OUCH- A book designed on reflexology

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Directory to your Inner Bluerprint

Digestion: Intestines Reflex




Insomnia and Nightmares


Stress and Anxiety


Colds and Flu


Joint pains


Back Pain: Spine Reflex




Ovaries and Uterus Reflexes









Reflexology Tools


Immune System



Digestion GET YOUR


Many digestive symptoms and issues can be alleviated with Reflexology. Reflexology helps heal the body from the inside out. There is an amazing network of reflex points on the feet that can be linked to the various different areas of the digestive system.

With the stresses and poor food choices of today’s modern living, digestive problems and more serious disorders are becoming more commonplace every day. Stress targets the digestive system and if it gets a hold there, the rest of the body is in for a rough ride. In fact, according to Dr Anton Emmanuel, consultant gastroenterologist at University College Hospital in London around 40% of people have at least one digestive symptom at any one time which tend to include: Bloating Abdominal Pain Indigestion and Heart Burn Changes in Bowel Habits


Tips & Tricks

Once you are practiced you can choose to spend more time on the points that are affecting you most. For example, if you have stomach bloating then spend a little more time on the stomach point or if you have constipation then massaging.


Union Valley

This point is located in the webbing between the index finger and the thumb. Stimulating this point improves over all intestinal function and helps relieve diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain.

Inner Gate

This point is located three fingers width above the wrist crease, in the middle of the arm on the palm side of the hand. Stimulating this point relieves stomach ache, indigestion, vomiting and anxiety.


Three-Yin Crossing

This point is located three finger widths above the inner ankle bone. Stimulating this point helps in overall healing of diseases related to the lower abdomen. It relieves colitis, abdominal distention and flatulence.

Grandfather - Grandson

This point is located on the side of inner side of the foot, four finger width away from the big toe. Stimulating this point harmonizes energy flow in the stomach and relieves indigestion, stomach ache and nausea.



Many digestive symptoms and issues can be alleviated with Reflexology. Reflexology helps heal the body from the inside out. There is an amazing network of reflex points on the feet that can be linked to the various different areas of the digestive system.


Most people deal with insomnia at some point in their lives. If you’re looking for a natural remedy to improve your sleep, try doing acupressure 15 minutes before going to bed. Just make sure to rule out any underlying causes of long-term insomnia.


Inner Frontier Gate

Bubbling Spring Point The bubbling spring point is located

The inner frontier gate point is found on your inner forearm between two tendons.

Spirit Gate

The spirit gate point is located at the crease on your outer wrist, below your pinkie finger. Feel for the small, hollow space in this area and apply gentle pressure in a circular or up-and-down movement. Continue for two to three minutes. Hold the left side of the point with gentle pressure for a few seconds, and then hold the right side. Repeat on the same area of your other wrist.


on the sole of your foot. It’s the small depression that appears just above the middle of your foot when your curl your toes inward.

Turn your hands over so that your palms are facing up. Take one hand and count three finger widths down from your wrist crease. Apply a steady downward pressure between the two tendons in this location. Use a circular or up-and-down motion to massage the area for four to five seconds.

Turn your hands over so that your palms are facing up. Take one hand and count three finger widths down from your wrist crease. Apply a steady downward pressure between the two tendons in this location.

Inner Frontier Gate

The inner frontier gate point is found on your inner forearm between two tendons. Turn your hands over so that your palms are facing up. Take one hand and count three finger








Most of us think that there is nothing much to do about a flu rather than popping some over the counter pills and waiting for it to pass away, but in reality, reflexology and acupressure can help in effectively fighting these chronic ailments and removing them from the root. Common cold may be caused by any of the 100 different types of viruses, but in most of the cases it is the Rhinovirus that leads to sneezing, sniffling, runny nose and sore throat. White blood cells present in the blood stream fights infections and protects the body from diseases and acupressure can help in stimulating the production of white blood cells that prevents infections and protects the body from the bothersome hands of common cold, flu and fever.



Great Abyss

Nose Point

Stimulating this point on both arms alternately regulates the flow and balance of “Qi” in the lung, reduces excess phlegm and opens the chest. It also helps in relieving ankle pain effectively.

Similar to the sinus point, the left toe corresponds to the right side of your nose and the right toe corresponds to the left side.

This point is located below the thumb, on the wrist crease on the palm side of the hand.

When your nose is red from blowing it too much, the nose reflexology point can help soothe the soreness.

When massaging this point, use a medium pressure like you would use to scratch an itch.

Sinus Point

The sinus reflexology point is amazing for clearing congestion in your nose, nasal cavities, and sinuses. To massage your sinus point, use your thumb and forefinger to pinch and rub the point side to side. Use a firm pressure to do this, like you’re trying to rub something sticky off your toe pad. Rub the point for 30 seconds per foot.

Outer Gate

This point is located three fingers width above the wrist crease, on the outer side of the forearm, in the center, between the two tendons. Stimulating this point on both arms alternately increases the body’s resistance to colds.


The Lung point

It is a rectangular-shaped area on the sole of your foot. It’s located on the ball of the foot below the three middle toes. Press in with your thumb pad and massage in an up and down direction where up is toward your toes and down is toward your heel.


Back Pain



Nearly 8 out of every 10 people will have low back pain at some point in life. Back pain is one of the top reasons people seek medical treatment. It is also the No. 1 reported reason for seeking acupuncture.


The effects come from stimulating the central nervous system. This may trigger the release of chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals either alter the experience of pain or produce bodily changes that promote a sense of well-being.


Neck and spine

‘Creep’ forward along the spinal reflex - the point which runs from the middle of your wrist to the top of your thumb. Creep up and down this area twice, working around the base of the thumb to contact the neck.

Shoulder Point ‘Creep’ along your little finger from the bottom to the top - this should help relieve your shoulder.


Kunlun Mountains

The area between the Achilles tendon and outer part of the ankle bone is where the point is located. It's great for back pain relief as well as neck stiffness.

Shem Men

‘Creep’ along your little finger from the bottom to the top - this should help relieve your shoulder.


Period PUT A


Nearly 8 out of every 10 people will have low back pain at some point in life. Back pain is one of the top reasons people seek medical treatment. It is also the No. 1 reported reason for seeking acupuncture.


The effects come from stimulating the central nervous system. This may trigger the release of chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals either alter the experience of pain or produce bodily changes that promote a sense of well-being.


Bigger Rushing

Large Intestine

Using light pressure, press on this spot toward the direction of your second toe for one minute. Increase your pressure as you feel comfortable. Repeat on your other foot or try to push on both feet at the same time.

This pressure point opens up the front of the body and decreases overall pain and inflammation.

Located on the top of your foot, between your big toe and the toe next to it, the second toe.


It is located in your hand, on the highest spot of the muscle between your thumb and forefinger.


Locate the joint where your big toe meets the foot. From the joint, move your finger two thumb widths along the bone towards your ankle. Slide your finger just below the bone and apply moderate pressure with your thumbs.

Shen Men

It is located in your hand, on the highest spot of the muscle between your thumb and forefinger. This pressure point opens up the front of the body and decreases overall pain and inflammation.


Tips & Tricks

Used in conjunction with nutrition and lifestyle changes, reflexology helps in clearing toxins from the body, balancing hormones and reducing stress in preparation for conception




In women, reflexology can clear toxins from the body, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve sleep, which in turn reduces stress hormones and associated fat storage. The key areas for men are related to sperm health. Sperm count, motility (ability to swim) and morphology (shape – one head, one tail).


Nature has been helping us reproduce since the beginning of time. The rise in infertility is associated with our lack of alignment with nature. By using natural techniques to rebalance the body fertility can be re-established – as nature intended.


For women

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) where a woman’s sex hormones are out of balance can lead to endometriosis (causing menstrual pain), irregular periods, ovulation,stress related fertility issues and the anxiety around fertility.

Liv Three

Located on the top of the foot, parallel to the ball of the foot, between the big toe and second toe.. It has overall benefits for the female reproductive system.


For Men

Cause of infertility in men can be due to low sperm count or decreased sperm mobility, prostate gland problems, low levels of testosterone (hypogonadism), stress related fertility issues or the anxiety around fertility.

LI Four

Kidney (K) 1

It is one of the most effective among hand acupressure points for fertility.

Known as ‘Bubbling Springs,’ it helps with menopause problems and erectile dysfunction.

It is on the web of the hand in between the thumb and index finger.

It is in the middle of the sole at the base of the ball and between the two pads.

Kidney (K) 3

It is located between the inside of the anklebone and the Achilles’ tendon, behind the ankle. Called the ‘Bigger Stream’, It helps relieve sexual anxiety, semen leak, tiredness and libido problems.




Do you fall ill frequently or take more sick leaves than others? The reason may lie in your weak immune system that is making your body more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Acupressure helps in successful treatment and long term relief from almost all types of aliments like migraine headaches, pains, indigestion, stress, diabetes, eye problems and asthma.


The 5 most common causes of weak immunity and most of us fall prey to at least one of these are stress, lack of sleep, sedentry lifestyle, poor diet or obesity.


Great Ravine

This point is located halfway between the highest point of the inner ankle bone and Achilles tendon. Stimulating this point on both the feet alternately helps in strengthening the immune system. It also helps in treating asthma, sore throat, headache, anxiety and regulates proper functioning of the kidney.


Great Rushing

This point is located on the top of the foot, in the webbing between the big and the second toes. Stimulating this point on both the feet alternately helps in stimulating the immune system by increasing blood flow throughout the body and regulating Qi flow. It also helps in relieving vision problems, headaches, menstrual cramps, lower back pain and insomnia.

Broken Sequence

Three Yin Crossing

To locate this point, make a thumbs-up sign. You will see a depression at the base of your thumb, this is also known as the snuffbox.

This is the intersecting point of the Spleen, Liver and Kidney meridians and therefore this name. Stimulating this point on both the feet alternately helps in relieving immune weakness and restoring vitality.

Lung 7 is located 2 fingers width from the snuffbox in a slight depression between the two tendons.

It is located three finger widths above the inner ankle bone, along the back of the tibia.


Addiction DON’T LET


Studies show that acupuncture effectively reduces alcohol intake, attenuate alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It also helps with quitting smoking, sugar and cravings



HT 7

On the anteromedial aspect of the wrist, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, on the palmar wrist crease.

PC 6

On the anterior aspect of the forearm, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi radialis, 2 B-cun proximal to the palmar wrist crease.

Tim-Mee Point

Tim Mee-point is an extra-meridian point located right on the wrist between LU-7 (Lieque) and LI-5 (Yangxi), this point is specifically used to help quit smoking.


Stress eating


On the anteromedial aspect of the wrist, radial to the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, on the palmar wrist crease.

Sugar cravings Stress eating




The 5 most common causes of weak immunity and most of us fall prey to at least one of these are stress, lack of sleep, sedentry lifestyle, poor diet or obesity.


Do you fall ill frequently or take more sick leaves than others? The reason may lie in your weak immune system that is making your body more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. Acupressure helps in successful treatment and long term relief from almost all types of aliments like migraine.


Tai Chong

To find this pressure point, locate the space between your big toe and your second toe. From the place where the skin meets, go up about two finger widths. This pressure point helps with stress, as well as menstrual cramps, lower back pain, and high blood pressure. Apply deep pressure to this point and massage for five seconds.


Zu San Li

It is located along the outside of your shin bone, four fingers from the bottom of your knee cap. In addition to relieving stress, this pressure point can also help relieve nausea and fatigue. Use your thumb to apply pressure and massage the point for five seconds.

He Gu

He Gu

Apply pressure and massage the area for five seconds.

Apply pressure and massage the area for five seconds.

This pressure point is located between the web of your thumb and index finger, at the highest point of the muscle.

This pressure point is located between the web of your thumb and index finger, at the highest point of the muscle.




Knee pain is incredibly common among people now-a-days. Irrespective of the age, almost every one faces this problem, every year. If knee pain is ignored, there can be other problems which you need to face in future.



Spine Reflex Point

This spine reflex point is found on the inside portion of the feet. This point is located from the edge of the heel to the neck of the big toe. The spine acts as the support system for the whole body, which help take the weight of the knees. Hold your feet in your hands and run you thumbs on this point for at least 10 minutes.


Knee Reflex Point

This reflex point is found one inch below the ankle bone, it is located in a small and soft triangular section. This point will help to strengthen your knee joint and heal any injuries in this area. Place your thumb on this point and move it up and down with some pressure. Make sure that you massage the points that feel sore and hard for 5 minutes. You will feel relaxed and pain free after regular use.


Tooth Ache DON’T LET THE


The 5 most common causes of weak immunity and most of us fall prey to at least one of these are stress, lack of sleep, sedentry lifestyle, poor diet or obesity.


Toothaches can be one of the strongest and most debilitating pains we can have, making even simple everyday tasks difficult to perform.


San Jiao 5 Point (SJ5)

Acupressure San Jiao 5 Point is situated on the dorsal side, three centimeters away from wrist crease. Apply steady pressure on this point with your thumb for one ton two minutes and then do the same process on another hand.


Union Valley

This point is located in the webbing between the index finger and the thumb. Stimulating this point improves over all intestinal function and helps relieve diarrhea, constipation and abdominal pain.


Sometimes even the best products are not enough alone to cure skin problems. Many of us regularly receive body massages to relieve tension but don’t think of the face in the same way. Pressure-point massage combines lymphatic drainage to eliminate toxins and relax facial tension.



By using the right pressure points you can regain the long lost texture and youthful skin. Acupressure improves the metabolism and the blood circulation in the skin. The cell that is produced in the epidermis is pushed out of the skin. This cell undergoes a process and is gradually pushed out of the outer skin. If the cycle of the cell is interrupted in between it will result in spots or dry skin. Thus, improved metabolism will help reduce the interruptions.




Liver Point

The liver pressure point can be found in the center of the palm, above the wrist and under the index finger. Almost all skin diseases are related to the liver, and massaging the pressure point that correlates with it will help this vital organ remove infections and toxins from your skin.


Thyroid Point

This point is located in the joint of the big toe and massaging it can balance the activity of the thyroid gland. The thyroid is the organ to target if you want to improve the overall health of your skin. Thyroid dysfunction can lead to various problems that mainly cause dryness and skin allergies.

Pitutary Point

You will find this point on your thumb pad. Massaging this point will help your skin absorb more minerals and vitamins, as well as improve blood flow to the pituitary gland, which secretes a hormone called MSH whose role is to stimulate melanocytes in the skin to secrete melanin.

Sea of Blood

To find these two points, sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Feel for a bulge in your thigh muscles about two thumb widths above the top edge of your knee. Press on the points firmly with your thumbs or the knuckle of your middle finger.




htedness), Accupressure can treat Myopia (Short-sig ract, Hypermetropia (long sightedness), cata lyopia amb sm, mati astig glaucoma, presbyopia, t nigh , ness (lazy eye), diploma, color blind . By blindness and many other eye problems using the acupressure points correctly one can treat these eye disorders.



Left Eye

Right Eye

He Gu Point

Also known as hoku point. He Gu point is located at the peak of the hump. On the hand which you wish to massage, move the thumb towards the index finger. Notice the hump formed from your palm muscle. Massaging the hoku point is believed to increase circulation and nerve energy to the head. It is also used for pain relief.


Ming Yan Point & Feng Yan Point

Located at the left and right side of your thumb knuckle. Both points help with presbyopia, eye fatigue and eye infection. Grab the thumb on the both side with your other thumb and index finger. Apply gentle pressure and hold for 10 seconds and released. Repeat cycle for 8 times.


Reflexology Tools Although you just need your finger pressure to perform reflexology, some tools might be handy for specific points or to just apply pressure universally for a big area.

Finger Massager

Deep Tissue Foot Massager Roller

Wing-shape massage tool

Hand Massager



This book explains how the reflexology treatment works to cure common ailments, and how to use it effectively in special cases such as pregnancy, mental illness, and stress. This all-encompassing guide is packed with tips on everything from mastering the very basics to setting up your own practice, and the extensive case studies add inspirational and helpful advice. Illustrated in color throughout, this is the onestop manual for people who are looking for a quick look book for some reflexology points.

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