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SACRED SPACE by Archdais (2020)
The physical requirements were to design a Place of Faith, as a sanctuary for the secular world, a space that is Sacrosanct. Through our design we symbolize faith in the form of hope, love and care, humanity and knowledge.
HUDCO Trophy by NASA (2022)
We aimed at integrating vernacular designs with sustainable climate combating design solutions proposing affordable living units that combat threats posed by geo-climatic zones at the same time preserving the identity of the local culture.

GSEN Trophy by NASA (2021)
The brief asked us to conceive and generate innovative ideas of productive public realm centred around the themes of improved agricultural productivity, enhancement of biodiversity, and ecologically sensitive urban designs in the grain of the city. We proposed a series of inserts in the core of the city that would engage the public in the complete cycle of a harvest through productive landscapes and give back to the community.

ANDC by NASA (2021) - Bus Terminus

The brief asked us to redesign a basic space such as a bus terminus which has huge implications in scenarios such as the Covid-19 situation. Unlike the previous bus stand, our design that has a user friendly open and safe atmosphere, liberates the people from fear and isolation. We are breaking the barrier of normal bus stand by introduction of public library, digital workshop and using scrap buses as shops which inturn lifts economy at small level at our site in Nandura.

ANDC by NASA (2022) - Construction Workers’ Housing

Through this exercise, we take into our hands, the righteous rage, the daily maltreatment these workers face, and create a space for them which promises what any abode should; a sense of security. We aim to provide, not just a four walled structure, but also, a place these workers can call their home. The brief asked us to study and document an existing site and provide a manual booklet that would guide the labourers to (re)assemble the house unit, quickly and efficiently.