Kitchenware News v16i06

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H o u s e w, a r e s R e v i e w S E RV I N G K I T C H E N WA R E



JUNE 2010

Licensed Products Build Brands and Provide Safe Harbor for Retailers by Joanne Friedrick Licensing is big business—$190 billion at last count—and it’s growing everyday. Manufacturers and retailers have both gotten into the licensing business to create kitchenware products that either bear the names of familiar brands, the likenesses of well-known characters and artwork, are tied into magazine titles or TV shows, or capitalize on the name of a personality from the worlds of TV, food, sports or fashion. Licensed products can provide a safe haven for retailers, especially during tough economic times, said Martin Brochstein, Senior Vice President–Industry Relations and Information at the Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association. “When retailers are risk averse, the evergreen properties come to retail most often,” explained Brochstein. This would include iconic brands such as the Peanuts, which recently had its license change hands for $175 million, as well as Disney. Products bearing images from these Continued on Page 15

Nostalgic Products Connect Consumers to Family and Home by Carrie Bui The rise of nostalgic products reflects a desire to reconnect with memories of a simpler era, of quality time with family and spending time at home. Consumers are always searching for function and quality, but they are also enjoying how nostalgic kitchenware products make them feel. “They want to return to that time when they could simply enjoy hanging out with their friends, entertaining guests, and having a good time at their home,” said Joseph Hansen, CEO and Owner of Flirty Aprons. The aprons from Flirty Aprons embrace the concept of nostalgia by combining vintage apron flair with modern designs. “Women like aprons because they feel more attractive, and they feel their significant other pays more attention. They feel like the task they’re doing is not as mundane, not as trite; something as simple as cooking, cleaning or gardening actually becomes more of an experience,” said Hansen. Continued on Page 20

w w w . k i t c h e n w a r e n e w s . c o m

june 2010

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GUEST COLUMN by Gary Seehoff, Evriholder Products


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CGTA Acquires Alberta, Montreal Gift Shows The Canadian Gift and Tableware Association in April acquired the Alberta Gift Show and the Montreal Gift Show from DMG World Media (Canada) Inc. The deal gives CGTA, which already owns and operates the Toronto Gift Show, a national trade show presence in Canada’s $10 billion giftware industry.

also provide significant economic stimulus to Montreal and Edmonton, and we look forward to building on this success.”

“The shows are hugely successful, bringing thousands of buyers together with hundreds of the country’s top retail suppliers,” said Peter Moore, Executive Director of CGTA in a prepared statement. “The twice-a-year events

The Alberta Gift Show has operated for more than 40 years, and takes place February and August at the Northlands facility in Edmonton. It attracts 12,000 attendees and more than 550 exhibitors to each show.

CGTA retained the DMG show team, which will move into the association’s recently expanded offices here.

The Montreal Gift Show, which began more than 50 years ago, occurs in March and August at the Place Bonaventure in Montreal. It typically draws 8,400 attendees and more than 350 exhibitors. The CGTA was established in 1975 as a not-for-profit association. It has more than 1,400 member companies. CGTA’s Toronto Gift Show takes place twice a year and features more than 1,000 exhibitors and 16,500 retail buyers. For more information, contact

NRF Launches New Mobile Retail Initiative With consumers relying on handheld devices for everything from phone calls to web surfing, retailers are looking to mobile as the next frontier of the shopping experience. To help retailers adapt to the new technology, the National Retail Federation has launched its Mobile Retail Initiative to offer best practices and learning opportunities for retailers diving into m-commerce. This retailer-led initiative will help the industry leverage existing and emerging mobile technologies to enhance the shopping experience and improve internal business processes. NRF brings the collaborative strengths of three

of its divisions to the forefront for this effort. Representatives from NRF’s IT standards division, ARTS; digital division,; and marketing division, RAMA, are teaming up to develop standards and best practices as well as create original research, educational events and networking opportunities. “Mobile has great promise for bringing major, positive changes to the shopping experience, payments, marketing and other aspects of retail,” said NRF President Tracy Mullin in a prepared statement. “In addition to developing the standards and best practices necessary for the industry to move forward, NRF’s Mobile Retail Initiative will inspire

retailers to realize the full potential of mobile today and in the future.” One of the first deliverables from the initiative will be the mobile blueprint. This document is designed to provide retailers with a road map for executing best practices as a part of their mobile retail strategies. The mobile blueprint is being developed by NRF’s Mobile Blueprint Committee, which includes retailers, restaurants and service providers representing companies that are on the cutting edge of mobile implementation.






VIC FIRTH Vic Firth Gourmet Mills [tel] 800.894.5970


THE ZRIKE CO. Vera “Blossoms” Dinner Plate [tel] 212.564.5555


MELITTA USA INC. Melitta Cordless Kettle [tel] 888.635.4882


KAI USA Shun Bamboo Magnetic Storage Disks [tel] 800.325.2891


FAGOR AMERICA Fagor Induction-Ready Cookware [tel] 800.207.0806

For more information about the Mobile Retail Initiative, visit


NOSTALGIA PRODUCTS GROUP Retro Popcorn Popper [tel] 920.337.9800


features JULY Best Merchandising Ideas Baking Update Serveware Gadgets Buyers’ Guide

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010



KITCHENWARE NEWS Housewares Review



Are we becoming “app-happy”? I remember a time before the Internet and Google maps when the only way to get directions was from the person you were visiting. No cells either. Once I got so thoroughly lost in St. Louis in a questionable part of town well before the advent of global positioning satellite technology for travel. I was so lost I had to call the client four times, from pay phones along the way. Now there are GPS applications on mobile phones that will direct you either on foot or via car so you’re never lost—just one of dozens of evolving tools to make our lives easier.

w w w. k i t c h e n w a r e n e w s . c o m PUBLISHER [tel] 323.397.9507 EDITOR

[tel] 207.780.8656 ASSOCIATE EDITORS

Karen Taylor, Publisher

Carrie Bui Megan Wadding


Gary Seehoff, CEO of Evriholder Products, contributes our guest column and his topic is impulse products as revenue enhancers for retailers. Gary discusses how specific values such as uniqueness, creativity and affordable price points can generate significant incremental sales.

Joanne Friedrick

In this month’s issue, we report on how retailers are looking to mobile as the next frontier of the shopping experience. The National Retail Federation has launched an initiative to offer best practices and learning opportunities for retailers to adapt to the latest developments in 3G technologies. Why shouldn’t retailers jump on the app-happy bandwagon and search for ways to increase business incorporating the very latest in tech developments? As we prepare for the summer shows, and the long-awaited uptick in retail sales, we’re taking a look this month at what’s new in cookware, and in conjunction with the licensing show, we review how licensed products are expanding the kitchen products industry. We also revisit the trend for nostalgia products in electrics and see how this category is growing across all levels of retail. And in our annual pepper mill buyers’ guide, see the very latest product introductions.

Karen Taylor

Valerie Wilson


Yasmine Brown


Selene Pinuelas


1877 N. Kolb Road Tucson, Arizona 85715 [tel] 520.721.1300 [fax] 520.721.6300





Kate Seymour [tel] 520.721.1300

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is a publication of ELM Communications, a division of Oser Communications Group, Inc. 1877 N. Kolb Road Tucson, AZ 85715

If you’ve already read our cover story on nostalgic products, you know what a major trend this has been in the kitchenware industry. I, for one, am happy to see this because I’ve always been a big fan of kitchen and tabletop items that harkened of days gone by. I think in my case, it began when my mother started to divest herself of decades worth of entertaining and food preparation products she’d accumulated over the years. I was more than eager to take home some of her etched-glass platters and pedestal cake stands, nesting Pyrex mixing bowls in primary colors, and tablecloths imprinted with strawberries, flowers or winter scenes. Those tablecloths were the first in a collection that has expanded to 60-plus—some that have never been used, but many showing the signs of family meals and frequent washing, with the images slightly faded, a stain here or there and a few carefully mended patches where the fabric began to fray. Not everyone has the opportunity to receive from their family or friends items that reflect the colorful past of kitchens from the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s. And with the rise of eBay and “Antiques Roadshow,” collecting vintage pieces can be quite dear. But fortunately, the kitchenware industry has picked up on this desire to capture what many think of as simpler, happier times with reproduction products. From linens to canisters to appliances to dinnerware, it’s possible to recreate the look of the past with products of today. And one of the benefits is that these new “old” items can tap into the technology and materials of today, often improving upon a classic. Licensed products also help create this nostalgic feeling by presenting products that are useful today, but feature iconic brands from the childhood of our parents and ourselves, such as Coca-Cola, Campbell’s Soup and Crayola. Both manufacturers and retailers tell us that these brands, which have stood the test of time, evoke safe and familiar feelings among shoppers. Even though the economy is on the upswing, many people are still looking to invest in trusted names. It will be interesting to see how the market for nostalgia unfolds as the decades pass. Will the products we buy now become the collectibles of the future? Already we are seeing items from the ‘70s and ‘80s falling into the category, so can the ‘90s be far behind? Joanne Friedrick, Editor


Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


Lee M. Oser

Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ and additional mailing office. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review (USPS012-625) is published 12 times per year (Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec.) by Oser Communications Group, 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ, 85715 (520) 721.1300. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or prices quoted in newspaper. Contributors are responsible for proper release of proprietary classified information. ©2010 by Oser Communications Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher, is expressly prohibited. Back issues, when available, cost $8 each within the past 12 months. Back issue orders must be paid in advance by check. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is distributed without charge in North America to qualified professionals in the retail and distribution channels of the upscale kitchenware and tabletop trade. For subscriber services, including subscription information, call (520) 721.1300. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kitchenware News & Housewares Review, 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715.

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010




Impulse Items=Excellent Revenue Opportunities by Gary Seehoff, CEO Evriholder Products Impulse products and programs have become increasingly important at retail because they increase the value of each ring at the register. They are also powerful profit enhancers for both gross profit and the bottom line. Getting an impulse product and an impulse program right is part art and part science, but I believe it’s more science than art. Increasing sales has always been important, and growth in overall sales and, of course, same store sales is key. Profitability is also paramount while there is constant pressure to enhance gross margins. The right impulse products will attract a large cross-section of shoppers and stimulate a purchase where none was originally intended. That, in turn, can and will enhance gross margin and overall profitability. However, to do so, certain characteristics are important. An impulse product should appeal to a large demographic and be a problem solver. It should make life easier and solicit the psychological response: “Wow, I need one of those.” That’s not easy to achieve because first and foremost the product needs to be unique, well-executed in development, and manufactured where quality is key. In addition, the packaging needs to capture the consumers quite literally in seconds. I have always believed you can’t just shove the basics you have “inline” in the planogram as impulse items and expect them to sell. To the contrary, all you can expect is that the basics merchandised as impulse items will cannibalize your inline sales. For an impulse item to be unique and functional, yet not too far out there is a fine balance. And, it needs to be simple too. Consumers will shy away from complex items. On top of that, impulse products have to be affordable and fun, while also conveying a higher perceived value than the suggested retail price. Most successful impulse items need to hit price points below $6.99—$2.99 and $3.99 work best. So, now you have the item. Great, now it’s got to be packaged so as to solicit the impulse purchase. Packaging has to be bright, colorful, eye-popping and noticeable. Don’t forget it’s often merchandised off-shelf with a plethora of products behind it in a multitude of colors, all of which are competing for the consumers’ attention. The packaging has to also convey the problem it solves in an instant. And, as 6

if that weren’t enough, an impulse product needs to be of a certain size so that it can be merchandised in multiple formats such as on J-hooks or clipstrips, in end caps and floor displays. And they have to be of a size that won’t interfere with the core items in the set. Cross-merchandising properly is a big piece of the puzzle in implementing a successful impulse product and program. Impulse products can often be cross-merchandised in adjacencies that make sense and ensure the impulse items identify with the core product inline. For example, a toothpaste squeezer should be placed by the toothpaste or a jar opener with jams, jellies, and peanut butter. In some cases it also makes sense to cross-merchandise in sections that don’t immediately match the product, simply because that is where your demographic for the item is shopping. Sometimes it’s best to follow the qualified traffic. For example, putting sandwich bread crust cutters in the bread aisle makes sense, but it can also be cross-merchandised in the toy section because moms with kids who don’t like the crust on their bread will shop there, too. In addition to getting the product, the packaging, the enhanced gross margin and the cross-merchandising just right, there is the issue of measuring POS and executing just-in-time replenishment. Why? POS measurement done consistently and often gives the opportunity to push the winners, reposition the average to turn them into winners and to substitute the losers with better items. POS measurement empowers the retailer to implement just-in-time replenishment to maximize opportunities to sell the right item, in the right store, in the perfect merchandising vehicle, in the best position. It is scientific and can be measured daily or weekly. It’s what my company does and it’s what the more successful retailers do with their impulse programs. Savvy retailers treat impulse like they do any other department, staff it with a champion and implement it as a professional program. It’s not just an item opportunity, it’s a program that requires managing, measuring and nurturing for optimal success. Impulse done right is a powerful revenue generator and profit enhancer. Gary Seehoff is CEO of Evriholder Products LLC in Anaheim, Calif.

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

International Association of Culinary Professionals Announces Cookbook Awardees The International Association of Culinary Professionals honored the world’s top gastronomic talents at the 2010 Awards Gala on April 22 at the Portland Art Museum, during the 32nd IACP Annual Conference in Portland, Ore. Ruth Reichl, author and former editor-inchief of Gourmet magazine, and Kim Severson, food writer from The New York Times, hosted the celebration that recognized top culinary professionals. This year, the IACP Cookbook Awards program celebrated its 25th year. In 2010, more than 500 entries were submitted, making this year’s program one of the most competitive ever. In addition, three new categories—Children, Youth and Family; Culinary History; and Professional Kitchens—were presented at the Awards Gala, along with the “People’s Choice” Cookbook Award, determined via e-vote by IACP members and the general public.

Wine, Beer and Spirits: World Whiskey by Charles Maclean Published by DK Publishing Culinary History: Of Sugar and Snow: A History of Ice Cream Making by Jeri Quinzio Published by University of California Press Literary Food Writing: Waste by Tristram Stuart Published by W.W. Norton Food Photography and Styling: Williams-Sonoma Cooking for Friends by Alison Attenborough and Jamie Kimm, Photographed by Petrina Tinslay Published by Oxmoor House Food and Beverage Reference/Technical: The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Pastry Arts by The French Culinary Institute Published by Harry N. Abrams Inc.

Here’s a list of IACP 2010 cookbook award winners:

Professional Kitchens: Baking and Pastry: Mastering the Art and Craft 2nd Ed. by The Culinary Institute of America Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc.

General: Stephanie Alexander’s Kitchen Garden Companion by Stephanie Alexander Published by Penguin Group (Australia)

Chefs and Restaurants: Ad Hoc at Home by Thomas Keller and Dave Cruz Published by Artisan Books

American: My New Orleans: The Cookbook by John Besh Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC

Design Award: Thai Street Food by David Thompson Published by Penguin Group (Australia)

Baking-Savory or Sweet: Rose’s Heavenly Cakes by Rose Levy Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Design Award: Snowflakes and Schnapps by Jane Lawson Published by Murdoch Books

Single Subject: Go Fish by Al Brown Published by Random House (New Zealand)

The Julia Child Award for First Book: The New Portuguese Table: Exciting Flavors from Europe’s Western Coast by David Leite Published by Clarkson Potter

Compilations: Gourmet Today by Ruth Reichl Published by Houghton Harcourt Publishing

People’s Choice Award: The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery


Children, Youth and Family: Williams-Sonoma Family Meals by Maria Helm Published by Oxmoor House Health and Special Diet: The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment and Recovery by Rebecca Katz and Mat Edelson Published by Celestial Arts, an imprint of Ten Speed Press International: Mastering the Art of Chinese Cooking by Eileen Yin-Fei Published by Chronicle Books

Cookbook of the Year: Rose’s Heavenly Cakes The IACP, which was founded in 1978, has 3,000 members representing food professionals including cooking teachers and cooking school owners; caterers, chefs and restaurateurs; food writers and cookbook authors; consumer and trade press editors and publishers; food stylists and photographers; wine professionals; TV personalities; recipe developers and test kitchen personnel; public relations, marketing and communications professionals; and many others with a special interest in the culinary arts.

{ headlines } Accent on Design Jury Accepts New Companies NYIGF welcomes two new design collectives this summer. From 220 applicants, some 30-plus companies have been selected by jury to exhibit in the Accent on Design at the summer 2010 New York International Gift Fair. Other highlights of the August edition include an influx of new and returning companies, expansion of Accent on Japan and the addition of new design collectives from Chicago and Seattle. One of 10 categorized divisions of NYIGF, Accent on Design is a dynamic, juried collection of nearly 200 contemporary and innovative exhibiting companies across the gift, home, and lifestyle spectrum. Accent on Design has been the industry’s leading resource for design-led merchandise for more than 25 years.

In addition, NYIGF continues to present A+: The Young Designers’ Platform, a showcase for emerging talents and brand-new products within Accent on Design.

will be accepted through Tuesday, June 15. Applications are available online at /NYIGFDivisions/ATheYoungDesigners Platform/AApplication.aspx

NYIGF welcomes applications from promising designers, including students, recent graduates or young companies to participate in A+: The Young Designers’ Platform. Applications to this juried “incubator” space, which provides an affordable opportunity to expose concepts, prototypes and finished products to the wholesale marketplace,

“Accent on Japan, a consortium of independent Japanese exhibitors, will expand to include five participants this August. Saikai Toki Trading Inc. will join returning participants Gallery 91, Inatome, Morihata International Ltd. Co. and Tanuma Co. Ltd. These five companies are positioned next to each other within Accent on Design, as part of

a shared space through which they will showcase gifts, accessories and tableware from Japan. Accent on Design runs Aug. 15 through Aug. 19 at New York’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. NYIGF is the nation’s premier gift, home and lifestyle marketplace, with 2,800 exhibiting companies featuring an extraordinary breadth and depth of design-driven home fashion products and complementary giftware. Some 35,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than 85 countries worldwide are expected.

“Interest in Accent on Design has increased dramatically in the past six months and is now back to prerecessionary levels, with an impressive number of new and innovative resources vying for positioning in the New York market,” said Dorothy Belshaw, GLM Senior Vice President and NYIGF Director. Among those returning to the August market after a hiatus are seven designleaders – Alessi (New York and Crusinallo, Italy); Ameico (New Milford, Conn.); ASA Selection (Hoehr-Grenzhausen, Germany); Design Glut (Brooklyn, N.Y.); esque studio (Portland, Ore.); Normann Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark); and Stelton A/S (Copenhagen, Denmark). Notable newcomers to Accent on Design include: brinca dada (dollhouses and accessories) from New York; DBA llc (home and office accessories) from New York; le mouton noir & co. (furnishings) from New York; and SCP Limited (furniture, accessories, lighting) from London. Accent on Design also will welcome two new regional design collectives— JOIN: Design Seattle and the Object Design League from Chicago— this August. Founded in 1998, JOIN: Design Seattle promotes emerging independent American design by providing designers a forum to show work, get feedback and share resources. The Object Design League is a new organization that promotes experimental and independent object design in Chicago and provides a venue through which independent object designers can present their work, share resources, collectively self-promote, collaborate and experiment. These two new collectives will join American Design Club, a professional community of American designers and three-time participant in Accent on Design, at NYIGF, bringing some 20 emerging design talents to the Fair.

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


Retailer Profile Cooks Corner Billed as the nation’s largest kitchen store, the 18,000-square-foot Cooks Corner in Green Bay, Wis., has the luxury of stocking full lines of many brands as well as closeouts and other specials. Owner Peter Burback said the store, which opened in its current location in 2007, began years earlier as an outlet and fulfillment store for Mirro cookware in Manitowoc, Wis. About half the space was used for shipping, he said, and the remainder was for retail. But when Mirro moved its operation to China, Burback’s initial business failed. Now he’s rebuilt the business as a kitchenware store offering multiple brands, and in a larger city where the store gets more exposure. Still, said Burback, even with a larger community from which to draw customers, “it took a while for people to find us.” Burback, whose degree and background is in marketing, uses local TV advertising to reach customers, along with billboards touting the store’s record size. The store has become something of a tourist destination, especially because of its proximity to Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers. Burback captures the zip codes of shoppers, and noted while the store draws heavily from northern Wisconsin and Michigan, “we get tourists from all over the world.” Another marketing tool Burback has found works well is his sponsorship of a local lifestyle show called Living With Amy. The morning show draws more viewers than Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray, he said. Burback has appeared on the show,

and they’ve also filmed segments, such as a recent one on kids’ cooking tools, in his store. “I’m tied into them pretty well,” explained Burback. Other promotional ideas he uses included semi-annual direct mail pieces and a monthly email newsletter. Customers who sign up as preferred shoppers receive coupons and discounts, as well as schedules for Cooks Corner’s cooking classes. Burback said classes serve as another key marketing tool. He charges $15 per class and nearly all of them sell out. “But it’s not about making money (on the classes), it’s getting them in the store.” Attendees for the 1.5-hour sessions on topics such as Busy Brunch Ideas, Spring Salads and Sushi 101, receive a discount toward any purchases they make that evening.

a more informed decision.” Burback also likes to think of his return policy as another successful marketing tool for his store. Any one of his 15 to 30 employees (staff count changes depending on the season) is empowered to take back an item. “Our return policy is unconditional; they don’t need a reason,” said Burback. He said customers haven’t abused the policy, and in most cases it eases the minds of consumers when they are thinking about making a higher price tag purchase, such as a stand mixer or a set of knives. “They know if they have issues, they can bring it back,” he said. “That’s an important part of our customer service.”

When classes aren’t in session, customers can still see how products work or test them themselves. The store has a supply of vegetables on hand for anyone wanting to test out a paring knife or see how a mandolin operates. “Once we get it in their hands, they have to have it,” said Burback. “When you demo different products customers can make

Introducing the new Sachi™ Wine Totes for carrying or storing up to three bottles of wine or other beverages. The eco-friendly Wine Totes are available in three colors and two styles, giving wine connoisseurs a practical way to insulate and transport their favorite wines. The Wine Totes have a fashionable attractive exterior, and fully lined silver insulated interior that keeps wine cool for most of the day. Sachi™ is a registered trademark of the Hannon Group LTD. Suggested Retail Price: $29.99-39.99 The Hannon Group [tel] 720.854.5148

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

Calico Fudge Co. and then makes it instore using recipes from the supplier. “It adds more fun to the store,” he said, noting last year he expanded the display case to 12 feet from six. As for stocking Cooks Corner, Burback takes several approaches. Because of the vast amount of space he has to work with, he’s able to provide an array of products not possible with smaller stores. With OXO, for example, “I probably have everything,” said Burback of the 24-foot section. Even though it’s a brand that is found in lots of other stores, he said, “no one has that depth of selection. OXO has been huge for us because we carry it so deep.” Burback said stocking full lines could be an advantage for shoppers, who don’t have to travel to multiple stores to find what they need, “because we probably have it in six different colors and three sizes.” He also sets aside about 5,000 square feet in his store for closeout merchandise. “One thing I learned in going out of business before is there is a lot of merchandise people want to get rid of,” he noted. While Cooks Corner isn’t a closeout store, the bargain aspect draws in some customers, he said.

The classes are held on weeknights, when business is typically slower, said Burback, “so it brings people to the store.” In addition to using local chefs, Burback employs Susan Beno, a caterer and instructor from a local college, to teach some classes but also to organize the program.



by Joanne Friedrick

And then, of course, there’s the fudge. The confection is part of the in-store merchandising plan, said Burback, as well as a high margin sales item. It’s also tied in with the store’s gift card program—a $35 gift card purchase earns buyers a halfpound of fudge. Burback said he buys his ingredients from

“Customers look for true bargains in the closeout area…then they get to the regular part of the store and they feel they are getting a good deal there, too,” he said. “If anything, it (closeouts) enhances the other items, and it gets people into the store.” Burback attends a closeouts trade show to find deals, such as the seven pallets of whiteware he was featuring this spring, or the 2,200 cookbooks he offered. In addition, each year Burback buys the entire stock remaining in booths at the International Home + Housewares Show and sells those products in his store. One time, he said, he bought up 18 booths. This year, his purchases included copperware from Old Dutch, woodenware from J.K. Adams and utility and microwave carts from Catskills Craftsmen. Sometimes Burback buys brands he already carries in his store, and other times he uses these one-time purchases as an opportunity to test items and see how they do. He said Polish stoneware is an example of a product he brought in through a booth sale, and then started stocking regularly. In all, the store carries more than 20,000 items from nearly 200 vendors, said Burback. And while that may seem like a huge amount, he pointed out that anyone who has attended the IH+HS know it’s still a small percentage of what the industry has to offer.

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


Product Review Tervis Tumbler

For this month’s product review, Kitchenware News & Housewares Review checked out Tervis Tumblers—virtually unbreakable, multi-purpose cups. The double-insulated plastic tumblers are microwave and dishwasher safe, and come in a variety of fun designs and patterns. Tervis Tumblers can be used with both hot and cold drinks, and are designed to “keep your hot drinks hot and your cold drinks cold,” according to the Tervis Tumbler brochure. We ran the cups through a few tests to see how well it actually stands up to use. A co-worker tested out her morning coffee

by Carrie Bui with Tervis’ 16-ounce brushed steel cup. The cup kept her coffee warm, and it wasn’t too hot to drink by the time she arrived at the office after her 35-minute morning commute. The cup was also not too hot to hold. While it kept the coffee warm, it did not keep it as hot as her usual travel cups, which are specifically designed for hot drinks. She appreciated the cup’s lightweight and compact size, which fit easily in the cupholder of her car. I decided to put the 24-ounce tumbler through some durability tests. My 24-ounce tumbler is part of Tervis’ Coca-Cola collection, and featured a charming Coke patch in between the walls of the cup. I started out by letting some friends test out the cup’s durability. They tossed it around a few times, and we let it take about five drops to the tile floor of my kitchen. After those drops, a half-inch crack and a chip roughly the size of a pencil eraser appeared on the interior, near the lip of the cup. Normally, a crack and a chip at the lip of a cup would create a jagged edge and render the cup useless as drinkware. However, with the Tervis Tumbler, the crack is between the double insulated walls, so that while I can see the crack, I can’t feel it when I run my fingers over the crack. This is great because it means the crack does not affect the cup’s usability. I tested out the microwave-safe claim by heating up some water for tea in the same 24ounce cup. I heated it in the microwave for three minutes, checking on it after the first minute and then again after the second minute. When I pulled the cup out, it was warm, but not at all too hot to hold. After a couple of minutes, I tried to take a sip but nearly burnt my tongue on the hot tea. Even though the cup itself was easy to handle, the liquid inside was steaming hot. I was impressed by how hot the liquid inside the tumbler could be when the cup itself didn’t feel anywhere near the same temperature. The container itself also stood up to the microwaving without a problem. The tumblers are available in 24 ounces, 16 ounces and 12 ounces, as well as a 17-ounce mug and a 10-ounce junior cup. They also come in a variety of attractive designs, including an option to personalize your Tervis Tumbler. The multiple design choices are useful for parties and families, so people don’t mix up cups, and the designs make the cups fun and appealing to children. The cups are made in the United States and come with a lifetime guarantee. Tervis promises to replace defective cups for free—all you need to do is fill out a form, available at their website,, and ship the form and the tumblers back to them. Our final take on Tervis Tumbler is that the cups’ functionality and attractive designs make them a useful addition to your kitchenware collection. We really liked the versatility and convenience of the tumblers because they could be used with both hot and cold drinks, as well as in the microwave and the dishwasher.


Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


K ITCHENWARE N EWS Housewares Review S E RV I N G K I T C H E N WA R E , H O U S E WA R E S A N D TA B L E T O P M A R K E T S


JUNE 2010

cookware update

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


cookware update FAGOR AMERICA INDUCTION-READY COOKWARE Fagor America expands its line of induction-ready cast aluminum cookware, a material that quickly and evenly distributes heat. Combined with an induction cooktop, consumers will be able to cook meals in a faster, more energy-efficient way. The cookware line is made up of 30 percent recycled aluminum and is compatible with all stovetops. The existing line includes a 10.5" grill pan, 11" round skillet, 17.5" griddle and 23.5" griddle. The expansion includes a seven-piece cookware set, 9.5" round skillet, 8-quart covered stockpot, 2.5- and 5.5-quart covered casserole pans, and 12.5" and 15.5" paella pans. Suggested Retail Price: $39.99-249.99 Fagor America [tel] 800.207.0806

STARFRIT ALTERNATIVE COOKWARE Starfrit introduced its new oven-safe Alternative Cookware. The collection is environmentally friendly, made of 99 percent recycled aluminum with a chemical-free, non-toxic ceramic coating. The ceramic coating retains heat longer, saving up to 20 percent of the usual amount of energy needed to heat a pan. The coating is also naturally nonstick so healthconscious users can use less oil and butter. The stay-cool handle is made of cast stainless steel with a silicone grip and attached by rivets. The Starfrit Alternative Cookware line is safe to use on all stovetops. The collection is available in an eight-piece set, or also available are 9.5" and 11" fry pans. Suggested Retail Price: $239.99 for eight-piece set, $39.99 for 9.5" fry pan, $48.99 for 11" fry pan Starfrit [tel] 800.361.6232

T-FAL/INGRID HOFFMAN COOKWARE T-fal partnered with Food Network/ Univision chef Ingrid Hoffman to release the Simply Delicioso by Ingrid Hoffman cookware collection. The collection is rooted in Hoffman’s Colombian heritage and is designed with Latin cooking in mind. The Simply Delicioso line includes a cast iron Comal and reversible griddle, an aluminum paella pan, 8-quart stockpot, and 3.4-quart and 5.5-quart calderos. Suggested Retail Price: $19.99-34.99 T-fal [tel] 800.395.8325 12

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

cookware update ANOLON NOUVELLE COPPER COOKWARE Anolon’s Nouvelle Copper Cookware is made of heavy gauge hard-anodized aluminum with a thick base of stainless clad aluminum enhanced by a layer of copper. This increases the pan’s responsiveness to heat and eliminates hot spots. The cookware features a durable nonstick coating, stainless steel lids and the patented tulip-shaped design is accented with a dark, polished hard-anodized exterior. The cast stainless steel handles remain cool to the touch during most stovetop use. Nouvelle Copper Cookware is available as a 10-piece set and in open stock. Meyer Corp. Suggested Retail Prices: [tel] 800.326.3933 $399.99 for 10-piece set $39.99-129.99 for open stock

IMUSA SPICE COOKWARE The new Spice Cookware line from IMUSA features bold, bright colors inspired by Latin cuisine. Colors include chili pepper red, cilantro green, sazón orange, saffron yellow and tropical blue. The cookware line is made of high-quality aluminum and features nonstick interior surfaces and glass lids. The collection includes a 5-quart Dutch oven; 1- and 3-quart saucepans; 8", 9.5", and 12" fry pans; 10.5" square griddle and double burner griddles as well as stockpots and steamers. IMUSA also offers color-coordinating gadgets and plastic storageware. Suggested Retail Price: $7.99-24.99 IMUSA [tel] 800.850.8501

FISSLER USA SOLEA COOKWARE The Solea premium cookware line offers functional features and modern design. The lid is made of a single, curved piece of impact-resistant glass with a depression in the center, allowing steam to condense and drop back into the pot so that less liquid is used in cooking. A lid-holding function allows the lid to be held upright in the rim of the pot, leaving both hands free for cooking tasks. The lid also acts as a strainer when the top and bottom handles are held together. Solea cookware is made of aluminum encapsulated in stainless steel, is ovenproof and can be used with gas, electric, glass ceramic and induction stovetops. The cookware is available in a range of open stock sizes or as an eight-piece set. Suggested Retail Price: $720 for eight-piece set $99.99-280 for open stock Fissler USA [tel] 888.FISSLER

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010



Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

LICENSED (cont. from 1) collections “can stay on the shelf a while,” he said, while tie-ins with current movies or personalities are usually considered a shorterterm phenomenon. Entering into a licensing deal has several advantages, says Brochstein. Certainly the strength of the name that is licensed can sell more products or at least gain a manufacturer more facings on the shelf. And from the licensee’s standpoint, selling their name or image is less expensive than creating the infrastructure to design, manufacture and market a product. Even companies that are already in the manufacturing arena will often license their brand name to expand into new areas, he says, such as KitchenAid lending its name to gadgets and bakeware through alliances with Lifetime Brands and Meyer. For companies working in the licensing arena, there can be several factors that constitute a good marriage of company and brand. Suzanne Murphy, Vice President–Marketing at Meyer Corp., said “the first thing that we look at is consumer, trade and media awareness of the brand. Is it a household name? Does the brand name or person have a continuous source of exposure through electronic or print mediums?” Next, she said, they examine the growth potential for the licensed brand and whether it makes business sense in terms of matching Meyer’s existing retailer distribution. Among Meyer’s licenses are both KitchenAid and celebrity chef Paula Deen. The strategies for the two brands are different, said Murphy, because “KitchenAid is a household name that has built a reputation of value and quality since 1919. Paula Deen, on the other hand, is a celebrity chef who has lent her name to products based on her personality and cooking acumen. In the end, different consumers will gravitate to the brand that best speaks to them and reflects their values and needs.”

specific times of year such as back to school, fall cooking and Christmas, but most are also good year-round brands.

were drawn into their showroom by the Vera designs and the bright yellow wall that highlighted them.

Appealing to kids can help retailers capitalize on these licensed brands, said Seehoff, who noted Evriholder is introducing a Crayola divided plate that offers the ability to create a plate in multiple shapes.

Roy Chung, Head of Marketing and Communications for Gibson Overseas Inc., said working with a licensee on products “is a constant, collaborative process. It’s not like once you sign an agreement you have carte blanche,” he said. Instead, both the manufacturer and the licensee “are trying to develop the best possible product.” Gibson’s licenses include Mr. Coffee, Sunbeam, Oster, Peanuts and Precious Moments. And past licenses have ranged from Coca-Cola to NASCAR. “These names carry their own brand equity,” he said.

“For more adult-type brands, it’s the trust and value proposition that will drive the sale” at retail, he said. Like Evriholder, The Zrike Co. has built its licensed product business through what Showroom Manager Nancy Boylan called “our comfort brands,” referring to Coca-Cola, Campbell’s, Disney and Kellogg’s. Especially during the height of the recession, she said, “people were really attracted to them—they were a comfortable and safe place.” But, she noted, Zrike also offers retailers some other brands that may be less iconic, but still resonate with buyers because of the look and design. Vera, a brand from the 1970s that is now back in licensing circulation, “is on fire,” she said. Boylan described the brightly colored botanical Vera designs, which Zrike uses on bone china, as “fresh, new, bold and beautiful.” While Boylan said her job doesn’t typically involve working on gaining a license, “Vera was my baby. I’ve always appreciated her (Vera Neumann’s) artwork,” so she pushed for Zrike to license the brand. Boylan said during the April tabletop show, many customers

By gaining a license, a company such as Gibson can help brands capitalize on a market they haven’t been in before. For example, he said, Gibson has helped Sunbeam and Oster get into the flatware and cookware businesses. “It makes total sense,” he said, adding, “maybe there are other things we can do beyond metals.” Images from Peanuts lend themselves to kids items, said Chung, but also giftware. And products created under the Precious Moments license are aimed at a specific female demographic and include items such as cookie jars and dinnerware. About 15 percent of Gibson’s business comes from licensed products, he said. “It shows we have that ability to foster someone else’s reputation as well as our own,” Chung said. He added the company is always looking for new opportunities. “All year long we reach out, and people reach out to us.”

Licensing Expo Enters 30th Year by Joanne Friedrick The Licensing International Expo, which runs June 8 to 10 in Las Vegas, is marking its 30th year this time around. Martin Brochstein, Senior Vice President– Industry Relations and Information at the Licensing Industry Merchandisers’ Association, said this year will be the show’s second in Las Vegas after moving from its long-time location in New York City. Last year’s event drew about 18,000 attendees from nearly 100 countries to see more than 400 exhibitors. The show, for which LIMA is a sponsor, “is a thriving show with a large educational program,” he said. Manufacturers and retailers make up a segment of the attendee list, he said, with both on the lookout for new licenses. He noted retailers such as Wal-Mart and Kohl’s do their own licensing deals, but it’s not just limited to large retailers. “Today, retailers of any size have possibilities,” he noted. A highlight of the show, he added, is the retail tour led by Carol Spieckerman and Lisa Carver of newmarketbuilders. The tour takes attendees to several major retailers and examines different perspectives on branding and branding decisions. Other features of the show are an art and design gallery, demo stage, new product showcase and special pavilions geared toward fashion, gaming, and art and design.

Likewise, she said, the distribution strategy for the two brands have to match with each retailer’s consumer base and the retailer’s relationship to the brand. Murphy said going forward, “celebrities will continue to be a driving factor” in licensing. “They have the ability—like Paula Deen or Rachael Ray—to become an immediate success without having to build a loyal base over several years.” Conversely, she said, “evergreen brand names will still be the foundation and will remain so because of their longevity, positive perception and value.” Evriholder Products, which recently expanded its licensing base through the acquisition of A. Aronson, looks at brand recognition and wide demographic appeal, especially among moms and kids, when it looks for license opportunities, said Gary Seehoff, CEO. “A brand that is trusting, fun, instantly recognizable and strongly identifies with its audience,” is a good fit, he said, as well as one that is sold across multiple channels of distribution. Among Evriholder’s licensed products are items bearing the Crayola, Campbell’s, Kellogg’s and Pepperidge Farms names. Seehoff said these easily tie in with

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010



pepper mills

BODUM TWIN SALT & PEPPER GRINDER Bodum’s Twin Salt and Pepper Grinder spices up kitchen counters and dinner tables. With an easy turn of the colorful silicone band that serves as a non-slip handle, the Twin switches between salt and pepper. Powerful ceramic gears make this manual grinder extremely easy to use, as does the window showing when the grinder needs to be refilled. The Twin’s shape is round on top and elliptical at the bottom, combining the ergonomically correct shape for hands with the advantage of taking up less counter space. Suggested Retail Price: $39.95 Bodum [tel] 877.992.6386


VIC FIRTH GOURMET MILLS All of Vic Firth’s gourmet salt mills and pepper mills feature the company’s lock and grind system to ensure consistency. Pepper grinding is performed in a two-step process: first the peppercorns are crushed to release their natural oils and flavors; next, they’re ground to the chosen consistency for perfect results every time. Vic Firth Gourmet salt mills use a nylon crushing system to deliver variable


granularity. Additionally, all mills feature pop-out mechanisms for easy cleaning. New offerings from Vic Firth’s line of gourmet mills include the 8" Enchantment mill, the 4" Federal mill and the 6" CITY Stix pair. The mills come in a variety of finishes including cherry, cobalt, black, turquoise and goldenrod. Vic Firth Gourmet [tel] 800.894.5970

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

A 2-in-1 salt and pepper grinder, the PepperBall is designed to look like everyone’s favorite seasoning-savvy rabbit. Twist the handles to select either salt or pepper, and squeeze to grind using one hand. To adjust the grind coarseness, turn the Dual PepperBall over, and push the white lever to adjust the salt or the black lever to adjust the pepper. To refill, twist off the base and pour pepper and salt into the respective openings. There is a steel rasp for pepper and a ceramic rasp for salt. It comes filled with fresh peppercorns and sea salt. Suggested Retail Price: $19.99 Chef'n [tel] 866.642.4336



pepper mills

The Tulip Spice Grinder features CrushGrind, the unique ceramic grinding mechanism. The spice wheel adjusts easily to grind from coarse to fine. The Tulip Spice Grinder stands 5" tall and holds about 2 ounces. It grinds upside down leaving no mess on the table or counter, and it fits comfortably in the hand for easy use. It is easy to clean and fills with little effort—just twist off the grinder cap that exposes the large mouth spice jar. The Tulip Spice Grinder comes gift boxed and available in sage green, cranberry red, black and white. Suggested Retail Price: $15.95

PERFEX PEPPER MILL Manufactured for more than 50 years, the Perfex pepper mill has been made with the same quality products and classic design. It’s housed in an aluminum casting with a hinged door for easy refilling. Grind texture is easily adjusted by turning a dial located on the bottom of the mill. The Perfex is easy to clean, long lasting and available in different sizes. Suggested Retail Price: $90-135

Linden Sweden Inc. [tel] 877.290.8145

SCI Scandicrafts Inc. [tel] 800.966.5489

COLE & MASON DERWENT SALT & PEPPER MILL Cole & Mason’s new Gourmet Precision line features an adjustable grinding system. Choose from six pre-sets for grinding pepper and three pre-sets for salt to give precise adjustment of the grind from fine to coarse. The Gourmet Precision mills are outfitted with springloaded professional grade mechanisms: machine cut, hardened carbon steel for pepper and hard-wearing, diamondsharp ceramic for salt, and are guaranteed for life. They are available in five styles, including the Derwent, and are available beginning in August. Suggested Retail Price: $39.99 Cole & Mason/DKB Household USA [tel] 888.794.7623

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010



pepper mills WMF CERAMILL MILL Modern works of tabletop art by WMF designer Carolina Schäfer, the highly polished wood surfaces of WMF’s 7.5" Ceramill Mills, available in black, white and red, are juxtaposed with cool metal. These mills feature the Ceramill grinding mechanism made of highgrade ceramic. Precisely set the grind from coarse to fine by simply adjusting the wheel at the bottom of the mill. The mills also can be used to grind dried and crushed spices. Abrasion-resistant and extremely durable, the mills come with a 10-year guarantee. Suggested Retail Price: $50 WMF Americas, Inc. [tel] 800.966.3009

TRUDEAU NO MESS MILL The No Mess Pepper Mill features a patent-pending system that prevents pepper dust from landing on the table by locking in any extra pepper. The 7" stainless steel finished mill offers six adjustment levels in the base—turn clockwise for a fine grind and counterclockwise for a coarser grind.


The convenient grinding system comes with three spice and salt containers that can screw on or off the grinder base, making it easy to change ingredients. The ceramic crush grind grinding mechanism is guaranteed to stay sharp. It is available in red, white and black. Suggested Retail Price: $35

The Roellinger Pepper Mill’s ease of use comes from the straightforward access reservoir door, the drawer cavity and crank handle. The easy access reservoir allows the user to grind with a full hopper of peppers or just one peppercorn at a time. Users can grind into the drawer cavity or directly into a bowl or on food. The pepper mill offers a fully adjustable grind from fine to coarse. The spring tab ensures the grind does not adjust itself. The mill body is formed from a single block of beech wood, and features steel handles on the crank and drawer that are inspired from nautical winch handles. The Roellinger Pepper Mill is 5.25" tall and is available in chocolate and chili red. Suggested Retail Price: $100

Kuhn Rikon [tel] 800.662.5882

PSP USA LLC [tel] 877.777.5914

Trudeau Corp. [tel] 888.887.8332


KYOCERA’S EVERYTHING MILL This versatile mill provides an adjustable dial that allows fine to coarse grinds, while the cap keeps pepper, salt or spices dry in humid conditions. The grinding mechanism is made from an advanced ceramic that will never rust, providing ultra long-life performance. The clever upright design of the mill will keep shelves and counters free from residual grinds. The reusable glass container is dishwasher safe. Suggested Retail Price: $19.95 Kyocera Advanced Ceramics [tel] 800.537.0294 18

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

WILLIAM BOUNDS’ BLING MILL The Bling Mill from William Bounds features dramatic black accents, with rhinestones to accentuate the five-step adjustment rings. The different-sized rhinestones indicate the size of the grind, from extra fine to extra coarse. The highoutput ceramic milling mechanism crushes peppercorns or sea salt rather than grinding them. Suggested Retail Price: $25 William Bounds [tel] 800-473-0504

ZASSENHAUS BERLIN PEPPERMILL The original Zassenhaus patented grinding mechanism, made of highquality German ceramic, is perfect for peppercorns, sea salt, spices and dried herbs. With a 25-year guarantee on the grinding mechanism, it’s harder than steel, wearproof and corrosion free. The mill provides six different settings from rough to fine grind. Suggested Retail Price: $39.95 Küchenprofi [tel] 800.336.6693

Omnifrio Offers Chilled Beverages at Home Omnifrio® Beverage Creations gives families a healthy and nutritional beverage at just a push of a button. Some soda and sports drinks are high in sugar and sodium, and these beverages do not have a very long shelf life in terms of maintaining nutritional value. The Omnifrio® system offers a wide variety of sugar-free beverages that contain all natural flavors and are rich in vitamins. The process of creating individual beverages is very simple and takes less than one minute. Select from eight beverage categories including sparkling flavored water, vitamin-flavored water, sugar-free soda with vitamins, herbal gourmet soda, sports drink, energy drink, natural-flavored herbal tea, sparkling sodas and Spanish sodas. Each category includes a number of flavors conveniently packaged in an “Insta-Fresh S-Cup™.” Next, users choose the 8-ounce or 16-ounce size and whether they want to drink sparkling or non-sparkling. The next step is to press the “Create” button and watch as it dispenses in the glass.

craving sport and energy drinks, to mom and dad, grandma and grandpa seeking herbal gourmet sodas and healthy teas, Omnifrio® has something for everybody,” said Carl Santoiemmo, Omnifrio® Founder/Inventor/ President, in a prepared statement. Omnifrio® beverages come in a variety of flavors including lemon, raspberry, grape, orange, berry pomegranate, orange tangerine and many more. Made in the USA, this simple to clean beverage machine is aesthetically pleasing and fits easily on a kitchen countertop. For more information, visit

While being environmentally responsible, users enjoy the convenience of their favorite chilled beverage without the waste, storage, transport and quality concerns sometimes associated with packaged beverages. “For the youngster, supporting an active life with vitamin/mineral enhanced beverages, to the aspiring athlete

ITOUCHLESS EZ HOLD SALT AND PEPPER MILL The iTouchless eZ Hold Electronic Stainless Steel Salt and Pepper Mill is specially designed with an easy-togrip contour that accommodates the hand. Just press the button on top. The stainless steel grinding mechanism can be adjusted from fine to coarse, and a light will illuminate when activating the mill to help with accurate portion control in dim environments. The nut underneath the mill controls the texture: turn clockwise for a finer grind, counterclockwise for coarser. It is powered by 6 AAA batteries, which are not included. Suggested Retail Price: $29.99 iTouchless Housewares & Products Inc. [tel] 650.578.0578 [email]

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


NOSTALGIC (cont. from 1) People have returned to cooking and entertaining at home because of the economic downturn, and nostalgic kitchenware products remind them of being together with family. “When the marketplace is tough, people always go back to their roots,” said Rich Brinkman, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Homer Laughlin China, the maker of Fiesta dinnerware. Homer Laughlin China’s new Diner dinnerware series was designed to embrace nostalgia and the company’s 60-year history in dinerware. Brinkman believes part of the success of Fiesta, and the success of nostalgic products, is because people are trying to return to a time when life felt positive. Liz Songer agreed the recession and nostalgia are connected. “I think a recession brings on nostalgia for sure. When people

are entertaining at home more, they’re reflective of how their parents did things,” said Liz Songer, Buyer for The Chopping Block Cooking School in Chicago. The cooking school has seen huge increases in its class enrollments as people want to learn more about cooking and entertaining at home. This summer the cooking school will offer nostalgic-themed classes such as Summer Canning and Preserving and The Basics: All-American Cuisine. Tailor Made Products’ Curious Chef brand falls right in line with people’s changing habits. Curious Chef, a line of kid-friendly kitchenware products, “was developed to bring cooking back into the home,” said Jeff Wittkopp, Marketing and Product Development Manager for Tailor Made Products. “When stresses of the economy and things hit, it’s very easy to retreat to a safe place and that’s typically the home,” said Wittkopp. Tailor Made Products recognizes people are spending more time at home and with family, and the Curious Chef line makes it easier for parents to introduce their child to the kitchen and cooking. “As generations change, as societies change, the oldfashioned art of cooking seems to have been forgotten,” he said.

Nostalgia is reflected in Homer Laughlin China’s new Diner series, a collection of vintage-style dinnerware.

And, as consumers reflect on their pasts, they’re

looking for and purchasing items that remind them of times gone by. Hansen suggested baby boomers are “seeking things that bring them back to where they used to be.” Brinkman is noticing a demand from young adults for products that remind them of their grandparents’ generation. “Right now with our Fiesta brand,” he said, “there is a big trend of passing it from great-grandmother to grandmother to bride.” Nostalgic products then are deeply tied in with people’s memories, creating emotional attachments between the product and the consumer. Mark Kelly, public relations and advertising manager for Lodge Cast Iron, hears similar stories from Lodge customers. “I can’t tell you how many times a day we get phone calls and emails to our website, and our Facebook page, recalling different meals prepared with cast iron and how much they enjoy cooking with the same cast iron their mother cooked with,” Kelly said. Songer called nostalgic products a return to “simpler times.” Songer said products that offer the nostalgic, simpler feeling times are the ones that reflect childhood, attending state fairs, playing in the street, and eating popcorn and snow cones. The Chopping Block will introduce “state fair” nostalgic items this summer such as old-fashioned popcorn poppers, funnel cake sets and snow cone machines. These items are part of a simpler way to entertain and provide amusement, a key trait of nostalgia, said Gregg Bond, president of Nostalgia Products Group. The Nostalgia Electrics line includes popcorn makers, snow

Gregg Bond, President of Nostalgia Products Group, said items like their retro popcorn popper, provide a simpler form of fun.

cone makers and a cotton candy maker— products that remind people of their childhood. “People are spending less money on vacation, on big ticket goods. This is a way to liven up your life a little bit with your friends and your family,” said Bond. Darren Barker, manager of online retailer Chef ’s Corner Store, called these “comfort food” products, and believes nostalgia is a factor in the demand for popcorn makers and similar products. “There’s a certain amount of emotional comfort or reminiscing that goes with that. We tend to create these favorable memories.” However, Barker said he doesn’t see a huge demand for nostalgic products. Instead, there’s an emphasis on quality. “I think there can be a tie-in with the perception of quality and nostalgia. It depends upon the age of the consumer.” Barker thinks under-30 customers are more concerned with recent developments in technology. Ken Mitchell, manager for Cookin’ Stuff in Torrance, Calif., said customers looking for retro items are focused on nostalgic kitchen gadgets or products with retro designs. One of the store’s most popular nostalgic items is the Whirley-Pop Stovetop Popcorn Popper. When customers come into Cookin’ Stuff searching for specific items, they often mention it in relation to their parents or grandparents using it in the kitchen. Mitchell said he often receives requests for rotary eggbeaters and glass citrus reamers. “They fall back to that old comfortable feeling of back in the day,” he said. Nostalgic products right now are primarily focused on the 1950s and ‘60s, especially through color offerings. Manufacturers are releasing products in mint green, cherry red and turquoise. Along with items that reflect American culture, consumers want American-made items, agreed the manufacturers and retailers. Modern-day concerns are also pushing this resurgence of nostalgic kitchenware. Cast iron responds well to concerns about environmental impact with its cost-effective production, its versatility and its long life-cycle, said Kelly of Lodge Cast Iron. Mitchell claimed concerns about plastic contaminants has created a comeback for glassware, with people looking for the old Pyrex stovetop percolator and glass storage containers.


Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

{ n e w p ro d u c t s } DRAWERDECOR ORGANIZER The DrawerDécor system keeps kitchen utensils such as spatulas, ladles and ice cream scoops from shifting when a drawer is opened or closed. Its design uses a non-slip material that is tacky to the touch and completely adjustable. The fourpiece system includes a base mat that can be sized to fit, elongated barriers in two sizes to place alongside handles, and triangles for use near the utensil’s neck or head. Pieces are sold separately in packages of five and are available in red, gray or turquoise.


KMN Home [tel] 888.276.5979

Cuisinart’s Juice Extractor has multiple features that enable the unit to easily handle an array of fruits and vegetables. The unit’s 3" feed tube and chute allow whole produce or vegetables to be fed into the extractor, while the adjustable flow spout and the five-speed control dial make the extraction process simple. Additionally, the unit features a 2-liter pulp container and 1-liter juice pitcher. The unit includes a cleaning brush, and all removable parts are dishwasher safe. The Cuisinart Juice Extractor operates with 1,000-watt motor, and has an exclusive foam management filter disk to ensure that pitcher space is fully utilized; an easy unlock and lift system for optimal serving; and die-cast and stainless steel housing for extra durability. Suggested Retail Price: $199 Cuisinart [tel] 800.726.6247

MELITTA CORDLESS KETTLE The Melitta 1.7-liter Cordless Kettle features temperature adjustment so users can customize their cup of tea. It also offers drip-free, cord-free serving and a button on the handle for easy pouring. Suggested Retail Price: $59.99 Melitta USA Inc. [tel] 888.635.4882

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


{ news in brief } John Harley joined Vinturi Inc., a leader in wine aeration tools based in Carlsbad, Calif., in the newly created position of Managing Director of Sales–Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Harley’s responsibilities include developing Vinturi’s initial business relationships, setting up distributors, introducing new products and increasing the company’s revenue. Harley brings 25 years of experience in the beverage industry to the company. Before joining Vinturi, he served as CEO of Budweiser Budvar UK Ltd. A well-known voice in the international drinks arena, he has served as the BBC’s drinks correspondent and has appeared on “The Today Programme,” the UK’s most popular news program. Harley is qualified under the Wine & Spirits Education Trust, an organization that arranges wine education courses, spirits courses and wine tastings for professionals and enthusiasts in 50 countries worldwide. In addition, Stanley Adwell joined Vinturi in the newly created position of Director– Latin America and Caribbean. Adwell, based in Rio de Janeiro, will provide direct sales and marketing support to new and existing customers, develop and implement marketing strategies, create channel and distribution policies, build a new sales team, and assist in import and logistic operations. Adwell brings 15 years of international executive business development experience to Vinturi. Both men report to David Rippentrop, Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing.

Hearthware Home Products’ NuWave Pro Infrared Oven infomercial campaign won the 2009 Best Infomercial Direct Offer from Jordan Whitney Inc., an independent monitoring agency of cable and broadcast media. More than 400 infomercials were eligible for the 2009 award, including new editions of previously aired infomercials and infomercials on new products. Judging criteria included assessment of overall quality in the production, effectiveness of the product to achieve its goals and the success of the product in the direct response TV marketplace. The NuWave Pro Infrared Oven campaign, ranked as one of the top five most aired infomercials in 2009, showcases the advantages of the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven, which combines infrared, conduction and convection heat in a patented design. Smith’s, a leader in knife-sharpening technology based in Hot Springs, Ark., appointed Mark Harris to the newly created position of Housewares Domestic Sales Manager for Smith’s and the Edgeware brand of products. Harris previously served as vice president of sales and marketing for WMF Americas Inc. and has more than six years of management and sales experience in the housewares industry. Harris reports to Mark Adkison, Vice President Global Sales. In related news, the Edgeware Mandolin Slicer received the “red dot”

award for product design in March at the red dot award: product design competition in Sullen, Germany. The award will be presented at the Essen Opera House on July 5 in Sullen. “All products that have won an award in the red dot design awards had to convince an international expert jury of their quality,” said Peter Zec, Initiator of the awards in a prepared statement. “The products stand out from the masses with their excellent design and innovative approaches.” The design competition drew 4,252 entries from 57 countries. The Edgeware Mandolin Slicer is part of a brand marketed to high-end specialty retailers by Smith’s. Three Chef ’s Planet products have been certified kosher pareve by the Orthodox Union. The company’s nonstick oven liner, nonstick toaster oven liner and universal nonstick bake liner have all been certified. “Orthodox Union’s kosher certification has given even more people the opportunity to use and enjoy these products,” said Audrey Parker, Business Manager for Chef ’s Planet, in a prepared statement. The National Association for the Specialty Food Trade, New York, announced it would move the Summer Fancy Food Show to the Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. for 2012. The decision was made because of the ongoing renovation work at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York.

The NASFT had already planned to hold the 2011 show in Washington. However, the Javits Center will be the long-term site for the show once renovations at the convention venue are completed. This year the NASFT Summer Fancy Food Show will be June 27 to 29 in New York. James Douglas Glover has been named the Life Achievement Award winner from ICON Honors, an international program recognizing achievements across the gift and home industry. Glover will be honored posthumously at the ICON Honors event on July 17 during the July Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market and Atlanta International Area Rug Market. Glover founded Palmer Marketing, one of the gift industry’s largest and most important product marketing and distribution organizations. He passed away in April 2010 at the age of 54. “More than any other individual, Jim Glover has shaped the complexion and destiny of the gift industry through a career rich in achievements and contributions touching the lives and livelihoods of retailers and product manufacturers everywhere,” said George Kacic, Vice President of Ganz, GHTA Board Chairman Emeritus and ICON HONORS Founding Partner, in a prepared statement. ICON Honors was created by AmericasMart Atlanta, in partnership with the Gift & Home Trade Association and HFN.

ADVERTISER INDEX AmericasMart Atlanta ..................................... 24 Chef Specialties................................................. 18 Evriholder Products, Inc ................................. 23 Fire Wire ............................................................ 22 IMUSA/The Gaunaurd Group..................... 12 Italian Trade Commission ................................ 5 Mastrad, Inc. ........................................................ 2 Metrokane ............................................................ 9 Oggi ..................................................................... 21 Parrish’s Cake Dec............................................... 7 Pillivuyt USA .................................................... 16 Planetary Design .............................................. 15 Prodyne............................................................... 19 Rising Phoenix .................................................. 14 SCI Scandicrafts ............................................... 16 Starfrit ................................................................. 13 Tervis Tumbler Company ............................... 14 Tribest ................................................................. 20 Vic Firth Gourmet............................................ 17 Zak Designs ....................................................... 10 22

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010

{ t ra d e s h o w b u z z } Trade Show Buzz by Megan Wadding Trade shows in the first half of 2010 are going strong, with holidays and homes a key focus. Once again this year, the Dallas Market Center is hosting the Total Home & Gift Market, featuring multiple markets held simultaneously including: Dallas Holiday & Home Expo ( June 23-29), Dallas International Lighting Market ( June 24-27), Dallas Hospitality & Contract Design Show ( June 24-27), and the FINDS Dallas Temp Show ( June 25-28). The Dallas Total Home & Gift Market will include thousands of product premieres across dozens of categories, and more than 70 special events and educational seminars. The Holiday & Home Expo will feature thousands of new Christmas and spring holiday products and an exhibit featuring a 4,200-square-foot home, with eight rooms fully furnished and decorated for Christmas with products from Holiday & Home Expo exhibitors and other showrooms. The Expo also will feature seminars, presentations and tours to help buyers stay up-to-date with the trends. During the show, buyers will also have a chance to win cash prizes up to $1,000.

In April, the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade announced that noted Executive Chef Dan Barber, is set to be the keynote speaker at the sofi Awards ceremony that will take place at the 56th Summer Fancy Food Show in New York City on June 27-29 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. The sofi Awards recognize excellence in foods and beverages in 33 different categories and are considered the top honor for the specialty food industry. The sofi Awards will be presented on June 28.


JULY 2010

8-10 Licensing International Expo Las Vegas, NV, 212.951.6612

14-21 Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market AmericasMart Atlanta Atlanta, GA, 800.ATL.MART

14-16 NEOCON World’s Trade Fair The Merchandise Mart Chicago, IL, 800.677.MART 23-29 Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dallas Market Center Dallas, TX, 800.DAL.MKTS

AUGUST 2010 14-19 New York International Gift Fair Jacob Javits Convention Center New York, NY, 800.272.7469 27-31 Tendence Lifestyle Frankfurt Fair & Exhibition Center Frankfurt, Germany, 770.984.8016

Up north, the Canadian Gift and Tableware Association has acquired the Alberta Gift Show and the Montreal Gift Show from DMG World Media (Canada) Inc. CGTA already owns and operates the Toronto Gift Show. "The shows are hugely successful, bringing thousands of buyers together with hundreds of the country’s top retail suppliers,” said Peter Moore, Executive Director of the CGTA, in a prepared statement. “The twicea-year events also provide significant economic stimulus to Montreal and Edmonton, and we look forward to building on this success.” In New York City, Forty One Madison opened nine new permanent showrooms and floors in time for the Spring New York Tabletop Show, which was held in April. “Retailers [were] looking to position themselves for the future and manufacturers [were] eager to provide their customers with what they want,” said Laurie Burns, Forty One Madison Senior Vice President and Director of the tableware building, in a prepared statement The new permanent showrooms and floors included: Auratic USA, Eisch USA, Formation Brands, Kinetic, Rogaska Crystal, Signature Housewares, SJM Home, Tervis Tumbler and Zwilling J.A. Henckels. Approximately 500 home suppliers––including both established industry brands and innovative newcomers–– will be showcased in At Home at the New York International Gift Fair at Pier 94 on Aug. 14-18. New companies debuting at this location include: Fleur de Stone, Carolina George, Richard Emden, Biggs Art Studio, Kevin O’Brien Studio, Pacific Connections and Antonio Aguilar Home. At Home featuring Home Textiles will feature some 200 total suppliers of bed and bath fashions, on Aug. 15-19 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • JUNE 2010


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