Yardstick Catalog 2018-19_Maths

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Concept Life Cycle Learning Outcome

Starter activity

Evaluation/ Feedback

Concept / Unit Cross Conceptual

Core Activity

Extended activity Program integration: Yardstick offers the most powerful way to teach science and math in schools. Yardstick creates a best in class environment by • Integrating concept life cycle to the last mile • Gap analysis • Flexibility • Year plan and lesson plan integration • Providing suitable hand-holding • Training and Certi cation • Periodic visits • Periodic reports • Activity CLIP (Check point for last mile implementation) • Best in class resources • Take- home modules built on principles of Y-Methodology • Self evaluation student sheets • Ready to integrate model lesson plans

Key Features and bene ts of YELP : Teacher Bene ts Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

Better resources to choose from Reduced time in teaching the concepts No effort in collecting different materials Increased skill due to continued training Longer attention span for children Engaging different types of learners

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Tough concepts made real easy to understand Increased learning achievement Concrete experience - long lasting learning experience Higher order thinking skills improvement Increased creativity and ownership Connecting concepts to other subjects and vice versa

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Enhances value of instructional delivery in the school Motivates teachers for continuous improvement Improves the student performance Increased parent satisfaction Outcome focused program

INDEX 1. Numbers - Place value ................................................................................................. 1 2. Numbers - Unit Conversion ....................................................................................... 1 3. Numbers - Addition and subtraction ..................................................................... 2 4. Numbers - Multiplication & Division ...................................................................... 2 5. Numbers - Multiplication ........................................................................................... 3 6. Fractions ........................................................................................................................... 4 7. Decimals ........................................................................................................................... 4 8. Money................................................................................................................................ 4 9. Integers ............................................................................................................................. 5 10. Symmetry ...................................................................................................................... 5 11. Variation ......................................................................................................................... 5 12. Geometry....................................................................................................................... 6 13. Geometry- Measurement of Area ......................................................................... 6 14. Geometry- Properties of shapes ........................................................................... 7 15. Measurement - Time ................................................................................................. 8 16. Measurement- Weight .............................................................................................. 8 17. Data Handling .............................................................................................................. 9 18. Probability ..................................................................................................................... 9 19. Ratio and Proportion ................................................................................................ 9 20. Algebra .......................................................................................................................... 10 21. Coordinate Geometry................................................................................................ 10

Numbers - Place value Number Blocks-1

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Place Value Strips-1

1MA1338 Learning Objectives: 1. Create numbers upto 99 using the concept of break up into powers of 10. Description: Ever thought about how to make numbers? Through this activity you can understand one of the simplest ways to create decimal numbers i.e. using powers of 10 below the number.

Place Value Strips-3

Place Value Strips-2



Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the place value of each digit in a number upto 99. 2. Create different numbers using place value strips.

Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the place value of each digit in a number upto 999. 2. Create different numbers using place value strips.

Description: Finding it difficult to add up large numbers? Use this kit to understand and visualize concepts of place value and practice the additions of large numbers to sharpen your abilities.

Description: Finding it difficult to add up large numbers? Use this kit to understand and visualize concepts of place value and practice the additions of large numbers to sharpen your abilities.

Place Value Strips-5



Learning Objectives: 1. Represent numbers till 999 using place value strips in expanded and compact form. 2. Identify place values in a 3 digit number

Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the place value of each digit in a numbe upto 999999r. 2. Create different numbers using place value strips.

Description: The activity teaches the student how to break any number into powers of 10 added together, thus effectively showing them the true meaning of place value of any digit in a number; it is also very easy to extend to higher digit numbers.

Description: Finding it difficult to add up large numbers? Use this kit to understand and visualize concepts of place value and practice the additions of large numbers to sharpen your abilities.

Metric Unit Conversion

Numbers - Unit Conversion

5MA1413 Learning Objectives: 1. To demonstrate the conversion of SI units (Length, volume, weight) Description: Conversion of units has always been a difficult topic to understand. So, without making the concept much more tideous, the activity, with the help of fun tools like spikes and beads, aims at driving in the knowledge of conversion of SI units through an abacus game

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Numbers - Addition & subtraction

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Abacus - 1

Skip Counting

Addition subtraction snakes & ladders




Learning Objectives: 1. Represent 2 digit numbers using the abacus. 2. Read the value represented by the abacus.

Learning Objectives: 1. To understand the concepts of addition and subtraction using skip counting.

Learning Objectives: 1. Revise the mathematical operations of addition and subtraction.

Description: This beuatiful activity demostrates two digit number where students can clearly understand the concept of place values. This activity, based on the age old mathematical model, can also be used for understanding and performing sums and differneces.

Description: The activity chooses the best way of teaching the ideas of addition and subtraction using skip counting, which reduces the concepts to increasing and decreasing phenomena.

Description: The activity requires the two students to pair up and play the board game abiding to the rules laid down in the instructions. It primarily serves the purpose of revising the basics of addition and subtraction in a fun way.

Number Line

2MA1419 Learning Objectives: 1. To demonstrate mathematical operations with numbers, using a number line. Description: This interactively smart activity, helps the students to understand and visualize, addition and subtraction on a number line, which forms the base for any mathematical operation. The activity aims at strengthening the concepts of numbers and number Lines, as all the future learning in mathematics will be based on it.

Numbers - Multiplication & Division

Rectangular Multiplication Division Game

Y Game

Napier's Bones




Learning Objectives: 1. Restate that multiplication is repetitive addition. 2. Restate that division is repetitive subtraction. Description: The activity delivers the concept of multiplication as repetitive addition, using a visual aid to build rectangles depending on the numbers being multiplied, it can easily demonstrate the various properties of multiplication, like commutative for instance, in a very intuitive manner.

Learning Objectives: 1. Revise basic arithmetic operations Description: This fun game provides a very good mix of excitement, and exercise for the mind to the child by questioning them on equivalent operations in arithmetic.

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Learning Objectives: 1.Demonstrate how Napier's strips are used for multiplication and division of numbers. Description: Napier’s strips are used as an abacus for calculation of products and quotients. This activity will teach the student lattice method of multiplication. Also, the importance of place value in the process of multiplication is highlighted.


Numbers - Multiplication Multiplication till 5

1MA1422_0.2 Learning Objectives: 1. To calculate and memorize multiplication tables till 5.

Everything starts at Y...

Addition & Subtraction Strips

Multiplication Clock



Learning Objectives: 1. Visualizing the relative sizes of numbers up to 10. 2. Visual addition of numbers till 10. 3. Visual subtraction of numbers till 10.

Description: It uses circular holes and similar plugs with patterns printed on them, so that it is easy for children to relate to the patterns they see, either in numbers or in shapes, through this technique. It can also assist as a tool for teaching tables.

Description: Addition strips are a great visual aid to eectively deliver the concept of addition and subtraction using analogies that are both intuitive and easy to remember.

Learning Objectives: 1. Visualize numerical patterns using a clock or circular analogy. Description: Multiplication clock provides a great visual aid for observing patterns in number sequences and spatial patterns. It uses circular holes and similar plugs with patterns printed on them, so that it is easy for children to relate to the patterns they see, either in numbers or in shapes, through this technique. It can also assist as a tool for teaching tables.

Multiplication 2X2

3MA1417 Learning Objectives: 1. To perform and analyze the multiplication of 2 digits numbers. Description: This activity aims at breaking down the multiplication of two 2 digit numbers to the place values. Using several sticks, when the students perform this acticity, they see the multiplication taking place at a ver y basic level. This helps them in both, understanding the multiplication of 2 digits clearly and performing the operation with a quciker pace.

ŠYardstick Educational Initiatives | www.yardstickedu.com



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Fraction Shapes

Fractions Patterns

Fraction Strips




Learning Objectives: 1. Represent Fractions using Pattern Blocks 2. Find equivalent Fractions 3. Find the fraction of a Collection

Learning Objectives: 1. Visualizing fractions 2. Exploring the addition and subtraction of fractions with dierent bases.

Learning Objectives: 1. Exploring fraction as part of the circle 2. Visualizing fractions 3. Visualizing the addition of simple fractions Description: Fraction shapes visually explain what parts of a whole look like. They are ideal for introducing basic fraction concepts and to explore fractions and fractional equivalents.

Description: Manipulatives, when used to introduce concepts about fractions, help students understand the ideas about fractions. Pattern blocks and fraction blocks have many uses in learning mathematical concepts, but they are especially useful in learning about fractions.


Description: The set consist of colour-coded, proportionally sized fraction pieces. Each piece has its fraction equivalent printed on it. Fraction strips are a visual aid used to help understand fractions. They aid in discovering fraction relationships and equivalent fractions.


Decimal Place Value Strips

Money Indian

5MA1358 Learning Objectives: 1. Appraise idea of place value in decimal fraction, and its similarity to place value in integers Description: Students are provided with a kit containing cubes that represent 1/1000, at squares representing 1/100, and rods representing 1/10, and unit blocks. Decimal numbers up to 3 places can be constructed using this kit.

2MA1420_0.2 Learning Objectives: 1. To list the various types of denomination in Indian Money. 2.To investigate various types of money transactions. Description: The game takes the child through various basic monetary transactions and provides them with the understanding of "money" as an exchange medium

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Negative Numbers Snakes and Ladders

Negative Number Operations

6MA1408 Learning Objectives: 1. To understand the nuances of integer addition / subtraction and perform them Description: The dynamics of addition and subtraction change when it comes to integers. To perform mathematical operations with respect to integers, the activity uses various visual tools to make the concept much more easier to grasp.

6MA1365 Learning Objectives: 1. Revise the operations of multiplication. Description: This fun game requires the student to select factors on their number strip so that they can cross out the products on the board. The winner of this board game is decided by the student who is rst to get four in a row.



Spot The Symmetry

Direct & Inverse Variation



Learning Objectives: 1. De ne symmetry and various kinds of it. 2. Examine blocks in the kit and recognize the kinds of symmetry possessed by them.

Learning Objectives: 1. To establish direct / inverse variation between two values.

Description: Look down a mirror. Are you and the image symmetric? What are the various kinds of symmetry? This kit introduces the student to examine a set of blocks provided to them and deduce the kinds of symmetry possessed by each of them.

Description: "Everything in this universe aects the other". But how ? This simple yet dynamic conept of direct and inverse variation is pretty hard to understand unless explained graphically. This kit exactly does that, by providing the students with a visual aid to understand the changes happening

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Geometric Seriation 2

Geometric seriation kit



Learning Objectives: 1. Sort similar shapes into groups. 2. Demonstrate spatial features by arranging the different shapes in space.

Learning Objectives: 1. Sort similar shapes into groups. 2. Demonstrate spatial features by arranging the different shapes in space.

Description: Students learn about the various shapes as they seriate blocks in ascending order of sizes. This activity introduces the students to the concept of proximity as the students identify objects as being near, far, above and below.

Description: Learn about the various shapes as you seriate blocks in ascending order of sizes. This activity introduces the students to the concept of proximity as the students identify objects as being near, far, above and below.

Description: A fun exercise where students make different shapes given in the worksheet.The activity enhances the ability of a child to identify various shapes and sizes. This activity greatly enhances the cognitive abilities of the student since there is always more than one way to ll up the blocks in the design.



Geometric Sorting Kit



Learning Objectives: 1. To form and identify various basic / complex shapes using Tangrams pieces. 2. To analyze the shapes made according to sizes.

Learning Objectives: 1. Identify and classify various four sided gures into groups based on their sides and angles. 2. Examine the properties of each kind of quadrilateral and triangles.

3MA1327 Learning Objectives: 1. Exploring the basic geometric shapes 2. Arrange the given shapes to create new gures. Description: Don't be satis ed with the gures shown to you in the text-books. Go ahead, explore for yourself and create new shapes using tessellations. The kit contains blocks of certain geometric gures which the students identify and re-arrange to make new shapes.

Description: Kit has basic geometric shapes. Children will make the given shapes and solve the puzzle

Area and Perimeter

Geometric Puzzles

2MA1345 Learning Objectives: 1. Arrange blocks of different geometric sizes and shapes to construct the designated gure.

Description: Confused between a square and a rhombus? Did you know that a rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram? This kit covers all one needs to know about quadrilaterals as the child differentiates between various four-sided gures based on their properties.

Geometry- Measurement of Area

4MA1428_0.2 Learning Objectives: 1. To compute the perimeter and area of squares and rectangles. Description: This intuitive kit helps students comprehend the concept of area and perimeter of 2 dimensional objects very clearly. The simplicity with which the topic is dealt in this kit, makes it a stand out.

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Geometry- Properties of shapes

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Parallel Lines & Transversals

Value of Pi

Properties of Triangles




Learning Objectives: 1. To classify different types of lines : Parallel and Transversal. 2. To investigate the various properties associated with parallel lines and transversal lines.

Learning Objectives: 1. To understand the origin and concept of pi. 2. To calculate the value of pi, right upto 4 digits.

Description: With the help of strong visual and hands on tools, the activity demonstrates parallel lines and their various properties.

Properties & Area of Quadrilaterals


Learning Objectives: 1. Identify and sort various kinds of triangle based on sides and angles. 2. Observe the two basic properties of triangles.

Description: The number Pi is such an important part of Mathematics. Ever wondered, how and why the number Pi was discovered ? This activity, with the help of very simple tools, like a scale and discs, goes to the very basics of the need and the procedure to calculate Pi.

Description: The kit requires the student to make measurements of the various sides and angles of a triangle. Students fold along the creases and rearrange the various triangular cut-outs to observe the two basic properties of triangles.

Pythagoras Theorem

Cyclic Quadrilateral


Learning Objectives: 1. To compute the area of a parallelogram. 2. To derive the formula for computing the area of a parallelogram

Learning Objectives: 1. Restate and demonstrate that square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Description: Students use basic triangles to make parallelograms and while doing this, they understand, derive and compute the method for nding the area of a parallelogram. The visual representation of the parallelogram aids a lot to the student's understanding. This activity focuses on a very small yet interesting aspect of geometry, the area of pathways.

Description: The student veri es the Pythagoras theorem by two methods of proof. The rst method is the basic approach wherein the student arranges squares along the sides of the triangle and sums up their areas. In the alternate approach, the student ts a square into another square and uses algebraic concepts to verify the theorem.

8MA1401 Learning Objectives: 1. To get familiarized with the concept of cyclic quadrilaterals. 2. To observe and the understand the various properties of a cyclic quadrilateral. Description: The activity elucidates the concept of cyclic Quadrilaterals by using actual circular segments and triangles. Students are required to represent a quadrilateral inside the circle, using the given kit pieces. Using the assembled model, one can verify the properties of Cyclic Quadrilaterals like:i) Sum of opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180 degrees.

Properties of Polygons

8MA1402 Learning Objectives: 1. Study about the various types of polygons (quadrilateral/ pentagon/ hexagon). 2. Understand the various properties associated with the polygons. Description: Students are introduced to the vast world of polygons by this simple yet fun activity. By the help of basic components like triangle and square, this activity aims at teaching some complex concepts ( like Sum of the angles of a polygon, internal/external angle of various regular/irregular polygons, Area of polygons ) in a pretty simple yet effective way.

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Measurement - Time

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Tell Me The Time!

Clock with seasons





Learning Objectives: 1. Tell the time to the nearest hours and minutes, using a clock. 2. Express time using the terms, ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’.

Learning Objectives: 1. Explain the measurement of time using a clock. 2. Describe the seasons that occur all year round. Description: Ever wondered when it's going to winter, or summer-time? Season’s clock provides a simple system to remember the patterns that are present in nature like the occurrence of seasons.

Description: Learn how to read time from a clock, and express the same using a 24hour and 12 hour clock system, using a clock model you can control!

Learning Objectives: 1. Tell the time to the nearest hours and minutes, using a clock 2. Express time using the terms, ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’ 3. Perform arithmetic on time using a clock model Description: Learn how to read time from a clock, tell what time it will be after a xed interval, and express the same using a 24hour and 12 hour clock system, using a clock model you control!

Time Line

4MA1416 Learning Objectives: 1. To demonstrate and understand the conversion of time in various formats using a Time Line Description: Students with the help of a unique timeline, understand and calculate the time in various formats (12 ours and 24 hours)

Weighing Balance

Measurement- Weight

4MA1353 Learning Objectives: 1. Compare objects for differences in weight. 2. Analyse effects of changing lever arm on balance of the scale, to describe how shifting weights affects the scale balance. Description: Compare items precisely, and understand the mathematical principles behind the working of a weighing balance! Build your own mini weighing balance and explore its various uses.

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Data Handling

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Pictograph Mat

Pie Chart



Learning Objectives: 1. To represent a given set of data using a Pie chart. 2. To analyze information and gures given on a pie chart.

Learning Objectives: 1. Represent data in the form of pictographs using the concept of scaling. Description: This activity is an elementary graphical representation exercise where a student lines up a set of blocks along a grid (also provided in the kit) and compares the magnitudes of both. This conversion to a pictograph format greatly reduces the tediousness in interpreting data.

Description: Students using hands on tools, understand the representation of Information, data and gures on a pie chart with much ease and simplicity

Probability Probability

Ratio & Proportion Ratio and Proportion


8MA1430 Learning Objectives: 1. To conclude if an event being conducted is fair or not. 2. To nd the probability of the event.

Learning Objectives: 1. Calculate the ratios of two terms. 2. Determine if two ratios are in proportion.

Description: Students understand the concept of Probability by conducting various experiments of chances.

Description: Students use number strips to understand Ratio and Proportion in a more visual manner which helps them pick up the concept more clearly and quickly.

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Algebraic Identities

Algebra Tiles



Learning Objectives: 1. Demonstrate factorization of quadratics using “area of rectangle” method 2. Analyze relations, patterns between the coefficients in a quadratic to be able to explain why only some quadratics are factorable

Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the split-up of (a+b)^2 using a geometrical analogy. 2. Derive through observation, the formula for (a+b)^2. Description: Ever thought how expressions like (a+b) ^2 expand and why their terms come as they do? This activity uses a simple analogy to a square and uses numbers below 10 to explain this concept in algebra in a fun and easy-to-remember way!.

Description: This fun activity teaches students how to factorize quadratic polynomials by explaining how the "complete the square" method works, it uses a geometric analogy that makes it easy for students to understand how to split terms during factorization.

Coordinate Geometry Graphing Board

Cartesian Plane



Learning Objectives: 1. Relate the concepts of algebra and the Cartesian Geometry. 2. Solve two or more linear equations using the graphical method. Description: Ever wondered how the most complex algebraic equations look like on paper? What implications do the terms of a square and a cube have on a variable in an expression? This activity requires the student to substitute values into an equation and plot a graph and observe the patterns for cubic expressions, quadratic expressions, etc.

Learning Objectives: 1. Relate the concepts of algebra and the Cartesian Geometry. 2. Solve two or more linear equations using the graphical method. Description: Ever wondered how the most complex algebraic equations look like on paper? What implications do the terms of a square and a cube have on a variable in an.

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