Sc., LL.B. (PP-208 — Sahiwal VIII) 135. Muhammad Bukhsh, Makhdoom Haji (PP-49 — Sargodha XIII) 136. Muhammad Hanif Khan Abbasi, Mr (PP-8 — Rawalpindi VIII) 137. Muhammad Hanif Naru, Advocate, Mr, B.Sc., LL.B. (PP-237 — Rahimyar Khan VI) 138. Muhammad Hayat, Al-Haj Ch (PP-112 — Kasur II) 139. Muhammad Hussain Randhawa, Ch (PP-153 — Sialkot XII)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

140. Muhammad Iqbal, Gujjar of Chileanwala, Ch (PP-32 — Gujrat VIII) 141. Muhammad Ismail Javed, Qazi (PP-177 — Vehari I) 142. Muhammad Jaffar Hashmi, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-236 — Rahimyar Khan V) 143. Muhammad Jahangir Khan Langrial, Malik (PP-206 — Sahiwal VI) 144. Muhammad Karim Bhatti, Ch (PP-149 — Sialkot VIII) 145. Muhammad Khan, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-84 — Lyallpur XVIII) 146. Muhammad Latif Randhawa, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-77 — Lyallpur XI) 147. Muhammad Maqsood Ali, Raja (PP-9 — Rawalpindi IX) 148. Muhammad Mumtaz Khan Nisowana, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-58 — Jhang II) 149. Muhammad Naeem Khokhar, Mr, B.A. (Hons) (PP-4 — Rawalpindi IV) 150. Muhammad Nafees-ud-Din Farooqui, Advocate, Sh, M.A., LL.B. (PP-63 — Jhang VII) 151. Muhammad Nawaz Bosal, Ch, B.A. (PP-36 — Gujrat XII) 152. Muhammad Nawaz Cheema, Ch, B.A., PCS (Retd) (PP-146 — Sialkot V) 153. Muhammad Rafi, Ch (PP-200 — Muzaffargarh X)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

154. Muhammad Razi Shah, Syed, B.A. (PP-164 — Multan VIII) 155. Muhammad Riaz, Mian, M.A., LL.B. (PP-96 — Lahore III) 156. Muhammad Saeed Sindhu, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-117 — Kasur VII) 157. Muhammad Saifullah Khan, Advocate, Haji, B.A., LL.B. (PP-233 — Rahimyar Khan II) 158. Muhammad Sarfraz Khan, Sardar (PP-15 — Campbellpur IV) 159. Muhammad Shafique Khan, Haji (PP-134 — Gujranwala VI) 160. Muhammad Sharif Zafar Joiya, Advocate, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (PP212 — Sahiwal XII) 161. Muhammad Sharif, Ch (PP-239 — Rahimyar Khan VIII) 162. Muhammad Suleman Thind, Advocate, Mehr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-198 — Muzaffargarh VIII) 163. Muhammad Yaqub Ali Maan, Ch (PP-111 — Kasur I) 164. Muhammad Yar Khan Lashari, Haji, B.A. (PP-209 — Sahiwal IX) 165. Muhammad Yar Khan, Malik, B.A. (PP-73 — Lyallpur VII) 166. Muhammad Yaseen Khan, Kanwar, B.A., LL.B. (PP-171 — Multan XV) 167. Muhammad Zafar Ullah Khan Bharwana, Mehr, B.A. (PP-60 — Jhang IV) 168. Muhammad Zaman, Ch (PP-29 — Gujrat V) 237

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Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

169. Muhammd Sadiq, Sh, B.A. (PP-173 — Multan XVII) 170. Mukhtar Ahmad Awan, Advocate, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-168 — Mutlan XII) 171. Mukhtar Ahmad Bhatti, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-132 — Gujranwala IV) 172. Mumtaz Ahmad Kahloon, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-43 — Sargodha VII) 173. Mumtaz Ejaz Ghallo, Mrs (PP-249 — Women’s Constitutency IX) 174. Muntazir Mehdi, Advocate, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-169 — Multan XIII) 175. Murid Mehdi Khan, Mr (PP-53 — Mianwali IV) 176. Mushtaq Ahmad Qureshi Jabla, Mian, B.A. (PP-223 — Bahawalpur VI) 177. Mushtaq Hussain Dogar, Mian (PP-124 — Sheikhupura VI) 178. Mustafa Zafar Qureshi, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (PP-192 — Muzaffargarh II) 179. Naseer Ahmad Cheema, Ch, B.A. (PP-205 — Sahiwal V) 180. Nasir Ali Khan Baluch, Mian, B.A. (PP-86 — Lyallpur XX) 181. Nasira Khokhar, Miss, B.Sc., M.A. (English) (PP-241 — Women’s Constituency I) 182. Nasrullah Khan Dareshak, Sardar (PP-185 — D.G. Khan II) 183. Nawab Khan Tarar, Ch (PP-34 — Gujrat X)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

184. Nawazish Ali Khan Qandrani, Sardar, B.A. (PP-193 — Muzaffargarh III) 185. Nawazish Ali Pasha, Sardar, M.A. (Pol Sci) (PP-159 — Multan III) 186. Nazar Hussain Soofi, Haji (PP-174 — Multan XVIII) 187. Nazir Ahmad Ranjha, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-48 — Sargodha XII) 188. Nazir Ahmad, Ch, B.Sc. (PP-92 — Lyallpur XXVI) 189. Nazir Ahmad, Professor, M.A. (PP-2 — Rawalpindi II) 190. Noor Ahmad Mahi, Ch, B.A. (PP-89 — Lyallpur XXIII) 191. Nur Jehan Taufiq Qureshi, Mrs (PP-243 — Women’s Constituency III) 192. Phool Muhammad Khan, Rana (PP-115 — Kasur V) 193. Qayyum Nizami, Mr, M.A., LL.B., D.T.L. (PP-102 — Lahore IX) 194. Rafiqa Sultana Amin Chughtai, Mrs (PP-250 — Women’s Constitutency X) 195. Rashid Ahmad, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-203 — Sahiwal III) 196. Razia Munawwar Hussain, Begum Syeda, B.A. (PP-252 — Women’s Constituency XII) 197. Rehana Sarwar Shaheed, Begum, LL.B., M.B.E. (PP-246 — Women’s Constitutency VI) 198. Rehmat Khan Bhatti, Advocate, Mian, B.A., LL.B. (PP-133 — Gujranwala V)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

199. Riaz Ahmad Warraich, Ch (PP-26 — Gujrat II) 200. Riaz Hussain Qureshi, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-167 — Multan XI) 201. Sadar-ud-Din Shah, Syed (PP-176 — Multan XX) 202. Saghir Ahmad, Sardar (PP-47 — Sargodha XI) 203. Saghira Islam, Mrs, B.A. (PP-247 — Women’s Constituency VII) 204. Saifullah Khan, Malik (PP-228 — Bahawalnagar IV) 205. Sakhawat Ali Khan, Rai, B.A., LL.B. (PP-85 — Lyallpur XIX) 206. Saleem Iqbal, Malik (PP-16 — Campbellpur V) 207. Samson Monoa, Mr, B.A. (PP-256 — Minority Communities Constituency IV) 208. Saqib Hussain Shah, Syed (PP-143 — Sialkot II) 209. Sardar Ahmad Owaisi, Sàeen Mian (PP-220 — Bahawalpur III) 210. Sardar Ahmad, Dr, MBBS (Pb) (PP-97 — Lahore IV) 211. Sarfraz Ahmad Awan, Advocate, Malik, B.Sc, LL.B. (PP-150 — Sialkot IX) 212. Shabbir Ahmad Khan, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-108 — Lahore XV) 213. Shah Din, Malik (PP-154 — Sialkot XIII)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

214. Shah Muhammad Khan Joyia, Malik (PP-172 — Multan XVI) 215. Shah Muhammad Mohsin, Advocate, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-109 — Lahore XVI) 216. Shahbaz Khan, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-23 — Jhelum VI) 217. Shams-ud-Din Gillani, Makhdoom (PP-218 — Bahawalpur I) 218. Shaukat Mahmood, Advocate, Rana, M.A. (Philosophy), M.A. (Pol Sci), LL.B. (PP-128 — Sheikhupura X) 219. Sher Muhammad Bhatti, Mr (PP-94 — Lahore I) 220. Shujaat Hasnain Qureshi, Mr, B.A. (PP-162 — Multan VI) 221. Sikandar Hayat Khan Mekan, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (PP-41 — Sargodha V) 222. Sikandar Khan, Raja (PP-24 — Jhelum VII) 223. Surta Ram, Seth (PP-257 — Minority Communities Constituency V) 224. Tahira Yasin Aman Ullah, Mrs (PP-244 — Women’s Constituency IV) 225. Taj Muhammad Awan, Malik (PP-51 — Mianwali II) 226. Taj Muhammad Bhatti, Mr (PP-182 — Vehari VI) 227. Taj Muhammad Khan, Khan (PP-54 — Mianwali V) 228. Tariq Iqbal Javed, Ch, B.A. (PP-7 — Rawalpindi VII) 229. Tariq Muslim, Advocate, Malik, B.A., LL.B. (PP-238 — Rahimyar Khan VII) 241

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Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1977

Name and Constituency

230. Tariq Waheed Butt, Mr, M.A. (Pol Sci) (PP-95 — Lahore II) 231. Tawakkal Ullah Virk, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-126 — Sheikhupura VIII) 232. Umar Ali Junjiana Sial, Mian (PP-65 — Jhang IX) 233. Umar Daraz Khan, Advocate, Ch, B.A., LL.B. (PP-68 — Lyallpur II) 234. Umar Daraz Khan, Rana (PP-110 — Lahore XVII) 235. Umar Hayat Sial, Mr, M.Sc. (Agri) (PP-64 — Jhang VIII) 236. Zafar Ali Khan Langah, Sardar, B.A., LL.B. (PP-232 — Rahimyar Khan I) 237. Zafar Ali, Malik (PP-45 — Sargodha IX) 238. Zafar Ullah Bharwana, Mehr (Jhang IV) 239. Zahida Abdullah, Miss (PP-242 — Women’s Constituency II) Zahoor Akram Hayat Malik, Begum (PP-248 — Women’s 240. Constituency VIII) 241. Zakia Shah Nawaz Khan Niazi, Mrs (PP-245 — Women’s Constituency V) 242. Zulfiqar Ali Khan, Advocate, Mr, B.A., LL.B. (PP-145 — Sialkot IV) 243. Zulfiqar Ali Khan Khosa, Sirdar (PP-192 — D.G. Khan VII)


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1985 March 12, 1985 to May 30, 1988

During the period from 1977 to 1985, the Constitution of Pakistan was kept in abeyance and the political institutions remained inactive due to imposition of Martial Law. Two advisory councils, however, were constituted during this period as Provincial Council of the Punjab in 1980 and 1983 (for details, see Part 3 of this book). In order to restore political process in the country, the general elections, on the basis of non-party and separate electorate, were held on February 25, 1985 for the National Assembly and on February 28, 1985 for the Provincial Assemblies. The membership of Provincial Assembly of the Punjab was 260 (240 general seats, 8 seats reserved for minorities and 12 seats reserved for women). After having been substantially amended by the Chief Martial Law Administrator and the then President of Pakistan, the 1973 Constitution was partially reactivated through the Revival of the Constitution of 1973 Order, 1985 (P.O. 14 of 1985) w.e.f. March 10, 1985. With the lifting of Martial Law on December 30, 1985, the Constitution was wholly restored1.


The Proclamation of Withdrawal of Martial Law dated December 30, 1985 published the same day in the Gazette of Pakistan (Extraordinary), pages 431-32. See also PLD 1986, Central Statutes, page 13).


This Assembly held its first sitting on March 12, 19851 which was presided over by Ch Faiz Ahmed, a member of the Assembly. Though the Assembly was elected for a term of five years, but it stayed only for 3 years 2 months and 19 days; when the Governor dissolved it on May 30, 19882 following the dissolution of National Assembly by the then President General Zia-ul-Haq on account of prevailing political disturbance in the country. Its last session was held from January 14, 1988 to February 14, 1988. It met for 160 sittings over 12 sessions and had passed 26 Acts before its dissolution. The Golden Jubilee of the Punjab Assembly, celebrated from February 1 to February 3, 1988, was a landmark in the history of the Punjab Assembly3.


Proceedings, Provincial Assembly of the Punjab, March 12, 1985, page 1. See SG&I Department Notification No.CAB-II/2-5/86, dated May 30, 1988, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary) dated May 31, 1988, page 1559. 3 For details, see “Golden Jubilee Punjab Assembly─1937-1987”, published by the Punjab Assembly Secretariat. 2


PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PUNJAB, 1985 (March 12, 1985 to May 30, 1988)


Name and Constituency


Mian Manzoor Ahmad Wattoo (PP-217 – Okara) (Elected unopposed ─ April 10, 1985 to December 2, 1988) DEPUTY SPEAKER

Mian Manazir Ali Ranjha (PP-46 – Sargodha) (Elected unopposed ─ April 10, 1985 to May 30, 1988) CHIEF MINISTER Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif (PP-105 – Lahore) (April 51, 1985 to May 30, 1988)

MINISTERS 1. Ch Abdul Ghafoor (PP-229 – Bahawalnagar) — Agriculture, Law and Parliamentary Affairs 2.

Ch Muhammad Iqbal (PP-137 – Gujranwala) — Revenue, Relief & Consolidations

3. Ch Mumtaz Hussain (PP-201 – Sahiwal) — Education, Finance, Excise and Taxation


See SG&I Department Notification No.CAB-II/2-8/85, dated April 05, 1985, published in the Punjab Gazette (Extraordinary) dated April 07, 1985.


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1985

Name and Constituency

4. Ch Parvez Elahi (PP-28 – Gujrat) — Local Government and Rural Development 5. Makhdoom Altaf Ahmed (PP-236 – Rahim Yar Khan) — Finance (Additional charge Excise and Taxation) 6. Malik Khuda Bakhsh Khan Tiwana (PP-39 – Khushab) — Auqaf, Local Government and Rural Development 7.

Malik Saleem Iqbal (PP-16 – Chakwal) — Co-operatives, Fisheries and Wildlife

8. Mehr Ghulam Dastgir Lak (PP-43 – Sargodha) — Food 9. Miss Shaheen Atiq-ur-Rehman (Women Seat) — Social Welfare & Women’s Division 10. Mr Abdul Qayyum Awan (PP-69 – Faisalabad) — Labour, Jails, Zakat and Usher 11. Mr Abdul Razzaq (PP-160 – Khanewal) — Irrigation and Power 12. Mr Ghulam Haider Wyne (PP-161 – Khanewal) — Industries & Mineral Development, Planning and Development and Education 13. Mr Muhammad Arshad Khan Lodhi (PP-204 – Sahiwal) — Colonies, Revenue and Relief, Consolidation, Live Stock and Dairy Development 14. Mr Saeed Ahmed Khan Manais (PP-178 – Vehari) — Communication and Works, Food and Transport


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1985

Name and Constituency

15. Mr Saeed Ahmed Qureshi (PP-169 – Multan) — Zakat and Ushr 16. Raja Iqbal Mehdi (PP-20 – Jhelum) — Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries. Also served as Advisor to Chief Minister 17. Sardar Arif Rashid (PP-109 – Lahore) — Agriculture, Irrigation and Power, Forestry, Tourism and Culture 18. Syed Afzaal Ali Shah (PP-216 – Okara) — Health, Communication and Works 19. Syeda Sajida Nayyar Abidi (PP-142 – Sialkot) — Livestock & Dairy Development 20. Khalique Ullah Khan, Raja (PP-129 – Gujranwala), Law & Parliamentary Affairs LEADERS OF THE OPPOSITION 1. Makhdoomzada Syed Hasan Mahmood (PP-239 – Rahim Yar Khan) (February 1986 to August 26, 1986) 2.

Mian Muhammad Afzal Hayat, B.A. (Hon), LL.B. (PP-31 – Gujrat) (October 4 , 1986 to May 30, 1988) ADVISORS TO CHIEF MINISTER

1. Haji Maqsood Ahmed Butt (PP-107 – Lahore) 2. Malik Nisar Ahmed (PP-103 – Lahore)


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1985

Name and Constituency

3. Mehr Zafarullah Khan Bharwana (PP-60 – Jhang) 4. Mr Gul Hameed Khan Rokhri (PP-51 – Mianwali) 5. Mr Muhammad Naseer Khan (PP-153 – Sialkot) 6. Sardarzada Syed Zafar Abbas (PP-59 – Jhang) 7.

Mr Aftab Ahmad Sheikh (PP-12 – Attock)

8. Mr Muhammad Saleem Bajwa (PP-76 – Faisalabad) 9. Mr Saeed Akbar Khan (PP-54 – Bhakkar) SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO CHIEF MINISTER


1. Ali Nawaz, Rai (PP-205 – Sahiwal) 2. Asghar Ali Gujjar, Ch, Advocate, B.A., LL.B. (PP-)198 – Layyah 3. Ch Faiz Ahmed (PP–34 – Gujrat-10) — Transport 4.

Ch Muhammad Riaz (PP-10 – Rawalpindi) — Irrigation and Power

5. Haji Khadim Hussain Wattoo (PP-225 – Bahawalnagar) — Local Government & Rural Development 6.

Lt Col (Retd) Malik Ahmed Iqbal Khan Tiwana (PP-40 – Sargdoha) — Planning and Development


The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1985

Name and Constituency

7. Malik Muhammad Abbas Khan Khokhar (PP-215 – Okara) — Housing, Physical and Environmental Planning 8. Mehr Saeed Ahmed Zafar (PP-127 – Sheikhupura) — Information, Culture and Tourism 9. Mr Farooq Anwar Abbasi (PP-222 – Bahawalpur) — Zakat and Ushr 10. Mr Ghulam Haider Khan Khichi (PP-179 – Vehari) — Law 11. Mr Jalal Din Dhakoo (PP-203 – Sahiwal) — Agriculture 12. Mr Muhammad Siddique Salar (PP-68 – Faisalabad) — Food 13. Mr Nasim Ahmed (PP-91 – Toba Tek Singh) — Auqaf 14. Mr Peter John Sahotra (PP-NM) — Social Welfare 15. Mrs Najma Hameed (Women Seat) — Health 16. Muhammad Arif, Sardar (PP-115 – Kasur) 17. Sardar Muhammad Murad Khan Gadhi (PP-90 – Toba Tek Singh) — Communication and Works 18. Sardar Tufail Ahmed Khan (PP-113 – Kasur) — Livestock and Dairy Development MEMBERS 1. Abdul Hakeem, Qazi (PP-99 – Lahore) 249

The Punjab Parliamentarians


Provincial Assembly of the Punjab 1985

Name and Constituency

2. Abdul Majeed, Mian (PP-221 – Bahawalpur) 3. Abdul Razzaq, Rai (PP-74 – Faisalabad) 4. Abdur Rasheed, Ch (PP-224 – Bahawalpur) 5. Abdur Rashid Pagganwala, Mian, B.A. (PP-27 – Gujrat) 6. Abrar Hussain Shah, Makhdoomzada Syed (PP-88 – Toba Tek Singh) 7. Ahmed Khan Baloch, Mr (PP-174 – Multan) 8. Ahmed Mahmud, Makhdoomzada Syed (PP-239 – Rahim Yar Khan) 9. Ahmed Saeed Khan, Rai (PP-124 – Sheikhupura) 10. Ahmed Shah Khagga, Pir (PP-202 – Sahiwal) 11. Ahmed Yar Warran Zaildar, Malik (PP-218 – Bahawalpur) 12. Akhtar Hussain Rizvi, Syed, M.A. (PP-150 – Sialkot) 13. Akhtar Rasool, Ch (PP-102 – Lahore) 14. Ali Asghar, Mian (PP-119 – Sheikhupura) 15. Allah Yar Chishti, Mr (PP-210 – Sahiwal) 16. Allah Yar Hiraj, Sardar (PP-159 – Khanewal)


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