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OLD CITY NEW STREETS R evi tal i zi ng th e Musi River bank

In Vienna and Paris, one goes to a cafe for coffee; in Shanghai and Tokyo, one goes to a tea-house for tea. Only in Hyderabad would you go to a cafe for tea. And thereby hangs a tale. If you were a student, taxi driver, government clerk, political activist, poet or an unemployed youth in the Hyderabad of the 1960s and 1970s, chances are you would have spent long hours in an Irani cafe, seated on a bentwood chair with a round seat, with a cup of tea on the glass- or marble-topped table in front of you….

Con ce p t

Modular Spaces

Flexibility is a key limit of my design. At any given moment, people might need a activity space, open space, or space for working along with a cup of tea. In response, my idea is to create a modular spaces that allow people to use different types of spaces around them to fit their needs.

Module as Pathway

Type-1 Module as Interaction space

Module as Cafe

Type-2 Module as Interaction space

Module as Upstair

Module as Downstair

These Modules are arranged in such a way that most of the modules can have a view of River without obstractions



Through eliminating the selected modules which enables a passage creating a visual experience.

By revitalizing the Musi bank and creating new streets for the Old city. This helps in draging people to bank of Musi river which is the main theme of my Thesis

In Vienna and Paris, one goes to a cafe for coffee; in Shanghai and Tokyo, one goes to a tea-house for tea. Only in Hyderabad would you go to a cafe for tea. And thereby hangs a tale. If you were a student, taxi driver, government clerk, political activist, poet or an unemployed youth in the Hyderabad of the 1960s and 1970s, chances are you would have spent long hours in an Irani cafe, seated on a bentwood chair with a round seat, with a cup of tea on the glass- or marble-topped table in front of you….


Sky Tower is mixed-use building with office spaces,Resturents and Shopping complex in the lower level.Mixeduse buildings aren’t a novel concept at all. Traditionally, humans settled in mixed-use patterns, pooling all their resources into one central area. Historical examples can be found in the old market squares of ancient Rome where shops, apartments, administrative offices, and often a library were intermixed. As urban populations boom, the pressure for buildings to “do” more with less increases. Yet, a successful design for mixed-use development comprises more than cramming as much as possible into one building. It must bear in mind the needs of its future occupants as well as its impact on its surroundings and how the wider neighborhood can profit.

D e s i g n p r og ram

Mixing it up A building with multiple uses that adapts to the needs of its surroundings supports the creation of neighborhoods that are diverse. Mixed-use buildings do more than save resources, although sustainable building is a compelling and important benefit of these structures. They help us rethink how we can design metropolitan spaces so that growing urbanization becomes a boon rather than a bane.

Programming the core The grid have been organised around a central core that consists of staircase,lift and services for all floors in the building.

By creating a tower that is a simple grid structure with a minimum Module size,The grid-size is 6.5 x 6.5 m which combines size requirements for office cubicles, restaurants and retail stores. The grid have been organised around a central core that consists of staircase,lift and services for all floors in the building. By ‘pulling away’ modules out of the gride, and repositioning them on top, creating composition of terraces and balconies that respond to sunlight and views. Lower level of the building is accommodated with retail shopping complex, mid level with restaurants and top level with office spaces.

Shopping Complex


Office space

L e vel 10

Restaurant floor plan

L e ve l 20

Office floor plan

A building with multiple uses that adapts to the needs of its surroundings supports the creation of neighborhoods that are diverse. Mixed-use buildings do more than save resources, although sustainable building is a compelling and important benefit of these structures. They help us rethink how we can design metropolitan spaces so that growing urbanization becomes a boon rather than a bane. By creating a tower that is a simple grid structure with a minimum Module size,The grid-size is 6.5 x 6.5 m which combines size requirements for office cubicles, restaurants and retail stores. The grid have been organised around a central core that consists of staircase,lift and services for all floors in the building. By ‘pulling away’ modules out of the gride, and repositioning them on top, creating composition of terraces and balconies that respond to sunlight and views. Lower level of the building is accommodated with retail shopping complex, mid level with restaurants and top level with office spaces.

OLD CITY NEW STREETS R evi tal i zi ng th e Musi River bank

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