Grand Prix service changes 2012

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PassenĹ?er ulleĆ&#x;n Tram service changes due to the Grand Prix Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 March 2012

Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 March 2012 Froŵ Įrst traŵ to ϴ.ϯϬƉŵ Service cŚanŐes due to tŚe 'rand Wridž Route 1 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϯϮ SoutŚ Delďourne eacŚ ʹ StoƉ ϭϲ SoutŚďanŬ lvdͬSt <ilda Zd

and ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϭϯϱ ast oďurŐ ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ ϴ >a droďeͬSǁanston Sts

Route 3a oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϲϰ ast Dalvern ʹ StoƉ ϯϮ ,avelocŬ St

Route 5 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϱϮ Dalvern ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ ϯϮ ŚaƉel Stͬ andenonŐ Zd

Route 6 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϱϯ 'len /ris ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ Ϯϳ ,iŐŚ StͬSt <ilda Zd

Route 8 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϰϯ dooraŬ ʹ StoƉ ϮϬ oŵain /ntercŚanŐe

and ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϭϯϯ Doreland ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ ϴ >a droďeͬSǁanston Sts

Route 16 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϴϬ <eǁ ʹ StoƉ ϯϮ ,avelocŬ St

Route 64 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϲϴ ast riŐŚton ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ ϯϮ ŚaƉel Stͬ andenonŐ Zd

Route 67 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϲϴ arneŐie ʹ StoƉ ϯϬ St <ilda :uncƟon

Route 72 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϳϬ aŵďerǁell ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ Ϯϱ oŵŵercialͬSt <ilda Zds

All of the above services connect with St Kilda Rd / Swanston St shuƩle trams to and from the city. dŚrouŐŚout tŚe 'rand Wridž͕ Ɖlease alloǁ edžtra Ɵŵe Ĩor your journey.

Route 75 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϳϱ serŵont SoutŚ ʹ StoƉ ϲ Flinders St West. draŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus route saŵe as dŚursday and Friday.

Route 86 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϳϭ undoora ZD/d ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ ϭ in ourŬe St near <inŐ St. draŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus route saŵe as dŚursday and Friday.

Route 96 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ Ϯϳ ast runsǁicŬ ʹ teŵƉorary StoƉ ϭ in ourŬe St near <inŐ St. WassenŐers Ĩor St <ilda Őet oī at StoƉ ϯ Williaŵ St. ;Wlease note͗ >oǁ Ňoor traŵs ǁill not oƉerate on tŚis secƟon oĨ Zoute ϵϲͿ to transĨer to traŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus in ŚurcŚ St. ;details ďeloǁͿ.

Route 109 oƉerates ďetǁeen

Eorŵal service edžceƉt traŵs ǁill not stoƉ at traŵ stoƉs ďetǁeen StoƉ ϭ SƉencerͬ ollins Sts ʹ StoƉ ϭϮϱ SoutŚďanŬ draŵ eƉot. do travel to roǁn asino Ĩroŵ tŚe ity͕ Ɖlease ďoard a traŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus at StoƉ ϭ SƉencerͬ ollins Sts.

Route 112 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϰϳ West Wreston ʹ StoƉ ϭϳ sictoria ,arďour ocŬlands. draŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus service ďetǁeen StoƉ ϭ SƉencerͬ ollins St and StoƉ ϭϰϯ in WarŬ St at Fitnjroy St͕ St <ilda͕ ĨolloǁinŐ tŚe traŵ route and servicinŐ all stoƉs or teŵƉorary ďus stoƉs nearďy.

City Circle oƉerates ďetǁeen

KƉerates ďetǁeen StoƉ ϭϭ WaterĨront ity ocŬlands ʹ StoƉ ϭ SƉencerͬ>a droďe Sts via ocŬlands ve͕ ,arďour sƉ͕ Flinders St͕ SƉrinŐ St and >a droďe St. ; ity ircle traŵs do not oƉerate on >a droďe St ďetǁeen SƉencer St and ,arďour sƉ.Ϳ

Route 96 tram replacement bus route traŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus service ǁill run ďetǁeen StoƉ ϯ Williaŵ and ourŬe Streets and StoƉ ϭϯϯ anterďury Zoad and Fitnjroy Street connecƟnŐ ǁitŚ sŚuƩle traŵs to >una WarŬ. dŚe traŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus service ǁill travel via ourŬe St͕ <inŐ St͕ ollins St͕ SƉencer St͕ larendon St͕ ity Zd͕ Ferrars St͕ anterďury Zd and Fitnjroy St. zou can catcŚ tŚe Zoute ϵϲ traŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus service͗ ͻ /n ŚurcŚ St at ourŬe St͕ near traŵ stoƉ ϯ ; ŚurcŚ St is located oī ourŬe St ďetǁeen Williaŵ and <inŐ Sts. do St <ilda onlyͿ ͻ /n SƉencer St at ollins St ;to St <ilda onlyͿ ͻ t StoƉ ϭϮϯ ʹ Flinders Θ SƉencer Streets ;adjacent to traŵ stoƉ͕ to St <ilda onlyͿ ͻ t StoƉ ϭϮϰ ʹ atŵan WarŬ ;adjacent to traŵ stoƉ͕ ďotŚ direcƟonsͿ ͻ t StoƉ ϭϮϰa ʹ roǁn asino ;adjacent to traŵ stoƉ͕ ďotŚ direcƟonsͿ ͻ /n ity Zd at Zoute ϮϱϬͬϮϱϭ ďus stoƉs ;ďotŚ direcƟonsͿ ͻ /n Ferrars St and anterďury Zd͕ Ŭerďside stoƉs adjacent to all liŐŚt rail stoƉs ;ďotŚ direcƟonsͿ ͻ t StoƉ ϭϯϯ ʹ anterďury Zd Θ Fitnjroy St ;connects ǁitŚ >una WarŬ sŚuƩle traŵsͿ Full details on tram replacement bus services available at

Tram service changes Thursday 15 and Friday 16 March 2012 Froŵ Įrst traŵ to ϴ.ϯϬƉŵ

draŵs ǁill oƉerate to norŵal Ɵŵetaďles ǁitŚ tŚe ĨolloǁinŐ edžceƉƟons.

Service changes due to the Grand Prix: Route 75 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϳϱ serŵont SoutŚ ʹ StoƉ ϲ Flinders St West. draŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus details ďeloǁ.

Route 86 oƉerates ďetǁeen

StoƉ ϳϭ undoora ZD/d ʹ StoƉ ϭ SƉencer St and ourŬe St tŚen diverts via SƉencer St and St <ilda liŐŚt rail to stoƉ ϭϯϬ Diddle WarŬ StaƟon ;'rand Wridž Őates ϭ Θ ϮͿ. draŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus details ďeloǁ and on ŵaƉ.

Route 75/86 tram replacement bus route traŵ reƉlaceŵent ďus service ǁill run ďetǁeen SƉencerͬFlinders Streets and ocŬlands rive ocŬlands͕ aƉƉrodžiŵately every ϭϬ ŵinutes. draŵ reƉlaceŵent ďuses ǁill travel via Flinders͕ <inŐ͕ ourŬe͕ >onsdale͕ SƉencer and >a droďe Streets. Wlease reĨer to siŐnaŐe near traŵ stoƉs Ĩor ďus stoƉ locaƟons. Full details on tram replacement bus services available at

Services to the Grand Prix 'rand Wridž sŚuƩle traŵs are Ĩree Ĩor all 'rand Wridž ƟcŬet Śolders. Gates 1, 2, 3, & 4 sŚuƩle traŵ service ǁill oƉerate ďetǁeen SƉencer St outside SoutŚern ross StaƟon and 'rand Wridž Őates ϭ͕ Ϯ͕ ϯ Θ ϰ͕ every tǁo to Ĩour ŵinutes. ďus service ǁill oƉerate Ĩroŵ roǁn asino to 'rand Wridž Őates ϭ͕ Ϯ and ϯ. uses ǁill ƉicŬ uƉ ƉassenŐers Ĩroŵ a Ŭerďside stoƉ near tŚe roǁn ntertainŵent oŵƉledž ŵain entrance on larendon Street͕ and run edžƉress alonŐ larendon Street to 'ates ϭ͕ Ϯ Θ ϯ. Gates 5, 8, 9, & 10 sŚuƩle traŵ service ǁill oƉerate alonŐ Sǁanston StͬSt <ilda Zd Ĩroŵ Delďourne entral StaƟon and FederaƟon SƋuare to 'rand Wridž Őates ϱ͕ ϴ͕ ϵ Θ ϭϬ every tǁo to tŚree ŵinutes.

For train͕ traŵ and ďus inĨorŵaƟon call 131 638 ;ϲaŵͲŵidniŐŚt dailyͿ or visit zarra draŵs ǁelcoŵes custoŵer ĨeedďacŬ on 1800 800 166 ;ϲaŵͲŵidniŐŚt dailyͿ

z Z ϳϳϬϮ ϬϮͬϭϮ Wrinted on recycled ƉaƉer. Wlease disƉose oĨ tŚis ďrocŚure tŚouŐŚƞully.

Dany 'rand Wridž sŚuƩle services ǁill ďe loǁ Ňoor traŵs͕ and service accessiďle Őates ϭ͕ Ϯ͕ ϯ͕ ϰ Θ ϵ.

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