• Un iv er si t y of We s tm i n s ter, Lon d on 2015-201 6
M as ter s of I nter i or D e si gn wi th Mer i t
• N a t i on al Co ll ege of Art s , L a hore - 201 2
Ba che l or s of Arch i tecture wi th H onor s
C G PA: 3 . 7/ 4 . 0
The sis Pro j ect: L a hore I n s t i tute of Me di c al S c i ence s
• L a hore G r a mm a r S choo - 200 6
A - Le v e ls ( Un iv er si t y of C a m b r id ge E x a m i n a t i on s )
• L a hore G r a mm a r S choo - 200 4
O- Le v e ls ( Un iv er si t y of C a m b r id ge E x a m i n a t i on s )
Expe ri enc e
• Amir J a fri & Ass oc i a t e s, L aho r e , Pak ist a n
I nno va t iv e Arch i tect & I nter or D e si gner wi th 10 pl u s y e a r s of p r a ct i c al ex p er i ence
i n spa ce d e si gn i ng a n d pla nn i ng, p ro j ect
m a n a gement a n d d e si gn p re s ent a ton cre a te d wi th va r i ou s com p uter s oft wa re s . p ro v en abili t y to tr a n s form c li ent s id e as
a n d re q u rement s nto b e a ut fu , p r a ct i c al , funct i on al id e as th a t ref l ect the c li ent s p er s on ali t y . S k ill e d n spa ce i m p ro v ement, co l our com bi n a t on s , a n d u s e of m a ter ials a n d ill um i n a t i on, d r ivi ng nno va t iv e a n d p er s on ali ze d cre a t on s .
Syeda Yasmeen Amir Jafr 0015489942024 yasmeenjafri1@gmail com
n linkedin.com/in/yasmeen-jafri-58632293
(20 th Fe b ru a r y 2012 to da te )
Ro l e: Arch tect, I nter or D e si gner & Pro j ect co coor di n a tor.
M ai n re sp on sibili t i e s : A ssis t ng the s en i or a rch i tect i n the d e si gn w ork
a n d the fo ll o w u p of the p ro j ect s as w e ll as s u p er visi on of the d et ail
w ork s . I n v o lv e d i n commun i c a t i ng wi th c li ent s eff i c ent ly a n d p o li te ly
i n f a ce - to - f a ce meet i ng s , by p hone or e - m ail .
• N a ti ona l C o ll ege o f Arts, (NCA), L aho r e , Pak ist a n
(13 th Fe b ru a r y 2012 - 5 th O cto b er 2020 )
Ro l e: A ssis t a nt Profe ss or i n visi t i ng c apa c i t y for M as ter s I nter or D e si gn
M aj or S tu di o Progr a m.
• N a ti ona l Eng i nee ri ng Se r v i ce s Pak ist an ( Pv t) Limit ed (N ESP A K ),
L a hore, Arch tecture & P la nn i ng Divisi on - (20 th June - 26 th Ju ly 2009 )
Ro l e: I nterne e
M ai n re sp on sibili t i e s : D e si gne d a n d p re pa re d t ypi c al lay out
d r awi ng s , e l e va t i on s , s ect on s a n d 3d ren d er s of a n apa rtment
com pl ex.
I n v o lv e d-i n re p ort w r i t i ng
A cc r ed iti on s
•P a k is t a n Counc il of Arch tect s & To w n pla nner s ( PCATP )
• I n s t i tute of Arch i tect s P a k si t a n (I AP )
So ftw a r e Sk ill
•Auto CA D
• 3d S tu di o M a x (V- R ay )
•A d o b e Photo s ho p
•A d o b e Ill u s tr a to r
•A d o b e I n D e si g n
•A d o b e After effect s
•A d o b e Prem er Pr o
•M i cro s oft O ff i ce
• S ketch - u p Pr o
•W i n d o ws Mo vi e M a ke r
L anguage Sk ill s
• Ur d u - Fu ll Prof i c i enc y
• E ng lis h - Fu ll Prof i c enc y
• G erm a n - El ement a r y Prof i c enc y
A na l ogue Sk
ill s
•Cre a t iv e Th nk i n g
•Pro j ect M a n a gemen t
•Moo db o a r d S t yli n g
• I nter i or S t yli n g
• Vis u al Merch a n disi n g
•Pro bl em S o lvi n g
• S tr a teg y bas e d s o ut i on s
•Conce p tu al S ketch n g
•Cr i t i c al Th i nk n g
•Commun i c a t i o n
Pe rs ona l I n t e r e st s
• We b s urf ng i nter or d e si gn
a n d a rch i tectur al w e bsi te s
a n d e - m a g a z i ne s
• Re adi n g
• L is ten i ng to Mu si c
• P ai nt i ng a n d S ketch n g
• Tr av e li n g
• Photogr ap h y
P r o j ec t T ypo l ogy Expe ri enc e
• I nter or D e si gn of re sid ent ial a n d commerc ial p ro j ect s
• Arch i tectur al d e si gn of Re sid ent ial B u ildi ng s
• Arch i tectur al d e si gn of O ff i ce B u ildi ng s
• Arch i tectur al d e si gn of H e al thc a re b u ildi ng s
Location: Rawalpindi
Completed: 2020
Role: Lead Interior Designer and project co-ordinater
Scope: Various office spaces.
The project was to design and upgrade various interior spaces inside the office complex building of The Pakistan Chief of Air staff. The style followed kept up with the nationalism that needed to be depicted with the grandiose required by the clients. The main office of the COAS was large space and it was given character by wooden paneling dado yet keeping it light and airy by the use of light colors. The false ceiling was enhanced with the use of wood in compliment to the plaster of Paris ceiling. The furniture proposed was modern yet a balance of heavy wooden Shisham desk and chairs and contemporary stainless steel and leather sofas.
The board room was done in a modern design with tea green wall paneling. It created a nice contrast with the walnut wooden flooring. The chairs were ultra-modern with adjustable seat heights and trendy look with comfortable leather padding, keeping in mind the lengthy meetings that can go on in this space, while the conference table was done in a lightly stained Ash wood with a leather cladded centre part. Complimentary side credenzas were also designed. To avoid an uneasy and cluttered atmosphere, the room was designed with plenty of free space.
The Cigar room was designed to give it a masculine and opulent character. Hunter green walls gave it a virile vibe with complimentary walnut flooring and luxurious rust and beige padded sofas. The ceiling was also given character by light ash wooden slats. The bar area was done in lighter wooden tone accents to give it a contrast and highlight from the rest of the darker green space. Metal replicas of aircraft were ordered to adorn the wall and reflect the grandiose of the Pakistan Air force.
Location: Defence Phase 1, J Block
Completed: 2021
Role: Lead Interior Designer and project co-ordinater
Scope: Office space for a Law firm
This was a small law office designed in 1100 Sft commercial plaza space. The design philosophy followed was stately and contemporary interior to reflect the earnest and sober nature of the place. The office comprised of a small office reception, an office for the C.E.O with a sitting space, a small workstation space for the P.A, a smaller office for Jr associate and a kitchenette and toilet space. The color pallet followed was neutral greys and browns. The furniture design was ultra-modern to make the space energetic.
Concept Design
Concept Design
Location: Defence Phase 5
Completed: 2021
Role: Lead Interior Designer and project co-ordinater
Scope: Office space for design in classical language for the director of Integrated Medical Care Hospital.
Neutral Tones
This small office space was done for one of the partners at Integrated Medical Care Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. The client was inclined towards traditional design philosophy so keeping that in mind the space was designed with the integration of classical elements. Wall moldings were incorporated with heavy walnut wood furniture. The wall tones were kept light ash tone so as to balance the heaviness of the furniture. The floor was done in laminated wooden floor. The extra sitting space was done in neutral modern sofa set so as not to overpower the design and keep the focus point of the work desk.
Location: Canal Road, Lahore
Completed: 2021
Role: Lead Interior Designer and project co-ordinater
Scope: Dining halls of the restaurant - Caspian Sea.
This was a restaurant interior. The F & B interior was done for a restaurant named Caspian Sea. The color palette used was ocean inspired greens and rust tones with wooden elements to give the space a relaxing and luxurious ambiance. The space was divided by wooden battens and the pillars were also cladded with the same walnut tone wood veneer. The walls were given veneered paneling with indirect lighting details. The ceiling was also done in dual toned wood accents to further create an inviting interior experience.
The furniture selection was modern in the palette of sea green and olive green chair selection and easy to maintain and clean white Corian tables. The tables were placed keeping in mind the ease of customers and staff flow. The space was made flexible by using modular square tables to make different sitting permutation. Lapatto finish rust toned tiles were used on the finish to make the floor anti-slip as well as gel together the interior of the whole space.
Location: Canal Road, Lahore
Completed: 2021
Role: Lead Interior Designer and project co-ordinater
Scope: Training Room for Dawn Foods
Part of the larger factory of Dawn Foods Pvt Ltd, this area was to be designed for the training of the employees. The character given to the room was dynamic yet comfortable with accents of Carmine red inspired by the logo of Dawn foods. The red was balanced by shades of grey and whites. The flooring was done in wooden grey tones to make the space inviting and the rest of the walls and ceiling was done in ash white to make the users alert to the training program.
Isomtric interior view
Interior View
Location: Paragon City, Lahore
Completed: 2020
Role: Lead Interior Designer and project co-ordinater
This was the living room of a residential interior. The space was designed to give it a modern, luxurious and yet comfortable ambiance. The color palette used was neutral browns and greys with accent of rust tone. The rust color was used to inject warmth and energy into the space. The furniture proposed was done to give maximum comfort to the clients with custom designed media cabinet being the focus of the living room.
Scope: Living Room in residence previously designed by our firm Amir Jafri & Associates. Colour palette
Neutral Tones with a pop of colour
Location: Model Town, Lahore
Completed: 2018
Role: Lead Interior Designer and project co-ordinater
Scope: Interior Design and Execution of Home Theatre in residence previously designed by our firm Amir Jafri & Associates.
The project emphasized on the interior design and execution of a home theatre which consists of a seating of nine. Furthermore, keeping into consideration the client’s preference and love for superheroes a marvel theme was agreed upon. Than from the color pallet till the interior details all details had a touch of the franchise whether directly or indirectly within them.
Location: Barki Road, Lahore
This project was done as my bachelor’s thesis.
The project was to create a holistic medical complex after an intensive study of the intricacies of the health care systems. The objective was to create a stress relieving model of health care practice which would promote healing. The project demanded that the integrity of the Hospital be maintained as well as keeping the traveling distance of Medical students as well as the Professors and paraphernelia staff convenient.
The master plan of the site was developed keeping in mind: The orientation with respect to the sun, the road as well as the accessibilityand the placement of the private and public areas on the site. Water bodies and softscape were incorporated into the design to enhance the serene and thereapeutic nature of the Complex.
The design cosisted of a 500 bed Teaching hospital with an affiliated Medical & Dental college on the premises, residential facilities for various staff members as well as students was also designed.
The Design Concept was based on creating an integrated set of facilities that would cater to the needs of the user by providing a legible and therapeutic environment at appropriate places.
The cultural context of Lahore wasreflected by using bricks. It was used for its colour and texture to enhance the building character and associate it with the city.
The Inpatient wards and the Private rooms were kept at the back of the Hospital in a realtively private area. The Operation theatres were designed above the Emergency ward with easy access from the Emergency and the Diagnostics Facilities. the Intensive care units were also kept in direct access to the Operation Theatres so there are minimum chances of wound contamination. As the hospital is a Teaching hospital for Medical and Dental College, a Dental department of 75 chairs was also desined. This was desined above the O.P.D. Classrooms and seminar rooms were also desgned within the Hospital for Medical and Dental Students. The services were designed in the basement keeping in mind their importance and linkages to the major department. Such as the C.S.S.D was designed next to the laundry with direct linkages to the Operation Theatres as well as the Emergency department. The importance of these services was kept in mind in realtion to the necessity of their being away from the public interference
The planning of the Hospital was the focus of the project. The concept of a central Hospital Street was developed. This central artery connected the major departments. it created a buffer zone between the Inpatient areas and the Outpatient rush. In Pakistan it is normal for families to accompany the patients. This creates a huge amount of extra traffic. So it also catered as a catchement zone for the visitors.
The Street had internal trees to creat an intersting ambiance as well as a fresh enviornment. Internal courtyards and atriums were designed to carry on the concept of therapeutic enviornment. The Hospital was planned designing the outpatient activity areas such as the Emergency, Outpatient department and the Diagnostics on the Ground floor in the relatively public front zone.